#soft pastel!deceit
Niffty Redesign🐛
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Made my own take on Niffty for Fun!!!!!!!!💖 I def thought a lot on what to try with her!!!!
Pushed for a more 50’s Housewife aesthetic/hotel maid vibe. She’s wearing a pinafore apron which was very popular during that era and I took the poodle skirt idea and reworked it into the apron, but rather than a poodle it’s a bug 🐛. Also brought back warmer colors like the pilot look had. Pastel yellow was def a pop color!
Also added a name tag as to show she works for the hotel 🏨
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Added more splotches and made them bigger on her apron. Polkadots were popular in that time and I think are cute(lot of her concepts had polka dots on her) plus I can see her wanting people to assume she’s a ladybug or Asian Lady Beetle 🐞 (@peeperscreeperz made a take of Niffty being that which is AMAZING and I considered making her that too but I ended up going a different route). I can see her also wanting them to give off flowers…only for most people to see them as blood stains.🌸🩸
Also gave her those iconic cleaning gloves 🧤. Shes the Hotels maid AND cook afterall 🧽 👩‍🍳
Gave her a bandana bow for the housewife and maid look and because I think it’s cute and lowkey gives off antennae. I LOVE the idea of her being a bug demon so I went with that. I was going for a subtle ambiguity of what she’s suppose to be(she’s hiding what she is).
Gave her warmer eye color back! Also made the pupil more leaf shaped 🍃.
Added gradient for her limbs.
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Added extra limbs. Great for extra cleaning 🧹 🧼
Her hairs actually antennae…and extra legs 🦵
Gave her three fingers.
Made her eye bigger(bugs often got big eyes! Or for her case eye 👁️)
Added a lil bug instead of a poodle for her apron!🪳
For her color motif, went back to warmer colors and because for mine I’m going with a rainbow motif she’s Yellow💛🌈 the color known for its positives such as joy and friendship…but can also mean negative things such as Deceit, illness and often used as a warning color⚠️ it was also a popular color for Sci-Fi posters(she was based on B-Alien Movies)
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Made her skin a kinda warm pastel orange🧡 I missed her having a warm palette but I also get why they changed it due to her roots 🇯🇵. So I went with orange!!!! Her hairs also a more brownish red-orange.
For her bug theme,
I went with something that I figure would connect her both to her ability to take down pests so well and Japanese origins. The Japanese Centipede! Centipedes are great for pest control but apparently to Japan they’re considered symbols of evil and rottenness, plus with how they look they often scare people even those they don’t pose serious threats to humans, which I think fits Niffty’s whole desire to be loved only to accidentally scare people away…shunned & unloved by a world she can’t seem to fit in💔
HUGE Spoiler alert!!!! Hazbin Hotel
With the reveal of Husk being once an Overlord I like to believe the same with Niffty but rather than souls(talked about this with @a-sterling-rose, she was an immensely powerful sinner like Alastor, but alas her form was far too big and scary for people to want to get close to and she was alone…until Alastor offered her a deal he’d provide a more approachable form in return for her eternal service)
A lot of her looks meant to be hiding what she is. Disguising her extra limbs as hair, her body’s color scheme based on a centipedes, poofy dress that could cover extra, even the bug design could be Interpreted as a long centipede. I was also going for a subtle sharp, mini legs for her apron ruffles, giving off her trying to look sweet and soft but could also be interpreted in another way…
I read and learned from a @lovesart23 redesign vid for her that, she was meant to be based on B-Alien Movies. LOVE that and I tried it myself(hardest part was figuring out what bug to make her and what themes to go with) but I ended up going for another Sci-Fi route. Kaiju/Giant Bug monsters. Creatures like Godzilla or those giant bugs creatures like “the Tingler” 1959(which was a centipede monster I read). I figure it’d connect well to both her struggles of fitting in but also her Japanese Roots.
Monsters are tragic beings. They are born too tall, too strong, too heavy. They are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy. They do not attack people because they want to, but because of their size and strength, mankind has no other choice but to defend himself. After several stories such as this, people end up having a kind of affection for the monsters. They end up caring about them."
— Ishir⁠ō Honda The Director of Godzilla
Plus some certain Kaijus could qualify as Aliens!.
There’s even a Yokai/demon based on the centipede know as the Ōkumade!
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CW freaky Pictures of centipedes and Mice
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What do u think? I’d love to know💖
I’ve also done Charlie, Vaggie and Angel🍎🦋🕷️
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yoonia · 6 months
the bedroom hymns ● chapter xv
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⟶ Chapter summary | Yoongi knows that he is treading between the lines as he continues to approach you, taking more risky steps in getting you to open up to him. But secrets are meant to be kept, and Yoongi needs to hold on tightly on his patience, even when he soon finds out that time may not be on his side after all.
⟶ Title | The Bedroom Hymns: a Bluebeard’s twist ⟶ Pairings | Min Yoongi x female reader  ⟶ Genre | Fairy Prince!Yoongi, Crown Princess!reader, Fantasy AU, Fairy Tale retelling ⟶ Word count | 7,925 words ⟶ Ratings | PG-13, +18 / M for Mature for future chapters; include classism, mentions of black magic, deceit, mentions of abduction, fantasy weapons. ⟶ Story Masterlist: The Bedroom Hymns | ⤎ previous chapter | next chapter ⇢ ⟶ Main Masterlist | Mailbox | Taglist | Feedback | Music Playlist | Ko-fi
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chapter xv. crescendo
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The air has grown cold by the time you return to the other side of the village, making your way back to the main road leading to where you first came from. Chilly breeze passes around you, strong enough to pierce through your thick coat that your body shivers in its presence. 
Above you, the sky is shifting. The golden shades that you saw in the afternoon is blending into the muted hue of the sunset. A display of pastel clouds and indigo-coloured shades are seen dancing on the darkening sky, with merely a thin layer of gold left surrounding the descending sun like a golden halo glowing right above the horizon. 
As you continue your journey home, leaving the famers’ village and the vast farm estate behind you, you find yourself getting lost in the display of light and colours that seem so uncommon to your eyes. 
It amazes you how the places that you have been to lately could be so different to one another. Not only in terms of their culture, the people you see, and the local weather that you must endure, but also in the myriad of shades of colours that you get to see in the surrounding nature, as well as the scents wafting through the air.
Noticing you shivering under your coat, Yoongi delicately reaches out to grab your hand as he walks beside you. He has been silence for a while now, ever since you left the tavern together soon after sharing a long, deep, and surprisingly, meaningful conversation. But never once had he ever let his attention on you slip that he can easily notice it when the expression on your face gradually changes over time. 
“Perhaps, the next time you are out traveling like this, you might want to consider wearing thicker clothes and prepare some gloves,” he says as he gently rubs your hands in an effort to warm up your frozen fingers. 
Little does he know that he is doing more than keeping your hands warm, as the heat starts coursing all the way to your chest, flowing right into your fluttering heart and spreading all over your face that you can barely look at him. 
But Yoongi is too deeply concerned over your dainty fingers to notice it, and you are enjoying this moment too much to stop him.
“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind,” you whisper to him while keeping your eyes down, still too flustered to look at him in the eyes. 
Ever since your unexpected date at the tavern, everything about Yoongi has become more intense. His deep gaze which lingers on you until you are made to feel completely exposed, vulnerable, as if he could see right through your facade. His actions and gestures that are still as graceful yet has gradually grown more intimate with each passing second that you spend together.
And there is also the change in his speech, his soft spoken words that feel like a gentle caress reaching deep into your soul. Even when all he does is to ask about how you are feeling with the rapid change of temperature and the buzz from the brew that you had drunk back at the tavern still coursing through your body.   
It feels overwhelming, although instead of feeling like you are intimidated by his rapt attention, you simply feel somewhat reassured. 
You feel seen, after years and years of having to live in the shadows and having no one understanding what you had to go through. At the same time, he makes you feel heard, when you were finally able to share with him your deepest and darkest thoughts, your troubles, everything that has been left unspoken for many years. And Yoongi has been so respectful as he listened, never once undermining your fears and worries when you opened up about how it felt for you being kept hidden in the dark for so long.
But keeping your eyes away from his only allows you to focus on something else. Like focusing on the flow of energy coming out of his body, for example, and the way his touch seems to exude unnatural warmth which feels like an electric current transferring into your skin. 
“I suppose your experience in traveling to different places have taught you how to adjust better,” you murmur to him with a smile once you realise that while you are trembling under your cloak, Yoongi doesn’t seem to be struggling when he is the one wearing nothing more but a thin layer of clothing that doesn’t seem adequate enough to protect him from the cold. 
“You’re still warm.” 
Yoongi lets out a chuckle, and only then do you finally raise your head to look at him. “I do adjust better with the weather, no matter where I go. It doesn’t affect me that much,” he reveals with a grin, as he talks about it as if it is something that is common to happen.  
His words take you back to your past conversation, when he talked about his life and the work that he does for the mercenary army. Granted, he didn’t tell you much about himself aside from the general things that he was willing to share, but you have learned a bit more about him which has given you a sense of relief, giving you more reasons to feel much safer when you are with him and less wary. Not even when you look at him with the knowledge that you have gained about his secretive brotherhood of the mercenary army. 
Once the cold no longer bothers you all that much, you continue to walk together a bit further until you are back at the crossroad where you had started your afternoon trip at the village of Grimm. 
The farmers’ village lies behind you, while the dark pathway leading back to your father’s private property lies ahead of you. Looking around, you finally notice what you have failed to pay attention to today before you managed to learn more about this place—that the eerie forest that you had been warned to stay away from has always been closer than you had thought.
Stretched out across the rising terrain before your eyes and atop of the surrounding hills, the forest appears to you in a form of a massive wall of trees, all standing as tall as your eyes can see, with intertwining branches and thick canopy of leaves spread high above to shield you from the darkening sky. 
In the daytime, the forest itself didn’t seem as eerie or intimidating. 
But of course, the first time you laid your eyes on your surroundings, you hadn’t met with the farmers or received their warnings, nor had you paid any attention to the deep woods. Now that the darkness has begun to spread around you, everything about the forest seems to be warning you to stay away. 
“Are you sure that you’re not interested about that tour downtown?” Yoongi asks as you stand together at the crossroads, with your eyes looking into the deep forest and his eyes locked on you. A part of you wishes that you could stay with him just a bit longer, yet the dark sky above becomes the silent reminder that you shouldn’t. 
“I’m quite sure,” you quickly say to him before you start to consider otherwise, because you are also quite sure that you are running out of time. 
Yoongi had first offered to take you on a tour downtown once you concluded your talk, to see more of Grimm and the places that should be more interesting than this secluded village and its modest tavern. But your time spent with him had already lasted longer than it should have. 
So the moment you realised that the day was already turning into dusk, with a heavy heart, you were left with no choice but to refuse his offer and let him know that it was finally time for you to leave.  
“That’s too bad, because if I am allowed to be honest with you, I am not ready to see you go so soon,” Yoongi admits to you, which warms your heart just as much as it warms your cheeks. Standing before you, Yoongi takes your hand in his and leans down, pressing his lips on the back of your hand in a gentlemanly manner as a way to bid his goodbye.
“Still, I must thank the Fates for keeping our paths crossed, that we are able to meet like this despite our limited time together,” he gently says to you as he straightens back up. As his gaze softens just as much as his voice does, your chest feels tight with doubt. 
Will we see each other again? 
Will I have another chance to speak with him like we did today? 
Have I missed out on a chance to learn more about him?
These silent wonderings continue circling through your thoughts, and for the first time, fear grips at your chest at the mere thought that you might not see him again. 
“Do you trust the Fates to bring our paths back together again?” you ask him in return, unable to hold back from wishing loudly that you will meet each other again the next time you walk through the portal, that he would be there when you emerge on a different foreign land for another unexpected journey. 
With certainty in his eyes, Yoongi nods and says, “I do. I believe it will happen, as long as our souls continue to look for one another, we will find our way back to each other again.” 
His faith seems alluring, that you cannot help but feel the same hope growing in your chest that perhaps fate would bring you back together again. But you are too deep in admiring his confidence with his belief that it would take hours later for you to recall his words and wonder what he truly means.
“Then I shall pray that you are right,” you mutter to him, “If we do ever cross paths again, then I’ll be able to admit that Fates may have a hand in us finding each other no matter how odd the possibilities are.” 
Your words seem to please him. “Then I shall count on it to happen again,” Yoongi says with a wide smile on his face, while you silently wish for the same.
Unlike before, Yoongi insists in walking you home. With the night soon falling, and the threats of the dark curses of the forest troubling your thoughts, you have no choice but to agree with him this time. The journey is more tasking now than before, when you are going uphill rather than going down from the main road. 
But with Yoongi by your side, you find no trouble carrying on. His presence brings you peace, while his gentle voice keeps your nerves from spiralling out of control as the darkness around you thickens. 
Yoongi glances at you to notice that you keep sneaking a peek through the shadows, wary of what you might see in the dark, and he begins to question you, “You know, if the darkness bothers you, perhaps I could—” 
Even before Yoongi can finish his words, you can already tell what he is trying to offer you, as he has been trying to do the same ever since the moment he first brought it up back at the tavern. To be given the chance and reason for him to use his magic, to display his mana right before your eyes, just so he could get a reason to see yours. 
You had expected that he would bring it up again before he finally lets you go tonight, after you had solemnly refused that offer previously at the tavern. Only because you knew that you couldn’t do the same in return. 
To reveal to him the mana within you that may lie dormant, or the magic that your father may have placed on you to keep your safe in your journey. 
And yet, as you silently anticipate to hear Yoongi’s alluring way of stating his offer, those words never come. You turn curiously to question him about it, only for you to notice Yoongi looking far away into the distance, far beyond the deep foliage of the woods to see something that your eyes cannot see. 
The way his brows are furrowed and the stiffness forming on his shoulders feel unsettling. There is tension coming out of his body, even if it doesn’t seem enough to show you that there is a possible danger lurking through the darkness.
“Is something the matter?” you question him while glancing around, wondering what might have caught his attention, since it seems to be important enough to draw such reaction that you are now seeing from him. 
At the sound of your voice, Yoongi snaps out of it. Drawn back to your presence, the dark expression he wears on his face clears out as he turns to look at you. 
“I have been looking forward to finally gain an extended time with you by walking you home, but I’m afraid this is as far as I can go,” he suddenly says with regret in his voice. 
A myriad of questions come to surface, filling your head along with uncertainty, yet you choose not to question him further. A part of you feel the same regret of not having that extended time to spend with him, but there is also a part of you that is overcome with relief, because this would only allow you to hide your father’s secret hideout from him and, hopefully, the magic portal that is hidden behind the locked doors.
“I suppose I’d have no choice but to let you go, after all. What a pity,” you mutter to him with a low voice, hoping that your conflicted feelings wouldn’t show through your words.  
“Yes, it’s a pity indeed,” Yoongi says, and you can see a glimpse of bitterness sparkling in his eyes; his annoyance at the sudden disturbance which seems to require his presence seems so palpable. “But I will make it up to you if we do meet again,” Yoongi stops himself by shaking his head before correcting his words, “No, what I mean is—when we are to meet again.” 
You cannot resist the ghost of smile forming on your face at how promising his words sound. “You sound so confident.” 
“I must, if I am to see you again,” Yoongi says to you with a genuine smile, and you find yourself sharing the same feeling of hope of seeing him again. As he bids his goodbye for the second time, Yoongi doesn’t take your hand in his, but politely bows before you as he says, “Until then, Princess.”
As Yoongi rises to his height, you can only look at him while feeling dumbfounded. The different nickname that he has given you is filled with jest, no doubt spoken with humour instead of derision—because there is no way that Yoongi knows who you are, isn’t there?—yet it still throws you off that you find yourself unable to speak. 
With a small grin, Yoongi lowers his hat to cover his face, allowing you no chance to speak at all before he turns away and starts walking down the pathway where the two of you had come from. You remain for a moment at the same spot to watch him disappear between the trees before turning away, continuing your journey back to the house hidden beyond the hill. 
For a moment, you continue to walk as if you are lost in a daze. Something inside you feels heavy, and it seems to be getting worse the more distance you have between you and Yoongi.  
Suddenly doubting that you will have the same luck of seeing him on your next journey, you quickly turn on your heels and rush back to find him. 
You have no idea what you are hoping to find by chasing his tracks and following his shadows. Perhaps your desperate need to cling to him has taken over you that you fail to think logically about this. But you know for sure that you have no plan at all as you rush between the trees, ignoring the shadows reaching out to you as you follow the trails that he has left behind in his departure. 
And yet, the pathway that you had walked on with him has been left vacant, with no trace of his shadow left behind. 
He is gone, you wonder to yourself as disappointment grows within you. How did he manage to move so fast? 
As you take a moment to catch your breath, you take a quick glance around, trying to see if you can still catch his shadow and find a way to stop him before he could go any further. You continue going down the hill until you nearly reach the line of trees bordering between the woods and the village, where you finally catch the sight of Yoongi disappearing towards a different part of the woods, and you quickly run to catch up with him.
Yet Yoongi is walking too fast. 
From one side of the woods to the next you try to follow him, walking across the foot of the nearest hill without emerging into the main road, and you find that Yoongi has gone further away from you. 
There is nothing that you can do to stop him as he walks straight into the deeper, darker side of the forest, disappearing between the shadows of the trees just as the sun dips beyond the horizon, making it seem as if the darkness has engulfed him completely. And it steals any chance that you have left to catch up with him before the curse of the forest rises in the coming nightfall.
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Yoongi’s legs feel heavy as he trudges along the dirt path taking him through the deep thickets. His heart feels just as heavy, though it has nothing to do with the unsteady ground or the muddy path he is walking on. 
He simply feels this way because of his reluctance to be apart from you. 
Deep down, he realises that this feeling will only get worse the more he spends time with you. The pull that he feels toward you has been growing steadily stronger, and if he should continue meeting up with you like this, the longer he is in your presence, the bond that has been formed between you will only become more solid. 
Even as he has gotten further away from you, his heartbeat is still racing rapidly. His entire body still feels tense, not only because of how excited and nervous he had been for being able to spend time with you. But because he had gotten close—so close—to revealing everything to you. 
“I might have to show it to you to prove it…”
He can still hear his own voice as he was offering you a quick show of his magic, the words came slipping out of him before he could stop it, before he could even think or consider all the risks.
It would only take one touch, one single brush of finger, one contact between his hand and yours, and he would have revealed it all. His secret. His father’s secret. Your father’s secret. 
His hand tenses right beside him as he walks through the woods, still feeling the urge to reach out to touch your fingers. The tingles of his magic that had been calling for you still lingers with every twitch of his fingers and ever stretch of his palm. 
If only you had said yes and accepted his offer. 
He regrets that it never happened, as not only did he lose the chance to hold your hand, he had also lost the chance to be completely truthful to you. And yet, at the same time, he is also relieved, because your rejection had only given him more time to be able to get closer to you before something like that—the revelation of his identity—could ever happen. 
It would be too soon for it to happen now, he keeps telling himself as he slowly clenches his hand. Because she might pull away if he finds out about everything before she is ready. 
He can already imagine what would have happened if he had pushed his intention earlier, if he had been more adamant in forcing you to reveal your true self and have his magic activate the mana inside you. 
All he intended to do was to confirm his suspicions about you using the Wicked King’s magic to travel around. Such action would help him find answers, and he would have been able to use it to track down the King, and then after, to be able to find Queen Milena. 
But the more he thinks about it, the more it feels like a breach of trust. He can picture you steadily pushing him away once that happens, that the truth will only scare you away instead of pushing you closer to him. 
One day, it would still happen; the day when the truth behind your heritage is finally revealed to you and how the two of you had been connected since birth. But that time is not now. For that moment to happen, Yoongi would have to gain your complete trust, to allow you to get to know more of him and him to you. Something that would be impossible to gain with just a couple of short encounters made. 
As Yoongi continues his journey through the forest, he uses the silence that is now engulfing him to silence his mind. 
The scent of the forest mixing in with the evening breeze calms him down, while the dark movement of trees distracts him from his own thoughts. It would be crucial for Yoongi to regain his composure and clear his mind before confronting the ripple of mana that had summoned him merely moments ago, forcing him to separate himself from you. 
Yoongi is quite familiar with this energy, hence he knows what to expect as he continues going deeper into the woods, ignoring the sounds of the forest and the branches that seems to be reaching out to him, until he finds the dark presence standing in his path. They are standing merely a few feet away from Yoongi’s portal once he stops, not too far from the gate which he had used earlier in the afternoon as a mean of transport to reach Grimm. 
Which only means that he had been using it to follow Yoongi’s trails. Once again. 
Wearing the formal uniform from the Empire’s knighthood instead of a disguise that he normally uses as a common member of the mercenary army, Sergeant Jang Yijeong stands under the shadows formed by the thick foliage, his back leaning against one of the thickest trees with his eyes looking straight above his head, as if he is able to look past the foliage and see the darkening sky above. 
He still has his gaze locked on the unseen sky as Yoongi approaches him silently, and the fairy soldier murmurs with a voice that comes out as gently as a hum, “It seems that it would rain soon.” 
“Would that be the reason why you sent out a sign for me to find you here?” Yoongi jokes with a scoff, “Have you come only to tell me that it’s raining tonight? Do you perhaps carry an umbrella with you to protect me on my way home?” 
“Not really,” Yijeong says with a shrug, unbothered by Yoongi’s mockery. His expression remains calm as he turns to look at Yoongi. Even if the sight of the Crown Prince wearing a commoner’s clothing surprises him, he surely isn’t showing it. But the flair on his skin bothers Yoongi a little, showing him that his friend had been using an additional magic when he was stepping across Yoongi’s portal. 
For what, he has no idea. But it is enough to make him grow alert. Because there has to be a reason why his friend needed to use magic to cover his own trail.  
“So—what have you gained from today’s meeting with the mysterious princess?” Yijeong asks before Yoongi can start asking questions.
This time, Yoongi is the one struggling to control his expression. With his bamboo hat still covering his head, he knows that the shade would still be enough to hide his furrowed brows as he questions his best friend, “What are you implying?” 
“I am just assuming that you are to gain some information the moment you have the chance to,” Yijeong continues, “Wasn’t that the reason why you sought her in the first place?” 
“That’s not the only purpose that had led me to start following her, and you of all people know that,” Yoongi seethes, hating the way he cannot actually argue with that assumption when it is partly true. 
Yoongi curses inwardly as guilt grips at him in the chest. He suddenly feels like a criminal for deceiving you, while at the same time, he cannot regret the actions that he had made so far because they have given him the chance to meet you and talk to you in person. He sees it as a blessing to have been given the chance to get to know you, after all the years that he had spent chasing shadows without a single clue where to find you. 
He had even spent years questioning himself, doubting his own memories and faith, almost believing that you never existed. 
Until the ripples of magic first began appearing, stretching out through space and time each time you used the magic which took you to different places the same way he uses his portals. 
As if Yijeong has the ability to look into the inner battle that Yoongi is currently having, he tilts his head and raises his brows. “It’s not?” he questions Yoongi, remembering quite well everything that Yoongi had shared with him in the past. 
It was during the first night he felt the burst of energy that came when you opened your father’s portal when Yoongi revealed his true mission for the first time to Yijeong. Except that the only thing that Yoongi did was to reveal who you were, just to let his friend know that the mysterious traveller that Yijeong had met back in Smotia may truly have a connection to the missing Queen, and that you have somehow made contact with the magic that not many would be able to control.
Yoongi had shared his suspicions with his friend that night, believing that you had been granted a way to use the magic. 
It was then when he decided to follow you, except that while he did so to confirm the threads of fate connecting your souls together, he merely revealed to Yijeong his need to find out about your magic; to see if it had been the same magic which was used by the person responsible for the Queen’s disappearance, to learn the secrets behind the missing Queen, and to see if following your trails would lead him into finding her. 
Yoongi has yet to understand the reason why he felt the need to hide his own agenda, when he could have opened up and shared everything with his best friend. Just like how he has always been able to share about everything with him for years. 
Perhaps he had done it out of pure instinct, as he had been tormented by doubt at the time he was divulging his thoughts to Yijeong. He was doubting not only the soulmate bond that he believed to have since he was no more but a young child, and he was doubting your existence, having lost sight of you ever since the day the Queen disappeared. 
And he wanted to keep everything to himself until he was able to prove it. 
That you are truly the missing piece of his soul that he has been seeking for so long. 
“Oh, that’s right. What was it that you said before?” Yijeong says in a mocking tone, drawing Yoongi back to focus on him again, “You’re only making sure that she remains safe.” 
With a frown, Yoongi recalls saying those exact words to Yijeong just a while ago. Hearing it spoken back to him only makes him feel uneasy. 
He has been keeping too many secrets and has been spending the whole day teetering on the edge of spilling everything out, and his friend seems to be poking at the right direction because his skin will not stop bristling in annoyance. 
“I meant it when I said that I felt the need to protect her,” Yoongi slowly admits, and hearing himself saying this out loud, he realises that these are no longer empty words to be spoken.
Especially after what he had learned earlier when he sat down with you, when he listened to you sharing a small part of your life that he couldn’t have known if he had only relied on the intel that his men had previously given him. 
Yijeong gives him a sly grin. “Protect her, by stalking her and acting like a mysterious escort?” he asks again. Only this time, Yoongi can sense his mocking tone softening. 
“When you first told me about it, I had assumed that you would remain in the distance, hidden away as you watch her movements, instead of approaching her directly and going on dates with the innocent girl,” Yijeong continues to question Yoongi as he shifts against the tree that he has been leaning on and moves his arm around. 
Only then does Yoongi notice that his friend has been swinging his short sword lightly by his side. Free from its sheath, the sword glimmers in the dark. The tip has grown stained, making him wonder if Yijeong has been using it as he was strolling through the deep forest. 
A protective magic to cover his trails. A sword on the ready and pointed out as he made it all the way here. 
Something is happening. Yoongi can feel it, and he knows that may have something to do with the reason why Yijeong had decided to come here after finishing his royal duty at the palace. 
But Yoongi merely shakes his head, unable to focus on his friend, nor to try and guess what his friend had been dealing with before he made it here. Not when his mind keeps replaying the conversation that he shared with you. Yijeong’s curiosity of his actions keeps triggering his memory that he can almost hear your voice again, to hear your words, and he can almost picture you being locked up inside the main palace at The Citadel as how you described it in your story. 
No wonder you had been so desperate to step out of the palace. 
And I had been so close, he wonders to himself as realisation dawns on him. As he recalls those long nights when he sent out his men to observe the main palace of The Citadel, only to receive reports about them being kicked back from the territory. As if there was an invisible barrier stopping them from getting too close. 
Within that kind of protection, the King and his men would have been able to protect you from any kind of threat that may come towards the empire. But outside, with nothing more but the spell that had been cast inside your ruby necklace, you are more liable to incoming danger. 
Just like that day in Narlès, when you were almost put to harm as you came across the group of thugs that seemed to have the ability to use dark magic to look past the shielding spell protecting you at the time. 
Sighing, Yoongi shakes his head once again to brush away the thought of you coming into harm’s way. “There are varying factions in play who have set their eyes on the Wicked King at the present time, now that he has gained attention with his empire growing in strength and territory, and human kingdoms seeking alliance with him,” Yoongi says bitterly while growing more and more concerned has he continues, 
“He may have succeeded in hiding the Princess’ existence from his enemies for so long, but if someone like me was able to find her through the magic that she is using to travel around, someone else could be looking the same way. Not only would they be able to trace her, they could use her as a way to get to the Wicked King once they know how important she is to him.” 
Swinging his short sword side to side while looking as if he is deep in thoughts, Yijeong glances sideways at Yoongi. “Of course, you would know, because that was your initial agenda when you followed her, wasn’t it? To use her to get to the King,” Yijeong mockingly says, poking at Yoongi’s deep remorse further, leaving him speechless. 
Yijeong stops talking, and the weapon that he is playing with glows under the streaks of light surrounding them as he lifts it up. “Are you sure that gaining information and protecting her at the same time were the sole reasons why you have been trailing her?” 
The crease in Yoongi’s brows deepens. “What do you mean?” 
Yijeong says nothing at first and continues swinging his sword around the same way he would during his practice routines. Yoongi realises that Yijeong is doing this to help him think, so he remains quiet and waits until Yijeong is ready to share his trail of thoughts. 
After a short while, Yijeong stops playing with his sword and turns to face Yoongi. “I know who she is to you,” he suddenly says, and before Yoongi can say anything to respond, Yijeong continues, “I can tell from the way you’d react whenever I talk about her that she means something more. Not just a means to an end, but something more.” 
“And what would that be?” Yoongi asks in return, trying to see how much Yijeong knows about his well-kept secret. 
The grin on Yijeong’s face widens as he playfully—with a disrespect that should be frowned upon at the empire yet welcomed by Yoongi only because of their friendship—clutches at Yoongi’s shoulder with one hand. His eyes glowed with mirth when he speaks, “Once upon a time, back during the ancient times when fairies were roaming freely in this realm—”
Yoongi groans and mumbles, “Here we go,” not knowing where this is heading, although he does have an inkling of what his friend is trying to say. 
“The Fates had found us all—our ancestors, I mean—valiant, slightly feral and unruly, but it was all because most of us had to roam through the realm without a purpose, without anything to bind us to one place, and most of them, in their lives of solitude, managed to create havoc. So they started to created us in pairs,” he continues on with a light tone while a mixture of dread and unease begins to rise in Yoongi’s chest, for knowing that his connection to you is about to be revealed. 
And yet relief washes over him when Yijeong continues on to say, “The Fates gave each of the ancient fairies their love-mates, to whom a fairy would have their soul bonded with so they could have some place, someone, to come home to after their wild adventures. If only to make sure that order could take place once again in the realm. And that was before our ancestors began building our empire into what it is today.” 
With a deep sigh, Yoongi feels as if the weight on his shoulders being lifted, knowing that the wouldn’t have to keep this fact as a secret for much longer. Seeing the tension in Yoongi’s body fading away, Yijeong nods and takes a step back, releasing him from his hold. 
“That is what she means to you, isn’t it? She’s your love-mate,” Yijeong says. “Your soulmate, if we want to use a present term.” 
Closing his eyes, Yoongi releases a deep exhale of breath and nods. “How did you know?” 
Shrugging, Yijeong sheaths his sword away. “Having a soulmate is a rare thing to happen for the likes of us, especially in the present time. Now that we have order in place, finding someone who is fated to our souls have grown rare,” Yijeong muses with a soft voice. “And we’re not Weres or Vampires who are still destined to have a companion to spend the rest of their immortal lives with, so obviously, that thought never crossed my mind. Until recently.”
Yijeong turns to look straight into Yoongi’s eyes, staring deeply as he speaks with a gentle voice. 
“The night I was out in the slum district of Smotia to search for the runaway mage under your command, you sent out men to track down the source of an unfamiliar mana, you felt from downtown did you not?” he asks, to which Yoongi confirms with a nod. “That was her, wasn’t it? It was the night when I met her at a tavern. Unfortunately, I had to encounter her without knowing this.” 
Yoongi says nothing, so he simply continues, “But she has yet to make contact with magic then, so the only thing that I could gather is that you felt her soul that night, calling out for you for the first time.”
With a bitter chuckle, Yoongi shakes his head. “I keep forgetting how perceptive you can be. I still don’t understand how you managed to put things together when I tried my best not to give it away.”  
Yijeong responds with a scoff. “I’ve been to places, just like you have been, remember?” he grins, causing Yoongi to chuckle. “I’ve seen soulmates recognising one another, and how they were able to find each other through the invisible threads pulling them together. And I’ve seen how these bonds growing and strengthening once they gave in to the connection that was fated for them. It isn’t hard to notice that you are being drawn to her presence the same way, that it wasn’t just the magic that she is using which helps you to find her.” 
Narrowing his eyes at Yoongi, he tilts his head, as if he is trying to get a read of the Crown Prince. “I can tell that the more you spend time with her, as you keep getting close to her, the more you would be able to feel it. Is that also the reason why you have been staying close? Have you been trying to confirm the bond that you have between you?”
Yoongi’s shoulders sag in defeat for the first time. “Again, you are too perceptive for your own good,” he says, drawing a smile on Yijeong’s face as he looks at Yoongi without a hint of guilt in his eyes. If any, the Sergeant of his Empire’s army looks proud of himself for being able to read him. 
“You are partly right, as much as I hate to admit it. I wasn’t sure about the mate bond, thinking that it was nothing more but an old myth that belonged in the past. I didn’t even want to admit it to myself, much less to share this with anyone else. Not until I have everything confirmed and make sure that  
Yijeong leans back against the tree behind him. “When you first told me that Queen Milena had a child, and that the Wicked King may have been hiding her from the world, I had an inkling that there was something more about her that may have caused you to be so invested in finding her, but a part of me refused to believe it.” 
Yijeong squints his eyes as he gauges Yoongi’s reaction, who isn’t giving him much. Not like it would be easy for him to see it anyway, with the bamboo hat shielding his emotions and the dark crawling closer now that the sun is completely gone. 
“I couldn’t put it together until recently, only after I went on that mission to the Werewolf Kingdom, East Hallow, and met this newly mated couple who had hired me because they have been in a bind,” Yijeong continues.  
“And then, of course, the matter that happened with your necklace,” he adds, as his gaze flickers down Yoongi’s chest, right where he knows the necklace would be hanging under the thin shirt that Yoongi is wearing. “The first time she used the portal by herself, your necklace showed a reaction. I thought that it happened simply because your magic reacted to the portal magic that mirrored your family’s, but I know that there is something else affecting it.” 
Yoongi clenches his hands, resisting the need to reach for it as Yijeong continues, “Your amulet was supposed to help you find her, wasn’t it?”
“I hate that you are always right,” Yoongi says as he lifts his head with a deep huff of breath. Carefully, he reaches up to his neck to pull the necklace out of his shirt. The amulet shines in the dark, sprinkles of blue dust coming out of the stone, allowing Yoongi to tell the moment you walk through the portal taking you back home. 
“The amulet—it was imbued by the same magic that was passed on to me by my father. It was supposed to help me track down the source of magic that The Wicked King had kept hidden from us. Obviously, I never thought that she would have access to the magic herself in the King’s absence,” Yoongi explains while he continues to observe the reaction coming out of the necklace, until the blue gleam begins to fade. 
“But the Emperor had placed another spell inside the amulet,” he adds, as his memory takes him back to the Emperor’s chambers, on the day he received the secret mission from his ailing father. “A spell that he once used to track down the Queen, altered in a way that I would be able to make use of it by tracking down the only missing link I may have left to find the Queen.” 
Yijeong nods. “The Princess. Your true soulmate. Which gave you another purpose for you to go through with this mission.” 
Once again, Yijeong surprises him for being able to surmise this much. What Yoongi cannot reveal to Yijeong is that he is right about Yoongi finding a new purpose now after meeting you. 
Thinking about you only reminds him yet again of your story. Picturing you living such a sheltered life before you were finally brought here to the fairy tale realm causes a tight pinch in his chest. 
If only you hadn’t been under the Wicked King’s care, perhaps you could have had so much more. You could have been able to see the world, to experience life the way you deserve it. Instead of having to find it by sneaking out of the palace’s walls and slipping away from the King’s guards with measly disguises protecting you, or by sneaking through the King’s hidden portals just to see the world. 
Recalling the way you looked at your surroundings when he took you on a walk across the meadow today, how your eyes were filled with wonder and joy the whole time, Yoongi hates thinking that you were never given the chance to have it all. 
When Yoongi talked about you finding freedom during your excursion back in the market town, he never could have known how close he was from the truth. He also never expected that you would admit to it so openly once he gave you the opportunity to share a bit of your life. Bot now, after listening to your story, he can’t decide if he should be happy that he had been right about your circumstances, knowing now what kind of life that you have had to endure under the Wicked King’s rules. 
But knowing the truth had only made him feel determined to change that. 
The freedom that you have been yearning so badly in life, Yoongi is willing to give it to you in a heartbeat, to make it possible the moment you allow him to do it for you, to help you escape from the life that you had to remain stuck in because of your family’s secrets. 
Despite the trust that he has for his friend, Yoongi has no idea how much about this fact that he could share. Even with the signs, how his feelings are constantly growing within him, the doubt that he feels about this soulmate bond is still present in his thoughts. No matter how small, it does come in his way of focusing on his true mission for reclaiming the empire’s true glory. 
“Look, I’m not here to stop you from messing around with her,” Yijeong casually says as he straightens up right in front of Yoongi while giving him a slight bow, a gesture that is meant to show respect to the apparent heir of the empire’s throne, which only means that whatever it is that Yijeong might say next would be important enough for him to shed his title as the Crown Prince’s best friend.
The sudden formal stance that Yijeong holds as he speaks only makes Yoongi grow wary. Because despite the calm tone of his voice, Yijeong’s gaze becomes hard when he looks at Yoongi to say, “You’ve been summoned.” 
Swallowing down the uneasiness taking over him, Yoongi lifts his chin to ask, “By who?” 
Yijeong refrains from answering for a moment, which isn’t making things any better. But Yoongi’s unsettling gaze soon makes him waver, and Yijeong has to reluctantly speak up. “The Empress wants to see you.” 
Sighing to himself, Yoongi tries not to be bothered by the news. He had somehow expected that the Empress would one day find a way to bring him home under her terms. Being left in the dark with no power in her hands would have made her feel restless, especially knowing that she no longer has any control of Yoongi as long as he is away from home. 
He shouldn’t worry about the Empress when he has eyes on her even when he is away. But it does make him wonder what the Empress is up to now. 
“Did she say what she wanted?” 
“Only that she wishes to see you. To talk,” Yijeong continues with a small grin. Yet the bitter and unamused tone that he is using when he talks about the Empress’ wicked schemes makes Yoongi grow restless even before Yijeong adds, “She has guests staying at the empire that she wishes you to meet.” 
Something flares in his eyes, and Yoongi’s chest tightens. He doesn’t like seeing that look. Not from him. And Yoongi already knows that he wouldn’t like whatever Yijeong is about to say next.  
Yoongi seethes. His voice is filled with venom when he asks his loyal friend, “Who?” 
“Byron Koshar. The Emperor of the Neo Empire of Kosha.” Yijeong’s voice is filled with hatred as he mentions the name of their former enemy, and that hatred brings chill running down Yoongi’s spine when his friend continues to say, “And his daughter, Princess Celestyna, the second Princess.” 
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— © 2024 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. unsolicited translations are not allowed.
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searenbound · 8 months
You have this image of a room vividly in your head.
The morning sun is soft and warm and the room is bathed in peachy pastel tones with pops of lilac and lavender in the silken sheets. There’s flowers on vines surrounding the old four post bed and the bed curtains are drawn back.
It’s the type of room you expect to in fairy tales, it’s the bed you dream of laying in every night. The bed he takes you to, the one where pleasures you never knew possible would swallow you up and leave you feeling lost and empty when you woke up.
You think you must be unwell, you thought you were insane, but now you’re face to face with the fae who’s loved you through your dreams.
Wild green curls and bright eyes to match, a warm smile and open hand. It seems deceitful of him to appear so innocent when you know him to be anything but innocent.
You take his hand anyways, eager to be the fairy king’s queen and leave your boring human life behind
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topasa-anand · 9 months
Hair coloring has transcended its traditional role of concealing gray strands; it has become a dynamic form of self-expression and personal style. From vibrant hues to subtle highlights, the world of hair coloring is vast and ever-evolving. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the art and science of hair coloring, exploring its history, techniques, trends, and the impact it has on individuals and society. 
The Evolution of Hair Coloring 
Here's a brief overview of the evolution of hair coloring: 
1.Ancient Civilizations: 
● Ancient Egyptians are believed to be among the first to use hair colorants. Henna, a natural dye made from the leaves of the henna plant, was used to create reddish-brown tones. 
● Ancient Greeks and Romans also used natural dyes like henna, as well as plant extracts and minerals, to alter hair color. 
2.Middle Ages: 
● In medieval Europe, hair coloring fell out of favor. Light hair was often associated with purity and dark hair with deceit, so people preferred to maintain their natural hair color. 
● Blonde hair, however, remained popular among certain groups, and some women used mixtures containing sulfur and alum to lighten their hair. 
● Hair coloring regained popularity during the Renaissance. Women used various substances, including mixtures of alum, sulfur, and honey, to lighten their hair. 
● Wealthy women sometimes used gold powder to create a golden tint. 4.18th and 19th Centuries:
● The use of wigs became fashionable, and these wigs were often powdered or tinted with various colors. 
● Hair dyes containing lead, sulfur, and other chemicals gained popularity but were often toxic and harmful. 
5.Early 20th Century: 
● The development of synthetic dyes revolutionized hair coloring. French chemist Eugene Schueller is credited with creating the first synthetic hair dye in the early 1900s, leading to the founding of L'Oréal. 
● Henna and other plant-based dyes remained popular for those seeking natural alternatives. 
6.Mid-20th Century: 
● Hair coloring became more widespread with the introduction of at-home hair dye kits. 
● The 1950s and 1960s saw the popularity of bold and vibrant colors, influenced by fashion trends and cultural shifts. 
7.Late 20th Century to Present: 
● Advances in technology led to the development of more sophisticated and longer-lasting hair dyes. 
● Balayage, ombre, and other creative coloring techniques gained popularity in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 
● The trend toward natural and organic products has led to the resurgence of interest in plant-based dyes. 
8.Current Trends: 
● Today, a wide range of hair color options are available, including permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary dyes in various shades. 
● The popularity of fantasy colors (e.g., pastels, bright blues, pinks) has grown, with celebrities and influencers often setting trends. 
Popular Trends in Hair Coloring 
1.Balayage and Ombre:
● Balayage and ombre techniques continued to be popular. Balayage creates a natural, sun-kissed effect by hand-painting color onto sections of the hair, while ombre features a gradual color transition from dark to light. 
2.Pastel and Unicorn Colors: 
● Pastel shades and unicorn-inspired colors, such as lavender, mint green, and soft pink, were trendy among those looking for a more whimsical and playful appearance. 
3.Root Smudging: 
● Root smudging involves blending the roots with the rest of the hair color, creating a seamless and lived-in look. This technique is particularly popular for those who want a low-maintenance style. 
4.Red and Copper Tones: 
● Vibrant reds and copper tones were in fashion, ranging from fiery reds to rich, warm coppers. These colors can add warmth and dimension to various hair types. 
5.Ecaille (Tortoiseshell) Hair: 
● Inspired by the colors found in tortoiseshell patterns, ecaille hair involves blending dark and light shades to create a multi-dimensional, rich look. 
6.Metallic Hues: 
● Metallic hair colors, including silver, rose gold, and metallic ash tones, gained popularity for those seeking a bold and futuristic appearance. 
7.Natural and "Lived-In" Colors: 
● Low-maintenance hair colors that mimic the look of natural hair growth, such as lived-in blondes and brunettes, remained on-trend. These colors are designed to grow out gracefully without the need for frequent touch-ups. 
8.Chunky Highlights:
● Chunky highlights, reminiscent of the '90s, made a comeback. This style involves larger, more noticeable sections of contrasting color for a bold and retro look. 
9.Chocolate Brown Shades: 
● Chocolate brown shades, ranging from deep and rich to lighter variations, were popular for those seeking a classic and timeless appearance. 
10.Neon and Fluorescent Colors: 
● For those who wanted to make a bold statement, neon and fluorescent hair colors in shades like electric blue, green, and pink were in vogue. Innovative Techniques in Hair Coloring 
Here are some innovative hair coloring techniques: 
● Description: Balayage is a French term meaning "to sweep" or "to paint." It involves hand-painting highlights onto the hair to create a natural, sun-kissed look. The technique allows for a softer, more blended result compared to traditional foil highlights. 
● Innovation: Hair stylists continue to innovate within the balayage technique by playing with different color combinations and placements. For example, "reverse balayage" involves hand-painting darker tones onto lighter hair. 
● Description: Ombre is a gradient effect where the hair transitions from a darker shade at the roots to a lighter color at the ends. 
● Innovation: Hairstylists have taken ombre to new levels by experimenting with unconventional color combinations, such as pastel ombre, neon ombre, or even rainbow ombre. The key is to create a seamless transition between colors. 
● Description: Foilyage combines the freehand painting of balayage with the use of foils to intensify and speed up the color development process. 
● Innovation: This technique allows for more control over the placement of color, and stylists may use foils strategically to create bold contrasts or add dimension. 
4.Color Melting: 
● Description: Color melting is a technique where two or more colors seamlessly blend into each other, creating a gradient effect. 
● Innovation: Stylists experiment with unexpected color combinations and melting techniques to create multidimensional and eye-catching looks. This technique is often used to achieve a "lived-in" or "grown-out" color. 
5.Pixelated Hair Coloring: 
● Description: Inspired by digital pixels, this technique involves creating a blocky, pixel-like pattern of colors on the hair. 
● Innovation: Hairstylists use pixelated coloring to add a modern and playful touch to hair. It's especially popular for creating unique patterns and designs. 
6.Ecaille (Tortoiseshell) Technique: 
● Description: Ecaille mimics the color variation seen in the shell of a tortoise. It involves blending multiple shades to create a rich, warm, and multidimensional look. 
● Innovation: Stylists play with various warm tones, such as caramel, chestnut, and honey, to create a luxurious and natural appearance. 
● Description: Underlights involve coloring the hair underneath rather than on top, creating a subtle or bold contrast when the hair moves. 
● Innovation: Creative placement of underlights can add unexpected pops of color, and stylists may experiment with geometric patterns or hidden rainbow effects. 
8.Hand-Pressed Color: 
● Description: This technique involves applying color to the hair using a hands-on, pressing motion. 
● Innovation: By using hands instead of traditional brushes, stylists can create organic patterns and textures, resulting in a more natural and lived-in appearance.
As we navigate the colorful world of hair coloring, it's evident that this practice is more than a cosmetic choice; it's a reflection of our history, culture, and individuality. From the ancient civilizations that laid the foundation to the modern innovations shaping the industry today, hair coloring continues to be a powerful means of self-expression. Whether seeking a bold transformation or a subtle enhancement, understanding the art and science behind hair coloring empowers individuals to make informed choices, fostering a vibrant and diverse landscape of personal style.
FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK OUT @pradeepsignaturesalon
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banditcoyote · 1 year
The things we can’t have.
The baby seemed remarkably small and fragile, as all babies usually did. But the size of her father made her appear even more delicate even impossibly tiny. Her whole body not even taking up half of his forearm when she was tucked protectively against his chest. She slept soundly in her crib, her tail curled around her body, he reached down and as one might caress a butterfly he drew his finger along the soft fur, immediately the appendage twirled, wrapping firmly around his finger and he gave a soft unavoidable chuckle of glee. Sure it might have been a grasping reflex, baby monkey would need to know how to hang onto their mothers after all, but the love for his daughter could only interpret this as another affirmation of his daughter’s love for him. Just like her mother, the baby’s tail had a mind of it’s own and reached for what it wanted. Echo watched with wonder and joy in his heart as his daughter wriggled slightly as she woke, stretching limbs as small but more plump than his own fingers. The feelings had been foreign at first, the love, the joy, the willingness to sacrifice everything. It had all first bubbled up when he first found out Sasuga was pregnant. The emotions striking him first as disbelief and fear, none of it had seemed possible and he was worried about what implications this could have on her, and the baby. His life was dangerous and deceitful he knew he had enemies that would stop at nothing to get what he had. However quickly it had struck him it had melted into an unfamiliar warmth that he had only dreamt about, and now watching his daughter stir awake before him, he whispered softly to her. “I would burn worlds to protect you. Yes….yes I would.” He said gently and moved to scoop her up. She was featherweight to him, he could support her tiny head with only a finger as he moved her to tuck in his arm, his wing wrapping around her protecting her against the world even in the confines of their own fortress of a home. Nothing would harm his daughter, he wouldn’t even give it the chance. “Is she up?” Sasuga called from the next room. “Don’t wake her if she’s still sleeping.” Echo turned, savoring each moment in which he could hold her, her blue grey eyes looking up at him and shaking her tiny fists. He wondered about those eyes, if in the coming days they would turn to the brilliant blue of her mother’s, or if they would be something of a mix between their eyes, a beautiful purple, demon genomes were wonders and it seemed anything was a possibility. “She’s up.” He said in a slightly louder volume, not wanting to shock her with the sound of his voice. “And she’s hungry.” He said reaching to tickle her lip with his finger, causing her to open her mouth searching for the source of food. Echo chuckled again, trying to suppress it as to not shake her so much. The bat moved from the interior bedroom out into the nursery where Sasuga sat in her gliding chair, swathed in long white nightgowns and robes of layers of delicate material. An absolute vision that caused his heart to swell more. He felt just as protective of his wife as he did their infant daughter and he seemed nearly hypnotized as he moved through the pastel pink and white room to lay her against her mothers breast. “Good morning my Love” he hummed bending to kiss her forehead with all the adoration in his body. Sasuga beamed up at him, glowing in her life with him and the family they had created. “Good Morning.” She said softly, moving the babe to latch at her breast without effort. “Could you get me one of those blankets from the dresser? I’d like it for my lap.” Echo watched the scene for just a few seconds before nodding. “Anything for you Sasuga” he said and turned on his heel to fetch it for her, though as he did so the world turned black. The fullness in his heart suddenly felt like a lead weight and the birdsong from the open spring windows turned into the woosh of an airplane as he realized it had been a dream, and he brought his hand up to his brow with a little groan at the sudden emptiness he felt, and the longing for the dream that was quickly fading, though he tried his hardest to hold onto the scene of Sasuga and his daughter’s face. “I want a baby….” He murmured to himself, a longing in his own voice he barely recognized. “What?” Yaroslava said, staring over at him from her phone. “Like…for dinner?” she asked somewhat jokingly. Echo’s head snapped to attention and he turned to face his actual wife, of whom his emotions had remained mixed over centuries. His face was a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance with her in the moment. “I forgot you were here.” He said quickly covering his tracks somewhat and covering his face again. Yaroslava blinked at him and raised her eyebrows. “Echo….” She said softly putting her phone down to the side and beginning to smile somewhat teasingly. “What kind of dream were you just having?” she prompted which caused him to groan. “No! Come on, tell me, were you trying to get Sasuga pregnant? What position were you trying? You know some are better than others for-“ “Stop it.” He said firmly, his gaze snapping back to hers. “Why are you always so disgusting when it comes to her?” Echo felt as if her teasing was tarnishing the pure aspect of his dream, that now he was embarrassed by it, trying to push it down, though the longing for it was still there, despite it’s impossibility. Yaro looked surprised by his firmness and she shook her head. “I don’t know…I’m just…teasing you.” She said not pressing him anymore for details. “Sorry.” Echo waved her off, shifting in his seat, trying to achieve his cool demeanor though he was more bothered than he realized. “Do you really want a baby, Echo?” she asked in a small voice, trying to be careful as to not upset him further. “I never thought I’d hear you say that” “No, of course not.” Echo lied, something akin to panic threatening to choke him and reveal his true emotions on the matter. “It was just a dream, I was dreaming.” He insisted all too much. Yaroslava watched him, and it was clear she knew exactly what he wanted, he had been talking in his sleep, but she didn’t tell him so much. She had become supportive of his love for Sasuga, this new type of feeling he was trying to navigate with someone who wasn’t her, but she wasn’t sure how something like that, a baby, would work out between the two of them, the three of them, the four of them really, when you considered all spouses involved. Yaro wasn’t about to give any of her life up, not to another woman. The tigress reached out carefully, taking Echo’s hand in hers, and feeling dually relieved and saddened when he squeezed it back. “If you change your mind…” she said gently. “I’m sure we can work something out.”  Echo’s gaze was set out the window now, looking at the darkness of the night sky, and he tugged on Yaroslava’s hand encouraging her to crawl into his lap, which she did with surprising ease and familiarity, curling up easily like the cat she was and kissing under his jaw as one wing wrapped around her. Yaroslava reached up to loosen his tie, and undo his top button, letting him relax before she herself settled in against his chest, letting them both gaze out the window in a comfortable silence as they let revelations set into both of them.
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princeanxious · 5 years
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(Loceit!)So this was based on this prompt (by @max-the-queer)and tbh i had no idea it’d go this far but i’m proud and i hope ya’ll love it bc i spent like three days on it and my poor ipad was struggling w/ the 40 to 50 or so layers by the end so, bless the fact that it only crashed once xD (click for better quality!)
I have no idea if i’m gonna do more w/ this but i’m absolutely in love w/ tall punk!Logan wearing platforms and being an ExtraTM Tall Tree so of course i drew that again, and Dee being confident in a pastel skirt is goals!! And Virgil?? He Knows abt Dee’s crush on Logan and is smug abt it bc Lo is oblivious.
Bonus close-up shots!
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galaxyacerodoesart · 5 years
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Like I said in my last post, I wanted to draw the Sides with some funky hair colors. So that’s exactly what I did lol
Could have gone with some different colors for some of them, but I mainly just wanted Roman with cyan/teal/whatever-you-call-that-color-for-me-it’s-fucking-hatsune-miku-blue because Miku is Queen and Roman would support the best Queen in the world, duh >:/ And Virgil with Silver because I thought it would be a nice contrast against his dark clothes and stuff :v  Kinda feeling like Patton’s green hair is too bright but it also fits him so...forget it pfff Logan would probably hate the thought of going around with pink hair like that, so that’s exactly why it was an amazing choice c: you look so good buddy For Deceit I really wanted a “soft” color or sorts because he fucking deserves it for being a great noodle boi. Thought some baby blue/periwinkle-ish would look great with the golden yellow and the green scales while still having that soft look I wanted, so yeeey 
Didn’t change the colors of any of their eyebrows because this is suppose to be like they dyed the hair or shapeshifted into it...i mean they probably could just change the color of their hair whenever they wanted so...lol
Also have been testing some new techniques to draw and color eyes, did anyone notice?!? :v
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autobotsierra · 6 years
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Sympathetic Deceit Week, day five: (Date Night™ Series) Patceit in Sharing is Caring
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voidoflogic · 4 years
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Moceit moodboard
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I’ve been writing a fanfiction based off this image for DBD Ghostface and I think it’s going pretty well. I still have to write the rest of it, reread it and edit it but it’s going pretty well. I think I might be half way through it but idk depends. Underneath is about a third of what I have so far.
Warning: Stalking, Danny being a pervert, murder(?), mentions of sex, other things
Summary: Reader is a closeted age-regressor but Danny is nosy so he’ll know
Daddy’s Little Girl
Danny had been stalking you for a while, much longer than any of his other victim but that was because you were special. He had seen you whilst he was at some house party with cheap liquor and horny idiots practically fucking on the walls and floor, he bitterly thought that it was more like an orgy than the drinking fest the host wanted it to be. Your friend had dragged you to the piss poor excuse for a party and one look into those round, doe eyes had given him the feeling he had when he saw someone he knew had to be one of his victims. He examined you closer while you were there and saw how your whole being exuded purity, from the way your hair looked so soft and the way your skin looked like a blanket made of silk. It was your face that really made him want you, though. Your lips were parted slightly, and you had slightly chubby cheeks, giving them a squishy, bouncy texture that made you look more like a child. But what made him really hooked was the innocent gleam in your eyes when you looked around the room.
 He followed you throughout the night and it made him much more excited about what he was going to do to you when he saw the oblivious state you were in with every guy who flirted with you. It would be so easy to trick you, unlike his previous victims who would have never been interested in some reported with a heart of gold, you would immediately fall for that shtick. He wanted to have sex for the pure gratification of corrupting you. Clinging to your friend all night had made it hard to get close to you but no matter, not when he could stalk you, find out your interests and then sweep you off your feet.
 It had not been hard to find out about you, it is what he does best. You were too busy worrying over your friend to notice a mysterious figure behind you. Danny even had fun of being obvious about it, but you didn’t notice a thing, a kind of obviousness that was hard to find in Roseville where all the people were cut-throat due to the high population of rich people in the area and harsh jobs that were specialised in that area. Your friend wouldn’t help either due to their pathetic drunken state. Thinking in this direction was getting Danny worked up and would leave him with a boner if he were not careful.
 After some time and a quick walk down a path in the nearby woods, you were home in your cottage with a white-picketed fence, beautiful flowers of all colours blooming in the front and some along the stone path leading to the back. The fences seemed to be more for décor reasons than serving an actual purpose since Danny knew that this particular land was quite spacious. You lead your friend inside and, from the window in the front, Danny observed you catering to your very drunk friend. He noted that the inside of the house were pastels and had lots of fantasy, fairy, cottagecore and light academia vibes. He did have to admit, even though he didn’t care for interior design aside from to keep up appearances, he appreciated something so beautiful like that.
 Now knowing where you live and marking it down in his black, pleather (he may kill people, but he wasn’t so heartless!) journal, he left for the night to get some rest. This was the first time in awhile he felt this excited for killing! Don’t get him wrong, killing was fun but it got monotonous to kill the same types of people over and over again. It was exciting to spicy his routine up a bit.
 Danny had been stalking you for 3 weeks and 4 days. He had taken pictures of you throughout that time, at your job, with your friends, when your alone and even in the shower! He did feel guilty about it for a few seconds before he decided that he was entitled to see your body if you had bad security in the first place that allowed people like him to get in. During the duration of this time, he had begun to psychoanalyse you and what your behaviour means, how your body language was an indication of your emotions and built a profile for you within his mind palace (it was easy with his photographic memory). You were so wholesome most of the time, whereas you did occasionally participate in conversations of kins, for the majority, you didn’t want to talk about sex or anything that came anywhere close. Something he also observed was that you had a tendency to not talk in ‘big words’ a lot of the time and he could list so much more that you did but that would be ranting. You bought many plushies, colouring books and ready-made snacks like chicken/tofu nuggets and yoghurt pots, stuff traditionally children liked. Although it made sense seeing how you were the go-to babysitter for the majority of your co-workers and friends, as well as distant neighbours and relatives. Plus, who didn’t enjoy hugging or collecting plushies? And Danny himself was a big fan of ready-made meals due to the time consumed by his work and ‘hobby’.
 Packages were often delivered to your house, at least from what he had seen but maybe it was a wave of them at once, like a spree shopper may do. The thing that intrigued him most to the contents of those deliveries was the way you were very protective over them, not letting anyone see even though you thought you had nothing to worry about. It made him want to know what you might be doing with them or what was in them. For all he knew, it could be something from the dark web, something disgusting and vile that would make you a devil in angel form. Entertaining this idea made him more desperate to find out what it was. And he would.
 He had snuck into your house after you had gone to work so he knew he had a long time before you came home. Once he was inside after going through your unlocked window, (what a forgetful, little thing) he saw a pile of discarded clothes. Approaching the crumpled garments, he picked up a shirt and smelled it. Yep, it was dirty laundry. It sent a shiver of excitement up Danny’s spine from excitement. Oh, what a naughty bunny you were, leaving him such a tantalizing gift. If he didn’t know better, it would seem like you were hoping to rile him up. During this stalking periods as he called it, you became dissimilar to his previous victims who pull a dark desire straight from the depths of his heart where his sick fantasies were locked from the world, you made him want something different than what he already experienced with them. He thought that it could be a new way to kill you, one only for you and designed to be the perfect art form in which to send you off to the afterlife. Of course, he was beginning to realise it was different to this. But back to why he was there.
 Looking around, he spotted one of the boxes that had been opened on your bed with objects seemingly thrown haphazardly into it. He nearly ran up to it he was so exhilarated from the rush of finding out what you were hiding from him. Not that he couldn’t make as much noise as he wanted, your cottage was 40 minutes from the outskirts of the city, which wasn’t the safest environment anyways, and 3 hours away in all other directions from anywhere containing sane, human life.
 Once within reaching distance, he picked it up without peaking in and sat on your soft bed. His hands were trembling from a strong surge of adrenaline and, without wanting to torture himself further, began to look through it. He prayed to find anything that made you deceitful and like him but what he saw wasn’t what he expected.
 Adult pacifiers, shortalls, sippy cups and more items similar to them were inside it. His initial thought was that you were into age play, but he doubted it, even if you were, you wouldn’t use anything this expensive in your casual hook-ups. Now that he knew what was in the box, he had even more questions which wasn’t what he had expected. With a new determination, he had arranged everything back into its original position and left your cottage to collect his thoughts and write down his questions at his base of operation. As he was driving back to the house he bought, he went down to his basement where he kept all his hunting equipment locked in. Looking at the corkboard he used to pin information about his current target, he methodically updated your information. As he did, he realised that he couldn’t stop smiling. This was new, having reached this level of excitement from his victim, it only made his obsession grow bigger for you. Oh, how you would regret going to that party that night.
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pharmaseussical · 2 years
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Chimimo - 2022
My boyfriend, his friend and I saw this show being advertised on Plex and on a whim decided to watch the first episode. They weren’t so amused but I was immediately hooked.
The story revolves around Jigoku-san (Mr. Hell) and his batch of adorable mochiesque demon spirits called the Chimimoryo, or Chimimo for short. They come to the human realm to turn it into a hellscape but are thwarted when they meet the three Onigami sisters. The Hell-natives end up boarding in the house with the sisters only to fail constantly at causing any sort of hellish chaos.
Mutusmi, Hazuki and Mei seem like three ordinary sisters but each has their own vices that cause Jigoku-san to question his own level of evilness. Mutsumi has a secret temper with destructive outbursts, Hazuki is a chronic, money-hungry drunk and Mei is a chore-shirking social media nut. These traits cause Jigoku a lot of trouble and he ends up being a mediator more than a trouble maker.
However, Jigoku’s boss constantly threatens him with fates unimaginable if he doesn’t complete certain levels of overtake within a specific time frame . Constantly, Jigoku manages to buy himself time whether it be through lies or deceit as he bumbles to get his goal achieved with the help of his Chimimo companions.
This anime takes on the episodic format much like American cartoons. It is split into two segments per episode, maintaining the story plot described while each part is a different obstacle. The art style is very simplistic but it does have a soft, sort of pastel appeal to it that I can see attracting a very specific type of audience. I couldn’t imagine a lot of people outside a niche group enjoying the visuals of this anime but please prove me wrong though.
Overall, it’s a mindless and entertaining watch that might garner a chuckle or two. My rating for this show:
7/10 - the sisters sometimes grate my nerves a bit and I wish the Chimimo were a little more the center focus sometimes.
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lilbuckyb · 4 years
Anxceit - Stormy Night
links:  https://www.wattpad.com/story/223317105-band-sanders-sides-voltron-agere-oneshots https://archiveofourown.org/works/29676402/chapters/73026360 Prompt: given by @KojacksTreeBoi on Wattpad Little wakes up to a bad storm and gets scared, waking up his caregiver for comfort. Janus (Deceit): Caregiver Virgil (Anxiety): Regressor ~~ “Alright, bedtime little one.” Janus cooed, scooping Virgil up from his spot on the couch. He turned the quiet cartoon off, walking the little up to their shared bedroom and laying him on the floor to change him, changing him into some footie pajamas. He got a paci clip, attaching it to the pastel purple pacifier in the littles mouth, then attached it to the collar one his onesie so he wouldn't lose it during the night. Once Virgil was ready for bed, Janus laid him down and gave him his comfort stuffy, cuddling him in with his blankets and laying down next to him, already in his PJ’s. He ran his fingers through the anxious traits hair, humming a lullaby to lul the little to sleep. As always, it quickly worked, Virgil falling into a peaceful sleep. Towards the middle of the night, a storm came around. It started off with the light pitter patter of rain droplets on the roof and windows, quiet tumbles heard from the clouds, though it quickly became more. Loud rumbles that seemed to shake the house, bright flashes of lightning peering through the small gaps in Virgil’s black curtains, and heavy rain striking and whipping against the windows. The noise quickly awoke the regressor, fear immediately striking through his body. His heart raced, tears falling from his eyes as he let out a scared sob. Storms scared him. They were loud, the flashes of light and loud booms making him flinch and whimper, hiding in his daddy’s side. He wanted his daddy’s comfort, no- he needed his daddy’s comfort. Virgil whimpered and whined, sniffling through his sobs as he tried shaking his caregiver awake. “D-daddy-y” He cried, shaking him harder, desperate for the comforting words and embrace of his caregiver. Janus groaned and stirred, opening his eyes as he was met with a flash of lightning, followed by a loud boom, and a little hugging him tightly and sobbing into the crook of his neck. He sighed softly and sat up, wrapping his strong arms around the smaller boy, hugging him tightly and rocking gently. “Its okay my little Storm Cloud. I’m here” He cooed softly, running his fingers through the littles soft hair. “Its okay bubba, the storm can’t and won’t hurt you” He reassured. His heart strained hearing the scared sobs, wanting nothing more than to control the weather and stop his baby’s pain. Virgil’s cried got softer after a while, reduced to small whimpers and sniffles as he continued to hide in the crook of Janus’s neck. “How about we get you a bottle?” He asked softly. Bottles usually always calmed him, pushing him farther into his headspace till he was nearly 100% dependent on the caregiver. Virgil nodded weekly with a small ‘uhuh’, the deceitful trait standing up and walking down to the kitchen, turning on the dum kitchen light and setting the little down on the counter. “Stay put so you don't fall and get hurt” He ordered gently, kissing Virgils nose. The little obeyed, small sniffled and hiccups being heard as he tried to calm down, whimpering at every flash of lightning or booming thunder. He kept his stuffed animal tightly in his arms, his paci practically glued to his mouth as he used both items to soothe himself.  Janus went through the cabinets, finding a clean bottle and teat, preparing some warm angel milk.  Once it was ready and he made sure it wasn’t too hot, he scooped the anxious trait up once again and carried him back upstairs, humming a soft lullaby. He sat on the bed and laid Virgil across his lap, taking the paci out of his mouth and putting it on the nightstand. He replaced the pacifier with the nib of the bottle, the regressor cooing and letting his eyes slide shut as he suckled on the bottle. The little regressed farther into his headspace, one hand holding a fist of Janus’s shirt as he succeeded hungrily on the bottle, whining a bit when he finished it. Janus cooed at him, adjusting his body so he rested on his shoulder. Janus began to pat the littles back, willing him to burp. Once he did, Janus praised him softly with a bright smile on his face, cooing and booping his nose. He laid Virgil down, the little resting his head on his caregivers' chest. Said caregiver began to hum a soft tune once again, his chest vibrating similar to a cats purr. This quickly lulled him to sleep, as he slept soundly next to his daddy for the rest of the night. ~~ 769 words
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farfarawaygirl · 4 years
i saw an answer to another question where you said you're drawn to matt and sylvie cos they're so caring - and i completely agree! when i think of brettsey i get nice warm vibes. so damn wholesome. they give me calm vibes, pastel colours. in the most british analogy i can give, brettsey are so comforting they're a damn nice cup of tea 🤣🤣
Hey, @fezfanatic 👋 let’s be friends!
First, I love a good cuppa. I’m drinking one now, as I type this out.
Second, Sylvie Brett is Matt Casey’s heart.
They are so tender. We’ve never seen either of them display this level of caring, compassion, playfulness, joy, deep abiding affection and (I’m gonna say it) love. Sylvie relies on Matt’s encouragement, Matt relies on her Sylvie’s unwavering belief in him. They are equals. There is no deceit, no pretence.
They’re a cool glass of water on a warm summers day. They’re the calm glow of a fireplace in the icy cool of winter. They’re the soft lift of piano music. The pale blue sky over the lake. A sunset. Laughter. Joy. Hope.
When he looks at her... the way he touches her hair.
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I love them.
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princeanxious · 5 years
I adore the idea of pastel deceit because he just looks so innocent and sweet and cute, no one suspects the clever little bastard underneath. he winks at Logan after tricking some asshole and it’s an immediate “oh fuck he’s hot” moment
Definately!! This is p much exactly how it is unless Dee’s caught off guard when interacting w/ his crush and gets briefly super flustered. The real thing that causes Logan his first true “oh fuck that’s hot” moment is when, after dating for a few weeks, he finds out that Dee has a tongue peircing. Complete w/ a cute design on the stud, all hidden bc Dee doesn’t wear it often when they interact on purpose, bc he’s got a plan, and letting Lo think he’s as innocent as can be for a little while before surprising him is what he’s after.
Dee may or may not have been purposely secretive abt it bc he was absolutely delighted to see Logan’s reaction when he finally let Lo find out abt it. (Did he stick his tongue out at Lo one day? Did Lo find out abt it when trying to initiate a makeout session?) either way, it shuts Lo right up for almost a full minute as his face flushes a bright red and stares at it, peaking out from Dee’s smug grin. And he definately, once he regathers his thoughts, makes a point to kiss that smug smile off Dee’s face. And, perhaps, considers getting a tongue piercing of his own.
After that, Logan as a little more suspicious of Dee’s completely innocent act, but can’t complain bc he usually ends up loving Dee’s surprises. :)
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caffeinated-cryptid · 5 years
some alternate headcanons and ideas for your consideration:
blond logan! he always seems to have dark hair in AUs, so let him take the “blonds are dumb” stereotype and annihilate it single-handedly.
pansexual logan, deceit and remus! aromantic patton and roman! it’s possible to have a lot of love to give even if you don’t desire a romantic relationship. likewise, you can still be attracted to many people even if you don’t express much affection.
the creativitwins being pale and virgil being tan. roman and remus staying inside writing/doing whatever remus does, and virgil spending a lot of time outside because he once read that taking walks through nature helps with anxiety.
(basically do anything that contradicts the idea that you have to be thin and pale to be emo and i will love you forever).
punk 👏 patton and pastel 👏 goth 👏 virgil.
on that note: guro lolita remus and kuro lolita deceit!!
brotherly logicality with a relationship similar to wirt and greg from over the garden wall. oof.
patton being a cat person. this feels pretty canon already but people often make him into a dog person so- just imagine him with a little kitty who usually has trust issues with most people, but a soft spot for him! 
oppositely: virgil as a dog person! maybe he has a service dog or one of those small old pups who are more chilled out. at halloween he puts them into one of those creepy spider costumes that’s too realistic for comfort and it’s great.
deceit with a lisp. he’s still suave and charming, he just also happens to be adorable. make fun of him for it and Perish.
feel free to add more ideas you think are uncommon and deserve more representation! ✨
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Royal Growing Pains - Chapter Thirty One
Warnings: Homophobia, transphobia, misgendering, sympathetic Deceit
Royal Growing Pains Tag
Roman was literally shaking as he sat in the car with Damien and the Queen, with Virgil in shotgun and the Queen driving. “Roman, are you okay?” Damien asked softly.
“Yeah,” Roman said, continuing to shake. “I’ve just dreamed of this day for years now. I get short hair again.”
“Any plans?” Damien asked. “In terms of haircut?”
“Probably a quiff,” Roman said. “Not very original, I know, but if it works it works.”
“Very true,” Damien said. “You’d look rather dashing with it.”
“Shut up,” Roman said, blushing.
Damien kissed Roman’s knuckles and said, “Never, my love.”
Roman took as deep a breath as he could in his new binder and sighed. He had insisted on wearing it when he tried on clothes, purely so that he could ride the euphoria of gender-affirming clothes and body at the same time. But all the happiness and nervousness building up in his system meant he was shaking rather violently, and couldn’t see any signs of stopping soon. “You know, between your comments and the plans of the day, it’s not unlikely for me to just faint.”
“I’ll catch you before you hit the ground, my love,” Damien said with a soft laugh. “But I’ll also try to go easy on you for a little while, just until you calm down.”
Roman nodded. Part of his shaking was out of sheer nervousness. What if his mother was right? What if this wasn’t what he wanted? What if the haircut turned out poorly? There were so many ways that this could go wrong, and Roman knew it wasn’t healthy to focus on them, but they were difficult to push from his mind.
As they pulled into the parking lot in the shopping center, Damien growled and Roman swallowed. There were people pointing at their car and pulling out phones, presumably to take pictures. “The drawbacks of being royalty,” Virgil snarled. “The fucking papparazzi.”
“I don’t want to deal with questions,” Roman said faintly. “If I have to hear one more word about my mother today, I’m going to burst into tears.”
“I’ve got you, my love,” Damien said, grabbing Roman’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “It’s a ten-foot walk to the door. And no one will bother you once you’re inside. If anyone so much as think s about interrogating you, they’ll have me to answer to.”
Roman looked at Damien, noticed the sincerity in his eyes, and smiled softly with a small nod. Damien would be there for him, he didn’t doubt that.
They let go of each other’s hands to step out of the car, and Roman gave the obligatory polite wave to the people before walking past the car to Damien, linking hands with him as they walked into the barber shop.
“Prince Damien!” one man who was cutting another’s hair exclaimed, hastily bowing. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
“I’m afraid my fiancé is in need of a good haircut, Vince,” Damien said with a grin. “My mother and Virgil are right outside, so no funny business, understood?”
“Of course! I never shave the heads of newcomers unless they ask for it!” Vince laughed. “Have a seat, Your Highnesses, anywhere you like, and I’ll be with you in a moment.”
Damien practically dragged Roman to a chair in the back, while two barbers puttered around the shop, and Vince finished the haircut. “I only trust Vince to deal with the bird’s nest that is my hair,” Damien explained to Roman. “Not that the other barbers here aren’t excellent, but Vince was the only one I trusted as a child to not yank on my hair when there were tangles, and since then he’s always gotten top priority on my haircuts.”
Roman nodded, not letting go of Damien’s hand for a moment. “Good to know he’s experienced,” he said.
Vince finished brushing hair off the other client, who quickly left, and Vince turned the sign on the door to “Closed.” “For just a bit of privacy, Prince Roman. I know that you must be going through a lot right now.”
Roman smiled nervously as Vince came over. “I appreciate it, thank you,” he said.
Vince draped a sheet over Roman’s shoulders and tied it in the back, pulling his loose ponytail out from under the knot. “Your hair is very healthy,” he complimented. “How short do you want it?”
“Chop it all off,” Roman said. “Much as it’s healthy, it’s entirely too long for my tastes.”
“Oh, I understand that,” Vince said. “Any style or length you want?”
“Quiff please, no longer than four inches. Three would be ideal,” Roman said.
“You’ve got it, Your Highness,” Vince said, taking a pair of scissors out of a drawer and straightening Roman’s ponytail.
Roman clutched Damien’s hand tightly as the scissors went to the base of his skull, and with two high-pitched and expertly placed snips, his ponytail fell to the floor, hair coming to rest above his shoulders in a bob. Roman looked at the mirror and laughed. “I look like a bisexual,” he joked.
“Not for long,” Damien laughed back.
“Taper fade on the bottom?” Vince asked.
“Please,” Roman said.
“Hang on one moment,” Damien said, pulling out his phone and pressing a few buttons. “Hey, Remus?” Damien asked into his phone.
“Yeah, you’ve got me!” Remus’ voice came over the phone, and Roman’s face broke into a relieved grin. “What’s up?”
“I think there’s a moment Roman would like to share with you,” Damien said.
When the flash on Damien’s phone came on, Roman waved to the camera. “Guess who’s finally getting his hair cut!” he crowed.
“Hell yes, my man!” Remus exclaimed. “I want to see them shave your head!”
Roman laughed as Vince grabbed a razor and began to get rid of all the long hair on the back of Roman’s head. With Remus on the phone he felt so much more relaxed, and more self-assured. He knew he was trans, and so did Remus. Remus never questioned him for a second. This was what Roman needed, and it was nice to be reminded that this was normal, this was healthy, this was good.
Remus was giving running commentary in the form of compliments, and Damien just sat back in his chair with a pleased grin. When the fade was complete, Vince took a pair of scissors to the hair that was left on the top of Roman’s head, combing it so the short strands left were pointed towards the front, rather than to the sides. Roman watched this process in the mirror in awe, finally looking at his reflection and seeing someone resembling himself. When Vince took off the sheet after brushing the last of Roman’s hair off his neck and shoulders, Roman stood slowly, observing his new look in the mirror.
“How do you feel, Roman?” Damien asked.
Roman broke into a wide grin. “Gone are the days of Veronica Sarah Ayer!” he crowed. “You are looking at none other than His Highness Roman Augustus Ayer, prince and soon-to-be-husband of Damien Byron!”
Damien whooped and high-fived Roman, and Roman felt tears coming to his eyes as Remus cheered and clapped over the phone. “You did an amazing job as always, Vince,” Damien said. “Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Vince said with a bow. “I hope the two of you have a great rest of your day.”
“You too,” Roman said as Damien paid Vince and the two walked out.
The Queen gasped as she saw Roman and exclaimed, “Oh, dear, your haircut is perfect!”
“Thank you!” Roman said, grinning. “It feels amazing to look like myself.”
“Are you ready for an updated wardrobe?” the Queen asked.
Roman nodded, blinking back tears. “So ready to figure out what styles I like in men’s clothing,” he said, voice watery.
Damien kissed Roman’s cheek and Roman squeaked, whacking him lightly.
“Damien Janus Byron, if you do not behave with your fiancé, you will not get to help him pick out clothes, and that’s a promise,” the Queen warned.
Damien turned away and swore under his breath, and Roman blinked in shock. “That is...quite the middle name,” he said mildly.
“It was his father’s choice of name for him. I told him simply that if he didn’t want his son to be bullied for a majority of his childhood, we would give him a more common first name. Damien was what we agreed on. But Janus is a family name,” the Queen explained.
“I see,” Roman said. “Sort of, at least.”
The Queen smiled. “Are we ready to keep shopping?”
“Yeah,” Roman said, smiling. “I think I could even brave a couple reporters if I had to. Still hoping I don’t have to, though.”
“We’ll try and avoid it,” Damien assured him.
They walked to the stores just a couple buildings away, and Damien swept Roman into the most upscale of them all. Damien looked around, waving off the associates who tried to walk up to the three of them. “He’s fine,” Damien said. “Just give him a moment to soak it all in.”
Roman looked around, feeling all the air leave his lungs. There were mannequins with suits in the windows, button-up shirts on the shelves, nice pants, both of the dress variety and ones more appropriate for a relaxed dress code. And not a dress or skirt in sight.
“The women’s equivalent is across the street,” Damien said. “But I figured you’d much rather be in a men’s store, at least to start.”
“Thanks,” Roman said faintly.
Damien nodded with a smile. “Go wherever your heart tells you,” he said. “I won’t judge...too much.”
Roman laughed, but dutifully walked further into the store. There was a pastel green button-up that he picked up, looking around. He grinned when he saw T-shirts, knowing that territory much better. He grabbed a shirt with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album art on the front because rainbows, duh, and then went for a pair of dark skinny jeans, and called, “Damien, I’m gonna try on a look, I want your opinion when I walk out of the changing room!”
“Copy that,” Damien called into the racks. “I’ll meet you on the far right where the changing rooms are!”
Roman sprinted through the aisles, grin splitting his face. He was a fashion disaster sometimes, bue he had a good feeling about this. He tore off his shirt and caught his breath for a moment inside the changing room. He shouldn’t make a habit out of running in his binder, he saw now why Remy was so strict in his instructions.
When he had his breath back, he took off his pants and put on the shirts first. The green was a stark contrast to the gray, so he had a feeling he was on the right track. He pulled on the skinny jeans, up over both of the shirt’s ends and made sure they were tucked properly. Roman did the bottom two buttons of the green shirt and looked in the mirror, giving himself some nervous finger guns. The shoes on the other side of the door were undoubtedly Damien’s. Roman took a deep breath, ran his fingers through his hair, and unlocked the changing room door, walking out with his hands in his pockets. “Thoughts? I need something more iconic than that time Remus went out on Halloween dressed as a stripper—complete with rippable tuxedo. This do it?” he asked Damien.
Damien said nothing, looking Roman up and down for a moment, before he said, “Fuck, I’m gay. If we weren’t in public I would jump your bones.”
Roman squeaked. “So you’re a fan, got it,” he said with a laugh. “This is going to be my ‘ultimate boy mode’ look.”
Damien managed a strangled laugh. “Yeah. Mother is grabbing you some dress shirts and pants for special occasions. But as for style...looks like you’ve got at least one look. Now go on and take it off, we’re getting that and anything else you might want.”
“I have good stuff in terms of T-shirts already, aside from a disparaging lack of rainbows. I might buy a flannel and some pants, but let’s be real, I’ll be stealing your shirts most days.”
“At least you’re honest,” Damien huffed as Roman retreated back into the stall.
Roman changed back into his regular clothes and walked out, new outfit in hand. “I’m wearing that combo to Pride first chance I get, I hope you realize,” he informed Damien.
“Fine by me, so long as I get to scare off any pretty boys who try to make a pass at you,” Damien said, just a hint of huskiness still in his voice.
“You’re not as discreet as you like to think you are,” Roman said, glancing down and then up meaningfully at Damien.
“Hey, be careful who you tease,” Damien warned. “I’m most likely going to be the one teaching you how to position when you get a packer, and if you keep this up I’ll make tasteless jokes every time your packer shifts.”
Roman sighed. “Okay, I see your point,” he allowed.
The two of them got a few more pants for Roman, and Roman picked up a yellow and red flannel, and then went to the front of the store, where the Queen was waiting for them. Once everything had been rung up and they were walking out of the store, Roman laughed. “God, this doesn’t feel real,” he breathed. “I’m free. I’m genuinely... free.”
“Glad to hear you feel that way,” Damien said, kissing Roman’s temple.
Roman turned to Damien and smiled. “Am I free to kiss you?”
“Ah...” Damien glanced away, turning red. “I don’t know how to feel about that. It’s not a no...”
“If it’s not a yes, then it’s a no,” Roman said. “It’s okay. Hopefully you’ll be okay with it by the wedding.”
“I do as well, I do not want to disappoint the people waiting for us to kiss,” Damien laughed nervously.
“Even if you aren’t, I know ways to fake it,” Roman said with a shrug. “Besides, we don’t even have to use tongue. That’s not a requirement for a kiss at the altar.”
“I would be slightly concerned if it was,” Damien laughed. “I do not need all my relatives to watch me kiss using tongue.”
Roman snickered. “Remus would make disgusting gag noises every time I kissed a boyfriend when I was younger. It was never appreciated at the time, but looking back on it, it’s a little endearing. I mean, he’s still a little shit, but...”
Damien laughed genuinely and a few people turned their way, before one brought a camera out of her bag. “Oh, no, the paparazzi are after us!” Roman hissed.
“To the car?” Damien offered.
“To the car!” Roman agreed, and the three of them rushed to the car and order Virgil to drive, narrowly dodging the woman as she tried to cross the street and get a good picture of them.
“Are we going to continue to risk the commonwealth tearing us apart or are we heading back to the castle?” Virgil asked.
“Back home, please,” the Queen said. “I need to make some calls before the wedding rehearsal tomorrow, see if we can change plans that involve Roman’s parents, and ensure that Remus leaving the country won’t endanger his security to the throne.”
“What, no dance practice?” Damien questioned.
“Oh, you two will get plenty of dance practice in,” the Queen assured. “I just won’t be there to oversee it. I trust Logan to keep you two from killing each other.”
“Hey!” Damien squawked indignantly, while Roman just tittered next to him.
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