#sob i wanna go backkkk
flieder-house · 20 days
I miss playing monster prom so badddd
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wollymalfoy · 4 years
Love can kill
George Weasley x reader
Description: the reader has Hanahaki disease due to George Weasley not liking her because shes a Malfoy.
Warning! Mentions of blood and vomiting!
Writers note: I absolutely adore this! I’m excited for you all to read it! Also I’ve got loads of requests I’ll try and get at least one done this week since I’m also trying to do the next part of Hogwarts is my home...
‘Come on sis’ Draco said as you jumped off the train at Hogsmead station ready for your fourth year. You and your brother sat on a carriage with Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Blaise. Being Draco’s twin meant you was friends with all the same people he was, and you didn’t complain. Behind closed doors these guys were the sweetest people ever. Well, Blaise was still a stuck up git, but nice none the less. As you reached the castle you saw your favourite red head in front, George Weasley. Although you had never spoken to the boy you had a huge crush on him, he was funny, handsome, kind and everything you would want in a guy. The only downside was that he hated you. You, your family and your friends. I mean he had reason to you were bully’s and pure blood supremacists, but it still crushed you knowing it would never work between you both. You wished things were different, you wished you didn’t have to put on this charade of being this pure blood bully, but you had been taught to be like this from a very young age and so was Draco. To be anything other than this was a sin in your household.
You sat at the Slytherin table with your brother and friends during the feast and began to feel an tickly feeling in your throat. You sat and tried to cough but the tickle wouldn’t go away. ‘You okay?’ Your brother questioned. You didn’t say anything you just clutched at your throat it was incredibly uncomfortable. You coughed more to try and relieve the feeling and you felt something in your mouth. You stuck your hand in and pulled out a yellow petal that had splatters of blood in it. You looked at Draco with a terrified look and he returned the look. You then had a feeling that you was about to be sick. You put your hand over your mouth and got up from the seat as fast as you could, Draco following in suit. You was only halfway through the hall when you could no longer hold it. Blood along with many yellow petals like before came pouring out your mouth. You collapsed and began coughing profusely, with Draco rubbing your back. Everyone was watching now, standing on their seats to get a better look. The teachers including Madame Pomfrey came running over to aid you. Your throat began to feel as though it was expanding and you couldn’t breath. You coughed and tried to push whatever this was out, face purple from the lack of air. Finally a flower head popped out. ‘Is that a sunflower?’ Draco was astonished. ‘I think we should take you to the hospital wing dear’ Madame Pomfrey said grabbing your arm to pull you up, with Draco helping.
In the hospital wing you coughed up a few more petals but seemed fine after those. ‘What’s happening to me?’ You asked terrified. All the teachers stood around you and Draco was sat on the bed holding your hand. ‘I think dear, that you have hanahaki disease...’ Professor McGonagall said sadly. ‘What’s that?’ You and Draco said in unison. ‘Its where a victim of one sided love begins to vomit or cough up flowers from a flowering plant in their lung.’ Said Professor snape, ‘to put it plainly, you love someone a lot but they don’t love you back’ Draco looked at you still terrified, ‘So how do we get rid of it.’ ‘Well you can get it removed, but that would make it so she would never feel love again’ said Madame Pomfrey. ‘Or?’ Draco snapped. ‘Or she can wait till the person returns the feeling and it’ll go away’ she stated. ‘What if they don’t return the feelings?’ You asked sadly, knowing that it was impossible for George Weasley to ever love someone like you. ‘If they don’t then the plant will grow so large that breathing will be impossible’ Professor Dumbledore stated sadly. ‘So I’ll suffocate to death?’ You said tears pricking your eyes. ‘No!’ Draco yelled, ‘your gonna have to remove it!’ ‘Draco, you heard what they said, if they remove it I’ll never feel love’ you said sobbing, ‘not even for you, or mum or Dad. I can’t live a life without love.’ ‘But I can’t lose you, Y/N’ Draco now began to sob. You leaned forward and gave him a hug. ‘I know but there’s nothing else we can do’
The next day you woke and walked up to the teachers desk in the front hall where Madame Pomfrey had a potion that would slow down the growth of the plant inside you which you now knew was sunflowers. ‘Good morning’ Draco said sweetly behind you, he had a clipboard and quill in his hands. ‘Good morning, what are you up to’ you said pulling your face at the potion in your hands. ‘Well I though since you can be cured by the person loving you backkkk, I thought I’d make you go on a date with them.’ He said smiling. You took the potion and coughed at the taste it was horrible. ‘So what’s the clipboard for then?’ You asked wiping your mouth on the sleeve. ‘Well you’re not gonna tell me who they are, are you?’ He raised his eyebrows as he said this. You shook your head as you laughed, Draco knew you like the back of his hand. ‘But I think you should, ya know seeing as you could die from being a stubborn bitch’ he mumbled. ‘Hey!’ You laughed. ‘Okay so at least narrow it down for me, what house are they in?’ He said turning to look at the four house tables, ‘and it better not be Potter.’ ‘It’s not Potter don’t worry’ you laughed, ‘I’m not going to force them to love me, so you can save your efforts.’ He looked at you sadly but clearly ignored you, ‘I’m guessing he’s not in Slytherin because most of the guys are ugly and that’s fine, I don’t care what house he’s in or she or them whatever they identify as...’ he went on and you listened sadly. He wasn’t going to let you die slowly, he needed you, you knew that but you didn’t want to force love and maybe forcing it will only make it harder to achieve. You didn’t want the love to be from pitty.
Months went by and you continued to cough up petals every odd day, sometimes even a flower head. Draco hadn’t stopped finding you a guy to go on dates with. He’d come to you in the morning with a random guy from your year and you had to politely decline, he even brought Ron Weasley over one morning, ‘okay this is the worst pick but I’m running out of guys here’ he said with a tight hold on Rons robes. ‘Draco, if it makes you sleep better at night, the guys not in our year’ you smiled softly. ‘Ahhh, into older guys, I see’ he said as he started crossing off names on his clip board.
That night you went to the astronomy tower after a very bad episode of coughing up petals. It had lasted over an hour and you were exhausted after it. You needed some time away from the noise and chaos of the common room. You heard foot steps from behind and grabbed at your wand as you spun around. ‘Woah! I’m not going to hurt you’ it was a Weasley twin, you couldn’t tell which one since it was dark. He moved closer and you recognised which boy it was, George. You’re cheeks flushed red as he came to stand next to you, peering over hogsmead and the Forrest. ‘Do you come up here often?’ He asked and you nodded, you couldn’t speak when he was around. You started coughing and he looked at you with a terrified look. ‘Don’t worry no petals this time’ you laughed and he smiled at you. ‘Hermione told me the details of what you have, it must be terrible’ he looked away as he said this. There was silence for a while until he spoke, ‘so what flower is it?’ He smiled. ‘A sunflower’ you said. ‘I like sunflowers they’re my favourite’ and with that he lay down on the floor. You watched him for a while, not speaking. ‘You’re very quiet when you’re on your own you know’ he said opening his eyes to look over to you. ‘I don’t have to put on a show when I’m on my own’ you said and turned away. As time past you decided to join him on the floor. You both lay side by side until sunrise.
Many nights went by and you would see George at the astronomy tower and would hang out with him. You became comfortable with him very quickly, he was easy to talk to and he never judged you. You could tell him anything and he could do the same with you. One night you began coughing profusely, Petals pouring out of your mouth. George stayed by your side, and rubbed at your back and you puked and choked. ‘I wish I could do something to help you’ he sighed. You looked at him, his eyes sparkled in the moonlight. George quickly looked away. These meetings continued for the rest of the year, you’d watch the stars, play games and by March you two would move the party from the astronomy tower to the kitchens for late night snacks. ‘Do you like pickles?’ You asked him as you took a large one out of a jar from the fridge. ‘I do’ he laughed ‘I don’t I think they’re gross’ you said and then threw the pickle at him. He looked at you shocked then looked to banana that was on the counter in front of him. He thought for a second then threw it at you. ‘So you wanna fight huh?’ You laughed and threw an egg at him but it missed and hit the wall. He picked up another piece of fruit and threw it at you, it hit you on the shoulder. You and George threw food back and forth. Dodging a variety of foods till you said out of breath, ‘fine you win!’ He smiled and walked over to you, he wiped a bit of cream from a pie he threw at you away. You’re stomach exploded from this one touch. You’re cheeks flooded a red colour. You thought you saw his too but it could of been the light.
It was the end of the year which meant the last night you’d see George till next school year. ‘Write to me okay?’ He said looking at you while you both sat on a ledge of the astronomy tower. ‘Of course’ you smiled. ‘I’ll miss our little late night shenanigans’ he laughed. ‘Me too’
You Sat at the table in Malfoy Manor, across from you was your brother Draco. ‘So, I hope you know I haven’t given up with finding your cure’ he looked at you with a sad look. You nodded unable to contain your smile. ‘Wait, I haven’t seen you barf up any petals all summer’ his faced warped from a confused look to a happy one, ‘you did it didn’t you, you got them to love you!’ Your father looked up from his copy of the daily profit, ‘well I guess we’ll see if it’s gone tomorrow, at your check up won’t we’ he said dryly. ‘You gotta tell me who it is’ Draco asked you all night, ‘have you asked them to be yours?’ ‘No Draco I haven’t and I’m not telling you who it is until I know the plants definitely gone’ you said getting irritated.
The next day you went to St Mungo’s for your checkup. Your mother, father and Draco stood beside the bed. You sat there impatiently waiting for the results. A tall wizard entered the room, his wand out. ‘Well we have great news!’ He said happily, ‘it’s gone!’ Your mother and Draco dived to give you a hug, while your father stared at you with a smile. A huge smile, you hadn’t seen since you was young. This is it you thought, George truly loves me!
You spent the whole summer excited to see George again, to tell him about the disease and to tell him you liked him. You had the confidence knowing he liked you back. Draco still asked you every night before you went to sleep who the guy was. Your mother also started on the questioning, and you kept it a secret from both of them. ‘You’re going to have to tell me some day’ she laughed.
The night you arrived at Hogwarts you ran to the astronomy tower as fast as you could after the feast. You waited, pacing around the tower. You heard foot steps and whipped your head around. It was the red headed boy you had been longing to see all summer. He smiled and you ran to him closing him in a warm embrace. ‘Do we hug?’ He said laughing. ‘The disease is gone!’ You said letting him go. ‘That’s great, so who is the lucky guy?’ He said sadly. ‘You’ you muttered. His eyes widened, ‘me? Really!’ You nodded and he picked you up and span you around. ‘I was afraid it was going to be someone else. I like you so much’ he said, ‘but of course you know that’ you both laughed. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you, with passion. You had wanted this moment to happen for so long and now that it has blowed your mind. ‘I’d love it if you became my boyfriend’ you said when you two parted. ‘And I’d love it if you became my girlfriend’ he said then kissed you again. ‘Of course it had to be a Weasley!’ Shouted a voice from the stairs. You looked and there was your brother walking up the stairs shaking his head trying to hold back a smile.
Thanks for reading! :)
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obfuscateyummy · 6 years
@sweetcannolicarisi and I are backkkk with a new Dacee fic :)
Tags: @sweetcannolicarisi @bipeteypie @madpanda75 @whatmarisays @katmstanton @southern-magnolia @lyssa1385 @izzythefanfreak
I wanna write some HS!Dacee. Remember the convo we talked about with Macee being jealous of that girl Dante was friends with? Like when they played soccer when they were in elementary school?? I wanna write that. Like Macee being jealous and accusing Dante of cheating.
Dante and Emiliano: 17
Kendra: 16
Macee: 20
Macee was sitting in her dorm doing homework. She was getting frustrated with her assignment and decided to call her boyfriend for a distraction. After a few rings, the call went to voicemail. Macee hung up the phone and sighed. Lately, Macee had felt like Dante was ignoring her more and more. He had rekindled a friendship with a friend from elementary school, a girl named Kendra. A few minutes later, Macee’s phone began to ring. A FaceTime call from Dante. She smiled as she answered. “Hey babe.” Macee said.
“Hey doll. Sorry I missed your call. Kendra and I were…” Macee tuned Dante out as she rolled her eyes. “Mace? What’s wrong?”
“You’re spending an awful lot of time with Kendra…” Macee said. She was beginning to think something was going on between the two.
“She’s my chemistry partner, we have a lot of work to do. We’re also in the same math class.” Dante said.
“I-I know. I just miss you.” Macee said.
“I miss you too, doll. How’s classes?” Dante asked.
The two talked half the night away. The next evening, after her afternoon class, Macee decided to drive home to surprise Dante. She tried to call him a few times on the way home. There was no answer. When Macee pulled into the Carisi household, she saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway.
“Dante?” Macee called out as she walked into the house. She was always welcomed into the Carisi house and didn’t need to knock. When she got to the kitchen, her heart dropped.
“Dante, stop! I can’t breathe.” Kendra was laughing, hard. He had been telling cheesy jokes while doing their chemistry homework. Dante laughed some as he smiled at her.
“Sorry, I know it’s stupid. Sometimes Mace doesn’t appreciate my jokes.” Dante shrugged. Kendra placed her hand on top of Dante’s and smiled.
“I haven’t heard your jokes in so long. I’m glad we’re partner in chem.” Kendra smiled more as Macee cleared her throat. Dante and Kendra both turned around to see Macee standing there, tears in her eyes.
“Doll! I didn’t know you were coming back!” Dante got off the kitchen chair where him and Kendra had been doing homework. As Dante walked to Macee, she took a few steps back.
“I was trying to call you.. a-and instead I find you.. making her laugh! And holding her hand!” Macee shouted. Kendra felt terrible and quickly packed up her bags and said goodbye to Dante. She left quickly as Dante watched Macee.
“I’m sorry. I left my phone in my room to charge. After we talked last night I fell asleep before I plugged my phone in to charge.” Dante tried to explain. Macee shook her head.
“Say it, Dante! You’re cheating on me!” Macee shouted. Dante was confused as he shook his head.
“I’m not cheating on you! I already told you, Kendra and I are just chemistry partners! We were rushing to finish the project.” Dante explained as Macee wiped the tears from her eyes.
“I-I know when someone’s cheating. I-I can’t do this. We’re done, Dante.” Macee said before turning to run out the door.
“I’m not your doll. It’s over.” Macee said before she went out side to her car. She quickly got in and drove back to her parents place in Manhattan.
Macee didn’t want to believe it. She didn’t want to believe he was cheating. She loved him and she thought he loved her. Once Macee got back home, she walked through the door, sniffling.
“Macee? You alright?” Rafael asked his daughter. She looked up at him and shook her head.
“Dante...he….I” Macee said as she started sobbing. Rafael looked at his daughter. Before he could speak she finally blurted out. “Dante cheated on me.”
“He what?” Rafael asked as he stood up.
“He cheated on me. W-with some girl. His lab partner.” Macee said. “I want to be alone.” She said as she ran up to her room.
Rafael tried to follow her but the door slammed into his face. Just then Emiliano came out of his room and looked at his father. “What’s going on?”
“Did you know about this?” Rafael asked his son.
“Know about what?” Emiliano asked confused.
“That your best friend was cheating on your sister with his lab partner!” Rafael yelled.
“Papi, Dante isn’t cheating on Macee. His lab partner is Kendra. Remember, she played soccer with Dante and I when we were kids? They are just friends, I promise.” Emiliano said.
“You’re sure?” Rafael asked Emiliano.
“Yeah. Look, Papi, Dante has always loved Macee. He would never do this to her. I’ll talk to her.” He said as Rafael walked back downstairs.
Just then Macee’s bedroom door flew open. She began to throw items Dante had given her into the hallway.
“I hate him!” She screamed. “You knew, didn’t you?” Macee asked her brother.
“He’s not cheating on you, Mace! He loves you more than anything.”
“You’re just saying that! He cheated on me! You give him his shit back!” Macee shouted as she slammed her door and collapsed on her bed. A knock at the front door echoed throughout the house as Aymee rushed to open it.
“Dante! Macee’s in her bedroom. You want me to get her?” Aymee asked as Dante walked into the house and shook his head.
“Macee? Macee!” Dante called out as he rushed up the stairs to her room and gently knock on the door. “Macee.. please, open up and let me explain.” Dante said as he looked at the stuff thrown into the hall. All the shirts Macee has stolen, the hoodies and all the stuffed animals he had gotten her over the last few years.
“Go away!” Macee shouted. Dante let out a sigh as he placed his hand against the door.
“I love you, Macee Catalina. The fact you think I’m cheating on you with Kendra hurts so fucking much. I haven’t talked to her in years and the fact we are both in the same chem class and partners, we decided to catch up. Baby, you’re the only one for me, please open up…” Dante said, trying to stop himself from crying. He felt his heart breaking but when Macee didn’t open the door, Dante moved to lean against the wall and slid down it.
Dante refused to leave until he talked with Macee about it. His knees were pulled to his chest, arms wrapped over his knees and buried his face. Rafael has come up the stairs and noticed Dante there and frowned. A small knock to Macee’s door from Rafael caused her to look at the door.
“Mace, dinner’s ready.” He said before turning to look at Dante. “If you’re hungry, you can join us.” Rafael gave Dante a quick pat on the shoulder before turning to head downstairs. Dante lifted his head up and gave a small thanks as he heard Macee open her door.
“I thought I told you to leave.” Macee said as she went to walk past Dante.
Dante frowned as he spoke “I’m not leaving until we talk, Mace. I love you, I’m not-“
“Save it, Dante! You’re cheating on me! You can’t even admit it. J-just take your things and leave!” Macee screamed at Dante.
Tears started to fall from Dante’s face, he couldn’t take it anymore. “I love you! It’s always been you, Macee! For as long as I can remember, you’re the one I love, you’re the one I want to be with. You and only you. Kendra is nothing more than friends. I wish you would believe me! I would never cheat on you, I don’t wanna hurt you. Mace, doll….I…”
“I-I want to believe you Dante, but you’re always with her! You’re ignoring me for her!” Macee said as she sat next to Dante.
“We’re working on our big project. It’s worth half our grade.” Dante said as he looked at Macee and smiled. He reached for her hand and she pulled away.
“Why do you ignore me when you’re around her?” Macee asked as she started to cry.
“That’s never my intention, Mace. We usually get busy working on our chemistry work.” Dante said. Macee was quiet as she looked at the floor. She didn’t know what to say to Dante. “Doll?” Dante said as he brushed his hand against Macee’s face.
“How do I know that.. you’re not going to find another girl? Closer to your age…?” Macee whispered as tears fill her eyes. Dante placed a kiss to her nose causing Macee to smile some.
“I swear on my life, Macee, that you’re the only girl I want. Plus, dating someone older is pretty sexy.” Dante chuckled as he watched Macee. She rolled her eyes as she moved to lay her head on his shoulder.
“You promise I’m the only girl you’ll love?” Macee asked Dante as he pulled her as close to him as he could.
“Unless we are together long enough to have kids and have any girls, than yes.” Dante laughed as he placed a quick kiss to her cheek before Macee turned to kiss his lips.
“I’m sorry, Dante. Really.” Macee said as she wiped her tears from her eyes. Dante smiled some and rubbed her back softly.
“It’s okay, Doll. I gotcha.” Dante said as he held Macee close to him.
“C-can we go somewhere for dinner? Maybe have a little alone time later?” Macee asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Anything you want, doll. I love you so much.” Dante said.
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