#so that moment shook me a little. id even say it kept me grounded for a while at the time
shiikiyun · 2 months
I think a lot about the time i posted a sort of... abstract? futa piece with not much explanation and someone reblogged wondering if it represented my personal feelings at the time and hoping i was okay. mostly because it was scary how i got clocked so easily on tumblr dot com, but in general because when i saw it in my notifications it actually helped me snap a little out of it. i dont remember who this was but ill always be thankful for that little caring gesture they probably forgot about haha
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iamwhoami · 3 years
You Found Me (Chicago PD)
Chicago PD
Hailey Upton knows that her job is dangerous but never did she think that it could become dangerous for her girlfriend Y/N. Or at least she never hoped it would.
Warnings: Blood...kidnapping, all that jazz
Requested = Yes
The request asked for this to be long but I'm not exactly sure what constitutes as long so I'm just going to drag this on until I can't.
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Obviously, you knew what Hailey's job was. You knew it was dangerous but the risk of Hailey's wellbeing and constantly having to worry about her when she went to work was easily outweighed by the pros of dating her.
It was Hailey Upton after all.
"Be safe okay," You whispered before pecking Hailey on her cheek on her way out.
"You too," Hailey replied and you chuckled.
"Please, I'm a doctor, what's the worst that could happen," You smiled.
Hailey raised an eyebrow, "Don't jinx yourself."
You only shook your head in response, giving Hailey another kiss on the lips on her way out the door.
"I love you," You called and grinned as you leaned your head against the frame of the door, watching Hailey walk down the hall.
"Y/N, there's a patient in four waiting," Maggie told you the moment you walked into the ED.
"I'll be there in a moment," You replied as you fumbled through your bag, "I think I left my hospital ID in my car."
Maggie only shot you a look, "Be quick about it."
You had all intentions of being quick. It was a trip to the car, a grab from the glove department, a trip back to the ED.
That was it.
Or at least, that was all that it was supposed to be.
You felt something was wrong the moment you stepped foot out of the ED but you told yourself that you were just being paranoid. Hailey tried to keep her work as separate as possible from you but that didn't mean that you were completely oblivious to some of her cases.
You told yourself that the gruesome details of Hailey's cases were just playing with your mind and kept walking.
You should have trusted your instincts though. You should have listened to the tiny voice in your head (the one that sounded a lot like Hailey) and just turned around and head back to the
But you didn't, and you were going to regret it.
The last thing you remembered was reaching in through the passenger door to open the glove box when you felt a heavy blow to the back of your head.
Then nothing.
Maggie furrowed her eyebrows when the patient that you were supposed to be seeing complained about how long she had been waiting for a doctor.
"Hey...Nat," Maggie handed the tablet over, "Y/N was supposed to cover this one once she got her ID but the patient's still waiting. You haven't seen her have you?"
Natalie shook her head, "No, I haven't. Sorry..."
Maggie only nodded while Dr. Manning went into the room. Something wasn't right. You weren't one to just completely forget about a patient. If anything, you were the opposite.
Slightly worried, Maggie decided to check where you usually parked the car. Leaving Doris in charge of the ED for the few minutes that she would be gone, Maggie hurried out to the parking lot.
She was confused when she saw that your parking space was empty. You always parked there. Everyone at the hospital knew that it was your spot.
Completely bewildered, Maggie walked closer to the parking spot, her eyes going wide when she saw something on the pavement.
You groaned as you slowly came back to consciousness. Your head hurt like hell but when you tried to reach up to touch it, you realized that your wrists were actually bound together.
As your vision cleared, you noticed just how dark your surroundings were and immediately jumped to the conclusion that you were in a warehouse.
Sure, you totally could have been somewhere else but it seemed like all of the victims who were held captive in Hailey's cases were kept in a warehouse sort of building.
You took a deep breath, trying to remain calm despite the dire circumstances. Someone would have noticed that you didn't return to the hospital and the police would find you soon.
And if it was Hailey and Intelligence looking for you, then you would be back in Hailey's arms in no time.
That's what you kept telling yourself.
As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could begin to make out details of your captivity.
Your hands were bound behind your back but your ankles weren't tied whatsoever. You knew better than to struggle against your restraints but you couldn't help but try anyways, sighing when you only ended up tightening them.
Surprisingly, you were alone and so you took the chance to stumble onto your feet as best as you could without the use of your arms and scout out the area.
Maybe your kidnappers were stupid enough to leave you an exit.
Your heart racing, you let out a shaky breath, reminding yourself that panic wasn't going to help and began walking around the perimeter of the space.
"Don't even think about taking me off the case," Hailey deadpanned the moment the door to Voight's office closed.
"You really think it's a good idea for you to be working right now?" Voight raised an eyebrow, "Y/N is your girlfriend!"
Hailey pursed her lips, "I'm aware of that."
"Hailey..." Voight's voice was strangely gentle.
"No," Hailey shook her head stubbornly, "I'm not going to just sit around and wait for someone to bring Y/N back to me and every moment you waste trying to talk me out of this is time wasted on Y/N."
Voight and Hailey both knew that if Voight did bench her, she was still going to search for you, even if it meant going against her sergeant's orders.
"Fine," Voight gruffly agreed, "Go help Halstead go through your past cases. Anyone who might use Y/N as revenge on you."
Hailey gave a short nod and without another word, left the office.
Truthfully, she hadn't processed anything whatsoever, but you were out there somewhere, definitely hurt and that's all that she needed to know.
Of course, she was worried. Worried was an understatement, and once in a while, she'd catch herself thinking about the worst outcomes but stop before it got too far.
She had to stay focused on the task at hand which was to bring you home to her.
This was not the moment to break down.
You walked loop after loop around the space until your head couldn't take it anymore and you crumbled to the ground.
While walking, you had noticed a steel door but there was no way you were getting through it. Especially not with your hands tied.
Lying on the cold concrete floor, you couldn't help but start to think of worst-case scenarios. What if they never found you? What if you died before they got here? What if you never saw Hailey again?
Your thoughts were interrupted though by the sound of footsteps echoing towards the door.
You felt your heart drop and your entire body tense. Was this your kidnapper?
The door suddenly swung open and revealed two men, one significantly taller than the other.
"Well...looks like our doctor here has a little boo-boo," The shorter one snickered at your limp body sprawled on the ground.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from saying something you would regret later.
"I can see why the detective fell in love with her," The taller one joined in, a smirk on his face, "She's quite the catch."
The two men had both crouched down in front of you now and you couldn't help but spit out a remark.
"Fuck off."
"Oh, would you look at that," The tall man smiled sickly, "She's feisty too...just like our detective friend..."
A sudden rush of panic flowed through you as you came up with the theory that they had Hailey too.
"Oh don't worry about her," The shorter man caressed your cheek, making you flinch slightly, "It's much more fun watching her spiral from afar...speaking of fun...I think it's about time we made a call."
Before you could say anything else, the two men got up and left the room and you let out a breath. Besides your head wound, you were uninjured so far and if they were calling Hailey, then it would just give them more clues to who the men were and where you were.
Despite the fear coursing through your veins, you still tried to stay positive and so you just kept telling yourself that you would be out of here in no time.
Hailey's heart nearly leaped out of her chest when she answered her phone.
"Hello detective," A cold voice reached her ear.
Immediately, Hailey flagged the attention of the rest of Intelligence and put the call on speaker.
"You might have already found out that your girlfriend is gone..." The voice droned, "Such a shame, hopefully, she didn't leave you for another woman..."
"You better not hurt her," Hailey clenched her jaw, her stomach churning as she listened to the man's voice come through the phone.
The man laughed, "Who said I took her?"
"We're going to find her," Hailey said, "And we're going to find you."
"Don't be so confident about that," The man was clearly enjoying playing Hailey like this, "Let me loop you in detective, it isn't so fun to have someone take your loved one away from you is it?"
Hailey opened her mouth to respond but the call had already disconnected.
"I think I got something," Jay called out and held up a case folder, "We put a Jameson Greene away a few weeks ago. He's doing hard time and he has two brothers who he lived with...that could be what the caller was referring to when he talked about losing someone you love."
"Hey, look at this," Kim pointed to her screen, "I pulled up street cams and managed to catch Y/N's car...we lose it after a few streets but it is going into the area that Greene lived in with his brothers. Plus, there's plenty of old warehouses around that place."
Everyone turned to look at Voight who gave a nod.
"Suit up," He said and turned around, "I want Patrol on this as well. I want everyone looking for Y/N."
"Your detective sounded pretty sure that she was going to find you," The man stroked your hair and you wanted to puke with each touch.
"That's because she will," You managed to croak out. While you only had a head injury, it was still a head injury that also hadn't stopped bleeding and on top of that, you desperately needed water.
You needed Hailey.
"You sure about that sweetheart?" The sarcasm dripped in his voice and you fought the urge to spit in his face.
"Well, I know she isn't going to stop until she does so yes," You said through gritted teeth, "She will find me."
A smirk formed on the man's face, "We'll just have to wait and see won't we, princess?"
Everyone on the team could see that Hailey was beginning to spiral. After countless door-to-door and dead-end leads, they still hadn't found you and that was taking a toll on Hailey.
"Hey," Jay stopped her before they hit the next house, "You okay?"
"I'll feel better once we find Y/N," Hailey said through gritted teeth and pushed past Jay, continuing to walk.
Jay stepped in front of Hailey, "Look, maybe you should go home...take a breather."
"Absolutely not!" Hailey narrowed her eyes, "I'm not going home until I can bring her home with me."
Jay opened his mouth to press back but was interrupted by Atwater's voice calling out.
"We got something!"
It was beginning to become harder and harder to keep your eyes open and while you were a doctor, it didn't take a doctor to understand that this wasn't a good sign.
"If your detective girlfriend doesn't come soon I'm going to have to call her again," The man snickered, "Maybe I'll have to be more specific...I'll tell her to bring wine too."
You didn't have enough strength to find a comeback as you laid on the ground, your wrists still bound together.
"Princess..." The man's voice broke through your pain, "You better keep your eyes open princess."
"Don't call me that," You breathed out, wincing at how your head throbbed with each word.
The man hummed, "What should I call you then? Would you prefer darling?"
"Chicago PD!"
In an instant, the door flung open and you were suddenly yanked up onto your feet. Despite your semi-conscious state and fuzzy vision, you could still make out the members of Intelligence rushing towards you.
It all happened so fast. One moment you were struggling to say upright long enough for someone to get you away from your captor and the next you could see the wall speeding towards you.
You felt the side of your head smash into a hard surface but before you could register any pain, everything fell black.
When you opened your eyes again, the first thing that you felt was the pounding coming from your head. As your vision cleared though, you realized that you were in a hospital room.
You had been in hospital rooms plenty of times but it didn't take very long for you to notice that you were in this room as a doctor.
"Hey...you're awake."
You didn't need to see who the voice came from to know that it was Hailey. Slowly, you turned your head and were immediately met with those blue eyes.
"You look like hell," You hoarsely croaked out.
"Right back at you," Hailey tried to keep her tone teasing but you could tell that she was holding back a lot.
You spread your arms, "Come here."
Hailey took your offer immediately, melting into your embrace.
"I'm okay," You whispered, "See, I'm okay."
"I know..." Hailey mumbled into your neck, "I know you are. I know the doctors said you were going to be fine I just-"
A sob interrupted Hailey and she buried her face deeper into your neck while you rubbed her back soothingly.
"I told those men that you would find me," You smiled, "See...I'm right as always."
Hailey let out a watery laugh and sat back up so that she could see your face.
"I'm okay Hailey," You lowered your voice, "You found me...everything is going to be okay."
"You were the one kidnapped," Hailey shook her head, "I should be comforting you."
You reached out to take Hailey's hand, "Well, there's plenty time for that too..."
"I was so worried," Hailey rubbed her eyes, "I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we didn't find you."
"Hey...hey, look at me," You squeezed Hailey's hand, "That didn't happen. You did find me and I'm okay and we're going to be okay. It's going to be okay."
Hailey nodded, "I know...it's just..."
"It's just what?" You asked softly.
"I...I couldn't remember if I had told you that I loved you back this morning when I left," Hailey bit her lip, "What if we didn't find you? What was the last thing I told you?"
You breathed out, "Hailey...you don't have to worry about that. You found me. I know you love me. We're okay..."
"Hailey," You cupped your hands on either side of her face, "Everything's okay."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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planetdemon · 3 years
I just wanted to be a swan
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pairing: bang chan x reader
genre: angst, fluff, but mostly angst
warnings: low self-esteem, body hate/dislike, eating disorders, swearing, food, insecurities, arguing DONT READ IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH IT!
wc: 2.003
note: so this scenario has been going through my head for quite a while now, and I tried writing it by myself lol. Hope it's good ;) I've also sent a request to @channienet about the same topic, so make sure to check her interpretation out as well! enjoy!
summary: Due to Chan's heavy working schedule, spending time alone was a thing you couldn't quite befriend with, especially after you've noticed some changes you have gone through. There is a to change it, but it isn't quite... let's say healthy. How will Chan react, after he finds out? Will he even care? (dude I'm shit at writing summary lol)
Taking a bath was normally something that should be considered relaxing or calming. You've always enjoyed letting the hot water surround your body whilst taking all the dirt and negativity off that you have collected during stressful days at work.
But lately, taking a bath wasn't as enjoyable anymore as it once was. Chris has been working a lot lately, due to the kingdom stage and their nearing comeback. He has been spending more and more time at the company, working on producing new tracks for him and the kids, often staying at the dorms because they were closer to the studio than the apartment you shared. So you were left alone, by yourself.
Even though you wished he would be by your side while you were falling asleep, you couldn't be mad at him. You knew what his work meant to that boy and you would never tell him to stop doing what he loves just so you could spend some time together.
But being alone also meant that you had to kill the boredom somehow and, thanks to Felix's Brownie and Cookie recipes, you had the perfect thing to do in the meantime. Baking and eating delicious desserts.
You were just stepping out of the bathtub, grabbing the towel you had prepared, and drying yourself with it. Once your body was half-dried, you turned around to hang the towel back at the hanger, so it could dry properly.
And at that moment, you knew, you've fucked up. You couldn't avoid looking at your wet, naked body in the hot, steamy mirror near the hangers.
You always hated looking at it, but thanks to the sweets you had been eating lately, looking at yourself only made you feel sicker than it ever did.
You couldn't tear your gaze off the excess of flesh around your tummy and thighs and the stretch marks, that decored your boobs only seemed to scream "Look at me!". You slowly turned around and saw the tiger stripes creeping up your bum and the undersides of your arms.
'Fucking disgusting', that little voice in your head sneered.
'How could I let this come this far?', you thought. At this point, you were somehow happy Chris wasn't here, knowing he would be disgusted with how you've changed.
You've always felt a bit insecure by his side, knowing you could catch up with neither his attractiveness nor his muscular godlike body. But seeing yourself like this destroyed every little self-esteem you had left in your cells.
It has been nearly two months since 'the incident' in the bathroom and you couldn't shake that feeling of disgusts off. Not even for one second.
You only wanted to try a one-week detox diet that was blowing up all over social media, hoping you could lose a little bit of weight, so you would be back to normal. But seeing the numbers on the scale dropping so unbelievably quickly only made you realize that you could look even better than you thought you could.
You kept on following the diet and restricting everything that wasn't included, not noticing that restricting also damaged your mind.
One time, Han and Felix asked you if you wanted to have lunch with them and the others, but fear crept up you back as soon as you thought about the food they would have ordered, knowing that you would only gain weight again if you didn't follow the rules.
So you stayed home, keeping yourself isolated from your friends and most importantly, Chan.
You were lying on my bed, scrolling through Tumblr when Chris' Caller ID showed up and your phone started to ring. You sighed lowly, not wanting to talk to him.
Over the past few months, you stopped showing up at the studio, being afraid the boys would notice the changes your body went through, thanks to the diet. You were happy about it, knowing that you were losing weight, but you haven't reached my goal. You were afraid, they would judge you the way you did when you looked at yourself.
"y/n? Han just told me that you weren't coming over. Are you okay? Y-" Chris's muffled voice appeared and you felt instant regret deep in your guts, knowing how much fun you guys had when you spent time together back in the days.
"Yeah, I'm okay Channie, don't worry. I just feel a little sleepy. I'll come next time. Promise" You tried your best to sound optimistic or at least not too sad, hoping Chris would believe your lie. "Okay," he mumbled, "I love you, baby girl".
You knew you were in big troubled the second Chris opened the fridge, seeing no food in there.
He randomly decided to stay over the weekend, saying that he missed you. You weren't ready for this, knowing that you couldn't hide the signs of the 'passion' you had developed in time.
"Why is there no food?" You fumbled with the arms of Chris sweater you were wearing while looking at the ground. "I've forgotten to go grocery shopping" You answered.
"But there is nothing in there, y/n. Nothing" He walked over and took hold of your cold hands while looking you straight in the eyes.
"Why is there no food?" Chris asked again.
"I just told you I forgot to go grocery shopping, Chan. Relax" You snapped back, getting anxious about the fact that he could notice something.
You were nearing your goal, even though you knew that you could never be satisfied with how you looked. He couldn't just come over and ruin all the progress you've made after being not here for so long. He doesn't have the right to do this.
"Don't fuck around, y/n. You always have at least some butter in your house. Where is the butter? Where is Ramen? You must have some food here!"
Your body started to shake as you heard his voice rise, keeping your gaze low, not daring to look him in the eyes right now. He was right.
You always had something at home, so you could quickly cook something when you were hungry. But you didn't saw a point in keeping food at home if you wouldn't eat it anyway. It would just rot.
"Y/n look at me" he whispered, after realizing that you were trembling. Chris gently grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. You were expecting to see anger, but the only thing you saw in his brown orbs was sadness.
You started to tear up after you noticed it, knowing that he put one and one together. You missing out on lunch with the boys, you not showing up at the studio to bring him food and spend with him there, listening to his tracks, you not having any food at home. It was obvious, but you still hoped he wouldn't notice.
Chris slowly took you in his arms, noticing how your figure felt smaller and bonier than before. It made him sick, knowing what you did to yourself. 'Why would my girl do something like this?' he thought 'how could my little princess torture herself this much?' But he couldn't find a 'because'.
In his eyes, you were the best thing that happened to him. You were the prettiest girl on earth. Warm tears were running down his pale cheeks, dropping to the floor.
He couldn't stop blaming himself for what you did. Maybe if he would have been there, he could have stopped you. Maybe if-
"Channie?" You quietly asked, looking up at his tear-stained cheeks. "Channie why are you crying? We can go to the store and grab something if you want. You don't-"
"Why have you been doing this to yourself, y/n?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why haven't you been eating"
Well, shit.
"What are you talking about, Channie?"
"Don't fucking lie to me, it's too obvious for you to do so. Why haven't you been eating?"
"I... I, I'm pressured Chan" You answered, knowing that he wouldn't believe you if you would tell him otherwise. Telling him the truth was the only option at this point, even though you didn't want to.
"Princess, I don't understand what you mean by that"
You shook your head and let go of him, before walking over to the couch and sitting down with a low sigh. "Maybe you shouldn't understand," I said.
"Jesus, y/n" I heard him mutter under his breath. He walked over and sat on the floor, in front of you, looking at you with a scared expression.
"Please tell me what's in that pretty little head of yours. I can see that you have lost weight, but I don't understand why. I mean, you are the prettiest human I have ever seen in my whole life, why would you do something like that?"
"Why do you even care? It's not like you here anyway" you simply said, grabbing your phone, trying to ignore him.
After he noticed your intentions, he quickly took your phone out of your hands, placing it on the coffee table behind him.
"Hey! Give me my phone back, you dump a-"
"Fucking stop it, y/n. Stop ignoring me. I care for you because I love you! You are my everything and I know I haven't been home lately, but at least I tried making time for you and inviting you to the studio", he said, "but you never came! Don't act like it's only my fault we haven't seen each other."
You looked at him with wide eyes, shaking your head. He was right, it was also your fault. And you hated the fact that he was right. "I-"
"Please y/n, please stop turning away from me and closing up. I-I know it's not easy to open up, but I'm here for you. I'll always be."
"Well, I... I couldn't, no, I can't feel happy when I look like this, Channie. I mean, look at you, look at your perfect body and your perfect personality and your perfect everything! I don't fit in. I don't fit in, because I am the ugly duck surrounded by beautiful swans. I just... wanted to be a beautiful swan, Channie."
That's it. You've made it. You've told him what was going through your mind all the time.
He slowly pulled you off the couch, into his lap. He could feel your seat humps against his thighs, how bony and strong they were. Chris shook his head in disbelieve, another wave of sadness crushing over him.
"You are perfect, baby girl. You are perfect in every single way. You always were the most beautiful swan I have ever seen in my entire life. I love everything about you, y/n. I love how your thighs wiggle whenever you run towards me when we meet, I love how curves look in that dress I brought you a year ago, I love how your stretch marks are decorating your body like silverish paint. I don't want you to change for me, because you are perfect the way you are. Jesus, even Hyunjin said you are even prettier than himself, and that means a lot. Please don't hurt yourself like this, princess. You are destroying yourself"
He took hold of your hands and kissed your palm.
"I promise I'll stop working so much, so I can spend more time with my beautiful girlfriend, but please... stop hurting yourself" he whispered, searching for any signs of discomfort in your eyes. But you just set in his lap and listened to him.
"Hyunjin thinks I'm prettier than him?" you asked awkwardly.
Chris chuckled and nodded "Is this the only thing that got stuck in your pretty little head?" He asked.
You smiled a bit, leaning your forehead against his while closing your eyes. "I'll try to get better, Chris" you whispered.
It wouldn't be an easy journey going back to 'normal. Once the hole is there, digging is difficult. But it is possible, especially if someones helping you.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
death wish* matt murdock x reader
+++++++++ Request from @juniebugg : similar to Matt and Elektra in the gym ft Matt's choking kink
thank you again for the request and sorry it took so long. i had no idea how i was gonna write this and then it just hit me and i actually really like the way it came out so i hope you enjoy!
* - there is so little plot to this, i got so carried away omg. we definitely highlighted the choking kink, and maybe a praise kink, and mayhaps use a few pet names (good girl and baby girl) 😅
Song: disappear (remember when) by issues
tag list: @cynic-spirit @juniebugg  +++++++++
"matt what are we doing here?"
i asked, watching him unlock the door. it made me that much more curious that he even had a key to whatever the hell this was.
"i want to show you where i go after work everyday. you said you wanted to know."
i looked around as he stayed by the door, holding his cane to his chest like he usually did.
"this is it, isnt it? where your dad trained?"
i asked, touching the punching bag hanging from the ceiling with the lightest touch. i looked to him and he nodded, walking to me slowly.
"i have an arrangement worked out with the owner and i come as i please. after hours of course."
i stared at him for a moment and a silence hung over the entire room.
"he's part of you ya know."
he raised a brow as i moved to hug the bag close to me, using it as a resting post.
"well he was my father."
i sighed out a short laugh.
"no matt, i mean daredevil."
he drew his brows.
"im not daredevil."
i rolled my eyes, letting the bag go and stepping to him slowly.
"I'm not an idiot matt, i know you sneak out in the middle of the night when you think I'm fast asleep. i don't know exactly what's in that trunk under the stairs but its kind of hard to miss the smell of blood. and even harder to miss the bruises on your face and body you try so hard to hide."
i shook my head, reaching up to touch his face gently and he flinched.
"you cant hide who you are from me Mr. Murdock. i see right through you."
he swallowed hard, tilting his head down as if he were looking at me through his red glasses.
"You always have."
"I think that's why I didn't ask you about it. I wanted you to come to me first. Tell me on your own terms."
He smiled and I smiled back before he leaned down and kissed me gently.
"And you're not mad I'm the devil of hell's kitchen?"
I snorted.
"Of course not. I'm a little concerned maybe but not mad."
I looked to the side and picked my words carefully.
"I've heard the stories and I see you limping sometimes. It's not a secret whoever it is you are fighting can throw you around."
He smirked at me.
"Not that I can't handle it. In fact i do a good amount of my own throwing around."
I smiled, amused.
he challenged. I shook my head, placing my hand on his chest.
"Wanna show me just how much you can do?"
I challenged back and he smirked.
"is this a test? this feels like a test."
i shrugged, tracing my fingers lightly down his chest.
"i dont know, why dont we step into the ring and find out."
"lead the way."
he said and i did as told. i climbed onto the platform and he followed shortly after, leaving his cane by the door.
"so, matt, how much can you really see?"
i tested, squaring up with him, hands in a defensive position.
he said and i raised a brow, making an impressed face.
"so if i-?"
i said before throwing a punch, him dodging it with ease and retaliating by pushing me. i huffed before trying again and him repeating the motion. we circled each other for a few moments before he decided to throw one at me, me stepping to the side and both of us laughing.
"something tells me this might go on for a while."
he said a little snarky and i snorted.
"only one way to find out."
i said before throwing another punch. in a second he grabbed my wrist and threw me to the ground. i groaned in pain, looking up at him as he offered his hand to help me back up.
"guess we found out."
he said and i smirked up at him.
"did we?"
i asked, grabbing his hand and yanking him towards me, pushing my foot into his hip and flipping him up over me and onto his back opposite me. i rolled over quickly and got into a new fighting pose, one knee bent and still on the ground and the other leg up with my foot on the ground like someone who is proposing. i had my hands up in a defensive position again. he just groaned, tilting his head back towards me.
"so its gonna be like that."
he stated before rolling over and doing a push up to get to his knees.
"i suppose it is."
i said slyly, dodging his punch and standing quickly. he was just as quick to match me though, grabbing me and flipping us both back onto the ground. he was only on top of me for a few seconds before i flipped him onto his back and straddled him, holding his hands against the mat above his head.
"guess i win."
i said proudly, looking over his face. he clenched his fists twice before he pushed upward and slammed his lips into mine. it took me off guard at first, making me let go of his wrists to kiss him back. he slowly sat us up, not breaking the kiss and i could feel his hands roaming up my back. i hummed against him until we were completely upright and he started kissing across my jaw and down my neck.
"you win."
he whispered against my skin before sucking at my collar bone, holding me against him with one hand and the other traveling up my torso slowly.
i moaned as he gripped my breast over my shirt, biting my neck as he did so. i held onto him for dear life as i pressed my hips down against his, tangling my one hand into his hair.
"i need you."
he said, leaning back and pulling my shirt over my head. when it was gone i moved to him to do the same and when it was tossed to the side i pushed him back down onto his back. i kissed down his chest and torso slowly.
"id say this is a pretty good victory."
i said, undoing his pants and he laughed, helping me get them down his thighs.
"one we can share in."
he said with a smirk, tracing his fingers against my ankles as i stood over him and got rid of my own bottoms.
"god i want you so bad."
i said, dropping back down on top of him, kissing him deeply as i ground against him. he was already hard and part of me was proud again for not only pinning him before hand but also getting him worked up that fast.
"then have me."
he whispered against my lips and i sat back up. first i trailed my fingers slowly down his torso, watching his chest rise and fall as his breathing got heavier. then as i got further down i heard his breath hitch in his throat, his hands gripping my hips tightly.
i asked and he nodded quickly, pushing his hips up against my hand. i smirked before stroking him lightly, watching as his mouth opened a little.
he gasped, bucking his hips up again as i moved my hand up and down his member.
"i need words matt."
"i need-"
he groaned, squeezing his eyes tight as i continued to tease him slowly.
"i need more."
he pleaded. i let him go and moved to hover over him. his grip loosened a little bit.
"like this?"
i asked before running his tip through my folds, covering it in my slick and sinking down onto him. i dropped all the way down onto him until our hips were pressed against each other and he let out a shaky breath.
"oh my god."
he said, moving his one hand to my stomach. i looked down at him intently as i started moving against him. as i sat up and sank back down onto him his hand got further and further up my body, sending shivers down my spine as he traced gently up the valley between my breasts.
i moaned, his hand making its way around my throat and holding firmly.
"do you trust me?"
he asked and i nodded against him.
"god yes."
i confessed, him pulling me down and flipping us over. his one hand was still on my throat, the other coming to the mat to hold him up.
"how does it feel to have your life in my hands?"
he asked harshly as he jutted into me and i let out a short breath, my mouth hanging open.
"answer me."
he demanded, slamming into me again and i moaned.
"fuck, it feels great."
i whined, him doing it again and again until he had a good rhythm, pounding into me.
i said, holding his wrist with a death grip, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"how do we ask?"
he said and i pushed my hips up against him.
i screamed as he pushed into me harshly.
"good girl."
he praised, squeezing tighter and my brain went fuzzy.
i said drunkenly, feeling the knot in my stomach tighten. then he let go of my throat and i made a disappointed face. but my expression changed as his fingers found their way to my clit. i moaned loudly as he circled it with his forefinger. i pressed my nails into his bicep as he kept his pace, pushing into me hard and fast.
"you gonna cum when i say?"
he asked and i made a squeak noise in my throat.
"was that a yes?"
he asked and i nodded quickly.
"yes, oh god yes!"
i cried, trying to hold out.
"please matt."
i pleaded.
"almost there."
he grunted, hanging his head beside mine. i could feel his unsteady breaths against my collar bone and it sent a shiver down my spine again.
"cum for me baby girl."
he said and i could feel him twitch in me. then i pushed up against his hand and screamed as i came around him. he groaned against me as he came in me, pushing into me a few more times before pausing and trying to catch his breath.
he said softly between breaths.
i sighed out, rolling my head back and forth, my vision getting clearer. he just hovered over me for a few seconds before pulling out slowly and i gasped at the sensation, feeling his cum dripping out of me and onto the mat below us. he dropped to his back beside me and sighed heavily.
"how have we never done that before?"
i said breathlessly before we both laughed.
"ive never gotten you into the ring before."
he said matter-of-factly and i turned my head to look at him.
"if you always fuck like this i might have to make more of an effort to get into the ring with you."
he smiled at that but only for a second.
"ya know i definitely didn't think tonight would go like this."
i snorted.
"and i did?"
he let out a short laugh.
"no i guess i just meant, well, we've only been dating for a little bit."
i rolled onto my side and touched his face gently.
"does that stand against how long we've been friends before hand?"
he half shrugged, rolling onto his side to face me, tracing his fingers up my arm gently.
"i have loved you for a while."
he said and i smiled, kissing his hand as it made its way up my shoulder and to my cheek.
"the feeling is mutual."
he smiled back at me before leaning forward and kissing me gently.
"god i cant believe foggy was right."
he lamented and my face fell to that of confusion.
"what do you mean?"
i said i little amused.
"he bet that id say i love you first."
i made an unbelieving laugh-like sound before hitting his chest and sitting upright.
"and im guessing you bet that id say it?"
i said, faking hurt and he laughed, sitting up too.
"i honestly didnt have a doubt in my mind."
i shook my head, reaching for his pants.
i stated bluntly, tossing them at him and  he laughed again.
"youre right, and i was wrong. but now that its out i have no intention of stopping my oh so serious confession."
i stood to pull my pants back on, amused.
"well, save it for the priest then lover boy."
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request: Hi! I have a request, could you do one where the reader is a part of the BAU team, and she’s dating Spence, and she’s watching him interrogate Cat Adams, and she has to hear her say that she’s pregnant with Spence’s baby? Thanks!
for: @mggbler​
word count: 2,965                                                                                                reading time aprox: 11 mins 
a/n: so i’m back? also another thing, if you are requesting an imagine, id really appreciate it if you had your username listed as it will be much easier to tag you, but it is whatever you’re comfortable with <3
My fingertips drummed against the cool concrete frame that lined the two-way window. My feet were firmly planted on the hard floors of the prison as I gazed intensely at the scene before me. An ember lit aflame inside of me as Cat Adams tantalizingly edged closer towards Spencer, diminishing the proximity between their faces. Every tedious inch she took, I dissociated farther and farther away into my headspace; although I could still hear her pretentious tone through my earpiece as she brushed her fingers against Spencer’s eyelids. 
“Close your eyes”  
This is bullshit. 
“Good, now keep them shut. Sit back and relax” 
I turned my head aside to look away, pinching the inner crevice of my elbow to regain my sense of reality. My composure was noticeably calm on the exterior, something I’ve picked up in the years of working at the BAU, but the expanding coil of indignation continued to wind as time passed. 
My patience had always been one of my greatest virtues, yet Cat Adams was able to deteriorate that virtue with her nonchalant fingers softly grazing the skin of Spencer’s hands, the licking of her lips as she whispered suggestive words on his neck, and that flame in her eyes that convinced her she was all-powerful. 
“Now when you open your eyes...I want you to look at me like I’m the first woman you’ve seen after being in prison for three months” 
I breathed through my lips, reassuring myself of Spencer’s affections. Yet an insurmountable amount of insecurity peaked into the bottom of my stomach, clawing its way up to my throat. I felt restrained within my own skin, combating the urge to pick and pry at the flesh. 
“If she touches…” I muttered to myself, biting the inside of my cheek as my words trailed off into uncomfortable anticipation. 
“You’re here! You’re really here” Cat celebrated, welcoming Spencer in her chaotic delusion. A mischievous grin appeared on her lips, Spencer fabricating a benevolent facade as he let himself grow comfortable in her scheme. 
 “There is nowhere else I would rather be” Spencer replied with many endeavors, sending a chilling shot through my chest. 
 It’s fake...it’s all fake 
“You’re good at this...you’re so good at this” Cat shook her head, gazing at Spencer with much admiration and recognition. “I almost believe you don’t want to kill me” She teased. 
 “I don’t want to kill you” Spencer hastily admitted, replicating Cat’s gaze of fervor. As ironic as it seemed, it became a game of cat and mouse. Who would concede first? 
 “What if I let your mother die?” Cat blurted out, gauging at Spencer’s reaction to her explicit words. But to no avail, Spencer expressed no tells or twitches that would give away his robust collectedness. “Then would you kill me?” She continued. 
 Spencer stared at her with an unimpressed look, unfazed by the mention of his mother. A small smirk resided on the corners of his supple lips, raising his eyebrows in a lack of interest as if the lifeless walls of the room seemed blasé. 
 “Oh...my mistake” She paused, chuckling to herself as a devious Cheshire grin appeared on her lips. “What about Y/N?” She spat. 
 How did she…
 The once present smirk on Spencer’s face faltered, yet he remained his fortitude. He closed in on her, peering at her in suspicion. “What about Y/N?” Spencer reiterated, using reverse psychology to throw her off. 
 Cat pushed herself off the edge of the table, leaning back into her chair with an impervious attitude. “Cut the crap Spencie, I know about your little romance” She taunted humorously, rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I know about the little pet you keep around” She badgered, causing a chink off of Spencer’s armor to be revealed. 
 My fists clenched beside me, absorbing the evident frustration coursing through my veins. I cringed as I bit down on the muscle of my cheeks, the taste of metal coating my tongue momentarily. I kept myself grounded for the sake of the interrogation, but if the life of Diana and Spencer wasn’t on the line, I would be the one interviewing the psychotic bitch myself. 
 “I thought we were supposed to be talking about my mother” Spencer breathed out, leaning back in his chair to cover up for his slip in character. 
 “You know what’s the best part, Spencie?” Cat leaned over the table, ignoring the words Spencer had previously spoken and hovered a few inches away from his ear. For a moment she deviated her focus from Spencer and directed it towards the two-way glass. Even in the split second, she broke away from her main target, you could see the mischief and ego festering in the pit of her eyes. “I know she’s watching us...I know how much it’s killing her just watching us” Cat seduced, trailing her fingertips suggestively up Spencer’s arm. 
Spencer tore his shoulder away from her roughly, pulling up the cuffs of his sleeves in a sensible manner. “You said you wanted to play a game earlier,” Spencer reminded her, battling the urge to prove Cat wrong and reassure the woman on the other side of the glass. “Is it the same as last time?” 
 “Oh Spencie…” Cat sighed, retracting herself back to her seat. Suddenly her stare drifted back to the two-way glass, and with as much authority she can harbor, she peered through the mirror with much affliction. “I can’t wait till she finds out about Mexico” She blurted out in faux innocence. 
 This pricked at Spencer’s ears, leading him to profile the words that spilled out her mouth. “What happened in Mexico?” He inquired, pressing her on the missing fragments of his whereabouts that lead to his arrest. She simply tiptoed around his request, taunting him as she refused to take her blazing eyes off the glass. 
A loud bang reverberated off the walls. This caused Cat’s attention to halt as it shifted towards the source of the ringing sound, only to find out that it was Spencer’s hand harshly slamming against the table. “What happened in Mexico?” Spencer reiterated once again, but this time his tone barely held back the chagrin clouding his rationality. The booming volume of his usually gentle voice complimented the aftershock of the wood beneath his palm as it still rattled underneath his force. 
“Are you getting a little aggressive Spencie? I didn’t even know you were capable of that” She mocked, tucking her arms to her side while her hands roamed the circumference of her stomach. Spencer glared at her incredulously, deciding that he had enough of her drudging ploys. He pushed his chair back, making the motion to get up and leave the room, but before he had the opportunity to stand up, two words were revealed into the already perturbed air.  
“I’m pregnant,” 
Spencer froze in his spot, taking a moment to breathe before shaking his head and proceeding towards the door. I scoffed in disgust, waiting for Spencer on the other side of the door. Even for Cat this was low. 
 I can’t imagine anyone using pregnancy for their own gai-
 “...actually we’re pregnant, Spencie” 
Everything stilled. Oxygen refused to fill my lungs and my blood ran cold. The same seemed to occur with Spencer as his feet were motionless like he was stuck in a fragment of time. The words kept passing through me like waves echoing from a cymbal, only this time it was endless. No matter what I did, the words never resonated in my head. I became deaf, some may say that I was in denial. But I heard it. I heard it slip past as a whisper on her lips. 
 I felt numb for what seemed like an eternity. But it was that same numbness that I wished never went away, so I wouldn’t have felt the overwhelming sickness that came after. My stomach boiled with an uncomfortable sensation. The ringing descended into the quiet of my mind as clarity began to flood my consciousness. 
That’s not...that’s not possible
Cat did it. She found a way--a loophole. 
Can it be possible?
I suppressed the paralyzing thoughts into a small compartment of my mind, letting a small murmur of reason dictate my actions. With naive hope, I rushed to a guard to request a Cat’s health records with much haste. After the small interaction, all I could do was wait.  
Wait for answers. Wait for the truth. 
Yet again my virtues were being tested. I thought the first time I would harbor an immense uneasiness over pregnancy, it would be my own. I was imprisoned in my own doubts and speculation, but I can’t even begin to comprehend the thoughts that are permeating the dark place of Spencer’s mind. 
What does this mean for me and...
No, I can’t think like that. She’s probably lying. 
But what if…
I shook the thoughts out of my head, focusing on the grey-tinted walls that surrounded me. I forced myself to fixate on how the overhead light reflected on the shiny tiles beneath my feet, while I let the background noises of an operating prison engulf my sense of hearing. 
But nothing could ever prevent my buried thoughts from climbing out from the back of my subconscious. Nothing could stop the anticipation that coursed through my veins, threatening to stop my heart altogether.  
Nothing could’ve stopped me from knowing. 
The cold zing of the walls was the only thing that tethered me to reality. I felt the way my hip bones would shift under my weight as I sat motionless in the hallway. I felt the pressure and ache that began to build under my knees as they were pressed against my chest. A heavy film cast over my eyelids, making it exhausting for me to keep them open. There was an agonizing shackle tugging at my chest, restraining me from taking a fresh breath. I was battered and beaten, not physically, but mentally. 
With two words, Cat Adams had managed to send me spiraling down a sinkhole that I didn’t know how to get out of. I was stuck, encased in my own headspace. I didn't know what was worse: being in prison or being imprisoned by the person you detested the most. 
I thought the worst was over when she confessed to her pregnancy. I thought the anguish that I experienced hit its climax. But little did I know that the growing hole in my chest only consumed me further when I found out she was telling the truth. 
In bold letters, ‘pregnant’ was displayed on the front of her health records. Now they were measly tossed to the floor in a flurry of confusion and anger. 
A choked breath emerged from my esophagus, finally feeling the full impact of the circumstances that I was in the middle of. I was furious, dazed, and somber simultaneously, and I didn’t know if it was for me or Spencer. 
Does he know it's true? Would he know?
He wouldn’t have chea…? No, he wouldn’t 
As if it was the answer to my inquiries, the clatter of footsteps resounded from the head of the hallway, the clacks against the floor growing in volume as they approached me. Stunned by my own senses, I didn’t even notice the sight of grey fabric coming in from my peripheral view. 
It was only until I heard the rhythmic beat of the footsteps faltering in a slower pace till they stopped completely. Suddenly, a tender hand apprehensively reached out from beside me. Warmth instantly radiated off its palm as it battled with the chilled temperature of my skin. Then, a voice, belonging to Spencer, followed the small gesture in a quaint and reserved tone. 
“I…” He paused, intertwining his fingers with mine. “I know I haven’t talked about Mexico--or prison for the matter. I know that sometimes I close myself up in a box and hideaway, and you tell me it's okay if I’m not comfortable,” He swallowed his words for a moment, staring at his sprawled-out legs in front of him as he struggled to find the right words. “But I also know how much it hurts you when I do…” He uttered out. “I know that it hurts you when JJ’s the only person I can talk to about what happened” He turned his head to gauge my reception, but all I could bring my attention to was the soreness in my chest at his mentions. 
“Did you know?” I meekly whispered. 
“I don’t...I don’t know” Spencer answered unsurely. His voice seemed depleted of any assurance he carried with him when it came to his knowledge. I guess that was a common denominator between us in the present circumstance. “I don’t...I don’t know what she did” He sucked in a sharp breath, careful to let his words teeter around the break in his voice. 
“She’s really pregnant Spence…” I muttered, squeezing the clutch he had on my hand. “It’s gonna be okay Spence. I know you would never…” My voice trailed off into the uncertainty of my words, yet the hope that was latched onto me prevailed. “There’s more to this, I know it” I stated with much determination. 
“What if it’s...it’s mine?” He gasped, a melancholy air following his statement. 
“Well, you didn’t, you know-” 
“No, I--I would never” He finished the sentence, racking his head for clues. 
“Then there has to be someone el-”  
“She did something,” Spencer cut me off. “When I was in there, she told me that Lindsey--she got me to…”. By the wavering of his voice, I knew where this was headed. “A-and she told Lindsey to pretend that she was you…” He scoffed, shaking his head in self-reproach.  
“Spence…” I tried to stop him from his own demise, but I knew the second he started sputtering words, there would be no mercy to it. 
“She started mocking you and my mom, and that’s when...I don’t--I” He paused, licking his lips. “I felt so angry--more than I’ve ever had in my life--and I just,” He retracted his hand from mine in an instant, brushing the stray hairs away from his face. “I pushed her Y/N. I pushed her against the wall and I started--gosh--I started choking her Y/N”. The structure of his tone fizzled out into a meek mumble, an indication that he was battling his internal demons. 
The guilt and agony on his face were enough to devastate an entire colony. So much weight and history hung on the surface of his shoulders that it was starting to deteriorate. “I’m...I’m scared that this is who I am now” He lamented, picking at the small pebbles that littered the floor. 
“No, don’t say that” I protested. 
“Y/-Y/N, you don’t know…” He sighed. 
“I do know” I affirmed, reaching out to clasp his hand in mine once again. “I know you had to do things in prison, things you aren’t proud of, but anyone in your position would have done the same-”  
“You wouldn’t have”  
“Yes. Yes, I would have Spence” I remarked. “If someone threatened my life, if...if someone threatened my chance of seeing you again...”. I placed a gentle hand under his chin, making our eyes meet. “You bet your ass I would. It doesn’t make you a bad person” I finished my spiel, looking into his dull eyes in the hopes he would recognize that I meant every word.
“Then why do I feel like this? I’ve let down the team, my mom, and you…” 
I cupped his face in my hands, although he refused to look at me in the eyes. “Spence,” I breathed. “You have not done a single thing to disappoint anybody” I shook my head as my voice trembled under the weight of the conversation. “If you disappointed anyone, then why is the entire team working to get this psychotic bitch on death row? Why are they trying to save your mom? Why do I love you?” I professed, every endearing word flowing out of my lips with ease.  
Silence encompassed both of us, but the dense atmosphere still created an evident divide. Suddenly, he met my eyes with his solemn ones, but something was different. A minuscule glint of prospect flashed in the pool of his irises. The color and life began to emerge from the dreariness of his countenance and the warmth of his skin began to crimson his cheeks. A relieved gasp escaped my lips as he peered at me with much endearment. 
“Do you really think that?” He whispered. I nodded in response, taking my bottom lip into my teeth as I took in the beauty of his rejuvenating presence. From there I knew Spencer would slowly fill up again. I knew it was going to be hard, but I also knew that I wouldn’t hesitate to take every step with him. 
 “I know that everything isn’t clear right now Spence. But I think--I know--that you’re the only person here that can solve this” 
 “You’re wrong” He breathed. 
 I stared at him with a baffled expression, encouraging him to continue his position. 
“I can’t...I wouldn’t be able to do all of this,” He rested his hand on the apple of my cheek, caressing the supple skin with his thumb. “...not without you” 
taglist: @rexorangecouny​ @howdycharlie​ @linthebinbag​ @honeymilk-4​ @andreasworlsboring101​
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watevermelon · 4 years
Cheater!Akaashi x Reader
✧ Summary: (Continuation) Akaashi is still in love with you and begs for your forgiveness.
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➳ A/N: It surprised me how many people wanted a part 2 to Akaashi’s initial cheating imagine, but here we are!!  Ask and you shall receive. People want good things for the reader and I agree -- that’s too bad this is what we got instead LMAO ➳  Masterlist ➳  Part One 
You could’ve gone the rest of your high school career without ever having to hear the word volleyball ever again. The only interest you had in it was from your ex-boyfriend and now any reminder just left a bitter pang in the pit of your stomach. 
Thankfully, Akaashi was not in your class and there actually were not any volleyball players in your homeroom. But that didn’t stop them from popping up in your peripherals or in some rumours around school. 
Some of the members of the volleyball team would shoot looks at you, whether out of pity or curiosity, you couldn't care less. You fostered your own relationships with the athletes individually - whether it was Haruki’s strange brand of humor, Sarukui’s constant references to memes, or Wataru’s lopsided smiles - you knew them. 
You shared, or rather suffered together, in a class with Konoha the year before. A bright first year with no friends yet, Konoha was a nice person and the first one of the entire volleyball team to actually speak to you. He was even the one to introduce you to both Akaashi and Bokuto.
Out of the bunch, Konoha was often a tag-along when it came to hangouts. Whether it was to the arcade or the movie theatres, you and your (ex)boyfriend were quick to include the others. And usually Bokuto and Konoha would come along as well. Looking back, now you felt like an idiot, Konoha was one thing, but Bokuto was always there.
Nonetheless, as a member of the volleyball team, you knew Konoha was close to Akaashi. And there was no doubt which side he would be taking, no matter the moral high-ground. 
There was too much history there and there would be no attempt on your part to salvage the friendships you had with the volleyball team. 
There was no doubt of the curiosity in everyone’s minds the moment you and Akaashi were broken-up and there was a new person he was holding hands with. It went from general confusion to malicious rumours. Akaashi was the silent boy next door, the person everyone thought to be the perfect boyfriend without a bad bone in his body.
Some said that he broke up with you because you were too mean, too boring, or he simply lost interest in your boring lifestyle.
If only other people knew what he had done to you and Bokuto.
You didn’t believe this was the hill you wanted to die on. And so you ignored the carefully whispers that followed you in the hallways. Your best friends urged you to clear your name - you were the wronged party so why must you be the one to continue suffering? But this was not something you wanted to bring up again, not something you wanted to think about and relive after how painful it was the first time.
But it seemed the volleyball Gods really hated you.
Konoha approached you one day, after class had just ended but before extracurricular clubs were about to start.
“Hi.” He stood beside your locker as you organized your things, “Can we talk?”
You nodded wordlessly, packing up your bookbag and following him out the door. He guided you toward the outside fountain by the athletic building, not many students passing by as they rushed home through the main entrance. A part of you worried that some of the other volleyball members would pass by as you sat there together, but then you realized that it was no longer your problem.
You were seated on the edge, silently watching his pensive expression before he finally turned to you.
“I feel like I owe you an apology.” He started.
“What, why?”
“I could’ve told you a year ago that something strange was happening between Akaashi and Bokuto.”
You felt a lump in your throat, not sure what to say.
He shook his head and turned away, “There was something there even before you two were dating. And so even when Akaashi asked you out, I bet you were surprised?’
You frowned, but agreed quietly with a nod of your head.
“We barely knew each other at the time.”
Konoha scoffed, you were unsure why exactly, but he continued, “Out of curiosity, why did you agree?”
You smiled back wistfully at the memory, remembering how you had excitedly texted your friends on how the Akaashi Keiji had asked you to be his girlfriend.
“It was so simple back then.” You explained, “He was the kind, pretty setter of the nationally-ranked volleyball team. It was shallow, based off of what little I heard about.”
“But you grew to love him.”
“Yeah.” You scoffed, “And look what that brought me.”
“I’m sorry.”
Haruki passed by, texting away on his phone, mind on something else before he spotted the two of you. He waved at Konoha first before his eyes landed on you, widening in obvious surprise before he shot you a genuinely wide smile.
“A lot of them miss you too.” Konoha explained.
“Well sorry, I tend to avoid anything regarding the volleyball team these days.”
“Don’t worry, as much as this sucks, we understand.”  Konoha frowned, clenching one of his hands into a fist in annoyance at the situation.
“But I do miss you guys too.” You added.
Konoha smiled, fondly remembering the last time you had all gone to the arcade, “Who could forget the time you beat Haruki at Dance Dance Revolution?” 
“He certainly did not.” You recalled, “He kept challenging me all the way up to mid-terms.” 
Konoha laughed, no one on the team was able to defeat the libero. And yet here you were, all smiles and confidence radiating off of you, bringing the third year to his knees. It made Konoha wonder if the last year could have been different. 
When Akaashi had approached you, Konoha had dutifully stood to the side. The setter was one of his closest friends and never had he approached anyone in the past. He was often busy with the team or Bokuto. And for Akaashi to have asked you, it meant he was serious. And so Konoha had stood to the side, his crush on you mollified if that meant you’d be happier with the setter your age.
If Konoha had the courage to ask you out instead, would you still be close to the volleyball team? Would you be celebrating an anniversary together rather than crying over some lecherous bastard he called a friend?
You sighed and turned to Konoha, registering his earlier words. “Why are you sorry?”
“Why are you sorry about what happened with Akaashi?”
“Ah.” He raked an open palm through his hair. “Maybe I could have stopped you.”
“What?” You asked, a confused smile on your face.
“I introduced the two of you after all.” He explained.
“Shut up.” You said in a teasing tone, “No one could have stopped it. I was just dumb enough to fall for him.”
Konoha shot a small grin back at you, “Yeah, you were.”
Sighing loudly, you made sure you had all your stuff before standing. “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah.” Konoha held out a hand for you to shake, “I hope we can still be friends.”
It was odd, to feel the small blossom of something in the pit of your stomach. This was Konoha, your friend of two years at this point. This was nothing more than him trying his best to affirm your friendship, you reminded yourself.
“I hope so too.”
And, to his credit, he really did try. It was simple things - you had each other’s chat ID’s from your shared class together and, every once in a while, he would send you a meme or a small tidbit of information. You still had things in common, subjects ranging from the current shounen anime and TV shows you kept up with.
It was refreshing to talk to him. Your friends had your back, but the school’s curiosity was not easily satisfied with time. People were naturally nosy, eager to know the true reasons behind your failed relationship. Both you and Akaashi had yet to even address it and it only got worse with Bokuto’s increasing PDA.
Thankfully, no one was audacious enough to actually approach you about the situation. No one else was involved in your relationship and they had no right to actually point fingers.
That was until someone had the audacity to come up to you during the free period, most of everyone on campus enjoying their lunches.
You were sitting at your usual table, waiting for your friends to come from their respective classrooms when one of the more annoying third-years came up to you.
You recognized her as president of the Fukurodani Volleyball fanclub, this should be fun.
“I think you should apologize to Akaashi-san.”
You closed your book and looked up. The usual bustle of the lunchroom was dying down, many people silencing as they turned to the interaction. 
“For wasting his time - he deserved so much better than you.” She bit out cruelly, the other girls behind her nodding in agreement. “And we all think it’s high time you beg for forgiveness.”
You stood up, pure annoyance rolling off of you. “You don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh? I don’t?” She challenged, “Why would Akaashi date you of all people? And now that the two of you are broken-up he’s been sadder than I’ve ever seen him! This is your fault!”
You slapped your book down and raised your chin, “If that’s what you honestly think then you’re as ignorant as you are a meddling piece of shit.” 
The murmurs that followed were obvious, people listening in to your harsh response.
She raised her hand as if to slap you, obviously offended at being called out to the entire lunchroom. “Why I outta --”
But the offending hand never came.
“Leave her alone.”
You could recognize your ex-boyfriend’s voice anywhere. Turning, you saw Bokuto enter your field of vision and grasp at her wrist in a tight hold, held high above your head. Akaashi was standing on the other side in front of you, an arm-outstretched as if to protect you from the group of girls.
“She didn’t do anything wrong.” Akaashi stated clearly, his gaze was unwavering from the girl, but you were sure that the entire room was now listening in. “It was me.”
She stuttered, attempting to save face, “Akaashi-san, surely that’s not true.”
He turned to her, his blank expression now marginally colder. “You have no idea what you are talking about.”
The mean third-year visibility recoiled, turning to you and apologizing under her breath. Bokuto swung her arm away, his glare enough to scare away the rest of the group, but the room was still obviously silent. Bokuto scanned the rest of the room with his tough stare, many people turning away and vainly attempting to restart their conversations. 
Akaashi turned to you, an unsure expression on his face. There were words on the tip of his tongue, you were sure, since he looked as if there were a thousand things he wanted to say.
“I’m not going to say thanks.” You decided to start for him.
“I know.”
You wanted to turn away from him again, no words left for you to say or even scream at him through your anger. This was more than just some ex, you genuinely loved Akaashi and thought he was going to be your future. And from the way he acted, it seemed like the setter wanted that as well.
“There’s something I want to say.” Akaashi stated before you could flee.
“Maybe not here.” Bokuto tugged at your elbow, motioning to the nearest hallway with his chin. 
You followed Akaashi wordlessly, Bokuto behind you to make sure you didn’t just run away. You sure that there were more than a few dozen pairs of eyes sticking to the backs of your strange trio.
Akaashi led you to a corner, no one to spy on your conversation unless they hung outside the building from the window. He moved to gently grasp your forearms, but you pushed him off before he could get a firm hold on you. 
He frowned, but looked at you intently. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“Okay.” You stated back plainly, “I can’t forgive you.”
Akaashi hesitated, a dejected look on his face. “I know.”
Every bone in your body was screaming at you to walk away, to stop looking at his despondent pout and not fall for his sad look. You remembered the first time you fell in love with his smile - how easy he would flash that beaming expression at you. How Akaashi would tell you how much he loved you and it filled your heart until it overflowed.
And now all of those memories were worth nothing.
Screw being a bigger man, your heart had a thousand things it wanted to say.
“I really loved you, you know.” You pushed at his shoulder, “And now I can’t look at you without feeling like I hate you.”
“I know.”
“I was so in love with you I thought this would be it.” You felt your heart crying, but urged the motion down. “Why kiss me and tell me you love me when you had someone else on your mind the entire time?!”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Akaashi looked just as anguished, trying to reach out to you with shy hands on your shoulders. “Please just listen to me.”
But you shoved him away this time, “What could you possibly have to say to me?”
“I love you.” 
His blue eyes bore right into your own, determined and sure of his previous statement. Looking over his shoulder, Bokuto was standing to the side, his gaze stuck on you as well. How the hell was this normal?
Akaashi paused, hands coming up to hold you but stopping short again when he realized that was the last thing you needed. “I’m in love with both of you.”
You huffed and took a step back, what could you possibly say to that? There was a sudden flurry of emotions just whirring around your mind -  a rush of elation at being loved, immediately squashed down by the annoyed at Akaashi’s selfishness.
You turned to Bokuto, “You believe this?”
The wing-spiker frowned, but affirmed it in a loud voice. “Yes.”
“No.” You started back quickly, shaking your head. “I refuse to be part of this.”
“It’s true.” Akaashi pushed, moving toward you with an ernst expression on.
“I don’t care if it’s true or not.” You moved away again, but this time Akaashi did not let you evade him. Putting firm hands on your shoulders, he pulled you against his chest. “Stop.”
“I’m so sorry I hurt you, but I can’t.” Akaashi continued, “I love you and it hurts me so much that I hurt you in the process.”
You struggled against his hold until he let go. “How could I listen to you be so selfish?” 
“I know.”
“Don’t involve me in this.” You motioned at the both of them in a wide circle. 
“(F/N).” Akaashi stressed, eager to get you to see his side, but you wanted nothing to do with him or Bokuto. He broke your heart enough, there was no way you were willing to entertain him back in your life.
“What don’t you understand about leaving me alone?” You raised your voice, annoyed that Akaashi was asking anything of you after treating you so cruelly.
“Please let me explain.” Akaashi kept repeating.
There was nothing, absolutely nothing that Akaashi could say that would ever make you think about introducing him back into your life. He was terrible for lying to you for months, maybe even as long as a year, but you didn’t want to exactly ask the length of his infidelity. He was a terrible boyfriend and an even worse person - you were ready to raise hands at both boys if they didn’t let you go this instant.
Bokuto blocked your path this time, “(L/N), come on we just -- “
“What’s going on here?” A gentle hand fell on your shoulder, pushing Bokuto aside as a new person entered your conversation.
Konoha stood tall behind you, his sudden appearance quelling your rising anger. If not, you were sure that you were going to throw hands with the volleyball boys. Bokuto would probably fight you off, but slapping Akaashi would feel cathartic in a way.
“Ah, don’t worry about it.” Bokuto tried to wave away the other wing spiker. “We’re just talking.”
“(F/N), please. Let me explain it all to you.” Akaashi stressed, moving a step in your direction, to which Konoha challenged when he tilted his head upward. 
“Right, just talking.” Konoha murmured in disbelief before turning to you. “And how do you feel?”
“I’ve had enough of this conversation.”
Both Akaashi and Bokuto exclaimed your name in contrasting tones, but you hardened your expression before turning away from them. Konoha still had a hand on your shoulder as you walked back to the lunchroom.
Your friends were already at your table, some of them standing around pacing while others were angrily chewing into their food. A chorus of your name followed as the two of you neared the table, some of them getting up from their seats to give you a comforting hug.
“(F/N)!” Your best friend was quick to rush you, crushing you between her arms. “We heard that Akaashi and Bokuto basically ushered you away.”
“The whole lunchroom was basically watching that door.” Another stated, pointing to the one you just came from.
Your best friend put her hands on your shoulder, steading your attention back to her. “Please tell me you remembered that men ain’t shit.”
Konoha laughed as he put a mocking hand of offense over his heart.
“Yeah, yeah.” You assured her, “I’m not about to make the same mistake again.”
“Good.” She confirmed, before turning to Konoha. “Okay, only Konoha has rights.”
“Thanks.” He stated back half-heartedly, guiding you back to your lunch and taking the seat beside you.
“When people told us they took you away, we weren’t sure what to do. Go after you? Call you to give you an out? We didn’t even know how long you had been gone for!” She explained, “Thankfully Konoha here came to the rescue.”
You turned to the wing-spiker, smiling as you did so. “He really did, thank you.”
He reflected a similar expression back at you, holding your gaze before springing away to take out his own lunch out of his bag.
“I take it back, the volleyball team has no rights with the exception of Konoha.” One of your friends joked.
As for you, you could not help but think back to the fond expression Konoha just shot you. It was so quick, and yet so genuine, you felt it pierce your heart so suddenly just to rip away from you when he turned away. But not in a bad way, per se.
If anything, this was a nice feeling, for a lack of a better term, to have again. You were not totally healed, still angry at both Akaashi and Bokuto for being complete fuckheads. But a part of you was still alive, happy to see Konoha as your friend and just maybe… maybe something else.
Akaashi and Bokuto returned back to the lunchroom silently, having left their stuff at their now fully occupied table. Bokuto didn’t bother to even turn in your direction, but Akaashi shot you a devastatingly sad frown as he passed. 
A part of you wanted to comfort it, to leap out at the man who loved you for the past year. But you were thankfully steadied back to reality when Konoha put a gentle hand on your own. Akaashi’s gaze fell to the contact, making him stop entirely in his tracks. It was only when Bokuto grabbed his hand did the setter continue walking, but the shock on his face was palpable.
No matter, Akaashi was the last thing you wanted on your mind right now.
You upturned your hand and squeezed Konoha’s smiling at the third-year before turning back to your lunch.
The situation was far from resolved, you still had another two years at this drama-infested school and Akaashi seemed keen on explaining something to you. You were far from completely healed and it seemed the student body would not let this drama go unnoticed.
But you were getting there.
Little by little, you were re-learning to smile and laugh more. Places on campus were no longer bitter memories, but quiet lessons for you to remember. You had your loving best-friends and suddenly, the kind Konoha, at your side.
You had no worries about the rest of the school year, you would get through this with a head held high.
A/N: TBH for myself i could see this going both ways; reader saying nah OR reader entering a poly relationship. idk - i’ll write it if someone wants to see that ending but otherwise here we are :):
➳  Masterlist
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kyotarou · 4 years
Inspired by @iwaixiumi-main on Tumblr! (using your quirk for the first time headcanons)
characters: katsuki bakugou
plot: you’ve only used your quirk in front of your friends for fun little tricks, but never at its full potential. your classmates witness this for the first time when katuski bakugou hits a nerve.
warnings: swearing, angst, dedgration (not sexual), kind of a fluffy ending
word count: 1.5k+
a/n: i apologize for making kirishima the secondary love interest that gets thrown away at the end for the second time 💀💀 i promise i’ll write smt just for him 😩
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Your Quirk: You have the ability to control any water around you. When under your control, the water can become as strong as iron (you determine the strength). The downside: the more you use, the heavier it feels—use too much and you could injure yourself from the weight (possibly even crushing yourself).
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   Your classmates had seen your Quirk in action many times before, mainly for fun, but never during combat. You knew water wasn’t accessible in every situation, so you stuck with fist to fist action. After exam season, it surprised you to find your name on the list of students with top scores, especially on the combat portion since you barely used your Quirk. Nevertheless, a large weight was lifted from your shoulders.
     Denki and Kirishima invited all of Class 1-A to the beach to celebrate. You brought your bag inside one of the stalls, taking your sweet time to change. It was the weekend, after all, no need to rush. Worn out from exams, you planned on using the day to relax, unlike your classmates who buzzed with energy. Your plan was foiled when Kirishima caught you tiptoeing out the changing stall, hoping no one would spot you.
     “Hey hey hey, (Y/N)!” Kirishima slung his arm around your shoulders. “You ready to hit the waves with us? Maybe you can finally show us your Quirk!”
     You shook your head with a small laugh. “Come on, Kiri, you’ve seen it before.”
     Kirishima led you towards the shore. “Yeah, yeah, but I wanna see how manly it can be!”
     You pushed him off with another laugh which turned into a scream when he shoved you into the water. “Oh, you are not getting away with that!” 
     As Kirishima tried to run, tendrils of water wrapped around his ankles, keeping him grounded. He tried using his Quirk to escape, but you were stronger. You and Kiri spent the next few minutes stuck in a splash battle, which gained the attention of the others. Though you wanted good old-fashioned fun without your Quirk, the rest of the class encouraged you to show your best tricks, and their jubilant faces made it hard to refuse. You sent waves crashing at their feet to see who could run away the fastest, played volleyball with a bubble of water with Uraraka, and even swam out to the deeper parts of the beach with Kiri who was starstruck when you created air bubbles around your heads, letting you safely view the fish that swam by. 
     On the shore, Bakugou watched with steam coming out his ears. He gritted his teeth as you and Kirishima sat beside him at the picnic table, Kiri’s arm wrapped around your shivering body as the sun began to set. Jealousy nipped at his skin like harsh bug bites.
   Why should I give a fuck? Not like I’m into them or anything.
   But he knew damn well he wanted it to be his arms around you and the one to brush the wet hair out of your face instead of stupid Kiri. He glared at you and the red-haired boy, him feeding you a piece of sushi like a baby.
     “Brrr, the airplane’s coming, open wide!”
     “Dammit, Kiri! Just give it to me already.”
     You twirled your finger and a stream of water flew into Kiri’s nose. Bakugou rolled his eyes as you doubled over in laughter, chin resting in his palm.
     “Tch, couldn’t use your Quirk for something useful?”
     You shrugged. “I’d say this is pretty useful.” You stuffed a piece of sushi from Kiri’s plate into your mouth as he wiped the snot from his face.
     “You’re an idiot. Just cause you can do cool shit with it doesn’t make you the shit.”
     You gave Bakugou an awkward smile, who kept his eyes glued to the table. The rest of the class went quiet. His taunts were usually followed by a scoff or chuckle, but his voice was sharp and cold.
     “Never said I was. Not my fault everyone thinks it’s cool, right guys?” Your classmates chimed in agreement. 
     Bakugou snorted. “So why didn’t you use it during exams? Why don’t you use it for something better than shitty party tricks? Don’t you want to be a hero? How can you do that when you’re too afraid to use it against a real opponent?”
     “I-I’m not afraid!” Your cheeks burned with the anger bubbling in your stomach. “It’s just not practical!”
     “Not practical, my ass. Admit it, dumbass, you bribed your way up the class rankings, didn’t you?” 
     Kiri looked between the two of you nervously. “H-Hey man, I think that’s enough. Let’s all calm down and have some fun, alright?”
     “Shut up, Kiri! This isn’t about you!” Bakugou snarled. What the hell was he saying? Even if he refused to acknowledge his feelings, you were his crush—he let his mouth talk without thinking and there was no going back. He was letting his explosive attitude get the best of him and part of him felt relieved to blow off some steam.
     The table shook as you shot out of your seat, your clenched fists shaking at your sides and furious tears streaming down your face. 
     “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
     The class murmured as ocean water climbed slowly up the sand, dangerously close to where they set up the barbecue. “You know I studied so hard for those exams. Don’t you remember all those nights I spent awake in the middle of the night? Shitty party tricks, is that all I am to you?”
     The water rose like a cape above your shoulders, casting a dark shadow over your wrathful face. Your arms trembled under the weight, but the adrenaline ignored the pain. Kiri scurried from the table, leaving Bakugou to stare at the ominous wave blocking the last of the sun’s golden rays from view. It truly did look like an iron wall, so close to crashing down and crushing him underneath. Bakugou set off an explosion as the wave stopped inches from his neck in the shape of a spear, the tip sharp enough to slice his skin.
     “Is this practical enough for you?” you sobbed. You sank to your knees and covered your tear stricken face. The water retreated to the ocean, leaving everyone untouched, except the poor table, now charred from Bakugou’s hand. Sniffling, you snatched your bag from the sand and excused yourself before slamming the door of the changing stall. After getting dressed, you declined Uraraka and Deku’s offer to accompany you to Heights Alliance. With the mood now sour, Class-1A packed and cleaned the area before heading home in tense silence. 
     Bakugou couldn’t sleep that night. He stared at the ceiling with a frown, hands clasped together on his stomach. He cared about you so much, but he let his stupid jealousy consume him. Now, you would probably be angry with him for the rest of your life, and Bakugou couldn’t live with that. Seeing you walk away with your head down and wiping your tears shattered his heart. You were the one for him and he fucked it up like he always did.
   He jumped from his bed with a pounding heart. He slipped on his shoes, which were on the wrong feet, and left his dorm.
     What the hell am I doing? 
     Bakugou pounded on your door. He couldn’t care less if the whole building woke up—he had to see you. He was never one to share his feelings, but with you in mind at that moment, there was nothing more he wanted to do. Bakugou pounded on your door again, tempted to blow it down if you didn’t wake up. To his surprise, you answered with a scowl and puffy eyes. 
   “What the fuck do you want?”
     You swore your ribs almost caved in when his strong, muscular arms wrapped around your body fervently. Bakugou kept his hand on your head as he nuzzled his nose into your hair, inhaling your sweet, comforting scent.
     “I’m sorry…” he murmured. His grip tightened when you tried to push him off.
     “Is that all you have to say?” you hissed. Your voice shook at the foreign feeling of his warmth, making you wonder if it was someone else disguised as him.
     “No, it’s not.” Bakugou cupped your face with both hands, heart beating a mile a minute as he stared into your eyes. “I like you id- (Y/N). I’ve always liked you, and I’m sorry.”
     You were paralyzed. Bakugou’s calloused thumb brushed a stray tear you didn’t even know had fallen from your face. Your mouth hung open in disbelief.
     He… likes me?
     His words from earlier rushed back into your head. You tried to shake off his grasp. “What a great fucking way to show that.”
     “I know, I know. I didn’t mean any of it, you have to believe me. I was just… I was jealous, okay? I was fucking jealous of you and Kiri getting all buddy-buddy, and I said shit I shouldn’t have said.” Your eyes widened as he placed a tentative kiss between your brows. “You’re more than a party trick; you’re everything to me. And I can’t live with the idea of you hating me, cause I like you too much to handle that. Hell, I might even love you.”
     Your lip quivered at the sudden rush of emotions. You clung to the front of his shirt and pressed his face against his shoulder. “Do you really mean that?”
     “Hell yeah, I do. I-”
     You cut him off with a gentle kiss to the lips. “I like you, too, Katsuki. But what you said…”
     “You don’t have to forgive me right now. But you’re my world, my little teddy bear, and I just want to hold you. Is that too much to ask?”
     You shook your head. “It’s never too much to ask.”
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wrienne · 3 years
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 11: Another Threat
You stared at the tiny sliver of gold balancing between Yoongi’s fingers. You couldn’t believe what was happening. How the heck had Jungkook’s ring gotten into his possession?
“It was a simple question.” He stopped you before you could reply. “And don’t try to lie to me. I can see through shit like that.”
“How did you find out?” you asked as your grip tightened around the handle of the duffel bag and the computer bag. “Did he tell you?”
“Not exactly,” he answered. “I overheard an argument he had with his parents some time ago, talking about wanting to cancel ‘the marriage’. Although I wasn’t sure who he was supposed to marry against his will…” Yoongi looked pointedly at your currently naked finger. “I saw the ring on your finger yesterday. It makes too much sense considering your strange relationship and the time of the accident for all to be a mere coincidence. So tell me: when were you telling us about you and Jungkook’s engagement?”
“Where did you get that?” you asked instead, pointing at the band. “Did you steal it from him?”
“I would never steal,” he said sharply, reacting for the first time since you had met him. “I was in charge of washing our clothes once when I discovered it in his pocket. It was before he had met Park Yi-Jae, so don’t try to give me that explanation.”
You swallowed your words. You didn’t know what to say.
“Does she know?”
You shook your head.
“Did you know about her?”
You felt your jaw clench instinctively in anger. Yoongi raised a brow. “You didn’t. Huh. So that’s the private subject you couldn’t disclose and what you and Jungkook fought about yesterday.”
“Move aside,” you demanded as you tried to assume a neutral expression. You couldn’t believe he was reading through you as easily as that. “I have to get back to Jungkook.”
“Not yet,” he told you. “You haven’t answered my questions.”
“You have no right to any of the answers,” you said coolly. “And you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone.”
“Do you know why he stayed with you?”
“No,” you said instantly. “There’s not a minute that goes by without me asking myself: Why would that bastard decide to deceive both of our parents and me? Why remain engaged to me when he loves another girl?” You narrowed your eyes. “Why ask? Isn’t this an obvious frame of mind?”
“Who am I to presume what you might or might not consider,” he said simply, then took a step closer to you. He lowered his voice. “Now, the rest of them might believe your tear-jerker, but I think it’s shit. There is something you want from Jungkook, isn’t it? That’s why you’re helping him.”
“No,” you began, “as I just explained--”
“People aren’t like that,” interrupted Yoongi. He wore an expressionless guise, and even his eyes and tone were inscrutable. “They don’t help someone purely at the goodness of their hearts and childhood cotton clouds. As for the reason why Jungkook chose to stay with you even when he has a girlfriend…” He snorted. “Are you really so naive you cannot see the blatant answer?”
You inhaled sharply but didn’t respond. You were doing your best not to drop the duffel bag and the computer and just swing at him.
Min Yoongi’s gaze hardened. “It’s for your name and money, Einstein.”
“Never,” you said venomously. “Do you really have so little trust in your own group member? In Jungkook? Don’t you know at least how proud he is? He would never stoop to that level.”
“Perhaps not. But he doesn’t really have a say in the marriage, does he? Think (Y/N), you attend a SKY university, so you ought to have at least some brain capacity. Who else would be able to have access to your family vault?”
“His parents,” you realized breathlessly. “His father, to be more exact.”
You couldn’t deny the truth of his words. Jungkook’s father had never been good with money and was far too fond of the bottle for someone who often ran into major economic predicaments. But why would your parents allow it to happen? What would they gain from you marrying Jungkook?
And perhaps the most important question: How and what did Min Yoongi know about Jungkook’s parents? Jungkook wasn’t the personal, talkative type. He wouldn’t have shared such delicate details of his upbringing with anyone. Right?
“Solved the mystery, did we?” He brushed some invisible dirt off his shoulders. “You can thank me after you’ve answered the rest of my questions.”
“Get out of my way.” You had too many thoughts fuddling your mind to be polite or try to be diplomatic. “I will scream if you don’t.”
Yoongi held your eyes for a moment before he tsked in annoyance and allowed you to step past. You were practically running out of the room, and only barely caught the last of a sarcastic: “--nice evening.”
Jimin stood in the kitchen washing dishes together with Taehyung, while Namjoon and Hoseok sat at the table reading off the master list. Seokjin was nowhere to be seen, and you guessed he probably was in one of the bathrooms. Music played in the background, only slightly louder than the sound of running water and the clinking and clanking of pots, plates and cutlery. It was like stepping into a whole different world compared to the unfriendly tension you had experienced with Yoongi.
Hoseok had lighted up when he spotted you, but his eyes rounded when he saw your face. Fortunately, you managed to speak first.
“I really need to get to the hospital,” you said, hoping you didn’t sound half as furious as you were.
“Here’s the list,” said Namjoon hesitantly, since he also saw your expression.
“Thanks. And thank you again for the food.”
You took the paper and folded it into your back pocket. Jimin’s initial smile fell when he met your gaze, though Taehyung simply furrowed his brows in confusion and glanced toward the room you frankly had escaped.
“I’ll leave now,” you said hurriedly before anyone could comment on your obviously upsetting conversation with Yoongi. “Goodbye.”
Their united farewell followed you as you ambled down the hallway. You did your best not to look behind you, but you felt his dark, knowing eyes drilling into your back.
This wasn’t the last you had seen of Min Yoongi.
You were putting on your shoes when a door almost swung into your face. It was becoming a bad habit, but as you skittered out of the way, you couldn’t help but yelp in surprise. Stepping out of the bathroom was Seokjin, who strangely wore a jacket and gave you a curious look.
“I figured I could help carry down the stuff,” he told you, then pointed at a few canvas bags slumped against the shelves. “Those are Jungkook’s favorite shoes. You should probably take them with you as well, if only because he bought all himself.”
You and Seokjin stood in the descending elevator when you texted Jong-Yeol to come and pick you up. But as the two of you waddled out of the building carrying Jungkook’s belongings - Seokjin having offered to carry significantly more, an offer which you gracefully refused - you found that Jong-Yeol was already directly outside.
“Thank you for the help,” you said after Seokjin and Jong-Yeol had filled up the trunk. “I didn’t realize how much I had stolen from Namjoon until I tried lifting the bag up, and by then, all of his clothes were buried underneath Jungkook’s.”
“Typical,” said Seokjin with a laugh. “It’s really no effort, though.”
“Still, thanks,” you said as you opened the car door. “Let’s buy some takeaway first,” you told Jong-Yeol. “Jungkook’s probably starving.”
Jong-Yeol hurried around the side of the car to get into the driving seat. “Chinese?”
“Hmm, no. Fried chicken.”
“Before you leave, (Y/N)...”
Halfway into the car, you stopped and glanced over your shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Take care of Jeon Jungkook on behalf of all six members,” said Seokjin solemnly, his gaze trailing the ground. “And feel free to contact us whenever you need help or whatever. I’ll message Sejin-manager and tell him he should give you our numbers at the hospital.”
“He’s already given me all of your numbers,” you said with a smile. “I can send my KakaoTalk ID to you later tonight if you want, since it’s cheaper that way.”
Kim Seokjin smiled, too. “That would be convenient. Bye, (Y/N).”
He helped you with the car door, and then you were off. As much as you still boiled inside due to Min Yoongi and the situation he both had established and stirred up, you knew you couldn’t show distress in the face of Jungkook. He needed you strong, dependable, now more than ever.
Besides, it wasn’t as if you could ask him about the reason and dynamic of the engagement on his part. He was amnesic.
And perhaps that was for the better.
It was a fifteen-minute drive to the nearest fried chicken shop due to traffic. It took another fifteen for you to get to Asan Medical Center, which on the other hand was fortunate considering the number of cars filling the streets. You managed to get your emotions under control, even though the question kept brewing in the back of your mind.
What was the reason your parents wanted you to marry Jungkook so direly?
After checking the time on your phone and saying bye to Jong-Yeol, you jogged through the hospital toward Jungkook’s room. In your purse were a pair of fresh jeans and a t-shirt you had picked out at random from the duffel bag, and in your left hand, you held the chicken that was surprisingly yet warm. You knew he was the combination of brave, proud and stupid to never go back on his words. And since he so foolishly had proclaimed that he wouldn’t let himself be fed, you had decided upon fried chicken, which didn’t really need cutlery of any sort.
You were a bit anxious, not knowing what state he could possibly be in, but as you opened the door to his room and spotted him in his bed, surrounded by Kim Sejin, a woman in doctor’s robe and--
Park Yi-Jae. She was sitting quietly in a chair pulled up next to Jungkook’s bed, watching him. Her eyes narrowed when you burst through the door.
“(Y/N)! Finally!”
Jungkook blatantly pointed at you. “She’s the one,” he told the doctor eagerly. “I cannot remember anyone but her."
You noticed Yi-Jae and Sejin cringe, though both out of different reasons. Sejin looked hurt, while Yi-Jae stared pleadingly at Jungkook. He ignored both.
He only saw you.
You tried not to flush with embarrassment as the female doctor scrutinized you from head to toe. She was in her mid-thirties, short and had cut her black hair to shoulder-length, though it was loosely tied just above her neck currently. The doctor readjusted her glasses then held up a blue plastic clipboard slightly.
“Then perhaps you might be more helpful handling him,” she said. Her voice reminded you a bit of your mother’s, sharp and quick, though lower and more pleasant to the ears.
“We’ll leave (Y/N) to it, then. Come,” said Sejin and carefully touched Yi-Jae’s shoulder when she didn’t respond.
“No, I can’t leave him,” she protested, her tone trembling. “Not again. Only a terrible person would leave his or her beloved when they’re in a state such as this. I will rise above anything he might say, because the fact is, he simply doesn’t know better. And maybe I can help, too.”
Yi-Jae reached out and curled her fingers around Jungkook’s. His focus shifted slowly from you to her as she spoke.
“Do you really not feel or remember anything?” she asked him, the desperation making her voice hoarse. You could see tears lining her eyes and almost had to look away. It was too raw, too painful. “It’s me, Jungkook. My name is Park Yi-Jae. We met last year on a music show and you told me on our first date that you had never seen anyone more beautiful than I in your whole life. You have made me laugh every day on KakaoTalk since and we always made time to video chat whenever we were apart. The first time I told you I loved you was on Christmas Eve when you sang that little tune for me while we were out walking late at night. I told you last week I could imagine spending the rest of my life with you. You simply cannot have forgotten all of this, Jungkook, my honey.”
For a long moment, it was quiet in the room. You watched the tears roll down Park Yi-Jae’s slightly rosy cheeks and couldn’t help but think that she was one of the prettiest girls you had ever seen. Even while crying, she was prettier than you thought it fair for anyone to be.
Briefly, you thought Jungkook might have remembered something, that the almost ludicrous way of restoring his memories worked and had started just then and there - through reminding him of his love for Yi-Jae. While talking, she had leaned so close to him they could almost kiss. His brown, familiar large eyes were holding hers, silently observing, and he didn’t move away. But then, and in a tone you prior to then had only ever heard him use with you, Jungkook replied without twitching even an eyebrow.
“Don’t touch me.”
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I'll Always Remember You
Summary: [AU Canon Divergence - if Serkan had met his daughter in the wake of a true tragedy]
Serkan's world is turned to shambles with devastating news. Mistakes etched in stone. Consumed with regrets he has to find a way to survive and be the father his daughter needs him to be in the wake of her mother's death when on he wants is Eda, smiling back at him.
[This will break your Edser heart. Consider yourself warned.]
A/N: I apologize in advance if this fic makes this cry but I did warn you. It's Serkan and Kiraz heavy with Edser dreams and flashbacks.Also I am no expert on the legal matters or turkey funerals and I am sure I got it wrong on so many levels and for that I apologize once again in advance.
“Serkan Bey!” Layla rushed into his office with an urgent look. The telephone clutched in her hand.
“Not now, Leyla!” Serkan said sharply. “I am in the middle of a meeting.”
“But Serkan, they say it’s urgent and won’t stop calling until they get in touch with you.” Leyla insisted clutching the phone tight in her hands.
Serkan’s annoyance was high. He had been getting calls all morning from an unknown number and he ignored it because it was more than possible it was reporters and he did not want to deal with those vultures today.
He has been having a bad week ever since he woke up in a cold sweat, his heart hurting. He went to the doctor and was told there was nothing wrong with his heart. Furthermore, he couldn’t explain it but there was an empty feeling inside him. An emptiness he never felt before.
He forced a smile for his clients. “I’m sorry for the interruption.”
He held his hand out for the phone and Layla nearly tripped over her feet in her haste to hand him the phone.
“Hello,” he spoke sharply into the phone.
“Am I speaking with Serkan Bolat?” A woman’s voice echoed down the line. Her tone is professional.
“Yes, you are. What is this about?” Serkan asked.
“My name is Ayla Yavus and I am with Child Protective Services. I am calling on the behalf of a young child. Kiraz-”
“I don’t understand.” Serkan cut her off. “Why are you calling me? I have no children.”
“Well, according to Kiraz’s relatives. You do. You are from their understanding her biological father.”
Serkan pushed his chair out abruptly and walked out onto the terrace. Layla followed, closing the door behind him.
“Explain,” Serkan demanded.
“Kiraz is five years old. She was being raised by her mother in Italy unfortunately, the child’s mother was in a fatal car accident a little over a week ago. We had her in our custody for only a few hours before placing her in the temporary custody of her mother’s aunt.:
Serkan’s heart pounded, fear lancing through him. “And her mother’s name?”
“Eda Yildiz.”
Serkan’s phone clattered to the floor as she spoke the one name he would have given anything for her not to have spoken.
His knees gave way beneath him and he caught himself on the ledge, sinking to the ground, he turned pressing his back against it.
“Serkan Bey!” Leyla called out in alarm. “Are you alright?”
“Tell everyone to go home.” his voice was low barely above a whisper.
“Serkan Bey?” Leyla questioned.
Serkan looked up at her and Leyla fell back a step by the devastation written on his face. “I want everyone out of the building. Now!” His voice was loud, like a clap of thunder causing Leyla to jump.
There was something so terrifying about his demeanor that Leyla immediately rushed to clear the building.
Serkan didn’t move, he felt like the world was falling away and not in the good way he remembers when he was with Eda.
He felt like everything around him was dying while he was left to suffer in agony in a world without light and sunshine, without flowers and kindness. Without his star and the beauty that brought him to life.
“Serkan Bey,” Leyla returned, speaking tentatively. “Everyone is gone.”
“I want you to leave too,” he said not looking up.
“Serkan Bey, I don’t feel comfortable leaving you in this state.” Leyla protested, fighting back her fear of his anger.
Serkan looked up at her. “I don’t care what makes you uncomfortable, Leyla. I want to be left alone,”
Leyla didn’t want to leave him. Especially, after witnessing the devastation in his eyes but if she continued to refuse Serkan’s anger would erupt.
“Okay, if you need anything. I am a call away.” Leyla reluctantly grabbed her things and left the building.
Serkan wasn’t certain how long he stayed there, but he felt the wind pick up as the sky began to rumble.
With an effort he pushed himself up, grabbing his phone from the floor, and headed inside.
Mindlessly, he climbed the stairs to his office, and pulling out a bottle of liquor off the shelf he kept for guests, he grabbed a glass, setting it down on his desk.
He moved to his safe, pulling out a box, not bothering to close the safe he moved back to his desk taking a seat behind it. He sat the box down and opened it.
Side by side incased in the fabric were his and Eda’s engagement ring, his platinum band with her name inscribed into it, and sparkling flower engagement ring.
He reached, his chest tightening as his fingers brushed her ring.
Serkan swallowed hard, the phone call haunting him. Eda was gone, leaving behind a child.
Their child. A child he never even knew about.
How was he supposed to handle this? He could barely hold it together after learning that the only woman he ever loved was gone.
How was he supposed to be strong for a child and raise her? What was he supposed to say to her? How would he look at her and see her mother and not break down every fucking time?
He was on a cliff and he felt like he was going to slip off it at any given moment.
His phone rang again and he reached for it blindly, not checking the caller id. “Hello,” his voice was hoarse.
“Mr. Bolat, this is Ayla Yavus. I’m with-” “I know, we spoke earlier.” Serkan cut her off, he pulled the phone away to clear his voice and sound more presentable.
“I thought I give you some time to deal with the news from earlier. I know this is difficult-”
“Difficult? It’s impossible. You have no idea what this feels like.”
“Maybe so but you need to pull yourself together and gather your strength. You have a little girl who is going to depend on you for everything.” Ms. Ayla replied matter-of-factly.
“How is this going to work?” Serkan asked. “Do you bring her to me? Do I just take custody? Do I come to her?”
“As I said during our first phone call, currently, Kiraz is in the custody of her mother’s Aunt, Ayfer Yildiz. While it is believed you are the father of Kiraz we will need to perform a DNA test and a background check to ensure it is safe for the child to be in your care.”
“It’s my child. Of course, she will be in my care,” What the hell did they take him for?
“After all this is taken care of you will come and take your daughter into your custody. Now, if you do not wish to take responsibility you can sign over your rights and custody will be given to Ms. Ayfer.”
“No, I won’t be giving up my parental rights.” Serkan hadn’t even seen a picture of his daughter but she was the last thing tethering him to Eda. There was no way he would let her go.
He knew absolutely nothing about raising a child but he knew he would do anything to protect her and give her a safe home. He would love her as much as he loved her mother.
“Thank you for your time, Serkan Bey. We will be in touch.” the line clicked.
Serkan dropped his phone onto the desk and he reached for the bottle of liquor and filled the glass in front of him.
He made a few calls after downing the glass. Using his contacts to find out if a funeral has taken place and if not where and when. He needed immediate results.
When he ended the call he poured himself another drink and another.
Later he was awakened to the sound of his phone ringing. It was his contact calling to tell him that the Yildiz family was returning to Istanbul.
It was all Serkan needed to know. Ayfer was having Eda brought back to Instanbul to be buried next to her parents.
He didn’t know how he was going to bring himself to attend the funeral but he owed Eda that much and so much more.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Two days later his head pounding and feeling like he had the worst hangover of his life, he was pulling up outside the cemetery, sunglasses over his face, dress in his best black suit.
He stepped out of his car and saw a gathering of people. There was a lot. He saw people from his company. Serkan wasn’t surprised. Nearly everyone who ever met Eda became enamored with her. In his eyes, she had to be the most beloved woman in the world.
He scans the crowd and nearly froze, Melo stood next to Ayfer, a little girl in between them, she had her face, buried in Melo’s side, her shoulders shaking as she cried. His heart pounded painfully in his chest, his eyes bounced around and landed on the closed casket and he froze, ice keeping him still.
Then as he locked eyes with Melo, he was moving.
He turned away. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t be here.
A hand landed on his shoulder.
His eyes snapped up and Engin stood before him. A frown on his face. “Leyla called and Ceren told Piril about today’s services. I’m sorry brother.”
“I can’t do this.” Serkan shook his head.
“You have to,” Engin tightened his grip. “For Eda. You will do this. I know it means little right now but I am here. Right beside you.”
For Eda.
The words echoed in his head and he nodded slowly. This wasn’t about him. It was about Eda and the respect she deserved from him.
He moved forward slowly, seeing more people he knew but couldn’t bring himself to greet them. There were art life employees, Eda’s friends, Efe. Her grandmother and so many more people but he ignored them. He ignored everyone.
He walked up to the casket and placed his hand upon the wood, his mind working as an enemy against him as he recalled with perfect clarity what it was like to touch her skin.
His eyes slid shut and he could picture her so clearly, the light shining behind her, her smile bright, eyes shining, her dark hair falling down her back in long luxurious waves, her skin perfectly tanned.
His knees grew weak, an ache in his chest. He couldn’t breathe, his vision darkened.
“Serkan.” Engin was there wrapping his arm around his shoulder, steadying him. “Breathe, brother. Breathe.”
Serkan shook his head. “I can’t! I cannot. What right do I have to breathe when she isn’t.” He shook Engin off and moved back toward his car. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t watch them put his star in the ground.
“Brother!” Engin was hot on his tail.
Others had noticed his pain but it went unnoticed by Serkan. Babanne was angry that a Bolat had come and was being blocked by Efe. Ayfer wanted to make Serkan leave believing he had no right to be there but her path was blocked by Ceren and Fifi wanted to tear into him but was being stopped by Melo who stood in front of her Eda’s little angel holding tightly to her hand.
“You don’t understand, Engin!” Serkan whirled around. “She was my breath and now she’s gone. I cannot be here. It’s too real and I need it not to be.”
Serkan’s fell back against his car, and his breaths came quickly. He recognized he was on the verge of a panic attack.
He slumped leaning against the vehicle heavily.
“Serkan, breathe,” Engin said and tried to show Serkan by taking a breath and releasing it slowly,
Serkan shook his head.
“Serkan,” Melo’s voice appeared suddenly and he froze, his eyes went past her to the little girl just a foot away, her cheeks wet with tears.
Melo crouched in front of Serkan and took his hand in hers. “Son-in-law. You need to breathe,”
Serkan looked at her blankly. “I don’t want to.”
“I know.” Melo saw the pain in his eyes, he looked so lost. She knew him. She never truly understood why he and Eda couldn’t make it work. But what she knew without a doubt was that Serkan and Eda had never stopped loving each other. “But you have to. Eda would want you to.”
“Eda,” Serkan’s voice trembled on her name. “She’s gone.”
“I know but she loved you. She loved you until her last breath and she would want you to be okay and for that to happen you have to breathe.”
Serkan nodded slowly and took a shallow breath and released it, he did it again and again and again until he started breathing normally just as a soft voice penetrated the air, the voice of the little girl.
“Melo,” the child sounded so heartbroken and lost.
His eyes snapped back to the little girl. “Kiraz?”
Kiraz stepped closer to Melo.
Melo’s lips trembled. “I see social services contacted you,”
Serkan nodded, frozen.
“Are you well enough to meet her?” Melo asked.
“I’m never gonna be ok again but I am well enough.” More so Serkan wanted to look in his daughter’s eyes and see Eda. He needed something solid that connected him to her to hold onto.
Melo nodded and gently took the little girl’s hand and urged her forward, “Come, Kiraz, I want you to meet someone very important. This here is Serkan Bolat, he was a very precious friend of your mother.”
The girl sniffled, taking small steps forward until she stood in front of Serkan. “Are you sad, too?” Kiraz asked. “Mom’s gone and she’s not coming back.” the little girl lifted a hand to her heart. “Does your heart hurt like mine?”
Serkan couldn’t keep the sob in even if he wanted to, his child’s heartbreaking words tearing it from his chest.
“Oh, Serkan,” Melo murmured squeezing his hand.
“Do you want a hug?” Kiraz asked as her shoulders shook. “Mom always said hugs were like bandaids for sadness.”
Serkan couldn’t bring himself to respond as he pressed his hand over his heart that was so broken beyond repair he didn’t know how it was still beating.
Kiraz tentatively approached Serkan and wrapped his arms around his neck.
Serkan was shocked and stilled but then this feeling overcame him and he couldn’t explain it. All he knew was he was connected to this girl and even if he hadn’t know the truth he would have felt it.
He wrapped his hands around the girl softly, and he heard her sniffle as her tears drip onto his neck, her shoulders started to shake. “My heart won’t stop hurting.”
“It will be alright,” he found himself trying to comfort his daughter, stroking her hair and rubbing her back. He didn’t think he was going to be alright again but his child, Eda’s child needed to believe that it would be. She needed someone to be strong for her and hold her when she needed it.
Serkan didn’t think it was possible but the pain in his chest became worst. He wanted Eda and he wanted to protect his little girl from the pain she was feeling.
The world was too cruel and he didn’t understand how life could be so brutal and unforgiving to take Eda away from him and especially away from the little girl in his arms.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay. Your heart hurts now but this will pass. In time you will find it won’t hurt as much.” he said and began whispering soothing words, even as his voice choked.
“How do you know?” She pulled back to look at him with a tear-stained face, and devastated eyes.
Serkan wanted more than anything to be able to answer her but he couldn’t. He said the words to comfort her but they were empty. He was certain the pain ripping through him would never stop.
Serkan looked desperately to Melo for help.
Melo moved closer and ran her hand soothingly through Kiraz’s hair. “Because pain like this doesn’t last forever, we live through it, we survive and it makes us stronger.” Melo smiled weakly, a tear sliding down her cheek. “The most important thing you have to remember, love, is that your mother will never truly be gone.” She placed her hand over her heart. “As long as you keep her in your heart she will always be with you.”
Kiraz’s shoulders started shaking again. a fresh wave of tears overtaking her and she reached for Melo.
Melo took her in her arms and stood. “Son-in-law, I know it’s hards but you should be here.”
Serkan stared at the broken girl in her arms and he nodded, forcing himself back to his feet on unsteady legs, he followed Melo back to the proceedings.
Engin kept close to him, ready to be there for him if need be.
During the proceedings, a small hand slipped into his and he clung tightly to it, he looked down at her and her shoulders were shaking as she cried silently.
He ignored Ayfer’s and Babanne’s glares and lowered himself to the ground, offering her a shoulder to cry on and she took it.
It was then as he watched the woman he loved being buried, holding the child created in his arms that he knew with absolute certainty he wasn’t going anywhere. He would do anything to protect his daughter from any more suffering.
He will never be able to make up for his mistakes with her mother but he could, protect her, raise her, love her. Do right by her.
And truth be told he needed her. He needed something to tie him to Eda.
Her small body leaning into his side was the only thing keeping him grounded.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Melo looked around Kiraz in her arms as she prepared to get in the car and leave. She looked toward Serkan’s car, knowing she needed to talk to him. There was so much that needed to be discussed. Especially regarding Kiraz.
He wasn’t by his car but she saw Engin and Piril, standing next to it.
She looked back to Eda’s fresh grave and her breath hitched. Serkan was there, kneeling in the grass, his head bowed.
“Isn’t mom’s friend going to leave, too?” Kiraz sniffled.
“I don’t think so,” Melo shook her head. “I think he wants to stay awhile with her.”
Kiraz squirmed out of her arms. “I want to stay too. He’s hurting. You’re not supposed to leave someone alone when they’re hurt.”
“This is a different kind of hurt,” Melo reaches to take her hand and usher her in the car but Kiraz was already moving away from her back toward Serkan.
She watched as Kiraz moved in front of her father, her little hands reaching up to wipe his tears before she put her arms around him.
Serkan went rigid but then he was folding forward and she watched as his whole body shook with grief, holding tightly to his daughter.
Melo lifted her hand to her mouth, her hand shaking.
She didn’t know how any of them were supposed to get through this. She was barely holding it together but she had to for Kiraz.
Nothing was ever going to be like before again. It couldn’t.
She only hoped Serkan and Kiraz would make it out on the other side. Together.
A/N: Did you cry? If you did I'm sorry. My muse is evil but I am a slave to her.
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friggsdc · 4 years
Title: little delinquent pt iii
part ii | part iii | part iv
Warnings: Female!reader (bat!sis), mostly family fluff, AU, hurt/comfort, Jason’s language
Word Count: 4700~
Synop: It had Bruce and Dick sharing a look for a moment before the latter spoke up, “It’s not like I’m against continuing to expand the family, but…” he eyed the child you held nervously, “please don’t start bringing home every child you find…” he tilted his head, “he’s bad enough.” Bruce settled a light glare at his first son (that definitely wasn’t what Bruce was thinking), though Dick was stilled by the way your eyes narrowed at him instead.
“His name is Terrence,” that was all you said, brushing past as they were suddenly on guard at the inherited Wayne-scowl on your face.
A/N:  tbh I cut the last chapter in two, this is the second half ee;;;; but I rewrote it to be it’s own chapter tho haha. Hum… this doesn’t pick up exactly where the last chapter ended, but it’s still all here. c’: Also, if you wear glasses, just know grumpy ol’ Bruce would probably force contacts on you in public (he’d see them as more ‘professional,’ and glasses as a danger/hazard in the field). Glasses are for home only sighs.
Ngl I see lexcorp similar to westworld’s delos, lotsa fancy designs ee;;;; Cadmus like nasa test rooms, clinical as heck with little to no windows, and wayne ent with Alien franchise’s archaic but advanced spaceship tech, or dracula’s castle with cubicles lmao
             “Hey, Jaybird…”
Normally he knew what to expect, normally he’d open the door braced for a tackle, so when the rush of wind never came, he was at a bit of a loss. There you were, dressed like Bruce for some irritating reason. A size-too-big of a jacket, zipped up over a uselessly thin black turtleneck, a pair of black gloves, pants covering everything, and a pair of black lace-less… boots… with red… soles…?, and a suspiciously familiar-looking kid in your arms…
There was a slight guilty look on your face as you gauged his reaction, he could tell, you were nervous.
He eyed the kid something scary, his voice grounding out, “so, who do I have to murder?”
“You weren’t gone that long, you know.” Snorting, you pushed past him into the small safe house, frowning at the bareness of it all before situating Terrence on the floor mattress. “How you sleep on this thing is beyond me…” he just shrugged, “too used to it? Answer the question,” he pointed at the kid while closing the door, “who?”
“Terrence,” said child was looking around, but there was only so much that would grab his attention, as empty as the room was.
“His name is Terrence, and he’s no one else’s, he’s… mine.”
“You just said it hasn’t been that damned long—” his frustration was building; he wasn’t liking where this was going, not that you were aware which direction his head was headed at the moment, you’d just gotten here.
You shook your head, “don’t tell me you…” his anger settled into a dark scowl, but you refused to look at him, “you can’t seriously bring more kids into that fucking prison.” He was so conflicted, it was you, but you were still a Wayne. It scared him to think of more children stuck in that lonely mansion, becoming bitter like he had.
You remembered what Dick had said days earlier when he first saw the child,
“Jason—” you began, a slight warning to your tone.
He didn’t care,
“Don’t be like Bruce.”
His voice was so cold.
Terrence had crawled his way over to the legs of the table in the makeshift kitchen, eyes on a prize as he began trying to figure out how a chair worked.
“You know, that actually hurt.”
You didn’t hate your father like Jason projected, but you knew the way he spoke about him, the way he expressed his feelings, that he ‘hated’ him. It was a half-truth, you knew. Jason preferred not hurting you, next to Alfred, you were more tolerable than the other family members. 
Somedays Tim and Dick made that list. Somedays. 
But that didn’t mean he was actively trying to be kind, he wanted it to stab.
Petty. Resentful. Haunted.
He went to say more, but stopped, fists shaking slightly from anger.
You were staring him down, that same look of disappointment Bruce would give him when he made an obviously stupid decision, as if he were still a Robin in training. Like your father, you could read him like an open book when you tried, it made him feel vulnerable, guilty, small.
Fucking frustrated.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he was at a loss for words, “…shit.” He turned away from you, coming back to the moment as he tried to reign in his temper, “it’s just…”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not.”
Instead of continuing to argue the point, too used to his outbursts (Alfred and your family primed you too well for dealing with the unstable emotions of others), you walked over and wrapped your arms around him, head resting on his clothed chest, “missed you, Jay.”
Almost hesitantly, his arms returned the hug, his head burying itself in your hair, “sorry…” he breathed out, almost too quiet. He was tense as you pulled back a bit, reaching up to grab his face in your gloved hands as you leaned up on your toes, pulling his head down to yours. You touched your forehead to his, making certain to be gentle, “Honestly, it’s okay Jay. I forgive you, okay?”
“Cold,” his hands cupped your (oddly chilled) gloved ones, eyes searching your face before he shifted, head nodding slightly, rubbing yours. A heavy sigh escaped him, an awkward smile forming, “so, how’s my cutest little sister been?”
Glad that he was trying to get past his guilt, you shook your head, “a roller coaster. Dad’s upset at me.”
He just snorted in amusement, relaxing a little as you continued, “And how was California? The Titans? I miss Kory…” you blinked at his flat expression, “what? You were at the Tower, right? With Kory and Roy, and the others?”
Wow you ruined the moment fast.
“Aaaand that’s where you stop being cute. I swear this family is full of creepers. I think Dick’s the only normal one,” you tilted your head as he kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. “Honestly, you and Tim are terrifying, your brother is a demon, and I don’t even want to describe Bruce.”
“Glad you didn’t include yourself in that, zomboy,” he groaned, “that’s hurtful,” then he pouted, finally getting a good look at you.
Terrence was old enough to stand on his two legs as he held onto the chair, but he kept stumbling as he moved uncertainly. His eyes were focused on his mission as he started trying to climb further up.
Something clicked in the back of Jason’s brain, sudden realization dawning, “what…” you sighed, his hand moving from your shoulder, “is this…?” You refused to meet his stare as his fingers hooked on the zipper of your jacket, “uhm…” you flushed as he pulled it down, a bright red bat in his face.
There was a sudden sparkle in his eyes.
“Huh, didn’t expect you to be that much of a fan.” You were burning from head to toe now, refusing to look at him at all, rubbing the back of your neck with a thick swallow. “That… that’s kind of the problem…”
“What, that you’re walking around with my colors?” His grin seemed disappointed, but turned a bit more concerned at the frown you leveled at him, “it… let me explain… I think I need help…”
“Definitely gonna need explanations. A lot of them.” The kid was one thing, this outfit was another. He made to sit down, and you followed, leaving Terrence to his own devices for the moment. 
It’s not like there was much trouble to get into, everything of worth or danger was out of his reach.
“What is it?”
“…Why’d you think I slept with someone? When you first saw Terrence in my arms?”
He leaned away from you, chin resting on his palm, propped up on the arm of the couch with his elbow, “I’m your brother, and he looks like… it’s… I’m supposed to get upset about that… just… answer…” he did his best to keep a straight face, but eventually he had to turn away, looking at the wall, ears burning.
“Hm…?” you leaned towards him and he didn’t have to look at you to know you had a less than innocent smile on right now.
You just laughed as you leaned into his side, causing him to crack a small smile, still not looking at you.
[“So… How to start this…”]
[“The suit, first, Terry after.”]
[“The kid. Just explaaaaain already, uuugh I have patrol in a few hours…”]
[A heavy sigh, “Okay, then... So, you know how Lex helps fund the Society’s shenanigans?”]
When it came to most places, breaking and entering was always easier at night, but for the LexCorp building? Nighttime came with problems, it came with heightened security, rigorous control, and the easy ability to spot something that was out of place. There was also your youngest brother who had filled you in on his adventures with Jon once, not a single detail of the LexCorp building having been left out; he was a thorough kid.
It was far easier to infiltrate during the day, the number of staff on the security team, the cliques of scientists and researchers, and the average workers meandering about made it easy to blend. You had donned a pair of (older prototype) smart glasses, normal from the viewer’s perspective, an integrative matrix mapping AI system from the wearer’s. Well, it could do more, but this was what you needed, the constant reconstruction of old building plans for more accuracy as you walked around.
Tim’d made some amazing things over the years, such as his matrix encryption to keep your work phone quiet, scrambling any noticeable connections that could be traceable. But this one was probably the coolest in your opinion, and he had yet to see the return of said glasses since you wouldn’t give them up, and he could never find where you’d put them. The glasses were a useful subtle change from the norm, a quick disguise, the security barely giving you a glance-over as you entered the passcode for the ID tag you wore, walking into the building.
With a slight wave from you, and a “Good Afternoon!” from them, getting in the backdoor was always the easy part. There were two more women next to you chatting in excitement and you made to stick close to them, parting only when you came upon the women’s locker rooms. The badge number Tim’d tracked down for you was useful until it wasn’t, Lex’s problem was needing levels three and above extensive background checks on anyone hired, and Tim knew exactly where to look.
[“Like I said, terrifying.”]
[“You do the same thing.”]
[“That’s a bit above my paygrade, usually I ask Tim for help when I need information from behind top-of-the-line security walls.”]
Next was invasion of personal privacy and property, and a lot of it. You’d have felt worse if it weren’t for having been raised this way, “you’ll find out that people are just that, some sick and twisted, some happy and kind-hearted, but in the end, we’re all the same. Eventually, nothing will surprise you,” your father would say.
It didn’t take long, going through a few lockers and purses, letting your glasses do most of the work. They were able to see in a three-dimensional matrix, constantly being constructed behind most any material or metal. There were plenty of lab coats in varying sizes to choose from, and you spotted one badge and wondered who the dumdum was. You had plenty of electromagnetic strips for your ID if you needed a switch, but it seemed unnecessary. Some people left their everything when they clocked out, too.
You’d secured your purse around your stomach and under your shirt, the bulge flattened at your side, tying the ends in place. It would uncomfortably dig into you, but you couldn’t leave it behind and it would only be for a short time.
No one had paid you any mind, too busy rushing to get in and out of the locker rooms, and you made to escape with a group of women in the same coats as yourself. The group and yourself came to an elevator, and you let them do all the work. One of them scanning their ID for the group, the rest blurting out the number of the floor they needed to get to, and yourself joining in. A strange calm settling as you got more into the coworker attitude.
Seventh level Research and Development wing.
[“Not his office?”]
[“I dunno, there’s probably some terrible top-secret info in there.”]
[“I mean, I was on the main R&D floor, how much more top secret can you get?”]
The entire R&D area was made up of floor to ceiling glass window dividers, a white and chromatic color scheme, and a lot of tightly sealed doors. You honestly didn’t even need the glasses to find the head researcher’s office, it was written in huge bold letters next to the dumb door on a plaque.
Weaving through a few people with their eyes busy reading clipboards and cellphones, you eyed each inch of the floor, and wondered if the other stock standard R&D floors at LexCorp were similar. No one paid you any mind as you stood in front of the group of office doors, all packed neatly in a little corner, and each leading to a different R&D office. They were mostly empty, only one occupied, most of the techbros and techgals were out and about doing work.
Again, the glasses did the decoding work for you, getting you the set of numbers you needed to enter the room. Unlike the rest of the lab, this office had less windows, though the few it did have were still large. Though they faced out rather than in, and it also wasn’t as large and as roomy as you’d have imagined. The Wayne R&D offices being waaay bigger in comparison.
Taking out two small flash drives, you shoved the sticks into the lone computer on the desk, booted it up, and just let them do their thing. Having the computer start with the flash drive, it acted as an executable program, letting it bypass any needed passcodes or security clearance for now.
One for unlocking the system, the other for information storage.
No doubt someone will notice that.
You wondered briefly if this was how the Cyborg felt, only ever having gotten to see him briefly before he utterly devastated an entire operating system. He then rebuilt it to his preferences, all in the matter of seconds. Tim had always lamented not getting to watch when you described it.
Notably, it was quite lovely how LexCorp’s researchers had everything organized in a folder subsystem so well. You were able to track down the needed information in less than a few minutes through the root directory.
Gotta be faster.
However, as you stared at the processing bar on your information download, there wasn’t a whole lot to do. Clicking the monitor’s sleep button to dim any light, you stood up and strode over to the door.
Being the lookout for a computer program was a new one.
[He snickered behind his palm as you smacked him on the shoulder.]
[“At least you got in without needing to hack anything yourself. Get dunked on, Dick, Damian.”]
[Light laughter echoed.]
Nothing had happened by the time the computer let out a small ding, indicating the download had finished. With both flash drives now pocketed, you turned to the next problem: getting out.
It really shouldn’t have been that hard, it was so stupidly easy to get in, thank you new temporary coworkers, but as you eyed the group of security detail by the elevator, you made a hard turn to the side.
Had you gone through the front doors instead of the employee entrance, you would have seen a ton of security. Through the back however, they really were only at certain check points, it’s not like just anyone could get in. So of course, there was no way they would have been able to get so far as the head office of any department.
How long had you been gone from the others? How long did you still have on Tim’s encryptions?
Oh heck.
The options were now trying to squeeze by the security, which was doubtful, they were checking everyone, or figure out a way to base jump without any gear. Neither option sounded appealing, you had no wings or grappling hooks with you, and it was still midday.
The corridor you turned into went from full on glass to a partition supporting windows, half and half, split horizontally to allow for more privacy, probably.
This was also exactly where you didn’t want to be.
Most of the rooms looked like chemistry labs, charts everywhere, huge gravity convection and forced-air ovens, and thermo-freezers that looked like they belonged in meat markets. It was almost overwhelming at how cool some of these things looked as you searched for an exit. So filled with anxiety and adrenaline as you were, you almost missed it out of the corner of your eye. It was the red shimmering of a glass bowl on your face that made you notice it, the barely-there stream of sun that caught it just right.
You wasted no time getting to work, the door just as easy as the others, passcodes, they were all passcodes. Where were the fingerprint and retina scanners? Hell, where was the facial recognition scanners? You’d come prepared for so much, so you were incredibly confused at the lax security features. But again, this wasn’t the ground floor and security clearance was stricter this far in, your badge did most of the infiltration for you.
Was your dad that paranoid that now, so were you?
[“The civi world is full of sub-par idiots.”]
[“You sound like Dami.]
[“…it’s uncanny, really, he said the same thing.”]
The room looked similar to the others, less windows, more wall, plenty of graphs and charts, but there were a few different things as well. A few of which you pocketed; the only expensive looking laptop was also grabbed straight off a table to the side of your quarry.
The most notable thing however was glaring you boldly in the face, all black and a giant red bat on the chest.
A batsuit.
[“Yeah, I’m gonna want to know why baldy even had this thing.”]
[“Tim’s going through the drives right now, Dami dropped them off…”]
Why did Lex have a batsuit? Where did he get it from, or did he help develop it? Terrence was part of all this, and what about your fa… the Batman? Why was Cadmus part of all this? Why was Lex? Were there more suits? More clo— children?
Shit shit shitshitshitshi—
To say you were freaking out a bit was an understatement.
Hearing heavy footsteps, you panicked and grabbed the garment from behind it’s glass case and took a dive behind the nearest desk. They hadn’t come in yet, they hadn’t gotten to this room, there was still time, but… still time to what?
You eyed the suit in your hands, it’s size horribly different from your own body type (but you could probably still fit it) and you decided to make a really dumb decision then and there.
You were gonna get caught regardless, might as well suit up and try to fight your way out. If you were lucky, you could get out of this without ruining your father’s reputation (or Batman’s identity.)
You began stripping behind the desk, fully intent on donning the batsuit. If nothing else, these things usually came with masks, even though you hadn’t seen a single one near it.
The moment you pulled the fabric over your legs, heels sliding effortlessly into the red soles, you watched almost in amazement as the fabric melted to your skin, reshaping to fit you. There was going to be a lot of bagginess in the suit when you wore it, a lot of tightness in weird places, too, and it had looked fitted to a larger male. So you hadn’t expected the suit to fit perfectly on purpose. It even had a built-in utility belt. Suddenly you were a bit giddy.
Again, what the hell was Lex Luthor doing?
“So freaking cool.”
The material felt almost like a second skin, there was also no sensory loss from wearing it, you could feel the floor as if you were barehanded.
You’d never thought about it before, but now you couldn’t take your mind off Dick and his skintight suit. You felt almost nude in this suit, not used to something showing everything off like it was.
Did Dick enjoy this?
Your ears burned brightly as you finished suiting up, no longer able to think about a large portion of superheroes and villains.
How could you ever face some of them again?
How could you ever look Dick in the eyes again?
“Oh no…”
Perverts. All of them.
[Loud laughter.]
[A very red face.]
You had to admit though, it was so much cooler than your heavier and bulkier recon gear. It didn’t weigh you down and the sensory adaptation was something you’d never come across before. Speaking of, reaching up, you took the glasses off to get a clear view of your surroundings and immediately regretted it.
The suit seemed to come to life on it’s own as something came out of nowhere, engulfing your head in complete darkness.
A silent scream, too terrified to let out any sound.
You about died then and there.
The suit wasn’t that cool anymore.
Without missing a beat and calming your fears of being bagged or worse, the darkness faded, and you could see your surroundings. Blinking for a moment to adjust, you tried to get your bearings on what the hell just happened, your hand gingerly coming up to feel your face.
Were you hearing things or did the suit just...?
Unfortunately, that was the exact moment the door to the room you were in opened, and you panicked. It was a dead-end room, you weren’t as good at fighting as your brothers, and the security here could be scary when hunting down an intruder.
Stupid Lex.
Without thinking, you grabbed your things now bundled up in the labcoat like a bag, slung it over your shoulder, and bolted towards one of the windows looking out.
You were so used to recon jobs that you hadn’t taken into consideration that you had none of your gear (but your brothers did this kind of stupid thing constantly, so you’d be okay, right?).
You were too caught up in the moment.
You hadn’t heard the sound, mind too blank, but the glass falling around you was enough indication of just what you had done.
Base jumping it was.
You were in a batsuit, after all. 
Falling seven stories was terrifying, but definitely brought you back to reality. Securing the makeshift bag on your back, tied around your neck, you began thinking as fast as you could. Claws? The suit had them, you had noticed, but you were too far from the building, having jumped a distance, then... The suit had a built-in utility belt, right? Maybe there was something useful in one of the —
[Servo-Motors engage…]
[Checking system function…]
[Loading protocol…]
[84 feet till impact.]
[75 feet till impact.]
“Yeah I see that.”
[71 feet till impact.]
“Thanks.” Sarcasm, “What else can you tell me other than my unfortunate demise at the hands of gravity?”
[Thrusters not online.]
[68 feet till impact.]
[Grappling gun unavailable.]
[Batarang lines unavailable.]
[67 feet till impact.]
[Retractable wings availa—]
“Yes, that one, wings, please! Wait… thrusters?” you had little time as your whole body suddenly started tumbling, a set of red wings expanding between your arms and the sides of your torso. “Shitshitsh—” and then you were gliding, your arms having spread on their own from the force of the fall. “Oh… Oh my…”
The suit was cool again, “Dang this is… nice… Like a bird or… him.” You reeeaaallllly didn’t want to chance him hearing you say his name.
You wanted to try this higher up now, in a sea of clouds… It was like floating, an almost weightless feeling taking over. The wind currents were a bit to get used to, but it wasn’t terrible, having imagined it would be worse higher up, in them dang fluffy clouds... sigh.
[23 feet till landing.]
The suit helped guide you to an area with less people, something akin to your own Gotham alleyways (to a point, Metropolis’ worst streets were like Gotham’s safest ones). The small alley that led to several businesses’ back doors was rather clean, and there weren’t many places to hide. The best you could do was a growing shadow next to an empty dumpster.
“Alright then…” you sighed aloud, hands doing their best to find any seam in the suit, and after a few minutes, your—
[Heart rate at 142bpm.]
[Heart rate rising.]
[Blood pressure at—]
“—No kidding,” you thought, mind racing, and unfortunately, there wasn’t a single seam on the suit.
Anxiety was building in your chest,
[“Wait, the suit talks?”]
[“I think it has an OS on it? I haven’t tried the cowl since…”]
[“You should.”]
“Why do you look like Nightwing?” All you did was take the clothes from Damian and began to dress yourself over the suit, not certain at all on what you could say to this situation. You’d called Damian the moment you lucked out and made the cowl… come off?, and in his eagerness to leave Jon behind, he showed up quickly.
“You will tell me,” he was sounding just like dad.
“Dami, I uhm…”
“…I won’t tell father.” he could deduce a few things this pertained to, including but not limited to the child you had brought home, and how you avoided Bruce.
You could only sigh and nod at him, resigned. You really hope this didn’t come back to bite you in the bottom.
“What are you two doing?”
The clothes you had couldn’t cover most of the suit, the clothes Damian had brought you were able to do just that. Strangely, you weren’t feeling overheated, even though you looked like you were ready for cold weather.
“Ah, Jon.”
“You look silly.”
“Nightwing? Screw that brat.”
“Please don’t speak like that…” you sighed, your head in your hands.
He just huffed in annoyance, “I wear the colors better,” he muttered, “it sounds like a lot, what's your next plan of action?”
You let yourself slump forwards as he pulled you into a side-hug, arm slung over your shoulders, “it’s this suit. I can’t get it off, and—"
You and Jason about had twin heart attacks.
Without missing another fraction of a second, the larger male was on his feet, flipping over the back of the couch ready to attack before he swore at the sight in front of him. Striding over to the table in two long steps, “What the hell, Terry.” He haphazardly picked the kid up, a red helmet falling on the table with a clang, and turned to you, “your kid just tried to kill us, you realize.”
Having slid to the ground out of need to instantly roll to the side, you stopped, staring at the smoking gun that’d been pushed off the table, lying on the floor near you. Your eyes then shifting to the hole in the safehouse’s wall, “Uhm… The safety…”
He just snorted, “I don’t always have it on.” He wasn’t great at taking care of himself, sadly. You did your best with your busy schedule and budgeted time constraints, but when he wasn’t here, he easily fell into old habits.
“Please don’t let the demon spawn near him.”
“Please keep the damned safety on your guns.”
Batman was straining so hard that it looked like he was in the middle of a fight, an obvious aura of unrest around him.
“Whoa, you gonna punch yourself in the face? Wait, wait a minute, I gotta…” Batman groaned, irritated as a red blur came into the room, jabbered on too quickly, then took his phone out and pointed it at the big bat.
“Okay, I’m recording now, do it!”
It took a moment as Batman thought, rubbing his temples.
“I trained my kids too well,” at that, Flash put his phone down, tilting his head in confusion, “and that’s… bad?” He looked up at the League’s computers in front of him, noting the blinking [[ALERT ALERT ALERT]] off to the side.
“Because,” Batman reasoned, “I have to deal with them,” he ground out, glaring at the sign of intrusion.
“Ooooh, your kids hacked into the system again, huh?” Flash let out a low whistle, clearly amused by Batman’s misfortunes. Batman did his best to ignore the red nerd, calling on Cyborg to assist him, even though he had already been on his way, noticing it moments prior.
“Family, amirite?”
Batman said nothing in response,
Tim almost got away with it.
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jui-imouto-chan · 4 years
How does Atsumu and Osamu fit into the story? I love them both especially in a hinaharem, so I'm curious!!
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Part 10
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[Image Description: A screenshot of a reply from a user named @mickybloginb379 . The text written is, “Miya Twins as foxes and maybe Fox Kita too? Kita finding Shoyo first and repeatingly visiting which leads to the Twin’s getting curious, and circling around shoyo’s legs at the same time :)” End ID]
I got carried away OTL. This may have been influenced by me watching too much NatsuYuu 
Hinata was not pleased with this situation.
Pressing his back to a a withering tree, his eyes darted around as a shiver passed through his body. The graveyard was quiet, although the tranquility that some found when cleaning the tombstones was evidently not present within Hinata.
A breeze broke the eerie stillness, sending a few leaves aloft, which then skittered across the ground whence gravity recalled them. Hinata whimpered a bit.
“I just need to clean up the grave and place and offering. Clean and offering. Clean and offering...”
“You can’t clean a grave from behind a tree.”
Hinata screamed, backing further against the tree, the bark digging into and scratching his skin through his shirt. “Wh-Who—Ghost?!”
From the white robes to the silver-and-black hair, the guess wasn’t unfounded.
Hinata could’ve cried from relief.
“Are you lost?”
“N-no. I think....”
It was clear as day that the other was unamused by his momentary incapability, rolling his eyes and grasping Hinata’s wrist softly to tug him away from the tree. Hinata’s cheeks burned. Despite his mild mortification, he felt a wash of gratitude flood him.
Eventually, Hinata was stood before his father’s grave, and his palm was pressed snugly against the silver-black haired person’s. Their fingers loosened their clasp, but didn’t unwind fully, not until Hinata heard the jingle of bells and a breeze brush his side, his hand suddenly empty.
And then, with another gust and another jingle, the other returned, a broom and dustpan firmly in his grasp. “I’ll bring something to clean the headstone with. Sweep the ground, for now.”
Hinata really shouldn’t have been surprised that this person was supernatural, honestly. His features were far too serene and eyes too present for him have been just a normal person around his age, after all. Not that Hinata knows very many normal people.
The two of them cleaned quite efficiently, and the other, introducing himself as Kita Shinsuke, even brought incense for Hinata to light. Hinata offered him some of the food his mom had made as the offering for his father, but Kita said it wouldn’t be right to eat it if it wasn’t intended for him.
“Then if I make you something, will you eat it? I wanna thank you for your help! You really saved me today!”
“I’d be willing to eat what you make, although I won’t say I like it if it doesn’t taste good.”
Hinata smiled determinedly, “I’ll make the best lunch ever, I promise!”
Kita, despite his strong inclination of doubt, couldn’t help but smile back, albeit nearly unnoticably.
Kageyama was thankfully not home for the first five attempts at making Kita a lunch box, although he did bear witness to the latter half of them, which was still unfortunate. Hinata’s mother would have scolded him, but she and Natsu were too busy speculating about why he was making the lunch and occasionally strolling in to assist him.
“It’s done!” Hinata cried after the twelfth try. Kageyama dutifully kept his mouth shut, for once, eyeing Hinata’s hands and steering the redhead to the bathroom to clean up.
“Kita-san!!!!” Hinata called out to the cemetery, his bright aura dispelling the eeriness of the location. “Kita-saaaaan!!!”
“You shouldn’t shout in a place like this. It’s rude,” Kita murmured, his hand settling over Hinata’s mouth. “Will you behave?” The redhead nodded, and Kita slowly removed his palm. “So, what’d you need?”
Hinata proferred a box wrapped with a yellow cloth dotted with cats. “I brought you lunch, like I promised!”
Kita looked a little taken aback, and Hinata wondered if he was imagining the way Kita’s hair seemed to twitch. “You remembered?”
“It was only like, two days ago! How could I forget? Especially when Kita-san saved me from ghosts and stuff—”
“—That didn’t happen. There wasn’t a single ghost—”
“—it’d be ungrateful of me if I didn’t make good on my promise!”
Kita’s almost couldn’t handle watching Hinata break out into a grin. His eyes felt strained, like he was staring directly into the sun, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to look away. Softly, he let the corners of his lips push up, and he accepted the box gingerly.
“Let’s eat elsewhere,” he offered, urging Hinata to hold onto him by the shoulder. He jumped, one foot landing before the other onto a hill of long grass overlooking flower fields. A forest stood off to the right, and a single tree sat behind them, providing a bit of shade.
Hinata wasn’t quite prepared for the sudden transport, stumbling to his knees before gazing around in wonder.
Kita helped him up. “It’s pretty, isn’t it?”
Eventually the two of them settled to the ground, Hinata watching anxiously as Kita opened the lunchbox.
Kita paused, observing Hinata’s jitters. “It’s not poisoned, is it?”
He shook his head, Kita breathing a chuckle.
“It was a joke. Thank you for the meal.” His hands pressed together in a momentary prayer, and then he lifted a single octopus-hot-dog-weiner to his mouth. Hinata watched him intently, and Kita knew before it hit his tongue that Hinata put in a lot of effort when making the meal. Just that info made it delicious, but once he’d swallowed it, he eagerly sought more, trying some of the riceballs and vegetables on the sides. He saved the fruit for last.
“Is it good? Do you like it?”
Kita nodded serenely, offering an octodog to the redhead. Hinata immediately latched on and slid the octodog out from between the chop sticks. Kita had to avert his eyes, only to spot the bandages wrapping Hinata’s fingers and parts of his palms.
“You’re hurt.”
“Oh, yeah! I accidentally chopped my fingers, and burned them. I stopped hurting myself as much after the fourth try, though!”
“How many tries did you take?”
“Sounds like you wasted a lot of food,” Kita commented. At that, Hinata pulled a pouty smile on his face that was a bit too adorable to not gain amusement from, though Kita consoled him with a ruffle of his hair.
They descended into a comfortable quiet.
After ten minutes, which. Kita almost wished could have been eternity, Hinata tugged on his sleeve. “Will you let me make you lunch again?” He mumbled, looking up through his lashes.
“I smell food.”
“That’s just because you’re a damn glutton.”
“What was that? You wanna say that again you bastard?”
“If I’m a bastard then so are you!”
Fists flew, the sound of fighting accompanied by shouts and grunts. Kita stepped in just as Osamu bit Atsumu’s calf and Atsumu yanked his hair. 
“Why is it that every time one of you speaks, it comes to this? Do you find amusement in wasting your minimal energy on healing injuries that could have been avoided?”
The twins’ ears flattened against their skulls, their big, dejected eyes ineffective against Kita’s bland disposition. 
Kita breezed past them, starting up the electric kettle to prepare himself some tea. 
Osamu and Atsumu perked up at once. 
“Your steps are bouncier,” Atsumu piped, at the same time as Osamu commented, “You smell like food.” They then made eye contact with each other and pointed, simultaneously saying, “Oh hey, you’re right!”
The two small fox spirits proceeded to prod at him endlessly regarding his seemingly ‘good mood’, and the tiny smile he had as he batted them away seemed to only fuel their suspicions. 
“Woah... Tsumu, he’s got more energy, too.”
“Yeah, it’s radiating!” 
They likely absorbed some of the stray energy coming off him, growing a little taller. Instead of looking like toddlers, they now were the equivalent size of a six year-old human. It was almost strange to see them this way.
Kita didn’t let his confusion show on his face, though his tail swished slightly, enough to peek out of his robes. His ears also raised off the top of his head, finally, twitching as he considered where the extra energy came from.
Was it the lunch?
“Kita-san, what did you do? Did you eat someone?”
“No, I don’t do things that I don’t let you two do.”
The twins seemed to communicate with just eye-contact, and it was one of those rare occasions where Kita couldn’t quite decipher what they intended to do with the information they had.
Hinata always felt antsy during the moments Kita prayed--just between the “Thanks for the meal,” and the first bite he’d take of the food Hinata prepared for him. This time, Kita brought with him a small snack in exchange for Hinata’s. 
“You’ve gotten better,” he commented after a swallow. He always wiped his mouth between bites instead of licking his lips, meticulously keeping the tissue folded in a particular manner. “I think the fried rice could use a bit more salt next time, though.”
“Ah, thank you! I’ll remember that!”
It felt like an escape to spend time with Kita, somewhere far away and unknown. Like a secret retreat, away from all of the other supernatural beings that he contracted, and away from the stress of school and tests and life. Hinata felt like he got more chipper than usual after their picnics. 
Unbeknownst to Hinata, the same could be said about Kita. They’d only meet once or twice per week, and yet the silverette couldn’t always keep his smiles at bay even days after their lunches. Furthermore, the surges of extra energy from the meals helped him keep a better eye on his troublesome junior foxes, even allowing them to ‘age up’ when they’d latch onto him.
Speaking of those troublemakers...
“Did you hear that?” Hinata asked him, peering over at a spot in the long grass. “I think someone’s there.”
Kita sighed, brushing off his pants and preparing to grab his companions and send them home. However, before he could begin to walk over, Hinata was crouched in front of the patch where the twins hid, smiling at them disarmingly. 
“Are you two lost?” 
The silverette joined him with a hand on his shoulder.
“They’re not lost, don’t worry. They’re with me.”
Hinata grinned at them. “You’re Kita-san’s friends? Nice to meet you!” 
Their eyes widened just a bit, tails swishing.
Kita knew it was inevitable that the twins would get interested, but he should’ve known that it was going to happen much sooner than he’d have ever hoped.
Days later, Hinata presented two extra boxes, one with a silver-blue wrapping and the other with a sunset-gold. “I’ve brought some for them, too. The little foxes.” 
“Atsumu might not eat it,” Kita warned, “Although if Osamu eats first, then he’ll probably get hungry and give in.”
“Which one’s which?” 
Kita’s eyes gleamed. “I’ll let you figure that out.”
The twins did not come to spy on them this time, but Kita dutifully brought the lunchboxes to their cabin once Hinata left. As expected, Osamu dug right in, and Atsumu held out as long as he could before giving into his competitive nature. The twins choked on the food in their efforts to finish eating before the other (Osamu won), but when they finished, their bodies were at the approximate age of 13. 
Even more impressive than that, though, was that they remained older for a lot longer than they usually do with extra energy, reverting back gradually over the course of a few days rather than the standard overnight regression.
If Hinata’s cooking alone could produce such results, then what would a contract do? ...What would his blood do?
Kita closed his eyes and banished the thoughts before they could fully manifest.
• Part 10 of (?) •
• I really liked writing Kita. I feel like he’d actually really like Hinata, since Hinata’s always been really hardworking and puts in all this effort to be better. I think Hinata would really like that Kita’s attentive and a good listener, so he could ramble endlessly if he wanted and Kita would be content to listen. •  
• Also, anybody curious as to why Osamu and Atsumu ‘age up’ and ‘revert’ to a younger state? •
•• Send Asks for more! Feel free to ask about characters and send Headcanons! Or if u wanna just talk Haikyuu/ships, I’m good with that too! :) and for other parts, search the “summoner au” tag on my blog and you’ll find em! ••
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
death march matt Murdock x reader
this one has been in the drafts for a bit and i finally finished it so i hope you guys enjoy. writing has been slow recently as i havent had much free time and am still trying to rewatch all the netflix marvel series. but i am still working on requests and stories that ive had started for about a month so hopefully the rest will be out soon, along with some frank castle stories now that ive reached the first season of the punisher
prompts: "You need sleep." "I get sleep" "getting knocked unconscious does not count as sleep"
song: saints of the blood by black veil brides
tag list: @cynic-spirit @juniebugg
i sat back on my knees and groaned. matt and i were both covered in blood and he was still writhing around on the ground. but the men around us that were out made me a little proud of all that we'd done. it had been weeks of tracking them down, taking out one ninja at a time until we found were they were all hiding.
"i need a vacation."
he noted as he got to his knees and i laughed.
"you and me both D."
he laughed back as he stood, almost doubling over as he clutched his side. i was quick to stand then, helping him, steadying him.
"whoa, hold up there daredevil, i saw that last punch. broken ribs isn't gonna get you anywhere."
he inhaled sharply.
"and what do you suggest i do?"
i snorted.
"you know the answer to that already."
he shook his head as we limped towards the door together.
"yeah, i shouldn't have asked."
when we got back to the apartment i was quick to get him to the couch. every move earned a hiss from deep in his chest as i tried to get his jacket off. i figured his ribs were broke but i was more worried about the cuts and stab wounds.
"alright human x-ray, what's the damage?"
he sat quietly for a moment and listened. then he closed his eyes and sighed.
"what do you think?"
i touched his side lightly.
"oh yeah, they're definitely broken. but there's something else. what is it?"
he blinked slowly before wincing as he tried to resituate himself on the couch.
"the cut below my rib is almost deep enough for it to come out."
i made a gross face.
"so maybe this time we really should get you to a hospital."
he said quickly and i sent him a look.
"matt, if i don't there's a good chance you'll die."
"no hospital."
i bit my tongue as he laid back.
"fine, ill do the best i can but if you if you start fading on me im doing it. this job is bigger than me, and Claire for that matter."
his jaw tightened.
"what would we even tell them? you're not in any better shape."
his breathing was shaky and staggered. i looked to my knuckles on my right hand as i held the cloth to his open wound. at this point i couldn't tell what was my blood, what was his blood, or what was the blood from the men we'd fought in the back of that abandoned warehouse. and then i looked to my left hand, god it was so much worse. my first two fingers were for sure broken, my wrist not in any better shape, and i had a gash almost the length of the back my arm.
"ill think of something, but right now we need to focus on getting you out of this outfit and keeping you from bleeding out. i don't need the paramedics figuring out what we both do in our free time."
as i sat in the chair beside matt i tried my hardest not to fall asleep. the beep of his heart monitor was very lulling and the morphine  they had given me didn't help. it was a little amusing though to look at the two of us; we practically looked like mummies with how wrapped we were. my left hand was broken in eight places, my wrist in two. the cut on my arm was deep enough to need stitches near my elbow but nowhere else, thank god.
i heard him say quietly and i sat up abruptly, no longer tired.
"im here matt, its okay."
i said softly, taking his hand in mine.
"where are we?"
he asked and i let out a laugh.
"metro general."
he deadpanned.
"i thought i told you-"
"i know i know, but i was losing you. i kept checking your heartbeat but you were losing too much blood. and i couldn't live with myself if id let you die. not after all that hard work."
i said the last bit with a hint of amusement and luckily he smiled back.
"what did you tell them?"
i let out a nervous laugh.
"i told them we were walking home through a bad part of town and got jumped, pushed into a back alley by a couple guys, large and in masks. i told them that they all looked the same, same height, same clothes, and only one of them spoke; that he demanded we give him all that we had on us. i told them that you tried to be brave and push me out of the way and that they didn't like that; that they beat you up, attacked you, then attacked me and once they got me on the ground stomped on my hand and ran."
he nodded solemnly; rubbing his thumb over the back of my right hand. the bruises were prominent still, cuts deep to the bone that i hadn't let anyone see since we'd been here the last ten hours.
"that's one hell of a story."
"as far as they know it was one hell of a fight. but you're still my hero; stupid and stubborn, but still a hero."
he smiled, almost laughing but groaning in pain and rolling his head back against the pillows.
"hey, take it easy, you need to heal, You need sleep."
"I get sleep."
he said matter-of-factly and i sent him a look.
"matt, getting knocked unconscious does not count as sleep."
he looked to the ceiling and swallowed hard.
"look, ill call foggy and Karen and tell them you were awake and they can visit later but for now you need all the rest you can get. you lost a lot of blood, and i know you, you'll want to get back out there as soon as possible. but for right now i think its okay to let the others handle the city for a bit. ill talk to Trish, see what she can do with Jessica's help. you know Danny would be willing to do something."
he shook his head.
"no, don't, its fine, I'm fine."
"Matthew, you have three broken ribs, a punctured lung, and you almost got sliced all the way through. I'm calling at least one of your super friends to take the mantle for a couple weeks. hells kitchen survived over a year without the mask, I'm sure it can survive a little longer. just until you're healed."
he sighed, closing his eyes again.
"i hate when you're right."
i smiled, squeezing his hand lightly.
"if that were true, you wouldn't have married me."
i stood up and kissed his forehead.
"Mrs. Murdock, the voice of reason."
he said softly and i leaned down and kissed him properly.
"keeping the love of my life alive one day at a time."
"thank you."
i studied him for a moment as i stood back up.
"get some sleep, ill be right here when you wake up."
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cl-01-kestis · 4 years
Shut Me Up - Jerome Valeska x Female Reader | Part 3
Summary: You continue recieving more calls from Jerome and getting used to staying with Bruce Wayne.
Warnings: Descriptions of death
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You stood beside Alfred, leaning against the limousine-like car whilst waiting for Bruce to come out of school. You had a black overcoat on that reached to your mid knee, you kept it open so the dress was on show. Students walked past the car and didn’t take a second glance at you and the butler, going by their business and scurrying home just that little bit faster considering the recent news of Arkham Asylum.
Your arms were folded over your chest and you felt slightly more easier when Bruce Wayne walked out of the school entrance, looking around and smiling when his eyes landed on the car.
You kept a sharp eye out for anything funny looking, still on the edge about everything happening within the day so far and trying not to show the fact you were fearing for your life, very much. Alfred gave you a handgun before leaving the manor, you hid it underneath the overcoat you were wearing and kept your hands firmly in your pockets to avoid suspicion.
Bruce approached the car, his gaze was on you and there appeared to be a smile on his face. He greeted Alfred and looked happy rather than suspicious to have someone else there.
“You’re (Y/N), aren’t you?” The younger boy asked with certainty, pointing his finger subtly at you without seeming rude. You nodded your head and got up from leaning against the car.
“Indeed I am, I’m your guest for the next lord knows how many months” You joked, earning a brief chuckle from Bruce who nodded his head and looked up to Alfred. The three of you got in the car quickly, not wasting a moment further being around Gotham High and racing straight for the manor. You sat in the passenger seat whereas Bruce sat behind you and Alfred in the back of the car. He was looking out of the window, it looked as though he was in his own dream world. You and Alfred had a nice chat about dinner, you convinced him that you’d help him and insisted you were a good chef. He seemed pretty hesitant though, it was clear it had been a long time since he’d received help from someone that wasn’t his Master.
You got out of the car and checked your surroundings even though there was a tall gate around the perimeter of Wayne Manor. Alfred and Bruce spoke for a brief moment when all of a sudden your phone buzzed in your pocket, your ringtone bursting to life and nearly scaring you to death. You quickly pulled your phone from the coat pocket and looked up to Alfred once you saw the No Collar ID appear on your screen.
“I’ll catch up with you two in a minute, dads calling” You lied, earning a nod from Alfred who went on to escort Bruce into his home. You noticed Bruce look over his shoulder as you answered the phone, a concerned expression written over his face before the door closed and you were left outside.
“Hello?” You answered, your heels clicking against the concrete slabs as you slowly made your way up the stairs to the entrance door. You sat down on one of the many steps and folded the coat across your body due to the brisk wind.
“Hiya doll, you thought about my offer yet?” Jerome’s voice cackled through the phone, a deep sensation of nauseating pain embedding itself in your stomach as his voice rung in your ears.
“Tried, forgot about it” You tried sounding unbothered but you were so on edge, your voice came out in a soft whisper instead of a sarcastic tone.
“Not good enough doll, you know, you should check the news, you’re missing all the fun!” His voice was deep and full of amusement, it was clear he was trying to toy with you.
“What did you do?” You asked quickly, standing up from the steps and sneaking inside the manor without Alfred hearing. You looked around the hallway and listened into what your red headed psycho had to say before leaning around the arch to the living room where Bruce was watching the TV, his back faced to you as the door was open, giving you a great view of what he was watching.
There was so much going on. 5 bodies dressed in inmate clothes stood on the top of one of Gothams many buildings, throwing bodies off the roof that eventually splat all on the ground, remains of crushed brains and spatters of blood on the ground and some getting on the camera lense. The camera switched to another which was zooming up on the inmates, one which you couldn’t miss.
Jerome laughed as he held the phone up to his face, his laugh echoing in your ear as he watched another body fall to the ground.
“You see doll, if you come to me all of this will stop, or, at least I will, I’m not sure about them,” he pointed with his thumb to the other inmates next to him. “You’re all I want sunshine! Call it an obsession if you will, I’ll find you if I have to!” His voice started mutating into that sickening laugh that made your stomach turn, you dropped your phone and coughed as the last body fell to the ground. You held a hand underneath your mouth as you raced to the downstairs bathroom in the manor and slammed the door open, spewing your stomach up as the images of those innocent men falling flashed in your mind. Would that have happened if you turned yourself in quicker?
Bruce was the first to get to you as he raced to the bathroom to see what was going on, confusion written all over his face but quickly coming to the realisation that you were there.
He acted quick and pulled your hair out of your face to avoid getting anything caught in it, holding it behind you with his hand as the other patted your back. You were surprised a boy this young knew what to do in situations like this, it’s common sense but it still mildly shocked you.
Your thoughts were muted as you held tightly onto the toilet, continuing to cough up the nasty fluids that swirled uncomfortably in your stomach. After everything finally stopped, you leaned back and spat out the remaining taste in your mouth. Bruce watered a cloth and gave it to you to clean your mouth, still holding back your hair as you cleared your throat and apologised.
“I’m sorry about that, I just- the news shocked me” You sighed, holding onto the cloth after finishing cleaning your face and looking up to Bruce who nodded in understanding.
“I understand, it’s horrible what those inmates done” Bruce glared at nothing in particular, his eyes holding such disgust and anger. You carefully wobbled to your feet, Bruce’s arm positioned itself behind your waist, helping you walk out the bathroom after flushing the toilet and calling Albert for some help. The butler was rapid in taking over and telling Bruce to go back to what he was doing. Albert helped you upstairs and made sure you werent going to be sick, trying to reason with you that there was a chance it might happen again even though you stubbornly insisted it was just from the shock. Even so, Albert still left a basin at the side of your bed after he told you to get some rest and left you alone in your room.
You got out of the dress which gladly didn’t have any sick on it, placing it back on the hanger considering there wasn’t a wash basket anywhere and you weren’t allowed out of your room. You took your heels off and got into bed despite having no pyjamas, only in the comfort of your underwear. Albert drew the curtains before he left so it saved you from moving around any more than you needed to. You realised he had brought your phone up and left it on the side of your bed, you weren’t sure when the call with Jerome but you were glad it was over. You could finally get some rest and rejuvenate for the night ahead.
You woke up to the sound of the wind whistling, you weren’t sure what time it was but outside was dark so you assumed it was late at night. It took you 10 minutes to fully wake up and get out of bed. You grabbed a dressing gown on the back of the door and opened it to walk out into the upstairs hallway. Yawning, your bare feet walked down the steps of the manor and you only got midway until a familiar face appeared.
“Dad?” Your voice was sleepy but still full of surprise, your Dad stood at the entrance to the manor with his hands in his coat pockets. His face lit up immediately when he spotted you and walked over to embrace you once you’d made your way fully down the stairs.
Your Dad held you tight, the most tight he had in a long time as he breathed out a sigh of relief.
“Thank god you’re alright” His voice sounded gruff, tired, as though he’d been working all day and night. You pressed your cheek against his shoulder and closed your eyes, wishing you could be safe in his arms like this forever but you had to unfortunately pull away. Your eyes glistened with tears but you didn’t cry, you were just happy to see that your dad was okay and well.
“Is Leslie okay?” You asked, holding onto your Dads shoulders as if you were trying to keep balance. Jim nodded, silently assuring you whilst trying to remain calm and not freak out at the fact a maniac was after his daughter.
“She’s fine, back at the GCPD, the good thing is that you’re safe” Your Dad cupped the back of your head and pressed a firm kiss against your forehead, bringing you in for another close hug that made you feel comfort like no other. You squeezed your father just for that extra reassurance, just to remind yourself that he was still well and in your arms. Jim was doing the same, he was over the moon you were okay but he still felt like you were in a lot of danger.
“What’s going on with Jerome?” You asked, pulling away and holding your dressing gown close to your body as an unpleasant shiver erupted over your body. Jim frowned, pausing for a moment before resting his hands on hips and letting out a sigh.
“Unfortunately we don’t know his whereabouts, there’s been no lead on where he could be, any more calls from him?” Your dad asked with a stern tone, eyes still as he stared at your face.
You gulped, going unnoticed by Jim as you shook your head.
“Nothing at all” You lied.
Jim nodded slowly, as if he was taking his time as to believe you or not. Thankfully, just in time, Jim’s phone started ringing in his pocket, buzzing violently as he quickly pulled it out of his blazer pocket and excused himself, taking the call which seemed to be important.
You let out a sigh of relief, looking away from Jim and to Alfred who held a suspicious look on his face as his eyes looked at your face, as if he knew you were lying. Bruce smiled as you turned to face him.
“Want anything to drink?” He offered kindly, you nodded and thanked the young boy bluntly before following him to the kitchen where he kindly poured you a glass of cold water.
“What was your Dad talking about back there?” Bruce asked with a strong tone of curiosity, sitting down at the table in the kitchen which was lit with only a few candles. You sat opposite him and let out a short, sharp sigh.
“It’s complicated” You said before sipping at your glass of water, avoiding Bruce’s eyes whilst looking around the kitchen, inspecting the interior.
“I’m sure I can understand” He reasoned with a smile.
You stared warily at Bruce for a few silent seconds, raising a brow at his nosiness but biting your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything snarky.
“This guy, Jerome, I met him at the circus where we found his mother’s body. He tricked me into thinking he was innocent. Long story short, he got ahold of my phone number and now he’s calling me” You put it in the most simple way possible, avoiding detail as much as you could and begging that Bruce wouldn’t bring anything else up or ask about anything.
“Sounds fun” Bruce joked, making you smile for the first time in what seemed like ages and you felt a little bit better at the situation.
“I wish i could say that myself” You sighed, taking another long sip of your glass of water and scratching the back of your scalp to pass the time. Bruce looked at you, as if he was trying to study you but he couldn’t quite get a grip of what you were feeling.
“I’m guessing Jerome’s been calling you by the way you answered Jim’s question” Bruce asked rhetorically, making you roll your eyes slightly before nodding your head and making sure your dad wasn’t around.
“It’s not like I don’t trust Dad, I just don’t want him worrying anymore than he needs to” You put the glass down on the counter before leaning on both of your elbows, hands rubbing your face before eventually clasping in front of you mouth.
“You’re his daughter, I’m sure he’d want to know if anything was wrong” Bruce tried reasoning with you but you waved him off and frowned.
“If it was anyone else but Jerome then it would be easier” You said.
“What do you mean by that” The boy asked, leaning on his elbows as well so the two of you were level and face to face. You sighed once again, biting the tip of your tongue and wishing you didn’t have to open up so much, especially to a 13 year old.
“Because... feelings I guess, they make everything difficult” Your voice faltered for a moment to reply Alf it left Bruce with burning, fiery curiosity.
“I see, are your feelings for each other mutual?” Bruce asked, figuring out exactly what you were getting at in a blink second and earning a surprised, impressed expression from you, only to be quickly replaced once again with the emotionless one.
“Honestly, no clue. I felt attraction towards him at the circus but now... maybe I still do, I don’t know” Was your final reply before hearing footsteps approach the kitchen, revealing Alfred who came out of his hiding space and walked in to greet you and Bruce.
“Pardon for the intrusion but your Dad’s leaving, probably should say goodbye to him” The British butler said with a smile before watching you get out of your seat and thank him graciously, walking rapidly to the main hallway of the manor once again and seeing your Dad. Jim had his hands in his pockets and a soft, manageable smile on his face. You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, your head resting on his chest as he embraced you tightly, pressing a firm kiss on the top of your head as he stroked your back and sighed.
“If I could I’d stay, but Jerome’s out there and if I don’t do anything you might be in danger” Your dad stared in a determined tone, pulling away from the hug and patting your shoulder reassuringly. You didn’t want the hug to end because you felt safe for the first time in what felt like days, you didn’t want him to go because you felt like Jerome might find out where you are and find a way to sneak in and kidnap you, or worse, murder you.
“Stay safe, okay?” It wasn’t a question and Jim knew that as you said it, nodding his head firmly and managing a small smile before walking away and approaching the door.
“I love you Dad” You called out just as he opened the door.
“I love you too, Angel” Jim looked happy, relieved to hear such a thing before bidding farewell to Alfred and Bruce and eventually closing the door, leaving you alone once more.
You stared at the no caller ID name tag in your contacts whilst chewing nervously on your lip, your legs hurled up to your chest as you hovered your finger above the name tag, contemplating whether or not you should press on it.
Jerome had been plagueing your mind ever since the last phone call, his offer to you was starting to sink in and you started to realise how much this would benefit other people from getting hurt, including Leslie and Jim. But you weren’t going to give yourself away, it wasn’t going to be that easy. Jerome was a crazy, ballistic psychopath who could kill you in the blink of an eye but for some reason you weren’t scared. You were intrigued, intrigued by a coold blooded murderer, and you didn’t even blink an eye at that.
You had been stuffed up in your guest room at the Wayne Manor and refused to leave, you were itching to call Jerome but you kept stopping yourself from doing so. So much was going on in your mind, your feelings were peeking and you felt like you were going to vomit.
You confronted yourself at the fact you definitely had feelings for Jerome, love of some sort? Maybe, but definitely attraction. And you hated yourself for it, you felt like you were betraying your dad and everyone in your life by falling in love with someone who killed for sport. You could have fallen in love with a boy at school, had a friend set you up on a date with a normal boy, but no. You had to fall for the psycho. Ironic wasn’t even the word.
Sucking in a breath, you finally pressed the tip of your finger on the no caller ID and waited anxiously in the dark, candle lit room. It rung for over ten seconds and eventually he finally picked up, causing your nerves to sky rocket.
“Jerome?” You mumbled, voice barely audible as you started chewing on your nails, waiting for his reply.
“Well this is certainly a surprise; a welcome one of course” Jerome’s voice caught you off guard as he spoke loud and clear through the speaker of your phone. You quickly turned down the volume to prevent anyone outside of your room from hearing, your heart practically in your throat. This was wrong.
“I’ve been thinking about your offer” You said, voice trembling slightly with each word that left your mouth.
“Good, that’s more like it doll! So tell me, have you made up your mind yet? Or am I going to have to wait longer?” Jerome’s voice slid down into a teeth grinding tone which you didn’t react well to, body shaking feverishly as you inhaled through your nose to calm your breathing down.
“I can’t give you a solid answer just yet, this whole situations so sudden... I just- I’m overwhelmed” You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you lay down beside your phone and listened in closely as you heard Jerome take a sharp inhale before humming to himself in disapproval.
“You take too long doll, I know you want to be with me” Jerome teased in a coy, mischievous tone. You clenched your jaw at his response and didn’t reply right away which you immediately regretted as Jerome started laughing to himself.
“It’s unhealthy to avoid your feelings you know, don’t deny it gorgeous” He continued. You gripped the covers of your bed and clenched then tightly, trying to distract yourself from the amount of shivers running across your body.
“You know what- yes, I do, but my issue is you’re a murderer and being with you would put me in serious trouble-“
“So you admit it?” Jerome cut you off with a boyish giggle.
“Yes! there, are you happy now?” You asked in a pathetic tone of voice, trying to sound tough when really you were trying not to burst into tears.
“I am actually, how does it feel knowing daddy’s out there on the hunt for me and you’re in bed, phoning me to express your feelings towards me? Tut tut, bad girl” Jerome smirked, his voice lowered as he spoke the last few words. You didn’t know how to respond, he was right. You hated admitting that. Your Dad was spending so much valuable time trying to find Jerome whilst you were creating a romance with him, it was a dangerous game you were playing.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Jerome” You hissed, hiding you and your phone under your covers as you continued to stare at the low light screen with No Caller ID written in basic white letters.
“Flatter myself? I hardly consider flattering myself as hearing the girl I’ve been thinking about for weeks telling me she has feelings for me” Jerome’s playful tone faded away once again into a more serious one, you couldn’t keep up with his mood changes and it made you confused as to what he was really feeling.
You tried to think of a reply, your mind scattering with different approaches of all types of tones and attitudes. You didn’t have the energy to be angry or snappy at him, not after he learned how you really felt towards him. You had nothing to defend yourself with anymore; the evidence was on the table.
“I want to see you” You said, you started to immediately contemplate whether or not you should’ve said that in case you sparked something inside of Jerome.
“Really now? Say the word and I’ll be there gorgeous” He replied smoothly, his tone tormenting but the amusement was cloaked with interest. You had his attention fully now.
“North wing of the docks, midnight tomorrow, and come alone” You chewed your cheek anxiously as you waited for his reply, lifting your knees up to your chest and holding them close as you ran your fingers through your hair.
“I’ll be there, I promise” Jerome’s tone lightened at the end as though he were talking to a baby, it irked you but you held your tongue from saying anything that gave him an advantage to torment you any further.
“Good... I can’t believe I’m doing this” You said to mostly yourself as you pinched the bridge of your nose, letting out a frustrated sigh which earned you a coy giggle from the handsome psychotic red head.
“You’re doing it because you want to, gorgeous, you can’t resist me” Jerome smirked, his voice getting under your skin, you shuddered as a result and you found yourself unable to stop the thoughts of something happening tomorrow night that you might regret. What if this was your last day alive? You could never know, maybe Jerome wasn’t blood thirsty for you, perhaps is was just an obsession you could hopefully control.
“By the sounds of it you can’t resist me either” You replied, causing Jerome to make a small playful gasp.
“Flirting back are we? I like where this is going” Jerome’s voice kept changing, you were unable to keep up with it but the tone he had on now made you bite your lip. He sounded so seductive, it tempted you and you couldn’t help but let yourself accept the fact that you truly wanted Jerome. He was everywhere you went, he was your every thought at this point, what was the point in denying how you felt?
“I’m afraid we’ll have to continue this conversation later, don’t miss me too much” You allowed yourself to giggle, hanging up before Jerome had to say anything else and collapsing onto your bed, your eyes staring up at the ceiling that felt like it was caving in on you. What the hell did you just get yourself into?
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pinnithin · 4 years
invited home
This started as a “haha funnie gman eat a pizza” fic and turned into a soft little story about family. 3406 words.
Remembering etiquette was, perhaps, the hardest part of this.
The “hardest part of this” changed pretty frequently — often associated with whatever he was dealing with at the time. The week that took Gordon’s hand and very nearly his life was several months behind him, but he still heard the echoes of the Resonance Cascade in little things as the days passed. He heard it in the low hum of the air conditioner in his window and the backfire of a tailpipe outside. He kept the lights on at night and heard the echoes in his sleep.
It would never really go away, he guessed.
The best he could do, dealing with the hardest part of whatever his day brought him, was to simply keep living. A clockwork routine grounded him. He did normal things like buy groceries and hike in the county foothills - sometimes alone, sometimes with Tommy. Black Mesa and all the horrors it held may have broken the two of them, but they were slowly putting the pieces of each other back together.
So it shouldn’t have surprised him when he invited him to dinner with his father, right?
They were... well, they were something. Gordon found it difficult to call Tommy his boyfriend when they’d crash landed straight from acquaintances to partners in Black Mesa. The guy was the only reason Gordon was still alive, and he felt that he’d be repaying that act of kindness for the rest of his days. That sort of unwarranted devotion wasn’t exactly grounds for a normal courtship.
But this is what people did. They bought groceries and went for walks and had dinner with family. Tommy was offering this ritual to Gordon in an attempt to ground him, just like he helped him establish his other routines. It was in his best interest to take it.
The one story adobe in Sandia Heights was far more nondescript than Gordon was expecting, fitted cozily into the neighborhood on a street named Desert Finch Lane. It was evening, and the setting sun washed the walls a soft pink. The front lawn was xeriscaped with a bed of gravel and some strategic placements of yucca and saguaro, and a straight stone path marched right up to the front door. Gordon checked his phone one more time before he exited his vehicle - this house seemed far too normal to belong to someone like Tommy’s father.
No, the address Tommy sent him matched the numbers on the mailbox. Briefly, he glanced over the rest of the conversation as he reached with a free hand to kill the ignition.
T: Only if you want to! I know the last time you spoke was kind of weird... G: its fine it was a weird day haha G: no yeah id love to though G: do i need to bring anything? T: :D T: I guess you can if you want? It’s not going to be fancy or anything - we’ll probably order takeout. T: We just like to get together every month or so to catch up and I wanted to bring you along this time! No pressure. G: oh is this like G: a family thing? T: Well, yeah. Is that okay? G: its great! just checking G: see you then
T: :) T: See you.
A smile touched his mouth. Tommy rarely asked Gordon for anything, so he knew this was important to him even if he downplayed it. Gordon wouldn’t say he was a fan of Tommy’s father, but if Tommy wanted him to smooth things over after the Black Mesa incident, well, he’d try. For him, he’d try.
He didn’t know if Tommy’s father drank, so he passed on the wine, deciding instead that one can never go wrong with garlic bread. His eyes fell to the loaf he’d picked up from Albertson’s on his way over, still warm and wrapped in a foil package in the passenger seat.  He’d done the meet-the-parents dance a few times before - a lifetime ago, it felt - but none of his partners had ever mattered this much to him, and none of their fathers had ever been gods.
Remembering etiquette, he reflected, was the hardest part of this.
He slid out of the car, taking the bread with him, and marched up to the front door. It was painted a bright turquoise with the word Bienvenidos scripted across the middle in white decal letters. This struck him as odd, because Tommy’s father didn’t seem the type to care about suburban design motifs, but he only hesitated a moment before raising a fist to rap his knuckles on the door.
Only a few seconds passed before the door swung open, and relief rolled over Gordon when he saw it was Tommy in the doorway. He was dressed in his usual button up, the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and he smiled like a sunrise. Gordon grinned back. He didn’t think the rush of affection that overtook him every time he laid eyes on the man would ever really fade. 
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” Tommy answered, still smiling. “Come on in.”
He stepped back to allow Gordon entry, and his presence somewhat quelled Gordon’s trepidation as he crossed the threshold into Mr. Coolatta’s house. 
“I hope garlic bread is okay,” he said as Tommy shut the door behind him. His eyes caught the neat line of shoes in the entryway, and he began jimmying his sneakers off. “I wasn’t sure what we were having.”
“It’s perfect,” Tommy answered, turning from the door. He watched Gordon attempting to remove his shoes without the help of his hands with a hint of amusement. “Um, do you want me to take that?” he asked, indicating the bread.
“I’ve got it,” Gordon muttered distractedly, finally kicking off one shoe and then the other. “You didn’t grow up here, did you?”
Tommy watched the sneakers go flying down the hall, a laugh in his eyes, but he didn’t comment. “God, no,” he answered. “Dad downsized a couple years ago.” He paused, flicking a brief look around the room, before adding, “He decorated the place himself.”
Gordon followed Tommy’s gaze. It looked like a house, at a glance. There were throw pillows on the leather couch and an artificial plant rested tastefully on the coffee table. Picture frames and various ornaments adorned the mantle, functionally useless objects stuffed between photos of the Coolatta family through the years. His eyes caught a decorative globe, some pillar candles, and a geometric silver figurine before landing on a sunny portrait of a smiling child - Tommy, he guessed. A wall hanging of colorful overlapping rectangles covered the space next to the south window.
All at once, Gordon felt he was in a place that was trying very hard to be a house, without quite knowing what a house’s qualifying factors were. Aside from the photos, the only clue to the owner’s tastes was the record player against the far wall, crackling out music from a time period Gordon didn’t recognize. Something with a strange time signature and a dreamlike melody. It was possible the song was from an era that had not yet happened.
He looked back to Tommy and found him studying his face. “It’s nice,” he offered summarily.
Tommy laughed quietly through his nose. “I think he just went to the home decor section of Target and picked out some stuff he liked,” he said.
“Oh,” Gordon replied. “Y’know, now that you say it - yeah. Yeah, I can see that.” 
Tommy didn’t exactly look uncomfortable with Gordon’s presence in his father’s house, but he didn’t seem wholly relaxed either. The set of his shoulders betrayed him, as did his hands, which fidgeted at the seams of his pockets before extending to take the bread from him.
“Here, let me - we can put this in the kitchen,” he said, gesturing behind him. 
It was possible that etiquette slipped his mind as frequently as it did Gordon’s, and that made him feel a little better about the whole thing. He should have assumed as much - he and Tommy both used the skeleton of routine to prop themselves up, despite the fact that they found social rules tiresome at best. A necessary framework for people like them. Gordon allowed Tommy to take the package from his arms and followed him down the hall. 
The kitchen was a little more homey, if only for the healthy clutter of appliances on the counter. Two boxes from Dion’s Pizza sat on the island, and seeing them pulled an audible sigh of relief from Gordon.
Tommy noticed. “Yeah, we’re not - we don’t cook a lot around here,” he admitted, sliding the package of garlic bread next to the pizza.
“That makes me feel better about bringing over store bought bread,” Gordon chuckled. “Where’s uh,” he darted a glance around the room, as if the man in question would materialize if he mentioned him aloud. “Where’s your dad at, anyway?”
“Oh, he’s...” Tommy finished his sentence with a vague wave of his hand. “He’ll show up sooner or later.”
He didn’t seem concerned, as if his father disappearing to another time and place arbitrarily was something that happened a lot. It made sense - Tommy was self-sufficient to the point of being an outright loner - and Gordon guessed that Mr. Coolatta’s inhuman qualities probably didn’t lend to a very warm upbringing.
Tommy was watching him, observant as always. “He’s not really a bad person,” he said at length. “He just… he sees things differently.”
“Shit, man,” Gordon laughed and shook his head. “Sometimes I think you can read my mind.”
“Oh, I never told you?” Tommy responded, raising his eyebrows impishly. 
He didn’t seem to want to discuss his father any further, so Gordon laughed at Tommy’s joke and didn’t press it. They fell into a comfortable discussion, standing together in the kitchen and waiting on the third member of their little party. This part Gordon knew how to do - speaking with Tommy always felt like coming home, and while they were still learning things about each other, he never felt any pressure to behave in a way that wasn’t his whole, genuine self. He saw the slope of Tommy’s shoulders slowly relaxing while they talked, and felt himself mirroring him as the minutes ticked by.
Tommy’s father materialized in the time it took for Gordon to blink, one moment absent and the next present. Spooked, Gordon jumped slightly at his appearance, while Tommy uttered an unaffected and congenial, “hey, Dad.”
Mister Coolatta stood under the kitchen lights exactly how Gordon remembered him. His suit was as smooth and clean as his hair,  and he wondered if the man even thought about wearing anything else, much less owned a varied wardrobe. Tommy’s father was, in many ways, like Tommy himself. Tall and neat and watchful. Seeing them side by side, it was easier to envision them as family, and Gordon no longer wondered where Tommy picked up his carefully neutral expression from.
The man in the suit fixed his cool gaze on Gordon. “Mister Freeman,” he said. “It is, hm, good to see you again.”
Gordon extended a hand before he could lose his nerve. This was what people did. And while Tommy’s father may not necessarily be a person, that was no reason for Gordon to deny him the courtesy of a handshake.
“You too, sir,” he answered. “Happy to be here.”
Tommy’s father paused for a moment, studying Gordon’s outstretched hand with interest. “I trust the hand hasn’t been giving you trouble since your little incident?”
“Uh,” Gordon faltered only for a moment. “No. It’s been just fine.”
“Dad,” Tommy intoned quietly, passing a glance between his father and Gordon.
This spurred the man in the suit to recall etiquette, himself, and then Gordon was shaking hands with a god.
It was surprisingly normal, all things considered. His grip wasn’t quite as solid as Gordon expected, though that was less a testament to his grip strength than it was to his short-of-corporeal nature. His skin felt like something that was pretending to be skin, and it was the same temperature as the air around them. But he nodded and looked Gordon in the eye like any other man, so he guessed he’d had worse handshakes before in his life. 
Mr. Coolatta released him and angled his head to his son. “Forgive me for my lateness, I… had to take care of some things on the ah, ‘out-side,’ as it were.”
“It’s fine, Dad,”  Tommy answered, then added, “I picked up the pizza.”
His father’s eyes lit on the boxes, seemingly for the first time. “Dion’s,” he observed. “Excellent choice.”
After a short, awkward silence, Gordon blurted, “should we eat?” and Tommy sighed a grateful “yes,” before nudging his father toward the dining room.
As Gordon took a step to gather the pizzas into his arms, he felt Tommy skate his fingers delicately across the inside of his palm. 
“Thank you,” he murmured in his ear, quiet and just for him.
Gordon wasn’t sure what exactly Tommy was thanking him for, but he caught his hand before he could withdraw and gave a reassuring squeeze. He was warm and solid and alive, and it anchored him.
“We got this,” he told Tommy, smiling.
The dining room was another testament to Mr. Coolatta’s decorating tastes. Gordon was not quite successful in withholding a chuckle when he noticed a Live, Laugh, Love sign on the wall, and this earned him a gentle elbow in the ribs from his partner. Tommy was carrying a set of plates and silverware in one hand and some napkins in another.
When Gordon offered to help set the table, Tommy only shook his head mischievously, and the cutlery leapt from his hands on their own.
Right. He was dating a demigod. This was a detail Gordon often forgot about, if only for the fact that Tommy displayed his power in subtle, quiet ways that went unnoticed. Here, however, he had no such reservations.
This was a Tommy Gordon hadn’t gotten to see yet, and he caught himself staring as he set the table without even touching a plate. He handled himself with an ease he didn’t show out in public, manipulating space with a well-practiced comfort that indicated years of doing it this way. A Coolatta ritual, for Coolattas only. Gordon, an outsider, felt his nervousness slowly melt into gratitude at being invited to the table. He understood now - Tommy didn’t want Gordon here just to smooth things over with his father. He wanted to share his life with him, every jigsawed piece of it. 
Conversation was easier than anticipated. Tommy led the discussion at first, updating his father on his new job at the VLA in Socorro. Working with radios in the quiet desert, listening to the stars, seemed to suit him, and the fondness with which he recalled his nighttime shifts alone was genuine. Gordon tucked into his slice of 505 (pepperoni and green chile) and watched Mr. Coolatta’s facial expression as he absorbed the information.
The man sat perfectly still except to give acknowledging nods here and there, and his pizza remained untouched on his plate. At least, that was Gordon’s first assumption, until he realized the slice was gradually disappearing bite by bite every time he looked away. Mr. Coolatta’s face was impassive as always when Gordon gave him a questioning look, and when Tommy didn’t acknowledge the mystical pizza disappearance, he chose not to say anything about it.
“Mister Freeman,” the man in the suit said after a time, turning his swirling gaze on his guest. “It is my under-standing that you… have a new profession, as well?”
Gordon, figuring he’d picked up the “Mister Freeman” thing  from Tommy, didn’t bother to correct him. “Yeah, I’m teaching physics at NMT,” he answered.
He didn’t think he’d enjoy an academic environment all that much, choosing to teach as a backup while he pursued streaming in the meantime, but he was developing a fondness for it. His students were bright individuals, and some of them were just as weird as he was, which kept his days interesting.
Gordon wasn’t one to discuss his new job at length with anyone. It felt strange, after everything he lived through, to complain about something as trivial as grading papers or writing coursework. But Mr. Coolatta was among a handful of individuals who knew exactly what happened to him during his employment at Black Mesa, so he felt what he said next was entirely understood by everyone at the table.
“It’s a nice change of pace,” he added. “Things are better.”
“Yes,” Tommy’s father answered. “I have… heard the same from Tommy. It is, good to know that the two of you are, hm, recovering well.”
His tone was one step away from apologetic, and Gordon was sure he imagined it, but he was touched by the sentiment nonetheless. Tommy smiled softly down at his plate and didn’t say anything. They were recovering well, weren’t they? Finding a place for themselves. Learning how to be human again.
Gordon wasn’t sure, at first, if it would ever be possible. The Resonance Cascade was the worst thing that ever happened to him, but… Tommy was the best thing that ever happened to him. And even with all the complicated emotions that surrounded the Coolatta family, he was happy to be here. He was happy to see that small, private smile cross Tommy’s face. 
The evening concluded with Gordon and Mr. Coolatta getting into a discussion about whether a hotdog was actually a sandwich, with Tommy joining in as moderator and rewarding imaginary points as they each went over their arguments. They wiped out the pizzas handily between the three of them. When Gordon had to excuse himself to begin the drive back to Socorro, Mr. Coolatta initiated another handshake with him. It was only a little less weird the second time. 
“I’ll walk you out to your car,” Tommy offered.
The setting sun bled a soft orange onto the neighborhood as the two of them left the house. Tommy kept his hands in his pockets, just barely brushing shoulders with Gordon as they went.
“Thank you,” he said again.
“Yeah, thanks for inviting me,” Gordon responded. “It was nice.”
They pulled to a stop next to the station wagon. “Sorry Dad’s so…” Tommy trailed off and shrugged. “Like that,” he finished.
His eyes were down, studying the sidewalk as he scuffed the sole of his shoe on the concrete. His expression was drawn, but Gordon could see from the crinkle of his eyes that he was happy with how the night turned out. 
“Hey,” Gordon said.
Tommy’s eyes flicked up to meet his. His gaze was sharp and watchful, cutting Gordon in a way he found he liked.
“Don’t feel like you need to apologize for your dad,” Gordon said. “He’s cool. And I’m… Like, I’m glad you wanted me there. I had a good time,” he rambled further, “and it’s - I haven’t been to dinner with someone in a long time, and it was just - like it was really nice to just talk about stuff with family like that.”
Tommy’s mouth split into a smile, face flushing slightly as Gordon said the word ‘family.’ “Yeah,” he agreed. “It was nice. This is - we should do this again.”
The fact that there would be a next time sent a rush of emotion into Gordon’s chest. He loved Tommy, loved how trusting he was to invite him to such a private part of his life. Certainly this was difficult for him to do, but he allowed Gordon Freeman, of all people, to cross the threshold and see inside. He was close enough to be considered family. Sheer affection made him dizzy.
Tommy’s smile was infectious, causing Gordon to grin outright. “I’ll see you back home later?” he asked.
“Mm hm,” Tommy nodded. He leaned in, but stopped short when Gordon held up a hand in protest.
“Uh,” he intoned, pointing. “Your dad is totally watching us from the window.”
Tommy glanced over his shoulder and caught the dark visage of his father beyond the glass. He rolled his eyes, still smiling, and gestured with a hand. The curtains snapped shut at his command. “No, he isn’t,” he said.
They kissed on the curb, Gordon laughing softly into Tommy’s mouth. He was home already.
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Title: Hibiscus Kisses {2}
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Chris Evans x OFC Ajali Rambaue AU {Ah-Jah-Lee, Ram-Bow}
Warning: Plot Heavy, Mild Cursing, Mild Slow Burn
Words: 4.9k
Summary: Ajali decides on a rash decision to go on a Disney cruise, not for her love of Disney, but because she needs time to figure things out after things get even more complicated in her complicated life. She only expected peace, quiet, tropical drinks, and an overabundance of Disney songs. What she got was more than she bargained for when the cruise of a lifetime on the brand new ship Enchantment turned into a nightmare. The only saving grace is that she’s not the only one living through the nightmare. Can Ajali survive the test of a lifetime and the dangers ahead of her, and better yet, will she finally be able to live a little?
Note: Hey, hey, hey, guys! So here we are trying something different/new. I hope you enjoy this. 🤞🏽 Please feel free to tell me what you think. I’m super excited to explore this one with you all. 🤗 
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG! ❤️❤️
I appreciate each and every one of your guys’ support and love!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
**Slightly Pic Heavy**
Previous Chapters: 1 | 
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Anyone who got up and at em’ on the first day of vacation had something to prove, and you hated them. You had nothing to prove, so you kept your ass in your room and utilized the “to cabin” service. You don’t know if it was the sound of the waves from the balcony, the lull of the ship as it pushed through the water, you being physically exhausted, or if it was your emotional exhaustion that did you in. Whatever it was, you slept until it was damn near dinner time. Even then, leaving your room was not an option.
So you called for a meal to be brought to you, snuggled into the covers, and watched the available tv channels. Not wanting to watch any movies, you decided on a channel that seemed to be a mix of the animal planet, discovery channel, and a survivalist’s dream. The program that was on was something about figuring out the difference between good food and bad food. Things like this you found interesting and always watched. It wasn’t that you planned on ever needing the information but why the hell wouldn’t you be prepared for a never possibility.
 When the food arrived, you were well into another program about common dangers on Caribbean islands that tourists would never know. Once you accepted the three reusable food bags, you buried yourself right back into the bed and surrounded yourself with everything you’d requested. You bet whoever prepared it thought it was for at least three people, but nope it was all yours. Vacation was about overindulging, right?
 A few hours later, your phone rang. Knowing your sister’s ringtone, you answered without looking at the ID.
 “You know better than not to send a message to mom before you disappear, Lulu.”
 “Disappear? Lali, I am on a huge ass ship. Where am I disappearing to?”
 “You know what I mean. You know if she hasn’t heard from you, then that’s just as good as disappearing,” Atali countered.
 Sighing, you rubbed your forehead. Your mother was a bit much sometimes.
 “I slept in.”
 “All day?”
 “All day,” you repeated.
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes and leaned back on the headboard.
 “Lali, you do know it’s me you’re talking to, right?”
 Atali giggled. “It is a vacation; excuse me for thinking you’d live a little.”
 “There is living a little and living recklessly,” you dryly responded.
 “Recklessly? Lulu, you’re the one who is sleeping with--.”
 You loudly cleared your throat, interrupting what you knew she was going to say. Atali was always good for bringing up everything you wanted to forget.
 “Jeez, Atali.”
 “Sorry, sorry.”
 You put another piece of cake into your mouth and moaned, savoring the strawberry and the smoothness of the cheesecake. You bit your bottom lip, and for some reason, your mind ran to the stranger you still had yet to get the name of.
 “Met anyone on board?”
 “Lali, I didn’t come here to meet anyone.”
 “I know, but you still could have—in passing.”
 You sighed and went over the details of his face. You really didn’t like men with that much facial hair, but it fit him well and easily made him look younger than he quite possibly was.
 “What’s his name?”
 “I don’t know his name, and he doesn’t matter. I did meet a woman.”
 “Woman? You’ve been gone a day and already experimenting?”
 You smiled and shook your head. “Shut up. Listen, she’s really cool. Her stories are classic, and she does her makeup like a goddess. You would like her, Lali.”
 “She’s an older woman, isn’t she?”
 “Yeah, so what?”
 “You always attract these old-young souls.”
 The two of you giggled together, but it went on for longer than just a few seconds. When you sighed out and leaned back against the headboard, you again thought of him.
 “What’s your first port?”
 “Dominican Republic, then Turks & Caicos, the British Virgin Islands after that then Aruba and Jamaica.”
 “Jeez, you’re living life,” Atali commented.
 “You have no idea. You should see this ship. They went all out times two with it. It’s just absolute luxury everywhere. I said pick me a ship. I didn’t say give me the Cleopatra treatment.”
 “You knew what you were getting into when you asked me to do it,” Atali replied. “By the way, isn’t BVI and Turks and Caicos pretty close to Bermuda?”
 Taking a moment to think about it, you responded, “Yeah. So?”
 “So? Lulu, Bermuda,” Atali repeated.
 When you didn’t speak immediately, she continued. “The Bermuda Triangle, dummy.”
 Kissing your teeth, you rolled your eyes, “Oh god, you cannot be serious.”
 “I am. Have you never heard that ships get lost and disappear in that area?”
 “Lali, I’m sure there is a scientific explanation, and I am also sure that no one would charter a course near somewhere that they’d get lost, especially with hundreds of passengers,” you finished, confidant in your response.
 The two of you talked for almost an hour before she was urging you to get out of your room and go to one of the clubs on the ship. You protested, but you knew she would not shut up about it, so you gave in though you had no interest in actually going. You spent the next hour going back and forth with your options. Most of you wanted to stay in bed or sit on the balcony and just get lost in the view, while the other knew that you’d only think of Javii if you did that.
 Following a shower, you scanned your clothes. Once you found a cute dress, then applied a lite layer of makeup and did your hair, choosing to leave it down rather than putting it in a cute bun. Five or ten minutes later, you were standing in front of the entrance to one of the clubs—Jewel. The music from inside was lively, and you could imagine the number of young bodies pressing against each other, seeking a cheap thrill. Glancing from left to right, you decided to bite the bullet.
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As soon as you stepped inside, you didn’t feel like you were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. It felt like it was a well established nightclub on solid ground. Whoever the DJ was, they were doing their thing, and it was evident from the bodies that littered the floor. It looked like this was where the parents came when their kids were tucked away in bed cuddling Tiana and Jasmine close. You walked through the crowds and saw plenty of couples making out and sharing drinks. Never again would you think to sleep on a Disney cruise. You thought it would be a chill time, but damn this was like parents gone wild.
 After a few minutes of walking around and scoping things out, you found a place at one of the three bars.
 “First Disney cruise?”
 Snapping your head around, you looked at a smiling bartender with long hair that was piled on top of his head in a neat man bun.
 “That obvious?”
 “Let me guess, you expected tame, princess sing-a-longs, virgin pina coladas, and plenty of mickey mouse.”
 The look on your face must have given you away because he was laughing a few seconds after he said it. You snorted and shook your head as you rearranged your dress and recrossed your legs.
 “Fine, you got me.”
 “It’s okay. I get how you’d think it was a tame little adventure. Why do you think we get so many reservations?”
 “I thought it was for the kids,” you blurted out. It was his turn to laugh.
 “Silly rabbit, while Disney is for kids, what happens after those kids lay their pretty little heads is a whole other story.”
 Glancing around once more, you made a mental note never to make the mistake again. Disney cruises were probably as raunchy as Carnival or those geared toward singles. At that thought, you began to wonder how many swingers were on board, and if this was a swinger’s playground.
 “What can I get you?”
 “Something strong so my innocent mind can adjust.”
 The bartender chuckled to himself as he walked around, preparing your drink. You bopped to the music and looked around again. Now it made sense to you when the mom of two who was preggo with her third said these cruises always gave her just what she needed. You bet they did—three fucking kids. Your mind was blown.
 When the bartender slid your drink to you, he smiled and slipped away to serve the others. That was when you turned back around to people watch. There was no way you were going to dance with any of them. after a few sips of your drink, you saw him across the way. He was sitting at one of the other bars watching the dancefloor as you were. His hat was gone, and it showed you that his hair was long. The lights were too dim to make out much else, but what you couldn’t make out, you quickly filled in from your other encounter.
 Before you realized your glass was empty, your eyes met and lingered on each other for several long moments. The only reason you looked away was because of the passing people who got in the way. When you looked back, his eyes weren’t on yours anymore, they were looking lower, but it was unclear if he was looking at you or someone on the dancefloor. Shaking it off, you spun around and requested another drink.
 As you waited, you scrolled through your phone and did your best to fight the urge to check his social media. Javii wasn’t huge on social media. He preferred to have his team handle his brand's social side, but he did have a secret one that not many knew about. There he posted things that interested him, showed his lifestyle and his passions. It was also where he posted his “thirst traps.” You knew that if you went on, you’d find one or two, and you knew the caption was going to be code for you. You doubted you were mentally prepared enough for that psychological minefield.
 “What can I get you, sir?”
 “Another beer, please.”
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The deep voice beside you had your finger pausing before you tapped the circle with Javii’s picture that indicated he’d made a new story. When you looked next to you there, he was again. The dim and colored lights in the room gave you a new appreciation of his eyes. It was at this moment you knew he got a lot of attention from women. With eyes like those, how could he not? He looked at you and smiled, and that sold it for you. His teeth were perfect, and though his smile made the wrinkles at the sides of his eyes more prominent, it also made his face light up. He looked like a kind man--a gentle one perhaps.
 “Either you’re following me around, or we’d call this fate.”
 You couldn’t help but smile. The cocky on him was so strong. It was a familiar cocky.
 “Or you’re following me around. You’re the one who bumped into me twice,” you countered.
 “Eh, I was the one doing the catching, so it’s more feasible that you’re following me.”
 He wore a soft grin, one that you mirrored.
 “Maybe if you weren’t like a brick wall, you wouldn’t have to catch me.”
 “I’m not complaining,” he responded. You stared at him and quickly got his meaning. Again, you couldn’t help but smile. Not only was he cocky, but he was charming, you thought.
 You finished your drink with one raise of your hand. When you lowered your glass, you watched as he raked his fingers through his hair, bringing it full out of his face. It was then you recognized him.
 “Oh my god.”
 “Now I know where I’ve seen you from.”
 He looked confused. “Now? You didn’t know this whole time?”
 “No. You looked familiar, but I couldn’t place you.”
 The look on his face was a lite one. He softly scoffed and raised his bottle to his head, and took a few gulps of his beer. When he lowered it, he spoke again.
 “That’s refreshing. I’m not used to people not recognizing me.”
 “That must suck. I couldn’t imagine living my life under suck a microscope,” you said without thinking. When you realized what you’d said, you glanced at him and tried to backtrack.
 “Uh—what I mean is--.”
 He smiled and shook his head. “It’s okay. I know what you mean. I’m Chris,” he replied, holding out his hand to you. When you touched his hand, you were surprised by how soft they were. He’d never used them for manual labor a day in his life, you thought.
 “Ajali,” you responded.
 “Aja—li, he slowly repeated, trying to mirror how you said it.
 “Wow, that’s a beautiful name, very unique,” Chris noted.
 “Thank you.”
 “What do your friends call you, Aja?”
 You looked at him after raising your hand to the bartender, signaling you’d like another.
 “Why? Are we friends?”
 Chris smiled and dipped his head down, making his hair fall into his face. He looked good with long hair and this grizzly beard combo. Again, he raked his fingers through his hair before he looked at you.
 “We can be. We can be good friends if you like.”
 Searching his eyes, you tried to find evidence in there to match the flirtatious tone of his voice.
 “What if my husband isn’t into that?”
 Chris smiled and turned his body to you. “You don’t have a husband. From the first time we bumped into each other, I noticed you’re not wearing a wedding ring, nor do you have any tan lines to signify you’re hiding one.”
 Raising your eyebrow, you allowed his words to sink in. “I could have--,” you began.
 “—Kids? Nah, you were alone the first time outside and again on the deck when I passed you and the night in the dining room and even at the show.”
 He’d been watching you.
 “No, I’m not stalking you, I promise,” Chris quickly spoke up. “Plus, even if you had kids, it wouldn’t matter. I like kids—they like me.”
 The two of you sat in silence for a few moments. When you got your drink, you took a long sip.
 “So you’re alone here on this family Disney cruise. That alone deserves a question,” Chris continued.
 “It does. You’re also alone on this same family Disney cruise,” you countered. Chris nodded and took another sip of his beer before he leaned closer to you.
 “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” he whispered.
 There was no way you were going to divulge personal information to a stranger, no matter if he were Captain America. You spun to face him, then uncrossed your legs to recross them. His eyes dropped to your thighs, and that told you what you needed to know. He was on this cruise for hookups. Scoffing, you finished your drink.
 “Your eyes just told me yours.” You slipped off the barstool and stood before him, leaning in just a little. “I hear Disney cruises are the place to be for after dark entanglements, and you’re in the right place. Have a good night.”
 You walked away, not giving him a chance to respond. Instead of moving to another bar, you decided to leave. You’d heard plenty of rumors and stories of Chris Evans and his booty calls, and you were not impressed. He was clearly here for easy, strings free sex. You’d heard more than you needed to about how he met his hook up buddies and just not was textbook. You were not here to be another notch in his bedpost.
  -The Next Day-
-The Dominican Republic, 11:10 am
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As you walked through the ship, everyone was abuzz with excitement for the first port. You were also excited but not to disembark like everyone else. You’d been to the Dominican Republic plenty of times and had no intention of going out today. You had a plan, and it was to soak up the quiet and empty ship. You wanted to get a spa treatment, a massage, and soak in the hot tub or the steam room and allow the essential oils to work their magic on the tension coursing through your body.
 “Attention passengers, we are officially docked. I’d like to be the first to welcome you to the beautiful Dominican Republic. As you disembark, a reminder that we will be leaving port promptly at ten o'clock. Please be on time, ladies and gentlemen, and enjoy your days.”
 While everyone was walking in one direction, you were walking in the opposite. Everyone was decked out in their beachwear and sunscreen, and you could tell these kids planned on swimming every inch of that beach. The ride on the elevator was a quick one because you were going lower than everyone else. The spa was on the first level below water. The pamphlet advertised it as being one with the sea thanks to the unmatched view of the ocean and life under the sea. You were excited.
 Once you got to the spa entrance, you smiled, seeing that it was completely empty.
 “Welcome to Aqua Spa. My name is Vikki.”
 “Hi. Am I the only one?”
 “You are the first here. Between you and me, I don’t expect many guests being the first port and all,” the blond wearing a sea blue uniform said.
 “Have you reserved?”
 “Yes, Ajali Rambaue.”
 You watched her scan the computer screen before her. It didn’t take her long to smile again.
 “Ms. Rambaue, welcome. I see you’ve booked the clearing treatment, a gold facial followed by the milk and rose oil bath,” Nikki listed.
 Just her listing off your treats had you even more excited. Nodding, you confirmed. She returned your smile and ushered you through the spa. You could already see the blue hue from the portholes, and it bathed the entire spa in the same blue. It felt as if you were gliding underwater, completely immersed with the other creatures.
 “Right this way.” You followed her into the room and gasped. The entire room was completely blue, and the sight before you through the clear window was breathtaking.
 “Incredible, isn’t it? I guess you can see why they named her Enchantment.”
 Maybe Lali’s splurge wasn’t so bad, you thought.
 “So, the clearing treatment is an intricate one. You can change behind this screen as I prepare the room for you and your therapist,” Nikki explained.
 You stepped behind the glass screen that immediately frosted once you were behind it, then began undressing and listened to her explain the treatment.
 “Not only is it an incredible treatment, but it stretches to about three hours from start to finish. World-renowned masseuses and acupuncturist Jadenna Sole designed it. He aimed for it to restore the body’s balance. It does this through a mixture of Eastern and European techniques.”
When you stepped out, you were wrapped in the towel and sighed, seeing the newly lit candles that warmed the room. If you were doing a couple’s massage, this would have been the perfect atmosphere.
 “It begins with a full-body exfoliation with sea salt and Indian Kama oil. After your therapist will perform a lymph system massage, and that will prep the body for your Swedish massage. After that, then your body will be wrapped in neem black clay, and you’ll sit and allow it to seep into your pores. Then you’ll rinse and sit in your milk and rose oil bath to then rinse again, and the finishing touch would be an intricate blend of oils and herbs rubbed into your skin that will help your chakras realign,” Nikki finished.
 You were impressed as hell. You’d never expect a treatment like this on a cruise. It was more something for Manhattan among the rich. As you got comfortable on the table, you could hardly contain your excitement. When your massage therapist arrived and introduced herself as Marta, you prepared yourself to be shot into space. Massages were your thing. Lali joked that massages were your love language.
 When Marta began the exfoliation process, it was relaxing enough for you to nearly fall asleep. You hadn’t realized how tense you were these last few days. You blamed Javii. It was all his fault. After twenty or so minutes, Marta rinsed you then really got started with the massage, all the while putting her back into it. She was a lot stronger than she looked. The pressure was perfect, and the scents from the oils were sublime. In no time, you were drifting from the ground into the sky.
 After an hour, your mind was completely blank, and the knot between your shoulder blades was nearly gone. Marta made a few comments on how tense your muscles were and gave pointers on how to prevent locked muscles. You listened as she spoke and tried to retain the information, but you were too distracted with how relaxed you felt. By the time two hours had passed, your muscles were putty, and Marta was now on your gold facial.
 This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten one. You and Lali often got them together as part of your sisters day. They were good for your complexion and elasticity. Your mother often stressed that collagen loved you when you were young but liked to play hide and seek the older you got and that you should cherish it and do all you could to maintain your healthy skin. You and Lali listened. After Marta finished applying the mask, you laid back and listened to the sounds of the classical music playing and drifted off to sleep.
 When you awoke, it was time to wipe the concoction off and dip into your milk and rose oil bath. The warmth of the mixture had you moaning. There was something so luxurious about lounging in milk like you were an Egyptian queen that had you feeling like a boss. The mask that was applied to your hair was slowly hardening, so you fought the urge to dip your head back. Instead, you leaned back onto the cushions and sighed again.
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The silence in the room was just what you needed. Any stress you’d been feeling was a distant memory now. This was just what you needed, you thought.
 “Who knew milk and rose oil could be so relaxing.”
 Your eyes snapped open as you looked from side to side, trying to see if someone was beside you. The tub pods were empty, and from what you could see, you were alone.
 “I’m glad I took Nikki’s recommendation for this over the peppermint soak,” the voice spoke again. You recognized it. Spinning around, you saw a bare back behind yours. He was close enough to touch.
 Chris turned around to face you. His face was painted with a mask, only keeping his eyes and lips visible. You quickly forgot your state of undress, but you somehow knew of his. Your eyes dipped down to his bare shoulders and the hair that laid across his chest. You saw a peek of two and a possible third tattoo, and your curiosity piqued.
 “Fancy seeing you here, Ajali,” Chris said as his eyes dropped lower. You looked lower on yourself to see your breasts almost out of the milk enough for him to see some nipple. Quickly you sunk down and turned back around, facing your back to him.
 “What’re you doing here?”
 “Same as you.” You sighed and hugged your legs to your body.
 “Shouldn’t they have men in a separate room or something?”
 “I’ve seen a naked woman before,” Chris informed with a scoff. You turned around from the tone of his voice.
 “I bet you have. You’ve seen plenty naked women.”
 Chris turned to face you with his brows knitted together as if he fully got your meaning.
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“Just what are you insinuating?”
 “It doesn’t matter.”
 “It does. Are you suggesting that I came on this cruise to sleep with unassuming women?”
 You shrugged and turned back around, keeping your back straight.
 “Wow, that’s insulting. Where do you get off?”
 You remained quiet. He must have taken your silence as more judgment because he spoke again.
 “I didn’t come on this cruise to snake myself into someone’s bed. I came because I needed a change of pace, some breathing room. Hollywood gets confining, and the more confining it gets, the more I feel like I’m—suffocating.”
 Slowly you turned to look at him. His back was turned so you trailed your eyes over the exposed skin of his back and saw peeks of more tattoos. The man was getting sexier with each passing minute. His shoulders were broad and looked incredibly strong. The low light in the room didn’t help you see anything else, but you could more than imagine everything else.
 “So, the confines of a ship wouldn’t feel suffocating?”
 Chris turned to look at you.
 “There is Hollywood confinement and this. This is not confinement. I have freedom here; I’m not watched like a hawk. Yeah, someone will recognize me here or there, but they are so respectful. For the most part, it is always quick. Plus, I don’t mind talking to the kids.”
 This was the second time he brought up kids, you thought.
 “Plus, now I’ve met someone who seems to have no problem telling me I’m a whore.”
 Immediately you snorted loudly then laughed. “I never called you that.”
 “Hinted at it is just the same as saying the words,” Chris accused.
 You smiled and sighed, and your eyes lingered on his.
 “It’s refreshing again. A lot of women will say what they think I want to hear or be how they think I want them to be.
 “Not me.”
 “Not you.”
 It was said in unison. Once both of you realized what you’d said, you laughed together.
 “It must be something having women fawn all over you.”
 Chris shrugged, and again your eyes fell to his shoulders, and that is where they remained.
 “Something is the word. It gets old, though—real quick.”
 When your eyes met again, he held your gaze. “I’m sure men fawn all over you too.”
 You took a deep breath and sighed out. “I’m sure they don’t.”
 Chris snorted and gave you a “yeah right” look.
 “I’m sure you’re full of shit. You’re a beautiful woman.” His eyes dropped below your face again, but they quickly came back up.
 You turned your back to him again and stared into the milk and oil concoction. He wasn’t wrong, though he wasn’t right either. Men didn’t fawn over you. Yeah, you got attention from men a lot but to go as far as saying they fawned over you was a stretch. You didn’t notice any man besides Javii for the last three years.
 “This is supposed to be a relaxing spa day for me. Maybe we should cut the talking out and just enjoy the rest of it,” you suggested, a little salty he’d reminded you of what you’d come to forget.
 “Sure thing,” Chris softly answered.
 The two of you remained in your separate bath pods without speaking one more word. However, you were aware of his body and every move he made. His body gave off this energy that felt like your body reached out for. So instead of fully relaxing, you’d spent the time fighting the sway of your body or the urge to slink closer.
 An hour later, you were in your clothes again and feeling ten times better than when you’d walked in. You thanked the staff and gave a generous tip, then left. When you got into the elevator, you leaned on the wall and sighed. As the doors closed, a hand stretched out, preventing it from closing. Chris then stepped onto the elevator with that stupid grin.
 “We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” he joked as he pressed the six that was already lit up.
 “Is six your floor too?”
 “Maybe.” He nodded and leaned on the wall beside you.
 The two of you rode the elevator and looked outside the glass enclosure to the ship and even the ocean outside.
 “They did a fantastic job with the ship. Even though you’re not on an island right now, you feel like it’s still a tropical vacation.”
 You nodded, agreeing with him.
 “Do you come on Disney cruises often?”
 You shook your head. “No. This is a first.”
 Chris lit up and smiled widely. “Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve met a first-timer.”
 “I take it you’re not.”
 “Nope, veteran. I come on a cruise at least once a year and go to Disneyworld and land twice a year,” Chris excitedly bragged.
 “Oh, a little boy trapped in a grown man’s body,” you teased.
 Chris chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
 “Eh, nothing wrong with being a little boy.”
 “Only if you aren’t that way because you refuse to grow up,” you responded. Chris looked at you and kept his eyes there. The ding of the elevator brought your attention back to the dial.
 You walked out the door, then turned left and proceeded to your room, wondering the whole way if that was a bitch thing to say. You had to learn to censor, you thought as you scanned your wrist and stepped into your room. Peeping back, you saw Chris still walking to his room with his head dipped low as if he’d lost his best friend.
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bevvydraws · 4 years
Sweet Justice (cont.)
1, 2, 3 , 4
Chapter 5 
Princess Justice looked up at the roof just in time to see a spotted figure swing down and land in front of her. The ladybug-themed outfit made it clear to her that this was, in fact, someone who had taken her old earrings. But that didn’t make sense. Her earrings were left in her room, the only way someone would have gotten them was if Tikki herself gave them to another. But who would she trust enough to do that? 
The white flame that seemed to erupt from the ladybug symbol from his chest gave her the answer. But she almost didn’t believe it. He looked so different. Luka didn’t have red hair, and he certainly didn’t have red hair with pink tips. She couldn’t clearly see his face because the bottom half was covered in a mask. His eyes didn’t have a mask, only what looked like red makeup surrounding them. 
Red makeup that made the blue stand out. Blue that she certainly recognized and found comfort in. 
It was Luka. Luka had her earrings.
“Who are you?!” Chat Noir sounded frantic, “How did you get those earrings?!” 
Princess Justice was frozen, her eyes still locked with Luka’s. 
“I’m Harmonia,” Luka answered, not breaking eye contact with Princess Justice, “I’m here to help since Ladybug is away for a bit. She… needed a break, and she’s never been good at asking for help.”
Realizing that this would throw a wrench in her plans, Princess Justice quickly composed herself. “Oh dear,” she cooed, sounding much more amused than she felt, “Poor little Ladybug is such a pitiful hero she needed to ask a civilian for help? How pathetic.”
“I’m not here to argue about Ladybug,” Harmonia said, voice soft, “I’m here to save you. Before you do something you’ll regret.” 
Princess Justice felt herself bristle slightly with rage, “You don’t get to decide anything for me! No one decides what is best for me anymore! You have no clue what I will or will not regret,” Part of her yelling was theatrical, but even she could recognize the true anger behind her words. She was sick of people claiming to know her. And she wasn’t going to let anyone get in the way of what she had planned. She was so close to making everything right. “Alya, Nino, tie that bug up and make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble!” 
Alya and Nino moved in tandem, diving straight for Harmonia who barely managed to evade the two. His reflexes obviously weren’t as good as hers were, but he still looked determined. Evading and dodging the knights, Harmonia seemed to be lost in thought as he tried to plan his next course of action. 
Before Princess Justice could stop him, he had made a running start, grabbing and lifting Chat Noir over his shoulder before swinging away with him. 
“No!!” Princess Justice cried out, “Bring him back! Bring him back right now!” 
Chat Noir seemed to be reaching out for her, shouting something she couldn’t hear as he was already too far away. Harmonia only glanced over his shoulder and looked at her sadly before he quickly maneuvered them out of sight. 
All of the knights in Princess Justice’s army felt their hearts break as their princess screamed in frustration and agony. 
The two heroes had barely landed on the rooftop when Chat Noir got in Harmonia’s face. 
“Just what the hell was that?!” Chat Noir practically growled.
“Look,” Harmonia said, not flinching at his threatening aura, “We need to come up with a plan to rescue her, and you were tied up.” He gestured to the ropes still tying his arms to his sides and his wrists together. 
Chat Noir only scoffed and effortlessly broke free of the restraints, “I was playing prisoner. I’ve been captured by much worse than simple rope before.”
Harmonia frowned, “So why were you playing prisoner? That doesn’t make any sense.” 
“I was helping Lady--” Chat Noir slapped a hand over his mouth, “I was helping Marinette.” 
“Chat, I know who Ladybug is. But that doesn’t change the fact that it doesn’t make sense why you would help her help Hawkmoth.” 
“She wasn’t helping Hawkmoth!” Chat yelled, ��Marinette would never!” His hands were balled into fists, and he almost looked ready to swing in order to defend Marinette’s honor. Harmonia looked over him, a thoughtful look on his face. 
“I believe you,” Harmonia said, “and I would never intentionally work against Marinette.”
“You just did.” 
“I’m not a mind reader, Chat Noir,” Harmonia sighed, “And Marinette was very convincing. But that was the point, I’m assuming.”
Chat only scoffed, crouching down and ruffling his own hair with his hands as he racked his brain for what to do now. 
“Look,” Harmonia started, “I may have messed up, and I apologize for that. But it isn’t too late to help her. But we need to work together.” 
“It’s weird, having a partner that isn’t Ladybug,” Chat Noir admitted softly, looking down at the ground. “I failed her. Of course, she doesn’t blame me. Marinette never blames anyone except herself.”
“You didn’t know,” Harmonia told him. He offered a hand to help Chat stand and he hesitantly took it, “Look, Marinette wouldn’t want you beating yourself up. I… also feel like I failed her, and I got quite the earful from her earlier today.” Harmonia sighed, and looked Chat in the eyes, “I know it’s weird for you to have a partner that isn’t her, but she needs us right now.”
“Yeah, she does,” Chat Noir nodded. 
“Besides, we’re both fighting for the same thing, so I’m not worried about anything,” Harmonia smiled wistfully, his voice almost humorous. 
“What do you mean?” Chat Noir looked at him skeptically. 
“We’re both fighting for the girl we love,” Harmonia said, as if it were the most casual thing in the world. Chat Noir looked like he was about to say something, but Harmonia kept talking, “and right now the girl we love is counting on us to help her, yeah? So we need a plan.”
Harmonia extended his hand out to Luka to shake, “Partners for now?” 
Chat Noir hesitated for only a second before he reached out to shake Luka’s hand, “Partners for now.” 
The two both knew the true implication behind the “for now” but both decided to focus on the more pressing issue at hand. Chat Noir looked at the note Princess Justice had handed him before Harmonia had crashed her speech. 
“Marinette knows how to get to Hawkmoth,” Chat explained while Harmonia listened intently, “he’s hidden somewhere in the Agreste mansion most likely. She told me Hawkmoth was Gabriel Agreste.” 
“How does she know?” 
“Maybe through their mental link? I mean it would make sense, because when we fought Dark Owl, the fake miraculouses that Ladybug tricked Dark Owl with were sent directly to him. That must mean those under his influence know his general location.”
Harmonia seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding, “Okay that makes sense. But wouldn’t it be easier to just tell you that and you go take care of it alone when he isn’t expecting it?” 
Chat Noir shook his head, “No, because the mansion is heavily secured, and it’s very likely that his assistant Nathalie is Mayura,” Harmonia noticed Chat Noir seemed increasingly sad as he said that, “there’s no way I’d be able to handle all of it on my own. She was going to take me directly to him under the guise of me being a hostage and bring her army with her as backup.” 
“Would Hawkmoth really fall for that?” 
Chat Noir laughed bitterly, “This is the same man who has akumatized babies more than once. I think he’d delude himself into just about anything to get his hands on these miraculouses.” 
Harmonia nodded, “Alright, so now we just need to figure out how to let both of us get captured without it being suspicious.” 
“Yeah but how are we going to do that? If Hawkmoth suspects anything, he’ll get rid of Marinette’s powers.” 
“While I don’t think that would entirely be a bad thing, because that means she’d be back to normal, I actually think this is something she really needs,” Harmonia sighed, “Getting justice for herself rather than getting justice for everyone else.” 
Chat nodded in agreement, “So we have to find a way to help her get that justice without being obvious to Hawkmoth.” 
“What if we ate one of her macarons?” Harmonia thought out loud.
“What do you mean?”
“What if we ate one of her macarons? Hawkmoth would have no reason to doubt we’d do whatever she said.”
“I suppose that could work… but you don’t automatically turn into a knight just because you eat one,” Chat Noir frowned, “Lila was put in some magical stocks.” 
“Hmm.. Marinette mentioned something like that to me, too,” Harmonia frowned, “When I asked her to give me a macaron before I got these earrings, she told me I’d just be put in stocks.” 
“What? Why?” Chat Noir looked at him incredulously. 
“It probably has something to do with a ‘justice’ system in her macarons.She also mentioned something about seeing injustices in people, I think.” 
“Oh! That would make sense!” Chat Noir said, “I remember seeing people who ended up becoming knights crying and begging for forgiveness before they transformed.” 
“So that means they need to be truly willing to face their injustices and be willing to change themselves, otherwise they end up in stocks…” 
Chat Noir and Harmonia looked at each other nervously, both realizing that this would probably be the best course of action for them to convince Hawkmoth. Taking a deep breath, they both nodded at each other in silent understanding before launching off the roof in search of Princess Justice once again.
reminder: this is not a ship fic. there is no endgame pairing. this is just taking note of everyone’s feelings and how it effects their relationship with Marinette and each other. 
taglist:  @fandom-trapped-03 , @justafanwarrior , @ultimatetornshipper , @lunadensmidnightprowl​ , @starpony999​ , @minth0l-illness , @the-bollywood-miraculous-girl​ , @akioshiwarrior​ ,  @queencommonsense ,  @id-dance-with-draco ,  @all-mights-asscheeks
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