#so that in 20 more years some other freak finds it and carries on the tradition
bitch-butter · 4 months
hi friend this is the last anon u answered abt my new interest in the ross/eion lore. i’m not doubting what you’re saying bc those two are losers but i’m just curious like. where the info comes from lol
the info we Know (about the backpacking trip, ross and settle's tangled web, etc.) are things they (usually ross) have mentioned in interviews over the years. he has a habit of dropping really weird bits of lore and then providing zero follow-up, so we know these unhinged scraps of his experiences but not Exactly what happened in every case. I haven't listened to the Ross Owens interviews in a Big Bit but I think there's stuff in there, otherwise I want to say the backpacking trip specifically got invoked during M*tt L*itch's Zoom era, and as far as I know those are behind a paywall atm. and maybe I'm just So tired but I think ross has Mentioned it on his way too infrequent Instagram Q&A's.
other stuff like ross being an idiot, eion being a morally bankrupt slut, and them being locked together in psychosexual torment can only be understood through observation.
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jaylver · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: Hunting supernatural beings is not your passion at all. But somehow, you were always inevitably tied to it. To make your grudge against it deeper, someone had to drag you along a bumpy ride. Who was it? The man that broke into your house in the middle of the night to convince you to join him to save his lost brother in Sin City, Vegas. Jay had one chance to save his brother, and another one chance to rekindle something that was lost between you and him. All in that one casino.
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PAIRINGS: supernatural hunter!jay x supernatural hunter afab!reader
GENRE: frenemies (with benefits) to lovers, supernatural au, inspired by tv series "supernatural", jay is based off "dean winchester", romance, angst, action
WARNING(S): profanities, drinking, mentions of death/murder, violence, suggestive content (no smut), slightly possessive jay, demons, possessions
WC: 11k
AUTHOR'S NOTE: specially dedicated to my supernatural enthusiasts, especially to my dean girlies (gn) who loves jay! rest assured, there's going to be hoon ver (based off sammy) <3 i hope you'll love this one as much as i enjoyed writing it, please leave feedbacks!!
masterlist | © jaylver 2023
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In this world, accidents and tragedies were recurring happenings, but what people didn't understand was the fact that neither were coincidences. You heard that right, it might sound insanely crazy, but the supernatural exists. 
There were two types of people on planet Earth. Ones that were blessed with obliviousness, unaware that the local murder case wasn't just a simple serial killer on the loose. Then, there's the ones that were rather cursed with the ability of hunting, knowing the real truths behind tragedies and solving said supernatural cases. They were known as hunters.
No, not the hunters that chase after deers with a gun, but rather chasing after demons, vampires and much more freaky stuff with more than just a single gun.
You were, unfortunately, part of the small percentage of hunters that were tasked to hunt supernatural beings and protect others. You never wanted this life, you despised it, the constant fear constantly followed. It was your father who dragged you into this, being a hunter himself, it was natural he had to train you to become one as well. 
You were an only child, so it was no surprise your father ended up dragging you along to hunts and let's say the amount of therapy wasn't enough to heal the traumas you've witnessed and experienced. Dread was the feeling you carried up until your 20s, tired of this life and craving the normal college life of an ordinary being, but then that was when everything changed. Your father was killed. 
You guessed it, freak accident with a vampire. Fantastic. Just to make things even more complicated, the infamous Park brothers turned up at your front door pretending to be police officers, doing their usual investigation, or rather identity fraud. What they didn't know was that you knew who they were, so they were eventually busted. You still accepted their help either way, finding the vampires and bringing your father to justice.
That all happened a few years ago, constantly staying in contact with the Park brothers while they travelled around hunting and you stayed home merrily, occasionally meeting if they were in town. Mostly, the best you could repay them was at least some help in information. You were glad to finally start afresh, getting a new job and shopping for new furniture. You thought this was it, time to settle down and put everything in the past.
But, you spoke too soon.
You were a light sleeper. From the years of your father's gruelling training, you learnt to listen for any weird noses during the night, and it surely did help. You could barely sleep, hearing odd creaks as your adrenaline increased, imagining the scenario where you had to reach for the iron knife under your bed. 
Creak. Creak. Creak.
The faint footstep got closer and louder, reaching your side of the bed, standing right beside you and stopped eventually. You sensed a figure, this wasn't good. Demon? Vampire? Your hand slowly travelled down to the spot of your knife, eyes shut tight and heart beating crazily. In the count of three, strike.
One … two … three—
"Woah, woah, woah, easy there tiger,"
Your hand reacted first, thrusting the knife forward without your eyes open, but once the voice travelled into your ears and your mind turned, you opened your eyes in an instant.
This was worse than a demon. 
One of the Park brothers happened to be standing in the middle of your bedroom. At three in the morning. Were you going to question how he got in? Maybe later.
"Y/N," he saluted back at you, a noticeable grin on his face despite the darkness, but you remained impassive, a wary look on your face and your hold on the knife didn't relax.
“Hold on,” you said, scrambling out of bed, scepticism clear in your voice, your stance unchanged as you held tight onto the knife. “Are you really Jay?”
Jay tilted his head, an eyebrow raised. "You're seriously doubting me? Right now?"
"Hey, I'm a hunter, you're a hunter, we both know this is basic caution,"
"Alright," he threw his hands up, giving in. "Quiz me,"
"Where's my birthmark?"
"You're seriously asking this—?"
"You've forgotten it?" You stared accusingly at him, the knife in your hand was dangerously close to him and he was clearly aware of that too. "You're the only person who knows this," you narrowed your gaze.
"It's been ages since the last time we fucked—"
"Can you not bring that up?"
"Fine. On your back," he answered, his eyes flickering between you and the knife. 
"That specific?" He whined, but once he saw you were, in fact, not kidding, he cleared his throat. "Lower back, on the right, almost at the side. It's a small birthmark that is shaped like a heart,"
You blinked. Thankful it wasn't some creature disguised as him, but also churning in slight rage that he was here. Look, you and Jay had … some interesting history. No bad blood was caused from it, but it had affected your ties with him, which explained why he was the lesser favourite brother to you. He was never going to know that though.
Just for old times sake and also not seeing him for months, you threw the knife onto the bed, engulfing him into a hug. "Gods, you're alive,"
He chuckled, his hand rubbing your back. "Of course I am. Doubting my skills now?"
"Jay, you literally died and came back before," you pulled away, staring pointedly at him.
"That was the past, this is the present," he waved it off, coughing awkwardly and you rolled your eyes. You switched on your table lamp, taking a small bottle from your bedside drawer and handing it to him.
"What's this? Complimentary water for guests?" 
"Holy water, if you count that as complimentary,"
"You're kidding. I passed your quiz,"
"I'm trying to be sure there's no hidden demon inside your body, okay?" You raised the small bottle to eye level. "Drink up,"
"Fine," Jay gritted, snatching the bottle from your hand, chugging half of it down. No demon, thankfully. "See?"
"Just wanted to confirm," you tossed the bottle back into the drawer, turning to face him with a quizzical stare. "Now, are you going to tell me why you've broken into my house in the middle of the night?"
"Breaking in? Pft," 
"Jay," you said flatly, a stern look gazing back at him. "What are you doing here?"
Jay clenched his jaw, seemingly rethinking his words in his mind, calculatingly picking the right ones to make sure you wouldn't explode. "I need help,"
"What?" He was taken aback by your bluntness. "You always helped us,"
"Busting into my house at 3 AM doesn't sound like your usual need for my help. You want me to do something more hands-on, don't you?"
Jay was silent. You got him there.
"Jay, I am always here for help. You do know I literally commit illegal things just to dig up information for you two right? But that's the most I'll do and the least I can do for you, I swore I wouldn't go back into hunting,"
"But this one's important,"
"You have Sunghoon to help you anyway,"
"He's gone," 
The next few sentences you had in mind died in your throat. The other Park brother was missing? There was no way this happened. They were skilled hunters, what went wrong?
Jay cleared his throat, shoving his hands into his jean pockets, noticing your obvious shock. "Look, that's why I'm here. Hoon's gone, poof, missing. One second he was at the motel and the next when I got back, he's gone. I should've never left,"
"Any ideas what it could've been?"
"No," he shook his head, frustration laced in the way he had his eyebrows furrowed. 
"How are we supposed to find him? Jay, I'm no sorcerer or a crossroad demon that can summon him up. I could be as equally lost as you are,"
He ran his hands through his hair, heaving a deep and heavy sigh. "I don't know either. I'm fucked, okay? I don't have anyone else to find but you, and there's no one that knows Hoon as much as I do but you,"
"How do I know I can trust you this time?" You mindlessly let the words slip out, referring to the incident that caused the slight crack between you two, its effect remained even after.
"I told you I'm sorry already, Y/N," he said softly, catching on your innuendo at once. 
It was the last time you went on an actual hunt with the Park brothers when it happened. Crazy monsters and demon ladies were nothing too big for you three, but the moment a human was involved, the hunt became vulnerable. 
A part of you wanted to save the innocent man even though he was long gone and already affected by the creature, turning wild gradually. Being the rash and impulsive person Jay was, he demanded to kill the man at once, Sunghoon trying to calm him down while you fought back. 
It was a stupid argument, you were emotional and he was aggressive, Sunghoon trying to be neutral and diffusing the tension, but failed. In the end, a cure was found but Jay had already killed the man. Even though you were able to save the others, a part of you continued to seethe with anger.
'Too emotional' was what Jay called you. Storming away was the only thing you could muster in that moment, and it took a few days before he showed up at your front door apologising with a bouquet of flowers. Were you fully satisfied? Not really. Did things change? Definitely.
As for now, you pondered thoughtfully. Despite your valiant efforts of escaping the supernatural part of your past, you knew it was imminent it would come back, just not like this. Sunghoon was a nice guy, he and his brother helped you and your family before, and some part of you wanted to do the same. You swore you didn't want to hunt with the Park brothers after that incident, and it seemed that you had no choice but to eat your words. You were going to regret your decision, you know so.
"Okay," it came out more of a whisper, which made Jay lean in closer, an eyebrow raised.
"Okay, fine, I'll go with you to find Sunghoon. Don't make me go back on my word," 
"Right, right," Jay said rather excitedly, his eyes beaming. "Gods, how did I manage to get the Y/N L/N to hunt with me? I am a lucky man,"
"Don't test your luck," you took the iron knife from your bed and pointed it at him, earning a sleazy eye roll from the latter.
"You still have your gears with you?" He glanced around your room, not a single weapon in sight, only messy heaps of clothes.
"Duh," your hand reached for the bottom of your pillow, pulling out another blade, made purely from iron, perfect for killing supernatural beings. "When are we leaving?"
"Best before day break,"
"So … roadtrip?"
"You bet."
Begrudgingly, you shoved some clothes into a small carry on, packing guns, knives, blades, salt. Yes, salt, sodium. It might seem weird but salt literally saves lives, literally. An insignificant kitchen ingredient held a significant role by protecting people from spirits attack. Rock salts were used as ammunition as well to ward spirits off for a short time. Insane, right?
Jay helped you fit your bags into the trunk of his Chevrolet Impala, one that he has been driving almost forever. Among your bags, there were a shit ton of weapons, quite messily scattered around, some stuck on the trunk door. It was certainly a rich collection. 
“Hop in, dollface. Be my guest,”
You rolled your eyes as Jay opened the car door for you. He was still the same old Jay. Promiscuous, teasing, haughty, but you supposed that was the charming point of him. You remembered the insides of the car as clear as day when you got in, almost felt like it was just yesterday when you were in it.
“Where to?” you turned to look over at Jay who had just slammed the car door shut, his hands on the wheel, a cheshire grin pulled at his lips.
“Vegas,” he flashed you a toothy smirk, but you could only mirror his expression with an unamused one. 
“Sin city? You’re kidding. Why on earth are we heading there—God, Jay, don’t tell me you developed some gambling addiction—”
“No! For fuck’s sake,” Jay pulled the car to start, the headlights brightened the dark street at once. Well, goodbye to your home, you hoped you would make it back alive. “It was where Hoonie and I had our last hunt, the place he went missing, and funny thing, the hunt is incomplete,”
“So, you’re telling me you drove all the way to my house from Vegas in the middle of an unfinished hunt just because Sunghoon’s gone,”
“‘Just because’? Y/N, it’s life or death!”
“I’m not saying this isn’t important!” you bite back, sleep deprivation wasn’t helping your increased agitation. “Didn’t this happen before? One of you goes missing and the other solves the case and finds each other? What’s so big this time?”
“This did happen,” Jay sighed, the bags under his eyes obvious despite the darkness surrounding you, the tuned down rock music played faintly on the radio. “I went lost, got captured by some psycho killer, whatever, but it was traceable, it always was, but this time … something’s different and it’s definitely not only a psycho killer, it’s something stronger, darker,” 
“Jolly. A demon,” you wondered aloud, Jay humming in agreement. “Mind telling me what hunt you and Sunghoon were on in Vegas before his disappearance?”
“Saw on the news about deaths in a casino, so Hoon and I decided to check it out, and guess what we found? Sulphur,” demons tend to leave sulphur around, finding sulphur basically indicated a demon’s presence, pretty basic information.
“A demon on massacre duties in a casino? I feel like this one is out for money, something to do with his greed and desire,” you speculated, unsurprised as these were common occurrences.
"Likely," Jay clicked his fingers, his eyebrows bunched together, a scheming look on his face. "Here's the thing, we were somewhat on the road to uncovering some truths, on who the real demon was, but that's when this happened, it's no coincidence that he probably took Hoonie,"
"Which means you still don't know who's the mastermind in that casino right now? Or where Sunghoon could possibly be?"
"No," he answered bitterly, his fingers strumming the steering wheel softly. "And I think the jackass jumps into different bodies working there each time, it's hard to trace,"
"Are we going around splashing holy water? How are we supposed to know whose body is being possessed?"
"We don't," he said plainly, and matter-of-factly, turning his face just enough for you to catch him winking at you. "But we do know he's a higher up, a man with a position, or maybe positions,"
"Guess it's our lucky day testing our fortune on catching demons and winning at casinos,"
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"Looks just like the movies," 
Upon entering the state of Nevada at nightfall, you were welcomed with the blistering nightlife of Las Vegas, the bright lights blinding your sights and you couldn't help but be fascinated.
"Where are we heading?"
"Towards the hotel the man was murdered in," Jay nodded at one of the big and tall hotels ahead. "There's a famous casino in that hotel, lots of people constantly betting, rich and powerful men are frequently present,"
"A perfect spot for a money hungry demon,"
Jay parked his beloved car and was rather sad leaving it behind in a shabby parking lot. You knew he loved his car, sometimes clingy and attached, but he loved it a little too much. 
Grabbing your bags and a seperate one full of weapons, you and Jay headed into the hotel and towards the reception, where a bright young woman named Carrie was smiling back at you both.
"You're not going to make me spray holy water at her, right?" You said quietly in hopes of the receptionist not hearing it.
"I'm not stopping you," Jay passed you an unamused half grin.
"Hello! How may I assist you?" Carrie greeted enthusiastically, but frankly, none of you could reciprocate the same energy.
"We'd like to book two rooms please," Jay slid the card towards Carrie, hoping to get this over with quickly.
"Just two?" She glanced between you and Jay, a question mark basically floating above her head. "We have a 'couples exclusive' promotion though,"
You and Jay shared a look, turning back to the receptionist. "Two, please,"
"There's free access to the facilities and the buffet," Carrie continued on. "Oh—uhm—there's a jacuzzi here too,"
Jay turned to you, you stared back, a knowing look passed between one another, releasing sighs of displeasure.
"We'll take it,"
It would be an understatement to just say the hotel was fancy, it was more than fancy. High ceilings, marble floors, chandeliers, everything was almost in gold. You were able to catch a slight glimpse of the casino as you passed, and indeed, it was packed with people. Boy, you were about to have a time trying to find out who's the real imposter.
"I definitely spotted some sulphur just now," Jay shook his head, his eyes scanning the floor, walls and surroundings. "I think this one has minions here,"
"Amazing," you clicked your tongue, impatiently stalking through the soundless corridor in search of your designated room. You were dying to dive into your hotel bed. 
"Do you think we have enough?" Jay eyed the bag of weapons as you two stood outside your room, but just before you could answer, a stranger appeared next to you two, holding a keycard to the room next to yours.
"Oh, I'm sure it's enough," the stranger, a middle aged lady, laughed.
You glanced at Jay, a cautionary sign was understood. "W–what do you mean?" Jay chuckled nervously.
"Condoms? That's what you meant, right?" The lady snickered, and you were absolutely dumbfounded. "Just keep it down kids, it's not entirely soundproof here and I need sleep. It's nice meeting you guys!"
The lady slammed the door behind her, leaving you and Jay standing there like statues, a little confusion and surprise in the air. 
"Condoms," you echoed, shuddering slightly.
Jay turned to look at you, a pensive look in his gaze, eyebrows raised slightly. "Do you … unless—?" 
"Zip it," you hoisted the bags, opened the door and stormed in while Jay remained standing there, a defensive look replacing his previous one.
"Hey, I didn't even say it," he shouted from the outside, taking his bags from the floor.
"I know what you're trying to say, thank you! Now get your ass in here before I shut you out,"
"Yes, ma'am," Jay scrambled in and shut the door close, soon noticing your figure looming over the bed and was curious. "What's up?"
"There's only one bed," you glanced down at the king size bed, a heart formed from rose petals decorated it and you found it highly ridiculous. "And they made it romantic, how sweet,"
"You're kidding me," Jay ran his hand across his tired face, a weary sigh leaving his lips. "I'll take the couch,"
You stopped him there. "Dude, you're going to be hunting demons, I'm not letting you get backaches from a lousy couch,"
"There's no way you're sleeping on it either,"
You bit your lips, maybe sleeping on the same bed for a few nights wouldn't hurt, right? It certainly wasn't your first time with Jay anyway, but business was business, and this was far from being professional.
"Let's just share the same bed," 
Jay stared doubtfully at you, as if he couldn't believe those words had come out of your mouth. "You're up for that?"
"Do you think we have any other choices?" You crossed your arms, mirroring his pointed gaze.
"Touche," he nodded thoughtfully, dropping his bags to a corner. "Just don't kick me in my sleep,"
"I'll be happy to kick you now instead."
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"Stop staring!"
Despite being tired and worn out, you and Jay dragged yourselves out from the room in hopes of some food and checked out the hotel and casino. 
The inside of the casino was bright and painted in gold, red themed colours. It was extremely busy and crowded, many were yelling in surprise and joy, while there were those in despair over losing. Jay, on the other hand, was too busy staring at by-passing girls to focus on the real purpose.
"What?" He hissed defensively, winking at another server and you rolled your eyes at his never changing behaviour.
"You can enjoy whatever you want after everything, okay? Not to be a killjoy but there's a demon here that took your brother,"
"Hey! I'm aware,"
"Sure," you mumbled sarcastically, looking around the table and observing people's faces, but you knew none of these normal citizens were possessed.
"Do you think we can meet the host or manager tonight?" Jay made sure to whisper that quietly, glancing around warily.
"You think one of them would be possessed?"
"The chances are high. Hoon and I went over to the dead man's house the other day, the wife told us he was close to the host, something by the name Sam? Sam Clerk?"
"Looking for me?"
You've never turned around so quick, your hand instinctively reached into your pocket for the small bottle of holy water, but Jay's hand stopped you discreetly, giving you one of his 'I got this' look.
"You're Sam Clerk?" Jay laughed awkwardly, playing it cool and casual.
The man before you was tall and seemingly in his mid 30s, his smile was wide and welcomingly, but there was a malevolent energy emitted from him. "Why yes, that's me. And you two are …?"
"I'm … Jack Williams," 
Sam glanced at you expectantly, and if you could dig yourself a grave then from the embarrassment, hoy would've. You cleared your throat, "I'm Stacy … Williams, he's my husband,"
You felt Jay's gaze on you, burning into your skin, but you ignored him and looped your arm around his. 
"Oh!" Sam clapped in surprise, a pleasant smile spread across his face. "You two must be new here, right? I've never seen you before,"
"Right, we are," Jay patted your hand, plastering on his most convincing smile. "That was why we wanted to find you! We heard how great of a host you were and wanted an introduction,"
"I'm pleased, but I'm a little busy tonight, so I can't assist you unfortunately," a flash of change in his eyes was barely noticeable, but you caught onto it. "But there's a charity ball we're holding in two days, I would love to invite you both to attend,"
"We'd love to," you said almost immediately.
Sam chuckled, nodding in satisfaction. "Great. I'll see you … then."
Without another word, he left in a dash, moving almost like a shadow. You unknowingly let out a shaky breath, feeling goosebumps rise. "His energy was so off,"
"I know," Jay was thinking hard, his mind working extra hours. "So, it's him … but there's definitely another one which we don't know, there's no way this would be so easy, and we also need to know where Hoon is,"
"I think I have an idea," you held onto his forearm, pulling him on and continued your walk around the casino. "I did some digging on the history behind this hotel and the casino, and it goes way back,"
"How long?"
"Centuries. It was built on a cursed ground, but they didn't care, and guess what? There were deaths here over those years too, unexplained ones. Weird, huh? But that's not the point. There's some hidden underground chamber somewhere here, built by someone from the olden days, and it's said to harbour bad energy,"
"Attracts demons,"
"Perfect hideout,"
"But why Hoon?" Jay scratched his head, eyebrows furrowed and increasingly frustrated.
"I mean, you guys were hunting the demons and they caught on. Plus, timing was bad, you happened to be out,"
"True," Jay sighed. "We should ask that Sam guy more stuff during that charity ball, and we should start doing some digging tomorrow,"
"I'll use my flirting skills and wiggle information off him," you grinned, nudging his side teasingly.
"You should use it on me instead," he grumbled noisily.
"No chance," you smiled sarcastically at him, pulling him towards the bar. "Let's just enjoy tonight and drink a little, I definitely need some before diving into … everything,"
"Get ready to drink until you fall, L/N,"
"Challenge accepted, Park."
The night faded into a blur, you and Jay somehow wandered off without one another, but stayed within the vicinity. You were drinking alone at the bar, the alcohol seemed like water to you, your tolerance coming strong. 
Jay was off at the side, leaning against the wall as he openly flirts with a random blonde girl. Laughing suavely, a glass of whiskey in one hand and his charming looks sweeping the blonde off her feet. 
You shouldn't be feeling this way, but you would be lying if you said you were indifferent to him and the girl. It was no surprise you and him had history, even on the intimate level, but to have feelings for him? That was something new you slowly came about to realise.
Onto your new glass of gin, Jay slid into the empty seat next to you, looking far from drunk. You forgot Jay had an alcohol tolerance that challenged yours, making him an interesting drinking partner to have on most nights. 
"What happened to the girl?" 
"What girl?" He craned his neck to stare off at the distance before turning back to look at you, his face inching closer to yours. "Blondie? Nah," he shook his head, a playful grin appearing on his handsome face. "Can't believe I'm saying this but are you perhaps … jealous?"
"Me? Jealous? Don't be ridiculous," you pushed his face away, eliciting a humorous laugh from him. 
"I think you are," Jay said in a sing-song tone under his breath. "Rest assure, sweetheart, I never fucked anyone else ever since our last night together," he winked, taking his jacket hanging from the chair and offered you his hand, which you grudgingly accepted.
"Are you sure you're not lying to me? Park Jong Seong, the man who hunts demons and loves to fuck around hasn't been bringing girls back?" 
"Don't doubt me or my feelings here," he feigned a crying face dramatically to which you pulled a face at. “You’re seriously underestimating my feelings for you,” he said, a little seriously this time, raising his eyebrows at you before letting your hands go and leading the way back to the room, making sure to turn around to check up on you from time to time. 
You were tired by the time you’ve reached your room, changing out of your outfit into a much more comfortable one while Jay did the same in another room. You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous, it wasn’t an everyday occurrence that you slept next to a man, even if he was one you’ve shared a bed with once.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Jay yawned as he got under the sheets, you followed suit, shifting around for a better position. Your’s and Jay’s back faced each other, a distance obvious between you two.
“Night, Jay,” you switched the lights off, the room was dark, but you were wide awake. The unfamiliar bed had you tossing and turning, but also making an effort not to bump into Jay while doing so. 
“We haven’t done this in a while,” Jay suddenly spoke into the darkness after barely ten minutes. 
You bit back a smile, wrapping your hands tighter around yourself. “Yeah, we haven’t,”
"If I have to be honest, I miss it," you couldn't see Jay's face, only picturing it as he continued on. "I miss waking up next to you,"
"Jay …" you trailed off, heart squeezing slightly. "You know we can't,"
"I know," he repeated, a beat passed. "But what if we can?"
"You said it was too dangerous, you didn't want it,"
"I didn't say I didn't want it," he was quick to retaliate. "I want it, you know I do, but this job, this life, your life, I'll be a walking supernatural attractor,"
A short moment of silence filled the space between you and him, you let out a sigh. "Whatever it is, I'm willing to drop it for you, whether it was years ago or now, I don't think my feelings have changed. But that’s for you to accept anyway,"
Jay didn’t say anything more, your tiredness eventually brought you to sleep, unaware that he was still wide awake, turning around to glance at the back of your head, head filled with thoughts of you. Jay knew that being a hunter was a dangerous job, which meant romantic relationships and commitment were two hard things to tackle, even harder than killing supernatural things. But you were different to him. A one night together somehow turned his stone heart soft. The Park Jong Seong was truthfully in love with you. You were the angel to the devil in his heart. What’s stopping him was everything around his life, his cold demeanour, his fears.
The night melted into snores and wild dreams, the sun was soon peeking out of the horizons and sunlight streamed into your room. You were awoken by your alarm blaring by the bedside, slamming it off and trying stretching your limbs, but as you said, you tried.
Jay's arm was wrapped around your waist tightly, his body pressed against your side as its weight leaned against yours. You haven't been this intimate with him for months, and it certainly sparked something in you.
"God, Jay, wake up," you tapped his arm, trying to yank it off you, but he only retaliated by hugging your body tighter and tugging you closer to him.
"5 minutes," was all he could mumble before continuing his snores.
You scoffed, giving in with no choice. Since Jay indirectly wanted a lazy morning in, you decided it was best to call room service instead. 
"Good morning, can I order some room service?" It was an awkward position with the phone against your ear, menu in your hands and a grown man's arm draped across your abdomen.
The women on the other line coughed uncomfortably. "Good morning, miss, but room service is currently unavailable. Something happened overnight …" she drifted off and your face scrunched into an expression of confusion.
"What … happened?"
"I don't know if I should be saying this—"
"I won't complain, I swear, I just want to know," you tried to be as convincing as you could, and somehow the women complied.
"A murder happened, in the casino, again," she breathed out, a pinch of disbelief in her tone. "I think it's cursed,"
Oh, you don't say.
"Is there anyone who's hurt?"
"Other than the murdered rich tycoon, no,"
Rich tycoon, as expected.
"Got it. Be safe,"
"You too."
You placed down the phone, shaking the man beside you who only let out gruff huffs of annoyance. "Hm?" 
"Don't 'hm' me, get your ass up. We've got trouble."
Dragging a five foot ten grown man out of the bed was definitely a struggle, but in the end, it worked. After spilling the information you got earlier, he seemed content with just a cup of coffee and stormed towards the crime scene at once.
As expected, the police had surrounded the area and curious bystanders were peeking in from left and right. You and Jay slipped into the crowd, making sure to scan the area as much as you could, and as expected, traces of sulphur. 
"Another one bites the dust, huh?" Jay hummed as you two roamed around the hotel aimlessly, unable to do much more but laying low since police officers were still around.
"Have you ever thought about there being more than one demon here?"
"Yeah, that guy we met with his demon minions, duh—"
"Forget about the minions, let's think about the powerful ones," you bite your lips thoughtfully. "Remember this hotel being built centuries ago?"
"Two brothers owned it. One was the head of everything while the other managed the casino mostly," you said, glancing around. "Ring a bell? I'm pretty sure the guy's just a vessel, they were the ones working here before they got possessed, the demon's in those bodies,"
"You're a genius," Jay gasped, coming to realisation as he pieced it one by one.
"Now, I think I also got a faint idea of the secret dungeon. Their office,"
"Any history lesson?"
"No, just a blind guess, but my sixth sense told me so and you know how trustable my sixth sense is,"
"It sure is," Jay nodded in agreement, proven by your skills in previous hunts. "Should we break into it?"
"Are you crazy? You're walking into hell," you knew it was no secret how impulsive he was, which explained why you were there in the first place. "I reckon we strike during the charity ball,"
"But how are we going to identify the other brother first?"
"Oh, speaking of the devil," you nodded over at the crime scene that was now a distance away. Two men appeared, one was Sam, and the other was someone you've never seen before, but strangely held a resemblance to Sam.
They possessed brothers? You're joking.
"That must be the man of the hour," Jay whistled, eyeing the two men conversing with the officers. The man was taller than Sam, older looking and had a similar friendly face to him that also seemed intimidating.
"They're leaving," the two brothers bid farewell to the officers, watching them leave before turning around and walking away themselves. Jay and his impulsiveness just had to strike again. "Let's follow them,"
Before you fully register Jay's words, that fucker pulled you by the wrist and started sprinting off into the direction the demon brothers were heading. If you could sock Jay in the jaw at that moment, you would've.
"Are you trying to get us killed?" You hissed quiet enough to not blow your cover, following the brothers a short distance away as they headed towards their office.
"Trying not to, but shush, we need to hear what they're saying,"
The brother stopped just before the door to their office, you and Jay followed suit, your body almost crashing into him from the abrupt halt. Jay dragged you into a dingy closet packed with cleaning supplies, great, and there was barely any room to move, let alone take a step back, and thus you found yourself in a compromising position.
Jay glanced down at you, a smirk etched on his face. "Not our first time, huh—"
"One word and you're not making it out alive, now hush and listen," you glared at him, effectively shutting him up but failed at wiping off his smug smile.
From the other side of the door, you heard shuffling and the voice of Sam Clerck. "But John—"
Jay's eyes widened, and you knew what he meant, there was a name. 
"—the amount of killing is making this whole thing suspicious to the mortals,"
"It's annoying that you're calling me 'John'," the latter spat. 
"It's not my fault that's the name of the original bodies. Fine, Elijah, don't you think we should rest on the killings for the moment,"
"What? Elliot, here's no way we're doing that, look at the fortune we're making,"
"Mind you, we have a possible hunter captured in the office's dungeon, what are we doing with him? Oh, there's probably other hunters coming as well now that they've slowly caught onto us,"
"Brother, stop overthinking and fretting," Elijah, the presumed older brother, sighed. "We could use him as a sacrifice—"
You clamped a hand over Jay's mouth, knowing him too well that he would let out noises and maybe burst out the door, but there was no way you're letting him do either of those.
"Or just kill him. We've been treating him well with food, excluding the fact that there's no sunlight," 
"We'll see how it goes, underground or not, another killing is too risky," 
You heard the door click shut, the two brothers already entered their office. Jay licked your hand and you reacted at once, shooting him a disgusted expression and opening the door, a gush of fresh air filled your lungs and you're no longer pressed against Jay, hooray!
"You heard that? They're going to serve my brother up on a platter or just directly cook him into a meat skewer,"
You pushed Jay to move along, avoiding the risk of getting caught. "We know he's in the office now, and there's definitely a way to get him out, can you try being hopeful for once?"
"It's Hoon we're talking about, so no,"
"Look, Elijah and Elliot, they're the Vamson brothers,"
"They're the original owners of this hotel and they got executed from murder cases. Explains why they knew the dungeon and all,"
"What do we do now?"
"Not 'now', tomorrow," you grinned, a plan brewing in mind. "We're splitting them up,"
The day consisted of you and Jay running around as inconspicuous as you could manage. The plan was slowly forming over a glass of whiskey. Jay would be onto distracting 'Sam' while you get closer to 'John', getting him to bring you back to his office and free Sunghoon by locating the dungeon.
"Must you really flirt with him?" Jay grumbled as he sipped on his glass.
"Is it your turn to be jealous now?"
"Yeah," Jay nodded straightforwardly, catching you a little off guard. "Pains me seeing you flirt with someone other than me,"
You rolled your eyes, playing it off nonchalant and casual, but internally? Your heart was doing backflips. "It's not actual flirting anyway, you dramatic ass,"
He let out a small, humorous laugh. "I know," he hummed. "But I just don't like seeing others with my girl,"
"I don't belong to you, Jay," you raised your eyebrows, playing around with your glass, heartbeat gradually increasing.
"You've been mine since the day you let me touch you," he said almost so nonchalantly that it gave you a whiplash. His words were unexpected, and it certainly stirred something in you. 
"You're insane," you scoffed, completely hiding the fact that you were secretly blushing.
He simply shrugged. "Anyway, I'd like to catch some air outside, you coming?"
"Will you be smoking?"
"I quit that shit a while ago,"
You smiled at that. "Good. But nah, you can go on without me, but come back once you're done, I don't feel safe,"
"Obviously, I'm not leaving you alone," Jay carrassed your arm slightly, a small reassuring look present in his gaze. 
"Got your gun? Knife? Weapons—?"
"Chill, Y/N, I'm only going out for a while,"
"Knowing you, you're going to get into trouble,"
Jay winked, his usual playful grin on display. "You bet,"
To prove you absolutely right, he did.
Upon returning, you felt an odd shift in Jay's energy. As much as you were in denial, you knew your sixth sense was always, forever right, gut feelings never lie.
He started off normal, but then he got all … how could you put it? Sexy? Seducing? Sensual? Definitely not Park Jong Seong's normal way of seducing someone, knowing it very well especially since you were a victim to his seductions.
You played along, pretending stupid, and it gave you enough time to deduce that he was possessed. Demons that stormed the hotel got to him in the end and you had to be the one to clean the mess up? Unbelievable. 
Now, here you were, in his lap back in your hotel room, making out. You heard that right. 
His hands tugged your hair, yours wandered his body, lips moving passionately against one another, you had to remind yourself that this WASN'T him! 
You broke the kiss, heaving slightly as you reached for the small flask on your bedside table, a plan already in your mind. "Gosh, let me take a sip, want some?"
Jay—or demon Jay—nodded at the flask in your hand with some interest. "What's in there?"
"Whiskey, your favourite," you lied cunningly through your teeth.
"I'll have some," 
You passed it to Jay, watching his every move, from him taking the flask, holding it up to his lips, to downing the contents into his mouth, then a loud scream broke out from him.
"Holy water," you clicked your tongue. "And you're so not Jay," 
You threw yourself away from him, backing away from the bed. Jay turned to you sharply, piercingly glaring at you, his eyes turned fully black, leaving no whites. Oh yeah, hundred percent possessed. 
He tried charging at you, but he then hit an invisible barrier. No matter how much he lunged and punched, he was stuck, and never escaping.
"Devil's trap, whoops," it was a precaution you took, drawing a sigil trap under the bed that was designed specially to trap demons, and there was no way out unless the circle was broken. It was great luck you got the demon twisted around your finger to have him follow you into bed. "Now, what's your business? Why are you possessing him?"
"You don't want to continue doing what you're doing here," he seethed out.
"I've got someone to save,"
He cackled with a look of disdain. "You humans are so weak minded and hero wannabes. How about you save yourself and forget about the guy? You don't know who you're dealing with or what you're even doing,"
"Oh, I don't?" You pulled the bedside table's drawer open, your trusty notebook was tucked inside and you snatched it out, showing it gloriously. "Look at this!"
"A stupid little notebook? You're not scaring me,"
"Are you sure? What if I told you there were some verses in here? You know, those types of verses, the ones that can make you go away. What if I start reciting some verses?" You taunted, your innocent smile riled him further.
"Come on then," he poked, challenging you. 
"Seriously? I'm giving you choices and time before I send you back to hell. I'm really kind,"
Jay gulped, despite all that, he remained a confident front and a cocky look. "Your stupid chantings won't work on me,"
"A low level demon like you telling me what I know and don't know? Please, save some talk and let me show you what I'm best at," you flipped open your notebook, following the usual ritual and started the latin incantations.
Jay stirred, yelling out and his body shuddered. As your chantings got louder and more aggressive, the demon from within seemed to be fighting to escape. Finally, with one last verse, Jay's mouth opened and a flight of black smoke escaped from within and dissolved back to, hopefully, hell.
"Fuck," you ran towards the bed as you saw his body going limp, getting there just in time for his body to fall into your arms heavily. "I got you, Jay, you're okay,"
"Huh?" His eyes were half opened, looking worse than a drunk. 
"Get some rest, we'll talk about this tomorrow. You need it."
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"I got possessed, then we made out, and you exorcised me?"
"That was about it,"
It was the next morning, room service thankfully available now and you were having breakfast in bed with Jay as you poured over the happenings of the crazy night. Of course, Jay was having difficulties swallowing his food as he had zero recollections whatsoever, blacking out the moment the demon entered his body. 
"So … we made out?"
"Seriously? Is that the important part to you?"
"We never did for months and the demon got to do it with you? This is trippy and I'm salty," he huffed, chewing on his sunny side egg sadly. "Anyway, did the demon say anything?"
"Right, he did. Something about how we shouldn't be doing what we're doing now, like a warning I think,"
"Eh, typical demon bullshit, they always get into your minds and spit some mind boggling ass words to get you all worked up. It's nothing,"
You were unconvinced, crossing your arms nervously. "You don't actually think there's something wrong, right? Something bigger than we think?"
"Maybe, maybe not," he shrugged, uncertainty lingered in his words. "Either way, we have bigger problems. Tonight, the charity ball, saving Hoonie,"
"You're right."
Running around the streets looking for some gown to buy was harder than expected. Buying it rather than renting was a stupid choice, a dumb and expensive one. But what could you do? You're probably going to rip it up anyway. Not in that manner.
The day was soon coming to an end. Earlier on, the two of you made sure to have your bags packed and ready, dumping them into the car in advance. God knows what's happening after the event, all you knew was that you're probably not stepping foot back into the hotel room again.
"Are you done?" Jay shouted from the other room as you finished some final touch ups.
"Can you wait for a second? Jeez!"
You burst open the door, meeting Jay's gaze at once. He was dressed handsomely in a suit, a plain black suit that hugged his muscles and body in a perfect way as if it was tailored for him.
As for you, you were in a simple floor length black gown, one with two surprises: an open back and a thigh slit. You weren't a big fan but it is what it is. It was likely made out of some cheap silk and half assed production, but this happened to be your only option. 
"Fucking hell," he whistled under his breath, his eyes swept your figure from top to bottom and back to the top again to lock his gaze with yours. "Wow. You look amazing, more than amazing actually,"
He took a step, and another, until he was directly in front of you, face to face. "Is it okay if I touch you?" He whispered under his breath, something flashing in those brown irises. 
His hand slithered around your waist, tugging you forward into his chest, eyes widened as it caught you by surprise. Being this close to him had you thinking of yesterday. Despite the fact that he was possessed, it was physically still him, meaning you did kiss him, and God, he missed him and his lips.
"What are you thinking about?"
"That demon got you hooked?"
"You're annoying. I mean, kissing you," you faltered towards the end, gradually getting flustered. 
"Would you like to recreate that?" Jay jokingly leaned in and you pushed his face away, laughing slightly.
"We don't have the time to, idiot,"
Jay shook his head, a small smile adorned his pretty features. "After all this … maybe we should talk it out. About us. Just you and I,"
"Definitely," you nodded, squeezing his shoulder lightly. "We should leave too, it's time," 
"You're right," he sighed, obvious disappointment in his voice as he glanced down at his wristwatch. "Let's go," he slowly let his hold of you go, but his hand remained around your waist as you two walked side by side.
That cheeky bastard's hands gradually travelled lower and lower as you walked, teasing you until it reached your lower back. Your head snapped over to give him a questioning glance, to which he reciprocated with a shrug.
"Hands up—" you moved his hands from your lower back back to your waist, eyes glaring at him, "—here,"
"You weren't complaining the last time we fucked,"
"Over a year back,"
"What do you say we relive that tonight, huh?"
"You're such a sleazebag. Oh, manwhore, and what else?"
"Dickhead, handsome jerk," 
"Okay, whatever you say, dickhead handsome jerk," you snickered sarcastically before dragging him towards the main area, making sure to not trip over your gown. 
The hotel was bustling with guests from all over the world, being the busiest it has been as staff ran around frantically. The night has yet to begin and people were already gambling their minds off while drinking expensive champagne served by frantic servers. 
You looked around, noticing Sam, or Elliot in actuality, conversing with someone, his brother was nowhere in sight … yet. 
"Distract him, okay?" You whispered hastily into Jay's ears as you saw the man waving over at you two, possibly coming over once he's done with the guy he's talking to. "I'll try to be within hindsight, but listen to me, if I'm not back by the two hour mark, you come to the office and find me. You have the gun, right?"
"Good. I'm going to try and get Sunghoon out, but I've only got so much,"
"I'll be there, okay? I won't leave you,"
You nodded at his words, feeling his hand squeeze your arm tightly. The anxiety was pushing past its limits and you were praying everything to run your way. The moment Sam moved over to you and Jay, you exchanged friendly greetings and pretended to be interested in whatever he's trying to yap about. As he did so, Jay slowly whisked him away, luring him for a talk over some drinks. One thing Jay's excellent at was talking, and you sure hoped his charms were enough to keep the little brother at bay.
After some more digging, you found out John, aka Elijah, mostly hung around the bar area and observed his customers. Interesting man. Lo and behold, the theories were right and he was actually there, all alone, an easy target.
"Not here to gamble?" You slid by his side casually, sitting in an empty seat just a fraction of a distance in between.
"I like to sit and observe a little," he hummed, taking a sip out of his glass. "And you are?"
"Stacy Williams,"
"I'm John Clerk,"
Ironic that you two were actually lying about yourselves to each other. 
"Owner of this place I believe?"
"It's true," he raised his glass up, quirking his eyebrows.
"Beautiful casino and hotel, by the way," you said sweetly, putting on your most convincing smile.
"Thank you," he bowed his head slightly. Not much of a conversationalist, huh? Maybe this was your time to strike. 
"Mr Clerk, I'm sorry but is there any way I can get a short rest around here? I'm feeling a little light headed and I just wish to lie down for a while,"
The man before you remained stoic, but you could tell he was internally scrambling for ideas in his mind, and you certainly didn't miss the way he gulped. To add extra pressure onto him, you started staring at him expectantly.
"Well—uhm—there's a sofa in my office," he suggested, though reluctantly.
"That'll be great if you don't mind, I'm sorry for the trouble,"
"No worries, Miss Williams," he assured. "I'll lead you there," he got off his seat and slowly took the lead, you following behind. As you gradually made your out of the vicinity, you spotted Jay, giving him a small nod before disappearing from his sight entirely.
He took the same path you and Jay had done during the time you two snuck around the demon brothers office, except this time, you would be entering into the office.
"Here you go, the sofa's all yours," he opened the door for you, leading you into his large office and pointed at the black coloured sofa in the corner. For a murderous, plotting demon, you didn't expect him or his interior to be so simple and minimal. "Would you like anything else?"
"A drink, maybe water or something refreshing will do,"
He nodded before closing the door shut, and you could tell he was worried about leaving you alone. Not because it's dangerous for you to be by yourself, but instead, he's paranoid about his typical demon doings and that dungeon.
Speaking of the dungeon, you had no idea where it was. Upon arriving, you checked for surveillance cameras, there were none thankfully, as for the dungeon you noticed nothing, even after squinting and looking around the room for some dodgy button. What a cunning demon! Time was ticking and you were racing against time.
"Wait…" you read about some theories about the whereabouts of the entrance to the dungeon, so now, you finally had the chance to test it out.
Locking the door and making up a quick lie was easy. But searching for some clues around the room wasn't. It got to a frustrating point of testing out the stupid theories where you ended up failing. There was one more for the test: the bookshelves.
Stories mentioned John being a complete book nerd, his belongings would be chucked in between books and somewhere behind the shelves, it would totally make sense the bookshelves in his office to have some hidden functions. You tried pushing it, punching it, but it wouldn't budge.
Sighing in almost defeat, you found yourself eyeing the books instead, judging the titles and spotting an odd one, reaching out for a grab. That was when everything changed. A small pull had triggered the book shelf to raise itself off of the ground and into the wall, revealing stairs going underground. Bingo.
You defied the laws of horror movies by going down the dark stairway, quietly calling out for any signs of life. Once you descended the remaining steps, you were met with dimly lit torches, chains hanging on the wall. This did look very anciently built, replicating those tacky dungeons in movies.
It was a large underground cave, so it wasn't hard to spot Sunghoon sitting in one corner, his hand chained to the wall and he himself had dozed off. 
You made your way there, your heels clicking against the hard floor but Sunghoon never woke from it. You kneeled beside him, noticing the fatigue in his expressions, looking overly worn out, attire soiled and seemingly hurt.
"Sunghoon!" You hissed, shaking him awake. There's no way you're attempting to carry him out while he's unconscious.
"Huh—what—who—" he slowly blinked, startled at the unfamiliar voice. His gaze was on you, his eyes blinking rapidly to rid of the haziness, then he finally registered that it was you talking. "Wait—Y/N?"
"You got that right. Is there a key around here?" 
"What are you doing here?"
"We have no time for that! Is there a key or not?" You hissed, trying to strain your ears in order to determine if he's returned or not. Hopefully the guests were keeping him busy in the meantime.
"There is, it's somewhere in the small cupboard there," he nodded over at said cupboard that you hadn't noticed. 
Say less, you practically jumped to your feet and bolted over to the small cupboard, pulled it open and the key was there. Tada! It was foolish that it was out in the open like that, but considering the fact they probably didn't expect anyone else to come down here, it was pretty valid.
Being the more thorough person you were, you checked the remaining drawers in case of any dangerous objects. Instead, you found some weapons here and there, so you tossed some over to Sunghoon before unlocking his chain. He winced the moment his wrist found freedom, rubbing it sorely. But there's not enough time, you need him out.
"Park, listen close to me," you tucked some of the knives into the garter belt around your thigh, handing Sunghoon one of the guns found in the drawer. "Your brother is here—"
"Yes, now hush and actually listen, alright? The demon that captured you is coming back soon, and you're escaping before he does,"
"What about you?"
"I'll hold out as long as I can. Once you find Jay, tell him to come 'fetch' me or whatever excuse he could form. If shit goes sour, I don't think I can handle him alone,"
Sunghoon nodded as he took your words in carefully. There was limited time left, you needed to get out of the dungeon and shut it. 
You helped Sunghoon up and had him lean his weight into you as you guided him up the stairs. To say you were struggling and having breathing difficulties was an understatement. He better treat you to some good food for saving his ass after this.
He fell onto the sofa you were resting on earlier as you scrambled to shut the entrance by pushing the book back in. The entrance to the dungeon closed to a shut, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Now that you got Sunghoon out, there's bigger problems to face. 
"Are you able to walk?"
Sunghoon grunted, stretching and massaging his legs. "I can … I think,"
"You think?" His words weren't completely reassuring. 
"I'll manage," he gritted out, but his gaze softened. "I'm only worried about you,"
"You don't think I can handle him?"
"No, not that. You're an amazing hunter, of course, but this guy—demon—he's not some low ranking one. Not some simple exorcism can cast him back to hell,"
"I know, that's why Jay's got the gun,"
"He brought the colt along?"
The colt wasn't just a normal revolver, it was the supernatural revolver. Built to kill everything and anything. No supernatural beings were able to escape the wrath of the bullet. Who else better to use it on than some powerful demons?
"He's crazy," Sunghoon breathed out after you nodded as a response to his question. 
"He's just being careful. Plus, we do need it now anyway,"  
Sunghoon blinked, leaning back a little with an odd expression, his eyebrows furrowed. "Oh wow, did you guys…?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, you have this look and I figured something … sparked between you and him again,"
You pressed your lips into a flat line, blinking wordlessly at him. Even he could tell you and Jay were having something?
"Let's talk about this later," you patted his shoulder, nodding towards the door. "You should definitely leave now,"
Knock knock.
"Miss Williams? Are you alright? Why is the door locked?"
You met Sunghoon's gaze, and the one thing you've managed to understand in his stare was 'we're fucked'. 
"I'm—I'm not doing well," 
"What's happened? Let me in,"
"No!" You bursted out, which sounded worse than expected. "I mean, no, I got m–my period, and I'm embarrassed to come out,"
"Oh," the man on the other side of the door seemed shocked to say the least. "I'll go get you some pads, Miss Williams,"
"Thank you,"
Pressing your ears onto the door, you heard his footsteps getting further away, finally able to let out the breath you've been holding in for too long. You turned to Sunghoon, grabbing his arm.
"You know, for a demon, he's actually quite a gentleman,"
"Keeping me in his stupid dusty dungeon surely isn't a gentleman's move," he said bitterly as he got up, limping slightly. "You'll be okay, right?"
"No promises,"
"I'll be quick, I'm going to get Jay here. You saved my ass, I'm making sure I save yours," he placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it softly.
"I trust you," you patted his hand. "Now, go,"
Sunghoon nodded, though quite reluctantly leaving as he didn't wish to have you all alone in a demon's threshold. You exchanged a brief look with him before he slipped out of the door completely, and you prayed he made it out successfully without any complications in between.
Minutes later, you heard knocks on the door once again, which meant John was back. Bracing yourself, you turned the door open, revealing him and some pads in his hands. "Here,"
"Thanks, I'll—uh—go to the restroom,"
"You're not actually on your period, are you?" His words cut like knives, sharp and certain.
"Are you doubting my knowledge of my own body?" 
"No, I'm not," he said flatly, shutting the door behind him and stepping closer. "One thing I know for sure is that you're not welcomed here … hunter," in one blink, his eyes turned black entirely, just like the time Jay was possessed.
"I'm only here for a shortstop, nothing else … Elijah," you kept your cool on the outside, but internally? You were fighting the horrors. He seemed surprised that you mentioned his actual name, but that didn't bother him.
"Oh yeah? Tell your buddies to stop coming after me,"
"How about you stop killing people?" 
Your retaliation didn't help your case as it only agitated him. With a  swift move of a hand, he had you pushed to the bookshelves, pinning you on there with an invisible force. No matter how you tried resisting it, you couldn't break free from the forceful hold.
"You won't understand. You humans don't," he seethed out, getting closer and closer. "You would be a great sacrifice as well,"
"Fuck you,"
Wrong choices of words. A force was wrapped around your throat and in the next second, it was constricting. Dying from getting choked by a demon wasn't on your list of dumb ways to die.
You swore you were seeing the lights of the afterlife until something intervened. Gunshots sounded suddenly, loud and clear and almost everywhere, a mix of shouts rang through. Chaos was happening. 
John, or Elijah, heard the commotion outside and was taken off guard from it, his hold loosening and you were able to breathe just a little bit more. His head turned back to you, then to the door, seemingly conflicted at the two troubles on hand. 
"Shit," he cursed under his breath. "For fuck's sake," he released his hold on you, resulting in you dropping to the ground in coughing fits. You take it back about him being a gentleman. "You're so dead when I come back,"
You could only glare at him and his figure as he exited through the door, but then you heard the sound of a click. No, no, no. You rushed to the door, trying to yank it open, but to your worst fears, he actually locked the door.
Jay was coming to find you, right? Doubts continuously fill your mind against your will. It pained you knowing you're stuck here all helpless, unaware whether Jay and Sunghoon were doing well or not. You could only hope for the best and not the worst.
What seemed like forever was you being trapped in this office. The books on the shelves didn't entertain you, the pictures of the actual Sam only made you sad knowing his body was being possessed by a demon. All in all, you were rotting in here. 
That was until you heard grunts and some gunshots not far away, heavy footsteps thudding down the corridor. Shouts rang through the empty and quiet surroundings, your heart thrashing wildly against your chest in anxiety. There was no mistake in what you heard next. It was your name, your name was yelled.
"Y/N!" Jay's voice was hoarse as he called for you over and over. 
"Jay?" You pounded on the door, shaking the doorknob that wouldn't budge. 
The footsteps got closer and his voice got nearer until he was eventually standing directly on the other side of the door. "Y/N? Are you there?"
"I am," you nearly sobbed, wanting to break free and escape the office. "Jay, the door's locked,"
"You've got to be kidding me. I killed that fucker and never asked for the keys," Jay pounded at the door in irritation. "Y/N, step away, I'm going to break this fucking door down," 
You got away from the door, backing away to your previous spot at the bookshelves and crouching down. After a split second, you heard a gunshot, the doorknob rattled and loosened, but that didn't take the cake. Jay grunted, having to go for busting down the door instead.
A few kicks to the door had loosened the handles, you could hear Jay putting his whole effort into busting down the door with his kicks and the way he threw his body to the door. It was almost a while before he finally knocked the door down completely, revealing a overly worn out Jay. 
He was injured, cuts on his face, arm bleeding and his fancy suit torn at some places. Despite all that, his eyes lit up the moment they landed on your figure crouched by the bookshelves. He rushed over with speed that resembled the Flash, immediately dropping down to his knees to match your position.
"Are you alright? You're not hurt right?" His hands were on your shoulder, turning you slightly to check for any visible changes. 
You didn't say anything yet, just feeling glad that he's here now, safe and sound. Almost instinctively, your arms reached out and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tightly.
"I got you, I'm here now, nothing's going to hurt you," Jay caressed the back of your head, pressing a soft kiss on your temple. 
"I'm glad you're fine too," you slowly pulled away after a few moments, your hands cupping his cheek. "You do look really busted though,"
He scoffed, lips gradually stretched into a grin. "You'll be the one patching me up later,"
"What happened out there?"
"I killed them," he said hoarsely, his touch never leaving yours. "Little brother Elliot attacked me first after he revealed himself, then everyone ran away. I took my chance and blasted him. Sunghoon showed up not long after and that's when Elijah appeared. We managed to kill him, sent their souls back to hell,"
"That's great," 
"Did he … do anything out of line?"
"Other than choking me and saying he'll kill me? Not really," 
"He's a fucking bastard," Jay cursed, wincing slightly from the cut on his lips.
"Should we leave? The police is arriving soon, no?" You slowly got up, supporting Jay as well.
"We really should. I don't need the police on my ass again,"
"Hey guys—" Sunghoon appeared in the doorway, sweating and heaving, but once he saw the two of you together, hands around each other, his face morphed into a teasing smirk. "Am I interupting?"
You and Jay simultaneously let out a cough, facing away from one another.
"Are the polices on their way?"
"They are," Sunghoon replied hastily, ushering you two to come forward and leave the office. "I've cleaned our traces as much as I could. Now, we should just leave while people are hiding,"
"Did the bodies make it? The original Sam and John," you asked.
"No," the Park brothers answered in unison, and the three of you continued your way to the carpark in silence. It was saddening to hear that the bodies of Sam and John didn't make it, the dull atmosphere ended up befalling between you all.
"So," Jay started once you were all in the car, revving his car to a start. "Want some celebratory burgers along the way?"
"Say less."
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After a long gruelling trip back to your house, Sunghoon ended up passing out in the guest room's bed, leaving you and Jay alone in the middle of your living room, where you were cleaning his injury wounds.
"I'm trying to be as gentle as I can," Your eyes flickered, wrapping his arm up and cleaning some tiny wounds. "Are you leaving after this? Go on your journey wherever supernatural cases appear like always?"
"I am," Jay said, and somewhere internally, you felt your soul crush. "But I'm staying a little longer here," 
"What?" Your mouth almost fell to the ground from the shock, unintentionally applying more pressure to the wound which made Jay wince, and you uttered a small apology, an unknowing smile forming on your lips. "You're serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be? You know how I said I wanted to have a talk after we got back, so here we are. I know our job is … complicated, but my feelings for you never changed over the years. It just took me a shit long time to come to my senses," Jay took a breath in. 
"I know I've hurt you before, and I'm going to have to gain your trust back first. But I hope you'll give me a chance, and let me bring you out on a date or two over these few days,"
"You're giving 'us' a shot?"
"I am,"
You were giddy to say the least, resisting the urge to break into the biggest, lovesick smile. "I'd really love to go out on that date with you,"
"Really?" Jay seemed like he couldn't believe you actually would agree, the evident shock in his face made you laugh.
"Yes, really, you idiot. Are you going to kiss me or something now?"
"I definitely am,"
Jay's calloused fingers wrapped around your chin softly, pulling you in and crashed his lips against yours. It wasn't your first time kissing him, but this was different. Desperation, endless pining that was bottled over the years finally burst and welled over, his lips moved against yours with so much fever and intensity, it had you going insane.
Jay pulled you into his lap, your arms falling over his shoulders for support while his hand travelled from your neck to your cheek before making its way into your hair. You could feel him smirking against your lips, his other hand moving down to your waist to tug you closer to his chest, having you totally pressed up against him.
"J–Jay," before he could take it to another level, you registered that it was your living room, and Sunghoon was in the house as well, which meant the possibility of him walking in was there. "Should we move it into … the room instead?"
Jay knew what you meant, his gaze changing almost instantly, something told you that you were in for it tonight. "Oh you're nasty," he suddenly carried you in bridal style, making you yelp out in surprise and scrambling for support.
The night was going to be long, but it didn't matter anymore now that you've got to have him for a few days and nights all to yourself. Killing supernatural beings was a headache, an ill fated string tied to you, but in the end, you couldn't deny it had brought you and Jay together again. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise after all.
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taglist: @aerxz @asyleums @dimplewonie @yizhoutv
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sirludox · 4 months
please tell me all about your zosan pony verse i love them!
Oh my god it would be an honour! I'll start off by mentioning that the reason I chose Sanji as a pegasus was I see his more flamboyant personality fitting that better and i just could not imagine a horse wielding 3 swords without some sort of help so I tinkered how unicorn magic works slightly with it being more closely related to mental and physical strength rather than just being a sort of cheat code haha! Also it was fun imagining a more brutish unicorn compared to the usual elegance of one! Zoro did in fact lose his horn with his first meeting of Mihawk! I was debating making him lose it when he lost his eye but I felt like him dedicating himself even more to training and meditation to make up for what he's lost fit better with it occurring much earlier on than randomly off screen like his eye. Sanji also witnessing him lose his horn yet still declare his loyalty and never losing a fight again would push Sanji to join the crew since he cant fly Sanji, like I said, can't fly mostly related to a) the deformed genes from the poison and b) his wings were bound down when he was a kid by Judge while he was imprisoned much like how he had the helmet on. While their growth wasn't affected, having no prior training on top of the messed up genes means as much as he can do with "flying" is gliding off of tall places or high up but even then that's limited. His "sky walk" is still done with his legs like in the original, so while he can technically "fly", he can't feel the wind between his wings like he normally should for having wings and so he often enjoys spreading his wings out on windy days to ease the desire of "freedom"! He uses his wings primarily as he would hands now, using them to carry food and dishes out and express emotions with them, and absolutely hates having them constricted (it begins to freak him out slightly). Sanji then learnt to use his legs (mostly his back ones) for fighting from Zeff (whom im still debating lost a leg or a wing) and the rest is history! These two still bicker and are the exact same as they are in the original, just with the bonus addition of them bonding over them missing their core "features" of their kind, a broken horn and useless wings. They never ever bring these aspects up in a way to offend/insult the other, as they know they're both rather sensitive topics, but they both use what they've lost to their advantage and dont let any of it hold them back Some more unique quirks they have now are:
Sanji preens/grooms his feathers a LOT and takes a lot of care with them. These days (20's), he's allowed Zoro to preen him when he can't from injuries, and Zoro is good with it/surprisingly gentle after learning from Kuina
Unicorns usually rub/touch horns gently in a comforting manner between family or extremely close (wink wink) others, and butting heads/clashing is more aggressive (which is why zosan often bump heads when arguing). As a trade off for the preening Sanji will often gently touch his head to Zoro's as thanks, or when he's in a particularly bad spot (be it physically or mentally) as a way to comfort him without words being needed to be said. Sanji doesn't know the more romantic connotations of it <3
Sanji tends to "fluff up" during preening as subconsciously finding it extremely relaxing and pleasing and Zoro pokes fun at him for it a little but not too much to avoid scaring him away
40 year old Zosan here has Sanji much more comfortable asking Zoro for a preen or "demanding for it" and Zoro finds it "so annoying" but does it anyway (theyre grossly in love)
Sanji will tease Zoro for being so "brute" as a unicorn, and Zoro teases Sanji for being a "dumb peacock"
Sorry for so much of a ramble haha they're just so much fun to work with, and included a couple sketches to kind of go along with things and explore other characters! If you (or anyone) has any other questions I'll be happy to answer ❤️ (sorry if some of this doesnt make sense haha)
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hxyleswritesthings · 1 year
Dynamight's Omega (Part 2 ish)
Author's note: This is just a fluffy piece about the first time BB nests at Bakugou's apartment. It's a very emotional time for the both of them, and I am just obsessed with him being so sweet for her :')
The first time that BB nests at Bakugou’s apartment is a big deal for the both of them. They’ve reached a point in their relationship where they’re starting to spend a few nights a week together. The relationship is getting much more intimate between them as they learn more about each other and explore a more domestic side to their dynamic.
 BB shows up to Bakugou’s apartment with her things, and he can’t help but notice she’s carrying an extra bag as he lets her in. She toes off her shoes before pulling him in for a kiss, his hands landing on her waist as she wraps her arms around his neck. The kiss is unhurried, the two of them happy to be in each other’s presence again. He tugs on her bottom lip playfully, canines poking her before he’s pulling back and she’s resting her head on his chest as they hold each other close. They pull away after a few minutes, only after he steals a few more kisses from her. 
Red dusts her cheeks as her eyes take in the bags still on the floor, noting that Katsuki was staring at them as well. “I, um, brought a little extra with me so that I could..uh…” Her voice is tiny as she looks up at the blonde alpha in front of her. He’s watching her intently, hands rubbing up and down her sides to encourage her to speak. “I mean-is it okay if I nest in your room?” The words are quiet, and Bakugou finds his brain shutting down at the question. 
Never in his 20-something years had he imagined an omega would feel comfortable enough, safe enough, to nest in his home. His personality has always been a bit on the harsher side, and although he does soften up for omegas, he’s always found that his general demeanor scares them off. He’s had a few flings in the past, but none of those ever turned into anything serious. Of course, he dreamed of courting and mating an omega, but he never believed it would actually come true for him. He always figured he would remain too intimidating for a proper omega, and the thought hurt him. As an alpha, he’s always had the strong urge to protect and care for a mate and to sire pups one day. No one had made him feel quite like the girl in front of him, and he highly doubted no other omega had ever looked at him with so much love in their eyes. He knew she had a rough past, yet she looked at every part of him and never showed an ounce of fear.
“Katsuki?” Her voice draws him out of his head and it’s only now that he realizes her small hands on his arms, “Where’d you go?” 
He finally snaps out of it, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I-um-..you know, I-” He takes a few breaths to steady himself and calm his racing heart before he’s speaking again. “Of course you can, take whatever you need, okay?” 
His omega grins, standing up on her toes to plant an excited kiss to his lips before she’s pulling away and grabbing her bags. “I’ll be gone for a while, please knock if you need anything.” She’s gone within seconds, shooting the words over her shoulder as she hurries to the bedroom. 
Bakugou watches her leave, telling her to take all the time she needs before he’s all but running to grab a beer in an attempt to calm his nerves. He’s overrun with so many emotions he goes as far as to text Kirishima just to get it out of his system.  He doesn’t know what to do with himself. His girl is nesting. In his apartment. In his bed. His alpha is so proud that his girl wants to share this experience with him, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t freaking out just a little bit.
Meanwhile BB shuts the bedroom door behind her, setting out the stuff she had packed from her apartment as well as rummaging through Bakugou’s bedroom. She pulls some of his clothes out from their storage, as well as a spare blanket that held his scent. She lays everything out in front of her and fully loses herself to her omega as she gets to work. 
She comes out after a good hour and a half of work, making sure everything was to her liking one last time before deciding it was final. She pads out to the living room, finding Bakugou out on the balcony, phone to his ear and his second beer in his opposite hand. He hangs up without warning the second he hears the sliding door, setting the bottle down and turning towards his girl. “Find everything you need?” 
She nods, grinning up at him. “More than enough. Thank you, Kats.”
“Course, you let me know if you ever need anything else, alright? I’ll get you whatever you need.” 
She’s quiet for a beat, reaching for his hand and stepping closer. “Would you like to come see my nest, alpha?”
It’s Bakugou’s turn to nod before he’s following her into his bedroom, her small hand never leaving his. He finds himself nearly choking up as he stands at the foot of the bed, taking in the sight of her nest. His chest feels tight as he inhales the perfect combination of their scents and he notices that she made it big enough to accommodate his larger frame. She drops his hand and kisses his cheek briefly before climbing up on the bed and gesturing for him to join her. 
He clears his throat, “Omega, may I enter your nest?” Even if her intentions in wanting him there were perfectly fucking clear, he still wanted to use his manners. He’s been in her nest at her apartment plenty of times, but this was new territory for the both of them. This was the first time she had made a nest that was meant to be for the both of them. 
BB is grinning like a fool as she sits in his bed. “Yes, Alpha.” The second the words leave her mouth, Bakugou’s stripping down to his boxers, knowing she prefers skin to skin contact with him, before he’s climbing in and pulling her against him.
She chirps happily as he kisses up her neck before his lips are on hers and she’s sighing into his mouth. To her, Katsuki is passionate and loving and everything she could ever want in an alpha. He makes her feel protected while also trusting her to take care of herself. She’s soon pulling back from him, giggling at the growl he emits from the loss of contact. 
“Do you approve of my nest, alpha?” She speaks it gently, albeit a little nervous still. 
“It’s perfect, you did perfect.” His voice is raspy with emotion, praises for his girl tumbling past his lips as he tugs her to lay on top of him. “Such a good omega, making such a pretty nest for her alpha. Keeping her alpha comfortable.” He rubs her back as they lay, nosing at her scent glands, his second gender taking over the forefront of his mind. “Take such good care of alpha, make him happy. Perfect omega.” His canines ache to be sinking into her neck, wanting to keep this girl all for himself. He indulges himself just a bit as he grazes them against her neck and BB is an absolute mess at the praise, her omega making her bare her neck to him in submission. It was a big deal for her to submit to an alpha so willingly. This is the first time she’s ever allowed herself to get this close to one. Growing up, she didn’t have the most stable home life, and she witnessed her own dam get put into too many dangerous situations. As an adult, BB wasn’t quite as scared, but she remained very cautious. Although her omega always begged to be mated, she was in no rush to commit herself to someone and run the risk of being controlled.
With Katsuki, things were different. She found herself shy around him at times, unsure of how he’ll respond to certain things. However, the man has never made her feel anything but safe and supported. He was always reminding her that she had a choice in how things progressed between the two of them, and that should she need anything, to give him a call. She didn’t take him up on that until one late night she had gotten off work and noticed some men that had been outside the shop for a while. She had been keeping an eye on them, and for some reason, it set alarm bells off in her head.  She decided to listen to her instincts and dialed his number. Katsuki had just gotten back from a quick mission, and he didn’t even bother to shower before heading straight to her, telling her to keep him on the phone if she was uncomfortable. He showed up in record time, palms smoking from flying over and his hero suit still covered in grime from the day. He waved at her through the glass door and stood guard as she came out, locking everything up before he walked her home. He took her up to her apartment and left her with a quick forehead kiss and a promise to be safe on his way home. 
There was one particular thing about Katsuki that she loved. It was that he never expected anything of her. He was only willing to take what she was willing to give and he never once put pressure on her to be a certain way or give anything up for him.
Bakugou groans at the sight of his girl submitting to him, teasing her a bit as he allows the sharp points to drag up her neck, a shiver running down her spine. He pulls away quickly before his alpha brain gets carried away and he ends up prematurely marking her. His girl just whines a bit when he pulls back, moving to tuck her head at the point between his neck and shoulder. 
“Careful, Omega. As pretty of a sight you are like this, my alpha is screaming at me to bite you.” He’s growling halfheartedly through the words. The girl giggles, ignoring the heat that suddenly pricks at her skin from the thought. The two of them were fully content on taking their relationship slow, no rush to mark each other. She’s been having to remind herself of that fact a lot more lately. Katsuki was always so strong and confident in himself, and he was confident in her and their relationship. Unlike other alphas she had been around, he never made her question whether he cared for her or not. Throughout her relationship he had showered her in so much love, and made her a priority. Better yet, he was always telling her that he didn’t want an omega that was going to see her alpha as the end all be all. He’s there to support his mate in their goals and self-growth just as much as they are to support his. He doesn’t expect his omega to give up anything to be with him. He had also expressed to her (during their first argument) that he wants an omega that isn’t afraid to bite back at him. If he’s stepping out of line, he needs his omega to feel comfortable expressing that, to tell him to his face when he needs to tone it down or do something differently. She can’t believe how lucky she is to have this wonderful bond with such a great person. In this cruel world, there are far too many alphas that feel they hold some sort of power over omegas, and they happily abuse it. There was something about Katsuki wanting her to be strong on her own that had her absolutely weak at the knees. If he were to ask her to fully submit to him, she’d do it without a second thought. 
The pair are quiet for a few minutes, listening to each other’s steady breathing before she’s pressing kisses to his skin wherever she can reach and nuzzling further into him. “Kay, alpha. Let’s nap now, making our nest was hard work and I’m pooped.” 
Bakugou is grinning like an idiot at his girl, shifting to pull the blanket over the bother of them and making sure to hold her close as they doze off together.
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thelittlediaperidol · 4 months
Hello! Do you post anywhere else? You post great content and seem so very genuine, but Tumblr has been so aggressive with their moderation.
I do! But I’m super careful on Tumblr these days because you can get banned whether you break the rules or not, is all about whether or not you’ve had a large amount of people report your post then it will get hidden and if that happens enough your account will get deleted….
so is important when using tags to not use ddlg tags or commonly searched words like “sexy gir” or anything that a large amount of vanilla people would be searching for because if you do a lot of those people get freaked out or weirded out and they will report the post even if there’s no rules broken. My first Tumblr reached just about 200,000 followers before it got deleted with no explanation and no way to appeal… so almost all of us, girls have back up tumblers, which is allowed, in case our mains get deleted, which happens pretty frequently, even though I’ve been in the top 10 a few times there are certain models that are basically untouchable for whatever reason, you will never see the ABbTumblr page get deleted, You will never see Apple or Faye’s account deleted As well as some of the other girls that have been doing this for like seven years or more. but 70% or more of our revenue comes through people that find us on Tumblr… so is a necessary evil in my opinion 🫠 thas why I’m a dumb drooly baby cuz dada take care of all that for me, we are a team 🥰. I think I’m probably one of the only girls that actually lives as a baby 24 seven. dada an I do have serious thoughts when buying a new home or car. I have never actually called him by his real name. I have always only called him, Dada or daddy hehe. but at this point I’ve been in diapers 24 seven for so long I have legitimately forgotten what it feels like to be potty trained or to have the ability to hold in number one or number two. is tha ultimate humiliation an dada always pulls my diaper band back to see if my diaper is dirty or not yet, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. no even though we carry around a diaper bag, powder, etc. and my stuffy We are very careful out in public to never expose our kink to anyone, but there have been a few accidents, like if I’m leaning over to grab something off the bottom shelf there has been times where my diaper is in full view, and when I turned around there is like 20 or more people looking! So that was utterly terrifying and humiliating, and I legitimately did not mean to do that tha diapers are so normal and natural to me at this point that I usually don’t even think about them. they have gotten to the point where there is many times where I haven’t even realized that I pooped my pants until dad walks in and announces it to me and whatever friend I’m with whether they are fellow models or not, all of my friends already know, and they’re OK with it, being off by your husband to have your poopy diaper changed oh, while your best friend knows exactly what you just did is so incredibly humiliating being humiliated like that is one of my biggest turn ons… you have to be so careful to be respectful of our community and of our friends so I’ve had talked with all my friends and asked if it’s OK that this an dada leading by tha arm to a handicap bathroom and then bring me back, fresh and clean, usually with a bottle in my hand. I always ask my friends if they want to try and it’s rare that they say yes, which is perfectly OK! But every now and then one of them is curious and they want to try wearing a diaper and sucking on the pacifier when we play video games…i can tell some of them want to try so badly but they’re way too embarrassed to admit it but a few of them have played mommies in the videos with me or mistaken babysitters, that somehow went to the wrong house and think I’m the toddler that needs to be babysitted regardless of how much I protest or beg! but we never suddenly spring this, on any of our friends ever, we usually write a script, tell them what I do for a living, if they have any sign of interest, they tell them more, and I invite them to join in and some capacity if they would like to, but never pressure, always all about consent, Then, even before I considered myself, an ABDL i really should have been in diapers because of always had a very weak bladder that led to many many embarrassing accidents over the years…
but this is the life I wanted to live and it genuinely makes me happy and we make a good living doing this. Of course, every single person in my life, including all of my family members and extended family members no now thanks to a nasty cousin of mine, telling everyone… happened a long time ago and it doesn’t bother me anymore except for the fact that my girl cousins that are my age know that I’m wearing a messy diaper when a Thanksgiving dinner and they know when I get pulled to the side by daddy what’s going on (mega red cheeks).
Never wanted to involve my family in any capacity whatsoever, but we were forced to and I didn’t lie about it. I just said that I need them and this is just how it is now….
Littlediaperidol #babygurl #I needmydiapers
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jessicafangirl · 1 month
The First Chapter of My Ghost Fic is here!
Please be kind. I've not written anything for this group before but god damn do I love Copia and this idea hit me and I decided to do it.
I'm a wordy bitch. You've been warned. You can also read this on Archive Of Our Own here
@nequissimus-canis asked to be tagged which was very kind. This is also dedicated to @foxybouquet who I blame for so many amazing things that I've learned and who enables me beautifully. You are my fave Ghestie.
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Music Eternal, Fire Infernal.
Jennifer Travers is at the tail end of 40 and decides to do something spontaneous. Unfortunately things REALLY don't go as planned. Her life is in now in danger and the only place of refuge is a satanic church. She knew the band Ghost already, but she didn't know until that day that all of it was real and it would lead to something that would change her life forever, in more ways than one. And it would lead to some revelations for Copia Emeritus too.
Chapter 1
“The cemetery here is close to 300 years old. It contains some interesting residence that have a history that will send a shiver down your spine.” The tour guide’s Maglite flashed along the path and caught one or two of the “residence” headstones as he droned on in a bored monotone. As the group walked through the dark, Jennifer realized this was not one of her best ideas. Her breath was visible as she huddled in her hoodie. Let’s go on the spooky ooky tour, she thought to herself. Let’s troll through an old graveyard at night. Hey there’s a satanic church nearby…what could go wrong? All of that sounded great on paper but the reality was really kind of fucking miserable. This guy knew literally nothing about what he was talking about. Jen could have done a better job…not that that would have been hard.
She sighed and tightened the straps on her backpack. At 47 walking while carrying a backpack weighted down by her Switch, iPad, and clothes was not as easy as it used to be. But she wanted to travel light. This trip was something she’d promised herself for a while. After the year she’d had, a spur of the moment trip to the east coast to visit some of the older and creepier parts of the country was something she decided to do. She shoved some things into her bag and hopped on a plane. And now here she was probably going to break her leg because she decided to take a night tour like a moron.
It was pretty though, she had to admit as she and the four other suckers crunched through dead leaves. Very Universal Horror. She could almost see Dwight Frye and Colin Clive digging up one of those old graves if she squinted right. In the distance she could see the large, sprawling church that looked like it belonged in Romania and not in New York State. The guide had said that the Ghost project was in residence. When he’d said that it had cemented her decision to go on this insane tour just in case she could catch a glimpse of the band. She’d loved their music and the whole mystique but hadn’t realized it was a REAL church of Satan until…well…there was the church. She’d never seen a concert in person either, but the videos she’d caught online were interesting. The current lead singer was apparently a sweetheart for a satanic pope. She could hear her elderly, right wing mother screeching about how just having that thought was going to send her to hell. God knew the list her family had was already long enough for what was wrong with her, what was one more thing.
Jen realized she’d lagged behind as she’d kept looking up at the church and hurried to catch up. Even though the guide wasn’t the best he had a flashlight, and she had no freaking idea where anything was around there. That extra 20 pounds she wanted to always lose was felt hard as she rejoined the group. “The church you see is of course part of the Satanic Church of Emeritus. I’m sure some of you are fans of the band Ghost and if you aren’t you can find out information about the church and the band through this website…” The tour guide literally rambled off a web address and Jen raised an eyebrow. Were they supposed to write that down in the dead of night?
They kept walking and the guide led them into another area of the cemetery, this one with large tombs and statues spread out along the grounds. This was obviously the more well to do section and Jennifer was awestruck by how beautiful it was, even if it was slightly crumbling. The moon was shining down brightly now, full and clear, so she could walk without too much risk of falling on her ass as she was want to do. Her Converse sneakers weren’t really made for uneven ground, but so far, she was doing okay. As the tour guide rambled on Jen pulled out her iPhone and started taking some pictures of the statues. The one of the grim reaper was wonderfully gothic and even had a skull carved inside the stone robes that made it up. She headed over to another area where the largest crypt sat with a giant letter E carved over an archway entrance that had rose bushes on either side. They were old bushes that had grown nearly as tall as the entrance. The flowers were large, red, and smelled amazing. She loved roses but even she was surprised at how big the thorns were on those plants. It was almost like they were there not for the flowers but for some sort of deterrent to keep people from trying to get in or maybe even vandalize the tomb. When she leaned over to take a whiff of one blood red bud, she noticed the sharp little daggers were half an inch long and nearly that thick.
Jen took a picture of the entrance, her eyes taking in more of the designs that could be seen in the stonework not covered by the plants. Sigils…inverted crosses…pentagrams and peeking down from the roof were even a couple of gargoyles. Ah…yeah…satanic church. She slipped her phone into her back pocked of her jeans and ran her fingers through her short red hair, cracking her stiffening neck and realized she should get back to the group. According to her phone and watch it was nearly midnight.
But when she turned around, she realized the boring tour guide and the tiny group were gone. “Did that dip wad just leave me?” She said aloud. God, he really did suck. She headed back the way she came and sure enough the cemetery was empty save for the graves and her. “Well…this is the start of every god damn horror movie I’ve ever seen.” She mumbled to herself. Jen realized she’d been doing that a lot more over the last year or so. But now it was getting to be a habit. Being alone so much you just sort of did it, maybe to remind yourself you had a voice.
With a heavy sigh she took out her phone and checked the battery. She was still at a good 80 percent, but the bad news was her cell service was nowhere to be found. “And now, your life as directed by Wes Craven.” She spoke. “Fuckery doo…okay…” She looked up and was thankful that the moon was still pretty bright. With a heavy sigh she headed out of the graveyard. Jennifer headed towards the direction she was fairly certain they had come from. There was…sort of a path through the trees. The starting point was down towards the bottom of the heavily treed hill where a parking lot sat, not really used. She’d been brought there by a van for the tour. If that ass left in the van before she got down, there she was going to set fire to something. Probably the van if she found it again with the idiot inside.
About twenty mins of walking later she crossed her arms in front of herself realizing her KISS Destroyer hoodie wasn’t near enough of a layer over her thin t-shirt. She was also realizing she was well and truly lost. “If I hear Ki ki ki ma ma ma at any moment I will crap myself.” She said through slightly chattering teeth. The moon decided it had done enough work for her and was now covered in black, oppressive clouds. Jen pulled her phone out and turned on the flashlight. Still no signal. She pondered what she’d done to piss off the universe. She came to a steep downgrade and carefully picked her way down. Luckily it wasn’t too bad for too long and evened out. Unfortunately it led to a thick patch of trees. Jen started praying to whoever was listening that there were no ticks or spiders around. Then she wanted to punch her own face for even thinking about ticks and spiders.
The phones light was barely helping due to the canopy of leaves and how close together everything was. After another few minutes though she heard something. It sounded like talking, movement. This didn’t look like it was near the parking lot though. Did lumberjacks work this late? Was this even a place lumberjacks would be? That made her remember how Dexter wound up ending and she got momentarily depressed. Then she heard the voices again. Well, people was a good thing, right? In the middle of the night in the woods. Jen realized caution might be a good idea.
She headed towards the voices, keeping her camera pointed to the ground and discovered the woods thinned out a bit here. There, in a tiny patch of cleared ground three men stood and one man was on his knees, hands tied behind his back. Jen’s eyes got wide as she saw the large gun in one of the men’s hands. The man on his knees was crying. “I swear to god Donnie…I didn’t want to do it. But they had pictures. I couldn’t…” The man on his knees sobbed. He was balding and looked like he was in his 60s. His face even from this distance was bruised and bloody.
“Shut the fuck up.” The one who was Donnie she assumed spoke harshly, kicking the man in the stomach and making him double over. “I don’t give a god damn about pictures. You sold us out. We’ve got a fuck ton of problems now. But we’re about to have less of one.” He spit on the man’s face and nodded to the other man with the gun. He was tall, unemotional, with a face as blank as a robot. His eyes were so dark they could have been black. He calmly raised the gun and shot the man in the head once and then in the back for good measure. The man fell to the ground in a heap.
Jen hadn’t even had time to react it had all happened so fast but in that moment when it hit her she stepped away in shock and horror, her foot cracking a twig and flashing her phone up towards them, the fucking light like a beacon. The murderers turned and looked straight at her. The one with the gun raised it and fired, but it missed her. And that’s all Jen needed to find the inner strength to sprint back the way she’d come.
“Get that bitch.” Donnie told Blake, the man with the gun and his partner Gary. “I’ll take care of this trash. Hurry the fuck up.”
Gary nodded, straightening the glasses on his head. He and Blake quickly moved towards where the witness had been. There was no way there was anyone else around. This spot was used specifically because no one ever came down there. They weren’t quiet running through the brush and trees. There was no need to be.
Jennifer was running like she never had before. Small branches slapped at her face and arms, and she nearly tripped three times. In her head from far away she thought about every idiot teenage girl who had tripped and died she’d made fun of in a slasher movie. “Sorry…” she thought as she cried. The crying was a problem and something she couldn’t stop or had control of. It was making it harder to breathe and she needed to breathe to run. Running was important as she scrambled up the now incline, her fingers digging into the dirt to make sure she didn’t slide back down. Where the fuck could she go? What the shit was she supposed to do?
She’d shoved her phone back into her pocket, not wanting the light to attract the two killers on her tail. She didn’t have service anyway even if she had a second to call the cops. She didn’t know anyone here. She was alone and it was dark, and she was going to die.
She broke through another barrier of trees, and she knew she had gone a different way than she’d come at that point in her scramble to get away. Jen tried to breathe, to calm her heart, but she felt like she was going to have a stroke. She glanced to her right and then her left, and that’s when she saw it. There was a gate, black wrought iron and it was open. She ran to it and glanced beyond it and realized the path led into part of the Emeritus church. The sprawling building loomed large above her suddenly. Well…the devil or death? Which did she want? Right then the devil was looking good. Jennifer quickly made her way down the pathway. There were little black iron solar lights that lit the stone walkway which was thankfully flat. Her legs were burning as bad as her lungs at this point.
The path led to two metal doors and Jen realized she may still be screwed if they were locked. She skidded to a halt and took a chance to look behind her. There was no one yet…but that didn’t mean anything. She took another breath and said a little prayer…not sure who might be answering them where she was trying to get into and grabbed the door handle. That’s when she heard the sounds of footsteps from far away, voices murmuring low. “Please please please…” she begged and pulled on the door handle. It swung open. She didn’t hesitate, she went in and pulled the door closed behind her.
Jen’s wide blue eyes glanced around the dimly lit hallway she found herself in. The air smelled of incense. It was cool inside the building and the sweat that had broken out during her run immediately started to get chilled and she shivered from a combination of that and pure fear. Her adrenaline was pumping. The men would figure out there was only one place she could have gone. She needed to hide. She turned right and moved quickly hoping not to run into anyone. Jen entered through another set of double doors, these not metal but stained dark wood. So far, she’d not seen anyone else and for that she was grateful. She just needed to hide away somewhere and think, just calm down and think. Maybe the church was empty…maybe they were on tour or something…
The double doors led to a short hallway that opened into what could only be called a small chapel. Though instead of a cross or a Jesus crucifixion scene in front of the pews there was a large statue of a very beautiful devil. His wings looked like they were carved out of black stone, maybe ebony or onyx though that would be a lot of onyx. The rest of him was marble. His horns wrapped backwards on a head covered in carved ringlets of hair like a really majestic goat. There was real red velvet draped over the statue whose right arm was raised, two fingers extended. His other hand was outstretched as if beckoning you. Jen was unnerved as she looked at it, the chill on her skin seemingly growing. Then she heard a door slam, and it pulled her out of wherever her mind was going.
The room smelled even stronger of incense and was lit with black candles and a low light from a red and clear crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling. There were pews, the pulpit area and over on the far right what looked like a small, dark wood confessional. That was the only place she could really try to hide in she saw. She glanced back once hoping it was just some friendly neighborhood satanist that had closed a door and then moved quickly to the confessional. She opened the door and closed it quickly, ignoring the seat and sitting on the floor. She drew her knees up to her chin and felt the tears on her cheeks again, not able to stop them. Jen tried to breathe quietly, tried to calm down. They’d hear her sounding like a dying elephant if she didn’t get this under control. And that’s when the divider slid open making her jerk.
A softly accented voice spoke through the partition “Hello…hi?”
Jen realized there was a priest or someone on the other side…oh shit she’d dragged someone into this. She whispered as low as she could, realizing that the man couldn’t see her where she was hunkered on the floor. “I’m..down here…please…I just need to hide.”
“Sorella…” The man’s voice took on a note of concern. She glanced up and saw an eye looking through the partition. It was white as the ivory of the statue. It widened in surprise. “What is the matter dolce signora?” He asked her.
Jen swallowed thickly; how much should she say? She needed to hide. This guy could just as easily say “Here she is boys. Hail Satan.” But for some reason his voice made her think he wouldn’t. “There are….men…they’re after me. Please I just need to hide until they leave…they’ve got a gun…maybe more than one.” She had to warn him.
She saw a bit more of his face then as he leaned closer to the divider. It was dark but she could see him more clearly as he appeared to be studying her. Jen recognized him as the paints on his face came into view, the green eye and the white. Holy crap this was the guy. This was the lead of the band. And he was taking confessions? What the hell would satanic confessions deal with? And good god this was all really happening to her. A wave of nausea came over her and she had to fight the bile coming up her throat.
“Signora, are you hurt? Have they harmed you?” He asked her gently.
Jennifer shook her head. “No…no…I just need to hide.”
She rested her forehead on her knees. Italian…he was speaking Italian mixed with English. That’s what the accent was. It just kept becoming more surreal. She remembered the accent from the concert videos. He didn’t have it when he sang. But he had it when he was talking to the audience.
She heard it then, the door opening to the chapel. Footsteps. Two sets of them. It was them. It had to be them. She saw the dual-colored eyes glance up at the sound and she started shaking. Well, this was it…spur of the moment decisions have led you to a satanic church and dying horribly. Great job girl. Here lies Jennifer Travers…she fucked up a lot. Only she wouldn’t have a tombstone, it would be a shallow grave in the woods where she’d end up feeding a group of feral badgers with her rotting corpse. Maybe they would be cute badgers. Fuck.
He looked back down at her. “Signora,” he whispered softly, “Stay here, do not make a noise, si?”
Jen nodded, realizing she was trusting a complete stranger with her life at this point. What else could she do?
Blake and Gary glanced around the chapel, starting to move through the pews, looking for where the woman could have gone. Blake glanced at the statue of Lucifer and paused, feeling like the thing was watching them. He knew what the place was, but he’d not been inside. Gary touched his shoulder and he nearly jumped. He pointed towards the confessional booth and nodded. They started heading that way when the door to the priests side opened.
Out stepped a man in black robes with gold and blue satin accents. Golden upside-down crosses where stitched into the fabric. He wasn’t tall, but he had a presence that was only made more intense by the fact his face was painted like a stylized skull. His brown hair was brushed back from his face, greying at the temples with thin lines on his face showing he wasn’t exactly a young man anymore. Blake was weirded out though by the eyes when he saw them. Ringed in the black makeup they were different colors. One green, one white, both of them staring at him and Gary in a way that made him as unnerved as the devil statue.
“Benvenuti Fratelli,” the man said, his black gloved hands raised, pressed together and giving a little bow. “I am Papa Emeritus the 4th…are you here for confession?” He asked them, one brow raised. “I was just getting ready to lock up for the night.”
Blake looked at Gary. Gary was the talker. He glanced at the strange man shaking his head. “No we’re not here to confess. We’re looking for someone. Anyone else come through this way? Anyone try to break in?”
Copia Emeritus lowered his hands while studying the two men in front of him. Something in them reeked of malice and he could sense it. It was part and parcel of being a Papa. You knew who to protect your flock from when you were in a church like theirs. He wouldn’t have needed to hear the terrified sorella in the confessional’s words to know these two were dangerous. He saw the bulky outline of the gun in a holster beneath the tall ones jacket. He’d seen enough crime films and series to know what to look for when it came to that too.
He pursed his lips. “It’s not really possible to break in here. All are welcome at our church.” Copia walked closer to the men, away from the hiding place of the woman and making sure their eyes followed him. “Even you signories if you wish to join us.”
Gary gave a cold smile. “We’re not really the church going type.” He replied.
Copia nodded, returning the smile with as much of a chilly demeanor as the man in front of him. “Well, that is too bad, si? Perhaps someday.” He gave a slight shrug. “But as I said, I am getting ready to lock up for the night.”
The double doors opened then, as if on cue and in walked three figures in all black, silver matching masks on their faces, each a devil with no eyes. One was bigger than the others but all three looked as though they could bench press a truck. Copia glanced over “Ah, tempismo perfetto.” He turned to the new arrivals. “These gentlemen were just leaving, would you be so kind as to as to show them out? Grazie.” With a graceful wave of his hand he motioned for the two men to head towards the doors.
Blake looked at Gary and Gary gave a subtle shake of his head. He knew she was here somewhere. There was nowhere else she could have gone. But they couldn’t do anything right now…there were too many people, and it would be too big a mess. And the silver masked figures were making the hair raise on the back of his neck. He moved and Blake followed him as they walked out. Gary turned to the painted faced freak. “We might stop back now that you mention it.”
Copia raised a brow. “Of course, as I said all are welcome. We’d love to have you.” He gave him another slight bow as they walked out into the hallway, the doors closing behind them, his smile making his face look even more skull like for a moment.
Gary narrowed his eyes, trying to ignore the weird feeling creeping up his spine at the entire group of freaks. Donnie wouldn’t be happy about losing the woman, but then again…he knew she wasn’t really lost. She was here somewhere in the freak house. He followed Blake and the three silver masked weirdos.
When the doors closed behind them Copia moved to slide the lock in place. He took a breath and let it out slowly. He hadn’t expected a confrontation like that tonight. Nor had he expected a frightened woman cowering in his confessional. He needed to find out what had happened, the whole story. And he needed to make sure the lady was okay.
Copia very slowly opened the door to the confessional area and saw her with her head laying on her knees still, shaking like a leaf. She looked up suddenly and he saw the tear streaks on her face. Her face has a few cuts and marks on it from dirt. Her knees and hands were covered in it as well. Her blue eyes were the color of the satin on his robes, but they were rimmed in red from her tears. They were wide and terrified as they looked up at him.
The Papa crouched down, taking a knee next to her and held out a gloved hand. “Cara, they are gone. You are safe here.” He said softly. She was scared and looked at any moment she’d try to bolt away. He couldn’t have her doing that since the safest place she could be right then was inside the church. “I’m Papa Emeritus the 4th….but you can call me Copia.” He gave her a small smile.
She didn’t seem to be convinced yet that she was actually safe with him. He noticed the front of her hoodie and gave a slight nod, his smile growing, “Ah, you are a fan of singers in makeup, si?”
Jennifer realized what he was talking about. The irony was actually funny as she took a breath and wiped her eyes. “Yeah…yes…I grew up listening to them.”
Copia nodded. “I did as well.” He decided this was working, get her mind on something else. “Who was your favorite cara?”
Jen found her breathing was getting easier. She wasn’t trying to gulp air into lungs that didn’t want to work. “Uh…I always liked The Starchild…but The Demon was great…he was a vampire first though.” Rattling off Kiss trivia…she’d nearly been shot, and she was talking about Gene Simmons and spewing blood.
The Papa nodded, “Well, due to my position I must go with The Demon as a personal favorite, eh? But The Starchild has a voice…” Here he placed two fingers to his lips and did an air kiss. “Bellissimo.”
Jennifer laughed…she actually laughed. Just another surreal experience in a night filled with them “I guess you would be team demon.”
“Si, I would.” He reached closer to her with his hand, “Cara, would you like to go somewhere more comfortable than the floor?”
She nodded then and he helped her to stand. Her legs were sore, and she was glad he offered her a helping hand. She nearly stumbled but he steadied her. “Sorry…I’m…I ran up the hill and it wasn’t great.” She let go of his hand and looked at her own, covered in dirt and cuts from clawing up it.
Copia saw the state of her more clearly now. It was obvious she’d been through an ordeal already. She was still shaking though she’d calmed down some. “I can imagine.” He said, “May I have your name?” He asked her.
“Jennifer…Jen…I’m…” She felt a little woozy. “I’m…okay…I think I may need to sit down.”
Copia took her arm. “Jennifer you are safe here as I said. We are a haven for those in need and trouble.” He led her over to one of the pews. “Here, allow me to take your bag.” Jen slid the straps off her shoulders and watched Copia place it next to her. She sat down on the cushioned seat.
Copia examined her a bit closer. She was pale, very pale. He realized whatever had happened she was going into or was already in shock. “Jennifer,” he said her name and she glanced up at him. “Can you tell me what happened?”
Jen wanted to tell him. She needed to tell someone and the nice guy in the skull make up was right there. But when she started thinking about it her lungs started to ache. “They…they killed…oh god they killed that guy…” She managed to get out.
Copia’s eyes widened. Oh Dark Lord…she’d witnessed a murder? “You saw this happen cara?” He asked, sitting down next to her.
She shook her head yes. “They shot him…twice. I…I couldn’t do anything it happened so fast.” She turned and looked at him. “They saw me and they…they shot at me. And I ran.” Her voice was breaking, she couldn’t breathe as the image of the man’s head basically exploding came to her unbidden. She was trembling so hard that she thought she was going to break apart. But she couldn’t stop it, she tried but she couldn’t.
Suddenly she stood up and started backing away from the nice satanist. She’d just told him what had happened. “I’m…I shouldn’t have…” She was rambling and Jen found herself growing dizzy. They’d want to kill him too now, right? She’d just signed this rock stars death warrant, hadn’t she? The nice devil guy with the pretty green eye. Oh god there were black spots in front of her.
Copia stood up and moved close to her. He’d been to enough concerts to tell when someone was about to collapse from heat exhaustion or something else. And right then she was having a hell of a panic attack, something he was personally familiar with. “Jennifer, you’re okay…it’s okay…” He moved closer to her slowly.
“No…no…not…okay…” Oh god, she couldn’t feel her legs. The blood rushed from her head, and she felt herself buckling. She started to hit the floor and felt arms catching her, heard the rustling of fabric as she was caught before she could. The scent of incense was stronger than before. She glanced up and through a haze she saw a skull staring down at her and three silver-headed demons. Before she blacked out completely, she realized…she felt safe.
TRANSLATIONS: Benvenuti Fratelli - Welcome Brothers Sorella - Sister Cara - Dear Si - Yes Signora - Lady
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yaoihellsmile · 2 months
I think we should marry
Hmmm I don't knoooooooooowwwww. Currently I believe I have enough clout and aesthetic appeal to not need an additional stat boost guy on my right, but that may change depending on whether I receive enough attention and praise from masked fuck (heavy breathing) this next solstice's annual Amaterasu challenge tipp-ex inhaling competition, so just in case the slot may open soon here are the requirements you need to meet in order to date me:
Cannot be shorter than 4'11
Cannot be taller than 6'1
Cannot have bigger boobs than me
Cannot be from Kamasaki only fucked up evil people come from there
Has to have extensive knowledge of warrior cats and/or minecraft creepypasta lore
Cannot have the bedrock version of minecraft. It's fine if you don't have minecraft on ur pc at all I'm just not dating bedrock users
Cannot have red hair that's my thing
Has to have a driving license
Must recognize attachment to the earth is the root of all suffering
Cannot have more disorders than me
Cannot have a political stance or other such opinions. I need a blank slate to freely influence in the direction of neoliberalism
Cannot have dated a man before me. Man Residue™ is a real thing that affects the relationships of all people who deal with men romantically
Cannot own a dog or god forbid force me to interact with it I hate those yapping shits
Cannot have people they love equally or more than me. That is not to say I will love you either as I am entirely incapable of getting attached to impure beings. It's just something you gotta take into account you know. Also don't bring your family over I do not care
Cannot be younger than 30. 20-somethings fucking scare me
Must be ok with snufftape movie night. If that's something that's just irresistably attractive to you, then I'll just say I got all Traces of Death movies at my place.... All five of them... And that's not mentioning the entire rest of the "business" folder......... Wanna find ou
Must be helplessly obsessed with The Cube
Expanding from point 16. Cannot be bothered by extreme violence and torture. I'm not dating a loser. However there are limits you CANNOT be an actual sadist that's scary only I can be one
Cannot have strong opinions on meatbun flavors. Just eat what I fucking give you jesus christ
Cannot be affiliated with, related to, or otherwise carrying any leftover residue from any one of them d*t*ct//ves
Cannot have recollection of any events in particular that transpired during the first 2 years of my rule
Must be fine with me bringing my hitman bestie boytoy along to our dates
Cannot be one of them omegas
Cannot have positive opinions on Seth must be fine with me trying to drown him via the sinks in the Progressive Amaterasu Headquarters Gender Neutral Bathroom every day
Cannot be a criminal CANNOT have ever shoplifted or did graffiti on a bridge or pirated a movie in their entire life (and if they did they have to SERVE THEIR FUCKING SENTENCE) you make me SICK you mock everything I work for
Cannot have any headmates with neutral to negative opinions on me that makes me feel threatened
Do not vent to me I don't give a fuck
Cannot have discovered the origin of malice on their own yet
I have nothing there is nothing left I will never find it there is nothing I have nothing. The albatross rots. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked. My life is fucked
Must be fine with only being like 3rd place at my hierarchy
CANNOT touch my fucking things without permission. Do not open the funny drawer. Do not open the funny drawer. Do not. Do. Not.
Needs to share my life ruining fear of teenagers
Must always wash their hands after touching that masked freak upstairs. Some of you are fucking disgusting
If you check off all these you can apply with fax machine to an adress you feel is right
To be added to later
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months
What are some of your favorite horror movies? And which ones you like to recommend to people?
Holy shit! This question makes me so happy but also so…wow, how do I organize this! How can I narrow them down…there’s just so many horror movies I definitely love and would recommend. The different sub-genres within horror and what’s the best to watch from those was considered, but that leaves out some solid horror movies that don’t fit into any particular sub-genre. So I kind of went chronologically, throughout the years…I might be wrong in some of these years, so please forgive me for that. I’ll also definitely have left off a lot of really good ones, so excuse the incompleteness of the list.
So, as mentioned on my other post, gotta start back in the roaring 20’s, when horror really kind of hit the mainstream, with 1922’s Nosferatu. It’s going to seem really boring if you go in expecting a gore-fest like what we get now, but I think it’s a really stand up film for it’s time, with a great atmosphere and feel to it.
All of the classic Universal monster film’s from the 30’s should be checked out. They’re classics for a reason and the horror genre really owes a lot to these early films.
As far as I know, the original that came out then is impossible to find, but you can find versions of 1932’s Freaks and it’s definitely worth checking out. That movie kind of fucked me up, though a lot of the horror in it was the mass exploitation of people who dared to differ from the norm.
As far as I know, the 30’s version of Sweeney Todd was the first time it was on film? Definitely worth checking out, comparing and contrasting to the Johnny Depp version of it. Both are decent in their own ways (though, of course, the stage renditions are the best).
To me, Son of Frankenstein, while considered a horror at the time, was the first horror comedy. At least, I very much have that feel watching it.
While there were a lot of 40’s horror films, the only one I still remember and enjoy is the Abbott and Costello film I recommended in the previous post.
In my opinion, the 50’s had a lot of really great horror films. Watching them now, they do feel campy and kind of B-grade, but I really do think that is part of the appeal to them and it’s also fun to see some of the tropes in horror that are still used to this day. So from that era, I recommend Donovan’s Brain, I Was a Teenage Werewolf, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, anything with Vincent Price, and Teenagers from Outer Space.
1960 brought us Psycho. Any horror fan should check out Psycho – I consider it a classic and a must watch. I also think that might have been the year The Little Shop of Horrors first came out on film. The original wasn’t bad, though I recommend the later version with Rick Moranis. It had a really great feel to it and was a little more fun than the original.
From the rest of the 60’s…oh, you guys know this one was going to be on here. Rosemary’s Baby, natch. Night of the Living Dead is also one that was obviously going to show up on this list because again – should be considered must-watch for any horror movie lover. Romero and horror – goes hand in hand and especially in terms of zombie tropes…it set up a lot of those. For a surprise from the 60’s though, I do recommend Blood and Black Lace.
The 70’s were great for horror. I definitely recommend the 70’s Wicker Man. If you start to watch Wicker Man and you see Nicolas Cage….press back or do whatever you need to do to turn it off. Then go watch the Wicker Man without Nicolas Cage. You will thank me for that tidbit of advice. Tales from the Crypt, The Exorcist, Jaws, Alien, the OG Carrie, The Omen, the OG The Hills Have Eyes, the OG Suspiria, Dawn of the Dead, I Spit on Your Grave, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Black Christmas, and The Amityville Horror were all fantastic movies from that decade. Plus, the Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchises started in this decade and I really recommend those franchises as a whole. Did both of them have some terrible sequels/prequels/remakes? Oh boy, did they! But overall, the franchises are solid. Young Frankenstein is a solid horror comedy and while technically a miniseries, Salem’s Lot from that time is still something I rewatch at least every year or two.
The 80’s brought Freddy fucking Krueger and boy, do I recommend watching the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise. The Chucky franchise also started at that time and I love the really kind of campy, horror comedy feel to that franchise, with some genuinely scary scenes. The Evil Dead is a classic for a reason and definitely a must watch. Just watch every movie in the franchise because at the worst, they’re hilarious, at their best they’re so, so GOOD. Pretty sure Poltergeist is also from the 80’s but if I’m wrong, it’s late 70’s. I love The Lost Boys, at least the original one.  Motel Hell was weird as fuck but pretty decent horror comedy? My favourite horror comedy from the 80’s though has to be April Fool’s Day – definitely one I recommend everyone see at least once. Fright Night from the 80’s was also really good and I actually also enjoy the remake with Colin Farrell. The 80’s also brought a lot of Stephen King adaptions and where I love his writing, I watched a lot of them – Christine, Cujo, Silver Bullet,  Children of the Corn (the OG one is my favourite, though the remake wasn’t absolutely fucking horrific), Pet Sematary, Creepshow…notice The Shining is missing? It’s because I actually don’t really like the movie. I found the book more genuinely scary. One that does have to be mentioned but which I will personally NEVER watch again – Cannibal Holocaust. Don’t eat going into it and be aware that it gets very, VERY violent. If you consider Gremlins a horror movie, it’s on there. I just say it’s a classic Christmas movie you should definitely check out around the season. I watch it every Christmas season.
From the 90’s, starting with a miniseries but the version of IT that still scares me the most? The 90’s miniseries with Tim Curry. It will legit make me cry but that’s because clowns freak me out royally.  But legit, the 90’s and the 00’s was the era I really was just getting into horror, so I struggle to figure out what is me viewing it with a lot of nostalgia and love and what is actually good so I’m going bullet points for these decades:
Se7en – even non-horror fans know THAT scene from this movie, let’s be real, and I think that  makes it have to be on this list.
Village of the Damned
From Dusk Till Dawn
The first Scream came out this decade, as did a couple of the others, but please watch all the franchise except the newest ones. I watched them, not as great as the original run but 1-4…fucking amazing and probably my favourite horror franchise personally.
I Know What You Did Last Summer
The first Blade movie came out in this decade, but I recommend all three.
The Faculty
Urban Legend
House on Haunted Hill
The Sixth Sense really did have an amazing twist, though it looks cheap and played out rewatching or looking back on it. For the time period though – it was an amazing twist.
Sleepy Hollow
American Psycho
Final Destination. Any of the movies in the franchise kind of give me the happy but the first one is probably the best.
Jeeper’s Creepers
The Leprechan franchise is great horror comedy. I love Warwick Davis.
I recommend the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, only because it led to the show and the show was so, so precious to me.
The Silence of the Lambs, naturally.
Candyman, also naturally.
The Frighteners was a fun horror comedy. I just like seeing bad things happen to Michael J. Fox
Sometimes They Come Back
Cannibal! The Musical is frigging fantastic and a great black comedy
The Craft
Idle Hands is frigging amazing as well for horror comedy.
From the 2000’s:
Ginger Snaps
Thirteen Ghosts
28 Days Later
Cabin Fever
Resident Evil as a franchise is hit or miss, but I like the original
The Ring
Wrong Turn
The Grudge
The Saw franchise
House of 1000 Corpses and the follow up movies to it
Shaun of the Dead
House of Wax, just for being able to see Paris Hilton die
When a Stranger Calls
1408 (have an odd crush on John Cusack)
30 Days of Night
The Mist
Dead Silence
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Cabin in the Woods is from around that time and still one of the best meta-horror comedies I’ve ever seen.
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edge-oftheworld · 6 months
thinking about the way when i interact with fellow aussies on here I see so much disappointment about how they didn't come here on their last tour. how sydney 5sos fans are a different brand of human i'm not really sure how to describe (we all freaked out when we went to the same concert lauren was at for example). thinking about how the australian leg of take my hand tour felt like it was almost its own thing, sandwiched between the gap after the bulk of the tour before it and that short gap before they announced the most recent tour after it--almost as if it was meant to bridge both of those tours. how they played in newcastle and on the gold coast and it wasn't quite cairns or coffs but it was a bit more than your state capitals headline tour. how, with the exception of the big four, we often don't realise how small our cities are on a global scale. there are only 27 million of us on this desert island.
thinking about how they wrote easy for you to say and had to perform it on tour six months before its actual release, it was so important to this setlist, to the vibe, and how it's about nostalgia and missing sydney and they finished the tour in sydney and it makes me wonder, i can kind of guess when the song means the same thing to me, how much it hurts to be able to perform here and yet not be able to stay for longer than a holiday. and yet they do do that for us, put on shows about as regularly as any other artist does. even if they didn't play splendour in the grass. or falls festival. even if it's been four years since fire fight australia, it was only months ago sierra was promoting beyond blue as a charity to donate to. friends of friends did some fundraiser for a youth centre in blacktown: maybe I have to look to see it, but I can see the impact they've left.
and then I see how happy they all seem to look when they've gotten a chance to hang out in australia. ashton covering songs in the heat. calum obviously having a blast. luke dropping sydney pics that were assumedly from before it got really hot, looking carefree, a familiar skyline and familiar urban graffiti. the way when michael arrived in perth for the first time after lockdown he simply had to tell us all right away. and i've always kind of seen them coming back here for good? heck, joel madden even assumed right on his podcast some of them might have already. the way ashton doesn't have a dog in the states, and how i've always seen him with an aussie. the way luke integrates seamlessly into the life and culture of the inner west area; and calum carries blue mountains vibes with him wherever he goes, as michael does with the sydney pop punk scene. we know brandy and sierra at least love australia--i was actually fangirling about sierra in their comments with the veronicas just the other day (bless them for deciding my comment was something that needed to replying to). while crystal does have a massive group of usamerican friends and family I can see her enjoying the vegan places in melbourne and brisbane (they're coming to sydney too. the inner west and parts of the north side are almost there) and maybe being a little more hopeful about politics. I can also see it being a really healthy place to raise lua.
maybe it's the hopefulness of an urban designer who sees the impact of art and culture and having people around who create for a living on our cities, but maybe I see myself in 20 years bringing my kids to see them play and being able to tell the story of a series of songs (red desert, efyts, whatever is next in the theme in the works for 5sos6 as well as the solo stuff like a lot of wfttwtaf and boy) and how they figured out what we all have to, how to find and create a place that's home to you--because it's actually a pretty likely event. and i love seeing the evolution from the 'let's get out' / 'worked every weekend just to get out of town' vibe of self titled and sgfg to now. I really do want them all to feel like they can relax now after so many years of working and depriving themselves of the love that comes from belonging (I do feel like we've heard more about it from luke and ash specifically) and I also get the subtle vibes of where that might happen. and how much it might hurt when they don't get to have that. what did they do for aussies? gave us hope that we could make it, in whatever we want to do and whatever success means for us. maybe it's just me though. for now. maybe i've got the expectations of someone who grew up unable to afford things like concerts mixed with the anticipation for this june. I hope i'm not projecting, but also, the empathy I feel when I see myself in someone is usually spot on.
so idk. one day i'm gonna design some really classy public housing made to unfuck the status quo and i'm gonna raise money to build it and sierra will write a song and say she's doing a donation to this charity in australia doing things about homelessness and the class divide and it's gonna help me fund it. that's just one option of something i can see going down that's not completely unrealistic if very very optimistic but it's how i live my life. but i'll go to a 5sos concert eventually. i'll play their songs i've arranged with an orchestra one day too and we'll do it impressively, noticeably. i don't really know what else i'm supposed to expect? I know my experience is worlds away from many people's. but these guys inspire me to create and I don't really need anything else to do that.
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melynnwater · 1 year
here's a short story I wrote that is, shockingly, made to process trauma of growing up with undiagnosed ADHD.
Remember that self love is a radical act. Hope you enjoy.
Yes yes, how tragically hilarious!
Moving on to the next exhibit, this is one of god's interactive art pieces, still ongoing!
This girl was made to exist in slow motion, always moving slower than the world around her.
Hm, yes?
Excellent question! Of course she doesn't know!! That's part of the brilliance of the art! She doesn't even know she's cursed, she just thinks she's not trying hard enough!
Observe how her emotions are on a delay. Her reactions are slow. She needs so much more rest than her peers. Her sleep schedule is chaotic and fluctuating. She can't be consistent with anything this world expects from her. It's not even her fault!! Ahahaha!
This exhibit tiptoes the line between art and experiment, to see how long a human can blame itself for something it can't know isn't its fault.
Silly girl!!
Oh look, look! Here she is running late for another appointment! She thinks she's just bad at time management!! How hilarious!
She carries the frustration of simply not being able to take a shower shorter than 15 minutes, you should've seen how many people thought she was just being lazy.
She's almost stopped taking showers entirely as a result. What a freak! A dirty, smelly freak of a woman.
Ha! Look at her now! She's still processing high school now, in her 20s? Could you imagine!
Oh, yes, she has found some level of acceptance and support. Her girlfriend is very patient with her. She can't help but feel that patience is only temporary, though. She might not even realize her beloved's patience ran out until a year later!
We're all waiting with bated breath to see if she can find the others from this same exhibit.
So sad you can't help but laugh.
Now take a look at this fine specimen over here...!
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More Toon Patrol Family Headcanons
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I'm going more in depth about ^ these ^ . My personal headcanons for the Weasels families.
Warnings; Cheating scandal, adoption (As in 'giving a child up for'), orphans, homeless living reference, Sanatorium living, abandonment, Deadbeat Father, Nasty Deadbeat Mother, fearing you're like your parents, etc.
Greasy was conceived on a desk... in a frenzy... by a business man and his pretty secretary.
Yeah. Bit of a saucy origin story, not that he knows it. Greasy was a complete one-night-stand accident child, neither of his parents wanted a kid and they weren't the types to force their way through raising him just cuz a few drops of semen leaked and carried winners. Also, the whole 'business man and his secretary' thing was an obstacle aswell,.. considering he was married...
When Greasy considers who his parents might be and why they didn't keep him, he thinks... eh, well he doesn't really think anything, these days. He came up with a million different reasons why he was left alone, before (When he was kit in an orphanage clutching his sheets in a storm, when he was a 12 collecting trash for pennies, when he was a teenager and working 2 dodgy jobs plus getting Select Items into prisons for cash, when he was a cruel 20 year old realising he had a knack for dealing with bad people and using them and his criminal activity skyrocketed) but he hasn't considered them in a while- not since joining the Patrol. That was when he really found a place to actually stay still (A.K.A, a place to feel relatively safe and to put his ~books~, a job he's really good at, some freaks who actually notice him as more than a tool to use. As a manipulative pervert moron, maybe, but for some reason it feels better when Wheezy rolls his eyes at him for saying something sleazy then it ever has having some gang leader praise him for having a good eye.), and since then... he hasn't really felt the need to think about his parents, or why they left him alone or didn't want him. He doesn't care.
He grew up part of the time in orphanages and part of the time on the street, which is how he learnt to be so intuitive and manipulative with other people (Though quite of a lot of it is natural talent). Its honestly a stroke of luck the insane asylum rejects he calls family now found him- no one else would be able to deal with him.
Yeah, so Psycho's family disowned him. I think that he spent a time in his life living in a Sanatorium, because he became just... a lotta work, for them at home, and they couldn't deal with him. Or, wouldn't. So they left him there, and after a short while, they... stopped visiting him?... One missed week turned into 2, 4, 8, 14... until Psycho grew bitter to the thought of them. He didn't want them to come back (Would you??)- he hoped they wouldn't.
And they didn't.
When he got out (When the Toon Patrol helped him escape) he just kinda... didn't think about them. He didn't really wanna see them again, not even to hurt them for abandoning him like that. As far as he was (Is) concerned- his family might as well just be the guy that drew him. And that's that. He's just him. Psycho. No family name.
Its a little lonely, a little empty... but better. Yes. Better then those looks 'family' give you when they don't want you. Better then waiting.
He does have a soft spot for Stupid, though. Big dumb hot water bottle that he is. Good for the winters.
He doesn't necessarily consider the rest of the TP his new family (Just that word gives him the Ick), but there's no doubt that if his old family ever did, miraculously, come find him and want him back (For some reason??), he would... hide behind Smartass and Greasy. Hissing, growling impressively disgusting obscenities, feeling ready to lash out with his razor, but yes... from behind Smartass and Greasy. He's not scared, he doesn't think they could protect him better then he could himself or even that they would, but he just.. feels better there. These two chose him.
Smartass and Stupid:
OKAY!! So- their father was a c o m p l e t e deadbeat. And a cheater. He was with Stupid's mum (A 'homely', hard-working, tough-as-nails badass of a woman) during the day and then Smartass' mum (An alcoholic who owned the bar he frequented. Very tough also, but also completely ruined as a person- nasty in natural personality and totally broken by life) at night. Stupid was a planned child, Smartass was an accident.
Smartass' mother... did not want him. Very plain and simple. She would come to half regret it later, but she give him up after a few years to his father- who promptly drops him off with Stupid and his mother and then ditches them all. Raise two sons?? Fuck that. So Stupid's (And, now, Smartass') poor mother is left working 3 jobs and taking care of a little boy who eats everything in sight as well as a tiny, weak little boy with a huge chip on his shoulder. She does the best she can and she has two very grateful sons for it ^^
Smartass is all torn apart because of this. Its complicated for him. He always felt like his mother's son (The one that gave him up. The spiteful, dirty, alcoholic mess); Like he couldn't escape it. Still cant. He feels like its in his genetics. He feels like he could never truly be one of them (Stupid and his mum), because he's too much like her- too cranky, too pessimistic, too cold- but with them he did feel loved, at least. Stupid's mother never made him feel like second fiddle, she tried her best to make him recognise that he was now more hers then anyone else's, and that was good enough... but only most of the time.
Stupid loves his brother ^^
This is best done in dot points- so here we go.
Yes, he is the chill Big Brother of the Toon Patrol- but that is not saying much XDDD He is still the neurotic, addiction addled criminal of his family! They truly do love him, but goddamnit, do they have some things to say about his lifestyle.
First of all- he's related to the two grave digging weasels in Mickey's Christmas Carol XD They're his cousins. They take the shit right out of him every time that they see him XD They'll drop cigarettes just to watch him lung to grab them before they're wasted because they know he cant help it and then shake their heads at him looking oh so serious ("Come on Wheezy, do better then that... " "Yeah Wheezy come on man, that's pathetic," while he's standing there looking pissed, arms crossed, but puffing away and taking it), they'll go ahead and tell on him to his mother at the drop of a hat if they something (Like if he got a girlfriend, or the Toon Patrol did something that got in the news, or he was smoking in the bathroom, etc. Like, "We love you cuz but we couldn't help it! Your life is a train wreck and we don't have a TV."), they'll tease him endlessly, etc.
I mean, they love him and they get along mostly but yeah... they love to hassle him XD 😅 Don't worry, Wheezy can take it.
He has a mother who frets about him and is down to go toe-to-toe with Smartass so he can get some days off (Another @marinerainbow idea! ^^). She's not an overbearing mother, she'll see his cousins sneaking the cigarettes out of his pocket before he even notices and not say a damn word, but when it comes to his health and relationships... she does still treat him like he's living with her XD Like, she wants to meet the Toon Patrol to assess them (And when she meets them she immediately demands that he q u i t- ), she wants to set him up with nice women ("You're so handsome Wheezy!! Please, let me find you a nice girl. Sandra, at the butchers, she just got her degree and broke up with that boyfriend of hers and I just think- " "Mum, I'm fine." "... I'm gonna give you her a number." "No thanks, Ma!- " "Did you hear the words 'Can I' leave my mouth? No? Thats because it wasn't a question."), and she wants him to eat well ^^ She doesn't call him everyday to make sure, but when he does come around she makes him leave with so much tupperware XDD He goes home with two bags full, dumps it on the table, and goes like "Guys!! We're fed for the next week!"
His father is a very very scary looking guy, himself. But he's a very good man and actually loves his sons 'friends' XDD Except for Greasy. He doesn't care for Greasy. If he sees the Toon Patrol he'll greet each of them and then promptly ignore Greasy's 😅😅😅 Just like-
*Handshake* "Smarty, good seeing you. Sharp tie." *Shoulder pat* "Stupid my boy you got a little something... its right there, on your mouth, its... eh, whatever. Save it for later. Good to see you." *Nod* "Psycho, your hair's lookin extra big. Very good." ... *Greasy hesitantly holds out his hand* "Oh look, a bird- Seeya, boys."
Its because he thinks he's a freak XD The first time they met, a risqué page from a magazine flew outta Greasy's suit and Wheezy's dad has never forgiven him.
Wheezy also has uncles, aunts, more cousins, and grandparents- but this is all I got right now XD
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about strong girl nam soon, episode five (pt 2)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
We got the replica of the ahn min hyuk squealing and kicking his feet like a school girl but this time it's nam soon. I find it endearing because it's like seeing a little child falling in love for the first time. She has this genuine look of joy and excitement in her eyes.
The actress playing Ri hwa ja being so good at her job she should get paid even more. I want her to face the consequences of her actions.
Interesting how everyone in the family wants ri hwa ja to pay for her crimes but hwang geum ju is the only one defending her because she believes hwa ja was desperate for a mom. She saw it in nam soon's imposter's eyes. I wonder if it was an act or if she really wanted to have someone to rely on instead of using all means to earn money. Hwa ja does seem desperate for money. I don't remember if it was said or not but she does come from a poor (in terms of money) background so she must have hustled her whole life to get to where she is.
Also the reason she hates nam soon is because she was on the verge of earning A LOT of money and, in the blink of an eye, the money disappeared. Even though i despise her for wanting to kill an innocent woman, I do understand the struggles of not having a lot of money to live a comfortable life. If she got the money before the real nam soon reuniting with her mom, i think she would have lived her life by herself and left like that.
With that said, it doesn't mean ri hwa ja isn't a bad person because she used manipulation and lies to get to where she is. The most horrible part is her manipulating hwang geum ju by giving her the illusion she finally reunited with her daughter after 20 years of being apart. I don't know I'm very torn on her. She's a bad person, let's all agree on that. But i do believe her financial situation plays a big part on why she's behaving that way.
I've said in a previous episode how hwang geum ju seemed to be empathetic because she wanted her daughter back and i was wondering if she'll continue to have empathy for others after she found nam soon. Well, this scene gave me the answer. She's understanding. She knows not everyone is born with a lot of money and she wants to help others as much as she can. She's even extending her hand to ri hwa ja, even though the latter played with her feelings and lied to her. Hwang geum ju's motto is shown in this scene: make the world a better place.
Bread song making poses by the window = cringe but also hilarious. Gives him the image of a newbie ceo, not really knowing how to act with his new acquired wealth. I was wrong, he's just a freak and it's making as uncomfortable as hwang geum ju is right now.
Nice to see some more info on hwa ja's background. An orphan and a gang leader training orphans to do dirty job for him. She's the only woman in the group. That means she's strong and talented at what she does. But it does explain a lot of things and I can understand her better.
The grandma is hilarious in her quest to get her future boyfriend. I just can't get enough of her.
The plot thickens and someone is giving nam in the dr*g without him knowing. It's disguised as a weight loss pill. I hope he doesn't use it but shows it to nam soon or hee sik so they can move quicker on the case.
I see the dr*g gives strength to those who took it but then they d1e right away, which begs the question: what is different about ryu si o that makes him survive when all the other people who took the dr*g d1ed a few days/weeks after?
Interestingly enough nam soon's first thought when meeting the villain (she doesn't know it's him) is to ask him if he's sick. She is worried about him. She really is a good person.
She needs to talk about this to hee sik, tell him how she found someone with superhuman strength just like her.
I see the dr*g doesn't have the same effect on everyone. Some take longer to d1e. The only side effect is the excessive consumption of water. The chief of the diu team is taking a lot longer than the other victims to d1e. Maybe he'll be the one to survive until the end and a guinea pig (ie they'll experiment on him) to find an antidote?
Ooohooo the plot thickens! Nam soon is finally face to face with her impostor. But i don't think she's seen her face so i don't think she'll recognize her.
So happy to see hee sik back on the case.
The next episode seems promising.
I'll give this episode a 10/10 because it gave us a little bit of everything without revealing too much so us spectators want to tune in for the next episode.
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❝Dont judge a book by its cover or a person by there actions alone. It can prove a fatal mistake.❞
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G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n
Full Name
☾ Emily Rose
Namesake / Meaning
☾ Grandmother's name and mother's favorite flower
Alias / Nicknames
[c]☾ Desert flower
Hamon dancer
☾ 100,000 years (Appears in her late 20s early 30s)
Mental Age
☾ 100,000 years with childlike humor
☾ Half human hamon user half pillarwoman
☾ Female
☾ she her miss maam
☾ straight
Blood Type
☾ unknown
☾ 100,000 years ago around april
☾ An unknown tribe of pillarmen close to American mountains
☾ Early Pre American pillarman and early native american hamon monk
(I dont really know. Her tribe was from somewhere closer to north america)
Zodiac Sign
☾ aries
☾ Hamon student first then hamon instructor training in hamon healing and defensive fighting. After her village was destroyed she traveled the world doing so many different jobs she has forgotten most if them. Today she travels the world looking for more information about her heritage and healing others as she goes.
☾ (depends on the role-play plot)
☾ to learn more about her mothers heritage. Possibly find more like herself. To try and feel less lonely.
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❝The world over time though interesting in its changes has grown cold and lonely to me.❞
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M e n t a l & P h y s i c a l S t a t e
☾ sun burns easily
☾ lightly allergic to the sun and pollin
Mental Illness(es)
☾ light insomniac
☾ none
Genetic Disease(s)
☾ none
☾ loves meat and sweats other than that she has a normal diet
☾ loves to be clean. Hates public toilets. Can not stand unkempt nails.
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
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❝My nails are my pride. They have to be perfect.❞
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P e r s o n a l i t y
Personality Description
☾ kind and caring to everyone. She respects all life and tries not to harm anyone or anything but she does hate bugs. Emily loves to explore and learn about new technology. Emily loves books and music and being outdoors. Shes usually nice to everyone but if you make her mad or hurt her friends she turns into a terrifying predatory like defender with the aura of a tiger stalking its prey. She hates womanizing men and meaningless flirting but secretly is shy around good looking guys and if one were to flirt with her she would mentally shut down turning into a babbling mess like a teen age girl. She has a fear of forever being alone due to her race and long lifespan plus shes afraid her strength with be to much for anyone to ever be safe with.
Positive Traits
☾ always loyal to friends. Kind and soft hearted. Easily makes friends. Loves to help. Loves to learn and teach.
Negative Traits
☾ tends to hate herself. Has a habit of being a loner. Freaks out when seeing bugs or being threatened by bugs. When she gets angry she shows some of her pillarwoman powers blowing her human cover.
☾ is 100,000 years old and carries a lot of knowledge with her. Is super strong and tough. Can see hear and smell better than humans. Can use strong hamon for healing and fighting.
☾ sun burns easily. Gets depressed at times and just shuts down. Fears hurting others. Doesn't like fire. Is a slight insomniac. Is a natural lightning rod often getting struck
☾ listening to and playing music. Singing. Painting. Drawing. Training with hamon and martial arts. Healing others. Reading books. Researching history. World traveling.
☾ stays up for several days and nights at a time. Eats to many sweets. Drinks an inhuman amount of alcohol. Hums to herself an old lullaby her mother use to sing. Takes incredible good care of her nails.
Bad Habits
☾ over reacts to nasty bathrooms and braking a nail. Picks at her scabs or bites her lip till it bleeds when she's nervous. Often spends to much time alone.
☾ can sing play instruments draw paint is extremely flexible remembers things very well use hamon for healing or fighting is grate at martial arts and knows more than any human hamon user alive in current day about hamon
Beliefs / Religion
☾ all life is precious
Phobias & Fears
☾ bugs and that shell live eternally alone never finding anything about her mothers half of her family and that shell accidentally hurt someone
Pet Peeves
☾ hates womanizers and bad nails
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❝I will squash you like a bug if you ever harm an innocent soul again.❞
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L i k e s & D i s l i k e s
☾ music. Sweets. Meat. Art. Reading. Traveling. Helping others. Learning. Training. Watching horror movies.
☾ bugs womanizers breaking a nail animal cruelty bullies storms
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❝Don't try and quote the past to me. Give been there.❞
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T h i s O r T h a t
Introverted or Extroverted ?
☾ a little of both
Calm or Tense ?
☾ mostly calm
Insane or Sane ?
☾ sane just a bit silly at times
Patient or Impatient ?
☾ patient with some impatient with idiots
Logical or Emotional ?
☾ a bit of both
Reckless or Careful ?
☾ careful
Organized or Disorderly ?
☾ both
Would Rather Working or Relaxing ?
☾ non decided
Optimistic or Pessimistic ?
☾ optimistic
Honest or a Liar ?
☾ honest but has secrets
Would Rather Have Fame or Obscurity ?
☾ obscurity
Brave or Coward ?
☾ brave when needed
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❝Let me help you with that.❞
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A p p e a r a n c e
☾ long and white with a slight wave to it
☾ a spooky white silver with long thick lashes
☾ very fair and light
☾ 5 foot 9
☾ 245
Body Type
☾ athletic and well toned
Age Appearance
☾ early 30s late 20s
Scars / Wounds
☾ several but there faded all over her body
☾ none
☾ no
Casual / Common Clothes
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Formal Clothes
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Party / Hangout Clothes
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Sleep Wear / Pyjamas
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❝Please tell me there's more cake.❞
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A b i l i t i e s
General Abilities
☾ Emily is a grate martial arts fighter and developed her own style if fighting that makes her look like shes dancing. Shes grate with a whip and a long pole often using them in combat. Shes a master hamon user but mostly uses it to heal. When fighting with hamon she seams to be using electric currents of energy that runs threw every living thing. Its like her mode is lightning.
☾ pillarman speed strength and super senses. Strong healing hamon and lightning energy hamon.
☾ can't use her lightning energy hamon in water or when soaked due to the water being a conductor. Sunburns easily. Is mostly a pacifists preferring not to fight. Terrified of bugs. Doesn't heal as fast as full blooded pillarmen because she's half human.
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❝Care to dance with danger?❞
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C o m b a t & I n v e n t o r y
Fighting Style
☾ dancing marital arts style where she almost never stops moving.
☾ confuse her enemy by constantly moving then strike when they least expect it or just directly strike with hamon
☾ travels carrying a hikers backpack with her equipped with mostly basic survival gear like a tent sleeping bag or hammock and some food along with maps and compas. Always has some kind of book and a small flute called an ocarnia. Has a retractable long metal pole good for conducting her hamon and a rope whip. Often wears or has in her backpack a heavy metal suit for speed training.
☾ she likes to live a peaceful life but will fight if the moment calls for it.
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❝Can we all just get along?❞
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S t a t s
Physical Strength
☾ 9/10
Mental Strength
☾ 9/10
☾ 9/10
☾ 9/10
☾ 10/10
☾ 10/10
☾ 10/10
☾ 10/10
☾ 10/10
☾ 9/10
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❝All life is precious. Especially a short human life.❞
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S t a n d /H a m o n I n f o r m a t i on
Hamon or Stand User ?
☾ hamon
Hamon Type
☾ indirect, direct attacks/ healing
Hamon Description
☾ emily is able to direct the flow of electric energy from her body or another living thing into electric lightning like attacks including punches and kicks and she can direct the electrical current threw her metal staff to deliver strong strikes at a distant as well as using her whip to do the same. In a last attack she can summon her final strength and shoot a bolt of energy from her hands. If she is near a good source of energy like in a city full if electricity she is pretty much never out of ammo. She prefers to heal with her hamon and as long as the wounds are not life threatening she can heal anything.
☾ can not use her hamon in rain or when wet. If she uses to much of her own energy her body starts to shut down. If she heals to many people at one time she can get sick and weak.
☾ she is a walking lightning rod and ends up burning a lot of clothing by being struck by lightning. Often ends up shorting out electronic devices by accident due to her high energy.
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
❝Dang it I short circuited another radio.❞
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
❝Stop hitting me with lightning nature!❞
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
F a m i l y & R e l a t i o n s h i p s
☾ deceased. Former hamon Indian chief
☾ deceased pillarwoman
Aunts / Uncles
☾ dead
Siblings / Cousins
☾ dead
☾ dead
Friends & Close Friends
☾ the speedwagon foundation and the joestars
Love Interests / Crushes
☾ Joseph joestar ,ceaser, karrs, esidisi, whamuu, Santana
☾ none
Enemies / Rivals
☾ bullies and basic bad guys
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
❝I wish I wasn't the only one of my kind.❞
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
B a c k g r o u n d & O v e r a l l
L i f e
Background / Backstory
Grew up peacefully at first with her mother teaching her to use her pillar strength and senses wisely. She had a hard time making friends when she was young because the kids were afraid of her. Even after she wondered away from her sleeping mother one morning and learned she was immune to the sun. Her father was a hamon student and found her playing with a puppy. He also saw flowers growing around her as a result of her hamon. He began to train her from then on and thought her to use hamon to heal as well as defend.
Teenage Years / Adolescence
☾ when she turned 13 her father had become a grate hamon teacher and healer in there tribe. He was in his late 50s but her and her mother aged slower than him. They both continued to train her and she became a hamon warrior when she turned 15. Her tribe accepted her and she soon had many friends. She fell in love but they were never to be together. There lives were just to different and he rejected her witch caused her to develop a fear of rejection and she decided never to fall in love again.
☾ As time passed on her father became chief of the tribe and she in turn became a princess but they did not really use that sort of tital. Emily was now well into her 30s and her father was very old. They both had heard of her mothers clan being attacked and wiped out by other rogue pillar men and that other hamon tribes were also being slaughtered. Fearing an attack emily's parents sent her away to train and learn more about her powers and herself but in reality they just wanted her to be safe. While she is away the rogue pillarmen attack killing everyone and her mother falls by there hands refusing to join them. By the time Emily returns 5 years later she finds the ruins of her home, her people nothing but corpses, and a crumbled statue of her mothers body witch turns to dust when she touches it. Emily morns for days and goes in search of revenge but never finds anything to tell her what happened.
Current Location
☾ Traveling the world (depends on role-play story)
☾ nomads don't live anywhere long
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
❝Guess the nomadic life suits me.❞
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
T r i v i a / E x t r a
☾ loves all animals
☾ has worked for police and mafia and yakiza
☾ has a fortune of her own hidden in secret locations all across the world
☾ is a simp for big muscles and nice butts
☾ lives spring and fall
☾ loves skinny dipping and hot springs
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
❝Lets just enjoy the jurney.❞
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
T h e m e S o n g ( s )
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
❝Im just one big mystery.❞
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
C r e d i t s
Artwork / Faceclaim Credit
☾ none
Character Design Credit
☾ imvu creators
Sources Used
☾ imvu for character design
Misc info.
☾ Training outfit
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Speed training armor
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dankovskaya · 2 years
1, 4, 10, 15, 19 for Kiana?
AHHHH ELLA you're putting me to work I see. I will try not to go overboard😭
What is their relationship with their family?
Kiana's only real family throughout most of her life (up to the "present" of her being like, early 20s) is Waylon and that relationship itself is hard to define because they both go through so many highs and lows not entirely dependent on each other that change how they relate to. The world I guess. And therefore each other as well. I might like casually call him her dad, but that's not really what it's like, and saying he's more of an Uncle or a considerably older sibling is a probably more accurate. She has been known to call him "Uncle Waylon" in reference to him but probably just "Waylon" to his face. At first it's pretty clear cut that he's acting as a caretaker and mentor figure for her, but when Everything Falls Apart around when she's 12 or 13 and they're forced to be separated repeatedly for long periods of time over the next few years (because Waylon is incarcerated, escapes, reincarcerated, and so on in typical comics fashion), it's not nearly the same when they're technically reunited, and by the "present" they kind of border on estranged, but it's also somewhat one sided? Hard to explain but I've said enough here already LOL. She also has a mother that she very very distantly remembers as having abandoned her when she was a small child presumably on account of her "condition" and who she is naturally very resentful of but this is not actually true.
Holy fuck this is long the rest is under here 👇
4. What experiences shaped who they are?
No particular singular events stand out as having affected her substantially above all else (at least at this point in brainstorming) but it's more the overall horrible experience of being constantly reminded that the vast majority of the population does not see her as entirely human and the different ways that presents itself. I suppose around the end of their first year in Gotham when Waylon Gets Busted By The Bat and the first somewhat idyllic period of her life (which she definitely romanticizes as better than it actually was in retrospect😭) comes to an abrupt and forceful end stands out as singularly painful and unfair and intensified the natural overall resentfulness she has for People In General and cemented this sort of kneejerk cynicism that she honestly didn't always carry with her. She's always trying to get back to that first Gotham apartment.
10. What are they trying to achieve?
This one's rough because she spends a lot of her time just sort of broadly dissatisfied and resigned to going through the motions of Living in a Hostile Society while also trying to make the most of a relatively good situation through. Idk. Mundane indulgences. And trying not to draw any attention to herself whatsoever. BUT the inciting incident that leads to her meeting and affiliating with Jason has to do with her Deep Backstory and why she is the way that she is so without going into details that I have not yet wholly worked out there is essentially a complex revenge narrative afoot with a lot of varying degrees of uncomfortable self-recognition through the other. Not being certain of what she's trying to achieve within that and having to contend with Jason's perspective on the issue is sort of central to it.
15. What do they want?
She wants friends so so bad this is the great contradiction of Kiana. She hates people for what they've done to her and to Waylon she can't trust anyone to respect or understand her on any level she goes to great lengths to minimize human contact in her day to day life and she can find it very hard to care about anyone who isn't a "freak" like she is but she is also so desperate for actual human connection and understanding that she feels insane. For so much of her life she wanted so badly to get far far away from anyone other than Waylon and now that she has some semblance of that distance it just kind of makes her more angry 😭 Cause she doesn't ACTUALLY want to be alone she just wants people to stop being cunts to her but she's too distrustful (and fucking SHY) to actually try to find people who would look past? The snakeyness? And treat her like a person? So she kind of sets herself up for failure in multiple ways but you can't entirely blame her because she has supremely understandable reasons to both metaphorically and literally bite any hand that reaches towards her. More childishly I guess she wants to find and confront her mother but she knows this is completely unfeasible (alone at least 😏) so it's more of just a resentful daydream.
19. Does their appearance change throughout the story?
Counting the meat of the "story" as from the inciting incident onwards um not realllyyyyy unless you count her switching up her braids every once in a while Lol. She does get shot once so like there's a scar. But yeah not much. And the snake features are already as prominent as they're going to be and have been since she was pretty young. Unless you count the fact that she is technically going to continue growing taller forever, it just takes a really long time. LMAO.
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memoryreign · 4 months
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👑 One Piece AU 👑
Name: Toothiana; Tooth or Ana for short. Aliases: Tends to refer to herself as the Guardian of Memories. Race: Human Age: Hundreds of years (visually in 20s) Height: 4'6" Occupation: Wandering archaeologist and collector. Devil Fruit: Tori Tori no Mi: Model Kinnari (Mythical Zoan) Status: Wanted
Can hear the Voice of All Things.
Often accompanied by hummingbirds that she speaks to.
Gets a little too excited about finding bones...
Devil Fruit grants her biological immortality and the ability to heal wounds via touch.
Human form: Brown hair with multi-coloured strands, often decorated with feathers. Pink eyes. Often wearing golden jewellery and bags to carry artifacts and her writings within. Usually carries twin swords.
Kinnari form(s): Most often uses hybrid form, covered wrists to ankles in small iridescent contour feathers, with feathers sprouting from her hair. Hummingbird-esque wings. Around her wrists and ankles there seem to be golden lines that appear to look like golden bracelets and anklets, as well as gold feathers on either side of her head for earrings. She also has long, drapery feathers that start at her waist line and end at her knees, giving the appearance of a skirt or dress. Her more beastly form sees her legs change to those of a sharp taloned bird, and increases her strength as well as her height.
Toothiana was born a very long time ago, on a jungled island in the New World. She was born to a woman named Rashmi - a beautiful and fierce warrior - and a man named Haroom - a slave who turned on his master. She was raised on the outskirts of a village at the edge of the jungle, and lived a simple and happy life - until she turned twelve and consumed a Devil Fruit that she had found, causing her to sprout wings and bodily feathers.
Initially, Toothiana was joyous. She made friends with the birds and the wind, and flew up to the trees to pick the ripest mangoes, starfruit, and papayas for the other children of the village. While the children delighted in Toothiana's new ability, the adults of the village were shocked and frightened by this now half-bird girl. Some thought she was an evil spirit that must be killed, while others saw ways to use her - as either a freak to be caged and paraded about, or to force her to fly to the palace of the island's royalty and steal their jewels.
Haroom and Rashmi knew that to keep their daughter safe, they would have to escape. So they packed their things and departed deep into the jungle. The children of the village, who loved Toothiana as a friend and a sisterly figure, begged their parents to leave her alone. But they were driven mad, blinded with fear and greed. Many people attempted to capture her, but none were successful.
One day however, a mysterious hunter commanded that the girl's parents be kidnapped - and killed if she did not show. Rashmi and Haroom had told their daughter never to come after them if they were in danger, but the girl had spared no time in rushing to her parents' rescue. Battle broke out, and though she was able to reach them, she lacked the strength to lift them over the angry mob. Rashmi took out a stringed pouch and handed it to her daughter, saying that its contents would comfort and guide her, before commanding her to go. Toothiana flew away with a terrible scream - half-human and half-bird - up to the highest treetop in the land and sat there to grieve.
For a full day she sat in the tree in a phase of disbelief and sadness. However, then she remembered the pouch Rashmi had given her. Opening it, she found a shimmering ruby box. Within the box were trinkets from her childhood, along with a note from her parents - guiding her to hold them tightly whenever she felt lost, for they would help her to remember better days, and to remember that which she needs.
Toothiana stayed in the jungle - but she hated her wings, these powers she possessed. If it weren't for them, her parents would still be alive. She even refused to enter her winged form for the longest time. The creatures of the jungle did their best to comfort her, bringing her the freshest of food and making her beds as soft as possible. But Toothiana became more and more convinced that she belonged nowhere. Not with the animals of the jungle, and certainly not with the humans of the village. She was all alone.
Years passed, but Toothiana never felt or saw herself aging. The children of the village were growing up, but she retained the same appearance she had in her twenties - a side effect of this mythical zoan fruit, she would later come to understand. Following her parents' guidance, she would hold onto those childhood trinkets whenever she felt sad, focus on them intently - and in so doing over many years, she came to understand that her parents had seen something in her that she had missed.
Speaking to the animals may be a power granted to her by the Devil Fruit, or, perhaps, something greater. The Voice of All Things. She could hear it. Not only animals words, but their thoughts - the messages in their hearts. And not only animals - but objects too. Even bones. She could speak to them, hear their messages, the memories they held. This power was a gift, something she could use to bring comfort to others, to understand the world as nobody else could and discover lost history. However, the adults of the village did not see it this way. They branded her a liar, a deceiver, some kind of witch. A trap was laid for her, and she fell for it - right into a seastone cage set for her by the mysterious hunter from all those years ago.
Toothiana was taken to a representative of the World Government, where her secret was revealed. Naturally, those who ran the world would not allow one who could unearth their misdeeds to live. Toothiana could only demand to know why the mysterious hunter was so set on seeing her punished, but the revelation that he was her father's former master - seeking revenge for being dethroned - and that he had indeed killed her parents was almost too much to bear.
Before either representative or hunter could end her life, she raised the ruby box to her heart and held it tight. She pictured happier days with her parents, she pictured them sacrificing themselves for her... and no attack ever came. The animals of the jungle, large and small, had come to her defence. They broke her free of the cage, and all at once her fury for the hunter began to swell inside her. She unlocked a new form - one more beastly, with the legs and talons of a bird - and lifted the man up by his throat. She could have killed him - but the trinkets within the box began to speak to her, offered her the memories of her parents once more. She let him go - allowing the jungle to decide his fate.
Such events took place many years ago, and Toothiana has since learned to accept her Devil Fruit powers. Over the years, she has healed - and reclaimed her kind and compassionate nature. She has mainly lived in solitude, though has travelled across the world many times in human form in search of lost artifacts and history waiting to be uncovered. She guards the memories these items share with her closely, that she might one day be able to share what she had learned with the world. The government has never stopped searching for her, and neither have money-hungry hunters - but she has thus far been able to elude permanent capture. In recent years, she has begun to reach out to people again - with lifetimes of loneliness making her yearn for the companionship she once held with her family and friends in the village. Whether or not this will eventually lead to her downfall is yet to be seen...
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 11 months
20 questions writer meme!
Tagged by @onlygenxhere, Thanks! :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 12 (I'm still just a bebe writer)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 106,918
3. What fandoms do you write for? Julie and the Phantoms
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Phantoms Watch JatP: I am actually so, so proud of this one and have been considering rereading it for myself because I know I did some really funny shit. It's like the title says but they're in a QPR and aged up quite a few years. It was my very first ever fanfic and I'm happy that it led me to writing as much as I do now.
I'm Underneath the Undertow: This has been such a labour of love and a processing device for some really traumatic shit in my life and I'm so happy that others are enjoying reading it. Basic premise is Reggie supporting Julie through grief (in a platonic friendship - this is important to me) and then Julie and the rest of their friends (and Ray) supporting Reggie through major trauma.
Gem in a Black Leather Jacket: I still can't believe how this one came about. This entire series exists because I was trying to find an organic way for the boys to be introduced to a band I love and connect to them and then it spiraled fantastically. This was such a fun way for me to play with Reggie's bi crisis.
Neurotic to the Bone, No Doubt About it: Some Alex backstory and bonding with Julie wrapped up in the band's love of Green Day and Pansy Division. Also the result of aforementioned band introduction attempt.
Hit Like a Girl: My newest addition to the same band-related series and it was a lot of fun. I wanted a way to plug some women rockers I love, complain about algorithms 😅, and make Carrie a closet metalhead.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? YES! Gosh, I appreciate comments so much and for me, receiving ao3 emails about a writer replying to one of my comments is often almost as great as receiving an email about a comment of my own.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? This is complicated but technically I guess Underneath the Undertow? Even though it doesn't end on angst but there isn't like... a happy resolution to the big trauma. Most of my endings are probably just neutral? I don't actually know (feelings are hard for me).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmmm... I guess probably The Phantoms Watch JatP? I only have one plot-driven fic so far but this one ends with a cuddle pile sleepover iirc.
8. Do you get hate on fics? – Not yet. I don't really know whether to expect any or not but I do wrap my politic into my writing so I'm preparing for it to happen eventually. Hopefully with the shrunken fandom I'm safe? We'll see.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Negatory. I've found my way back to reading it but I don't think writing it is within my skillset or comfort zone.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? omg. I'm actually so mad about this. No. I have not. Yet. But a dear mutual (whom I will not tag without their permission) has put a crossover idea into my brain and I HATE IT but it will probably get written eventually so it can leave me in peace.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet but I am in the middle of one exploring asexuality that I may co-write with an allo friend because there are too many things I don't think I understand well enough to write how I want to. We shall see. I'm also a bit of a control freak so the premise terrifies me a little bit but also seems fun.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Oof. Within JatP only? For canon compliant, probably Juke or Rayvorose (I will fight you, I said compliant)? But gosh, I love Willex too. The longer I spend in the fandom, the more ships I love. Polycurve and polyphantoms? Adore. Flarrie. Boggie.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I don't have high hopes for the one based on an old band vlog. I keep toying around with how to make it work but I think a lot of what I find funny or want to use for the Sunset Curve boys requires video. We'll see though. I thought I'd never get anywhere with my 'Bad Bobby' fic and now I'm... a whole lotta words in.
16. What are your writing strengths? I don't like this question. Not just because I don't know how to compliment myself but because I genuinely do not know. Maybe someone who's read my stuff can share their opinion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle with connecting scenes and endings. I'm sure there's other stuff too but honestly same note as above. Oh. And titles.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If it's something I can easily google (not translate but actually get context for) without falling into a deep rabbit hole, I'll do it. But I would generally prefer not to.
19. First fandom you wrote for? JatP
20. Favorite fic you've written? Oh. Like of ALL of them or just what's on ao3 so far? Because I'm quite fond of some of my little Tumblr ficlets... 🤔 I need better guidelines! If we go for >1k... AH I still don't know. I'm just gonna say The Phantoms watch Julie and the Phantoms cuz it's been on my brain lately.
I'm not going to tag anyone directly but if you see this and want to write one up, please pretend I did (and tag me so I can read it?). I get really in my head about not missing anyone or tagging someone who doesn't want to be tagged so to avoid that, I'm gonna skip this step.
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