#so getting teased ooooh this rock wants to kill you!!! the rock is evil!!! and then getting. pioneer ghosts+manipulated boyfriend sucks
gigantomachylesbian · 6 months
sorry but if you're going the "sentient location/landscape" horror route and then you make all of the big exciting kills happen via Pioneer Ghosts well I think that's the most boring thing you could possibly do. Like you can get ghosts annnnnywhere they got nothing to do with the Place That Wants You Dead. Sad!
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonsal Celebration Year Two, Day 3:
Onto prompt number three for the @boundforfreedomsonsal celebration! This one jumps in time even more than the last one, taking place sometime after the entire Mecha-Sally arc of the pre-reboot era has been handled. A few people told me they really enjoyed my usage of multiple characters beyond Sonic and Sally and I hope this one while only three characters in total are enjoyable to you all as well!
SURPISE!: As she adjusted her clothing, Bernadette Hedgehog smiled at her reflection in the mirror. A good night’s sleep, a fresh shower, clean clothes, and the matron of the Hedgehog household was ready to face the day. Turning from her mirror, she went over to her bed, tidying it up a bit, before a sniff told her, she should just go ahead and change the bedding. It wasn’t rank; it just, smelled very heavily of a certain act she and her husband partook… several times last night. A girlish giggle left Bernie along with a pink tinge to her cheeks as she stripped her bed of the sheets, pillowcases, and the comforter to haul to the laundry room.
Sometimes it was still hard to believe that a mere few months ago, a way to restore her beloved husband Jules to flesh and blood without his old war injuries returning and killing him was discovered. Ironically the development came from the method used to restore Princess Sally to flesh and blood after she had been turned into Mecha Sally. As she put the bedding into the wash, and set it to run, Bernie’s happy thoughts soured a little at that thought. The deep depression her son suffered during that period made her heart ache for her son even now when all was well and over with. Nor had it been fun to see the poor Princess dealing with her own post-deroboticization trauma of all the things she was made to do. It wasn’t uncommon to see Sally spending time at their home with Sonic, or he with her at the palace. 
Suffice to say Bernie let a few of the few rules she and Jules insisted upon Sonic when bringing his girlfriend over, well slip into the cracks. More than once when she woke up in the middle of the night for some reason, she’d walk by her son’s (locked) bedroom door and hear the sounds of certain... activities that were requested to not happen under her roof. Neither Bernie nor Jules were prudes, but their home wasn’t a refuge for teenager frolicking of that nature. It was more a desire for discretion than forbidding Sonic and beloved from being intimate, after all out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Jules and she doubted Sonic wanted to stumble them making love. 
However, both had, let that rule bent some, so long as it didn’t get out of hand, since at the time, the two deeply, and VERY much needed one another. Since they were never loud enough to be heard from Jules and Bernie’s own bedroom or left any mess to be cleaned up, they let it slide. At least things were better now, Dr. Eggman was still a threat but his operations had been severely hampered losing his precious Death Egg, and a slew of victories the Freedom Fighters had won lately. The false-King Naugus and his agent, turncoat Geoffery St. John had been dealt with. Good riddance to both of them, Naugus could rot in whatever dimension he was stuck in, and St. John could rot in prison forever. Shaking her head, she lightly smacked her cheeks to clear her head; why should she focus on so much dread? She had every reason to be happy as happy could be today!
Walking back down the hallway connecting to the bathroom and bedrooms, Bernie on a whim went to her son’s room and tested the doorknock. Locked; which meant… he had company. Given Jules and she had already gone to bed when her son probably came home from his last mission; of course, he would sneak Sally in. Shaking her head, however, she smiled, rather wickedly rather than seem angry. While she had gladly bent the rules before for her son; at this point, he should be MUCH more open in inviting Sally over. A note outside his door would be nice, even a damn sock on the doorknob as tact-y that sounded would do the job.
Time for a little playful payback. Raising her balled hand, she rapped on the door normally and spoke in as much of a motherly ‘sing-song’ voice as she could manage. “Ooooh Sonic dear! Wakey, wakey sleepyhead!” Putting her ear to the door, she barely held back a giggle as she heard the sounds of ruffling from the bed, including the sound of someone falling out of said bed, onto the floor and cursing. There was a lot of muffled cursing, and she could make out two distinct someones’ scrambling about.
Her son’s badly disguised panic-voice called out to her, trying to sound as sleepy as he could. “B-be right out Mom! I just need to be presentable!”
Bernie rolled her eyes, waiting until she heard the sound of the window starting to open, then with a wide grin, she spoke aloud through the door. “Oh Sonic dear, please do let Sally know she’s invited to stay for breakfast!” Upon hearing two audible gasps and more under-the-breath cursing, she allowed herself a small fist-pump in her victory. “Jules and I already showered, and your Father’s out helping your Uncle, so I’ll be making breakfast just for us, and the shower’s free for both of you to use! Just don’t take too long!” Now she let herself giggle as she could envision the two’s blood-drained faces.
Sometimes, teasing your kids and their significant other was fun. Which is all this was, Bernie had no intent on reaming either of them. She supported them both, but, she wanted her son to remember this was his parents’ home, and well; you had to pay the piper when you kept bending the rules. Making her way to the kitchen, Bernie found her apron and put it on, and started working her magic. Soon the kitchen was filled with the smells of food being cooked; sizzling bacon, pancakes on the griddle, toast, hashbrowns, and simple scrambled eggs. After last night she could use some ‘power food’ and she had a feeling both kids could as well.
As she was finishing up the last of the food, she heard footsteps and looked toward the doorway leading to the main hallway, and smiled ever-so-pleasantly as both Sonic, and Sally appeared, freshly cleaned and showered, and blushing from their necks to their ears.“Good morning you two!”Running a hand through his head-quills, Sonic looked ever the child who had his hand caught in the cookie jar. 
“Mornin’ Mom…”
“G-good morning Mrs. Hedgehog…” Sally swallowed hard, twiddling her fingers together in a sheepish manner, mirroring Sonic’s own ‘hand in the cookie jar’ guilt expression. Looking at the Mother of her boyfriend, Sally summoned her courage, and humility as she spoke. “I’m sorry about us we… you know… in your home-.” Waving a hand, Bernie began to transfer the finished food items to the table. “Oh don’t fret about it, dear! You’re practically family now, I don’t mind if you stay over, you’re always welcome!” She waited for a beat as the two looked gobsmacked and then she grinned in a rather evil-manner their way. “You’re both old enough to mind your own affairs, and make love all you wish, but I still would like some notice when you bring Sally over son. Just continue to be discreet about the love-making and all will be hunky-dory, do I make myself clear?”
Both the fastest hedgehog alive, and squirrel-munk Princess nod their heads rapidly. “Yes ma’am!” They utter in unison, sufficiently cowed and humbled, which pleased Bernie.
“Good, my only other request is you don’t make me a Grandmother just yet.” Her plain smile hid the internal glee she had as both of them turned redder than tomatoes. “MOM!” Exclaimed Sonic who looked like he wanted to run out of the house, into the woods, and bury himself under the nearest big rock. Sally was no better, rubbing her face still tinged with pink as she tried to fight back all the thoughts both positive and negative that concept brought up. “M-Mrs. Hedgehog, we’re too young! Oh god, and my parents would have a fit if we weren’t married first...” “Okay, I had my fun, both of you have a seat, oh and Sally dear just Bernie will do.” Giggling, Bernie gestured for them to sit, and once they did, she seated herself. She felt a small amount of pity for them, but she still wished to remain firm in making this little incident a bit of a reminder lesson for the two on her house rules. Within minutes, they were eating and the good breakfast grub seemed to help ease any of the prior embarrassment, plus getting compliments for one’s cooking was certainly welcome at her table. Bernie couldn’t help but occasionally look up from her meal, smiling as the two were being cute without realizing it.
They would occasionally offer the other a bite of the others’ food, or their hands not holding a utensil would slide under the table, probably to handhold. The female hedgehog also would bet money if she glanced under the table, she’d see them locking their legs together. Then when Sonic got overenthusiastic and make a mess eating pancakes and getting syrup on himself; Sally would take her napkin and try and clear his face for him, and despite initial resistance, he would let her. It warmed her heart to no end. As she watched them, her own freehand not scooping food had moved down and rested on her belly which she panted before deciding now was a good time to spill some good news.
Clearing her throat, Bernie smiled at her son and Sally as they both looked her way, gaining their attention. “Well, now that we’ve had most of our meal, I feel I need to tell you both something important.”
“What sort of important thing Mom?” Her son inquired with a raised eyebrow, a slight unease on his features as he undoubtedly worried it might swivel back to the prior topic. Sally seemed to share his unease.
Which made Bernie all the happier to put those concerns at ease. Standing up, she flashed a beaming smile, every ounce of joy she’d been containing all morning flooding from her very being. “I’m pregnant!!”
Dropping his fork, Sonic’s jaw dropped and Sally slapped a hand over her mouth as the shock hit them both first. Shock slowly gave way to a brief period of processing. Sonic still seemed to be in the middle of processing as Sally’s shock fully gave way to giddy, joy. “Oh my gosh Mrs. Hedgehog that’s amazing!” Sally got up from her seat, rounding the table to give the woman a big hug.
Returning it happily, Bernie squeezed the young woman who was practically her daughter-in-law. “Just Bernie dear remember? No need for formality at this stage!” She laughed and rocked a bit with Sally as the two women basked in the joyous moment.
Once he finally processed what he had been told, Sonic got up from his seat, and like Sally, walked around the table toward his mother, still seeming to be mildly shocked. “You’re pregnant Mom? Really?” Giggling, Bernie released Sally and held her son. “Oh very much so! Don’t forget son I’m biologically still in my twenties instead of my forties. So my oven is still very able and primed for life!” She added a little eyebrow waggle, which made Sally giggle and Sonic make a mildly disgusted face.
“Um, okay, a bit too much information Mom.”
“Son, your parents still have sex, deal with it. It was going to be a thing once your father was flesh and blood again.” She playfully stated while patting his cheek. To which he turned his head and covered his mouth. “I really didn’t need to hear that…”
Sighing but sympathizing, Sally walked over and rubbed his right shoulder. “Well, I guess considering she’s overheard us, it’s karma.” She rationalized, knowing she’d feel the same in his shoes if it was her parents.
Pitying her son, Bernie cupped his face and planted a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry sweetie, I’ll knock it off. In all seriousness, I’m so…. Happy.” She wiped her eyes, as they misted over some. “I only just wish we could have given you your siblings when you were a child.”
That tidbit caught Sonic’s ear, “Siblings? As in, multiple?”
Smiling widely still, Bernie nodded with the same giddy energy as she replied. “Doctor Quack confirmed it, I’m having twins. Genders are unknown if it’s twins same-sex or boy and girl twins, but that’s half the fun in waiting to find out.”
“....I’m going to be a big brother.” Sonic finally murmured as he slowly sat back down in a chair, a smile slowly crawling onto his face. Looking up at his Mother he then asked. “Does Dad know?” “Oh yes I told him right away, we were going to tell you both this morning but your Uncle called, needing a hand so he went out after a shower.” Steepling her fingers together, Bernie bounced a little on her feet.
Sally knelt by Sonic to hug him, kissing him once on the lips. “Welcome to the sibling club, admission is free.” Petting his head quills Sally couldn’t help but smile more as she looked upon Sonic’s still happy expression; feeling joy for him and his family.
Flashing a cocky smile, Sonic slid his arm around her waist, keeping her close. “I technically am a member since Tails has always been my li’bro. I just now got a new li’ bro or li’ sis or doubles of each incoming.”
“Well, Tails is welcome to be a big brother to the new brood as well, family is family after all.” Commented Bernie as she laid a hand on her son’s shoulder and another on Sally’s. A sense of contentment filling her and seemingly the room.
Of course, with the state of the world, bringing new lives into a war-torn world was certainly an iffy prospect. However, Bernie wanted the new lives growing in her, to expand her family. She believed in her son, Sally, and their friends. Somehow, someway, they’d win this. Hopefully, her unborn children could enjoy a world without Eggman looming over the horizon.
All she could do was hope, and perhaps; her want of a world where all her children could walk, run and just live free would be a reality someday.
Author Notes: Welcome to my fanon method of making Sonia and Manik canon to Archie-Sonic!       
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the-nysh · 5 years
Reporting back from seeing the opm dub ep3, and I can happily confirm that yes, Garou actually curses! 8D
A lot of the language used this ep is pretty fun too, actually. Genos calls Charanko a ‘pissant’ explaining who he is to Saitama, gosh. Bang refers to Garou as ‘that wretch’ when talking about him with Bomb. (Bang’s voice sounds a bit younger than expected.) Just little things I happened to notice.
Anyway, this is a fun Garou-centric ep in general (one of my favs, the other one being ep11), and I pretty much had the same amount of fun as I did when watching the subs. :D
Garou says ‘hey numb-nuts’ to alert Mumen’s attention. Pfft. :P He does the happy whoop ‘I’m friggen stoked!’ when Tank Top Master arrives, heh omg what a dork.
For his fake out apology, he turns around with the counter, ‘Like hell! I’ll slaughter every last one of you bitches!’ Like whoa, didn’t expect that particular word choice! :O But ayy nice.
The fight is fun cause he keeps the energy going with just the right amount of comeuppance, cockiness, and trash talking. Good stuff.
Meeting Tareo! Oh yes I was waiting for it. X3 Instead of the ‘old dude’ translation for ‘ojisan,’ Tareo calls him the more neutral ‘Mister,’ which is totally fine! :D Tareo’s voice sounds pretty cute and cheery, simply excited to talk to him about heroes, aww. :’)
My FAVORITE line in the whole ep is when Garou says, ‘Catch ya later, turd!’ when he pats Tareo’s head. Omfg I burst out laughing, that was just hilarious. (It’s precisely what my sister and I used to call each other, so oh man, that’s perfect. X’D Esp cause Garou kinda becomes like an older bro to Tareo, so ahh I love it, ahaha.) He also says, ‘don’t call me “mister,” got it? I’m not some old Grandpa. It’s like that, huh? Go home, runt.’ So omg, even more fun. Yeah, I love their dub interactions already.
Golden Ball says stuff like ‘kick rocks’ ‘dweebs’ and ‘jerk off’ as insults (along with some punny ‘ball’ innuendos), but also calls Garou a ‘cocky dirtbag’ to his face, ahaha. (To which Garou replies he’ll stay as cocky as he wants. :P)
Punching out the sleazy HA guy with the ‘kiss’ to the cheek, Garou muses he felt like he just ‘stepped in shit.’ Ooooh REALLY!!! 8D Combine that with his use of ‘bitches’ above, and he actually says shit out loud without getting censored, oh man I’m so glad. (Obviously no explicit f-bombs or anything yet, but I’m both relieved and happy with this amount at least, yay.)
Saitama chopping him out (esp after Garou refers to himself as a ‘big fish,’ heh) is just as funny to see this time again, too. Saitama is also a delight when he passes out bananas to everyone in the hospital; it’s just so cute and charming with a good chuckle every time he does it. :’D Mumen’s a good lad as well, both when he takes a punch from TTM standing up for Garou, and then when talking with Saitama in the hospital later. 
Overall a fun dub ep I’ll probably end up rewatching sometime again too. Metal Bat’s teased in the next ep preview, and I like the attitude I can hear from him already.
For my mom’s reception of the ep (cause yep she was following along pretty intently too, even whining with another ‘aw that’s it??’ again when the ep ended), aha she definitely called me weird (in a tongue in cheek way) for laughing so hard at Garou calling Tareo a ‘turd.’ X’D Buaha, classic. But she mainly wondered about why Garou was fighting heroes, with her question, ‘Is the silver haired guy trying to knock out the competition?’ Following the previous ep with Fubuki’s obsession over hero ranks and all (which my mother didn’t approve of), this is actually a pretty interesting thing for her to think about Garou, in response to that. :O She’s still on the assumption describing him as evil (as he’s presented), so I had to stay cryptic about it and remind her of how he acts around the kid (doesn’t steal the hero book when he could have), and how he doesn’t actually ‘kill’ anyone either, only beating them to the hospital. So he has his reasons, but is he really as evil as he seems?? ;D Oho, she’s all, ‘ahhh it’s too confusing!’ so ahah, I’m really curious what she’ll think about him later in the upcoming eps.
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saiyajinsama · 5 years
Trunks and 18: The Inevitable Affair
"No Dad, don't!" Trunks screamed at the figure disappearing in a trail of ki. He had traveled from the future to help the Z warriors... but he just couldn't—she wasn't bad, she was only made that way. Trunks clenched his fists. "Be strong, Juu," he whispered to no one, "and don't kill my father, please…" * * * * * * * "I'm tired of the life I'm living…" Trunks ran a finger through soft blonde locks. "Then stop. Be with me." The android looked into Trunks's eyes. "I wish I could," she murmured, stroking his cheek, "but you know Juunana would kill you." Trunks bristled in resentment, "He could try, but 17 could never keep us apart." She smiled at the boy's confidence. He was so young, only 17, but the trouble she and her brother had caused over the years had aged him prematurely into a man. She bent forward and gently touched her lips to his. "I'm sorry." "For what?" She stroked his face, "For ruining your life, your family, your innocence." "Shhhh...," he put his finger to Juuhachi's lips, "everything happens for a reason." He kissed her softly. "I see you for who you truly are. Stay with me and leave 17 to his evil ways." Tears filled her eyes as her lip trembled. * * * * * * * Trunks sped off towards his father, disappearing in the distance. "She doesn't want to be evil... she just doesn't know it yet." His face was set in a grimace. "My father fighting the love of my life—they'll kill each other if I don't do something." He closed his eyes, "Please don't let anything happen to either one." * * * * * * * "Juu—," Trunks breathed out. 18 and Trunks's lips met in a soft kiss which quickly deepened. He caressed her parted lips with his moist tongue and then pulled back. "...I'm leaving tomorrow..." Stroking his eyebrow she asked, "And where are you going?" Trunks look down, "To the past..." Juuhachi stopped. "What for?" "My mom... is insisting. I have to... help her friends defeat you and Juunanagou..." "Ooooh," she said softly. "I can't do it," Trunks cupped his face in his hands. “What should I do, Juu?" 18 gently lifted his chin and their eyes met. "Do the right thing. Save your mother's friends, save your father. You have his spirit and strength." She kissed him lightly on the cheek as a tiny tear slid down. She wrapped her arms around his body and pulled him close to her thin form. He nuzzled her neck for a moment, then kissed the smooth skin. Juuhachi tipped her head back so that the sweet lips of her lover could travel over her neck. Quick fingertips reached the soft mounds of 18's full breasts as she mumbled her pleasure. This might be the last time he's with Juu like this and the realization made him a frantic lover. 18 pushed him to the floor on his back as he hurriedly pulled her shirt off. The stiffness in his pants screamed to be touched and stretched his pants taut. She straddled his waist, recognizing the familiar hardness below her. Trunks spread his hands across her shoulder blades and pulled her towards his face where his lips eagerly enveloped a tiny hardened nipple. One strong hand cupped the milky skin of the breast he suckled while the other softly pinched the second nub. Excitement filling her body, Juu wriggled her hips against his pelvis and looked at her own breast smothered against Trunks's face. "…too sexy…," she whispered out, and then a groan as his warm tongue slid between the two mounds. "I want to be inside you," Trunks panted out. Because she is a bit devilish, 18 bent to his ear and whispered, "How badly?" With a quick groan of protest, Trunks slid his warm hand down her pants and beneath her panties to softly stroke the outside of her smooth lips. She breathed heavily and squirmed—anxious to have the touch on a place very wet and very sensitive. "… please… please touch me …” "Hmmm? Touch you?" Trunks whispered beside her ear, "I am touching you…" She groans, "Oooo, you're bad.... " "How so? Say it. Tell me what you want me to touch…" Juuhachi's back arched in anticipation, "my clit... touch my clit, you tease." A chuckle from Trunks, "If you're just going to call me names, I can stop right now." He starts to pull his hand away. "No! Please Trunks," she begged. He grinned, proud of himself, and gently rubbed a finger between her warm lips, feeling the wet heat beneath with the pad of his fingertip. 18 spread her legs farther apart, wiggled her hips, anything to get his finger to touch her clit sooner. "Mmmmmm...," he groaned, "you're sooo wet." Whimpering, 18 reached down to push his fingers where she wanted them. Before she could, however, he gave her sweet spot a gentle stroke and she shivered. Trunks slowly flicked his finger, amused at her trembling, and then rubbed Juuhachi's clit in a circular pattern. She moaned softly. He stopped his ministrations and gazed into Juu's eyes with a hungry look. Without a word spoken between the two, she kicked off her remaining clothing and peeled Trunks's off. She crawled over his eager body, taking a moment to gently hold his hard flesh and caress the length of it. Guiding it, 18 gently slid down Trunks's thick shaft. A gasp caught in her throat as he held her hips tightly and lifted his pelvis up, filling the warm depth inside. "Ooooohhh," she moaned, "Trunks... that feels sooo good..." And with that she began to move her body up and down, stroking his hard flesh with the wet heat inside of her. Every so often, Trunks thrust his pelvis up to hit that delicate little spot deep within that made Juu tremble and moan. The warm fragrant aroma of female arousal filled the room and sloshing sounds of naughty wetness accompanied their thrusts. 18's voice hit a higher and higher pitch until finally she was unable to make any more noise. She rocked her hips faster with Trunks, his hands gripping her tightly. Suddenly, his breaths came in short and fast and he panted out, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" 18 moaned in reply. An intent look on his face, Trunks pumped faster and faster inside of her until finally he gasped out—his member pushed far into her abyss—filling her with his warm seed. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and held himself there, catching his breath. Juuhachi relaxed, laying on top of Trunks, and stroked his face with her fingertips. "I love you, sweet Trunks. Come back to me from the past." He kissed her lips gently, "I promise. There's nowhere else I'd rather be...”
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