#so for a while they go by Mutt (Rus) end Also Mutt (Mutt)
puppy-the-mask · 3 years
I like to imagine what it’d be like if the cast of TMNE fell into one of those anti-harem fics. Like how some of them introduce the horror Bros a little later- but they end up pulling Mutt, Rant, Mimic, and their Cat- who were all peacefully cuddling and enjoying their lives thank you very much.
They wake up in the woods, the cat runs off and the three of them chase after it- which is really a sight to see considering the brothers sleep half naked (thank the stars mutt was in that much) and mimic is wearing Mutt’s hoodie (which makes it look like they don’t have pants even if they do) .Rant is teleporting ahead, Mutt is running after, and Mimic is struggling to keep up (they also grabbed the blanket cause someone has to). They end up lost and separated in the lodge’s backyard forest area- mimic gets caught in one of the traps that the guys somehow just phase through like they’re nothing- now they’re stuck in a net trap- but it’s okay because Mutt’s bad habits are coming in clutch! He never empties his fucking pockets, so mimic fishes out a pocketknife and cuts through the rope. The guys meanwhile are also separated from each other and encountering alternates- they did get the cat and hopefully now some clothes XD. Mimic finds the lodge a little while after AnX decides to ask for help/if they’ve seen her boys. She encounters the antagonist :)
I like to think that Mimic is the alternate to the MC, except that mimic is exactly like the Antag would try to make the Mc look- an aggressive punk. So mimic, who’s had a long day and just wants to reunite with her boyfriends and go home, meets this random lady in the backyard and is like ‘hey so me and my boyfriends woke up in the forest and got lost- any idea how something like that could happen?/Have you seen my loveable goons???’ Except mimic doesn’t get that far because bitchface McGee takes one look at them and starts calling names. Mimic is in shock and then cuts her off like ‘are you done? Cool cause I just wanted to know if you’d seen my boyfriends but if you’re gonna be a bitch about it then I’ll be on my way’ things escalate almost to a fight (with one of the skeletons, not antagonist- she’d never get her own hands dirty) before mimic decides that it’s not worth it and walks back into the forest with a couple scathing remarks to keep looking for the brothers.
When they eventually reunite Mutt goes from ‘serious ex-guard captain’ to fussing over Mimic and apologizing for leaving them behind because in the moment he didn’t realize they were falling behind and should have picked them up and carried them to make sure they didn’t get lost 🥺 mimic is both melting at how sweet that is and chucking cause it’s so over the top and unnecessary. They knew that the two of them would find them eventually ^w^
But if I did throw them into an anti-harem It wouldn’t last long. Mutt has a problem with sleeping and even when he manages to pass out it’s easy to wake him up- but in a new place full of people they don’t know along with the antagonist who gives of horrid vibes? He’s staying up and watching over the other two. He’d definitely be investigating shit (with the other two) and I give it a week tops before he has enough evidence against antag to present to the lodge that she’s a liar and a cheat. Before that though mimic would not hesitate to call her out on any threats or harassment- antag pulls them aside and says she’ll ruin their life while digging her nails into their arm? Ohoho honey, mimic is broadcasting their voice with a ‘Did You Just THREATEN Me?’ Or repeating her threat like ‘I’m sorry you’ll WHAT!?’ They cause a scene and immediately let everyone know the kinds shit she’s talking. If she tells mimic and insult then they fire back with another or remark about their broken relationship like ‘you should cut back on the sweets’ ‘… how was that present you threw out the other day?’ Or ‘when was the last time you had a date that wasn’t a thinly veiled shopping spree? Couldn’t be me’ these three are Theater Majors, do not test them. Rant rebuffs all her advances HARD- like he’d insult her, her unstable ‘relationship’, and then laugh in her face- ‘there’s no way she thought she met my standards, omg that’s priceless- a bitch really thought.’ Mutt just straigh up shuts her down and tells her not to touch him- if she puts a hand on one of the three OR the other mutt then he will Loudly (once again- voice projection is one of the greatest tools in an actor’s arsenal) lecture her about sexual harassment.
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tyranttortoise · 6 years
What would each of the skeletons' reaction be upon hearing their love interest does not reciprocate their feelings and that they love someone else instead?
Sans is chill about it.  He didn’t flat-out tell you he was interested; instead, he directly asked you who you were interested in.  You’re a good friend of his, so it’s relatively easy for Sans to reign in his feelings with a dose of apathy and keep talking to you as if nothing has changed – which, in the long run, it hasn’t!  He didn’t get his hopes up.  And there’s nothing wrong with just being friends and supporting you from the sidelines.
Papyrus is initially devastated; he thought for certain that you felt the same way about him!  And now you’ll never get to see his Date Power in action!   However, he quickly bounces back, stammering his way through an explanation that he, the GREAT CUPID MASTER PAPYRUS, is going to set you up on a date with your crush.  He pulls out all the stops and makes it happen.  He may still have a crush on you, but he just wants you to be happy – even if it’s with someone else.  After all, if you picked out that person, then your crush must be truly great!
Red’s hurt, but you’ll never know that.  He doesn’t outright admit his feelings, even though he’s been heavily flirting with you.  Likely, you assume that’s how he always is.  You tell him about the person you like, and he almost flinches, but he covers it up with a shrug and a chuckle.  
*course they wouldn’t like me.  of course.  why’d i have to be so fuckin’ stupid?
He plays it off with a joke, but he stops flirting.  He stops making as much time to hang out with you, too.  He still acts the same, but he’s distancing himself, putting up more and more walls with self-depreciation.  Likely, he’ll get wasted at Grillby’s until Edge straightens him out.
The Terrible Papyrus isn’t someone that’s used to rejection.  He finally mustered his courage to tell you his ultimate feelings, and then you turned him down.  
“There’s someone else I already like.  I’m sorry, Papyrus.”  You’re blushing, nervous about the confrontation.  His jaw opens and closes, and then he huffs.  
“VERY WELL.”  He thinks you’re making it up, so he insists you tell him who it is.  Eventually, you admit your crush’s name, and Edge goes out and confronts them immediately, demanding to know if they feel the same – right in front of you.  It either blows up and you get rejected, too, so you know how Edge feels, or it kick-starts you into a new relationship.  Either way, you end up pissed off at Edge, and the two of you don’t talk for a while.  
After a couple of weeks, he sends an apology puzzle.  That helps.  
He’s trying not to cry, and his grin is so wide it’s practically manic.  You can see magic swimming in his eyesockets, but he steps back when you try to comfort him.  Instead, he launches into the perfect date scenario for you and your crush.  
You get the feeling it’s the date he wanted to have with you.
After you leave, Stretch plays video games with him until he feels better.  Blueberry still acts the same around you; he’s just as affectionate and happy-go-lucky as ever.  Stretch doesn’t act differently toward you, either.  If anything, he tells you not to worry about it; his brother’s strong.  
But you never forget the way his face looked when you rejected him.  
“so, anyone you like?”
Stretch elbows you in the ribs lightly, leaning toward you.  The two of you always seem to cuddle on the couch; you feel completely at ease whenever you’re around him.  And so, blushing, you confess that you really like someone – someone that’s not him.  You don’t even notice the way his lazy grin twitches.
He hums, asks you question about the crush, and teases you for blushing so hard.  “must really be someone special, huh?”  You nod, and he ruffles your hair.  “good for you, hun.  i hope it works out.”
You never know he has feelings for you.  He never acts differently, he never pulls back from you; nothing changes.  
Blueberry’s the only one that notices something’s amiss.  Stretch isn’t sleeping as much, and he doesn’t notice as many of the tiny details that he used to.  It hurt him, but Stretch is fine just having you as a friend.  He cares about you too much to complicate things by telling you his feelings.
Blackberry gets pissed off.  The two of you end up in a fight because he’s hurt, dammit, but he doesn’t want you to know just how badly.  You’re the first crush he’s really had, and he doesn’t know how to handle this level of rejection.  So, he lashes out.  He’s cruel toward his brother, toward you, toward anyone around him.  He tells you to get out of his house.  
And it’s only when he’s alone in his room that he actually cries about it.  
He doesn’t reach out to you to repair the friendship.  He’s too proud for that, too confused.  Instead, it’s Mutt that comes over.  He talks to you, tries to explain that things were different Underground and Blackberry doesn’t know how to handle things up here sometimes.  He tries to get you and Blackberry in the same place so things can be smoothed over.  
But if you start dating your crush, Blackberry’s going to pull away completely.  It’s too much for him.  
He’s also a type that doesn’t outright admit he likes you.  No, he discovers you have feelings for someone else when he finds you on a date at Muffet’s.  You introduce your crush, refer to Mutt as your “best friend, Rus”, and Mutt just grins and shakes your crush’s hand.  
The electric buzzer is a bit stronger than usual when your crush yelps and jerks back their hand.  Mutt shrugs as you admonish him and attend to your date.  
“well, i’ll leave you crazy kids to it then.”
He disappears before you can even turn your attention back to him.  
Mutt walks back home in a dark mood, filled with self-loathing.  You’d never like him; he knew that already.  He’s a monster, in more ways than one, and you can do so much better.  He chain smokes dog treats in his basement for a while, not wanting Blackberry to see him in such a state, and then digs into his hidden flask.  He won’t get drunk, but the familiar burn is enough to ground him.  
Blackberry notices something’s amiss because Mutt won’t stop calling him m’lord in private, but he lets it slide.  
You notice Mutt’s work keeps him busier for the next week, and he sends more one word texts than usual, but after a bit, he goes back to being normal.  He just needed some time to feel numb again and let go before he could face you again.
(*Imagine Masterlist)
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torrikor · 5 years
Ohhh that ask you posted made me think of an ask of my own, what do the humanswitch girls think of the lilytale girls? UwU ❤
alrighty so after being given the go-ahead to actually answer this, i’ll be doing it in the same format as the question that prompted it! the lilytale girls belong to @nighttimepixels & her fic is another one that people should absolutely check out if they haven’t already! so many Good Good Skeleladies (。•̀ᴗ•́)✧
vani would understand serif a little better than she does sans - they both had the same issue with arguing their way out of the lodge and getting their own place for various reasons. vani’s fairly certain she and the human girls got off a little easier, though. the fact that serif - and the lilytale girls in general - tend more towards teamwork and talking things out before pointing fingers, is something she appreciates a lot. also, she’d absolutely love addy.
angel, i think, would get along wonderfully with vellum; even if she’s less boisterous than your average papyrus counterpart, she has energy in spades and would definitely appreciate vell’s general approach to most things. a lot of their interests seem to be shared, and angel is fascinated by any and all magic vell uses.
ruby is slightly biased towards crimson simply because she can actually understand her better. both speak spanish, and that’s a huge positive in terms of how ruby would interact with her. namely, she’d be less inclined to skirt around more sensitive topics should crim ever bring them up, considering that ruby would actually be able to properly communicate what she means instead of relying on a second, hastily-learnt language. she also loves that crim can absolutely kill it on guitar, she’s always wanted to try and learn to play.
fell would undoubtedly have a higher opinion of scarlet than she does edge - the fact that, despite going through much the same things as she and a few of the others, scarlet still finds it in herself to be proud, confident, and look out for others’ wellbeing at the same time? that’s everything fell strives to be. she’s outwardly confident, yes, but finding a balance between that and caring for others can be difficult. she absolutely loves her fashion sense, as well.
bubbles would be delighted to hang out with sapphire. like with angel and vell, their general outlooks are similar and bubbles would likely feed off sapphi’s natural energy. both happen to be interested in some form of chemistry, as well as much more active pastimes. between sapphi’s penchant for roller derby’s and bubbles’ extensive experience with martial arts, there’d likely be no stopping them once they get going.
ri would... probably be slightly intimidated by amber. which doesn’t make much sense even to her, but seeing a version of herself be so relaxed and quietly confident makes her want to be the same way - the only issue is she can’t, not genuinely. it’d end up in much the same way ri sees stretch; someone to look up to in terms of behavior, but perhaps feel a little left out considering how similar am and stretch are, when ri is much more inclined to fade into the background.
siren would, at first, stay away from pepper under the assumption that she has the same temperament as black. she’d eventually see that this is not the case, and potentially ease up a bit, but there would still be that underlying apprehension for a long while. should pepper stick around long enough to get siren to open up, i think they’d get along fairly well. exchanging quips back and forth comes easily to the both of them, and even if siren isn’t the most active she’s more than capable of keeping up with pepper’s activities. she’d be very interested in partaking in sparring with her.
similarly to her sister, rus would avoid cinnamon at first. it’s likely that cinn would have to make the first move to start an interaction, although i feel like once they do rus would like her a lot more than mutt. rus is very shenanigan-prone when she’s comfortable with who she’s hanging around, containing a surprising amount of energy for someone so outwardly laid-back - i think cinn might be used to that kind of behavior, but i’m not sure how she’d respond to rus specifically. she’d never mention the LV thing.
zia would likely be on neutral-positive terms with glyph, similar to how she is with g. although, glyph tends to have an advantage when it comes to more wall-flower orientated people, and zia is definitely the type to keep to herself in the background. she’d appreciate glyph’s talent for music and may even share some of her own snippets of lyrics, but for the most part would tend towards observing and offering silent encouragement.
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enchanted-flowers · 6 years
Mutt seems very dedicated to his s/o. What would happen is raspberry (I hope I got the right nickname) didn't like s/o? Would Mutt move out? Would he hide s/o somewhere? Also that Strecth headcannon was amazing. Thanks so much for writing it!
Rus (SFR Papyrus) 
Ah yes, the dilemma of choosing you or his brother. The fact is, it depends on the stage of your relationship to him. If you just started out, then he’ll break up with you. If you’ve been dating for a while, then he’ll break up with you and be sad about it. If he’s in love with you, then he’ll try to get Black to get along with you, but if that failed, then Rus will end the relationship. However, if it’s past the engagement or marriage, then he absolutely will not let you go for his brother. He loves you both equally, and it’s unfair to make him choose. At this point, he allows himself to be selfish and tell Black to deal with it because you’re family now. He can compromise where he’ll make sure that you’re never in the same place and you never have to interact, but he hopes that one day, Black will get over it. 
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skeletorific · 7 years
Okay. I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, but...what's it like to hug one of the skeletons? Any AU is fine, pick your faves.
Oohh shit this is a recent one but I’ve had it in my head for days
UT!Sans: Its rare he’ll hug you impromptu (unless you’re dating). When he does its usually to say goodbye. One armed squeezes that are warm, but fleeting. His hoodie smells like old ketchup that quickly overpowers whatever detergent Papyrus tries to use. 
On rare occasions, when you’re upset and just need some comfort, they last longer. His hand rests on the back of your head, lightly stroking your hair as he hushes you. The layers of clothes soften the sharp edges of his bones and he gives off an unusual amount of warmth for a skeleton. Something to do with his magic storage. He’s quiet, just letting you process and trying to let you feel his presence
When you are involved, its usually from behind. His ribs pressed against your back, his head tucked into the crook of your neck as he breathes you in and asks you how your day went. He likes feeling your heartbeat, slow and steady, letting him feel how calm you are around him. His favorite sound to fall asleep to. In fact he might just drop off while you’re standing there. Sans for fuck’s sakes we’re in the kitchen-
UT!Papyrus: Frequent, platonically or otherwise. Especially when he gets excited. When’s he’s managed to finally get the puzzle how he wanted it and he just picks you up and swings you around, yelling about how great it is and how happy he is to share this with you. He smells largely like laundry soap, with a little bit of MTT brand cologne. He can be a bit poky but fortunately, he’s a fan of soft sweaters which can dull it a bit.
When you’re upset it’s much less violent. In fact, chances are seeing you cry is going to set him off too. He picks you up and takes you to the couch, your head on his chest and his knees forming a natural wall between you and the outside world. He talks rapidly, assuring you that it’s going to be alright, that you and he will get through this.
Oddly enough he’s not much for impromptu cuddling. He’s more of a get up and go kind of guy and while he’s more than happy to set aside some time to cuddle he doesn’t do it much spontaneously. Still, lots and lots of really good hugs.
UF!Sans: He will literally only hug you if you are either dating or in deep emotional distress and no one else is around. Not very touchy feely. Even when its the latter its almost unbearably awkward. He doesn’t know where to put his hands to make this not weird and he just gently pats your back and waits for you to let go. Given how damn fluffy that hoodie is I cannot recommend letting go for a while though. He smells like mustard, smoke, and metal from the scrap he always carries in his hoodie
When you’re dating its a whole other story. Any time alone is spent resting on his chest. When you’re within reach you’re safe. Also, what can he say, he likes touching you, like squeezing you at odd moments or stroking your hair, speaking in low murmurs and feeling your warmth wash over cold bones. He’s usually got a bruise or two and a couple hairline fractures which can make it a somewhat risky process, but for him its more than worth it.
When you’ve just been under threat, or when he hasn’t seen you for a while, they’re tight and inescapable. His ribs are pressing in deep and it hurts a bit but you don’t really care. Arms are locked tight around you and his mouth is by your ear, breath ghosting along your neck as he whispers assurances or welcome homes.
UF!Papyrus: Not a hugger, even if you are dating. Seriously, not about that life.
Two exceptions. One, again, emotional distress. And holy shit is it awkward. Edge is seriously not much for the “emotional comfort” friend. He’s shifting awkwardly, patting your head and muttering things like “THERE, THERE”. And holy shit are his bones poky. The battle body is NOT helping. He smells like dryer sheets, metal, and dust
Second exception. When you’re both involved In bed, when he thinks you aren’t awake, he’ll end up curling around you, face buried your shoulder and arms gently drawing you to his chest. Breathing you in, enjoying the unusual closeness. He’s touch starved and will never admit to it, so this is one of the few times he’ll allow himself a little license. He’ll occasionally whisper praises, soft words, things that take him months to say to your face.
Once you start to wake up he’ll let go, backing off a little to preserve the illusion of space. If you were awake the whole time….congrats on the blackmail material, he will give you literally anything to make sure you tell no one
US!Sans: Like his Tale counterpart he likes giving hugs frequently, and he’s got that extra Sans Squish™ that makes it even more comfortable. Or at least it would if Blue didn’t often severely underestimate his own strength. Seriously, people have ended up with bruises. He gets excited.
Blue is one of the few skeles who know a single fucking thing about decent cologne and at all times smells faintly like citrus. He likes keeping packets of lemon tea in his bandanna because it makes things smell clean. 
Cuddling or moving around? WHY CHOOSE? His favorite is to have you piggy back so you get the closeness without the limitied mobility, but he also like you to koala with him and loves cuddling while he does more busy work or reading. Touch can work as an extra stimulation that helps him focus while he reads or writes.
US!Papyrus: Gods he loves hugs and has no fucking clue how to ask for it. Like, seriously, just go up and hug him, chances are he’s not gonna push you away. And he’s actually not bad at them if you can get over the overwhelming cigarette aroma. Got a perfect knack for exactly how long it can last before it gets weird as well as a good tightness ratio. 
Once you start dating he likes sliding his hands down and scooping you up by lifting your thighs and hitching your legs around him, carting you to the nearest couch for naps. When he’s forced to get out of bed he is seriously weak for you just koala-ing him and clinging to his torso while he does what he has to. Stretch gets cold pretty easy and this is a nice layer of heat. When you’re doing stuff he fucking drapes himself on you and won’t get off no matter how much you ask, shit-eating grin the entire time.
SF!Sans: He tries to pretend he doesn’t like hugs but he’s got a lot of Blue in him yet. Do yourself a favor and don’t try to initiate it unless you’ve got a pretty well established relationship, he’ll shove you off none too gently, growling.
If he does initiate it its usually in a fit of jealousy, whether dating or not. He’s trying to shove it down the others throat that this is his human, not theirs. The hugs way too tight and painful, and go on way too long. He’s glaring the entire time. When will this nightmare end.
But something changes. You walk in on him, upset over something. The stress of it all weighing on him too heavily. Rus has been out longer than he said and isn’t answering his phone. Any variety of reasons, and you can tell that he’s in a vulnerable place. You ask him if there’s something you can do….and he just grabs you. Wrapping his arms around you from behind, tight but not the usual bone-crushing fare. His face is buried in your hair, and you can’t see his face but you can hear the hitch in his breathing, feel his chest heaving shallowly, and know that he’s trying his best not to cry. 
Don’t try talking to him, he needs silence right now. But he holds you quietly, clutching you like an anchor for twenty minutes or more. Finally, he releases you, cheekbones slightly flushed and muttering thanks before getting up and leaving the room.
SF!Papyrus: Not the cuddly type but he likes keeping you close. One arm hitched around your waist is usually enough, a reminder to others the consequences of messing with you. Its also a way to keep you at hand for emergency shortcuts. 
Hugs with him are slow and quiet. Long moments in the kitchen, late at night, with your head tucked under his chin and him rocking slightly, feeling you pressed against him. Like Stretch, Mutt reeks of smoke, but also dust. He’s warm though, and gentle, pressing your full body against his and letting both of you just feel each other. He especially likes to hold you while you’re wearing this jacket, looking down and seeing that face poking out of the familiar black material just makes him feel all kinds of good inside. 
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nightshade-imagines · 7 years
Hey I have a lot of feelings right now, but could I please get US and SF bros react to their S/O wearing an outfit that they absolutely adore because it makes them feel and look beautiful, but when they see their parents, they call them fat and a slut?
That would be a pretty crappy family. Even if they didn’t like it, they don’t have to say that kind of crap to your face. (I would like to refrain from referencing the latter insult)
♥US Sans: Blue loves it when you find something that you feel beautiful in! He knows that a lot of human have insecurities with their appearances, and while he himself thinks that your beautiful all of the time, he loves when you really feel and know that you are. He was equally excited when he heard that your parents were coming to visit and happily stood beside you as you greeted them. As soon as those words leave your parent’s mouths *glass shattering sound effect* his smile drops, “I-UH, WAIT WHAT?!?”. He looks back and forth at you and your parents and is sort of stumbling around his words trying to make some sort of resolve. He’s been completely taken back by their sudden rudeness has no idea what to do next, he was not prepared for this! Your sniffling as you try to hold back your tear is what finally snaps him out of it. Blue grabs your hand and turn to you parents and addresses them in a serious tone, “Your complete lack of basic gentility was completely uncalled for and you may find what you said inconsequential in most other cases, but you are no longer welcome”. He herds your parents outside, cringing as they call out to you asking you if you’re really going to be that sensitive and let “your monster” kick them out. He shuts the door before they finish and goes back to comfort you. He’s still not completely sure how to deal with this, they’re your parents, not just some bullies or bad friends, family isn’t supposed to treat each other like that. “DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM, DATEMATE. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WOULD GIVE THEM AUDACITY TO SAY SUCH HORRIBLE THINGS ABOUT YOU, I’M VERY SORRY”, he brushes the hair out of your face, “AND WHILE I KNOW YOU HEAR THIS FROM ME ALL OF THE TIME, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, INSIDE AND OUT! AND I WILL BE HAPPY TO CORRECT ANYONE WHO SAY OTHERWISE!
♥US Papyrus: Stretch really doesn’t pay much attention to what you wear but you did seem really excited by some of the outfits that you picked out sometimes. He thinks you look equally good in everything. Mostly because he just doesn’t care much about fashion. You could wear a hoodie and sweatpants and he’d think you were totally hot. As soon is the comment is made about you Stretch squints at the commenter and retaliates, making fun right back at them and you have to step in before things get heated. Stretch will pull you aside and ask you if you want to go home. If you decline, he will let out an annoyed sigh and say fine. Kind of like his brother, Stretch isn’t quite sure how to deal with this sort of thing. He can’t just scare them off like he would with anyone else so he just tries to grin and bare it until it’s time to leave. Stretch actually does end up cutting your visit short by insisting that he has to go tell Blue his bedtime story and can’t be late. As the two of you are leaving the house you hear a yell coming from inside and when you turn around to investigate, Stretch just grabs you and teleports out of there. You find out the next day that someone planted a bucket of milkshake above the bedroom door of the commenter, immediately drenching said commenter shortly after your departure.
♥SF Sans: Raspberry is probably the one that that helped you pick it out and was very proud of it himself as well. He likes taking you shopping because the datemate of The Maleficent Sans deserves only the finest! He also probably wore an outfit of similar fashion since he likes you to match. Raspberry has never been the biggest fan of your parents but he puts up with them for you. He always presents himself and you proudly, and this goes no differently with your parents but their comments about your appearance shatter whatever tolerance he had for them, “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!” You might be upset at the moment, but you’re going your have to push that aside for now and keep Raz from tearing into your parents. You’re currently holding him back as he claws in the direction of your parents, “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THAT WAY TO THE DATEMATE OF THE MALEFICENT SANS, YOU PEASANTS!” You snap him out of it and he turns to you, still obliviously pissed, “WE’RE LEAVING!” Raz whistles and Rus flashes in, sets a hand on you a Raspberry’s shoulders and teleports you back home. Raspberry is stomping around the house muttering angrily and you try to grab his attention, “You okay, sans?”,“YES, YES I’M JUST THINKING!”, “Oh, well thanks for coming to my defence back there; even if you were a little violent”, you whisper that last part. He still seems lost in thought then he perks up, “MUTT, GET THE VAN! WE’RE HEADING OUT!”, “Wait, where are you going?”, “WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!”
♥SF Papyrus: Like Underswap Papyrus, Rus doesn’t really care what you wear (With the exception that he loves seeing you wear his jacket and big fluffy sweaters). He finds your excitement over simple things like that adorable and will smile and give you a thumbs up when you pose in front of the mirror. Rus was never the fondest of your family in the first place. He has an acute sense of people’s personalities and he always got the stuck up vibe from them, but held his tongue for your sake. Like he usually did when visiting you family, he stood behind you and waited patiently for the evening to end, usually only nodding in response when asked something or mumbling out an answer if you nudge him about it. Normally, he’d put more effort in when it comes to people close to you, but like I had mentioned earlier; he doesn’t really like your folks. As soon as the comment is made, Rus’ usually relaxed mien settles into one of exasperation and anger directed at the commenter and the ones who laughed along with them. A quick glance down at you tells him that you are upset by their comments and are hiding it pretty poorly. Before you can speak up, Rus places a hand on your shoulder and moves you behind him. He doesn’t say anything, but your family can tell by the look on his face that they really messed up. Rus never says anything and doesn’t even insist that you leave, but he never takes his cold gaze off of them after that and he won’t let you leave his side, either following you everywhere or just pulling you back down with him (Again, this is all while staring your family down. Seriously the only times that he looked away from them were to look down at you and nuzzle and purr into your head). No one has the guts to say anything about him so you just do your best to keep conversation flowing and can’t help but laugh quietly to yourself about their obvious discomfort. As soon as you say about it being time to leave, he wraps an arm around you a teleports out of there a split second later. You don’t need to say goodbye, they aren’t worth it. Rus will then pull you down into bed with him and talk to you about it and make sure that you are no longer upset. Even after you reassure him that it’s all right, good luck ever getting him to go back…..or let you go back alone without a fight.
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Skeleton Boys: Ideal Dates
lol plz enjoy my take on these nerds perf first dates. also these are from the point where they’re all now on the surface!
Classic (UT!Sans)
You’d think he’d pick something where he wouldn’t have to leave his house because he’s lazy but really he’d like something where you both were outside. He loves the outside. Almost any season, though Fall and Spring are by far his favorites. He’d really love a picnic date. One where you both just lay back, maybe next to a pond and eat some tasty hotcats and toss some popcorn to the ducks while you talk about anything and everything~
Papy (UT!Papyrus)
Papy wants something cool for your first date! And nothing is cooler than roller-blading! So he decides to take you to the park so you can both skate around! And worry not! If you don’t know how to skate yet then he would be thrilled to teach you! And there’s nobody better to help you learn than Papy! And maybe after a few laps around the park you can both stop for some Nice Cream! His treat of course! <3
Red (UF!Sans)
Red’s a simple fella and also wary of gold diggers (they were everywhere in the Underground) and so for your first date he’s gonna just take you to see a shitty movie. Probably some cheesy horror flick or a goofy sci-fi film. No concession food though cuz he’s not a billionaire ffs. If ya ask real nice he’ll help you sneak some compac snacks in. Oh and he’ll be giving you a running commentary of whatever you’re watching. If you have a good time and genuinely laugh at his lame jokes he’ll be wanting a second date for sure.
Pyrus (UF!Papyrus)
A fancy dinner date! Nowhere near as laid back as Red, Pyrus is planning a ritzy dinner for you both! But he loves to show off so of course he’ll be cooking the meal, and thank your lucky stars that he and Angler (UF!Undyne) have come so far cooking wise since getting to the surface. So your taste buds will be in for a real treat. Compliment him lots he craves compliments like fish crave water and take turns picking subjects to talk about and and he’ll definitely think of asking you out for a second date.
Blue (US!Sans)
Blue is torn between wanting to keep it simple and classy or go nuts and have an adventure. In the end he decides there’s no better place for a first date than a carnival/fair! He’s so excited to go on all the different rides with you! If you giggle and tease him by asking “even that one?” while pointing towards the Tunnel of Love then he’ll have a blue face for the next hour. He’ll totally change the subject, still blue, and lead you towards the games. Where he will proceed to win you one of everything. Even somehow from the games that are so obviously rigged?? You don’t question it. 
Slim (US!Papyrus)
He takes you to Ikea. ....Like seriously. It’s weird and definitely a first but you have fun?? For real, you have a blast trying out all the weird shit Ikea sells. You steal all the pillows and make a fort in the bed/bedding section. You even manage to make a sign that says “no dorks allowed” with some paper and a marker Slim just happened to have on him?? It’s great and you even play hide and seek! You always managed to find you so easily you think he totally cheated. But finding him was always so hard! He’d end up in the weirdest places. But eventually you both got kicked out. So all in all? Best first date ever.
Black/Boss (SF!Sans)
Shopping date! But don’t get too excited. You’re just going with him while he spoils himself with a new wardrobe. Also he might want you to carry his bags. But on the bright side you get to sit and watch him do a little impromptu fashion show for you. He’ll try on all sorts of things and let you critique them with him. But here’s where the trouble might happen. Boss is a lot better at telling when people are lying than most give him credit for. So he demands your honesty. But he’ll also throw a fit if you say anything too negative about how he looks. Best route if he puts on anything is to make sure to insult the clothing. Not him. Say he’s wearing something that makes his bone structure look cartoony. Just say something like “the fabric it’s made of looks cheap. you deserve higher quality.” He’ll beam at you and toss the clothing away. Win/win.
Rus/Mutt (SF!Papyrus)
Honestly, he’ll just ask you what you want to do. He’s not terribly picky about what you both do so long as he gets to do it with you. Caution though. He’s uncomfortable in crowds but if you want to go somewhere crowded then he’ll go even if he’s sick with anxiety the whole time. He’s such a sweetie but he forgets he’s allowed to set up boundaries too. So make sure to keep his interests in mind while picking where you both go. Best place for a first date with Rus would be either the aquarium or the zoo (on days with no field trips). He likes looking at all the fish and critters. It really soothes his tired soul~
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puppy-the-mask · 4 years
Undertale Papyrus, Underswap Sans, Horrortale Papyrus, StoryShift Papyrus, Mafiatale Papyrus, Gaster Sans, Gaster Papyrus, Swapfell Papyrus(red. or purple, or gold, or all 3) Do they have a favored personality that they like/love/want in a human S/O? ((answer what you can))
Okay so I did most of these but for the life of me couldn’t pin Paper, Sniper, or Blue down so for now they are a mystery =w=‘’ I also did all 3 of my SF Paps
Chef- Someone who isn’t afraid to show and/or tell him how much he means to them, gestures like that mean a lot to him. He’s a complete Dad friend so having someone to be the parent friends with would be perfect. Will be nervous about PDA at first, but he really likes it, So basically a loving/affectionate S/O would be his kryptonite, he hopes they like gifts because he will make them so many things. He likes little crafts and things he can do with his hands, especially if they’re kind of mindless in that he can binge a show with said S/O while he does them. Mayhaps his lovely S/O has similar passions, if they did he’d love to participate or even for them to just tell him about them. 
G- G wants a travel buddy, someone that loves to try new things and enjoys their life to the fullest. His S/O has to be able to keep up with him and his constantly expanding list of plans for new adventures. They’d also have to be at least a little assertive, G is the kind of guy to let his partner set the pace and go from there, he’s adaptable like that. 
Aster- Someone with patience, if they aren’t having to wait for free time through his somewhat busy schedule then they’re sitting through his rambling. He’s a mutterer and gets carried away sometimes, he gets embarrassed about it if you stop him but if you’re actively paying attention and ask questions or, dare he dream, join him? You’re not getting rid of him, plain and simple. But it’s okay because when you see the utter glee on his face from having someone to share his tangents with you’ll never want that to happen anyways. 
Rus(Swapfell)- Rus is a sucker for physical contact and sappy romance, so any S/O for him would have to like hugs and cuddles and all that other fun stuff. He likes being reassured he’s loved and the best indicator to him is contact. It’d also be best that they weren’t a neat freak, if they’re constantly cleaning up his messes (even when he says he’ll get to them, which he will). Between feeling guilty for inconveniencing them and like they’re babying him Rus would end up completely suffocated. So someone easygoing and just as sappy as him, them being willing to experiment with him on various hobbies would also be a plus. 
Slim(Cas!Swapfell)- Slim wants someone who he can fluster the FUCK out of, he lives for those pretty red blushes and any embarrassed squeaks and sounds that come with them. He’d prefer someone shorter than him for kabedon purposes but considering he’s 7’3 slouching most people are. Despite his Extra Curricular Activities Slim actually doesn’t care very much about sex, but he does need romantic intimacy- like couch cuddles and hand holding. His S/O can’t have a problem with PDA, public is where he gets to situation-ally flirt and tease them and if he isn’t able to he will explode into a grumpy bone pile. Not really but his face will be blank and emotionless and he may start thinking that they’re embarrassed to be seen with him for whatever reason, so them being romantic and close with him in public really makes him happy. They’ll also have to be patient, it takes Slim a long while to warm up to people and with his stoic and apathetic persona he’s hard to read if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
Mutt(Purpfell)- Someone who will tell him to cut his shit out, He acts how he does to mess with people. They’d have to stand up to him to even get him intrigued in them enough for a meaningful relationship. He’ll try and push boundaries to see how far he can go, he knows he’s a pain in the ass and needs to be taken down a peg. But once they get past all the tricks and games, he wants someone who’s kind and genuine, he’s dealt with enough fake people for one lifetime thanks. Mutt wants someone that he can spend a lazy day with while Rant yells at them from the kitchen to stop idling around, or who will playfully encourage his bro with said yelling from the doorway- he’s not picky. Him and his brother are a package deal, so you’ll also have to get along well with Rant too.
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tyranttortoise · 7 years
Important question! Who gives the best cuddles out of all the skeles? And what's the order from best to. Worst at cuddles? It's for... science.
*This was a tough one!  I rearranged this list a few times, but here’s my completely unbiased take.  
US!PapyrusUF!SansSF!PapyrusUT!PapyrusUF!PapyrusUS!SansHT!SansUT!Sans SF!SansHT!Papyrus
Stretch:  His cuddles are comfortable because his hoodie feels so nice, and he’s content to just let you rest on his chest with his arms around you.  He makes you feel safe, even if he does smell of sweets and smoke.  It’s a surprisingly good combination.  He doesn’t move much in his sleep, either.
Red: His hoodie is super comfy, though he doesn’t wear it to bed much.  Still, he’ll hold you all night, although his hold will be much more possessive and protective than Stretch’s, with his body wrapped around yours.  He also doesn’t move much when he sleeps, and he’s a very light sleeper.  
Mutt/Rus: As a combination of the above two, he sleeps with his jacket on, so it’s incredibly soft and comfortable.  His hold is possessive and tight, and he likes to spoon, with his body wrapped around yours and your legs tangled together.  He smells like spice and smoke, and if you happen to twist around to wind your arms around him, he’ll wrap you up in his jacket.
Papyrus: His cuddles are secure and warm, and his hands don’t wander.  He’ll let you sleep on his chest, he’ll spoon you–really anything you’d like to feel safe and loved.  He’s a heavy sleeper, so if you move around, it won’t phase him.
Edge:  He’s a closet cuddler that enjoys feeling your skin. He likes to spoon, so he can have you securely in his arms, with your legs trapped between his.  His hold is both protective and possessive; he won’t let anyone come between the two of you in your slumber.  Unless.. ya’know, he’s kicking you out of bed because his brother walked in during a tender moment.  Ugh.  
Blueberry: He’s a ball of energy, and he’s so excited to be cuddling you that he doesn’t go to sleep right away.  He likes to talk, and just as you’re drifting to sleep, he’ll wake you back up with a random thought.  He uses your chest or stomach as his personal pillow, and clings to you the entire night.  He may be a heavy sleeper, but he’s an early-riser, so you’ll likely be greeted by a staring, grinning skeleton in the morning. 
Axe:  He doesn’t really care one way or another about cuddling, but he’s content to sleep on top of you–or if he’s having a possessive moment, he’ll spoon.  Just don’t stick your fingers in the crack on top of his head.  He’s a little unhinged at times, so if he’s having a Bad Day, expect him to hold onto you tighter and probably not let you out of the bed.  He may even gnaw on your neck a bit.  He doesn’t move much when he sleeps, but he’s a super light sleeper, so chances are that he spends most of the night watching you sleep and trying not to think.  
Sans: He sleeps like a rock, and he’s likely going to end up with his head pillowed on your stomach/chest or sprawled across you.  If you end up sleeping on him, his arms will probably be out by his sides; he takes up most of the bed and moves around a ton in his sleep.  He also hogs all the blankets.  You’re liable to wake up cold while he’s in a blanket burrito, but hey–it’s Sans, so it’s worth it.  
Blackberry: He feels that you should be honored that he deemed you worthy of lying in the same bed as him, and he’s pretty tsundere when it comes to actually wanting to cuddle you.  He also prefers you to sleep on his chest, with one of his arms wound around your shoulders, keeping you close to his side.  It takes him a while to fall asleep, but when he finally does, he doesn’t move around much.  However, if you happen to stir and touch his spine of something in your sleep, he’s instantly going to be awake.  And he’s also liable to watch you sleep, in the rare moments when his brash facade can drop and he can just… think you look so lovely and peaceful.   
Crooks: Papyrus is a heavy sleeper with a crushing grip.  He’s so tall that he can bend over your body and engulf you, but he also makes it difficult to breathe because he keeps gripping you tighter in his slumber.  He also happens to think that you smell nice…. really nice.  He’s liable to gnaw on you a little in his sleep, and you may have to whack him in his face to wake him up.  
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