#so fitz! from fitzwilliam darcy
ladytauria · 8 months
You can’t NOT use trans dimensional. Is fem!jay trans? Is jason? Both? Neither? Doesn’t matter. It’s too good
dhsjshjshs you’re so right, with a title like that it should have been t4t
…putting that in my back pocket. jason & jacie meeting and finding out they’re both trans, but in the opposite direction would be *so much fun*
doesn’t work for this fic but—
too good a concept NOT to use, yknow?
oh also. have a snippet bc i like sharing:
“You know, I’m pretty sure I told you to rest,” Jay says as she clambers out of the window. One day she’ll figure out how [Richelle | Dixie] manages to look graceful doing it, because Jay sure as hell doesn’t.
Her male counterpart spares her only a brief glance, and takes another drag from his cigarette. “I didn’t ask you to mother me,” he growls.
Jay just rolls her eyes. “Stop needing mothering, then,” she says, plucking the cigarette between his fingers, ignoring Jason’s spluttering. He reminds her of Fitz, her pit bull rescue. Sweetest little lamb now, but when she first brought him home?
All snarls, biting the hand that fed him before it could hit him first.
Jason is the same way. Loud and brash, bristling at any perceived insult. His uniform design only makes the image stronger; a face mask like a muzzle over his mouth, the red lenses of his domino glinting in the dark like some feral creature’s eyes…
It’s an angry kind of pain that makes her fingers itch with the desire to stroke his hair the way she’d stroked Fitz’s fur, and tell him everything would be alright. She’s here now. She’ll keep him safe.
She really is mothering him, isn’t she?
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shmaptainwrites · 9 months
Hiiiiiiiii! Absolutely LOVE your writing! (Especially the Fitzwilliam Darcy fics, istg they're my solstice rn– You wouldn't believe how many times I've binge read them.) Anyways, I was wondering, could you do a blurb for him caring for reader when she's sick? Perhaps with a female reader, if that's alright.
Happy New Years btw, I hope 2024 brings nothing but the best to you and your loved ones <3
omg hiiiii! i hope you know that i literally get so excited when i see you in my notifications it makes me so happy! and i literally kicked my feet in excitement when i read this request so it’s my pleasure to write it!
Pairing: Fitzwilliam Darcy x fem!Reader
Warnings: sickness, mentions of diziness and nausea
My Pleasure
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It wasn't often you awoke feeling like the world was spinning. That seemed to be your first sign that something was wrong. You tried to push yourself up on your bed but found the vertigo too much to fight and lowered yourself back down as carefully as you could.
You moved your hand to gently shake your husband awake, squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to block out the dizziying feeling.
"Fitzwilliam," you whispered while he stirred awake and turned around to face you. "Fitz, I think something is wrong."
Immediately he could see the sweat on your brow and you felt the back of his hand against your forehead.
"You feel feverish," he said and moved himself to a seated position. "Perhaps you picked something up while you were in London or during your travel back."
"Could you call the doctor please, I feel terrible," you managed to get out in a breathy voice.
"Of course, I'll be right back, my dear," he bent down to press a kiss to your forehead before setting out to complete his task.
Before you knew it, he had returned with a bowl of water and a towel, gently dabbing the cool cloth on your forehead. As much it was a soothing feeling, it didn't do too much for your nausea.
"I forgot how atrocious it felt to be sick," you sighed. "When one is healthy for so long they seem to forget what it's like when their body is fighting sickness."
"It will pass," your husband assured you, cradling your face in his hand. "Just like it has in the past. You're quite resilient from what I can recall."
"I try," you chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry to pull you away from your duties, I know how busy you are right now."
"Nonesense," he shook his head. "There's nowhere I'd rather be than by your side."
"Even if I am contagious?"
"Especially so," he joked and you smiled again.
"I love you, Fitz. Thank you for always taking such good care of me."
"Of course, my darling. It has been and will always be my pleasure."
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The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012)
Season 3
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Lizzie is back visiting Charlotte and agrees to stay for a while!
She met Catherine de Bourgh and found out that Darcy is her nephew. Not sure Anne exists in this version, since apparently Ms. de Bourgh mentioned Caroline every time she mentioned Darcy. (update: Anniekins is her DOG)
I love Lizzie's blindness. "Let's wrap this up, otherwise I'm just going to end up talking about Darcy and de Bourgh, and contrary to popular belief, they do not consume my life." Charlotte: "Well, they do, kiiiiind of"
She makes a new friend - Fitz! She's like oh hey..... you can't watch any previous videos, or tell Darcy. I say some not so nice things about him. I know he's your friend. "He is my friend, and that's why I get it. The guy doesn't always make a good first impression, and he's got the social skills of an agoraphobic lobster."
(I always love Fitzwilliam) Sweet Fitzwilliam. Trying so hard to talk up Darcy and ruining everything. Telling her Darcy saved Bing from a gold digger. Completely oblivious to the vibe in the room.
WE COME TO THE PROPOSAL At first I thought we wouldn't get to see Darcy's face
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But luckily they sat down and he got to "I've been fighting against this for months now but Lizzie Bennet, I'm in love with you."
And we get the moment that all of us have always wanted our entire lives without realizing...
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Elizabeth Bennet giving us an office style "wtf is happening can you believe this shit" glance at the camera
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Did you know you wanted this?? I didn't, but it was perfect. Later, Lydia throws a rager for her 21st birthday while the Bennet parents are out (and Mary - a cousin instead of a sister - shows up on camera!)
Unfortunately Lizzie is kind of agreeing with Darcy about Lydia's exuberance, and Lydia is upset about it. She's decided to head to Vegas where she can have fun parties (is this Brighton?) and has uhhhhh very harshly called Lizzie out. They do not reconcile in the next few episodes.
But Lizzie is moving forward with her life, and has a sort of internship opportunity lined up at Pemberley Digital! "Why does that sound familiar?"
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krispykreeme · 2 years
last night before falling asleep I had the most soul crushing thought any Sophitz shipper could have.
We could’ve had a pride and prejudice type of romance between Sophie and fitz.
We could’ve had a Darcy and Elizabeth.
Fitzwilliam Darcy whose name is shared with Fitz.
Elizabeth Bennet aka Sophie Elizabeth Foster.
We could’ve had Sophie mentally adjust to the lavish and, quite honestly, insane wealth the elves live in. This compared to her previous life in San Diego would’ve paralleled Elizabeth’s family’s and occasionally her sense of inadequacy by being at the lower ends of high society; just blending in with the members of the high ranks yet being set apart as well (a lot of people refusing to accept Sophie as a normal elf and a lot of hatred towards her for just existing. Vs. Elizabeth Bennet and being targeted by Lady Catherine de Bourgh). We could’ve had some imposter syndrome in the beginning but pushed into the background of Sophie’s mind as it turned into confidence with her handful of abilities and position on Team Valiant. Also if she played more into the role of Elizabeth she’d be a lot wittier and take less bullshit. The whole love triangle would’ve been solved because she addressed it. The neverseen probably would’ve been done by now because as empathetic and kind as she is, (this is more me than Elizabeth talking) she would’ve snapped. Also she’d talk without thinking, often putting the honest out into the world, forcing people to address it.
Fitz could’ve been an asshole in the first few books (which he was but I just don’t remember how). Well, an asshole from Sophie’s point of view. But if any other characters chimed in, they’d comment on his kindness and generosity. We could’ve seen Fitz painstakingly trying to get to know Sophie better through their cognate training, both of them wondering how they even became cognates, and Sophie just refusing to comply because of her pride and prejudice ;). We could’ve seen Fitz evolve from Mr. Perfect who would’ve been stubborn and quite condescending, to his ‘hidden’ kind and patient side (he’s just awkward and doesn’t know how to interact with Sophie), to his much more mature and responsible side. He could’ve had so much character growth, turning into a teenager who recognized the flaws in his idealized society and tried to make his world better, recognizing the extreme prestige and privilege he has. Him letting go of his pride to make deeper connections with people he cares about, and stepping away from his reputation. Recognizing that his prejudice is what is stopping him from being comfortable with himself and others.
We could’ve had the confession scene be from Fitz about the matchmaking but much more tense and dramatic. The juxtaposition between their close body language and harsh words. A rejection from Sophie because: why would she like a guy who ripped her away to a world that hates her even more? How arrogant could he be to believe that she would like him back? Why should she even consider it if he admitted to liking her against his better judgement?? Fitz asking her out on a date through that confession and Sophie tearing him and his preconception of their world apart. Her pride being hurt, only reenforcing the prejudice she hold against him. Fitz apologizing and recognizing that he needs to change. Sophie regretting her intense words but knowing that he needed a wake up call.
We could’ve had such a beautiful arc of one sided dislike (Sophie) and haughty awkwardness (fitz) to, hatred hiding away guilt and possible affection (Sophie) and regret and change and kindness (fitz) where they grow to be close and somewhat friends but haven’t gone over the obstacle of their egos and judgements. Ending with “im sorry I assumed so much about you based on first impressions and your background, my ego got in the way and I was wrong about you. I hated you because you made me face a part of me that I wanted to push away but it was hurting me in the process. I don’t actually hate you, in fact, I like your company and you make me a better person. I should’ve been honest with you and myself from the beginning.”
Although, it retrospect it would’ve been a bit difficult to juggle this in alongside a love triangle, an anti-establishment group, another anti-establishment group, fantasy creatures, school, a shitty government and so many characters (the council, the parents, the Collective, the teens, the bodyguards, the alicorns, the villains, and all the plotholes in between). However, I say if the love triangle was never established in the first place, we could’ve had some room for this, especially over the course of nine 800 paged books.
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etherealcheezit · 20 hours
If I ever get one shot at an adaptation I want pride and prejudice a modern AU where there all heirs to great British fortunes, the Bennetts father having to sign over the company to their cousin who they know is in a cult but they can’t really stop it from happening I want Darcy to be very overtly neurodivergent in fact I want them all to be and I want more than anything for people who know him and when he’s safe like with his sister or his staff or eventually with Lizzie I want him to be called Fitz his full name is fitzwilliam in the book and most people forget that is his name but I think his mum called him fitz so his sister does too I am doing a re read and I can see it all in front of me
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
P&P Chapters 32, 33, 34
(Chapters 29, 30, 31)
Score check:
Mr. Darcy returns! And the man learned to flirt. Now at -5.
And Lizzy rose to +25 for being ballsy.
Chapter 32
...when she was startled by a ring at the door, the certain signal of a visitor.
Okay, this is a bit silly. Yes, doorbells mean visitors.
Mr. Darcy: “It is a proof of your own attachment to Hertfordshire. Anything beyond the very neighbourhood of Longbourn, I suppose, would appear far.”
You were doing so well last time. Are you only allowed the ability to flirt once a year, Mr. Darcy? Hopeless. Boy has such a case of the awkward.
But why Mr. Darcy came so often to the Parsonage, it was more difficult to understand.
NO ONE UNDERSTANDS YOU, DUDE. It's no wonder Lizzy isn't catching on.
Colonel Fitzwilliam’s occasionally laughing at his stupidity, proved that he was generally different, which her own knowledge of him could not have told her; and as she would liked to have believed this change the effect of love, and the object of that love her friend Eliza, she set herself seriously to work to find it out. 
Is Darcy so tongue-tied in love that he can't figure out what to do with himself? I can't even justify taking points off. He's too pathetic for that.
Chapter 33
Oh wow, more of Darcy trying so hard to flirt. This is a train wreck. Someone help this man. I can barely watch.
Lizzy: “Do you certainly leave Kent on Saturday?” said she. Fitz: “Yes—if Darcy does not put it off again...."
OH FOR THE LOVE OF FUZZY PEACHES. Is the reason why everybody loves Darcy the fact that he's the ORIGINAL pathetic blorbo? Is that it?
My dude has spent all this time trying to get her attention, delaying his departure, and it's not working. Because he is hopeless.
Gossip gossip gossip! Lots of gossip with Fitz.
Well shit. Why do I have a feeling there's a HUGE misunderstanding brewing?
There's definitely a huge misunderstanding brewing.
Honestly, this chapter had ONE purpose and one purpose, and that was to make Lizzy think Darcy got between Jane and Bingley. No other great insights needed here, moving on.
Chapter 34
When they were gone, Elizabeth, as if intending to exasperate herself as much as possible against Mr. Darcy, chose for her employment the examination of all the letters which Jane had written to her since her being in Kent. 
We do love a good hate read.
Mr. Darcy: “In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
Meanwhile, Lizzy:
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His sense of her inferiority—of its being a degradation—of the family obstacles which had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt on with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit.
I SEVERELY regret that this is in summary rather than dialogue.
He concluded with representing to her the strength of that attachment which, in spite of all his endeavours, he had found impossible to conquer;
OMG, dude, your love confession is bombing, MAYDAY, MAYDAY.
I gotta do it. I gotta take 5 points off. Bro. You are drowning.
Maybe JUST confess the love and don't rush into a proposal?! Get the mutual love first before jumping in any deeper. OMG, noooo.
Lizzy: "I have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly."
I almost feel bad for Mr. Darcy. BUT, "almost" is not "do."
“I have no wish of denying that I did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister, or that I rejoice in my success. Towards him I have been kinder than towards myself.”
Wait wait wait. It wasn't a misunderstanding?
Okay, I guess that's another thing I'll be awaiting an explanation for, along with whatever the hell was up with Wicky. (Reminder: I hate spoilers, so shh.)
Mr. Darcy: "Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections?—to congratulate myself on the hope of relations, whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own?”
I'll just be taking another 5 points off, sir.
Lizzy: "...and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.”
That's gonna come back to haunt you.
That was eventful.
(Chapters 35 and 36)
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scoopsgf · 2 years
‘someone PLS talk to me about him’ ok u asked for it! ok so i can never decide if i’d rather jess get a dog or a cat! both options would be amazing and i love to think about them. i love dogs but i’ve only ever actually had cats so i’ll start there (also jess loves every bookstore cat he’s ever met). a soft tiny fluffy kitten meowing at jess for food and jess talking back to it so they’re having a lil conversation. he can’t find the kitten anywhere and is starting to freak out when it appears from where it had been taking a nap on top of the books on his highest shelf. a cat curled up and purring in jess’ lap while he reads. a cat perched on his shoulder while jess cooks. a cat that snuggles in bed with jess when he goes to sleep.
but also!! a dog!!! jess rescuing a shelter dog and working so so hard to earn its trust and let it know it’s safe and loved. jess taking his dog for runs bc he lives in a small apartment and wants to make sure it gets proper exercise. jess with a big dog who thinks it’s a lap dog, or jess with a small dog who thinks it’s big and fierce enough to protect jess. jess teaching the dog tricks and spoiling it with treats.
obviously the solution here is for jess to get a dog AND a cat. the point is this boy deserves a loving loyal furry companion and it’s all i want for him!!!
NO OKAY BC I LOVE BOTH CONCEPTS BUT THE THOUGHT OF HIM ADOPTING A SHELTER DOG HAD ME FOLDING IN HALF CRYING. HELLO???? him finding like a traumatised doggie and immediately recognising himself in it and wanting to take it home and earn its trust like you said, and that process being lowkey healing for the both of them??? oh my god. and him giving it some ridiculous name like fitz, short for fitzwilliam (as in darcy)?? him cuddling it in bed and it waiting for him to come home??? like that would mean so much to him, having a lil pet that wants to be around him and can’t wait for him to walk through the front door… i’m falling apart… but obvs the best solution is both like you said. him with cats is literally such an adorable concept bc they can be so skittish and have such a hard time trusting, just like him. i feel like he has cats in his life but he doesn’t actually own any. like there’s one at the bookstore he frequents that fucking loves him and does figure eights between his legs while he browses the stacks, and there’s one that hangs around on the fire escape outside of his apartment that begrudgingly allows jess to take care of it, and another that probably hangs around truncheon and lounges in sun spots and hops on top of jess’s desk to stare judgementally at him while he should be working (in my head this cat’s vibe is like, salem from sabrina the teenage witch). god i love this i will be thinking about it all week
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ellynneversweet · 3 years
Last Line Meme
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line.  I was tagged by @aquitainequeen and @fairy-anon-godmother, so you get two lines determined by the two most recently touched notes in the app.
It was decided that Lord Milton would, to test his mettle, take on the management of one of his father’s estates, a modest little farm in Cornwall that had been acquired with the notion that it offered good prospects for copper mining, but which had heretofore suffered a little from being too far from the easy orbit of Lord Fitzwilliam’s steward.
(From the one in which Colonel Fitzwilliam’s older brother Milton ends up in charge of his teenaged brother and cousin, who take ‘boys will be boys hijinks’ to the point of serious injury. The Poldark crew will probably make an appearance, if only because Darcy needs a doctor by the time not-yet-Colonel Fitz is through with him.)
Lady Catherine had invited the whole Hunsford party to dine that evening. As they had at once been demoted from such invitations upon the arrival of her ladyship’s nephews, and only invited for tea and cards for the duration of their stay, Elizabeth had assumed that the gentlemen must be dining elsewhere that evening.
(From the Darcy-in-a-banyan one where things go slightly differently at Hunsford, Elizabeth and Darcy end up engaged much earlier and not nearly as well acquainted with each other, and Lady Catherine throws the tantrum to end all tantrums at close quarters.)
I’m declining to do a word count to figure out how many people to tag, so with absolutely no pressure: @amarguerite, @rain-sleet-snow, @blue-ink-pearls, @freetoflythecrimsonsky, @regina-del-cielo, @whatevenisthisbloganymore, @lilithdemonoftheunderworld, @taksez, @aifsaath and anyone else who wants to jump in, please consider yourselves tagged.
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 4 years
Sibling Council
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A/N: We got to see so much of the intimate council between Jane and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice, but what do you think Georgiana and Darcy were talking about?
She had been looking at his brooding facial expression for quite a while now and still Georgiana Darcy’s brother had not taken notice of her quizzical look. Not even the stopping of her playing on the piano had arisen his attention. So in her cluelessness Georgiana figured the best way to alert him was to produce an especially unpleasant sound on her instrument. 
Indeed, it did work to wake him from his busy thinking. Blinking confused, Fitz focused his gaze upon his younger sister. “Are you quite alright?” 
Georgiana chuckled and closed the lid over the keyboard. “I wonder that you would be asking me that question, since you have been the one staring at the floor. Did you discover anything of interest?” 
A slight blush colored Fitz’ cheeks in a subtle rose colour. He sighed and walked around the piano to sit down next to his sister on the small stool. There was barely enough space for both of them. But Georgiana managed to scoot over enough to allow Fitz a seat by her side. 
The innocent expression of worry on her face made her brother chuckle softly. But the immense sigh that had been trying to find a way out of his chest for hours finally demanded its dramatic entrance. And it didn’t much help to distract Georgiana from her worry. “What is it, Fitz? Tell me. You know, I can handle it. Whatever it is. I am quite old enough for bad news.” 
Her big blue eyes were staring at him imploringly and Fitzwilliam Darcy saw it much as his duty not to hesitate much longer with telling her about his heart’s budens. Gently he nudged her with his shoulder. “Now don’t you worry yourself too much. It is not really ... bad news. Though one could argue about that. I haven’t really come to a conclusion myself. All I know is that this state of being is cause for quite a large amount of distress, so I am much willing to tell you all about it in hope for soft-sided council.” 
Georgiana was biting her lip to keep from interrupting him with very impolite demands to finally get to the point, but her brother saw the wish to shake the information out of him in her eyes and couldn’t help another quiet laugh. “Georgiana, are you that impatient to get to know about my distractions?” 
She threatened to get up from the stool they were currently sharing, making the balance shift much in her brother’s misfortune. He laughed and quickly held on the piano before he could fall off of his seat. The light-hearted expression on his face managed to make Georgiana feel much more in his favor again. She settled back down again and wrapped her arms around the one of his that was closest to her. “Tell me about your thoughts.” 
Fitz sighed again and leaned more against his sister, tilting his head in her direction. His report wasn’t uttered easily. “When I was in Netherfield with Charles... I- I might have- it is so that- I met someone.” 
Georgiana pulled at his arm, forcing him to look at her astonished expression. “Fitz! Are you telling me, you met someone... special?” 
Another shade of red travelled over her brother’s freckled nose at her question and he shifted on the stool uncomfortably. “Someone special. Someone extraordinary. A woman of incredible esprit. I- I can’t stop... she is... I can’t stop thinking about her.” 
He ducked his head a little and shook it at himself, a more pained expression now hovering over his features. Georgiana needed a few seconds to process the information given to her. She’d never seen her brother act this shy before. She leaned in closer to him, catching his insecure look. “You are in love?” 
He blinked rapidly at that question and gulped, his mouth going pretty dry. But a warmth flooded his chest and stomach and a rare smile suddenly danced over his face. “I- I think I am, yes.” 
Georgiana rejoyced gladly at that sentence and almost pushed her brother off the stool yet again as she cheerfully cuddled up against at his side. They were breathing out disbelieving gasps of laughter together, until Georgiana threw her arms around his neck and shouted happily into his ear. “I cannot believe it. In love! You! And I have never seen that woman. I could go mad at that thought. I must get to know her. If she is worthy of your affection, she must be impossibly virtuous. Fitz, Fitz, I must meet her, I must! Oh, tell me everything about her!” 
“Only if you stop strangling me!” 
Georgiana quickly let go off his neck and took him by the arm as she stood up to get a more comfortable seat on the sofa. She settled down and patted the spot in front of her with red cheeks. Fitz had to smile at her enthusiasm, but couldn’t share it quite so eagerly. He knew there were many obstacles to his love. One of them being that Elizabeth Bennet might well think him to be insufferable. 
Still, he was glad to settle down next to his sister and tell her quietly about the brown of Elizabeth’s hair, the colour of her dresses, the ironic glint in her eyes, the intelligent insights and witty jokes she’d made. Georgiana was convinced of her character immediateley and seemed to burst with the wish to meet her. 
“Oh, brother, you, in love! I have awaited this day eagerly. Elizabeth. A wonderful name. Have you danced with her? Surely you have, haven’t you?” 
Fitz moved his head around uncomfortably. “I have... yes. Once.” 
Georgiana looked at him from narrow eyes. “Once? Once?! That is just as good as never. Why didn’t you dance with her more often? You are a wonderful dancer.” 
“I am a wonderful dancer with you. Because I trust you.” He looked at his hands as if they were just as interesting as the floor was before. 
“And you don’t trust Elizabeth Bennet?” 
“I-” Her brother made a vague gesture with his hand. “I just don’t like to be-”
“-happy?” Georgiana raised a brow. Her brother looked at her with discontent and instead suggested the word: “-outgoing!”
“No, you don’t tend to be very outgoing, that is true.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully, as she realized that there were a lot of difficulties in her brother’s behaviour towards others. But a bright smile was back on her features quickly. “But you can be so much fun. There are days where I can barely catch a breath, because you are so funny. Can you not be like that with her?” 
Fitz smiled mildly at her and tried to silence the hopefully beating heart inside his chest. “Maybe someday.” 
Georgiana nodded thoughtfully and then couldn’t hold back a yawn. Her brother clapped in his hands and stood up from the sofa, holding his hands out towards her. “I think that is the perfect moment to send you to bed, don’t you agree?”
“Absolutely not. I want to talk more about Elizabeth Bennet. I want to talk about her all night.” Georgiana crossed her arms in front of her chest in defense and put her best pout on her face.
Fitz smirked at that and shook his head. “I will definitely not consent to that. Don’t you have riding lessons tomorrow morning?” 
“Riding is not nearly as hard as being good at love. Can’t you tell me more about what you’re feeling?” 
“I’d rather not.”
“Why not?” Georgiana looked at him sadly.
Fitz tilted his head and grabbed one of her hands in his own, holding it for comfort. “It is painful.” 
Georgiana wanted to ask him all about that pain. She wanted to know why love had to be bitter-sweet, but she knew there was no arguing with her brother here. With a dramatic sigh she got off of the sofa and brushed the wrinkles out of her dress. It was an unpleasant feeling for her to leave him in the parlor with a heavy heart. Therefore she tried her best to cheer him up.
“Maybe,” she said with a glint in her eyes, “it is best anyway if you let her see the inner turmoils of your painful emotions. Isn’t a distraught man what most women seek in marriage?” 
Fitz raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a warning smile. “Georgiana.”
“I can imagine if she sees how incredibly miserable you are, she will toss all good manners aside, fall to your feet and beg you to marry her so she can see that grimace every day of her life-” 
“You are either going to bed now, or I will make you!” With a smile on his face, her brother turned around to pick a read from the shelf behind the pianoforte, acting indifferent. 
Georgiana couldn’t hold back a giggle, knowing all too well, he wouldn’t hesitate to chase her throughout every room at Pemberly if she went overboard. Therefore that was exactly what she did. “Oh Mr Darcy, give me another one of your depressed gloomy looks!” 
“Alright. Bed time!” He drummed his hands against the shelf to alarm his sister before he turned around and started chasing her. She was off the sofa in no time, squealing and laughing heartily as she tried to reach the stairs before him. He was laughing way more than he usually did and it was a nice change for once as he made especially much noise running after his sister to make her shrieks of joy even louder. He could have easily caught her sooner, but waited until she’d almost reached her room, almost feeling the sweetness of victory until he wrapped his arms around her waist and whirled her around in his embrace. 
She gasped for air in between her fits of laughter, making it hard for him to stop at all. But eventually he set her on her feet again and smiled as she quickly took off to reach her bedroom door. She turned around in front of it and gave him her most sincere smile. “See how funny you can be. If she weren’t to fall in love with your foolishness, she would be a fool.”
He shook his head at his sister and waited until she’d disappeared behind her door, before he considered her words. Elizabeth Bennet, liking his foolishness? A thought that would definitely keep him up with a hopeful heart all night long.
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amarguerite · 4 years
What drew you to writing fanfiction about Col. Fitzwilliam (who, thanks to your fics, I adore), and more specifically him and Lizzy? Were you inspired by anything in particular from the original novel, or was it mostly your own imagination?
Ngl it was 100% because when when I first started writing P&P fic I wanted to write about Lizzy Bennet kicking ass in the Napoleonic Wars, and Col. Fitzwilliam was the easiest way to get there. I loooove the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. I’ll watch anything set then, and at least try to read any book that uses them as a setting. I went through a period in middle school where I read every single one of the Horatio Hornblower books. I got a good ways into Master and Commander in high school too. But it always bothered me that there were so few female characters-- not as much in M&C but in the Hornblower books ooh yeah. And then in the Sharpe series, I adoooored Comandante Teresa but got super pissed that she, like every other female character, ended up the victim of sexual violence before getting killed off. So the answer to me was clearly to pop in my favorite female character of all time, use the very easy way to get her there of pairing her with the charming but not handsome Colonel Fitzwilliam who had a crush on her in Huntsford, and let her shine. 
I’ve since because enormously fond of the character I fleshed out, and am merrily captaining this rarepair ship. I think like half the fics in that tag on Ao3 are mine. 
I do wanna say I think Darcy is one of the most amazingly fleshed out male characters in the Western literary canon, his character arc is bril, and I do love Lizzy/Darcy, but just me being me, I like writing action scenes of Napoleonic warfare. So if I write P&P fic, I default to Lizzy/ Col. Fitz. 
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ladytauria · 5 months
i started writing this one after talking to @this-was-a-terrible-idea <3 who also sent me a perfect prompt for it xD
fem!jason is stuck in canon!universe and spends like,,, a week with jason before she's like: is anyone going to fix this? no? okay
and by fix this she means fuck him <3 to teach him about self-care, obviously
i've shared some snippets of this before--it used to have a title but then certain plans changed and i've decided to keep that title in my back pocket
past snippets: the very beginning | random snippet 1 | random snippet 2
have a longer version of that first snippet!
“You know, I’m pretty sure I told you to rest,” Jacie says as she clambers out of the window. One day she’ll figure out how Richelle manages to look graceful doing it, because she sure as hell doesn’t. Jason spares her only a brief glance before he takes another drag from his cigarette. “I didn’t ask you to mother me,” he growls. He’s leaning against the railing of the fire escape, dressed in a sweatshirt that’s seen better days and sweatpants tucked into his Docs. Jay rolls her eyes. “Stop needing mothering, then,” she says, matching his rough drawl. She plucks the cigarette from between his fingers and raises it to her own lips, ignoring the way he splutters. Her male counterpart reminds her of Fitz, her pit bull rescue. Sweetest little lamb now, but when she first brought him home? All snarls, biting the hand that fed him before it could hit him first. Jason is the same way. Loud and brash, bristling at any perceived insult. His uniform design only makes the image stronger; a face mask like a muzzle over his mouth, the red lenses of his domino glinting in the dark like some feral creature’s eyes… It’s an angry kind of pain that makes her fingers itch with the desire to stroke his hair the way she’d stroked Fitz’s fur, and tell him everything would be alright. She’s here now. She’ll keep him safe. …fuck. She really is mothering him, isn’t she? Jay takes a drag off of her bummed cigarette, feeling the smoke fill her lungs before she exhales, letting the cloud join Gotham’s ever-present smog. “I don’t need mothering,” Jason grumbles, crossing his arms. “I’m fine.” He wasn’t. Jay’s been in his shoes before. She remembers what it was like, to be a revenant instead of a person. Fitz had been what changed that; the reason she started to carve herself a new life, one slow step at a time. Now she has a dog, and a window garden, and an almost-girlfriend. A place to come back to, when the violence was done. Jason doesn’t have that. He hasn’t found his reason yet. According to Constantine and his counterpart in her universe, it’ll be at least another two weeks before they have a workable way to send her home. Until then, Jason and she have to stay close. Constantine fixed it so that they would work as each other’s ‘anchor,’ keeping them—and their dimensions—stabilized. For now. That means she has plenty of time to, perhaps, nudge him in the right direction. She takes a second drag off of the cigarette, and then offers it back to him. He’s still scowling at her when he plucks it from her fingers, raising it to his mouth to take a drag of his own.
there was a line that got caught about how jay was positive that the two constantines were fucking & i still stand by that
also fun facts: fitz is named after fitzwilliam darcy bc i love the name darcy but also i thought jacie might want a slightly subtler reference... and then i was like: a pit bull mix named fitz? adorable
so. xD here we are
[ wip ask game ]
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T, U & Z for the fandom asks! 🧡
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Hmmmmmmmm. I don’t actually think so. Or at least none that immediately come to mind. I have always headcanoned that Fitz’s mum’s name is Lorna (except for that one fic where I called her Leanna but shhhhhhhhh) but I like to think she took some kind of pride and comfort from them both being L. Fitz. Alistair was always the outsider, even from his name.
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Oh god oh right okay. In no particular order:
1. Leo Fitz (Agents of Shield, I love him your honour)
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2. Peggy Carter (Wider MCU)
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3. Leslie Knope (Parks and Rec, a wholeass mood for me, about 90% of the time. I often say that I am the anxious English Lit equivalent of Leslie Knope.)
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4. Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls. Words cannot express how much this character means to me. We share a love of snow)
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5. Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride and Prejudice every iteration except maybe Olivier but that’s bc that adaptation annoys the shit out of me. Cut to fourteen year old me about to read Pride and Prejudice for the first time: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me.)
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Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
As most of you know I took a big long step back from fandom for three/four years bc my mental health went down the drain for a bit and fandom became overwhelming and actually contributed to my anxiety and I only came back to it really in mid-2019 (and then took a big break from November to April/May when I was finishing my final year of uni). But fandom in 2020 I think, benefitted my mental health. I got to meet all of you and I’m so incredibly grateful for you all. This community kept me sane during one of the worst times and it’s something I will forever be grateful for.
Fandom meme ask
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anghraine · 4 years
Re your meta on Ladies Catherine and Anne being close due to a distant father, I realised that Lady C was likely not close with her brother the Earl. Her father likely doting on the son while being distant to the girls causing resentment. So even with Darcy slow to marry Anne, Col. Fitzwilliam not raised as an alternative, even though he would come to Rosings rather than Anne leaving. Why not Col. Fitz? Because Lady C doesn't like the Earl and doesn't want his son to marry her daughter :0
Hmm. While we know that Lady Catherine firmly believes daughters never matter to their fathers, which presumably extends to her relationship with her own father, all we know about her relationship with her brother is that his son comes to visit her. So it’s hard to extrapolate much from that. It does seem probable that someone with Lady Catherine’s personality would prooobably not have taken favouritism over her well, but the form that displeasure would have taken ...?
The question I have isn’t about Colonel Fitzwilliam, since marrying a younger son without a significant fortune of his own wouldn’t be a great match for Anne. Sole, well-born heiresses of large estates were rare, and could hold out for very good matches; Fitzwilliam would only be a real possibility if Lady Catherine was absolutely set on Anne marrying within the family and his older brother was already married.
The real question, for me, is why Lady Catherine preferred baby Darcy over the viscount.
We know Fitzwilliam has an older brother, who would be heir to the earldom and whatever property the Fitzwilliams possess. You’d think he’d be the best match for Anne of the three other Fitzwilliams, while Anne would be a good match for anyone, on paper.
And, swerving a bit, because the “engagement” was arranged from Darcy’s earliest hours and he and Anne were in their cradles at the same time, it’s probable that a) they’re close in age and b) he’s actually the younger of the two. This gives us a rough timeline. 
Darcy was a newborn. Anne was maybe a few months old. The future Colonel Fitzwilliam was around two. The older brother was, well, older than that, but probably not by that much—in the 3-10 year range, let’s say. Because we know the three younger cousins are close in age and it seems likely enough that all four are, it’s probable that all three boys are too young for Lady Catherine to have chosen based on their future personalities. 
It’s easy to see why she would have picked the heir to the Pemberley estates and the ancient Darcy family name and apparently quite a lot of influence over toddler Fitzwilliam. But it’s a bit more confusing when you consider the existence of the viscount. So it’s possible that she gave Darcy the preference not only because of what he could offer Anne (her daughter), but because he was the son of Anne (her sister). 
What she herself emphasizes, in her diatribe to Elizabeth, is that a) Darcy and Anne come from impeccable, overlapping family trees, b) they both have splendid fortunes that would become super ultra splendid if joined together, and c) she and Lady Anne really really really wanted it. So I tend to assume that all three are contributing reasons.
That is, I think it’s possible that she and Lady Anne were plotting the advancement of their children together because it was a good match for both children and because she and Lady Anne were close, given that each child arguably could have made a better match than each other (Darcy could marry for less money, since he doesn’t need it, and higher rank than a knight or baronet’s daughter; Anne could hold out for a man with fortune, ancient name, and a title).
There’s also a possible variant of this, where it partially happens because they’re close, but also, Darcy/Anne is legitimately the best possible marriage within the family.
We don’t know that the Fitzwilliams are actually rich. They might be stretched a little thin—maybe that’s why Lady Catherine and Lady Anne both married rich commoners, however well-born and powerful those commoners may have been, and partially why Colonel Fitzwilliam considers himself poor (lol). In that case, Lady Catherine and Lady Anne might very well care more about wealth than peerages. 
Or the Fitzwilliam title might just ... not be very old. Lady Catherine emphasizes that the Darcys and de Bourghs are ancient families. Maybe the Fitzwilliams aren’t. Think of Sir Walter Elliot looking down on a lord because it’s a new title, even though he’s very impressed by nobility in general. He’s ridiculous, but that’s the point—Austen’s ridiculing that kind of common attitude. It’s possible that Lady Catherine’s/Lady Anne’s/Lord ___’s father was, say, only the second Earl Whatever and the family is very conscious of it. 
In that case, Darcy and Anne’s marriage would reinforce the Darcys’ and de Bourghs’ connections to nobility and reinforce the Fitzwilliams’ connections to ancient families by uniting the Darcys and de Bourghs via Darcy’s and Anne’s shared Fitzwilliam blood and combine their wealth into a vast fortune for Lady Catherine’s and Lady Anne’s children and grandchildren and Lady Catherine and Lady Anne are close and joining their families would make them happy. 
This is long and speculative, so the short version: I think it’s possible that Lady Catherine was laser-focused on Darcy marrying Anne in part because of her closeness to her sister and the arrangement they made together, but I do think she probably had the additional motives she states in P&P in some form or another.
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pcssessicn · 4 years
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☆ . · . miguel bernardeau, twenty-one, male, he / him . · . ☆ fitzwilliam 'fitz' phénix-alvarez lives in that huge mansion over there! no, not that one. look for white stucco walls & terracotta shingles and that’ll be it. the nhl defenseman has offered occasional glimpses of soft yellow walls and an impressive collection of plants in the background of social media posts, but all of that is nothing compared to seeing the opulence in person. they’ve remained protective as ever since moving to tercet court two months ago, but it seems like they might’ve gotten a little more mistrustful too. maybe that’s why they’re rumored to have such a distant relationship with everyone else who lives on this street. ☆ . · . ooc info: ollie, they / them, 21, est . · . ☆ career claim: cale ma/kar.
Full name: Fitzwilliam Phénix-Alvarez Nickname: Fitz Birth date: September 29th Languages: English, Spanish, Quebecois Francois Hometown: 
Age: 21 Weight: 196 lbs Height: 6′2″ Body build: athletic, lean Eye color: grey-blue Faceclaim: Miguel Bernardeau Glasses or contacts: neither 
Tattoos: a raven in flight over his left shoulder blade, monochromatic vines winding up his left bicep
Scars: most predominantly a thin scar near the base of his neck where a skate slashed him when he was fourteen ; several other smaller scars of less note, especially on his hands --- much less noticeable
Good personality traits: observant, calculating, protective Bad personality traits: mistrustful, dishonest, aggressive 
Fitz comes across as very confident and in control, and at ease in his skin. The truth couldn’t be farther from it. He works hard to put forward the easy front he does --- and some days he can’t tell which one is more real. He has a dishonest smile that masquerades as honest, and a tendency to manipulate those around him when necessary to shed suspicion off himself. He can be almost charming at times, at least extremely amiable. Despite all this, Fitz is not rash or impulsive -- in fact everything he does is carefully calculated, though he goes to great lengths so it does not come across as so. The one place he feels truly effortless is on the ice.
He finds it hard to truly allow people close to him and to really see beyond the most superficial layers of himself. Furthermore, there is a deep-seated fear of not being enough and being forgotten ; he finds it easier to not let anyone close so there’s less chance of this happening.
THE STORY ( i rly was gunna try to write this nice and eloquently but... u get this instead 😔 )
— fitz was born to up and coming spanish actress reyna alvarez in chicago. the result of a messy one-night stand, but reyna ultimately decided to keep the baby. he is indeed named after fitzwilliam darcy from pride and prejudice bc his mother’s first breakout role was in a film adaptation of the book and she loved the book after reading it. how unfortunate for him.
— his birth father was never in the picture, but the man he would come to know as his father came into the picture a year or so after his birth. already one of the top architects in north america, paul robert phenix was in chicago for a conference and he and reyna fell in love. fitz has been told it’s was all very romantic. so then the happy family moved to pittsburgh where his father’s architecture firm was based.
— despite growing up with two parents who raked in a fair amount of cash, they made sure nothing was just given to fitz. they’d both had their humble beginnings and big believers in tough love, they made sure not to spoil their son. they did however make sure he was sheltered from the media when it poked around and the two things they did pay for without question were his education and sports.
— he started playing hockey when he was six after seeing a pens game on tv while they were out at dinner and knowing he just had to do it --- and never stopped. he got recruited to the us national team development program when he was sixteen and spent his last two years of high school in michigan living with a billet family most do who are with the program, which gave him a huge sense of “normalcy.” but really he was far from normal, his development taking great steps over those two years leading up to his draft year.
— queue the cale ma/kar career claim lads aka all the hockey development & logistics u can probably skip if u don’t care laksdjf: 
 one year before graduation and a draft, he vocally committed to playing at university of massachusetts - amherst. he went fourth overall to the la kings in the 2017 draft ( yeah technically irl that pick belonged to the avs but sh ), and proceeded to remain loyal to his commitment and play two years at umass despite his new top five prospect status. he was put into a first pair role from the start of his freshman year ( 2017-18 ), was a huge part in bringing the umass team up from the bottom of the standings. he plays for team usa in world juniors 2017 and 2018.
his sophomore year ( 2018-19 ), they make it all the way to the frozen four. fitz gets announced as the hobey baker winner and the day after they get knocked out of the tournament. not long after that he signs his entry contract with the kings and finishes out the season with them. he scores his first nhl goal on his first shot in game 3 of the first round of playoffs irl the kings don’t make playoffs but again shh. they get knocked out in the first round and fitz goes home and trains harder than ever.
he come back to kings training camp the next season ( 2019-20 ) more determined than ever to make the team. he does so out of camp and has an incredible rookie campaign. he gets injured in december and misses a few games but is back mid-january. fitz is given the calder ( award that goes to the best rookie in the nhl ) at the end of the season. technically cale hasn’t won this yet but we all know he will.
— la is a bustling city and fitz is a fan of one night stands : he just doesn’t feel like he has time for a relationship and hookups scratch that itch. he’s not an asshole about it, really. there is typically that understanding that this is a one time, no strings attached thing. but this one girl he sleeps with in march obviously does not get this memo and continues to not get the memo. she starts seriously stalking him in the following months and eventually he gets a restraining order against her ( use ur imagination kids ). he’s not really comfortable staying in his own apartment downtown for the time being though after he still sees her around. he stays with a teammate until the season ends, which then brings us to his connection to tercet court.
— paul robert phenix, now world reknowned architect, had a hand in designing several of the homes on tercet court, including one in the style of old money spanish mediterrianian villas that he designed with his wife in mind to be their new home. fitz’s mother had loved the house and moved in for a few years after the court opened but with her taking fewer roles up in the movie industry and getting exceedingly more lonely, she decided to embrace the more nomadic livestyle of her husband and moved out about a year and a half ago. since then the home stood vacant ( though certainly still cared for by several paid landscapers and maids ) until fitz’s dilemma arose a few months ago.
— a few phone calls and a begrudging agreement to pay the extremely steep taxes on the place for the year ( again, tough love and fitz may be a pro-athlete but he’s still making less than a million a year with his entry level contract ), and fitz moved in about two months ago ( say mid-may ).
— tri-lingual. father is french-canadian and his mother is spanish. needless to say he grew up a little confused. that worked itself out soon enough though. uses he uses quebois french in-season kind of frequently to talk to a couple teammates. really only uses his spanish to talk to his mother and family.
— since moving in fitz has filled the mansion with plants. he absolutely does not seem like a plant guy but he is... absolutely loves it. his major at umass was kinesology bc he thought it would be the most helpful and knew he wasn’t going to graduate but he snuck in some out-of-major classes on horticulture. truly just likes plants a lot. they don’t judge him.
— probably set up his own puck shooting pad in the backyard. why not there’s enough space. he had to retrieve a couple pucks from the bottom of the pool though which has been good incentive to not miss the net lmao. he also has revamped one of the rooms in the house to have synthetic ice.
— runs in the morning before it gets hot. skates a few days of the week in the afternoon. home gym in the house is definitely a perk but he prefers to work out with others because it feels more productive.
— probably drives like. a range rover.
— offensive defenseman. likes to jump up in the rush and is good at break out passes as well as zone entry. earned his place quarterbacking the first powerplay towards the end of the season. he can be quite physical when he needs to be though and don’t ever go after his goalie. ( his nhl.com player page )
— he’s not a recluse by any means, but he has no desire to built connections in tercet court so probably hasn’t actively reached out. they’re likely to have met outside of the small community or if your character forcibly came and introduced themselves. or if they knew each other already mayhaps??
— oh and he’s bi. like really really bi. obv not advertised given his career path but he’s not having some crisis over it either. it just is. probably has a stack of nda’s next to the condoms ready to go at anytime alsdkfj.
hey lads. i’m ollie !! for those around for round 1.0 of this rp i played alya ( the sports photog ). i am back and this time going back to what i do best : playing hockey boys 😔😔😔.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Business Year: Freshman Age: 19 FC: Courtney Eaton
Anne de Bourgh was not a woman familiar with the luxury of choice. Growing up with Catherine de Bourgh as a mother, everything had been set out for her - from the private schools she attended, to the classes she took, to the friends she had, to the clothes she wore. All of it had been determined by her mother. Perhaps it was because her mother never fully recovered from the shock of losing Anne’s father. Perhaps, after Anne’s childhood illness, the fear never loosened its grip on Catherine de Bourgh’s heart. Regardless, Anne had not known a day of freedom until she started at Austen - even if it was the school that chosen and set aside for Anne since she was a child.
She had at least the sympathy and support of Georgiana and William Darcy. Although never close as children, their mothers had been best friends in high school and sorority sisters in university. The three would see each other on holidays and shared vacations, supporting each other through all that a vacation with Catherine de Bourgh entailed. Her circle, however, had not extended much farther than that.
When at last she had settled in her dorm room, however, a world of choices seemed to expand before her. She could choose who she spent her time with, where she went, what she did. Despite any pressure from her mother, Anne had the choice to determine what her life would be. It is a power she has never known before, and one she is almost afraid to wield. It had always been assumed by Anne’s mother that she would get her degree in business and finance, so she could take her place in Catherine de Bourgh’s empire. 
Anne, however, is beginning to question whether she can follow that decision. A possible career in medicine has been calling her name, and for the first time in her life Anne has found a passion for herself - and has had no experience in saying no to such things. With possibilities ahead of her, new friends around her, a mother insisting on knowing everything going on with her life, Anne’s newfound freedom of choice might just be too much for her.
Georgiana Darcy: Georgiana and Anne grew up together but were never close. Only now that they both attend Austen have they begun to get to know each other and have since become good friends.
Will Darcy: Anne knew Will perhaps even less than she knew Georgie. He was older by several years and usually spent his time with Fitz when their families got together. She has come to admire him and appreciate him as a friend and they both pretend not to know her mother’s matchmaking machinations.
Richard “Fitz” Fitzwilliam: Another friend of the family who Anne never really had the chance to know before. But since starting here he has come to be like family and she truly looks up to him.
Harriet Smith: Harriet, sweet and uncertain, is a very good friend to Anne. It is largely Harriet’s optimism and good will that allowed the two to talk long enough to become friends.
Catherine Morland: While Harriet and Anne became friends quietly, Catherine burst into Anne’s life and never left. The two are very close.
Anne is open. You can apply for her here.
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im-a-ramblr · 5 years
Dialogue Prompt 11 “We could get arrested for this.” for Pride and Prejudice?
I should not have come up with this as quickly as I did. Have fun sharing in the Darcy/Bingley family tea time!
Fitzwilliam Darcy sat next to his best friend and wife, Elizbeth Bennet Darcy. Across from them was his sister-in-law Jane Bennet Bingley, and her husband and Fitzwilliam’ other best friend and surrogate brother, Charles Bingley. They appeared to be in the middle of a very pleasant conversion, or at least Georgiana thought so. But Lizzy glanced her way and made a slight hand movement that Georgiana had seen her make when she was growing bored with a conversation. The younger girl hesitated. She didn’t want to interrupt, her brother desperately needed to learn how to socialize.
“Oh, Georgiana! What are you doing hiding away behind the door?” Jane’s voice carried across the room and the girl smiled sheepishly.
“I didn’t want to disrupt.” The blond moved out of her hiding place.
Her brother, the sweet man, looked aghast. “My darling Georgiana, you could never be a disruption!”
The blonde giggled at his dramatics. “Oh I don’t know, I’m sure I must have been when we were younger. I think,” her blue eyes narrowed as she thought about it. “I think I remember once or twice that I was asked to leave. You and Charles were planning something. I don’t remember what.”
Charles started to laugh. “I remember. I think, yes, it was when Fitz wanted to sneak into the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology.”
Lizzy leaned over, smirking. “Do tell.”
“This was some, oh 15 years ago I suppose. Darcy wanted to sneak into the museum because of an exhibit, something on Rome. He dragged me along, and when we got caught I was sure we’d go to jail.”
Jane gasped, hands flying to her mouth. “Did you get in very much trouble?”
Fitzwilliam shook his head, “The man who caught us was far too amused that we were trying to sneak in to learn, rather than to steal. Although Charlie’s sobbing of ‘We could get arrested for this’. Made it a lot header to conceive him that we innocent.”
The women laughed.
“Any more childhood adventures, you’d like to tell us about?” Lizzy teased her husband.
“Yes, actually.” the dark-haired man grinned wickedly. “It connects to the last. It’s the story of why Charles was so worried about getting arrested. After all, it wasn’t the first time he nearly had.
Bingley paled. "Oh no. I beg of you Fitzwilliam. Don’t. Please. Have mercy.”
Jane stared at her husband. “What?” she asked innocently. Bingley merely shook his head. Jane sighted before turning to her sister. 'I won’t force him to tell, or even listen to it. But I know Fitzwilliam will tell you, and I hope you’ll have the heart to tell me at the next sisters’ night.’
“Jane!” Bingley cried as Elisabeth and Georgiana eagerly agreed. “Oh, just tell it. If we do it now, I can make sure he doesn’t make it out to be worse than it was.”  
Darcy grinned again. “It started with this stuffed bear and our old neighbor…..”
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