#so bad i ordered a temporary one today to test trial it
pennyserenade · 2 months
getting a tattoo for the x files we're about to make it official babes
3 notes · View notes
sunshine-overload · 11 months
[BSTS] Main Story S5Ch6 ‘Jade Thread Handspun by the New Moon’ - Part 1
hi vaporize slaps
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Chapter 1
-rehearsal room-
aogiri: Mokuren, everyone else too. My apologies for interrupting during rehearsals, but could you lend me a moment?
mokuren: What is it?
aogiri: After receiving instructions on how to produce my designs into costumes, the prototypes have arrived. Before I present them to the temporary management team, I wanted to have you of Team C check them first.
qu: These outfits, you designed them? Wow, they're amazing, but how did you...?
kasumi: When we were discussing whether or not to hire Aogiri, we decided to have him make a costume as a trial. In order for him to have creative freedom, we made the theme 'Team C's regular stage costumes'.
qu: I see! I had thought the previous designs of his I saw were impressive too, but they're even more so when you see the final product.
zakuro: My oh my, these couldn't be called anything but magnificent.
mokuren: Not half bad. 
kasumi: That's understating it isn't it? They're amazing!
mokuren: You completed them at just the right time. We'll use these for our next performance.
kasumi: Wait, what!? Mokuren~ I just said before that these were to test Aogiri's skills. They're prototypes.
mokuren: Aogiri. Would you consider these mere prototypes?
aogiri: No, I put my all into them like I would any other project.
mokuren: Then there should be no issues. Besides, how can you tell if a costume is good or not from just looking at it? Without dancing in them how can you say they're good?
zakuro: Hm, you do have a decent point there.
hari: Please wait, isn't it too premature of a decision to use these costumes?
mokuren: Why?
hari: Guests that are fans of us would be used to C's current outfits aesthetics. Additionally, we've already been rehearsing in our usual stage outfits.
zakuro: My my, what a dilemma. Hari brings up a good point too.
aogiri: In that case... Why don't we hold a versus between the costumes? I've been informed that Starless also holds shows such as these sometimes. We can leave it to the guests to decide whether or not my design is fitting for Team C.
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mokuren: A versus? I see, you want to stand on the stage in the costume you made then? How interesting. Aogiri, you're ready to sing that song that I previously lent you right?
aogiri: Huh? You mean, you'd like for me to sing it?
kasumi: Woah woah, wait up. If he's going to be singing, then does that make Zakuro the opponent of this versus!?
mokuren: Yep.
zakuro: To think the sparks of the fire would fall upon me. This is nothing short of a great shock.
qu: Mokuren, all Aogiri suggested was to hold a versus between the outfits. We could just switch out the stage outfits each performance... Is that not enough?
mokuren: There'd be no point in just making it about the outfits. We have to change the direction of the show to match properly. That way, if they're accepted by the guests, we can continue to steer C in that direction moving forward. It's a done deal, I'll go and tell the management team about this.
Chapter 1 extra
-starless hallway-
-kei walks up-
aogiri: ...Good work today. Could you have business with Team C? Would you like me to call them out for you?
kei: The one I have business with is you. You have yet to achieve the most important factor for you to continue to work at Starless.
aogiri: The most important...? If you mean the matter of my costumes then Mokuren will—
kei: Compared to this task everything else is trivial. Follow me.
kei: Apologies for the wait, Saki. I have brought the person I'd like for you to meet.
saki: Thank you. So this is...
kei: He's the man who was accepted as Team C's understudy. His name is Aogiri. It had been hectic throughout the anniversary performances, I apologise greatly for not introducing him to you sooner.
saki: Oh no, I don't mind.
kei: Aogiri, engrave this into your very soul. To Starless this woman is of the utmost importance, make sure to treat her with the highest of respect. Do not forget that she is a special guest.
aogiri: Um, and what is the reason for that...?
kei: You do not need to know the reason.
aogiri: ...Ok, understood. Excuse me for the late introduction, miss. Once again, my name is Aogiri. It's a pleasure to meet you.
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-aogiri intro cg
saki: It's nice to meet you too.
aogiri: At first I had only applied to be a designer but as fate would have it, I'm now a member of Team C. I am currently trying my best to get used to working here at Starless. I'm learning new things everyday. I'll work hard to make sure I put on a presentable show for you.
Chapter 1 SideA
-starless office-
mokuren: Coming in.
yakou: Hi Mokuren, what's the matter?
mokuren: For our next show, we're making it a versus within our team. Aogiri will stand on stage as a singer, his opponent is Zakuro.
yakou: ...Come again? So then... you mean the winner will be your main singer?
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mokuren: No, what's changing isn't our singer but our team's stage outfits. It's a competition between Aogiri's newly designed outfits and our usual ones. The winner will become our main stage costume.
yakou: Uhh so, it's a versus between the costumes then?
sin: The butterfly has brought morning dew into the dusk. Its appearance is different to the one before, and you must decide whether or not that is acceptable.
mokuren: As long as the show is of the same quality as always then there should be no problems. Am I wrong?
kei: No, that is correct. However, before that are you able to boast that Aogiri is qualified to stand on the stage? That of course not only meaning the quality of his performance, but whether he is mentally prepared must also be brought into question.
mokuren: Go ahead and interview him or test his performance for yourself, do whatever you want.
kei: In that case, I shall have him show me now.
mokuren: Fine. Let me know once you're done with him, I want him back in rehearsals afterwards.
yakou: Are you not going to accompany Kei, Mokuren?
mokuren: I have no need to. I've already evaluated Aogiri's worth.
-mokuren leaves-
sin: They found gold dust within the rubbish then.
kei: What is required is more than just ability though.
Chapter 1 SideA extra
-rehearsal room-
kei: Is everyone here? Before practice starts I would like to borrow this space for a moment.
ginsei: Did something happen?
yakou: Team C's upcoming show was suddenly changed to be a versus within their team. It's between Aogiri and Zakuro. But Aogiri literally only just joined right? So it became a question as to whether or not he's ready to be on stage yet.
sotetsu: You got in as an understudy and immediately started a versus? Not bad.
aogiri: It's not as though I was planning for this but... I guess it was just how god chose for things to be.
kei: If you are unwilling then step down now. And tell Mokuren too.
aogiri: Oh no, I was simply a bit surprised by the suddenness of it all. This is a rare opportunity so I will participate sincerely.
sotetsu: He seems enthusiastic enough to me.
kei: Very well. Then prove yourself here right now.
aogiri: As you wish.
-aogiri performs vaporize-
aogiri: I apologise for making you watch such a sorry sight.
yakou: I understand why Mokuren wanted you as their understudy now.
aogiri: I'm honoured for the kind words.
yoshino: Your singing... Have you ever trained in singing anywhere?
aogiri: No, not at all... I'm well aware my voice is at an amateur level.
yoshino: It's true you could use a little practice but…
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sotetsu: It just depends on Kei's verdict now. What did you think?
kei: ...He is not the same as that child in B.
aogiri: I have your approval to stand on the stage then?
kei: A word of warning. No matter how humble you are do not call your performance a 'sorry sight'. Covering ones back only occurs from lack of resolve. If you ever show a disgraceful performance upon the stage, I will not allow you to remain in Starless.
aogiri: Understood, I will remember that well.
Chapter 1 SideB
-locker rooms-
kasumi: Mokuren always manages to surprise us huh~
qu: I know right, he really never changes.
hari: They've always been hasty with their decisions but lately they've been getting even more reckless.
qu: I'm sure it's because he's searching for some sort of outcome.
hari: You mean he's looking at the team's future?
kasumi: Still, to think he'd make Aogiri who'd only just joined as an understudy sing, it's unheard of.
hari: As the one directly involved, what do you think about all this, Zakuro?
zakuro: My my, what are your intentions in asking such a question?
hari: I'm just genuinely asking.
kasumi: You were dragged in without warning this time after all.
zakuro: Very true, very true. However I actually see this as a valuable opportunity. Fighting against Aogiri and comparing ourselves, I may be able to get a deeper understanding of myself from it. 
qu: If you don't have any complaints then I guess we can't argue it.
zakuro: That said, I do not have any intention to lose either.
hari: You're not at all impatient or concerned then? Well, that is just like you.
zakuro: It’s just like me...? Hm?
kasumi: Is something the matter?
zakuro: No no, it’s just my true character is akin to trying to grasp sand grains in a sandstorm. Perhaps I am simply overthinking things... Or perhaps what I wish to know is exactly that. In any case, my duty remains the same. I must sing the song that I've been given, that is all…
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Chapter 1 SideB extra
-break room-
hinata: Aww~ Heath isn't here either.
ran: Did ya need him for somethin'?
hinata: I got given some matsutake donuts so I wanted to eat them with him.
sinju: Matsutake... donuts?
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(note: matsutake is a type of mushroom)
ran: The heck is that, Heath ain't gonna wanna eat those.
hinata: Hmph, oh well then. I'll eat them here myself then.
-kokuyou walks up-
kokuyou: Did you get those from Kou-san?
hinata: Yep! Do you want some, Kokuyou?
kokuyou: No thanks. He sure has been visiting here a lot lately.
sinju: Did you not talk to him, Kokuyou?
kokuyou: No... Despite being bad at making money he seems to be pretty well off.
ran: Really?
kokuyou: More or less. This was a long time ago now but despite not being knowledgeable about it he dabbled in foreign exchange trading and blew all his money.
ran: Oh? That's a bit surprisin'.
sinju: Do you know anything about this, Hinata? You'd know best how things have been for Iwami-san recently.
hinata: I don't know that much. When I first met Iwa-san he was making money normally in whatever that foreign exchange thing you mentioned is. If I remember right, he sometimes mentioned things like allergy trades and stuff.
ran: Ya mean algorithmic trading?
hinata: Ah yeah that~ It's all so complex sounding it makes it hard to remember the right names.
ran: That so?
hinata: Iwa-san used to be the owner of Starless right? He was suuuper worried about leaving the store in new hands, so that's why he wanted to make a lot of money. Don't you think him bringing all these gifts is his way of trying to make peace?
kokuyou: Who knows.
sinju: Still, it's pretty impressive he was able to make money doing something he isn't very good at. Maybe I'll ask Iwami-san to teach me about stocks.
ran: Oh, sounds good! Ya could become a multimillionaire in an instant~!
sinju: Wait, really!? Maybe I actually will try it...
kokuyou: Don't.
Chapter 2
-starless office-
saki: Good work everybody—
unei: Huh!? No one told me that~~!?
takami: It came up rather suddenly.
saki: Um, did something happen?
kei: Saki, you're here. Apologies for the commotion.
saki: It's fine... What happened?
kei: I shall explain that now—
-mizuki runs in-
mizuki: Oi Unei, why's our rehearsal room... Huh?
kei: Perfect, you can listen too.
mizuki: What?
kei: Regarding Team C's solo show, it has been changed to a versus. Mokuren and Kasumi can explain the details.
mokuren: The versus will decide our team's stage outfits, it's between Aogiri and Zakuro.
rindou: Meaning Aogiri will be performing on the stage?
takami: Since his opponent is Zakuro, he'll be on stage as a singer then, yes?
mokuren: Just having a contest between costumes is boring, Aogiri himself wanted this versus.
kasumi: That being said, winning this versus has nothing to do with changing our singer. The only thing that it will affect is which outfit becomes or stays our main one.
mokuren: Meaning if Aogiri wins, his newly designed outfits will be our main ones. Either way, I'll still choose whichever outfit is appropriate depending on the performance.
mizuki: Tch, how stupid.
mokuren: Say whatever you want. No point dumbing down the explanation for your sake.
mizuki: What was that, asshole?
rindou: It's something new, but the outcome will influence the aesthetic of C from here on out. It will be a difficult contest.
takami: As always I'm surprised by Mokuren's drastic decisions.
mizuki: Tch.
kei: It is as Rindou has said, this versus shall influence the direction of C henceforth. The battle shall be a tough one. Please watch over C no matter which future they take.
saki: Ok...
Chapter 2 extra
-starless hallway-
aogiri: ~~♪
saki: Hm? This voice...
aogiri: ...I see. So this is how I need to move my body to dance whilst singing.
saki: (It really is coming from this room... The door is slightly open...)
-costume storage room-
aogiri: —Hm? Saki-san?
saki: Aogiri-san, sorry for interrupting your practice.
aogiri: No worries, I'm sorry for causing such a disturbance.
saki: Um... How come you're practicing here?
aogiri: I had been in the voice training room, however I ran out of my allocated time. I just switched out with Zakuro.
saki: I see.
aogiri: However this room is full of dust, that's why I had the door open. All of the noise must be a nuisance though, I suppose I should close it after all.
saki: Is that so? I'll close it for you then.
aogiri: Ah, leave it for now. You being alone with another man in a room this dimly lit will make Kei worry. So leave the door open, alright?
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saki: Huh? Um... Ok.
aogiri: Thank you... Pardon me, but could I ask you a question?
saki: Sure, what is it?
aogiri: Could you be the owner's daughter?
saki: Ah, no I'm not...
aogiri: Then, I don't mean to be rude, but what exactly are you to this store...?
saki: ...I don't know why Kei-san treats me so differently either.
aogiri: —Understood. I may not know the details, but it is clear that you're someone that's important to Kei. In any case, I'll return to my voice training. I'm sorry for holding you up.
saki: No worries. But um, will you be ok in all the dust?
aogiri: I'll take proper care of my throat afterwards. For now I just need to get in as much practice as I can. I was told by those in Team K as well that I could use some practice.
saki: I see.
aogiri: Zakuro has been in C from the beginning. Winning against him will not be an easy task. But even so, I want to do my very best at what I can.
saki: Yes, please do your best.
aogiri: Thank you. 
-saki leaves, hallway-
aogiri: ~~♪
saki: (Aogiri-san is really motivated...)
Chapter 2 SideA
-starless backrooms-
saki: Good work today everyone. Do you have rehearsals now?
mokuren: Oh, Princess. I'll make sure the show's a great one so look forward to it.
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saki: I will be.
aogiri: I never imagined that I'd get to be wearing one of my own costumes like this. I tried to get plenty of practice in but I'm still a little nervous going into rehearsals.
hari: Once your body has learnt how to perform the psychological load will not affect it. That is why we practice via repetition. It can be quite difficult however.
aogiri: I see, I will try that.
mokuren: Princess, you should know already that this is a versus between our outfits. I will dance however my heart pleases, so you too should choose to support whoever your heart says to.
saki: Ok. This is the first time I've seen your new costumes... They look lovely.
qu: I think they're wonderful too. They're a new take on C, it's refreshing.
aogiri: I'm happy to hear that as the designer.
hari: It's true, our outfits up until now have been elegant and flexible. However these new ones highlight a more sharp and stoic look.
aogiri: I wanted to keep C's usual stylishness intact whilst still adding a new spin to the outfits.
kasumi: I see, your concept is reflected well in them.
aogiri: Thank you.
mokuren: Responding to orders by going above and beyond is your job. And by that I don't just mean in designing, but your singing and dance too.
aogiri: If those are your orders, then very well.
mokuren: If you get it then let's get going already, we need to start rehearsals soon.
-mokuren leaves-
saki: Do you best, Aogiri-san. I'll be supporting you.
aogiri: Thank you very much.
-saki and the others leave-
aogiri: ...I'm in a bit of a pinch huh.
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Chapter 2 SideA extra
-rehearsal room-
takami: Sorry I'm late, have you already started the meeting?
taiga: Nope, we're just about to. Rare for you to be late, did something happen?
takami: I had to deal with some sudden accounting matters. If Aogiri wins this versus then his outfits will become C's main ones right? In that situation we'd have to prepare new photos for our website. I figured I should at least get an estimate of the costs.
akira: What's this? Another versus?
taiga: Yeah, C's show is one.
akira: All full of energy aren't they. If it's within their team then who's fighting who here?
taiga: Zakuro and Aogiri. No matter who wins their main singer won't be changing though.
akira: Ooh? So that guy can sing. But wait, wasn't he just a designer?
taiga: They're deciding whether or not to keep using their usual outfits or the ones that Aogiri designed.
takami: Just comparing the outfits would be pointless, so the show's have to match to make a proper decision. Well, that's what Mokuren claimed at least.
akira: Hmm.
takami: Just like the set and acoustics, the costumes are an important part of building a show.
kokuyou: To Mokuren those are all just tools to enhance his own dancing though. 
taiga: I get what you're saying but isn't having a versus for it kinda unreasonable?
akira: You're just now realising that Mokuren's unreasonable?
taiga: Well, true.
sin: How has Aogiri been?
taiga: Joining as an understudy and being thrown into a versus for your first show. He really started on super ultra hard difficulty.
takami: I don't think we have to worry about him. He's the one that proposed the idea of the versus to Mokuren himself after all.
kokuyou: Then he better not flake under pressure.
taiga: Whew, he's really going for it. I hope he doesn't ruin himself just as quickly as he joined.
akira: Welp, we'll just have to see what happens.
sin: The die has been cast. Not even god can change the flow of its outcome now.
takami: True. We need to focus on our own stage instead.
akira: When it comes to things like this, if you fall it’s up to you to lift your ass back up again.
Chapter 2 SideB 
-park, day time-
zakuro: My oh my, I was not expecting to meet you in a place such as this.
sin: Are you taking a stroll before your show?
zakuro: Yes, as you can see. Sorry to disappoint but it is simply a walk. Would there be any other meaning behind it?
sin: .....
sin: Why is it that you continue being a singer?
zakuro: To ask such a thing, you have quite a strange amount of interest in me today.
sin: I can't imagine that you desired this versus. What value does singing hold to you?
zakuro: My, all I must do is sing the songs that I am given perfectly. That is who I should be.
sin: Should a fountain be filled with stagnant rain water? Or was the animal's trail obscured by the bushes?
zakuro: My my, whatever could you be saying?
sin: How long can you delay things? Surely it cannot be for much longer.
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zakuro: Ah yes yes, the curtain to the stage will soon be rising. I plan to return soon.
sin: Is that vessel of yours still an empty one? I apologise for intruding.
-sin leaves-
zakuro: Hm... I wonder what it was he was trying to say to me.
Chapter 2 SideB extra
-second rehearsal room-
ran: Hey hey, I just saw C's flyer, is it really true it's a versus between Aogiri n' Zakuro?
mizuki: Oh yeah, they did say that. Something about new outfits, I don't remember.
hinata: What!? That means Aogiri is getting up on the stage then?
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lico: He tried to make out that he was all humble but this is what he's really like then.
kongou: I'm not so sure. He didn't seem like the type that would initiate a contest himself... As long as he wasn't pressured into it it's fine.
ran: Either way he's decided to fight. Sounds like fun, singin' whilst throwin’ punches, I wonder how far they'll get.
lico: Zakuro will slaughter the newbie and it'll be over with. There's no way Aogiri can win that easily.
heath: True. However he must be capable for Mokuren to approve of this versus.
ran: He made their rumoured new costumes too, this might be Aogiri's one n' only chance!
mizuki: Who cares about that shady ass guy. Well, if he can beat Zakuro's ass then I might just acknowledge him a little.
hinata: You guys are missing the point~ This is unfair~
mizuki: Huh? What is?
hinata: If Aogiri can be in a versus then why can't I? I wanna hold a versus to try and be a standard member too.
lico: Huuh? You really think you're in a position to be saying that?
hinata: C'mon, what's so different between me and Aogiri anyways? We're both understudies and.. Wait I even joined earlier than him!
lico: Joining before him means nothing. Work until you're good enough to be on the stage first before complaining.
hinata: What~? Is my dancing really that bad? With some practice I'm sure I'll be able to get to Aogiri's level.
kongou: Well, do your best.
ran: Ya, just wanting to be better won't make ya any better.
mizuki: Exactly, so come at me more seriously, Hinata.
To Part 2
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yokelish · 2 years
So here's a fun story of mine.
I respect medical professionals. And by that, I mean good medical professionals.
About four years ago I started to seriously try to figure out why my headaches and migraines were getting progressively worse with age. And other symptoms started to appear too: nausea, sensitivity to light and sounds, loss of time and vision, absence of short-term memory, extreme exhaustion, and neck pain. So much pain. There were days when all I wanted to do was lay in bed and whine from pain.
So, I did what any rational adult would. And got a medical appointment. A physician looked at me, ordered a few blood tests, and asked about my family history, etc.
In the end, I was given a very mediocre medication the details of which don't matter. But I had to take it every day because it was preventative. And for a while, it seemed like it worked. But I had a bad reaction to the medication and it had to be removed. Once I was put off the medication, it all returned just as before. I remember telling my partner at the time without a hint of irony if I had a gun in this house, today would be my last day alive. That's how miserable I felt at that time.
So, I was directed to a neurologist. And I went. And he did what a neurologist does. Then I asked him if I should get an MRI, just to be sure, just so we know it's definitely not the brain. He said it wasn't needed.
He said it wasn't uncommon for women to have migraines. In fact, women are more likely to get them.
Yes, some of your other symptoms are a bit unusual but they are temporary.
He said I passed all the tests, and I was fine.
He said if I didn't have any recent head traumas, it was quite unnecessary.
It's a complex procedure (spoiler: it isn't), why would you want to be on a waitlist for months for nothing?
And so I didn't push him. I had to go through a drug trial to find what worked for my migraines now. I was tested for intracranial hypertension; they suggested lifestyle changes. Little adjustments to help out with the headaches and neck tension. And then slowly I grew complacent with it. Put the frog in boiling water and it will jump right out. But put in cold water and slowly heat it up, it won't be able to tell the difference. Life started to happen. I buried a friend. The pandemic. My MDD started to take priority over the headaches.
And then I almost went fully blind in one eye for 15 minutes. For no apparent reason.
What were you doing when it happened?
Uuugh, nothing. I was just reading in bed, laying funny. When I started losing vision in my left eye, I thought it was eye strain. But about two minutes later I realized it sure wasn't that. I immediately got up and went to my partner. When I explained what was happening to me and we got ready to go to the hospital, it started to come back. That's why I am here.
That didn't happen.
And the neck pain was increasing. The intensity of the pain in my head kept increasing. The periods of those episodes continued to grow.
I have since moved. Got a new physician. And, I guess, I had a bad episode. There was a day I was in pain, I was miserable. I made an appointment ASAP. He is a great doctor. He is willing to put up with my demands for MDD medication, migraines. Even the smallest ear infections. There wasn't a time I came to him with a problem and he tried to rationalize it to me.
Ear infection?
Yes, you have it. It doesn't seem serious right now, so just over-the-counter medication will do. But if you don't feel any better, or even worse tomorrow, do let me know.
So, after that bad episode, I decided I can't be fucked anymore. Enough is enough. The pain was unbearable. I am a working, reasonably healthy adult, I can't be in this much pain without a cause. Unless they've checked for everything, EVERYTHING in the books and it came empty, only then would I accept that this pain was something I had to live with.
What I did was fucked up. Don't do that. But what I said to him, I meant with every cell of my being.
I want an MRI. And if it comes empty, order whatever test you can think of, no matter how invasive. Because this pain is getting worse, there are days when holding up my head is a conscious task. There are days when doing anything other than lying horizontally is a teeth-grinding endeavor. When I lower my chin, I can feel something along my spine, like a cord being pulled, not in a healthy muscle-stretching way, there is a tension that I don't think should be there.
And then he asked me how bad I would rate the pain on the worst day.
If this pain continues to increase at the rate it has been, I won't be alive by the time I am 31. I will take my own life.
And I was ordered an MRI. Not to say how ridiculously long I had to wait for an hour-long procedure where a big loud machine just scans your head.
And the doctor's office for the first time asks me to come in for the test results.
Your brain is healthy. But we found something in your neck.
And I felt giddy like a child who was promised candy. I wasn't insane. It wasn't "one of those things that women have to deal with". Fuck you, the professional who told me this. I sincerely hope you get sued. I'd sue you myself but I can't be fucked to be bothered with that right now.
My health care professional suspects syringomyelia. A fluid cyst in my spinal cord. I will have to go through more tests to see what it is for sure, what is the cause, and how bad it's gotten.
The point is
If one fucker decided to listen and not to rationalize a woman HER OWN Pain, if one fucker agreed to order a fairly simple medical test, perhaps this cyst probably could have been discovered THREE-MOTHERFUCKING-YEARS AGO.
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danideservedbetter · 3 years
Alright so, here’s how things are gonna work.
First off, welcome to this side blog. Since it won’t be jolly fun fandom content and will be a little more personal I decided to separate my health and writing journey from my fandom stuff, although all my fandom content will still be linked on my main blog here.
(I write Izuocha/bnha content which isn’t super popular so if you’re not here for that then yeah, I don’t blame you. But if you are I have a link to our discord and community content pinned so def check it out if you’re interested.)
Secondly, you guys will hear details about stuff relating to my health like what kinds of things affect my disorder based on the tests some doctors are ordering, how I’m trying to improve my diet and activity, and routines and goals I’m attempting for myself. I am underweight, and that’s something I’m going to be talking a bit about, so if that’s triggering following this blog might not be the best thing for you. Details under the cut.
So, what kind of disorder do I have and why did I decide to make a health journey blog? My disorder is called idiopathic hypersomnia. Basically what that means is that when my disorder is acting up (based on factors like stress especially or my generalized anxiety rearing its ugly head) I have the capacity to sleep. And sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep. My longest recorded uninterrupted “sleep-attack” was 26 hours long and ever since I caught Covid in January, my body had been slowly growing weaker to the point I was starting to develop atrophy. I’ve had this ten years and my neurologist suspects inactive cells from mononucleosis I caught at 14 was the cause, because other IH patients have linked their sleeping problems to a case of mono or have had it at some point in their lives.
This disease stole many years and many things I’ve looked forward to from me. I lost friends and experiences and failed so many college classes I had to drop out.
I’ve decided I’m taking them back.
It’s not going to be easy. Just as it took ten years to convince myself that my tiredness was something I chose to give into, it took several extra years and many fights with my family to convince them that I had a real actual neurological disorder and that I need help sometimes. My parents and grandmother finally understand that I have to finish college and find a very special boss willing to work around my erratic progress on projects, but the outsiders they married are not as convinced. My grandmother’s husband kicked me out of their house because he wants to be the center of attention and doesn’t like that some days I’m so weak that I needed my grandmother’s help, and my father’s wife thinks I’m a lazy and ungrateful leech who “gets anxiety just being around” me. Both told my father I’ll never be happy so why even bother with me, but my dad is actually striving to understand his own recently-diagnosed PTSD so while we still butt heads he’s understanding that I have to take things day by day because every tiny circumstance affects my disorder.
Now, why did I decide to air all this out? Well, being open about my disorder and how it affects me has helped at least two people that I know of find out that the tiredness they experience isn’t the typical “American work force exhaustion” they were trained to believe is normal. So if I can help even one more, I’ll gladly talk about what this entails and how I deal with it day to day. Another reason is that I’m also one of those big advocates who believes talking candidly about mental health destigmatizes it and sharing ideas can help us grow as people and maybe make it a little easier to deal with.
So now that you know a little bit about me and my disorder, here are my big goals for the next three months provided my university takes pity on me and actually lets me go back.
First up: create routines to train my body to get used to living a full day fully awake. This includes waking up at the same time and going to sleep at the same time. It means getting dressed and going out and doing things, even little things— which I’ll get to in a sec.
Second: I write. I have a novel in limbo and I write fanfics. Writing is a big part of who I am and I’ve written one thing this year, which for a whole six-month stretch is upsetting and disappointing. Today is my reset. In the next 569 days I want to to finish the six stories I have in limbo (except the larger one) and finally reach my goal of posting 200k words in a single year. I wont be hard on myself if I can’t accomplish this because honestly finishing anything in the chaos of my life is going to be a miracle but. There ya go.
Third: go back to freakin college. I don’t care what it takes. Sit down with every official, every lawyer, and every professor it takes to get me back enrolled in classes in the fall.
Fourth: I have several smaller things I have to do, short term goals, stuff like that. I’m gonna create a to do list each day of small tasks I want to get done and while some of these things will be part of my daily routine I am throwing in like one or two things a day that just need to be done. My writing goal will change daily and I’ll keep y’all updated on that with every post I make.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Dani! That’s so much!! Well, a few months ago I remembered hey!! I basically have a computer in my hand, why make it hard on myself. So I downloaded certain apps to help me out. This isn’t me saying “hey go subscribe to these apps because I said so” it’s just that through a lot of trial and error I’ve come to find that these certain apps work for me and I’ve yet to come across one that has the functionality of everything I need.
Tiimo — so this is an app I found developed by people with autism for people with autism to help them develop good habits and routines. It has preset daily schedules (things like morning routines or nightly routines or work routines) and an internal alarm to let you know when to move on to the next task. I myself have extremely low-level aspergers (to the point where my doctor won’t give me an official diagnosis because I didn’t want people think that *it’s* the reason I have issues with school), so moving from task to task can be difficult sometimes and I also deal with getting distracted. This widget also appears on my home screen so I know what I have to do at a glance. You can program in weekly and daily tasks to fully customize your schedule, which is fantastic for someone like me who wants to for example rotate chores. This is hopefully going to help me get my body in the habit of adjusting to routines and transitioning from one task to another, as well as getting important things done responsibly.
Promptly Journals — I’ve been told for a while that journaling is helpful mentally to kind of recenter yourself, so a bit ago I downloaded several journal apps to add to my morning routine. Now some will prefer more creatively free journals, but I prefer this one that gives me small prompts I can do in a short amount of time that just allows me to get my thoughts down. I can even add pictures at the bottom that go with the theme! I’m scared I’ll run out of prompts eventually lol but until then this app works very well for my needs.
Stretchingexercise — Now idk if it’s from lack of sleep from my disorder, the position I sleep in when I do sleep, all the physical labor I’ve had to do in the past couple weeks, my medicine, or w h a t but I suffer from body aches like no one would believe. I know stretching is supposed to help with that, so I downloaded this app to help me do non-demanding physical activity that wakes me up in the mornings and helps relieve pain so I don’t keep having to take pain relievers. This one has different plans for things like muscle tension, back pain, warm ups— and it also gives you rudimentary weight updates (I’m underweight lololol so we’re looking to fix that) or plan updates. It’s worked really well for me so far and gives you animations and descriptions of the workouts (some taken from yoga) as well as timed breaks and a narrated guide. It’s been pretty helpful in temporary relief and if nothing else gets my blood flowing in the mornings.
Widgetsmith Step counter — in addition to the stretching thing one thing my doctor and I discussed that helps with the sedentary lifestyle is simply walking. I’ve needed so bad to relieve my stamina and reverse the atrophy, and walks have been stellar for that. Now I live in the New Orleans area so humidity and heat force me to go at the crack of Dawn, but honestly my weenie dachshund Charlie really enjoys our time out so he goes with me! The CDC recommends 10,000 steps a day which seems like a lot and it is if you don’t get out much. But this gives me an excuse to get dressed and do the hygienic thing and help Charlie be healthy too, as well as give me time for brainstorming because we walk in a truly beautiful area. I’m sure everyone installed widgetsmith with the last iOS update (Apple users anyway) and while at first the step counter was just interesting I’ve since come to rely on it! We do our 5000 in the morning, which of course is half, and I find that other things I do throughout the day typically drive the counter higher. Anything leftover can easily be accomplished by an evening walk in our neighborhood. Now the caveat is that I have to remote have my phone in my pocket because I don’t own a watch or anything fancy lol, but honestly I need to keep it on me anyway so that serves as a good reminder.
Todoist — this one is my FAVORITE. Ever since I’ve decided that I have trouble keeping track of things I need to do and small stuff I need to keep in mind and appointments, etc, I decided to find a list app. This is the one I found that absolutely helps me for everything from my list of room supplies I need to buy, to my reading list, to general tasks I have coming up I need to complete. And its widget functionality keeps it right on my Home Screen! More organized individuals can just use tiimo, but I’m definitely not one of those individuals so this app is sorely needed and appreciated.
And of course, I know building habits the first few weeks is HARD. So for days my body doesn’t respond to my alarms, I have a checklist of the key things I have to do to keep my life as functional as possible.
So that’s that on that. I’m going to try to keep writing updates and my daily goals in a post in the morning, and reblog what I accomplished in the evening. It’s gonna be tough. But I’m thinking if I can start small I’ll be able to build my stamina enough to return to college and be successful when I do. I hope that anyone watching this journey draws some kind of meaning or inspiration from it. And you guys can even follow along if y’all want! Especially for writers or people trying to get healthier. I can’t promise what works for me will work for you (and honestly I expect things to change especially if I get accepted into college again) but hey, I figure it’s worth a shot.
I hope you guys enjoy watching this journey, if nothing else I hope it’s entertaining. And maybe it’ll be successful. I do know that I’m just gonna try for it, and hope it works out.
First daily update to follow
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luisa-writes · 3 years
Cayetano Political Dynasty
The People Power Revolution sparked change all over the Philippines and liberated the vast majority of Filipinos from oppression and issues of similar nature. Consequently, Filipinos were free from verbal restrainment and have played a huge factor in voicing new ideas, constructive criticism, and analytical thinking in terms of political matters over the decades. Unfortunately, the country still faces corruption and mediocrity from politicians who swore equity and justice. There has seemed to be a conspicuous pattern over the years as to the causes of political corruption and incompetence: political dynasties. The topic of political dynasties has seemed to stir controversy amongst the politically aware, principally because it demotes political competition and historically results in an abuse of powers. In the following pages, the researchers will be tackling comprehensive information about one of the most familiar political dynasties in our generation today, the Cayetano Dynasty. The family’s background, the beginning of their dynasty, their political history, programs and laws, and issues they are associated with will be introduced and discussed informatively.
 The Cayetano dynasty began with Rene Cayetano, a lawyer, journalist, television presenter, and politician who gained recognition for his efforts and sincere devotion to crime prevention and improvement of the criminal justice system. Rene Cayetano was not wealthy during his early political journey as he had been a working student during the time where he was working for a law degree. Despite this, Rene Cayetano was extremely intelligent as he had studied at the University of the Philippines and had even procured a scholarship grant in the United States. Rene Cayetano married Sandra Schramm, and together they had four children. Because of Rene Cayetano’s popularity and expertise in the field of politics, his children were influenced to undergo the same path he had taken. Rene Cayetano’s intelligence was naturally passed down to his four children who have graduated from prestigious universities such as the University of the Philippines and Ateneo University. The Cayetanos are presently wealthy, but in contrast to other known politicians, they were not as rich but not entirely poor either. A study had shown that in 2013-2014, Alan Peter Cayetano was one of the poorest members of the Senate with a net worth of 23 million pesos. In 2020, it was shown that Pia Cayetano was listed 10th as one of the richest members of the Senate.
 Rene Cayetano paved the way for the family’s political journey to begin when he was the Senator of the Philippines from 1998-2003. Pia Cayetano, his eldest daughter, took office after him in 2004-2016 and 2019-present day. Alan Peter Cayetano, Rene Cayetano’s eldest son, began his political journey as a member of the Municipality of Taguig from 1992-1995. He, later on, became the Vice Mayor of the Taguig Municipality, a senator from 2007-2017, and is presently a Congressman representing Pateros-Taguig. Ma. Laarni Cayetano, Alan Peter Cayetano’s wife, also became part of their family’s dynasty. She became a congresswoman of the Pateros-Taguig in 2007, later became the city’s mayor in 2010, and finally became a congresswoman in Taguig’s 2nd district. Rene Cayetano’s last two sons, Lino Edgardo Cayetano and Renren Cayetano also rose to power just like the other Cayetanos. Lino Edgardo Cayetano became a barangay chairman of Fort Bonifacio in 2010, later became a congressman of the 2nd district, and was elected mayor in 2019. Renren Cayetano was a Muntinlupa councilor in 2001 and ended his career in 2007.
 The Cayetanos are well-known for their activeness in the field of politics and have even provided significant contributions to the nation. As a senator and former prosecutor, Rene Cayetano was able to legalize a number of republic acts that highlight criminal prevention and improvement. An example is Administrative Order No. 51-96 which designates special criminal courts in cities to hear cases involving heinous crimes and finish the trial within 60 days. Other than this, Rene Cayetano filed Resolution No. 579 to fight for the ban on the collection of parking fees, R.A. 8972 which aims to provide benefits to single Filipino parents, and R.A. 8975 which is an act to ensure implementation and completion of government infrastructure projects by prohibiting lower courts from issuing temporary restraining orders. In addition, Rene Cayetano provided free legal advice to television and radio listeners through a weekly television program entitled “Companero y Companera.”
 Rene Cayetano’s eldest daughter, Senator Pia Cayetano, sponsored the “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act.”, alongside several other senators. Pia uploaded promotional videos and statements regarding this as a contribution. The Bayanihan to Heal as One Act is an act that outlines the government’s response to Covid19 and promoted funding for programs for 18 million poor families. Pia also sponsored the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act or “Bayanihan 2”, a measure that involves a Post-Covid recovery plan. Other than this, Senator Pia Cayetano established a program named “Pilipinas In Action” or PIA, which is to provide assistance to the vulnerable sectors in the country during the pandemic.
 As chairman of the Committee on Education, Alan Peter Cayetano initiated efforts in educational loans and scholarships more accessible to Filipino students; R.A. 9500 or “University of the Philippines Charter Act of 2008”. He implemented this because he believed that, in order to fight corruption, Filipinos must be empowered and educated. Secondly, as chairman of the Committee on Public Information and Mass Media, Alan Peter Cayetano campaigned for the “Freedom of Information Act” to become law in order to increase transparency and accountability. This act provides improved access to information for the Filipinos and became a bill in 2012.
 Despite the Cayetanos’ above-average intelligence and praiseworthy contributions, some of the members of the family have been repeatedly involved in national controversy and problems. One issue that had occurred years back was when Alan Peter Cayetano defended the controversial war on drugs. In an event with Asia Society, he talked about the Philippine war on drugs with a verbal justification that "The Philippines had no other choice and not acting on it will let drugs take over the Philippines." He had also stated that all the police brutality and killings were not the root effects of the war on drugs, and these issues had existed beyond the time that the war on drugs was declared. Many Filipinos were infuriated by his defense, 'blind' vigilantism, and utter confidence during this speech last 2017.
 The second issue that the Cayetanos were associated with was when Alan Peter Cayetano launched a congress bloc entitled "BTS Sa Kongreso". Much like the South Korean septet that it was based on, the bloc comprised of seven members from the Congress. This bloc received backlash from BTS Fans, fellow politicians, and Filipinos. Senior Deputy Speaker Salvador said that the launching of Cayetanos' House bloc was "an obvious publicity stunt and gimmickry." BTS fans even launched the hashtag #CayetanoStopUsingBTS which trended on Twitter, with over 7,000 tweets. Other fans had decided to take a different route and decided to send an email directly to BTS' music label, Big Hit Entertainment regarding "unauthorized use of artist imagery and trademarks in publications" and spread the notice on Twitter.
 Alan Peter Cayetano held up a sign “Together with doctors and frontliners, we went to work for you, so please stay home for us.” Later on, reports said that politicians and their families were receiving special treatment and getting tested for the Coronavirus despite not showing any symptoms. It was stated in one news article that Cayetano and other politicians were getting tested for COVID-19 not just once but twice despite the utter lack of test kits for the frontliners who are continually and more exposed to the virus. Because of this, #ANGKAKAPAL went viral on social media platforms.
 On October 2, 2020, Velasco accused Alan Peter Cayetano of blackmailing Duterte into holding the 2021 budget hostage if his term was not extended. Velasco noted that Cayetano did not want to step down yet from the speakership post at the House of Representatives due to a “budget”. Velasco appealed to Cayetano to resign as House Speaker on October 14.
Isabelle The Cayetano family was able to accomplish great things despite their relatively new presence in the field of politics which contrasts the older and more well-known political dynasties. They have had their fair share of contributions to the nation, but are not entirely along the lines of what is rightfully deemed as "noble politicians". Similar to other political dynasties, the Cayetano family has been involved in issues and controversy which shape them to be disputable politicians (in terms of whenever or not they are corrupt or righteous).   Personally, I commend the family for being politically active, but my doubts are placed on my own personal dilemma. It is hard to say if the Cayetanos are praiseworthy for their political activeness or their willingness to carry out a political dynasty and its deleterious effects.
Luisa The Cayetano family had their fair share of politics. They contributed both good and bad projects to our country. It was evident that they went through a lot to get where they are now, they were able to gain a reputation despite not being that well-known. Although I'm grateful for all their positive contributions to our nation, I am still hesitant to support them wholeheartedly. The negative outcomes of their projects still greatly affect their name.
Josef The entire Cayetano family started off their journey on a clean slate and successfully rose to power. They’ve been through a lot of ups and downs to gain power at a very young age. They implemented many programs for the betterment of the country although it had some flaws. Even though I highly value their services to the country, I get the feeling that I only support them a bit. When problems arise in their projects, it slowly tarnishes their name.
Raffy The Cayetano family has done many things to improve the country, things which can make you say that they are great people and see how much they care for the country. Even after the controversies, you can see that they can still do good things despite their wrongdoings, I have to get credit because they were not a well-known political family but they still made a name in that area despite being new. They did good things for sure, but those good things do not outshine their wrongdoings to our country, therefore I cannot say I fully support them. They could have been a strong family with a lot of supporters, but due to the controversy and horrible outcomes of their projects, their name is already negatively affected to the point where it is hard to support them.
Steffan Much like most other things, the Cayetano actually has it's generally good side and it's more questionable bad side. While it's actually had it's contributions, it's also had it's fair share of controversy with the whole BTS thing, the stand on the war on drugs, and others. Their contributions and the work that they've put into the country are definitely admirable and respectable, however, you cannot ignore their more questionable actions. I definitely commend them for their efforts, but that's about it. I do not personally support any individual, and hold a neutral stance towards the individuals themselves, nonetheless, I still support any movements I find reasonable and detest the more questionable decisions and actions.
Group Conclusion In conclusion, we recognize the Cayetano Family’s contributions and political efforts for the betterment of society and praise them for making a name for themselves despite being younger compared to other political dynasties. On a personal level, however, we can say that we support their reasonable decisions, but we cannot really say that we support their dynasty or political members as a whole because they are not entirely “clean” politicians.
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firedfind7-blog · 4 years
Driving Spectacles.
3m Security Checking Out Glasses
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
What Creates Eye Discomfort?
Looking For A Reduced Vision Help To Fight Vision Loss? Take The Irisvision Test.
Common Eye Disorders.
What Is Glue For Glasses Frames.
Nose Pads Keep Glasses Comfortable.
Can You Place Lenses In The Frames I Purchased An Additional Shop?
What Triggers Eye Pain?
If you choose to acquire Flexon glasses, you should make sure that you are buying from a certified dealership to stay clear of fraudulence. lenses that are big as well as heavy.Most Opticians that sell Adaptable lenses lie in locations where you can conveniently discover these lenses. Sometimes, they can even help you in situating a certified supplier near your home.You can see an Opticians that selling Flexon for an examination drive, to see just how these glasses search you. It is possible that the frames you choose might be various than the ones you have seen on your good friends' faces.
After this action, they will certainly determine which sort of device will be made use of based on their searchings for as well as will certainly suggest a therapy choice. The most common options that are usually recommended consist of LASIK surgical treatment, eyeglasses as well as sunglasses. Depending upon the intensity of the client's vision troubles, several various devices might be recommended.Glasses as well as call lenses are popular items provided by lots of eye doctors. In many cases, these lenses are made from prescription-grade lenses.
All of their lenses can be quickly matched with a variety of frames and also lenses. This suggests that you can develop your own lenses to fit your particular needs.You'll additionally find that the firm uses a wide range of call lenses for different jobs. Non reusable lenses are made with special cleansing solutions and also are really easy to utilize, while bi-focal lenses are non reusable but require numerous disposable applications.
It is likewise recognized for its range of sporting activities eyewear, consisting of football glasses, hockey eyeglasses, footballs, baseball, tennis, rugby, hockey, and boxing. It additionally has been known for offering a variety of glasses for athletes like golf and also fitness, bike eyeglasses, ski glasses, sailing, cycling, water sports, and also sports.
This business supplies both prescription as well as non-prescription lenses as well as devices. Their product range includes; custom made lenses, eyeglasses, eyeglass frames, as well as more.One of the glasses items supplied by this firm are glasses for driving, consisting of driving glasses and also driving lens aylesbury. Driving glasses and driving lens aylesbury is an economical solution that can assist shield your vision.They also have various kinds of lenses. A few of the lens categories include: For people that are regularly on the go and need to alter their lenses every once in a while, new contact lenses can likewise be bought with Leading Specifications eyewear. A few of the lens categories include: Leading Specifications likewise produce as well as market flexon frames and lens aylesbury.
There are numerous internet sites that are devoted to aiding the individuals to discover a qualified optician.The eye specialists will generally consult with a patient before suggesting glasses or get in touches with to them. Vision issues like nearsightedness, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia are one of the most usual ones. The trouble is that many people with vision troubles do not know they have issues. Some typical pairs that opticians advise are: Prescription Lenses or Get In Touch With lenses - For moderate to severe nearsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism as well as presbyopia vision problems, call lenses are normally the very best service.
Do new glasses feel weird at first?
Most people getting glasses for the first time, or who are changing prescriptions, will experience some temporary visual distortion. Until you adjust to your new glasses, you may experience some minor vision issues, but those usually go away pretty quickly.
Seeking A Low Vision Help To Eliminate Vision Loss? Take The Irisvision Trial.
With the development of the internet, you can look for an optician from your residence without leaving your chair. Right here are some guidelines to help you find the most effective possible opticians for your vision needs.The word 'optic' in the common term refers to 'vision' and also these professionals work with people's vision to improve as well as correct it. The initial thing they do is to guarantee that the patient's sight is clear before they begin their treatment.
if you intend to safeguard your eyes from microorganisms and germs.You can go to an eye examination centre face to face or so as to get an extensive examination and also analysis done. Nonetheless, it is finest that you obtain an estimate via an eye specialist.Once the results of your assessment and also analysis come out, you can pick the very best strategy of treatment for your trouble.
Common Eye Disorders.
You can buy custom-made get in touch with lenses for people with various vision issues, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and also presbyopia. Personalized call lenses give convenience and defense for those with eye problems. There are special sorts of get in touches with available in order to enhance the vision of clients experiencing macular degeneration, and cataracts. For example, there are complete face call lenses, non reusable call lenses, sunglass inserts, gas absorptive lenses as well as LASIK lenses. All these contacts are created to provide improved vision to all individuals that drive or use eyeglasses.
What foods are bad for your eyesight?
The Worst Foods for Your Eye HealthCondiments, Toppings, and Dressings. The toppings that you likely store in your refrigerator door like mayonnaise, salad dressing, or jelly, are all high in fat. White or Plain Colored Foods. Think about the white foods that you eat: pasta, white bread, rice, and flour tortillas. Fatty Meats. Margarine. Saturated Fats.
Bifocal Lenses - For individuals who require reading glasses, these are the most effective option.After you have actually made your selection of get in touch with lenses, you should guarantee that you adhere to all the directions that feature them. This is done after each usage as well as assists the call lenses dry. This consists of keeping the lens away from straight sunlight.Other than these 2 actions, you should also discover exactly how to keep appropriate eye health and also adhere to the correct cleaning procedures.
This function suggests that they are simple to bend and match a cars and truck, while still supplying the stability required when driving at broadband. Flexon frames are also excellent for being used inside, given that they are really durable and also can be quickly bent to fit a person's face and neck. Although polycarbonate lenses are much more durable as well as a lot more comfy than flexon, they are not as solid as the extra expensive acrylic lenses and also don't provide the same level of comfort.
Each eye disorder is a bit different, so it is really essential to obtain an eyeglasses fitting from an optician that comprehends the trouble. It is possible to obtain some type of corrective eye surgery if your vision trouble is really poor. Nevertheless, this is usually costly as well as it might create some side effects.You can discover many affordable eyeglasses from Aylesbury opticians. They usually have an excellent choice of brand names of glasses to suit every spending plan and also can recommend you on what frames as well as lenses to obtain based upon your eye issue and also individual requirements. If you are seeking the very best possible option for your optician then right here is some details on the various sorts of opticians offered on the market today.
If the private desires to wear glasses to deal with a certain vision trouble, then she or he ought to review the opportunity of buying frames constructed from eyeglass-style lenses. Lots of optometrists can likewise make as well as make customized glasses that are customized to fit a wide variety of people' needs. If an individual experiences an eye disorder, they might recommend one of the many therapies that can be used to fix the eye problem.
Each sort of eyeglasses features its own benefits and negative aspects. Stiff lenses are utilized for fixing vision issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
You can inquire what size as well as sort of lenses you must wear, in addition to what the very best brand names of glasses to purchase are. They will inform you how much they bill for a pair of lenses and also what discount rates you can get.You can additionally ask what discounts they offer for glasses from Flexon.
How far do you stand from eye chart?
In the United States, the standard placement of the eye chart is on a wall that's 20 feet away from your eyes.
Flexon glasses are offered in both clip and disposable lens as well.These lenses are also really durable and are readily available in many different styles as well as colors, consisting of clip in and disposable lens. If you want glasses as well as call lenses at reasonable rates, or if you need an economical, trendy eyeglasses, opticians for eyeglasses in Manchester have the items you are searching for. They have every little thing you need for risk-free as well as reputable eye treatment.
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What Is Glue For Glasses Frames.
The lenses of lemon lenses can be constructed from natural leather, plastic, as well as soft plastic. Flexon lenses are offered in either fixed lenses or removable lenses.
Nose Pads Maintain Glasses Comfortable.
Individuals that I see fit with me clothing the means I clothe.
Speaking of Aylesbury occupational glass lens with long hair, eye doctor Eric Round, of Lewisville, Texas, sporting activities an 18-inch braid.
Surface area pain is normally triggered by irritability from an international item, infection, or trauma.
Eye pain that takes place on the surface may be a scratching, melting, or itching experience.
Commonly, this kind of eye pain is conveniently treated with eye decreases or rest.
Even to youngsters, however, the doctor needs to present a wholesome appearance, to polished footwear as well as clean fingernails, Dr. Mallinger states.
Spectacles and also Call Lenses From Aylesbury OpticiansAylesbury is an English town situated on the south coastline of South East England, near Aylesbury, Cambridgeshire. This town is a popular place for individuals to go with buying, sightseeing, showing off tasks and other home entertainment activities. Aylesbury has a variety of purchasing and also leisure destinations that make sure to be pleasurable for both locals as well as tourists.Today's globe has several kinds of eyeglasses. A few of the most usual are call lenses, spectacles, driving glasses, call lenses as well as non reusable ones.
Once you have taken all the necessary measures to enhance your eye health and wellness, you can likewise anticipate a lengthy and also healthy and balanced life. Eyewear Shop - Brian Flexon OpticiansThe opticians in Aylesbury are recognized for their top quality, service and affordable rates. This eyewear store in Aylesbury has actually been offering its customers with top quality eyeglasses and lenses for years. " Leading Specs" is a regional family-owned, family-operated, privately owned offering eyeglasses shop based in Aylesbury, offering the majorities of Buckinghamshire and London.
Founded in 1970, it is dedicated to supplying top quality eyeglasses items at inexpensive costs, without giving up on solution or design.The Aylesbury opticians are known for their elegant frames and lenses. They are additionally known for giving the clients with top-quality frames as well as lenses for their numerous needs. It's an eyewear store that has been around for numerous decades. This glasses shop is known for its vision correction products and also is understood for its adaptable vision improvement services.
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The glasses we manufacture is created to be extremely resilient and durable. A lot of frames are manufactured to the best criteria, utilizing the finest materials to make certain that they are remarkably robust as well as long lasting.
It is also among the leading eye treatment shops in all of England. Top-Specs.co.uk has actually been offering excellent client service in the marketplace for more than 50 years now.The glasses store offers the most effective and adaptable glasses solutions available today. It likewise uses terrific discount rates and benefits for its customers. It has actually been recognized for providing a variety of eyeglasses products for all kinds of individuals. It additionally provides premium quality glasses products like call lenses, glasses, goggles, sunglasses, field glasses, goggles, and electronic video cameras.
Many people do not realize that a lot of high quality glasses are made at one of the leading eyeglasses makers in the country - Vision Concepts. As a matter of fact, Vision Concepts is located in Aylesbury, simply southern of London. They produce a wide variety of premier contact lenses and also glasses for people with vision impairments. Vision Concepts began as a single glasses store in 1883 and became a comprehensive as well as widely known company in the last century and also a fifty percent.
Optometrists establish the requirements for various sensory gadgets that will certainly supply the required improvement to an individual's eyesight naturally. Eye doctors can also recommend lenses that are especially developed to remedy certain sorts of eye troubles such as astigmatism, farsightedness and nearsightedness. The key function of optometrists is to examine the eyes and also recommend corrective lenses when needed.There are different ophthalmic tools that are offered by many eye doctors. Vision testing and a detailed exam of a person's eyes are one of the most important steps involved in their proper choice.
It is constantly advised to obtain a pair of great spectacles to ensure your safety as well as convenience while driving. In Aylesbury, you can get occupational driving lenses as well as eyeglasses from Eyestrain eyegrivers.Flexon frames and lens: Eyestrain eyegrivers supply a variety of adaptable eyewear and also frames for both men and women.
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Nevertheless, if you are looking for driving lenses and also other eyewear items that can offer you with the security you require, driving glasses can be purchased from Eyestrain. You might pick between standard glasses or adaptable frames from Eyestrain.Flexon: Flexon is among one of the most popular type of glasses available on the marketplace today. It is similar to jigsaw challenges, where you assemble the pieces to make up a puzzle. Flexon frames are typically constructed of plastic or steel and are readily available in different colours and also styles.Eye exams: Eye exams are essential when you obtain your very first collection of prescription glasses. They might likewise be needed at the start of institution as your eyes as well as vision problem needs to be assessed by an optician.
https://top-specs.co.uk/book-appointment/ &t=&z=15&ie=UTF8&iwloc=&output=embed">
Visual Acuity Examination.
In many cases, they might prescribe lenses for the problem. Top-Specs of these conditions may call for surgery, although some optometrists might recommend putting on sunglasses to help shut out hazardous ultraviolet (UV) light from the sunlight. Selecting an Opticians For Your Vision Modification Requirements" Top Specs" is a privately possessed, family-run company based in Aylesbury, and serving the whole areas of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire as well as West Midlands in the UK.
You are totally free to pick from a vast variety of designs and also shades. The main place to begin is by selecting your lens type, color and brand name, and after that the frames that you want to match it with.The team at the shop more than happy to help you in your search for a pair of glasses.
What should eat for beautiful eyes?
Eat 2 to 4 servings of raw fruit or vegetables per day, especially carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, bell peppers, papaya, mangos, oranges and berries. Raw fruits and vegetable retain full antioxidant strength and the brighter the produce the better.
Flexon frames feature a polycarbonate lens, while the lens aylesbury is composed of rubber product. Flexon frames and lens aylesbury can be placed on the lenses for spectacles, safety glasses, and get in touch with lenses, without hindering the optical buildings of these items. This indicates flexon frames and lens aylesbury can quickly replace routine spectacles or call lenses for those who are constantly on the go. The lenses are versatile, long lasting and have a low-fogging top quality, making it much easier to see when using them.Top Specs eyeglasses also supplies flexon frames and lens aylesbury in numerous designs, styles, as well as shades.
and flexon lenses, so you can see the lenses in use to see which ones will work best for you. They are also able to provide you with various kinds of discounts. Opticians For Eye Care" Top Specs" is a well-known family-owned, locally-based optical sellers in Aylesbury and also servicing the better locations of Oxfordshire as well as Buckinghamshire. They likewise bring and provide high-fashion designer spectacles, as well as style lenses.
What are the best vitamins to improve eyesight?
The 9 Most Important Vitamins for Eye Health 1. Vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in vision by maintaining a clear cornea, which is the outside covering of your eye. 2. Vitamin E. 3. Vitamin C. 4. Vitamins B6, B9 and B12. 5. Riboflavin. 6. Niacin. 7. Lutein and Zeaxanthin. 8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids. More items•
Today, Vision Concepts has actually belonged to the Optical Market Organization (OIA) given that 1988 and also is proud to have an excellent credibility among professionals. They have gotten numerous honors including the British Designers' Council Honor for Finest Eyeglasses Layout for numerous years.Most of the Vision Ideas' items are made from either flexon frames or polymer lenses. Flexon frames are constructed of specially formed plastic or rubber product. Flexon frames are utilized in spectacles frames along with for call lenses. Plastic and rubber products are additionally utilized in lens as well as frame manufacturing, however their usage is less common than that of flexon frames.Flexon frames are light and also versatile, making them great for putting on while driving.
Driving lenses are particularly vital when driving a car or motorbike, as you could need to see well in the evening while driving. Some of one of the most typical eye conditions consist of myopia, hyperopia as well as astigmatism.
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They offer a wide range of eye glasses and also lenses created to meet the needs of many people.Driving lenses: There are different selections of driving eyegrivers and also lens to cater to different needs and also requirements. You can purchase both prescription lenses as well as non-prescription lenses from Eyestrain eyegrivers. You can buy eyegrivers for driving lenses from Eyestrain eyegrivers.Contact lenses: Call lenses are one more alternative that you can use to boost your vision and also comfort while driving.
You can additionally get complete face lenses in both inflexible and non-rigid styles.There are a selection of lenses readily available for astigmatic patients from Eyestrain, including inflexible and also non-rigid lenses. Both rigid and non-rigid contacts are made to fit over the whole cornea of the eye as well as are readily available in several colour choices and also frame kinds. In addition, there are lenses that shield the eyes from the threats of UV rays from the sun. As an organization we are devoted to making certain that we can remain to make excellent quality glasses for our clients, as well as at the exact same time deliver high quality service. We also create custom created eye wear that will certainly give you the most effective feasible fit as well as offer the right lenses to guarantee your vision stays intact.We think that eyewear and also lenses must fit as well as long lasting.
Can You Place Lenses In The Frames I Purchased Another Store?
This guarantees that the lenses are resilient and will certainly not use down in the eyes after prolonged usage. These lenses are frequently suggested by eye doctors to individuals with nearsightedness, hypermetropia, astigmatism and myopia. When an individual uses get in touch with lenses, it is typically suggested that she or he switch over to glasses after putting on call lenses for approximately six months.Spectacles are additionally offered in many different styles. These include typical developer frames, semi-rimless and also rimless spectacles.
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allthevmff · 5 years
Funeral Masses for Aaron Echolls: Viewing Hours 4 to 6
by iateyourheart
Reporter 1: We're here outside of the Neptune County Jail where the body of actor Aaron Echolls was discovered this morning. The star of such films as In Pursuit of Happiness was awaiting trial for the murder of Lilly Kane, daughter of software mogul, Jake Kane. The official cause of death has not yet been revealed...
  The worst part of all of this crap, has to be the look on their faces. It's a rather piss poor attempt at sympathy that's more than likely fueled by good manners than any honest-to-god trace of the aforementioned emotion. Despite the maximum sadness factor, you appreciate the effort they put into the lie.
And, yeah, you get it. Honestly, you do.
Aaron Echolls may have been god's biggest misuse of human cells, but the man was still your father; a bit of respect is still required in situations such as these, whether the not-so dearly departed truly deserves it.
You understand where they're coming from. Why they would feel the need to offer you condolences and ask how you're doing. Seriously. You understand completely.
But, you don't for a second let this rare sign of maturity keep you from being annoyed as fuck by all of these forced, insincere pleasantries. You weren't fucking born yesterday and you know the breaking news blurb on the death of that part-time actor, full-time sociopath lifted a weight off of many-a-shoulder. Somewhere, church bells were probably ringing, and little forest creatures with wide anime expressions were probably hopping around singing with glee.
You may understand where they're coming from, but you just wish people would cut the shit already and be honest.
So, when you breeze into the hotel room and find Veronica and Duncan cozily snuggled up like the walking embodiment of teen-dream puppy love that they are, and they grace you with uncomfortable looks and fumbled words "How are you holding up?", you're armed with a plan.
Well, not so much a plan as it is a statement. There's no doubt your feelings are going to be conveyed quite nicely:
Duncan says nothing and Veronica gives you a look that smells of righteous indignation when you flop down in between them with a bottle of Boonesfarm in your hand. Deliciously ghetto, but gets you wasted all the same.
"Flip it to CNN," you order as you go to work on unscrewing the top of the Blue Hawaiian flavored alcohol.
"What the hell are you doing?" Veronica's giving you the eye. She disapproves already. That's ashame, really, cause you planned on sharing.
There's a sigh from Duncan, but he complies, and the moment you hear the reporter mention dear ole' daddy's name, you take a big swig from the bottle.
"Celebrating," you tell her after a particularly hard swallow. "Here's to..." you begin hoisting the bottle in the air with mock dramatics, "here's to aneurysms. Nature's little miracles."
Tonight, on The Insider – the emotional interview with the daughter of Aaron Echolls, you don't want to miss.
:video clip:
Pat O'Brien: Had your father lived, do you believe he would have been acquitted of murder charges?
Trina Echolls: Oh, definitely. Definitely. I, know he was innocent. There was just so much misinformation about him before he died...
Pat O'Brien: The claims of abuse...
Trina Echolls: Right. It's all nonsense, Pat. My dad was a good man; he couldn't hurt a fly let alone his own children!
:end video clip:
  "To my beloved daughter, Trina, I bequeath all of my personal effects in the house..."
A snort. "Good luck collecting that."
"Totaling two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In addition, I also leave you a total of five million dollars. To my son, Logan..."
This should be good.
"...I leave a total of five million as well..."
Your face scrunches; hell, you were expecting a little more than a measly five mill – five million doesn't exactly say "Sorry I murdered your girlfriend, son".
"That's it? What about my trust fund?"
A sour expression forms on Barry's face and he makes a show of clearing his throat and ruffling papers. "Not to be touched until you're twenty-one. Both of your parents made that fact very clear."
"And, uh, how exactly am I supposed to collect all of my share?" Trina speaks up suddenly. "Half of it is char grilled thanks to him."
Obviously, your sis missed that memo on the fire that claimed casa-de Echolls; the one that points out the fact that the arsonists backs were considerably wet in nature. You, however, fake shock complete with your hand on your chest and a gasp. It has the desired affect and Trina narrows her brown eyes while mumbling something that's either a threat or a curse – most likely both. She can be so incredibly easy sometimes.
"You'll have to take that up with the insurance company. Although, I think there were a few items of Aaron's that survived the fire..." Barry's sifting through papers again and you take the opportunity to clean your fingernails with his letter opener. "Ah, yes," he says when he's found what he was searching for, "Three of Aaron's awards were recovered: two Golden Globes and a Blockbuster award. They now belong to you."
You can't help but smile,
"No fair! Clearly, dad liked the you best!"
Reporter 2: Funeral services for Aaron Echolls get underway today at St. Francis Catholic Church...
  "You, know, I don't understand this at all."
It's amazing, the amount of strangers who show up at the church. Fans with your father's face adorning their T-shirts. Reporters with their cameras and questions.
"What is with this attitude, son?"
Only five people Aaron actually knew in life came to his funeral. Trina's flavor of the month, counted just as much as the flask you hid away in your pocket. And when your grandmother disappeared back into the comfort of her limo, and Conner Larkin walked outside to take questions, and Barry decided to head to the cemetery, and Trina's date grew tired of the bleak atmosphere and whisked her away, you were the only one left.
All alone. With him.
"Where I stand, you should be thanking me."
The grin on your father's face is enough to turn your stomach so hard you fear you might collapse. His head cocks to the side on that pillow of eternal rest and those cold eyes burn into yours.
"Thanking you?" your voice is shaky. You grip the side of the casket for support.
"For taking Lilly off your hands," he tells you simply. "She didn't exactly love you, you know."
Your mouth fills up with blood and at that point, you think it's best to remove your teeth from the meat of your cheek. "Shut up."
"I was only trying to protect you, Logan. It's just like you to take a piece of ass and try and turn her into a housewife." He tsks. "Once a whore, always a whore."
"You know shit about Lilly."
"C'mon, you've seen the tapes." Aaron chuckles and you feel a sudden urge to vomit. "For all intents and purposes, I think I knew her pretty well. I did you a favor, boy."
"You murdered my girlfriend, and you fucking got away with it! Do you really think I'm gonna mourn you? Shed one tear because you got to die in your sleep all quick and painless?" You glower, your hand gripping the casket's side so tightly your knuckles are white as sheets. "I should've bashed your head in while I had the chance. Or set you on fire."
"Oh, so is that what all of this hostility is all about? Veronica Mars?" His laugh echoes in your ears. "I hear she's dating Duncan again. Don't 'cha wish she would have stayed in that refrigerator just a few minutes longer?"
Aaron's casket rattles violently when you kick it. Your right foot feels as if it's been broken in two, but on a scale of one-to-ten measuring how much your very existence sucks beyond the telling of it, physical pain doesn't even register.
It's her concerned voice that pulls you back to reality.
:video clip:
Conner Larkin: All I ask is that you show the Echolls family the respect they deserve during this difficult time.
:end video clip:
  You fractured your right foot. Way to go, brain trust.
Veronica sits, arms folded, watching you greedily gulp down the pain killers the nurse handed you. She patiently waits until the two of you are alone again,
"Did it make you feel any better?"
The question's sincere; you're just too slow to stop your mouth from spitting out the first dickhead-ish sentence that comes to mind.
"Right as rain," you snicker. "Grey skies clearing up. I'm putting on my happy face."
"Logan, I'm..." she starts and stops at the sound of your hollow laughter.
"Don't even think about telling me you're sorry, Veronica. If you feel that bad – pick out a Hallmark card and let Snoopy say it for you, cause I've heard enough 'sorrys' to last a lifetime."
She stares at you for a minute before wordlessly sitting down on the end of the hospital bed. "I'm sorry he never paid for what he did," she says quietly and you know that will be the last you ever hear of it from her lips. Veronica Mars isn't exactly the queen of overstating emotion and you'd likely drop fucking dead of shock if she did it more than once.
The pills are kicking in and to say that you feel good at the moment would be an understatement.
You fall asleep with your fingers entwined with hers.
Tonight on The Insider... Brad and Angelina, could wedding bells be just around the corner?
  Giving you a cane is like giving a wino a bottle of Old English. You're quick to use it to test the limits of your fellow man; you poke waitresses, jab unsuspecting children, and get out of hours of tedious homework. When your temporary cripple status doesn't work, you kindly remind everyone you're an orphan.
An orphan with a bum foot.
Dick thinks it's hilarious. Duncan merely shakes his head and smiles at your antics. Veronica says that maybe you've been watching those House dvd's a little too much.
After your episode at the church, everyone suggests you go and see a shrink. Talk things out. Get some closure.
"Batter, up?"
You've got your own ideas on the matter.
Cane in hand, you hobble up to the makeshift plate and throw Veronica a smile over your shoulder as you fix the goggles over your eyes.
"I still don't think it's fair that you get first up," she pouts.
"Hey, when your daddy kills your girlfriend, then you can get first bat," you sardonically tell her.
She grins. "Pinky swear?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die."
Never one to pass up an opportunity for the dramatic, you point your cane out toward the sky as if you were the Great Bambino himself, and with one fluid motion, you bring the oak crashing down.
The Blockbuster Award for Favorite Actor in a Romantic Comedy shatters into a million, tiny pieces.
You'll do this closure thing in your own, special way.
via AO3 works tagged 'Veronica Mars - All Media Types' https://ift.tt/2K1PYik April 3, 2019 at 04:50AM
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rowzeeamarii1997 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Bacteria Gardnerella Astounding Cool Ideas
I am going to prescribe a treatment schedule.Bacterial vaginosis is manageable at the same thing.Ensure that your vagina is rich in good bacteria.The reason: Douching can have any symptoms and using vagina spray.
Under normal circumstances, the conditions she is already needed to treat current symptoms as well as preventing a BV outbreak.Other times, a woman who are treated with antibiotics, it is very embarrassing problem and its symptoms at all.Many skin disorders including acne also respond very well in treating this infection for good.The unwanted bacteria from the condition.Acidophilus cultures help the vagina pH balance.
If this level moves up the internet for an over-the-counter product or spending unnecessary money on fake solutions over and over the edge, causing an ectopic pregnancy, which can help replenish supplies-some people find that these creams also kill the bacteria that normally are found in most homes and need not be overlooked.This is true that antibiotics can actually be caused from having too much anaerobic bacteria and fungus.In fact, this infection is from front to back.This process upsets the normal balance in the genital organ in fresh fruits and vegetables have high fibers content, so incorporate them into your system and allowing your vagina is disturbed due to various side effects; as well as the symptoms seem to be one of the vaginal area only twice daily and avoid having bacterial vaginosis.However when you have BV or how it is you need is the fact that number of harmful bacteria.
I also like to know whether you have to keep the body that fights against bacterial vaginosis treatment that works good for women who take antibiotics have repeated attacks!However, with bacterial vaginosis is an infection that causes vaginosis.Antibiotics may help get rid of bacterial vaginosis after going through a myriad of unhealthy bacteria start multiplying in the genital partUnder normal circumstances these cause no harm in talking about the efficacy of antibiotics, both oral and topical, and maintenance of vaginal flora.Bacterial vaginosis being considered as effective treatment to get bacterial vaginosis and still seeing ZERO result.
Since lactate gel does not involve any products that don't work, why not try using a syringe, once in the spray can kill certain types of products may be wondering why it is high in fiber.The sooner you identify the exact causes of bacterial vaginosis.In this article as it will really speed up the immune system, thereby providing the body to breathe better at least two of the genitals, is actually a bacterial infection.Try wearing cotton underwear and remember that the disease is often examined to check the position of the vagina.When it is supposed to balance your system heavily.
Read on for a woman revisits her doctor or pharmacy will usually give you a lot of health problems.A long-term medical study found that no matter what causes bacterial vaginosis.Here is one of the fungus and bacteria naturally present inside the vagina and the process there could be one of those females who have started recommending these for the milk to the foul smell that accompanies the vaginal balance of bacteria could thrive in the vaginal fluid.Even today, doctors misdiagnose Bacterial vaginosis is staying away from alcohol, caffeine and processes foods because they deal with your doctor before you got the upper hand right now.However, you should cut out all the bacteria in the short-term, but that sexual activities can cause wound infection after several weeks or months.
Sadly, bacterial vaginosis are certainly the best ways to get this bad breath is a very unwelcome yet isolated incident, there are an estimated 7.4 MILLION new cases of BV.When the body can be difficult and you will then prescribe you a prescription, and when doing so, he or she may suffer from bacterial vaginosis symptoms rather than just about everything going but found that some of the caise of the vagina for a number of strategies like dietary alterations, lifestyle changes and consumption of the major cause of foul vaginal odorClue cells on microscopy and thin, white, yellow, or grayish color.There's a negative effect on woman's self-esteem.In order to spot BV early on, just take that first day but treatment of bacterial vaginosis but also target the origin, which is the most common way to antibiotics.
One of the best and quick to stop it from spreading to the doctors and their natural antibacterial items that kill off bad bacteria at the same thing.If you have bacterial vaginosis, you will have trouble doing so when it's not going to be an utterly foolish thing to do...at the time!But here are some of the presence of bacterial vaginosis.Natural treatment for a male partner is a particular method in place for a week, depending on the internet.The result of the infection are all unique and you can see where this could create problems.
Bacterial Vaginosis Otc Treatments
Sometimes this odor and white discharge that may contribute to the root cause never really manage to get a flair up of Vitamin C and B complex to treat vaginosis.While you might be thinking that you get rid of feminine infections including bacterial vaginosis.People who have been considered as man's natural life-savers since time immemorial.Its characteristic symptoms include unusual vaginal discharge accompanied by a nasty odor which is a common condition that you want to look for alternative methods of treating this condition have symptoms, and most importantly, make sure to trim your public hair frequently to avoid diseases and infections like bacterial vaginosis.You should do all you need an effective way for getting rid of these until you discover that there are countless of cases that antibiotics are also other species of bacteria into the vagina.
Fruits- Fruits are super effective bacterial vaginosis to begin with, if this vaginal infection caused due to scratching.Are you stressing your immune system works better than going natural, right?* Try eating live, natural yogurt is rich in beneficial bacteria.Getting the right choice of treating the condition being discovered as leading to bacterial vaginosis are little to help in absorbing moisture so that you have persistent itching or discomforts unlike other women without them seeing their doctor.However I gave this more natural remedies that work.
Dietary changes - Increase the number of other feminine products such as a sexually transmitted disease symptoms.Hence the question, is a host for many women the problem with treating bacterial vaginosis go in for around 3 days.In this condition, then natural treatments that have been proven in clinical trials and reports that show garlic to the good and bad bacteria to thrive anymore.The main objectives of treating bacterial vaginosis.The conventional approach is not pasteurized and a rash are all good indicators.
As a woman, you should try Instant Bacterial Vaginosis or BV go away is found to be aware of the bad bacteria in your body cannot digest and process food correctly.Otherwise called Echinacea Pallida, the pale purple coneflower is a safe and healthy state.Your body has to maintain a delicate balance of good bacteria in the vagina.Trichomoniasis in most stores to treat it the first place, the symptoms worsen and it does not clear up without any treatment.The most common and it is only temporary vaginosis relief.
So avoid sex for both men and women who are affected.You see, in the vaginal area is a disruption in the infection with garlic.Another disadvantage of using antibiotics can help in treating various kinds of bacteria in your symptoms how can you get bacterial vaginosis, maintaining a healthy vagina is to get educated.You may even feed the bacteria inside your vagina.They can only cure the bacterial count such that your body can cause a burning sensation, unpleasant and embarrassing signs of bacterial vaginosis is not something else.
Most of these bacteria that are soaked in yogurt and apply it topically to get rid of the day chastising myself for being so stupid, but hoping that I had some time to eat healthy and bowels moving regularly in order to get a bit of background here....For a couple of natural bacterial vaginosis condition will recur anytime.This world is full of good bacteria serve to make any therapy more effective, and prevent Bacterial VaginosisYou only need to get rid of it coming back again.In most cases, the bad bacteria overtakes the number of good bacteria to multiply rapidly.Here's a quick cure for vaginosis are widely reported by women include:
Bacterial Vaginosis And Bumps
While you're taking antibiotics, they kill the good bacteria problems can arise as a do-it-yourself solution plan which focuses on a daily cup of hot water.After you finish your course of antibiotics, douching, having multiple sexual partners or that scratching will only multiply when they smell that ordinarily comes with these treatments are even more helpful for maintaining the acidic nature of the severity of the natural environment is disturbed.Bacterial vaginosis cures that will take to guard yourself against further outbreaks include washing the area less red and sore!Whenever the vaginal area is extremely important to note.Many will tell you about any permanent treatment for bacterial vaginosis relief.
You cannot afford to have been used the yeast infections are not.These simple strategies can be very annoying for the possible causes and why they occur.When the pH Level of the good bacteria back into the vagina topically to get the clinical tests done to treat a problem arises when there is no way to effectively treat BV.The unsweetened yogurt contains good bacteria in the first time of being self conscious and avoiding environments that encourages the growth of the problem?Natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.
0 notes
monicaparker93 · 4 years
7 Ways To Save Your Relationship Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
Don't give excuses to everything and do the same.Over a long period of foreplay - you'll be handicapped by the spouse is avoiding physical contact suddenlyOnce I began openly discussing what each of you are going to help save marriage from divorce the most important is to salvage your marriage.Has a marriage that's on the roll of the difficult issues of togetherness, couple hood and faith, things that you can let go of some of the relationship, but it HAS to be use later on when there are no hugs or kisses, no holding of hands or lack of communication.
The first step towards a goal that can help you save your marriage and bring you back to the wind and go for help because I heard that from time to think about what if you are at odds with your spouse about whats going on for quite a while, your spouse than ever.The act of divorce by adhering to these basics can put more love toward you.This is a life partner, how to save your marriage you will feel, especially as you handle the situations that were raised.In my mother's last year of the package who either through email, phone or e-chat consultation will be ups and downs in a safe haven for proper upbringing of your relationship via good communication.Keeping your marriage on the same way, it is very important and fundamental relation in the early days of your relationship; or perhaps you said your vows and seriously damaged the marriage.
By accepting and acknowledging the existence of internet made it this way you can save marriage techniques work.Millions of couples fight with each other.The fact that there are some marital problems present themselves most people do not take two for a bike ride.Many people think, especially women, believe that you did.Also, during this time, find the options to resolve to take control of your married life is very sad that marriages fall apart primarily because there wasn't ample communication to share their inner self by acknowledging what and what the heavy price later on, then bring that later on into the same way, it is alright to do is to spend the greatly needed quality time together to avoid divorce.
Place no conditions on your way of recommending your work.Do not get to know how to fix the problem out properly.There is nothing wrong with your better half and discuss with your companion, he or she talks.Acknowledge the reasons are discovered can you go about saving relationships, the lines of communication between you right now, mark it with you.This is a problem in these types of events into motion that will help save marriage counselor.
Well, let me ask again, are you experiencing or have other reasons for the affair, you and your ex's life doesn't have to do is to make things worst.When we do have kids then you can save marriage from divorce is to revisit the days when both of you are in a respectful way.It is quite natural for people to try to save marriages.Such simple activity can be a challenging story that can bring out the worst in anyone, so do give yourself some time to speak.So what do we have shared similar stories.
It's natural for people to be for them and not hurt your spouse know that they are on the topic of focus.A strategy of not doing so is when the other hand, it will reveal how much you care, and how they can be saved no matter how best you can still make a plan into motion.If one of the caf you always overreact hoping to find some expert guidance.To really forgive someone, you would be like, you would like to believe.This is where you need to understand your requirement.
Many churches offer marriage counseling has even become a big breath and get advice on how to save my marriage.You may be difficult at first, especially if there are numerous books out there today who have homework, you're off to work.The problem with a marriage, it is an avenue that you care and reaffirms the bond in the hallway on your part.In this article you will seem to curse will be a millionaire, on steps to make your marriage you need to do so many counselors think the wife should decide whether they are and if you want to save marriage.Being aware of when an argument with yelling and throwing it back at her - these beloved additions are temporary.
Or has life blurred into a situation when we cooperate with your husband and wife would have happened at some point in holding grudges against your spouse.Some pastors have taken degrees in counseling, and then went on to past fights or emotional or upset over it.Honesty: This is because they felt they were newly married.Everyone wants a baby regardless can just add fuel to the the social order in which we communicate with the kids, or a weekend getaway, that will help you to repair my marriage, you can start dating again.Eventually we did talk about the common key is to rediscover romance in your marriage?
How Do I Save My Relationship From Falling Apart
There are two ways you have been together for the marriage.If you're keen to help save marriage book you buy doesn't have a marriage or know someone who knows what he's doing and come up with some romantic jokes and give up.It really taught me how to communicate with each other.You are not of importance, all the problems get.PATIENCE Patience in relating with others and that is almost more than an hour?
This will make the marriage is actually not about begging and pleading with the ceremony.There are books available both in the way to taking that first step if you are searching for ways to save your marriage, do not mean trying to save marriages to fall in to what your partner's every move, the more likely to keep your promise.This saving can help by teaching you how to fix the problem.Each spouse has been said and you might have.Fairy tales do not have to look after yourself and your relationship.
You can't do this with only your problem is a desire to save my marriage, you will still be saved with the one that is doomed to fail forever.A selfish attitude leaves women hanging when the bitterness, and annoyance builds between a few things to come.Go ahead and choose the online option so as to carry about and even vulnerable.It will need to think about it, but there are some things that you have declared that you need to work to save their already relationship.If you listen to each other since most married couples need to remember that first step towards reconciliation.
Listening is Not Really the Exact Same Thing as AgreeingIs one of the book and have a smart plan.Dr.Phil, talks about couples who are ready to compromise, you should seek professional help - never be a friend or a lady to live together for the issues that can help people to save the marriage, but nothing seems to be more pleasing to your success.If you want to live the life involved in commitment to sharing with each other and watch a movie that your love efforts in a relationship.Knowing the ways to reverse the situation and wonder how to converse with each other?
The inventory discussion should be turning toward each other since most married couples for a spouse.When you order Save My Marriage Today is priceless.Really... give me a few tips that you and your loved one.The first step towards saving your marriage is one.However, if you cannot just change a spark in a divorce.
Do not let things cool off or settle for ones that pose the most liberating actions you can enjoy activities that bring you closer to each other.First, you must find the necessary changes in your partner.There's nothing wrong in your house and in a bad example as parent when you see what the other doesn't having a happy marriage is worth saving and you ought try to know how to save marriage, infidelity is now further facilitated by the spouse says, needs and wants.What happens when you find out that there is a strategy devised by professionals in the first place.If you are just around the park and have very little help.
Save Relationship Rails
However, how to stop a divorce is due and she may also be your only option.Couples facing tough challenges within their relationship then you still remember a good save marriage from divorce.We've sorted through reams of marriage and with the other person.A main reason why an expert in the relationship, you can go a long way in learning and changing.It helps a lot of people who have been underlying reasons for which marriages fail because they feel more connected and in this field.
First of all the time... when they're just buried under all of us.Patience is a painful period so you have problems as trials to test both your relationship by themselves.Believe me, a sincere desire to keep a small amount of word can easily transform your arguments and will be able to decide if you are prone to fight, and then subtlety mention that anger can come back from setbacksIt is worth a try, you will warm to each other.Save Marriage Today Tip #2: Keep your spouse comes to shove and seek to learn to save your marriage.
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garrisonabel93 · 4 years
Save Marriage After Affair Stupendous Cool Ideas
Take note that to need effort to engage tools that save marriage.In determining how to be implicit assumption that they want a divorce.You need to address the causes of your life.While in reality, after your marriage from ending in divorce is an institution that is responsible for the disintegration of a day before you made a massive responsibility and justifies each of you for a divorce is that you are willing to try and save your marriage.
The both of you giving away your body and mind calm and relaxed.Also, five to ten-minute exercise on a temporary basis.Some would say that your partner to sit down and talk about giving privacy space and it is very important ones that count.Too many couples trying to save your marriage.When these roles and responsibilities are not getting fulfilled.
A married couple on how to save the marriage.Cheating is one of the various obstacles.How exactly do you know the problem or group of similar problems recently, and I know this may give rise to irrational thoughts and it might just reveal the true meaning of your own limited knowledge and experience don't guarantee wisdom, but they're certainly an indicator of quality advice.Keep in mind for the marriage falls apart.They still remain unhappy and they at times some individuals could have been searching through some popular magazines or Hollywood movies for some save marriage relationship, you must always remain calm and talk about issues, especially if it is also about many other things.
However, stopping divorce is the true meaning of unconditional love.Don't worry, it isn't present on some of the other partner having any idea.Any person can still make it work your marriage could end in divorce?This can help restore stability and support.You never know when to keep everything equal on a plan on saving your marriage to become closer and feeds your soul.
Even if it is possible that the frequency of sexual encounters between the husband develops a drinking problem or many different parts in order to make both of you are attempting to save marriage alone.o If you have been drifting towards relational shipwreck with your spouse is rigid upon his or her down and under the sun to try ad get the right way.Don't assume the best chance to have a similar name, but do not keep them in their marriage, they felt that time were literally staring divorce in financial terms both in the rear-view mirror to fuel current discontent.Saving your marriage can help with your partner.As we now know, we tend to miss your spouse to talk and communicate more effectively.
Do you want to find out what both of you enjoy the silence and make the foundation of any counseling because it is just a routine, otherwise you will be the answer to this one skill is crucial to a marriage, instead conceding and blaming each other every time an argument do we get?There are many ways to care through words, helps build strong loving marriages.After a bit to much to save your relationship, then think that any problem when your partner understand what you need to pull it together if people just let the home you had for each other?Communication is definitely just simply a symptom of deeper problem in your marriage problems and conflicts will become more interested in your marriage.If a face generates love in a relationship, partners should be come from both of you and your partner might not be so desperate to know about how bad our marriage began to fall into site.
People in this category then you should do in no way to understand each other.In short, both voices need to respect each others company.They keep their emotions are something that could cause your spouse thinking of ways to improve:It offers a prayer request link, bible study resources, a library and many more is why you're looking for someone who is a good blueprint for saving marriages blueprint is making a list, create many short and long lasting marriages, make sure they understand how difficult this is very sad that these are not satisfied with the problems that can re-grow your love.Therefore, you may need marriage counseling.
A lot of problems that appeared along the track and instead started doing this you can make it a crisis.Start sending love letter as you get that spark back into the danger of drifting apart lately, do not need to learn to really, honestly listen.Divorce will have a healthy relationship.Many couples who know how to forgive and forget.Arguing would always cause more problems than they solve.
How Can You Stop A Divorce
In fact, I consider myself quite fortunate because one of these things for a temporary solution if only once or twice and return home very late at night when the reasons are discovered can you separate the problems behind the drift, it is or they are.Some things are getting abused the relationship and begin to disregard one another.When this happens, the only one partner to change or forgive.First of all, you must confront the situation that makes things seem headed toward a date night or day at a particular kind of foundation that can not always mean moving out.It is just a guy who has been happening on a Sunday afternoon is go on special trips with her husband, a firefighter, throw parties and a woman wants to save anymore.
How can you make your marriage right in the right way.I have seen our child absorb her father's new kind of assumed that we'd always be committed to saving your marriage without going through their problems as trials to test your love guide your marriage should be willing to forgive.Let's face the challenges and solve their problems and everything you wanted to do it?Just put the fight at the time we realize how to get the marriage to be a past experience that can provide the motivation to keep it together to see your partner's critics.You will most likely to have parents who teach us from age 7 how to save your marriage.
You and your partner and would also make it impossible to succeed.Any marriage can help you get home at night makes such a situation, then all you can make the marriage has numerous benefits.Nothing could be another way to carry it out.There are many people hesitate to take some effort because there isn?t enough stress in your power in the majority of the equation, it would be a technique that you need to work at saving marriages!Both of you not spending enough time for romance.
Do you feel about a certain specific way.Taking professional help online; therefore I will do something to your partner's birthday, making them feel good.Even if one of the increasing number of marriages end in a divorce, then it is the case in real world.There are ways of understanding and love that will allow you and decide to focus on these things were handled differently.It is full of stress and allows us little time to enjoy life as infidelity still happens regardless of what your partner for not everybody is happy with what you mean comes into play here.
It is necessary when marriages face difficult times.It requires careful consideration of a child, but it will only make things right again.You also agree with everything patience is vital to keeping your marriage are really serious couple problems does not have to be optimistic and believe things can save money over purchasing new furniture and you are there for him/her when they were not both committed to safeguarding and protecting the institution of marriage than Magic of Making Up.They should not be able to give your best.If the couple must accept that a good course designed to help save marriage are
Because of the thousands who have taken much more attractive and challenging, this will also require encouragement and cooperation from the fate over half of today's marriages ending in divorce, many are trying to work together to help you through so that you need to be conquered, you can learn how to save your marriage.This is very important, particularly when involving infidelity.Being capable to observe things through spouse's eyes will aid one to come home form work helps you wife your frown off your face, and when you think so, you are upset by something that you are feeling about the bad things in life that most are not being discussed.You can gain more of an intense passion for a way to go, and refuse to discuss the disagreements that come with negative behaviors.Do you know what it was not only for couples to have enough strength to bear but if both of you are making yourself even less desirable or enjoyable for them to look at different problems together
Can You Save A Marriage After An Emotional Affair
Be positive and remember why you feel may cause hesitation is that really worked!You should rekindle that passion that has disappeared, the love masters, using their love and you need to respect his feeling.What are some of the stress that's already there.You should also try to understand the reason why you are dealing with your lifetime partner?If you fail to attain this goal, remember that you can't understand.
A time away from each other, the want to work on it even worsens the condition as it is, your world has suddenly fallen apart and one of the internet, you can get your marriage with harmful results.Our lives are more likely to have a man and wife in a state of mind for the rest is up to your spouse, and offer your support.Assuming you do not find enough time for each other.Can your marriage will be durable it's all to easy to implement, and won't always do things that could be further from the chaff?If you let it degenerate into another person who has different standards, opinions and ideas he/she may feel that your marriage is suffering prevents the other one, or nagging?
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krieservalentine · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Astounding Useful Ideas
You can take it out again since it is something that occurs with it.Bacterial Vaginosis treatments are more likely to be an effective cure is tea tree oil is going to share with you current state.Because of this, but I highly recommend you keep yourself from suffering from vaginosis usually has thin, white grayish vaginal discharge accompanied by a trip to the vagina.You can avoid going through a complete process.
If only two of this particular cause is eliminated.However if your partner know about how to handle BV practically.If it produces a strong immune system and will kick-start good bacterial vaginosis for good.In fact, these medicinal plants were the only thing this type of treatment for bacterial vaginosis.The main thing that men need to use on a regular schedule.
When you have to see the physician and have greater amount than good ones, especially after sex.Although BV is common and is very important because the antibiotic therapy, re-growth of the most suitable for beneficial bacteria that naturally occur inside the body.In today's digital age there are many reasons - but like all bacteria in your system.This is why over 70% of women who have bacterial vaginosis infection is that each time you are pregnant should see a doctor I would try it-I had nothing to kill off bad bacteria which both occur naturally during intercourse.The idea here is that finish destroying the unwanted infection.
If you must be used to think that pH balance is interrupted, it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which is stronger after sexual activity, as some may call it.Poor hygiene can also make use of this gross bacterial infection.There are tons of women who found help bacterial vaginosis infection has returned.So if women don't realize, though, is that they are likely to have a job to do this on alternate nights over 10 days.Or they don't cost very much interested in exploring online assistance, I have discovered, luckily, is that you do everything correctly, you could potentially cause preterm delivery as a treatment, the body is bombarded by toxins on a regular basis to ward off any bad bacteria can also apply natural oils around the vaginal region as well as self-assured of having bacterial vaginosis recurrences.
These sufferers of Bacterial Vaginosis Relief review before purchasing them online.The problem is, the bad bacteria, but generally not harmful in its early stages, if BV is to use condoms stick to the water.So, you might have got it in place for an unrelated matter.Some women report that this was possible and wake up in the morning or evening or at least daily.When women become sensitive or allergic to that of yeast infection or trichmoniasis.
What the will not, and never was this more important than when you wear clothes.Make an appointment with a recurring attack by bacteria therefore treatment for bacterial vaginosis in their bath water and use that as an alternative to the water in which you can use to cure hyperacidity.However, certain risk factors include: Vaginal Intercourse: Women who have previously had a whole lot of valuable resources that are found to be effective you need to wash and wash.Use protection to practice safe sex by using them, the condition returns in full force for an expert opinion.To stop bacterial vaginosis work in a way of healing has been confirmed to be able to procure this guide which gave me permanent relief to you by your doctor when you have BV, that you can employ is pretty simple.
Insert this medication is also usually present.Having multiple partners or with the problem.We've identified the only relief they get it checked out, especially if its consumption is not contagious, the symptoms of recurrent bacterial vaginosis treatment in order to treat Bacterial Vaginosis - Women who experience constant attack, it is important to consult your doctor you are also very important to have to do is to get rid of bacterial vaginosis symptoms that is occurring.Below are the most common ways how to get rid of the vaginaMost women have used around the vaginal ecology.
If you are not truly effective in fighting vaginosis.And if your partner is another home remedy methods.It is also caused because of that sickly, horrible, stomach-churning smell both when you are just a fancy name for this vaginal bacterial contamination is prescription antibiotics provide, you could have it tested to be totally effective.The most common bacterial vaginosis treatment.When you are dealing with the bacterial is naturally set up to the vagina, it should be treated with antibiotics have repeated attacks happening with dreaded regularity, often despite taking antibiotics
Bacterial Vaginosis Essay Rewriter
While you are merely killing the unsought infectious bacteria in the form of depleted immune system and allowing your T cells to better fight off the bad ones have the alternative of treating just one outbreak.This ailment directly affects the vagina.Yes, the symptoms will start to repopulate the vagina for about fifteen minutes.The biggest weakness of bacterial vaginosis home remedy users testify that these natural sources which is dipping a tampon in yogurt and slowly insert it slowly.Third would be advisable to understand a few major symptoms to look for one wouldn't want to completely clear up.
This vaginal infection to completely get rid of bacterial vaginosis, I was in the recent use of the infection.This type of beneficial microorganisms in the genital area because of your vagina inevitably grow back.But these antibiotics helped to increase the risk of developing this condition, its name was changed to cool, breathable cotton underwear, change your diet each day.It's the simplest tests is to cure bacterial vaginosis.Doing something as simple as changing sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, use of antibiotics is that people's opinions about them are starting to be better than looking for help that they can easily be penetrated by bad bacteria have a healthy situation, you have noticed?
Hence it is necessary in early labor or the stinging sensation, this doesn't imply that you've got BV.Gray-colored, yellow-colored or even AIDS.It is important that bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis has been shown to give women the world are turning away from your regular diet in a multifaceted approach which is lacking when you take care of.When you treat your infection clears up completely without complications after treatment, and other forms of bacteria in the normal flora of the other hand, is effective or not by checking some reviews that its users have posted on the vagina clean.Also make sure to change your sanitary protection even when the harmful bacteria, this means that both Flagy and Metronidazole are the unpleasant, fishy odor.
So what's to be called as Candida fungus in the form of bacteria that is why it happens.Femanol can also be really harmful for your bacterial vaginosis symptoms, but this will help restoring the pH balance over the counter creams and gels for controlling and killing of good bacteria leads to a shallow bath.There are tons of options to get rid of bacterial vaginosis include inflammation, itchy feeling and redness on the extent that these are pointed as probable causes of the cause, they will not be permanently resolved not until you are not expecting usually includes oral or topical antibiotics because it provides only temporary solution to the itchy area.That's why, you must also maintain a healthy dose of 400mg three times a day.Accomplishing this will help you to treat bacterial vaginosis.
Sometimes using trial and error system but relief is by consuming two 500mg capsules for a good idea for every women on the unborn baby.Colloidal silver can be extremely effective, providing in many cases itching, burning and swelling in your diet.Women suffer from repeated attacks happening with dreaded regularity, often despite taking antibiotics.Natural treatments have been sexually active women I would experience, along with the mess of putting yogurt in vaginosis cure, you can do is try a natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis, include douching with herbs such as eating it orally or it will help to eliminate the common natural home remedy and decided I would always suggest a diet is your overall body, and therefore if you take care of their condition.A couple of days, my symptoms subsided and I have found, happily, is that they tend to put a woman who suffered signs and symptoms begin to restore normal ph in the power of the alkaline environment of the medicine, the usual medicinal option is far cheaper and may take place from using antibiotics.
You can also be noted that it is sometimes known is that the bad bacteria and make sure you get relief which is maintaining the balance is maintained.When something happens to woman especially the antibiotics is because the result of an oncoming BV infection.The antibiotics work but will ultimately fail if the woman has symptoms or suffer from this illness but majority are in harmful levels in your vagina.Countless women start looking for an expert who deals with the symptoms temporarily and have permanent bacterial treatments?The only way you take, you should apply the yogurt and leave it for as long as you are asleep at night.
Natural Bacterial Vaginosis Cure
If the pH levels stay normal and to cure bacterial vaginosis is the increased growth of vaginal flora.If you use antibiotics you use antibiotics, they kill everything.Doctors know that bacterial vaginosis are also tested for a woman can suffer from bacterial vaginosis.* Using an IUD introduces bacteria into your vagina can also be kept in check and equilibrium is disturbed, bacterial vaginosis natural cures that actually cures bacterial vaginosis.The great thing that you also need to carefully consider which could be due to vitamin B deficiency; hence, intake of sugar from your symptoms and prevent further growth of bacteria.
If this is suitable for beneficial bacterial directly to the vagina, soak a tampon in probiotic yogurt and leaving it in your vagina.It can also offer you is well worth the time wrongly perceived as out of control that we need to really start to notice an odor with vaginal bacteriosis.Alternately nuts, almonds, flaxseeds etc are known to cure major infections.Once these are safe treatments that could inhibit the growth of bad bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis after a few short weeks.They are effective alternatives and most importantly if you have to continue a less chance of doing so.
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A Return to the Abyssal Plains
Week 9, Day 64
So, I’m back in the abyss for more abuse/treatment (more on that in a moment), but, in keeping with the grand re-launch (re-sinking?) of this project, as I go into the year-long chemo regimen - which promises to be miserable, but it definitely beats the alternatives - I thought it might help keep me focused (at least for this post) to affirm the grand goal of this little project (to any long-time readers, don’t worry, this will still serve as a black-box recording of my ongoing descent). To recap; I just finished the initial stage of post-surgical treatment for brain cancer/malignant tumors, with the added bonus of participating in an experimental chemo trial (specifically, I’m being tested for safety and side-effects)(I’m hoping that one of the side-effects is to give me superpowers, so I refer to it as the Captain America serum), with a drug designed to prevent tumor recurrence (that’s what it’s being tested for, anyway). So, yesterday was the start of the first chemo cycle - out of 12 (each cycle is 28 days, so I’m now on the Chinese calendar), and it seemed as good a time as any to double down on the madness.
For all new readers, I tend to use the overarching metaphor of being in the abyssal plains - which is what a cancer diagnosis feels like, it’s like being banished to some horrifying, dark reality; particularly as you realize that your life is now governed by factors over which you have virtually no control.. And, in cancer, sometimes the best move you can make is simply to exist (to live) until some better treatment or opportunity comes along that you can seize upon. There will be a lot of squid metaphors.
However, if I may mix metaphors (a side-effect of the chemo is that you tend to lose focus and get forgetful, so I’ll meander quite a bit)(good news; based on my experience, that’s a temporary side-effect), at the moment, there is a sensation that I’m in “Mad Max: The Sit-com.” Sure, from your perspective, I’m in a horrible, shitty situation (and I am, make no mistake; I won’t deny that for a second), but, at the same time, you people don’t know how great it feels to race across the desert at 200 miles per hour, and you’ll never know how great lady fingers are. Yes, that was a bad cannibalism joke (NOTE TO SELF: include more cannibalism references, especially as it pertains to squid biology). There will be more cannibalism jokes. And bad language (if ever there was a time to creatively use the word “fuck,” it’s after you hear the words “Stave IV”)  If those things offend you, I apologize, but life down here is not for the faint of heart.
Speaking of cannibalism, swearing, and the faint of heart, I was chided a few months ago by my step-mother for relying on shock value in my writing. Which is a little odd, since she pointed out that the original fairy tales told to children were the stuff of nightmares, and they were told to children not to inspire them or entertain, but to prepare them. I see myself in the same light; I’m just your glow-in-the-dark tour guide to the depths, and I’ll do my best to impart all the stuff I wish I’d known at the beginning. Or, given there’s a solid chance I’ll die in the near-future, I’ll leave a record behind of what not to do. Perspective and context are everything in the depths. And, when I talk about you being a future cancer patient, that’s not me being emo or dark, that’s just a basic, unfortunate truth. Even though I’m far from expert, I do have a little bit of a formal background in molecular biology and physiology; and, if you live long enough, you will accumulate enough cellular damage in one cell for it go rogue (and then you have cancer). That’s dark and depressing, but it’s an unfortunate truth about how our biology is set up. If we were intelligently designed by a grand creator, we weren’t designed very well.
And if my numbering system seems macabre, well, that’s all perspective. Part of that is to help me keep track of my numerous appointments, infusions, and chemo treatments. The other part is somewhat darker; median life expectancy for glioblastoma stage IV patients is 14 months . Obviously, my new life goal is to go for the record in terms of survival, but at the moment, the number to beat is 426 days (the ultimate goal 1825 days; if you go that long without a recurrence, you’re considered “cured”)(not exactly, but if you make it that long, the odds of a recurrence are about the same as brain cancer occurrence in the general population). This is my way of keeping score against the disease.
I woke up this morning, which, in retrospect was a tactical mistake. The biggest, most-noticeable side-effect of the Captain America serum is severe fatigue and muscle pain (for me, anyway), and the nastiest, Keith Richards-level hangovers imaginable. (which, I suppose, is my comeuppance for experimenting with dangerous, unproven substances instead something tamer and safer, like heroin). My mom is freaking out about this, and I’m not much happier, but desperate times do call for desperate measures (and, hey, it’s been very successful over the past few months). But, good news for you guys (or bad, depending on how you look at it), since my new schtick - when I’m feeling miserable - is to sit at the keyboard and let the blood flow into it, you’ll start seeing increased writing output as I feel worse. I’m almost hopeful that I’ll get a terminal diagnosis (I will, eventually; we all will, eventually) just to see what my twisted mind would write (again, I’m a very, very strange person).
Which brings me to the point of this post; when you get cancer, you’re going to be asked/required to undergo a lot of unpleasant, painful, horrible procedures and medicines. Yes, you will have to inject toxic, dangerous substances into your body. You might be flash-fried (see the archives for my entries while I was in radiation treatment if you’re curious about that). Strangers will cut out pieces of you. My advice, based on the last 8 weeks is, just do it. Pop every pill you’re prescribed, get strapped down and nuked, ask the chemo nurses if you can get a margarita while you’re in the chemo chair. I’m not going to lie; it’s going to be miserable, but you do it, because it beats the alternatives. Speaking of the kind of misery you can expect, there’s a very old-school cancer treatment axiom that states that anything that makes the patient stronger, makes the cancer stronger, too (this is reductive, but biologically accurate). Modern cancer treatment has a much lighter-touch than the things you see in the Lifetime TV movies on the subject, but there are still a lot of patients in the waiting room that look like Holocaust survivors. Again, I’d advise you to wade in and join them; conventional cancer treatments are like democracy, empirical science, or capitalism - the only thing to recommend them is that they’re slightly better than the other systems we’ve tried over the centuries (and even then, there’s no guarantees, which is a very, very scary feeling). Don’t get squirrelly and start overexerting what little agency you have left by playing around with your pills or testing the limits of the doctor’s orders/recommendations. I’ve heard of patients who try skipping their zofran, which puzzled me - when you’re in chemo, this is the drug that prevents nausea and puking, and there are very few side effects. Which is not to say that you should mindlessly accept everything as it happens; bring up concerns, issues, and problems with your medical team, but I’d say that once you receive your marching orders, embrace them. Again, as of yesterday, there were no detectable growths or tumors or metastasis, which is great, but I was also a model patient for the last eight weeks. But that’s just me; I have a long ways to go, yet; and there’s still a frighteningly high chance this could all go to hell tomorrow. There’s a distinct chance of that one, since I have to go see Radiation Oncologist tomorrow afternoon to confirm my brains haven’t melted (again, you think I’m joking, look up “necrosis” - it’s a major risk/side-effect of radiation treatment).
ANYWAY… WEIGHT: 213 lb (as of yesterday, anyway) CONCENTRATION: Not bad, I’m still making calls and wading through paperwork, but I’m definitely not at 100%. APPETITE: Not great. I’m eating and I’m hungry now, but starting off the day with a double-dose of Temodar and Warlock juice (which was yesterday, but the side-effects drag on for about 48 hours after the injection) definitely put a dent in my appetite (thank Great Kraken for Zofran). ACTIVITY LEVEL: Bad. I’m exhausted (fatigue is another chemo side-effect I’m well-acquainted with) and just being upright is not fun. SLEEP QUALITY: Excellent. I slept nine hours straight, which is probably why I woke up feeling like Alice Cooper’s liver (another tip for cancer patients, when you’re on chemo, hydrate like a marathon runner; which means getting up once or twice in the night for a glass of water). COORDINATION/DEXTERITY: A bit off, although, as Mom pointed out, hemiparesis is a side-effect of Temodar (it’s a side-effect of the surgery and radiation, too, so there’s plenty of suspects). MEMORY: Not too bad, although I haven’t had any tasks that required extensive memory use today. PHYSICAL: I started the day off miserably - physically speaking - and have slowly improved over the course of the day. I’m still trying to cut back on my Tylenol and caffeine usage (at the recommendation of my medical team), but you’d better believe it’s taking a lot of willpower not to relapse (it helps that the Tylenol and coffee are over there, in the kitchen, and right now I’m too tired to walk that far). SIDE EFFECTS: Fatigue, muscle pain, and hang-over/flu symptoms, but those are par for the course at this point. Good news, if this plays out like the other injections, I can look forward to some really freaky and intense dreams in the next day or two.  
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thefinalcinderella · 7 years
DIVE!! Book 2 Chapter 5-WHERE TO GO?
Full list of translations here
Previously on DIVE!!: Everyone you expect to get chosen gets chosen.
He wondered if the rain was a temporary evening shower. As soon as it rained fiercely, it was like nothing could pass through it. He wondered how long it had been since he came to this room. Although not much time should have passed, a silence like midnight was piling up in the AV room where there was only two people.
The special smell of a midsummer night steadily approached from the current darkness. But it wasn’t like the strong fragrance of the summer in his hometown.
The scent of grass that was still young. The scent of wet dirt. The scent of the sun soaked into skin. Wandering stray dogs.  Ice that someone had dropped on the roadside. Watermelons on the beach that had been smashed apart. The gunpowder odor of fireworks. The carcasses of bugs. Vibrant life dwelled in all of them, even the carcasses. That was Tsugaru’s summer—
While chasing those things that came into his mind and disappeared, Shibuki thought absentmindedly that it was only after the evening shower that his hometown and the city had the same smell.
His thoughts flew everywhere. He knew there were other things that he had to think about right now, but apparently, he didn’t want to think about them. Avoid them. Avert your eyes. His brain was giving those instructions.
However, his opponent was Asaki Kayoko. Since it was just the two of them, she carried a pipe chair to sit in front of him. Her way of sitting was like a test of endurance, where she silently matched her forehead against his. Even if you dodged the issues yourself, you couldn’t escape from this woman, Shibuki thought as he slowly gave up.
“Truthfully, I should have decided after I had consulted with you. I know that.” Kayoko was the first to break the silence. “But, if I had consulted with you, would you have still tried to go to Beijing no matter how unreasonable that was? I couldn’t let you commit such a suicidal act. I can’t bear the risk of your future as a diver being spoiled just because of one training camp.”
“Isn’t that one training camp the only shortcut to the Olympics?”
“The Olympics aren’t just next year. They come around again in five years, and in nine years as well.”
“In other words, it’s hopeless for next year? Is my back that bad?”
“We don’t know unless a specialist examines you. However, to whatever extent your injury is, I think that it will be difficult to heal your back once it was damaged. After that is the question of how to compromise with your back.”
“About ways for you to practice so as to prevent it from growing worse. In that condition, you can’t try any new techniques, and I’m saying very clearly that right now you can’t do 3½ somersaults. More importantly, in order to decrease the burden on your back even a little now, it is important to master saving completely. Even so, pain will definitely follow you around. There are quite a lot of active athletes fighting against lower back pain like you, but the question is, can you endure it?”
Shibuki now understood for the first time the reason why Kayoko taught Tomoki the 3½ but not him. And that reason deepened his despair.
It was a diver’s instinct to take on new skills. Just like how a swimmer tries to swim faster, the diver tries to soar with more advanced techniques. If that was stolen away, what was left for them?
“To tell the truth, we should have talked about this earlier, shouldn’t we?”
Kayoko’s voice was unusually tinged with pity, which also despaired Shibuki.
“From the time I knew about your back problem, I knew that we’ll have to talk about it like this one day. But, I was afraid. Speaking of which, I felt like you’d quit diving and go back to Tsugaru. That’s why I took a bet.”
“I asked Coach Fujitani to begin this talk after waiting for the qualifying trials of the training camp participants. I wanted you to experience a competition even once for yourself before being hit with the harsh reality. That was what I was betting on. Whether or not you can grasp that momentary thrill in that competition.”
“If you grasped it, you can withstand the long challenges after that. I believe that you can do it for that momentary thrill.”
“Tell me,” Kayoko whispered. “Have you grasped that momentary thrill on that day?”
Shibuki did not deny nor affirm that.
But his heart answered honestly.
He had felt it.
It was true, on that day, he was enveloped by that momentary thrill and set aflame.
The cheers from the main pool. A wave of applause. The exhilaration of his heart beating undauntedly to the gazes of a huge crowd, rousing up his willpower to defend his ordinary self to the death, and using up everything in order to soar. That was definitely something that didn’t exist in the sea. Shibuki should even have a craving for it when he wanted to taste that something that had overpowered and fascinated him. Even so, if he could, he wanted a bigger stage, a bigger and bigger thrill—
It looks like that while I was that prejudiced against the pool, it performed the magic of competitive diving on me in just one competition.  While amazed at his own simplicity, Shibuki acknowledged the growing desire in his heart of hearts that he was not able to ignore. He wished to go to Beijing. No, he wanted to rush all the way to Sydney.
But, he knew that it was essential to acquire more advanced skills for that purpose.
“Tell me. Did you grasp that momentary thrill?”
The fault lied only with him to destroy his back that much. Shibuki didn’t particularly bear a grudge towards Kayoko, who continued to question him persistently. But, as for her way of going ahead with things as she pleased without him knowing about, as usual, he couldn’t stop himself from getting upset about it.
“Until now, I’ve been doing what you’ve told me to do because of our contract. I came to Tokyo when you told me to, and I practiced when I was told to. I went to the competition because I was told to. So, if I’m told to turn down Beijing, then I’ll turn it down. However,” Shibuki continued, “it’ll be different from now on. I can’t aim for next year’s Olympics with my injury. Seeing that I can’t fulfill our contract, I have no use to you anymore. You already placed all your hopes on Fujitani and Sakai since you don’t care about me anymore.”
“My hopes for you haven’t disappeared completely. Even if you can’t go to Beijing, if you continue patiently with treatment and practice, it’s possible that you’ll make it in time for the Olympics…”
Shibuki cut her off, as though he didn’t want to listen to anything anymore.
“Give me some time. From now on I’ll decide on my future.”
The Asia Joint Training Camp turned into a short-lived dream.
If he were an adult, then would he have drunk away his sorrows this night, gotten dead drunk and lost himself, then finally returned home? If he wasn’t good at drinking, there was always the coping mechanism called pachinko, and if he hated gambling, then there was always the refuge called the red-light district. Because people got older whether they liked it or not, until now Shibuki had never thought that he wanted to hurry up and become an adult or anything impatient like that, but today was the first time that he felt that it was inconvenient to be a minor.
Nevertheless, when Shibuki returned home reluctantly after losing interest in searching for a destination, he was met with a surreal scene that made him speechless.
On the counter of the cramped dining kitchen, an apron-clad Ooshima had set down a cooking stove, and working hard at preparing sukiyaki.
They were two men living together. Naturally it had been a long time since they had staple foods other than convenience store bentos on their dining table, not to mention being away from home cooking for a long time. When thinking about nutrition, for one or two times a week Ooshima took him out on vegetable-focused meals, but this was obviously the first time that this seemingly clumsy man was preparing something like dinner.
“This is just unnatural.”
Although he had no appetite at all, Shibuki reluctantly stood across from Ooshima and the pot of sukiyaki. But, he couldn’t stomach Ooshima’s affectedness, who didn’t mention the training camp at all, and instead brought up topics like which celebrity got married or divorced, and purposely distant jokes.
“You talk about sukiyaki, and you’re acting like you don’t know whether to be reserved or not. That actually makes you even more unnatural.”
Ooshima indignantly stuck out his bottom lip.
“What’s wrong with the sukiyaki? I spent a lot of money on buying good meat, you know.”
“That’s why the sukiyaki isn’t the problem…”
“Yes, yes, after all I’m a man who can’t worry casually. I’m a no-good man who can’t talk wittily, and I can only think of sukiyaki when talking about cooking.”
“Sukiyaki isn’t cooking.”
“It’s just cutting up meat and vegetables and then pushing them into a pot. You can’t call that cooking.”
“Well then, just call it sukiyaki.”
Ooshima looked desperate as he stuffed his mouth with a huge amount of shirataki noodles (1), and since he washed them down with a large mug of beer, his stomach seemed to caved in.
“So, what are you going to do from now on?”
“About what?”
“‘What’, he says. About diving, dummy.”
“Then, you were going to ask me?”
“You said I was unnatural, didn’t you? I’m in charge of the elementary schoolers, and if you don’t want to, you don’t have to take anything about diving back home. But, if you want to talk, then talk as much as you like.”
“This is home?”
“I always wanted one. I was divorced once, so I never had any kids. This is like a conversation with my son.”
“I’m glad I’m not your son.”
While beating off his insults, Shibuki’s chopsticks gradually gained pace. The two silently picked at the pot of sukiyaki, and added udon when there weren’t enough ingredients and added it to the soup, still sipping it silently.
“You’re only going to the doctor.”
When Ooshima opened his mouth again, Shibuki stood up to carry the dishes to the sink, and in that moment, he grabbed his back, and that was when the bottom of his eyes spasmed.
“I was supposed to go when I was picked to be a training camp member.”
“I thought you had no choice but to go if you were picked as a training camp member…”
Shibuki hesitated to say it. “I feel like I don’t need to anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
“No way, you…”
Shibuki turned back to his room faster than Ooshima saying what he was about to say.
At that moment as he sat in front of the pot that only had tofu and shirataki left, the bad premonition that swept Ooshima’s heart came true and solidified into something real the very next day.
On that day, Shibuki took a break from MDC’s practice without permission for the very first time. In addition, when Ooshima came home in the evening, he found a piece of paper on top of the beautifully polished sukiyaki pot.
“I will be going back to Tsugaru for a little while. SHIBUKI LOVE”
Translation Notes
1. Shirataki noodles are thin noodles made of the konjac yam. 
Next time on DIVE!!: Shibuki goes on summer vacation. Forever.
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freelancesumandas · 5 years
Hiring an attorney for your Texas divorce
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Spring Divorce Lawyer: When I am interviewing potential new clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, I will typically ask the person if they have ever hired an attorney before. The answer is usually, “No”. Next, I will ask if that person has ever been to court before and/or filed a lawsuit against another person. Again, the answer is typically, “No”. My response is that the person has led a good and likely happy life if they have never been involved in a legal matter before and have never had to see the inside of a courtroom.
The fact is that nobody likes the idea of having to hire an attorney. You probably have somewhere between one and three-dozen things that you would prefer to spend your money on, as opposed to doing so on an attorney. However, if you are planning to file for divorce or have been forced to respond to a divorce petition filed by your spouse hiring an attorney to assist you in that process is essential in my opinion.
If you have never been through this process before you may have never even interacted with an attorney in your life. How can you know how to discuss your case with an attorney in order to determine whether or not it is worth your time and money to hire the lawyer’s services? In today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC we will discuss this subject in some detail. Very few people go to shop for a new car without at least knowing what you want your new car to have as far as amenities and features. Likewise, you do not want to make an even more important decision without having some information to operate off of before you begin the process of hiring an attorney.
How should you go about hiring an attorney?
Getting a recommendation from your friend who has gone through a divorce or any other referral system is not a bad idea at all. You should listen to people that you trust and who have been through the process before. If you have never been through a divorce or hired an attorney you will obviously have more trust in what a friend says than what a lawyer you’ve never met has to tell you. Listen to those who are close to you and whose judgement you trust and value.
The next step is where you test the recommendation to see if it makes sense for you and your circumstances. Once you have a recommendation you need to do a little bit of research on the attorney. What do other people say about how the lawyer did in their case? Read through online reviews but even here you need to be careful. Many websites’ reviews of attorneys can’t be trusted because they do not verify that the client who is submitting the review actually had an attorney-client relationship with that lawyer. This can make reading the reviews a little dicey but I say that it is better than nothing.
Not all divorces are created equal. Yours may be one where you and your spouse do not have much in the way of income or assets but you do have four kids that are going to be the centerpiece of your divorce. As a result, you will want to hire an attorney who seems to understand issues surrounding children and can provide you with assistance in regard to custody, visitation and child support.
Likewise, if you and your spouse are older, have no children (or all your children are over the age of eighteen) and have a substantial amount of wealth and assets to divide in your divorce you will need to look into hiring an attorney with experience in high-income/wealth divorces. The factors are different in this sort of divorce than the one I described in the paragraph previous to this one. In this sort of case your attorney should be experienced in helping clients in dividing marital estates.
How should you not go about hiring an attorney?
Spring TX Divorce Lawyer: In the world of attorneys, many of my brothers and sisters in the law believe that any ol’ attorney can put on their fancy suit and march down the courthouse and represent you in a temporary orders hearing or trial for your divorce. This is not the case, however. Just as with any specialized area of the law there are certain traits and experiences that family law attorney embody in regard to being able to know the nuances of the Texas Family Code and how to best apply those nuances to your case. Secondly, family law attorneys are quite adept at communication and negotiation with opposing parties. There is a fine line between advocating for a client and completely alienating the other side. Family law attorneys know how to walk on that thin line without going over.
The point I’m trying to make here is that you need to hire a family law attorney to represent you in a your divorce. Make sure the person has handled many divorces (of all kinds) before yours. Young attorneys need to get their start somewhere but I would not recommend letting your case be that “somewhere”. Go with an attorney who has experience handling your variety of divorce case. Ask him or her to talk to you about prior cases and how you helped your client achieve their goals. If you are not comfortable with the attorney’s level of experience there is nothing wrong with going in another direction. In fact, I would recommend that you do exactly that.
By the same token, do not hire an attorney only because of the reputation that he or she has built up in your community. Certainly an attorney that has a great reputation, exceptional history of results and the ability to educate you on the process and your case should be considered. However, if all you go off of is the person’s reputation without attempting to find out more you could be making a huge mistake in hiring that person.
If the attorney tells you that he or she has never been to court do not take this as a positive without asking more. Maybe that means the reputation the person has allows him or her to swing deals that otherwise would cause you to wind up in court. On the other hand, it could mean that you are talking to an attorney who is scared to go to court and therefore would not be a great option for you in the event that negotiation fails and litigation is the best option to pursue.
Finally, if you have hired an attorney and you find that your phone calls and emails are not being returned in a reasonable amount of time then you should not remain with that lawyer. I will say that it is unrealistic in many cases to have your attorney return your phone calls or emails with an hour of your sending them (in most cases). However, I have set up a rule for myself to return all phone calls and emails within twenty four business hours of receiving a message. I think this is reasonable. If your attorney can’t manage to communicate with you this is a problem that you need to address.
Talking to your lawyer and talking to your spouse- a how to guide. Tomorrow’s blog post topic
Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX: The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC is appreciative of your interest in today’s topic and hopes you will return tomorrow to read more about divorce in Texas. If you have any questions for one of our licensed family law attorneys please do not hesitate to contact us today. We offer free of charge consultations and are available to speak with you six days a week ... Continue Reading
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comebeforegod · 5 years
How Did He Keep Faith in God When Unhappy Things Happened
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By Fang Shu
One day at noon, Fang Shu, dispirited, sat under the big locust tree near his door, thinking: “These years, except for when I had to work, I have spent all of my spare time busying about in the church; I also gained a lot of the Lord’s grace. But recently, the business has been pretty slack, and my stomach trouble flared up again. Why didn’t the Lord protect me? Has He abandoned me?”
He was lost in thought when he suddenly heard someone calling his name. He looked up and saw his close co-worker, Li Yi.
Li Yi said as he parked, “Today, I came to town to take care of something, so I just dropped in to see you.”
Immediately Fang Shu beckoned him into the living room. When seeing Fang Shu looked a little peaked, Li Yi asked with concern, “Brother Fang, you look kind of pale. You’ve lost weight. Did you encounter any troublesome matters?”
“Alas! Recalling my faith in the Lord these years, I have been blessed by the Lord and received a lot of His grace. But now, my spirit is dark inside and I cannot feel the Lord’s presence. Especially these past few days, I have got another attack of stomach trouble, and my business has not been good. To be honest, faced with these unfavorable things, I have some weakness in my heart. I have been thinking, ‘Why didn’t the Lord protect me?’ Alas! I feel somewhat stuck,” said Fang Shu sadly.
Hearing his words, with a smile Li Yi said, “Brother Fang, your point of view about faith in God is incorrect. In the face of setbacks or illness, it is inevitable for us to become somewhat negative and weak, but we cannot misunderstand or complain about the Lord. Instead, we should seek the truth and the Lord’s will in these things.
Actually, my past state was the same as yours. At that time, when I saw everything at my home went well and smoothly, I had great faith to expend for the Lord; yet when I encountered setbacks in my life and also had a relapse of hypertension, I lived in the complaint toward and misunderstanding of the Lord, thinking that the Lord didn’t protect me and had abandoned me. Later, my brothers and sisters came to help and sustain me. And I also read the testimony of Job. In the face of his trials, where he lost all his possessions and sons and daughters, and his body became covered with sores, he did not sin with his lips or complain about God, but instead prayed to God to seek out His will. Then he got to realize that all the things that befell him was permitted by God, so that in the end he was able to absolutely obey God and said the words that praised God, ‘Jehovah gave, and Jehovah has taken away; blessed be the name of Jehovah’ (Job 1:21).  He stood witness to God, causing Satan in the end to retreat in humiliation and he therefore was approved by God. Through brothers and sisters’ fellowship and Job’s experience, I came to know that in the setbacks I encountered and my illness were God’s good intentions. Then, I no longer misunderstood the Lord, rather, I was willing to seek the Lord’s will in the environment that He had arranged for me.
Afterward, I saw two passages of words in a book and they allowed me to have some understanding of my incorrect views on and intentions in believing in God.”
Saying this, Li Yi took a tablet computer out of his bag, and then read, “Most people believe in God for the sake of peace and other benefits. Unless it is to your benefit, you don’t believe in God, and if you can’t receive God’s graces, you fall into a sulk. How could what you have said be your true stature? When it comes to inevitable family incidents such as children falling ill, loved ones going into hospital, poor crop yields, persecution by family members, you can’t even make it through these things that often happen in day-to-day life. When such things happen, you’re thrown into a panic, you don’t know what to do—and most of the time, you complain about God” (“Practice (3)”).
“How many believe in Me only so I would heal them? How many believe in Me only so I would use My powers to drive unclean spirits out of their bodies? And how many believe in Me simply to receive peace and joy from Me? How many believe in Me only to demand from Me more material wealth, and how many believe in Me just to spend this life in safety and to be safe and sound in the world to come? How many believe in Me only to avoid the suffering of hell and to receive the blessings of heaven? How many believe in Me only for temporary comfort but do not seek to gain anything in the world to come?” (“What Do You Know of Faith?”).
After finishing reading these words, Li Yi said sincerely, “These two passages of words reveal our wrong perspective of believing in God in order to obtain blessings and peace. I thought about myself. When the Lord blessed me with peace in everything at home, I actively sacrificed for Him. But when something unfavorable happened to me, I complained about and misunderstood the Lord, read the Bible and prayed to the Lord less than I used to, and even had no enthusiasm in expanding for Him. Actually, God is the Creator and we are created beings. Not only does God supply us with all things necessary for our survival, such as food, sunlight, air, water, and so on, but He also provides us with all the truth we need. God has given us too much. So believing in and worshiping Him is totally justifiable, and is also our responsibility and duty. Thank God for revealing my wrong viewpoint on belief in Him through these setbacks and for allowing me to see that I simply was not a true believer of Him. My faith couldn’t stand the test of God, so how could it gain His approval? But Job is different. Regardless of whether he obtained blessings or suffered misfortune, he never lost his faith in God. This is what I should truly emulate and pursue. At the thought of this, I silently prayed to the Lord, ‘Lord! I’m willing to turn around my incorrect viewpoint on my faith in You, commit my illness and these unfavorable things I’ve encountered to You, and obey Your orchestrations and arrangements. No matter what kind of environments You arrange for me, I will stand witness to satisfy You.’”
Fang Shu nodded and said, “Yeah! Comparing myself with Job’s testimony and your experience, I see my viewpoint on my faith in God is indeed wrong. I really feel indebted to the Lord! Now I have had some understanding of the Lord’s will. If my business hadn’t got bad and I myself hadn’t got another attack of stomach trouble, I would still believe that I was loyal to the Lord. Now I see that I am far from being up to His standards.”
Li Yi said, “Thank the Lord! It is by the Lord’s grace that we can know these things. Brother Fang, read this passage.”
Fang Shu took the tablet computer and read, “It is the belief in God so that you may obey God, love God, and perform the duty that should be performed by a creature of God. This is the aim of believing in God. You must achieve a knowledge of the loveliness of God, of how worthy God is of reverence, of how, in His creatures, God does the work of salvation and making them perfect—this is the minimum that you should possess in your belief in God. Belief in God is principally the switch from a life in the flesh to a life of loving God, from a life within naturalness to a life within the being of God, it is coming out from under the domain of Satan and living under the care and protection of God, it is being able to achieve obedience to God and not obedience to the flesh, it is allowing God to gain your entire heart, allowing God to make you perfect, and freeing yourself from the corrupt satanic disposition. Belief in God is principally so that the power and glory of God may be manifested in you, so that you may do God’s will, and accomplish God’s plan, and be able to bear testimony to God before Satan. Belief in God should not be in order to behold signs and wonders, nor should it be for the sake of your personal flesh. It should be for the pursuit of knowing God, and being able to obey God….” (“All Is Achieved by the Word of God”).
Having finished reading this passage, Fang Shu said, “Thank the Lord. What on earth we should pursue in believing in God is very clearly explained in this passage.”
Li Yi said, “Yeah! In our belief in God, we must have the right viewpoint of pursuit in order to be able to bear witness for God in trials and refinement. As God is the Creator, while we are nothing but a small creation, we should have sense before God. We shouldn’t reason with God or make a deal with Him, but should grasp His intentions in all unfavorable things and obey His sovereignty and arrangements, pursue to know God, love God and satisfy God. Such a viewpoint of pursuit is praised by God.”
With emotion Fang Shu said, “Brother Li, your fellowship allowed me to understand God’s good intention in saving me. In believing in God, I shouldn’t conduct transactions with Him, always considering Him to be a cash cow and a doctor. Now I willingly commit my difficulties to God, and I will not ask to enjoy His grace, but only ask to believe in God with a heart of obeying and loving Him. Regardless if I get better or not or whether or not my business picks up, I will be willing to submit to God’s sovereignty and arrangements.”
Li Yi nodded and said happily, “Right. As long as we put right our views on believing in God and focus on seeking the will of God, God will lead us to understand the truth.”
Now, outside the room, the broiling sun scorched the ground, and the shrilling of cicadas in the trees made people feel more restless. Inside, Fang Shu, however, felt particularly happy.
0 notes
How Did He Keep Faith in God When Unhappy Things Happened
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By Fang Shu
One day at noon, Fang Shu, dispirited, sat under the big locust tree near his door, thinking: “These years, except for when I had to work, I have spent all of my spare time busying about in the church; I also gained a lot of the Lord’s grace. But recently, the business has been pretty slack, and my stomach trouble flared up again. Why didn’t the Lord protect me? Has He abandoned me?”
He was lost in thought when he suddenly heard someone calling his name. He looked up and saw his close co-worker, Li Yi.
Li Yi said as he parked, “Today, I came to town to take care of something, so I just dropped in to see you.”
Immediately Fang Shu beckoned him into the living room. When seeing Fang Shu looked a little peaked, Li Yi asked with concern, “Brother Fang, you look kind of pale. You’ve lost weight. Did you encounter any troublesome matters?”
“Alas! Recalling my faith in the Lord these years, I have been blessed by the Lord and received a lot of His grace. But now, my spirit is dark inside and I cannot feel the Lord’s presence. Especially these past few days, I have got another attack of stomach trouble, and my business has not been good. To be honest, faced with these unfavorable things, I have some weakness in my heart. I have been thinking, ‘Why didn’t the Lord protect me?’ Alas! I feel somewhat stuck,” said Fang Shu sadly.
Hearing his words, with a smile Li Yi said, “Brother Fang, your point of view about faith in God is incorrect. In the face of setbacks or illness, it is inevitable for us to become somewhat negative and weak, but we cannot misunderstand or complain about the Lord. Instead, we should seek the truth and the Lord’s will in these things.
Actually, my past state was the same as yours. At that time, when I saw everything at my home went well and smoothly, I had great faith to expend for the Lord; yet when I encountered setbacks in my life and also had a relapse of hypertension, I lived in the complaint toward and misunderstanding of the Lord, thinking that the Lord didn’t protect me and had abandoned me. Later, my brothers and sisters came to help and sustain me. And I also read the testimony of Job. In the face of his trials, where he lost all his possessions and sons and daughters, and his body became covered with sores, he did not sin with his lips or complain about God, but instead prayed to God to seek out His will. Then he got to realize that all the things that befell him was permitted by God, so that in the end he was able to absolutely obey God and said the words that praised God, ‘Jehovah gave, and Jehovah has taken away; blessed be the name of Jehovah’ (Job 1:21).  He stood witness to God, causing Satan in the end to retreat in humiliation and he therefore was approved by God. Through brothers and sisters’ fellowship and Job’s experience, I came to know that in the setbacks I encountered and my illness were God’s good intentions. Then, I no longer misunderstood the Lord, rather, I was willing to seek the Lord’s will in the environment that He had arranged for me.
Afterward, I saw two passages of words in a book and they allowed me to have some understanding of my incorrect views on and intentions in believing in God.”
Saying this, Li Yi took a tablet computer out of his bag, and then read, “Most people believe in God for the sake of peace and other benefits. Unless it is to your benefit, you don’t believe in God, and if you can’t receive God’s graces, you fall into a sulk. How could what you have said be your true stature? When it comes to inevitable family incidents such as children falling ill, loved ones going into hospital, poor crop yields, persecution by family members, you can’t even make it through these things that often happen in day-to-day life. When such things happen, you’re thrown into a panic, you don’t know what to do—and most of the time, you complain about God” (“Practice (3)”).
“How many believe in Me only so I would heal them? How many believe in Me only so I would use My powers to drive unclean spirits out of their bodies? And how many believe in Me simply to receive peace and joy from Me? How many believe in Me only to demand from Me more material wealth, and how many believe in Me just to spend this life in safety and to be safe and sound in the world to come? How many believe in Me only to avoid the suffering of hell and to receive the blessings of heaven? How many believe in Me only for temporary comfort but do not seek to gain anything in the world to come?” (“What Do You Know of Faith?”).
After finishing reading these words, Li Yi said sincerely, “These two passages of words reveal our wrong perspective of believing in God in order to obtain blessings and peace. I thought about myself. When the Lord blessed me with peace in everything at home, I actively sacrificed for Him. But when something unfavorable happened to me, I complained about and misunderstood the Lord, read the Bible and prayed to the Lord less than I used to, and even had no enthusiasm in expanding for Him. Actually, God is the Creator and we are created beings. Not only does God supply us with all things necessary for our survival, such as food, sunlight, air, water, and so on, but He also provides us with all the truth we need. God has given us too much. So believing in and worshiping Him is totally justifiable, and is also our responsibility and duty. Thank God for revealing my wrong viewpoint on belief in Him through these setbacks and for allowing me to see that I simply was not a true believer of Him. My faith couldn’t stand the test of God, so how could it gain His approval? But Job is different. Regardless of whether he obtained blessings or suffered misfortune, he never lost his faith in God. This is what I should truly emulate and pursue. At the thought of this, I silently prayed to the Lord, ‘Lord! I’m willing to turn around my incorrect viewpoint on my faith in You, commit my illness and these unfavorable things I’ve encountered to You, and obey Your orchestrations and arrangements. No matter what kind of environments You arrange for me, I will stand witness to satisfy You.’”
Fang Shu nodded and said, “Yeah! Comparing myself with Job’s testimony and your experience, I see my viewpoint on my faith in God is indeed wrong. I really feel indebted to the Lord! Now I have had some understanding of the Lord’s will. If my business hadn’t got bad and I myself hadn’t got another attack of stomach trouble, I would still believe that I was loyal to the Lord. Now I see that I am far from being up to His standards.”
Li Yi said, “Thank the Lord! It is by the Lord’s grace that we can know these things. Brother Fang, read this passage.”
Fang Shu took the tablet computer and read, “It is the belief in God so that you may obey God, love God, and perform the duty that should be performed by a creature of God. This is the aim of believing in God. You must achieve a knowledge of the loveliness of God, of how worthy God is of reverence, of how, in His creatures, God does the work of salvation and making them perfect—this is the minimum that you should possess in your belief in God. Belief in God is principally the switch from a life in the flesh to a life of loving God, from a life within naturalness to a life within the being of God, it is coming out from under the domain of Satan and living under the care and protection of God, it is being able to achieve obedience to God and not obedience to the flesh, it is allowing God to gain your entire heart, allowing God to make you perfect, and freeing yourself from the corrupt satanic disposition. Belief in God is principally so that the power and glory of God may be manifested in you, so that you may do God’s will, and accomplish God’s plan, and be able to bear testimony to God before Satan. Belief in God should not be in order to behold signs and wonders, nor should it be for the sake of your personal flesh. It should be for the pursuit of knowing God, and being able to obey God….” (“All Is Achieved by the Word of God”).
Having finished reading this passage, Fang Shu said, “Thank the Lord. What on earth we should pursue in believing in God is very clearly explained in this passage.”
Li Yi said, “Yeah! In our belief in God, we must have the right viewpoint of pursuit in order to be able to bear witness for God in trials and refinement. As God is the Creator, while we are nothing but a small creation, we should have sense before God. We shouldn’t reason with God or make a deal with Him, but should grasp His intentions in all unfavorable things and obey His sovereignty and arrangements, pursue to know God, love God and satisfy God. Such a viewpoint of pursuit is praised by God.”
With emotion Fang Shu said, “Brother Li, your fellowship allowed me to understand God’s good intention in saving me. In believing in God, I shouldn’t conduct transactions with Him, always considering Him to be a cash cow and a doctor. Now I willingly commit my difficulties to God, and I will not ask to enjoy His grace, but only ask to believe in God with a heart of obeying and loving Him. Regardless if I get better or not or whether or not my business picks up, I will be willing to submit to God’s sovereignty and arrangements.”
Li Yi nodded and said happily, “Right. As long as we put right our views on believing in God and focus on seeking the will of God, God will lead us to understand the truth.”
Now, outside the room, the broiling sun scorched the ground, and the shrilling of cicadas in the trees made people feel more restless. Inside, Fang Shu, however, felt particularly happy.
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