#so about that sister daniel fic lol........
manchesterau · 17 days
the way i want to write but i dont at the same time
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phregnancy · 27 days
Sometimes I read bottom Dan fic from a few years ago and I'm like "who are these people?" lol. It's like people totally disregarded Phil's personality in order for him to fit the stereotypical mold they'd cast him in. It was the same for Dan tbh. Lbr the only reason why people thought Dan was the bottom is bc he's younger and more outwardly feminine than Phil. The idea that bottom= submissive and top= dominate is flawed anyway, but also...Dan is not submissive. He's quite bossy and controlling. In the past, I'd even say he could be domineering. I don't see their dynamic as even being Dom/sub tbh. It's more of a playful power struggle. Except Dan fights by asserting dominance and Phil fights by being cute and whining until Dan gives in or being an absolute menace and annoying Dan into submission lmao
rewriting this for the third time because my app keeps refreshing </3 but i agree with alllll of this. putting it under a cut because i got way off course and went on a tangent lol
someone recently said that they can tell who of us have been actively engaged in diverse irl queer communities (clubs, bars, sports leagues, activism groups, etc) vs who of us haven’t and i’ve been thinking about that a lot in regards to this. obviously nothing wrong with not engaging with your irl queer communities, some people don’t have access or don’t feel comfortable or simply don’t want to and all of that is fine - but you do have to work harder to unlearn a lot of heteronormative concepts like these and you have to familiarize yourself with queer culture and history (outside of social media). people’s outward presentations of masculinity and femininity have nothing to do with their sexual preferences, and dan has shared that exact sentiment in so many words (wondering if people think he’s a bottom because he’s slightly more feminine, and then discouraging that narrative as a whole). i also think there was a lot of hyperbolizing with their masculine and feminine presentations, because for a long time dan really was not that feminine and phil really was not that masculine. they were both emo nerd boys who played video games and drank too much soda. even now with personas like sister daniel, that really is not the height of femininity in queer culture or drag culture.
i think there’s also something to be said about people’s lack of familiarity with queer culture showing in people’s thoughts on them being in an open relationship and also 2009 bottom dan.
i don’t particularly care about the open relationship discourse one way or another, but a lot of mlm relationships are open. there are studies and statistics on this, gay men are the most comfortable and open to open relationships. if they hooked up with people when dan was touring or even just someone every now and then, it wouldn’t be as shocking as some people make it out to be. i also think there’s a problem with people conflating open relationships with polyamory, and those two things are often very different. people in open relationships tend to be committed to each other, but will sometimes want to have noncommittal sex with other people. polyamory is having multiple committed relationships (romantic or sexual). clingy phil and possessive dan having noncommittal sex with other people wouldn’t change that they’re still clingy x possessive. and if you’re actively engaged in irl queer communities vs online echo chambers you’ll learn this.
i’m getting way off course here lol but then in regards to people thinking 2009 dan was bottoming as a default, that’s been a pet peeve of mine since forever because it shows a lack of familiarity with mlm relationships. it’s extremely unlikely that dan’s first gay sexual experiences were being on the receiving end of anal sex, that takes time to get used to (with yourself and with a partner) and often isn’t most men’s first gay sexual position. they also weren’t together long enough until phil got his first apartment to have dan be familiar enough with anal to take phil’s dick every time he visited. i know everyone thinks little twink dan taking phil’s big dick is so hot, but big dicks can be painful and are something you work yourselves towards. and y’know, who knows what actually went on in that bedroom so much cherry everywhere, but i do think we should dispel some of these beliefs that again are playing into heteronormativity (little feminine dan taking big masculine emo phil)
dan has always been bossy and controlling and he was quite confident with the people he was comfortable around (phil + other youtubers + his audience) and then grew to be a confident person in general. i see them as a real brat x brat relationship with them being bratty in different ways (bossy/teasing vs whiney/pushing buttons).
here’s my last thing (thanks for reading this novel if you made it this far) - there is a difference between knowing all of this, and still just preferring bottom sub dan x top dom phil because you think it’s hot, vs believing there’s no other dynamics that could exist because of heteronormative stereotypes that you are actively playing into. like what you like and have fun! but please work on educating yourself and unlearning heteronormativity. sorry for the spiel!
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
sorry to post so much everyone, promise i will resume to writing fic only like, once every three months after this lol
“That is a very nice watch, Max.”
It’s Victoria who is the first to notice it, the two of them sat out on his and Daniel’s balcony, the August evening warm. Between them are two empty bottles of wine and a quarter full bottle of gin. Inside, her babies are sleeping on the pull out beds, and Daniel has taken Tom into their ‘hobby room’, where Max’s sim lives also, to show him the newest addition to his camera collection. Apparently the one Tom had been using to document their children as they grow died a smoky death last week, losing all the photos of baby Lio in the process.
“Daniel got it for me,” is all he says, glancing down at his wrist.
It’s Tag Heuer of course, because Max has to wear those kind with the sponsorship rules, but this one is much nicer than the big flashy ones he usually gets for free. More you, Maxy, Daniel had explained nervously when Max opened the box to see it for the first time. A classic, smooth black leather strap instead of the usual shiny silver metal, the face a little smaller, round. In the middle, where the two hands of the clock meet, a tiny little diamond that you can only see if you look close enough, like a secret. The real secret is, of course, the inscription on the back, the engraved cursive words, for my world champion.
It’s so lovely. Max hates it a little bit.
Victoria lets out a laugh that bounces loudly through the too-still night air.
“Oh no,” she says, voice teasing. “You do not like it?” When he looks up from where he’s been staring at it, her eyebrows are raised.
Max has had maybe a little too much to drink, if he’s letting his complicated feeling about the watch show on his face, but it is the summer break of course, so it’s okay, and this is his sister. Maybe he can tell her what he is sometimes too afraid to think about on his own.
“I like it,” he insists, “but-“
“Max it is okay,” she says with another laugh, her cheeks bright pink from the wine she has drunk. She says it like she is trying to help him by telling him how he feels. “Sometimes they do not always get these things right, yes? The nice thing is that they try.”
But that isn’t it. This isn’t like the time Tom brought Victoria a pair of shoes for her birthday and she had telephoned Max to ask unhappily, “do I look like the type of person who would wear Michael Kors,” like Max was supposed to know who that was. Daniel is good at presents. He is very good at making Max happy.
“I do like it,” he tries again, a little defensive now on Daniel’s behalf. His words slur together a little, and without realising it, he’s switched back to Dutch. “It is lovely, I- It even has something written just for me on the other side, so of course it is special, I just- I thought-“
He thinks back to that night, two weeks ago now, the first of summer break that they got to be alone together. The first of their break, five nights to spend in some outrageously flashy Ibiza villa that Daniel booked, 120 hours stretching out in front of them, almost too sweet like toffee.
By the pool, laughing together, as they twirled pasta around their forks. Daniel had made it for Max, one of his ‘sabbatical projects’, to get better at cooking. That way you can hire me as your chef Maxy, if I don’t get a seat, yeah? It was so nice because the rich tomato sauce almost tasted the same as Max’s favourite kind of soup, and when Max had told Daniel that his face had gone all soft the way Max loved to see it, like he’d said all the right words in the right order.
“I’ve got something for you actually,” Daniel had said then, and he’d leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of Max’s mouth before getting from his chair to go and get his present.
When he’d come back with a black box and a shy, nervous smile on his face, Max’s heart had fluttered like there was a bird inside his chest, beating it’s wings against his ribcage. Daniel wanted to-
But then it had been a watch.
Looking at Victoria now, he can feel the wonky line his attempt of a smile makes of his mouth.
“For a moment, when he gave it to me,” he explains, thumbing over the smooth glass of the watch face, “I thought it was- I thought, maybe, a different kind of jewelry.”
It takes a few seconds for realisation to spread across his sisters features, but when it does it doesn’t make him feel any better the way he’d hoped it would to share this.
“Oh Max,” she says, reaching for his hand across the table, and he wants to recoil at her pity, “I did not- I did not even know that was something you wanted.”
Which to Max, seems like a silly thing to say, because of course it’s what he wants. He and Daniel have been together for so many years now, why would he not? It’s what you do when you love each other and want to be together always. He’d thought, maybe, now Daniel was happy again and not racing, but-
“Maybe it is not what Daniel wants,” he says with a shrug, but just saying the words out loud make his eyes sting and his throat ache. He is probably just too drunk for this conversation.
Victoria hums, like she is thinking. Over the balcony, Max can see the shimmer of the moon bouncing off the sea. His face feels so hot suddenly, like he is melting, and he imagines diving into the cool water.
“Have you two ever spoken about this?” Victoria asks, and Max just shakes his head, not looking at her. “Then how can- How can you know he does not want to? Why- You could always ask him too, you know.”
She’s right, of course. It’s just- Max doesn’t know how to explain it. That he wants it to be simple, for Daniel to want Max so much that he can’t stand to not ask him. That Max is afraid if he is the one to ask, Daniel will say yes just because he wants to give Max what he wants, and not because he wants Max.
Behind him, he hears laughter, the sound of footsteps, and Victoria’s face looks up, worried, to the sliding glass door behind him. It opens. Max wipes his eyes quickly, feeling even more foolish than before as Daniel runs a hand through his hair, presses his cheek into the top of his head, just as drunk as the rest of them and asks, “what are you two gossiping about then?”
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harvest moon (d.r.w)
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danny wagner x f!reader
word count: 547
warnings: fluff, talks of marriage/wanting children, reader and daniel have both been said to have consumed alcohol
author's note: aside from one measly attempt at starting to write a fic in middle school, this is my first ever attempt at writing a fic/imagine. i have no practice, so this is me getting a feel for writing with a test run, sorry if it isn't great lol. also not proofread.
"Because I'm still in love with you
I want to see you dance again"
The warm, low hanging lighting is twinkling in Danny’s big hazel eyes so perfectly when he proposes, “Let’s go out there and have one last dance.”
We were at the wedding reception of a friend, the day was winding down to a close, and the sweet sounds of “Harvest Moon” just started trickling through the speakers. 
“Okay,” I say with a wide smile.
The day had been so perfect. The wedding was beautiful, the reception was loud, and now we were two of only about two dozen people lingering at the party. We were both tired and slightly tipsy, but we didn’t want to go home and end such a wonderful evening together. We knew when the weekend was over we’d both have to go back to our jobs and busy schedules.
Danny stands up from our table and extends his hand to me, then whisks me away to the dance floor where I put my palm in his.
He wraps one arm around my waist, while mine goes around his neck, and we hold our opposite hands close to our chests as he starts to sway us from side to side. I look deep into Danny’s gaze when he starts to hum along with Neil Young’s voice, and I realize how simply perfect this entire moment was. 
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” I vocalize.
“Me too.”
I start to think about how, one day, Danny and I could be the ones getting married. We were still young, and although we live together and have been together for almost three years now, we’ve never felt rushed to tie the knot. That doesn’t mean we’ve never thought about it though.
“Danny, do you ever think about our wedding sometimes?”
“Of course I do,” He says. “I think about it all the time. My brothers standing next to me, my sister being your maid of honor, you all dressed up, walking down the aisle. Our honeymoon.” 
“Stop!” I swat at his shoulder, but I can’t fight the bright smile working its way onto my face. 
“What? I do think about our honeymoon! I think about that, and about how after our honeymoon we might have little you and I’s running around our house…” 
“Little you and I’s?”
“Only if you want them of course, but I know if you want them, then I want them too.”
My chest swells with warmth at the indication that Danny wants to have a family some day with me. I know that Danny loves me, he’s never shied away from showing me affection and proclaiming his love, but for him to share so freely that he thinks about our future together makes me all giddy inside.
“I would love to get married and have a family with you one day.” 
“Perfect.” He beams. 
We dance the rest of the song gazing into each other’s eyes, and even when “Harvest Moon” is over and the DJ has moved on to one of the last upbeat songs of the evening, we stay swaying in our own little world, content with the promise of what our future holds.
"Because I'm still in love with you
on this harvest moon"
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33max · 11 months
just a turkey dinosaurs halloween mini fic, 1409 words
Daniel is not usually the most organised person, actually, he’s pretty sure nobody would ever use that word to describe him. He forgets to send birthday cards to his sister sometimes. Only remembers on her actual birthday and then it’s too late to send a card all the way to Perth.
But he is organised for Halloween this year.
It’s the first Halloween that Max will be regressed for. They’ve planned it out and Daniel can tell that Max is excited for his younger self to have this experience.
Daniel doesn’t know if Max really celebrated Halloween as a child, if he was allowed to dress up, eat too much candy, or even answer the door to trick or treaters. Max has never really said much about it, the only stories Max tells him about Halloween are the drunken shenanigans that he and Martin got up to at parties back in Amsterdam.
Anyway, Daniel wants to make little Max’s first Halloween very special.
It’s absolutely no surprise to Daniel when Max tells him he wants to be a dinosaur. Really, he shouldn’t have expected anything else.
“What kind of dinosaur?” Daniel had asked, determined to get Max a costume he loves.
“Big leafy boy, like Soup!” Max had blurted out with such excitement that his hands started flapping. It makes Daniel’s heart swell when Max is this happy about something. Soup is one of Max’s favourite plushies, he’s a large blue brontosaurus with an apparently mischievous personality and loves eating their house plants.
The problem Daniel has is that Max is fussy with clothes. He doesn’t like scratchy things. He doesn’t like when the clothes touch him wrong. So Daniel needs to find the perfect Brontosaurus costume that is very soft and doesn’t trigger Max’s sensory issues.
It’s a good job he is organised because it turns out that is quite a feat.
He doesn’t think Max will tolerate an inflatable costume, so he rules that out straight away. Even though Max would look adorable in it.
He looks through what feels like thousands of dinosaur costumes for adults determined to find the best one.
Eventually, he narrows it down to five and buys them all. Max can have options.
To Michael Italiano Staliano & Bradley Scanes PT Are you guys busy on halloween?
From Bradley Scanes PT I’m free, little one is at her mums
From Michael Italiano Staliano I can be free, you having a party?
To Michael Italiano Staliano & Bradley Scanes PT Not a party but doing something for the little guy. You in?
From Bradley Scanes PT Sounds good I’ll be there mate
From Michael Italiano Staliano I’m in. Looking for a costume already lol
To Michael Italiano Staliano & Bradley Scanes PT No zombies pls lol he’s scared of them
From Bradley Scanes PT
Is that why he never plays zombies on COD 😂😂😂😂
Max drops voluntarily on Halloween morning so he can spend the whole day doing Halloween activities with Daniel.
They bake cookies, watch what Max thinks are really scary movies, carve a pumpkin, and even decorate the apartment.
Eventually, when it’s getting later in the afternoon and the sun is beginning to set they try on the many costumes that Daniel had bought.
The first one is an instant no as the head hole is too tight around Max’s ears and he doesn’t like it. He pulls it off so quickly that he almost falls, Daniel having to steady him.
The second and third are declared scratchy, which means Max doesn’t like the way they feel against his skin. That’s not too surprising really, Max is very particular with how his clothes feel.
The fourth is apparently not the right colour so Max refuses to try it on, insisting that Soup is blue and not green so Max must also be a blue dinosaur. Fair enough, Daniel supposes.
“How is that?” Daniel asks Max, tugging the tail of the last Brontosaurus costume into position. “Does that feel comfortable?”
Max’s face is flushed and peeking out from the base of the long necked dinosaur. The hood of this costume is like a plushie, a pillow filled dinosaur neck and head standing tall on Max’s head. It’s so tall that Max is going to have to duck through the doorways in their apartment, but Max has assured Daniel that an actual dinosaur would have to duck too. Obviously.
Max wiggles from side to side, unsure. This is the fifth costume he has tried on and Daniel can see he is getting a little bit frazzled and flustered with it all. He just hopes this last one will be okay for Max.
He’s got a soft t-shirt on underneath the costume to hopefully stop any sensory issues with it touching his shoulders and chest.
“It’s okay,” Max says, and Daniel isn’t one hundred percent sure if Max is just saying that because he desperately wants to be a dinosaur, or if it is actually okay. But he does trust that Max will tell him if it gets too much.
“Alright,” Daniel says, if Max gets half way through the night and needs to take it off that is fine. Daniel bought plenty of spooky pyjamas from a brand he knows Max likes and they can always swap to those. “Give me a roar then!”
“Grrrrrrr,” Max says so softly, it’s not intimidating at all. It’s actually one of the cutest things Daniel has ever heard.
There is a knock on the door at around 6pm. Max has his dinosaur costume on and Daniel is dressed up as Alan Grant from Jurassic Park, hat and all. He wanted to match his boy somehow and he figured he had half of the things for this outfit anyway.
“I wonder who that is,” Daniel says to Maxy, “Do you want to answer?”
Max shakes his head, suddenly nervous. “Together?”
Daniel holds Max’s hand as they walk to the door, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze as Max pulls on the handle to open it.
“Trick or treat!!” Michael shouts. He’s wearing one of the most ridiculous costumes that Daniel has ever seen.
“Mikey!” Max is looking up at him in awe. “You’re a turkey dinosaur!”
“Just don’t eat me, Maxy!” Michael says as he makes his way into the apartment. His bizarre costume only just making it through the door. Daniel is going to have to ask him where on earth he bought it later.
“I won’t,” Max tells him solemnly, “I only eat leaves don’t worry.”
Daniel can’t help the laughter that bursts out of him, Max is so unintentionally funny. He doesn’t even realise it.
Max takes Michael’s hand and leads him towards the kitchen, chatting away about the cookies that he made and the pumpkin that he carved. Desperate to show Michael his creations.
Daniel makes to follow them, but then the door knocks again.
“Daddy get it!” Max shouts from the kitchen. “I’m showing Mikey my pumpkin!”
When Daniel swings the door open Captain America is stood on the other side. Brad looks quite the part, holding his shield in a power pose.
“What are you supposed to be?” Brad asks him when he realises that it’s Daniel opening the door and not Max.
“I’m Alan Grant,” Daniel says, and then adds “My dinosaur is in the kitchen.”
“Is the dinosaur having a good Halloween?” Brad asks as he makes his way into the apartment.
Before Daniel can answer Max comes charging through from the kitchen, tail wiggling from left to right as he runs. He almost barrels into Brad who only just moves his shield out of the way in time to wrap Max in a hug.
“Brad!” He squeaks, “you’re here!”
The evening goes much better than Daniel could have even imagined. He is so glad that he invited Michael and Brad, it’s important that Max gets to spend time with people who love him for who he authentically is.
Max even gets to do some trick or treating when Michael and Brad stand behind some of the doors in the apartment and hand out candy. It’s a little ridiculous, but Max loves it. The sound of his happy giggle filling their apartment makes Daniel’s heart swell with love.
Seeing a huge smile on Max’s face will always make Daniel’s day, but today in particular he’s so glad he could give Max a happy Halloween with his favourite people around.
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ccoffii · 6 months
Eleceed Redeisgns
Don’t get the wrong idea I’m not trying to fix anything (despite my issues with 75% of the bestie crew having the same hairstyle) ZHENA-nim art did really well on this series and I can definitely see her improvements!!
I find redesigning characters I like as a good exercise for me since I’m trying to practice my character design skills! I’ve also added headcannons so strap in.
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First victim, istg he doesn’t even look like the same person lol.
- gave him the :3 mouth bc he has the little shit potential especially after wrapping everyone around his finger
- Longer hair comes from the hc that he is the kind of person who would hide behind it and to match his dads
- changed his hair to brown bc the blond colour blended with his skin too much (helps with contrast)
- The bag is to help him carry cats and more cat food
- Oversized clothes to wallow in, also to hide himself or something
- While Jiwoo and Kayden are implied to wear the same size clothing I still think Jiwoo’s clothes would be tight on Kayden
- It helps Kayden learn about Jiwoo as a person since he would question why his clothes were so ill fitting on him
- Colour palette was hard af, but I mostly went with warmer colours and added blue as an accent so he could match Kayden
- As u can tell the only thing that fits him perfectly is the school uniform, even then he likes to size up the blazer
- His bag would start with no buttons and over time more would be added based on where he’s been and the friends he makes
- Glasses are up for debate but they look nice on him
- gave him more down turned eyes so he could resemble Kang Daniel a little more
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barely changed, basically the outfit was the only thing to go
- He looks like the kind of kid that would wear headphones all day
- His glasses fucked off to somewhere and I brought brought them back THEY R HERE TO STAY
- The dress shirt in his casual outfit is the same one from his uniform
- Bc of his upbringing with the doctor guy I would think he doesn’t have that many clothes to begin with and sees little point in getting more
- Ofc that will change later with his friends
- His name tag says his last name is Park but he doesn’t rlly have one and the wiki says so too, so it’s just something he had to give the school or somethin
- More lanky build? Basically a bean pole.
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Again who the fuck is this
- gave him his melanin back, like all of it
- He seems more the varsity jacket type guy than Wooin
- Hair is based off Yeonjun’s lover loser era
- Tried to give him that international student type of beat vibe bc his sister is the big boss of the SK awakener scene
- i feel like with this hairstyle it’s easier to imagine him with black hair but I digress
- His jacket starts off with no patches and they’re slowly added on when he spends time with the bestie crew
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- Changed her uniform to be more fancy based off of the reaction of other students in Jiwoo’s school, the pendant on her bow is her own addition.
- No respectable Gen Z wears ripped skinny jeans… Controversial
- a converse girlie for sure
- Her hair is kinda based off the Mafuyu White Day card, either way she has to give gender
- Are they called arm warmers? They give her an interesting silhouette and very distinguishable from the guys
- Alternatively she wears a turtle neck and a sweater/large T-Shirt when it’s too cold + arm warmers just cause
Some other stuff:
- yes, all the redesigns will eventually include some element of blue like Jiwoo to help connect them and signify how close they are
- a lot of them were made with a go out shopping episode in mind to help us learn more about them
- maybe I’ll write a fic but finals r chasing my ass rn so eventually
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fiveredlights · 5 months
Okay I need to know things from literally ALL of the wip’s 😂
But I guess the ones that intrigue me the most are the post AUS2024 fic, the alternate Vegas 2023 story and the lmao daniel retirement fic!!
But like I said, I want to know all things lol! You are like one of my favourite authors ❤️
P.S. please feel no pressure to update, write or anything. Take your time
beth you ask and i will dutifully answer, gonna put everything under the cut because this is a long post 🫡
snippets: ausgp 2024/you're on another path
so fun fact about this one i wrote it post quali, and i had planned to post it after the race was done so i a "pre-wrote" two endings. i wasn't going to because i was gonna be like "oh max will win but something bad might happen to daniel" so i had this ready to go:
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and i was sitting in the grandstand watching max's car explode in the pitlane and all i could think about was "did i do this. again" and honestly who knows.
Daniel’s already lying down face first on the bed when Max makes it back to their hotel room. He’s been doing it a lot recently after races, opening the door to their hotel room and just starfishing on the bed, unmoving until Max gently coaxes him to actually sleep. 
God, if his twenty-something year old self could see him now. 
Yeah, you’re back at the team you started with—no not HRT, that’s gone now, yes the Red Bull—not junior—sister team. The Red Bull seat? Yeah, not yours anymore, and it’s looking like it’s gonna stay that way. No, no podium at your home race, more like qualifying P18 because you were an idiot and drove over track limits. Points? Well, you had a good chance but I guess luck just wasn’t on your side yet again. 
Oh, and that young and upcoming driver from the Netherlands? Yeah, he’s your boyfriend now—surprise, you’re gay! And he’s a three time world champion, but that’s probably not important. 
Any one of those things would’ve sent Daniel into hospital, but all of those things combined? 
Early death. 
snippets: las vegas 2025/bonus fic reimagined
(i'm going to assume you mean las vegas 2025 and i'll give you both)
Max isn’t winning right now. 
He couldn’t really tell you why. 
Plenty of pundits, fans, strangers on the street have stopped him and asked him to dissect why he hasn’t won a championship in the past two years. He gives them a hastily PR trained and approved answer that seems to be more conscious in his mind now than before and cracks a well timed joke he’s sure his teammate would be proud of. 
Then Daniel comes along and will say, “Max already has three, he’s got to leave some for the rest of us!”, and the conversation will usually move on quickly after that. 
He knows that Daniel isn’t the sole reason for his non-winning ways right now, but when the eventual news of their relationship happens to drop, there’ll be dissections for days on if Daniel plays a part in Max’s performance right now. 
The last time Max hadn’t won a championship was when Daniel Ricciardo was with Red Bull, surely there’s some connection there?
snippets: las vegas 2025/don't read the last page
(Max is italics, Daniel is not.)
Max 🩵
July 31, 2025
I may have accidentally 
I swear it was an accident 
Like I pinky promise swear to our first born child
Don’t bring Matilda into this
Did you murder someone
Why is that your first thing
You are making a big deal out of it
Like bigger than the podcast you did in January
So I have to assume you murdered someone
Okay well it’s not murder but nice to know you think I’m capable of it
I forgot to take off my wedding ring and wore it in the paddock and people saw and I got asked about in the press conference 
They definitely thought I was just engaged so I guess that’s just a silver lining
And you have a bet with Lando over when I was going to accidentally do this
Which is rude because I would never do the same to you Maxy
You literally have a bet with Fernando over if I’m going to slip up and say husband in an interview
How do you know that
And he’s Fernando you know you can’t say no to him
When you came out you literally posted a photo of me on your Instagram
The whole paddock knows we are married
Half of them went to our wedding
About 85% of fans think we are in a relationship because you keep on teasing them with photos that is definitely me
Is it so bad that we just say yeah we’re married
We are literally about to have a kid
Okay well when you put it like that
I guess you’re right 
I know
I’m always right
snippets: lmao daniel retirement
They asked him if he wanted a big farewell thing, like they had done with Sebastian and Kimi a couple years back. 
He’d almost said no until Lando pulled a face and said “Mate, people’s last memory of you driving can’t be you heading to the pitlane again.” 
So he agreed. Told Blake to tell them to keep it minimal. No standing on giant mockups of his face during the national anthem or whatever. 
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inchidentally · 8 months
Why do I feel like Oscar is intentionally keeping Lando at a distance because he assumes it would never work out? And Lando kind of wishes Oscar would show an interest but he isn't so Lando pulls back too? Maybe I'm totally crazy but feels like they're doing a double fake out. If not then why not just be friendly the way they are with other guys?
@twinkodium helped talk me through this ask so a huge thank you to her <3
gonna put below a cut and include some other asks that aren't necessarily of interest to everyone and are kind of in the same vein (note the tag)
okay so "why not just be friendly like they are with other guys" is a pretty good thing to focus on bc when you actually break it down, Lando and Oscar define themselves as being pretty shy and they conceal a fair amount their lives and closest friends from the public. and truth is that it seems to take both of them at least a year of knowing someone before they open up - and even longer before they're as friendly as we see them with guys like Logan, Zhou, Carlos or Daniel. Lando lists the guys he's known since as far back as karting as his closest friends. so after just one season together, what we already have in terms of friendliness between Lando and Oscar is pretty damn good!
but honestly we can't say that either of them are really holding back at all when we've got Andrea and Zak constantly emphasizing how in sync they are and then of course how big they both show up for each other's wins/poles etc. whatever we don't get in terms of fun fandom content, we've got them showing each other mutual respect and support and sharing the same priorities. that's... really good imo.
it's what cracks me up abt everyone who went all 'planetf1 angry white dad in oakleys selfie in a truck comment section' over that recent Oscar quote. Lando's literally had everyone saying the same thing to him, directly and on social media ?? did they also decide that Martin Brundle, Natalie Pinkham, Lawrence Barretto and Jenson Button all despise Lando and want to take swipes at him by saying that his public flagellation feels of no use and worse, that it's probably a hindrance to his mindset? did Lando suddenly became loathed by all these people who SEEM to openly like or love him bc they said that ??
or did they expect Oscar to respond to that question with "oh no yeah it's cool that my teammate who I actually like shits all over himself and gives his haters ammo y'know to each their own whatever man" bc that WOULD actually be incredibly cold and hurtful asgajsgfljasf
I know fandom can go way off track and start expecting these men to talk like fan fic but the truth is that they view each other as professionals and fellow drivers first and friends (if they are) second. I won't repeat myself bc I've posted about it enough but none of the grid are a significant part of Lando or Oscar's life outside F1. Lando and Martin did a stopover in Perth (and apparently Martin even had work there?) for one day to ride dirt bikes at Daniel's ranch and Lando went to Carlos' sisters' gigantic state wedding lol. doesn't compare at all compared to Lando's time spent with Max F, the quadrant folks, his family, his Monaco friends and definitely not Martin Garrix. it also doesn't mean that they're not still friends with those guys on the grid - it's just not the same.
so the fact that Lando and Oscar aren't out here dishing out bromancey stuff where fans can see and hear definitely doesn't say that those bromances mean the drivers are actually any closer. Oscar relied on extroverts like Robert and Arthur to give him something to play off and Lando relied on Carlos and Daniel for the same. so when they're left without a gobby extrovert they do that cute thing of giggling and handing back and forth to each other. to me personally it's always kind of sweet ?? that Lando and Oscar do the thing of looking at each other for support to get through the cringey and awkward to camera stuff. sometimes when Lando is really feeling himself Oscar can just kick back and watch him. and as we saw w that helmet design video, even when Oscar isn't filming w Lando he hangs around offers support.
wow apparently I cannot stay on track today anon but idk I just personally think that it's the opposite of a mutual fakeout and they've bonded pretty well over both being shy, both being equally focused on their careers and also needing to switch off sometimes. finding out they spent the night after Lando's crash in Vegas together sharing "commiserations" is like, one in a long list of us hearing that they chose to hang out alone together and not publicize it.
all of us are on the outside of their friendship and as much as that suuuuucks for not getting as much content as we want, it's also really sweet and kind more likely to be genuine and lasting since they consider a lot of that relationship as private <3
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askgfka no prob!! tbh a lot of the stress and anxiety in other Lando ships is down to ppl getting way too comfy w the idea that real life partners either aren't "real" or that they're the only thing standing in the way of their ship becoming real.
and bc for some reason landoscar makes me want to write all of these essays I feel like it's kind of my responsibility to be like yeah, there's even more than just assuming ppl's sexualities and their real life partners stand between two ppl we like to imagine together actually getting together. rpf is heavy on the f and mostly what we're all actually enjoying are friendships. and as someone who is lucky to have them, I personally wouldn't be one of those ppl who said romantic partners and friendships are on some sliding scale of importance. they're just different!
ever since landoscar became a thing, Lily's been in Oscar's life and Lando's been pursued by every man who sees him and burning through baddies on Raya on a literal global scale. it's important to come back from rpf to that fact so we don't end up attraction those legions of people calling real life girlfriends "PR beards" or that Lando's dating app horniness is some front for him meeting up with Carlos or Daniel or whoever lol.
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oh I am so not the person to answer abt this since I can't relate to wanting couples to get married or thinking that it's all that significant! I'm a huge romantic and I theoretically enjoy the idea of weddings/marriage but all the ppl I know who've gotten married out of college are already regretting or cheating it so it's put a real damper on it for me.
but that's as much as I want to speculate abt them bc I don't want to put anything out in the universe for ppl I'll never even know !!
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all-pacas · 2 months
i have so many questions
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
👀 - A few, but not for… interesting reasons? Mostly I'll write something and it doesn't quite work, and so I'll either start over and keep iterating until I'm satisfied (the earlier versions rotting forever in my folders), or I'll just give up. I'm not hiding anything super dark and smutty or anything, lol. I'll also delete scenes/sections from stories and throw them into their own docs. The recent Cam/Chase fluff I wrote, I had like three or four other scenes I tried and cut out. It's pretty unlikely I'll ever finish or refurbish any of them, since I lack the drive? (Although there weirdly seems to be a lot of demand for that ship lately? So IDK.)
🏅 - I actually plan out all my stories lmaooo. Even when I don't intend to, I'll like… end up doing it, or work it into a multiverse or whatever, like if I establish a bit of fanon ("Chase's younger sister is named Danielle, because she needed a name in a story"), I'll end up working it into everything else I write, and then I'll turn this passing reference into a full character and……… IDK if there's anything specific I've felt proud of. You're not supposed to admit this, I think, but I really get most of my validation thru comments and kudos, I'm literally just pandering to my audience. So if I get a comment like "oh I loved this," I'm like yes! I am the best! (Also why I am so fucking susceptible to requests) Like, not that the opposite is true? I don't hate my stuff or anything. I just feel pretty neutral about it.
🍰 - Gonna do a left field pick here: Luminosity and Radiance, a pair of super long Twilight AU fanfics. I don't even like Twilight. I've read them both multiple times. It has a lot of fun world building and really creative use of superpowers and IDK. I just really enjoy them. Good limited POV writing, too, which is another of my favorite things.
Re-reading my answers, I seem so ambivalent dfsdf none of this is interesting!
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Omg what you said about Claudia ‘choosing to look young without even realizing it’s too true. I didn’t notice it as much in s1 but maybe because Delainey is smaller it stands out more to me esp in that store scene. Which was fascinating because for as rude as she was to that seamstress there’s a very childish like not pouting but pouting about the scene. Like she’s insulting her and it was mean and funny and because claudia’s always self aware but always only to a certain extent. Due to being frozen as a child. Also what do you think about them going there re: seamstress x claudia if the theories are true?
Omg I'm so sorry for answering this so late!
Yes absolutely I think she will always have these childish qualities and impulses simply bc her brain is frozen at a certain pt of development. I read smthn in a fic (lol) that I will copy and paste here; I thought it was so brilliantly stated. this is from Daniel's POV; he's in a weird post iwtv s1 situationship w Armand. Also you should read the whole fic/series.
[Daniel] actually feels fondly about the kid he was once, no longer resents him for not knowing what he couldn't have learned yet. But he would never want to be that guy again. Louis told him that vampires are "not only impervious to decay, but confined to our shape. That our bodies don't grow or age is self-evident, and you've read about Claudia's reaction when she discovered she couldn't change her hair in any way, but seeing her come into herself in Paris I began to suspect that our souls, if we still had them, or maybe our minds were becoming crystallized. Before we left New Orleans I had become convinced that isolation had driven Lestat mad, but as I watched Claudia grow hungrier and angrier, as I felt myself hollowing out and stagnating, I started to think maybe I'd gotten it wrong. Lestat was likely just as hedonistic and temperamental in life, and a century and a half of immortality had only fossilized those traits, the dead remains of the person he was when he died, just like his body, turned into marble." Daniel argued —just to argue— that humans are just as reticent to change, but he could see the point that Louis was trying to make.
That being said: kids can be mature and childish, careful and impulsive, thoughtful and thoughtless. Kids have a limited but still pretty enormous range of emotional behaviors, which is also further complicated by their life, traumatic events, social interactions. I genuinely think that in addition to becoming a vampire as a kid, Claudia's emotional maturity is further stunted by the fact that she has never known any other kids or teens, that Louis and Lestat treated her as their child/baby sister, that she never had to make her own way or get a job or be responsible for anything. That might have been even more influential lol!!
so I think claudia has been pushing against the walls of that elasticity, that range, as much as she can, for quite some time. She's 40 now and she's rightfully throwing herself against her brain's limits. but I think the growing pains of this process are really hard for her to accept. soooo sad and fun and crazy to think about. My beautiful 40 year old teenage daughter
I did not pick up anything re the seamstress bc I haven't read the books lol I never know who anyone is until ppl tell me! Feel free to tell me tho idc about spoilers. I'm down for whatever they do! Would be so so so fun for Claudia to make out w a girl lol.
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dykrophone · 21 days
tell me smth i missed out on jn the past couple months while I was away
uhhhhhh let us c
I locked myself out of tumblr for a month from the sheer heartache of missing you
I started a comic starring some of my mutuals 😻 but I didn't finish even one ep because I got busy
college started and is actually pretty great for once
tumblr became obsessed with hatsune miku from different everywhere and im kinda obsessed with it tbh
my wife and my sister met and also broke up and then my sister (and my other sister) dumped me on raksha bandhan so now I hate her <3
my loser worstie daniel pulled a miles edgeworth and this blog briefly became a joke daniel hate account and I even wrote a fic calling him out to text me back on ao3 (I miss him) (is this truly rock bottom for me)
another one of my tumblr besties is now going to the same college as one my irl besties now lmao (that makes two of them now)
I met tusers brokenbackmountain and timetravellingkitty!!! and it was awesome highlight of the year fr
oh yeah I haven't shut up about my queen niki zefanya for the past 5 months. her new album buzz bangs
debate bros are sucking the life out of me
got into ace attorney
omg I made art for this book I loved and the author noticed and wrote me a super heartfelt thank you!!!
oh yeah I think (I'm not sure it's confusing) I have developed an extremely embarrassing crush but I refuse to post about it for Reasons™️ lmao (I have humiliated myself enough by cosplaying allos on the internet for a lifetime)
so that's some stuff that happened off the top of my head lol. boops you
OH YEAH and I finally met my sister's boyfriend and he loves me:)
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lilyrizzy · 9 months
day number eight, for @catofthecanals289 as always, a continuation of this. cw: incest (but like, not reaaaalllly imo lol)
just quickly before we get to the fic...to be honest, i did get upset when I saw someone had used the prequel of this fic/my idea as a prompt in the kink meme to ask for another maxiel story before I got the chance to write and post this. I wanted to be the bigger person and let it go but I just need to say, if you are going to use my stories/fics/ideas to prompt/write, it would be great if you could give them proper credit, and even better, ask me first!
Now, onto the porn!!!
The first time Max had found himself pressed between the bodies of Lord and Lady Ricciardo, he had been nervous with his desire to please them both.
As instructed, Michelle had returned to the queen’s chambers with Daniel in tow, their fingers laced together. Honey-on-honey, so sweet Max was sure his fingertips would come away sticky when he touched either of them, but not sweet enough to allow his hammering heart slow.
In the golden glow of the lamplight standing side by side, they had looked more enticing than any temptress his mother’s silly Fabels had warned him against as a boy. Nudging him forward, Michelle had put her brother between them, an offering of sorts. The perfect blend of hard edges and strength that Max had dared to dream about, wrapped up in a real warmth that he ached to reach out and touch, to feel beneath his fingertips.
Max’s for the taking.
“My lord,” Daniel had said as Michelle continued to guide him forward with the same gentle hand she had used on Max’s skin moments earlier.
Daniel was wearing a shy smile that Max knew was all a show; he’d seen the sultry smiles and lingering glances Daniel had directed Max’s way since arriving at his court. Had watched the eager way his hands danced through the air as he told Max’s men another scandalous story, had heard the laugh that accompanied the tales, demanding the attention of the room.
He’d still had Michelle’s words echoing in his ears; we have shared men before.
But Max was not any other man.
“Your king,” Max had corrected him, daring to take a step closer. He’d made sure to let his face settle into a teasing smile because he’d wanted to see Daniel return it with his own. His real one.
When he had, it had given Max the courage for another step, and then to take Daniel’s chin into his hand, to tilt his head back as though appraising goods at the market. 
“My king,” Daniel had said then. Now he says it also, in exactly the same way. Dutiful. Max hasn’t known how to want anything else since the first time he heard it.
Then, it had been Max who had leaned in to fit their mouths together, still holding Daniel’s face. Since, there has been many more kisses shared, nights made endless with the pleasure of learning each other between sheets that both did and did not contain Daniel’s sister. Enough time for Max to fall in love.
Now, it’s Daniel who advances his touches. 
Already, his front is pressed flush to Max’s back, their skin sweat-damp in every place they touch, but his hands are still seeking more. They trail down Max’s chest, grazing a nipple with his ragged thumbnail. His fingertips dance over Max’s stomach, searching for the ridges below his layers of softness. Riders muscle, Daniel likes to call it with the wicked grin Max might just burn his kingdom to the ground for.
Eventually, Daniel’s hands settle lower. They tangle into Max’s pubic hair, just above where he is moving in and out of Michelle.
With her cheek pressed into the satin of her bedsheets, each thrust punches a gasp from her that heightens the desire cresting in Max’s belly, just as much as her brothers hands. Her hair is spread out across the skin of her arched back, a waterfall of curls. They are covering the beauty mark she wears on her left shoulder, the one Max knows Daniel shares with her. Max has had them both in this position- face down and arse up- for him before.
 With his chin hooked over Max’s shoulder, Daniel’s lips move steadily against the shell of his ear to remind him of this.
“Not so different from behind, I suppose, your Majesty.”
The breathy laugh that escapes from Max’s throat doesn’t hide the stutter of his hips. It makes Daniel giggle too, a sweet sound so different than his booming laugh in court. Max has become accustomed to indulging in it on the nights his sister does not join them in bed.
“I think perhaps my ass is slightly better,” Michelle lifts her head to tease. At the same time, her hand snakes between herself and the bed to begin to touch herself.
Max knows she is just as desperate for this to take as he is. She wants to lie with her own lover without the fear of a bastard child, or their own’s legitimacy being called into question by jealous members of the court.
There are already the half-true rumors over why Max had her brothers chambers moved so close to their own.
Behind Max, Daniel’s hips are moving in time with his. The hard length of him is settled against Max, rutting across the place he longs to have Daniel inside, but- Not with Michelle here.
That is kept for the two of them only, but it doesn’t stop Max yearning for it.
“Daniel,” he whimpers, tilting his head back against his shoulder, giving his lips more room to roam.
Foolishly, he wants to say something about how Daniel will somehow be as much a part of this baby as Michelle, as Max. He longs for Daniel to look at it and see his child. It is wrong, perhaps, but he is the king. The rules are his to make and break.
Daniel has always been good at knowing this.
“Close your eyes, Maxy,” he says, and the sudden switch to the tenderness this private nickname allows has Max groan, following orders where he would follow no others. “Give me your hands.”
To obey, Max has to stop the desperate thrusting of his hips. In the sudden stillness, he hears more clearly the panting of his own breath, of Michelle’s beneath him. Daniel takes his hands, and moves one into her hair.
“I like it when you pull it,” he whispers, and this is something Max has indeed discovered about Daniel, threading his hands into his curls as he has knelt before Max’s thrown to demonstrate his devotion to the crown.
Max does as instructed, is rewarded with a pulsing around his cock that has him groan.
Daniel chuckles low into his ear.
“You like that, don’t you,” he teases. “How tight I am around you.”
“Yes,” Max gasps, as Daniel leads Max’s other hand, to hold his- no, Michelle’s- waist.
“You like my hips too, don’t you,” Daniel continues, guiding Max’s fingertips to feel the wide expanse of smooth skin. “They are perfect for bearing your child, I think.”
Behind the darkness of his eyelids, Max can play along with the pretend. He can imagine it is Daniel he begins to thrust into again, that it is his skin and curls beneath his fingertips, and that finally, it is his hole that milks him dry.
As though tipped over the edge watching Max’s orgasm, Daniel’s own follows quickly, a sticky and steady pulse coating the skin of Max’s ass. When they have left Michelle’s bed and returned to theirs in the King’s chambers, Daniel will clean Max up with his mouth, will let Max suck the taste of it from his tongue, but now-
Daniel reaches past Max, for Michelle. With a steadying hands on her waist, he helps to lift her upright, until her back is pressed to Max’s chest, as Max’s is to Daniel’s. It causes Max to slip from her, and he feels the rush of wetness that follows against the tops of his thighs.
Now it is Max’s turn to watch with his chin hooked over a shoulder. Daniel takes Max’s hand again, and this time moves it to her cunt. By now, he has taught Max how to bring her pleasure, but still it is together that their fingers moving expertly between her folds. The way she grinds herself back against Max has him twitching, despite there being nothing left to spill inside her. 
“There is no one else I would trust with her,” Daniel says, voice low but Max knows it is for the both of them to hear. “Or with you. You are both too precious to me.”
She comes with a shudder, just as Daniel’s lips find Max’s for a final, bruising kiss. Then, he tilts Max’s lips towards those of his wife, Daniel’s sister, as though to seal the love all three of them share, that nobody else would dare to understand.
Max kisses her and feels like a king. 
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lordkingsmith · 5 months
wip wednesday (I promise, promise, promise I am limiting my wants to 3): 6) Cursed; a power rangers fic, about the psycho rangers and the what if scenario of Daniel O’Halloran going from Trek’s enemy and murder victim to personal grid ghost of character development to psycho silver and ally to Trek’s lover. I’m currently animating the kid I came up with writing chapter two. Third and final chapter will be fun to do. Won’t introduce Dusk but it will set up how they get to being his parents
lol you can ask about all of them says the man planning to do several of yours I don’t mind. If you’d like a bonus, I’ll do saltwater spoons for this one too 💖💖
One of the songs on Trek and Daniel’s YouTube playlist. Given how in the fic I accidentally made strawberries and summer the most important things Daniel let’s himself miss when he’s dead, strawberry sugar high feels like a fitting song for the two. Especially with Trek trying to describe what he wants with Daniel. Trek never went to earth. He was never meant to be on earth, just the moon, and that’s fine. Daniel got him curious, and Trek knows Daniel’s memories are biased. But he wants to fall in love with everything Daniel loves. It’s easier to couch that in “I want to taste strawberries, I want to experience summer, I want to see if they suck” instead of “show me everything you’re in love with so I can love it too”
Due to family dynamic schtick Daniel is sometimes referred to as “brother in law” by the other psychos, even before he and Trek got together. Yellow and Axe had a running bet who he’d get with, Virgil or Trek. Trek felt obvious but Axe figured the psycho gimmick of mimicking teams and team dynamics might cause Daniel and Virgil to mimic Andros and Zhane. It didn’t happen.
Saltwater Spoons was inspired by a very late night, too many cups of coffee and the song salt skin by Zellie Goulding. Mental image was a prince coercing a pirate to help him kill his sister and frame her bodyguard so prince could take the throne with the pirate at his side.
Turned out the story wasn’t about the prince it was about the bodyguard going to find the only person who could end the prince’s reign of terror; a person who can change fresh water to salt and salt water to fresh water. Fact it kind of clicked eight years after the initial idea with writing Hollyhock of all things is more than a little funny to me. Poor Brill was thought up for a chosen one fic and he’s pretty much chosen one by trauma and kidnapping by love interest. No worries, they work it out lol.
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wildlife4life · 1 year
So your list has left me in an impossible situation because I was gonna ask if you’d be willing to share a snippet or crumb from one of your wips 🥹🥹 but then I read your list and….. I can’t pick… Iike NFL Buck and Firefighter Eddie secret relationship, Teen buddie with parental Chimney and fighter Eddie, A/B/O mpreg buck is kidnapped by Doug, Return of Bucks sperm donor kid. How do I pick between one of these 😭😭 like the way just the idea of what they are about put me in an immediate chokehold of need these now 😅 especially any of them that have already established buddie or in the process of establishing buddie and can have the rest of the fic to see them as a united team. Can I ask for them all? Is that to greedy 😅😅 otherwise I’m going to leave it in your hands on if you wanna share something from any of them 🥹😁
Anon my fingers need the work out and I am beyond happy to post just a snip for all those fics! (And I hope all these fics once complete, do put people in chokeholds, that is the goal. lol)
NFL Buck: His social media showed his dedication to his NFL career, love for his sister, promotion of his many endorsements, and his charity, Daniel’s Kids, that raised money and awareness for childhood cancer. (Eddie also knew about the numerous anonymous donations made to the Trevor Project. Just because Buck couldn’t be out doesn’t mean he couldn’t support the community.)
Teen Buddie: Chimney looked back to where Eddie was still standing, his fist clenched tight and a few steps closer than he was before. Most of the police officers were still rounding up the few stragglers and had yet to make their way further back where many of the cars were still parked, including Eddie and his truck, but his hiding spot wouldn’t last for much longer.
Mpreg Kidnapped Buck: “You always choose him over me! Always! Evan just whines and clings and cries for his big sister and you come running!” Doug screamed over the phone.  He breathed raggedly into the speaker and Maddie echoed with her own broken sobs.  Then a sharp, yet deep inhale from the Alpha had her holding her breath.  “This time there is only one choice. Me. You will run to me, or your brother and his bastard pup will die. And it will be your fault, just like everything else.”
Sperm Donor Kid: “I’ve always wanted a sibling, a little brother or sister.” Carson states, eyeing the younger boy with apprehension. He glanced over to Eddie and braced himself for the question he knew was coming, “Who’s your dad Seb?”
Hope you enjoy hehe.
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missyourflight · 11 months
hello coming directly from your ao3 comments to your inbox to continue being unhinged your world building in space persuasion was sooo good, and i would love love to hear about the space media that inspired you! i also thought you translated SPACE so so well to F1, and i would love to hear just in general about how you went about making it feel so complete and real! and do you have favourite little details that didn't get a lot of airtime in the fic that you want to shine a light on to make me feel even more insane?
thank you kay!! 💖✨
i love love stories set in space - probably my favourite space film is sunshine (2007) but that is not really the vibe of space persuasion lol. i did make a lil visual inspo pinterest board which features the space casino from the last jedi, the hostesses from the fifth element, the casino de monte carlo and the blue lagoon in iceland (i saw a youtube video while i was warming up to write this fic and i was like, this needs more lake, and also someone take me to the spa pls). daniel's skiff is basically a lift from disney's treasure planet (i looked up some windsurfing terminology and i have Not retained it) and i watched the wachowski sisters' speed racer for some wacky races inspiration. the fleet is somewhere between battlestar galactica and star trek (don't worry about it). unfortunately the whole massive ramp/platform in the middle of the lake setup is heavily influenced by the triwizard tournament, because as loathsome as jkr is sometimes images from childhood stay with us! sticking the rest of this under a cut whoops
secret little details... the whole offscreen galex plot of them trying to pick up max's investigative slack in the background lol (and also they're in love). the annoying AI in daniel's room is my version of michael (sorry not sorry) and max's AI that kind of has his accent is supposed to be like a reminder of his mum (he also keeps the scrap of fabric from his mum's dress and his sister's bracelet with daniel's dogtags). i tried to somewhat mirror the structure of persuasion where there's the big incident at the centre of louisa's fall (daniel's crash in the fic) and then the back half of the story is about them coming back together.
when i write AUs i like to try and use related imagery so in the story there's like the three main strands of space stuff, casino/gambling stuff, and austen/period drama stuff, and all of it made me like unreasonably happy. my favourite space imagery is probably the stuff about comets - daniel remembering them watching comets together on the outpost and then thinking about getting to touch max every few years like a comet returning. favourite gambling image is probably daniel calling himself a bad bet, and also when he describes zak as a busted flush. so many self-indulgent austen references and half-references but a few i like are daniel telling alex he barely recognised max - shoutout wentworth describing anne as so altered he should not have known her again. any time daniel flexes his hand that's 2005 darcy. daniel lying down on the floor is johnny flynn knightley. daniel giving max the dogtags when the only thing he had to offer was himself/wentworth having nothing but himself to recommend him. and so on! daniel half-hoping when he touches max's hand at the gala a ref to the wentworth letter, half agony half hope etc, and then max's version of the letter as well obvs
also it's not austen without dancing imo so rule of three: when daniel bumps into max outside the spa they do an awkward shuffle-dance to get past each other; the actual gala where daniel asks max to dance but max thinks it's a joke; when they fuck and daniel thinks of it as a dance they've always known the steps to.
also i could have probably built up to a bit better but i like the lil bait and switch in the race where he thinks fernando's going to get him but actually it's jenson! and after he called him sweetheart and everything
lol thank you lovely kay for affording me the opportunity to go off about it!! 🪩
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
Carmanda and LawRusso AU Part Two
Chubby!Reader ○ Reader is Carmanda's daughter ○ part one ○ LawRusso is more in the background on this one
I should honestly just write this as a whole ass fic, but idk if I can take on that responsibility because I can see it in my head so clearly, just the whole show different because of this au. But I shouldn't take on that responsibility right now.
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○ Carmen and Amanda move their family to the Valley when Amanda gets a great job offer at LaRusso Auto Group. She simply can't pass it up. It's a great pay raise from what she was making before and will ensure both their kids get to go to whatever college they want to should things go as planned. Carmen is excited about the opportunity and the kids are too, so they pack up and move to a modest house in Encino.
○ It's not hard for Carmen to find work and she's more than happy at the hospital in town. It's not far from the high school the kids will be attending.
○ They spend the last few weeks of summer vacation settling in. The house is plenty big for everyone; Rosa's room is on the first floor and everyone else is upstairs. The kids have a lot more space in the rooms than they did in the one-story house they lived in before. Their rooms are side by side while Carmen and Amanda's room is on the other side of the house (😏).
○ Amanda's first day at LAG (lol I'm too lazy to spell it out every time, but it's so funny to me that the business's name acronym is LAG). Anyway, her first day is coincidentally the kids' first day of school. So everyone gets up nice and early, Rosa makes them breakfast and makes sure they have everything in their bags while Amanda is fussing over her hair and outfit. Carmen is telling her she looks beautiful and kisses her cheeks to calm her nerves, reminding her that she's a boss-ass bitch while not exactly saying it in those words.
○ Amanda gives her kids kisses and hugs goodbye, sad she can't take them to their first day at a new high school, in her daughter's case, though, her first day of high school ever!
"Miggy, look after your sister, okay?" "Of course, mama."
○ Carmen walks her to the door and gives her one more kiss goodbye and good luck, knowing she's got this. She just has to get there and she'll be fine.
○ Amanda had briefly met Daniel when he was out of town on business and having a meeting with her previous boss. She impressed him with her tact and wit, later contacting her with a job offer much better than what she was making before. So when she walks into the showroom to see his friendly face and welcoming smile, her nerves are gone. They shake hands and he shows her around, introducing her to the rest of the employees. Carmen was right, she's got this.
○ Meanwhile, Carmen is dropping the kids off at school. She waves them goodbye and watches them walk inside, asking herself where all the time has gone. It feels like it was just yesterday Miggy was holding his sister's hand as they walked into school. Now they're teenagers paving their own independent paths.
She tears up in the car but she's smiling, driving herself to work as she carefully wipes the tears away.
○ Miguel is still that helpful (protective) older brother and makes sure his sister knows where her locker is, helps her get it open, and walks her to her first class. After that, he gets lost in the big school and has to rush to make it to his first period.
○ In the first few hours, Miguel learns that this high school isn't unlike others. There are strict teachers and fun people to talk to, but there are also bullies. He gets pushed around by a group of guys when lunch hour comes around and gets made fun of for his braces. He's not very confrontational, at least when it comes to defending himself, so he just kind of waits it out hoping they'll get bored.
○ Then, all of a sudden, a guy walks over and gets in the bully's face.
"You should back off, Kyler, before I make you." And he listens because Kyler knows how close the LaRusso-Lawrence twins are and Robby will ruin his chances with Sam in a heartbeat. (Not that Kyler has good intentions.) When they're gone, Robby helps Miguel get onto his feet and steady. "You okay, man?" "Yeah," Miguel says lamely. He's still very appreciative, though. "Thanks." "No, problem."
○ Then, just like that, Robby's on his way to find his friends and hang out with them for the hour they're given for lunch, and Miguel is on his own again.
○ He wanders into the cafeteria and gets his lunch tray, then starts looking for a place to sit. He sees a couple of guys on their own and walks over in hopes of having a place to sit. One of them messes with him a little bit, but it's all in sarcastic fun and he soon comes to know them as Demetri and Eli.
○ Before much conversation can be had, Miguel spots his sister across the room and waves her over. She smiles and comes to sit at the table, being introduced to the two boys. However, Demetri and Eli are stunned silent as the pretty girl, in all her chubby glory, sits at their once lonesome table. They're so stunned, they can't speak for a moment.
○ Reader thinks they're cute and happily engages them in conversation once they find their voices again.
○ Conversation doesn't last long before Miguel is caught off guard by Sam LaRusso walking by. He's mesmerized by her and things play out as we've seen them. He's told she's apart of the popular, pretty, rich group of students and doesn't have a chance with her. He gets up to go talk to her and is shot down by smug, stupid Kyler. Reader ends up comforting him and he's a little annoyed by Demetri's sarcasm.
"So, how'd it go?" he asks, having obviously seen the whole order.
It makes Reader giggle at least.
○ When the Diaz kids get home, they're happy to tell their abulea about their day. They tell Rosa about their new friends and classes. It's still so exciting. Then they help her start prepping for dinner. When their moms get home, they go yell them about it over dinner.
○ Amanda shares that she had a great first day, too. It wasn't as exciting as the kids', but it was a great start to working at the company.
○ Things couldn't look better for the Diaz family.
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Should I do another part of this? Would anyone wanna see that? Let me know 💖💖
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