#smosh mouth is also a very important part of my week
iridescentis · 2 months
I gotta say smosh pit has been such a comfort for me especially lately idk it just makes me so happy :)
I love culinary crimes, reddit stories, beopardy, what would they do and challenge pit with my WHOLE HEART, and despite not really liking tntl for a while I have been loving them for months now!! pit theater is always lovely who meme'd its always a fav I'm just generally really happy with smosh pit I think out of all channels I watch it brings me the most consistent joy and I just gotta say that <3
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lilac-hecox · 4 days
Maybe this is just my perspective, and maybe I’m overthinking it, but I really do not see the point of Lunchtime with Smosh if they’re going to have a Smosh cast member guest on every episode. It’s the ianthony podcast, it should really mostly be about the two of them. And even beyond ianthony, having a cast guest and a loose topic veers too closely into what Smosh Mouth does, in my opinion. And the amount of effort/production that goes into each show respectively makes Lunchtime look a ~little~ low effort to me. I just makes me as a viewer feel like ianthony are just doing lunchtime bc they know some people will complain (rightfully so!!) if they don’t do something together. And the guest episodes get more views so we can assume we’ll keep seeing them. Idk why they don’t make a show/podcast that excites them and features just them instead of sort of making a half-assed smosh mouth rip. Maybe I’m being too much of a hater 😔🫣
I think in the sense of a podcast they usually or at least it is expected that they'll have guests on them. I do get what you're saying. It is tough when you only get Ian and Anthony on the podcast and then it isn't them and they may take a backseat to a guest or topics that come up outside of them.
Personally, I don't mind Lunchtime Pod being similar to Smosh Mouth because Smosh Mouth is a good podcast and is fun. I also do enjoy Lunchtime but at the same time I agree it can feel half-baked.
I guess, even from the conception and branding it feels strange. They don't want to feed off nostalgia but they name their podcast after a wildly popular and important series they did and really, it's only vaguely connected to that with what the last five or so minutes being answering questions?
I feel they should have just called it something totally different and scrap the eating since they also kind of half-ass that part of it too? I do agree from the vacation announcement when it is brought up about where we can see Ian and Anthony Ian says Lunchtime with Smosh so I think it's very existence is so they can point to it when people bitch about them not being around.
If so, make the freaking podcast every week like Smosh Mouth is. I do not understand why they only make it every two weeks. That's too far apart and it is really kind of a bummer, especially because obviously they aren't filming a lot since they aren't around either.
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At least I got you in my bed. - Fanfic Exchange
written for: @thirst-for-math-daddy Part of the Smosh Valentine’s Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal. Title: At least I got you in my bed. Pairing: Courtney Miller/Olivia Sui, Shayne Topp/Damien Haas (background) Rating: General Summary: the squad takes a rest from a road trip at a motel. All it takes is one bed to make the magicSmall author’s note: the parts that are like ‘this’ are Olivia’s thoughts. I hope you like it!!
1:47 am It was the third day of the trip. The squad: Olivia, Courtney, Noah, Keith, Shayne +Damien, had all taken two vacation weeks off and went on a road trip. Normally they’d spend vacations separately since they always saw each other every day, but lately they’d been feeling some distance between one another and they wanted to fix that (except Damien, he was just along for the ride). They noticed that they didn’t talk as much, laugh as much or even hang out as much as used to. Ian noticed it too when Keith and Olivia got into an actual argument during a script writing session. They didn’t make jokes like they usually did. It was unsettling and made the room feel empty. With tension being high and chemistry being low, Ian decided to give them two weeks off but it was more like a retreat that people go to when they want to rebuild friendships and relationships. There were enough videos that they didn’t have to worry about filming for a while so it was perfect. Joe gave them a nice spending budget for various necessities and activities and they were sent off. They were given the task of driving to as many states as they could in that timespan and collect an item from those states each. -
After taking turns driving (with the exception of Keith), everyone was too exhausted and they all agreed to find a hotel or motel to spend the night in. They took the nearest exit and found a motel. Noah and Keith walked in first because they were the most tired and didn’t feel like waiting for everyone else.
Then the remaining four walked in. Damien checked in a room for him and Shayne to share and it was the girls turn. “Hi, a room with two beds please.”, Courtney said in a way that was way too chipper for almost 2 am. The lady at the desk was older and had a very inconvenienced look on her face. She had a lit cigarette in one hand that was stained from her dark red lipstick and a pen in the other. She took a long drag without breaking eye contact and exhaled deeply. She peered over at her log book and then back at Courtney and then Olivia, and then back at Courtney who now was visibly growing annoyed by how long it was taking the woman to give them their room. All she wanted was a shower and sleep. “Sorry hun,” she finally spoke, in a raspy voice most likely caused by the cigarettes, “there’s only one room left and it has one bed.” “Oh, that’s okay, that’s no problem, right Olivia?” Courtney looked over at Olivia, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Right! Absolutely no problem at all, whatsoever!!”. She gave two thumbs up and then turned around to “pick up their bags”, but in reality to hide her very red face. It was a problem to share a bed. A REALLY big problem. The act of sharing a whole bed with the person you have romantic feelings for and the other person not knowing about the way you feel is an absolutely Gigantic problem. It was a problem but also wow she’s going to share a bed with Courtney. It would be a chance to become even closer, even though she wished it was something more. Damien and Shayne, who for some reason were still there, spoke up. “Actually Courtney, we can switch with you guys if you want. I know how you like your space when you sleep”, Damien offered. “Oh Damien that’s really nice of you I’d lik-” “NO BACK OFF THE ROOMS OURS”, interrupted Olivia. Everyone looked at Olivia who was now even more red because of her outburst. Olivia covered her face with their luggage. It was going to be a long night. -
 After everyone was settled in their rooms, Courtney immediately went into the bathroom which was surprisingly not absolutely disgusting like other motel bathrooms portrayed on tv. While she took a shower, Olivia changed her clothes and flopped onto the bed. She turned on the tv and started flipping through the channels. Time passed and Olivia was lightly sleeping when she jolted awake to see the steam release from the bathroom as Courtney stepped out. She looked angelic with messy, tousled, wet hair and a refreshed expression. She dried her hair as she walked over to her suitcase. Olivia just followed her with her gaze. She looked so beautiful that Olivia even shed a tear. Then Courtney walked up and laid next to Olivia. “What are we watching?” “I dunno, some old timey movie in Spanish, I can’t tell what they’re saying but it looks intense” “Cool! Hey, do you think Shayne and Damien have a thing together?” Olivia looked at Courtney, her inquiry taking her by surprise. “What do you mean?” “I mean, I know that they been friends for forever and have probably shared a bed before, back when they were both ‘starving artists’ or whatever but tonight was really weird. Damien seemed way too eager to switch with us and share a bed with Shayne. Or maybe he’s the one with feelings and Shayne doesn’t know anything about it and he just wants to get closer. Ya know?” That last part struck a nerve in Olivia. Courtney literally just called her out but she just didn’t know it. ‘How are you literally about to sit there and actually call me out like this??? HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT ME HAVING FEELINGS??? WHO TOLD YOU?? Was it Noah?? I knew I shouldn’t have told him. He can’t even commit to a single hair color, much less to committing to keep a secret.’ Olivia pushed her thoughts away and played it cool. “Yeah that was pretty odd. Maybe there is something there but also maybe not. Who can ever be sure?”, she shrugged and turned back to the tv, hoping that Courtney would forget the situation and not enquire anything else about anyone’s behavior in the reception area. “Actually, now that I think about it…” ‘Oh no’ “you seemed pretty eager to share a bed also” ‘PLAY DUMB!!!’ “W-what do you mean are you talking about? I wasn’t eager, was just….ready to get outta there. The lady was freaking me out and I just wanted to leave. Of course I’d NEVER want to share bed with YOU. Yikes ha ha!” Courtney looked hurt. “…oh” ‘CRAP! WHAT DID YOU DO?? FIX IT!!! Wait, what did that “oh” mean?? Did SHE want to share bed with me?? Does she have feelings?? For me?? Oh no I stayed quiet for too long.’ Courtney turned on her side facing away from Olivia. She was upset because of the words Olivia said and now just wanted to sleep. She closed her eyes and hoped to forget what happened for a while. “Hey, that all came out in a wrong way. I didn’t mean to say that like that. Actually I didn’t mean any of that. Of course I’d love to share bed with you. You’re my best friend and my favorite person at the office. I’d love to share a bed and so much more than that. I know we’re already close but it’s not enough for me. I want more. I need more.” Olivia looked over at the blonde who was sound asleep. She was even more beautiful when she slept. She sighed. How did she manage to fall in love with the one person she absolutely wasn’t supposed to? Why couldn’t she fall in love with literally anyone else at the office? Why Courtney? “I’m sorry”, she spoke, after a few moments of silence. “I’m sorry that I said those mean things, I didn’t mean any of it. You know I love you so much. We say it all the time but I really do love you, a lot. I love you in a different way than you love me though. You love me as a friend, coworker and sometimes roommate, while I love you as all of those things but also as a ‘i wish you were my girlfriend’ way. I love you in a ‘i want to hold you and kiss you’ kind of way’. I love you in a ‘It hurts my heart that I could never be with you in the way that I want to’ kind of way” Olivia was softly crying at this point. She, unexpectedly started pouring out her feelings to the woman she loved with all of her heart. She sat up and away from her sleeping beauty and cried harder but still just as quiet so she wouldn’t wake her. Suddenly Olivia felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Courtney’s face, which was covered in tear streaks. Olivia stood up startled and stared at Courtney terrified. Oh god, what did she do?? “Olivia I-“ Olivia bolted out the door. - 
“OOF!” She crashed into something hard and fell. It was Shayne. “Hey woah slow down, you’re gonna crash into someone hot and fall”, he said smugly. ‘Barf’ “Ha ha, real funny.” Shayne held out a hand and helped her up. “So why are you running? Is there a killer? Are you a killer and running away from your crime?” Olivia looked at him and he saw her red and now puffy eyes. His expression changed and so did his playful tone to stern and concerned. “What happened?” Now he was really worried about a killer. Olivia proceeded to tell him everything and as she told him everything, his mouth curled up into a smile. “Why are you smiling like the grinch?” “I know something real funny that’s gonna make your suffering look real insignificant” ‘Excuse me?? What the hell does he think he is? Make my suffering look insignificant?? I swear to god I’m going to punch him in his gross, smug face. “Tell me real quick what you know because Shayne, I spilled my very important feelings for the second time tonight and I don’t need you demeaning me. I know we banter but that’s too far to call my suffering insignificant.” She felt her eyes stinging from tears, except these were mad. “Okay slow your roll there peanut, I didn’t mean to make you feel gross that was so far from my intentions.” He cupped her face and looked in the eyes, “Go back to Courtney, and please talk to her. Please Olivia, for once listen to me and go do what I’m telling you.” He kissed her in the forehead, turned her around and sent her off. “Goodbye little one! Go on and be happy!” - Shayne waited for Olivia’s door to close. “Psst! Damien! The coast is clear!” “Oh man that was close.” The boys laughed and then embraced each other again. They began making out and then went behind the old vending machines. - Olivia walked back into her room and saw Courtney laying on the bed. “Hey…” Courtney turned around and stood up. “Hey.” “Sorry I ran out like that, I was just freaked out. I didn’t think you could hear me. I’m sorry, I know that you don’t feel that same probably and I’m totally okay I just-“ Courtney kissed Olivia. She kissed like she’d never kissed anyone before. Olivia was briefly in shock but her lips quickly responded back. There’s was fire between them. Passion. They looked at each other and they both felt like they were in a dream. Neither could believe that they felt the same things all along. They laid together on the bed, embracing each other, kissing, and looking into each other’s eyes. In that order. During one of those cycles, Courtney stopped kissing abruptly and and looked serious. “What happened? What’s wrong? Did I do something?” “No, actually it’s me. I did something, or more like I didn’t do something.” She sat up. “Olivia Sui, do you want to be my girlfriend?” Olivia silently screamed with delight. “YES! YES! I DO!” - The girls spent the rest of the night tangled into each other and enjoying one another’s embrace. Olivia smiled to herself as she was dozing off. If it was only a shared bed that would’ve given her what she desired, she would’ve found a way to make it happen sooner.
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