#smokes and here i thought i can manage a daily sketch but no i don't think i can
speakeasier · 1 year
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day one: dream. like the hunter's dream...
except i apologize to every bloodborne fan there is. COUGHS BLOOD ON SHITTY DAY ONE.
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error-what-blog · 7 years
Hello! I really like the way you write :) Can you do a kidnapped MC? RFA + Saeran? Like they don't see MC that day and start panicking and how they find her? Thank you very much, have a good day ❤️
Oh my god Tumblr decided to refresh and I lost all the work I did… … … 
Kill me. 
But hey, I love this request so I’ll do it again.
*Quick note: I restarted writing this yesterday after Tumblr deleted all my work  and got through Jumin and Yoosung’s and said I’d finish it today and guess what, I’m sick with the flu. This request is cursed or something istg lolol*
Trigger Warnings: Sexual harrassment, gore, torture, abuse & suicidal thoughts. This headcanon is quite graphic, please do be aware of that before reading, as I believe that for people to actively kidnap someone, nine times out of ten it’s a personal vendetta. Not for all of course.
Also, I didn’t do Jaehee because I genuinely could not think of an instance of where it would happen, so I do apologise. I hope you’re okay with that.
Mc gets kidnapped.
He was away on a business trip when he recieved an anonymous message with a picture attachment.
“Mister Han, it has come to my attention that you have gotten quite the hefty bonus this year. I want it. Make your way back to Korea today and contact me again. Attempt to involve any form of authorities and I’ll make sure your precious wife suffers even more than she already is.”
The image showed Mc bound to a chair, gagged and sporting two black eyes with cuts on her face. 
Jumin was ringing his bodyguards immediately, firing all of them for not doing the one thing he asked them to do; protect his wife while he was away.
Once he ended the twenty second long call, he was on the phone with the trusted hacker, 707. 
He explained what happened with Mc and the captor’s demands. Seven told Jumin not to worry and he would begin his work in finding Mc. 
From then, Jumin began his flight home. 
Mc felt hopeless. The man seeking Jumin’s bonus had not upheld his end of the bargain and had relentlessly tortured her.
He had done his very worst. He removed three of her fingernails with a pliers, broken her wrist, punched her so hard she lost a tooth and beaten her black and blue. 
This was Mc’s breaking point, as much as she wanted for Jumin to come and rescue her like a knight, she just wanted all of this to be over. She wanted all of the pain and suffering to dissipate along with her. 
The party co-ordinator could feel the blood ooze out of the open lacerations across her body.
This man was clearly looking for more than Jumin’s money. He wanted him to suffer and what better way to make the man suffer than to put his wife through the wrath of his pyschopathy.
Mc could hear the eerie and dark laughter the escaped the man’s mouth as she screamed for him to stop.
Almost as though God had heard her prayers, multiple cops came into the room and wasted no time in filling the man up with bullets. 
This time, she wailed because she could see her beloved run towards her with a team of paramedics carrying a stretcher. 
The were quick to untie her from the chair and lie her down on the stretcher and begin to stop the bleeding. 
With that, Mc lost consciousness.
It was the strong smell of disinfectant that pulled Mc out of her slumber. She opened her eyes slowly, the affects of the strong painkillers she was on made her drowsy. 
She followed the voice and saw Jumin, and the rest of the members of the RFA, looking at her with concern sketched on their expressions. 
“Guys?” Her voice sounded like she had swallowed sandpaper. 
“Hey Mc, how are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been asleep for weeks but I’m still tired.”
“You’re not wrong. You were put into a medically induced coma when we arrived here to help your body better recover from your injuries. It’s been three weeks since then,” The doctor said as he walked in. 
The doctor then asked everyone but Jumin to leave the room and he then told Mc of the injuries she suffered with.
“You had three broken ribs, a broken wrist, broken eye socket and a fractured skull. You had three fingernails removed, lost a tooth and suffered from multiple lacerations across your limbs and torso. You are truly lucky to be alive. The medicines I am perscribing you are mostly strong painkillers that you have to take daily and also some immune system boosters. Mr Han her bandages need to be changed every day and disinfected. We also can provide counselling to help you with any emotional turmoil you may experience following such a traumatic incident.”
“Thank you, doctor.”
Once the man left, Jumin rubbed the back of his hand againt Mc’s cheek. The three weeks while she was in the coma were hell. Although he had never been more glad to see her just awake and breathing.
One minute Mc was standing outside the bakery waiting for Yoosung to return with some pastries, the next she was being dragged into the alleyway with a chemical scented rag being held over her mouth and nose.
She kicked and tried her best to scream but her panicked state did her no justice. 
As Mc inhaled more and more of the smell and soon enough, she felt herself fall limp in the arms of the stranger. 
When Yoosung came out of the bakery, he was confused to see that Mc wasn’t there. 
When he took out his phone to ring Mc, ruckus from the side street beside the bakery caught his attention.
He walked to the top of the alley and what he was met with scarred him forever.
Mc’s unconscious form was being stuffed into the boot of a random car. 
“HEY!” Yoosung screamed, his feet having a mind of their own and sprinting towards the man.
Unfortunately he wasn’t quick enough and the man made his escape with Mc. 
Yoosung only made it in time to get a face full of black smoke emitting from the exhaust pipe. 
The blonde didn’t know what to do as he heaved for breath.
He decided that he could panic later, even though he was only hanging on by a thin thread. 
He needed to get her back asap.
He contacted Seven right away, waiting impatiently for the redhead to pick up.
“Yo, yo, yo what’s up loverboy?~”
“Seven, Mc’s gone… I don’t k-know what to do. Please…  help…” Yoosung’s voice betrayed his calm persona. 
“Ho, ho, ho lovers quarell?”
“No, Seven, Someone took her… she’s gone in some car.”
There was silence on the line before the hacker ordered Yoosung to make his way to the bunker immediately.
Yoosung had never ran so fast before.
When he arrived at the bunker, Seven wasted no time in questioning Yoosung about the cirumstances, a number plate from the car and whether or not he knew if Mc had her phone on her.
“There was no number plate and I think she still has her phone.”
“Alright I’ll try tracking her location and we’ll work from there.”
“-sell for a good price. I might have a go of her before the auction because damn, look at that body.”
The part of the sentence Mc managed to catch caused her eyes to shoot open and see a single man talking on the phone.
She began to kick and and attempted to scream through the rag tied around her mouth. 
“Oi! You might as well stop struggling now, if you don’t I’ll have to make you and that will knock a few coins off your price for damaged goods. And believe me, you don’t wa-”
The man was suddenly cut short, as a loud bang resounded throughout the warehouse. His eyes were wide an unblinking as he looked towards his chest. There was blood pooling out across the fabric of his white shirt. 
Without notice, the man collapsed onto Mc. 
Mc began to scream through her gag once again, her tears blurred her vision as she hook violently, the weight of the corpse on her body adding to her breakdown. 
About three seconds later, the body was lifted off of her and she was being held up by the shoulders. 
Not knowing who it was, Mc only squealed louder an bawled harder. 
“MC! MC! It’s me! It’s me, please stop!” 
Mc’s screams were muted when she realised it was Yoosung in front of her. 
Yoosung untied the rag from around her mouth and held her close as she began to sob and shake. 
“Is she okay?!” Seven asked, running over to his best friend. 
“She’s o-okay, Seven, she’s f-fine,” He said and began to cry as he has never felt so happy just to hold Mc. 
“C’mon, we need to leave.”
Yoosung stood himself and Mc up and kept his arms around her shoulders as she walked. 
Zen had become incredibly popular since he began dating Mc. 
He was a highly sought after actor and every work he performed in, he sold out the theatre and brought huge success to himself. 
Like now, he was just about to start yet another sold out show. 
He felt himself explode with love and pride as he saw his beautiful Mc sitting in her reserved front seat, smiling at him lovingly as the curtain opened.
Soon enough, the show drew to a close and people began to trickle out of the theatre, excluding Mc who stayed in her seat and the fans who purchased VIP tickets in order to meet Zen afterwards. 
Mc felt very uncomfortable, she had to admit, there was a particular fan waiting for Zen who had been shooting her death glares since the show ended. Mc obviously pinned it as jealoudy of her relationship with Zen. 
But Mc couldn’t shake the feeling of unsafety she felt. 
Mc jumped out of her skin when a quick, “Hey, babe,” was whispered in her ear. 
“Oh my god, Zen!” She laughed and stood up. She was quick to place her hands on his cheeks and connect their lips in a loving kiss. When they parted, both with dorky smiles on their faces, Mc complimented Hyun on his performance. 
“You did amazing Zen, I think this might be my favourite show yet!”
“Babe, you say that every time,” Hyun said as he hugged his girlfriend once again. 
Once they pulled away, Mc and Zen made their way over to the line fans waiting to get a picture with their beloved actor and have a small chat. 
The first few fans came and went, some asking Mc to get in pictures and they expressed their want for Zen and Mc to get married. 
Just after another fan who requested Mc being apart of the discussion and picture, the fan who had been giving Mc weird vibes had stepped up. 
The girl gave Zen a dazzling smile and hugged him tight, expressing how meeting the silver haired actor was a dream come true.
When they were posing for the picture, she turned to Mc and said “Uhm, honey, could you get out of the picture please? You’re ruining it.”
Mc had experienced fans like this before, who were rude to her but never with the level of hostility this one was presenting. 
Zen was taken aback by the bluntness of his fan. “Hey, there’s no need to be rude to Mc.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Zenny. I just get upset easily when special moments are at risk of being ruined.”
Zen and Mc left it at that for the moment, just assuming it was one of those arrogant and jealous fans.
After awhile, Mc needed a break and some fresh air. 
She stepped out of the cast exit and breathed a sigh. 
That fan really was rude earlier.
“You ignorant bitch!” Mc’s eyes shot open and saw the fan from earlier standing in front of her, the girl’s hair messed up as tears fell down her face. 
“Because of you, Zen thinks I’m awful. Just because I didn’t want my picture ruined by someone as awful looking as you! You ruined my chances!”
Just as Mc went to reply, the girl pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Mc. “Just get towards the car and I won’t kill you.”
Mc had her hands up as she made her way towards the parked car, tears streaming down her face.
“Mc?!” Zen’s voice shouted as she sat in the car. 
“Zen! Don’t go near her or I’ll shoot!”
Zen did as he was told, staying where he was. He watched the girl sit in the car and then trained his eyes to the number plate. He repeated it to himself over and over again.
As soon as the car was away, Zen pulled out his phone and typed down the number plate and was quick to dial the emergency services. 
When they told him they were on their way and had sent a car to follow Mc’s captor’s car, Hyun hung up and sat down on the path. 
He buried his hands in his face and began to cry. He just wanted to protect her and he couldn’t even do that. 
“I think it’s time I make Zen truly see how awful looking you are!” The fan wasted no time in parking her car in a random alley and climbing to the back seat. 
She pulled a pocketknife from her back pocket and began to slash Mc’s face. 
They were all relatively shallow cuts and that didn’t seem to please the girl, despite Mc’s cries and shrieks for her to stop.
She stopped only for a moment an then dug the tip of the blade into Mc’s cheek and dragged it up right underneath her eye. 
Just as the steady flow of blood began to trickle down her face, there was a bright light and banging against the door of the car. 
“Get out of the car now!” A guard shoutes, pointing a gun through the open and at the girl. 
In shock, the girl hopped out of the car and had her arms up. 
Mc was too scared to move, her hand trying to stop the bleeding in her face. 
The co-ordinator barely registered the door next to her being opened until she heard the voice of Zen. 
“Jagiya? Come out of the car, okay? We’ll get you fixed up alright?”
When she got out of the car, she threw herself into Zen’s arms as she bawled her eyes out, so glad that it was over. 
Zen brought Mc to the ground and held her as the paramedics came over and began to clear the cuts on her face. “Miss, we are going to need to take you to the hospital to get stitches on that gash on your cheek.”
After Mc was brought to the hospital, there was a flurry of paparazzi outside the hospital and Zen was advised to get rid of them. 
“Yes, it is true. Mc got attacked by a fan last night following the show. She is completely alright aside from a few cuts and a gash. But I will say this now, being rude to Mc, hurts me too, and I am beyond hurt that this happened to her. I am taking some time off to help Mc work through this and to make sure she feels safe in a relationship with me.”
Oh god, he thought the agency was finally done with him and had given up on finding him. 
He thought wrong.
Mc was now in the clutches of the agency and he was being held in captivity watching a live-streamed video of his wife being tortured. 
They were pushing her head into water jut until she began to stop moving and then pulled her out again. 
“See this, 707? This is your punishment for going against us. Now watch as we slowly kill her.”
They were relentless and put Mc through pain that not even Saeyoung himself has experienced. 
Her screams plagued his mind as the people stuck a hot fire pocker into her side. 
He couldn’t believe he let this happen. 
He finally had the life he wanted;
Reunited with Saeran, with a wife and hopes to start a family.
But he just had to be careless. 
Seven was pulled from his thoughts when the door opened and Saeran was running to him. 
“I need to do this quick or they’ll catch me, but just go along with this okay?”
Seven nodded and followed Saeran’s lead. 
He was brought to the room where Mc was.
Her cries softened a tad when her husband was brought into the room. 
“Agent 707, for your betrayal against this agency we need to punish you. However, you’re a one of a kind hacker and we can’t afford to lose such talent, so as a sanction we will kill your wife and hope you don’t disobey again.”
Saeyoung watched as Saeran moved towards Mc and pointed a gun towards her head. 
“P-Please don’t! Please! Don’t hurt her! No!” He screamed and struggled, going along with the performance. 
Just as he pulled the safety lock off, Saeran pointed the gun towards the men in the room and shot them all with precison. 
After that, everything was a blur. The three needed to get out of the building quick and get far away. 
Since then it had been three days and they were camping out in a motel. They had bought supplies and tended to Mc’s wounds and from there, worked towards getting her back to health and getting them all to safety.
It had been tough for Saeran, getting through the aftermath of Mint Eye that is. 
He suffered with crippling anxiety and debilitating depression following the events.
But he had Mc and she was the sole person he had to thank for getting through it.
But lately she had been distant. Sad almost.
She was always on her phone, looking like she wanted to forget the world and dissipate. 
Saeran became fed up with it and approached her about it. 
“Mc what’s going on? I thought we could talk to each other.”
“It’s nothing Saeran, I promise.”
From there it escalated into an argument and boiled down to Saeran screaming something along the lines of, “Get out, go! You’re not doing any good by being her!” 
It was only to hurt her as much as he felt hurt. 
But she still left, only bringing her phone and purse. 
After that he tracked her through street cams and her location by her phone. 
He had never been so grateful for his skills until he saw Mc being approached by a man in a hood and then dragged away. 
“Mc~ My love. We are reunited!”
Mc was shook to the core by the voice in her ear. 
“Why are you doing this to me?! We dated in school when we were only young! Just stop!” She shouted, her shaky voice contradicting her confidence.
A slap to the side of her face silenced her and the feeling of the man’s tongue sliding against the reddened skin of her cheek caused a shiver to quake her body.
“I don’t want to hurt you, my love, but I can’t have you stepping out of line.”
“I’m not your girlfriend! That ended over ten years ago, you psycho!”
“Mc’s you’re in denial, we’re in love, you’re my universe! You’re my every-”
All Mc saw was a fist connecting with her ex’s cheek, knocking him down.
Then she realised that it was Saeran landing merciless punches on her ex, and although she wished for him to stop, she couldn’t move from her binds. 
All she could do was cry and beg for Saeran to stop. 
Saeran began to stop once he fully registered Mc’s cries of fear and anguish. 
He stepped off the man and went to Mc with bloodied fists and untied her. 
As soon as she was free, she pounced onto Saeran and cried into his neck as she let out the fear she had been feeling through the weeks of harrassment her ex put her through.
“It’s okay, Mc, it’s over. From here on out you need to tell me everything, alright? Please don’t keep stuff like ths from me.”
Oh god, I spent my whole day doing this lol. I hope you enjoyed and I’m sorry it took so long and if parts are sloppy. This flu has my mind a bit muddles. 
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