#smack jeeves
lorekeeper-backset · 4 months
I remember old Kirby sprite comics back in the day. Back when Smack Jeeves was still a thing.
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ckstufff · 11 months
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:( no one told me smack jeeves died, idk if i still have my comic pages i posted there,,, shit
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cookies-house · 2 years
man I have not seen a website go down THIS BADLY ever since smack-jeeves
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Me smacking myself with a newspaper: You can’t know for sure that the gay subtext in the Jeeves books was intentional and it would be bad practice to declare intentionality on behalf of a dead author who can’t confirm or deny it. The fact that Jeeves and the Tie That Binds was the first Jeeves book to be published after the UK legalized homosexuality is probably just a coincidence. I’m sure he wasn’t even thinking about that.
P. G. Wodehouse:
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collabwithmyself · 5 hours
Who is Jeeves and why are we smacking him
That seems rude
Serious answer, SmackJeeves was a now defunct comic hosting site that was SUPER popular in the 2000s and 2010s. Anyone could make and host a comic, the coding was super flexible, it ruled. But, as far as I know, the host site suddenly changed up how everything worked, everyone hated it, and the site promptly died.
I met my first online friends on that site! Made dumb creative forays, made some awful mistakes, lived and learned. I can't say SJ was always an amazing experience, but it was definitely a formative one, even if I've grown far past the lolrandom humor that defined my early to mid teenhood and most of my SJ content.
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daintev · 3 months
Web Archive my beloved <3
I've noticed not a lot of people aren't aware and or can't find the original version of My Two Cents Plus Tax. Cuz for those of you who don't know: mtcpt was originally started in 2008 and ended in 2013. I believe Geezerflakes said she was in high school around that time?
Anyway! Since Smack Jeeves, the website it was originally uploaded too, shut down it wasn't easy finding an archive of the original comic, at some point I started to consider the entire comic wasn't archived at all! Luckily I eventually found it! (thank you web archive)
The images don't always load, so it's a bit tricky, but I'm glad the original was archived! it's so interesting to see the history and origins of things like this.
Here's the link to the archive: MTCPT Orginal Comic. Have fun! :D
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a-gnosis · 10 months
Hi! I was wanting to read your older comics prior to The Family Party, but the link that had previously been provided for Smack Jeeves doesn't seem to work anymore. Are they still available online at all?
Smack Jeeves doesn't exist anymore sadly. I moved my comics to Comic Fury a few years back. They're also available on Deviantart, but I would recommend you read them on Comic Fury. Some of the older comics have been slightly edited with added pages, changed dialogue, etc, and those updated versions are on Comic Fury.
There are links on the desktop site of my blog (is that the right word? The opposite of viewing a blog on the dashboard?) and on the about page on the Theia Mania Comics blog. Maybe I should create a pinned post with all the links as well…?
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newtstesco · 1 year
FightingMario54321 and Meggy- they were both cops and have penchant for fighting, what more do i have to say? they set up play dates between Loaf and Cube
Luigi and SMG0- they both are so chill, and they’d probably discuss gardening and their favorite teas and have little tea parties and talk abt how chaotic Mario and Fred are
Niles and Kaizo- both have felt betrayed by someone they care about, and they’re both the bad boy trope fr fr, would listen to rob zombie together
Mario, Fred, and Spudnick- they are all super chaotic and love running around and causing problems on purpose, they’re not allowed to hang out a lot since they destroy so much when they’re together, but once a year the guardians allow a play date
Tari and EpicYoshiFan- i’ve always thought EYF was bit quieter and shyer than the other recolors, so i think he and Tari would get long great, talking about music and video games and staying up way too late doing things
XboxGamer997 and Melony- they both have this sort of main character energy with X’s omen sense and Melony’s fierce deity side, i also think X gets pretty tired frequently so they’ll just have lil sleepovers :3
Ruffman8890 and Boopkins- they’re both very high energy, and RM would love to watch anime with Boopkins because i said so fuck you
Karen, Toad, and Peach- tired of Mario’s shit and definitely need a break, they go drinking together sometimes
Jeeves and Toadsworth- weird old men gang! i am specifically thinking abt the 2018 video where Jeeves and Toadsworth were hanging out, they definitely would discuss like the weather and what the princess has been up to and how the milk is selling fr fr
Shroomy and Swag- once again, i am referencing a Christmas special, the 2021 one to be exact, they love going demon hunting on the weekends and blowing things up
Whimpu and Tari- they both like doing quieter activities and nerdy shit, so they’d definitely play pokémon together, Whimpu is a nuzlock GOD
Enzo and The Villager- they both recovered after the christmas crazies episode (a lot of christmas episodes, you can tell they’re some of my favorites) and now The Villager directs a children’s TV show (seen in the 10 year anniversary movie) and Enzo runs a birthday supplies store in bloopersville (source: my brain) and they have the same parole officer, and no one really understands what they’ve been through so they’re pretty tight
SMG3, Xboxfan996, and OiramOiram12345- evil dopple gang! they’ve mostly mellowed out tho, and 96 and OO live in bloopersville but come by the internet graveyard sometimes to get a coffee and talk about what’s new with them
SMG4, SLG4, and Minion- THEY ARE A FAMILY YOUR HONOR AND YOU CAN RIP THIS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS! Minion and SLG4 live in bloopersville, and since they’re all sorta related to SMG4, they’re like “yeah we’re family lol” so SMG4 sometimes shows up at bloopersville for their birthdays
Desti and Saiko- they would have been BESTIES you can’t change my mind, Desti would totally go to Saiko for help with asking out Meggy
MCGustavo and Bob- i can’t explain this but just trust me they’d be best friends they’d smoke together lol
Chris and Belle- they both want to smack the shit out of their former bosses (Sergeant Mark and SMG3, respectively), they both get a little tired of the chaos and just wanna talk to someone who’s also tired of it for once
Jub Jub, Frankie, and the Weegee doll- they play roblox together :D
Mario and Ruffman8890- they are both so chaotic and love running around and pissing off Toad lmaooo
Waluigi and Tari- after the whole T-pose virus thing, they both see each other at a rubber duck store and hit it off immediately, they love hanging out and playing with their ducks
those are all the ones i can think of rn but this is so real and you will agree with me now
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lord-of-nowhere · 17 days
this is a bit out of nowhere but i remembered reading close to death before smack jeeves went down and reread it on the internet archive recently, i just want to say that that comic and your art generally is a really huge inspiration to me <3
WOW! first off thank you for reading close to death- its wild that that it's up on the internet archive, i kind of thought it was gone forever. i'm glad it meant something to you, i'm really flattered!!!
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scruffyssketchbook · 8 months
His... Umm... I dont know if in stupid or something or if i have seen It and i dont realize but ..
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Where can i see Dawn's secret please... Pretty please
Sadly Dawn’s Secret is lost to time!!!! It was not a normal secret comic, you see. It was a QnA of sorts where Dawn spilled secrets that she knew of other characters. After Smack Jeeves shut down, this was completely lost.
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screentonescast · 1 year
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Screen Tones, a Webcomic Podcast
Show Notes
Web Design
Release Date: March 22, 2023
Kristen Lee (Krispy) - She/They, https://www.ghostjunksickness.com/
Christina Major (Delphina) - She/Her, www.sombulus.com
Renie Jesanis - She/They, www.kateblast.com
Guest Starring: Alyssa - She/Her, Check out Alyssa's work on the Grawlix webcomic CMS on Github
In This Episode:
1:30 Why a website? 
Websites provide a lot of flexibility to customise and meet your personal needs, unlike other hosting platforms.
7:30 Why is it good to have one? 
Control over how your comic is presented.
No need to rely on the stability of the hosting business; ie: Smack Jeeves, Webtoons, Tapas, etc.
Lots of features available to improve and enrich the experience of your webcomic readers.
20:40 What makes a good functional site? 
Easy and self explanatory navigation: Includes obvious "First Page" button, Archive button, etc.
A good CMS helps with site maintenance and ease of uploading
A good host ensures people can reach the site, that traffic runs smoothly and that everything loads properly.
23:50 What are some website no-nos? 
Long loading time. Can be caused by large file size, poor hosting, etc. Solution: Save your website specific upload files in smaller size. Get a hosting plan that accommodates the amount of traffic you have.
Website aesthetic overwhelms the functionality. Solution: Utilise the common terms like Archive, Cast Page, etc rather than custom terminology. Don't have too many animated icons that will detract from the page on display.
Not being mobile compatible Solution: Utilize good CSS to change the style based on screen size.
32:28 Any tips for people starting out?
Start with the basics. Practice HTML and CSS. Don't be afraid!
45 Starting Steps
Obtain Hosting and Domain Name
Choose your CMS
OPTIONAL: Use CSS to personalise.
Terms to Know:
CMS: Content Management System - What translates your backend code into the frontend (visible) display of your website and comic.
Host/Hosting - Refers to a web server where the files for your website are stored.
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language” - This is the language that is used to build your website pages and display content like content, images, video, and links on the web.
CSS: “Cascading Style Sheets” - This code that tells the browser how to display your website. This includes global styles for fonts, colors, images, menus, etc.
jsfiddle.net - Sandbox type site
comicfury.com - Free webcomic specific hosting and CMS, that allows html and css customisation. Good starter point.
W3 - Learn to Code
Thanks for Listening!
Have a comment? Question? Concern?
Contact us via Twitter @ScreenTonesCast or email [email protected]
Screen Tones Cast:
Ally Rom Colthoff (Varethane) - She/They, http://chirault.sevensmith.net/ http://wychwoodcomic.com/
Christina Major (Delphina) - She/Her, www.sombulus.com
Claire Niebergall (Clam) - She/Her, www.phantomarine.com
Kristen Lee (Krispy) - She/They, https://www.ghostjunksickness.com/
Megan Davison - She/Her, https://www.webtoons.com/en/search?keyword=megasketch
Miranda Reoch - She/Her, mirandacakes.art 
Phineas Klier - They/Them,  http://heirsoftheveil.fervorcraft.de
Rae Baade(Rae) - They/Them, https://www.empyreancomic.com 
Renie Jesanis - She/They, www.kateblast.com
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sevrai · 1 year
15 years ago I started working on WOE and slowly mingling my way into the Smack Jeeves community. 5 years ago I met up in person with a fellow webcomic author and friend who had been chatting with me online for some time. Yesterday she and I got married!
We're not religious and didn't do a big ceremony with rings and gatherings and formalities and stuff, but it's still fun to say I have a wife now, and one I wouldn't have if it weren't for my silly little webcomic and that wonderful little webcomic community on SJ.
She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I still can't believe how lucky I am. I don't feel comfortable sharing photos publicly but I do want to share something sentimental. Here's some fanart of Ixis and Reina that she drew waaay back in 2010;
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Who could've imagined that several years later we'd be in a relationship.
(It feels a bit odd sharing life stuff like this in a public space but my account doesn't have many followers or get much attention anyway so ohhh welllll! I'll be back to posting comics soon!)
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petaledfrogsocks · 1 year
Finding out Smack Jeeves died in 2020 means I should probably accept the fact that I'm never going to find that one webcomic artist from 2005-2006ish. Their art was heavily inspired by psychonauts at the time and one of the characters in their comic was named Sunny I think. The comic was also full of bright colors. They used to have a live journal too, but it's been over a decade so I don't remember what it was called. :/
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writer59january13 · 1 year
I still feel under the weather today April 2nd, 2023
Unseen enemy invades my body
with platoon of green berets air
rating, and enfilading immune system viz Hib bully knock and sock kin me
courtesy roebuck seers sucker punches
mightier than stormy daniels wallop
from an indomitable haversack being carrying
courtesy giant bully bear,
whereby cyclopean ogre
freighted hallucinatory dreams
popped up, dunkin noggin - donut ask
clouding ordinarily outlook clear
via this germane, foo fighting earthlinked,
googly eyed live prodigy
also smart arse derriere
(ha – at least sense of humor still intact),
when rest only respite against e’er gang num of good n plenti
supreme warriors decimating
heralding, lobbing, pulsating fanfare for this common man
ordinarily robust healthy Donald,
with Machiavellian bravado –
leaving said prince charged with impedance
unable to muster commando egg flu Jung
undermining capacity to brandish
barren grinchlike playboy prestige
self anointed reputation as grandpoobear
smacking dagnabbit fearlessness
sync king, limning, and feigning
to be among magnificent seven donning follicles slicked
in imitation of greaser
coiffed swept back blond hair,
where (if one could zoom
and magnify manifold) tom tom club melee
evincing, hammering and
juxtaposing sterling rods
bamboozling schlepper
with molecular size bots trumpeting atomic bombs leveling MineCraft concentration
with piercing arrow marks intrepid invisible microscopic organisms,
attack in Cingular hardened gear entity,
aggregate, blasting billingsgate, congregate,
gravitate as best buy,
capital one egghead, albeit flimsy groupon heir inherited
courtesy Don Ask Jeeves throne –
as one BuzzFeed linkedin
uber twittering shutterfly on my Bing viz, said lothario tumblr hotmail happened tubby barren some fancy feast,
where gimlet eyes cling aspirin, Bufferin
with super acting non-glue tin,
NOR NON GMO guaranteeing LifeLock
on par with pinteresting illuminaire
hand crafted glittering gold earring overlaid with anti-semitic,
egotistic, and misogynistic veneer invaders re: Avast itsy bitsy potpourri
of foreigners re: survivors
without remorse to fling helter skelter infectious germs
flittering to and fro hither and yon
within mine corporeal
cerebral domed gummed hell
hounded integral kickstarter
i.e. complex edifice pell mell
twittering, SnapChatting, Ringling Brother
Barnum, Banks, Bailey & Bittle
inherited deadly killjoy Bluetooth to quell defensive IdentityGuard courtesy from mothers -
little helpers – satisfaction generating
excellent skill casting a spell
binding heavenly gilt free,
progressively deteriorating conditions,
where William Tell Overture played over,
and over incessantly within – no let up waking in cold blood, sweat
and tears unwelcome viz zit by archers in dark hoodies
wielding bowed slings and arrows well aimed at apple of heart,
ratcheting up a notch,
this feeling feathery tarred,
and essentially un well,
where microbial infrastructure bound me with fluted strep throat,
thus disallowing me
to imitate rebel yell.
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dinersaturn · 2 years
Holy shit smack Jeeves shut down in 2020??? Before tapas and Webtoon that was the OG webcomic place. I used to spend all day on there.
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