6 "Sleep Strategies" to Improve Sleep Depth & Quality 💤💡🌙 https://newsinfitness.com/6-sleep-strategies-to-improve-sleep-depth-quality/
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sleepstrategy · 1 year
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I misread this bot's name as sleepstrategy and that would rock
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wilddirt · 6 years
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Traveling to your next adventure can take a heavy toll on you. So having a sleep strategy is important so you can hit the ground running. Here are some of my items I’ve found that help me catch Zzzzz’s. Take a beat to consider what causes you to have poor sleep when traveling and devise a strategy. . If you need to feel fresh and clean to relax try carrying a prepasted toothbrush, mints, or this @ursamajorvt face wipe. . If light or movement tends you wake you, then get used to sleeping with an eye mask at home so you are send to it when on the road. . If you have a hard time shutting off your brain then try melatonin. Also anything you are thinking about write down. Get it out of your mind. . If noise bothers you try ear plugs. These also help with ear pressure issues when flying. . I like this sleep themed poem and carry it with me to get me in the mood. See my stories section for a close up shot. . #wilddirt #activatethechill #sleep #travel #catchsomezzzs #eyemask #sleepstrategy #40winks #mask #facewipes #earplugs #melatonin
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imbusybeingawesome · 7 years
Can't Sleep? Here's Why Insomnia Might Be Keeping You Awake
Can't Sleep? Here's Why Insomnia Might Be Keeping You Awake #sleep #insomnia #sleeptips #healthyliving
I don’t think it’s possible to overestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep. Just think about it for a minute… Do you need to power through several back-to-back meetings tomorrow? Then get a good night’s sleep. Do you want to keep calm and collected while pitching to a potential client? Then get a good night’s sleep. Do you need maximum focus and productivity to complete your project…
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ohwildheartx · 10 years
Sleep strategies
"Waking up earlier is only half of the battle — you also need to go to bed early. For night owls, falling asleep earlier than usual can be difficult.
First of all, no coffee after 14:00, stop exercising at least four hours before bedtime and eat a larger lunch, but a lighter breakfast and dinner, said Dr Kenny Pang, a Singapore-based ear, nose and throat doctor, who specializes in sleep disorders.
The bedroom also needs to be as dark as possible, which means putting away smartphones and shutting of the television at least an hour before bedtime, Pang said.
This last point is crucial, added Watson. Technology is a big driver of insomnia these days because mobile phones, tablets and television screens emit light in a blue wavelength, which is a powerful stimulant.
“What you’re doing right before you go to bed is blasting your brain with these blue wavelengths,” he said. 
“You’re telling your body it’s time to be awake and that’s not the message you want to send.
”While it’s possible to fall asleep early, not everyone will be able to do it. Some people suffer from sleeping disorders — they won’t be able to shift their wake up and bed times without medical help — and others won’t be able to handle this regular routine.
People sleep best when the body knows sleep is coming. Becoming a morning person can only work if you wake up and go to bed early every day of the week, said Watson.
Yes, that means staying up late every weekend could be a problem.“It’s called social jetlag,” said Watson. 
“If you go to bed later on a Sunday night, but have to wake up early on Monday then you could see a real (negative) effect on your performance.”
For Breier, getting to sleep early was challenging at first, but he makes sure that when he goes to bed at 22:00, the TV is off and his phone is far away from him, so he doesn’t get distracted.
It takes him about 30 minutes to fall asleep, but if he’s having trouble he’ll read something related to his line of work.“It’s not that it’s boring,” he said. “It’s the act of reading that makes me tired.” 
Not worth it?
Despite what the research says about early birds, Pang cautions people against making this shift. The best sleep, he said, is from 23:00 and 07:00 no matter who you are. 
Pang said it’s more important to get eight hours of shuteye than to wake up early.If you don’t get those eight hours — and you probably won’t be if you’re waking up at 05:00 — then you’ll need to catch up at some point.“No one wakes up by themselves at 5,” said Pang. 
“You’re going to end up sleeping more on the weekends or even during the day.”
For now, Breier’s sleep experiment is working. He’s been doing it for six months and while he misses staying up late to watch TV, he does find that he’s much more productive than he used to be.
He does most of his emailing before his kids wake up at about 06:30, which means he can start meeting with clients and continue building his business as soon as he gets into the office.
“My business is better for it,” he said. “I’m much more organized than before. My efficiency during the day is 100 times better and my home life is better too. By the time I get home I’m tired of working and I can spend time with my kids.”"
- Taken from BBC (http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20141013-can-you-become-a-morning-person)
Relatable.. That whole eight hours thing was what I did. And keep on sleeping at 2200 hours to wake up 0600 hours. my sleep time still varies. But my sleep is really important to me. Also, I sleep in the dark. That really helps in easy falling to deep sleep.
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imbusybeingawesome · 7 years
5 Strategies for a GREAT night of sleep
5 Strategies for a GREAT night of sleep. Don't wait - start tonight!
In Friday’s post, “3 Reasons Why You Should Take The Night Off,” I mentioned the importance of going to bed early. Rather than binging an entire season of Mozart in the Jungle, try turning off the television after 2-3 episodes and hitting the hay. Getting enough sleep is a key strategy to increasing your productivity in the days ahead, so set yourself up for success and embrace those 7-8 hours.…
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