#sleep token ideas
leonsleftbicep · 9 months
hypothetically: sleep token gets nominated for a grammy
and (hypothetically) we get to see the boys in fancy clothes
(also these are all in black for the most part)
vessel: open flouncy shirt that has ruffles at the wrists, his show pants with gold hip chains, and docs
ii: pleated pants, vest, trench coat, black slip on vans (i genuinely dont think this man would wear fancy shoes)
iii: red mesh shirt, high waisted pinstripe pants with suspenders, his coat tail jacket, checkered board socks, and stage shoes (relatively the same as his stage outfit)
iv: studded and spiked blazer, open dress shirt with his chest painted and the scythe necklace sitting perfectly there, black dress pants with the added touch of a white wrap around his thigh, docs
(this has been in my drafts since last month. i will most likely draw these)
(finished piece here)
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with ii and iii posting instrument cams, you know what would actually be awesome? if all four of them, just one time, had pov cams of the same moment of one song and they put all of them together in one video.
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a-s-levynn · 7 months
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"A sacred guardian" A Series of Small Offerings - IV/1 - day33
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sleeptaken · 4 months
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vagueconfusion · 4 months
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help this idea came to me while at work and Would Not Leave
Also bonus one with runes
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devils-yui · 3 months
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A conversation was had, my friend kept assuming my pfp on insta (of Vessel) looked like a shrimp and I ended up deciding to draw the guy—shrimpified.
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ancientbygone · 8 months
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my beautiful wife (1st design pass i was bored and rushed this one)
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sleepanonymous · 2 days
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Well that’s a thing to wake up to.
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copia · 5 months
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A Message from Sleep Token ☼ The Heavy Music Awards 2021 — the message | background footage | font | sleep token logo | all messages
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changewingwentz · 8 months
He’s just the vessel
venting out my weird mood swings 2 days ago, my city was raining hard and the storm soothed my mind a lil, when I first saw his mask the first impression were rotting flesh like, eating it away and it looks like a spider
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went to a store I’ve never been to last night and it had a display of fluffy pens, “haha imagine vessel writing the most emotionally driven lyrics with those …..”
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thisvisionofmyspirit · 9 months
♡ new cute date idea!! ♡ we listen to sleep token's entire discography in silence. you don't say a word to me until we reach the end of euclid and you whisper "you were right. this is the best thing i've ever heard"
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If they still take the little dog on tour with them, Vessel should totally bring the dog out and do the Circle of Life Simba lift during the guitar solo in The Summoning.
Not if it'll scare the poor dog obviously, I just needed to share the mental image.
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bubacorn · 2 months
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The truth is, I am ugly, I am inadequate, I am lost I am No god
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a-s-levynn · 4 months
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Tiny Token - Teeth of God edition
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politemagic · 2 months
Strip Club Owner!Vessel x Reader
feat. Bartender!III, Manager!II, and Bouncer!IV
attempted sexual assault, eepy boys to the rescue, comfort with Vessel, non-descript reader outside of wearing eyeliner and simply having hair (though no specified length), author has never been to a strip club
a/n: this is mostly unedited so I apologize in advance for any errors, I simply needed this to stop haunting my drafts. it was intended to be a blurb but... uh.... I might have gotten a little carried away.
2.4k words
No one's ever seen the owner of the Pink Pony Club, there's a name listed on their business certificate and an owner's office tucked away in the corner, and the light is on six nights a week. Some of the regulars have caught a glimpse of his shadowed figure slipping out the back door, but they'd never know for sure it was even him. Most business in the club was conducted through the general manager, II. He hired the dancers and the staff, running final decisions through the mysterious owner, Vessel. Every night II keeps a watchful eye on the floor of the club, reporting back to Vessel throughout the night.
On this particular night though it was the bartender, III, who caught the commotion at the far end of the bar. The pristine white suit jacket caught III's eye instantly, the only customer to come in wearing such a bright white was some Wall Street scumbag who was already on his second strike at the club. He watched a streak of white as the asshole reached out to grab onto one of the dancer's arms as they walked by, yanking them back to stand in front of him.
III clocked the startled look in their eyes, the panic in their eyes was accentuated by their heavy eyeliner, giving them a similar look of a deer caught in the headlights. It was only their second week at the club, and he could tell by their reaction that this was the first time they'd encountered a more aggressive customer. III grabbed the walkie talkie from behind the bar, radioing for II to come to the bar, but got no response.
Shit. He's probably on his smoke break. III thought to himself.
He glanced back over, seeing the man's hands running along their waist, fingertips digging into their sides in a tight grip, evidenced by the wince on their face as he pulled them closer, their nose crinkling at his rancid breath. III tried calling II one more time, eyes trained on the pair at the end of the bar as he watched their attempts to wriggle from the man's hold. When he saw the anger in the man's eyes, he knew he couldn't sit around and wait for II's response.
III quickly signaled to the other bartender to watch the end of the bar while he slipped out, his long strides carrying him to the back office in seconds, knocking rapidly.
The door cracked open, a chain keeping the office door from opening all the way, when Vessel saw his best bartender bouncing on his heels at the door he raised an eyebrow in silent question.
"Fucking Kingpin's back." He explained. It was a nickname Vessel himself had coined after the main villain in the Daredevil comics, known for his pristine white suit.
"II?" Vessel asked.
"Not answering."
"What's he doing this time?"
"Got his hands on Y/N." He stated quickly.
A dark cloud passed over Vessel's eyes. If there was one thing about Vessel, it was that he genuinely cared about his employees. He knew they exposed themselves to a certain amount of risk by working at the Pink Pony, and he would stop at nothing to make sure they were safe under his supervision. It was why they'd hired on a new bouncer not too long ago after business started picking up. IV was a retired rugby player, and had no issues literally tossing drunk assholes out onto the street.
"Where." It was more of a growl than a question. He'd approved their paperwork only a few weeks ago, remembering how II described them.
"End of the bar."
The door slammed shut, and III heard the chain sliding out of place before Vessel's looming from appeared in the doorway, brushing past III as he made his way to the bar. He watched as Kingpin's head dipped into the crook of their neck as they tried pushing him away again, and he was seeing red.
"Hey!" He barked, stalking closer to the two at the end of the bar, Y/N's face melting into one of relief at the owner's appearance. When Kingpin didn't move, his lips grazing the skin of their throat as they tried to squirm away, Vessel closed the distance in three easy steps, his hand forcefully yanking his shoulder back and effectively separating at least his mouth from the newest dancer.
"There an problem here?" Kingpin slurred, clearly not registering the pure ire on Vessel's face.
"Yeah. There's a fucking problem. Get your hands off my dancer." He growled, eyes flicking to where the man's hands still gripped Y/N's body, dangerously close to their ass.
"D'worry, I'm good to pay." He said, his voice dripping with arrogance.
"Afraid you're looking for services we don't offer here." Vessel sneered, his grip tightening on the man's shoulder, a flicker of pain flashing across his face.
"I'm willing to pay extra for this one..." The predatory grin on Kingpin's face had Vessel setting aside his good business sense and shoving the man from the stool, releasing his grip on Y/N in the process.
In an instant, IV appeared behind Vessel. Vessel glanced over his shoulder at the bouncer before just giving a simple nod of his head. Iv wasted no time in leaning down, grabbing the man by the lapels of his jacket and hoisting him to his feet. He yanked him forward before stepping behind him, a firm hand on his collar as he ushered him to the exit.
Vessel could hear Kingpin's protests, but one glance at IV proved that the situation was handled as he forcibly shoved him out the door, landing flat on his face against the sidewalk. If he'd been paying closer attention, he probably would have seen the way that IV spat at (not on, he was a professional after all, but that didn't mean he didn't have a distaste for drunk sleaze balls) him before slamming the door shut.
But Vessel's attention was on Y/N in an instant, checking them over for any visible injuries. His stomach lurched at the sight of the red mark against their collarbone, and he reached out a hand, which they hesitantly accepted before Vessel led them back to his office. As he passed the bar, he gave III a thankful nod before stepping aside to let Y/N into the solace of his office.
When the door closed behind him, the thumping music of the club faded to the background, and Y/N couldn't help the tears that sprang in their eyes.
"Are you alright?" Vessel asked in a surprisingly gentle tone, given the events that had just transpired. They nodded their head weakly, not wanting the owner to think they couldn't handle the job. But as a rebellious tear slipped down their cheek, Vessel slowly took a step forward to tentatively reach a hand out to cup their cheek, his thumb wiping the tear away.
"Are you alright?" Vessel repeated, voice barely above a whisper as they observed the dancer's delicate state. He remembered the way II described them, how upon meeting them he was unsure because of their gentle demeanor, yet watching them on stage he had seen a completely different person. They'd said this would be their first official dancing job, and imagined they'd yet to face some of the harsher realities of their position.
When they shook their head, he slid his hand along the side of their face to cup the back of their head, bringing them forward into a tight, comforting embrace. Their face fell into his shoulder, and he could feel their hot tears seeping through the material of his shirt as he stroked their hair gently.
After a moment they tugged their face away, and he let his arms fall to his sides as they stepped back, wiping the smudged eye makeup from underneath their eyes.
"Sorry, I'm just... He caught me off guard. That's all. I'm fine." They said, though the slight waver to their voice told Vessel differently.
"Are you sure?" He asked gently, tilting his head as he took in their quivering appearance.
"Y-yeah. Fine. Promise." They said quickly and Vessel just shook his head.
"You don't look fine to me, sweetheart." He didn't miss the slight panic in their eyes as he passed them to open his desk drawer.
I'm getting fired. He doesn't think I can handle this and he's going to fire me.
"Let me take you home." He said, and they shook their head furiously as he produced a set of car keys from the drawer.
"No, really. I'm fine. I got this." They said, trying to reassure him despite the new tears threatening to spill down their cheeks. Vessel sighed, setting the keys down on the desk to stand in front of them once more. He slowly reached his hands out to grasp their bicep, giving them time to flinch away, but when they didn't he squeezed them comfortingly.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. It's an unfortunate aspect of the business, it's happened to everyone," he says with a deep sigh. "It's okay to be scared, uncomfortable, whatever you're feeling. What isn't okay is you trying to pretend it didn't bother you. No one will think any less of you for wanting to go home, least of all me. It's part of my job to look after you, and that's what I'm doing." Vessel finished, looking deep into their eyes as they slowly nodded their head.
"I can't, I can't afford to-"
"That wasn't my question," Vessel interrupted. "Now, do you want me to take you home?" he repeated and his heart squeezed as he watched them bite down on their bottom lip, nodding their head shyly. A small smile crossed his lips, pleased that they were willing to accept his offer.
"Alright. Go get changed, pack up your stuff, I'll meet you by the back entrance." He said, his hands sliding down their arms to squeeze their hands encouragingly.
He'd spotted II back on the floor and gave him a quick rundown of the situation, explaining that he'd be back in a little bit. About fifteen minutes later the back door swung open, Y/N standing in their comfortable change of clothes and, as promised, Vessel was standing right outside the entrance. He leaned against the wall, scrolling through his phone until he heard the familiar squeak of the hinges.
He slipped his phone into his pocket, a gentle hand on the small of their back as he guided them to his black sedan parked in the alley. He opened the passenger door, ushering them inside before closing it and jogging around to the driver side.
He had them type their address into his phone, driving in silence save for the classic rock radio station playing softly through the car's speakers, street lights illuminating Y/N's face as they leaned their head back against the headrest, fidgeting with their fingers.
"If it's any consolation, you're not the first dancer I've driven home after an incident like that." Vessel said quietly as the traffic light turned green.
"Really?" Y/N asked meekly.
"So... You don't think I'm completely pathetic?"
"Of course not," Vessel stated firmly, glancing at them out of the corner of his eye, hesitating before continuing. "I know what it feels like."
Y/N couldn't hide their surprise at his revelation. "You do?" they asked, Vessel nodding his head.
"Why do you think I want to take such good care of my dancers? I was not so lucky, the first time anyone ever grabbed me like that... The owner just told me to suck it up because it's part of the job. But I don't believe that."
"I had no idea that you used to dance."
"It was something that wasn't a pleasant experience for me, because of the place I worked in. Customers could get away with just about anything for the right price. When I bought the Pink Pony, I wanted the experience to be different."
"Wow..." They mumbled, looking at him closely now. They'd obviously noticed how attractive the owner was in their brief meeting, but they hadn't considered the fact that he had ever been something other than just a businessman.
"So, really. It's okay to need to go home. I wish I had been given the same offer."
"I'm so sorry. I... Thank you." they said sincerely, and that small smile reappeared on his face.
"Of course. It won't be reflected on your paycheck, either. I don't want you feeling like you have to suffer just to make ends meet."
Fresh tears sprung up in their eyes, their heart melting for the man across from them. How could someone be so kind and generous, yet work in such a sleazy business? His heart was too pure for what he'd been through, he didn't deserve to be put through that kind of suffering. They reached a hand out to lay atop of his hand resting on the gear stick, squeezing gently.
"Thank you, Vessel." They said softly, and he turned his hand over, squeezing back.
"It's never a problem, Y/N."
The rest of the ride was quiet until they pulled in front of Y/N's apartment complex, Vessel shifting the car into park and turning to look at them.
"D'you want me to walk you to your door?" He asked, and they really thought the fondness in their heart for him couldn't grow any stronger.
"No, no it's alright. I can do this part by myself." they said. They smiled sweetly at him before gathering their bag into their lap, hesitating for a moment before leaning over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek.
Vessel froze, the simple gesture unexpected but not unwelcome. They didn't give him a chance to say anything else, popping the passenger door open and clamoring out of the sedan. They leaned down, resting their weight against the door.
"Good night, Vessel. Thank you again, I feel very lucky to have someone like you looking out for me."
"Always." he replied, watching carefully as they shut the door, walking quickly to the front door of their complex and unlocking the door. Just before they stepped inside, they turned, smiling to see that he was still watching and offered a small wave. He waved back, waiting until they had disappeared into the elevator to shift back into drive, getting ready to return to the club.
The next day, Y/N couldn't hide their surprise as they found a small bouquet of flowers sitting at their normal spot in the dressing room. They asked the other dancers, who said that they'd already been there when they arrived. When they looked closely, though, they found a small notecard reading simply
We're lucky to have you, too.
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fivewholeminutes · 8 months
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A Series of Small Offerings
PART ONE -8- The Way That You Were
To tear that knife from what once / Would have been dead fingers
I have. Struggled a lot with this one, but I am glad it is done. I've had this idea rotating in my brain for a month and I have tried starting it at least 3 times both traditionally and digitally before I decided to turn it into a cut out, because I feel the most confortable making cut outs, actually.
HUGE, ENORMOUS shotout to @copper-sands / @ancientbygone for being my hand anatomy expert!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without it this piece would look way worse <3
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