utaitemusic · 2 years
An arrogant red flower bloomed, bloomed in your face May be misery devours symbolism
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
Hey so since you have The correct HikaKao opinions, I was curious if you have any specific songs you associate with them that you'd be comfortable sharing? Either their dynamic or just them individually, i'm personally trying to add to my HikaKao playlist lmao. Its too short cause im overly picky about what fits them, while simultaneously craving music to listen to while I write about them/draw them/endlessly imagine them in my brain while I work
Now to be clear. I have been listening to like, exclusively Japanese music since 2016. So all the songs I'm about to recommend are Japanese. I can read Japanese so I'll provide context when needed.
Firstly, I have a Hitachiins playlist that I put together and subbed myself (half of the subs are my own) but Youtube kept taking it down so it's a vimeo link now....(im not upset. <- is upset)
i do not explain my poetry often (aka some of these songs are based off vibes)
Anyways, besides my own playlist, I have other songs.
I have 2 about Kaoru and his little carriage paranoia. The first is Who? by Azari which you might know as it's become pretty popular. Specifically I like Mashiro's cover which I have linked. English lyrics can be found here. I feel this song VERY much fits Kaoru's "uhhghhgh it's gonna turn back into a pumpkin and ill be all alone" shtick.
Next is Red Is A Scary Color by Iyowa which to my knowledge hasn't been translated so I included a translation under the cut for you. I think this one can again either be read as Kaoru's carriage paranoia OR middle school twins shared ennui.
OH AND FOR BOTH TWINS, NOT A JAPANESE LYRICS SONG BUT....Look-a-like from the Sonic OVA. Song is literally about two beings who look so alike but act very different, who simultaneous are so very different but so very alike. Does that make sense. Hitachiin twins song fr. I have to add this one because I was so obsessed with the Sonic OVA as a kid.
Comparatively I only really have one Hikaru song sourry. YESMAN by Niru (Maruguri cover). Here are the Eng lyrics. I just think this song fits Hikaru because he's a bitter cunt LOL but I could easily see this being how he feels about being bossed around when he was younger.
And lastly a cute one. Twig by rei sirose. (Lyrics) I think this could be from either twins perspective about the other, but Kaoru is more sentimental so I'll go with him.
Ok lyrics under cut vvvv
Red is a scary color - Iyowa
ああ、違和感だった Ah, I had felt out of place. ちょっとした流行だったどぎつい赤は That intense, glaring red was just a bit of a fad, 手遅れな世界の証拠だった And proof the world was on its last legs. ああ、蠢いてんだ Ah, it’s wriggling. まるで隠すつもりもない慈善事業が It’s as if idiotic charities who don’t plan to hide まるで足んない頭で今日もどこかで震えて暮らす生き残りたちを探し回ってんの are looking for the survivors quivering, grouped together someplace today.
何も、何も問題は無いな いつも通りに、さあここで Nothing is wrong, nothing at all. Every day here, it’s all the same. Not at all Not at all 悟られないように Not at all Not at all Don’t think about it too hard. いつか、いつか救いの日まで繋ぐルーティンワーク One day, one day we’ll all be saved. Until then, we keep doing routine work. だから は、は、は、は、は、は、息を乱すな、問題は無い So, ha ha ha ha ha ha, don’t panic, nothing is wrong.
ああ、敗北だった 常識は生まれ変わった Ah, it was a defeat. A strange rebirth of common sense. どぎつい赤は 手遅れな世界の証拠だった This glaring red is proof the world was on its last legs. ああ、蠢いてんだ Ah, it’s wriggling. まるで隠すつもりもない数の暴力が It’s as if the violent mob who doesn’t plan to hide, この街に閉じ込められて Locked up in this town, 外じゃ何にもないようにどいつもこいつも見ないふりしてんの Pretends they can’t see anything that’s happening out there, Every last one of them.
何も、何も問題は無いな いつも通りに、さあここで Nothing is wrong, nothing at all. Every day here, it’s all the same. Not at all Not at all 助けが来ねえ Not at all Not at all Help won’t come. いつか、いつか救いの日まで繋ぐルーティンワーク One day, one day we’ll all be saved. Until then, we keep doing routine work. だけど は、は、は、は、は、は、死にたくなるな、問題は無い So, ha ha ha ha ha ha, (don’t) want to die[*], nothing is wrong.
ああ、首がすげ変わった親友を楽にしてやった I helped my best friend find peace by taking their place. どぎつい赤が 零れて匂った A glaring red spilled out, and it smelled good. やっちまった I fucked up.
今日も、今日も問題は無いな いつも通りに、さあここで Nothing is wrong, nothing at all. Every day here, it’s all the same. Not at all Not at all 今はまだロンリー Not at all Not at all Today, still, I’m lonely. いつか、いつか救いの日まで繋ぐルーティンワーク One day, one day we’ll all be saved. Until then, we keep doing routine work. だから は、は、は、は、は、は、息を乱すな、問題は無い So, ha ha ha ha ha ha, don’t panic, nothing is wrong.
[*]Try as I might I cannot figure this line out. It is either "I want to die" or "[don't say that you] want to die". It's complicated because of a few factors. Take it as you will.
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estradasphere · 10 months
6 and 41!
6: rei sirose feat. BURNBIT - ドロシー
41: Estradasphere - Planet Sparkle
[ask game]
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holdingontodust · 1 year
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@hexiquin​ The song is It was a Very Nice June by Eight, though this version is a cover by rei sirose
For the record, I also considered using the cover by Fantastic Youths 
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thegrapeswineshop · 2 years
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Christian Binner « Si Rose » 18+19+20+21
ザ・グレープス ワインショップ 
1-6-9 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
火〜日 14:00-19:00
定休日: 月曜日、第1・第3日曜日
CLOSED on Mondays, 1st & 3rd Sundays.
TEL 03-6337-6042
#thegrapeswineshop #sendagaya #christianbinner #sirose #orangewine #naturalwine #グレープスワインショップ #千駄ヶ谷 #クリスチャンビネール #オレンジワイン #ナチュラルワイン #シローズ
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christophe76460 · 2 years
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Je me revois Policier allant à la morgue devoir retirer les bijoux, dont une bague avec diamant sur une femme qui venait de se suicider n'ayant pas supporter le décés de son mari. Cete dame je lui avais parlé du Seigneur quelques jours avant /Devant ma désolation un employé a dut faire ce devoir à ma place car il me manquait de courage pour le faire.
Un autre croyant lui ayant demandé d'éviter l'alccol, mourrut de la sirose du foi et j'ai été appelé à poser les scellés sur son cerceuil, ayant en mains, un baton de cire et de l'autre un briquet apposant la flamme qui sur la cire fondante la laissait couler comme des gouttes de sang dans une cavitée sur le cerceuil. Puis j'ai apposé le Sceau de l'autorité permettant la levée du corps pour rejoindre le cimetière.
De la méme manière le Seigneur s'étant révélé dans son amour pour moi non comme une religion mais comme un PERE , j'ai accepté de mourrir à moi méme par les eaux du baptème de REPENTANCE (cerceuil) , en renonçant à ma chair ,au monde et au prince des ténèbres. Et Dieu de la méme manière est venu vers moi avec le Sang Rouge de son Fils, et avec le Feu du St ESPRIT pour CONFIRMER ma mort au monde pervers et corromput en m'APPOSANT son Sceau Divin de son ESPRIT SAINT et faire de moi un esprit Nouveau RESSUSCITE et de me lever en son Nom pour marcher en nouveauté de VIE/ayant mis à mort MON viel homme et me REVETANT de l(Homme NOUVEAU Créé à l'image de Dieu et de sa ressemblance et pour ETRE sa Lumière dans ce monde de ténèbres et éclairer ceux qui désirent la LUMIERE.
Esaie 61. Dieu m'a OINT et scellé de son Sceau par le Sang de l(Agneau etPOUR ANNONCER DE BONNES NOUVELLES !!!!!!!
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monk-tsujido · 4 years
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3/14(日) ・ 暑いぐらいに晴れあがった日曜日☀️ 本日も13:00〜20:00で営業しております。 引き続きソーシャルディスタンスを保つため、店内は席数を制限してのご案内です。気温の関係で、入口のドアは閉めることもありますが、店内の換気扇は全て回してますので、常に換気をしている状態です。入店の際のアルコール消毒、ご協力お願いいたします。 本日は開店直後はほぼ満席、夕方から夜の時間帯はまだ空きがあります。 ・ 愛ある食卓 @aiarushokutaku の扱うお野菜は五寸人参、レッドロシアンケール、スティックセニョール、芽キャベツ、イエローキャロット、ほうれん草、おイシイ農園のミニトマトは各種まだあります🥕🥬🍅 お買い物だけでも、お気軽にご利用ください。 ・ 小田原にあります志村屋米穀店さんのお米の受注販売、承っております。 5kgか10kgで、業務用のつや姫、こしひかり、ブレンド米、小田原産の無農薬米はるみの4種類があります。 毎週火曜日が注文締切、その週の金曜日のマルシェの日に入荷しますので、入荷日以降でしたら、いつ取りに来ていただいても大丈夫です👍 ご注文は専用フォーム(プロフィールに貼ってあります他、MONKにもQRコードは置いてあります)から、よろしくお願いいたします🌾 ・ ご予約、お問い合わせは0466-66-6409まで、よろしくお願いいたします。 ・ ・ ・ #monk #monktsujido #辻堂 #辻堂ランチ #辻堂昼呑み #辻堂アペロ #辻堂ディナー #vinnaturel #vinonaturale #naturalwine #craftbeer #finefood #愛ある食卓 #christianbinner #sirose #thevoicesofeastharlem #御酒vin帖 #gotoeatかながわプレミアム付き食事券 #お一人様歓迎 #お子様連れok #辻堂イタリアン #辻堂ワインバー #スナック跡地 (MONK Tsujido) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMYmOQ4jQcL/?igshid=gce57jenqug8
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stellisonica · 4 years
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🥂2.000 post🌹 _______________________________________________________ #mypost #sirose #sunset #sky #locorotondo #puglia #italy #discover #bufanowine #beautifulplaces #love #relax #roses #travel #nature #puglialovers #puglia_cartoline #picoftheday #instagood #wine #landscape #vestopazzo #photography #puglia❤️you #igerspuglia #igersitalia #travelinginpuglia #pugliaview #travelgram #pugliaillife (presso Locorotondo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzUpcGlU8t/?igshid=vcp56jcgqinj
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bon-cla · 2 years
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jade-curtiss · 6 years
Les bouteilles de vin avec un bouchon en liège vont signer la fin de mon existence...
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teyuuka · 6 years
i asked my brother to check out this banger song and he was like ‘why tf r u showing me creepy vids’ lmao
i also showed him another one (which eve also covered) and he’s like ‘oh so now you’re into nonsense songs (after mafu’s depressing songs)?’ sdjdhfdhjs jokes on him i’ve been a nonsense digger all life long
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neopoint · 4 years
oh so EMA from dustcell/chitose kudou/rei sirose ARE all the same person... i could always tell by the voice but i wasnt completely sure about her also being rei sirose in particular. apparently she’s posted chitose stream notifications on the rei account accidentally before lol
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thegrapeswineshop · 4 years
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Si Rose 18/19 // Christian Binner // Orange Wine from Alsace, France!! . . アルザス🇫🇷の大人気ナチュラルワイン生産者「クリスチャン・ビネール」が造る、まるでカクテル🍹の様な濁り系オレンジワイン🧡「シ・ローズ18&19」が数量限定で入荷しました‼️ . 樹齢約50年の2品種を醸した18年と19年のシローズをアッサンブラージュし、100年以上の大樽で10ヶ月間シュールリー熟成! . 憂いを含んだ濁り系アンバーオレンジ色。バラ、コケモモ、ライチ、黄桃の甘やかな香り🌹 . 滑らかでピュアな口当たり、心地よく上品なタンニン。「大人のピーチネクター」のような魅惑的なオレンジワイン。 . 前回ヴィンテージ同様、今回も濃い味で凝縮感があり絶品です😆是非お試しください♪ . . Christian Binner (クリスチャン・ビネール) Si Rose 18/19 (シ・ローズ) ゲヴェルツトラミネール65%、ピノグリ35% SO2無添加、無濾過、無調整 4000円+tax . 本日も15時から19時まで営業しております。 . . #thegrapeswineshop #sendagaya #christianbinner #sirose #orangewine #naturalwine #gewurztraminer #pinotgris #グレープスワインショップ #千駄ヶ谷 #クリスチャンビネール #オレンジワイン #ナチュラルワイン #シローズ #ゲヴュルツトラミネール #ピノグリ (The Grapes Wine Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLYBtRhL7-x/?igshid=qnn9gidjt5br
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kaecchii · 4 years
✦ tagged by @lezbianidol​ !! ty sklJSKDSJKSD
✦ rules: spell out your url with song titles and then tag 10 people
✦ K - kyokiranbu, garnidelia
✦ A - airhead, eve ver
✦ E - es no yuutsu, arisugawa homare x mikage hisoka ( a3 )
✦ C - charles, soraru ver
✦ C - colors, rei sirose
✦ H - high shinkkan, sou ver ( & hibikase, reol ver bc i love a whole queen )
✦ I - inochi ni kirawareteiru, mafumafu ver
✦ I - isshinfuran, piko x luz
✦ tagging: @kraubbage @uwualter​ @feyghost​ @biteward​ + anyone else who wants to do this because im just realizing that as a result of me barely being on tumblr in the past, the people i know on here is tiny SKDLKS,,, also feel free to ignore i just wanted to clown around for a lil
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shepofshipsart · 6 years
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Original character Sirose Melbourgh for Maia ♥
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vocaloid-tunes · 6 years
this is.. mostly flower content lol but i really like flower it was longer but i cut out the ones i mentioned before + some non producers cause this was originally a recommendation list for vocaloid content in general
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzlvJcMfxtexGLxiULlXKw EXCELLENT flower content producer i Love them https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChOF_ryuu0huXTPeyxlpfSQ GOOD CONTENT youve probably seen their music around actually. senbonzakura remix really slaps also. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCml5apQ8VqqKPKUCvDzl3VQ miwashiba good. i love them…. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiOOc3UicP_PG1_F2NPs2Ig GOD this music is so GOOD and rei siroses renditions are super fucking good too. bit of weird and freaky lookin art for corruption so be careful looking through this if youre gross out by goopy shit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5OIfqLmlyUN6anDP_h0G7Q SHITOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO really good music really good content really interesting story EXCELLENT flower producer https://www.youtube.com/user/ibumushi mushi-p! this was just recommended to me n im not as familiar w their work but hot Damn, thats some good Shit. very similar to kikuo in a few works so a trigger warning for that
- submitted by @v5-flower
ahh amazing, I’ll make sure to include all of them! great taste ^^
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