awfulrabbit · 1 year
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Icon for one of the datable boys from my visual novel, V! This is Pidgeon, though most people call him Pidge. He's a R5R, which are sort of like harpies or sirens (the more bird-like of them). He's a bit stuck up and stubborn, but his hearts in a shockingly good place. He's big on autonomy in every since of the word, and might be a bit more aggressive than most expect from his kind.
Check the demo for V here!
Patreon — Kofi — Commission Info
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dead-men-disco · 1 year
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callmelyc · 1 month
Lance had been missing for a month now and nothing gives any signs of where he could be.
Keith has searched everywhere to find any semblance of a trace but he can't even remember the mission they'd been on together.
All he has to go on are his dreams of Lance. Lance who will smile at him in those dreams but not speak, who is serene during Keith's turmoil.
Lance who just cups his face and mouths the words "it's ok, you know."
But he doesn't. Keith doesn't know and it's driving him insane.
He's been to countless planets, meetings, debriefs. Nothing. Not a drop of evidence for where Lance McClain could be. Yet when Keith goes to sleep at night he'll see Lances face behind his eyelids watching and waiting patiently as if he never left.
One night when Keith crashes from exhaustion something feels different. There's sound in his dream and a maze. He goes through every challenge, each asking after some form of mental gymnastics but it feels so important that Keith can't ignore doing them.
He's reached a standstill, one in the center of the maze, when he hears it. A laugh like early spring, bright and oh so airy.
Wind chimes gently accompany the laugh and the warmth of a sun encapsulates Keith's whole being. He follows like it's a sirens song only to find dream Lance waiting by a small lake that he'd never seen before.
"Took you long enough mullet."
Keith's breath catches in his throat "I can hear you..."
All lance does is smile at him in amusement, waving Keith closer as if everything is normal. As if anything about this whole thing is normal.
Keith kneels next to him, taking a hand and pulls it close to his chest "where are you Lance?"
Lances free hand comes up to gently cup Keith's cheek. His thumb running soothingly into the flesh "you know where I am."
"But I don't! I haven't been able to find you for weeks!"
Lances smile softens "I'm right where you left me sweetheart."
Before Keith can retort he's ripped from his dream and everything floods back. A mission, a planet with plants that fight back.
Vines and poison.
A demand that told Keith to go get help, he'd be fine just go get help Keith.
Keith flings himself out of their bed and he's rushing to black faster than he can think. He knows where Lance is and he won't leave him waiting anymore.
This time when Keith goes down to this planet he makes sure he wears undamaged armor. This time, he makes sure the team is on emergency standby. This time....this time he's on heavier guard.
They'd underestimated this planet last time and it got Lance caught because of it.
Coran ran some test with Pidge and determined the reason they'd forgotten was due to the poison the spores produced.
A defense mechanism he'd said, so that the victims of their earth could not be saved. They were unsure how quickly the plants could consume their victims but coran and Pidge said it was unlikely Lance was harmed thanks to his armor.
"At most he's asleep, at worse he has some abrasions. It seems like a slow solvent in the goo the plants produce to trap the victims. Sorta like Venus fly traps but vines."
"And the forgetting part?" Keith asks while chopping through vines.
"Seems like a way to confuse the things harming them in hopes they leave or stop fighting to be the next target. It probably didn't expect you to escape."
"But we all forgot this mission Pidge."
"That would be because you were covered in the spores lad! When you returned we all fell under it's influence."
Keith huffs, cutting through more of the vines.
"Not to worry, when you two return we'll make sure to run you both through decontamination. No forgetting allowed this time."
"Yeah yeah, just be on standby."
Before long he's retraced his steps right back to the clearing from before. The entire area is overwhelmed with tangled vibes, huge flowers, roots ready to spring up and trap you.
Keith treads carefully across the earth making sure to not wake anything before it's time to fight back. First things first, he needs to determine where Lance is.
He prys his fingers between vines to peek inside. Vine clump after vine clump and nothing. No signs of Lance, no signs that any of these could fit a body underneath.
Then he sees it, a streak of white and blue. It's almost easy to overlook it, buried in the dirt, but it's his helmet the same one that got pulled off his head and got him poisoned to begin with.
Keith rushes over as fast as he can manage with the delicate nature of his steps. Sure enough, underneath the mound of vines near the helmet is Lance.
He's cocooned inside the vines, tangled so tightly in them Keith is surprised he's breathing. There's only one chance here, Keith knows he has to be fast enough or neither will make it out they'll both end up in vines if he fails.
So he holds his blade right and slices deep into the vine cocoon. The moment theres an opening Keith can hear the hisses from the plants as they realize there's someone fighting back, but he ignores them and he pushes in to pull Lance free.
Lance is covered in thick slime, he's unconscious and unresponsive but Keith doesn't have time to try to get him to move. He throws lance over his shoulder and breaks into a run.
The escape is difficult with lances dead weight making it hard to dodge all the angry plants shooting up towards them but the second they're within blacks sight the lion scoops them up and shoots into space.
This time no one forgot anything. No one will forget Lance and this time, lance won't be just a dream.
It takes two weeks for Lance to wake up. Bodily he was unharmed but the amount of poison from the slime covering him had placed their red paladin into a coma.
Keith dutifully sat by his bedside as everyone tried to convince him he wasnt guilty for forgetting.
"You didn't know"
"but I left him there..."
"You didn't know, none of us did."
He'd make sure Lance ate Hunks broths, he'd brush Lances hair for him because he knows he'd hate to wake to tangles. Keith did his skincare for him at night and kept him updated on everything that's happened.
Keith doesn't even know if Lance can hear him but the others assured Keith that his gentle care was helping even if he couldn't see it.
He wakes up one day to a hand carding weakly through his hair.
"good morning starlight."
Keith shoots up to make sure it isn't a dream. He comes face to face with blue eyes and the real version of the cocky smile he's grown to love.
"Took you long enough."
Keith practically climbs into Lances bed to pull him into an embrace "I'm so sorry-"
"None of that-" lances arm wrap around Keith just as tight "I knew you'dcome back. I was right where you left me."
Keith half sobs into the other boys shoulder "yeah...right where I left you."
Lance hums "don't worry samurai, I'll never leave you. No matter where I am I'll always be waiting."
Keith feels those hands comb through his hair again.
"always?...even if I forget?"
"Always. No matter the circumstances."
At those words Keith knows, everything will be alright. And as he eased I to lances very real, very comforting warmth, he's certain he'll never forget again.
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
Lance after breaking his arm: Oh god am I gonna have to go in the healing pod for this
Coran: Oh, no worries, Number 3, we actually have some handheld devices for these sorts of injuries. Though we will have to reset the bone before we use it
Keith: How bads that gonna be?
Lance: I mean, I've broken a bone before but to be honest getting it reset was a little fuzzy
Pidge: When did you break a bone? For some reason I kinda presumed that'd never happened to you
Lance: I was the test pilot for a lot of Hunks early vehicles when we were kids. I once got rushed to the dentist cause we thought one of my teeth got shoved back up into my gums
Lance: Thankfully it turned out I just swallowed it but my mom wouldn't let me leave the house without helmet and elbow and knee pads for a while after that
Shiro: Just how dangerous were these vehicles you were building
Hunk: It was when I was younger so you know it took me a while to remember the invention of seatbelts...
Lance: Anyway, I presume this reset will hurt. I figured they gave me anaesthesia in the ambulance
Hunk: Lance, you weren't in an ambulance when your arm was reset, your mom drove us to the hospital. It was Veronica that set your arm
Lance: I thought I heard a siren
Hunk: No that was me. You passed out from the pain and I passed out too shortly after
Keith: Why did you pass out?
Hunk: Have you ever seen a bone get reset as a 9 year old?
Keith: Yeah
Hunk:... I will keep my questions for later
Allura:... yes well, we will be giving Lance pain relief so at the risk of having Hunk pass out, can everyone vacate?
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jalapenobee · 2 years
Keith disappears (probably run off but you can go the route of kidnapping). They find Keith with a massive gash and he's delirious from blood loss. Lance is like "You're the worst friend I've ever had." So Keith is like "You're a horrible friend too. You'd make a better boyfriend." Then Keith pretends not to remember once he's fully healed.
Finallyyyyy it’s finished
You’d make a better boyfriend
Also new setup yaayyyyy
Summary above ⬆️
935 words
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Him and James were talking, and James must’ve said something, because Keith slapped him and stormed away. I can’t find him!”
“Alright, get the others and we’ll meet at the castle and make a plan.”
Lance hung up the phone and pushed his way out of the crowded hotel in a panic. This was supposed to be a relaxing, fun vacation with some of the best Garrison pilots, Romelle, Coran, Allura, and everyone else, but nooo, James just had to ruin it. Who invited him, anyway?
Arriving after Allura and Hunk, Lance found Pidge and they had headed towards Coran’s rented beach house, which they called the Castle. They’d already booked a hotel before they knew about it, so they only went there for celebrations or gatherings or to meet for plans. Like this time.
Pidge got to the door first, slamming her body against it as the handle turned, and both her and Lance tripped inside the room. Allura had brought a map, and she and Hunk had it spread across the floor. Coran and Shiro came in, and they had devised a search plan by the time Veronica, Acxa, and Romelle arrived.
Pidge and Hunk would look into security cameras around the city. In secret, of course. Going to jail wasn’t on the agenda. Allura would check the hotel and the surrounding area, and Coran would check the beaches around the island. Shiro and Veronica would head to the west half, while Romelle and Acxa would ask around and skim the east half. Lance tasked himself with Acxa and Romelle’s jobs, just a hell of a lot more thorough on the whole island.
With the nine of them, they were sure to find Keith.
Hoetron, 47 minutes later
pidgeon-of-the-sky: GUYS WE FOUND HIM
pidgeon-of-the-sky: back entrance of that bar we went to yesterday, hurry
pidgeon-of-the-sky: he’s in bad condition
they-call-him-the-tailor: WHAT
pidgeon-of-the-sky: hurry
they-call-him-the-tailor: omw
romellephant: me too
shitogane: calling 911
“Keith, are you okay? Look at me, man.”
Pidge lifted Keith’s chin up with two fingers and wiped a smear of blood away from his forehead with her thumb. “Lance and everyone else is gonna be here soon. Come on.”
“Lance?” Keith’s voice was dazed, like he wasn’t fully there.
“I like Lance.”
Pidge nodded and took off her sweater, wrapping it around Keith’s leg to cover the long bloody gash, probably from a knife. She guessed he might’ve gotten into a bar fight after what happened with James.
“I know. Can you stand?”
“Maybe… I don’t know.”
Sighing, Pidge put her arm under Keith’s and stood up, taking the latter with her. He stumbled and leaned against the rough brick wall for support, but he looked to be fine with walking. They made it to the front of the bar before Keith collapsed, covering his forearms in more scrapes from the sidewalk. Lance, along with the others, were now running towards them, Shiro with his phone to his ear, calling 911.
Ducking out from under Keith, Pidge slipped out of the way to let a frantic Lance carry him. She stepped away to join the small crowd of their friends, gathered around Shiro.
“Mm… Lance, is that you?”
“Yeah. You can’t scare me like that, man. You can’t do that to me.”
Keith’s brows furrowed in anger and confusion. “You’re mean. A bad… bad friend.”
“Well, so are you.” Of course Lance didn’t mean it, but it was one of those impulsive, in-the-moment lines. And friends shouldn’t disappear and make the other worry, especially if the one worrying had a tiny non-crush on the other.
“You know what?”
Lance helped him get to the edge of the sidewalk, both hearing the ambulance sirens from the right. Keith was practically leaning on him, weak and delirious from blood loss. “What?”
“You’d make a much better boyfriend than a friend.”
“What?” Lance’s head whipped around to face Keith, who kept his eyes on the ground.
He nodded, anger faded away and replaced with dazed content. “Yeah. You’d be a better boyfriend.”
“Can I have a moment alone with him, guys?”
It was early the next day, and Keith had gotten minor surgery and James had gotten a long talk from everyone else (and a “minor” beating too, but no one needs to know that). Lance was now requesting a few minutes with Keith in private, getting a nod from everyone else. They filed out with quiet chatter following.
Lance now stood at the side of Keith’s hospital bed (I just realized I’ve written Keith in the hospital twice now), staring down at him. Keith didn’t meet his eyes.
Cue awkward pause.
“So what was that thing you said yesterday? About me making a better boyfriend than a friend?”
Keith’s mind wrapped around that memory. He remembered, of course, but he couldn’t let Lance know that. His mind took that tiny little snippet of time and hid it away from his eyes, so Lance couldn’t look and see. Keith rubbed his forehead and pretended to be oblivious.
“What are you talking about?”
“The thing. That you said. I remember, you said that I would make a much better boyfriend than a friend.”
“I have no idea what you’re saying.”
“Oh, come on!” Lance threw his hands in the air in frustration. “Pidge gave you to me? I said you couldn’t scare me like that? You said I was a bad friend? That I’d make a better boyfriend? Keith. We. Had. A. Bonding. Moment. I… I cradled you in my arms!”
“Nope. Don’t remember. Didn’t happen.”
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lotus-shard · 1 year
Little introduction ig-
Name(s): Pidge, Lotus and siren
Sexuality and gender: Genderfluid, Pansexual, polyamourus and demi-romantic
Current pronouns: He/they/it
Taken by my lovely partners
Heavily British and Irish
✰Moonshine✰#7335 is my discord if you wanna add me! (Only ages 14-16 currently tho <3)
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oliveden · 2 days
pidge is fae and it's visible in the way that her ears are just slightly too pointed, her eyes glowing in a way that's not quite human. when she smiles, it's sharp and elegant, something that screams trap, trap, trap.
(the fae and the sirens were always cousins of a kind.)
so she cuts her hair and curls it over her ears, steals her brother's glasses and hopes it will cover up enough, grins wide and speaks blunt, harsh, and finds solace in rumpled hoodies and jeans.
it works, for a while, but you cannot deny what is part of you.
and while she's taken pains to ensure there are no stars in her eyes or bells in her laughter, the light reflecting off of her guns can be enough to blind you and the shot going off deafens all the same.
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spenjelly · 1 month
Characters that I hc as autistic:
-Dick Grayson. It’s mostly just the vibes. I look at this man and my brain turns on sirens. WEEWOOWEEWOO THIS MAN IS AUTISTIC
-Clint Barton. (the fraction one) ((though honestly it fits most versions of him))
-Sans (and Papyrus). Look at those funky little guys with their safe foods and favorite clothes
-Charlie from Hazbin Hotel. I haven’t watched the show but I can feel the vibes from the clips alone.
-Abby from NCIS. The hyperfocus. The emotional support stuffie. The blasting music. I could go on.
-Pidge from Voltron. *gestures dramatically with both hands*
-Danny Fenton. That child has autistic for a middle name
-Izuku Midoriya is The autistic kid ever. Also Iida.
-Honestly just like all the main characters of FMA/FMAB. I can’t pick one. The alphabet was kinda just splattered all over the lot of em
-Ahsoka Tano. I’d recognize that brand of reasoning anywhere.
-Prince Euden. (From Dragalia Lost RIP)
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dragons-are-cats · 7 years
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THERE IS NOT ENOUGH MER/SIREN PIDGE OUT THERE. SO HERE, FROM MY FANFIC: A SIRENS CURSE BY INTERNAL_SCREAMING (note that the title and username are not all caps) on A03 She has a lion fish looking tail. Because Pidge.
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siirenfangz · 4 years
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Day 21: Lance and Pidge
Gaymers òwó
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spinji · 5 years
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Youmacon Cosplays Part 3 of 4
Just another pile of cool costumes. The mothman Keith really took me back to the good ol days of this fandom.
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callmelyc · 1 year
Week 3: Loverboy
"we need a distraction"
The words echo in lances mind as he watches the lights dim to nothing casting everything in pitch black.
"One that will hold attention long enough to snuff them out"
He takes a deep breath when the room falls to silence. Anticipation could be felt buzzing through the air, it was heedy, addicting-
"I have an idea"
The first note sounds, a secret signal from his team, the lights on the path come to life one by one causing excited murmur to envelope the room. Lance steps out into those first lights and with every step his form is more illuminated.
With every step the crowd roars.
He comes to a pause at the center, a smirk playing his lips "are we ready?" He says a bit sultry into the mic and the crowd explodes.
"Loverboy,loverboy,loverboy!" They chant, the lights lifting enough to dance across the massive concert crowd they'd managed to gather for this. And lance knows, this event will be one for the books.
A distraction without looking like one, a show streamed to the galaxies, a concert so big, a crowd so large its something lance knows popstars dream of.
And it's all for him.
All to catch an assassin.
Spotlights land on him, lances back is to the crowd as he starts the sway of his hip to the song. Red glittering fabric swishes around him when he spins to face his fans.
They scream, he chuckles. The music mellows to something softer, something more fitting.
The lyrics fall from his lips with ease.
"oh, did you miss me
Walk on water just to kiss me-"
Lances steps lead forward, walking slowly down the stage path lit for him in deeply colored hues. With ever step his heels click, with every step he sways his hips just enough to keep all eyes on him as he sings.
"Well come and get me,
Drag me out...destroy me"
A song chosen to double as a taunt, a song to serenade his onlookers into his presence.
"I've been expecting you, I'm ready-"
A plan that's both a distraction and a lure, lance hopes he's enough. His voice the siren call to capture everyone in its wake.
He continues his song keeping up with the slow but hypnotic dance across the stage, moving forward to back working the crowd with all he's got. Lance knows something is up when he spots Keith and shiro moving towards the stage from their original positions on the wall.
He pretends he doesn't notice.
The background chorus pidge had set for him is singing "dream girl, evil" when he hears it, there's movement not far behind him. Lance quietly curses, the mic not picking up on it yet it's too late to stop now.
They were supposed to get this guy before he reached the stage.
But it's no matter, he can deal.
So as lance does, he ups the anti. He puts more energy than this song normally has, puts his own twist to it, his own smugness to try and get this guy into the path his team needs.
"Oh, did I disappoint you-" he sings low, sultry
"did mommy make you sad?" A quick sharp glance to the side that snaps forward back to his crowd.
The movement pauses, but only briefly.
"do I remind you of everyone that made you mad?"
He steps to the left in time to dodge a hit "make me perfect, make me your fantasy~"
Lance dodges another by twirling gently to the right and kneeling to the ground. With every attempt he dodges with a dance making use of all the footwork he learned through dance classes, shiro and krolia.
No matter how hard this guy tries lance won't let him ruin this show, he sings on as if it's all apart of what these people came to see.
Another hip sway, a dramatic twirl to dodge again slowly inching this guy to the edge of the stage-
"Ya know I deserve it,
Take it out on me"
When the chorus hits he sings with power doing one last turn to kick this guy off the stage right into shiro and Keith's awaiting arms
"Am I your dream girl!"
Watching from his peripheral lance makes sure to strut forward gathering all eyes on him so no one sees his team escort a man out in handcuffs. The song continues on until it's finished, crowd cheering and roaring in glee.
He knows the mission is a success when the next song that plays is the ok signal.
He smirks again and puts on the show of a lifetime the rest of the night. Who would lance be if he didn't provide love for his adoring fans.
Later after he seduces his crowd and sings love songs for the entire universe his team shares that the mission went well, all thanks to their loverboy.
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auspiciousagape · 5 years
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After a crazy long delay, here is my gift for @sakuravixen as a part of the @monstertronexchange ! :’) They requested some siren!lance, merman!keith, and selkie!pidge for an ocean creatures!voltron au. Bringing this prompt to life was such a fun learning experience! I’ve never drawn sea monsters before nor made a drawing with an underwater setting, so this prompt gave me the opportunity to start practicing. I hope you like the outcome! 💕
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rainforestgeek · 6 years
The Paladins as Make Out Monday songs
Hunk - Mascara Lines
“But I think about you all the time - all the times
(the good ones go so soon)
And I want to wake up to mascara lines
Oh, darling (the good ones go so soon)”
Keith - Sirens
“I spend these nights causing fires
Swerving on the bridges, falling apart
Circling your house, just kicking cars,
And waiting on sirens, waiting on sirens.”
Pidge - Hope Less Romantics
“Don’t give ‘em your heart,
Give them your bullets
You’ll never feel the trigger if it’s you that pulls it,”
Lance - Kissaphobic
“Spin me around, keep me spinning around
Keep me swaying to the band
Your fingers are quivering, it’s hip when you’re shivering
I wanna hold your hand - you said take the chance!”
Shiro - Last December
“ Just a kid, just a fool tryna hold back the tide
Will you ask for some help when you drained all the life
Not a tit, not a tat and your God is right
You said ‘Do what you want, I don't care if you die.’”
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Part One of my Klance AU (separate from the other one i wrote for a writerscreed challenge)
Keith flew low and fast over the water. Come on, he urged himself, just a little faster. Just a little farther and Keith would lose the other dragons hot on his tail. As another island came into view and then another and another, and the small dragon scouted for somewhere safe to hide. Just when the others dropped out of sight around a large cliff, Keith spotted a hidden cave half underwater. He pushed himself lower and faster than he had ever gone and when he came to the opening of the cave, he tucked in his wings and pulled his legs in even farther, not even touching the walls or the water around him. But the cave wall hit him before his sense of sight did and the red dragon succumbed to darkness.
When Keith finally came to, he was surprised to see himself still in his dragon form. When he tried to change back to human, he couldn’t. Panic unfurled its own wings in his chest as he suddenly felt very alone and very afraid. He picked a spot right next to the pool of water in the cave and shot a small blast of fire at it, stomping it out then curling up on the warm spot. Keith may have been alone for most of his life but even if he didn’t have any friends amongst the other dragons, he had gotten used to having them around. The sudden loss of life surrounding him threw him into a funk and he curled in tighter on himself and wrapped his tail and his wings around his body. Keith closed his eyes with a small huff of sadness.
Keith’s ears were up before he was. When he opened his eyes and looked down into the water to see silver reflected there, he realized he was still in dragon form. He sighed, thinking he probably wouldn’t be able to change back for a while. With a jolt, Keith remembered what had woken him. With his spectacular hearing, he heard them coming at least a mile before they arrived. He had backed up against the wall of the cave as two heads popped up out of the water, too engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t even noticed the deep coppery scales that reflected everything back at them. As they continued to pull themselves out of the water and onto one of the rocks sticking up out of the pool, Keith examined them.
The rounder one had rosy cheeks and large bright eyes, a large smile offered to his companion. His tail was a color akin to the sun, bright and orange-ish gold and every bit as warm as his smile. His dark hair was tied back by some kind of band that matched his tail. The marks on his skin identified him as a relative and future member of the royal guard. He also had other marks matching the ones Keith remembered to be cook and advisor. This mer was also marked as higher than most of the others of his position. He seemed to be linked directly to the royal family.
Keith realized why that was as soon as he turned his head to the first male’s companion. The other male had a long beautiful tail the color of a silvery blue and darker blue eyes to match. His hair was light brown and soft looking and his skin was a darker color than the first mer’s. This mer had skin like golden honey and eyes like a velvet dusk sky. Keith was captivated. He continued his observation, noticing the marks on this one’s skin. His eyes widened as he came across the mark of the royal family. Allowing his eyes to focus in on the detail of the mark, he realized that this was the fourth born child and was a prince of the royal family of the Greater Creatures of the Atlantic Ocean. He eyed the gorgeous boy again, noting the similarities between this mer and the picture of the king he had seen in his socials class. He could definitely see the resemblance but this male was much prettier than his father. More delicate looking and more striking. But Keith did not mistake delicate looking for being weak. He could see the intricate muscles that lined this boy’s body.
Keith couldn’t stop himself as he unfurled from the wall and his tail snuck out across the short span of water to wrap around the prince. His dragon instincts had taken over as he moved closer to the water, standing at the edge of the shore watching as the pair suddenly panicked and became very aware of him. As the smooth part of his tail was wrapped around the mer’s middle, he gave it a little tug, urging the mer closer. He cocked his head as the boy turned and looked to him. The look of fear in the prince’s eyes disappeared quickly and curiosity took its place.
“Hunk, look,” the boy murmured lowly as he slowly scooted off the rock and closer to the small dragon. “It’s not as big as most. Either it’s really young or it’s a half-breed. What do you reckon, oh advisorish best friend of mine?”
The other, Hunk, moved a little closer as well but the fear stayed resolutely on his face. “First of all, I’m pretty sure advisorish is not a word,” he replied a lower voice than the prince’s. “Second, if I had to guess, it’s a half-breed. Too big to be young, to small to be full-bred, and much to scarred and scratched up to be as young as a full-bred its size would be. Also, look at its eyes. Full dragons don’t have silver eyes this young and they are most certainly not shaped like that. And its tail is much longer than all the other dragons I’ve seen and heard about, so. There’s that, I guess.” Hunk gulped before continuing, making eye contact with Keith. “Am I right?”
Keith gave a slow nod, maintaining the eye contact with the rounder boy. He looked back down to the prince, lowering his head down to get a closer look and sniff once the mer had gotten close to the shore. The mer looked excited as he did so, surging forward faster than his original speed.
“I think it likes me,” he said in awe, raising a hand for the winged creature to sniff. Keith nodded again as if confirming the prince’s statement.
“Lance, just be careful. We don’t know where it came from or what it wants. It could try to kill you.” Hunk looked ready to grab the prince- Lance- and make a run for it but he kept his distance.
“This beautiful dragon? Seems much to sweet to me. Aren’t you, girl?” Lance looked questioningly into Keith’s eyes. He narrowed them on that last word and let loose a little rumble. “Boy, then?” The rumbling stopped and his eyes went wide again. “A beautiful boy who won’t hurt me,” he giggled, turning to Hunk. “See? Harmless.”
But Keith supposed he chose the wrong moment to get comfortable and let his guard down as he suddenly heard wings beating from above him. The others were close. Panic flared up again and he released Lance, backing away and pressing himself against the far wall of the cave, looking nervously up at the ceiling.
“Mr. Dragon?” Keith startled to see that Lance and Hunk had pulled themselves up onto the sand and had dragged their tails over to sit next to him. “What’s wrong?”
Keith couldn’t speak, only nod his head up towards the ceiling and make a signal akin to the humans’ signal to shush. The two mers got the message and strained to listen before they also heard the beat of wings.
“Can you change back?” Lance looked up at Keith expectantly. The dragon in question turned his eyes downwards and shook his head a bit, embarrassed and sad all over again. “Can I try helping?”
Keith looked at the prince suspiciously. Could he trust the other? Lance looked genuine enough. It couldn’t hurt to try. So he gave a short nod and waited for whatever Lance was going to do.
“Come back over to the water,” he whispered, silently dragging himself over to the lip of the pool and sliding in with Hunk right next to him. Keith complied and came over, lowering his head down next to Lane once more. “Hold still.” Lance laid his hands on top of Keith’s head and closed his eyes. Keith felt a strange warmth coat his body as Lance seemed to glow. He felt something in his body resist at first but Lance’s magic was too strong. As the transition from dragon to man took place, Keith lost all grasps on consciousness.
“Crap, Hunk, look he’s gorgeous as a human too,” Lance whispered as he gathered up the unconscious body in his arms. He let his magic flow into the boy once more to allow him to breathe underwater before he dived in, Hunk right on his tail. The pair traveled in silence, Lance only looking down every so often to check on the dragon shifter. They were deeper in the water than the dragons would be able to see and thus, had slipped away quietly and quickly.
When they got back to the palace, Lance’s mother was waiting for them at the entrance. She looked worried and even more so at the body in her son’s arms. “I felt your worry across the bond,” she spoke as soon as Lance and Hunk were close enough. “Who is that?”
“He’s a dragon shifter. He was hiding in the cave and when some other dragons could be heard overhead, he panicked. He couldn’t shift back so I helped him but he passed out before I finished. I couldn’t leave him there mama. He’s so defenseless,” Lance trailed off, looking down at the pale boy. “So alone,” he whispered.
“Let’s get him inside. Hunk, go fetch the rest of my family tell them to gather in the family room. Lance, mi hijo, take him to the infirmary and make sure he gets checked out for wounds or diseases and woken up. When you’ve done that, join the rest of us. We’ll need to discuss everything.” Lance’s mama kissed his forehead and held the door for him and Hunk, casting a furtive glance around before closing the door behind her.
Keith woke to a foreign tingling feeling. He opened his eyes and watched as Lance did the mer version of pacing the room. He looked to the other presence in the room and blinked in confusion at the sight of the person above him. “Pidge,” he rasped out questioningly.
The person above him jolted, looking down at him in shock. “No, I’m Matt. You know Katie? You know my sister? Is she okay?” As Keith blinked, he finally recognized the differences between Pidge and her alleged brother, Matt. Then his eyes widened further.
“Matt? Oh God, we thought you were dead! You disappeared on us and I spent weeks searching the oceans while Pidge searched from the sky. 2 years, Matthew Holt, 2 years without a single word from you. Do have any idea how crushed your sister is? What, with you being the last family she has and all? The nerve of you-” Keith’s voice broke off with a crack from all the months he had spent without speaking to anyone. He coughed and glared up at the man above him.
Matt looked ready to reply but he stopped right as the tingly feeling did. “Nothing’s broken, only sore in some places,” he spoke, addressing the prince who had stopped pacing and had looked up in shock. “Nothing a good massage won’t fix. His muscles are really tense even when asleep. I’m sure his dragon form has some injuries but those will have to wait. He’s also awake so you may as well take him to see your family now.” Matt finished up whatever else he had to do and report to the prince before turning to Keith. “Keith? She’s safe right? Pidge is okay?”
“Yeah, of course. Shiro’s with her. They took a different way than I did. I was the distraction so they could get away. They were planning on doing something to us remaining halfies. You know they’ve never liked us. And since I’m the fastest flier, I sent Pidge with Shiro and led the others away. She’s fine.” Keith stopped, cocking his head. He pushed out the barriers of his mind, searching for his two friends like searching for a coordinate on a mental map. “They aren’t too far away from us, should be hiding and safe in Shiro’s parents’ place. We contacted them beforehand so everything will be set up to keep them safe.”
Matt let out a sigh in relief as he began to walk away. He stopped and turned. “Hey Keith? Change into your other form if you can. It’ll help you more than you think.”
Keith looked down at his legs as if suddenly remembering they were there and his tail was not. He looked up and nodded at Matt as he began the shift’s process. He watched as his legs pulled together and scales popped up, spreading quickly over his skin. His tail was a brilliant red that glowed as if it were made of fire. His torso and upper body glowed as well as his marks faded into view. They branded him as a shifter. So far only two specific marks had popped up; dragon and siren.
Sirens and merpeople were two different species and hated to be confused with each other. They were allies though and enjoyed their shared domain of the seas. The Atlantic was divided into two kingdoms, one the Greater Creatures of the Atlantic Ocean and the other the Free Creatures of the Atlantic Ocean. People from either kingdom could pass freely through each domain so long as they followed all rules of the neighboring kingdom. The sirens were the ruling species over the FCAO just as the mer were over the GCAO. The bond between the two kingdoms had been strong for thousands of years and didn’t seem like it would change for quite a while. Especially when they had a common enemy.
Some of the darker creatures of the seas had formed together to create the Galra Anarchists. They were a warlike group of outcasts who used dark magic for their own gain. Many times the sirens and merpeople had had to fight together against these dark creatures. That was what had started their alliance all those years ago.
When Keith’s shift was over, Lance just stared at him slack-jawed. “Come on, pretty boy, wouldn’t want you to catch any minnows like that, now would we?” He gave Lance a sweet smile as he tapped under the boy’s chin with a teasing finger. “Now, I do believe Matt said something about a meeting we had to get to, so if you would, Your Highness?” He gestured for Lance to lead with a light tip of his head, smile never leaving his face as the prince shook himself out of his stupor and swam out the door.
Keith could’ve sworn he saw a blush on the other’s face as he swam past him.
End of part one
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wlwvoltron · 7 years
pidge: hey, coran, you know how, when lance asked if we had a siren, you said we could record one and broadcast it with the castle's speakers?
coran: oh, yes! i remember that. it's such a shame we never got around to it. i would've liked to have done it!
pidge: yeah, uh, me too, only not the siren noise lance had in mind.
coran: well, we can still record something and broadcast it out! like the "space cops on space patrol," as lance said. in fact, you can be the one recording!
pidge: okay, thanks so much coran. it really means a lot to me.
allura: we've received a distress call from a planet. we must get there quickly.
pidge: wait, allura, can you, uh…put on the siren coran and i set up?
allura: [somewhat confused] i - sure…? [plays the siren]
[pidge yelling "I'M GAY!" broadcasts all throughout space]
pidge: thanks
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