#sir that’s doing revenge for OTHER PEOPLE not helping yourself??
intynidad · 1 year
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Yes sir ma’am sir
Yandere otome au: the DLC
Tw: yandere stuff, suggestive in some parts tell me if I miss anything please
Tag: @pollypocketblog03u thanks for ur request love! <3
As time went on, you noticed something peculiar: despite the approaching "final day" of the game, the heroine had not yet locked a route. It struck you as quite unusual, but you dismissed the notion that it had anything to do with you. Perhaps the game mechanics were different in this "real life" version. Through some trial and error, you managed to discover a sort of "pause menu." However, it didn't prove particularly helpful. It wasn't like you could literally pause time, but it provided you with information about the characters, which you were determined to use to your advantage. Strangely enough, when you examined the character sheets, you found that some of them were either blank or marked with a ??? symbol.
Then, it dawned on you that the final day wouldn't be triggered until the heroine had met all the love interests. Recalling the main cast, you were certain there were only three: the childhood friend, the family friend, and the loner (excluding yourself as the rival and the heroine).
Nevertheless, you were positive that the heroine had interacted with all of them, as you had observed her engaging in (not so friendly) conversations with each.
That’s until you remembered…you had installed the “more love” dlc!
Okay... This is actually pretty perfect, to be honest.
If you manage to meet all the new love interests and make them your friends, or even prevent the heroine from meeting them at all, the "final day" won't trigger, and the heroine won't take revenge on you! This is perfect. What could go wrong?
You honestly had no idea who the new love interest would be and the whole “praying for your life” thing made you exhausted, you needed a way out.
So there were you moving through the game map to a new location exclusive of the dlc, “the obsidian stardust”
The bass reverberates through every fiber of your being, as bodies move in sync with the hypnotic melodies. The dance floor is a mosaic of swaying figures, their movements fluid and uninhibited. The atmosphere is alive with an aura of liberation, a temporary escape from the mundane.
It was just what you needed
With your newfound knowledge of the current route and the realization that the "final day" was yet to come, a sense of relief washed over you, and you felt a wave of relaxation. Tonight, you were determined to forget about everything and simply enjoy yourself on the dance floor, immersing yourself in the music and letting loose.
Lost in your own little world, you accidentally bumped into someone. "Ah, sorry, my ba..." you began to apologize, but before you could finish, the stranger took hold of your hand and pulled you into a dance.
Well, this wasn't exactly what you had envisioned, but it was a club after all, and people often bumped into each other. Perhaps this person simply assumed you wanted to dance, and you decided to go with the flow, embracing the unexpected twist of the evening.
Both of you danced and danced until it was time to go home.
You were outside the club either debating to call one of your friends or just pick up a taxi when you felt a tab on your shoulder.
“You really know how to move, ain’t ya’” this stranger looked at you with half lidded eyes
“Let me tell you something” he got a step closer “my place is a couple of streets away, so what do you say”
“No thanks”
“Perfect, let me just grab my car and we ca-wait what?”
“I said no thanks” you repeated yourself a little bit louder
The stranger was frozen in place while you walked your merry way into a taxi and left
Did?- did he just got rejected??
This dude is a player, he loves to sleep around and break hearts. He knows he is handsome and is willing to use it in his favor to get what he wants.
Used to sleeping around and breaking Hearts but totally not used to being rejected, so when you do it is like if somebody dropped a bucket full of ice water on top of him.
But when he recovers from the initial shock he sees this as a test, a challenge to test his charm and ability to woo people.
So he tracks you down and starts to shamelessly flirt with you and being very vocal on wanting to sleep with you.
And you just??? Say No? To him??? Who does that!!?
So he tries and tries again, his friends telling him to give it up and to just move to another pray, that any other boy or girl would be in line to get on their knees for him.
But no, he doesn’t want anybody. He.wants.you.
This becomes something personal,he needs to make you his.
This starts to slowly spiral into an obsession but he is delusional, you are just crazy about him! You are just playing hard to get!
He ends up convincing himself that you are completely in love with him and that you are just or too shy or too bratty to accept his- i mean your feelings
Is not until he is fucking another person that he realizes that it doesn’t make him feel good anymore,at least not the way it was before.
His worst fear had materialized before his very eyes: he had succumbed to the allure of love.
The echoes of his past deeds reverberated through his being, fueling a resolute determination to never subject himself to the heartbreak he had once inflicted on his victims.
You will be his,and that’s final
The delinquent
With your newfound understanding of the city's layout, you found yourself strolling through its vibrant streets more frequently (purely coincidental, of course, and certainly not a clever tactic to evade the relentless presence of the heroine and the rest of the love interests). On one eventful day, as you ventured downtown, a disturbing scene unfolded before your eyes. A group of individuals, driven by an inexplicable rage, were beating the absolute crap of some random unfortunate soul.
you and what you assume was the leader made eye contact and you did what was the most logic course of action.
Averting your eyes, your pace quickened, silently signaling your intent to distance yourself from the impending chaos.
What?.you weren’t gonna risk yourself like that!
It was best to mind your own affairs and leave the role of the valiant hero to others.
You thought that that would be the end of the interaction, that until you were in a local bookstore,mostly to pass the time, that’s until you were passing through the cooking section that your eyes meet with the same guy was beating the random person the other day!
He looked well, cleaner?(with less blood you mean) and you could swear that they took out some of their piercings.
The eyes of the ringleader flashed with recognized and panic, and started to speed walk and corner you into an mostly empty part of the bookstore
Long story short, you were threatened with staying quiet with the leader’s apparently-secret-hobby of baking
After that you started to bump into him more often.
He even one day gave you some muffins on the (totally not excuse) of needing a taste tester.
After that you two started to hang out around, his menacing aura was enough to make people move off the way.
He even started to give you more of your favorite pastries (even though you don’t remember telling them about your preferences)
What you didn't know is that the delinquent grew really attached to you because you didn't judge him about his “secret hobby”.
He might or might not started to mix the pastries with…some special ingredients
A thirst was just a little bit of his saliva, just to pretend you guys shared an indirect kiss, then it moved to…other stuff.
Watching you stuff your mouth with something he made, made his mind wander on what that mouth of yours could do.
When some underling of his made the comment of him going soft for somebody, he crushed his skull with a metal bar until probably not even their family would be able to recognize them.
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hamliet · 6 months
can you analyze the song Out for Love from Hazbin Hotel means to veggies character arc
It's the main theme of the entire series: people can only be redeemed through love.
Hard work, sure. Struggle, sure. Apologies and accountability, of course. But it's ultimately dependent on love.
The only way any lasting change of meaningful measure is made is through love. And yeah yeah it's simplified but it's the main message. Think about Sir Pentious. What is his last action?
Telling Cherri Bomb he loves her.
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His sacrifice amounts to nothing at all, but he died to save Cherri alongside all his friends/family in the hotel. It's not a coincidence that Sir Pentious says that line before making his sacrifice: the writers are telling us exactly what they want us to associate his getting into heaven with. Love.
But the song does have really cool Easter eggs so let's go:
I see you're driven by your detestation Your every step is stoked with animus You need a different type of motivation Or there's no way that you can handle this
Obviously, being driven by revenge doesn't work. However, there's a clever play on words here with "animus." See, Vaggie is Charlie's Jungian animus, and vice versa. The anima (or animus) is, inJungian theory, the masculine within the feminine and the feminine within the masculine. The goal is to align with your animus.
We see that in Vaggie and Charlie's respective attitudes and outfits--again, this is simplistic, but as a design choice it was deliberate. Vaggie, the more aggressive one, dresses far more feminine. Charlie, the princess who sings her heart out, dresses in suits. They're each others' animus.
I know you're thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie You're out for blood But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love
Out for love, love Think of who you care about, protect 'em and be Out for love, love You're gonna fight without gloves, long as you're out for love
Vaggie actually always wears gloves, but fingerless ones, symbolic of how she's partially letting Charlie in but still keeping part of herself back. Except now the truth is out there.
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So in the final battle, it's fitting that she has new gloves. It's not practical to fight without them, but she has new ones to reflect her internal change.
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Fuel yourself with the fear of losin' That somebody who's your reason to live Harnеss your heart, and you can't help choosin' To fight with all you can give
She's also wearing a harness over her heart, literally taking Carmilla's words to heart. Plus Charlie's in a dress and Vaggie in armor, showing again integration following their reconciliation.
Out for love, love Think of who you care about, protect 'em and be Out for love, love You're gonna fight without gloves And when that push comes to shove Yeah, you just might rise above, long as you're out for love
If you're out for love you might rise above... to heaven, like Sir Pentious.
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Anyways continuing with my argument that Hazbin is actually theologically fascinating for Christians as a work, the focus on love also is very, uh, Biblically sound, considering 1 John says "God is love," and, well:
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
So yeah. Literally angels might have power and be in "heaven," but without love, they are nothing. Which we see in the end when Adam gets stabbed by literally the lowliest at the hotel.
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kame-writes · 2 months
A Silly Au I have 0 plans to do anything with, beyond maybe some character designs or a couple of doodles, I just thought it was a fun concept.
Please feel free to do something with this AU yourself! Just credit and tag me so I can see ^^
Radiostatic/Radiosilence human/Vampire au
Vox befriended Alastor as a young adult and Alastor found him interesting, so helped get him started with his own business, then disappeared with no warning (for seven? years)
Alastor moves often so he doesn't get found out as a vampire, and so his victims don't get linked to him being in the area. He doesn't usually get attached to humans and likely either forgot about Vox, or just keeps a mild interest in how successful his business got over the years.
Vox on the other hand was VERY attached to Alastor and has been obsessively trying to track down his friend who just upped and disappeared on him. Lots of people died around the time Alastor disappeared, but with no body, he refuses to accept that Alastor was one of them.
After a lot of digging, Vox discovered information on vampires and strongly suspects Alastor of being one, having seen portraits of someone who looks like him from hundreds of years ago. His obsessive search has found evidence Alastor is still alive and hasn't seemed to have aged at all in the years he's been missing.
Character Infos under the cut
The Vees met in Uni and now are sharing a house to save on rent. Valentino did Drama, Vox studied business and Velvette was a fashion student.
Valentino is Vox's on and off again bf who is jealous of how obsessed Vox is with a 'friend' he hasn't seen in years. He only met Alastor a handful of times in the past, and they didn't get along. He is also a porn director, who is writing screenplays that are always rejected. He doesn't believe in anything related to the supernatural.
Velvette is their other housemate, who works designing outfits for a local clothing brand. She didn't ever meet Alastor, but wants Vox to find him partly so he'll shut up about him, and partly because she's sure Alastor was doing something sketchy to suddenly dissapear the way she's been told he did. She doesn't really believe in Vampires, but think's Alastor and probably his whole family were in a shady cult.
Sir Pentious is a very old Vampire, who keeps mostly to himself and is very rarely seen. He is someone who helped teach Alastor how to survive as a vampire when he was first turned, and Alastor repaid him by trying to kill him, so now the two have a weird rivalry. Pentious occasionally finds Alastor to try to get revenge, but Alastor no longer cares about him at all, and usually humiliates him before they go their separate ways again.
Niffty is another Vampire, she's very old but was turned at a younger age, making her appearance and mannerisms come across as very eccentric and quirky. She doesn't try to fit in with humans half the time, and embraces being chaotic, she's lived too long to be self conscious about what people think of her. She often finds Alastor to hang out and go hunting together because she finds him fun to be around.
Rosie is a human from a small town with a well kept secret. When she caught Alastor feeding off one of his victims she incorrectly assumed he was engaging in cannibalism, and Alastor didn't correct her. So he went along with her to let her cut up and cook the body, and found out there was a thriving Cannibal community in this small town.
The two of them remained friends, and eventually, Rosie learnt the truth of what Alastor was, and accepted it. She occasionally helps assist Husk with things they need help with since she leads a normal stable life and can do things without getting caught more easily. In return, Alastor has Husk bring her the bodies of his victims when they are in a nearby area.
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teejaystumbles · 6 months
Well, since the idea of it is what got me to go watch Hannibal...Do tell about Unsustainable (Dreamling Hannibal AU)!!! :D
(I think you probably know all there is to know already 😅 because sadly I didn't work on it one bit since its inception... I know, I'm sorry. The Hannibal mood is a hard one to achieve and stay in for long enough. But I still love it and hope I'll write more for it someday. I think it can only profit from me gaining more writing experience in the meantime!)
Unsustainable is a Dreamling AU with the premise that Dream comes out of the fishbowl broken, and with a grudge. Here's a good summary I wrote a long while back:
Hob doesn’t know Dream personally. He got his immortality from Death, he has a standing appointment with her, not Dream. Dream has only watched those meetings but always declined his sister’s invitation to join them and get to know Hob. He has started to watch him and his dreams more closely though after 1689, has sent him appropriate nightmares after 1789, has in fact indulged more and more in watching him. So much, that he is focused on Hob alone as a possible ally after his escape. His imprisonment has made Dream cruel, almost feral, but his exemplary control allows him to hide that dark side rising inside him. He approaches Hob and finds it not hard at all to convince him to help him get revenge after a few meetings. Dream becomes more and more obsessed with Hob, he wants him to be the mongoose under the house when the snakes slither by. He also wants him in every other conceivable way. Hob is not averse, not at all, he’s head over heels for this beautiful brother of his stranger, he has finally found someone who knows him, needs him, can be there forever if he doesn’t chase him away, so he’s careful and kind. He soon realises that Dream does not want him to be kind, though, does in fact seem to revel in it when Hob loses his temper. The things Dream asks him to do are nothing to an ex-soldier and he believes he is giving bad people their just desserts. The weird behaviour of some of them, as if they are dreaming, makes him wonder, though.
It features a lot of dark themes - revenge; murder and violence; Hob being into near-death experiences; Morpheus praising the Corinthian instead of atomising him; mind fuckery and gaslighting-
it's a heavy one and I honestly don't know if I can ever pull it off, it's a bit different from the things I usually write. But I might just be in the mood to explore it again one day :3 until then, have a bit of what I've already written (I've forgotten if I've already shared it, sorry):
The King of Dreams! What a wonder! Hob loves this. "Pleasure to meet you, Morpheus. Your majesty. What do you prefer? But I warn you, I am not a fan of monarchy and a peasant at heart. So forgive me if I, ah, behave like a boor." He winks cheekily at the other and sees his nostrils flare in irritation. He does not seem angry, though. He looks... curious. "Morpheus is fine. I will not stand on ceremony with one I...would like to call... friend. Hob Gadling." He leans back in his chair and tilts his head back a fraction, looking at Hob down his perfect long nose. He gives a miniscule smirk and adds: “I also believe you to be perfectly capable of quite a number of things. Including courtly manners. Do not sell yourself short… Sir Robert Gadlen.” Hob sucks in a breath and twitches his fingers restlessly. He can barely refrain from jiggling his leg, so thrilled is he. This man, this…being, knows him! Knows him like Death knows him! He grins and leans back to hide his twitching fingers under the table and grip his trouser leg instead. “So tell me, brother of Death. Why did you decide to meet me? I believe she has invited you to join us a number of times. You never came. Why now?” The red pinpricks of light in the Dreamking’s eyes flicker. His smile grows for a moment before his face becomes deadly serious. “My sister has praised you, Hob Gadling. You are. A good friend to her. She believes you can be a good friend to me as well.” He leans forward and puts his hands on the table between them, palms up like an offering, an invitation, a question. “I am in need. Of a friend. Someone who will help me. Retrieve what was stolen from me.” Morpheus’ blue eyes are boring holes into Hob’s and Hob shivers and blinks. He licks his lips again and then, cautiously, reaches out for one of the bone white hands on the table. The moment he comes into touching distance Morpheus pulls his hands back, eyes wide. He flicks his gaze down and away and then up again to meet Hob’s once more and Hob feels like he has just stuck his hand into the cage of a tiger. Morpheus’ eyes burn with a fiery red light. He swallows and Hob tracks the movement of his Adam's apple, feeling his own throat go dry. He clears it awkwardly and puts his hand palm down on the table. Clearly touching doesn’t seem to be a good idea just yet. “If you are in trouble, I am happy to help”, he says, smiling gently at the other who still looks like a spooked animal ready to attack. At Hob’s quiet words the man blinks and, in a second, regains his composure, his face giving nothing of the obvious discomfort he just felt away. Hob breathes an inconspicuous sigh of relief, feeling like he just avoided getting his throat ripped out by a feral beast.“I would. Very much appreciate that.” Death’s brother says in his deep rumble of a voice and Hob signals the waiter for another pint. “Then let’s talk.”
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javipispunk · 9 months
Chapter Four: The Crater
Jackson Era! Joel Miller x f!reader
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Summary: Through the cold and desperation the pine needles do not fall. The needles are sharp and bitter to ward off strangers, yet with tender care they make the richest syrup.
TW: smut, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it folks), drinking, degradation, dissociation, slight exhibitionism, premature ejaculation, daddy/sir kink, pet names (darlin’ baby, sweetheart), joel is bad at apologies, age gap (27/56)
A/N: sorry this took so long. life comes at ya pretty fast ya know. anyways enjoy!
Word Count: 2.1K
You hurried towards the Tipsy Bison in a daze, running into people left and right. Your ears were ringing and you became exceedingly warm in contrast to the late October air. Like hypothermia had just cast itself upon you, you stripped out of your layers until you were just in a thin t-shirt. Everything felt too constrictive, your body was on fire. You needed to do something, anything to keep yourself from doing something you would regret. Jackson was civilized but who knew if they had the means for a correctional facility or if they would just throw you to the clickers if you committed a crime. Or at least whatever constitutes a crime these days. You thought about going back to Joel and asking him to go back out into the wilderness with you. Pretend you needed help finding something you dropped. Then get your revenge on his cold shoulder, make it look like nothing short of a hunting accident. Hell, you’d done it before who was to say you couldn’t do it again.
All of a sudden snow flurries jerked you out of your convoluted daydreams. The chill of the snow and wind cut through your burning skin, taking out the impulsive thoughts. You had to get it together. You’d only been in Jackson for a week, you could keep your homicidal sentiments about Joel to yourself for at least a little while longer.
Once you’d sat down on a barstool and had a drink, even if it was watered down, placed in your hand you felt like you could breathe. Some Gordon Lightfoot you vaguely remember from before was playing on the radio. There weren’t many people around, just the bartender and a man in the back corner with his feet up and cowboy hat low down on his head. You downed your drink, sat back mimicking him and stared till he looked up at you. He gave you a quizzical look and you nodded at him to come over. He let out a huff and obliged. You thought he could tell that you had some promiscuous reasons for him to sit next to you. And he would be right. You felt dirty from Joel being the last person that had touched you. Nothing like another man to erase Joel from your body's memory.
Flirting with the tall blonde was easy. You didn’t ask for his name and he didn’t ask for yours. It was all light touches, soft smiles and eager eyes. He wasn’t much of a conversationalist, which in all honesty made it easier, you didn’t have to pretend to want to talk to each other and could just get right into what you wanted to do. After a short, very short while the man grabbed you waist and whispered in your ear, even if there was no one around to hear it.
“Wanna get outta here?”
You flitted your eyes at him, “Don’t gotta ask me twice.” Then he led you out of the bar with a hand so low on your back it was practically on your ass.
Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Joel. He was standing there seething. Before you could hurry out of his field of vision he called you over. “Come here for a sec, need your help with somethtin,”
“I’m a little busy at the moment.” You called back.
He started tapping his foot impatiently. “I don’t got all day.”
Begrudgingly you apologized to whatever this guys name was and stomped towards Joel. The aggressive kicks partially because of your anger and partially because of the accumulating snow.
“What do you want?”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
What? You were so confused. “Minding my business, as should you. What do you need help with?”
Then he smirked. That wasn’t good. “You’re such a whore, eager to go home with anyone who looks atcha ain’tcha darlin’.” Was Joel jealous? No way, he made you cry barely an hour ago. No way he was actually gonna chastise you about this right now.
“No. We aren’t doing this right now. If you just called me over to ridicule me about my sex life then you got another thing coming bud.” You said dryly.
“The only thing coming will be me in that tight little pussy of yours.”
You pushed him hard in the chest, well at least you tried too. He grabbed your wrists quickly so you didn’t get too far. “Let go Joel.” He didn’t budge. His eyes were drilling holes into yours, you could feel your fight or flight kicking in. Like he could tell he dropped your wrists without warning. You hated to admit it but you already missed his touch, the warmth of his hands. Then with a huff you raised your head high. No man, not even Joel Miller would make you feel small.
“Get a drink with me?” He asked quietly.
You were taken aback. The amount of times his mood changed in a day was baffling. You wanted more to drink, that was the only thing making you only slightly consider his offer. “Are you serious?”
He nodded. Maybe it was his way of an apology. Or maybe he just wanted you drunk so you would argue with him, since he seemed to enjoy that so much. And to be honest you kind of did too. Angry sex was fun and you half hoped that's where this would lead to. It’s the least he could do for cockblocking you.
“Why should I?” Joel raised his eyebrows at you, clearly not the answer he was expecting.
“Your buddy Dave said you wouldn’t be such a pain if you got your fix.”
“You’re not helping your case here.” You rolled your eyes at him. And you decided you were gonna have a talk with Big Dave. He seemed sensible enough and anyone with a brain that saw you and Joel interact would know that putting you in close proximity together was a bad idea. “Maybe I wouldn’t be such a pain if you weren’t such a dick.”
“Or maybe you need some dick to go along with your drink.” He winked at you and started to walk towards the Tipsy Bison. You were too stubborn to go with him so you went the opposite direction towards the greenhouses. By the time Joel got to the door you were well on your way away from him. He frowned.
The greenhouse was warm. At this point your body temperature which meant you could actually feel the cold now. You wandered around half inspecting tomatoes while your mind ran circles. Joel was not a simple man even though he said he was. Trying to figure him out was like trying to do expert level sudoku drunk in the dark. That thought made you laugh, laugh hard. You probably looked deranged laughing to yourself in the greenhouse. But then Joel, like the prick he was, burst your bubble.
“What’s so funny?” He asked as he stepped into the greenhouse.
“Don’t mind me, just being delusional in the greenhouse again.” you responded.
He walked closer towards you and half stuck his hand out before he pulled it back into himself. “Ellie told me I should apologize.”
You cackled. “Joel. That’s not how apologies work.” He grumbled something you couldn’t make out. “Well let’s hear it then.” you said while looking at him expectantly.
He threw his hands in the air. “You’re so frustrating.”
“Great start bud.” you said with a sarcastic thumbs up.”
He was getting closer to you. It was intoxicating. You could smell him, it was rich and earthy, piney almost. It reminded you of the syrup you used to make in the Spring with fresh needles. Instinctually you closed your eyes, the scent bringing you back to a place you knew you’d never be able to go to again. You sat like that for a moment before his hot breath against your ear made you jerk your eyes open. “I’m not too good with words baby, you should know that by now.” he said as he placed one hand on your waist.
You sighed and ran your fingers through his curls. “I hate you.”
“I know.” And then he leaned down to kiss you. When you didn’t move away he took it as a sign to continue. His kiss was angry, he was aggressive and his hands on your hips were surely going to leave bruises. Joel pulled you close and you could feel his growing bulge through his jeans. “You wanna be a whore? You better act like one.” He chastized you, obviously jealous at your prospect of getting fucked by somebody else. With one hand he started to unbutton your pants and the other grabbed your cheeks forcing you to open your mouth. Then he spat directly into your mouth. “Swallow.” He commanded. You did and then opened your mouth wide to show him.
Then he yanked your pants down and started to touch the wet spot on your panties. “Joel. What if someone comes in?” You whined.
“Then they’ll get a show, won’t they, pretty girl.” You were bucking your hips trying to create more friction where his fingers were softly grazing you. “Shhh relax baby, I’ll take care of your sweet pussy.”
“Please sir, touch me.” You were begging. He groaned as he got down onto his knees, then he brought his face to your cunt and inhaled your sweet scent.
“Not so eager to get away from me now are ya, just beggin’ for Daddy’s cock.” Your pussy was clenching around nothing, dying to be filled with Joel. He pulled your underwear down and lifted one of your legs out of them and your pants. Then he threw that leg over his shoulder and dove right into your folds. His warm wet tongue felt like relief. You were holding onto his hair for dear life, trying not to keel over. He was moaning into you as he licked your juices. With each flick of your clit you felt yourself coming closer to your release. Your leg was trembling trying to keep you upright, his large strong hands were kneading your plush ass. He was going to make you cum with just his mouth, his beautiful mouth was made for eating out pussy. “I know you’re close darlin’. I gotcha. Cum on Daddy’s tongue.” Those words had you gushing on his lips. He drank up every last drop and then looked up to you with satisfied eyes. “Sweetest thing I ever tasted.”
In your post orgasm bliss you just nodded, trying to get back down to earth from wherever he had brought you. Still on his knees he undid his belt and then grabbed your hand to bring you to the floor. There were leaves and dirt littered around but you didn’t care. Joel shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees and laid flat on his back. His cock was standing tall and proud at the base of his stomach. It was gorgeous, red, veiny and weeping. You immediately reached out to touch it, and were glad to see it twitch at the contact. Without instruction you straddled him, your knees on either side of his broad abdomen. Then you brought his dick to your entrance, collecting your wetness. He was moaning under you. “Shit baby.”
You slowly sank down onto him, both of you breathing hard. He held you still for a second once he was fully inside you. When he was ready you started to bounce up and down. However after only a few thrusts he grabbed you and tried to pull you off him. “Off.”
Hurriedly you backed up just in time as he came all over his stomach. You were slightly in shock but managed to stand up. “Let me get you a cloth or something.” You offered.
“Fuck. No.” He was glaring at you as he began to clean up with his shirt.
“Joel, it's okay.” You said as you pulled your pants back on.
“Fucking embarassing.” He muttered. You didn’t know how to tell him that it was actually kinda hot you could get him to come that quickly. Joel struggled to get up, you could tell he was in pain. You stuck out a hand to help him up, which he ignored. Once he was finally up and jeans snug back around his waist he left, the whole time not even bothering to look at you. The air felt fragile, like any movement would result in the world collapsing. You stood frozen, heart racing, a mix of emotions between anger and disappointment.
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jadelynlace · 2 years
True Warriors Rarely Go Quietly⎮Modern Vikings AU [Ivar x F!Reader], Chapter I
read the prologue / preview here. 
synopsis: When you find the other person who was hurt by your ex-boyfriend’s cheating, you create an unlikely alliance. 
pairing: Modern Ivar x F!Reader
content warnings: Mentions of cheating and heartbreak, strong language / adult themes, sexual content, Ivar being a dick… 
author’s note: I know. Don’t say anything, I’m writing something new. Divider is by @firefly-graphics​
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It was hopeless—sitting alone at his desk, whether is be the odd hours of the morning or the lonely hours in the midst of not being able to sleep. The only ones awake at two in the morning are the dreamers who are lonely, he had convinced himself. And Ivar, above all things, was lonely. Sometimes, people do the wrong things for the right reasons, and Ivar of all people should know that. Having a heart wasn’t in his guide, he locked that brackish idea away quickly. 
In retrospect, a plan for revenge seemed idea. It seemed logical, it seemed fair. The crackle of dead wood catches Ivar’s line of sight for a second time, and when his finger moves to push his glasses from slipping down his nose, the noise of the telephone catches his attention. 
“Your first meeting is here, sir,” A voice lulls on the line and Ivar’s singular reply ends the conversation. Through a muted sigh and a thick swallow, Ivar musters up the strength to stand, and is met with the old wooden door latching at the far end of the office. 
“Y/N?” Ivar finally says. You nod shallowly, quickly while watching his lips curve half of a smile onto his face. “You’ll do,” He then adds. “Come, sit,” Your stomach turns with an ache as you wonder what you’ve crawled into.
The office before you is sleek, lifeless and cold with no indications that Ivar doesn’t spend every waking moment enclosed in the walls. The furnishings draws as much attention as a white windowsill, but matches the price tag for Ivar’s suit. You neglect to find a single piece that hints towards any similarity of personality. 
In an effort to contain yourself, you look up quickly, eyes meeting the witty smirk plastered on Ivar’s lips. Scanning him quickly, you swallow—this isn’t the man you had imagined. He holds himself with class, standing at a slight angle while he leans weight on a cane: hand crafted with precision, clarity and an underlying scant of love. His entire persona stops at the top of each leg; there’s an untranslatable feeling you get when you look at him; not many people are so keen to placing the cane with the injury. Even less vocalize it. His suit jacket alone probably cost more than your rent. But those eyes, they’re distant and cold, aching to be warmed while hiding secrets behind blue irises.
“It didn’t take you long to find me, hm?” Ivar finally speaks as his takes his place back behind his desk. “Sit, please,” He adds with an extended arm.
“You’re not exactly a hard person to find, Ivar,” You answer back. “Freydis has a mouth that she likes to open,”
“Yes, despite her inability to give head,” Ivar sighs back and you know suddenly where all the personality in the room comes from. You can’t help but laugh at his words. You catch him smirking back at you, opening both hands and shrugging, like you caught a child sneaking candy before dinner. “What can I say, I’m honest,” Ivar adds, tucking those same hands behind his head as he leans back ever so slightly in his seat. 
“I am curious to hear what your plan is,” You find yourself saying. 
“You can take your coat off, I know it’s cold outside but there is a fire roaring in here,” He remarks.
“Forgive me, but Ivar, I know as much about you as I know about the meaning of life. You’re going to have to enlighten me, a bit,” You finally speak.
“Ah, well, I work in finance—clearly my father didn’t tell me he loved me enough when I was a child,” He starts, busying his hands as he rustles the papers on his desk. “You know, I happen to know a question that tests the true caliber of a person,”
“I’m listening,” You say. Ivar smiles, tapping his lips with the tip of his pen.
“Do you like pancakes?” Ivar asks.
“Is this how you’re so successful?” You challenge. “Bringing clients into a lifeless place like this only to liven it up with your demeanor?”
“Lifeless?” Ivar accuses. “Lifeless? How is it lifeless? There’s…furnishings. I went through great lengths to get them,”
“Oh I’m sure having them shipped to you already assembled was a hassle for a man of your proportion,” You scoff.
“Those outside the door aren’t lifeless!” Ivar remark with a grin. “At least, last I checked. Bloody slow at their work, mind you, but very much…alive,”
“Ready to cut the bullshit?” You ask.
“Sweetheart, I’m just getting started,”
“You said something about how Freydis wished she looked,” You recall. “What did you mean by that?” 
“People have so many little tells,” Ivar begins. “Things that you, for example, might find minuscule. Your feet have been pointed towards the door since you sat down—examining people is part of the craft. Small nuances that give away huge details,”
You only blink at the man before you.
“There were feelings of inadequacy between you and your past lover, yes?” Ivar asks and you straighten your spine. “Something drove him to seek more,”
“Oh, go to hell,” You finally spit. “I didn’t come here for a therapy session. I came here for revenge,”
“I work in finance,” Ivar hums, “It comes with the territory,” As your back turns to him, his eyes crawl down your figure, back up through your hair and Ivar tips his head to the side, as if he’s contemplating. Licking his lips, he speaks: “Do you want to make him feel as awful? Do you want him to wonder what he didn’t have?” Your hand is on the door knob, “Do you want revenge, or not?”
“Do not patronize me,” You spit coldly as your turn back to him. “Do not sit there and try to needle your way into a situation where your girlfriend did the same fucking thing. What is it that drove her away? Hm?” You ask as you turn and Ivar’s eyes finally leave yours. 
“Irrelevant,” Ivar remarks. “Ancient history,” And instead of continuing to needle away at the newly discovered weakened spot, you stand still. 
Ivar’s hands disappear from your line of sight, opening a drawer and you hear the tell tale sign of a medicine container pop. Watching carefully, he tosses back what is in his hand with a dry swallow and no indication of discomfort from the unpleasant taste. Vanity doesn’t follow this man around, you can tell he’s deeply troubled, he’s in pain, he’s his own bully and the lies he tells himself keep those blue eyes distant.
“I want revenge,” You finally admit. “I want him to know he’s not half the man he thinks that he is,” 
“Good girl,” Ivar chuckles darkly to himself. 
“They do have a thing in common,” You find yourself saying at you lean against the door. “They both have the inability to give head,” 
“He—?” Ivar stops suddenly and just makes a face. “Really?” You can only laugh as the sheer disbelief that’s laced through Ivar’s tone. “Even I can—did he not eat ice cream as a child?” 
“Oh my god,” You mutter. “What exactly is your plan?” 
“I suppose I can tell you now that you’re near the door, and a safe distance away from me,” Ivar says as he watches you. You’re caught under his gaze as he looks through his lashes at you and that smile paints his lips again. Finally his fingers lace together as he plants his hands on his desk. “How would you like to be my girlfriend?” 
Of all the plans this man could have had, that was one you were not prepared for.
“Because I look the way Freydis wishes she did?” You blurt out. “Come find me when you have a plan that doesn’t mock someone subconsciously. I wanted to stoop low Ivar, but that’s low. Even for someone who cheated.” And you leave with a slam of the door.
“You’ll come around eventually,” Ivar hums to himself.
Ivar believes everyone is allowed to have one secret; with lives so privy to the world, it’s hard to contain anything beneath your skin. Ivar knows what his is—and while Freydis’s fell under the category of infidelity, he considered that maybe he couldn’t fault her. Maybe is a grey area that makes even the most competent of men question their knowledge. In some instances, maybe can cost men their lives.
Counting the dots in the sky, Ivar’s eyes grow tired of relishing in the ancient constellations, in the stories of a earlier life. With the fire dwindling down, his fingers tap along his chin before they take a life of their own and gather his phone. After a few high pitched tones, there’s a connection and he speaks:
“What are you doing?”
“It’s 4 in the morning, I was sleeping,” You yawn.
“I don’t sleep much these days,” Ivar sighs, and truthfully, he could spill his darkest secrets to you right now. 
“Who’s mind are you playing with now, Ivar?” You hum, turning in your sheets. 
“Probably my own,” Ivar replies. 
“You just have to figure out what you need,” He suddenly hears you say. 
“I need breakfast,”
“Well, I know a little place that’s open 24 hours,” You answer. 
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” Ivar smiles. 
“Are you asking me on a date, Ivar?” You ask. 
“It’s the middle of the night Y/N. What do you think?”
“I think, you asked me if I like pancakes,” You say. 
“I asked you that for a reason, love,” Ivar says softly. 
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yeoubye · 7 months
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SINPHO Judge — Kim Daehyun
“Trapped in the puma's glare.”
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Inspired by The Devil Judge — a Korean drama that is a 16-episode series relating to corruption officials and set within a dystopia.
Daehyun once resided in the slums, a place where the impoverished struggled to survive or resorted to theft. His family faced perpetual financial struggles, haunted by relentless debt collectors breaking down their door. Amidst escalating pressure, Daehyun's parents tragically took their own lives, leaving him to face a harsh fate.
The neighborhood he grew up in was slated for redevelopment by conglomerates and influential figures who remained indifferent to the daily struggles of those in poverty. Daehyun, driven by a desire for revenge against the self-proclaimed 'helpful' but corrupt individuals in this world, resolved to ascend the social hierarchy. Eventually, he became a respected head judge in the Supreme Court of South Korea, a position that granted him the power to eliminate anyone opposing his path.
Daehyun took on cases that were stifled by monetary influence, delivering harsh judgments without hesitation. Public perception labeled him a 'monster' due to the cruelty embedded in his sentences, yet he remained indifferent to their opinions. His focus lay on confronting the entitled individuals roaming the streets, convinced they could easily evade justice. In Daehyun's eyes, the courtroom was a chessboard, and everyone served as his pawn. His determination to exact revenge on those who looked down on others fueled his relentless pursuit of justice.
As Daehyun took to the stand, eyes piercing all those that are guilty—your wouldn't stop beating. This man had a choke hold on your thoughts whether you enjoyed his presence or not. He was cruel and overwhelmingly cunning to the point you'd often think to yourself: "why do I even like him?" It was those thoughts, that plague your mind like a disease, that ended up being your downfall. You could hear it in his stern tone, he was disappointed but you couldn't stop your heart from palpating in his every wake. Your relationship should remain strictly professional but it was getting difficult to hold back your feelings for this "monster".
It was the way he heartlessly judged those he deemed fit to be evil; the public denounced Daehyun as a monster. No one went unpunished in the eyes akin to a puma.
This didn't explain the gnawing emotion you had any time he took to the stand, staring down at the guilty. You knew your heart was aflame.
You just finalized another case as an associate judge when Daehyun startled you. "You seemed a little out of it while the defendant was stating their case." He looked less than impressed.
He blushed heavily as he caught the scent of that cologne Daehyun always wears to work. He looked up at the judge, his lower back leaning against the table full of important documents.
"No... No, nothing sir." He tried to lie through his teeth but knowing how Daehyun is, he would catch on fast. After all, they've been working together for at least over 3 years.
The moment he attempted to lie, Daehyun knew he was lying. He wasn't the judge of the Korean Supreme Court and highly respected for nothing. He knew how to read into people and situations like a book.
He tilted his body closer to him, his hand brushing his collar bone ever so slightly.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked, not expecting a response. "It looks to me like there's something you're keeping from me."
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dan6085 · 10 months
50 Great Quotes of all time:
1. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
2. "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost
3. "The only constant in life is change." - Heraclitus
4. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
5. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
6. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela
7. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
8. "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama
9. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker
10. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.
11. "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - Allen Sanders
12. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
13. "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs
14. "The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injustice." - Marcus Aurelius
15. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
16. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
17. "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
18. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein
19. "The more I see, the less I know for sure." - John Lennon
20. "It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." - Sir Edmund Hillary
21. "Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive." - Elbert Hubbard
22. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu
23. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
24. "We do not remember days, we remember moments." - Cesare Pavese
25. "If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." - Booker T. Washington
26. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky
27. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela
28. "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi
29. "Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact." - William James
30. "Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston S. Churchill
31. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
32. "I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse." - Florence Nightingale
33. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
34. "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein
35. "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama
36. "Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt
37. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
38. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker
39. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do." - Mark Twain
40. "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." - Aristotle Onassis
41. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
42. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller
43. "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde
44. "What we think, we become." - Buddha
45. "The best revenge is massive success." - Frank Sinatra
46. "The greatest wealth is to live content with little." - Plato
47. "You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." - Brian Tracy
48. "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." - Mother Teresa
49. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
50. "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will." - Vince Lombardi
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕'𝚜 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚙 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
The Impala is parked by some train tracks. Sam is looking through the Key of Solomon book on the roof of the car, spinning a marker in his hand. Dean is at the back of the car, loading up guns and putting them into his duffel bag. Y/N stands beside him, loading her gun in silence. Dean is very solemn and Sam looks over at him, concerned.
"You two have been quite," Sam says.
"Just getting ready."
"He's gonna be fine, Guys." The two don't answer and Sam flips to another page of the book. He sees a symbol and picks up the book to walk to the open trunk lid. He rubs off the dirt and starts to draw on the lid.
"Dude, what are you drawing on my car?"
"It's called a Devil's trap. Demons can't get through it or inside it."
"It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox," Sam says as he moves around to the other end on the trunk.
"So, we have a place to hide the Colt while we go get Dad."
"What are you talking about? We're bringing the Colt with us."
"We can't, Dean. We've only got three bullets left. We can't just use them on any demons; we've got to use them on the demon."
"No, we have to save Dad, Sam, okay? We're gonna need all the help we can get."
"Dean, you know how pissed Dad would be if we used all the bullets? Dean, he wouldn't want us to bring the gun."
"I don't care, Sam. I don't care what Dad wants, okay? And since when do you care what Dad wants?"
"We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, I mean, you're the one who came and got me at school!" Dean scoffs. "You're the one who dragged me back into this, Dean. I'm just trying to finish it," Sam says.
"Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can't wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? Me and Y/N are gonna be the ones to bury you. You're selfish, you know that? You don't care about anything but revenge."
"That's not true, Dean." Dean scoffs. "I want Dad back. But they are expecting us to bring this gun. They get the gun; they will kill us all. That Colt is our only leverage and you know it, Dean. We cannot bring that gun. We can't."
"I'm serious, Dean."
"I said fine, Sam." Y/N, having enough of the arguing, takes the Colt out of his jacket pocket and holds it up to show the two before putting it in the trunk.
"There. Now can you two stop acting like frigging 5-year-olds?" The three are walking by the river. They step up beside some trees and Dean stops.
"Hey, hey." Sam and Y/N stop and look at him. "Think I know what Meg meant by Sunrise." Sam and Y/N look over and see an apartment building with a sign out front that says 'Sunrise Apartments.'
"Son of a bitch. That's pretty smart. I mean, if these demons can possess people, they can possess almost anybody inside," Y/N says.
"Yeah, and make anybody attack us."
"And so, we can't kill them-a building full of human shields."
"They probably know exactly what we look like, too. And they could look like anybody."
"Yeah, this sucks out loud."
"Tell me about it. Alright, so, how the hell are we going to get in?" Sam asks. Dean and Y/N look over at the building for a minute.
"Pull the fire alarm, get out all the civilians."
"Okay, but then the city responds in, what, seven minutes?"
"Seven minutes exactly," Y/N says. Inside the apartment building, Sam walks in the front door and goes to a fire alarm on the wall. Just as he's about to pull it, a man comes walking down the hallway. Sam moves to the stairs like he's going up them, but when the man leaves through the front door, he quickly goes and pulls the alarm. He then leaves. Outside the building, people are leaving and firemen are coming in. Dean and Y/N come up to one of the firemen.
"Hey, what's happening? Is it a fire?" She asks.
"We're figuring that out now, ma'am. Just stay back," the fireman says, moving Dean and Y/N away.
"Well, we've got a Yorkie upstairs and he pees when he's nervous."
"Sir, you have to stay back." Sam moves behind them to the fire truck. He finds a compartment and picks the lock. Inside the building, Dean, Sam, and Y/N come down the hallway dressed in full fireman gear. Y/N is using her EMF to check the doors of the apartments.
"I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up," Dean says.
"You never told me that." Y/N's EMF starts reading high. Inside a room, A woman is sitting with her head down. There is banging on the door and she looks up- her eyes are completely black. She and the man go over to the door to look out through the peephole.
"This is the fire department. We need you to evacuate," Dean says. The man steps behind the door and nods for the woman to open it. She unlocks the door, and the three shove it open. The woman is thrown backward as Dean, Y/N, and Sam come through. The siblings spray the couple with water from their tanks and it burns them -holy water. Dean punches the man and shoves him into a closet "Come on!" Y/N grabs the woman off the table and shoves her in as well. The twins lean against the door and it lurches as the demons inside try to get out.
"Hurry up!" Y/N shouts. Sam grabs a canister of salt from the duffel bag and runs a line around the closet door. As soon as he finishes it, the pounding stops. The three take off the fireman gear and move to the bedroom door. They slowly open it and see John on the bed, tied to the post. Dean goes over to his father.
"Dad?" He leans down and listens. "He's still breathing." Both Sam and Y/N look relieved. Dean starts shaking John.
"Dad, wake up. Dad!" Y/N takes out a knife and walks over to the bed and is about to cut the restraints around John's wrists.
"Wait. Wait."
"What?" Y/N asks.
"He could be possessed for all we know."
"What, are you nuts?" Dean says.
"Guys, we got to be sure." Sam takes a flask of holy water out of the duffel bag and sprinkles it on John. It has no effect. John moans and starts to come around.
"Sam? Why are you splashing water on me?" John mumbles.
"Dad, are you okay?" Dean asks.
"They've been drugging me. Where's the Colt?"
"Don't worry, Dad, it's safe." Y/N cuts him free.
"Good kids. Good kids."
Outside the building, a fireman is talking on his radio while a group of people look on. A man in the crowd looks around and suddenly acts surprised—then his eyes go completely black. He moves toward the building, and the fireman tries to stop him.
"Hey, buddy, you can't go in," the fireman says, but his eyes suddenly go black as well, and he follows the man into the building. Inside the apartment, Dean and Sam are carrying John out of the bedroom. The front door suddenly bursts open, and the man and fireman come in.
"Go! Go!" Y/N shouts.
"Back! Back!" They retreat into the bedroom and close the door, locking it. An axe suddenly comes through the door. Y/N runs a line of salt at the bedroom door. John, Dean, and Sam are already out on the fire escape.
"Y/N, let's go!" Dean shouts. Y/N tosses Sam the duffel bag and goes through the window out onto the fire escape. She runs salt along the window sill. Dean and Y/N help John down onto the street, and Sam moves ahead of them. Sam is suddenly attacked by a man. He pins Sam down on the street and starts beating him to death. Y/N puts John down and goes to her brother's aid.
"Sam!" Y/N runs over and kicks the man in the face, but it has no effect. Y/N is suddenly thrown onto a parked car, shattering the windshield, and the man goes back to beating Sam. Suddenly, there is a gunshot, and the man gets a bullet through the head. He falls off Sam, dead. Dean is standing with the Colt. He puts it away and comes over to his brother, Y/N following, slightly limping.
"Sam!" Dean picks him up. "Sam, come on! Come on!" Dean and Y/N get Sam onto his feet, and they look at the dead man. "Come on. We got to get out of here." They go over to John and pick him up, leaving the area in a hurry.
The Impala is parked outside a cabin in the woods. Inside, Sam is pouring salt along the window sill. His face is a mess—bruised, bloody, and swollen. Dean comes into the room, followed by Y/N holding an ice pack to her hip.
"How is he?" Sam asks.
"He just needed a little rest, that's all. How are you?"
"I'll survive." Sam turns to his siblings. "Hey, you don't think we were followed here, do you?" Dean and Y/N look at each other.
"I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, we couldn't have found a more out-of-the-way place to hole up," she says.
"Yeah." Sam looks to his brother. "Hey, uh...Dean, you, um...you saved my life back there."
"So, I guess you're glad Y/N brought the gun, huh?" Sam looks to Y/N, but she gives him a sheepish grin.
"Man, I'm trying to thank you here."
"You're welcome." Sam walks across the room.
"Hey, Sam?"
"You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there."
"You didn't have a choice, Dean."
"Yeah, I know, that's not what bothers me."
"Then what does?" Sam asks.
"Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn't hesitate, I didn't even flinch. For you, Y/N, or Dad, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just...it scares me sometimes." Sam just looks at him, not knowing what to say. John then comes into the room.
"It shouldn't. You did good."
"You're not mad?" Dean asks.
"For what?"
"Using a bullet."
"Mad? I'm proud of you. You know, Sam and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But you—you two watch out for this family. You and Y/N always have," John says, gesturing to the twins.
"Thanks," they say in unison. The wind suddenly picks up, and the lights start to flicker. They all go over to the window.
"It found us. It's here."
"The demon."
"Sam, lines of salt in front of every window, every door."
"I already did it."
"Well, check it, okay?"
"Okay." Sam leaves the room.
"You two." He turns to face Dean and Y/N. "Who's got the gun?"
"Me," Dean says.
"Give it to me." Dean takes the Colt out of his jeans.
"Dad, Sam tried to shoot the demon in Salvation. It disappeared," Y/N says.
"This is me. I won't miss. Now, the gun, hurry." Dean hesitates and looks down at the gun.
"Son, please." Y/N starts backing up a few steps, pulling Dean with her.
"Give me the gun. What are you doing, Dean? Y/N?"
"He'd be furious," Y/N mumbles.
"That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn't be proud of me, he'd tear me a new one." John just looks at him as Dean raises the gun, pointing it at him and cocking it.
"You're not out, Dad." Dean has the gun pointing at John.
"Guys, it's me."
"We know our dad better than anyone. And you ain't him," Y/N says.
"What the hell's gotten into the two of you?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Stay back." Sam comes into the room and is shocked to see Dean pointing the gun at John.
"Dean? Y/N? What the hell's going on?"
"Your brother and sister have lost their minds."
"He's not Dad."
"What?" Sam asks.
"I think he's possessed. I think he's been possessed since we rescued him." Y/N starts to get upset.
"Don't listen to her, Sammy."
"Guys, how do you know?" Dean is fighting back tears.
"He's...he's different."
"You know, we don't have time for this. Sam, you wanna kill this demon, you've gotta trust me." Sam looks back and forth between his father and brother and sister. Dean glances at him, but doesn't say anything else to convince him.
"Sam?" Sam looks back and forth.
"No. No." Sam moves over to stand by his brother and sister's side. John looks at them.
"Fine. You three so sure, go ahead. Kill me." John looks down and waits. Dean holds the gun on him, but can't pull the trigger. "I thought so." He looks back up, and his eyes are yellow. Sam lunges, but is thrown against the wall, pinned there. So is Dean and Y/N, and he drops the Colt. John picks it up.
"What a pain in the ass this thing's been."
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pre-successful · 2 years
This show was INSANE for literally every House/Wilson subplot.
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minnieves · 2 years
summary: fallen angel!taehyun who fell because of you. which leads him to wanting revenge on your for making him sin. and his version of revenge is you corruption.
"good evening," someone greeted you as you went out of the building. you just came from the party, he approached you.
"good evening?" you responded confused. you continued walking thinking that he was one of the guards from the party. you kept walking towards the garden.
"i don't think it's safe for you to go alone ma'am." he continued. walking far from you.
"i can han-" you were cut off.
"she's with me," a voice said beside you. an arm draping on your shoulder. "you can go now. i'm her husband."
you didn't hear much from the other guy. but you continued walking since you want to go far from the both of them.
"no thank you?" the other man asked. you turned to face him, only to be meet by a certain face. one that has been visiting your slumber. "aren't you easy to forget?"
"i don't think we've been introduced formally." you told him. he was wearing a full black outfit. contrast to your sparking white gown. "have we met before?"
"we have." he told you. walking towards you. having you walking backwards until you met the hedge walls of the garden maze. "you've made me sin."
"pardon?" you asked him. lost from whatever he's saying. he softly touched your cheek. curious with what you have to offer. "i don't think, i'm capable of making you sin, sir. people have their own free will."
"i'm not people though?" he smiled at you. his thumb grazing your lip. you feel like his gaze is reading your soul. judging them for what you have done and what you have offered.
"then what are you?" you ask. trying to mask the fear in your voice. you're no stranger to beings other than humans yourself.
"humans can't really do things to you in your dream." he whispered. slowly backing away from you. walking towards the well in the center. you stared at him. following even the smallest move. like cocking his head to the side when his finger touched the cold water. "you're so easy to forget. i thought i make you happy?"
you closed your eyes, as his voice echoed in your head. you know this man. he filled you with lustful thoughts in your dream. making you some sort of puppet to challenge what is taught of you.
you gasped when for some reason you could feel his touch from your dream. the way he fondled with you. grope you, kiss you, caress you. you stared at the man who's standing in front of the well.
"but i don't know your name." you reason out. slowly approaching the man in front of you. with every steps you're reminded of his touch. with how heavy he makes your heart feel when you wake up alone. "i yearn for you."
you stood beside him. you looked up towards the sky. seeing no stars but just the moon. shining brightly on top of you. taehyun looked at you as you stared at it. mad that you're staring at the very being who limited him from you.
he pulled you by the waist. making you face him, your bodies touching. you felt you body heat up being so close to man when you are told not to. you could feel your heart beat race when you meet his eyes. doing something so forbidden.
"i'm jealous of your attention towards the moon." he told you. his eyes dark like he is truly upset with your action. you bring your hand to touched his face. he let himself nuzzle in your hand.
to taehyun you look like a bunny who just happened to fall in his trap. when he opened his eyes, it meets your concerned look. but there's something else there. to taehyun you are a drug he couldn't help but crave despite warnings not to.
"you're gone for so long." you whispered to him. your heart beating faster. specially now that you've solidified that you're not dreaming. you feel your self cry from tbe loneliness of yearning for him. "i was so lonely."
taehyun looked at you shocked. specially since he could feel his heart beat thunder inside him. he didn't know that he was capable of feeling it beat. you leaned towards him. your lips meeting him in a soft kiss. to which he responded with a much more eager intention.
his eyes are opened, watching someone behind you. smirking to himself knowing that he have you wrapped around his finger. how naive and lonely do you have to be to yearn for him this much.
when he closed his eyes and give into the kiss. he felt nauseous. this is his first touch from a human. yet he's out here craving for more sins that he could repent on.
he slowly climb his hand from your waist to the gap between your top and skirt. you pulled away, shocked. but taehyun gripped you closer. his hand touching your bare chest.
"scared?" he asked you. he was testing you. after all, you have done this before. he cocked his head slightly as he waits for your reaction. "are you scared of me?"
"we. we, sir.!" you tried explaining. gasping as you feel taehyun's finger played with your nipple. you closed your eyes, feeling your knees tremble as you looked around. trying to find any watching eyes. "we're not married!"
"marry for what?" he asked you. tugging at your nipple. his other hand undoing your top's lace. letting it fall in front of you. spilling your breast. you immediately held the fabric towards your chest. "are we not of love."
"what do you know of love?" you whispered. trying to move away from his touch but still crazing it. your subconscious tells you to run, but you can't. you can't bring yourself to run. "you told me that i have made you sin."
"you are love." he reasoned. his lips meeting yours once again. you feel your tears run down your face. "can you not trust the one you love?"
"i don't even know your name," you told him. your eyes meeting. taehyun felt his dick twitch in his pants seeing your tear stained face as new once bubble.
"taehyun," he whispered. pulling your top of and throwing it on the ground. "you've made me sin."
he grasp your face. tugging you closer as he sealed you with a harsher kiss than earlier. he's now playing with the ribbons of your skirt. unwrapping it on your waist. when it falls to the ground he stepped back admiring you.
"stop looking." you scold him. trying to cover yourself and your undergarment from his sight. his eyes glassy with how much he's staring at you with. "i'm too naked."
"you're far too divine to not look at." he told you. stepping closer to undo your undergarments. he guided you to lay on your skirt which is on the ground. "lay down."
"what are we about to do?" you asked him as you lie there. covering yourself while he undressed himself. you looked to the sky, feeling your heart beat. how irregular and nauseous it's making you feel. "we are not allowed to do this."
"if no one is to bear witness, then no one would know." he said, kneeling in between your legs. your eyes fell to his dick. watching it move when you did. "who's to judge us?"
"he can see us." you told him. his hand on your knees to spread your legs. your body open for the sky to see. he leaned your knees towards your chest. exposing even your pussy to the sky. "this is too vulgar!"
"and what you asked me in your dreams appropriate?" he asked you. watching your body. seeing everything he has dreamed about. feeling it, and touching them even.
taehyun looked towards the sky with a smirk. then he lowered himself to be able to nip on your neck. he could hear the beating of your hear. how fast your breathing. how wet you are. when he reached your breast, he could feel you pull away.
he blew on your nipple, earning a moan from you. he held both your hands in his when you were pushing him away. he put them above you as he continued to abuse both of them. sucking, biting, tugging, and licking as he wants.
"taehyun!" you gasped. an unfamiliar feeling on your gut. taehyun's eyes met yours. he hovered above your face. eyes watching you.
"say that again."
"taehyun?" you asked confused. earning a moan from the man in front of you. he sounds like he was in pain. you looked at him confused.
"what have you done?" he asked you. his eyes glossing with unshed tears. he kissed you. as if his kisses could relay messages he hasn't told you.
his curious hand dipped in between your legs. he moaned on your lips when he felt how wet you are. he felt a nub, which he curiously flicked. earning a moan from you.
he pulled away from your mouth wanting to see more of you. he curiously made it again. making you hollered in pleasure. your back arching a little to feel him.
he took this as a sign that he's doing great. he moved his fingers in circular motions. feeling you move again.
"stop! i'd pee!" you warned him. trying to move your hand from his grasp. taehyun curiosly pinched your bud making you cum undone. you looked at taehyun shocked at what happened. you're still catching your breathe when you saw taehyun's leaking dick.
"i need to take you," he told you. he removed his hand from yours. holding your waist as he played the tip of his dick on your slit.
he slowly eased your self inside you. lowering himself to suck on your nipples. you feel like you're burning and that you're being impaled by his dick.
"taehyun! slow down." you pleaded when he started moving. his thrusts harsh and deep. making you feel nauseous. you closed your eyes, not used to feeling such pleasure. not knowing that such pleasure exists.
"so pretty. so heavenly," he moaned as he watch you. staring at your entire body when he leaned back. seeing how your breast bounce lightly with every thrust.
he put his hand on both your thighs, spreading you like he did earlier. thrusting deeper inside you. he watched as he disappear inside you. feeling nauseous as he carry the burden of his sin.
"i'm going again!" you told him. your hand going to your chest to play with your nipple as he did earlier. taehyun dipped his head to cover your other nipple. sucking harshly and lightly bitting them.
you came. tightening around taehyun's dick provoking him to cum as well. you closed your eyes being so in depth with pleasure.
not noticing taehyun's wings fluttering open behind him he pulled his body upwards. his body leaning backwards.
he looked towards the sky. baring the both of you. a smirk grew on his lips. he won.
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
Deer in headlights | Part 1: meeting Sano Manjiro
Pairing: Bonten x Fem Reader
Tokyo Revengers Bonten Alt Univers | canon divergent
Warnings: mentions of blood, decisions you shouldn't make IRL, this is fiction. CLICK ON MY RULES BEFORE ASKING ANYTHING!
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You should have known better. That is what you keep telling yourself as you walk across the busy streets of Tokyo's nightlife. Drunk people are stumbling here and there; some are trying to get home while others are looking for another place to keep their night going.
As always, you couldn't say no to someone in need, and your boss had his daughter's birthday today, so you offered to stay and close the restaurant after everyone was gone. You had to check inventory, earnings of the day, wait for some delivery, and then restock. When you finished everything, it was past midnight. No subway lines, so that meant you had to take a taxi.
So that is where you are now, phone dead and unable to call a cab, in the streets of a buzzing Tokyo night.
Not even one taxi had the available sign turned on. You were beginning to worry. But all your worries were thrown out of the window when you saw a white-haired man bleeding and about to get hit by a vehicle. Your body moved on its own. You tackled the man before the car could hit him. He must have been in pretty bad shape because as soon you both hit the ground, he passed out.
Fantastic, you thought. Giving him a better inspection, you saw a tattoo on the back of his neck and noticed that from some part of his middle section, the blood kept flowing, and that couldn't be a good sign either. You didn't even know where the wound was! A panicking side of you was about to take over.
“No, no, no, no. Breathe! He needs help,” you said to none in particular but yourself.
Your rational side was telling you to dump him there or leave him at a hospital, but sometimes you took the dumbest choices. In your defense, the wound and the tattoo screamed gang, yakuza, a crime syndicate! And you didn't want anyone hunting you for selling one of those guys to the authorities, or that is what you told yourself.
You don't know why exactly, but there was some kind of pull that convinced you to help him.
God knows where you had the strength to lift him, and it looks like luck was on your side since not a second later, you hailed a taxi and gave the driver your address.
Not so far from where you found the white-haired man, an emergency meeting by Bonten, Tokyo's worst crime organization higher-ups, began.
“Any news? Where is Mikey?!!!” screamed a very pissed-off Sanzu. After kicking a table at the hotel’s top floor.
“No sir” came from the two lackeys that just entered the place. Two shots fired, and the thud of the bodies falling to the floor echoed in the room. Sanzu’s gun now was missing two bullets.
“You know, killing our men won't bring our boss back any faster” the word came from Takeomi as he took another cigarette between his lips.
“I can't believe you lost the boss, Sanzu!” mocked the younger Haitani; not soon after, the older brother followed with a laugh.
“Shut up, both of you.” Kakucho was not in the mood for their teasing behavior, and he didn't want to deal with fights right now.
“I’m sure Mikey is fine. We’ll see him walk through the door any minute,” confidently commented Kokonoi.
Well, that was three days ago. Things weren't looking good for Bonten’s tops members since their boss was nowhere to be found, and as for you... Let’s say you were kind of living with a corps, or so you thought.
He wasn't exactly a dead person. You always checked his breathing, and he was in a deep sleep on your bed for the last three days or so. You’ve gone to your classes, work, grocery shopping, and even went out of your way to buy some clothes for your guest(?), but he hasn't woken up. You’ve been in this kind of sleep coma after finals and days without sleep, so you told yourself to give it time.
“Honestly, what am I thinking? What am I doing?!” you mumbled to yourself as you sat on your couch.
“I would like to know that,” said a rough voice behind you, and a cold object pressed to your neck. You froze; nothing passed through your mind. Breathing? Blinking? What is that? “Listen carefully because I won't repeat myself. Am I clear?”
“Yes,” your response was barely audible; if he weren't so close to your head, he probably wouldn't have heard it.
“Where am I? Who do you work for?” He didn't sound angry or lost, and that is what scared you. He was calm... Relaxed.
“A-at my apartment a-and I-you we-were” you took a breath; that is not how you sounded at all, and it pissed you off. Why were you so nervous.
“You what?” he still didn't sound hangry more as surprised.
“I work for Mr. Fukada at his restaurant,” you finished and the you tensed. Oh god, no! You gave Mr. Fukada’s name to a stranger, you thought.
He hummed as a response, and although the knife wasn't pressed at your neck anymore, he still had it resting on your chest.
“Do you know who I am?”
“How am I supposed to know? You are behind me” there was a thought that came to your mind “Wait! I don't know who or what you want, but please don't hurt the guy on my bed, please. He's hurt and probably needs help! Just, please, don't- don't hurt him.” the mare thought of him in pain made you feel pressure on your chest.
“What?” He couldn't believe his ears.
“Look, I don't have money here, and I have little to nothing of value, and I-”
He began to laugh. Why was he laughing... Your first thought was that you had a maniac on your back. Fantastic.
You felt movement and a body plopped next to you on your small couch. You knew better (not really), and you kept your gaze on the ground. The less you knew, the better it was for you. No face, no crime.
But sadly for you, this person didn't share your thoughts. He held your chin and made you look at his eyes, those eyes that seemed almost... dead. Oh!?! He’s the white-haired dude! You thought. For some reason, you were happy to see him awake. He, on the other hand, saw the look on your eyes change from scared to delight. There was a sparkle in them... What is that sparkle?
“How did I get here?” He inquired with a more casual tone.
“You were bleeding in the street and a car was about to run you over so I kind of pushed you...-” you apologetically replied. “Hmm yeah, I didn't mean to tackle you, but it was me or the car,” you added, feeling the object, which was probably one of your kitchen knives, move from your body to the coffee table.
“How long was I out?” He still didn't change his expression, but he spoke a little less hostile than before, according to you.
“About... Two... Hmmm, three days counting today” his eyes, for the first time, assumed a worried look.
“I’m using your phone. Don't move,” he ordered.
You could hear some parts of his conversation, such as I'm alright, then kind of reassuring the other person on the phone and telling them he’ll be back soon. After some more chatting, he came back to the couch.
“So Y/N hmm? College student, a part-time job and single,” he emphasized that last word as he stared at the roof, “I guess you don't know who I am and what you got yourself into”
“What do you mean?” Now you are lost and kind of mad since he knew things about yourself.
Evading your question, he continued. “You did a decent job with the wound, so I'm grateful for that” he still didn't move his gaze from the roof.
“Really? I followed a youtube tutorial,” you proudly commented. Forgetting what you had asked before those statements.
That earned you another laugh from the man beside you. But it wasn't a mocking one; it was more of a real and pleased/surprised one.
“Why what? The tutorial?” you fastly replayed.
“No, why did you help me?” He looked straight at you, and if it weren't for you nervously pulling at the hem of your shirt, you would have believed you were naked in his eyes.
“I don't understand your question” you honestly responded and he believed you. Something in his gut told him so, and your eyes were the complete opposite of his. “I don't need a reason for helping someone keep breathing! Or in your case, not getting run over...”
“I’m sorry” he replied with a huff of air after he said that.
“What? Why? No! I'm fine, and so are you, right?” You smiled at the stranger that you kept in your house for three days.
“That’s not what I meant” he moved so close to your face that your breathing stopped out of surprise. “I am truly sorry. I like that look in your eyes, and” a hand moved to your cheek and made you held his heavy gaze, “and I intend to keep you and your shining doe eyes for myself.”
“You really must have slammed your head against the concrete, hard,” you honestly said, and again, he laughed.
“Whatever you say, doe.” he went back to his previous position on the couch, although his body appeared a hundred times more comfortable. “But you really don’t know who I am,” he stated.
“Should I?” you were afraid you could come off as rude.
“Look up Bonten on your phone” again; he used that commanding tone. And, of course, you followed him without a second thought.
On your phone’s screen, there are hundreds of news articles about a criminal organization, and one had pictures of them leaving a club. There you saw it, the back of his head and the tattoo. It’s him.
“Oh, so you are part of this Bonten group,” you casually commented after leaving your phone on the table. “That explains the situation when I met you,” there was it again, that calm demeanor when someone else would have been freaking out! Calling the police or, worst!
Mikey was expecting rejection or even terror but what happened next left him speechless.
Suddenly you gasped. “I’m so sorry! You could have been killed if I was followed or worst!” there was that panic he kind of expected, but for a completely different reason.
“The hell you talking about?” the white-haired man had never met someone so... someone so selfless? Were you dumb?
“Your part of the top branch or something, right? You were in danger here!”
“Not precisely, But why are you worried about me? Hmmm, I bet earlier you were panicking not because I had you at knifepoint but because you gave me your boss’ last name. Am I right?”
“yes?” How did he know?
“Thinking about it, I don’t like being in debt with someone, so in exchange for your strange kindness, I’m staying a couple of more days with you.”
“Are you sure? I mean I don’t know if my house is enough and-”
“You are a danger to yourself, doe. You worry about the wrong things.” He said with a laugh. I haven’t had this much fun in ages. He thought
Mikey even found strange how fast you trusted a complete stranger that had your neck almost sliced and who has connections to the crime world of Japan. You were a danger left alone.
“Call me Manjiro,” he spoke once more.
“I’m y/n,” you responded with a smile.
“I know,” he half-smiled
“How rude” you huffed
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Time-Traveled Clones Give Anakin a Mental Breakdown
So @purronronner​ suggested the below on discord:
mental time travel au but it’s only clones (definitely Cody and/or Rex, possibly others)
Which we obviously all took and just... ran with. Contributors include Purrs, @the-lunar-system, and @atagotiak.
Initial brainstorming was just us trying to figure out how many clones did the mental travel, from when, etc. - Ended up deciding on 'significantly post-O66' and 'some but not all' - Mostly it's the angle that the only people who have an idea of what’s coming are the ones who aren’t even seen as people by most. THey have very little leverage to work with but they’ve gotta do something.
(I personally like the idea that Boba travels because Jango has to deal with the fact that His Baby Boy is suddenly much more adult and serious and also telling him that the whole Kamino thing is going to Destroy Everything Including Mandalore, And Revenge Against The Jedi Won't Be Worth It, but that idea got scrapped because he's got too much influence via dad.)
Rex and the clones that died when Rex & Ahsoka were escaping 66. Because Rex would probably be very regretful he couldn’t save them. The others would probably be understanding of the situation and even worse some of them would be thankful that he stopped them. - Strategic mass desertion via faked KIA reports as medics smuggle people out to investigate what's trying to kill the Jedi through the clones - Also they can manage a lot by doing surgeries and reprogramming Med droids and stuff. At the very least Palpatine can’t manage such a sudden and decisive victory without subverting the clones. The political angle is probably still a complicated mess but he can’t just snap his fingers and do a genocide, y’know? - IMO at least Fives is definitely on the list of time-travelers.
The Krell Situation is, uh... handled. Quickly. - Sometimes friendly fire just happens, you know? Accidents.
Mass Distrust of Anakin Skywalker - He knows they don't like him but has no idea why. - On the one hand, they loved them some TCW Anakin. On the other hand, look where that takes him...
Anakin keeps feeling like the clones are mourning him while he's standing right there. More than the other Jedi, even! All the Jedi feel vague grief from some of the clones, usually in a way that makes no sense, but the vibe they have around Anakin is a mindfuck. - Some of them want to get away and fast, some of them want to figure out how to fix him, none of them are at all happy with this.
He does one of those somewhat concerning TCW things where Imperial March plays faintly in the background, and while in the first timeline the clones would write it off as him being a little bit angrier than most Jedi (and he never takes it out on them, y’know?), this time they’re reacting… poorly. - They're scared of him this time. - And lbr the clones... while they’re largely good, moral people, have less rigid ethical rules than the Jedi and are more used to thinking of things in terms of us-vs-them as well as the Jedi-know-best conditioning, so they probably wrote off a lot the first time around (and now blame themselves, just a little, for Vader).
They, uh, they maybe get a bit twitchy... and the specific fear a few of "Vader's Fist" feel is so similar to the fear Anakin sensed around slaves in Gardulla's that he starts having flashbacks. - Anakin at one point spirals so deep into a flashback that he mutters something about how "she" is going to eat him and nobody can figure out who the fuck he's talking about, because nobody knows about Gardulla, possibly not even Obi-Wan, since that was TODDLER Anakin and while Watto may have come up, Obi-Wan probably didn't even think Anakin would have remembered toddler-age stuff, so Gardulla was never really discussed. - All anyone knows is that Anakin is fine with Ahsoka, so it's not her, but she's the only person on board using she/her pronouns so far since none of the clones are socially transitioning yet. - (Apparently Gardulla just ate her slaves sometimes? And Anakin had to live with the knowledge that that was a possibility for him? Until he was three? Fucked up, bro.) - (I'm just really invested in AUs where Anakin's 'not going evil' path kicks off in part with a breakdown where he can't keep himself in denial about the slavery element of the clones anymore.)
"They're scared of me." "Sir--" "They're scared the way we all were at Gardulla's what did I do?"
This would be pretty soon after Return to Tatooine, and Tatooine Three: Electric Boogaloo so Anakin is like... peak slave trauma rn anyway.
Anakin has a breakdown much earlier than in canon, and in precisely the opposite direction, loudly and blatantly enough that the Temple has to ground him for a bit, and even Palpatine can't get that overturned until the medics say so. - Also one of the key points: Anakin doesn’t resent it in the same way. - It’s uh. Less. The “The Jedi are afraid of my power (and Palpatine says that’s why I can’t just do what I want)” and more “the clones are afraid of my power (arguably with good reason)”
people above you fearing (+ limiting) you: hits right in the slave trauma people under you fearing you: still slave trauma but flipped all the way around
This is just back to back: - Mom died because you couldn't save her, on Slave Planet - You slaughtered an entire tribe of Tuskens, including the children, and have been putting a lot of effort into convincing yourself you're not a monster - You got chained up and threatened with public execution via Consumed by Big Thing (and are abruptly reminded of toddlerhood, where you were at risk of being Consumed by Gardulla, a Big Thing) - Clone army, basically slaves, can't think about that too hard or you'll freak out - (Secret marriage, which is stressful but not hitting the slave trauma button.) - You had to save a baby Hutt -- You had to help a slaver Hutt -- ON SLAVE PLANET AGAIN -- WHILE THE HUTT IS THREATENING TO KILL YOU - (Someone just GAVE YOU A CHILD, which is stressful but not hitting the slave trauma button.) - Half the clones treat you like a more impuslive Obi-Wan, and half of them are... scared and wary and you don't know what to do about that - You did something kinda fucked up and now half the slaves clones are fine and the other half feel like they're waiting for you to kill them in your anger - Fuck - Fuck
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viastro · 4 years
daisies | kim sunwoo
ミ★ synopsis: the best type of revenge is to hurt the person that means the most to them. aka, in which sunwoo is in charge of making you fall in love with him, just to break your heart.
ミ★ genre: angst, some fluff
ミ★ warnings: mentions of vomit, slightly suggestive
ミ★ word count: 10,155
ミ★ pairings: sunwoo x female reader
ミ★ notes: this is dedicated to my other half, @sunlightwoo​ happy birthday gina, i’m so grateful god decided that i shouldn’t be lonely and have you be born three days after me. i know you’ll probably hate me for this oneshot, but i know daises was one of your favorites from me. i love you, my sunshine. no amount of words will ever express just how much you mean to me.
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The music is loud against Sunwoo’s ears as he dances with a girl he doesn’t even know the name of, not that he wants to know her name. She turns around and wraps her arms around the back of his neck, giving him a smirk. “Enjoying the view?” 
Sunwoo grins, leaning in towards her ear to whisper, “Maybe.” 
The unknown girl giggles at the ticklish feeling from Sunwoo’s lips, only making his smile wider as he moves closer to ask,
“Wanna get out of here?”
“Sunu! Sunu, we have to go.” Sunwoo curses at the familiar voice, turning around to see Chanhee with a frantic expression on his face, and that’s when he knows it’s serious. “Is it Minji?”
“It’s Minji.” Sunwoo removes himself from the stranger’s arms without another word and follows after Chanhee. They hurry out of the club, the cold spring night air hitting them as they walk. Sunwoo stops for a moment, looking up at the stars as he wonders what could’ve happened. 
“Sunwoo! Come on!” The black haired beauty takes one last breath of the night air, before rushing over to Chanhee’s car.
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“Minji, please calm down!” Sunwoo hears as soon as he and Chanhee enter Minji’s house. His eyes widen when he hears a loud crash from upstairs, and he sprints up the stairs fast as he can, bursting in through her bedroom door to see Minji crying while holding a flower vase in hand. Her mom turns to look at Sunwoo helplessly, and he nods his head at her.
“Minji, look at me.” Sunwoo says softly, and she keeps her eyes trained to the floor as she clutches the vase tightly. He takes a few steps closer as Chanhee walks in quietly behind him, choosing to stay back since he knows Sunwoo handles these situations better. “Minji.” 
It’s when she’s about to throw the vase that Sunwoo grabs her wrist to stop her, pulling her into a hug with his other arm. She freezes for a moment, before letting out a small sob into Sunwoo’s shoulder, closing her eyes as she takes in her best friend’s comforting scent. “It’s okay Minji, we’re here. Chanhee and I are here.” 
Chanhee finally walks over, resting his hand on Minji’s back as she cries. He takes a glance at Sunwoo to see him with a stoic expression on his face, eyebrows slightly furrowed as the sounds of Minji’s sobs get louder. 
who the fuck did this to her?
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“I always knew Mark was a piece of shit. Can’t believe he’s already showing interest in another girl when you guys just broke up.” Sunwoo grumbles to himself as he places his water back down. The three of them are sitting on Minji’s floor, talking about what caused her breakdown. She lets out a small sigh, running a hand through her hair, “I should’ve listened to your protests from the start. He was too charming though.” 
“That’s how they get you. I mean, look at Sunwoo.” The person in question chokes on his drink, turning to look at his lavender haired best friend with a furrow to his brow.
“Why the fuck am I being brought into this?” 
“He’s a charming ass guy,” Chanhee continues, choosing to ignore Sunwoo. “That’s how he’s able to pull in any person he shows the slightest bit of interest in. Then when he gets what he wants, poof. He’s gone.” Sunwoo chuckles, not finding it in himself to deny Chanhee’s explanation.
Cause he’s right.
Minji’s eyebrows furrow once an idea comes to mind, and she stands up along with the plan forming in her head. Sunwoo and Chanhee look at her with confused expressions on their faces, and she flashes them a small smile. 
“The best type of revenge is to hurt the person that means the most to them. Correct?” The two guys nod at her, not sure where she’s going with this. 
“And Chanhee says that Sunu is a bit of a fuckboy, right?” Sunwoo rolls his eyes at the term, opening his mouth to argue and Minji flashes him a look. He sighs, nodding his head and leaning back onto the bed frame. 
“What if we have Sunwoo swoop in and take the girl Mark’s interested in, have her fall completely in love with our sweet, sweet Sunu. Then he breaks her heart when the task is completed, so not only will Mark feel sad for her, but he’ll feel guilty knowing this wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t move on so fast.” Minji says with a grin, looking at her two friends to see their reactions. Chanhee frowns immediately at the idea, while Sunwoo stares back at Minji with an open-mouthed smirk. 
“We haven’t done anything fun like this in a while, I think it’d be cool.” Minji claps her hands in glee at his response, about to start planning the whole thing when Chanhee intervenes. “I don’t think this is a good idea. I understand revenge on Mark, but why do we have to bring the girl into it? She didn’t do anything wrong to Minji.” 
“I don’t see why not. Don’t be a party pooper Chanhee, just help us plan it out mm?” Chanhee stares at his two best friends, obviously seeing that he won’t be able to get through to them. He lets out a sigh, raising up his hand as a way of saying well, get along with it. 
“Well what I know about this girl is that her name is yln yn. She’s a year younger than us and goes to the same uni. Apparently her and Mark were close when they were in high school, but lost contact when he moved.”
“So his first love basically.” Sunwoo states, and Minji nods at him. “Ding, ding, ding! You’re correct. She works at the flower shop down by that cat café near your guys’ apartment complex.”
“Sounds like you know a lot about her for someone who just got their heartbroken.” Minji slaps the back of Chanhee’s head and he lets out a small whine. Sunwoo chuckles as he watches Chanhee rub the back of his neck, glaring up at Minji.
“Have to know the enemy, don’t I?” She asks with a smirk. Sunwoo takes a sip of his water before turning towards Minji and asking, “So what’s the plan?” 
She bites her lip excitedly, walking over to grab her corkboard and sticky notes. Minji turns back around with a big smile. 
“Here’s what I was thinking…”
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“I hope your wife enjoys the bouquet Mr.Lee!” He gives you a big smile, waving bye as he steps out of the shop. You let out a breath, feeling satisfied by another happy customer. Leaning back onto the counter, you grab your water bottle and take a sip, only to immediately choke and spit it back out into the bottle when the door chimes. 
“Hi! Welcome to-” The words die in your throat when you lay eyes on the man who walked in. His black hair is slightly curled over his forehead, plush lips in a small pout as he takes a look around the store. He’s wearing a white turtleneck with a beige overcoat, making it appear as if he just came out of a photoshoot. 
The infamous Kim Sunwoo, a senior at Seoul National University. He’s notorious for sweeping people off their feet in a matter of minutes, being both charming and handsome really works in his favor. You can’t deny that he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, but you’ve heard the rumors.
don’t get pulled in. 
He runs a hand through his hair, flashing you a smile as he steps over to the counter.
oh jesus.
“Hi, I heard you guys make really pretty bouquets?” You nod your head silently, and he cocks his head to the side.
oh BITCH! You’re supposed to speak!
“I mean, I guess so! I’d say bouquets and flower crowns are our specialty.” Sunwoo lets out a small smile, finding you to be a lot cuter than he originally expected. “What’s the occasion?” 
Sunwoo takes a good look at you, analyzing your features as you look at him expectantly. He stares into your eyes, tilting his head when he sees how they sparkle back at him. He’s heard a lot about people holding stars in their eyes, but he never believed it.
Until now.
“Um, sir?” Sunwoo shakes his head, rubbing the back of his neck as he snaps himself out of his daze. You look down at your hands, feeling shy at the fact that you just caught Sunwoo basically checking you out. He grins at your shyness, “It’s my friend’s birthday soon, I wanted to get her something nice.” 
“Okay, well here’s a photobook of our recent bouquets we’ve made, as well as the customer favorites. My favorite flowers are daisies, but I personally like bouquets with sunflowers because,” 
Sunwoo listens attentively as you explain the different bouquets, and the meaning of the flowers added to them. He watches the way your eyes sparkle even more when you talk about something you’re passionate about, even letting out giggles when you look up at him with a bright smile on your face. 
“Well, I suppose I’ll get the sunflower bouquet you recommended to me.” You nod your head, typing in the order into the computer. “Great decision.”
“What time will it be ready tomorrow?” Sunwoo asks, leaning forward onto the counter. You find yourself scooting backwards from the close proximity, choosing to look busy with the computer. “I can have it ready by 12 pm, if that works for you?” The pretty boy nods his head, grinning at your shyness.
this will be a piece of cake, Sunwoo thinks to himself.
“Yeah, that’s perfect. My name is Kim Sunwoo by the way.” You nod your head as you type in his name for the order. Glancing up from the computer screen you see him watching you with an amused expression on his face, and you raise an eyebrow. “Is there something on my face? Shit, it might be the sparkles from that ribbon...” 
Sunwoo giggles at you, shaking his head. “No, there’s nothing on your face, yn.” You raise an eyebrow again, and he smiles. “How do you know my name?” 
He points at your nametag, and you look down at your hands, letting out a small, ah. 
i… am stupid.
“Both silly and beautiful, a great combo.” Your eyes widen at the compliment, realizing you’re about to be one of the people that Sunwoo breaks and that’s when you snap out of it. Sunwoo’s smile drops slightly when he sees you look at him with a serious expression on your face, stark contrast to the shy smile you were sporting previously.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sunwoo.” He nods his head slowly, giving you a smile before walking out of the shop. You let out a breath, leaning back onto the counter and closing your eyes.
not gonna fall for it.
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“It’s been two weeks and you’re telling me she still hasn’t fallen for you yet?” Minji asks Sunwoo as they hangout by the bar. They watch Chanhee from across the club, seeing him giggling with a girl. Sunwoo takes a sip of soju, letting out a sigh as he remembers his failed attempts of asking you on a date.
“No one’s ever said no to me before, so that shit kinda hurt my ego.” Minji rolls her eyes, muttering about how you must either be blind or stupid, or both.
probably both.
“Maybe I should’ve made Chanhee do it.” Sunwoo flashes her a glare, turning away to look around the club. His thoughts keep going back to the first time you turned him down, and he chugs the rest of his soju. 
“Here’s the bouquet! I hope your friend likes them.” You tell Sunwoo with a smile, handing him the delicate yellow bouquet. He grins at the bright assortment, finding them a lot prettier than expected. He glances up at you, finding himself staring into your eyes once again as he says,
“She’ll love them, thank you.” You nod your head, typing into the computer that you’ve given the client the flowers. Sunwoo stands idle for a moment, and you look back at him, wondering why he hasn’t left yet.
“Is there something else-”
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” Your eyes widen, clearly taken aback by his request, before you chuckle, “No thank you.”
“Great! I’ll pick you up at- wait.” You stare at him in amusement as he fumbles over his words. “Did you say no?” 
“I did.”
“I know the type of guy you are, Sunwoo.” Sunwoo’s shocked expression turns into an amused smile, and you watch as he even lets out a small laugh, shaking his head. He leans onto his elbows on the counter, staring into your eyes, “And what may that be?”
You smile, and he waits for your response. You lean onto the counter as well, watching as Sunwoo swallows from the close distance between the two of you that you initiated.
“The one that makes any girl he wants melt into putty in his hands. Then when he gets what he wants, he leaves. I’m not going to fall for it, Kim Sunwoo.” He blinks at you in shock, and you give him a sweet smile, leaning back and taking a sip of water from your water bottle.
“Have a wonderful day.” Sunwoo snaps out of his state of surprise, and lets out a deep chuckle, looking at you with a challenge to his eye. 
“I’ll prove you wrong, pretty. I’ll see you around.” 
Sunwoo scowls at the memory, and Minji lets out a sigh when she turns her head to see the crease between his eyebrows. She reaches up and rubs the area with her thumb until the frown disappears, and she gives him a smile.
“Let’s dance, hm?” Not waiting for his answer, she grabs Sunwoo’s hand and brings him onto the dance floor. They sway with each other for a few minutes, with Sunwoo clearly still thinking of you as he blindly follows Minji’s lead. She squints at how unusual Sunwoo’s being, and pats the top of his head.
“She’ll come around Sunu, they always do. When she does, remember the plan.” Minji says in an attempt to reassure him, and he bites his lip, thoughts trailing back to your smile as he says,
“She’s not like them though.”
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“Sunwoo, why are you here again?” You ask boredly as you spray the daisies at the front of the shop, not even sparing him a glance. He freezes, before holding out an unopened boba, and you finally turn your head to see him looking at anything but you. “I got you the classic pearl green milk tea, I wasn’t sure what your favorite flavor was so I decided to play it safe.” 
You stare for a moment, finding it sort of endearing that he’s too shy to even glance at you right now. Deciding to be nice, you reach out and take it, feeling warmth flood your face when he finally locks eyes with you. Sunwoo wipes his original surprised expression off his face, now smiling at the fact that you took the drink. 
It’s been three weeks since Sunwoo’s ordered those flowers, and he’s visited the shop every time you're on shift. He hasn’t even bought flowers since the day he ordered the bouquet, he just comes to talk to you and help out in the shop. He keeps trying to take you out on a date, but you never give him the time of day. Your own boss has fallen for him, nudging your hip and telling you to “say yes to the handsome man already!” You’ve never heard of Sunwoo trying so hard to get with someone, let alone drag it out for three weeks. So now you’re left wondering if he genuinely does like you?
“It’s my favorite flavor, thank you.” Sunwoo lets out a sigh of relief, and the corner of your lip quirks up. You cough into your shoulder, turning around to walk back into the shop after an awkward silence settles over the two of you. He reaches out and grasps your elbow softly to stop you, and you slowly turn your head to look back at him.
“Are you going to ask me if I can go out with you again?”
“You already know my answer, Sunwoo.” 
“Give me one night.” You don’t pull away, and he takes it as a sign to continue. “Let me take you out on one date, and I’ll let you decide whether I’m the type of guy you think I am. You can leave whenever you want, I just want one chance with you.” You stare into his eyes, finding truth to his words, and you let out a sigh.
“Okay.” Sunwoo tries to fight the smile emerging onto his face, resulting in his pretty lips quivering a bit. 
“… Okay.”
“I’ll see you.” Sunwoo says, turning around and beginning to walk away. You immediately frown, “You’re not going to give me your number?!” 
“Check the boba!” He yells back, and you glance at the cup to see his number written on it, along with a message.
have a good day at work, yn <3
Biting your lip to stop the warmth from rushing to your cheeks, you turn your head to look at Sunwoo’s retreating figure. A smile breaks out on your face when you see him raise his hands in the air in victory, and you feel your heart warm.
“I guess he’s serious.”
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“Hey, I’m here.” Sunwoo says into his phone, and he chuckles at the numerous curses you mutter as you slip on your shoes in a hurry. “I’ll be out in a sec!” 
Hanging up the phone, Sunwoo makes sure the passenger seat is clean. He grabs his water bottle, taking a sip as you step into the car. When he swallows the water, he opens his mouth to greet you, only to pause when he lays eyes on you.
Instead of the t-shirt, jeans, and apron he always sees you in at work, you’re wearing a pleated black skirt with a white dress shirt and an oversized argyle patterned vest over it. Feeling Sunwoo’s stare on your side-profile as you buckle in your seatbelt, you turn your head and lock eyes with him, and he snaps out of his daze.
“You, uh.” He coughs into his shoulder in an attempt to hide the blush rising up his cheeks, “You look pretty.” Sunwoo muttters, and you smile shyly. 
“Thanks, you look nice too.” He chuckles, pulling out of your driveway. “Just nice?” 
“Just nice Sunwoo, don’t push my kindness.” You joke and he rolls his eyes at you. He hands you his phone for you to aux, and you smile happily as you search up a Day6 song to play. Sunwoo sneaks glances at you, and you chuckle when you notice his eyes continuing to be trained on you through your peripheral vision.
“You’re gonna get us in an accident if you keep turning your head to look at me.” He sputters, and you laugh at his reaction. He takes one more look at you as you giggle, finding the sound of your laugh a lot cuter than he should. 
“Where are we going for our date?” You ask, and he shrugs. He takes a right at the stoplight before grinning at your question. “You’ll see.”
“Oooh, so it’s a surprise?” Sunwoo doesn’t respond, instead letting out a small hum to the tune of Day6’s new song. You smile, looking out the window to take in the view of Seoul at night for the remainder of the car ride.
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“So, how was the date? It’s been like three weeks since we all last hung out like this. I need updates, Sunwoo, updates.” Minji asks as she flips the brisket on the grill. Chanhee takes a cooked piece, turning to look at his friend for his response. 
Sunwoo stares at the meat quietly, a small grin appearing on his lips as he remembers how your guys’ first date ended. 
“Can’t believe you fell while we were ice skating.” You giggle, and Sunwoo lets out a whine, patting his rather sore butt. He shoots you a playful glare, to which you stick your tongue out at him as he walks you to your door. 
“At least I know I was able to make you laugh that hard on our first date.” Sunwoo jokes, and you give him a small smile. You’re surprised that tonight was so fun, it truly exceeded your expectations. The surprise location was the ice skating rink, to which you were incredibly excited for.
Sunwoo brought you there in hopes that he could teach you how to skate, but little did he know, you already knew how to. It ended up becoming a competition between the two of who could do the most intricate tricks. You won though, because Sunwoo literally ate shit when he tried to do an axle. 
“So yn, what’s your final opinion of me after tonight? Am I the type of guy you originally thought I was?” Sunwoo asks once the two of you make it to your doorstep. You stare at him for a moment, taking in his handsome features. Tonight’s date was fun, and you learned a lot more about him than you ever thought you would. He’s charming, funny, kind, and lastly, you find him to be genuine. 
As you look at Sunwoo, you let out a small breath when you come up with your verdict, and he nervously awaits your response even though he hides it well. 
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” He repeats, and you give him a big smile as you open your front door. You slip off your shoes, and turn back to look at Sunwoo.
“Have to go on a second date to come up with my opinion.” You say, closing the door before he can ask more questions.
Sunwoo stands there for a moment, letting your words process in his brain. Once it finally hits him, he lets out a smile, clapping his hands in victory. Sunwoo pumps the air, stepping off your porch and heading towards his car with newfound confidence and excitement filling his veins. 
It’s been three weeks since then, and you and Sunwoo have gone on three more “official dates.” The other times the two of you have hung out are for some reason, not considered dates, and more of you guys just bonding. Whether it be helping each other with homework, Sunwoo coming to help you at the shop, or the two of you doing late night convenience store runs to eat ramen, there’s something going on between the both of you.
Chanhee is able to sense something different as he stares at his friend, knowing that this was going to happen. Minji notices as well, considering that Sunwoo still hasn’t answered her question. She frowns at him, reaching out and slapping his arm. He jumps back, startled as he looks at his two best friends.
“You don’t like yn… right?” Minji asks, to which Sunwoo stares at her as memories of you flood his mind when he tries to come up with an answer.
He remembers the way your whole face lights up when food gets placed in front of you, and how you just let your glasses fog up when the two of you eat ramen. He’s tried to take your glasses off when you eat the hot noodle dish, but you would slap his hand away each time, giving him a smile.
“My glasses are just having a sauna, leave them be.”
Minji tilts her head to the side, and that’s when Sunwoo cracks a small smile, looking up at her. “No, I don’t like yn.”
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You lay on your bed, scrolling through Twitter to try and find some cursed emoji pictures when you hear your front door unlock. Sunwoo steps in with a bucket of fried chicken, taking off his shoes and slipping into the pair of slippers you left by the door. He places the food on your kitchen counter, before walking over to your room and peeking his head inside to see you laying on your bed, not even giving him a glance.
“You know, if it wasn’t me who entered your house and instead it was some crazy serial killer, you absolutely would’ve died.” Sunwoo says, announcing his presence. You finally look away from your phone, giving him a sarcastic laugh before going back to Twitter. He scoffs, walking into your room and snatching your phone out of your hands.
You open your mouth to argue, only for Sunwoo to interrupt by saying, “Come eat first, I brought chicken.” It promptly shuts you up, and you stand up off your bed, quickly following him into the kitchen.
You let out a squeal once you see the chicken, opening up the container and taking out a piece. You take a bite, and Sunwoo watches you with a knowing grin on his face. You squint your eyes at him, pointing at the chicken to get him to eat as well. He rolls his eyes, grabbing one and taking a bite. 
The two of you spend the next half hour finishing up the chicken. With Sunwoo threatening to throw a bone at you, and you sneaking the crispy pieces of his chicken whenever he’s not looking. Once you’re both done though, you sit down on your couch, still a bit of space between the two of you.
You and Sunwoo have been hanging out for a month and a half now, him even having the spare key to your place while you have his. Sometimes he just randomly comes over to do homework on your floor which scares your roommate to death sometimes, while you sneak over to his at night to steal some of his soju when you run out. Other times you both just watch movies together or play video games. You don’t know what you guys are as neither of you have made a move to make it official.
In all honesty, all the two of you have done to progress your relationship is accidentally brush your hands together. Sunwoo’s just waiting to see if your opinion of him has officially changed, while you’re waiting for him to ask you to be his girlfriend as you are too shy to ask him. 
“Yn.” You turn your head to look at Sunwoo, eyes glazing over his handsome features. His black hair that’s usually straight is resting in slight waves on his forehead, emphasizing the overall soft look that he has going on today. “Mm?”
“Have you come up with your final opinion?” Sunwoo asks, reaching out and tucking a stray piece of hair that fell over your nose behind your ear. When you look up into his eyes and he sees the sparkle in them, his hand freezes, staying rested on your cheek. 
Your eyes slowly trail down at his pink lips, heart rate increasing when his tongue darts out to lick them. Sunwoo stares at you, feeling the tension in the room rise as he watches your eyes move back up from his mouth. His thumb brushes against your cheek, beginning to hear his heartbeat in his ears by how nervous he is. 
“Can I kiss you?” Sunwoo watches the way your eyes sparkle up at him, finding himself to be the luckiest man in the world to see you like this. You nod your head slowly, letting out a breath, “Yeah.” 
Without wasting another second, Sunwoo leans in close and tentatively presses his lips to yours. Your hand reaches up, entangling your fingers into his hair. He pulls away, just to capture your lips again after a second of staring, slowly leaning you back until you’re laying on the couch. 
i don’t like her. i don’t like yn. Sunwoo mutters in his brain like a mantra the more he kisses you. His hand lowers to your hip, squeezing it slightly when you tug on his hair again. He hears his heartbeat in his ears, tingles in his stomach when you slightly suck on his bottom lip.
i don’t like her. this is a game. this is for minji.
“Be my girlfriend?” Sunwoo whispers against your lips in between kisses, completely ignoring what the voices in his head are saying. You pull away, looking at him with wide eyes, but his gaze is focused on your pretty swollen lips. 
“Did you just?” He glances up into your eyes, and he lets out a small smile. A giggle comes out of you, and you raise a hand to your warm face. 
“Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend, Sunu.” Sunwoo bites his lip as a grin breaks out onto his face, before leaning back down and kissing you breathless again.
if i didn’t like her, then why do i feel like this? why do i wanna kiss her more, why do i only want to kiss her, why do i not want her kissing anyone else like this?
why does it feel like this isn’t just some game anymore?
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“You’re crazy.” 
“Says the one who tried to duct tape their friend to the wall once.”
“Okay, in my defense,” You stare at Sunwoo from across the table, giving him an amused smile as you wait for him to continue. “Chanhee let me duct tape him to the wall. It was a joint effort, yn.” 
You roll your eyes, reaching out and hitting his shoulder lightly, before taking a sip of your boba. Sunwoo smiles at the sparkle in your eyes, taking note that the sunlight hitting your skin is as beautiful as the cherry blossoms blooming in the spring. 
 It’s been two months since you and Sunwoo have called it official, three and a half months since the day you guys met, and the two of you have become the talk of your guys’ university. Everyone who knows Sunwoo as the guy who never settles, has finally settled. You’re in the limelight as well, girls either being envious or worried for you, and guys nodding their head in approval at Sunwoo’s decision. 
“You’re really pretty like this.” Your eyes widen in surprise at the sudden compliment, beginning to feel shy by Sunwoo’s stare. You look down at your boba, small smile taking over your features. “Like what?”
“Happy. You look pretty when you’re happy.” Sunwoo mutters softly, eyes holding an emotion that is indecipherable to you. 
But it’s easy to read for Chanhee as he stares at the two of you from across the cafe. He shakes his head in disappointment, knowing that Sunwoo’s going to have to tell you the truth one day. Chanhee watches as Sunwoo reaches out and rests his hand over yours, a happy smile forming on his face when you make a joke. 
i haven’t seen him this happy with another girl in a long time, Chanhee thinks to himself, taking one last sip of his boba. He walks over to the front doors, throwing his cup in the trash. He takes one more glance at the two of you, now finding you excitedly telling Sunwoo a story of who knows what while the latter just stares at you with a fond smile on his face. 
All Chanhee knows is that you’re happy, and Sunwoo’s happy, but it’s going to be taken away as soon as you find out the truth. 
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“Sunwoo, when are you going to end things with yn? It’s been over three months since you two became ‘official’, I’m pretty sure she’s already head over heels for you.” Minji asks from her couch. She blows on her newly painted nails, making sure they dry properly. Chanhee shoots the striped ball into the pocket, taking note of the way Sunwoo visibly stiffens after the question is asked. 
“She’s not head over heels.” Sunwoo answers, nodding his head once Chanhee misses the next striped ball. He leans down, getting ready to hit a solid. “Are you sure that’s it? Or have you forgotten our fucking plan?” 
Sunwoo pauses, turning his head to look at Minji, only to find her glaring at him. Chanhee lets out a small sigh, pulling out his phone to try and distract himself as the tension in the room rises. Sunwoo rolls his eyes, turning back towards the pool table. 
“You’re supposed to make yn fall in love with you and then break her heart so that Mark feels horrible. Did you forget that because you think she’s some good fuck?” Sunwoo slams the pool stick down on the table, actively startling Minji and Chanhee. 
“You know that yn hasn’t even mentioned Mark since I first started talking to her? He hasn’t tried to see her either, you know that? It makes me wonder why you even decided to target yn in the first place.” Sunwoo says, turning his head to see Minji’s reaction. He watches as her demeanor shifts slightly, suddenly appearing to look guilty, and he squints at her. Sunwoo pushes off the pool table and walks over to Minji so that he’s standing a few feet from her.
“And don’t you ever degrade yn to just being a good fuck again.” Minji blinks up at Sunwoo, not used to having his anger directed towards her. Her initial shock shortly turns into rage. Laughing, she stands up off the couch to stand her ground. “What a joke, you fucking fell for her didn’t you?” 
Sunwoo turns away, clenching his fists as he stares out Minji’s window. Chanhee watches from the pool table, feeling wracked by nerves as he watches his two best friends argue for the first time ever. 
“Kim Sunwoo, the man at Seoul National University who was unattainable. The one who was called cold hearted because he’d break the hearts of people left and right, has developed feelings for the pawn in our game.” Minji sneers, now staring at Sunwoo with an amused look on her face. He finally turns and stares directly down into Minji’s eyes, feeling anger flood through him. 
“And what about it?” Minji’s mouth drops open slightly, having not expected him to confess. Chanhee stares between the two of them, afraid of the tension rising in the room. “W-What?”
“I’m in love with yn. She’s witty, intelligent, funny, kind, beautiful; if you made a list of all the good traits in the ideal person then that’s yn’s description. I’m not going to play her like that, she’s no longer just a game. And I’m not going to be a pawn in your revenge plot anymore either.” Sunwoo states, before turning around to go and grab his phone. Minji reaches out and grabs his arm, but he doesn’t look back.
“You think she’s going to forgive you when she finds out?” 
The room stays silent for a moment, and Minji thinks she’s won from the way Sunwoo’s staring at the floor. Her heartbeat picks up when Sunwoo rips his arm from her grasp, turning to glance at her. 
“No, and I hope she won’t ever forgive me when she finds out. Yn deserves someone better than me. Someone who won’t blindly follow their friend and purposefully hurt a girl who didn’t do anything to be involved in this.” Sunwoo states, and Chanhee bites the inside of his cheek, looking down at the floor.
“I’m a horrible, selfish person for what I have done to yn, but I’m going to do at least one thing right and tell yn the truth, myself.” Sunwoo explains, before turning and walking towards the door, raising his hand up to grab the door handle.
“If you walk out that door, we’re no longer friends Sunwoo.” Minji threatens in one last weak attempt to get Sunwoo to stay, feeling afraid that she’s about to lose him. That she no longer has the control she once had over her best friend. 
Sunwoo stills for a moment, before grabbing the door handle and ripping the door open, shutting it directly behind him. The slam of the door echoes through the room, a sense of finality settling itself upon Minji and Chanhee.
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You hum quietly as you tend to the orchids, finding the blue ones to be incredibly pretty on this sunny day. The sound of the door chime rings throughout the shop, and you turn your head to greet the incoming customer. 
“Hi! Welcome to Bloom Bloo-”
“Yn?” Your eyes widen when you recognize your old friend, immediately breaking out into a smile as you stand up at your full height to wave at him.
“Mark! What are you doing here?” You ask as you walk over towards him, and he gives you a grin as he opens his arms and pulls you into his embrace. Your eyes widen slightly at the skinship, having briefly forgotten how Mark shows his love as you tentatively wrap your arms around him, patting his back. 
“I came to order a burger and fries, actually.” Mark answers when he pulls away, and you squint at the man, pushing him with your hand as you walk over to the register, listening to him laugh that contagious laugh of his from behind you. 
“Haha, so funny.” You say, trying to fight back the smile that’s threatening to break out onto your face. Mark catches it though, and giggles to himself. “Based on the smile you’re fighting, I can see that you hold some truth behind that statement.” 
You shake your head, turning back towards your friend and getting a good look at him. His brown hair is parted to the side, showing off his forehead and nice eyebrows. He’s wearing a brown hoodie with a black puffer jacket over it, and you purse your lips, wondering why it seems like he put in a bit more effort into his appearance. 
“Are you checking me out, yn?” Mark asks with a teasing grin, and you roll your eyes. You open your mouth to respond, only to pause when you hear a familiar voice ring through the shop. 
“You better be talking about a bouquet of flowers.” You and Mark look towards the entrance to see Sunwoo standing there, frown on his face. He squints when he locks eyes with Mark, and the brunette raises an eyebrow when he recognizes the man. 
“Sunu, with how much you come into the shop, you should just apply for a job here.” You joke, watching as Sunwoo’s features immediately soften slightly when he looks over at you. He lets out a small smile, shaking his head at you. 
“I wouldn’t be able to bring in as many customers as you, anyways.” Sunwoo tells you, walking over and patting your head over the counter. 
You grin, grabbing one of the daisy flower crowns you made in the morning and placing it over Sunwoo’s head. Mark glances between the two of you, and he finds himself squinting at Sunwoo when he remembers his reputation on campus.
“You two are dating?” Mark asks, and you nod your head. 
“For a bit over four months now.” Sunwoo adds, feeling his heart thump against his chest as Mark stares at him with a hint of suspicion in his gaze. The brunette simply turns back towards you, and gives you a smile.
“I’m happy for you, yn. You’ve been single for as long as I can remem-” Mark sputters when you spray him with the spray bottle full of water, and Sunwoo bites back the laugh that almost escapes him. Mark wipes his eyes and shoots you a glare, making you giggle a bit. 
“Yn! I have a date in an hour, don’t ruin my hair.” Mark whines, and you laugh, “Then don’t boast about how lonely I was!” 
A frown forms on Sunwoo’s face as he watches you and Mark begin to discuss the numerous bouquet options he can choose from for his upcoming date. The memory of Minji saying that you were the one Mark was showing interest in plays in his mind, and he bites the inside of his cheek, wondering if that was ever even true.
“Take care of those, I made that bouquet this morning!” You say, breaking Sunwoo out of his thoughts as Mark carefully takes the arrangement of flowers from your grasp. He nods his head, “Careful is my middle name.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Have fun on your date!” You tell Mark, and he smiles, nodding his head. It comes to Sunwoo’s surprise when Mark turns to him, gesturing towards the door.
“Can you get the door for me, man?” Sunwoo nods his head, walking over and pushing open the door for him. The brunette smiles, walking through the door, but stopping to quietly mutter,
“I know how your trio used to do things in high school, and I know that Minji was upset when I ended things. I only broke up with her because I learned of the type of people you guys are. This better not be one of your trio’s games, because yn doesn’t deserve that. And if it is, then end it now.” 
Sunwoo stands frozen as Mark gives him one more smile and sends a wave towards you, before walking out the door. You tilt your head at your boyfriend, wondering why he looks so guilty as he stares down at the ground.
“Sunwoo? Are you okay?” You ask, seemingly breaking him out of his daze. Sunwoo looks back towards you, giving you a smile as he walks over. “Did Mark say something? He’s always been protective, even when we were younger.” 
Sunwoo shakes his head at you, reaching out across the counter and taking ahold of your hand. You raise an eyebrow, watching as Sunwoo cups your hand within both of his. 
“What’s on your mind, Sunu?” 
“Are you free tomorrow?” Sunwoo asks instead, and you stare at him in silence for a moment. You let out a small giggle, shaking your head and reaching out with your free hand, patting the top of his head, the delicate petal of one of the daisies brushing against your wrist.
“Were you nervous about asking me on a date? That’s so cute, but yes. I should be free tomorrow.” Sunwoo gives you a smile, and you find that it doesn’t really reach his eyes as he stares at you. 
“Great. I’ll meet you at the bus stop tomorrow, okay?” Sunwoo asks, and you nod your head, warmth flooding your face as you stare at your boyfriend. Sunwoo bites the inside of his cheek from the stars in your eyes, wondering how he’ll ever be able to tell you the truth. He lets go of your hand after pressing a soft kiss to the back of it, turning and walking towards the doors, but stopping to glance back at you.
“See you, pretty.” Sunwoo tells you, and you smile at the nickname. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sunwoo!” He grins, pushing open the glass doors and walking out of the shop. 
The smile on his face falls once he’s far from the flower shop, and he takes a deep inhale of the Summer air, the daisy flower crown that’s resting over his head suddenly feeling heavy. He finds that it resembles the weight of his heart as he knows that everything’s about to be broken.
one day. i just want to spend one last day with yn.
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You sit on the bench by the bus stop, waiting for Sunwoo to arrive so that the two of you can go to the aquarium. You unlock your phone to see if there’s a new message from him, only to see no new notifications. 
“I know the feeling.” You jump up, turning towards the sudden voice to find a pretty girl standing beside you. Her brown hair falls in waves down her shoulders, and she’s wearing an off the shoulder floral top paired with a beige skirt. You tilt your head to the side, finding her rather familiar.
“Hi yn, I’m Minji. Sunwoo’s friend.” She introduces, and you have to stop yourself from letting out an ohhh because now you recognize her. “Oh, hi Minji.” You reach out and shake her hand, giving her a smile. 
“Are you waiting for the bus?” You ask, and she shakes her head, letting out a small laugh. “I drove. In all honesty, I came to pick you up.”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise, having no clue as to where you’d even go since you haven’t met Minji before. She gives you a smile, “Sunwoo told me to come get you because he’s running a bit late due to Chanhee being silly, per usual. He said he’ll come pick you up at my house.” 
“He did?” 
“You don’t believe me?” You immediately raise your hands up to tell her you didn’t mean to imply that she’s a liar, but Minji stops you right away while giggling at your antics. “I was kidding yn, don’t worry. Now, do you want to come hangout at my house or do you want to wait here by the bus stop?” 
You stare at her for a moment, before letting out a small smile. “I think there’s an obvious answer in that question.” 
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“Wow! Your house is so nice.” You state as you stare in awe at all the beautiful artworks put on display. Minji waves her hand at you, telling you not to flatter her so much. You follow her up to her room, still looking around with child-like fascination.
damn, this almost makes me feel bad. she’s kinda sweet. Minji thinks to herself as the two of you finally make it up to her room. She places her bag down by her bed, removing the earrings from her ears. You stand shyly by the door, unsure of where to sit, or if you’re even allowed to sit. Minji turns towards you with a grin on her face. 
“You can sit over there, yn.” She tells you, pointing over towards the small couch in the corner by her desk. You nod, walking over to go and sit down, only to pause once you see a corkboard laying over the wooden surface. 
“I’m going to use the restroom, be right back.” Minji announces, a smile on her face when she sees you staring at the board. She walks out of the room, pulling her phone out of her pocket to call Sunwoo. 
“What?” Sunwoo answers as he heads towards the bus stop where you’re waiting. He lets out a soft smile down at the lavender daisies he bought on his way, planning to surprise you with them since they’re your favorite flower. He remembers the small box in his room, a gift he plans to give you after you guys get back from the aquarium. “Just wanted to let you know that you should probably turn around and head over to my house.” 
Your hand slowly lifts up the board, tears filling your eyes. 
“Why?” Sunwoo pauses when he doesn’t see you sitting at the bench the two of you agreed to meet at. He lowers the flowers once he realizes what Minji means, cursing to himself before turning around and beginning to sprint. 
“Have a nice run.” Minji says cheerfully, hanging up the phone and placing it onto the bathroom counter. She smiles, walking into the bathroom to splash water onto her face in an attempt to wash away the small feeling of regret.
You stare at the photos of you taken from your social media, gaze following the red line that lands on different notes with the names of the places you work and hangout at. Your heart shatters as you read the instructions on what to do when Sunwoo meets each new step with you. Your eyes land on the very last note, and it takes everything in you to not crumple onto the floor.
break her heart.
The feeling of wanting to vomit builds up in your throat, the realization that you were just a pawn in their sick game slamming into you like a train. That you fucking fell for it, you fell for him. You drop the board, stepping away from it as if it’s cursed. You quickly leave the room, dashing down the steps and running out the door. Minji watches from upstairs, letting out a sigh once you slam the door shut. 
The tears blur your vision as you run off her property, trying to get as far away as you can. You slam straight into a hard chest, stumbling backwards that their hands have to reach out and grasp your arms so that you don’t fall. You wipe away your tears with the back of your hands, opening your mouth to apologize, only to stop when you realize who helped you.
Sunwoo stares back at you, sweat dripping down his face from running, purple daisies on the ground beside him, now missing multiple petals. You rip your arms out of his grasp, feeling a sob bubble up in your chest as the two of you stare at each other in silence. 
“Yn, I-”
“Don’t. Just. Stay away from me.” You state, attempting to walk around him, only for him to stop you. 
“Yn, please. Let me explain. I can tell you everything, please just-”
“Explain what? That you used me for your revenge plot? That you strung me along for months when I had nothing to do with what happened between Mark and Minji? That you just think of me as some fucking joke?” Sunwoo shakes his head, grasping your arms to try and plead with you. The sob finally breaks out, and you reach up to cover your face. “God, no. Yn, you’re not a joke. You could never be a joke. I never meant for it to get this far. It was all a plan at first but then I got to know you and I fell in l-”
“S-Save it. I don’t want to hear anymore lies.” You mutter, and Sunwoo’s eyes begin to water when you remove his hands from your arms. You stare at him, tears continuing to fall from your eyes as you do so, wondering how you let this happen.
how you let yourself fall for him.
“I-I just wanted one more day. One more day with you, and I was going to tell you everything.” Sunwoo chokes out, hands shaking by his sides as he waits for a response. After a moment of silence, he tentatively reaches up to try and rest his hand on your cheek, “Please, yn. Let me explain-”
“How come I have to get punished just because I love you?”
Sunwoo pauses, staring into your pained eyes as his hand slowly lowers back down to his side. The sparkle that he was so used to, now replaced with the glassiness from your tears. You wipe away the wetness on your cheeks, realizing you confessed that you love him for the first time.
How unfortunate. 
With that, you turn around and walk away from him, not looking back. Sunwoo watches your figure shrink until you’re out of sight, and he drops to his knees, tears finally streaming down his face. He rests his face onto his arm, crying loudly as his heart completely shatters from what he ruined. While Minji watches from her gate, gulping down the feeling of guilt as she stares at her best friend experiencing heartbreak for the first time.
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“I hope you’re eating well and taking care of yourself. I-” Sunwoo says into the phone as he stares up at his ceiling. Chanhee stares at him from his doorway, feeling sad for his best friend. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Sunwoo mutters, ending the call before the voicemail can catch the sound of him crying. He places his phone beside him, covering his face with his hands to try and muffle his sobs. 
It’s been three weeks since you found out the truth, and Sunwoo’s been calling you everyday since then. He’s refused to leave his room unless it’s to use the restroom or grab food. Other than that, he rots in his bed all day, the feeling of regret and resentment towards himself flooding his veins. 
That and soju, lots of soju.
“Sunu, do you want me to bring in the dinner I made?” Chanhee asks, and Sunwoo doesn’t answer, turning over in bed and covering his face with a pillow instead. “You need to eat.” 
Sunwoo just curls up even more, closing his eyes as more tears escape. Chanhee lets out a small sigh, walking out to go and grab the food anyways. He lifts up the tray, carefully stepping back into Sunwoo’s room and placing it on his desk. 
“It’s there if you need it.” Chanhee says softly, before closing the door. 
While you, you’ve also been laying in bed for the past three weeks. Currently you’re listening to the last voicemail Sunwoo left you, crying as you hear his voice shake towards the end when he apologizes. You turn over, clutching your pillow tightly against your chest as you sob. Your roommate looks at your closed door, concern written all over their features as they hear your loud cries. 
You haven’t been to work as you called in sick. Your manager understands, having heard from your roommate that you’re not in the best mental state. All you’ve done is eat, sleep, and sit in the shower for hours at a time, just letting the water run over you. 
While Sunwoo has hurt you deeply, you can’t help but miss him. You yearn to hear out his side, try and be understanding, try again, but then you remind yourself that you were just a game.
just a game.
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“Hi, is yn home?” Your roommate points towards your room. “Be careful though, she hasn’t really left her room for the past month.” 
Chanhee gives her an understanding nod, knowing that Sunwoo’s doing the same thing. He slips off his shoes, before walking over to your door and knocking softly on the surface. You turn your head, muttering for them to come in, expecting your roommate. Your eyes widen when the door opens and you recognize Chanhee, Sunwoo’s best friend. You sit up, clutching the pillow tightly.
“What are you doing here?” Chanhee tentatively reaches his hands out, handing you a bag. You raise an eyebrow, taking it from him and looking inside. You let out a breath when you see a jewelry box. You lift it out of the bag, slowly opening it and biting back another sob when you lay eyes on the necklace.
“He was going to give it to you the day you guys were supposed to go to the aquarium, as a way to tell you he loves you, and that he’s sorry.” Chanhee explains, and you stare at the way the light reflects against the daisy pendant of the necklace. 
“I know you might not want to hear this at all, but I’ve never seen Sunwoo pine after someone, let alone fall in love with one. Yet, I saw both of those things happen with you.” You slowly look up at Chanhee, who’s giving you a small, hopeful smile. “I know what he did was shitty, I tried to stop them from including you in the plan in general. I just, I’ve seen how you’ve changed him for the better. I know Sunwoo, and I know that he really regrets what he did. He wouldn’t be calling and texting you everyday if he didn’t. He doesn’t even text me, honestly.” 
You look at the necklace, feeling sad, but somehow a bit better, more reassured. You glance back up at Chanhee, giving him a nod. “Thank you Chanhee.” 
He gives you a smile, “Of course. Anything for your guys’ happiness.” 
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It’s been a month and a half since everything happened, and you’re finally leaving your room. It’s not much in your eyes, but your roommate was ecstatic about it, even though it’s just a trip to the convenience store. It’s also quite literally two am, but they said, any outside air is good air! You trudge over in your grey sweats and oversized black sweater, lifting up your glasses to rub your eye with the back of your hand. 
Once you’re at the convenience store, you head straight towards the ramyun, grabbing the eight pack and walking out of the aisle. You step over to the register, pulling out your card to pay for it. The chime of the door opening grabs your attention, and you tiredly look up, only to freeze when you lock eyes with Sunwoo.
He doesn’t look any better, bags prominent under his eyes, black t-shirt hanging loosely on his shoulders. However, you still see him as the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen. Shock is evident on his features as he stares at you, unsure of what to do. Sunwoo’s eyes trail down when something flickers at him, seeing the daisy pendant glimmer back at him from the light. He opens his mouth to say something, only for you to turn back towards the cashier once they hand you the bag of ramyun and your receipt. 
Sunwoo clenches his fist, walking over towards the aisle where the soju is. You let out a shaky sigh, turning your head to look at his retreating figure, debating on following after him. After a moment, you shake your head, choosing to walk out of the store sadly. 
Sunwoo stares at the box of soju for a moment after hearing the bells, signaling you left the store. He bites the inside of his cheek, having an internal battle with himself.
What if she doesn’t even wanna talk to me? She hasn’t answered my calls or texts for the last month and a half, that means she hates me. 
I have no chance, she’ll never forgive me. 
She shouldn’t forgive me for what I did.
I miss her.
Sunwoo immediately turns around and runs towards the door, forcefully shoving it open and feeling the cool night air hit him. He’s about to rush in the direction of your house, but immediately stops when he sees you waiting right there, sitting on the steps, your bag of ramyun placed beside you. You slowly turn your head, looking up at Sunwoo. 
The two of you stare in silence again, and you break it by patting the empty space beside you. 
“I don’t think anyone will come to the shop in awhile, it’s literally two am.” You say, and Sunwoo lets out a breathless chuckle. He takes another step before sitting down beside you, and that’s when you both fall into another silence. Except this time it’s more comforting, being with each other after yearning for so long but knowing it was best to stay away.
“You look like shit.” You state, effectively breaking the silence, and Sunwoo glances at you, a grin gracing his features. He turns away, shaking his head and looking up towards the stars. “I know.” 
You follow suit, staring up at the stars as well. A small smile appears on your face after a moment, and you turn your head to look at Sunwoo, only to realize he’s already staring at you. He lets out a content sigh, finding the stars slowly making their way back into your eyes. You turn away once you feel the warmth rush up to your cheeks, choosing to look at the parked car in front of the two of you. He looks back up towards the stars, trying to find which one shines the brightest.
Sunwoo comes to the conclusion that you shine brighter than the billions of stars in the sky as he does so.
“I’m sorry.” Sunwoo says after a moment, the sound of resentment present in his voice, and you let out a breath. 
“I know.” 
The two of you sit in silence, staring at your surroundings. A tear slips past your eye, and you wipe it away with your sweater paw. You wrap your arms around your knees, hugging them close to your chest as you stare at the empty road.
“I missed you, Sunwoo.” Sunwoo harshly bites the inside of his cheek, tears falling past his eyes as he continues to stare up at the night sky. 
“I missed you too, yn.” 
You let out a shaky breath after a moment, before leaning over and resting your head on Sunwoo’s shoulder. He freezes slightly at the contact, but relaxes. After a moment, he lays his head over yours, and that’s when you both know you’ll be okay. 
we’ll be okay. 
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maeve-on-mustafar · 3 years
Can we all take a moment to appreciate Matthew Stover, #1 Obikin shipper, and author of the beautiful Revenge of the Sith novelization that is a gift to all Obikin shippers everywhere? Seriously, if you haven't read it, find a copy, because it is rife with Anakin/Obi-Wan feels.
They're super devoted to each other:
"Get to that link!" Anakin had to shout above the whine of the blasters and the roar of exploding droids. "I'm going for Obi-Wan!" "No need." Anakin whirled around to find Obi-Wan right behind him in the act of slicing neatly through the braincase of a battle droid. "I appreciate the thought, Anakin," the Jedi Master said with a gentle smile. "But I've already come for you."
More devotion:
They are closer than friends. Closer than brothers. Though Obi-Wan is sixteen standard years Anakin's elder, they have become men together. Neither can imagine life without the other. The war has forged their two lives into one.
Obi-Wan basically admits it to Mace and Yoda:
“I think,” Obi-Wan said carefully, “that abstractions like peace don’t mean much to him. He’s loyal to people, not to principles. And he expects loyalty in return. He will stop at nothing to save me, for example, because he thinks I would do the same for him.” Mace and Yoda gazed at him steadily, and Obi-Wan had to lower his head. “Because,” he admitted reluctantly, “he knows I would do the same for him.”
Padme knows:
For a moment she said nothing, but as his footsteps receded she said, "Obi-Wan?" She heard him stop. "You love him too, don't you?" When he didn't anwser, she turned to look. He stood motionless, frowning, in the middle of the expanse of buff carpeting. "You do. You love him." He lowered his head. He looked very alone. "Please do what you can to help him," he said, and left.
Palpatine knows:
"Well, of course I hope you're correct, Anakin. You'll forgive me if I don't share your blind loyalty to your comrades. I supposed it does indeed come down, in the end, to a question of loyalty," he said thoughtfully. "That's what you must ask yourself, my boy. Whether your loyalty is to the Jedi, or to the Republic." "It's not--it's not like that--" Palpatine lifted his shoulders. "Perhaps not. Perhaps it's simply a question of whether you love Obi-Wan Kenobi more than you love your wife."
And it turns out that even Cody kind of ships it:
"Then I suppose you'll be wanting this," Cody said, holding up the lightsaber his men had recovered from a traffic tunnel. "I believe you dropped it, sir." "Ah. Ah, yes." The weapon floated gently up to Kenobi's hand, and when he smiled down at the clone commander again, Cody could swear the Jedi Master was blushing. "No, ah, need to mention this to, erm, Anakin, is there, Cody?" Cody grinned. "Is that an order, sir?"
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oshicakes · 4 years
their s/o not giving them any affection
pairings. kenma kozume x reader, suna rintarou x reader, iwaizumi hajime x reader
genre. fluff
other: hinata, bokuto and tendou, semi, sugawara and terushima
Kenma Kozume
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your boyfriend's been very busy lately with his acads, volleyball and video games. so you decided to not bother him and let him do his stuffs. thinking that he might get mad at you if you continue being clingy to him. since kuroo said kenma doesn't like someone being clingy to him.
it surprised you. you've been dating him for a year and a month and you just know about it.
it goes on by a week that you didn't bother him. even when he's done playing you'd just ask him how was the game, did he eat and he should get some rest. after that nothing.
he's used to, you hugging him after he's done playing. you'd sometimes style his hair for it not to block his eyes. you'll let him play with your fingers. massage his head or after a game starts you'll kiss his forehead for goodluck. but now he ain't getting any of those.
"im done playing." he looked at you with that knowing look, like he's signaling you to come to him and give him the hugs and kisses you're depriving him.
"oh, okay. you should rest now." that's it? he thought. he sits beside you since your doing your assignment in his desk.
"are you mad at me?" that made you stop from writing. you looked at him with confusion written on your face.
"no, why'd you think i am?"
"you're being distant with me, you're always clingy to me. are you mad because i play too much? im sorry, i promise to give you my attention from now on."
"no, no, no, it's okay. you don't have to change, i mean, im okay with you being preoccupied with games. you love it and you're already doing that even before you met me, so it's okay."
"then why?"
"i... uhm... kuroo said you don't like clingy people.... you should've told me that, i promise not to bother you whenever you play!"
"hey, i didnt say something like that. i... i actually like you being clingy to me."
"really?" he nodded. "i really worry about you sometimes. you're too gullible and kind. kuroo's taking advantage of it to use it against me."
"sorry." you lowered your head, disappointed with yourself. "no, it's okay. but don't listen to kuroo anymore, okay?" he remided his self not to set for kuroo for a week or two as a revenge.
"aye aye, sir." you playfully salute to him.
"can you continue that later? i miss your hugs." he rested his chin on your shoulder and hugged you sideways. you patted his face gently.
"do you want something to eat?" he shakes his head and made his hug on you tighter. "let's just stay like this for a while." you just hummed. he then kissed ypur hand that was caressing his face.
Suna Rintarou
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you had this stupid bet with the miya twins. it's 'operation: y/n stop being clingy to his stupid boyfriend for a week'. yes, it was childish but you want to prove something to the twins.
all throughout the week you avoided being near your boyfriend. although you still text him good mornings and good nights, check on him but won't reply after he replied to you.
to be honest, day by day, suna's getting too cranky. the twins noticed it and they just laughed at him.
so for the last day, atsumu had a little idea to fuel things up. he told suna that you're at the back of gym withsome guy who looks like confessing to you.
atsumu smiled, triumphantly. suna ran his way to the back of the gym. right there he saw you talking a guy. what made his blood boil was when he saw you laughing.
that's it, he thought. he abruptly pull you away from the guy and drag you near to the open field where theres no student hanging around.
"hey, why'd you do that? that's rude, suna."
"wow? suna? im suna now? after a week of ignoring me, not talking to me and no hugs, kisses and you're not waiting for anymore. then ill see you with some other guy, laughing, while me, your boyfriend you can't even spare a minute to glance at me. what do you expect me to do? to feel?" he just exploded right there, and it left you dumbfounded.
"just.. break up with me if you don't love me anymore. don't torture me like this." he was ready to turn away and leave you behind when you hugged him and cried.
you didn't know that he's thinking like that, he'll react like this and feel this way. guilt and regret crept into you. how stupid of you to have that bet on the miya twins.
"why are you crying? shouldn't it be me?" his voice was too soft. it made your heart ache more. oh ghad, how could you-
you could feel how hesitant he is to hug you back. he sighed and stroke you're back gently.
you looked up to him to see his eyes. it reflects a lot of his emotions. there's a hint of hurt, regret and longing.
"im sorry, im really sorry. don't think that way, rin. i love you, like, i love you soooo much!"
"are you sure it's me that you love and not the guy you're laughing with?"
"of course, it's you. you're my one and only. he's just my classmate, nothing more."
he released a heavy sighed. "are you still mad?" you asked.
"yes." that made pout. you where about to get away from his hug when he tighten his embrace.
he raised his eyebrow to you then tighten his embrace to you. "who said you can escape my hug? you need to make up for the week you didn't give me your love and attention. you're stuck with me all day."
"i know, i was just about to kiss you but i guess hug is enough for you." that made his eye widen. "what? i want kisses too! this hug isn't enough."
you tiptoped and kiss his cheeks without breaking his embrace to you. he pouted to hide his smile. you cupped his face and just stare at him, lovingly. "im sorry, i hurted you like this. i made a stupid mistake-" he cut you off. "yes you did. you still have a long way to make up with me."
you nodded. "and ill never do something that will doubt my love for you. i didn't consider you're feelings when i agreed to the miya twins' scheme. i won't ever ever do this again. i love you and don't ever doubt that again, okay?"
"wait, what?! i new it! that's why whenever they see me, they'd whisper to each other and then laugh. i should upload all their stupid fighting videos." you swayed your body and his to grab his attention cuz his eyebrows are now nearly connecting like he's plotting for the twin's downfall. "i missed you." you finally grab his attention.
"i missed you too. can you stay at my house today? i don't have an early practice tomorrow." you nodded at him delightedly. and planned what would you do to make up for what you did.
Iwaizumi Hajime
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"y/n-san, the coach wants to talk to you and oikawa-san." the juniors called you.
it's been a very busy week since qualifying match for the nationals is nearing. you need to make sure everyone's on their top performance and monitoring the team while helping the coach gathering informations about the players.
you barely have a moment with your boyfriend which you miss hugging so much. speaking of your boyfriend he's been extra grumpy and keeps on glaring at you and oikawa.
today's the same, it's late and exhausting but you can't take it anymore, you need a power hug from your boyfriend. so approached him when there's only few people are in the gym.
"hajimeeee!" you ran to him and instantly wrap your arms around his waist. even though he's sweaty, he still smell nice and manly.
"so now, you're hugging me?" you we're taken aback with what he said. he raised his eyebrow at you.
"huh?" you we're about to move away when he squinted his eyes and glare at you. so you remained hugging him.
"don't huh me, y/n. you're always with shittykawa." that made you giggle. its a rare event to make your boyfriend jealous. you pinched his both cheeks.
"fyi mister iwaizumi, were just discussing about the team's performance and besides can't i hug my boyfriend after a long day?" you released his cheeks. you giggled when you saw his red cheeks.
you released from the hug which made him pouty. "you should change while i just check the equipments, okay?" he followed you. and before you knew it, he's already ready to go.
"im walking you home." he said. "aw did my boyfriend miss me too? don't worry i missed you too." you teased him.
"shut up, y/n or you'll regret it."
"ey, why can't you just admit it? poor me. my boyfriend doesn't miss me. i should just go home by my self. heeey! are you listening to me, hajime?"
he abruptly kissed you on your lips. that made you stuck on your feet. you could even feel your face heat up.
"that should shut you up. and fyi mrs. iwaizumi, i missed you too that's why im staying at your house this weekend. so reserve that day only for me, okay?"
he slowly interteined his fingers to yours then kissed you on your nose. oh ghad! when did he become sooo cool????
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