#since that was his better expression but it didn't have a lineart
stepswordsen · 4 months
【Magi】 Judar and JuAli 🐈‍⬛🖤 ❤️ 💛
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JuAli WIP doodles 🖤 ❤️ 💛
Quick doodles before I head back to my assignments
Been a while since I drew Judar and Alibaba together… I missed them!!! I hope to draw them more~
You can see the rest under the cut~
I wasn't sure if I should post my sketches here since they're so messy but I thought I might as well
I'll copy paste my old rambles too since I have more to add this time
2024 vs. 2022
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Comparison (2022 ~ 2023)
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Comparison (November 2022)
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For the kissy one:
Wasn't sure which one I liked more tbh
1st one fits more...
Though for the 2nd one, I think Judar looks more efforted ADHSHDHSH
Since I excel at drawing meow meow mf charas
3rd one I drew in November 2022. The expressions are still cute in this one so I still like it, but my brush strokes improved a lot since then
For the hanfu Judar one:
Recent versions (+ the old one from 2022)
I've been playing around with the eyes~ I like these ones best. The eyes are bigger in the 1st one, and the others have them a bit smaller. The 1st one has a more innocent look. The 2nd has more slitted eyes and a "seductive" look?
Judar has sharp (tsurime) eyes and rings in his eyes, which are really fun to draw hehe 🤗
I'll redraw the hair soon! I just drew it quickly in like 5 minutes. It's finals season for me. I'm not fully free from this semester so I'm still quite busy, but you'll probably see small doodles from me 🙏
I'm definitely seeing art improvement (improvement in brush strokes and anatomy and proportions)
Ohtaka deliberately draws hatched lines near Judar's eyes to represent his eyeshadow 🤭 ❤️
I drew the hair quickly, so I didn't pay much attention to the shapes of the hair spikes so it's not as soft. But even with the quick doodle, the hair has better weight now. Once I get to refine things properly, I'll actually pay attention to the way his hair spikes are drawn.
I was recently rereading my old dialogue scripts from my JuAli AU and revamping them! I doodled Judar and Alibaba SO much in 2022. It's the Fire/Ice duality and Black Cat x Golden Retriever ship dynamic 🖤💛🐈‍⬛🐕
I wanna draw JuAli again soon and redraw my old doodles. JuAli is my main Magi ship so ofc I wanna draw lots of them~ I haven't gotten the time yet, but I want to draw my ships like AliHaku, SinJa, and KouMor eventually, too 🙏✨
Based on this black and red (Judar colours) hanfu I got~
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Judar rambles
I originally drew Judar wearing hanfu in 2022! Still one of my personal fave doodles ❤️ Judar is my fave (no one is surprised, I have the most obvious predictable tastes in the world LMAO). A meow meow mf perfect for my tastes.
Judar fits perfectly into the highly specific Sen-core niche that my top faves all tend to fall under - Meow meow mf. C*nty sen-core bastard cat who's violent, threatens people, and ok with murder. Bloodthirsty. Monochrome aesthetic colour palette.
Manga Judar has red eyeliner (?) and anime Judar has purple eyeshadow? Both are good, but I like Judar with red eyeliner since black and red are his theme colours! 🖤❤️ I like how the colours pop, the contrast against his design, and how it matches his red eyes.
In my HCs, Judar wears a type of hanfu called Ruqun (襦裙). Ru (襦) is the cross-collared top of a hanfu, and the wrap-around skirt is called Qun (裙). The coat jacket is called Da Xiu Shan (大袖衫).
I want him to wear black, white, red, gold, hanfu & hanfu earrings, with red eyeliner and black painted nails 🤗
I still need to pick my headcanon hanfu earrings for Judar... I imagine they'd be gold with red accessories.
I just have to refine the eyes, redraw the hair and hanfu, and then start doing the lineart for it! I love the expression tbh
Additional rambles
I miss my sons, I wanna draw my HC designs of JuAli (with Judar wearing hanfu and Alibaba with tanner skin, wearing traditional Arabic clothes), as a fix-it for the obvious colourism going on in Magi's character designs of SWANA and South Asian inspired characters
I bought black and red hanfu back in 2023. I based my Judar hanfu doodles on it 🥺❤️ It's in Judar colours. Black red and white 🖤❤️🤍 I'm so HAPPY to get something that reminds me of my fave 🥰🤭❤️✨ I got it from the Hanfu Story~ They have such a large selection of hanfu and they're all so gorgeous~
Basically Judar themed hanfu~ I love traditional clothes, so it's my dream to collect them! Now I can use it as refs to draw him with the poses and lighting I want teehee. Hanfu & huafu look GORGEOUS to me. I also have Việt Phục like áo dài and áo tấc~
The colours are amazing!! I love black and red combo 😭💖 It's way too easy to fall into the fashion hole and collecting traditional clothes but I definitely want more in the future!
Magi: Ch. 110 - 111, Ch. 196 - 197, Ch. 239, Ch. 288
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I love how Ohtaka stylizes and draws the shape of Judar's hair and braids. It's so clever how she simplifies the shapes. It just looks so good. It looks galaxy/tornado shaped… I love how the hatched lines above his eyes in Ohtaka's inking represents his eyeliner... ❤️
Judar's expressions from Ch. 110 - 111 are so unhinged… The Ch. 288 omake Judar is iconic. Fucking crazy ass LMAO 😭😂 Love you tho! 💞🫶
I'll be honest. I've thought about changing my PFP to this Judar again from the Magi omakes, like I thought of doing it as an April Fool's joke before, but I feel like no one would bat an eye cuz of how my faves are like LMFAO
Sen-core faves: Murderous, bloodthirsty, violent (or at the very least, has a disposition for violence), MAY eat people and/or their innards 🙌
JuAli core ship posts
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And while you're at it, have the meme edit of them I made (1st image)
Anyways I made the 1st image's meme edit myself <33
Alibaba with tanner skin has such great visual contrast against his earrings~
I also wanna commission arts of JuAli at one point but I'd want to do it with my headcanon designs of them (Judar wearing hanfu and Alibaba with tanner skin wearing traditional Arabic clothes)
Art rambles
When I sketch, I draw out the expressions and decide which ones looks best (I either do it once or a few ~ several times) depending on whether I'm satisfied with it. I like the two most recent 2024 versions I showed~ The old ones are still nice... But I prefer the recent versions, because I think it shows how my art style and proportions improved.
These sketches are super messy right now so when I get the time I'll refine them more! It's just to make it consistent with my current style. I'm a little insecure about my sketches, so I prefer to keep most of them on priv for mutuals.
Since I'm not really a fan of the idea of my sketches/WIPs getting posted around when I'm bound to fix/refine/improve on them later when I get the chance to refine them. Though thankfully with my 2022+ lining style, my sketches look more "aesthetically nice" or "post worthy" to me...
Perhaps in the future... I do genuinely like my art style and I'm very happy with my art improvement, but I want to keep growing as an artist first. I want to reach the point where I manage to become more technically skilled and confident about my works (even my sketches)
Though since I posted the rest of the sketches under the cut, feel free to reblog them if you want!
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procrastinova · 9 months
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art summary 2022 vs art summary 2023
individual 2023 artworks below (plus some thoughts on them because why not. Said thoughts will include me critiquing some of the pieces, especially the ones from earlier in the year.)
also here's a link to all the artworks from my 2022 one if anyone wants to see them
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JANUARY - Art piece i did right before For the Future aired of Luz and the rest of the hexsquad having a much-needed group hug. I didn't really look at any references for this one (apart from for the character's designs) so the poses look really awkward and stiff tbh 😭. That being said, I'm still glad I gave it a shot, and it looks a lot better than the one I did before Thanks to Them's release, since I was more used to drawing the characters.
I'm not going to go too much into some of the... questionable... anatomy choices I made, since they aren't exclusive to this artwork in particular, nor is this the worst example of them (*cough cough* my old King's Tide screenshot redraw).
Overall I think this is an okay art piece. Definitely could have been improved by actually using references for the pose though.
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FEBRUARY - This one is actually another redraw of a REALLY old piece I drew in 2021. With my finger. Not a good combination to say the least. This one is miles better especially in terms of anatomy, facial expressions and composition.
That's not to say that it's without it's flaws. I do think that lining up Betty and Amber's poses better would have improved the overall look of the piece. Another thing that I did end up changing a little while after I drew this was removing the shine from the black parts of the mirror to make it look like it was actually cracked, which I didn't do in the original version (that one's on my scratch account if you want to see it). It's a subtle difference, but I think it makes the piece look a lot better.
Again, I think this is an okay piece overall. Looks like the mona lisa compared to the 2021 version, but honestly I think anything would.
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MARCH - Yet another Owl House artwork (bet u guys cant guess what my favourite tv show is). This one I created for a zine which I was working on for my multimedia class (this artwork in particular was supposed to be an advertisement for the finale). You can kinda tell I still wasn't that confident in drawing King, since his pose is pretty stiff (I don't think I ever really got used to drawing him tbh).
I do think this piece would have benefited from some more shading and lighting that wasn't the singular multiply layer I placed over the characters then erased some parts of. (There is some other shading but there's no other lighting).
Most of the other issues I have with this pieces are just issues I have with my old art in general so I'll leave it there.
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APRIL - This is the last Owl House artwork I promise. I made this one for Zeez Vov Gee 2's watching and dreaming art contest. I actually do still quite like this one, which might partly be to do with the fact that I really like all of the character's timeskip designs, but whatever.
Some of the proportions on the hands are a bit weird, and I REALLY wish I put the shading on the lineart as well, considering how light of a colour it is.
One thing I do really like which I didn't notice while I was drawing it, is the pose Luz and Amity are in forms a sort of heart shape, which is really adorable akdjfhskhdf ;w;
Anyway, overall a pretty good piece, might remake it later. Who knows 👀
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MAY - as you may immediately be able to tell, I did not make that much art in May (I might've had a few tests on at the time. Or I was just lazy). This one is actually OC art for once (wow shocking never seen before).
It's kinda just a doodle/a more doodley art piece, but it's pretty alright. I actually really like the pose that Robyn (the OC in the drawing) is in. This is also kinda the first time I drew their design, so yeah. The background isn't great, but I can't really expect that much from a doodle -v-
overall, pretty decent doodle. (for anyone wondering if I'll ever post more about Robyn... maybe? I'm mainly using their story for writing practice, but I think I posted something from it on here)
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JUNE - June was literally the polar opposite of May. I'm not kidding, there were like 3 artworks that I was debating putting for June (this one, some deltarune fanart and a TOH screenshot redraw). I eventually went with this one because HOLY CRAP am I proud of that background.
This one was really heavily influenced by cartoon backgrounds (in particular ones from Gravity Falls and Hilda), and while I do think there are a few things that could be improved (like some of the trees), this was the first time in a while that i'd tried drawing a background that wasn't grass and a couple of trees (and i think the first time ever that i'd done something this complex).
I think another reason that this one turned out so good is that it was a birthday card for a friend. And if there is anything that I am constantly trying to do better at every time I redraw it, it's birthday cards (probably bc they're for my friends, love you guys sm /p).
anyways, overall a really good piece, 11/10 background.
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JULY - behold... the first artwork I posted on Tumblr! I drew this shortly after seeing Across the Spiderverse in cinemas (which I have to say was one of the greatest experiences of my life).
I wanted to mess around with lineless art a bit on this one, as well as sort of try to give it a watercolour feel like earth-65. And I gotta say, I think it turned out pretty good. Though I did spend a good 15 minutes looking for references because ATSV wasn't out digitally yet ;w;
overall, I like this piece, I tried something new and I made fanart for the greatest movie of all time (in my opinion)
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AUGUST - I don't think I drew nearly enough Omori fanart when I was super into the game, so I'm making up for it now. I wanted to redraw one of my favourite photos from the photo album for this one.
I probably could have put a bit more detail into the background for this one, but I really like the warm lighting, and the dappled light effect that I used for the characters. The lineart is also a bit sketchy, but I was (and sort of still am) in the process of figuring out how I actually want my lineart to look.
overall, I really like this one, nice colours, nice lighting, has the omori characters being happy in it :]
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SEPTEMBER - like in May, I didn't get as much Art Stuff TM done, so it's just a doodle of some of my OCS (except this time it's Copper, Lapis and Peg, who I have posted about before).
I kinda just wanted to draw something cozy, so I didn't put too much effort into the background and stuff. One thing I will say, is that I wish I drew them looking a bit older, since they are all 16-17 lol.
overall, this one's ok. Could be better, but it's just a doodle.
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OCTOBER - ohohohohoho we are SO back. Yet another birthday card. I love the perspective and poses on this one (because, you guessed it, I used references for them). Everything about this artwork was really fun to draw (especially the characters).
Overall, really good artwork, 11/10
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NOVEMBER - redraw of an artwork from 2021 part 2: electric boogaloo. I remember being so proud of the original artwork, so I wanted to make this one an artwork I was proud of too (which was a success).
One of the main things I wanted to do for this one was to actually draw a background, instead of getting one off google. The one I drew was simple, but I think it really works, because I wanted the focus to be on the character, not the background. I also added some slight perspective to the drawing to make it look a bit more interesting.
Overall, amazing, especially compared to the original
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DECEMBER - and finally... December's artwork! Aka my banner. I wanted to do something kinda simple for this, because I'm probably going to redraw it or make a new one later. I really like the contrast between the colours in the foreground (which is supposed to be inside a train, but it's kinda hard to tell), and the background.
Also something I've started doing for a few artworks is making a duplicate of the artwork, blurring it slightly and lowering the opacity, which makes it look a lot more visually interesting :0
overall, love this one, good artwork to end the year off with :] (i'll prolly still draw more stuff tho)
(fun fact - I was going to put the redraw I did of the 'get in loser we're going shopping' scene with the characters from TMC for December because it's the highest quality meme i've ever made but it looked weird next to the other ones bc it was in black and white 😭)
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spin-attaxx · 2 years
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4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
I love Charn, some days I'm surprised I made him, but I won't lie, his elaborate design is why I don't draw him as often as I'd like. Every time I draw him, I question how his lapels should look, or how his eyes would look at varying angles. This isn't to mention the more robotic/mecha-influenced parts of him that I haven't shown off yet.
For subjects, probably action scenes; I admittedly don't draw them a lot, because when I do, I usually find myself dissatisfied for one reason or another. "This pose is too stiff" or "that effect looks bad" or "that background could have been better", etc.
The weapon art for Make a Good Mega Man Level is a bit of both; I try to keep Mega Man accurate to the official Capcom weapon art, but also give each one a distinct pose or angle. Lot of time goes into those, trying to get the lineart, colours etc. just right.
8. What’s an old project idea that you’ve lost interest in
OK this is a bit of a cheat since it's something that was once part of something I very much have not lost interest in, but it's something I still remember even almost 10 years on. Back when I first came up with what would become The Sorceress of the Stars, my overambitious 15 year old self envisioned a game like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with three different playable characters with their own stories and their own supporting cast. These were a kooky old scientist, a robot he made that would gradually become more humanoid over its story, and his grumpy magic-using granddaughter. That last one was just a funny afterthought.
(Incidentally this is how Charn became what he is; he was supposed to embody each of the trio's main aspects.)
I made some old comics with the three; however, after some time I realised that I was struggling for a title, what I was planning was very much unfeasible for one person, and I cared very much about the magic granddaughter's story, the robot's less so, and the scientist's even less than that. So I decided to cut those two and focus entirely on Jessica instead. Perhaps the robot at least may get revived in the future, as part of TSOTS or their own thing.
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
This is a tricky question; I'm not sure I draw a lot of inanimate objects, and the ones I do tend to be stuff I don't think about much (or outright not like drawing). I guess maybe something like clothing and starry night skies count? Let's go with that.
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
Many people both online and IRL have told me my art reminds them of Dragon Ball Z. For the longest time, I didn't actually follow it; the most influence I drew from it was basing Jessica's boots on Android 18's. These days I have an appreciation for Toriyama's art (particularly his style around the Piccolo and Saiyan arcs), but it's still not something I consciously try to imitate.
29. Media you love, but doesn’t inspire you artistically
I think the most prominent example that comes to mind might be Seasons 1 and 2 of Star vs the Forces of Evil. I'm typically not a fan of overly-cartoony movement or expressions etc., but that first season somehow managed to make it work, and it was never dull to watch. It's honestly a crying shame that by the final season, the animation, character design, and backgrounds became so flat, stiff, dully coloured and lifeless (I swear every episode the characters do the same Family Guy-esque "bottom eyelids up, hands outstretched" pose).
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berrymeter · 3 years
it’s been a while perth! i’ve been pretty tired recently and i’m trying to let go of the unhealthy coping mechanism kpop is to me but i wanted to say hi hello and how are u etc <33 i’m also facing a kind of artist’s block because i want to be able to draw more complex things like backgrounds but i don’t want to practice or use references so it never turns out how i want it 😞. it’s okay tho.. improving is a gradual process! plus i’ve been looking at ur newer art and it really is improveddd you have a better handle of digital art techniques and your poses and expressions are good!! we will become stronger artists together i decree it! love the new url btw… what else… oh omg i loved the rcpc comeback! i wanted to listen to the songs u recced me but i Cannot find the ask with the recs so i’ll just listen to a bunch of their stuff. that’s it! have a good day for me! -tt
omg hi!!! tucks hair behind ear hi tt anon <3 it has been a while <3 i am sorry u came back to me due to this ... whatever this was . use refs!!! i need to practice bg & perspective too i haven't focused on that AT ALL lately... i'm just drawing a bunch of guys for ppl who want guys drawn & also myself. the last one i did though did make me feel very defeated cuz it was for a friend & it felt like i just couldn't get it right & that's what caused All This but i'm going to post it & you're gonna be like "dude this is really cool who cares if it's not accurate have u looked at it???" & it's like . yea i have . i'm sorry NDJKSNF
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i just realised i lost the sketches i did of another friend's oc bc it was on the same layer as the lineart & when i covered up the sketches with the background colour i did it on the same layer as the lineart *forced smile* whatever anyway... yeah like clearly this isn't bad NDSKJNFKSJDHF i just had mental illness in my brain. i may need to change one of the teeth's position but like that's fine... in any case yeah i was just having a Moment but i do hope we will become so much stronger together!!!!!!!
hm. kpop huh? well i have listened to it less & less. or rather added a lot more other stuff in my playlist lol . . . BUT rocket punch! yep they got good music! chiquita was cute i think my fave song off that was either that one or in my world... oh wait louder is also good. i mean i didn't dislike any of the songs but those are the three i'm least likely to skip (me skipping a song doesn't mean it's bad it's just that i get in moods u know how it is with adhd). i'm glad u enjoyed the cb <3 & i am glad to hear of u again!!! it's always a pleasure to have u here at berrymeter dot tumblr dot com (also sorry for the url change since last time ... i have brainrot now)
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