#sidenote: had i been watching voyager back then
trillscienceofficer · 2 years
can't make a shareable playlist for B'Elanna/Seven because I'd be hard pressed to not include "With You" by Linkin Park (which is both thematically appropriate AND was released when Voyager was airing!) and then you all are going to hate me
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Hi! I hope your day/night has been grand.
I’ve been a fan of Transformers for a long while but I was wondering if you had any recommendations on where to start with Transformers comics?
Hi anon! Sorry for the slightly late response- busy weekend.
This depends on a few things really. TF comics vary a lot in terms of tone, genre, take on TFs and what they're interested in when it comes to the franchise... so it kind of depends on what you're after.
Still, if you're looking to dive in, there's two big options here: IDW1 and IDW2. IDW1 refers to the comics published in a single major continuity between 2005 and 2018, with various distinct 'eras', while IDW2 refers to the shorter-lived new continuity that ran 2018 through to 2022.
Since you're already up to speed on TF as a whole by the sounds of it, that does mean I feel a bit less like I have to find you something that requires no prior knowledge, so for IDW1 there are a few good possible jumping on points I'd recommend, which are: start at Robots in Disguise #1, start at More than Meets the Eye #1, or start with Last Stand of the Wreckers. All of these start someone between a third and halfway into the run of the comics, but they either juuust precede or jumpstart a kind of 'soft reboot' that produced IDW1's main powerhouse comics they came to be widely regarded for, and they're a lot easier to recommend as jumping on points.
Start with RiD #1 if: you like large ensemble casts and a rotating list of plotlines in an ongoing comic with a large scope, you are interested in Cybertronians-on-Cybertron and worldbuilding relating to that, you are more in the mood for a comic that takes its setting and premise moderately seriously, and you want something that ties together into a big overarching plot. Well, plots, really. RiD is a little bit less newbie friendly than our next two picks, but it doesn't really require you specifically know IDW1 lore or backstory, just that you can pick out well-known TF characters and know a bit about the franchise's core assumptions. It's famous for including a lot of intricate continuity in its overall story, but it mostly (re)establishes that continuity internally, so it's fine to start here. It has political intrigue and lots of Schemes and some really great characters- Barber writes most issues from a certain characters' implicit perspective, so you see a lot of different points of view on what's going on. The short version: RiD picks up when the Autobot-Decepticon war has just ended under uneasy circumstances, and neutral Cybertronians have started coming back to the planet en-masse. It's got a cast of Autobots, Decepticons and neutrals trying to work out how to run the planet in the wake of that.
Start with MTMTE #1 if: also if you like large ensemble casts but more in the sense of character-focused plotlines with an interest in interpersonal dynamics driving the storytelling, you want something that falls more into space sitcom/dramedy tone wise, you are interested in a comic that looks at the franchise through a very different lens than most other incarnations, you enjoy high-concept story ideas. This one is even more newbie-friendly than RiD, because it mostly features characters who either have not appeared in previous IDW1 stories, or have only appeared a few times. The short version: MTMTE picks up when Rodimus, upon the end of the war, decides he doesn't want to stay on Cybertron and watch people bicker over who's in charge and manages to persuade around 200 other people to go on a wild goose chase around the galaxy looking for the mythical "Knights of Cybertron" to fix things instead. This has pretty much gone off the rails by issue two because he gets the ship stranded in a kind of Star Trek Voyager style initial setup, and also everyone on board turns out to have about a million personal issues that makes everyone being stuck together probably not a great idea. Ultimate road trip from hell. Sidenote: this is The Comic What Has Some Romance Plotlines in it, if you like that, you'll wanna check this one out- but contrary to popular belief they are subplots, and there's plenty here if it's not your bag, haha.
Start with Last Stand of the Wreckers if: you do not want to read 50+ issues of a massive ongoing comic, haha. LSotW is a standalone miniseries that is only five issues long and tells a complete story that requires basically no prior IDW1 knowledge to just jump into, and it finishes that story in those five issues. It has a smaller, tighter cast and knows where it's heading, so if you want something you can just pick up and read, try it. This one is an action story with some serious horror crossover elements and is notable for being significantly darker than the vast majority of TF media, and specifically at parts for being very violent (think, oh, homages to slasher or grindhouse horror, I guess). It's all still cartoon robots of course, but do be aware. The short version: three years before the series, the Autobots lost one of their wartime prisons to the Decepticons and it went radio silent. The series follows the black ops Wreckers team, newly assembled after things went tits up for them on Earth, who now have to go in and try to fix things. Anything more about the reasons for sending them in would be a spoiler, but since the entire point of the Wreckers team is to do suicide missions in which most of them wind up dead, it obviously doesn't go super well. Sidenote: LSotW does have two sequels (Sins of the Wreckers and Requiem of the Wreckers), but was written to be standalone.
These are by no means the only IDW1 comics you could try, but they're the easiest ones to just hand to someone like, 'here are some comics that are readable and fun and cover most bases, and you will not have to prep by reading 37254 articles first'. So. They are my go-tos.
Now if none of the above sounds a hundred percent what you're looking for, there's also IDW2! This one is nice and simple by nature of being a shorter-lived project: start at Transformers #1. It was a hard reboot into its own new continuity and can be read 100% without any other comics knowledge. IDW2 might be a place to start if you enjoy worldbuilding-heavy storytelling at a slower pace, unique takes on pre-existing TF lore, heavily interconnected plotlines that gradually come together, and pre-war intrigue as opposed to mid-war action or post-war clashes of personality. It ran for a little over forty issues plus some side-miniseries, which the wiki lists for you. (My advice: try most of the Galaxies stuff if you want. Definitely read Escape. Then War's End is the actual end of the series.) Unfortunately they lost the license, and so IDW2 wrapped up wayyy ahead of what was intended, but they did have time to wrap things up with an ending.
...which brings us to how to read the comics. Long story short: you can no longer legally buy them, at least in English! IDW lost the license in 2022, and as of yet the new licensee has not even been announced. It is looking increasingly likely these are gonna stay out of print for a while. Theoretically the new owners might choose to reprint them, but god knows if that will actually happen. Also, the physical trades are getting quite expensive, so frankly, you're gonna be pirating them.
Given this, here. (They're all in English.) These are issue-by-issue and not the collected versions, which sometimes have corrections in them or additional content. They're also in .cbr/.cbz format, which requires a comic reader app. So if a anyone needs anything else or wants the trade versions (which often have minor amendments/corrections in them) let me know, I have the whole lot DRM free for IDW1 at least, in formats including .pdf if you can't read .cbr/.cbz, and can always upload them.
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prosopopeya · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
from @clarrisani !!!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
on ao3 i have 28. tbf though i never transferred over a bunch of my stuff from lj back in the day.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
11 listed on ao3. shout out though to house, which i wrote a bunch for but it never made it to ao3, and likely never will, and also to sherlock holmes which i wrote some fic for but more significantly, spend 2 years roleplaying. also if we want to get real nostalgic, the hits from my ffn days included such fandoms as lizzie mcguire, buffy, star trek voyager, monk, and of course, labyrinth.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Inevitable Homoeroticism in Spanish Romantic Heroes: my dean is a hispanist, grad school au. written bc at the time i was reading so many college aus and going you know what. you know what this fandom needs. and also i need therapy and instead i will write this fic.
i’m so glad it was and still is well received, and until this year’s dcbb, i thought i’d never write something as personally significant as this ever again. i’m happy to be adding something else to that list shortly (and hope it’s as well liked!).
as a sidenote, this fic was requested by and heavily cheerleaded by a friend of mine who has since passed away, and i will always think of jaymee when i think of this fic.
Like Real People Do: my impulse-written, kneejerk reaction to cas’s confession in 15x18. i wanted cas to have a chance to process his feelings separate from dean and also i wanted to push back on the notion that he was happy just saying it bc maybe after all he wants dean to love him back. it’s fitting that it comes after the grad school au in this list bc it was my return to fandom. also a rare example of me writing cas pov. (soon to not be so rare.)
Flying in Circles Inside a Jar: a s5 era fic where dean and cas get together in a roundabout way. god this was written so long ago and there are parts of it i want to change, but overall i’m still proud of a lot of moments in this fic. some good dialogue in here.
Command Me to Be Well: my angstier entry into my s15 fix-its. dean decides that he will let him and cas have sex but they can’t have feelings about it. this got way more popular than i thought it would, and it took me forever to write it, but it was definitely proof to me that i could come back to writing bc i had to edit this fic a bunch, and i was always horrible at editing. but i have better meds now yay!
fourth place is technically the codas to the grad school au, which also have some good moments but also the last coda i wrote makes me cry when i think about it still. but bc it’s part of the same universe i’m going to add:
Some Boys are Sleeping Alone: another early days fic ft. dean coming to terms with his sexuality and how it was affected by his father among other things throughout his life. this has essentially become the backbone to my conception of dean’s sexuality in canon. it ends sad! plot twist for me these days.
what i love about this list, looking at it now, is that it’s a healthy mix of my old stuff and my new stuff, and overall represents well my themes of dean’s bisexual journey and several examples of cas standing up for himself, though s4/s5 cas was just like that.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i didn’t back in the day so much bc, you know, grad school, i was busy. i’ve been trying to since i got back into writing but have been staring at my inbox of things i need to reply to for like three months. i will do it at some point!
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
god i don’t know. i wrote so much angstier stuff back in the day. i don’t really want to re-peruse all the random stuff on my ao3 but here’s one that sticks out to me even still: the au that has quinn fabray from glee in a sham marriage with jason mcconnell from bare: a pop opera and no one is happy. no one asked for this fic but i had many feelings about it.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
these days most of my fics end happy, but the one that still has me tear up at the end is the fluff entry i wrote for dean’s birthday: through autumn’s advancing. it’s jody that always gets me. jody hugging and murmuring a goodbye to dean, and then dean watching as she hugs and whispers something to cas. i don’t know what she’s saying but her embracing cas just gets me every time.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
oh boy. back in the day, i would write just about anything anyone asked of me, and i prided myself on selling the wildest concepts imaginable. my lj contains a multitude of shames, but on ao3 probably the wildest is supernatural/my little pony: friendship is magic. here’s another example of me writing cas as he bonds with fluttershy.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i don’t... think so?
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
boy do i! uh the naked kind?? idk my approach to sex scenes is to try to capture realism but in the emotional sense. usually there’s a fun amount of dialogue. some amount of significance beyond just the act itself. i think my big thing is still representing the characters as themselves, in character.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i’m aware of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don’t think so?!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
this dcbb is essentially being like executive produced by @marbleflan. but there may be a more explicitly co-written fic coming up. :) :) :)
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
dean/cas, hands down. nothing will ever compare to the absolute insanity of the way they happened in this television show.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i started a dean/benny/cas purgatory fic that i want to get back to one day... also my fic with ghost!kevin teaming up with human blood!crowley and human!cas.
16) What are your writing strengths?
i’d like to think it’s capturing the feel of the character and staying ic. that’s my #1 goal always and the best comment i could ever receive. i like my dialogue too.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
plot. i can’t plot to save my life. also editing. also inventing any original character is an absolute blindspot of mine.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
well i mean. i have. done that. my bilingual experience involves some weaving in and out of a language in conversation, usually mid-sentence or once you hit a word you either can’t think of in one language or feels better in another. or filler words/phrases like well, or let’s go.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
gosh. probably lizzie mcguire.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
the grad school au will always hold a special place in my heart. but i also really love this one i wrote that was a love letter to the virginia state fair, which i went to like every year when i was a kid and still hold a lot of nostalgia and love for in my heart. i really want to retool that one. there are some things i want to change about it, you know, almost ten years later.
@ anyone who wants to do this thing!!!!!!!
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thefirsthogokage · 3 years
Time to Hate-Watch Turner and Hooch, Episode 5
Because I am bored. And I hate myself. Of you aren't ok with me hate-watching and commenting, well then this is not the post you are looking for. Please move along.
Ah, yes, reminder of the love triangle they put in a kids copaganda show for the parents. Again. Because reminder: they did that last week.
Ew, bad shaky camera work.
Oh god she was listening to that music as a personal stake out sound track by choice? Like, why?
"You're all hopped up on juice boxes and I don't like it." I did like that line.
Laura is 5 years old.
I do like the theme song.
You know what also is weird about this supposed kids show? The episodes are nearly 50 minutes long. No kid is going to pay attention to that long of an episode.
So much natural lighting and making Hooch very yellow in some scenes and not others.
I'm probably too tired to watch this tonight.
Honestly that poor girl. Such a big crush on a very oblivious dipshit.
Branden is a fucking gift to this show. Again, I am just so glad he kept acting after Power Rangers SPD. Not many former PRs stay in the business, let alone get steady work. I'm really proud of him!
Rain. This show must be filmed in Vancouver. Actually, I vaguely remember hearing it was shot there. ... (Googles)... Haha
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I mean, air cold enough mid-day to see their breath + rain had to = Vancouver. I mean I guess Portland too. But either way, California my ass.
Dreary natural lighting. Classic Vancouver. I can't believe anyone could actually think this would look like California.
Having Laura recognize a lot of people so that they could give her information to make her getting the information super easy is certainly a choice... by writers who don't want to work to hard. Then again, I think this is supposed to be a a family friendly show...kind of. Line, this isn't a straight up specific demographic this is targeted towards. They just have done a few things I absolutely would not put in a kids show this day and age. Like, it honestly so bizarre to watch.
I'm not fond of stories like this. Guy is getting married, all aspects of the case have a relation to weddings. It's just too much happenstance in this episode. And I'm tired, I should have very little ability to notice most of the is shit tonight.
Oh god, this would be so painful if I wasn't so sleepy. Like, what the fuck are you doing, Laura. Well, at least this is showing Lyndsy's versatility and expressiveness. My god this is such a different character then Alex on Nikita.
Tired sidenote, my watermelon is very good.
Laura gets up to leave after getting this woman to hang out with her. The woman has to remind her that she doesn't know where she lives. I liked that.
"Thank you for your never-ending aquatic references." Ok, this show does have some good lines.
(This is honestly like kind of watching Lucifer. I hat the show, but occasionally there are so lines that I really like. Though I did stop watching Lucifer because I just hated it too much. I was only watching it out of boredom.)
I am really glad that they have a Native guest star. It's nice to see more Native rep on shows the past couple years.
Messaging: Kids, you gotta stand up for other kids being bullied because you are just as bad as the bullies if you just stand there. I'm really ok with this messaging. Good job, so that I mostly don't like.
I'm sorry, I'm so tired.
"His name was Jean-Luc-" Me: stares at camera in 'Robert Duncan McNeill directed this episode and is the primary Executive Producer on this show.'
For those of you who don't know, RDM was Tom Paris in Star Trek Voyager and a character who's name I can't remember that he also played on Star Trek TNG.
Fun fact, Tom Paris was initially going to be the same character he played on TNG, but something about rights blah blah blah, made that a no-go.
Sorry, back to me hate-watching while tired.
Oh god there are 21 minutes left.
Why is Laura holding a guinea pig? And why does she have a karaoke machine?
Why is Branden's character having a romantic time with his fiance while on a case? Ugh, the unprofessionalism. Like, aren't they only a two hour drive from home? Why is this happening? Do they think of distance like the British? Or people who live in Saint Louis? (Seriously, in Saint Louis some people think 20 minutes is a long drive. Granted, ten minutes is a long drive for me, but the position I have to sit in to drive really aggravates my Interstitial Cystitis (meaning I have to pee so, so bad the whole time I am in the car)).
I want to take this moment to apologize. I am very sorry about the tangents and the personal health and whatnot. But at this point I'm too tired to go bad and delete things or care about what else I'm going to write, so I'm just going to keep going without my filter on. Of you make it through this whole thing with me, bless you you sweet, sweet, probably bored soul.
🎶Ooo Heaven is a place on earth 🎶
Oh god, so much tomato stuff. All over the bathroom. The very white bathroom. Good luck with that...Scott? Is that our main characters name? Scott? I don't care to look it up at th- yeah it's Scott, Laura just said it.
Uh, shouldn't that have been made of metal? Either way, shitty craftsmanship if the dog could break it that easily.
That can't be how you train a bomb sniffing dog.
No way someone who's been a police officer for a few years wouldn't know that there are drugs on literally every bill.
Again, family show why?
Neither of them thought there would be a back door?
This while thing is insane. Not in anyway that I find entertaining. But I'd probably be more pissed if I it was more conscious. You should probably be reading all of my angry sounding things as just very tired and a bit sedate because of the tiredness.
I'm sorry Branden's character was a soldier in combat and he's never been shot? Unless I'm misremembering. But seriously, he doesn't know what getting shot in the vest fells like.
Oh look, the girlfriend fires at vehicles driving towards her too. In the same episode..I hate when things are related like that. Not upper level writing.
Why was the Secret Service also looking for those people? What? That can't possibly be their preview.
(Before I finished the episode, I discovered that for the second time this week, I did not get to the litter box fast enough (as in since this morning) to prevent my cat from moving the liner enough to pee between it and the box. So, at 11pm I had to go clean that out.)
Like this guy wouldn't know that he was copping to extortion by saying that.
God, why are they making this case the dad was working on (stupid arching plot in a family tv show why? For the adults who can tell this show is bad already?) even more complicated? Like, is this going to get Heroes level stupidly complex? Because that shit killed that show. Ok, so it probably won't be that bad...just the kids show equivalent of that bad.
Oh good for you, girl who's name I never learned! Quit the job with the evil boss! Please let her be OH NATALIE! Once again, thank you Laura for saying the name of the character whose name I wasn't sure of. What was I saying... Of yeah, I hope Natalie comes back and wasn't just on one episode. More native characters on TV please!
Oh wait, am I just realizing the girls in the live triangle were both on Glee, or did I remember that in a previous post? I know they were both on Glee from the moment I saw them in this show, but, like, I somehow didn't realize it was a very mini Glee reunion when they were in the same scene?
Wait, where did Scott wash Hooch if it wasn't in his own place the first time? Where was that bathroom? Wait, unless this isn't the bathroom in him home? I was definitely too tired to watch this. That might be saving me on the anger level, but it's certainly making it a bit difficult to keep track of some stuff.
Oh bad edit/consistency moment with the foam on Scott's face. Always hating to me.
Episode over.
Closing Thoughts: This show is still driving me insane with it's not on point demographic aiming and just silliness that isn't really good-silly, more like bad-silly. Also, I'm tired.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars XXIII (Harry Potter xFem!Oc)
A/N: I already finished this book as well and I’m currently writing book three, I’ve never been this professional in my fucking life- Sidenote, I should be doing my school work but I can’t even bother
P.S. If there are any mistakes or something I apologize, I sort of edited this like a month ago but never proofread cause I’m a lazy bastard
Words: 3,207
Warnings: The most glorious fight scene of the whole book
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Chapter Five: Gilderoy Lockhart.
She noticed Harry's condition improving after a week. 
He gained weight and slept better because of it, Mrs. Weasley would fix his items of clothing that were a bit too big or sort of messed up and would give them back on his size and no longer ripped.
She could tell he wasn't used to positive attention, let alone coming from two adults that actually cared about him. Emily and Mel were more than happy to have welcomed such a lovely family into their lives.
A week after Harry's arrival they received their Hogwarts' letters listing the new books for their term:
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda Goshawk
Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart
Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart
Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart
Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart
Voyages with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart
Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart
Year with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart'
"You've been told to get all Lockhart's books, too!" Fred said, looking at Harry's letter, "The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be a fan - bet it's a witch."
"That lot won't come cheap," said George, with a quick look at his parents, "Lockhart's books are really expensive..."
"Well, we'll manage," said Mrs. Weasley, "I expect we'll be able to pick up a lot of Ginny's things secondhand."
Mel and Emily shared a look, maybe if the vault belonged to them fully they would be able to lend them the money they needed, but that vault belonged to the Dumbledore family. Technically, it didn't belong to her at all, she was a child.
"Oh, are you starting at Hogwarts this year?" Harry asked Ginny, he knew the answer, but he was trying to be kind.
Mel saw the little girl get completely red at Harry's question and looked away, stifling her laughter with food.
"Morning, all," said Percy, "Lovely day."
He was about to sit down when he squealed, holding what it seemed a grey, old bird.
"Errol!" said Ron, taking the limp owl from Percy, "Finally - he's got Hermione's answer. I wrote to her saying we were going to try and rescue you from the Dursleys."
He took the poor owl and laid it back next to his perch.
'Dear Ron, Mel, and Harry if you're there,
I hope everything went all right and that Harry is okay and that you didn't do anything illegal to get him out, Ron, because that would get Harry into trouble, too. I've been really worried and if Harry is all right, will you please let me know at once, but perhaps it would be better if you used a different owl because I think another delivery might finish your one off. I'm very busy with schoolwork, of course-'
"How can she be?" said Ron in horror. "We're on vacation!"
"Shh! Let me finish!"
'-and we're going to London next Wednesday to buy my new books. Why don't we meet in Diagon Alley? Let me know what's happening as soon as you can.
Love from Hermione.'
"Well, that fits in nicely, we can go and get all your things then, too," said Mrs. Weasley, starting to clear the table. "What're you all up to today?"
They had planned to go back to the hill where they usually played Quidditch, a safe land where the trees covered enough so the muggles couldn't see them.
Off they went, leaving Percy and Ginny -she hid in her room and said she felt ill, but Mel knew it was because she couldn't be in the same place as Harry long periods of time- and Harry asked why Percy was acting so oddly.
"Wish I knew what he was up to," said Fred, frowning. "He's not himself. His exam results came the day before you did; twelve O.WL.s and he hardly gloated at all."
"Ordinary Wizarding Levels," George explained, seeing their puzzled looks. "Bill got twelve, too. If we're not careful, we'll have another Head Boy in the family. I don't think I could stand the shame."
"There's no shame on wanting to be better," Mel scowled him, "there's no need to make others feel bad just because you don't share the same dreams"
"Lady, I'm sorry but if your biggest dream is to have a nice looking grade then you should try to keep looking, cause that's not it"
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"Floo what? "
"Powder," Emily took a pinch and showed it to her, "it's faster this way, here," she put it on her daughter's hand, "it's alright, just threw it into the fire and say exactly to where are you heading."
"Watch us first," Fred said, and he took a pinch himself and threw it.
He walked into the green emerald fire and said in a loud voice, "Diagon Alley!"
He vanished.
Mel walked in next, not wanting to stand there and wait for anxiety to grow. She threw the powder and stepped in, the memory of the time she walked through flames with Harry made her panic a little, but she shook her head, almost yelling:
"Diagon Alley!"
She felt her body being pushed down onto the ground, but the floor was gone and a lot of images passed in front of her eyes making her dizzy, she was unable to move and didn't try to, scared of hurting herself she hoped it would stop on its own.
And it did, after a few seconds of aimlessly falling, she landed sideways on the dusty ground.
"Well done, lady," Fred offered a hand, helping her get on her feet, "How was it for the first time?"
"Why can't wizards just use cars," She whined, trying and failing to get off the dirt from her clothes"
Fred laughed.
"That's just not as fun," He tried to help her clean her sweater, but it was useless.
George appeared right after, swiftly landing and not caring to brush off the dirt from his body.
"Lovely, isn't it?" He grinned, examining the girl's ill expression, "you don't look happy"
Mr. Weasley landed behind his son, brushing the soot from his robes.
"We should get going, the rest will catch up with us"
They nodded and started to walk, Mel and the boys would gravitate towards the funny-looking objects with curiosity, but Mr. Weasley was quick to put them back on track.
"Is not like we can buy them anyway," Fred sighed, "we're just looking"
"Sometimes we can design things based on stuff we find around here," George told her in a low whisper, "it gives us an idea of what things wizards and witches find amusing"
"What for?" She asked with interest.
"We're planning to open our own joke shop someday," Fred said proudly, "one day we'll get the money and we'll make the best items for all kinds of pranks and tricks"
"It sounds fun," Mel agreed, "have you finished one of those inventions already?"
"Not really," George grimaced, "every time mum finds our experiments she throws them away, is not exactly helpful"
As he finished his sentence, Mrs. Weasley, Emily, Ron, and Ginny, ran up to them.
"Harry!" Mrs. Weasley cried, "We can't find him!"
"What!?" Mel rushed up to her mum, "What happened!?"
"He messed up the words," Ron lamented, "not his fault really, but now we don't know where he is"
"He can't be too far," Her mother tried to calm them down, "Harry's a smart boy, and he didn't completely mess up the words, just a little... must be around here"
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They split into two groups, Mel going with her mother, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley.
"I don't understand why everything always happens to him," Mel whispered to Ginny.
"I just hope he's okay," Her friend pouted, "poor Harry..."
"This is exactly why I think some traditions are just crazy, look how dangerous this is! What if he appears inside a muggle's chimney?"
"Can't happen," Ginny shook her head, "only magical places have floo line, no muggle houses are connected"
It took them almost half an hour to find the boy. He was in front of Gringotts, Hagrid and Hermione were also with him, though she didn't know how they had found each other.
"Oh, Harry - oh, my dear - you could have been anywhere-"
Gasping for breath Mrs. Weasley pulled a large clothes brush out of her bag and began sweeping off the soot Hagrid hadn't managed to beat away. Mrs. Weasley took Harry's glasses, gave them a tap of her wand, and returned them, good as new.
"Well, gotta be off," said Hagrid, who was having his hand wrung by Mrs. Weasley, "See yer at Hogwarts!"
"See you Hagrid!" Harry walked up to her and stare. "What?"
"You're not going to scowl me about this?"
"I'm not your mum," She crossed her arms, taking full offense, "I was worried but it wasn't your fault"
"Harry!" Emily walked up to him and hugged him tightly, "I'm so relieved! You have to be more careful, Harry!"
"You see, I don't have to scowl you when my mum can do it herself," She smirked.
"Hi Mel!" Hermione walked up to her and gave her a hug, "It's so good to see you!"
"Hi!" She replied.
"Guess who I saw in Borgin and Burkes?" Harry asked his friends as they climbed the Gringotts steps. "Malfoy and his father."
"Did Lucius Malfoy buy anything?" asked Mr. Weasley.
"No, he was selling-'
"So he's worried," said Mr. Weasley, "Oh, I'd love to get Lucius Malfoy for something..."
"You be careful, Arthur," said Mrs. Weasley "That family's trouble. Don't go biting off more than you can chew-"
"So you don't think I'm a match for Lucius Malfoy?" said Mr. Weasley.
But his anger soon went away as they met Hermione's parents at the main entrance.
"Nice to meet you," Mel noted the resemblance between Hermione and her mother, she wondered if she looked like that standing next to her own mother.
"But you're Muggles!" said Mr. Weasley, "We must have a drink! What's that you've got there? Oh, you're changing Muggle money. Molly, look!"
"Meet you back here," Ron said to Hermione as the Weasleys, Emily, Mel and Harry were led off to their underground vaults by another Gringotts goblin.
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When the groups split, Emily discretely told Mel that she'd be going with Mrs. Weasley to buy Ginny's stuff and she wouldn't stop nagging until she accepted their help.
"Molly's been so nice to us, it's the least we can do"
"But, Dumbledore's vault-"
"This is from my own vault," When she saw her daughter's expression she added, "I have some savings there, enough in case Dumbledore's wasn't enough for your things. I didn't know they were so... rich"
"Okay," Mel nodded, "I'll see you in a while"
Harry bought four large strawberry-and-peanut-butter ice creams for them, they walked through Diagon Alley, examining the shop windows until Hermione dragged them to buy their equipment.
Inside a Wizarding Joke Shop, they saw Fred, George, and Lee Jordan buying Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks. Percy was inside a shop of used, broken things that looked more like junk, reading a book called 'Prefects Who Gained Power.'
"A study of Hogwarts prefects and their later careers," Ron read aloud off the back cover. "That sounds fascinating..."
"Don't start," Mel warned him.
"Go away," Percy snapped.
"'Course, he's very ambitious, Percy, he's got it all planned out... He wants to be Minister of Magic..." Ron told them as they left.
"He's got a lot of work ahead of him," Mel raised a brow, "no wonder he stays all day inside his room"
They headed to Flourish and Blotts. As they approached, they saw a huge group of people trying to get in. A large banner above them:
'GILDEROY LOCKHART will be signing copies of his autobiography MAGICAL ME today 12:30 P.m. to 4:30 P.m.'
"We can actually meet him!" Hermione squealed. "I mean, he's written almost the whole booklist!"
The crowd was mostly witches, a poor worker stood at the entrance saying, "Calmly, please, ladies... Don't push, there... mind the books, now..."
Harry, Mel, Ron, and Hermione squeezed inside. They each grabbed a copy of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 and sneaked up the line to where the rest of the Weasleys and Emily were standing with Mr. and Mrs. Granger.
"Oh, there you are, good," said Mrs. Weasley, "We'll be able to see him in a minute..."
Mel grabbed her mother's hand to get her attention, Emily looked down to her daughter.
"You helped?" She asked in a whisper.
"As much as she let me," Emily frowned, "not even close to enough, she would only let me help with fewer things, potion ingredients and the floo powder because I insisted that we had used it too"
"That's something," Mel sighed, "wish we could do more..."
"We'll be right here if they need more help," Emily stroked the girl's hair softly, "don't lose sleep on it, love..."
Gilderoy Lockhart came into view, he was all too flashy for Mel's liking. He enjoyed too much all the attention, no one with common sense would enjoy his own face that badly.
"Out of the way, there," A photographer snarled at Ron, "This is for the Daily Prophet-"
"Big deal," said Ron, rubbing his foot since the man had carelessly stepped on it.
"Watch where you're going, don't be an animal," Mel said loudly, her mother clasped a hand on her shoulder and murmured in a horrified whisper 'Mel!'
Gilderoy Lockhart looked up. He saw Ron and then he saw Harry.
Then he stood up and shouted, "It can't be Harry Potter?"
The man sprinted towards them and snatched Harry away from the group, dragging him right up the front of the place. Mel watched in horror as the photographer took pictures of Harry, face red, hand trapped in Gilderoy's, who was whispering something to the boy.
"We have to get him out of there," She whispered to Ron.
"How exactly?" Ron said, just as shocked as her.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Gilderoy spoke up, now wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders, "What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to make a little announcement I've been sitting on for some time! When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts today, he only wanted to buy my autobiography -which I shall be happy to present him now, free of charge-"
"How generous..." She grumbled.
"-He had no idea that he would shortly be getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. He and his schoolmates will, in fact, be getting the real magical me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that this September, I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"
"Oh... great," Mel gulped, "why?"
"I'm not sure your uncle thought that through," Her mother said lowly, "but I trust you'll have interesting classes at least"
Mel nodded, she walked over to where Harry was heading now that he was free and planned to apologize for causing the whole situation. He stopped in front of Ginny, giving her the books.
"You have these," Harry mumbled, tipping the books into the girl's cauldron. "I'll buy my own-"
He was so considerate, all the time! ...There it was again, the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" Mel turned around, finding Draco standing a few feet away. "Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."
"Leave him alone, he didn't want all that!" said Ginny.
She was giving Malfoy a deathly stare. Mel was surprised, she had never seen her spoke like that in front of Harry.
"Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend!" Malfoy laughed.
Poor Ginny lost her courage, Ron and Hermione soon joined in.
"Oh, it's you," said Ron in disgust, "Bet you're surprised to see Harry here, eh?"
"Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley," retorted Malfoy. "I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all those."
Ron dropped the books inside Ginny's cauldron and move towards him, Harry and Hermione stopped him before he could touch the kid.
"Sod off, Malfoy," Mel pushed Ron away, "we don't have the time for you"
"Ron!" said Mr. Weasley, who had seen the scene from a few spaces away, he had Fred and George with him. "What are you doing? It's too crowded in here, let's go outside."
"Well, well, well - Arthur Weasley."
That had to be Malfoy's father, he stood with the same air of superiority and was just as dislikeable from bare sight as his son.
"Lucius," said Mr. Weasley.
"Busy time at the Ministry, I hear," said Mr. Malfoy. "All those raids ... I hope they're paying you overtime?"
He reached into Ginny's cauldron and extracted a very old, very battered copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration.
"Obviously not," Mr. Malfoy said. "Dear me, what's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?"
Mr. Weasley went scarlet red.
"We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy," he said.
"Clearly," said Mr. Malfoy, "The company you keep, Weasley... and I thought your family could sink no lower"
Mr. Weasley had thrown himself at Mr. Malfoy, knocking him backward into a bookshelf.
"Get him, Dad!" Yelled the twins.
Mel covered her mouth in surprise, unable to move.
Mrs. Weasley yelled, "No, Arthur, no!"
"Gentlemen, please - please!" The worker begged, "Break it up, there, gents, break it up -"
"Enough!" Emily pulled out her wand and made a swift movement, both men being pushed away from each other.
Hagrid then appeared, walking over to them and pulling them to their feet, keeping them apart. Mr. Weasley had a cut lip and Mr. Malfoy had a black eye. He gave the book back to Ginny aggressively.
"Here, girl -take your book- it's the best your father can give you-" Pulling himself out of Hagrid's grip and leaving the shop with his son.
"Yeh should've ignored him, Arthur," said Hagrid, almost lifting Mr. Weasley off his feet as he straightened his robes. "Rotten ter the core, the whole family, everyone knows that - no Malfoy's worth listenin' ter - bad blood, that's what it is - come on now - let's get outta here."
Mel found her mother's eyes and they had the same worried-amused expression. Emily turned to the Grangers.
"All right?"
"I think you should ask that to Arthur," Said Mr Granger politely, looking pale as paper.
"A fine example to set for your children... brawling in public... what Gilderoy Lockhart must've thought-" Mrs Weasley scowled.
"He was pleased," said Fred. "Didn't you hear him as we were leaving? He was asking that bloke from the Daily Prophet if he'd be able to work the fight into his report- said it was all publicity-"
"A brilliant professor, don't you think?" Harry asked her, a mocking smile on his face.
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Next Chapter —>
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twatd · 6 years
6,000 Years of Murder – Part Four: There Goes the Neighbourhood
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Tim: The Wicked + The Divine #36 finally gave us a definitive list of every damn Recurrence that has occurred since Ananke first started exploding heads, so we thought we’d take a walk through the annals of history and provide some context for what was happening at the time. Welcome to 6,000 Years of Murder.
In this entry, we hit the halfway mark in our voyage through history, as we found a modern religion, celebrate the most baller of all the Pharaohs and watch thousands of years of progress get flushed into the Mediterranean Sea... 
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1657BC – North America It’s time for another one of our rare pre-Columbian trips to North America, and around this point, that means we’re probably in the area of modern-day Louisiana, checking out some mounds. The Poverty Point culture (an unfortunate name, but historians are a cruel and unusual lot) were a group of indigenous peoples who occupied the lower Mississippi Valley from around 2200BC to 700BC, building settlements in over a hundred sites and creating a large trading network throughout what is now the eastern United States. Mainly hunter-gatherers, they are descended from the tribes that passed through Wrangel Island and down into the continental US.
This time would have been the peak of Poverty Point culture, with work on their eponymous largest settlement just beginning. It would go on to take up 910 acres, and has been described as the “largest and most complex Late Archaic earthwork occupation and ceremonial site found in North America”. Exactly what Poverty Point was used for is heavily debated – some think it was a settlement or trading centre, while others point to its concentric rings of semi-circular mounds as suggesting a ceremonial function.
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1565BC – Northern China Our last trip to Northern China saw the Xia dynasty emerging around Erlitou and the Yellow River. As we check back in, the Xia are on their way out, about to be replaced by the Shang dynasty, who will rule for around 600 years. The Shang provide us with some of our first examples of Chinese writing, and oversaw several important developments, including large-scale production of bronze; a foundation of a powerful standing military; artistic works in jade, bone and ceramic; and the construction of large walled palace complexes.
The Shang are the earliest dynasty we have concrete archaeological evidence for, with earlier dynasties existing in the weird space between oral history and folklore. Not only do we have evidence, but we have accounts of the Shang in classic Chinese literature like the Book of Documents, the Bamboo Annals and the Records of the Great Historians (although these were all written at least 1,000 years later). Sidenote: the Chinese remain great at naming things.
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1473BC – Northern Indus Valley Our old friend the Indus Valley Civilisation is no more, I’m afraid. It dissipated around 200 years back, when consistent drought and aridification made agriculture more difficult, and urban settlements became harder to support. As it broke up, the people of the Indus Valley Civilisation scattered. Many headed east, while others remained, mingling with incoming Indo-European and Indo-Iranian tribes. For the next 1,000 years or so, the Indus Valley will return to a more tribal, pastoral model without a strong urban centre.
However, who needs an urban centre when you’ve got RELIGION?! Not just any religion, either – this time is known as the Vedic period, because it’s when the four central texts of Hinduism will be written, starting around this time with the Rigveda, a collection of 1,028 Sanskit hymns and 10,600 verses. Discussing cosmology, the nature of god and the virtues of charity, the Rigveda is one of the oldest extant texts in any Indo-European language, and a cornerstone of a religion that boasts 1.15bn followers today. If we’re trying to correlate Persephone fighting back with particularly momentous periods in history, the Vedic period – despite being largely pastoral – certainly qualifies.
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1381BC – Central America It’s Central America. There’s a big head in the background. It must be OLMEC TIME. One of the earliest known major civilisations in Mesoamerica, the Olmecs were found in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico, in the modern-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco, between 1500BC and around 400BC. As the first major culture to emerge in the area, the Olmecs sort of set the template for civilisations that would follow in the area, and while that template included a complex writing system, the concept of zero, advanced calendars and a great ballgame, it also involved ritual bloodletting and, quite possibly, human sacrifice.
Let’s talk about the big heads. No known pre-Columbian texts explain their origin or purpose, and while only 17 have been unearthed to date, they have become a well-recognised symbol of the Olmecs. Once theorised to be popular ballplayers, they are now generally accepted to be portraits of rulers, although possibly dressed as ballplayers, like when Putin rides around shirtless on a horse. No two heads are alike, and they were carved from huge single blocks or boulders of volcanic basalt, with the finished products ranging in size from 4'10″ to 11' tall. Those are some big-ass heads.
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1289BC – Egypt Oh Egypt, we couldn’t stay away too long, especially when you’ve been so busy. The Middle Kingdom is long over and it’s time for the New Kingdom. See if you can recognise some of the names that have come and gone while we were away. Amenhotep. Nefertiti. Tutankhamen. But if they weren’t important enough to bring us back, what could possible be around the corner? It’s only ya boi Ramesses II, aka Ramesses the Great, aka Ozymandias, Great Ancestor, king of kings, the greatest, most celebrated and most powerful pharoah of the Egyptian civilisation.
The 19th Dynasty has just begun in Egypt, and at age 14, Ramesses has been appointed Prince Regent by his father, Seti I. Within 10 years, he’ll have taken the throne, and he’ll reign for around 70 years. During that time, he’ll engage in countless military campaigns, retaking territory from the Nubians and Hittites. He’ll also sign the first recorded peace treaty, oversee a period of unprecedented construction throughout Egypt, and move the capital from Thebes to a new city named after himself that includes huge temples and a zoo. Microscopic inspection of his mummified body, which was originally buried in the Valley of the Kings, suggests he was a redhead, adding to his similarities to Cheryl Blossom.
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1197BC – Hattusa We’ve mentioned that Ramesses II was going to war with the Hittites – what’s their deal? Well, at this point, their kingdom is in decline, following a lengthy war with Egypt and the rise of the Assyrian Empire. But at their height in the mid-14th century BC, they encompassed Anatolia (aka modern day Turkey), Upper Mesopotamia, the Levant and chunks of modern day Egypt. The capital city Hattusa is located in central Anatolia, surrounded by rich agricultural lands and small woods that provided wheat, barley, lentils and timber, as well as grazing lands for sheep.
During the reign of the most successful Hittite monarch, Suppiluliuma I (circa 1344-1322 BC), large walls were erected around the city that are still visible today. The city had an inner and outer section, with the inner area occupied by a citadel with large administrative buildings, temples and a royal residence, all decorated with elaborate reliefs depicting warriors, sphinxes and lions. Unfortunately, just as Ananke perfects her force field, here comes the Bronze Age Collapse, which will result in much of the city being abandoned and falling into ruin.
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1106BC – Greece That long mix of a fart noise and a scream you can hear is the Late Bronze Age collapse. In between 1200-1150BC, the area surrounding the Mediterranean  undergoes huge upheaval, shifting from the city-state and palace economy that has characterised the region back to small isolated villages. Wave goodbye to the Mycenaean Greeks (who just won the Trojan War finally), the Kassites in Babylon, the Hittites and the Egyptian Empire. In a 50-year span, almost every major city between Pylos in Greece and Gaza in the Levant will be violently destroyed.
What the hell caused all this chaos? There are a variety of theories, including climate change, drought, a volcanic eruption, changes in warfare, the rise of the Iron Age and a general systems collapse that encompasses all these things plus untenable population growth and soil degradation. Whatever the cause, the result is a complete shift in terms of power in the area. While Assyria and Elam will survive past the main period of collapse, they too soon shrink and fade. The Iranian people from Central Asia and the Eurasian Steppe will travel southeast, displacing the Kassites and Hurrians to become the Persian Empire, while following the Greek Dark Ages, this area will eventually re-emerge into the Classical Greek period with its many steps and columns.
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1014BC – Central China While the Middle East is wondering what the hell happened, China is continuing to kick ass and take names. The Shang dynasty has come to an end, and been replaced by the Zhou dynasty, which will last longer than any other period of Chinese history, from 1046 to around 250BC. The period will see Chinese bronzeware-making at its peak, and the written Chinese script evolve from a very basic form to something close to its modern version. The Zhou dynasty is often compared to feudal Europe, with a complex system of peerage ranks and intensive agriculture carried out by serfs on land owned by nobles.
The first half of the Zhou dynasty is called Western Zhou, and begins with King Wu of Zhou overthrowing the Shangs at the Battle of Muye. Wu died shortly after and, with his son too young to rule, his brother the Duke of Zhou took command, stamping out civil wars and rebellions, conquering more territory and establishing the Mandate of Heaven, a sort of two-for-one sale that combines the divine right of kings with manifest destiny. All this upheaval and authoritarian rule is clearly approved by Ananke, who has perfected her Double Click Technique when it comes to taking out Persephones.
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waughphotos · 7 years
Best Phone Pix of 2017
Yes I have fancy DLSRs but they are for proper work. So here’s my favourite images taken on my phone during the past 12 months. The casual stuff that caught my eye. 
If You Go Down to the Woods Today. 
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This is my custom painted David Bowie bike out on it’s maiden voyage after being painted by a company called Fatcreations in the south of England. I was riding along my usual route in Epping Forest on the edge of London when I came across these mahoosive fungi! I mean look at them. Triffids nearly. I subsequently found they prey on the shallow roots of elm trees which could account for the dying and fallen trees that adorn that forest and often make a diversion necessary. The forest is the ancient hunting ground of King Henry 8th so some of them have been there quite a long time... 
Jamming Good with Weird and Gilly
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This was a such a great night for me. The film ‘Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars’ was screening at the legendary Hammersmith Apollo in London - and showed the gig where Bowie retired Ziggy from his repertoire before he moved on to Aladdin Sane and ever onwards. So I was sitting in a seat at the very same venue watching it unfold like I was there in 1973! It  was no God only small affair. 
Life in the Big Apple
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Another major highlight for me was returning to New York and taking our daughters for their first taste of the USA. We stayed mid town and could look up to the top of the Empire State which was right outside our window. I took this picture of the corridor outside our room which reminded me of the scene from The Shining. Sidenote: enormous bagels = happy girls!  
Give the Drummer Some
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When a friend asked my band, The Adaptones, to pay at his 50th birthday party saying no was never an option. The event was in the basement of a local hotel and I snapped this pic of my drum kit all set and ready to batter, er, I mean play. The lighting was such that the image had little to no post editing. I think I pulled the highlights back a bit (I use Snapseed btw). Anyway, I was well pleased with the mood of this image and we had a storming night. Jobs done. 
Vive La France
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Summer hols found us on the small French island called Ile de Re at the northern end of the Bay of Biscay. Charming little fishing ports and quiet roads meant we could rent a bike and pedal around with ease. My girls - top pic obvs - loved it as did I. Plenty of characters ready to pose for a pic too! 
London Calling
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Dawn breaking over the River Thames from Waterloo Bridge towards the City of London with St Pauls Cathedral on the left and the financial district’s newer buildings making the ever-changing skyline of the Uk’s capital. I’m not usually around at this time of the day but I was on a photoshoot for Cat Eye bike lights and we had to be up before the light broke. I love being around the city streets when it is waking up. 
Forza Espresso!
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On a break from shooting a bike ride on the white roads of Tuscany, I rounded up all our espresso cups for a swift ‘grid’ type shot. Molto bene! 
Southend Sundown
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This was a really frustrating day semi rescued thanks to my phone. I had packed my Hasselblad and a bike with the intent of driving to the ride the Olympic track at Hadleigh and then onto to Southend for some nice square medium format images on film. But, as luck would have it, the shutter on the camera had jammed. I could only watch as the sun dipped into this amazing display of nature. I kicked off my disappointment and drove along the seafront to a likely spot and shot some images on my phone. They still look great and it is still a record. That won’t happen again though. 
Snow in England Shocker! 
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Yes, it really happened. Snow fell in December, in the UK. In England. In the south of England no less. And the news channels overheated. Of course, it only lasted 48 hours but the school kids made the most of it. And I went for a nice morning walk at some local lakes where I shot this image of the poplar trees in an empty car park. 
A Rainy Night in Soho
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It’s gradually being changed beyond recognition, but Soho remains a draw for its (past) reputation and its buzz of energy. I love wandering around the narrow streets, in morning before 11am when it has yet to wake or late evening when it is eyes wide open and ready to roll. The new Fiorucci store on Brewer Street is housed in a building that for many years was a store selling movie memorabilia but now floods the streets with neon advertising its high fashion wear. Good for me that the rain-soaked tarmac made for reflections then. For both these images the neon was the main draw and I waited until the right moment to capture the guy on his own, walking purposefully and the two shoppers silhouetted against the green store lights. 
For the record, I took these images on iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 cameras. I do like to post process and Snapseed is my go to app. Pretty upset that Google decided to dumb it down, but that does seem the way of the world! Here’s to a bumper crop of phone pix and even better technology in 2018. Remember - don’t leave home without it..... 
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Dancemix 1995
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A huge source of fun for me since I was about 9 years old has been making mix-tapes.  Anyone that knew me through my Junior High school years knew this to be a huge part of my personality, being the guy who would bring his portable stereo to school to share his latest compilation.
At the time I affectionately referred to them as Millermixes, complete with hand-drawn album artwork and liner notes.  I’m pretty sure the first edition came out in 1993, a mix of dance, pop, rap and rock and I couldn’t have been more excited about it.  A large part of my inspiration at the time came from Much Music’s Dancemix albums which especially in the early 90s were always amazing.
There are few projects in my life that I have given as much critical thought as putting these awesome little mixtapes together. It was somewhere over the winter that I decided to re-stoke this old talent, starting my first Mixtape as an homage to 1995 (this was partly due to the fact that I always found MuchMusic’s Dance Mix 95 to be a little lacking, Whigfield aside.)
Is mine better?  I think so, but you be the judge. Read through the list and let me know which ones make you excited too. Do feel free to add any extra songs you think I might have forgotten!
Dancemix 1995
1) RUNAWAY - Janet Jackson
Every good mix-tape starts with a slower groove to set the tone, this song felt like the perfect place to start. It was the new bonus track from Janet Jackson’s first greatest hits album Design of a Decade and was absolutely everywhere this year, radio and TV alike.  It gets your head grooving in a very 90s sort of way.
This was a cover version of a popular 70s song originally recorded by a super talented Native American rock band called Redbone.  This version unapologetically transforms it into gracious 90s dance iwth the addition of synth bass, chorus girls and a goateed euro-guy rapping in the verses.  It makes me feel like I’m on vacation.
While Coolio is largely only remembered for Gangsta’s Paradise, this song released a year prior was just so much cooler. It is a sample from an early 80s song of the same name (check out the video, they have a choreographed dance and wear hats!) Coolio spits both some hard truths and some powerful messages of universal love in this song.  The video also features a pretty awesome looking beach party that spills out of his 1965 Chevy Impala (seriously, if Coolio invited me to his beach party, I would be honoured to arrive in his 1965 Chevy Impala!)
4) FANTASY - Mariah Carey
This song was so big that it never actually went away. It lives on in Las Vegas most nights of the year with girls and boys of every age singing along (although I have a feeling only the audience members in their 30s like me remember the rap in the middle by WuTang’s ODB.) It is also a sample of a song from the early 80s called Genius of Love recorded by members of The Talking Heads called Tom Tom Club. The original version actually originated the “What You Gonna Do When You Get Out Of Jail” line, way ahead of its time!  Mariah’s version blends Pop, Dance and Rap music in such a brilliant way that it literally changed the course of her career (seriously, you won’t find another Mariah single without a rapper on it after this hit!)
5) FAT BOY - Max-A Million
These are the same guys that brought you the remix of Sexual Healing, an awesome reggae-inspired dance group that literally came and went in the mid-90s.  I remember owning this CD and playing the heck out of both of these tracks.  I’m sure the rest of the album was pretty good too, but I never did give it a chance. I guess no one else did either. Awesome song!
6) STAYIN Alive - N-Trance
I feel like this song shows my age more than any other as if I was older at the time this came out I’m not sure it would have made the list.  "Get warm with the fever on the dance floor" sounds pretty cheesy to my ears now, but the memories it evokes are too big to deny.  Plus it is fun to respond to the call back in the middle of the song. “Everybody in the house let me hear you say ho ho ho….”
7) BOOM BOOM BOOM - Outhere Brothers
In the same somewhat-cheesy fashion of the previous song I couldn’t resist including this classic from the Outhere Brothers. Known for their incredibly offensive lyrics, it is best to play the edited version in front of your parents or risk feeling embarrassed forever.  I played a lot of basketball through the years the Outhere Brothers were popular, awesome pump-up music that gets you moving (again, the second a teach walked in, this song had to be stopped immediately.)
So good!  This is the beginning of the “Classic House” section of my mix-tape. This song was also a bit ahead of its time with much of today’s dance music sounding quite similar (see This Girl, Kungs vs. Cookin.) It is impossible to stop your shoulders from moving when this groove hits you.  It is one of those songs I will still dance to in the nursing home and will embarrass the hell out of my grand-kids. Looking forward to it!
9) RELAX - Crystal Waters
In making these mix-tapes it helped me realize how much I absolutely adore Crystal Waters!  She is the same artist that brought you 100% Pure Love and is actually STILL making music! This song in particular has some amazing lyrics, gracious melody and such attention to detail that it is certainly worthy or re-listens. SIDENOTE: If you have time, do check out her remix of “The Price Is Right” theme song; It seems random at first yes, but SO good to my 90s ears.
10) TOO MANY FISH - Frankie Knuckles
I stayed on the “House” journey for a few songs including this somewhat obscure 90s classic. Likely you only remember if you went to raves in the 90s or watched Electric Circus on Friday nights (anyone young enough not to have seen EC on MuchMusic before needs to google it now!)  Also some great lyrics and advice in this song, deep for a dance song.
11) THINK OF YOU - Whigfield
While “Saturday Night” by Whigfield was one of the only good things about MuchMusic’s Dance Mix 95, I decided to go for one of the lesser hits for this mix instead. Think Of You was a super sweet single at the time and one that I personally like slightly better. Also slightly cringe-worthy lyrics if your parents were in the room. I’ll let you listen for further detail.
12) MELODY OF LOVE - Donna Summer
This was somewhat of a comeback song for Donna Summer. She is the disco queen of the late 70s and does a nice job of taking the unapologetically disco-pop melodies, strings and happy drumbeats to a 90s sound that could still be played on the radio today (this is almost the end of our house music session as I realize that it is time to change it up soon.)
13) ANOTHER NIGHT - Real Mccoy
At this point in the mix it is time to go big or go home. There was no bigger song than Another Night by Real Mccoy who were so good this year that I had to include two of their songs on this mix-tape.  The synth, the chorus, the cheesy/creepy rap in the verses, it is pure 90s perfection.
14) BE MY LOVER - LaBouche
This is the last song of the House-Dance section and caps it off nicely.  Similarly it also features sweet female vocalists through the chorus and a cheesy/creepy rap guy in the verses (normalizing the way for future cheesy/creepy rap guys like Pitbull to keep making appearances on otherwise timeless songs.) The seductive intro melody lures you into a trance that makes it all okay.
15) I WISH - Skee-Lo
The only way to end a good 90s mix-tape is with some funky Hip-Hop.  This song was so darned good that I really do think Skee-Lo deserved to have a second single. Alas, this is his only large contribution to the 90s, a mix of funk, comedy, rhyming and basketball rivaled only by the Fresh Prince himself. To this day, any time someone wishes themselves to be “a little bit taller”, the rest of the chorus will henceforth be echoed at the end of that statement.
16) FEEL ME FLOW - Naughty By Nature
Without looking up the release date of this song I would have thought it to be older, this one being a summer anthem that stuck around for many years after this. It vanished with the rest of the 90s (pretty sure DMX had something to do with it.) Either way, no one raps faster or better than Trech on a doorstep in this sweaty sun-inspired classic.
17) DOIN IT - LL Cool J
This is a fine way to end this mix-tape as this song slows it right down and drops the mic when its done. Another song to definitely not listen to with your parents in the room, even if they don’t understand the lyrics in the verse, they will certainly hear the lady moaning through the chorus.
As an end-note to this adventure in music, I must look back at the way this music has made me feel like a pre-teen all over again. My references to my parents throughout this can’t be denied! Music is transformative and maybe that’s why our favourites will always be from our earlier memories. Anyway, this was fun!  
Hopefully it helped you remember a few of your favourites too. Let me know which ones you love that I left out.  Thanks for coming with me on my musical adventure!
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
‘Outlander’ says goodbye to one major character, but there’s hope for another
Image: starz
This recap contains spoilers for Outlander Season 3, episode 3, “All Debts Paid.”
Episode 3 of Outlander Season 3 is a pretty big deal for fans of Diana Gabaldon’s novels: Not only does it reintroduce a pivotal character in Lord John William Grey (all grown up and decidedly more dashing than the last time we saw him in Season 2, now portrayed by David Berry), but also closes the chapter on Claire and Frank’s tumultuous relationship in surprisingly poignant fashion.
While the show has to omit or streamline countless plot points from the novels in the adaptation process — including cutting Jamie’s trip out to the seals’ isle (although perhaps we’ll see it later in flashback) and the many prickly layers of his complicated relationship with Lord John — for the most part, Outlander’s writers do an admirable job of staying faithful to the emotional arcs that drive Gabaldon’s novels. That’s especially true of episode 3, written by Matthew B. Roberts, which takes our heroes on a believable and equally effective journey, even if the signposts are a little different along the way.
But “All Debts Paid” also featured a massive change to the narrative of Gabaldon’s Voyager — one that will have ripple effects across the series — and we couldn’t be happier about it.
SEE ALSO: ‘Outlander’ episode 2 finally gives us sex, but not the way we were expecting
In the books, Murtagh FitzGibbons Fraser, Jamie’s godfather and right-hand-man, is killed at the Battle of Culloden, but episode 3 reveals him to be alive (if not well) at Ardsmuir. When the prison is closed, the fan-favorite character, played by the indispensible Duncan Lacroix, is shipped off to the American Colonies with the rest of the prisoners, while Jamie is taken to an estate called Helwater to serve Lord Dunsany. 
Showrunner Ron Moore tells Mashable that there was one very good reason why he chose to keep the beloved character alive: “Murtagh’s development in the series is different than the books basically from the beginning. We made him much more of a key player in the story, much closer to Jamie, and then he got in on [Claire’s] secret in Paris. He became part of the family in a different way than in the books. And I just wasn’t ready to let him go in Culloden. He is going to survive and we will catch up with him later, we will just keep him going.”
Fans who’ve read book four might have some idea how Murtagh could come back into Jamie’s life, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Image: starz
Back in the future, we see Claire’s relationship with Frank fracture beyond repair. The episode’s early moments reveal that Frank has been seeing other people, since Claire can no longer love him the way she did before, and while their agreement seems amicable at first, over the years, the connection between them deteriorates to the point where Frank decides he wants a divorce so that he can take Brianna back to England without Claire, to start a new life with his mistress — a suggestion that naturally incenses Claire. 
(Sidenote: I hope the TV Academy and HFPA will finally pay attention to Outlander next awards season — over the course of these first three episodes, Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, and Tobias Menzies have all done a spectacular job of establishing the passage of time through their nuanced, perfectly calibrated performances, conveying the agony of grief, insecurity and old wounds more effectively than any old age makeup or hair change could. Heughan’s powerful, restrained delivery when John touches Jamie’s hand effortlessly evokes all the trauma he suffered while at Black Jack’s mercy in a single expression, while Balfe and Menzies’ confrontations are searingly honest, loaded with the weight of two decades’ worth of unspoken resentments.) 
Unfortunately, Frank never gets the chance to start over, because he’s killed in a car accident following the fight.
According to Balfe, Claire manages to be content in a marriage of convenience for so many years because she experienced true love with Jamie — but things aren’t quite so simple for Frank. 
“She’s sort of decided within herself that once was enough for her, and that the memory of that love is enough to carry her through the rest of her life. Her marriage with Frank, yes, it’s a marriage of convenience, but I think it’s a marriage of friendship in some ways,” she tells Mashable. “They come to an agreement where she won’t ask any questions, he can do what he wants. She’s going to focus on her career and being a good mother, and he’s going to be a good father. It works for them, and it works for 20 years. And really the tragic victim in that marriage is Frank, because he’s somebody who really wants Claire and still is in love with Claire and still desires her, but she just can’t reciprocate it.” 
She adds, “Everyone gives Frank such a bad rap, but if you’re in that marriage, I think he can’t help but try and find the things that he needs outside of it. Claire still has Jamie’s love inside her heart, so she’s good.”
As emotional as Claire’s farewell to Frank is, Balfe reveals that filming the hospital scene presented an unexpected challenge.
“Our first take, I look down and realize that sound had stuck a microphone to Tobias’ bare chest. That was not very emotional. I was like, ‘Um, does the dead guy need a microphone?'”
Despite the technical difficulties, Balfe adds that the scene was incredibly important for Claire as a character.
“At that point they were so emotionally far apart from each other, and the intimacy had been gone for so many years, but it’s like you don’t realize how much you love somebody until they’ve been taken away from you,” she notes. “They’ve been so used to living in this side by side world, but taking each other for granted, in a way, that at that moment she just realized that, there’s always been this huge love for [him]… It’s an apology.” 
SEE ALSO: 10 burning questions we have about Claire and Jamie’s ‘Outlander’ Season 3 reunion
Tobias Menzies has now said goodbye to both his characters, Black Jack Randall and his descendant, Frank, but admits that he doesn’t exactly feel emotional about losing either:   
“It’s sort of odder than that, because they’re all just like bits of you, so they don’t go anywhere. Will I miss playing them? Yes, it’s been great. It’s been an amazing ride. And I’ll also miss all the great friends that I’ve made on it. But it’s been fun to go on and do other things. We’ve been doing this for three and a half years now. But yes, I’ll definitely miss it, and it’s been a really great adventure.” 
Outlander airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on Starz.
Watch: ‘Outlander’ Season 3 is a heartbreaker
Read more: http://ift.tt/2hqRzjR
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2xWEqGJ via Viral News HQ
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
Image: starz
This recap contains spoilers for Outlander Season 3, episode 3, “All Debts Paid.”
Episode 3 of Outlander Season 3 is a pretty big deal for fans of Diana Gabaldon’s novels: Not only does it reintroduce a pivotal character in Lord John William Grey (all grown up and decidedly more dashing than the last time we saw him in Season 2, now portrayed by David Berry), but also closes the chapter on Claire and Frank’s tumultuous relationship in surprisingly poignant fashion.
While the show has to omit or streamline countless plot points from the novels in the adaptation process — including cutting Jamie’s trip out to the seals’ isle (although perhaps we’ll see it later in flashback) and the many prickly layers of his complicated relationship with Lord John — for the most part, Outlander’s writers do an admirable job of staying faithful to the emotional arcs that drive Gabaldon’s novels. That’s especially true of episode 3, written by Matthew B. Roberts, which takes our heroes on a believable and equally effective journey, even if the signposts are a little different along the way.
But “All Debts Paid” also featured a massive change to the narrative of Gabaldon’s Voyager — one that will have ripple effects across the series — and we couldn’t be happier about it.
SEE ALSO: ‘Outlander’ episode 2 finally gives us sex, but not the way we were expecting
In the books, Murtagh FitzGibbons Fraser, Jamie’s godfather and right-hand-man, is killed at the Battle of Culloden, but episode 3 reveals him to be alive (if not well) at Ardsmuir. When the prison is closed, the fan-favorite character, played by the indispensible Duncan Lacroix, is shipped off to the American Colonies with the rest of the prisoners, while Jamie is taken to an estate called Helwater to serve Lord Dunsany. 
Showrunner Ron Moore tells Mashable that there was one very good reason why he chose to keep the beloved character alive: “Murtagh’s development in the series is different than the books basically from the beginning. We made him much more of a key player in the story, much closer to Jamie, and then he got in on [Claire’s] secret in Paris. He became part of the family in a different way than in the books. And I just wasn’t ready to let him go in Culloden. He is going to survive and we will catch up with him later, we will just keep him going.”
Fans who’ve read book four might have some idea how Murtagh could come back into Jamie’s life, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Image: starz
Back in the future, we see Claire’s relationship with Frank fracture beyond repair. The episode’s early moments reveal that Frank has been seeing other people, since Claire can no longer love him the way she did before, and while their agreement seems amicable at first, over the years, the connection between them deteriorates to the point where Frank decides he wants a divorce so that he can take Brianna back to England without Claire, to start a new life with his mistress — a suggestion that naturally incenses Claire. 
(Sidenote: I hope the TV Academy and HFPA will finally pay attention to Outlander next awards season — over the course of these first three episodes, Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, and Tobias Menzies have all done a spectacular job of establishing the passage of time through their nuanced, perfectly calibrated performances, conveying the agony of grief, insecurity and old wounds more effectively than any old age makeup or hair change could. Heughan’s powerful, restrained delivery when John touches Jamie’s hand effortlessly evokes all the trauma he suffered while at Black Jack’s mercy in a single expression, while Balfe and Menzies’ confrontations are searingly honest, loaded with the weight of two decades’ worth of unspoken resentments.) 
Unfortunately, Frank never gets the chance to start over, because he’s killed in a car accident following the fight.
According to Balfe, Claire manages to be content in a marriage of convenience for so many years because she experienced true love with Jamie — but things aren’t quite so simple for Frank. 
“She’s sort of decided within herself that once was enough for her, and that the memory of that love is enough to carry her through the rest of her life. Her marriage with Frank, yes, it’s a marriage of convenience, but I think it’s a marriage of friendship in some ways,” she tells Mashable. “They come to an agreement where she won’t ask any questions, he can do what he wants. She’s going to focus on her career and being a good mother, and he’s going to be a good father. It works for them, and it works for 20 years. And really the tragic victim in that marriage is Frank, because he’s somebody who really wants Claire and still is in love with Claire and still desires her, but she just can’t reciprocate it.” 
She adds, “Everyone gives Frank such a bad rap, but if you’re in that marriage, I think he can’t help but try and find the things that he needs outside of it. Claire still has Jamie’s love inside her heart, so she’s good.”
As emotional as Claire’s farewell to Frank is, Balfe reveals that filming the hospital scene presented an unexpected challenge.
“Our first take, I look down and realize that sound had stuck a microphone to Tobias’ bare chest. That was not very emotional. I was like, ‘Um, does the dead guy need a microphone?'”
Despite the technical difficulties, Balfe adds that the scene was incredibly important for Claire as a character.
“At that point they were so emotionally far apart from each other, and the intimacy had been gone for so many years, but it’s like you don’t realize how much you love somebody until they’ve been taken away from you,” she notes. “They’ve been so used to living in this side by side world, but taking each other for granted, in a way, that at that moment she just realized that, there’s always been this huge love for [him]… It’s an apology.” 
SEE ALSO: 10 burning questions we have about Claire and Jamie’s ‘Outlander’ Season 3 reunion
Tobias Menzies has now said goodbye to both his characters, Black Jack Randall and his descendant, Frank, but admits that he doesn’t exactly feel emotional about losing either:   
“It’s sort of odder than that, because they’re all just like bits of you, so they don’t go anywhere. Will I miss playing them? Yes, it’s been great. It’s been an amazing ride. And I’ll also miss all the great friends that I’ve made on it. But it’s been fun to go on and do other things. We’ve been doing this for three and a half years now. But yes, I’ll definitely miss it, and it’s been a really great adventure.” 
Outlander airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on Starz.
Watch: ‘Outlander’ Season 3 is a heartbreaker
Read more: http://ift.tt/2hqRzjR
The post ‘Outlander’ says goodbye to one major character, but there’s hope for another appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
‘Outlander’ says goodbye to one major character, but there’s hope for another
Image: starz
This recap contains spoilers for Outlander Season 3, episode 3, “All Debts Paid.”
Episode 3 of Outlander Season 3 is a pretty big deal for fans of Diana Gabaldon’s novels: Not only does it reintroduce a pivotal character in Lord John William Grey (all grown up and decidedly more dashing than the last time we saw him in Season 2, now portrayed by David Berry), but also closes the chapter on Claire and Frank’s tumultuous relationship in surprisingly poignant fashion.
While the show has to omit or streamline countless plot points from the novels in the adaptation process — including cutting Jamie’s trip out to the seals’ isle (although perhaps we’ll see it later in flashback) and the many prickly layers of his complicated relationship with Lord John — for the most part, Outlander’s writers do an admirable job of staying faithful to the emotional arcs that drive Gabaldon’s novels. That’s especially true of episode 3, written by Matthew B. Roberts, which takes our heroes on a believable and equally effective journey, even if the signposts are a little different along the way.
But “All Debts Paid” also featured a massive change to the narrative of Gabaldon’s Voyager — one that will have ripple effects across the series — and we couldn’t be happier about it.
SEE ALSO: ‘Outlander’ episode 2 finally gives us sex, but not the way we were expecting
In the books, Murtagh FitzGibbons Fraser, Jamie’s godfather and right-hand-man, is killed at the Battle of Culloden, but episode 3 reveals him to be alive (if not well) at Ardsmuir. When the prison is closed, the fan-favorite character, played by the indispensible Duncan Lacroix, is shipped off to the American Colonies with the rest of the prisoners, while Jamie is taken to an estate called Helwater to serve Lord Dunsany. 
Showrunner Ron Moore tells Mashable that there was one very good reason why he chose to keep the beloved character alive: “Murtagh’s development in the series is different than the books basically from the beginning. We made him much more of a key player in the story, much closer to Jamie, and then he got in on [Claire’s] secret in Paris. He became part of the family in a different way than in the books. And I just wasn’t ready to let him go in Culloden. He is going to survive and we will catch up with him later, we will just keep him going.”
Fans who’ve read book four might have some idea how Murtagh could come back into Jamie’s life, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Image: starz
Back in the future, we see Claire’s relationship with Frank fracture beyond repair. The episode’s early moments reveal that Frank has been seeing other people, since Claire can no longer love him the way she did before, and while their agreement seems amicable at first, over the years, the connection between them deteriorates to the point where Frank decides he wants a divorce so that he can take Brianna back to England without Claire, to start a new life with his mistress — a suggestion that naturally incenses Claire. 
(Sidenote: I hope the TV Academy and HFPA will finally pay attention to Outlander next awards season — over the course of these first three episodes, Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, and Tobias Menzies have all done a spectacular job of establishing the passage of time through their nuanced, perfectly calibrated performances, conveying the agony of grief, insecurity and old wounds more effectively than any old age makeup or hair change could. Heughan’s powerful, restrained delivery when John touches Jamie’s hand effortlessly evokes all the trauma he suffered while at Black Jack’s mercy in a single expression, while Balfe and Menzies’ confrontations are searingly honest, loaded with the weight of two decades’ worth of unspoken resentments.) 
Unfortunately, Frank never gets the chance to start over, because he’s killed in a car accident following the fight.
According to Balfe, Claire manages to be content in a marriage of convenience for so many years because she experienced true love with Jamie — but things aren’t quite so simple for Frank. 
“She’s sort of decided within herself that once was enough for her, and that the memory of that love is enough to carry her through the rest of her life. Her marriage with Frank, yes, it’s a marriage of convenience, but I think it’s a marriage of friendship in some ways,” she tells Mashable. “They come to an agreement where she won’t ask any questions, he can do what he wants. She’s going to focus on her career and being a good mother, and he’s going to be a good father. It works for them, and it works for 20 years. And really the tragic victim in that marriage is Frank, because he’s somebody who really wants Claire and still is in love with Claire and still desires her, but she just can’t reciprocate it.” 
She adds, “Everyone gives Frank such a bad rap, but if you’re in that marriage, I think he can’t help but try and find the things that he needs outside of it. Claire still has Jamie’s love inside her heart, so she’s good.”
As emotional as Claire’s farewell to Frank is, Balfe reveals that filming the hospital scene presented an unexpected challenge.
“Our first take, I look down and realize that sound had stuck a microphone to Tobias’ bare chest. That was not very emotional. I was like, ‘Um, does the dead guy need a microphone?'”
Despite the technical difficulties, Balfe adds that the scene was incredibly important for Claire as a character.
“At that point they were so emotionally far apart from each other, and the intimacy had been gone for so many years, but it’s like you don’t realize how much you love somebody until they’ve been taken away from you,” she notes. “They’ve been so used to living in this side by side world, but taking each other for granted, in a way, that at that moment she just realized that, there’s always been this huge love for [him]… It’s an apology.” 
SEE ALSO: 10 burning questions we have about Claire and Jamie’s ‘Outlander’ Season 3 reunion
Tobias Menzies has now said goodbye to both his characters, Black Jack Randall and his descendant, Frank, but admits that he doesn’t exactly feel emotional about losing either:   
“It’s sort of odder than that, because they’re all just like bits of you, so they don’t go anywhere. Will I miss playing them? Yes, it’s been great. It’s been an amazing ride. And I’ll also miss all the great friends that I’ve made on it. But it’s been fun to go on and do other things. We’ve been doing this for three and a half years now. But yes, I’ll definitely miss it, and it’s been a really great adventure.” 
Outlander airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on Starz.
Watch: ‘Outlander’ Season 3 is a heartbreaker
Read more: http://ift.tt/2hqRzjR
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2xWEqGJ via Viral News HQ
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