#sibling relationship to father - parent relationship
blackkatdraws2 · 22 hours
[Toon x Mobster] New character: the old guardian of the Huffman siblings! + LORE and COMICS
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Sir. Wallace Kingsman. A retired hitman/boss in his late 80s who's a father figure to the Huffman siblings
He's rather old fashioned and stoic, only ever showing his much softer side towards the two kids, a few other close companions, and nobody else. He's both well-respected and feared by the people who knows him.
His stance on the relationship between the Toons and the Huffman siblings are vague. He does not reveal his true thoughts and feelings, only quietly observing them. However, by the end, he sees that being with the toons makes Gavriel and Grace happy so he chooses to just leave it be.
[Background Info and Comics:] (Warning: Injury, blood, dark topics.)
As little children, the Huffman siblings found Kingsman in the slums when the old gentleman was collapsed due to his injuries from a gunfight nearby.
Gavriel Huffman, accustomed to the violence, planned on leaving the dying man alone, not wanting to take the risk of potentially getting into trouble with his involvement. Grace was able to [hesitantly] change his mind due to her persistent begging to save the old man.
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Gavriel Huffman during this time was 16 years old, with Grace Huffman being 7 years old. Both children have no parents and they live on their own, alongside the poor/homeless population of the area they reside in.
After the Huffman siblings saved Sir Kingsman's life, he eventually gets well enough to leave on his own and come back later to repay the kindness that was shown to him by the people of the slums, especially the Huffman siblings.
He takes the Huffman siblings under his wing and raised them as his own where they grew to become elite members of their organization through their unexpected talent and incredible hard work.
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The three initially did not consider each other as family, more like friendly acquaintances. However, there were signs of their relationship developing to that route, which accelerated after a particular accident happened.
They only ever referred to each other with formality. This was the first time they've called each other familial terms.
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Grace Huffman, upset at having experienced such a harrowing event, swore to become stronger so her old brother doesn't have to get hurt protecting her anymore.
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discoscoob · 2 days
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ִ ˙ ✩°˖🍂⋆。˚ Note: contains upsetting and distressing themes involving teen suicide, murder, abuse and parental neglect. This is angsty as hell, fellas :(
Note ii: I do not intend to romanticise or excuse any of the following, these are merely thoughts and ideas inspired works of fiction. I do not support or defend men like Donnie in the real world. If you think the following will be upsetting or triggering, I strongly advice not reading. You are responsible for your own choices. Thank you!
I’m using Keanu’s character Matt from the film River’s Edge as inspiration and a template for my headcanons for young Donnie Barksdale.
Family Dynamics
➤ Donnie never had a proper father figure in his life growing up and he never knew his real father.
➤ His mother suffered with alcoholism, leading to her neglecting him and his younger siblings.
➤ She would drift between different relationships, often with toxic boyfriends that Donnie would frequently get into verbal or physical fights with in an attempt to defend/protect his mother and younger siblings.
➤ As the oldest sibling, he felt responsible and pressured to fulfill a paternal role for his younger sister and brother.
➤ Prematurely stepping into this paternal role, without any healthy or positive guidance to draw from, meant Donnie didn’t possess the emotional maturity needed in order to fill that role properly.
➤ Donnie received little to no experience of healthy discipline himself growing up, which resulted in him mimicking the only discipline he ever experienced, which came from his mother’s toxic boyfriends.
➤ His first experience of using violence and aggression as a form of control and punishment began with his younger brother.
➤ When his younger brother started heading into a rebellious and reckless phase, without any sign of growing out of it, Donnie attempted to take control of his behaviour by using violence and aggression.
➤ Donnie’s softer side came out towards his little sister, the youngest sibling. He tried to be more protective and nurturing towards her. Despite his intentions being good natured, his attempts to overcompensate for the emotional and physical neglect she faced from their mother, lead to his protectiveness over his sister to become increasingly more controlling.
➤ This overprotectiveness would later extended to his romantic relationships with women and evolve into more possessive and controlling behaviour.
➤ Because Donnie never had a proper, healthy role model to look up to, he was never taught how to properly manage his emotions, leading to an inability to manage conflicts healthily.
His Friends Influence
➤ Donnie’s high school friend group became the only male influences in his life he had any positive association with. His friends were the only thing he had to fill the emotional voids within his life, this made the sense of brotherhood he felt he had developed with them incredibly sacred to him, something which he would protect no matter what.
➤ His loyalty to his friends was put to the ultimate test when one of his friends, John, murdered his girlfriend, Jamie. Donnie was pressured by his friend group to stay quiet in order to protect John.
➤ This had an everlasting detrimental impact to Donnie’s moral compass and desensitise him to violence, especially violence against women.
➤ The fear of losing the only sense of belonging he ever had on top of his fear of abandonment was enough to convince him to overlook John’s crime.
➤ This is the point in Donnie’s life where loyalty vs betrayal became more important to him than right vs wrong.
Prospects and Substance Abuse
➤ Struggling in school would often lead to Donnie skipping class or not showing up to school altogether. His poor performance in high school, on top of the poor amount of opportunities in his rural town, left Donnie with very few options.
➤ Donnie was already pretty disillusioned by life at a relatively young age, due to the lack of opportunities in his rural town and any dream of escapism he had seemed unattainable.
➤ He would smoke weed with his friends when they skipped school and when Donnie became older and accepted any, usually low-paying and physically demanding, job he could find, he would turn to alcohol and other harder substances as a coping mechanisms and a form of escapism.
➤ His drinking and substance abuse would only contribute to his violent and abusive behaviour.
His Sister’s Suicide
➤ Matt was in his mid to late twenties when his little sister took her own life. She was still only a teenager. She was struggling to cope with her own issues that developed from growing up within her toxic and dysfunctional family dynamic.
➤ At this point in his life, Donnie was already struggling with alcoholism and substance abuse as a coping mechanisms for his unfulfilling life, but it would become far worse after losing his sister.
➤ None of his romantic relationships were ever healthy, thanks to a combination of factors such as his abandonment issues, his relationship with violence and his inability to handle his emotions in a healthy manner (to name a few.)
➤ Most of his relationships failed because any potential threat to the relationship or lack of control triggered his anger and insecurities, usually caused by his jealousy or controlling behaviour.
➤ But losing his sister only worsened his toxic and unhealthy behaviour within his romantic relationships.
➤ He would cling tighter to his partners than ever before and that would manifest as manipulation and control. He would isolate his partner from their friends and family, forcing them to be completely reliant on him. Any hint of disloyalty or emotional distance from his partner would trigger violent outbursts.
➤ Donnie views his sister’s death as another one of his failures in life. Blaming himself for not protecting her enough, even though his protection of her had already developed into something that was toxic and overbearing, unknowingly contributing to the number of issues his sister was struggling to cope with.
➤ Donnie always perceived his intentions towards his sister to be good natured, as that’s how they began and honestly she was the one person he genuinely loved the most. Although he never learnt how to nurture and maintain healthy feelings and emotions, resulting in them all becoming warped and toxic. In his mind, he never hurt his sister or contributed to her turmoil.
➤ Therefore, when she took her own life, part of him saw it as a betrayal after all the sacrifices he made to protect her.
➤ The fragile relationship Donnie developed with masculinity, due to the major influences from his high school friends, his mother’s toxic boyfriend’s and the old rural town’s dated attitudes, left him unable to process his grief in a healthy manner—perceiving sadness as weakness. His grief would instead be channelled in bouts of uncontrollable anger and deep, depressive episodes.
Jamie and Jessica parallels
➤ When Jessica’s body is pulled from Donnie’s lake, it gives him flashbacks to seeing Jamie’s body at the river’s edge.
➤ When Donnie becomes a suspect and later charged with Jessica’s murder, questions about his involvement in Jamie’s murder resurface.
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cotton-could · 3 days
The depth of the Beetles brothers
My favourite sibling relationship in KND is definitely the Beetles brothers and I feel like they don't get the recognation they deserve, they're very adorable and is by far the most healthy sibling relationship but it does have some interesting aspects. Lemme break it down:
🍼; Wally had to step in to parent Joey
I find it interesting how the normally irresponsable Wally is suddenly the most responsible boy when his brother is concerned, almost like he's fulfilling the role his parents failed to fulfill. Wally's parents are oblivious at best and painfully irresponsible as seen in the D.O.D.G.E.B.A.L.L episode, where both parents doesn't even react to a grown and elderly wizard attacking their baby, they don't even get mad at him. I know it's "haha adults are being dumb and useless 😂" but this doesn't paint them in a good light since Joey needs someomeone to rely on and clearly he can't rely on his parents (I'll talk about it later), Wally on the other hand, he protects him, scolds him, looks after him and raise him, despite being the eldest brother, he acts more like a stern but loving father than a brother. The guy went berserk when he thought his baby brother was hurt, a clear contrast to their parents' reactions when Joey was in real danger. Wally became the "adult" Joey needed at such a young age...
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🧸; Wally is Joey's comfort and safe source
What I find most endearing in their relationship is that Wally of all people is Joey's source of comfort. He knows how to take care of himself as seen in D.O.D.G.E.B.A.L.L but this trait is apparently forgotten because in S.A.F.E.T.Y he doesn't use his dodgeball skills but actually, the trait wasn't forgotten, it's because he feels safe and protected with Wally. Remember his brother was knocked out when he was fighting against the wizard while his parents did nothing but in S.A.F.E.T.Y he didn't even tried to crawl away from danger, he's either paralyzed or searching/waiting for his brother but after seeing his older brother, he's cheerful and smiling again.
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So when his source of comfort is shattered (when Wally gets mad at him), he just crawls away from him while crying and refuses to hear his apology. And this is despite the fact that Joey has seen his mom get mad (who's scarier than his brother when angered) at Wally and didn't cried. And this makes sense because his mom isn't his source of comfort like Wally.
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Joey probably considers Wally his best friend, as he's always there for him when he needs it and gets to be vulnerable.
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🍬; Their parents' irresponsability are what makes their bond strong
Similar to the previous point but now more focused on the parents. They're trying, their dad works 2-3 jobs and the mom is a housewife but.... they're very irresponsable. They let a baby fight a wizard (I know they were tied but they didn't even tried to break free or telling the wizard to back off) and let a baby wander around all alone without bothering to look after him. It's one thing to be busy and to try but it's another to leave a baby who's at oldest a year old, see his brother without thinking of the possibilities he might get run over, kidnapped, get lost, crushed, etc... Yes, he knows how to defend himself but he's still a naïve baby, this would make Joey finding safety in Wally more understandable.
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🥧; He brings the best side in Wally
It's undeniable Wally is a good person but he always does his hardest to keep his sweeter side hidden, even with Kuki, so when it comes to apologizing.... He pretty much needs to go through painful experiences or get his pride in shambles to do it but with Joey it's a different case. He's not only openly affectionate with him (when he always avoid to do it with his friends and sometimes acts disgusted when he receives affection) but he genuinely apologizes to Joey in front of his friend/ally and the villain, he shows vulnerability in an environment he knows his pride would be destroyed and taken advantage by the villain of the episode but he doesn't care because his brother comes first. He calls Hoagie out when he asked Joey to dance, whispering him he's doing it because he wanted to be nice. Wally is not the nicest kid and it speaks volume of how much he cares about his brother's feelings when he wants to show his softer side.
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And let's not forget how he spent the whole episode using his own body as a shield for Joey, not caring about the competition he's been trying to win because his baby brother is hurt, etc... When Joey is in the picture, Wally drops all his foolishness and becomes serious and responsable.
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🍟; Wally's parental role is taking a toll on him
It wasn't really focused on the show but from what we saw, it can be assumed he's also playing a fatherly role to Joey but... in the scenes he was shown crying, he takes it a bit too far, he's reacting how Joey should be (the cut was fake but still) and has a meltdown after destroying the robot because his brother is hurt but he reacts more like he failed Joey.
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And I get him, because in the whole episode he was a jerk to him, made him cry, Joey didn't really accepted his apology, he indirectly caused Joey's "cut" and is bleeding. None of it were positive interactions at all and it kept getting worse, even if he protects him, it feels like it's not enough. If it weren't for Hoagie, Wally wouldn't even forgive himself at all and would think he's a failure of a brother because he couldn't prevent his little brother from getting hurt.
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🧃; Wally's hidden jealousy
This one isn't that big of a story but it's still interesting. While he has a positive relationship with Joey, it's implied he's jealous of him and we can see that in S.A.F.E.T.Y when Joey unintentionally stole the spotlight from him, telling him to go home and eventually snaps at him.
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And in D.O.D.G.E.BA.L.L he might be secretly in denial about not really defeating the wizard but Joey. When Hoagie tries to inform him, he immediately refuses to hear him because deep down he knows Joey did it.
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🍭; In spite of this, Joey does admire Wally and is his hero
In a blink-or-miss moment, Wally does his silly dance before preparing himself and in the next few scenes, Joey is seen the make the same dumb dance as Wally for the whole episode (which Wally is completely unaware of).
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Joey's reason to be here in the first place is because he wanted to see his brother in action and to root for him. He does have/mimick some of Wally's habits such as being a great fighter, being aggressive to enemies he can take down, being bored of his dad's stories and the silly dance.
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🍊; Wally is actually the father figure Joey needed
They may bicker and stuff but it's clear they love each other. With their parents being irresponsable and Joey not having an adult to rely on, Wally is the closest thing he has to a father figure. He's not the perfect one because of his anger issues but considering his age, it's justified but despite that, Wally is a good influence and presence in Joey's life. Wally takes great care of him and is always gentle when handling him even when he's mad at him (like carefully putting him on the floor instead of dropping him on the floor). Yes, Wally can be very harsh on him but it was mostly out of love, anger and concern (he could've been more tactful about it but his anger was understandable). And Wally has more emotional responsability than most adults in KND as he apologizes to Joey and makes up for his harsh behavior with hugs protecting him from danger. And his actions are what made Joey forgive him, he rejected his apology but after seeing how Wally will put himself at risk so he can be safe was what made him realize that Wally does care about him even when he gets mad at him.
It can be unfair for Wally to fulfill such a heavy role at such a young age but it's clear he doesn't regret it and knows no one else would look after him. He never took it out on Joey and this shows the maturity Wally has.
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Hope you guys liked my post about them, those 2 makes me so ill, I love those sillies so much! If anybody makes content of them or Joey content, please tag me, I'm a huge Beetles Brothers and Joey enjoyer.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 17 hours
What's your opinion on Dadmare aus?
I don’t think much about Dadmare aus, or not very often. I don’t have anything against them and whenever I come across content i usually think it’s cute and like the post before moving on, but i don’t seek it out and hardly engage in it.
This is mostly because i haven’t found an interpretation of dadmare aus ive been able to get invested in, most interpretations ive come across just aren’t for me.
My biggest “issues” (but not really) with most interpretations is that nightmare is almost always portrayed as a perfect dad who can do no wrong, all the other sanses are infantilized to hell and back, and as @/signanothername said in their own post, none of the characters feel like their own people.
Their relationships to eachother and Nightmare all feel very one note and cut from the same mold most of the time. All the same reactions, all completely trust Nightmare and kiss the ground he walks on.
I don’t mind found family, but I don’t like it when the found family is shoved into little boxes and cannot differ from them.
Nightmare is 500+ years old, did not grow up with any significant parent figure in his life despite winging it on taking care of Dream, and spent his 6 early years of life being routinely abused by all the adults around him. And then he was horribly transformed and corrupted.
Why would he take on a parental role again when the last time he tried something like that he was also a child, he had no other choice, and everything went to shit despite it? Wouldn’t he also struggle like any actual parent would.
If he spent 500+ years isolated and only interacting with others when forced to, or needing something from them like negativity, wouldn’t that life experience translate into trying to care for this group of traumatized men.
And they are men. They aren’t boys. They’re adults. Unless they’re supposed to be actual children when they meet Nightmare, or one or all of them are age regressed, then I don’t see the point in infantilizing them or treating them as if they’re children. None of these guys are looking for a father figure.
Adults can be found family, there doesn’t need to be any dad or child or siblings boxes to me.
Especially not when Horror already has a brother, Killer’s concept of family dynamics is also very likey screwed to hell and back (just look at what he thinks about any relationship, there’s no such thing as “equals” in his eyes, killer in dadmare dynamics would probably just view it as another role and game he has to play and “dadmare” is his new Chara), Nightmare killed his mother and his currently trying to kill his brother after trapping him in stone for years.
Dust killed his brother and is constantly haunted by his hallucination, Cross destroyed his entire AU and also came from an entirely different AU with a completely different life from the others. (Alphys being his sister, for example. Horror having lobotomized his Alphys and Killer having likely killed and tortured his many times and Dust having murdered his.)
So tldr: I don’t mind dadmare, but it personally isn’t for me. I like found family bad sanses, but not if there’s roles assigned and not if it’s not earned.
I don’t like Nightmare being the perfect father somehow and the sanses being treated like children even though they’re 30-40+ adults and aren’t looking for a father figure.
I prefer dysfunctional found family dynamics with the bad sanses.
Also that some people aren’t likely to be overly emotionally involved or invested in these dynamics for a very long time if at all, even if he plays along as if its all a game or some elaborate test being played on him— either because he thinks he has to, or because it’s something new and he’s curious. He may even get bored of the dynamics eventually, and start asking Nightmare when it’s game over.
Which could lead to something very interesting if he realizes it was never supposed to be a game or a test.
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atla-confessions · 2 days
I know it’s popular and I know it’s a motif that zutarians love but realistically
Zuko and Katara are not tui and la there is nothing push and pull about them. They have the exact same personality zuko’s just a bit angrier and katara’s more sarcastic but that’s more socialization. Even their functions with the story doesn’t support the push and pull. And honestly if any character relationship embodies tui and la it’s Aang and Zuko.
The foundation of their relationship is that they are Yin and Yang. Zuko and Aang spend the entire seasons locked in a push and pull relationship both emotionally and literally. (Emotionally Aang pulls zuko pushes, physically zuko pulls (trying to capture, Zuko is more a close range fighter), Aang pushes (getting away most defensive air bending is literally pushing people away)
Life and Death - Air is literally life you cannot survive without breathing and you need air to breathe. It is literally called the breath of life. In the past 100 years fire has become so synonymous with destruction and death people hate you on principle for being a fire bender. Even Zuko believed that fire bending was a tool for destruction to be used in anger. Also air can either fan or snuff out the flame, balance has to be reached to
Good and Evil - Aang by virtue of being the avatar is the “ultimate good” he also embodies a more child like innocence and his whole arc is figuring out a way to strike a balance between that innocence and duty meanwhile the Fire nation are the big bars and Suko is the face of that for a long time. He represents the darker side of child hood abuse and his entire arc is trying to regain some of that innocence back.
And I don’t even need to go into the yin and Yang you see the poem you get the metaphors.
But yeah Aang and Zuko are as tui and la as it gets which honestly it’s very specifically a water bending thing so the comparisons aren’t complete so take everything with a pinch of salt. And honestly tui and la is actually a wonderful metaphor for the physical flow of water bending because even just watching them you can see the push and pull.
But yeah Aang and zuko’s relationship to each other doesn’t get enough credit in fandom and Zuko and Katara’s is often forced into boxes it doesn’t quite fit.
They aren’t quite opposites attract the only opposite thing about them is fire and ice they are actually pretty similar, like their colors they are just hotter or cooler versions of the same personality. On similar ends on the sliding scale of temperament. And honestly I think that’s what makes them so fun!
If anything Zuko and Katara are two sides of the same coin. Similar in disposition different in socialization. It’s why the water siblings and the fire siblings mirror each other so well. Personality wise zuko is katara Azula is sokka if the conditions they grew up with were more extreme. (Obviously they have their differences) but even their principle relationships with their parents are similar. Zuko and Katara with their moms and Azula and Sokka with their fathers. (Again obviously the two parental situations are nothing alike just how they function with each child’s story is similar)
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raihann1 · 1 day
past jeff and ben and toby headcanons with a best friend :3
𓈒⟡₊⋆∘BEN and Toby with a bestfriend from their past☆
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NOTES: bro I know its you L1nk 😛
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Friends, he doesn't have any 😔
Your his top priority besides other things, he's very self concious and you have to reassure you aren't being friends with him as a joke.
VERY grateful you chose to be friends with him
Your relationship is like childhood friends that act like siblings.
Still acts childish so he'll still make you build forts or watch try not to laughs 😔
He likes to talk about his father and how he's struggling.
Will always try and defend you :(
Years past and soon, you never saw him agian. You believed he was dead
Your his only friend, his only real one. So don't go. He's watching.
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Benjamin Lawman/BEN DROWNED 🎮
He never wanted friends, pft who needs friends.
He just has his games and thats all that matters.
You ended up meeting him through a get together with family friends.
He was playing on his console ignoring everyone untill he noticed you were on your parents phone bored like him 💀
You guys kind of just. Stared 🧍‍♂️
He approached you, sitting next to you and asked
"You bored too?"
Since you were both kids you'd talk about random shit at school.
"I heard the teacher smokes"
"No way 😭"
You bonded quickly!
By the end you've talked for hours! Ben even refused to leave without you.
You eventually met often.
talked, games, sleepovers, all nighters, cheesy horror games, summoning ghosts.
You never saw him agian once he was 12.
You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?
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lovingwanda · 2 days
Character Profile: Candice Ann-Marie Montgomery (Candy)
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Full Name: Candice "Ann-Marie" Montgomery
Nickname: Candy
Age: 35 years old
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Chestnut brown, often styled in loose waves or elegant updos.
Residence: Warren Valley (Trick R Treat universe)
Occupation: Owner Of "Candy's Corner" A boutique shop in Warren Valley.
Family Background:
Mother: Eleanor Montgomery, a dedicated homemaker who infused warmth and creativity into her family's life. Eleanor encouraged Candy's love for fashion and instilled the importance of self-expression through clothing and personal style.
Father: Robert Montgomery, a decorated veteran of both World War I and World War II, who returned home with a deep sense of duty and responsibility. His strong work ethic and focus on discipline influenced Candy's determination to succeed. However, his experiences in war left him emotionally scarred, leading to periods of withdrawal and difficulty in expressing his feelings, which strained their family dynamic. Despite the pride associated with his military accolades, the toll of his service created a complex relationship for Candy, as she struggled to reconcile the heroic image with the reality of his struggles with PTSD.
Siblings: Candy is an only child, which fueled her ambition to excel and fulfill her parents’ high expectations. Growing up without siblings allowed her to develop independence early on, often planning her own activities and social events.
Marital Status: Widowed
Late Husband: Nathaniel "Nate" Carter, a kind-hearted man who supported Candy's dreams. They were married for four years before his untimely passing due to an unexpected illness. Candy often reminisces about their adventures together, and Nate’s encouragement helped her build the confidence to pursue her aspirations.
Would-Be Child: They were expecting their first child, whom they named Lily, but Candy suffered a miscarriage during the first trimester. The loss deeply affected her, instilling a sense of fragility about life that she channels into her work and relationships.
### Backstory:
Candy grew up in a tight-knit suburban community in the late 1940s, where individuality and creativity were cherished. Heavily influenced by her mother’s role as a homemaker, she learned early on how to throw vibrant gatherings and events that brought people together. Candy's childhood was filled with color and warmth, as her mother often organized neighborhood events and holiday celebrations, cultivating a sense of community.
Her father's experience as a decorated veteran of two world wars instilled in her a sense of respect for duty and service. However, his service left him with deep emotional scars, leading to difficulties with intimacy and emotional expression. While she admired his bravery and accomplishments, she often felt the weight of unspoken expectations and the burden of his unresolved trauma. As a child, she found herself tiptoeing around his moods, desperately wanting to support him but often feeling helpless to alleviate his pain. This dynamic taught her resilience but also instilled a sense of responsibility and fear of vulnerability.
After high school, Candy attended a local community college, where she studied fashion design and business management. Her education sparked a passion for style and entrepreneurship, leading her to envision a future where she could combine both. Upon graduating, she worked in various retail settings, honing her skills in customer service and fashion merchandising. Her outgoing personality and flair for connecting with people made her a natural fit in these roles.
Candy and Nate decided to travel together, exploring America’s vibrant culture and fashion scene. Their adventures deepened their bond and ignited Candy’s desire to create a space that reflected her vision of community and creativity. Tragedy struck when Nate fell ill. His unexpected passing was a devastating blow, leaving Candy grappling with her grief. The emotional toll was compounded by the loss of their unborn child, an experience that shattered her dreams of family and stability. Yet, through the darkness, she resolved to honor Nate’s memory by pursuing her dreams.
### Personality:
Candy is outgoing and friendly, with an innate ability to make people feel at ease. She thrives in social situations, often acting as a mediator and organizer among her friends. Her life experiences have made her empathetic and emotionally aware, qualities that draw others to her. Despite her cheerful demeanor, she is a planner at heart—meticulously organizing her shop’s events and always keeping a detailed calendar.
Candy’s resilience shines through in her determination to succeed despite personal tragedy. She uses her pain as motivation, channeling it into her work and community involvement. Her shop serves as a safe haven for those looking to express themselves, and she approaches every customer interaction with kindness and understanding, hoping to uplift others who may be going through similar struggles.
### Goals and Aspirations:
Professional: To expand her shop into a well-known destination for fashion enthusiasts, offering unique pieces and community events that inspire creativity and connection.
Personal: To heal from her past losses while finding ways to keep Nate’s memory alive. She dreams of one day starting a family again when she feels ready, nurturing her own legacy and possibly naming a future child after Lily.
### Conclusion:
Candy’s story is one of resilience, creativity, and connection. She embodies the spirit of a social butterfly, using her charm and planning skills to create a welcoming environment for others. Her journey from grief to self-motivation illustrates her strength and commitment to living life to the fullest, making her a beloved figure in her new community.
### About "Candy's Corner"
In Warren Valley, within the Trick 'r Treat universe, Candy currently owns and operates a charming boutique called "Candy's Corner." The shop specializes in unique, handmade clothing and accessories, embodying her flair for fashion and creativity.
### Details about Candy's Corner:
Theme: The boutique features a whimsical and nostalgic aesthetic, blending 1970s styles with seasonal decorations, particularly for Halloween. The shop transforms into a festive haven during the fall season, showcasing costumes, spooky decorations, and autumn-themed clothing.
Community Hub: Beyond being a retail space, Candy's Corner serves as a social hub for the community. Candy often hosts events, such as crafting nights, fashion shows, and seasonal celebrations, where locals can come together to share ideas and support each other.
Focus on Sustainability: Candy is passionate about sustainability and often sources materials from local vendors, promoting eco-friendly fashion. This aligns with her values of community support and responsible living.
Mentorship: She also takes on a mentorship role for young aspiring designers and seamstresses in the area, encouraging them to express themselves through fashion and creativity.
### Conclusion:
Overall, Candy's Corner reflects her vibrant personality, love for fashion, and dedication to building connections within Warren Valley, making it a beloved establishment in the town.
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This is not meant to be a dig more just an observation at why opinions differ, but I feel like the people who view Dick as being a fatherly figure to Damian/them having a Parent-Child dynamic vs a Older Sibling-Little Sibling dynamic don’t know what it’s like to have siblings that are waaaaaaaay older than you in a big family! They may take on a more guardian role but it’s still a different dynamic idk
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
"Stillborn? No, still born" Danyal au -- VLAD MASTERS THE BITCH HIMSELF
*Points at Vlad* THIS MFER GOT SOME TEEFS TO HIM. !! Okay okay, Vlad Masters in the stillborn au is different compared to most of my other aus in the fact that I am far more heavily leaning into his original ambitions of wanting a family and being desperately lonely. Because you know what wanting a family implies? Wanting to be a parent.
Fucked up father figure that could've been Vlad. Complicated love-hate relationship between the only two halfas in existence.
Danny hates Vlad, but he hates even more that he's genuinely considered his offers of mentorship. Vlad is the only halfa around, and they both have fire cores. Danny has these powers he doesn't understand, can barely comprehend some days, and can't control. But Vlad does. Vlad can. And Vlad wants to help him. He's the only other person who can get close whenever Danny runs too hot. Whenever his igneous hair cracks, splits, and spits back out into magma and his friends can't get close, Vlad can.
His hair is made of magma, which runs so hot that people need specialized suits in order to get near it. He physically cannot get close to the living as a ghost unless he's calm enough for his hair to cool into igneous rock. Which isn't as often as he would like. And sometimes he's too hot for other ghosts to get near unless they have fire cores -- which Vlad has.
There have been many times when Danny's having a meltdown (literally) and gone somewhere to be alone, to let his anger and hurt and loneliness overflow and spill out, that when he's come back to, Vlad's right there with him as an anchor. It's desperately frustrating, it's the only time they can get along. They don't say anything, Danny just turns and clings onto the only person he can touch as a ghost.
Its not fair. Vlad wants to kill his foster dad, and Danny can't let him do that. But he wants to be trained by the man, he wants his help and wants what he can offer. But Vlad can't step away from his revenge long enough to let him. It's just not fair. He thinks for a moment that maybe it could work, and then Vlad does something to remind him that no, it can't.
Vlad Masters sees too much of himself in Daniel Brown -- from the way he holds himself, to the defenses he puts up, his quiet anger that builds and builds and builds until it explodes. That simmers beneath his skin. All the way down to the fact that they have matching cores. This boy is cut from the same cloth as him, and by god does he want to help him. He's always wanted to be a father, and Daniel Brown is too much like him for him to ignore. He genuinely, truly cares about Danny and his wellbeing.
He wants to help him, child just let him help you. Let him kill your foster dad so he can adopt you himself and help with these powers that terrify and intrigue you -- he knows what that's like to have something that you can't control, to have a heat that you can't cool down from. "We're in the same boat you and I, let him help you please."
But his methods are all wrong, and Danny is too much like him -- stubbornness and all -- for him to agree when they oppose each other so greatly. But again, Danny is much like him -- which means that Vlad is equally stubborn, and in every single one of their fights he's parental. He's annoyingly parental. He drops his interest in Maddie to focus his efforts in trying to coax Danny onto his side. It's like trying to get a traumatized cat to trust you, and on some levels it works. It's like he makes some progress, and then moves too quickly and the cat immediately runs off and you have to start back from square one.
TL:DR; Vlad and Danny both want to find family in each other but they're too different to get along and ultimately they are doomed by the narrative to be at constant odds with one another unless one of them is changes, and it doesn't matter who.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#vlad masters#danny fenton#vlad masters the father figure that could've been#its TOXIC your honor#stillborn? no still born au#stillborn danny au#danyal al ghul au#parental vlad masters#*points at Vlad and Danny's canon relationship* I CAN MAKE IT MORE COMPLICATED#vlad also has magma hair but he's managed to figure out a way to keep it cool enough to stay as igneous rock. which danny wants to figure#out how to do. Vlad's happy to teach him but Danny is just. too angry all the time and his core too young for it to work. He's too angry.#This also means Dani just straight up won't exist in this au or if she does her reason for being needs to change because Vlad making Dani i#a sign that he's given up on trying to convert Danny to his side. which THIS Vlad will not be doing.#if she exists in this au Vlad made her in order to give Danny a blood sibling for him to bond with and hopefully help convince onto his sid#which means Dani probably doesn't betray Vlad because Vlad does genuinely care about her too. Their dynamic is even MORE complicated#tldr: Vlad: LET ME ADOPT YOU | Danny: STOP TRYING TO KILL JACK AND I'LL CONSIDER IT#Vlad: HE ICED ME OUT OF STARTING A FAMILY AND HIS INCOMPETENCE RESULTED IN THE DEATH OF A CHILD. NO. | Danny: THEN FUCK OFF#Starry looks at Vlad's original ambitions and goals (wanting a family + revenge) and extrapolates on that. he was far more interesting#before DP made him standard power hungry and evil imo#Danny calls vlad 'dad' once while concussed and delirious and vlad never forgot it. he rode that high for a MONTH.#FUCKED UP PARENTAL FIGURE VLAD Bruce has competition and doesn't even know it.#hey. mister wayne. bruce. a supervillain is trying to adopt your firstborn. omg he can't hear me. he has the WayneTech Beats in. mISTER WAY
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
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It's not always easy being a teenager - and it's not always easy being a parent either. They are both a bit cranky at times.
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wayward-wren · 2 months
Thought too long about Hermoine daughter of Meneleus and Helen and got sad
#wren rambles#greek mythology#the iliad#the odyssey#i am actually not 100% sure what stories shes in#but i got interested at her mention in the odyssey and then read her wiki page#girl lost BOTH her parents for 17 years when she was 9#grew up probably raised mostly by Clyemnestra which. no one wants.#her parents finally came back from troy and their re-honeymoon in africa#and three years later shes send off to marry Neoptolemus#an agrragement her father made during the trojan war#(now marriage customs were different ans this arragement would have been normal.#and she doesnt seem to hate the idea [though her opinion isnt mentioned] so it could just be a normal marriage agreement#however it IS Neoptolemus. who is often portrayed as brutal and violent.#tho idk what hes like outside of war. anyway. happiness of the marruage aside#its probably a shock to be Nine Years Old and then when youre solidly in your 20s your dad comes back abd is like MARRIAGE TIME)#and THEN Orestes and Neoptolemus fight over her and she marries Orestes (her cousin. but again. ancient greece)#just. most of that generation of kids lost only their father#some perminantly#telemachus for 20 years#most for at least ten years#but Heromine lost BOTH her parents#lost the relationship with her MOTHER which the vibe i get was SUPER valuble#(if Demeter's attitude is anything to go by and the cultural vibe of mother-daughter relationship)#helen even did cite that she was a foolish creature for leaving her husband and beloved daughter#ALSO Hermione not having any full siblings means something to me#idk just. Helen's only daughter. left behind.#Helen's only CHILD left behind
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feedingicetothedog · 4 months
also the Implications™ of armand telling louis that claudia didn't love him like lestat loved him or like armand loves him......
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sage-nebula · 11 months
I can't sleep so I'm just laying here in the dark thinking about how at least 3 different sets of "older brother raised younger brother and so the older one is both brother and parental guardian" sets of fictional characters have given be brainrot at different periods in my life.
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coffeehelly · 1 year
genuinely i think a large part of what makes kuniharu such a bad father is that hes a manchild who thinks of kusuo more like a brother than a son
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sarafangirlart · 1 month
It’s pretty interesting how Polydectes wanted to marry Danaë while Dictys didn’t, yet he treated her like family and helped her raise her child as if Perseus was his own son. Sure it could be argued that he it’s bc he already has his wife Clymene but not all ancient sources mention her, besides, when has marriage stop men in mythology from cheating?
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anal0g-andr0id · 2 months
yall remember that post thats like "2012 avengers fandom wanted so badly for the team to be friends and theyre barely even coworkers." that <- flaw right there is exactly what i think makes xmen media so good. even when its bad. cause at least they all live in a big house together and hang out and have interesting interpersonal dynamics and shit. like we always wanted <3
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