#shoyu tamago
angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
Hiya! I'm an infernal felinekin looking for quick but yummy and nutritious, protein rich meals I can toss together for lunch and dinner. I'm living my best life eating pretty much just a pan fried protein + roasted veggies + honeyed fruit for dessert, and would love some more inspo. I'm big on sweet and spicy flavors, I love any white fish + salmon, shrimp, rabbit, venison, and beef (but not huge on pork or most poultry, though I'll eat eggs), and I don't tend to eat a lot of grains in general but will be willing to eat wild rice and whole grains as long as it's not the main part of my meal. I adore some good, hearty veggies, but most legumes don't really do it for me. Can't stand eggplant or tomatoes. Typically, I like my meals to feel both fancy and refined but also like I could really sink my teeth into it and taste the freshness of the kill. Think crisp and juicy textures? thank you so much!
Hello! Here's some suggestions for you!
Wild Mushroom and Beef Stew
Brown Sugar Flank Steak
Baked Fish with Lemon Butter and Capers
Slow-Cooked Short Rib Ragu
Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa
Soy Sauce Eggs (Shoyu Tamago)
Garlic & Rosemary Grilled Lamb Chops
Hope you enjoy these, sorry for the slow reply! Have a great day ♥
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power-chords · 11 months
Shoyu tamago... do you have a preferred recipe? I have some smoked soy sauce that I would like to use up, and for the first time since 2022 when I burnt out entirely on pandemic cooking I feel the urge to make some comfort food.
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possiblyabug · 8 months
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my first time making shoyu tamago! it’s so yummy ;-;
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foodies-channel · 1 year
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🍥 Homemade ramen. Tori chintan, shoyu tare, chicken chashu, green onions and Ajitsuke Tamago.
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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ramenhaven · 1 year
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Experimenting with Shoyu Tamago marination times and thought I’d snag a pic of my breakfast tonkotsu.
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Ideas for Gravity Falls-Themed Yoshoku Dishes Idea.
Dipper Chicken Torikatsu with shoyu-syrup-lime juice based sauce
Brief Description: Chicken Cutlet that is double-fried lightly, inspired from Korean Method. Topped on rice with light sauce mainly composed of shoyu light syrup, and lime juice with some aromatic herbs. Sided with Salad
Mabel Varieties of Decorative Tempuras and Shaped Korokke
Brief Description: Shrimp and Vegetable Tempura decorated in edible glitter of gold and silver, along with Korokke shaped into mythical creatures, shooting star, sweater, and so-on. Served with confetti and “Mabel’s Fortune Sembe”
Wendy Steak with miso-Momotaro Tomato Puree sauce
Brief Description: Meat of choice that you can choose the cut, and doneness(if it is beef). Marinated with miso-based sauce, before topped with tomato-shoyu thick sauce. Served with potato salad.
  Stanley Fish Hambagu
Brief Description: Fish-based Hambaku patty, filled with cubed squid and shrimps. Served with dollar-decorated seaweed sheets over bowl of rice. Topped with Nanban Cream Sauce, or Sour Salad Dressing as choice.
  Ford Napolitan Pasta with including of Tantantem seasonings
Brief Description: Napolitan Pasta based on Italian version, but drier, more garlicky and spicy. Plus, Tantanmen Seasonings’ peppers is based on Sichuan & Korean ingredients.
  Soos Okonomiyaki with umami bomb
Brief Description: Kansai-Style Okonomiyaki packed with mushroom, dried seaweed, grilled meat stripes, seafood broth, and herbal blends.Topped with “?” mayo, as well as bottles of various sauce to flavor it your way.
Pacifica Spicy Spam Curry Doria
Brief Description: Underneath varieties of oozy cheesy blend, lay the curry with extra spicy twist, cubed spam, and chopped vegetables. It’s sided with either baked loaf of bread and butter, or Japanese rice.
McGucket Creamy Natto Spaghetti
Brief Description: Sound unlikely, but instead of taming Natto, it is adapting Natto in Carbonara Spaghetti. Raw egg also topped on it, as well as some spring onion, and mustard on side. 
  Gideon Themed Bento of his vibe
Brief Description: Six onigiris with different tastes united as star-shaped, amulet-shaped wakame pile, and fried rice with egg decorrelated into his face. Served with Sashimi, shoyu, and wasabi.
Robbie Cream Stew blackened with seaweed and squid ink
Brief Description: Creamy stew with rice on the side, but both is blackened. Stew is with ink and seaweed extract, making it dark and umami, going with with seafood and parmesan. While the unprocessed rice is mixed with five legumes and other grains. 
Bill Omurice-Onigiri Fusion
Brief Description: Onigiris with tamago sheet on the outer layers, which having 6 of them. Each 6 of them focus on different flavor; sweet, sour, savory, bitter, salty, and pungent. In addition, there are 6 mini-side dishes, and six furikake to coat the remained rice with.
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Tamagoyaki (卵焼き) adalah telur dadar Jepang yang terkenal, dibuat dengan cara mengocok telur dan menggorengnya dalam lapisan tipis yang dilipat secara bertahap. Hidangan ini memiliki tekstur yang lembut dan rasa yang manis dan gurih. Tamagoyaki sering disajikan sebagai lauk pendamping, bagian dari sushi (sebagai tamago sushi), atau bahkan sebagai sarapan. Berikut adalah penjelasan lebih mendalam tentang tamagoyaki:
1. Asal Usul
Tamagoyaki telah menjadi bagian dari masakan Jepang selama berabad-abad dan merupakan hidangan yang umum di restoran sushi dan bento.
"Tama" berarti telur, dan "yaki" berarti dibakar atau digoreng.
2. Bahan Utama
Bahan-bahan untuk membuat tamagoyaki sangat sederhana, termasuk:
Telur: Telur ayam adalah bahan utama, biasanya menggunakan beberapa butir untuk membuat satu tamagoyaki.
Bumbu: Biasanya ditambahkan:
Gula: Untuk memberikan rasa manis.
Kecap (Shoyu): Untuk menambah rasa umami.
Mirin: Minuman beralkohol manis yang sering digunakan dalam masakan Jepang, juga memberikan sedikit rasa manis dan aroma.
Minyak: Untuk menggoreng.
3. Cara Membuat Tamagoyaki
Berikut adalah resep sederhana untuk membuat tamagoyaki:
4 butir telur
1 sendok makan gula
1 sendok makan kecap (shoyu)
1 sendok makan mirin (opsional)
Minyak untuk menggoreng
Mempersiapkan Campuran Telur:
Kocok telur dalam mangkuk hingga rata. Tambahkan gula, kecap, dan mirin (jika menggunakan) dan aduk hingga tercampur dengan baik.
Memasak Tamagoyaki:
Panaskan sedikit minyak dalam wajan persegi atau wajan anti lengket dengan api sedang.
Tuangkan sepertiga dari campuran telur ke dalam wajan, ratakan hingga membentuk lapisan tipis.
Setelah bagian bawah mulai mengeras tetapi bagian atas masih sedikit cair, lipat setengah bagian tamagoyaki ke dalam.
Tuangkan sepertiga lagi dari campuran telur ke dalam wajan, pastikan untuk memasukkan lipatan yang sudah ada ke dalam campuran telur yang baru. Biarkan matang, kemudian lipat lagi.
Ulangi proses ini hingga semua campuran telur habis, membentuk lapisan-lapisan yang terlipat.
Menyelesaikan dan Mendinginkan:
Setelah semua telur dimasak, angkat tamagoyaki dari wajan dan biarkan dingin selama beberapa menit.
Setelah dingin, potong menjadi irisan dan sajikan.
4. Penyajian
Tamagoyaki sering disajikan sebagai lauk pendamping dalam hidangan bento, sebagai bagian dari sarapan, atau di atas nasi sebagai sushi.
Biasanya, tamagoyaki disajikan hangat atau pada suhu ruangan, dan bisa dihias dengan daun shiso atau irisan rumput laut.
5. Variasi
Tamagoyaki Sayuran: Menambahkan sayuran seperti wortel, bayam, atau daun bawang ke dalam campuran telur.
Tamagoyaki dengan Seafood: Menambahkan potongan udang atau kepiting ke dalam campuran.
Tamagoyaki Pedas: Menggunakan saus sambal atau cabai bubuk untuk menambah rasa pedas.
Tamagoyaki adalah hidangan yang lezat dan mudah disiapkan, dengan rasa yang sangat disukai oleh banyak orang. Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang cara membuat tamagoyaki atau variasi lainnya, silakan beri tahu!
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japantourguide · 3 months
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sachiko-restaurant · 1 year
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🥢 Sợi mì Sợi mì ramen được làm từ bốn nguyên liệu cơ bản như: bột mì, nước, muối và nước tro tàu. Nước tro tàu là một nguyên liệu không thể thiếu khi làm mì ramen vì nó giúp tăng độ dẻo dai, tạo màu vàng cũng như hương vị đặc trưng cho sợi mì.
🥄 Nước dùng Nước súp của ramen thường được hầm từ xương heo, xương gà hoặc xương bò, đồng thời kết hợp với các nguyên liệu khác như: xương bò, nấm hương (shiitake), kombu (tảo bẹ). Ngoài ra, nước súp còn được nếm nếm thêm những gia vị khác để tạo hương vị đặc trưng cho món mì như: muối (shio), nước tương (shoyu) và tương miso.
🥓 Đồ ăn kèm Để tăng thêm hương vị cho món mì, ramen sẽ được thêm vào một số loại đồ ăn kèm như sau: ➕ Thịt heo Thịt heo dùng trong mì ramen gồm 3 loại chính đó là: Chashu (thịt xá xíu), Kakuni (thịt viên được hầm với nước tương và rượu mirin), Bacon (thịt xông khói).
➕ Rau củ Rau củ tươi gồm có hành lá, tỏi băm, giá đỗ, hạt bắp và bắp cải,… Rau củ khô gồm có: nấm kim châm, mộc nhĩ, rong biển, wakame (một loại tảo bẹ mỏng tại Nhật Bản), beni shoga (gừng ngâm Nhật Bản, có màu đỏ).
➕ Trứng ngâm tương
Trứng trong mì Ramen - có tên gọi là Ajitsuke Tamago. Trứng sẽ được luộc lòng đào, sau đó được tẩm ướp với rượu ngọt, nước tương trong vài tiếng.
Nhà hàng Nhật Bản Sachiko 📍 54 Lương Văn Can, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội. ☎️ Hotline: 0339.23.69.23
▪️ Website: sachiko.vn ▪️ Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/Sachiko.Japanese.Restaurant/
▪️ Google: https://goo.gl/maps/FjSrpVKkgZgS4PvY8
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pane-bistecca · 2 years
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
Do you have any recipes that would be pretty easy/low energy meals, especially for a foxkin? I'm allergic to blueberries but other then that I'm pretty open. I just have very little energy most days to cook at all. Thank you for your time
Hello there. Here's some easy recipes for you.
Lemon Butter Chicken
Skillet Chicken with Creamy Cilantro Lime Sauce
Angel Chicken
Soy Sauce Eggs (Shoyu Tamago)
Rosemary Chicken with Potatoes and Green Beans
Creamy Parmesan and Sundried Tomato Chicken
Udon Noodle Soup with Bok Choy and Poached Eggs
Paprika Chicken & Spinach with White Wine Butter Thyme Sauce
It's mostly chicken because that's what I have tagged for your kintype lol. Hope you like them! Thank you for the request. ♥
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battleangelcosplay · 2 years
I finally nailed the FamiMa onsen tamago.
Used to get them for like 円68 but I couldn’t get the sauce right and I’ve been craving it for like two years now.
Boil 1L water, covered. Remove from heat
Add 200cc cold water and gently add 4 eggs
Cover and rest 17 min, remove eggs and rest 5min
Simmer 3 parts dashi (hondashi granules and hot water, nothing fancy!) + 1 part light shoyu (as in color, not low-sodium) + 1 part mirin
Remove from heat, stir in a handful of katsuoboshi and a splash of rice vinegar
When the flakes sink, strain that shit and maybe add water if you added too much hondashi
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It’s not supposed to be pretty it’s supposed to be DECADENT and GRABBABLE from the FRIDGE and SLURPABLE without UTENSILS because I have ADHD and dishes are HARD
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gonnabeapinupgirl · 4 years
Got some quail eggs from a friend decided to try soy marinated eggs for the first time!
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So good!
I used this recipe but only marinated 14 eggs. I also couldn't bother to buy fresh chili or green onions, but I did add Korean chili powder 고추가루, rice wine vinegar and ginger powder. Planning on trying with chicken eggs soon!
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ramenhaven · 2 years
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Homemade Shoyu Ramen with Ajitsuke Tamago
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willxia1 · 6 years
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Throwback Ramen day . . . . ========================= @Rara_Redfern Pork Shoyu Topped with Bean Sprouts, Black Pepper, Shallots, Half Free Range Ajitsuke Tamago Seasoned Egg and Topped with Free Range Grilled Char Siu ========================= . . . . . . . . . #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #Throwback #RamenDay #Sydney #ILoveSydney #Rara #Redfern #RaraRedfern #OishiiBoys . . . . . . . . . . #Pork #Shoyu #BeanSprouts #BlackPepper #Shallots #Free Range #Ajitsuke #Tamago #SeasonedEgg #Grilled #CharSiu #Noodle #Noodles #NoodleLift #LiftingNoodles #NoodleWorship #SendNoods #NoodsNoodsNoods (at RaRa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqwRoZpFTOJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gylirknpp54x
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lorenskitchen · 3 years
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Tomago Kake Gohan - Japanese style rice and egg. I didn’t have quite enough leftover rice so it’s a little soupy but damn delicious. A raw egg is whipped into the rice with chopsticks, then you add some shoyu (soy sauce) a little bit of Mirin if you want, some aji no moto (msg), and sprinkle with furikake or torn pieces of nori. Comfort food at its best! #japanesefood #tamago #furikake #shoyu (at Aurora, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRWeWW_NYIg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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