#shout out to my partner for being an autism ally
cutieacefuck · 1 year
accidentally forgot I had my partner waiting on the phone for 40 minutes bc my mom asked me what five nights at freddys was
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watercolourferns · 5 years
oof can you do the main 6 with an autistic mc??? btw i love your headcanons and I hope you have a nice day
Hiii! OwO Awh, thank you. I hope you have a nice day, too, and that you like these HC’s. I hope they are well written. ^_^Julian
He’s very mushy and touchy feely and generally very sensory overwhelming.
If you recoil from him or shut off he will get confused and scared, seeing it as a rejection, but he will ask what’s wrong even so.
When you tell him you’re atypical he will research, even ask Nadia to let him use the Palace’s library. 
He wants to know everything about it, but he doesn’t want to pry because he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
Once he has a decent grasp on what Autism is and how much of a spectrum it is he will start to shyly ask questions to get a good grasp on how you live it.
He will start to ask before touching you, speak in a softer voice, lower volume, will start to ask if it’s alright for you two to go to the Marketplace or the Red Market. 
He will be a bit mother hen in the beginning, but as he gets used to being around you and starts to memorise your routines and your needs he will ask less and less but you will see that the shop, his house, and the clinic will be a bit more tailored to your needs.
He will never try to “fix you” nor make fun of your stimming if you do stim and will shut down anyone who even tries to say something.
Will condition a whole room in his house for you, to unwind, to feel safe, some sensory items in there too if you need them.
He knows, he has always known, he just didn’t have a word for it.
He always have given you your space, and the shop has been conditioned for you.
That’s why the backroom is the way it is: a place for relaxation, where there’s not much noise, and there’s things that help you sensory-wise.
He will run the errands most of the time, but if you have to go out, or want to accompany him he will make sure it’s very early, when there’s very little people out and about.
He will be very alert when going out and at the first sign of a melt down he will gently guide you away and into a place where the meltdown can run it’s course with you safe.
He will use magic for this: cool down his hand a bit do he can place it on your forehead and nape to help with the heat and stress, he will use it to try and soothe you, maybe distract you a bit if you’re not having a meltdown but just overwhelmed.
If you don’t want being touched he will keep his distance until you tell him it’s ok.
He will teach you to meditate, since that has seemed to help you with being sensorially overwhelmed.
She will call several doctors, but afterwards will realise that there’s nothing to really fix. She will apologise for her knee jerk reaction, though.
She likes time to herself, in the quiet and the peaceful privacy of her headquarters due to feeling overwhelmed with her migraines and the Courtiers, so she understands completely if you ask to be left alone due to feeling sensory overwhelmed. 
Your hyper fixation doesn’t bother her, she tends to do that as well.
If it applies, she will let you stack and count and order her tinkering things while she’s at her hobby if you need stimming.
 It will take time for her to know how to handle your meltdowns, but in the end she will be able to guide you back to your private rooms, reassure you that everything is going to be fine. She will make sure to have plenty of fresh water and soft cushions where to lie down and hide.
She doesn’t have much time during the day, so she will ask Portia to take care of you while she’s away.
But will clear her schedule if you require her. 
You will never have to sit in a meeting with Nadia and the courtiers if you don’t want to.
She will totally and completely shout at someone if they even try to comment on you being atypical.
She will ask Julian what Autism is and will bombard him with questions the moment you tell her
She’s very bubbly and can be overwhelming, but if you ask her to tone it down a bit she will. 
She will apologise, but if you explain that it’s not that you don’t like her bubbliness but it’s because you get overwhelmed she will go “OHHHHH!!!!” and try to keep that in check.
Her cottage is probably one of the most peaceful places in the palace to be, so that’s a good thing.
If she can keep her boisterous self in check well enough she will be your best ally sensory-wise. 
Any smell, texture, taste, etc, you like she will try to keep you well stocked on it.
People already speculate if Muriel might be on the spectrum due to his demeanor even when he was little.
From all the sic LI’s, it’s possible he will understand you the most because of this.
So he will know when you let you be, when to come close, when a meltdown is coming, etc.
His hut is PERFECT: warm cozy, makes you feel safe, it’s isolated.
He’s the one who least minds your lack of understanding of social queues.
Your bluntness will not bother him at all.
He might seem like the perfect partner for you, but it can also be a double edged sword.
Because you two will retrofeed your bad habits.
But don’t worry, Asra will be there to help the both of you out with socialising and other things that otherwise might be problematic.
So much alone together time!
And nature does help relax you a lot.
Stimming? Sure why not? He’s the last people on this earth that will judge you.
Hyperfixation? Have you been present when he talks about chickens? Hyperfixate and speak endless about anything you like, he will pay attention.
Honestly I don’t have much headcanons here because I don’t think he would be a good partner for someone on the spectrum. He’s too flashy, too boisterous, too overwheling. x___x Maybe after his upright ending if there’s one? But right now as the character is? No, it would be a bit too much.Ok, so there you are. These things were written after speaking with one of my closest friends who is on the spectrum. I hope they are ok. x___x
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Autistic Community Manifesto Part 1: Us Autistics Chapter 1: Autistic Brotherhood by Charles McIntyre
Greetings fellow Autistics, I am Charles McIntyre, I am 26 and was diagnosed with PDD-NOS (Autism) when I was 4. My greatest strengths are Hyper Empathy, being analytical, seeing details and patterns others miss and word-smithing.
My greatest struggles are connecting with people, executive dysfunction, SPD, CAPD. I officially formed the group Call "Intelligent Autistic Media" in April 2017. Our mission statement is to spread 1. Autistic Pride 2.) Encourage and instruct Autistic Self Advocacy 3.) Defeat Anti-Autistic stigma and myths, 4.) Encourage and instruct NT Ally ship 5.) Improve the lives of Autistics and their families as much as possible.
               I run this Facebook Group has at this about 380 members and we have been active for almost a year. We are an okay group, but I have not been as a successful leader as would like to be. I believe this to be because I my struggles with struggles with executive dysfunction and my inability to connect to people in an effective and consistently. In short, I am more a creative, ambitious visionary, than a leader and organizer.
So, I decided to write this sort of "Manifesto of Campaigns" as way to offer up a list of campaigns and initiatives I believe could elevate the status of the Autistic Community and solve some of our problems. It is hope that this manifesto will inspire various members of the community to time, resources, and talents to execute the fore mentioned project and initiatives. I feel like success hinges on ability to organize and mobilize. With our collaboration and unity can we ever hope to overcome NT supremacy. I am not sure if everybody will agree to all my ideas, but I am throwing them out there regardless. If you do find ideas appealing, please contact me. I hope to set up some collaborations.  If you have any constructive criticisms, please elaborate. If you don’t have anything of meaning to add please ignore and scroll pass.
 Part 1: Us Autistic Chapter 1: Autistic Brotherhood 
Now, as were particularly diverse demographic of exceedingly unique individuals, unification is of   course easier said than done.  I would propose constitution or a share list of demands. As often have embracive personalities and none of us like to walk on eggshells we try to be patient with each other as much as we and agree to interact with a shared written code of ethics or social guidelines
Here is an example of such a code: 1.) If you are not of groups demographic stay in your lane. Ie don't talk about something that you don't understand. 2.) If you post something covers anything that may cause someone a panic attack or extreme discomfort; ie Sexual assault, violence, bigotry ect... ad a Trigger warning. 3.) If you post anything that has possible uncomfortable subject matter or contents; ie swearing, sex, sensory issues ect ad a content warning. 4.) Do not use sarcasm or hyperbole or otherwise confusing language.  5.) While in debate or disagreement do not assume hostility unless it is blatant. You maybe projecting or overthinking. Try asking the other person to clarify.  6.) Try to stay on topic with the post while commenting. 7.) If you see a post or comment that upsets you or that you disagree with scroll past it unless you deem it necessary.  8.) When engaging in a debate be polite and avoid using vulgar language or name calling.  9.) Walk away from an argument if it gets to heated. 10.) If someone does not want to argue, don't drag them back into thread by tagging them. This is harassment. 11.) Do not play mind games or gaslight. This is harassment. 12.) Conversing with multiple people use tags to distinguish to whom you speak.
  First and foremost, though, we must spread Autistic Pride and self-love. I did not want to admit to having any connection to my fellow Autistics until I was able to accept my own Autism. Even now sometimes I get discouraged and wish I was different. I think Autistic self-defecation should thought as virus that we must try to remedy as soon as possible lest it spread through toxic interaction. This does not we shove pride down are fellow Autistics’ throats, but we must always strive to encourage and uplifting whenever possible.  This again would require us to mutually patient with each other.
One idea I have for unification is reject any ideas that we can be or should be Neuro-typical. We shall not try to be what are not. In do this we should reject Neuro-typical social customs viewpoints. We should instead develop our own Autistic social customs and viewpoints. Thus, establishing Autistic social culture.
 As we all know functioning labels divide, silence and stigmatize people across the autistic community. The simplest fly, generalize, and stereotype the experiences of all autistic people. We must never let the neuro- typicals force them on us nor any other autistic. At the same time however, we must be sensitive to the two different ways autistic people struggle. We must never imagine that our experience with autism the same as anyone else’s experience with lot. To demonstrate this point, I’m going to exemplify to members of the autistic community with very different forms of autism without relying on functioning labels.
               Many of us know of John Elder Robinson. He is the author of such books as “look me in the eye”, “be different” and others. In both books, he talks about his struggles and talents. Some of his struggles include sensory processing disorder, social ineptness, aversion to eye contact and possibly executive dysfunction. There is natural engineering talents and creativity, he was able to leave home, find employment, incomplete independence, at age 16. (He also grew up in a different time).
 This contrasts with the experiences of Carly Fleishman. Carly, who is a brilliant young woman, is a brilliant writer, and has developed quite the charming TV personality has struggles and talents very different to Mr. Robinson. In the memoir she wrote with her father Arthur Fleischman; “Finding Carly’s Voice” Carly is described as being nonverbal, having episodes of intense sensory overload, as well as experiencing more extreme meltdowns and coping with more prominent stemming. Throughout her early in adolescent years Carly has been sent to live in a variety of institutions designed for people with her type of autism. Before she learned to effectively type, or diagnosis also included intellectual impairment. She has recently been nominated for a reward called a “Shorty”, but I am uncertain if she has managed to live independent yet.
Essentially what I’m saying is, we must give recognition to struggles and talents of the Carly Fleishman’s, the John Elder Robinson’s, the Naoki  Higashida’s, Stephen Wiltshire’s and everyone else in between in the autistic spectrum. It might be most convenient, we mapped out different types of autistic. This way be as crude was insensitive as functioning labels but would be more like 16 personality types. It would provide some symbolic shorthand to understand the person struggle and strength, without knowing everything about that person.
                 If we do not commit ourselves to encouraging self-advocacy and union ship in cooperation with people throughout different autism types, if we say, “oh yes, I am autistic, but I don’t want to be associated with these autistics, because I’m not freak like them,” then we are not really better than those neuro- typical bigots alienate, and discriminate against us. We autistics are also all we have. We must be inclusive as possible to maximize our numbers. If we cannot be inclusive to towards our own people how can we expect neuro- typicals to be inclusive towards us?
                 Once we have figured out way to bring empowerment, self-love and pride to people across the spectrum must also remember to be intersectional. Intersectional means that while we focus on autistic issues, make ourselves aware that people with identities other than autistic marginalized in different ways and therefore may have different struggles. To illustrate example, I once got accosted with a police officer because he suspected me of smoking cannabis at a town dance. The truth is my eyes were red because I was crying. I couldn’t look him in the eye, because I am in fact autistic and my ability to look people in the eye diminishes as I get more nervous. He thought I was lying in my have arrested me of his partner had pulled him away as he pulled away he shouted, “if you’re lying to me 10 times worse!” Now this was not my only encounter with police. Not my only misunderstanding. It is very common for autistic people to have some dealings police either as a victim or as a suspect. As we are autistic, it can be difficult to be out how to figure these situations and police sir severely under trained to understand or accommodate autistic people. While this incident was fortunate, I will tell you, that would ruin been worse if I were Black. Police tend to unjustly patrol black neighborhoods more and act more hostile towards people of color. If I had been black is much more possible that I would have been arrested and/or beaten by the police. Being intersectional means that we are sensitive to such issues of extra vulnerability to autistics who have extra vulnerability due to belonging to another marginalized demographic.
                 Being intersectional means that as leaders we do not let the members of our community indulge in any form of bigotry. Mustn’t allow any; racism, six them/misogyny, homophobia, trans-phobia, ablism, Islam phobia, anti-Semitism, classism or any other form of bigotry. (If we criticize any creed or religion we must be careful not to act discriminatory against all the members of that said creed or religion. For example: is perfectly fine to criticize Christianity and other religions for things that homophobia, trans-phobia, misogyny, racism and ablism Etc. but we cannot take this out on a random Christian. We should be accepting of people of differing creed identities under the condition that they are accepting of people different identities as well. Again, if we are not willing to be accepting of people from demographics that are different from us, if we indulge ourselves in bigotry, we are no different than those neuro- typical bigots that alienate discriminate against us.
                 Once we formed an all-inclusive and all accepting that all intersectional, autistic community we must strengthen it. We need people to feel pride. To do this we must remind people that autism is a pervasive condition meeting affects every aspect of a person. This means that while your struggles are because autism strengths and talents and expertise is also thanks to autism. We must also remind those autistics who have not found self-acceptance, of those autistics across the spectrum are found major success. Again, self-pride is necessary to push one’s self forward on a tough road ahead.
It will also be important for autistics to be experts in autism. We must do this to best understand ourselves and spread awareness to others. Also, I want us all to be old to really drive it home to those neuro- typicals who believe they understand autism better in anyone else that we are the ultimate experts. And we understand autism in ways that no one else can possibly can.
 One of the most important things for everyone in the autistic community to know how to do is self-allocate. I will go over this in more detail in a future chapter. It should go without saying that is a tool that carves our path to self-empowerment and control of our own destiny. Self-efficacy is something that autistic children should learn from an early age. We must never allow members of her community to be apologetic for being autistic.
One interesting person has memorized the basics of self-advocacy, they are ready to graduate to social political activism for the entire autistic community. I will also go into more detail on such ideas in a later chapter. Basically, we must make sure people the autistic community are aware of the political and activism tools out their disposal. We must help make sure members over community are aware of how they are being marginalized and how their community the daily subject of social political discussion whether they like to acknowledge it or not. A shocking number of autistics seem to be oblivious facts. Thing to consider is while autism can make it difficult to stand up for oneself against an oppressor, we all must learn to do so.
 This has been chapter 1 of my autism community manifesto. And I discussed basic folkways autistics should apply to themselves to get along with the community, how to make sure the community stays all-inclusive and intersectional, how people in the community should be proud aware of their own autism now they should learn how to self-advocate and eventually politically activate for the community. I hope you found it useful so far or at least provocative. Next chapter will discuss stuff out is the and social political activism in greater detail. Until then, this has been Charles McIntyre, power and peace to the community!
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