#shoto x poc!reader
iisasxia · 2 months
Pro-Hero!Shoto who gives you a kiss on the cheek/forehead before leaving to his agency.
Pro-Hero!Shoto who’s left a note saying when he’ll be back if things go well on patrol and with paperwork.
Pro-Hero!Shoto who can’t help but smile when paparazzi and news reporters ask “is that a ring on his finger?!” Now all he can think about is how you’re waiting for him at home.
Pro-Hero!Shoto who, despite coming home late some days, likes to bring you flowers. Every night he’ll get rid of the old ones he got you and replace them with new ones.
Pro-Hero!Shoto who can be needy sometimes.. he’s occupied with a million things as a pro-hero but when he comes home to his beautiful wife cooking dinner and humming to herself, he remembers why he fell in love with her.
“S-shoto” I have to cook dinner.
His right hand comes to cover yours as you hold onto the wooden spoon placed in the pot. He had just come home from work, his uniform still on and his scent filling your senses.
He kept placing kisses along your jawline, to your ear, to your neck, and now he’s revealed your shoulder and began leaving another trail of kisses there too.
“Sho-“ you practically whine trying to get his attention and with no words all he does is turn off the stove, pick you up, and carry you to the bathroom.
His face buried in your neck on the journey there.
“M’ sorry, I just missed you today. I promise to cook dinner after to make it up to you.”
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darylthekidd · 1 year
i don't care much for dogs
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pairing: aizawa shouta x puppy girl!reader
summary: shou never thought that he'd be up for adopting a dog. they were clingy, hyper, dumb, and gross. or so he thought.
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this had to be a joke, right? the one time eraserhead steps away from his patrol for the night, he's gotta be the hero again. well, according to himself anyway.
you were just chilling, huddled into your dingy, makeshift bed that you had long outgrown. here in the Tourism Sector of the city. you must've been dodged by a previous caretaker.
not that shouta was looking, but he noticed how you looked. your adorable ears, hidden poorly in your sparkly, dewy fro. you had on simple tops and bottoms but he wondered if that shake was real. your small, chubby self just perched so cutely, he didn't like dogs but he would tolerate them for you.
as he took a step to try and wake you, he heard a meek growl sound from you. had you been awake this whole time? you must be a light sleeper.
"m'not drunk 'n' m'not going back to the hold. not with you." the girl mumbled, shouta just bent down a little to see her a bit more. he was treated to the smell of dog mixed with a fading perfume. it was a strange smell.
"hey. i'm eraserhead. can you tell me if you're alright?"
you peaked up at him, your nose all ashy and twitchy. dehydration. "if you come any closer, i'll rip your heart out through your chest. stay back. what do you want?"
the whiplash?!?
shouta just fought the urge to be irritated by some random pup being rude. this dog probably had ran away rather than be dumped if the way she watched him was any sign.
"are you alright?"
"yea, m'fine. do i need'ta move?"
the way your cheeks seemed to fluff out as you glared at him sent flutters into his throat. you were kinda cute. if he had any say in it, he would've offered to become a very temporary caretaker for you. he still wasn't too much of a fan of dogs.
shouta shook his head, "nah, as long as you're okay. i'm a hero and i want to help."
she lowered her body back down, still keeping her eyes trained on shouta's silhouette through the dark.
"i'm trying to stay on the low. i'm running from a big hero corporation. thanks but no thanks."
he was right. "okay. i'm gonna go then. make sure you stay safe out here."
he wasn't sure why he said that, but as he left the cute, little, floppy-eared hybrid as per her request, he felt differently than he had maybe a few minutes ago.
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if he's being honest, he would've forgotten all about that random late night interaction. in fact he did. that was until he saw her again during his mission. she was out, but he suspected that the bloody tears in her skin were from tranquilizers. if she was any bit as fierce as she was when he first saw her, she probably gave the kidnappers hell right back, if not worse.
"okay, you watch her while i go get the boss. careful, she bites. fat bitch."
"she is chubby and she is a female dog. that's literally what you're saying. or do you mean it as an insult?"
the goon just smacked his lips, aggressively sighing while throwing his arms up. "dude. stop bringing your weird ass simp feminism bullshit up. literally nobody cares, it was just a joke, bro."
shouta wanted to punch his lights out, but he was undercover as a neutral party investor. he couldn't let them see him fight. so he just nodded and let the subject fall for the moment.
"sure.. i don't care."
"if she wakes up or even looks like she's getting ready to move-" the goon pointed to the tranquilizer darts and gun sat on a window sill behind shouta's head, "-shoot her with that. it's the only way we can safely show her to folks. she usually just tries to scratch off people's faces. we wouldn't want your face ruined since you're such a good investor, mr. mooney."
as soon as the greasy asshole left, shouta stretched and got relaxed on the only clean couch. if it took as long to find and get the ringleader to see him as it usually did, shou was going to just catch some sleep.
"eraserhead? you're here, too?"
shouta's eyes shot to see the short, dog hybrid sitting up. he hadn’t notice before but while her eyes were wrapped, her cute, little, floppy ears still poked through her now unkempt hair.
"yea. i'm undercover. i need you to not expose me, please."
"ow! what the fuck?"
before he could ask her anything, in the way she cradled in to herself, shouta could just barely see a blackened burn. a branding, probably. not a great sign, but not as bad as it could be.
"they fucking burned me." tears streamed down her face, "and i fucking hurt everywhere. oww..."
ok, so the situation is worsening. "i promise my colleagues and i will help you out, but i need you to be quiet."
"...do you need to put me out again? if they find out i'm up, they won't be so easy with you. i can take it, but i don't know what you do as a hero so i'm not so sure how much you can take."
"no need to worry. just trust me. okay?"
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paisholotus · 2 months
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗. 6
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Play: 3005~ Childish Gambino
Nadia and Izuku were eating ramen while sitting outside the tattoo shop. She was humming at the spicy taste as she slurped the noodles. Considering how long it had been, it was a little strange for Nadia and Izuku to be hanging together.
Since they were young children, they had not seen or spoken to one another. Nadia would observe Izuku in silence. He had piercings in his ears and nose, and he was covered in scars and tattoos.
It was perhaps the third time that I had looked at him, and although he seemed to have a sweet side, he also came across as quite cold in a way. "So, Izuku, do you like tattooing?" She asked, breaking the silence. 
He looked at her with a "really?" Look. "Well, I wouldn't be a tattoo artist. If I didn't enjoy what I did, would I?" He said, smartly, raising his brow. 
Nadia jerked her head back and looked back down at her food. "I guess not." She said, going back to eat. "Ass." She murmured, making him let out a belly laugh. 
She playfully rolled her eyes and looked back into his deep green eyes. Despite the tattoos and piercings, he still looked like him. 
"Can I ask another question?" She asked him softly, smiling. He smirked at her, eating his katsu, still his favorite. "That depends; is it a dumb ass question?" She smacks her teeth and says, "Fuck you." "When?" He asked, giggling. 
"Do you have a girlfriend or have been in a relationship recently?" She asked, quietly. But she quickly frowned once she saw his demeanor change. 
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." She rushed out. Her anxiety spiked, wondering if she had asked a too-personal question. 
He huffed and frowned deeper. "Yeah, I actually just got out of a relationship. We broke up, but I don't want to talk about it." He told her. 
Nadia nodded and told him she respected him and wouldn't ask about it anymore. He smiled lowly at her and told her thank you. 
Nadia told him everything that she had going on, and they just had a mini-catch-up until he told her that his break was over and he had to get back to work. She thanked him for having lunch with her and said she'd see him after he got off. 
Nadia started to walk away, but Izuku grabbed her hand and pulled her into a soft hug. She hugged him tightly, and he pulled away and walked into the shop. But, she could see the blush on his face. 
She smiled softly and walked down the street to meet her sisters. 
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Chapter 3
Chapter warnings:// none
Chapter summary:// the ball is here! and tension are on the rise as you bring tamaki as your date.
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As the chilly air nipped at your nose, you took Tamaki's hands, grateful for his assistance as you disembarked from the carriage. The Todoroki mansion glowed with the warm light emanating from various areas, instantly triggering memories of a time when you were once a playmate in this very place. Running around with the future crown prince and the slightly older Tamaki, you recalled the bittersweet moments of your childhood. Tears were shed when Tamaki was taken away for princely training, until the gates closed following the disappearance of the first-born prince. Despite the twists and turns in your stomach, the happy memories associated with the mansion provided a comforting warmth as you made your entrance.
"Now entering the future crown princess and future duchess to the L/N estate, accompanied by the future count of the Amijiki estate," the announcer's voice sounds surprised, and the crowd, too, is taken aback as the person by your side is not your betrothed. Ignoring their reactions, you proceed down the long steps, feeling engulfed by the crowd, only realizing minutes into the conversation that Tamaki is nowhere to be found. Excusing yourself to go outside for some fresh air, you step into the cold night, letting the brisk air wash over your face, enjoying the tranquility until the music grows louder for a brief moment before the door clicks open.
"Lady Y/N, do you have a moment?" The voice of the man you've been ignoring all evening prompts an eye roll from you. "I suppose, but only for a moment, as I'm sure Sir Tamaki is wondering where I've gone." You turn around, leaning against the ledge. "Ah, yes, you were always close to Sir Amijiki. I remember you two always playing together." Izuku's voice coughs lightly, and you respond, "Yes, he is precious to me. That's why I came tonight with him." You can hear Izuku attempting to justify his actions, mentioning that he was only dancing with Lady Uraraka as friends. Frustrated, you retort, "How is it acceptable for you to come with a friend, but I cannot?" He counters, "It's unseemly for a lady to come with another man, Lady Y/N. Don't you understand the rumors that follow your newly acquired title and how it reflects on me?" Fed up, you retort, "Ah, yes, there it is, how it reflects on you. You have no concern for me; you only wish to preserve your image. Please, continue enjoying your evening with Lady Ochako. Good day, Prince." Dismissing him, you left the terrace, embarking on a night stroll, unaware of someone who had overheard the entirety of your exchange. On the walk you had discovered the mansion the ball was being held in by itself was tremendous. The ball alone was breathtaking, with glistening crystals and elegantly dressed individuals, resembling a scene from a fairy tale. However, if someone were to inquire about your whereabouts, you would confidently say you were in the garden. Filled with an array of flowers, it reminded you of the times you would pick them for your father during playdates at the Todoroki estate. But among all the blossoms, it was the blue roses that illuminated under the moonlight that captured your attention. As you walked through the garden, gently touching the dew-covered petals, you arrived at a bridge with a grand gazebo in the center. Standing near a pillar was a man with striking red and white hair - Shoto Todoroki, the reason for the celebration and your childhood playmate. Approaching him, you witnessed a longing gaze from his eyes, directed towards the other side of the gazebo where the glowing roses reflected on the ocean, and the moonlight accentuated his features.
"You don't have to hesitate, Y/N. Please, come stand by my side," he spoke aloud, acknowledging your presence. He turned towards you, extending his hand for you to take. His grip was gentle and tender as he led you to his side. Both of you embraced the tranquility of the moment, accompanied by the melodious chirping of crickets and the soothing sound of fish splashing in the distance. "You are a dear friend, despite the passing years since we last played together."
"How I've missed sharing this space with someone," you thought to yourself, silently agreeing that the past three weeks of adjusting to an unfamiliar place, with no one to confide in, had been exhausting. Recognizing that Shoto, known for his few words, had something on his mind, you remained quiet, allowing him the space to express himself. "You know, it can be suffocating at times, all of this," he began, holding one arm behind his back. You offered an agreeable hum, indicating your willingness to listen, as he continued, "Sometimes I feel as if I'm drowning whenever I try to find a way out. It's not always the same person holding me down. Sometimes it's my mother, and even Fuyumi, with their attempts to mold me into the perfect prince for the king's kingdom. Rarely Natsuo, but most of all, it's my father, and strangely enough... myself. I've lived solely as this machine, meant to fulfill my father's vision of the perfect prince, but its facade is slowly crumbling. Every day, I miss Touya more, not for him to replace me, but for the moments when he would sneak me out to the marketplace, granting me a taste of the freedom he possessed. I don't mean to overstep my boundaries, but may I ask why you had such a heated conversation with Prince Midoriya earlier?"
You turned your gaze towards him, and in that moment, both of you understood the shared struggle you were facing.
"You wonder why I show hostility towards Izuku," you sighed, guiding him towards the swing on the veranda. Feeling that he wouldn't judge you, you decided to reveal the truth. "You might think I'm crazy, Shoto, but... this isn't my first life." Although his face didn't portray his shock and confusion, you could sense a shift in his demeanor, as if he was trying to comprehend the weight of your words.
In the past, Izuku had crossed paths with Ochako. The exact circumstances are unknown to me, but she was quite the talk of high society, so naturally, I had heard of her. I even attempted to befriend her, but it seemed that her attention was solely fixed on Izuku. He, in turn, reciprocated those feelings. Soon, strange situations began to arise. It started with minor incidents, such as accusations of me tripping her or sending her the wrong invitations. At first, Midoriya believed it wasn't me," your voice cracks slightly, "but then it all escalated. Suddenly, it emerged that my father was involved in money fraud."
"That's impossible. Your father was always wise with his finances. He even played a part in our kingdom's prosperity," Shoto interjects.
"I know, but he's ill...someone, I don't know who, framed him. They stole from him, but that's just the beginning. Ochako would mysteriously find her jewelry in my pockets or my room. That's when Midoriya started to distance himself. That's when they began growing closer behind my back, falling for each other while he knew my heart still belonged to him," tears well up in your eyes, and Shoto pulls you into a comforting hug. "What pushed me into prison was sudden evidence that showed me supposedly leaking secrets to the barbarian king of the Almighty Kingdom. I told them I had never met him, that I had only heard rumors of his battles, but they didn't believe me. They painted me as this evil person, this vile villainess. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my father when they took my life away."
As you both sat there, Shoto's gentle touch wiped away your tears, his hands caressing your cheeks with tenderness. The intensity of your gazes locked once again, his mesmerizing heterochromatic eyes searching every depth of your soul. The air crackled with an electric energy as you inched closer, feeling the warmth of his breath against your skin, until your foreheads gently touched. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world narrowing down to just the two of you, lost in the depths of your emotions.
And then, as if guided by an invisible force, your lips met in a soft, passionate, and soul-stirring kiss. It was a brief yet profound connection, filled with the unspoken words and unyielding emotions that had been building between you. In that single touch, the weight of your shared burdens and past hardships melted away, leaving only the overwhelming sensation of love and comfort.
"Shoto... I-I think we should return to the ball," you whispered, your voice trembling with a mixture of vulnerability and longing.
He tenderly caressed your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine as he leaned in closer, his warm breath caressing your lips. "Yes,I believe we should. let us go back before they come searching for us."
Your foreheads still pressed together, neither of you were in a hurry to break the intimate connection. With a gentle squeeze of your hand, Shoto led you out of the enchanting garden, his touch creating a sense of security and reassurance. Before leaving, he paused, his eyes drawn to the beautiful blue roses that adorned the surroundings. With a delicate touch, he plucked one of those exquisite blooms, its vibrant color captivating against the night sky. With utmost care and affection, he placed the rose behind your ear, a symbol of his adoration for you.
"Lady (Y/n)," he spoke softly, his hand gently cradling one side of your face, "I firmly believe the opposite of what they have accused you of. You are not a villainess, but rather a thorny flower, both graceful and delicate, yet fiercely protective of yourself. You are willing to defend yourself against anyone who dares to harm you. If Prince Midoriya fails to see this, then I am grateful to have the privilege of witnessing your strength for myself."
A rare smile graced his lips, illuminating his face as his pearly white teeth flashed. It was a sight that made your own laughter bubble forth, an echo of joy in response to his genuine expression.
As you walked back together, there was no trace of awkwardness. It felt as if you were children again, returning from a playful adventure and eagerly anticipating snacks. However, the carefree atmosphere was abruptly shattered when a wet Ochako slapped your face upon entering the ballroom. The sound of others' conversations ceased, their attention drawn to the scene unfolding before them - Shoto holding you protectively, his touch gentle against your cheek.
"What reason do you have to strike her?" Shoto seethed through clenched teeth, his voice laced with anger. Ochako smirked, displaying the damp clothing she wore.
"She pushed me into the fountain outside. She claimed to be jealous of me dancing with Zuzu," Ochako retorted, her tone filled with spite.
In that moment, the ballroom was engulfed in a hushed silence, the tension palpable. Shoto's eyes narrowed, his protective instincts flaring. He released your hand, stepping forward to confront Ochako, his voice firm and unwavering.
The mention of the name "Zuzu" caused your gaze to shift towards the green-haired male who had been silently observing the scene. "Zuzu? Really?" Anger seethed within you, your words laced with frustration and betrayal. "I can't even hold hands with Tamaki, an old childhood friend, and yet you allow this harlot to give you a pet name? You let her slap me? Fuck you, Midoriya." The intensity of your emotions radiated off you, leaving others in the room gasping at your outburst. Izuku, however, remained silent, refusing to acknowledge your innocence.
"I couldn't have pushed her into that damn fountain because I was having a conversation with Shoto in the garden," you continued, determined to defend yourself.
Ochako visibly paled at this revelation, and Shoto nodded in confirmation. "She was with me for the majority of the evening. Accusing her is not only unsightly but also unfounded. Such baseless accusations make the accuser appear no better than filth on the streets," Shoto's icy stare pierced through Ochako, his disapproval evident.
"It had to be her! I clearly saw her dre--" Ochako's words were swiftly cut off as Shoto unsheathed his sword, positioning it at the side of her neck. "You dare defy a prince's word and go as far as to commit blasphemy by calling me a lowly liar?" his voice dripped with authority and menace.
"Prince Todoroki, lower your sword," Izuku demanded, pulling Ochako into his side. Your eyes rolled at his actions, but you swiftly intervened, guiding Shoto's hand away from the vulnerable girl. "When my name is being dragged through the mud, you remain silent. But when she puts herself in danger with her own words, you speak up?" you faced Izuku, staring directly into his green eyes, your disappointment evident.
Without hesitation, you delivered a resounding slap across Izuku's face, the force behind it surpassing anything Ochako had done. The impact also struck Ochako, a clear sign of your determination to end the facade of your engagement. "Take this as my declaration of ending this charade. I no longer want you near me, and I will personally inform King All Might of my decision."
As if on cue, Tamaki rushed into the room, his heaving form catching everyone's attention. " (Y/n), we must leave. Your--your father has worsened. Aizawa wants us home immediately," he gasped out between breaths.
You turned to Shoto, who gave you a curt nod, signaling his support. "I promise to write you, Shoto," you assured him, swiftly picking up your ballroom gown from the floor. With determination in your steps, you ran as fast as you could, the sound of your heels echoing into the night.
That night marked your first taste of victory, and you held onto the hope that more triumphs would soon follow.
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Taglist(o´ω`o)ノ🔖: (send in an ask, comment, or dm) @nawkwardhumanbeing @naughteehee @avalordream @marsinception @emo-shonen-girl @hudnkl @lemonmoonmochi
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fr-ogii · 2 years
how the main trio deals with jealousy ::
todoroki shoto -> the same way he deals with any other emotion; he just keeps it inside him. depending on what the situation is. if it’s a person that’s throwing themselves on you, he’ll glare and step in to stop them from disrespecting your space like that.
midoriya izuku -> he’ll suffer silently. his true feelings will be obvious enough to you - because you’ve become attuned to noticing his cues - but the average person wouldn’t be able to tell. try to help him out and get you and him out of that situation. try to reassure him that you’re his and no one’s going to steal you away from him. he’s definitely insecure about that.
bakugo katsuki -> he doesn’t. he won’t even try to either. if his reaction will put the other person in their place, he’ll react without hesitation. maybe he’ll resort to violence (almost guaranteed he will) or maybe he’ll just leave it to threats.
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 2 years
Nephophilia pt. 3
Aizawa x POC! Reader
Synopsis: You're a 20 year old sophomore university student from NYU. All your life you've wanted to be a hero , but a law in the US has banned the use of mind control quirks in the hero field and labeled them as too dangerous and "violate the concept of free will". To pursue your dreams as a hero you move to Japan and enroll in an international mentor ship program to get your overseas hero license. On your first day you meet your mentor, Shota Aizawa: he's aloof, rude, and irrational, but what starts of as a clash between two polar opposite personalities turns into a romantic relationship that you didn't expect.
Quirk: Servant Hero name (Maestro) Y/N has a second voice with a hallucinogenic rhythm, when ever you speak to someone while using your quirk they instantly fall under your control for 15 minutes or until you say "stop". The only problem is you can only give them one word commands (Example: retreat, sit, freeze, jump, cry etc.) On ONE occasion you can give a person a multiple word command. If you tell them "obey" they will follow anything you say for the full 15 minutes or until you say "stop". But you avoid saying "obey" whenever you can because it can become too dangerous if the directions are not specific enough.
Warnings: Smut, bullying, strong language, attempts at sexual coercion and other forms of manipulation, racism, descriptions of violence and blood
A/N: Sorry this took so long to put out! I hope this is okay I was having trouble coming up with a storyline for this chapter. Anyways enjoy, Y/N is gonna show the full extent of her quirk in the next chapter !
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Present Mic: "God where could she be?!" he circled each and every corner of the city for hours looking for you with Aizawa. The leather on his steering wheel squeaked from how hard he was clenching it
Aizawa: “Why did I say that? Why the fuck would I say something so stupid?!” He cursed to himself while his mind tortured him with the image of your heartbroken expression, the last thing he could remember before everything went blank. He leaned against the passenger window in guilt. He did it again, he lashed out and embarrassed you for no reason and even worse you had to use your quirk just to get away from him. What kind of hero was he? A pretty shitty one...
Aizawa: "This is all my fault..."
Present Mic: "Yeah no shit sherlock tell me something I don't know…” waiting at the stoplight allowed enough time for long exhale escaped his mouth as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Mic was a gentleman through and through, chivalrous to even the most underserving of men and women, so Aizawa knew he was in for far more than a few harsh words from his blonde friend
Present Mic: “What the HELL is wrong with you Shota? Are you stupid or just temporarily insane? Talking to a young girl like that, you know all she wants is to be like you and me she doesn’t need another add on to the countless people saying she can’t do it. You better have a damn good apology up your sleeve or I’ll request a mentor transfer from Nezu MYSELF!”
Aizawa wanted to retaliate, he was stunned at Hizashis willingness to go against him so quickly, but who was he kidding? He deserved it. Contrary to popular belief Aizawa wasn’t like this with everyone, of course he was gloomy and aloof but he was also protective and kind as seen with his students. It wasn’t like him to hold anyone to the standards of someone else as a teacher he knew better than that. But something about you, your excitement from the first time you came to UA, your unwavering desire to be better, even the way you get along with Hizashi almost instantly, it was like he was viewing an old flame through a different lens.
Aizawa: “I know, I know you’re right. God, you’re right…I’ve been nothing but a menace from the beginning. I don’t even know how to explain why, but…it’s like I keep expecting her to be like someone else and the second she isn’t the way I need her to be I just get furious. She’s so much like him sometimes I forget she isn’t actually him.”
Present Mic: “Like who?…Oboro?” He asked, red light now changing green leading them farther down the streets of downtown Osaka
Aizawa nodded in shame. It was selfish
Present Mic: “You…you can’t do that Shota. I understand you miss him, I miss him too but you don’t see me going around trying to make other people into him. If you can’t see Y/N as just Y/N then just let her g— SHIT THERE SHE IS!!” There you were, out of the corner of his eye he spotted your signature H/C hair slumped against the window of a scummy 24 hour diner. Hizashi turned into the parking lot like a mad man and the two men jumped out
You were a babbling mess, laughing and causing a ruckus with two drunk older men they’d never seen before who grabbed at you like they had other intentions than just having drinks. Your original orange and vanilla scent was now blanketed by a thick layer of booze and syrup when the two approached you. Hizashi screamed at the employees for serving an underage girl so much alcohol but all he was met with was "fuck off" and "eat shit".
Present Mic: “Y/N get up we’re leaving right now” he said with a far more abrasive tone than usual. Aizawa threw your purse and sweater over his shoulder as Hizashi attempted to grab your arm and lead you out of the diner
Y/N: “EW GET OFF ME YOU CREEP! *hiccup* I’m having fun with *hiccup* my friends. Why don’t you and your emo boyfriend *hiccup* FUCK OFF!” You shouted followed by more rowdy laughter from you and the other men
Present Mic: “We’re your friends Y/N, these are just perverts trying to get in your pants. Get up, NOW.” Hizashi made another attempt to take you by the hand but it proved once again to be futile. This time he was met with a hard shove making him stumble backwards, knocking into Aizawa who was still too stunned to even look at your intoxicated state.
Y/N: “I SAID GET OFF ME!”, You kicked at his kneecaps making him buckle over and cackled maniacally, “There’s a bathroom over there *hiccup* why don’t you go get another handjob in it from Best Jeanist!”
Hizashis cheeked reddened in embarrassment, of course he wouldn’t hold it against you for letting out one of his most private moments, after all you were an emotional drunk mess. But betrayal was to great of an emotion to keep under control, and it send him into a hate filled rage.
Present Mic: “FINE STAY HERE THEN! ID RATHER GET HANDJOBS IN A BATHROOM THAN BE A GLORIFIED WALKING POCKET PUSSY!” Hizashi didnt mean any of what he was saying, and in a few hours he would come to regret those words but he was too emotional to recognize the weight of what he was saying. He snatched your belongings off of Aizawas shoulder and threw them back to you before leaving the diner in a huff
Y/N: “What are YOU still doing here?! GO! leave like him ‘HERO’! Go play hero for your other students and leave me behind LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!” you’re soft interior now began to poke through with tears pricking at the inner corners of your eyes. Even you're most intoxicated state couldn't hide the fact that under it all you were just angry and hurting.
Aizawa: “Y/N please I—
“She’s made up her mind mate, now get lost…”
This couldn't be what you really want. You wanted warmth and kindness in your moment of vulnerability. You wanted hands as gentle as yours to reassure you and give you the same generosity you so willingly give out to others. So if Aizawa knew that why was he walking away from you?
“Tch, look she’s so pretty when she cries…” the man slurred, putting a tight grip on your thigh making his rings imprint in your skin. His fingers inching dangerously close to your sex, a place that even in the most drunkest state you knew to protect, but it was hopeless. You squirmed and shifted to avoid their roaming hands but your head was so fuzzy you could barely function.
Y/N: “I…I think I wanna go home *sniffle* I don’t wanna be here anymore.“ You stated in barely a whisper but it was silenced with another drink being forced to your lips.
Y/N: “No i don’t want it! Where’s N-Natsuo!? Natty!!” now screaming you shoved the side of his face away leaving a scratch mark on the corner of his lip, doing nothing but make him more aggressive
“Don’t be a fucking tease you fucking bit—
Suddenly the man’s head smashed face first into the table making blood from his nose splatter across the lipstick stained shot glasses. Above you was a sight you’d never seen before, Aizawa peered over his unconscious body. With a fist full of the man’s greasy hair he dragged him out of the booth and then picking you up after, unfortunately your body was too wobbly to stand on its own so you just slid down on the floor behind him.
“I-I WASNT GONNA TOUCH HER I SWEAR MAN, W-WE WERE JUST MESSING AROUND!” The other man pleaded for mercy in front of Aizawas hauntingly blood red eyes but it didn’t stop the bottom of Aizawas shoe from kicking in 2 of his incisors.
It took Aizawa everything inside him to beat both of them to a pulp. Seeing them put their hands on you made him reach a different kind of fury that he didn’t quite understand yet— and deep down didn’t really want to— because understanding it meant accepting a truth he wasn’t ready for yet. How he felt about you. But for now that didn’t matter, he picked you up bridal style and carried you back to Hizashis car who was still too emotional to say anything or even look at you.
The car ride back to Musutafu was long and quiet. Aizawa could feel you’re shaky breathing as you slept on his lap in the back seat, he silenced all 32 missed calls and 21 unread messages from Emi out of fear it would wake you up. He swore he felt his heart flutter as you muttered cute nothings in your sleep, but brushed it off claiming it was just the left over adrenaline. After all he knew better as an engaged man than to think like that of anyone else, right?
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The headache you felt as you awakened was astronomical and the sun beaming in through the window didn’t help one bit. You took a quick look at your phone to read any new messages and alerts, mostly from Natsuo who sent a few pictures of the food places he stopped at in Tokyo. Even in your messy state you knew you were still mad at him for leaving you last minute like he did, so you made it a point to ignore all his attempts to talk to. You took a quick look at the top of the screen
‘Saturday. Thank fucking god’
You thought to yourself, happy that you didn’t have to make any type of effort today to be productive. Nothing sounded better than curling up in your puffy bed sheets and sleeping the day away. But to your surprise when you dragged your arms along the fabric it wasn’t puffy instead it was light and silky. The bed was decorated in a black silk duvet covers with dark grey silk sheets underneath. As you looked around you took note of the bare walls apart from the single college degree framed above the door, the furniture was dark and minimal— it was a man’s room…
Panic was already starting to set in as you wondered what had happened last night. Did you cheat on Natsuo? Had you been roofied? No you couldn’t have been your clothes were still intact??? It made your stomach turn thinking about the possibilities, but thinking was a waste of time if you were in danger it was in your best interest to act as soon as possible.
The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs sent you into fight mode. You’re head hurt too badly to use your quirk effectively so you had no choice but to look for a defense weapon, but there was nothing not even a sharpened pencil on the empty desk in the corner. With them only a few seconds away from the door you bet your safety all on your own strength and shot your best round house kick to the side of their face only for it to be blocked immediately.
Aizawa: “Take it easy…” he muttered. He bent over to pick up the to pick up the items he dropped while blocking your attack: a spare toothbrush, a clean t shirt , a green loofah, and a hair brush— presumably all for you.
Y/N: “Aizawa? Oh my god I-Im so sorry I didn’t realize it was you…”
Aizawa: “No need to apologize, I’d be the same if I woke up in another persons bedroom”, he handed you the toiletries, “the bathroom is down the hall to the left, you’re free to use whatever is in there.”
You nodded, not knowing what else to say you hurried to his bathroom to wash up and rinse the smell of liquor from your skin. You brushed your teeth and wiped the smudged mascara from your eyes before stepping in the large walk in shower. The hot steam from the shower and fresh air from the small bathroom window above you helped you sober up and relieve a bit of the headache. It gave you a brief moment to finally think clearly, suddenly you remembered EVERYTHING. You let out a small gasp at the thought of it all: the argument you and Aizawa had, the foul words you said to Hizashi, the two men, it was all still fuzzy but the pieces were slowly connecting and you sank against the wall in utter humiliation.
After your little self pity session you mustered the strength to leave to bathroom, throwing on the large oversized tee Aizawa had lended you and your pair of jeans from yesterday. You giggled after seeing it was a Gang Orca merch tee shirt, probably belonged to a cousin or nephew of his.
In the kitchen Aizawa was getting together a sad excuse of a breakfast for you; the bacon was burnt and the eggs over salted but he was putting his last efforts into making these blueberries pancakes he saw on Hizashis Pinterest board
Aizawa: “Damn it, was it supposed to be baking powder or baking sod—
Y/N: “morning”, you muttered softly, he turned around and felt the gravity around him stop working as he looked at you in his tee shirt hanging gently off your shoulder. His efforts to fight his feelings by giving you the least attractive shirt he were failing miserably. He turned around after bidding a small ‘morning’ to you, and returned back to his cooking. Breakfast was dead silent as you waited for your taxi.
Y/N: “Aizawa…did…did we fuck last night?”
His muscles tensed and his cheeks turned a pale red at the sudden question
Aizawa: “What?! No why would you ask that? I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Y/N: “Oh yeah, I forgot you hate me you’d never stoop so low to have sex with someone like me right?” You got up pushing the empty plate away from you
Aizawa: “No that’s not what I meant. I’ve never hated you Y/N!” he said maneuvering around the kitchen counter to catch you from walking out the door, “I’m sorry for everything, but if you just let me explain why I acted the way I did—
Y/N: “I’m putting in a request for a different mentor on Monday, I’ll be switching to Midnight or maybe Cementoss, so don’t even worry I won’t be your parasite anymore.” Your words left him with nothing to say, it’s not like he could convince you he thought otherwise when none of his actions showed that he respected or cared for you, “you won’t have to worry about me wasting anymore time and money, bye Aizawa…”
You opened the front door only to be met with a shorter woman with cyan hair and a nasty scowl plastered across her face that grew the more she looked at you
Y/N: “Your boyfriends a cunt.” You spat before finally leaving the complex, the sound of arguing coming from the apartment following immediately after…
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“Y/N!! Y/N!! Y/N!! Y/N!!” Class 1A chanted as you took on another student in the combat training battles before heading to USJ.
It turns out transferring to another mentor is easier said than done especially when dealing with international students, so you had about a week before you could officially switch to Midnight. Making the most of it seemed like the best option. Before the transfer week ended you were able to patched things up with Hizashi in a two hour long crying session between the both of you, however, nothing changed between you and Aizawa. He made multiple attempts to apologize but it was no use, you avoided him everywhere: in class, in the hallways, in the break room and even in one on one training, you never said a word and only nodded when he gave you advice. Occasionally you’d catch him glance at you from his desk but your eyes never latched for more than a second before he returned back to his work. The both of your were strangers.
Y/N: “ There’s no shame in tapping out Bakugo! Our combat styles are wildly different, admit kid it you’re not winning this one!” he laughed as you locked him in with a double under hook
Bakugo: “RRRR SHUT UP YOU REJECT—“ you cut him off finishing with a power twist and slamming him into the mats, his face blushing beet red when you helped him to his feet
Todoroki: “Yeah, maybe be a little less aggressive next time…”
Kirishima: “Alright alright move aside I’m fighting next!”
Y/N: “Maybe next time Kiri you guys should go get your hero suits on and get ready for your USJ training today! I’ll see you guys at lunch time!” You waved goodbye to the children
The next hour was peaceful you spent it with Hizashi tweaking some parts of your newhero suit. Your old on was admittedly, well, a hunk of shit. You put it together yourself in your college dorm since you couldn’t get help from your schools support department, obviously you were never meant to be a hero so in their eyes what was the point? So you took some skinny jeans and a sleeveless top and attached holsters to the side with fabric glue and gorilla glue to hold your weapons, but it was NOTHING in comparison to what Hatsume prepared. In as little as 2 hours she crafted a red and purple one piece suit with a voice mask to carry the sound of your quirk farther, it had a utility belt to hold one of your stun guns on each side and a small med kit in the front, and two back straps to hold your ninjatōs. It was the finest piece of hero material you’ve ever been given, but it needed some last touches…
Hizashi: “Who would ruin such a beautiful piece of metal like that?! Who even is Jaylen?” He asked as he watched you carve into the side of your sword
Y/N: “He’s my…he was my big brother. I always put his name on my material to honor him” You muttered in response
Hizashi: “Oh I-I’m so sorry…I couldn’t imagine how it feels to lose a sibling. Losing him must have been like losing a part of yourself.” He sunk into his seat embarrassed by his poor manners
Y/N: “For someone who’s never experienced it you explained the feeling pretty well” you chuckled lightly while finishing up the last letter, “there must be some skeletons in your closet too huh?”
Hizashi: “Something like that…”
Hizashi: “PAYBACKS A BITCH Y/N!!” You both cackled before hearing an urgent knock on his classroom door. If you had known what the emergency was you wouldn’t have taken so long to answer it.
Y/N: “Iida? Oh my god are you okay?! Your sweating like a dog!!”
Iida: “MISS Y/N…THE USJ…VILLAINS ARE ATTACKING THE USJ!!” He yelled in between violent huffs
You felt your body go numb and hot at the same time.
This isn’t real? This isn’t happening right now is it? You thought to yourself
But it was. All the teachers racing to the USJ center, Hizashi motioning you to get your hero suit on, Nezu staying behind and comforting the other students while Recovery girl called the police. It was all real, and you were right in the middle of it running right along side them to fight an enemy you knew nothing about.
Please be okay, don’t you dare fucking die you mangy haired idiot. I still need to give you your shirt back, I still need to show you how wrong you were about me!
I still need the chance to make you proud even if I hate it!
Just stay alive!
Your thoughts moved too fast for you too keep up with, then silenced at the sight. Everything was destroyed, students hurt and screaming, a monster…towering over Aizawas crushed body.
Y/N: “What the hell is that Hizashi?”
Hizashi: “…It’s a Nomu.”
All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. Story belongs to @nonbinaryeggrolls do not steal
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queentheweeb · 1 year
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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gloomzombie · 4 months
Even though I haven't gotten requests as of now, I figured I'd go ahead and do this. I only have creepypasta stuff out right now, but I will write for more than that :). I'll probably add to this, though.
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets:
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer
Nina the Killer
Ticci Toby
Tim Wright/Masky
Brian Thomas/Hoodie
Eyeless Jack
Bloody Painter
Nurse Ann
Jason the Toymaker
Laughing Jack
I will add more creeps eventually, these are just the ones I've already written small stuff for in the past therefore feel more confident in the way I write them :)
Red Queen:
Mare Barrow
Shade Barrow
Diana Farley
Tiberias Calore
Maven Calore
Evangeline Samos
Elane Haven
Kilorn Warren
Cameron Cole
Stardew Valley:
Same thing from the Creeps, I only have the characters I've personally made good friends with (at least 8 hearts) or romanced (at least 10). The bachelor(ette)s I haven't listed are just ones I don't know very well therefore wouldn't write for accurately.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Kyoka Jirou
Ochaco Uraraka
Tomura Shigaraki
Himiko Toga
Death Note
Light Yagami
Misa Amane
What I'll write for:
X M! Reader
X Gn! Reader
X F! Reader (Strictly for wlw)
X Specific! Reader (ex: chubby, trans, poc, etc.)
Red Queen Canon Relationships (cal x mare, eva x elane, etc.)
Sebastian X Sam
Sebastian X Abigail
Abigail X Haley
Light X L
No Romance
Smut (Canon characters, Amab readers, or Afab readers)
Extreme violence or gore
Alcohol usage, drug usage, smoking
Religious trauma
Specific kinks (To an extent; if it's something I don't feel comfortable with writing, I will reply to your ask stating such and add it in the will not write section)
What I will NOT write for:
Piss, Scat, Vomit kink
Creepypasta X Creepypasta
MHA Canon X Canon
Evangeline X M! Reader
Elane X M! Reader
Alex X F! Reader
Maven X Canon
Misa X Canon
I also will not take requests for full length fanfic books. I come up with the ideas for those myself.
For those wondering about the Creep X Creep stuff, I genuinely don't think any of the creeps would make good couples. Same with MHA, I don't "ship" any of the characters I write for. Same with Maven X Canon. He's an ass to all of them, and Mare would never go back to him even reformed (imo).
I also don't know enough about how yandere characters work, so until I figure that how I won't write for it. Same with polyam; I myself am not poly and I feel I don't know enough about that to really write for it. Nothing against poly people of course.
I will typically keep anything PG gender neutral with no physical descriptors. In smut, I will write for both AMAB and AFAB readers so you must specify in your request along with the pronouns you want me to use. If you don't specify the pronouns, I'll use they/them. If you don't specify the sex, I can only write smut where the reader isn't receiving anything. Specifying could mean describing the parts they have in the request or using the pronouns as well.
So for the way I will write things is if you ask "(Male character) X female reader" I will not write it for a female reader, I will write it gender neutral. However, I will write wlw so if you ask "(Female character) x female reader" I will write it. I will write any character x male reader specifically because male readers dont get shit and even when we do a good bit of it is written by 13 year old girls who fetishize us (speaking from experience) and it's obvious; unless that is a lesbian character, I will write it with a male reader. This is again because female readers tend to get a lot more fanfiction written for them and its tiring for male readers, along with gn and trans readers too. Will I write specifically for trans women? Trans women barely get fics too, however if it's a request that doesn't have anything to do with what your agab (assigned gender at birth) is, then there's no reason for me to write it. You would be referred to and written like a cis woman would be. Smut is different, but I already talked about that.
For the creeps, I will eventually write out my basic HCs for all the ones I write for (basic as in age, name, height, likes, dislikes, etc.). It probably won't be any time soon so don't wait up on it LMAO. I'll probably do that for Stardew Valley and maybe Red Queen too. I'm not sure about any of my other fandoms yet.
Anything I miss will be added later. This was only proofread once so sawry if there's mistakes
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shuckinbeanz · 2 years
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New pinned image! 😇 me: *passive aggressive keking noises, i dont need to see a random's "vinegar shrug"*
Am I using your artwork and you want it removed? HMU with the post title and I’ll remove the art ASAP.🙏
If you are under the age of 18 and have no age in your bio, head on over to @candybowbeansies to read my SFW posts!!
I can't help but notice that a majority of my blog is unaccessable from the mobile app!
So let's fix that, shall we?~
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As of August, 2023...27!
Don’t be rood, doods, please refer to this old person as forever 21 😂
In manga/manhwa/anime? Isekai, shoujo, music, horror. Literally just ab anything except watersports, noncon, incest, yuri and scat 😂 my guilty pleasure is yaoi even tho i can’t write it to save my life
I love zombies, wargames like Enlisted, Heroes and Generals plus Mount and Blade(an oldie but a goodie), paranormal stories/movies/games, and I freaking love ROBOTS and Arnie’s the only rl dude I simp for ngl <3
I love holographic colors and holo in general. (blame the nailpolish channel on yt) 
Ass😉ass😉in’s Creed, They are Billions, 7 Days to Die, Kynseed, Among us, Phasmophobia, the Dungeons series(i love slavedriving my minions and milking heroes of their ✨cash✨), Surviving Mars, Stranded Deep, and My Time At Portia to name only a select few. Aadit’s route needs to be completed!!11! 😭😭😭
Don't be afraid to hmu fellow simps! I don't bite. Much. 💅
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I’m slow as molasses, so keep an eye or two out for awhile if you send an ask! 💅 If the limit does not update within 12 hrs, it's safe to assume Tumblr ate your ask! I'm still figuring this stuff out. Thankies!~
Meet my new ✨S!NFULLY INDEXED!✨
Please keep in mind I only do this for
So ask with a grain of salt, I may or may not submit our thirst, and the list of things I refuse to write may or may not grow. But still, try me! I’m pretty kinky. 🥴 THANKIES!~
My rules and info:
All Underage characters are aged UP!
No scat!
No (spit/piss)watersports! Willing to try cumplay.
No noncon or dubcon unless the character(s) specified and reader are consenting to yummy RolePlay. 🥴 (Don’t be shy to request Monster!ManxReader, including Incubi[they need Reader consent in dis hous]!)
No drowning, mummification, or full-on public nudity! I'm willing to try semi though~
I don’t write reader skintones(white-POC-other). I will always endeavor to keep this sort of stuff neutral so readers can insert themselves. This blog is safe for everyone over 18, no matter ur ethnicity sweeties! 🥴 Also, to note; this ✨does not✨ expand to certain species!reader or species!character for obvious reasons-as an example, the typical fantasy orc is usually green, after all!
Who I write for!
Jujutsu Kaisen!
My Hero Academia!
Demon Slayer!
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist!
Trigun Stampede!
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I am taking part in Tumblrs new community labels update, and as of the day of this post, I've added labels to my corresponding pieces!
I write violent pieces(canon-violence and yummy yanderes), sexual content, and one or two(maybe more!) of my pieces include the use of or imply drugs and alcohol. If you are fine with these topics, and are the legal age for sexual content, please read this, it shows you how to tick everything! 💞
And please understand I live in a place where people under 18 are considered minors! Please respect this, as my works will forever be up and readable, so please wait until you are 18 to interact with my nsfw stuff in any shape or form! THANKIES!~
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iisasxia · 1 month
Soft!Shoto who enjoys staying home with you, making you both hot chocolate as winter settles in, his favorite part is seeing you dress up in your fuzzy socks as you snuggle under the blankets while you wait for him on the couch.
Soft!Shoto who has you laid down on him as you two watch movies, a soft blanket covering the both of you. Sometimes he’ll notice you shivering and will rub your back with his left hand to gently warm you up. If you look up at him and kiss him his heart will melt.
Bonus if you ask why his face is flushed, he’ll blame it on his quirk.
Soft!Shoto who makes you soup and tea when you start catching a fever.
“I told you to stay home.”
His voice was soft despite the words seeming harsh, he was just worried and he hated whenever you were sick.
Soft!Shoto who comes home from patrol and his eyes slightly widen at the sudden sound of you jumping to his side.
“Sho! Welcome home handsome” you softly smile, you were wearing fuzzy pajama shorts, fuzzy socks, and a long sleeve.
He didn’t say anything, he closed the door and walk to you before slightly letting himself melt down onto you.
His face buried in your neck and he sinks into your touch as you run your fingers through your hair and rub his back.
He’ll him softly at the feeling of your touch, you were so gentle with him, always, and he loved it. Especially because he never received it at home.
“Can we stay home tomorrow?”
“It’s Saturday silly, neither of us work.”
“I know but I want to make sure you won’t make plans.”
“I wanna stay here with you.”
He needs a hug, he’s tired, but having a reader like you by his side has been his motivation to keep him going. Go reader!!
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lees-choice · 3 years
sleep is for the dead
Pairing: Poly!Todobakudeku x Quirkless!Reader, Deku x reader
Summary: Often, when you begin work on a new piece of equipment, you enter a state of mania that prevents you from focusing on anything other than your work. Your boyfriends try their best to get you to sleep.
Warning(s): Fluff, Aged UP
Also, like any of my works, the reader is female and black unless stated otherwise <3
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"Oh fuck me!"
The yell you let out was more than enough to shake all three of your boyfriends awake.
"Is she still awake?" Izuku asked, reaching his hand out to where you would usually lay beside him, the sheets cold to the touch.
"That idiot," grumbled Katsuki, from where he lay tucked into Shoto's side.
"I'll go get her," the split-haired man offered but was quickly cut off by his explosive partner.
"No, I'm too comfortable. Deku, go drag her ass to bed," Katsuki demanded, closing his eyes and cuddling closer to Shoto.
Izuku pulled himself out of bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he made his way to your workspace.
You were currently working at your desk, tinkering away at a small circuit board on the table. A new pro-hero had entrusted your agency in making her gear, and being the dedicated (somewhat obsessed) inventor you were, you had begun work on some possible additions to her costume almost immediately.
Her quirk was super-speed, the hero being able to move at speeds that allowed her to travel through time, although that application was still being worked out. Your goal was to build a device that the hero could wear that would allow her to track when she was going through time and exactly how fast she was going, to better help with control of her quirk. You had already redone her costume to a material that was frictionless, but you were having a hard time programming the carbon-14 detector you were making for her.
You wanted to be able to pinpoint her exact location in space-time by reading the components of the atmosphere, but getting the applicators to work was a bit difficult considering you couldn't test it very efficiently (and of course designing something to work in and manipulate four dimensions was difficult, no matter how much you understood about events and light-cones).
"Maybe if I lower the sensitivity of the rea-"
"I've really rubbed off on you, huh?"
You turned slightly at Izuku's voice, giving him a hum in response before focusing back on the circuit in your hands, continuing your wiring.
"It's a little late, don't you think bubs?" Izuku tried, coming up behind you to peek at what you were doing. Sure, he was pretty intelligent, but your intellect far outmatched anyone he knew, even Yaoyorozu. He caught a glimpse of the many boards you had run through, blueprints littered around without much of a second thought, and an algorithm running on the laptop before you.
"Time?" "3:10"
"I can go a few more hours, I'll get a coffee before work,"
"Baby doll..." his words came out as a whine and you prepared to block out the words he was going to say. Izuku had always been nothing short of adorable, and it was hard to have to say no to him.
You focused back on the wires you were connecting, intent on continuing your work when you felt a head tuck itself into the crook of your neck. Izuku began to place kisses to the skin there, before whispering against your skin.
"You need to get some sleep,"
"Sleep is for the dead," came your response, causing Izuku to groan.
"You've got to stop saying that lovely," he said into your neck. "Your work isn't going to walk away if you go rest your eyes. In fact, I bet some rest will help you figure everything out."
You let a sigh escape your lips because he was right, and you did not want to admit it. But your own body betrayed you when a yawn ripped through you, making Izuku smirk up at you.
"Bed time, c'mon," He said, grabbing the tools from your hand and laying them against your desk. He pulled your chair back and helped you too your feet. Your hands found his hips as he lead you back to the bedroom. Once inside, he helps you out of your clothes, throwing one of his shirts over your head. You fall onto the bed next to Katsuki, who immediately reaches out to grasp your hip.
"Idiot," he grumbled, making you laugh lightly.
"You shouldn't stay up this late love," Shoto said lightly, giving you a small smile.
"I'll try not to," You replied, although everyone in the room knew you were lying. Izuku slipped onto the bed beside you, hand meeting Katsuki's on your hip, and tucking his head into the crook of your neck.
"Love you guys," he mumbled, eyes shutting as he began to drift back to sleep.
He was met with three hums in response, all he needed to know his feelings were recriprocated.
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
You Ask What Color They Want Their Cock Wrapped In (Aka you’re getting your nails done)
(Todoroki, Bakugo, Hawks)
»»——⍟——««A/n: I liked this and thought it was kinda funny. I hope y’all like it😅😅 wouldn’t mind doing more of these fs👀 (also sorry It seems kinda blurry-)
̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ Requests open  ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶
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Ahem: @ownedbytodoroki @tired-teacher-blog @kenzumekodma 👀
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paisholotus · 5 months
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗. 5
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Play: Tumblr Girls~ G-eazy
Izuku yawned and leaned back in his chair, slowly blinking his hooded eyes. He should have gone to bed earlier rather than working on tattoo designs. He had just finished his last customer for the day and wanted to go home. "Midoriya, you want to go to the skate park with us?" Denki asked, nudging Izuku. 
Denki and Sero were the piercers; Kirishima worked the front desk; and Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto were the tattoo artists. Shoto started his tattoo business right out of college. 
Izuku rolled his eyes, bent forward, rested his elbows, and considered if he should go. Because what is there to do at home? But smoke the fucking day away. "Ight, I'll go. I ain't got shit else to do." He said, grabbing his cup.
They could hear the irritability in his voice, but to be honest, they agreed because they didn't have shit else to do either. 
"Speaking of skating." Sero said, stepping into the waiting area and sitting down on the couch, "How do y'all know those girls? You remember those girls we were at the hotel with?" He asked, smiling at the three boys. Denki and Kirishima stared at the three and wanted to know the answer too. 
Bakugo glared at Sero, but Shoto smiled softly, and Izuku remained expressionless. Personally, Izuku had mixed thoughts about seeing Nadia again. He was pissed that, after all these years, she had decided to return now.
But another part of him was scared because he's not the same Izuku he was when they were kids—definitely not the same person he was when he was in high school. He's been through a lot of shit. And he doesn't have time to open back up to a person who's just going to do him dirty anyway. 
"We grew up together. We were best friends. More than that, if I'm being honest." Shoto told them, smiling and crossing his arms. Denki smiled widely as Bakugo huffed and frowned at his phone. Katsuki was not gon front; seeing Nisha for the first time again was a shock. But she looked really good. Katsuki had no confused feelings; he wanted her, and he was going to get her.
Shoto felt the same way. That night, Deja and Shoto talked all night, simply catching up. When he thinks about how stunning she is, heat rises in his cheeks. All of his old feelings returned, and he really needed her. He craved her. 
"Damn, that's wild; all y'all childhood lady friends just turn up like that, and I can't even find a loyal girl?" Denki frowned. They wrinkled their faces up and sighed, "Here he goes again." 
"Mf you would get a girlfriend if you'd stop dating hoes." Bakugo muttered, rolling his eyes as he looked back at his phone. 
Denki smacked his teeth. "Fuck you, Kacchan." Denki glared at him. Bakugo grinned and laughed, flipping him off. 
"Anyway, guess what I heard?" Kirishima said, standing up excitedly. "What you hear?" Denki asked, opening a bag of candies while sitting on the couch next to Sero. 
"There's a competition for skaters to compete, and the prize money is $100,000." Everyone gazed at him, surprised at the news.
They carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of competing before deciding to go ahead with it. 
"We can invite the girls too. They also skate, so they'll definitely want to go." Sero replied, grinning.
The three remained silent as Sero and Denki laughed loudly.
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Chapter 2
Chapter warning:// none
Chapter summary:// you’re awake! And the memories are coming in fast as you rush to get a dress for a ball.
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"Finally, you're awake, (y/n)!" A peculiarly coiffed boy exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and thrill in his voice. "Who are you?" You questioned, images of Tamaki playing in your mind, filling in the blank spaces of your memory.
Subconsciously, you found your fingers entwined with his, a groan escaping your lips as your other hand cradled your throbbing head. "My head," you murmured, feeling the weight of countless gazes on you. As your eyes landed on another vaguely familiar face, you hesitated, "Mr. Aizawa?" You queried the long-haired man, glancing at your intertwined hands with a blushing, flustered Tamaki.
"The last I knew, he was confined to bed. The doctor had advised him to limit his movements, hoping it would slow down his ailment," he offered a slight bow, "Lady (Y/n)."
His words triggered memories of your father visiting your prison cell, expressing his disbelief at your alleged wrongdoings. Your mind recaptured the image of him coughing violently, splattering blood on his immaculate shirt, compelling him to leave earlier than intended. The memory took a darker turn as you remembered the whispers around you, waiting for your execution, the talk of your father on his deathbed, calling out for you and your mother.
Your chest tightened, causing your breathing to become erratic. The maids and butlers scattered, yelling for a doctor. Aizawa, the man you had called earlier, held your head upright and urged you to drink from the glass of water on your bedside table.
"My lady, you must drink. Your father will be alright, but your health is the concern right now. Perhaps we should cancel our reply to the Todoroki ball ," Aizawa advised, placing the glass back as you calmed down.
As memories from your past lives played in your mind a nauseous feeling taking over, Aizawa's words triggering a recollection of the incidents that was supposed to happen at the ball. In the game, the villainess showed up wearing the same gown as the prince's mistress, leading to a fight and wine being poured on the heroine. Ending in the results of “Sasha”, you, being humiliated and thrown out.
"It may be best if I don't go. It could raise a death flag," you thought to yourself, but a part of you felt sadness as it still held emotions from your previous life, memory conjuring itself of you being so giddy and twirling of finally being able to attend a party without the presence of your father. "It should be okay if I stay out of the way of the two people who can cause the death route, right?" You continued inwardly.
"You don't have to do that. I'm feeling better now. It was probably because I woke up too fast," you reassured them. Tamaki and Aizawa exchanged quick looks. "And please, Mr. Aizawa, you've been the head butler of this place since I was 13. You practically raised me when Father couldn't be around. Call me (y/n)." Being called "my lady" and "princess" still felt uncomfortable, but you didn't voice that part aloud.
"As the party approaches, I'll need to find a dress, right? Could you prepare a carriage for my departure?" you asked.
"As you wish, mi'lady," Aizawa responded with a bow. "Do you require me or a doctor to accompany you in case of another dizzy spell?"
"Neither. I'll have Tamaki to help if I experience another attack," you replied. Tamaki stuttered a small protest, and you addressed him, "Have you found your outfit for the ball yet, Tama?" The nickname rolled off your tongue naturally.
"I-I wasn't planning to g-go, as I had no one to g-go with," Tamaki said, hiding his reddened face.
"Nonsense! You shall be my date for the ball," you declared, grabbing his hands firmly, determined not to take no for an answer.
"L-Lady (y/n), please. People will misunderstand with us being this close. What about Prince Izuku?" Tamaki tried to free himself from your hold, but you held onto him tighter.
"Are we not childhood friends? We practically drank from the same bottle. How dare they accuse us of anything. As for Izuku, I do not wish to go with him. I'm sure he'll find someone else," you stated, groaning at the accusations. Tamaki shook his head, breaking free from your tight hold, and ran to hug a wall, trying to disappear into it. "Tama, why are you so cute?"
"C-cute?!" Tamaki exclaimed, still hugging the wall, while you laughed until Aizawa cleared his throat.
"The carriage should be almost prepared. You can start heading outside, and I will inform your father, once he awakes, that you are in town," Aizawa announced.
You clapped your hands together joyfully before linking arms with Tamaki again. "I don't know what I would do without you. Come, Tamaki, let's hurry before the dress shop closes," you said, skipping down the hallway.
"Lady (Y/n)!" You turned towards Aizawa, only to be met with his rare non-sarcastic smile. "I don't know what changed in you, but I can say it reminds me of the old you." With that statement, he turned away, leaving you a tiny smile breaks on your face continuing your journey to exit the house.
The carriage ride was peaceful, and you missed the feeling of the open, fresh air on your face as the horses raced onward to your chosen destination. Enjoying the moment, you closed your eyes, savoring it.
To your disappointment, the ride soon came to an end, and you could hear the noises of the bustling city market with people of all ages and backgrounds. They were either searching for food or shopping with their fresh paychecks. "Come, Lady (Y/n), let me help you out."
Picking up your simple dress to avoid stepping on it, you made your way to the carriage door and grabbed hold of Tamaki's hand as he assisted you down.
You informed the coachman, Sekijiro, that you would be back soon and that he could return before sunset, as you wanted to explore the different stores.
You overheard people gossiping about your presence and how the future princess of One For All was gracing their town with her mere presence.
"We should tackle the most important task first," you said, grabbing your purse with a few gold coins while ignoring the stares of others.
"I heard of this popular shop that all the women seem to go to," Tamaki pointed in its direction, trying to follow your lead and ignore the envious gazes from people. The shop was filled with women who clearly had money, evident from the snooty air they carried. And being the owner of the go-to spot for them to spend their money only added to the commotion.
"Is that Princess (Y/n)?" a young man spotted you, making you internally groan.
"What have we done to be blessed with your presence?" he said, his eyes turning into dollar signs. You crinkled your nose but chose to take the high road and ignore it.
"Yes, I am looking for a dress for Prince Todoroki's ball. Do you have any available? I know it's short notice."
"For you?! Anything, my princess," the shopkeeper exclaimed, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards the dress selections. Meanwhile, poor Tamaki got caught in the chaos, getting accidentally trampled by the eager ladies-in-waiting who wanted a glimpse of your choice so they could copy your style and gain bragging rights.
Finding a dress took an eternity. You moved in and out of the changing rooms so quickly that people started keeping track. Tamaki exclaimed that he had found the perfect dress and asked you to step out to look in the large mirror. To your dismay, you were struck with something, and it wasn't a good feeling. The sight that greeted you was a nuclear yellow dress with ostrich feathers on the collars and fringed bottom that seemed to reach the heavens. It was downright hideous, regardless of the angle you viewed it from.
"Tamaki, let's go to another store. This one is just... it's not... okay, I was trying to be nice, but the dresses are awful." You could see the shock on the other women's faces at your use of strong words, with some even comparing you to the hot-tempered barbarian king who lived in the mountains.
Grabbing Tamaki's arm, you hurriedly left the store, shivering each time you brushed against feathers or sequins on the dress. The door opened easily, revealing a small beggar child, around twelve years old.
"Excuse me? I heard you were a princess, and... and I just wanted to ask if you'll help my daddy." She clutched her shirt and looked down, coincidentally as the store owner rushed outside.
"Wait, lady—YOU!" The store owner stopped when he saw the child and approached her with disdain. "I told you to never come here again. You're dirtying my store. Your father is as good as dead. So get out of here before people think this is a place for beggars to loiter."
His sneering made the child tremble and tear up. Before you could say anything, Tamaki stepped in, confronting the man.
"You have no right to speak to a child like that. She wasn't even talking to you. Or are you committing blasphemy against the royal family's name?" Your heart raced as Tamaki defended the child.
"Yeah! And you have enough to worry about with those hideous dresses." You flipped him off. "As the future princess of One for All, anyone who shops here will be stripped of their titles and taxed 1,000 gold coins per dress they purchased."
As soon as the words left your lips, everyone inside the store scattered and ran away.
"I was going to use this money to buy a dress, but it seems you need it more." You detached a small pouch from your hips and placed it in the hands of the child. "I know what it feels like to have a father in need of help. Use it wisely, my love." You patted her head and sent her off.
"But Lady (Y/N), your dress..." Tamaki tried to interject, but you hushed him with a smile.
"It's quite alright, Tama. I have thousands of dresses to choose from."
"You are truly amazing," he said, his eyes filled with adoration, making you chuckle.
"Me? No, you! I've never seen you looked so brave, Tama. You made my heart race. I think I've fallen for you."
"F-fallen for me?! But you are getting married to Prince Izuku."
"Izuku just isn't the right one for me, Tamaki. If you can easily betray the one you 'love,' is it truly meant to be?" Your face showed a tinge of heartbreak, but Tamaki couldn't bring himself to press the question further.
"But never mind that, let's finish our shopping. I'm sure we're going to have a blast at this party."
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An:// beware these next ones are gonna come fast since I’m just reuploading the old ones
Taglist(o´ω`o)ノ🔖: (send in an ask, comment, or dm) @nawkwardhumanbeing @naughteehee @avalordream @marsinception @emo-shonen-girl @hudnkl @lemonmoonmochi
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intotherumiverse · 2 years
★ ૮₍ ≧ . ≦ ₎ა 𝙐𝙍 𝙄𝙉 𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝘿𝙈𝙎, 𝙄’𝙈 𝙄𝙉 𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙋𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙎 !!
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ღ. synopsis ; when the comments gets to rowdy  ღ. featuring ; k. bbakugou, i. midoriya, t. iida, e. kirishima, h. sero, s. todoroki,  ღ. cw ; aged up bnha (they’re 18+), slightly suggestive, feral bnha ღ. notes ; i think i like my formatting. its hot. anyways enjoy <3 ღ. reader ; female 
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katsuki bakugou 
he hates certain comments on your posts
espically on tiktok 
you know those tiktoks where every single comment has a response to it? yeah that’s him 
there was one incident where he got temp-banned from tiktok from commenting too much 
whenever you post a hot photo of yourself on insta katsuki spends at least two hours scrolling through comments making sure that people stay on their best behavior 
and god forbid that someone comments something remotely flirty under your comments with pure rage 
“you shitty nerds wouldn’t even know how to handle the loml back the fuck off” 
but on the flip side he’ll make sure the next photo you take if riddled with hickies 
his pr team has fun
izuku midoriya 
he thinks they’re cute 
he’ll ask you some of the meanings behind them 
“baby @ user said I look submissive and breedable? what does that mean?” 
he’s so cute oh my lord
also he finds time to respond on every single comment 
“@ user commented: IZUKU ONE CHANCE PLEASE 😭☝🏾” and he’s over here like “I do not think it would work out too well, since i am taken with no resolve to leave
he likes putting them down easy, even though you keep telling him he can be mean to them 
i mean he causes the comment 99.9% of the time with his after gym inst posts? yea
tenya iida 
he doesn’t understand them
poor thing 
he’d probably looks at his comment section so confused 
late at night, he’s just thinking it over 
he always responds to it so hesitantly 
he calls the simp comments the iidanation tho
and there was the time where you told him to call his fans my slime💪🏾😈‼️
they don’t let him live it down to this day 
he has my slime merch somewhere el o el
kirishima eijiro 
he’s so cheerful about it 
any comment is usually responded by 💪🏾💞😼 thank you 
some variation by that
he genuinely thinks they are being nice and he wants to support his fans 
HES !!!!! BEING !!!!! MANLY !!!! 
his instagram lives are just him talking to his fans about his day and absolutely nothing else 
kisses the screen at the end of each live and telling everyone he loves you 
because he does !!!!!
sero hanta 
he understands to the fullest extent what he’s doing 
man is lean, a little too fucking lean and he always likes riling up his audience.
so he flirts back 
don’t worry doesn’t entertain them for long 
long enough for people to start editing him 
and when they do, best believe that he’s reposting them to his reels with the longest line of emojis known to man 
and always hyping them up and telling them how good they made him look. 
shoto todoroki 
rarely answers them
shoto likes going on lives rather then posting so whenever he gets comments, he answers them live
and most of the time he’s doing live with you 
so whenever he sees a particularly eye raising comments he almost always acts clueless, asking you to elaborate 
“oh? would you like to explain darling” 
there are just a bunch of fan edits of him calling his fans darlings 
which is the cutest thing to him
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— tagging ; @christiansdior​ ; @hajiluvr​ ; @that-one-queer-poc​ ; @shoberri​ ; @frannky​ ; @delvine​​ ; @izukus-gf​ ; @megurulvr​ ; @sscarchiyo​ ; @uxavity​ ; @katsumox​ 
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wwwcapricorncom · 3 years
Their Favorite Places To Have S♡ͤx With You- With Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, & Sero.
ᴄ/ᴡ: 18+/ ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴅɴɪ/ ᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs ᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ/  ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ. ᴅᴇɢʀᴀᴅᴀᴛɪᴏɴ. ɢᴀɢɢɪɴɢ. sᴍᴀᴄᴋɪɴɢ. ᴘɪɴɴɪɴɢ. ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ ᴏʀᴀʟ. ᴀɴᴀʟ. ғɪɴɢᴇʀɪɴɢ. sǫᴜɪʀᴛɪɴɢ. ᴛᴇᴍᴘ ᴘʟᴀʏ. ᴄᴏɴ ʀᴇᴄᴏʀᴅɪɴɢ.
ᴀ/ɴ: ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜɪs ɪᴅᴇᴀ ғᴏʀ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ sᴇʀᴏ sɴᴜᴄᴋ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ! ʙᴄ sᴇʀᴏ ʙʀᴀɪɴ ʀᴏᴛ.
ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ: ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʟʟ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴅ, ʙᴜᴛ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇs ᴅʀɪᴠᴇs ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ.
ʟɪɴᴋs: ɴᴀᴠ+ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴘᴏsᴛ/ ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ/ ᴀsᴋ ʙᴏx
ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴡᴏʀᴋ- ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ Bᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ x ᴘᴏᴄ! ғᴇᴍ
unedited :p
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♡ He loves taking you on the couch.
♡ It makes him feel adventurous and it's so sensual to him.
♡ He’ll make sure it's sensual for you too trust me, he's feeling daring whenever you guys start to feel each other up on the couch.
♡ When baby boy becomes a pro hero I like to believe he's uhhhhhhhh prettyfuckinnasty.
♡ Soooo he’s maneuvering you however he wants and he’s vocal!!
♡ He likes the shocked breathless look you have while he’s taking the lead.
♡ “Come here puppy, yea just like that that's perfect. You’re spread so perfect for me!”
✐ “L-like this Zu?” You’re stumbling over your own words as you spread your legs open for the muscular man. He had since pulled you from your sitting position on the couch, so that your back was on the cushions now, your legs hanging off of the edge until he decided to tell you to spread them before him.
“Yea just like that that's perfect. You’re spread so perfect for me puppy.” He's praising you as he gets on his knees, hips leveled with your sopping cunt. He was excited because it had been a while since you two have fucked anywhere but the bed. He didn’t even waste time undressing, instead he pushed his jeans and underwear below his throbbing cock before grabbing it in his hand.
He was about to go in, one look at your pouting face was already enough to tell him that he had made you wait for too long. Your pussy makes him think otherwise though as he looks at it in its dripping exposed nature and freezes. He dips down quickly and kisses your folds sloppily before sitting back up and smacking his cock on the lips, “Zu! Fuck!”
“Sh sh sh baby I know. I’m gonna fuck you right now. Not gonna make my pretty girl wait any longer.” He coos as he starts to push inside your slippery brown folds and your mouth is gaping instantly, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
He always makes sure that you can feel every inch of him going in and it always leaves you breathless no matter how many times you take him. No sooner is his hips coming flush with the bottoms of your thighs and ass. He places his rough hands on your sides so he can start bringing you to match his thrust and you’re nodding, mouth still ajar as you egg him on.
“I always love when y-you fuck me!” You coo, squeezing your legs in your hands as you try to hold them open for him and he’s moaning, furrowing his eyebrows as he continues to get swallowed by your walls.
“You feel so good baby, oh fuck!” His groans, throwing his head back as he begins to bring you to his thrust more violently and your quivering, feeling him finally smack into your gspot.
Your right hand slips from the hold on your thigh and finds his prominent ass cheek where you grab, so you can push him back inside you not wanting him to retract his hips all the way.
“F-fuck y/n!” He gasps, the action making him grind repeatedly into your gspot which makes your walls constrict around him.
In a flash he’s standing up and grabbing you by the waist so that your lower half is up in the air, the only thing touching the couch is your head and shoulders blades which makes you squeal.
He looks down at you, eyes low as he squats a bit to quite literally drop his cock into your pussy, “agh- Zu! It’s- oh my fucking god-
You’re gasping at the new angle he’s hitting, eyes crossing as he continues to slam his cock into your walls with the brute strength of his legs and all you can do is sit there and take it. Just when you think it can’t get any better, his thumb starts rubbing tight circles into your clit.
You’re babbling now, “pls don’t stop!” Spills from your lips repeatedly only sparring him to multiply the intensity of his actions. The new position has you soaking and spasming so desperately that he knows he won’t last.
“C’mon puppy cum with me- w-wanna cum with you!”
He’ll eat that dripping pussy that’s oozing his and your fluids in the same position before flipping you around. He can’t get enough of that dazed breathless look you have as you allow him to pull you through orgasm after orgasm.
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♡ This whore.
♡ He lovesssssss anywhere he can bend you over.
♡ *Runner up thoe is in the bed, still in doggy as he smashes you into the mattress under the weight of his huge ass body*
♡ Point blank period, seeing that ass ripple against him is something that personally makes his mouth water.
♡ But all in all he likes to torture you when you’re in this position.
♡ His favorite out of all the surfaces he’s bent you over is the sink in the bathroom.
♡ He’s in ultra dom mode like this regardless.
♡ No matter what you do to defy him he always dishes it back tenfold in this position.
♡ “You’re makin uh fuckin’ mess!”
✐ “Go ahead whore, fuck into me, see who taps out first!” He growls into your ear which makes you whimper as you continue to thrust your ass back into his sharp, erratic thrusts.
You’re abundantly aware that you fucked up. You were acting like a brat all day and when he finally got his hands on you it was in the very position he loved to do so much. Not only did he love to degrade you when you were bent over, taking him so helplessly, but he loved that you two could watch through the mirror.
In efforts to turn the tide and gain some leverage against him, you started to throw your ass back against him. At first it caught him off guard, but fuck did he love it. It was like a mission to him and you just made it all the more provocative.
Your actions just made the fucking all the more brutal too as he tried to get you to come undone before him, “my g-god Su-suki!!!” You begin to whine and he’s scoffing, rolling his eyes as he smacks your ass hard.
“Already can't take it?” His hands squeeze at your sides as he pistons forward, the steam from the shower you were supposed to turn off when you got out of it, is making you both sweat. The muscles in his legs are starting to burn and he knows you’re not doing any better.
You shake your head defiantly, stabilizing yourself by putting your hands just below the mirror, it aiding you to push back into him with more power and he lets out a stuttered groan. Your pussy is so drenched that he is parting them with ease, meeting your spongy core with vigor that has your legs trembling.
“It’s fuckin’ cute that you think you’ll win, babygirl.” He groans, collecting your hands and pinning them behind your back as he uses his other to rub at your clit.
“AH! No-ot, not fair!” You moan as your eyes screw shut, your thrusting gets weaker and he can feel the power of your orgasm starting to approach.
“ ‘s not my fault that you're sucha slut. That you like this shit.” He growls against your skin, having started sucking and biting marks into it to distract himself from the clenching of his balls. His fingers pick up speed against your clit as his hold gets tighter on your arms when you start to squirm.
The force of his thrust makes you buckle forward, him aiming at your gspot more roughly and you give out with a squeal. You're cumming hard, creaming all around his cock and he makes sure to point it at, “You’re makin uh fuckin’ mess!” But it's breathy and slurred because he loves the sight of your creamy pussy dirting his cock.
He’ll take the fingers that were rubbing your clit and hook them in the side of your mouth, pulling so that your tongue has no choice but to loll out as your cheek is stretched to the side. All the while, he continues to thrust into your trembling walls, fighting the contractions, and overstimulating you.
You're garbling out pleas for him to slow down because you can't handle how good it feels and he's sadistically making you focus on your debauched figure in the mirror while saying shit like, “Whats that baby, sounds like ya got somethin’ in your fuckin mouth!”
Make sure he reels a squirting orgasm or at least another really good one before he fills you up. Won’t stop him from stuffing his fingers down your throat and telling you to not talk unless “you’re ready to tell daddy who's the best.”
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♡ Okay so I strongly believe that he likes the bed ofc.
♡ He's a proper gentleman ofc ofc, but here me out…
♡ I think he gets a big ass kick whenever you guys can have sex on the table
♡ More like whenever he can get you sitting at the edge of the table while he is standing and thrusting into you.
♡ He loves that he's close to you, but boy oh boy
♡ When he gets you to fully lay down on the table???
♡ Goes dumb because he loves being able to look at you, cutely sprawled out. It mimics missionary in the bed to him.
♡ He adores you so ofcccc he likes to look at you.
♡ “You look so beautiful darling, are you feeling that good?”
✐ The way you look up at him, mesmerizes him every single damn time. He does think that he has a problem because the way you look at him when he's making you feel good is enough to make me do anything.
That’s why he's become such a fan of taking you in any way possible as long as he can see that face, those cute glassy eyes as he slips his warming cock past your glistening floods until he bottoms out.
“T-the table isn’t hurting you right baby?” He asks through his grunts, worrying about the flesh of your ass on the edge of the mahogany table.
“Gosh you're so hot worrying even when you're insid-
He’ll rip a gasp from you then by how erratic his next thrust is, he can't help it when you say shit like that. Makes him realize how nasty he is being, taking you on the table he eats at, that you eat at, that his guests eat at.  By the way you are looking, you must be thinking the same thing and it's arousing both of you.
His hands will grab needily at the side of your ass while your legs are thrown over them so as to have you almost leaning back, relying on him as he looks down at you. His own eyes gradually become lower and lower as he loses himself in you.
“H-harder Sho, want it harder!” You’ll moan out and he'll nod obediently, pushing you so that your back comes flush with the cold table top, making you squeal as he starts to thrust into you harder. He never seems to miss your gspot, no matter what, you're sure he can find it even by accident as he beats into it like it's his own personal toy.
Your tits bouncing sporadically, up and down your chest as you lurch upwards along the wood because of how he stands on his tippy toes to try and be all in you- as deep as possible. You love when he gets like this, so hell bent on pleasuring you that desperate little moans and groans are tumbling out of his mouth.
He quickly swipes his hair out of his eyes so that he can continue to watch you drip on his cock. He knows when you're close. Your velvet walls always pulse the same way when your orgasm is coming fast and your mouth always falls open enough for him to easily run his thumb across his.
It must have been because he was so damn hot already, but he was definitely heating you up inside as well via his quirk and it took him a minute to realize it- too lost in the heightened emotion in your face.
“You look so beautiful darling, are you feeling that good?” He asks as he studies your face contorting into a higher level of pleasure, drool starting to collect at the corner of your opened mouth.
“You’re doing so good!” You'll desperately pant, knowing he loves the praise. It brings out the nasy in him and this is proved when he takes his thumb and swipes it across your full bottom lip. In the same emotion he collects the spit from the corner of your mouth and licks it from his finger. He loves the shocked look on your face before you start rolling into your orgasm.
“Baby I didn't even get to play with that pretty clit yet.. Can I still?”
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♡ Ughhhhh i’ve had Sero brainrotttttttttttt chileee anywaysss
♡ I think this charming fucker would def love car anything
♡ Car sex
♡ Car head
♡ Car fingering
♡  A N Y T H I N G
♡  It's just something about the tight space that he loves. Pulling you close to him and wrecking you in any way possible.
♡ He likes that he can park somewhere pretty too!
♡  I just see him loving to prop his phone up and pull you into his lap and record while he goes to town.
♡ “You like this huh babygirl”
✐ Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as Sero pointed your face in the direction of his recording phone, he wanted you to look into the camera, fingers caressing your chin.
“C’mon pretty, pay attention to us, we look so good don't we?” He coos, smirking as your glassy eyes try to focus on the video he was making instead of the stretch in your ass.
He was buried balls deep inside your tight ass as he spread you open for the camera, toying with your clit, as you rested your back against his chest.
“I’m t-too stuffed Hanta! Youre filling me too m-much- fuck!”
Your shaky sentence is cut short as you feel him twitch inside you, you were suctioning him like crazy, so the micro action is enough to send you trembling.
He had pushed into you a while after he pulled you into his lap, but hadn’t moved since. You didn’t know what was driving you more crazy, the lack of friction or the long intrusion.
“My god you're leaking all over my lap, beautiful, my pants are gonna be ruined.” He states before letting out a low whistle. Impressed by the arousal he's gotten from just cockwarming you while slightly toying with your clit.
He chuckles, eyes low from the joint he just smoked and the tightness enclosing his cock, before finally giving your pussy some attention. Long, slender fingers that are freshly painted black weave through your sticky lips before light smacks are directed at your entire core.
You gasp as his other hand snakes around your waist, holding you in place as he nudges two fingers into your inviting entrance. As soon as they are fully inside you exhale the breath you didn't know you were holding while dropping the back of your head onto his shoulder.
He would scold you, but the way you're taking his fingers is mesmerizing and he's falling into the clutches of wanting to pleasure that pussy. He begins flicking his finger skillfully, interchanging aggressive flicks of the wrist with scissoring his fingers inside of you.
“Baby It feels so good. I-I- I want you to move!” You plead as you try to buck your hips to meet his flicking wrist, but his arm is still holding you in place.
“You think you can handle me stretching this sexy ass, hm?” He whispears into your ear before suckling your earlobe inside his mouth and you nod. He's glad too because he cock is ready from some action, balls filling with release at the feel of your velvety walls around him.
He brings a strong hand to your hip before he starts to use his feet to retract his hips from underneath you which effectively drags his cock out from your walls. He leaves just the tip inside, so that you can feel the ring of your ass being stretched before he rams it all back in.
The first thrust is enough to indicate that you will not last at all. He knew what he was doing as he continued to fuck into you while curling two fingers into your gspot. The pressure that is building within you is one that only Sero knows how to bring out and you're desperate for it.
You start bouncing on top of his cock while he continues to stretch your holes which has him groaning, “you like this huh babygirl, gonna cum already for me?” He can barely keep himself from going slack jaw as it feels like your walls will snap him in half with how hard you're sucking him in.
“You always make me feel so g-good!” You cry out tears trickling down your cheeks as you near the end of your rope, falling on top of his cock, legs having given out.
He takes over though, thrusting his cock into you while attacking your gspot with his fingers, “ fuckkk ‘tsss tight! S-show me how good I make you feel.” He doesn't have to tell you twice before you're squirting so aggressively around his fingers and on to his lap.
Sero takes his time and knows just how to make you gush.
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