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Maughtian (True Form) Nighlok (Cursed Form)
Nickname: Dreadhead
Species: Maughtian, Nighlok ( temporary, thought to be permanent, cursed )
Age: Around 1,000 years old
Nautica was a leader of tribe known as the Dreadlocks who thought that they, themselves, could bring peace between the heroes and the outlaws.
Unfortunately, it proved Nautica to be too difficult for him as he and his tribe met with racism. One guy stands out from the rest of those racists was a criminal named Shisky who thought Nautica to be useless and likes calling him "Dreadhead" which is a slur to the Dreadlock Tribe. Every racist remarks made by Shisky ended with a torture for Nautica.
Nautica, blinded by sadness and injuries, created an amulet that would allow him to become invulnerable to any form of violence. Nautica's wish was to make Shisky suffer. Never did he know was that his wish would be granted, but with a price.
Nautica was met with The King of the Nighloks named Dredakai ( this is before Serrator became The King of The Nighloks ) who heard about his desires and grants Nautica his wish. Unfortunately, his wish had no impacts on Shisky, but for him. Nautica's soul was sucked away from him and into Shisky, resulting Nautica turning into a rather hideous version of himself.
Nautica realizes the Dredakai lied and cursed him. He had been told that he will stay cursed, as long as Shisky is alive and stay away from him. Dredakai then gave Nautica a new name for him, now that he is now a Nighlok... "Dreadhead".
Nautica's main weapon of choice is a spear, but Dredakai gave him a huge rifle gun instead, much to Nautica's dismay. After Dredakai was then succeeded by Serrator as the King of Nighloks, It wouldn't took until 2011 when he was chosen to face his new foes: The Samurai Rangers from Earth.
Nautica, blinded by rage and violence, thought defeating The Samurai Rangers is a piece of cake since his amulet was actually fused into him at the time he was turned into a Nighlok. Unfortunately, Nautica met his fate as he died by the Samurai Rangers' new attack.
Nautica, alongside other Nighloks, was revived in 2065. Dredakai, now King of the Nighloks once again, chose Nautica to get his revenge on the Samurai Rangers. Without hesitation, he does as exactly as Dredakai told him.
At this point, The Samurai Rangers have 2 new members, and oddly didn't age at all since the last time. Nautica would finally prevent the attack that actually killed him in the first place. Rather than seeing The Samurai Rangers retreat, he was met with one of them who actually knows how's Nautica is feeling. This Samurai Ranger was Kuro Shuro.
Kuro Shuro knew that Nautica's rage wasn't from his revenge on the Samurai Rangers, but from his own trauma. Once the rest of the Samurai Rangers knows what was going on with him, they decided to comfort Nautica and took him their home.
Every now and then, Nautica would fight alongside The Samurai Rangers... Becoming the first Nighlok to do so. Most of the time, He was put into life support since he could dry up at any point in time.
This will not last forever as several years later, Shisky passed away from a brutal death and with Nautica's Soul now returned him and turned him back into his Maughtian self, Nautica finally revealed to the Samurai Rangers and his new allies he made over the last several years, who he actually is and thanked them for breaking his curse.
Nautica is currently back on Maught, retained his leadership of the Dreadlock Tribe. He still faces racism, but with the help from his allies, he can overcome it with any means necessary through peace.
#power rangers#power rangers samurai#dreadhead#day off#power rangers orignal characters#power rangers canon characters#half oc#half canon#oc/canon#nighlok#oc#digital art#fanon#non canon
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La California, o la fiesta va por dentro.
asi cuendo estoy acelerado, en virtud de una provechosa convinacion de shiskis de wo a cuarenta años que el buen allan me ha brindado, y la bareta, estoy con el animo excitado, desde luego esta es la dispocicon deseada para la escritura automatica, o la canptacion de las ojnadas estelares. pero ojo no prentendo ser un brat, y tampoco lo desearia, solo quiero encontrar la mejor forma de narrarr, verase que uso narra y no contar, que ahi puede haber un debate para deuepse, de narrar lo que ocurrio en sa finca de mis antalños esos aposentos donde deje una parte preciosa de mi jubventud. un valle caluros con las andes a aeste, y los sueños puesto s en el porvenir. Suenos y dudsas, porque a veces se confunden las dos. Pero bueno siempor lo mas importante de empesazer es echar anandar.
creo en parte que la dificultad de comenzar a hjablar de la califurnia sea calro esta el optrs , osea el psot traumuatic estres, si bien los hechos qu uiqero relaiconar son de hace mas on menos, qpo años. ... que importa, impertinene, lo que impoirta aquí esto tora cosa, es comenzar a hablar dela carolina. de como putas, sicomo putas contar el cuento ,nnarralr la historia, empezar por decir que no se como empzar, que atetico expediente, quient te crees cugagivto, stenre?, o rober wlaser, pues bueno he haque que revelo mis. artas.
Una tarde mi tio y yo nos eonctrmoas por lasdos de mi casa, y caminamnos hasta el malecon. el malecon es un pasaeo, una promednade a lo largo de la rivera oriental del rio pammplonita que atraviesa la ciudad. Los humnaos somos seres acuaticos, necesitamos del agua y nos arrimamos aella, logicamente para sobrevivir. En todo cosaos henos aquí a mi tio amablr y a mi una tarde calursao o tosala lastardes osn calutrosas en nuesrttra nuuy noble y leal villa...etc...
dedcidimos comparanos una media de aguartiedt u uynas cerveae ... yo no tenía porro, no creo, y amable en relaidad, aunque siempr quq hay otroa allado fumando se antoja, no tienen tendencia la marihuana, su deblidlad, y tu fortaleza en parte, es el vino, el alcoho y la cerveazza.
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We finished the production of this hex luxury rigid box for #whiskey #shisky #Wine box#bonbons #chocolate #chocolatebonbon #chocolatier #cosmetics #wig #alagobox https://www.instagram.com/p/B-KHCMABi71/?igshid=a3s1wosda52p
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Receitas veganas para fazer facilmente em casa (Parte 2)
Aqui está a segunda parte das receitas veganas que podem ser facilmente e simplesmente serem feitas em casa!
Faça bom proveito!
8 - Molho Yakitori -
100 ml de molho de soja 1 dente de alho sem nervo, esmagado 1/2 cebola doce ralada 1 colher de sopa de melaço 1 colher de sopa de amido de milho diluído em 1 copo de água 2 colheres de sopa de vinagre de arroz 3 colheres de sopa de vinho branco 2 colheres de sopa de azeite 1/4 de pílula de caldo de legumes
Aqueça o azeite em uma panela antiaderente média em fogo médio e adicione a cebola e o melaço, mexa e adicione o alho. Deixe assar por 2 minutos e adicione os ingredientes restantes, mexendo delicadamente. Quando ferver, coloque no mínimo e deixe reduzir de 10 a 15 minutos, até engrossar. Deixe esfriar antes de usar.
9- Molho para refogados -
1 colher de sopa de óleo de gergelim 1/2 colher de chá de alho em pó 1/2 colher de chá de gengibre moído 1/2 xícara de caldo de legumes 1 colher de sopa de molho de soja 1 colher de chá de açúcar mascavo 1/2 colher de chá de sal 1/4 colher de chá de pimenta preta 1/2 colher de chá de tomilho picado 1/2 colher de chá de alecrim picado 2 colheres de sopa de suco de limão 1 colher de chá de amido de milho diluído em 1/2 copo de água
Frite o alho e o gengibre em uma panela média em fogo médio por 15 a 30 segundos. Adicione os ingredientes restantes, mexa e deixe reduzir 15-20 minutos, mexendo ocasionalmente. Deixe esfriar.
10. Molho holandês, adaptado de vegetarianos
3 colheres de sopa de The Vegg (mistura de ovos veganos) 1/4 xícara de margarina vegetal quase líquida e amaciada 1 colher de chá de mostarda Dijon 1 colher de chá de molho picante (tabasco) o suco de 1 limão 1 e 1/2 ou 2 xícaras de água
Combine todos os ingredientes, exceto a água e bata com o liquidificador. Adicione 1 xícara e meia água e adicione mais se for muito grosso. Bata-o em alta velocidade até que fique cremoso. Use imediatamente.
11. Tzatziki,
1 pacote de tofu de seda (340-390g) drenado 3 colheres de sopa de suco de limão 1 colher de sopa de vinagre de vinho branco 1/2 colher de chá de sal 1 colher de sopa de alho picado 2 colheres de sopa de azeite pimenta a gosto 1 pepino descascado e ralado 1 colher de sopa de endro fresco
Bata o tofu, suco de limão, vinagre e sal com o liquidificador. Quando estiver cremoso, adicione o alho e o azeite e bata-o. Experimente e tempere a gosto. Escorra o pepino ralado, pressionando-o com as mãos ou contra um coador para liberar a água. Misture com o endro picado e adicione ao batido anterior. Cubra e deixe na geladeira pelo menos 2-3 horas antes de servir.
12. Tzatziki adaptado de Our Veggie Kitchen
1 xícara de iogurte de soja sem açúcar 2 colheres de sopa de queijo creme vegano (opcional) 3 dentes de alho picados 1/2 colher de chá de sal 1/4 colher de chá de pimenta preta suco de limão 1 colher de sopa de hortelã picada 1 pepino
Bata todos os ingredientes, exceto o pepino. Descasque o pepino e corte-o em quartos, remova as sementes, corte em tiras e pique-as. Misture com o batido anterior e leve à geladeira pelo menos 1 hora antes de servir.
13. Chimichurri
4 dentes de alho 1 pimenta caiena ou picante 2 colheres de sopa de orégano 1 colher de chá de tomilho 1 colher de sopa de salsa picada 1 colher de sopa de paprika doce 1 colher de chá de cominho 100 ml de azeite Vinagre de 100 ml Sal a gosto
Esmagar a pimenta com o liquidificador. Coloque o óleo em uma panela em fogo baixo e adicione a pimenta, cominho, orégano e tomilho 5-6 minutos. Adicione a salsa, a páprica, o alho e o vinagre e cozinhe por mais 3 minutos, mexendo. Desligue e envie.
Gostaria de aprender as fazer mais receitas veganas? Clique aqui e veja como: http://brasilvegano.com.br/!
14. Churrasco (não picante)
1 cebola pequena picada 3 dentes de alho esmagados azeite de oliva 1 colher de chá de páprica doce 1 colher de chá de sementes de funcho trituradas 55g de açúcar mascavo 50ml de molho de soja escuro ou grosso 300 ml de ketchup sal e pimenta
Frite o alho e a cebola com um pouco de óleo, quando começarem a dourar, junte a páprica, as sementes de funcho e o açúcar. Deixe o açúcar marrom. Adicione o molho de soja e o ketchup e tempere com sal e pimenta. Coloque em fogo baixo e deixe reduzir 3-4 minutos, até que esteja denso. Para espalhá-lo melhor em seus preparativos, use uma escova de pastelaria.
15. Churrasco com uísque
1/2 cebola picada 3 dentes de alho picados 3/4 xícara de shisky (bourbon) 1/2 colher de chá de pimenta moída 1/2 colher de chá de sal 1 xícara de ketchup 1/4 xícara de tomate esmagado 1/3 xícara de vinagre de maçã 2 colheres de sopa de fumaça líquida 1/4 xícara de molho de soja 3 colheres de sopa de açúcar mascavo ou melaço 1 colher de chá tabasco 2 colheres de sopa de azeite
Aqueça o azeite em uma frigideira em fogo médio e junte a cebola e o alho. Adicione o uísque, deixe ferver 8-10 minutos e adicione o restante dos ingredientes. Misture bem e deixe reduzir de 10 a 12 minutos, mexendo de vez em quando.
16. Churrasco vermelho (usado para churrasco)
2 xícaras de ketchup 1/3 xícara de açúcar mascavo 1 cebola 3 dentes de alho 2 colheres de sopa de azeite 2 colheres de sopa de água 1 colher de sopa de vinagre de maçã 1 colher de sopa de molho de soja 1 colher de chá de fumo líquido 1 colher de chá de mostarda em pó 1/8 colher de chá de pimenta de Caiena uma pitada de pimenta preta moída
Bata o alho, cebola e água com o liquidificador até ficar homogêneo. Aqueça o azeite em uma frigideira em fogo médio e cozinhe o purê até dourar. Adicione os ingredientes restantes, misture bem e deixe reduzir de 18 a 20 minutos.
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"The Rapture" and "Shisky (THPS2 CAP)" - 'Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2' (C...
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Severus quicker a smile at the whole situation, gently taking the cup of whisky offered by Minerva with a smile. He wondered his way over towards Wisteria after speaking to a couple people, sipping on hi shisky with a hum of delight.
Forced Bonds (Closed RP with @thethornedflower )
Severus blew out a silent breath, staring at yhe Daily Prophet held in his hands at the staff table that morning, black eyes wide as could be. Shock, anger and defeat coursed through his frame though he didn't show it, knowing the marriage law was already passed now and was in full effect for everyone. Especially for those who were the last of their lines, it was doubly imperative to get married and have heirs.
He set the paper down and let out a low rumbling growl, not caring if anybody heard, and rubbed his hands down his face before raking a hand back through his hair. "What exactly is the ministry trying to do to us all at this point?" He hissed out softly.
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Tagged by the wonderful @nightlocktime yay!
the rules: make your aesthetic (based on your personality and interests) with only photos you have saved to your device. you can’t search and download any items until you are done.
so the only photos I have saved to my laptop are cute pics of my nieces & cats, and dorky pics of myself, so we’ll just pretend that’s my actual aesthetic.
I thought about trying to come up with some fun stuff using google image searches, but I am so bad at graphic stuff and I could not figure out how to make the images be the right size or sit next to each other. lol
To make up for it, I’m gonna just randomly share some of my cute cats, fam pics, and dorky selfies. the pics are large - sorry
This is me and my nieces who both always wanna be close to Aunt Rose - it makes my heart melt.
This is mom and I being dorky at the photo booth at my step-brother’s wedding.
Here is Shisky hanging in his cat tree
And then here is Sheldon, just hanging out in his favorite human’s room with him (I am not his favorite, but I am a close second and I am Shisky’s fave so it’s all good)
This was such a ridiculous way to respond to this question/meme, so I won’t tag anyone. But feel to share some pics, as either an aesthetics board or just randomly like myself. lol
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This shinning rigid box is customized to hold glass bottle wine. You can refer to it to customize your unique one. #whiskey #shisky#cragganmore #Wine box#bonbons #chocolate #chocolatebonbon #chocolatebar #chocolateandwine #blackbox #blackpackaging #bespokepackaging #luxurypackaging #luxpackaging #luxepackaging #winepackaging #tastingset #alagobox https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ykZdGh7bb/?igshid=aw8mevhf45o9
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#Cosmetics #Cosmeticsbox #Lipstick #eyeshadow #skincare #alagobox #custombox #rigidbox #bonbonbox #chocolatebonbon #chocolatebar #glassesbox #sunglassesbox #whiskey #shisky #cragganmore #Wine box #bonbons #chocolate #chocolatebonbon #chocolatier #tastingbox #alagobox https://www.instagram.com/p/B_oQpqFBEgA/?igshid=1vcszy4x4a68v
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#whiskey #shisky#cragganmore #Wine box#bonbons #chocolate #chocolatebonbon #chocolatebar #chocolatebonbon #chocolatebar #bonbon #bonbons #chocolatebonbons #handcraftedchocolate #artisiticchocolate #chocolatetruffles #chocolatier #sweets #pastryar #artisanchocolate #parline #parliner #chocolatepuddles #pastry #chocolateandwine #chocolateandflower #gourmettruffles #handpaintedchocolatebonbons #premiumchocolatebox #alagobox #custombox #rigidbox #bonbonbox https://www.instagram.com/p/B-6WpmyhJB5/?igshid=h7akq7hxcw1q
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#chocolatebonbon #bonbon #bonbons #chocolatebonbons #handcraftedchocolate #artisiticchocolate #chocolatetruffles #chocolatier #sweets #pastryar #artisanchocolate #parline #parliner #chocolatepuddles #pastry #chocolateandwine #chocolateandflower #gourmettruffles #handpaintedchocolatebonbons #premiumchocolatebox #alagobox #custombox #rigidbox #bonbonbox #whiskey #shisky#cragganmore #Wine box#bonbons #chocolateandwine #artisanalchocolates https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Pb2TMh0_Y/?igshid=b830ou59crbg
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Having to separate my very-bonded two cats to make sure the litter box issues one might be having isn’t too serious and to have more info to tell the vet. The kitty inside the bedroom is on one side of the door pawing at it, the kitty out in the rest of the apartment with all the freedom in the world is sitting on the other side of the door just staring at it, and I’m all a-stressing because I want them to be able to be together and feel safe and comfy again. I think I handle new situations about as poorly as cats do with my OCD, but at least I know *why* this is happening. If only I could tell them and be like “Shisky, if you can prove to me that you can pee comfortably this can all be over so why don’t you have a long drink of water” lol
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