#ship questions meme
liesmyth · 9 months
Ship or not:
What made you ship it? “But my bones will rest easy next to your bones”
What are your favorite things about the ship? The fact that they truly, genuinely, actually loathe each other, and it's a bitter proxy war for a millennia old grief they refuse to think too hard about because it'd mean blaming their cavaliers.
And, ofc, the Leyendecker themed thirst trap.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I truly 100% believe that Augustine wanted Mercymorn dead until the moment it happened and he realised he didn't.
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
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I present to you: my dumbass thoughts before I take a nap
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espresso-ships · 6 months
Self ship game
Random relationship questions!
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Template made with Canva
I have too much spare time today bruh 😭
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wouldyourfo · 7 months
would your f/o be more of a cat person or a dog person? or maybe they'd be the type to answer "both!" or "neither," and say a totally different pet?
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newtidnt · 2 years
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new blog! yippee i was originally gonna draw mario too but i thought it was alot funnier to just slap a png on there and call it a day Still getting a feel for drawing bowser and luigi so it's a bit rough i don't really like how soft luigi looks in this but i dunnooo also i've been drawing almost solely feral cats for like 3 years now so i barely know how to drawn humans anymore help ((also i know someone else did the "i'm stuff" meme with mario characters (don't remember who) BUT they just used images and they didn't actually draw it so uhhhuhuu that's my excuse))
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murcielagatito · 8 months
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for da teddies <3
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llamagoddessofficial · 4 months
hey llama. do you ship frans?
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enbyleighlines · 2 months
20 Shippy Questions for your OTP’s, OT3’s, and Polycules
The basics
1. When did you start shipping them?
2. What do you like about them as individuals?
3. What about their dynamic appeals to you?
4. What are their favorite things about one another?
5. How do you envision them getting together?
The fluff
6. What would their dream home look like?
7. How do they split up housework and other chores?
8. What are their love languages, and how do they show each other affection?
9. Do you see them getting married, and if your answer is yes, what would their wedding look like?
10. Can you imagine them having any kids and/or pets?
The angst
11. How do they comfort each other?
12. Is there anything you don’t like about this ship?
13. What would be their least favorite things about one another?
14. What sorts of things might they argue about?
15. Do they face any pushback from friends, families, or society over their relationship?
Bonus ~saucy~ questions
16. Who has more experience with relationships?
17. What physical traits do they find most attractive about one another?
18. Do they ever engage in PDA, and if so, to what extent?
19. What are the most sensitive parts of each individual’s body?
20. What is their dynamic like in the bedroom?
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Do you and/or your F/O(s) need noise to fall asleep to? White noise? Particular youtuber? Telling stories to each other?
Do any of yall need a nightlight of some sort? Or a lamp or TV Screensaver on throughout the night so it's not completely dark? Or the opposite where you can't sleep UNLESS it's dark? Matching night masks, mayhaps?
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freetobeafcknriot · 1 year
🌙 * ― silly little unique trivia about your otp.❫
who fell first, and who fell harder?
their hypothetical godly parents (or a deity they could embody in a mythological setting).
soldiers, poets, or kings?
the olive theory according to them (and their palate).
who's the ‘good old-fashioned lover boy’, and who's the ‘killer-queen’?
go-to pet names they have for each other, if any.
what are their star signs? (i know nothing about astrology, but it's funky so out with it!)
their sexual orientations and/or gender identities.
soulmates by fate/chance or by choice?
their hypothetical hogwarts houses, either traditionally speaking, so to say, or following the sortinghatchats method. (alternatively, if you'd rather: their alignment by dnd standards).
who's more likely to do stupid, impulsive, or random stuff, and who's there being like, ‘regrettably, that's the love of my life’?
one to three songs that remind you of them.
who's the “tell me i'm pretty” one, and who's the “you're pretty fucking annoying is what you are” in the relationship?
their love languages.
sun, moon, stars, earth, or eclipse?
three to five non-sexual acts of intimacy.
who's the “i could beat the shit out of you” one, and who's the “i know” one?
one to three other ships from other pieces of media that may remind you of them.
who's the dog person, and who's the cat person? (other pets or animals may also apply.)
their absolute favourite thing about each other in the whole wide world.
do they ever match in any way?
their own little way (or ways) to say ‘i love you’.
who's the “i wouldn't marry myself either” one, and who's the “i would marry you with parer rings” one? (alternatively: i'd marry you with paper rings vs. i'm rich. i'll get you a diamond)?
coffee or tea?
one to five tropes they embody or could pull off in an AU.
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huntinglove · 6 months
[by voting on this poll you automatically agree that proshippers are awesome!]
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liesmyth · 9 months
Ship It or Not
Ship it!
1. What made you ship it? “Turn back, Harry” in the prologue and then two chapters later they were kissing with tongue.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? I looove The Potential early on in HtN where they're truly looking forward to an eternity spent together, that would've been such a fascinating dynamic. Also their sleepovers in Ianthe's bed... I'm weak for it.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? idk if it's unpopular but I don't think Ianthe is especially nasty / manipulative to Harrow in HtN beyond, like, the baseline average for these people. And I think if the situation had been reversed and Ianthe had been the one in need of a lobotomy, Harrow would have lorded it over her just as much, probably worse
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thejoobiestnerd · 8 months
So I may have binged the entirety of the Houseki no Kuni manga. Anyways, have some memes I made:
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And a non-inverse colour version of the second meme:
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espresso-ships · 4 months
Wake up babe, new self ship game template just dropped ‼
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Part 3 of most likely too HEHEHE
Added one for poly ships too!!
Enjoy and have fun using lol <3
Part 1 - Part 2
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wouldyourfo · 7 months
your f/o brought you flowers! what kind(s) would they be? 💐
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pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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Yuma Month: Day 9: Love
I think that he forgot his love identity too… 💓💦
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