#shintani x reader
lyz-fics · 5 years
Hinata Shintani X FEM! Reader X Takumi Usui: Lemon Tarts
Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
Ok, so… this started out really nice but the longer I put it off the crappier it got. This is a really shitty story and I am dissapointed. This took me so long to write an I am so sincerely sorry for how long I put it off. 
Words: 3,242 Words
Warning: NSFW - Semi-Public Sex, Fighting, Threesome, 
Summary: After bumping into Hinata in the hallway and spilling all the cakes you had prepared for the school’s sports festival he offers to make more for with you. Then finding Takumi in the kitchen cooking as well the boys decide to test your limits of how much lemon you can handle in your sweet and sour tart.
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Extremely carefully, you balanced the trays of tarts on your forearms as you walked down the empty hallways. The break for lunch was almost over so you had time to relax before you had to even start making the tarts. But being the overachiever you are, you served up the food extremely fast and started baking the tarts straight after you had finished. Turning the corner slowly you were almost bulldozed over when someone ran into you. you stumbled back and fell down onto the floor, you were fine apart for some minor bruises that would most likely appear later on but the tarts – CRAP the tarts!
“oh my gosh, (Y/N)-kun,” a boy stuttered. You recognized that voice, a soft voice, something that was so sweet – Hinata. “I didn’t see you coming around the corner, ah- I'm so sorry.”
“No, no, please, Hinata,” you pleaded with him, “I’m fine, but… my tarts”
You whispered the last part as you pushed your head into your hands in defeat. Hinata took his eyes off of you and turned his attention to the trays of food that lay beside you, incircled by small tarts. He gasped softly as he watched you tilt your head downwards. Suddenly his face lit up with joy.
“You’re an amazing cook (Y/N)” he smiled excitedly, “if we work together I'm sure we can have twice the amount of tarts in no time if you let me help.”
You looked up at him finally, seeing the smile across his face, how could you say no. His soft brown eyes glistened as the light echoed through the hallway. He extended his hand and you took it willingly, wrapping his other hand around your arm he pulled you up from the ground. He walked over to the cleaning closet without a word and brought out a mop and bucket, and a broom.
He passed you the broom with a soft grin, “If you can sweep them into a pile I can mop up the mess behind you.”
You both took your time in cleaning the hallway, but still, you were done in no time. Hinata offered to put all the cleaning supplies away so you could head straight towards the kitchen and waste no time in baking the new tarts. Walking into the kitchen you could see a class cleaning up the kitchen, students already packed up and ready to head to their next class. Among them was Takumi – of course, he had to be here.
“Pardon the interruption,” you spoke up, “if you don’t mind the class being dismissed early, I need the kitchen to bake some goods for the festival.”
The teacher gave you a smile and a nod as she finished wiping her hands on a towel and gave the class a wave to dismiss them. Hinata walks in with the trays and smiles at you.
“Hinata I'm going to have to ask you-” the teacher started but you jumped in before she could finish her sentence.
“Oh, don’t worry miss, he isn't here to eat the students' food,” you giggled as remembered what he tends to be like, “he is here to help me bake.”
The teacher flashed you a shocked expression. You could just imagine what she would be thining – Hinata? Helping bake instead of just devouring everything that lay in his wake? Impossible! Giving the teacher another smile you walked over to one of the benches and started scrolling down your phone, through your notes trying to look for the recipe you had saved that you used for the last batch of tarts. Finally finding it you showed Hinata the picture of what you would be making, his stomach grumbled as you showed it to him and you both laughed.
“well,” a tall blonde boy said aloud as he started to approach you both, “with only one person baking and the other person eating every second batch that comes out of the oven, it sounds as if you could use an extra hand to double the production rate.”
“well,” you scoffed, “if it isn’t the master chef himself. Come to join our baking competition?”
“Well, in fact,” he said snootily, “I have come to teach you.” he slammed his hand onto the counter in front of you sending Hinata backward, but knowing Takumi’s shenanigans you stayed put. He leaned close to you and tilted his head to the side as he whispered something in your ear. “It looks like you would need some help after all,” backing away he nodded over towards Hinata who had fallen backward, catching a drawer on the way down he had dropped wooden utensils all over himself.
You rolled your eyes as you turned around on your heels quickly to help Hinata pick up all the utensils and put them back in the drawer, and place the drawer back where it originally came from. Helping him off the floor you turned to Takumi once more.
“Teach? Not likely! Help? Definitely!” you scoffed as you watched Takumi walk around to the other side of the bench and stand next to Hinata. “You boys will be working on the crusts of the lemon tarts. We will need more crust than curd so its good there is too of you. while you two do that I will work on the curd.”
Texting Takumi the recipe saved on your phone you walked off and into the cupboard to gather your ingredients. The boys stared at each other for a while before getting out the things they needed as well. Walking back you say Hinata gave Takumi a low throated growl as he walked over to your bench. He set his ingredients down and stared at your phone wondering what to do next.
He started mixing the dry ingredients into a large bowl, doubling the recipe as he went. Finally realizing what he was doing you cleared your throat softly.
“Takumi you're meant to share the bench with Hinata,” you said softly. He tried to protest but you would keep insisting that he should work with Hinata because they were making the same part of the tart.
Finally getting him to move back to help Hinata you watched as Hinata flicked his head back and forth from his phone and his bowl where he was mixing some ingredients.
“Is there something you need, Hinata?”
“Uhh… maybe?” he stuttered, “Mine doesn’t look like the reference picture you have here.”
“Have you added the eggs and water yet?” you asked as you walked over to his side of the counter to have a look at his bowl to see if you could help him at all.
“No, I'm still up to the dry ingredients,” he answered more confidently. It gave you some reassurance that he at least knew what step he was up to.
Having a look in his bowl you too could see that there was something wrong. Sifting your hand through the mixture you finally figured it out.
“Butter,” you said triumphantly.
“What?” Hinata asked. At first, he didn’t understand what you had said but then he got it. Letting out a slow sigh he walked over to the large pantry in the kitchen to look for the butter mentioned in the recipe.
“(Y/N)-Kun,” Hinata called from inside the pantry. His head poked out from around the corner when you answered his call with a loud sigh. “I uhhh – I can't seem to find the proper butter you were talking about.”
You shook your hands off over the sink and wiped the remaining residue onto your skirt as you walked over to the pantry to help Hinata. You walked over to the pantry and found that he had made a mess of one of the boxes on the floor. Some of the cans had rolled behind the door so as you walked in you shut it behind you and started picking up the cans. Hinata walked up behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder as he pinned you forward facing into the corner.
“Hinata,” you stuttered as you said his name. he wasn’t usually like this with you.
“(N/N)-Chan,” Hinata sighed as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer you were pressed up against his chest. “Will you compare me to Takumi? What am I to you when you compare me to him?”
“ah?” you gasped. How could you answer that question? Has he been comparing himself to Takumi this whole time? Have they been comparing themselves with each other?
Softly, you felt his hands release from around your waist, he stepped back away from you. without even knowing what you were doing you span around and grabbed his hand.
“Hinata-Chan,” you said softly, your (E/C) orbs staring into his deep brown ones. “I will never compare you to Takumi.” With that’s sentence he pulled his hand out if your and started walking back again. Rushing forward again, you grabbed both of his hands this time before continuing what you were going to say to him. “I don’t compare the both of you because you are both different people to me. You don’t deserve to be looked at like you are the same as him, because you're not.”
Hinata rushed towards you right as you finished your sentence, pushing you against the wall. One hand at the side of your head and the other cupped at your cheek, you leaned into his hand as he brought his face closer and closer to yours. Looking u into his eyes once more before closing them as both of your lips touched.
His lips were warm and soft, not what you might have expected from him ut none-the-less you couldn’t help but fall deeper under his spell. As your lips parted you got a small taste of something sweet, he must've had a bit of one of the tarts – that scoundrel. Pressed up against the corner you had nowhere else to go but into his embrace. You stepped forward as you placed your hands on his chest.
Suddenly you heard a loud slam, like someone ramming into a wall, right next to your head. Huddling close to Hinata as you two broke apart you could see a shadowy figure looming in the doorframe of the pantry. Stepping closer to the both of you, the light shone on the green-eyed boy that stood in front of you both.
He lurched forward just as Hinata was pushing you back behind him. He grabbed your wrist harshly as he pulled you forward towards him instead of the other boy. Pushing you outside of the pantry he stepped back in and pushed the other boy to the ground. Walking back he snapped his head to look at the boy that was lying on the floor.  Grabbing the door handle with force he pulled it straight out of its socket and he shut the door as he exited, locking the boy in the pantry t watch as he stormed closer to you.
Pushing you back towards the counter he slammed both of his hand either side of you. you kept your hands behind you as he forced his lips onto yours. Grabbing your waist suddenly he picked you up and placed you on top of the bench. You leaned back to escape him but he pushed himself forward. Quickly captured under his spell, you placed your hands on him as you started to lean forward again. He grabbed your hands and pulled them to place them behind his head. Pulling apart for a breathe you finally realized what you had gotten yourself into.
You squirmed on the bench and used your legs to kick him away. Rolling off the other side of the bench and landing on your feet you kept your head down as walked back over to the pantry where Hinata was trapped. Tears rolled down your cheeks as Hinata tried to reach for your hand to hold. You pulled away and burst out in anger.
“Get out!” you screamed at them both, “Get out my sight.”
Watching them both walk out of the door you rushed to close and lock it behind them. You placed your head against the door and lets the tears roll down your cheeks like a raging river. Falling to the floor, you cried into your hands.
What were these boys doing to you? why were they doing this to you? was this some game to them? Are you just some object they want to acquire? What are these boys going to do to each other if they don’t get you?
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
Finally taking the tarts out of the oven, you sighed as you placed the last batch onto the counter. Putting them all in a box to take outside to the festival, you used your back to push the door open and started walking down the hallways once more to the track where you would set up your stall of sweets for the winning runners. You placed the tray of cakes down at your stall and started setting them up on the platters.
The gun fired and the first racers were off, like a flash the 100-yard dash was done. The racers puffed their way towards your stall with their discount prices for winning. The racers cleared away after paying for the tarts and Takumi walked up to your stall. You stepped back as he stepped forward. Holding up his first place ribbon he took a tart and walked around to the back of your stall.
Waiting for the other racers to get their treats you walked behind your stall to find Takumi leaning against the back of the wall, licking his fingers clean from the tart. You rolled your eyes as you turned back around to walk into your stall. You walked for a bit but you suddenly felt your hand being grabbed by someone – but you knew exactly who that someone was. You pulled your hand hard this time, you really didn’t want anyone touching you, like that ever again. You turned around to yell but you were met with a pair of the most sultry brown eyes. You choked for words as you stepped closer to the tall brunette boy in front of you.
He placed his head against your shoulder and you jumped as you heard his breath hitch as if it sounded like he was starting to cry. “(Y/N), please forgive me, I was horrible to you and I understand if you hate e but I really still want to try and get along with you.”
You pulled your hand up to stroke his hair and you gently pushed his off of you, listening to his whine as he felt the absence of your warmth. “I really like you both but I don’t want to hurt either of you by choosing the other and I definitely don’t want you to use me like you did to get the other’s attention.” You got mad at them as you remembered what had happened in the kitchen previously.
“What if we told you,” Takumi was now getting up from where he was leaning against the stall and he walked over to you as he picked up your hand and planted a soft kiss over the top of your knuckles. “You don’t have to choose because we can learn to share you.”
But how? How could two men share you? you were taken aback by this information and you quickly started to retreat back to the stall, but they kept pulling against you. your head snapped as you started to hear chatter at the front of your stall. Crap, another race had finished and you didn’t even hear the gun goto signal the start. Takumi walked up to you and leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“Think about it.”
With that, he walked off and went to go sit down next to his gym bag. Hinata walked away and followed his and you watched as he sat next to him and seemed to start to strike up a conversation. Quickly you came back to your senses, running around to the other side of the tent you greeted the winning racers.
“Sorry about that,” you smiled, “Thought I heard the other tarts fall off of something. Do you need help with anything?”
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
It was the end of the day now, the sports carnival was finished and you were walking out of the gates as you noticed two boys sitting and waiting at the gates for you. you stopped in your tracks as you just started at the blonde boy, propped up against the wall, bag flung over his shoulder, smiling at you as he batted his emerald green orbs at you. You watch the boy that was sitting below him, cross-legged, take his attention away from the birds in front of him and direct his gaze to where Takumi was waving. He ran up to you, greeting you with his signature smile as he tightly shut his deep brown eyes and opened them again to see the blush adorning your face.
“Did you think about what we said?” Takumi said as he walked over to you both holding the bag that Hinata had forgotten on the ground. “We’re open to suggestions,” he added at the end.
“If you two can learn to get along I can think about it,” you hesitated but finally got the last part out by making sure not to look either one of them directly in the eye. “And make sure never use me like that again……unless I say so….”
“What was that last part?” Takumi cocked as he placed his hand on your head, messing up your perfectly styled (H/C) hair and squishing you down. You reached your hand up and waved him away before wrapping both of your arms around Hinata's forearm and dragging him off.
“I said I like Hinata more,” you yelled behind you as you ran fro the boy.
“I thought we were going to share?” Hinata asked coyly, he really had no clue.
“You can share me if you can catch me,” you yelled as you dropped your bag and started running. You knew one of the boys would pick it up and it would be lighter anyway to run without your bag.
And of course, Hinata picked up your bag and started to chase after you, Takumi close behind him. After a few blocks, you finally got tired and started to slow down but you could see the boys behind you anywhere. Maybe they gave up? They better not have, one of them has your school bag. Turning around to look for them you leaped higher than you thought you could as they jumped out from behind a street corner and tackled you to the ground playfully. Hanta on one side and Takumi on the other you let out a sigh as you relaxed into each of their holds on you. Could you really get used to this? Would this even work out?
Suddenly you two pairs of soft lips on either of your cheeks. Maybe this could work after all.
“Fine,” you huffed as you wrapped your arms up and placed your hand s on each of their cheeks. Pulling yourself up to place a quick kiss against Hinata’s lips and then Takumi’s you fell back into their embrace slowly. “I guess you two can learn to share.”
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seiyuufreak · 7 years
[MASTERPOST] Magazine scans request!
Hellooo, it’s been awhile! 
Alright, in short, I currently own three magazines, which are 声優グランプリ July 2017 issue (Seiyuu Grandprix), 声優 JUNON vol. 6, November 2017 issue (Seiyuu JUNON), and Cool Voice vol. 25, March 2018 issue. And, I’m open for scan requests of these magazines! The only rule here: one person would only be able to request of maximal three titles! Just simply comment or PM me who you’d like to see the scans of, and I’d be glad to note your request down. I’ve done some bit of them (some of them are last year’s req killmeplz), they’ll be marked with  🆙 on their end, provided with its link if already posted. The ones in progress will be marked with ⏳ on their end.
Note: For the rest which I haven’t scanned, it will took a bit while for me to scan them, mainly because MY LAST YEAR EXAM WILL TAKE PLACE VERY SOON (Preparing my death rn gosh) -- but I’ll surely update here whenever I’m done with them! For now, the scans not yet done will be postponed until late April.
Here are the list of seiyuu included within the magazines, alongside with their respective interview / topic / corner titles.
006 梶 裕貴 ✕ 小野大輔「進撃の巨人 Season 2」(Kaji Yuuki x Ono Daisuke) 🆙 >>> 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 021 小野大輔「ROSA~Blue Ocean~」(Ono Daisuke) 🆙 027 福山 潤「OWL」(Fukuyama Jun) 🆙 032 宮野真守「MAMORU MIYANO LIVE TOUR 2016~MIXING!~」(Miyano Mamoru) 🆙 036 下野 紘「バ-スデ-ライヴイベント2017~Running High~」(Shimono Hiro) 038 寺島拓馬「LIVE TOUR 2017 3rd STAGE“REBOOT”」(Terashima Takuma) 041 小野賢章「小野賢章がゆく 旅友 第五弾~ゲスト:諏訪部順一篇~」(Ono Kensho) 043 斉籐壮馬「ソロデビュー1stシングル FISH STORY」(Saito Souma) 048 「ユ-リ!!!on STAGE」 051 山谷祥生&矢野奨吾&笠間淳「アイドルマスタ-SideM」(Yamaya Yoshitaka, Yano Shougo, Kasama Jun) 130 DearDream 1st LIVE「Real Dream」 133 畠中 祐 (Hatanaka Tasuku) 080 吉野裕行 声優養成所&専門学校特集「声優への道2017」前編 (Yoshino Hiroyuki)
> Serialization / corner
025 小野大輔 「もす。」(Ono Daisuke)  🆙 026 小野大輔 「ビストロ5pb.」(Ono Daisuke)  🆙 040 前野智昭 「まえののえま」(Maeno Tomoaki) 054 梅原裕一郎 「梅ごよみ」(Umehara Yuuichirou) 055 内田雄馬 「うちだっぷ!」(Uchida Yuuma) 108 コラムスクランブル 天崎晃平/渡辺紘 /DearDream/赤羽健治/西山宏太郎/畠中祐 (Amasaki Kouhei / Watanabe Hiroshi / DearDream / Akabane Kenji / Nishiyama Koutarou / Hatanaka Tasuku)
> PICK UP / gravure / interview
057 内田真礼「5thシングル INTERSECT+」(Uchida Maaya) 063 麻倉もも (Asakura Momo) 070 沼倉愛美「My LIVE」(Numakura Manami) 125 渡部優衣 (Watanabe Yui) 078 「ViVid PARTY」【ライブイベントレポ-ト】 127 山崎エリイ First Live 2017 「Teenage Symphony For You」(Yamazaki Erii)
> Serialization / corner
068 夏川椎菜 「夏川椎菜、なんとなく、くだらなく。」(Natsukawa Shiina) 069 雨宮 天 「雨宮天の有頂天」(Amamiya Sora) 074 水樹奈々 「奈々が行く!!」(Mizuki Nana) 075 水瀬いのり 「しあわせいのり日和」(Minase Inori) 076 小倉 唯 「ゆいコレ」(Ogura Yui) 077 上坂すみれ 「上坂すみれの同志諸君に告ぐ」(Uesaka Sumire) 097 超!A&G+NEWS!安済知佳 (Anzai Chika) 098 緒方恵美 「緒方恵美の晴天ヘキレキ!」ゲスト Ceui (Ogata Megumi, guest: Ceui) 100 松井恵理子 「松井恵理子のまつあに!!」(Matsui Eriko) 101 MUSIC LOUNGE 新谷良子/春奈るな/たぴみる (Shintani Ryouko / Haruna Runa / Tapimiru) 108 コラムスクランブル 諏訪彩花/藤田茜 (Suwa Ayaka / Fujita Akane) 113 豊崎愛生 「らくがき4コマ」(Toyosaki Aki) 121 小松未可子 「どこ行くの?小松さん『ちょっとそこまで』」(Komatsu Mikako) 122 竹達彩奈 「いしからはじめるものがたり」(Taketasu Ayaka) 123 悠木 碧 「悠木碧のプラネタルミナスnova」(Yuuki Aoi) 124 寿 美菜子 「みなこめし」(Kotobuki Minako) 126 伊藤美来 「みく色さがし」(Itou Miku) 129 田所あずさ 「田所あずさのトラブルトラベル」(Tadokoro Azusa) 132 飯野美紗子/岩淵桃音/田中有紀 「NOW ON AIRの〇〇なう。」(Iino Misako / Iwabuchi Momone / Tanaka Yuki)
004 柿原徹也「君の夢は?」巻頭15P Special インタビュー (Kakihara Tetsuya) 019 下野 紘「知らない世界、知らなかった自分。」(Shimono Hiro) ⏳ 030 沢城千春「これが僕のやりたかったこと。」(Sawashiro Chiharu) 036 羽多野渉 ✕ 斉藤壮馬「選んできた道、選ぶ道。」(Hatano Wataru x Saito Souma)   048 浅沼晋太郎「IS HE AN ADULT?」(Asanuma Shintarou) ⏳ 060 堀江 瞬「甘いだけじゃない」(Horie Shun) 065 八代 拓「まっすぐな君が好き。」(Yashiro Taku) ⏳ 072 野上 翔「恩返しできる日まで。」(Nogami Sho) 077 大河元気「今日もしあわせだね」(Ookawa Genki)   084 梶 裕貴「“役者です”と胸を張れる人間に」(Kaji Yuuki)
Brand New Voice 057 鈴木崚汰 (Suzuki Ryouta) 058 笹 翼 (Sasa Tsubasa) 059 梶原岳人 (Kajiwara Gakuto)
096 Backstage Buzz & Present
Cool Voice
016 梶 裕貴&鈴木達央&福山 潤&高木裕平『七つの大罪 戒めの復活』(Kaji Yuuki, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Fukuyama Jun, Takagi Yuuhei) 048 前野智昭『覇穹 封神演義』(Maeno Tomoaki) 056 上村祐翔&梅原裕一郎『ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス』(Uemura Yuuto & Umehara Yuuichirou) 066 下野 紘 1stミニアルバム『Color of Life』(Shimono Hiro) 072 柿原徹也 6th Single『DIAMOND BEAT』(Kakihara Tetsuya) 077 沢城千春&田丸篤志『A3!』(Sawashiro Chiharu & Tamaru Atsushi) 082 増田俊樹 25th SPECIAL ISSUE VOICE FEATURE (Masuda Toshiki) 090 白井悠介 25th SPECIAL ISSUE VOICE FEATURE (Shirai Yuusuke) 097 Gift for readers & interviews’ secret story (behind the scene) 098 羽多野 渉&斉藤壮馬&佐藤拓也 『アイドリッシュセブン』TRIGGER (Hatano Wataru & Saitou Souma & Satou Takuya)
Repost of the scans is allowed, and saving / reediting them for personal use is also allowed. Credit is optional, but would be highly appreciated.  (use either seiyuufreak, alwayskaji, or invichan8)
Scans will be posted part per part, so please be patient! Some of the scans have more pages than the usual ones, so it would take awhile to scan and tidy them up. I think I even need to divide some titles to parts because of that. Don’t worry, those I’ve put  🆙 with will surely be posted. Just please wait!
Lastly... I’m still new with Japanese, seiyuu, scanning and such, so please forgive me if there are any smudgy / blurry scans and misspelled names or translations. Kindly message me for any feedback regarding these! 
Last but not least... ENJOY!
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