#shfjdhd jkjk šŸ˜³ or am I
wondersbeyondcompare Ā· 2 years
Kodi Union Birthday Card!!
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Last minute, I know, but at least itā€™s done! Rest of interview + Groovy Image is under the cut!!
Part 1
Kodi: ā€¦For some reason, I have a bad feeling about today. I mean, Iā€™ve had people throw a party for me before and forget halfway through or people forgetting about my birthday altogether, but this heaviness in the air is different.
Kodi: *sighs* The headmaster wouldnā€™t tell me who my presenter is, but Yuu-kun seemed a bit concerned. I wanted to ask them what was wrong, but!!! If only the headmaster hadnā€™t cut in with ā€œitā€™s Night Raven College tradition for it to be a surpriseā€!!!
Kodi: I wonder what kind of person theyā€™ll beā€¦
???: Bonjour, Monsieur Hide and Seek!!! And how do you fare on this marvelous day?
Kodi: Aaahā€¦ Hello to you too, Rook-senpai. Iā€™m fine, thank you. Wait, why are you getting close-
Rook: Mon dieu! Are you sure youā€™re alright? At first glance I thought it was the light fooling my eyes, but now that Iā€™ve drawn closer-! Your face is as pale as a flag of surrender! Whatever could be the matter during such a joyous occasion?
Kodi: Ah, no. Itā€™s justā€¦ Some reactions just came into focus and the realization is kicking in. Itā€™s not really your fault, so donā€™t worry. Maybe I just need a momentā€¦
Rook: Hmm. No trouble at all, Kodi-kun! Take as much time as you need to come back to us! Every moment spent alive is precious after all. Thoughā€¦ I did procure this gift for you in hopes of seeing excitement spring alive from those curious eyes of yours.
Rook: A certain underclassman from my beloved dormitory helped select it too.
Kodi: !!! Epel!!? He helped choose it?
Rook: Oui! You two are childhood friends, are you not?
Kodi: Yes, we are! So this gift was a result of your combined efforts. Now I feel extra guilty for not opening itā€¦ Ok! Rook-senpai! Iā€™m ready to open my present!
Rook: TrĆØs bien!! What a spirited declaration, Monsieur!! Go right ahead!
*rustle* *rustle*
Kodi: This isā€¦ Hairā€¦ tiesā€¦ Thatā€™s simpler than what I thought it was going to be, butā€¦ Itā€™s useful to say the least.
Rook: Au contraire! There was much more thought put into this gift than what meets the eye! Notice the gemstones stitched into the fabric of each one! See how beautifully they catch the light! The fabric itself ranges between fine silk and satin in this 48 pack of the flashiest colors!
Rook: You have always held the desire to stand out among the rest, no? Well these accessories will surely aid you in your journey!
Kodi: !!!I think Iā€™m starting to get the appeal now! Thank you, Rook-se-
Rook: Oh! I almost forgot! A small note from your dear childhood friend. *rustle* *clears throat* ā€œIā€™d prefer if you just chopped everything off and started from scratch, but since you like your half and half hairstyle so much, I guess you can go ahead and tie it back with these.ā€ Ah, he doubled over. Kodi-kun, did a new realization strike you again?
Kodi: Pfft, ahahaha!! Thatā€™s definitely Epel alright! As harsh as everā€¦ yet still so thoughtful. Thanks to both of you! I appreciate these very much.
Rook: Fufuā€¦ It appears as if that note brought him out of shell a little bit.
Part 2
Rook: Now for the first order of business! Question 1! ā€œIf you could bring one person with you to a deserted island, who would you choose?ā€ Granted, you cannot choose anyone from your own dorm!
Kodi: That wonā€™t be a problem for me. Ah! I mean-!
Rook: Oho? Do I sense a bit of resentment brewing under that meek exterior of yours?
Kodi: N- No! Of course not! Just please donā€™t tell Azul or the twins! The last time I got squeezed by Floyd-! Urghā€¦ My stomachā€™s in knots just thinkinā€™ about itā€¦
Rook: Tā€™en fais pas! My lips are sealed! Although your fear of your own peers is quite amusing.
Kodi: It- Itā€™s not fear! Itā€™s just-! Well;;; Anyway, someone I can bring with me to a deserted island, right?! Hmmm, well I could easily swim back to where I came from in my cuttlefish form, though.
Rook: !! Your cuttlefish form, you say? Would you spare me a word about that peculiar ability of yours? I understand itā€™s not your unique magic, no?
Kodi: No, my unique magic appeared before I figured out I can transform into a cuttlefish. I grew up in Harveston, tucked away deep in the mountains, so there was never really a chance to discover that ability there. But there was an incident that happened when I came to Night Raven College andā€¦ It was similar to a glitch of some sort?
Kodi: From what I understand, Azul and the twins take a potion thatā€™s grants them legs while theyā€™re on land, but my case was strange. Itā€™sā€¦ sporadic, to say the least. Thankfully itā€™s only happened when Iā€™m near a sizeable body of water. I dread the day I transform and Iā€™m left out in the heat of the sun.
Rook: Hmmm. A strange case indeed.
Kodi: But thatā€™s not a proper answer to the question, is it?! Iā€™m sorry for wasting your time with that!
Rook: Non, non! Not a waste of time at all! I enjoyed hearing more about yourā€¦ capabilities. Fufu.
Kodi: Why do I have a strange feeling that heā€™s going to do something with that information? Aaah, stupid Kodi! Whyā€™d I hafta go on and blabber like that!!!
Kodi: *coughs* A- Anyway. I think Iā€™ll have to go with someone in my grade level after all.
Rook: Hm? And here I thought you would surely choose Monsieur Hime Apple without a second thought.
Kodi: Epelā€™s a good friend, and he knows how to put up a good fight, but I would prefer not to take any of the 1st years if I can. Iā€™m not great in dire situations, and since Iā€™m the older one, I wouldnā€™t want to disappoint them when I start panicking. And I wouldnā€™t want any of the upperclassmen to see me like that either.
Kodi: So in the endā€¦ Maybe Bucchi-san?
Rook: Ah, Monsieur Dandelion! He does seem rather capable!
Kodi: Yes! I saw during the our joint club camping trip that he had a penchant for camping! He caught an unbelievable amount of fish! Not to mention the way he made such a delicious meal with limited ingredients! Iā€™ve seen him once help us out at the lounge as well! The way Bucchi-san managed everyone was admirable in- Ah.
Rook: ?? Whatever could be the matter this time?
Kodi: Now Iā€™m worrying if Iā€™ll just get in the way if we ended up on a deserted island together. Aaahh, the last thing I want to be is a burdenā€¦
Rook: Ahaha! Monsieur Hide and Seekā€™s mind is plagued with never ending worries I see!
Part 3
Rook: Question Deux!!
Rook: ā€œIf you were to join any dorm other than Octavinelle, which dorm would you choose?ā€
Kodi: Thatā€™s an easy one. Pomefiore of course.
Rook: Oh, Monsieur, are you trying to flatter your way into my favor? How daring of you~.
Kodi: N- No! Thatā€™s not what I meant!!!
Rook: Ahaha! Iā€™m merely teasing you.
Kodi: Ah, yes. I knew that. Well, the main reason I would go to Pomefiore is just to keep Epel company. He seemed really miser- *cough* I mean, a bit confused on how he got sorted into that dormitory, so maybe having a close friend nearby might ease his mind.
Kodi: The uniforms are also a nice deep purple. The Octavinelle uniforms also have purple in places like our shirt, but I prefer the darker version much more.
Rook: Is purple your favorite color? It sounds as though you are fond of it.
Kodi: It is! Though I honestly couldnā€™t tell you why. Iā€™m not quite too sure myself.
Rook: Nonsense! What is not to like about such a magnificent color? It is the color associated with royalty, wealth, and power! And it is the shade of much frailer things, like a lilacā€™s delicate petals! Even our very own Roi de Poison wears the color quite elegantly!
Kodi: Vil-senpai is a very beautiful man, yes. He wears the uniform so flawlessly.
Rook: Non, non! It is not just the uniform Iā€™m referring to!
Kodi: Hisā€¦ hair?
Rook: His eyes, Monsieur!! Les yeux! They shine like the most brilliant of amethysts no matter what he is wearing. No matter what kind of mood he is in.
Rook: To be honest with you, Kodi-kun, I covet one thing you have.
Kodi: Huh?! What could that even be? Ah, wait, donā€™t get closer agai-
Rook: Your eyes. They are nearly the same shade as our lovely dorm leaderā€™s. To be blessed with such a beautiful color... Lift your head high, Monsieur Hide and Seek. You should be proud to be the owner of such exquisite eyes.
Kodi: !! A- Anyway! Itā€™s time for the gift of good fortune, yes?
Rook: Fufu, of course! I would never forget such a significant tradition. Have you prepared yourself?
Kodi: Iā€™m ready!
Rook: Happy birthday, Kodi-kun!
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