#she's probably the safest one among my buddies
crazy-as-a-jaybird · 9 months
some examples of a cold-blooded animal:
jay (when discussing a niche book with a comfy buddy from outside The community, texting her that a certain character really looks like someone who tickles others and she'd like to tickle him too, and seeing the buddy reply "he's totally the main tickle.." (that's how she spelled it) )
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eluxcastar · 1 year
The little sisterfication of Sandrone
── ୨୧:sandrone & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: sandrone being a moody tsundere child but it's cute
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, child character
୨୧﹑words :: 828
omg so I meant to do more of these back when I posted childe's but then I just never got around to it Idk why because they were cute and people wanted more of them and I actually have one for scaramouche in my drafts?? so here's sandrone
all little siblingification posts
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Sandrone is not the fondest of her family, and I really don't think she ever has been, but there are exceptions, as with everything. She still holds you dear to her even now.
She misses your affections, really, like being sat in front of you while you would fix her hair. She likes how it feels as you brush the knots out of her hair, gentle enough not to hurt too much and overly apologetic to every noise she makes so that you know she's not too hurt by it. She doesn't know how you did it, just that she would recreate it in a heartbeat.
There were also the times you'd carry her around on your back, body tired and walking becoming too difficult. While her parents didn't want to hear of it, you were on your knees in a heartbeat, offering she gets on. Sandrone liked how close she got to be to you, snuggling up to your back, arms loosely around your neck as she looked over your shoulder and watched the streets go by. Your parents never liked your doing that, but you never seemed to care, laughing it off and carrying on, refusing to put her down.
You didn't care if she denied her liking for things or hid her overexcitement. The moment she wanted to go somewhere, you would take her if you could. Festivals, stores, events, the theatre if you had the money. You would save up every single mora you worked for to be able to take her to the theatre for her birthday and let her watch the performance. She was only vaguely aware of how little your parents contributed toward that, thinking they had been a part of it just as you told her it was a gift from all of you.
She'd go on talking about it for weeks, then start again by the time her next birthday came.
She loved the snacks you'd sneak her, buying her things while the two of you were out and feeding them to her over your shoulder, even your own snacks, which she claimed to not want, but would gobble up without a hint of hesitation before admitting they were only "Ok".
Along with these trips she remembers, Sandrone treasures every doll you made her. Even the wonky ones you tried to make by hand when you were a little short on cash. They weren't particularly pretty in a conventional sense and didn't have the same flawless charm as many dolls, nor were they made of porcelain.
Your handmade fabric dolls are imperfectly perfect. The eyes are a bit misaligned, and maybe the mouth is crooked. The arms aren't the same length either, but it hardly matters to her. It was your gift to her, and though she couldn't sit with you and marvel at how beautiful she was like your other gifts of dolls, she could certainly do that herself.
She could sit those dolls among her collection and treat them like priceless works of care and passion because they were. You may not be and probably never will be a famous dollmaker, but they're the most valuable in her heart.
No famous artist would make something that unprofessional, but something about that makes it better. It was made with your love for her.
Besides, she's still sleeping with the first one you made her. Porcelain dolls don't make very good bed buddies. Especially not when trying to sneak into your sibling's bed in the middle of the night to cuddle them where you feel safest. Somehow even if she's so sure she can go back to sleep after she wakes up, she will lay there for what feels like hours (it has been five minutes) and try to sleep only to concede that the other way to sleep is to go get in your bed and cuddle you.
She usually wakes up without you, wrapped up in blankets to keep her warm, and to you shaking her awake after leaving her to sleep in, probably because she stayed up too late. Sandrone's presence is not always unwanted, but you wish she'd stop staying up until ungodly hours of the night to do whatever it is she's doing at that hour, but at least you cover for her. You always tell your parents she's off playing, all the while knowing that you've concealed her in your bed and wait until there's an opportunity to drag her out of bed, clothe and feed her.
It's nice to sleep in sometimes.
Every time you try to leave, there's a child-sized growth attached to your leg, begging you to stay and play with her, usually because she's bored and has no one else willing to entertain her. You wish you could, but know you have to pull her off, kiss her head, and set her back down on the floor.
She wishes you would kiss her forehead in that way even now.
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satohqbanana · 6 months
Here's another attempt on how I will tackle AV2 characters in my story, "The Prince and the Witch", which is a slight AU sequel to the events of Ean's Quest. While the story focuses on Nicolas and an OC, but this post details the way I will handle the main party!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm aware that the AV universe is supposed to have a feminist and matriarchal flavor to it. However, there are still integral parts of it that make me feel like it wasn't able to completely discard some male-dominant views. Since certain gimmicks and characterizations do rely on it, here I chose to still consider that side of AV.
He's just a Regular Guy TM in the Vale. He's had a pretty average life with the simple dream of carrying on everyday with his loved ones and watching them succeed with their own things.
Sometimes, he cares too much, and that's a problem.
He's not afraid to speak his mind, call people out, and demand responsibility from others. He also regularly establishes boundaries when he can. He's willing to back off in the face of a perceived bigger threat, but tries to find loopholes to get his desired outcome.
On that note, Ean could bottle up his rage and frustrations pretty well. He can summon them again in battle and can be scary when he needs to be.
As an elf from the Vale, he probably gets Problem Sense Tingles a la Spidey Sense whenever something in the Land of Man doesn't feel right.
He's a little shy with his romantic feelings for Iya.
He is very nurturing. He tries so hard to understand his party members, but majority of his focus is on Iya.
Among the party members, Rye is his best buddy and also serves as his teacher in battle.
He lets Ava take lead sometimes, and he is very accommodating to everyone else who offers to join them in his quest.
As someone who was born with potential and raised with praises, all she wants is validation, acceptance, and assurance. She likes doing things for others, if it will make them like her.
Her memories as old Iya are still fuzzy, partly from having her soul ripped apart, partly from being treated poorly by her family.
Song magic does rely on her voice, so she developed the habit of not saying much, until her anxiety gets the better of her.
She often sticks to Ean's side and opinions since she feels the safest next to him. She acts cutesy with him to win his affections and attention. She's always had a crush on him, though prior to her kidnapping she was too focused on pleasing her family to ever act on her feelings.
Thanks to her time in Shaenlir, she has quickly mastered the diplomatic smile. She is also very mindful of rules and would not like to break them or even go around them.
She's not as fond of anyone else in the party, but she's willing to be civil since that's what Ean wants. Emma and Gavin in particular make her a bit uncomfortable.
There's a specific type of girl he hates and it's the ones who dream of rose-colored lives with rich men saving them from a life of cold, hard manual labor. (He's good with women who he considers are rough and tough, like Emma and Ava.) This is heavily influenced by local girls, especially his older sisters.
He knows he's not as smart and he's insecure about it.
He likes to talk. A lot. He needs to spend energy talking or he'll end up very annoyed and unwilling to cooperate.
As a hunter and a farmer, he is the brawn of the party. He also serves as their cook and initially carried most of their stuff.
He utterly hates Iya and her perceived vulnerability and dependence on Ean.
He thinks what he feels for Emma is something akin to romance, because he genuinely wants to support a hardworking person like her (and Ean).
He respects Ava and Gavin as established people in their respective fields, but hates and envies Nicolas for being so privileged.
Though initially wary of Jack, they vibe together so Rye is willing to overlook the whole criminal thing.
Having grown in a kingdom obsessed with romantic love, she swore to stand out and be not like other girls for real. She delights in gross and ugly things mostly to make people leave her alone.
That said, she hates being bossed around. She will use the volume of her voice and change her posture to appear bigger.
Whatever she puts her mind to, she is good at it. The only things she would avoid delving in are romantic relationships and kids.
She wasn't too fortunate as a young girl, so as an adult, she promised to always get what she wants.
She isn't romantically interested in Rye, but she thinks he's twice as better as the other available candidates for a spouse since he has similar views on romance and wouldn't be a nuisance about it.
To deal with Nicolas, she plays dumb about his requests so he'd think she's too incompetent to be bossed around.
She likes having Ean as a leader since he allows her to do whatever as long as she's done with her part of the thing. She's less enthused with Ava around since she finds Ava a bit strict for her taste.
She likes to hang with Gavin because he's cool and they have the best banter together (after Rye).
She also likes to bully Iya a bit, because she thinks Iya should grow a spine.
As an occasional thief and mischief maker, she respects Jack's hustle; even asks him for his tips and tricks.
His mother is his father's second wife, thus the big age gap between him and Uthar. He was essentially a rainbow baby so Guevene spoiled him a lot.
The Uthar he met is more prim and proper, a dependable guy with a knack for pranks and fun times. He looks up to his brother and considers Uthar's word as law, so Nicolas will do the dirty work if Uthar tells him so.
Hard pass if it means he has to listen to someone else, though. He will do things when he feels like doing it.
He loves to be pampered. He feels entitled to other people's service. He does not care if they like him or hate him, as long as it does not inconvenience him.
He is very untrustworthy towards people who do not look attractive or "clean" to him, like the witches. He was taught that all these kinds of people would take advantage of him.
He initially only likes Iya among the party members because she knows how to act like a proper lady. He doesn't know she doesn't exactly like him.
He initially doesn't respect Ava and doesn't believe Uthar is friends with her.
He doubts Ean's leadership, but as long as Nicolas fulfills Uthar's request of him, he will see the end of the quest.
Her real name is Evangeline Harper. She became an outlaw because she hated her origin country's government. She eventually snuck out to sea, made her own name from befriending other runaways, and established her own crew. They use seemingly derogatory codenames to appear unserious and unalarming.
Her ship is called "Freowright". She got stuck in Seri for a bit after the Snow Queen deployed soldiers in the mainland; now Ava has two ships. The other ship, built during the resistance against the Snow Queen, she's nicknamed "The Commissioner".
Ava grew on tough love and thus shows it as well to put people in place. As both a disciplinarian, the oldest, and the most experienced of the party, Ean assigned her as second-in-command.
Unlike Ean who's happy enough to have everyone help in battle or solve mysteries with him, she sees to it that everyone does their share of the work before slacking off.
Ava once wanted to settle down, but things didn't work out. Eventually she started pushing away other potential partners in fear of having to deal with heartbreak again. It doesn't help that she willingly stripped herself of her personal sense of femininity in an effort to look powerful when she was starting out.
She doesn't like to tell her personal stories to everyone, but when she does, it's a sign that the person she's telling it to has earned her trust. The only exception is Iya, who needs much guidance as an amnesiac and lost dreamer.
As someone who grew up in a matriarchal society, he unabashedly calls women pet names the way a clique of girls do.
His upbringing doesn't prevent him from trying to actually flirt with girls. He loves women and the company of women. And it doesn't help that he's been so used to the attention of women as a warlock who grew up surrounded by them.
He is essentially a communist who's against excessive hoarding of wealth and thus abhors nobility and royalty alike. He immediately signs up to be the party's provisions manager.
Since he's a warlock, he doesn't really see "ugliness" as an insult. It's part of the charm.
Iya is among the girls he's backed away from, mostly because she and Ean hover around each other too much. Gavin's charms did at one point work on Emma, but they decided that being friends who occasionally "flirt" was way better.
He actually wasn't as romantically interested in Ava, but his witch's nature demand that he annoy her for a bit. When Gavin notices she responds quite favorably with very feminine nicknames and monikers, this interests him because it creates a contrast from the image she portrays. It's this part of her that he likes to try and bring out more.
He tries not to get too close to anyone because as a criminal, most of his bonds are very shaky and temporary.
He's quite lazy and would rather spend time having fun with friends and what money he has in his pockets.
He has a lot of comments about how to do things. Too bad a lot of them is also outdated.
He likes to get on people's nerves to see how much he could get away with. Only Rye and Emma have "passed" this test. Jack has also learned not to cross Ean too much because Ean's wrath is something else, and that Ava hates hearing her name being lengthened, but won't try to do anything against him for it.
Aside from being the party's resident menace, he also scouts ahead with Rye.
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going-fancognito · 4 years
Hey i got a ask what about the other champions for jealous yandares (sorry if im buggin u)
You’re totally not bugging me @batmanisepic, thank you for taking the time to send me a request :D  Ok, so it was only after I finished writing this that I  noticed the jealousy part in the request. My bad, haha. Hopefully this is ok though. If you still wish for a version that focuses more on the jealousy part, feel free to send me another ask and I’ll be happy to do it :)
(Warning; minor mentions of death in Urbosa’s section)
Is the obsessive stalker type
Good luck avoiding him
Being Zeldas personal guard has made Link a professional at tracking
You’d be one of the reasons he hasn’t gone off to fight Ganon right away
You’ll always feel like you’re being watched, but can never seem to find  anything whenever you check
Little do you know, there’s little shadow hiding out of sight, as it follows you home
He even has his own private viewing spot near your window, to watch you go to bed
He doesn’t need to sleep much himself, so he’s can watch you all night without trouble
If anyone opened his sheikah slate, they’d see his album was completely filled with photos of you
He seems to lose the ability to speak whenever he tries to talk with you
So for now, he settles for simply admiring you at a distance
If he overhears you mentioning something you want, you’ll find it lying on your doorstep the next morning
Just hope that he never hears you complaining about someone
It could be over a spat with your friend or a minor slight from the neighbours
It doesn’t matter to him.  Whoever it was, they hurt you
Link’s not going to let that slide
Your town might suddenly become a bit quieter after that
Consider it a favour from the champion, whether you wanted it or not
He’s happy to dispose the trash that dares bother you
The projective restraining type
The death of Zeldas mother takes a larger toll then she thought
It doesn’t really show though, until one day she spots you visiting her town
Your resemblance to her late friend was striking
You later receive a personal invite to dine with the Gerudo chief that evening
It’s a bit perplexing that you were being invited by the Chief herself, but who were you to pass up the opportunity?
The night goes surprisingly well. Urbosa explains that she enjoys welcoming new visitors whenever she can find the time
(Psst. Spoiler alert, she’s lying.)
Many noble pursuits later, you somehow find yourself sharing your entire life story with her, down to the very last detail
If you weren’t so tipsy, maybe you would’ve noticed how your drinking buddy was listening a bit too intent-sly
It’s not too long after that you black out
When you wake up the next morning, you’re in an unfamiliar room
There’s only one door in the room, but find that it’s locked when you tried to open it
After pounding on the door and shouting for help, the door finally swings open, and Urbosa steps inside with a tray filled with your favourite foods
“Ah, I’m glad to see you awake little Vai.” She winks at you. “I was worried the drinks may have been too strong for you last night.”
She doesn’t give any straight answers to your questions, just telling you to “Enjoy your time here.”
In truth, you were locked in a hidden room located in Urbosas private quarters
No one but the current chief knows about its existed
It was the safest place in the desert, and only she had access to it
She lost her dear friend once, and doesn’t wish to repeat the experience
Provides you with whatever you request for
The only exception is your freedom
In exchange, you become a kind of comfort doll to her
Dresses you in outfits the late queen favoured, and talks to you about old memories of her until you have them memorized by heart
There's no escape from there. The only exit's either locked, or being blocked by an 8 ft. Gerudo fives times your strength
At one point starts telling you about Zelda, and how she’s fared growing up
She also mentions that she looks forward to reuniting you with “your” daughter
That day never comes, as she falls later to the Thunder Blight on Vah Naboris
No one else knows about Urbosas secret room, or of the Hylian trapped within
You’re left to rot inside, trapped for the next century or so
(See, this is why there should be royal therapists guys)
(Oh sweet cheese and crackers, why am I corrupting the sweet bean?)
Nope, can’t do it
I physically cannot see this girl as anything but a sweetheart
Like, she’s a badass. But a pure-hearted badass nonetheless
If she was a yandere, she’d probably be a harmless type
She’d still be obsessed with you like a typical yandere, but her main desire revolves around your personal happiness
Won’t do anything crazy to those close to you, because she knows that would cause you heartbreak
Her mantra is basically “As long as they’re happy, I’m happy”
(Can-I’m sorry, can someone please give this girl a hug? Because Dear Hylia, she deserves so much better.)
(You’ve done Mipha wrong, Botw. I love you, but you’ve done her wrong.)
The other Gorons try to talk Daruk down as they slowly approached him
“Take it easy boss, we just wanna-”
He just swings his boulder breaker around at anyone who starts to get too close
“None of you are getting ‘yer grubby mitts near them, so BACK OFF!!”
The group gets nervous. No one’s ever seen Daruk act so aggressive or hostile before
Even Link can’t get through to the mighty Champion.
Daruk just holds his breaker out again, pointing it towards him in warning
“I’m sorry little guy, but you gotta understand why I can’t back down.”
Link tries to push forward, but his friend’s too far gone at this point
“Just leave us alone, brother. No-one needs to get hurt.”
Eventually, the young champion gives up.
He figured if he couldn’t get through to him, no one can.
Link starts herding the other Gorons out of the area
Reluctantly, they follow him back to town. A somber mood hangs heavily among them
Once they’re all out of sight, Daruk finally relaxes and lowers his weapon
He sits down and takes a moment to grin down at his prize. A few of the Gorons can still be heard in the distance
“Geez, he could’ve shared some with us!”
Daruk ignores their groaning and takes a large bite, savouring the fresh taste of mineral that warms his tongue
He should probably feel bad, but it was the best Rock Roast he’s ever cooked
He plans to enjoy every bit of it
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bobathirstaccount · 4 years
Hard to Find Someone Like You
Boba x fem!reader, slow burn to smut (tomfoolery starts end of ch 2 & sex starts in ch 3, I gotchu), some romance, fair amount of plot, Post-Mando 2 Boba
You are a merc serving under Fennec at Fett’s Palace. It’s business as usual until a certain helmet starts tilting in your direction...
TW: unprotected sex, violence (someone gets beat up semi-graphically.. nothing too bad)
Translations (Mando’a)
Hu’tuun - coward (deep insult)
Cyar’ika - sweetheart/ darling
Mesh’la - beautiful
“Finally, she’s awake,” you heard a male voice say.
“Okay, let’s do this,” another one replied.
You looked up, bleary eyed. The back of your head ached.
“Where is he, girl?”
You stared at them.
“Fett, Boba Fett,” the man clarified. You started to laugh. This angered the men and one of them backhanded you, splitting your lip open. For good measure, he also gave you a black eye. “Now let’s try this again. Where’s Fett?”
You laughed again, spitting blood at their feet. “He’s gonna kill you.”
The man who’d beat you grabbed you by the hair and lifted your head up painfully, “Bitch we are the ones in this room with you right now, not him.” He backed off a bit, “Plus he’s just your fucking employer. Give it up.”
You remained silent. It earned you another punch to the face and a kick to the gut. You groaned but didn’t speak.
The men were getting impatient. One of them grabbed a pair of tweezers. “Guess where these are gonna go?” He asked with a nasty expression. You just stared at him, blood dripping down your swollen face. “This is on you, girlie. It’s a shame, you’re a cutie. You won’t be after this.” A flash bang went off, stunning all three of you.
When you recovered you were in a prone position, your bonds cut. You became aware of voices. “... now is there anything else you need to tell me?” That was Boba.
“No, no please! That’s all I know. He just hired us to attack Slave 1 and kill you!”
“But yet you were torturing a woman instead. Hu’tuun,” he seethed. Boba slapped him across the face with his armored wrist. The man spit a tooth out and continued to plead. You looked for the other one and found him slumped against the wall. He seemed dead. You directed your attention to your shoulder, which was starting to throb. You gingerly touched it, which made you whimper.

Boba heard you and turned around, still furious. He walked over to you and knelt, “How are you?”
He tilted his helmet slightly, “Among other things.” He smoothed your hair back from your face, studying you.
“Please, pl.. pl... -“ Boba shot him without turning his head.
“Let’s go home, cyar’ika.” You nodded and tried to stand. You couldn’t. Boba lifted you to your feet. “Can you walk?” You nodded. You walked outside, leaning against Boba, to see the Slave 1 not far away. You breathed a sigh of relief.

Once back onboard, Boba put the ship into jump space. He turned to you immediately, “I’ll get the med pack.” He proceeded to patch you up, using a level of gentleness you didn’t know he possessed. Once you were bandaged up, he sat back. “I should not have put you in danger like that, using my ship without myself present.”

You shook your head, “Part of the job.” He looked at you for a moment, “It will not happen again. If they knew who you were, who knows what could have happened.” He placed a strong hand on your knee. You looked quizzically at him, “Who am I?”
“Someone who is... important to me.” He straightened.
The pain killer was kicking in, “Ayy calls us fuck buddies.”
He laughed. “I should have had this descriptor when Fennec asked me.” You were stunned, “What?”
“She asked in so many words.” You swallowed thickly. “Are you embarrassed?” His helmet tilted.
“No! I just,” you stumbled over your words, “I just don’t know what it says about me.”
He tilted his head the other way, confused.
“I worked hard to get where I am. Now it looks like favoritism.”
He shook his head, “Fennec doesn’t feel that way, and aside from myself she’s really the only person that matters.”
You thought about all the other mercs, gossiping, judging. You shrugged. They were already doing it anyway. The male mercs were unforgiving to any female that tried to weasel their way into prominence in this quadrant. “I guess.”
“What does that mean?” He sounded gruff.
You grabbed the hand that was on your knee and squeezed. “Nothing. I want to be around you and I don’t care who knows.”
He nodded.
Ayy and the other dancers babied you, ferrying food and other goods from the palace to your ship. You had elected to recover in Daesha. It felt the safest there. Boba came to visit you nearly every day, frequently running into the dancers. They said nothing, but started giving you heavy knowing looks. It annoyed you.
Finally you were well enough to appear at court. You reappeared on Boba’s left side, an elevated position. No one said anything, but there were looks in your direction from the other mercs. You held your head high. Some people even started to try to curry favor with you. You felt an inkling of power forming. It was strange. You mentioned it to Boba as you laid in bed one night.
“Of course. You can do something for them.”
You walked your fingers across his bare chest, “I don’t like it.”
“That’s a good sign.”
You sighed, “Well I still don’t like it.” He pulled you close. “Get used to it.” He rubbed your hip with his rough hand. “You will get the hang of it. Wielding power is surprisingly easy.” It felt surreal to be told such a thing by Boba Fett.
You were beginning to distinguish two modes: the Great Fett and Boba. Boba was hard to come by, but could be wonderfully soft. Fett wasn’t bad either, but was harder to read and more mischievous. Tonight he was Boba, and so you felt emboldened.
“Boba, what do you want for us?” You asked brazenly.
“Mmm, more of the same. Why? Are you still happy with our arrangement?”
“Yes... I just... like you.”
He snorted. “The list of people who can say that is very short.” You sighed. You had tried to express yourself but done a terrible job. It was probably for the best. Quiet settled over the two of you.
“I am... fond of you.”
You had almost fallen asleep, but your eyelids shot up at this. You wrapped an arm around his torso. “Really?”

”Don’t get emotional.”
You snorted, but bit back some tears.
“I am not your boyfriend.”
You laughed at the thought of someone calling him that. “Of course not. Boba Fett someone’s boyfriend? It just sounds wrong.” He turned his head to rest his chin on the crown of your head. “You are an enigma.”
“Yes.” He didn’t elaborate. He shifted his weight then, and seemed to settle down into sleep. You closed your eyes.
When you woke you were alone. Of course. You stretched and yawned, rolling over. Fett’s armor was still on the side table where he left it for night time. You sat up, looking around the room. It was empty. You tried to figure out what this could mean. He walked out of your fresher with a towel around his waist. He saw you sitting up, “Showered.”
You nodded. He dropped the towel and got into bed. “Come here, mesh’la.” You snuggled into him, enjoying the closeness. His hand ran down your spine, to the small of your back, giving you shivers. You looked up at him adoringly. He stared down at you with a soft, but unreadable expression. Suddenly he cupped your cheek in a large hand and drew you into a chaste kiss. It was shocking but welcome. You kissed back until he pulled away, dark eyes watching you.
You ran your hand over the scar that crossed his face. He sighed gently. You tested and kissed him again. He allowed it but didn’t let you deepen it. When you pulled away, he smiled softly, the sharpness in his eyes diminishing further. He ran a hand down your side, stopping to cup your curves until he reached your ass. You felt yourself growing wet and needy. He grabbed your ass and rolled over, pulling you on top of him. You sat up, straddling him above his hips. You scooted down, pushing down on his chest to do so. His skin was warm and uneven. You thought about him in the Sarlacc, being eaten alive. You pushed the thought away.
You arrived over his cock. You rubbed your already wet pussy against him, feeling him harden beneath you. When he was hard, you directed him into yourself and started to grind, feeling his cock move in your pussy. He watched you as you moved, bringing a hand to cup one of your breasts. You started to slowly bounce up and down on his shaft. He squeezed your tit, making you sigh dreamily. You became urgent, your need to cum becoming overpowering. You felt the overwhelming sensation growing in your pussy.
The feeling of his cock stretching you was almost too much. He grabbed both of your hips and started to fuck up into you, sharp powerful strokes. You hand went to your clit, rubbing frantic circles. You closed your eyes and your mouth fell open slightly. Boba grinned, enjoying the show. You came hard, breathing his name over and over as your pussy fluttered around him. He flipped you over before you could recover and started to fuck you in short strokes. You spread your legs for him, moaning from your orgasm. He slowed down slightly to your confusion. It still felt good, but it was very different sex than you normally had with him. He continued to fuck you almost gently, his head buried in your shoulder. “Baby, you okay?” You couldn’t help but ask.

”Yes cyar’ika,” he replied huskily. You rubbed his uneven back with your hands. “Why do you call me that?” You had never asked but often wondered.
“Because you are,” he said into your neck.
“I’m... sweetheart?”
There was a pause in the conversation as he fucked you. “Yes.”
You quieted your mind then and decided to stop asking questions. Instead you said, “Cum in my pussy, baby.” He picked up the pace slightly, keeping his face buried. You wrapped yourself around him, purring. His thrusts became erratic and you could feel him panting into your neck. You decided to try to outdo yourself, “Mmm, cyar’ika you feel so good.” He came then, stiffening and groaning into your hair. He stayed like that for a moment, then rolled off you. You turned on your side and nuzzled into him again.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called cyar’ika before.” You smiled. Then you remembered something. “Boba, those ...Mandalorians... why do you have their armor if you aren’t also Mandalorian?”
“The armor... was my father’s.” His tone let you know you were treading on thin ice.
“Was he Mandalorian?” You pressed forward, pushing the edges of your boundary.
“It’s complicated, ad’ika.”
You waited for him to translate. “Hey, you promised to translate new words.”
“Little one.” You looked up at him at this.
He sighed. “I should get up.” He didn’t move.
“Not yet. Stay for awhile with me.”
“Because this is nice.”

He laid with you awhile longer before getting up.
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summahsunlight · 4 years
All For You, Part 12
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Rating: T
Word Count: 1812
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Pilot!Reader
Summary: Your life in the Resistance was not easy, being married to Commander Poe Dameron and a skilled pilot yourself. When you unexpectedly get pregnant, your life is forever changed. Raising a child on base is hard, but never having parents of your own as a child, you are determined to love your little girl and give her the best life. Poe is equally as devoted to you and your daughter, vowing to keep you both safe from the impending threat of the First Order.
Start from the beginning!
Taglist: @thescarletknight2014​, @elmoakepoke​, @xxidontwikeitxx​, @liadamerondjarin​, @marvelofwitch​, @blushingwueen​, @april-14-blog​, @agents-assemble​, @paintballkid711​, @softly-sad​, @badbitxhbuckybarnes​, @kesskirata​
Taglist is still open! Just let me know if you want to be added! Please let me know what you think, I love talking with you lovely people!  Happy reading🥰❤️
Usually, Poe considered himself calm and collected on missions--usually. His mind could normally take the twists and turns that any given mission threw his way--but not this. 
Despite the truce being called and the Resistance obtaining the information on Lor San Tekka, Poe could see some triumph in Agent Terex’s eyes as he delivered that final blow--how are your wife and daughter, Commander? I trust they are well. Safe. 
Poe had never felt his blood run so cold in his entire life. He wasn’t sure how this man knew about you and Emmy, but he did. Which meant that the First Order knew about you and Emmy.  Poe didn’t need to say a word for Terex to know that he’d found the pilot’s weakness. 
He felt sick the entire flight back to base. Someone had to have betrayed him to the First Order--to keep Emmy safe, she had not been added to his personnel file. He should send you away, but even sending you away held its own dangers. And he could no longer send you to Yavin IV--if the enemy knew about your daughter, they knew where his father lived--they know, they know, they know--the thought kept pounding away at him. 
How was he ever going to protect his family now?
Leia was looking at him, concerned. It was then that Poe realized the briefing room had been cleared--he was the only one still standing in there with the general. “What’s going on, Poe?”
Poe swallowed the bitter tasting bile in his throat. “That agent knew about Y/N and Emmy--I don’t know how.  Emmy isn’t on my personnel file for the very reason of keeping her safe, a secret. How did he know she exists?”
She sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Poe. Maybe it’s time to send them away.”
He looked at her, exasperated. “Where? Someone on this base told the First Order about my daughter--if I sent them away, they’ll tell the First Order where they’ve gone. Or worse yet, they’ll go to my father.... and...General, what the hell do I do?”
“First, pull yourself together.”
“Yes...yes ma’am.”
“Second, you are not in this alone. The Resistance will help you.”
“I know that ma’am--”
“THIRD... talk to your wife, Poe.”
Rocking back on his heels, Poe knew that Leia was right--he needed to talk to you, you had to know of the threat that was made against you and the baby. You probably were not going to like his suggestion of leaving D’Qar. “Yes ma’am, I’ll talk to her.”
Leia gripped his shoulder. “Poe, no one on this base wants to see anything happen to Emmy. No matter what decision you and Y/N make, we’ll support you.”
Poe felt numb. Someone had betrayed him, someone had betrayed you--but worse yet, someone had betrayed your baby. As he headed back towards your quarters, that numbness turned into anger.  He had signed up for this--you had signed up for this--both you and Poe knew the risks.  However, Emmy, had not signed up for this and it was incredibly low of the First Order to even threaten her. 
BB-8 struggled to keep up with him, inquiring if Poe was going to send you and the baby away to someplace safer.
“I don’t know, buddy,” Poe murmured as he punched in the code to your quarters. “I haven’t decided yet.”
“Haven’t decided what yet?” you asked as your husband stepped inside the room. “You’re back sooner than I was expecting. Did everything go okay?”
Sighing, heavily, Poe immediately went to the baby, lifting her out of her crib and holding her close. “I promise, baby girl, no one is going to hurt you, or Mama. No one.”
The tensions in his voice gave you pause.  Feeling a pit form in your stomach, you shakily asked him, “Poe? Is everything okay?”
Poe pressed a kiss to the top of Emmy’s head. “No. The First Order knew about our mission, they were waiting for us when we arrived. We managed to get out fine, but Y/N--they know--they know about Emmy. They threatened both of you to get to me.”
“She isn’t listed in your personnel file. How could they know?”
“Someone told them; just like someone told them about the mission.”
“Who...who would do that?”
“I don’t know--but I’m gonna find out.”
You eyes quickly filled with tears. Poe handed you the baby and then took your face in his hands, kissing the tears that fell away. You heard him assure you that everything was going to be fine. “How can it be fine? We were so careful to keep Emmy a secret! And now...now...those monsters know...”
Poe wrapped you into his arms, hearing Emmy gurgle, happily. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. My first instinct is to just send you and Emmy away, someplace else, someplace safe, but then... if they found out about the baby...they’re gonna find out where I sent you.”
Emmy cooed--a common response she had to Poe’s voice--and her little hand reach out to touch his cheek. You swallowed the sour taste in your mouth. “We’re, we’re in the safest place, Poe--the Resistance is the safest place. Even if we went back to the Republic, even if we went to stay with your dad--this is the safest place.”
“For now it is,” he said, softly. “Remember your promise to me?”
“Yes,” you answered, holding the baby closer, “I remember.”
“Good.” Poe’s lips pressed to your temple. “I’m holding you to it.”
“I know.” A sigh left your lips and you leaned into him. “I know.”
Poe stepped back, his thumb stroking across your cheek in a loving gesture. He hadn’t forgotten his promise to you either; even the silent one of keeping you safe. “I’m gonna find out who leaked the information, sweetheart.”
You simply nodded. “I know you will, Poe. No one is as stubborn and determined as you when you put your mind to something.” Suddenly, you recalled how protective he could be when you had been dating--a few other cadets had ended up with black eyes. “Don’t kill them.”
BB-8 whistled in agreement with you. Poe shot both of you a look. “If that is the only way to protect my family--I’m not going to hesitate.”
“And what if the person is a friend?”
“None of our friends would betray us like this.”
Glancing at the baby, you thought about his idealistic look at the galaxy. You didn’t share that--you had seen the dark side of the galaxy at such a young age that there was never a chance to develop ideals. “Are you hungry? Before you came in, Emmy and I were going to go to the mess hall for dinner.”
Poe rubbed his hands over his face. “Yeah... let me get out of this flight suit and wash up a bit.”
You could see the tension in his shoulders as he moved towards the refresher. It broke you heart how much weight he was carrying around.  “Poe.” He stopped and looked at you, softly. “It’s going to be okay.”
A few days later it was your squadron sent out on a mission. Poe had thought about ordering you to stay but then realized what a bad idea that was. Instead, he had seen you off on the flight pad with the baby, with the promise that him and Emmy would be there waiting to great you when you returned.
Despite you being away, Poe still had responsibilities to attend too. And he was trusting no one take Emmy while he tended to those duties. She became a permanent fixture in briefings, sitting in his lap and laughing at inappropriate times. No one minded, in fact they thought she was quite adorable. 
Poe shuffled each briefing along as best he could. And then he would go straight to communications to see if they had heard from you. 
“Nothing yet today, sir,” the operator replied.
“You’ll let me know if you hear from her?” Poe asked.
“Yes sir.”
“Emmy and I are going for a walk.”
“Use my comm, if she calls.”
Nodding, the operator got back to work, and Poe proceeded up to the flight pad. BB-8 followed behind, asking where they were going. The pilot smiled at the baby girl in his arms. “I think it’s time to show Emmy the lake, wouldn’t you agree Bee?”
Emmy smiled at the little droid when he beeped in excitement. Poe felt his heart warm seeing that smile. His daughter was enamored with BB-8. There were even a few instances where the droid had distracted Emmy enough to stop her crying while she was teething. 
Poe carefully walked the path towards the lake. It was spot that he often visited with you prior to the baby being born. The calm of the lake always seemed to put everything into perspective. 
“Here we go,” he said, as they got to the shore. “Want to put your toes in?”
The baby kicked her legs and cooed. Poe chuckled, removed her little boots and socks, and then with great care, dipped Emmy’s feet in the water. She squealed and pulled her feet up immediately, but he second time he dipped them in, she laughed and kick her feet about.
For the next several minutes, Poe could forget about all his worries in the galaxy and bask in the joy of watching his daughter discover the lake for the first time. Her curious little eyes soaked it all in, her feet rapidly moved among the gentle ripples and she laughed when BB-8 got a little water on him. 
But the joy only lasted for a bit. His comm link went off, calling him back to base. Poe grabbed the baby’s boots and socks, and with BB-8 rolling behind him, he proceeded back to the flight pad.
Snap didn’t need to meet him to tell him that something was wrong. Poe could clearly see the pair of x-wings on the tarmac, smoke billowing from the engines--one of them was yours. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Poe snapped.
“Poe listen--before you go storming the base,” Snap started.
“Snap. Where’s my wife.”
“They rushed her to the med bay.”
Poe felt a fire burn in his stomach. “Was it the First Order?”
Snap nodded. “Yeah; it was.”
“Not sure; no one was able to talk to Y/N yet.”
Emmy whined, reminded Poe that he was still holding her. He gently rubbed her back to reassure her. “I’m going to find out who told him about my wife’s mission, Snap.”
Snap frowned, having seen that look in Poe’s eyes before. “And do what?”
Poe ground his teeth. “Make them pay.”
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justimajin · 5 years
A Lone Wolf’s Howl ☾ Part 3
⇾ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
⇾ Genre: Angst, Fluff, Action, Eventual Smut
↳ Werewolf AU
⇾ Words: 2.4k
⇾ Warnings: just a lot of angst 
⇾ Summary: Jungkook and you have been like two peas in a pod for the majority of your lives; whether it was going through the ups of downs of the horrid teenage change, to transitioning to the racing world of attempting to be adults. Simply put, you’ve been inseparable and glued to each other’s sides longer than you can remember. But one fateful day seems to completely change everything you had faith in and you begin to wonder if there was ever a time where you and your best friend even knew each other’s true colors.
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⇾  Moodboard Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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The cool brisky metal sticks to your skin, occasionally jingling as sweat begins to accumulate between your temples. Deep breaths escape you by the minute, eyes fluttered shut and seemingly feeling like you were lost in a complete daze. 
Aside from the hollow silence lingering around you, the only sound you can concentrate on is the faint voices seeping out from the small cracks of the room. They start off as muffles, a mix of jumbled words that you can’t seem to decipher until they finally grow louder and have you slowly opening your eyes. 
“Why is she in there?!” 
The voice is contorted in anger, loud sparks of targeted rage spiking up. 
“You know why. She’ll have to remain there for now.” 
Another voice – softer, like it was trying to calm down some of the roaring tides heading its way. 
“It looks horrible though.” The voice huffs out, pausing as if it had darted its vision elsewhere, “She’s innocent, I know she is!” 
The voice sighs, maintaining the same soft tone but with a sharper end this time, “Don’t let your emotions come in between this. You and I both know exactly what she is and why she came here.” 
Silence drops and for a split moment, no one speaks. You attempt to move closer, inching your body a bit and pushing the base of your heels. 
“But…she wouldn’t, she-“ The voice comes to a stop and so do you, but the next words have you violently cracking your eyes open. 
“She’s my best friend.” 
Everything comes back into view now - the black metallic walls and bars surrounding you, the ground just mere inches away from your face and the small crack of light from the window to give you some decent amount of vision. 
An unruly furrow arises in your brows and there’s a twisting sensation in the pit of your stomach, shock and confusion hitting you on all sides. You attempt to get up, but a light jingle behind you suggests otherwise when you’re tugged backwards. 
A million thoughts are racing inside your mind. 
Where are you? What is this room? How do you get back? 
The last one stings the most because it’s one you rather not get an answer to at all. 
Why did those words sound like they came from Jungkook…? 
The rest of the conversation immediately zones out from your ears as you whirl around and try to free yourself from your restraints. After some struggle and a sheer amount of effort, they stay the same as they are, and you let out a defeated sigh. 
Suddenly soft shuffling is heard nearby and it's accompanied with a loud heavy thud. Immediately pushing yourself back to the cement wall, you hiss at the sudden spike of pain that shoots up at your neck, blotches of undried blood freshly cracking.
Footsteps echo from far and you take a deep shaky exhale, ears carefully trailing the sound until the steps come to a final halt. 
In that one single second, you are feeling everything and nothing at the same time. It’s not possible to even describe, to describe the sick expression that casts over your features as you watch your best friend’s face swirl with regret and pool with immediate sorrow. 
For a moment, neither of you says anything, at all, he simply stands there before the metal bars as your breathing slowly becomes ragged. 
“A-” He exhales, scrunching his eyes shut and taking a step forward to place his hand against a metal bar, “Are you in pain?” 
From a distance away, it would extremely hard to even hear what he just said, but you catch it right away and clench your teeth, fists tightening, “Is that really what you want to ask me?” 
He finally lifts his gaze, his eyes meeting your own and a bitter taste is left in your mouth when a flash of gold greets you back. “I-….” Opening and closing his mouth several times, another exhale leaves him and he sighs, “I don’t know what to say Y/N…” 
“Don’t use my name.” The side of the wall comes into sight, soaked with drops of water and stained with dirt. 
“W-What?” Both his hands curl around the bars, pressing himself forward as his golden eyes flicker all over you, “Y/N…” 
You don’t look back at him, simply staring at the wall as you grip onto the metal chain, drawing blood into your hands, “You’re one of them. A werewolf.” 
Pain flashes across his face, wincing when you say the word with such vile conviction, as if even bringing up the sole thought was distasteful for you. His eyes waver down to his hands, the metal tightly grasped in his hold and he stares down at the floor, “I know...but you never told me either.” 
“I would have told you once I got rid of every single one of you.” You spit out the venom laced words, pursuing your lips. 
Jungkook immediately glances at you in disbelief, “Every single one of us?” He grips the bars now, “Including me?” 
“Yes.” You glance back at him now with zero hesitation, burning silver flashing in your eyes. 
“Do you even hear yourself?” 
“I do and I know for a fact that the quicker I kill your kind, the closer I’ll be to victory.” 
“Y/N…” Jungkook’s voice is a mix of horror and confusion and for a split second, you can see the dim light reflect a fine layer of shining gloss in his eyes. Gritting your teeth even harder, you attempt to untangle and free yourself from the chain again but they still don’t budge, much to your frustration. 
“Now that we have that settled, how about letting me go?” The pair of chains are directed towards him and suddenly all colour drains from Jungkook’s face, making him gulp. 
“You can’t leave.” 
“What?” You tug at it again, “I am going to leave.” 
Tugging harder this time, you manage to get up on your feet in a crouching position, but then you pull too hard and you’re sent flying back onto your knees, hissing when your neck hits the ground harshly. 
Within a matter of seconds, Jungkook yells your name and is glued to the metal bars once again, eyes frantically searching all over you, “Are you okay?!”
He sounds breathless and you hiss again, rolling over so your bloody neck wasn’t pressing against the hard ground. A glare is sent in his direction from the inquiry and Jungkook slowly lowers himself onto the ground, facing the opposite side from you. “Y/N.” 
Fire gets ignited inside you from the usage of your name again and you sharply interject, “What?” 
“You’re injured.” He points to the mess your neck was creating, drops of fresh blood drizzling down through the cracked exterior. “You need to recover.” 
“I’m going to leave Jungkook and no one is going to stop me.” 
“Not until you’ve healed.” He says it almost as a statement, like it was useless trying to fight against him. He lowers himself to your level again, eyes flashing a bright gold, “And I will stop you if I have to.” 
The large metallic door slams shut with a simple kick, it’s heavyweight falling upon itself. A deep groan escapes Jungkook, pushing his long locks into his hands and rustling them around. He stands there for a moment, glancing back at the door with remorseful eyes until he turns around with a shake of his head. 
“So she’s in there?” Jungkook nods and the red-haired man before him hums, taking a quick peek at the door. “Why in the vault?” 
Jungkook sighs, “Namjoon’s orders. Although I still don’t know why he thinks this would be the safest option.” His eyes trail all over the door, watching multiple spider webs build and weave through the small corners to the constant dripping of water coming from the ceiling. It’s not a place he loves and he surely knows that having you detained in there was going to make him feel any better. 
“If Namjoon said it was safe, it probably is. She is a part of Crimson.” 
“I know Taehyung but-” His shoulders slump down, “Here?” 
“It’s for the best buddy.” Taehyung rubs a hand against his back and Jungkook lets out a grateful smile. “Oh! Namjoon wanted to see you, I think it might be because of…” 
Taehyung gestures to the entirety of the vault and Jungkook quickly snaps back, nodding furiously and already shifting his feet, “Where is he?” 
“He said he be in the library so I suppose he’s still there.” 
Jungkook nods, quickly jogging away in the narrow long hallway. There are multiple doors lined up, each leading to their separate corridors where either other wolves would reside in or they were places they could spend time together - be it training or simply to see one another. Among them is a place called the library and it’s the place where Namjoon - their Alpha - liked to spend his spare time reading and creating useful maps.
A soft knock rattles against the delicate wooden door, Namjoon’s keen hearing picking up on it right away and soon the door swings wide open. He smiles when Jungkook appears before him, knowing the message he had passed on quickly. “Come in.” 
Jungkook’s greeted to a range of books, all arranged in order on large brown shelves. Some have been considerably used, namely the abundant stack currently residing on Namjoon’s coffee table, while others are left collecting dust when said man hasn’t acquired the time to read them. 
“Taehyung had sent me over.” He firmly seats himself in an armrest chair right in front of Namjoon, who places to fingers on his lips and hums. 
“I asked him to after the incident that had occurred.” Namjoon crosses his legs, leaning back, “It seems like you have a personal connection with this slayer.” 
Hearing ‘slayer’ still doesn’t leave a great feeling inside of Jungkook, but he slowly nods with a timid voice, “My best friend...actually…” 
Namjoon raises an eyebrow, tilting his head, “Best friends with a slayer? Why haven’t I heard of this friend?” 
Jungkook presses his palms together, chewing on his lower lip, “I didn’t know she was one, until now.” 
“I see…” 
“I know she’s a slayer but why keep her locked up inside the vault?” It was starting to eat him up on the inside. The vault wasn’t a simple place used for safety from enemies or harmful opponents, in actuality, it’s a place associated with some of Jungkook’s memories that he truly wants to forget, moments that he can only remember as terrifying nights repeating over and over as he lost control over his human body.
Namjoon gets up, hands behind his back as he walks around his chair with a stoic expression on his face that truthfully confuses Jungkook. He wishes at times he could read Namjoon’s mind, not knowing what was churning in the quick wit and ideas running through his Alpha’s head. 
“If we look at this objectively, the correlation of her being your best friend and a slayer is a surprise, but not very unlikely. Given the circumstances, we could have handled the situation as such where she didn’t need to know about your true identity and could have been left in the shadows.” Namjoon raises a hand, gesturing towards Jungkook, “With your friendship remaining intact and not comprised of course.” 
Jungkook’s eyes follow along with the man, however, he stumbles upon a thought he can’t quite shake off, “Why are you telling me what we could have done?” 
Namjoon somberly smiles, small dimples arising in his cheeks, “Because that would have been the result if the situation wasn’t so complicated.” 
Walking over to his table, he picks up a book whose pages have been torn and worn out, nearly on the verge of breaking into several pieces. He balances it in his hands, fingers flipping through the multiple ancient pages before snapping it shut. The end of it is placed against his throat, “Her neck. You’ve seen it, correct?” 
“Right, the injury…” Guilt masks over Jungkook, clear as crystal on his face. 
Namjoon smiles, walking back over to him, “Precisely, an injury to the neck. Or more specifically…” His eyes suddenly darken, a flash of gold emerging in the center, “A mark.” 
There’s uncertainty and doubt twisting and churning in Jungkook’s eyes and he gulps, “It’ll disappear right? After a couple of days once she’s healed.” 
Namjoon chuckles, shaking his head, “It could have, but that’s typically the case that happens with a wolf that’s matured.” His eyes narrow down onto Jungkook and he almost shrinks away, attempting to become one with the chair. 
“I-I…” Jungkook bites down on his lip, letting out an exasperated exhale, “I claimed her…” 
“Well.” Namjoon sighs, “I wish it was so simple as that.” 
Jungkook’s brows furrow as he watches Namjoon sit down right in front of him. He was aware, he knew he had done something terribly wrong and he wasn’t sure how you were going to feel about it either, but there’s something else brewing in Namjoon’s eyes that makes him uneasy, “You didn’t just claim Y/N, you bit her during a full moon.”
“And when a human is bitten during a full moon…” Namjoon leaves the sentence open, carefully watching how Jungkook’s confused expression completely vanishes. 
“S-She’ll transform…” The shock instantly hits him, making him fist locks of his hair within his hands roughly in frustration, “She’ll transform Namjoon, she’ll transform because of what I did.” 
Namjoon crosses his arms and watches silently as Jungkook slumps down again, shaking his head at his misfortune. With a sigh, the man takes a step towards him, “Jungkook.” 
He raises his head, concern feverishly swirling in his eyes, “Now that you know what’s to come, a decision will have to be made.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widen and Namjoon continues. “We need to help Y/N with this new transformation, turning into a wolf won’t be a very easy process for her, but,“ His eyes darken, boring into his youngest member’s eyes, “Either we help Y/N through this transformation and she joins us, or,” 
“She dies.” 
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furrygirlsylvy · 6 years
Grounded Angel (Dark Pit X F Reader)
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Art by hybridmink on DeviantArt
  Once upon a midnight dreary, ___'s hand were weak an weary as she wrote a story on a laptop. The device's bright screen was her room's only light source as her eyes laid fixated on it. Her fingers glided along each and every key along the keyboard as she rapidly typed whatever words that came to mind in her apartment.
  She felt like there were weights on her eyelids. The more she was mesmerized by the screen, the more she wanted to close them shut. She could just doze off into her bed right by her desk where she worked, but she promised her boss that she would finish this story for them for the next newspaper issue. And so she had to do it by the end of the night. If not, she'll be doomed to be fired. She needed all the money she could get to pay off her bills and expenses.
  She looked out the window and saw the moon was just hanging in the sky along with rain hitting against the glass. It looked like it was setting no time soon, and so relieved that she would perhaps have a lot of rest if she got it done. Yet, she knew that everyone else was asleep, which only brought dread on her.
  She decided to stop and put down the laptop. All the stress was building in her, and so she thought it was good to take a little stretch break. She looked out the window once more only to see ordinary sky and stars. Typical, she noted and was about to go back to work. Yet, something caught her eye. She saw something flapping in the distance. Could be just a bird, she thought and went back to her usual routine. All of the sudden, there was a sudden thud from above. She then heard a scream and something black flashed across her window.
  ___ shook with goosebumps. What in the world was that? Now that was no bird. She got up and opened up her window. She was met with the harsh rain wetting her form, but her main focus was to look down. She saw some boy unconscious on the ground.
  In a heartbeat did she close the window, put on some shoes, and ran down the hallway of the apartment complex to the main entrance. ___'s legs immediately went to work as she sprinted over to the boy. She stepped back once she saw the wings on his back.
  What the hell?, she questioned her sanity. She was truly seeing an angel. But at that moment it wasn't the best time to really think about his odd looks. It was the matter of bringing him to a warm and dry, and safe place as soon as possible because my goodness, it was cold. And a sick angel was a no good angel.
  ___ picked up him up, not really feeling any body heat from his dampened skin. Don't worry, I got you, buddy. She rushed him inside.
The sun had risen and the skies ended its plummet of snow. The young angel twisted and turned as the glaring sunlight beamed onto his eyes. He groaned and was forced to wake up. He got up and wiped the sleep from his eyes only to see he was tucked in a warm blanket. Where am I?, he thought as he scanned the area and it wasn't evident that he was at the mansion.
  He appeared to be in some apartment, or would he even consider calling it that? A few feet from him was the most claustrophobic kitchen, a few inches away was a desk, there was a door that led to a possible bathroom, and then a second door that led outside and that's about what all this place had to offer. This place was pretty small, even tinier than the spacious dorms at the mansion.
  This place did seem to belong to someone, but where was said person? Determined to find who was responsible for putting him here, he hopped out of bed only for his feet to meet something squishy underneath him. He tripped and fell to the floor, which shook the ground.
  "Ow, what in the world?" ___ woke up on the carpet floor. She rubbed her aching waist that was used like some welcome mat and gazed at the dark angel that was right next to her, right into his ruby eyes. "G-God! You're up!" She rocketed up to her feet.
  He jumped back at how springy she was. "Woah, cool your jets. All I want to know is why am I doing in your apartment? In your bed," the smasher said sternly.
  "I-I had found you passed out on the ground last night."
  "What?" His burrows furrowed. He didn't remember a single second of what happened last night. All he knows that he ended up in his stranger's apartment afterward. He knew he had to do something stupid to end up here, but never knew it was to that extent.
  "Y-Yeah, last night. I heard a loud thud, then a scream, and then I looked out the window to see you on the ground unconscious." The fidgety young lady explained. "I rushed you inside my place to dry you off and keep you warm. I kept watch of you for a while to make sure you were ok for the night, but then I've gotten tired and accidentally fell asleep...On the floor." ___ blushed and looked down at her feet.
  "Now I'm starting to remember...I crashed into something solid and the last thing I saw was the earth I was plumming into. Now I know that it was a wall I had crashed into. Goddamn thunderstorms. I can't see jack shit when I'm flying!" He gritted under his teeth.
  "S-so those wings are real?"
  "Of course I can!" He opened up the window. He then spread out his wings, but he grunted and retracted them. "The hell?"
  "Are they broken? I-I mean, you probably landed on them when you fell."
  He flexed his wings once more, but he winced. "No, one of them is just sprained. But I still can't fly. Now I can't get back to the smash mansion..."
  "Smash mansion? What's that place?"
  "That's where I live. I need to get to Dr. Mario to fix me up, and so I'm heading there anyway. But I can't go there now."
  "I don't mind helping you get there." ___ smiled empathetically.
  "Really? How kind of ya. But don't expect me to pay for gas money."
  "Gas money? Why I don't need a single drop of gas!"
___ followed the directions on her GPS. She worked her legs hard as she cycled the pedals non-stop. Her bicycle swiftly slid down the pavement of the empty sidewalks. There were gaps in the concrete, which made the ride unbearably bumpy. Sometimes the bicycle felt like it was flying into the air or it was about to fall into pieces entirely.
  "Jesus, why are the sidewalks like swiss cheese?!" Dark Pit complained as he clutched onto the basket for dear life. The only seat available for him was to sit in the giant basket at the back of her bicycle, but it definitely wasn't the safest. Hell, he wished she had a car so he could at least have a seat belt. He also wouldn't mind paying off the gas.
  "Ehe, age hasn't been treated lightly by these streets. But no one really pays attention to them in a rural place like this," ___ said.
  "Is it even nice to live here?"
  "At times, but most of the time I'm cooped up in my apartment. But I savor all of the beauty out here. It's lovely to get some fresh air."
  The town that ___ lived in provided great space. There were vibrantly colored buildings on every wide block. There were friendly people that waved at them, and a few cars honked at them, and some just stared in awe of seeing their first angel, which got a few chuckles from Dark Pit. Children played games and laughed among the grassy fields. Wildflowers in the fields gave off vibrant scents all around them, along with a few restaurants that added tasteful aromas. Despite not having that many residents, it was quite the sight.
  Dark Pit took in the scenery as every piece of it swooped by so quickly as it came. "You aren't kidding. This place is nice to look at. It definitely reminds me of Smashville by the smash mansion, but I never got a chance to really appreciate it."
  "Why not? It's your home, right?" ___ said curiously.
  "Well, yeah, but I'm always flying all over the place, doing errands and trying to practice my fighting skills in the clouds. But don't ever stop to look at the details and everything. I always thought that was silly and unimportant, but how wrong I am." He chuckled.
  "Y'know what, I feel the same. I'm always in my apartment and working on news articles-," The bicyclist pressed down on the break, almost causing them to fly off of it. "My goodness, I forgot all about the issue! I'm bound to get fired!"
  "Fired for wh-"
  "My papers! If I don't finish them for this next issue of the newspaper, I'll end up losing my job. I really need the money to pay off my funds..."
  "Damn, that sucks."
  "I know, it really does. What do you think I should do?! I-I mean, this place doesn't really have that my job opportunities but nor do I have the money to move. I'm doomed. I got no family that can help me...They're so far away."
  "I don't know," Dark Pit muttered sadly. Goodness has he never felt this much empathy in his life. He could relate so much to her. A person just like him to work so hard only to have everything turn against you.
  And those hopeless words sunk in deep into ___. She sighed as she tried to hold back tears in her eyes. Their sense of adventure was killed and they both fell dreadfully silent.
When the sun started to dip underneath the horizon, they started riding through forest territory on a dirt road. Only fields and small barns were the only signs of civilization, but there was so few of them. They mostly saw vegetation for what seemed to stretch upon miles on end. ___ was getting exceptionally tired. She didn't even peddle anymore and let the slope carry her around.
  Dark Pit laid back and relaxed in the basket. "Are we almost there?"
  "Yeah," she said, "we're almost there. We just need to follow this road out of this area and we'll be in Smashville soo-" ___ immediately paused as she felt something wet hit her nose.
  "What's wrong?" Dark Pit said.
  "Rain." And right when she had said that, giant drops pelted the two.
  The dark angel used his healthy wing to protect himself. But his feathers instantly got soaked and the water seeped through them. "Are you kidding me?"
  ___ didn't have protection nor did the bike. Water kept getting into her eyes, her body reacted by forcefully clenching her eyes tight. "I-I can't see!" Even though her sight was blurred, she kept going straight, pressed on the breaks, and hoped for the best.
  Yet, her bike was less forgiving. The dirt road turned into a muddy mess, and so her bike's wheels slipped. The front tire took a steep turn like it possessed a mind of its own.
  The bike headed off the road and into a ditch. The bike crashed into a tree, and such a sudden force flung them into the muddy depths below. They two were encased in slippery dirt.
  ___ thrashed around, but the mud didn't want to let go and latched onto her. Half of her body was already in the earth. "I-I can't get out!"
  Dark Pit was suffering the same fate, but at least he could move towards her. "I'm coming to help you!" He reached for her hands but they were both submerged in the mud along with her arms.
  She screamed before having her whole body be engulfed by the mud.
  "No! No!" He dug away at the dirt, cupping handfuls of them and throwing them to side. "No, please!" The angel pleaded, but no one else heard but himself. Never had he felt so determined to save a life. That girl helped him and was about to lose her life because of it. He had to help her, but all of his efforts were against. More and more water sank into the ditch, making it even more muddy and slippery.
  He had left his Silver Bow and Electroshock Arm back at the mansion. He thought he wouldn't need them since he wouldn't get into trouble, but that was his worst mistake yet. He could have blown away the mud with his bow, or even used Electroshock Arm to launch them to safety.
   But even without his weapons, he held his breath and dove deep into the mud. He felt ___'s hand and held his as tight as he could. Please, gods, give me strength!, he wished. His feathers began to glow with an ominous aura. Despite the pain, he spread out his wings and used the Power of Flight to launch him and ___ out of the mud's clutches to the safety of the road.
   The girl was finally able to get a fresh air, yet she laid unconscious.
  Satisfied with saving her, he laid on the soggy road and rested. He had used so much of his powers in that single flight that he didn't have any strength left. He couldn't feel the coldness of the rain as he slowly slipped into sleep. The last thing he saw was two pairs of lights focusing on him and ___.
After quite some time, the angel woke up in yet another bed, but this was no ordinary bed. It was a hospital bed. He looked around to see that he was in the infirmary, but this was no ordinary infirmary.
  There were a couple of jars filled with football sized pills along with a lovely picture of Princess Peach and fire flowers in pots.
  He smiled from ear to ear. "This is doctor Mario's!" He cheered. "___, we made it!" He looked around for her, but she was nowhere in sight. She was in a worse state as he was, and so where can she possibly be?
  "Dark Pit!" All of the sudden, two arms wrapped around him from his side.
  "___!" He hugged her back. "Gods, you almost scared me! Are you ok?"
  "Yeah, Doctor Mario really nursed me back to health over the past few fours."
  "W-Wait. How long were we out?"
  ___ looked out the window to see the sun rising. "Since throughout that rainy night."
  "I thought we got into a comma."
  "No silly, don't be so dramatic." ___ joked and playfully bumped him in the arm.
  He responded by hissing because his bandaged wing got jabbed instead. "Fuck."
  "S-sorry!" ___ sighed. "Really I am. Y'know, I'm sorry about this whole trip altogether. I made the situation worse by riding in the rain. I-I should have paid attention to the weather than my GPS. If I would of know, none of this would have happened in the first place."
  "No, no, it's fine, ___. All that matters is that we're ok and didn't lose our lives. Besides, you did the best you could for me. Without you, I would still be unconscious out in the rain. Hell, you saved my life! And so don't be too hard on yourself."
  "Well, I did those things. B-but I also want to thank you for saving my life as well! Doctor Mario saw you fly up into the sky with you carrying me out of the mud."
  "I had to. I couldn't just let you die just to some silly mud. You offered all the help to me, and so I had to thank you in any way possible."
  "I guess we're even, huh?"
  "Guess, so." He chuckled. "Anyways, what did you do when I was out?"
  "I hanged out with doctor Mario as he showed me around the mansion! He also showed me all the smashers and described how wonderful it was." ___ rambled on. "I asked him if I could live here, but he said I couldn't have my own dorm in the mansion, but my own small house in Smashville! He also said there are plenty of job opportunities there, and so I will not only be able to live here but thrive!"
  "That's great!" He hopped out of the bed. "Has he showed you around Smashville."
  "Er, no." She twiddled with her thumbs. "I was a little too shy to really explore that place on my own. I was thinking, maybe, ugh, if-"
  "If I could come with you?" He smirked toyingly.
  "C'mon, it isn't that scary. Most of the folks are really sweet. Ugh, too sweet at times that I felt like I was going to die from diabetes." The dark angel gagged and he got a laugh out of her. He then grabbed her hand. "I'll even show you some of the best places to go." He wasn't the adventure type, but man was getting to relive the town with ___ put a spark in that edgy heart of his.
  The girl grinned and laughed as they ran throughout the hallway acting like giddy six-year-olds. "W-woah! I can follow you just find y'know! W-What do you even have in-store for me?" Although, she didn't mind having him hold his hand. In fact, she was red all over.
  "Just you wait and see!"
Author’s Note: Originally made on DeviantArt
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aristarshower · 7 years
Star Catcher
Adventure Three-The Big Lesbian Wedding
Ugh, my jell still stinks from that stupid tank. Dig was back in their usual bio suit that translated their luminescence for others. It also let them move to their liking without being restricted by the lack of liquid around them. They were also enjoying all the attention the crew was giving them.
“Sorry you had to go through that, Dig. How about I cook for today and you take the day off?” Nisha offered. Dex knew she felt bad even though no one was hurt. It had been a close call and neither the ship nor the crew were truly capable of withstanding close calls.
It’s alright. Cooking relaxes me. Dig removed something from the forge in front of them and blew into tiny shapes.
“Is that glass?” Dex whispered to Nisha.
“Have you never seen Harpie eat?” Dex felt it again, that gap that separated him from the others. He hadn’t really had the chance to know any alien species when he was on Earth and the few weeks he was aboard Star Catcher were a whirlwind of wedding preparation. He had a bad feeling that at the end of this he would have to leave. The only reason SC needed a new navigator was because Nisha was busy with the planning. Dex wasn’t even truly qualified. He had lied his way through and soon it would all come crashing down.
There was a little noise on the comms and the captain’s voice came through. “Hey guys! We’re back!”
The rest of the crew had gone away for a little recreation. They had shot forward thanks to the reserve star dust from the escape pod and got to a intergalactic wormhole. But the wormhole didn’t lead to the right galaxy. It led to Galaxy-G-YKOQA which had a wormhole to G-ETA or as Dex knew it, the Milky Way.
Galaxy-G-YKOQA was a strange system with two galaxies devouring each other. It was considered unstable for dust collection and made an excellent place for some quick down time while staying innocuous.
“Which planet are we on again?” Nisha made a noise that Dex assumed was the answer. The only sure thing was that it began with a Y. “So each galaxy is named after the live supporting planets in it right?”
“Which one are you from?”
“Same as you. I am from the A though.” Araite. The first alien world humans found long long ago.
“What’s it like there?”
“Oh it’s nice.” She was busy clicking away on the hand-held before her..
“Weather good? Sunny?”
“I guess you wouldn’t call it sunny considering the temperatures on Earth but it is hot enough for humans to survive.”
“Pleasant winds?”
“Most of the time.”
“Then why aren’t you getting married there?”
“Uhhhh Dex we are getting married there. Why do you think we are heading to ETA?” Dex couldn’t answer. He had assumed Alina and Nisha would get married at Alina’s father’s place but that would be too absurd to say out loud. Of course they wouldn’t want everyone at a criminal headquarters. V saved him by entering quite explosively. He bounced off a few chairs and threw his arms around Dex.
“Dex!!!” V shouted right in his ear.
“Alright, you idiot, get off him!” Alina dragged V away. “Sorry he gets a bit too ...drunk sometimes.”
“What did he drink?”
“Something Retmarians call the Qoedy.”
“Eh close enough. V is a fucking lightweight but it wears off fast. He should be bearable by dinner. Speaking of dinner, Dig what are you cooking up for us?”
“With meat?” Dig made a vague motion Dex decided not to interpret.
“Oh Dex, I wanted to ask you what will you be wearing for the wedding?”
“Uhhh...I am invited?”
“Of course! You’re part of us now!” The words were warm but Dex didn’t feel it.
“I don’t know.” He left before Nisha could ask more questions. He hadn’t left the ship with the others because he had felt safest there. Somehow without him noticing the ship had become home. And it might all go away too soon.
“Dex!” V was hanging out of his door, dripping wet.
“Hey V.” Dex kept walking. Not even an almost naked V could cheer him up.
“Heeeeeeeeeeey buddy….”
“V stop patting my face.”
“Sorry but why is it all sad?”
“My face?”
“Yeah it looks bad.”
“No. Just tell me what’s wrong?” Dex couldn’t resist V’s pout.
“I like this ship.”
“Me too!...wait should I be sad about this too?”
“No! I just mean I am temporary. As soon as this wedding is done, it’s back to the boss for me and whatever the hell that means. And I like y …...this ship.”
V was grabbing the wall really hard making choked noises. Then he turned away from Dex and threw up all over the floor. Dex left as the cleaning bots hurried off to the mess beeping furiously.
The call for dinner went up on the comms. The crew usually did not eat together owing to the different dietary needs but once in awhile one of them decided they needed a meal together. Dex hadn’t been to one yet and was standing in front of a mirror nervously adjusting his hair. He didn’t know what the protocol would be. He understood that the crew unanimously deciding for a joint dinner is probably because of what happened with the Wadmians. He understood the need to stay close but at the same time facing all of them together would mean facing how much of an outsider he was.
Dex, done with your hair? Dig was at the door. They had modified the speakers on their suit to make the voice sound really deep making Dex jump.
You don’t have to be nervous Dex. We are not going to eat you. Just a heads up, don’t stare. With that ominous statement Dig threw open the door to the dining area which was just the cooking area with a few more chairs crammed around the table.
“There he is!”
“Dex!!!” V was still a little loud but the others shouting with him made Dex laugh.
There was a lot of variety among the food on the table. Dex did not understand some of it but he knew burgers well enough. He grabbed a couple and sat down between Dig and Amani who was feeding Mel not so secretly under the table. Mel was opening up different sets of jaws snapping away the food passed to her.
There was a hiss from the door and Harpie entered dazzling everyone. Dig elbowed Dex to stop him from staring. Harpie had had their exo skeleton painted in a dazzling array of colours and then coated it all with some kind of glitter. They picked up the bowl with shaped glass shards and hissed in delight.
There’s no need to thank me Harps! I love shaping glass! Harpie hissed again in obvious delight and the conversation went on. Dex felt a pang when he realized he was the only one who could not follow it. Harpie’s language was still a mystery to him and Dig’s luminescence was too alien for him to piece together. He only understood them because of the suit. He bit morosely at the burger and made an involuntary delighted noise.
“This is amazing Dig!”
Nisha and Amani had a plate of burgers to but Alina had a bowl of something blue. Dex nudged Nisha.
“Why isn’t Alina eating?”
“She is. Are your eyes ok?”
“But…” Dex made a vague motion towards the blue something.
“Oh that’s Desr, a delicacy where she comes from. Don’t try it though. It’s poisonous for humans.”
“Alright.” Her words caught up with Dex. “Isn’t Alina human?” He hadn’t meant to shout but the rest of the crew fell silent. It was true that Alina was a couple of feet taller than the tallest human Dex knew but other than that she looked completely human, brown skin, golden brown hair, two dark eyes, two small ears, one two lipped mouth, one small nose and two pairs of limbs with five fingers each. The others burst out laughing.
“Who owes me money?” Amani demanded. V and Nisha raised their hands looking disppointed.
“Come on Dex. I really thought you knew humans.” V’s words made Dex flush. He didn’t dare ask what Alina was. Nisha changed the topic to flowers soon and Dex finished his meal in silence.
Dex turned again on his bed unable to sleep. Every time he tried sleeping he felt like the world was falling from beneath him and then he woke up and realized there was no world beneath him and he was hurling through space. He had felt like this the first time he was aboard a spaceship but he had gotten used to it easily.
There was a soft knock on his door and V slipped in. The room was dark and Dex could clearly see the lines of luminescence on V’s limbs. They weren’t used for communication like Dig’s as far as Dex knew. He didn’t know if it would be rude to ask so he made a note of studying Retmarian anatomy when he had the time.
“Hey! Sorry about earlier.” Dex shrugged.
“It’s not a big deal.” He really didn’t know what was a big deal.
“Not just about the uhhh…” V mimed throwing up and Dex smiled. The tension in V’s shoulders dropped a little. “I wanted to talk to you properly about what you were saying before that.” It was Dex’s turn to tense up.
“It’s alright, V. I was just being a little paranoid.”
“No, it’s not. You’re upset and that’s not nothing. Look I can’t pretend to know the captain’s mind but I assure you she won’t just leave you behind. Not after everything we have all been through.”
“You really think so?” Dex hated himself for the little hope in his voice.
“Yeah. And hey if she wants to kick you out, I’ll go with you!” Dex laughed. V’s bio luminiscence glowed a little brighter. “No I am serious. We’ll leave together and make ourselves a new life among the stars.”
“Thank you, V.”
“You are a part of us now, Dex. It will all be okay.” V patted Dex’s hand again and walked out.
Araite was a beautiful planet. Dex fell in love the second they landed. The whole wedding area was covered in light flakes of snow. The venue itself was decorated with little dust lights and balloons. Dex had dressed in his best clothes which was an old jacket and a clean shirt. Dig looked amazing in their new bio suit and Harpie’s glittery exoskeleton was drawing all the eyes. Amani had gone simple like Dex did and wore a soft jacket with a silk shirt. All of Dex’s thoughts scattered when V walked in. He was dressed in some kind of scaly armor that left most of his chest uncovered. The armor ended at his knees and he wore soft warm pants underneath. V’s luminescence showed prominently through the clothes. Dex realized that was the design. The beautiful golden scales reflected the light back onto V’s dark skin making him glow.
“Close your jaw, kiddo.” Amani snickered and Dex looked away hurriedly. He wasn’t the only one staring. Half the conversation had stopped the second V walked in. V noticed all the attention and bowed to everyone. There were a few giggles and everyone went back to what they were doing before.
V winked at Dex and walked away to talk to other people. Amani and Dex were having drinks when V appeared at their side. The glow was completely gone from his skin.
“We have a problem.”
“How the fuck did this even happen?” Nisha hissed. They were all bundled away from the wedding venue while the emergency team neutralized the threat.
“I don’t know. I assumed anyone making balloons would know not to fill it with flammable gas?” V had put on a few more layers. While the inside of the venue was dusted with snow for the aesthetic, outside the planet was a nightmare covered in snow with cold winds ripping them apart.
They had just managed to avert disaster. V had smelled something off when one of the balloons popped.
“At least no one was injured.” Alina was wrapped in the huge rainbow coloured thing Amani was knitting earlier. Dex realized it was a huge gown. Alina could wrap the train around her twice. She didn’t even need a coat. Nisha on the other hand was wearing the delicate wonderful Wadmian dress. Dex could see why it was special. The cloth itself was the softest Dex had ever touched and there were no threads like usual fabric. It was continuous and etched on it with utmost care and precision were designs like Dex had never seen before. And to top it all off there were crystals embedded at regular intervals making the dress glow more than V which was saying a lot.
“Yeah but what the hell are we going to do?” Nisha sounded close to tears. Alina drew her closer enveloping her in the rainbow fabric.
“Our ship is right there. Lets just get on for now. V find out how long it’s gonna take.”
V came back to the ship dejected. “Sorry guys it might take too long.”
“Why don’t you get married in the ship?” Dex wished he could take his words back the second he said them. The whole ship was crammed with wedding guests. There weren’t more than thirty but Star Catcher wasn’t built to hold that many people.
Dex was desperately trying to avoid being seen by Alina’s father. At the venue, the man was already seated at the front so Dex could just slip in the back but on the ship there was no escaping his presence. Alina’s mother was with Nisha’s parents but her father was with her. And now his whole attention was fixed on Dex.
“I...I..m...mea...mean...everyone is here.” Alina nodded encouragingly. “We can bring in some of the lights.”
“Or we could go into orbit.” Nisha’s eyes widened at Alina’s suggestion.
Harpie hissed something. “We can enough boost for the extra weight from the leftover star dust and we won’t need it later anyway.”
“We can totally make it happen! You can get married in front of the control panel with all the stars behind you!” The guests were warming up to the idea.
V patted Dex on the back. “Thank you.”
The wedding was beautiful. Mel had jumped up to Alina’s side and handed her the locket. Alina slipped it around Nisha’s neck while V cried silently behind her. Dex even saw a little tear in Amani’s eye but he knew he would die the second he mentioned it. Dig made little snuffling noises and punched Dex when he laughed. 
Nisha brought Alina a bracelet to go around her elbow. She pulled Alina forward and slipped it on. The entire ship erupted into applause when they kissed. Alina laughed when Nisha lifted her and almost toppled back.
A few people spoke in languages Dex did not understand. Alina’s father gave a short but sweet speech and wished them luck. V’s speech was filled with so many innuendos that Amani dragged him away before he could finish. Dex was worried someone would ask him to talk but the talking part was done soon.
“Lets dance!” Alina shouted and was met with more cheers.
There wasn’t enough food on the ship. None of them had thought of loading up the food from the venue. But there was plenty of booze so it was all okay in the end.
Harpie sang a slow song in their own language. Dex did not understand it but felt the sentiment flow throw him. Alina’s mother was dancing an old dance from Earth with Nisha. The woman was taller than Alina but Dex could see the resemblance in their eyes.
“Care to dance?” V was holding out his hand for Dex. There weren’t many people dancing and Dex had never danced before.
“I don’t know how to.”
“I could teach you.”
“I don’t really want to?” Dex said softly. He didn’t want to hurt V but he really didn’t want to dance either. V withdrew his hand and sat down beside Dex.
“Hey, you still worried about Alina kicking you out? I talked to her.”
“Why would you do that?” Dex didn’t care that he was whining.
“Shhh...I talked to her and she told me she would talk to us about this after the wedding.”
“Wait. So she didn’t tell you she was keeping me?”
“Well no…”
“Oh good. That’s reassuring.” Even V didn’t have an answer for that.
“Wanna get drunk?”
“Yes please.”
Dex and V were wasted by the time Alina took to the stage again. Stage was in this case was the slightly raised place before the control panel. Alina patted Mel and Mel screamed her kettle whistle until everyone went silent.
“We have an important announcement to make.” Alina took Nisha’s hand. Nisha’s mother gasped.
“Are you pregnant?”
“What? Ma! No!”
“Our announcement is that we are finally settling down!”
“Yes! We got a house. An actual house with walls and everything here!” Nisha hiccuped.
“So this is might as well be our final journey into space. And I love that we are finishing up on my first ship!”
There was a shocked silence. Everyone seemed to be waiting for one of them to laugh to call it a joke. Nisha’s parents broke the silence with tearful congratulations. Alina’s parents looked as shocked as the rest of the crew felt.
Dig’s voice was low but Dex felt the words in his bones. What the fuck.
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
100 Days of Comics! 085/100: Drax #1 (2016)
We’re getting pretty close to the end! And with today’s selection from the box of fading mystery, its time for Drax!
Drax was pretty obscure up until recently. Obscure-ish, maybe? He was usually on the less trod cosmic side of Marvel. But he was also a part of the Infinity Whatevers, all the Jim Starlin stories with Thanos and Adam Warlock and those were popular enough to follow Infinity Gauntlet with Infinities Watch, War, and Crusade. So at least among comic people, Drax was known-ish. Although mostly in his ‘space Hulk’ persona, where some brain damage left him strong but dumb.
But now he’s been in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and cartoon so his profile has been raised dramatically. A movie is going to reach audiences a comic book can only dream of in its wildest, most fanciful dreams.
Anyway, he got a solo series. And I think all the Guardians have gotten a solo-series now. Or at least all the movie Guardians. Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. So how about books for Nebula and Mantis?
Anyway again. Solo series. But we actually start off with the Guardians of the Galaxy together on a job. And around this time Ben “The Thing” Grimm, Kitty “Kitty” Pryde, and Agent “Flash Thompson” Venom are all hanging out with the Guardians for space adventures and to make out with Peter Quill. Although Peter is not on the team currently and Kitty has stole borrowed his name/jacket.
The Guardians are trying to stop some space cult from activating a magic bomb. Drax enters the scene quite dramatically, tearing apart an alien that was looming behind Rocket and getting entrails all up in his fur. He is not very grateful, which is to say he is Rocket.
And then Drax sword murders the rest of the cult. Its what he do.
Rocket goes to disarm the bomb but being as its more magic than technology, he’s lost. Upside: it won’t detonate unless you say the magic words. So he gives it to Groot to hold. “I” “am” and “Groot” haven’t activated it yet so its safest for him.
Rocket knows some guys who can disarm magic bombs and besides, Groot needs a vacation from youse guys anyway. So off he goes.
Ben decides he needs some Earth beer and Agent Venom invites him to an Irish pub on Alpha Centauri (????).
And the team just kinds of splits up to do its own thing.
Drax volunteers to go with Kitty Pryde but she says she’s off to do girl stuff and he wouldn’t have any fun. So he sees if Ben and Venom want company but no. Four is a crowd (Ben, Flash, Flash’s goo friend, and Drax).
So with nothing better to do Drax shrugs. “I guess I’ll go kill Thanos.”
Its what he knows.
Rocket tries to stop him but Drax is not to be dissuaded.
Drax: “The Guardians have always been a serviceable distraction, but this is my life’s work. I must get my revenge against Thanos, and with the entire team following their own agendas, I will follow suit. I will kill Thanos. If someone killed Groot, you would know my pain. I must avenge that pain and end Thanos for what he has done. Thanos will know my rage! Thanos will tremble and quake as I tear him limb from limb... ThanosThanosThanosThanosThanos... ThanosThanosThanosThanos...”
Realizing he’s not going to change Drax’s mind, Rocket decides to at least helps him on his way by loaning him a ship.
A really, really crappy ship. A really, really crappy ship that makes the Millennium Falcon look fresh off the lot.
Drax wonders if Rocket has some undisclosed vendetta against him. Rocket insists that he return the ship in one piece. It has sentimental value to him. Also, rust.
It also has fuzzy dice hanging from the... whatever spaceships have instead of rearview mirrors?
So off flies Drax! Looking for Thanos! ... Idly wandering around hoping to randomly bump into Thanos? Guy has no idea where to look.
There’s a moment of excitement when some space pirates space attack and threaten to board his spaceship. But then they actually scan the ship and realize its worthless and leave.
And that's it for excitement until a page later when the ship suffers total systems failure and crash lands on a desert planet.
Drax... I just realized he’s wearing purple pants. That’s not going to help the ‘space Hulk’ comparisons, buddy.
Drax walks out into the desert passing some petrified people, some smoke vents on a salt flat, some Fist of the North Star style post-apocalypse style cities, and a Krayt dragon skeleton before coming to a small settlement.
So I’ve figured out where he is. He’s on Planet Every Terrible Wasteland Rolled Into One.
Asking for a mechanic, he is pointed toward what is probably not the Mos Eisley Cantina. And just as he’s moseyed up to the bar and asked where he is and where he can find a mechanic, ex-herald of Galactus Terrax shows up and promises to make his troubles worse.
Solo adventures are hard.
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hdrachid · 5 years
Private versus Public: Which type of education is best for you?
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Whether you’re watching planning to a public college or a personal college otherwise you have school-age youngsters, it’s necessary to try to do your prep before following an academic path that might benefit—or curse you—for the remainder of your life. in step with the Council for Yankee personal Education, over thirty-three,000 colleges (K-12) within the u. s. square measure personal and account for twenty-fifths of all the faculties within the nation. The widespread assumption concerning preliminary and highschool education is that public colleges square measure mediocre, underfunded and for the children, UN agency can’t afford to travel to personal colleges. 
These students can get to “suffer” the perceived average or below-average teaching that town funding can enable. Personal colleges, on the opposite hand, square measure mechanically recognized as gentrified, higher-level establishments wherever flush students square measure shuttled through their courses and secure spots at conference colleges with chief executive officer jobs awaiting them upon graduation.
Screeechhh. Hold on. I’m here to inform you what’s real. Private versus Public
When I was in high school, my first, third and fourth years were publicly college and that they were the simplest experiences of my life. youngsters were acceptive of my mixed-race background; it wasn’t even a difficulty. I know, I know, you’re in all probability asking “Why ought to it be?” I’m aiming for that.
In my sophomore year, my oldsters moved to a distinct state—a lot of larger state—with twelve million folks in its main town. My oldsters thought it had been safest on behalf of me to travel to a personal Catholic highschool. They assumed that as a result of it had been personal and religious-based, I might be safe from the hurt that they feared I’d face in an exceedingly regular public highschool. Uh, no. What I used to be met with at this dearly-won school was rampant cheating, drug, and habit. The JV quarterback listed pot from a Ziploc bag stuck in his jeans with our hippy teacher, therefore, he’d get a passing grade. women in their thigh-high black watch fabric uniform skirts were chewing on uppers to remain skinny and awake. currently, I’m not oral communication that each school suffers these issues, however, they exist. Don’t let the flamboyant halls and children in uniform fool you. I left when one year to come back to a public high school, wherever I detain bit with the buddies I created of these years later. one among them introduced ME to my husband.
College was an assemblage, too. the primary 2 years were awful – I attended an area college to avoid wasting cash for university. folks were friendly and ranged in ages between eighteen and eighty. it had been Associate in Nursing open, happy, healthy field and fostered a good atmosphere wherever you may very take the maximum amount of time as you required to be told. on the other hand, came time on behalf of me to transfer to a four-year university. My oldsters were older and sort of unwell and that I was Associate in Nursing solely kid with no different family around. I picked a personal, religious, subject faculty simply 2 miles from our house.
It would haunt ME for the remainder of my life. Private versus Public
The college counselor had ME basic cognitive process this dearly-won, “dry,” private, 2,500-head field was the baby sister to prestigious—and conjointly private—Pepperdine University. My oldsters and that I was affected. however what I found once I started categories was that this school was creeping with exchange students who’d ne'er been to the U.S. before and therefore the entire campus—or a minimum of it appeared that way—were drunk, bed-hopping, class-ditching miscreants for whom university was primarily only 1 long break. In spite of the bacchanal that enclosed ME, which might cause you to assume that everything was hippie-happy in Kibbutz-land, I used to be discriminated against as a result of (1) I used to be not the faith the varsity was based upon, (2) I failed to carry on field, and (3) I used to be not a blue-eyed blonde. There. I said it. solely when I graduated did I understand actuality negative underbelly of attending there. several years into my career, I used to be promoted into management. The CEO’s secretary took ME into his workplace for Associate in Nursing introduction. She checked out my resume and created a face within the time unit before she unsuccessfully tried to cover it. “You went there for your degree?” She tried to smile. “Are you…religious?” affirmative, I did and no, I’m not.
She sighed with relief. I ne'er asked her why. however, it aghast ME into realizing that non-public doesn’t ever guarantee a sleek career path and may, in some cases, work against you. It may be your boss who visited a rival college or a peer’s ex-wife was Lutheran or Catholic or Portuguese or encompasses a nose piercing that somehow ties into your school and you become detested by association. You’ll in all probability ne'er grasp.
So, if you’re still curious a way to see if a school’s right for you, ask around. Don’t visit the advisors. They’re body counters. They’re used by the varsity and they’re waiting to retire. Audit some of the categories if you'll. Tell some students you’re interviewing them for a look project. Do no matter what you wrongfully will do to search out out what’s very happening on the field and why students love or hate their college. Then decipher what resonates with you. Is art your life? are you able to not live while not music? Literature? Math? Science? Then notice the faculties that support your interests Associate in Nursingd keep an open mind. And most of all, don’t judge! Public colleges don’t mechanically mean the scholar's square measure poor and missing several brain cells, even as personal colleges don't guarantee you’ll have a sleek path in life. Do your prep and do what’s right for you.
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kartiavelino · 6 years
At Least 13 People Killed (Including Gunman & Sheriff’s Deputy) in Mass Shooting at Bar in Thousand Oaks, California
A gunman opened fireplace on a number of folks at a rustic music bar in Thousand Oaks, California Wednesday night time (Nov. 7), killing at least 12 folks, together with a sheriff’s deputy, and injuring a number of others. The shooter was killed by deputies who arrived at the scene. The sheriff’s deputy who was fatally wounded was recognized as Ron Helus, a 29-year veteran of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Workplace. Police mentioned “at least 200 folks” have been contained in the Borderline Bar, which was internet hosting a “faculty nation night time” gathering for college students. Ventura County Sheriff’s Sergeant Eric Buschow instructed reporters on the scene there have been “a number of fatalities.” Captain Garo Kuredjian mentioned he couldn’t touch upon the standing of the victims, nonetheless, the variety of victims was anticipated to rise. Among the many victims was a Ventura County deputy sheriff, a doorman, a cashier and faculty college students. The lifeless physique of a suspected male sufferer was seen on KABC-TV helicopter video exterior the bar. Captain Kuredjian mentioned there was no fast menace to the general public and murder investigators are at the scene investigating. The gunman—reportedly dressed in all-black, carrying a trenchcoat, glasses, a baseball cap and a masks masking the underside a part of his face—opened fireplace at round 11:20 p.m. (2:20 a.m. ET Thursday). One officer was injured when he arrived at the scene with colleagues and “tried to neutralize the menace,” Capt. Kuredjian mentioned. One girl, who didn’t give her title, mentioned she was contained in the bar when she heard “lots of gunshots.” “We dropped once we heard the gunshots,” she instructed MSNBC. “I regarded behind me and there was a smoke bomb going off.” Witnesses mentioned the shooter fired at least 30 photographs from a pistol with prolonged mags and threw smoke grenades. One witness, a person named John Hedge, instructed ABC 7: “I used to be at the entrance door speaking to my stepdad. I simply began listening to these massive pops. Pop, pop, pop. There was in all probability three or 4 and I hit the bottom. I lookup and the safety guard was useless. Properly, I don’t need to say he was useless, however he was shot. He was down, and the [shooter] had a handgun. He threw in smoke grenades all over and he stored firing. I noticed him level to the again of the money register…and he simply stored firing. I ran out the entrance door.” KABC-TV interview with eyewitness whose stepson was inside Borderline bar. KABC stay protection: https://t.co/KRlguIpI2p pic.twitter.com/euvas754Ym — Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) November 8, 2018 Hedge’s stepfather, Tim, instructed the information station, “He fired the primary shot. I knew it was stay. I knew it was actual. My son thought it was a joke so I pulled him down and bought some cowl. I regarded up and he was transferring to the correct. He shot the entrance doorman, who was only a younger man. Then he shot the cashier, only a younger lady. Then he began transferring to the correct. He wasn’t trying at us. Then he went into the workplace, the place all of the money and stuff is. He didn’t say something at all. He simply began taking pictures.” “I assumed it was a joke when the photographs began firing. I do know folks there. I hope all people’s OK. I don’t know the way I didn’t get shot,” John Hedge instructed KABC. One other witness mentioned: “This maniac got here in. Threw in smoke to confuse folks and opened fireplace on the dance flooring. He’s taken many younger lives.” In accordance with information experiences, folks have been hiding from the shooter in loos and attic areas in the bar, whereas others who managed to flee the venue ran to close by fuel stations for medical assist. Some folks reportedly had to make use of chairs to interrupt home windows contained in the bar to flee. Mitchell Hunter, 19, of Simi Valley, has bloodied fingers after breaking a window with a chair to get out of Borderline after he heard photographs on the dancefloor. #Borderline #Borderlineshooting pic.twitter.com/x3MX1rkNDf — Jeremy Childs (@Jeremy_Childs) November 8, 2018 The Los Angeles Instances reported that one girl was in the entrance of the restaurant with greater than a dozen buddies when the gunman got here in and began taking pictures at the ceiling. She mentioned a pal threw her onto an out of doors balcony in order that she might escape. She mentioned she was afraid a few of her buddies have been nonetheless contained in the bar. From the scene: Witnesses console each other throughout the road from the Borderline Bar & Grill and discuss to regulation enforcement. pic.twitter.com/eVD8DbjNib — Los Angeles Instances (@latimes) November 8, 2018 Witnesses have mentioned that many individuals at the bar additionally attended the Route 91 nation music pageant in Las Vegas in October 2917, the place the worst mass taking pictures in fashionable U.S. historical past claimed the lives of 58 folks and injured 851 others. “Lots of people in the Route 91 scenario go right here,” 23-year-old Chandler Gunn instructed the L.A. Instances. “There’s people who stay an entire lifetime with out seeing this, after which there’s people who have seen it twice.” Carl Edgar, who got here to the scene after listening to concerning the taking pictures, instructed the Instances: “So far as I do know, all of my buddies are OK, secure. There are a number of folks we are able to’t come up with, however in these conditions folks often flip off their telephones to be secure so I’m not gonna get too frightened. Quite a lot of my buddies survived Route 91. In the event that they survived that they’ll survive this.” Captain Kuredjian mentioned it’s been some time since photographs have been fired in town. He mentioned the realm is secure and shootings are a really uncommon prevalence. The truth is, Enterprise Insider referred to as Thousand Oaks, which is about 40 miles west of Los Angeles, the third-safest metropolis to stay in in the USA. http://feeds.gossiponthis.com/~r/gossiponthis/~3/GVsHTnoQp4o/ The post At Least 13 People Killed (Including Gunman & Sheriff’s Deputy) in Mass Shooting at Bar in Thousand Oaks, California appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/11/at-least-13-people-killed-including-gunman-sheriffs-deputy-in-mass-shooting-at-bar-in-thousand-oaks-california.html
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