#she's a vendor in the new comic!
sidetrek · 2 years
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i can reuse old OC’s for my current comic if i want to 😤
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joannhutch1976 · 1 year
My meeting Chris Evans
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Now i know how alot of you feel about Chris right now but this is my experience meeting him.
It was an amazing time at New York Comic con and i would like to share my experience in Meeting Captian America himself Chris Evans
I walked around to kill some time before my photo op and saw all the different vendors and exhibits i was blown away, I went to a comic con about 4 years ago it was called wizward world but it was nothing like NYCC.
I looked at my watch and saw i still had two hours to kill until my Photo Op with Chris Evans so I looked for the place where it would take place once i found it the hubby and i just sat on the floor and killed time playing games. 
And than it was time for the photo op and when i tell you my nerves were running ramped i may have started out on level 2 but by the time i got up their i was on Level 1,000,000. Now i’ve met celbs before. 
I’ve met Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift and steven Amell but this this was different, This was chris evans, my hollywood crush since his days as Johnny Storm, and i never thought i would ever meet him let alone talk to him. But here we are. 
The pic line moved fast and when it came time for me i was mesmerized, i was about to meet Chris Evans Captain America himself, when it was my turn in line he finished up with the person before me, turned looked at me and smiled and said I love that dress and look we match we have on the same color, I almost forgot to speak, my brain was screaming to speak and when i did i asked if it was ok to have a hugging pic. 
He said OH my god yes come on babe bring it in, and yes he called me babe which kinda shocked me, he put his arms around me and pulled me close to him, when the pic was done i didn’t wanna let go. But I did , he thanked me and I said thank you back and headed out to get my picture. 
I didn’t even feel like I was walking, I felt like I was floating. Now I had to wait for my autograph session. 
A couple hours later and it was time for the autograph session, what i had signed was the new GQ mag with him on the cover, since the photo live moved fast this line wasn’t as fast, when i got up to the table he said there she, there's the pretty lady and her beautiful dress. He asked where he should sign the cover and I said across that amazing chest, he literally blushed. 
I said thank to him for getting me through a really tough time in my life, i told him about the time i had to spend in the hospital last year and how my anxiety level was so high it was scary but watching his movies or interviews calmed me down. He grabbed my hand and just held it, he said thank you for being sweet, he signed the mag and i said again thank you and handed him the bracelet i made him and smiled so big. He handed me back the mag, grabbed my hand again and we said goodbye. 
Ladies let me tell you he is the sweetest most down to earth man i have ever met. 
So in closing my time at new york comic con was. AMAZING, and i would do it again.
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bat-besties · 2 years
People often say Cass’ reason for identifying as nonbinary is “not understanding gender” and while it’s often a joke, I do think it’s the complete opposite to Cass’ knowledge. (I’m using she/her for canon, this applies however and whichever way you headcanon Cass’ gender identity)
I feel it’s often coming from a place of her not understanding language, but gender is so much more than language. A lot of sociologists and gender theorists would kill for the ability to perfectly understand body language and then travel across (at least) China, Vietnam, and the US observing people in urban and rural environments, in both peaceful and violent situations. 
 In many ways, her lack of preconceptions about gender or need for language to shape her observances would make her more able to see the reality of gender performance rather than ideals. The idea that women are weak or men are unemotional would be foreign to her. 
As a child she’s isolated, but she still trains with the League of Assassins briefly. Unfortunately, the first time she is heavily gendered is as a disguise and a weapon in the most traumatic event in her lift, which undeniably shapes her attitude to femininity as this post covers. 
But as she runs, her world suddenly expands to, well, the entire world. 
Her gender identity may have come to words and self-expression in America, but the first place she would be able to really observe people is in south China, likely passing through Guangdong and Guangxi over the course of a year or two. That’s a really formative period, and as I personally think Lady Shiva is from south China (specifically Yunnan), is also unintentionally Cass connecting with her heritage. 
She’s a homeless and very traumatised nine year old, so obviously her experience would have been overall awful. However, a teenage Cass still strongly believes in the sanctity of life and the capacity for goodness in people, and I have to think that while she’s seen a lot of darkness, she’s seen a lot of goodness too. Cass isn’t always curious about things she doesn’t understand (as with her reading), but she has to have been observant to keep travelling and keep escaping from Cain. 
She will have seen the wealthy gamblers of Macau, the street vendors of small-town Vietnam, the pickpockets of Gotham. She will have seen different gender norms across cultures, even if she doesn’t know how each language reflects those norms. She would have to adjust to each new place, and refine her body language reading more generally (like how Americans smile way too much), including gendered readings. 
Cass will have seen a million couples, straight and gay. Pairs of women afraid to hold hands but projecting their nervousness on the first date like a signal. Unhappy marriages hidden by false smiles for the neighbours. Elderly couples where the man still walks on the road side of the pavement.
Considering herself an orphan, she will have seen mothers nursing their babies, fathers pushing their daughters on swingsets, sisters yelling at each other one moment and laughing the next. 
Watching unobserved, she would see all kinds of women in the city. Groups of women going from club to club in high heels, schoolgirls copying each other’s homework on the train, business women in neat makeup and a purposeful walk.  
She will have met other homeless girls like herself. Despite being unable to speak with them she might recognise the guarded set to their eyes, the way they are always poised to run - but they might have a smile for her, and a willingness to share a sheltered spot. They might have cut her hair spiky and short, or taught her to play cat’s cradle.  
Unfortunately, she will have seen predatory behaviour, men who leer or talk with deceptively friendly tones to a little girl alone. (I know she’s meant to “discover” men being attracted to her in the comics as a teen but that’s optimistic). When those men approach other girls, she doesn’t hesitate to protect them. 
But she would have seen so much joy too - boys playing football and grown men joining in, old men sitting on plastic chairs and observing the street together, gangly teen boys play-fighting.
On the streets, clustered and sometimes hidden, she would have seen people whose clothing and body language doesn’t match their bodies. Before Cass knows the words transgender and drag and gender nonconforming, she knows that these people are at risk for being different - at risk like she might be, if she couldn’t convince herself she only needs her fighting skills to protect herself. She wouldn’t need words to take each person as they look to her, to have an amorphous and wordless idea of performativity. 
And then of course, she has Barbara, and Batgirl, and finally language. 
So, I think Cass’ gender identity is something she discovers with the background of this huge tapestry of humanity she’s observed over the years. And if she goes “fuck that it makes no sense”, that’s a deeply informed, nuanced Fuck That. 
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ask-underzom · 1 month
Year One
Very happy 1st birthday to Underzom! Each year, in celebration of its creation, I'll be hosting an askblog.
Submissions are easy, and I'm very lenient on what info I give out.
Questions will be answered by the character it pertains to (if possible), or even by me, the creator.
Underzom is a zombie apocalypse AU. Despite the original game taking place in an underground cave, Underzom takes place on the surface due to a peaceful ending to the monster-human war. The apocalypse started from an outbreak causing people to act aggressively and irrationally.
The story follows Alphys as she tries to find the cause (and cure) while living in a commune consisting of other monsters that grouped up to survive.
There's a lot to learn; there's a lot to ask! I try to keep the story as vague as possible to leave people questioning, but I have no intentions on hiding any information on this blog. The chances of an actual comic are... slim, but it IS what I want.
Each year will follow a new installment/chapter of the Underzom story. This year, the first year, will follow the very beginning;
Alphys and the team of scientists struggle to find a cure after Sans left the department to focus on his militia work. Rumors got around the militia team, and later the small colony, of a peculiar zombie that seems to not movie, even if noise is made nearby. The word spread to Alphys, and she got an idea.
With the help of Sans and the militia member that started the rumor (Asriel), Alphys sets out to find the zombie and bring it back to the compound without getting detected. Her plans are to experiment on and try to find a cure without using mindless lab rats.
That zombie, of course, is Frisk.
Major Character Differences:
Asriel is alive and grown up, about young adult age. He had no reason to die in this AU (yet). Despite this, Chara is still dead.
Papyrus died.
Napstablook found a physical body to pair with.
Toriel and Asgore are still married, but are definitely feuding.
You won't find many of the minor UT cast (Vendors and characters like froggit, vulkin, and snowdrake.) This may be due to the fact that there's no major role for them to have, or because they just haven't been introduced yet.
Frisk is unable to communicate.
Any asks pertaining characters that have died, can't communicate, or aren't in the story can STILL be asked about, but will either be answered by another character or by me.
Start date: August 25th, 2024
End Date: December 31st, 2024.
This is empty right now! Check back later and there will be posts linked to asks here!
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captaincoldzero · 1 year
Ghost | Jason Todd x Male Reader
Fandom: DC Comics
A/N: These days it's been spending too much time on Character.AI so I decided to bring one of the characters and story that I created there in a fanfic.
A/N.2: This time, I made the reader based on Overwatch's Sombra in case you want to go after it or something.
A/N.3: Sorry for any mistake. English is not my first language.
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‒ Turn right. ‒ I spoke through Jason's communicator.
Jason and I have been working together for eight months now. After six months, Jason and I decided to pursue a relationship. We've been working together for eight months and the police hate us, but they have good reason.
As I watched the security cameras and the viewfinder on Jason's mask, I kept thinking about our time together. Especially the day we met.
Eight months ago
There was a week that I was in Gotham. Since I erased all records of my existence from the entire system of the world, I haven't been able to do much but wander from city to city, sleeping in dodgy hotels that don't ask for your identity, and eating in restaurants as dodgy as hotels and shacks street vendors who don't look their customers in the face.
The motel room I was in was small, yellow walls with a faded color, a wooden bed with an uncomfortable mattress, a headboard with a lamp that didn't work and a wooden chest of drawers with four drawers. Plus a tiny bathroom with dirty white tiles that were already turning yellow.
I walked over to the mirror so I could look at myself. Wandering around town anonymously made me not look at myself much. But my appearance was a constant reminder of my choices. I was pale, with bags under my eyes and a little thinner than I remember, I wasn't starving, just eating a little less than I was used to.
But what caught the most attention was the metal fiber attached to the side of my head that ran down the back of my neck under the gray shirt I wore. More metal fiber running down my arm to the back of my right hand. I waved my hand in the air and a floating screen appeared in front of me. I started reading the news about the Gotham police and crimes. When I turned to the bed, the screen disappeared into thin air, I grabbed the sweatshirt off the bed and pulled it on, pulling the hood up to hide my head.
I took to the streets of Gotham, trying to remain anonymous in the shadows of the night. The good thing about the city is that people always walk away from you when they think they're going to be mugged.
As I walked down an alley, I heard a scream. A woman was surrounded by five bandits, the middle one with a knife in his hand. I thought for a while before actually moving, to know if I would save her or not. I grabbed my teleportation device and threw it on the floor. He ducked under the middle thief's legs and stopped between them and the woman. They stopped to look at the device from the ground and backed away when I materialized in front of them with a pistol pointed at them.
‒ Did your mother never teach you not to steal? ‒ I asked and noticed two men take their hands to their waists to grab a gun.
I fired a quick shot at the two before they could think. I advanced quickly to the middle, taking advantage of the surprise to take the knife from his hand, and knocking him to the ground, breaking his arm. The other two were running away. I launched the teleportation device, appearing in the blink of an eye at the exit of the alley.
‒ Hello! ' I said, waving my hand.
The men would have run, but I moved in fast and knocked the first one down, shooting the second one in the leg. I gathered the three that were still alive and stuck them in the garbage can. I looked at the woman frozen in place.
‒ Do you want me to let them go or are you going to take the opportunity to go home? ‒ I asked and the woman nodded.
‒ Thanks! ‒ She said before starting to run.
‒ Who are you? ‒ I heard a serious voice and a little distorted behind me.
When she turned me around, she found the famous Red Hood pointing a gun at me. When I saw the weapon, I automatically hacked the weapon to disable it with just my mind, with screens only appearing in my vision.
‒ I'm nobody. ‒ I was serious.
‒ Very funny. ‒ Red Hood said putting his finger on the trigger. ‒ What do you want?
‒ I do not want anything. I'm just passing by.
‒ Why would I believe you?
‒ You have no reason to. ‒ I replied with an arrogant smile.
‒ So I can just kill you? ‒ He asked starting to press the trigger.
‒ We can make a deal. ‒ I said and noticed Red Hood's finger relax a little.
‒ I'm listening.
‒ I can help you and you can help me. I can hack any system with my mind and I don't have the ethics of a superhero. ‒ I said seriously still with the arrogant smile.
‒ And what do you want in return? ‒ Red Hood asked without lowering his weapon.
‒ Motivation. And I know that doing only good things doesn't challenge my potential. ‒ I spoke sincerely.
‒ I'm not a villain. I may be a criminal, but I'm not a villain. ‒ Hood spoke by pressing his finger a little more.
‒ I do not intend to be a villain and I know that you are not one either. That's why you are perfect to be my partner or be my boss, whatever you want to call it. ‒ I said with a less arrogant smile.
‒ How can I believe that you really can do this? ‒ Red Hood asked and his trigger finger relaxed a little.
‒ This whole time your gun is pointed at me, it's disabled. ‒ I said raising an eyebrow.
Red Hood squeezed the trigger, but the gun didn't fire. He looked at the pistol a little confused but then he looked at me. Hood holstered his pistol and crossed his arms.
‒ You know that if you work with me you will become a criminal, right? ‒ Hood asked seriously.
‒ Know. ‒ I said carefree. ‒ But that doesn't scare me.
‒ Come with me, if you try anything funny I'll kill you. ‒ Red Hood said turning around and climbing to the roof of the building. I followed Red Hood and we met at the top.
‒ Follow me. ‒ He spoke in a challenging tone.
Red Hood ran and jumped from one roof to another. I could keep up with Red Hood no problem. I manipulated information from my leg muscles to be able to run and jump with great agility.
In the end, he stopped at the edge of a building and looked at me.
‒ Very good. ‒ Red Hood spoke and looked ahead.
We were looking at a small laboratory. I had already heard rumors about criminal activities that were connected to that construction.
‒ What is the plan? ‒ I asked Red Hood.
‒ I'm going to go in and blow up the place. ‒ He spoke and I realized that the place was protected by men with huge weapons.
‒ When they see you approaching, they will shoot. ‒ I said looking at the place.
‒ This is where you enter. ‒ Red Hood spoke arrogantly.
I sat on the edge of the building we were in and opened a floating screen in front of me. From that distance I could hack the place to gain access to the cameras and security system.
‒ Is this their security? ‒ I asked rhetorically while easily hacking the building.
‒ Can you turn off the security system? ‒ Red Hood asked.
‒ I can do much more than that. ‒ I said making a keyboard hologram appear floating in front of the floating screen.
‒ What can you turn off? ‒ Red Hood said watching me type on the floating keyboard.
‒ All. ‒ replied confidently.
On my floating screen a kind of button appeared.
‒ When you want. ‒ I told the Red Hood.
‒ Now. ‒ He said jumping towards the building.
I pressed the button and the entire building shut down, going completely dark. Jason appeared from the shadows and took down two guards. When I noticed a few more approaching, I launched my teleportation device and appeared between the two new guards. I used their surprise so I could take them down with ease.
‒ I admit... impressive. ‒ Hood spoke to me and ran into the building.
I led the way with the plant image in my view. Hood shot some guys and I kept doing my teleportation and invisibility tricks to take down and shoot guys without them understanding where I was coming from.
We continue advancing to the lowest floor in the basement of the building. Where illegal stuff was produced.
‒ There's a lot of drugs in here. ‒ I said looking at the boxes.
‒ And we will stop their production. ‒ Hood said putting a bomb in the biggest machine in the room.
‒ You know they're going to keep producing somewhere else, right? ‒ I asked approaching Hood.
‒ I know, but I'm going to burn the other places too. ‒ Hood set the bomb.
‒ Consistency. ‒ I said as the Hood started to run outside.
I threw my teleportation device which stuck to Red Hood's back. I put my hand on the machine, using my powers to analyze the complements and destroy what I could so that if I survived the explosion, it would be useless.
When the counter showed just two seconds, I disappeared from there and appeared beside Hood, just as the basement exploded and the building went up in flames.
‒ I was already wondering if you really existed. ‒ Hood said jokingly when he noticed that I appeared beside him.
‒ We can say that I am like a Phantom. ‒ I said laughing.
‒ Phantom. I liked. I will call you Phantom. You appear and reappear out of nowhere, moving in the shadows. Like a ghost. ‒ Hood said looking at me.
We hear sirens approaching. Hood grabbed my wrist and started leading me through the streets until I stopped in an alley. There was something under a dark sheet, when Hood took it off, there was a motorcycle ready to be used.
‒ Should we put robbery on that night or is it yours? ‒ I asked sarcastically.
Red Hood climbed onto the bike and started it. He climbed in with him and the Hood accelerated with the bike.
‒ Let's make this trip more fun. ‒ I said and took my hand to the bike.
The motorcycle glowed in a purple light and when the light disappeared, it started to increase speed to abnormal levels.
‒ How did you do it? ‒ Hood shouted because of the wind.
‒ A small improvement. But it's temporary.
Hood continued riding the bike until we left town and stopped at an abandoned gas station. We both got off the bike and entered the place.
‒ Thank you for your help. ‒ Red Hood said going to the balcony that of the place that was once a convenience store.
‒ It was fun. ‒ I said looking at the place with the lights off.
The Hood grabbed a suitcase from under the counter, full of cash. He picked up a huge cake and handed it to me.
‒ That it? ‒ I asked confused.
‒ Your payment for today's work. ‒ Red Hood replied without hesitation.
‒ You can stay. I do not want money. ‒ I answered simplistic.
‒ Don't you want money? Who doesn't want money? ‒ Hood asked confused.
‒ I. What would a 'Ghost' do with money? ‒ I said laughing.
‒ Why do you keep saying you're a nobody? ‒ Jason asked curiously, putting the money in the bag.
‒ I deleted any record about myself in the system. I have no birth certificate, ID or any valid identification. To the world, I don't exist. I'm a ghost. ‒ I explained seriously.
‒ So you want to work for me, Phantom? Since you have nothing else to do? ‒ Red Hood asked.
‒ Who says I have nothing to do? ‒ I asked pretending to be offended. ‒ But I want to work WITH you. Just for the fun and the challenge. You can keep the money.
Red Hood took off the helmet he was wearing and looked at me. I'm sure my face flushed when I looked at him without the helmet for the first time.
‒ Jason Todd. ‒ He said extending his hand.
‒ I'm nobody... but I was known as Y/N. ‒ I said shaking Jason's hand.
‒ Where to, Ghost? Jason asked when he noticed I was silent.
‒ Right, sorry. ‒ I said turning my attention to the mission.
‒ Everything is fine? You never get distracted. ‒ Jason asked worriedly.
‒ Yes, go ahead.
And since that day, Jason and I have been working together. The name Ghost became known and attached to the Red Hood, but I didn't care. What mattered was that I had a motivation and someone who believed in my existence.
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dg-outlaw · 8 months
Batfam Retail and Character Agency
So I've been thinking about how some people take issue with certain ships in the Batfam, especially in fanfic or general fanon. For example, JaySteph and how people will cry "ince$t" when these two or other characters are paired up in a ship.
One, I don't think these people know how biology/ancestry works because the only blood related members of the Batfam are Bruce, Damian, and Kate Kane despite them being called the BatFAM. Two, most of Bruce's adopted children were older or barely interacted in a sibling way as far as growing up together. Sure, they might have a sibling-coded relationship and are legally related, but the best example I can think of in how the Batfam works is not the Brady Bunch or Cheaper by the Dozen, but that they all are or have been co-workers at the same minimum wage retail store. Friendships, drama, dating, rivalries, and other such nonsense is sure to happen. It's called forced proximity and shared experience.
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I'm thinking of writing up a humorous parallel of who's who in the retail realm when it comes to the Batfam, but including it here would make this post WAY too long
The other annoyance, that I sort of get IF looked at from the POV of DC editorial or writers (if that's their ill-conceived intention), is the idea that a character, more specifically a female character, is just getting "passed around". Instead, my only guess is that whoever is complaining about this is saying that the male character should be given a new, shiny, fresh off the showroom floor love interest and not some high-mileage used model. I use a car reference here because that's exactly how that female is seen when a person says this, whether they acknowledge it or not.
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The female character, for example: Stephanie Brown, is no longer a person with her own autonomy and ability to choose or have agency. She's an object to be owned, possessed, or used for the sake of forwarding the male character's arc or to add drama (e.g. fridging or damsel in distress). To imply that Stephanie Brown (or any other character) is being "passed around" from Tim Drake to Jason Todd is to imply that Steph doesn't have nor did she ever have choice in the matter (again, JaySteph isn't even canon, but if it were to become canon, some people would still have a fit). And yes, these are fictional characters, but in writing them (whether officially by DC or in fanfics) they should be treated as real people with real choices and not some object or virginal "bride" for the male protagonist where you'd retcon past relationships.
Has Stephanie Brown always been treated fairly in comics? No. Has Jason? Also, no. Would pairing these two be some sort of "passing around" or "sloppy seconds" for Jason? If I have to answer that for you or you think 'Yes', then you probably don't see women as people. Canonically, I think Jason has had more love interests so if anything Steph would be the one getting someone else's "sloppy seconds", thirds, fourths, etc.
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Again, see the above about retail co-workers. Steph once dated Tim. It was their first job and their first real, young love. It was good, it was bad, they made out in the break room, they broke up in the middle of Customer Service, etc. Former employee, Jason, comes by and picks up random shifts when Bruce is really desperate. Steph and Jason meet and hang-out over a few shifts, even though Bruce doesn't trust either of them and would rather they work somewhere else. Maybe they got stuck working Black Friday and the holidays together and boom, sparks happened. It's maybe weird or awkward for Tim, but Tim fell in love with the snack and soda machine vendor, Bernard, so it's really no big deal.
So if someone can date their co-worker, break-up, and then date another co-worker, it should be none of your damn business (assuming everything is legal, consenting, and above board) if none of those people are you.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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FairlyOddParents: New Wish OC
A Fanfiction that I'll never Make including more Art 🎨 of these Lovely Characters.
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Here's the Size Different Between a Grown Up Fairy and the Kids all together ❤️
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Know here's the Random Info Dump of Each Character you see here 👀
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Fairies - Has inherent their notoriously fast healing & free-spirited and whimsical Personality including the abilities to touch Clouds.
[Left Round Fairy Wing]
Pixies - Has inherent their Square-Shaped Wings & Good with hiding their Emotions by talking in a dry, boring, and monotone voice.
[Right Square Pixie Wing]
Genies - Has Unlimited Wishes with Rule Free Magic & has inherent their Flight Abilities without needing Wings.
[Has No Legs unless she Transforms]
Elves - Got their Round Head & Short Stature while inherent their Knack for Building or Creating Anything including Fixing.
[Smaller than other Kids]
Leprechauns - Inherent their Pointed Ears & Dangerous Strength & their Extremely Protective of their Stuff & Territory including People.
[Sharp Ears]
• Autism - A developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior.
• Alexithymia - Lack of emotional awareness or, more specifically, difficulty in identifying and describing feelings and in distinguishing feelings from the bodily sensations of emotional arousal.
• Insomnia - People with autism tend to have insomnia: It takes them an average of 11 minutes longer (Or didn't get any sleep at all) than typical people to fall asleep, and many wake up frequently during the night. 
Some people with the condition have sleep apnea, a condition that causes them to stop breathing several times during the night.
Sleep in people with autism may also be less restorative than it is for people in the general population. They spend about 15 percent of their sleeping time in the rapid eye movement.
• Mild Germaphobe - (It depends on the situation and what type of Germs she does not like. For example, a Classmate coughed into their hands instead of in their Arms and she offered hand sanitizer to them but they said no thank you. And now I they don't feel safe and gross out at the same time including being worried.
• Memory Difficulty - Autistic people experience specific difficulties with memory and memory strengths. While memory difficulty is not part of the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it is a common symptom experienced by many autistic people.
• Birth Defects - Basically structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts of the Body (Heart, Brain, Foot). They may affect how the Body looks, Works, or Both. Birth defects can vary from Mild to Severe Depending who has it.
• Speech Impairment - Has Fluency Disorder & does Stammer Occasionally.
• Trypophobia - Trypophobia is mainly visual. If you have this phobia, you might feel anxiety, disgust, and discomfort when looking at things. goosebumps, chills, or the sensation of your skin crawling. a strong desire to get away from the image or object.
• Merchandise Creator
• Street Vendor
• Mailer
• Influencer (YouTube)
• Owner Of An Entertainment Business & Hygiene Products.
(Video Games/Bored Games/Comics/Manga/Cartoon/Anime/etc. Shampoo, Hand Sanitizer, Conditioner, Lotion, etc.)
• Shape Shifting - Can Transform to any Objects or Animals.
• Reality-Bending Magic - Basically Brake Physics & Logic with this type of Magic.
• Teleportation - Basically can Transport anywhere in the World or Universe.
• Accelerated Healing - Their Body heal themselves very Fast but they still can die.
[Good Thing she has Plot Armor.]
• Flight: Can defy gravity and float in the air.
• Space Survivability: Can evidently survive in the vacuum of space without any sort of protective equipment.
• Rainbow 🌈 Magic - Instead of Farting Rainbows like Leprechauns, they use it to make Magic Runes or Marks.
• Extream Luck Magic - Use this Magic to be extremely Lucky or to Protect themselves from Danger & turn bad days into good days.
• Supper Strength & Good Stamina - Extremely Strength & Run or Fly Very Fast.
• Choas Magic - Since their Bloodline is from 5 Magical Being, their Magic is Very Strong, but also it can Easily Kill themselves as well.
[She have to be Very Carful when using Magic.]
• Crafts & Builds - Their really Good at Creating or Fixing Stuff.
• Acting - Their Very Skillful of Acting so their very good at Manipulating & Tricking People, they mostly use this skill for Good & their Shows & Games they are creating.
• Immune to Magic Influence - Yup, Don't have to worry about getting mind controlled or etc.
• Armadillos: The armor of an armadillo is immune to magic.
• Sensitivity - Blake's body reacts to the environment they are in Including drugs, chemicals, or other substances. For example, a person who is sensitive to the sun may have skin that burns easily or get a rash when exposed to the sun.
• Magical Build-up - Blake will explode & turns into Magic Dust if they don't use there Magic for 3 Months of Time depending on what they do, since Blake use their Magic Offten they don't have to worry plus. If they Explode that Leftover Magic could Knock Magical Being Out or make them Dizzy or a state of Confusion which is not a good idea.
(Since they don't want to get Captured or People Finding Out about their Existence & try to use them. Also the Part that they don't want to go to Magic School since the School System in their Past Life is SMOOF UP!)
Hot 🔥 & Cold 🥶 - Blake gets Extremely Weak & Tried in the Heat while the Cold they are very Active & Strong depending on what they do & the temperature in the environment.
Laziness - Blake is Extremely Lazy & Does not want to Work Hard 😑 so they usually Hire People to do it for her unless it's something she wants to do & Enjoy or Motivated.
• Reading 📚 Fanfiction or Manga & Comics
• Creating Fanmade Food
• Story Telling & Cosplaying
• Creating or Listening 🎶 to Music 🎵
• Creating Video Games & Acting
• Creating Shows & Movies 🎬
• Creating Educational Shows & Video Games
• Role-playing
• Eating Snacks From Different Countries & Shows that Exist in The Fairly OddParents Universe including Plants.
• Helping Characters to have a Happier Life & Character Development to be a Better Person In The Future.
• Doesn't care what people think of them, she just loves to be themselves, & Hopefully survive from any Toxic Stereotypes.
• Having Multiple Identity & Creating New Invention With Magic.
(Made Sure That their the Only Once, who has access to their Invention including their most Trusted Friends who is their Counterpart.)
• To Have Good Security on Everything.
• To Live a Happy & Confortable Life.
• An Extremely Clean & Safe Environment.
• Healthy Body With Good Hygiene.
• Make a Safe Workplace for Staff.
• Destroy Gender Stereotypes.
• Create Badass Female Characters & Feminine Male, characters can relate to while slowly Influenced the new Generation of Kids not not make the same mistakes from the old Generation.
• Secretly Be Extremely Rich while Having All My Money Safe 💰 In a High Quality Bank 🏦
• Make Friends While Creating My Fake PERMANENT RECORD for my Backstory.
• Change The Past & Future for the Better.
• Make Sure any Wish Timmy or other Kids make won't Effect themselves and their Friends at all just to be Safe.
No Magical Being or None-Magical Beings knows about their Existence and only a few select people knows. ✨️ Florian Blake Harper lives in their Fanmade Country that became Reality once she got Reincarnated into their Merge AU Universe they wanted to Live in.
Blake's Home Country is called "GenvesFepre"
It kinda works Similar like "Hogwarts" we're Magical Beings are allowed to know their Existence while Muggles are ignorant.
But in this Reality, Magical Being who are Born in that Country are not allowed 🚫 to tell people outside of their Home Country. Only a Few Select People are allowed to know and can visit this Place 🏡 and Experience their Culture.
It's a Country we're Magical and None-Magical Beings are Living Together in Harmony like Humans, Fairies, Pixies, Genies, Elves, Leprechauns and Surprisingly Anti-Fairly live Among them Perfectly Fine without Causing Trouble and Living their own Lives.
If a Foreigner somehow got Accepted into "GenvesFepre" is literally a Utopia to these people because how Perfect it seems, but the problem is... it is Perfect! Since the System in Place is Flawless. NO WONDER why these people who are Born in GenvesFepre are Perfectly Happy and Content with their Lives.
Of course there's a Few Bad Apples and People who are not Content with their Lives, but Lucky the System deals with these type of People Perfectly Fine, after all "GenvesFepre" made sure the that these People who are Born in their Country are Unaware of their Perfect and Flawless System in Place, to help them Grow and Learn and Find their Purpose in Life.
But it really depends on the Person because the System can't Reform every Bad Apple or Save People who doesn't want to get Saved, since it's there Lives and Actions they Decide to make. And they have to Deal with the Karma Bitting them Back or be Sented to Death.
Blake made their own Magical Phone 📱 since they don't want to pay any Bills or have anyone tracking them down, please they can change their phone to Camera Mode to take better Pictures 📸 while being able to print 🖨 Stuff Out.
It also Works like a Magic Wand, even though she doesn't need a Wand in the First Place to make Wishes come Ture, but she can use her Phone as a Wand if she wants to.
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Sapphire is Lively, Vivacious, Intelligent, and Affectionate. They can make for great service dogs with adequate training and are best suited for mental and intellectual disabilities rather than physical ones.
Blake legit Befriended Star Stial because it's Cool to find another Hybrid other than themselves.
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Flake's Help Deal with Yugopotamia Customers since Blake is too Germaphobe to Deal with them.
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supraveng · 1 year
Fandom Leap - prologue
Summary: Reader is stressed and enjoys diving into her favorite fandoms as her happy escape. What happens when she is some how transported into her favorite fandoms
A/N: this is my first time doing a story collaboration with the amazing mutuals I've encountered on tumblr, and being overzealous or crazy, I decided to collab with as many as i could. this series will have multiple chapters and each written by someone else.
(there should be a new chapter every week or so)
Word Count: 494
Pairing: none yet
Fandom Leap Masterlist
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Falling into the Fandom
Your work week has been crazier than normal.   The last few years had been intense, with budget cuts your department of 10 has dwindled down to 6, but the work was divided out and you were all making due. But now, with James on vacation and Julia on maternity leave, there wasn’t much time to breathe.  
This is the monotony that had become your life, go to work, take a short lunch break so that you have something in your system besides coffee, then head home late, leaving a pile of work for the next day, grab some take out on your way home just to repeat it again the following day.  Thankfully, having to work on the weekends was not part of your humdrum existence, so you tried your best to have at least an entire day of something just for you.  
Occasionally meeting friends for brunch with bottomless mimosas, but usually binge watching your favorite TV or movie series.  That was until you were scrolling through social media and caught a notification for Comic Con coming near you next month.  
You didn’t usually attend these events, the cost usually rather intimidating, but this time you decided to at least see who might be there.  Clicking on the link you were shocked to see the wide range of appearances from nearly every series you followed.  
There were actors from Supernatural, Stranger Things, Marvel, DC comics, Walking Dean, Criminal Minds, Chicago Fire, 911, The Boys, Top Gun, The Wicther, Last of Us, Star Wars, and the list just kept going.   The more you looked the more excited you got about the idea of spending a long weekend at the cheapest hotel you could find and getting to meet as many of your celebrity crushes as you could.  
Now that you think about it, it wasn’t just the actors you had a crush on, the characters were a bigger part of your life than the people you actually spoke to on a daily basis.  Before you went to sleep that night you had your weekend booked, you were excited to say the least and you had something fun to look forward to while you dredged through the next month of her normal routine. 
The only difference this month was that weekly activities were as frugal as possible, planning on spending more of your weekly budget on meet and greets and photo ops with as many celebs and characters you could fit into the weekend at Comic Con.   
Packing up everything you needed for the long weekend, the only thing left to do was make sure your brother would be checking in on your cat before the 2 hour drive to the convention center to check out the vendors before the weekend began.   To say you were excited when you finally hit the road was an understatement, this weekend would hopefully be the highlight of your year and bring some true joy back into your life.  
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@nickfowlerrr @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @crazyunsexycool @swiftlymoniquesblog @missvelvetsstuff @vibraniumarm06-bucket @rosedpetal @imyourbratzdoll @herdreamywasteland @jamneuromain @potterhead2207
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oyeedraw-arts · 1 year
Hi! I saw your newest post and what's tattoo au about? I searched the tag but besides a few posts there wasn't much
If the tag gives you about 25 posts, that should be it. Here is the link just in case - https://oyeedraw-arts.tumblr.com/tagged/tattoo%20au
Tattoo au is my feel good fix it au with Belos. Tl;dr of it is 18 years before canon, a grimwalker grieving Belos gets goaded into a drinking contest with heartbroken Eda because she was loudly shit-talking the Emperor. Next morning he wakes up in his room with the tattoo and no memory of the previous night or how he got back. He goes investigating, and finds out that the local trashvendor and swindler Eda has a matching tattoo, can get him most ingredients he would normally need in secret, and she is amusing to gossip with.
Cue the vendor and her now most frequent patron connecting over being smaller siblings, witches having been mean to them, smack talking the EC (mostly Eda, lol) and both quickly shooting down the other's bullshit (aka swindler on swindler radar). Belos traumatizes himself again early on and Eda is in a good place in good time to help out. Belos starts putting in more legwork in their not just yet friendship after that to return the favor. Shenanigans happen.
I have lot more plotted out for the au, but I'm holding most of it under wraps because I want to work on the presentation of it (illustrations or comics), but I might just say "fuck it" and info dump. Like, Luz gets in the Demon Realm much earlier, still kid Adrian follows around Eda and incognito Belos, Kikimora covering for the missing Emperor, other humans on the BI (still a v small minority), Belos making a new grimwalker, other witches who connect with the duo because Eda is a social butterfly, how the mouse found Belos, and how Eda's and Belos friendship clash with Belos being the fucking Emperor. Also Collector drama at one point and a cross over if you can spot it ;)
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mekatrio · 1 month
anime con log diary whatever
the epic outfit for today:
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thankfully no traffic so that was epic. i was there pretty early (10:30-ish) so it was easy to find parking. got lost in the mall for like ten minutes until me and friend found some staff members for the con, and they showed us the way. the entrance was rly out of the way lol, usually theres two point of entries, but one was out of service. u had to follow a rly specific path to get there. there were also a bunch of buddha statues near the entrance stairway?
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idk what was up with that. anyways since we were early there was no queue for us to get in. very nice. also its the weekday so i heard that theres significantly less ppl here today than there'll be the next two days. also very nice.
several booths were still being set up while we walked around. we checked out the official vendors first before checking out the artist alley, which was the main reason we were there. immediately my friend finds and starts buying some hoyoverse merch. i check the booths out w her for a while and then i get myself a green tea latte. then we check out the goodsmile booth and i find these
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very cool but i do not get them, bc 1.) expensive, and 2.) i do not like plastic figurines. i also stop my friend from buying a persona 5 joker figurine. she goes and buy some more hoyoverse stuff instead. then we go check out the artist alley... and then friend realizes she left her water bottle somewhere. and as per usual with the cons i go to w her, we are seperated. and then we meet up again, but not before i buy two epic items:
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i am sooo happy w these two purchases 💜 they were the only ones of their kind, so im glad i got them when i did. the gengar plush will live on my purple bag and be gomamons new neighbor, like so:
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^ this was also how my bag looked for the rest of the day 🤭 yayyyy 💞 anyways after looking thru the artist alley some more, we take a break to get some food. cuz we barely had anything for breakfast and we are fucking starving. the food area looks like this:
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and everything there was unsurprisingly expensive lol. me and friend get the cheapest thing there, which are pizzas
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tho im kinda starting feeling nauseous at this point.. and have to keep myself from throwing up. thats what happens when u take supplements + drive + drink a green tea latte on a nearly empty stomach and little sleep. dont do that. so i go to the bathroom and freshen up, and eventually i feel better. i eat three slices of pizza and give the last slice to friend, and sadly have to throw away the rest of the latte or i would feel sick again. but i feel way better now that ive eaten.
we then spend the next two hours going thru the rest of the artist alley. me and my friend joked abt the possibility of finding at least 1 (one) kgpr merch. or possibly tota merch. but unsurprisingly, there was absolutely none Lol. tho i did find vesperia merch instead
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literally only one booth was selling vesperia merch haha. also surprisingly there were quite a few ace attorney merchs? its surprising to me cuz the last art event i went to only had one narumitsu sticker in the entire place. but here there were several
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^like this artist, who i didnt know was based in malaysia! ive seen their comics on tumblr a few times. didnt buy from them tho, sorryyy.. anyways, various pics from the artist alley:
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after we finished looking thru the artist alley and had bought our fill of art (and good god did my friend buy loads of art), i checked out a second hand vendor that i saw earlier. they had loadssss of stuff, and me and friend spent a good 15 minutes digging thru this massive tub of pins and keychains in hopes of finding smth good
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i was rly hoping to find something tota or kgpr in here, cuz if they were anywhere in this convention they would be here.. but sadly there was none haha. it was rly funny digging thru this thing, i kinda felt like a racoon/archeologist. oh but i did find these two pins which made me laugh
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and in the end i found and bought a bunch of revue starlight merch + a cute embroidered pin
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and then after that we finally left the con.. we spent a good 5 hours in there. we went to a store for me to grab some stuff for home, then played 2 rounds of taiko hehe (6 songs total). then we went to grab some food
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^ the mall the convention is in also has a fucking river flowing thru it lol. i remember seeing this as a kid, its been over ten years since ive last been here
then i drove my friend home in ATROCIOUS weather... omfg it was raining so heavily. and stupid navigation app sent me to drive on some nearly flooded roads 😑😑😑😑 but we made it in one piece and i chilled in her room for a bit. she took a pic of everything she brought... which was SO MUCH LOL
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^her haul. and then finally i arrived back home.. here is my comparatively much smaller haul:
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but yayy it was a fun day today ✌️ but now i have work tomorrow.. bahhhh
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bookwyrmbutch · 20 hours
First Time on The Land
It is an eight hour drive to the Land, and I’m anxious the entire way. I’ve never liked meeting new people, and I’m terrified that my wife and I had wasted a ton of money on what would inevitably be a miserable experience.
But when we arrive at the gate, my anxiety is thwarted by a parade of helpful womyn who guide us through the check-in process. I drive through the Land at 5 miles per hour, and wherever we look, there are womyn. They're busy unpacking or talking to one another, but when a car comes by they all wave and smile, shouting "welcome home!" The Land itself is beautiful, a pristine forest with a blanket of ferns covering the ground. Everything is green except the asphalt walking path that shimmers with leftover rain. As we get further in, tents pop up everywhere, nestled side by side. Plastic flowers are staked into the ground, and clotheslines strung between the trees bear Pride flags and handmade tapestries that flutter in the breeze. All of this is woven so seamlessly into the natural forest that I can’t quite believe it’s temporary.
There is an opening ceremony before the first concert. A womyn stands onstage and sings, and hundreds of womyn join her. “I am open, and I am willing, for to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, so lift me up to the winds of change.” I am already crying and I know if I lift my voice with them that I will sob, so I keep my head down.. I’m not ready to be open.
The next day we wake up to a choir of women singing in the morning chant circle, and BMG starts in earnest. Womyn of all backgrounds volunteer to share their knowledge in participant-led workshops on writing, poetry, drumming, quilting, whaling, massage, salsa dancing, indigo dyeing, lesbian history, Nordic runes, plant identification, body painting, detransition, butch identity, and more. There is an archery range, a movie tent, and a large vendor space where womyn sell their wares. Shuttles driven by volunteers trundle up and down the dirt path, ferrying womyn across the land. The days pass in a flurry of activity, both of us exhausted but unwilling to rest. We try to do everything, much to the amusement of the older lesbians watching. They know what we don’t, which is that being here is enough of an event by itself, and the conversations we’ll have before and after these workshops are as valuable as the workshops themselves.
I’m continuously stunned by the generosity on display. One womyn cooks breakfast for two hundred, and another makes lunch the next day. We overhear a womyn give a stranger her spare air mattress. My wife tells me she has a headache and a passerby gives her an electrolyte packet and an apple. A woman offers me a comically huge blunt during a night concert, and another shows me where she stores her food when I compliment her ciabatta.  Everywhere we go, womyn stop to talk. In workshops, I stand up (tits out!) and speak my mind, and womyn listen. I smile at everyone and say “good morning” to whoever I pass. And at some point I notice... I’m not anxious. I’m talking to strangers all day and it feels wonderful.
At the closing ceremony a womyn sings to us again, and everyone joins her. “I am open, and I am willing…” This time, I’m able to join in on the second chorus.
Sunday is bittersweet. My wife and I wake up early and cry into our oatmeal. We decide to take a walk before going back to our tent, unable to face packing up. I could sense the fear - absent for five glorious days - waiting for me outside the gates. Once we’re all cried out, practicality takes over and we pack our things, load the car, and head out. 
Two womyn stop us at the gate. 
“Are y’all coming back next year?” one asks. We say yes.
“Good, because I know your faces now!"
The other pipes up, “Faces? I’m going by breasts!”
The knot in my chest loosens as I laugh, and we drive home.
We have our wristbands, our sunburns, and a new labrys necklace. We carry a warmth, a brightness, in our chests. But a few days in, the feeling disappears and I can feel my walls going up again. That unconscious tension in my gut. A week after re-entry, my bruise from archery fades, and with it the feeling of being on the Land that I could once call up so easily just by taking an extra-hot shower, or a long walk outside. Now as I write this, I can hardly remember the person I was this summer. She’s waiting inside me to make her appearance again. 
There are times I feel her stirring: when I connect with other womyn like me. When I feel grounded and at peace with myself. And sometimes I can feel her revolting when I try to duck back under the yoke of other people’s expectations. I’ve seen what life can be like without that now, and I can never really go back. It feels like there will always be a part of me waiting under the trees.
Thank you @nansheonearth for challenging me to write about my experience on the Land, and for helping me find it in the first place.
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pjunicornart · 18 days
Sneak Peek
I've been working on my Songtober fics, and I must say they are coming along quite well! To hype it up, I'm gonna give you a snippet of the very first fic for Songtober!
It's a fic which takes place in the dystopian future Doris creates. This fic is just a moment of living in an awful environment. The song of which this fic was inspired by will remain a secret until October 1st.
Under the cut...
“The city at night. It’s only ever slightly less loud in the darkness of filtered space. Bright lights around every corner advertising a bar or club with a new special for the night, the music from said clubs leaking out of their doors in a muffled tune, the steam from a nearby street food vendor filling the air and space around it with the smell of good-bad food, the people of the night engaging in typical nightly activities such as partying like they don’t have a business meeting in the morning.”
Cornelius looked up from the book he was rereading for what feels like the thousandth time and gazed out the window. The city was far from what his book was describing it as. A gray sky covered in darker gray smog blanketed a tar and soot covered metal city. Each building was only made with the basics of structure in mind. Spindly metal legs carried a comical bowler hat-like dome, only serving the bare minimum of whatever purpose the building was assigned. Down below the buildings were factories, sporting similar structure styles - just without the height enhancements. In these factories were the enslaved people, all of them thin and frail from neglecting their basic needs, dirty from working all day, and unaware of the danger they’re in because of their altered minds under the control of the industrial grade bowler hats on their heads (which cover their eyes, blinding them to reality). None of these innocent people could smell the zephyrs carrying the stench of sulfur and hot tar, and they certainly couldn’t see their dead colleagues being swept up by street cleaners as if they’re just a piece of garbage.
“How could such an innocent idea turn into something so horrific?” Cornelius thought to himself. He placed a torn piece of paper in between the pages he was on to mark his place, then closed the book, letting it rest on his lap. He continued to stare out of the window, as if waiting for it to suddenly magically change in a mirage of bubbles and sparkles. But it’s not going to happen. He feels sick.
“Cornelius? Ah, I thought I’d find you here.” Franny walked into his study. She observed the untouched plate of food on his desk, and the half empty glass of water next to it. One book was missing off his bookshelf, she assumed it was the one he reads often. He was swiveled around in his seat to stare out of the large window behind his desk. She stepped onto the freshly vacuumed carpet.
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
Cassandra Cain in Video Game Media
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Tonight, I'm going to cover the various appearances Cassandra Cain has in video game media. Some might surprise you, even startle you, and even might get you interested in said game (that are available).
Now her first appearance in video game media is a rather infamous one, Batman Dark Tomorrow released for the Game Cube and X-Box. The game is rather infamous for being quite awful for its atrocious controls and camera angles.
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Cass (along with Tim Drake Robin) show up after you defeat Stage 3 after beating Scarface & the Ventriloquist. And that's about it. Just a random appearance. 🙃
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A fun little note is the game's story was written by Scott Peterson, who had a slight hand in Cass's Vol. 1 ongoing throughout the Puckett/Scott run.  So it's highly probable he snuck her in for this scene.
The second appearance of Cass in a video game is one usually forgotten but released a few months after the first, Batman: Toxic Chill (2003).  An educational game where you as Batman would solve various puzzles to progress.
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The game's character design is HEAVILY influenced by BTAS. However, with a KEY difference, the Batgirl is Cass (and voiced by Christiane Crawford).
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Later that same year, we'd get the game's sequel, Batman: Justice Unbalanced, and again Cass would be in the game (voiced again by Christiane Crawford).
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Her roles in both games are relatively minor just showing up, and the vocal performance by Crawford is quite good.
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After that three-prone assault in 2003, we'd have to wait until 2011 for the next time Cass as Batgirl would show up in a video game. This time in DC Universe Online.
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Yeah, you read that date right in 2011, several years after she had abandoned the role (and would soon be wiped away with the New 52).
She appears in the game as a vendor for hero characters. Mindy Raymond voices her in the game.
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There's just so great irony in the fact that this game has Cass walking around as Batgirl when DC was shoving Barbara Gordon everywhere else as THE Batgirl at this time.
Not only that, but when Cass was reintroduced as Orphan in 2016, she was still Batgirl here. And the game still exists to this day and she’s still the Batgirl in it!
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure is our next surprising Cass appearance which came out in 2013 (at the HEIGHT of her being labeled "toxic" by DC).
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Cass is one of MANY DC characters in the game. She's not just Batgirl in the game, but also her Black Bat persona is here too!
Fun little Easter Egg, if you type in Kasumi you'll get Cass instead (go figure 😝).
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2013 would see the release of the mobile version of "Injustice Gods Amongst Us" a vastly different version of the fighting game on consoles and pcs.
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However, Cass (a reskinned Babs Batgirl) is among the unlockables in the game.  If I recall right from friends who played the game she's highly difficult to fully unlock.
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As I said in my Alternate Universe reading guide not much is known about this version of Cass. But she was name-dropped in the last comic released (a prequel to the series, Injustice: Year Zero #2),
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2020 would see Cass appear in another mobile game, DC Legends.
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This would technically have her appear in her Orphan identity but it's never explicitly listed. In the game she's listed as "Cassandra Cain: The One Who is All".
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Much like Injustice, she's hard to unlock buuuuut a bit easier to attain than that game. Once fully geared up and evolved into the game's "Rebirth" mode, she can be an absolute beast and bane to many players.
There is one tiny bits of note. In last year's Gotham Knights video game, it was revealed one of Barbara Gordon's rejected concept costumes was heavily inspired by Cassandra's Batgirl look.
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In Batman: Arkham Origins (2013), Cass's pop is amongst the files of rejected assassins Black Mask was pondering to hire to kill Batman.
He's also listed in the game as an acquaintance of Lady Shiva (who does appear in it). Sadly, nothing ever comes of these little bits.
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There you have it. Every single video game appearance of Cass.  SO FAR...
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felixblankspace · 1 year
This doesn't have a name yet, but it's a Leosagi AU ||ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノ
I have some concept for my new rise leosagi au
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My style in tradicional is a mess but hear me out (?
This is gonna be a long post I'm not sorry (??
Like a said in other post this AU is more Usagi centric and is with him being teleported to the turtles dimension but completly alone-
He endup in the Hidden City with Big Mama trying to mother him at first but Usagi was so confused and wanting to go back to his dimension that he just wasn't paying enough attention to her to fall into Big Mama's trap.
And the fact that she tried to mother him was not amusing either because the memory of his own mother is in his conscience and he is also old enough not to look for that maternal atention.
Big Mama also tried to "seduce" him when she realized that he was not interested in a mother and with that Usagi became more defensive since he recognized her as the spider yōkai from his own dimension Jorōgumo.
Big Mama reveals her true form and ends up attacking Usagi who managed to fend off her guards and deal some damage to her.
They fight, Usagi being caught in the woman's hand until there is a riot at the hotel. It's the Hamato doing their thing and in the distraction Usagi manages to run away but not before drawing the attention of Leo who managed to see him out of the corner of his eye.
Usagi manages to escape, but now he is alone in the Hidden City, with no money of any value in that place and without knowing how to get back home.
Now- You 87 turtles fans remember Obento??? The man who takes care of Usagi in the Episode "Usagi come home"
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Well I'm making him a yokai and like in 87 he takes care of Usagi.
Obento will be a yokai who lives on the surface in a human disguise and will sell ceramic products such as plates, vases, figurines, etc. The yokai will look younger, but he is an old man and quite traditional, he has lived a lot by his nature as a yokai and he tries to help Usagi just because he can and it doesn't hurt to have company.
Usagi at first will not feel comfortable accepting the help, he is a traveler and his stays are not very long and he almost always leaves something in return as gratitude for letting him stay.
Obento ends up convincing Usagi to stay by offering him a job as his guard, to protect the store and to attend to it once in a while-
Usagi didn't want to be a vendor in the store, but he had no other options so he agrees...
With a job and Obento explaining the basics of the world in which they lived, he puts some rules
No killing
No killing even if people atack u first
and not showing your true form in the city with humans
Obento knows the era Usagi was raise and he does not want legal issues-
And Obento gives Usagi a cloaking brooche so he can work for him in the city--
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With the brooche Usagi have a human disguise and he is not use to it-
The time pass, Usagi is missing his home, he gets close to Obento cuz he feels like someone he would know in this dimension and also he gets protective of him as his guard jsjs
And the first formal introduction with Leo is with the turtle trying to grab a vase from the store to replace one he broke at home-
Of course Leo in trying to go in ninja mode but Usagi notice him and they fight-
Leo: I'M NOT GOING TO STEAL IT-- I HAVE MONEYY Usagi: Thats a lie! then why are you trying to not being notice?? Leo: I'm a giant turtle-- Usagi: a--
Leo notice the brooche, he assume is a yokai and with that the relationship moves really slow cuz Usagi just have his home in mind... but he likes Leo a lot and in the moments when they are alone he tells him about his place and with a lot of nostalgia, being homesick ass fuck Leo just is there for him and starts to help to send him back home :D
This is all I have- I wanna make a comic about this- Like u can see it is pretty Usagi centric with his relations and how he moves in a world with no help, missing Gen and his friends and over all his life- This is also before the Krang situation- like a year before and Leo is not the leader get uwu
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
'to the market'
(hello again, this is from another prompt requested by @fishwear ! i challenged myself to do all three prompts, so here's another! sorry it took so long heh, but i hope you enjoy, and thanks again for the prompt!)
32. markets x ronance - they go antiquing. nancy is obsessed with trying to hunt down valuables. she’s got her little antique pocket guide in her hands furiously checking stamps on china sets. meanwhile robin is having the time of her life to track down the ugliest, kitsch trinket in the whole store so she can annoy (amuse) nancy by displaying it proudly in their living room.
Robin was not a stranger to the many multitudes of Nancy Wheeler. After everything, nothing really surprised her about Nancy. Priss and a massive nerd. Badass and made Robin get rid of the spiders. Gorgeous and a gunslinger.
Serious Antiquing Nancy Wheeler, though, was something Robin can safely say she never expected.
Though it was quickly becoming her favorite.
It was adorable, the way Nancy was so passionate about it. And Robin had to admit, it was kind of fun.
(Mostly because Robin enjoys finding the most radioactive item in the antique store, keeping her own record of whatever she finds—Nancy refuses to let her bring it home—but that’s not the important part.)
What is important, is that Robin can say without a doubt, that antique malls were Nancy Wheeler’s favorite place in the world.
And specifically, the antique mall that was closest to their apartment. They’d been all over Boston, but nothing came close to this one. It was enormous, and Robin often found it hard to keep up with Nancy, who always had an open edition of Picker’s Pocket Guide and meticulously searched through every antique tea cup she could find. Robin’s job was usually to either hold Nancy’s guidebook, or use the black-light flashlight to search for radioactivity.
Which is the case for today. Nancy’s got her eye on another antique tea set, one that she’s been hunting for months now, bound and determined to find the damn things if it’s the last thing she does.
The stalls have changed since the last time they’d been there, new antiques (which is Robin’s favorite oxymoron now) from countless vendors all trying to get rid of all their old junk. Everything from dolls (creepy with a capital C) to paintings, old comics, and small clocks that Robin knows without a doubt have radium painted on the dial.
She is thankful, too, that it’s at least warm inside. The cold in Boston decided to have an extra bite to it today, and Robin maintains that they should’ve stopped for hot cocoa.
Nancy’s got her guidebook opened to the page she needs, hair tied up in a messy bun, bag thrown over her shoulder, and, most surprisingly, her glasses perched on her nose. It’s adorable. Nancy’s face scrunches up in thought, tongue darting out as she frantically writes something down in her book. She looks like a librarian, turtleneck under her lavender Emerson sweater and long skirt with pockets (Nancy’s favorite). She’s even tied her hair up with a matching lavender scrunchie.
Believe it or not, this is Nancy’s most casual look. She rarely wears her glasses out, but desperate times and all.
(It’s Robin’s favorite look. She only ever sees her this relaxed at home, and Robin’s mentally kicking herself for not bringing her Polaroid to get a picture of Nancy like this, in her element. Maybe some other time.)
“So,” Robin says, walking a half step behind Nancy to the first stall, “what teacup are we looking for? Is it even a teacup? Or is it another saucer?”
Nancy rolls her eyes as they find the wall of fine china. She searches for something in her tote, pushing her glasses up as they slide down her nose. “It’s a teacup this time, Robbie, I promise.” Nancy fishes a pen out of her bag, and then hands the book and pen to Robin with a small smile. “Hold this while I check the stamps on these? Please?”
And well, Robin can’t tell her ‘no’ when she’s got that spark in her eyes and that small, almost shy, smile.
Robin hums, tapping Nancy’s pen against her chin. “Well, I guess… since you asked so nicely.”
Nancy’s grin widens, stepping closer to give Robin a quick peck on her cheek. “Thank you,” she singsongs.
Robins rolls her eyes fondly as her face reddens. “Yeah, yeah. Anything for you, Nance.”
She should’ve expected that they’d be here all day. After all, Nancy was on a mission, and if it’s one thing Robin’s learned about being with Nancy, once she’s on a mission, she’s practically unstoppable.
Nancy had, after about an hour, released Robin to look at whatever she wanted, while Nancy continued to look at near-identical teacups. Though, Robin would’ve gladly stood there for another hour or two while Nancy searched for this mysterious cup.
Robin strolls down the stretch of stalls that are behind glass. Glassware, all with a faint greenish tint. Bingo.
Robin grabs the black-light from her jacket pocket, flicking it on and pointing it to the various bowls and vases, beaming the moment the stall lights up like a Christmas tree.
She steps closer, face close to the glass, but not too close. All this uranium glass in one spot is enough to create a hotspot.
One item in particular glows brighter than the others; a small bedside clock, shining a specific shade of radium green and for a moment, she really wishes Dustin were here with his Geiger counter, just to see how radioactive it is.
If Robin had to guess, the answer would be: extremely, given how bright the green is compared to the others.
She takes a cautious step back, away from the radioactive hotspot, taking out her own small notebook and jotting down the antique clock in her version of Nancy’s pocket guide and writes: Clock, Westclox, Big Ben. Radium. January 1989. Extremely radioactive.
Putting her notebook, pencil, and flashlight back into her pocket, Robin continues her stroll around the giant antique mall.
And then she spots it.
Like a cartoon, the clouds disappear just enough; the sun shining down on it, revealing itself in a holy light.
A stuffed opossum, wearing tiny sunglasses, holding a guitar in his tiny opossum paws.
Robin strides over to it and snatches it up, racing back to Nancy.
Nancy bumps into her halfway, eyebrows raised at Robin’s excited demeanor.
“Oh, hey Nance,” Robin says, a little out of breath, “didn’t see you there.” She shifts from foot to foot unconsciously, holding the stuffed opossum behind her back.
Nancy folds her arms over her chest, eyes narrowing. “What do you have?”
Robin smiles. Nancy does not. Robin shows her the taxidermied opossum. “Nance, we have to take him home.”
“Absolutely not,” Nancy says, making a face. “Where would we even put him? The living room? The bedroom? I’m not sleeping in the same room as that.” She points at it, face twisted in disgust.
Robin pouts, if only a little, to make a point. “Please, Nance?” She begs, watching Nancy’s resolve crack, if only for a second. “I’ve already named him. Plus, I know the perfect spot for him! You won’t have to worry about him in our room, pinkie swear.”
Nancy’s face softens, another crack in her resolve, and Robin knows she’s won. Nancy huffs, pinching her the bridge of her nose. “Fine. But only if you help me look for this stupid cup again.”
“Deal,” Robin beams, “thank you, Nance,” she mimics Nancy’s singsong voice from earlier. She leans down, planting a kiss to Nancy’s cheek, reveling in the way pink dusts across her cheekbones.
“Yeah, yeah,” Nancy mutters, taking Robin’s free hand and intertwining it with her own. “Anything for you, Rob.”
“It’s perfect!”
“It’s hideous.”
Robin gasps, “He is not! He’s charming. He brings the room together!”
“I still can’t believe I let you bring that thing into our apartment.” Nancy wrinkles her nose, leaning further into Robin as they sit on the couch, sipping hot cocoa and taking in the marvel that is the guitar playing opossum in their living room.
“Believe it, babe. Besides, if not for me and Franklin here, you wouldn’t have found your precious cup.” Robin nods to the teacup, now preciously displayed on one of Nancy’s shelves, and crosses her arms, grinning smugly at Nancy,
Nancy rolls her eyes, lightly swatting Robin’s chest. “Shut up, Buckley.”
“Make me, Wheeler,” she teases, poking at Nancy’s shoulder. “I’d do it again, though. Help you get your special cups, it’s just so cute. I’ve seen you run a gaggle of newspaper nerds before, but I don’t know Nance, I think you could make it as a professional antique collector.” Robin pauses, considering, “Is that even a real thing? It could be. You could be the first.”
Nancy giggles into her cocoa. “I’m glad you say that, actually, Robbie, because there’s this one teacup that would match this one really well and I think—”
Robin groans, unable to think about fine china any more than she already has, but she meant what she said. She’d do it again. Just to see that brilliant look on Nancy’s face.
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Virgo June Capri
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Being the runt of the litter in a world plagued with extra-dimensional demons and continental unrest would cause anyone their fair share of mental unrest. Especially when joining an organization that's slowly but surely drifting itself smackdab in the middle of it all! Good thing Virgo isn't particularly 'anyone'.
Check out the King's Corner for more about him under the #virgo capri (unity) tag!
And no hero is too old for his own Toyhouse!
At the age of 12, Virgo June Capri was living a relatively normal life...which would be good news if you weren't a the protector of JUSTICE that he so proclaimed himself to be.
Known as the 'Golden Blunder' amongst both his peers and adults alike, Virgo has been at a bit of a struggle to convince his community that he's a hero to which Harmony City could depend on! He helps shopkeepers and food vendors in need of quick errands, helps random citizens as best as he can, and even goes so far as to stick up for his classmates when the situation calls for it. But while his heart is in the right place, he's not going as far as he'd like due to his countless clumsy mistakes and overall dicey reputation with the populace.
Still, Virgo's optimism continued on with life itself, until one seemingly average day took a turn for the worst. Before going home, Virgo encounters a demon in pursuit of a local. In a frantic attempt, Virgo distracts the demon long enough for them to get away. However, in doing so, he becomes the target of said demon's ire and is swiftly incapacitated. Bleeding out and about to die, hope seemed lost until just before losing his consciousness, Virgo witnesses a blurry figure rescue him in the nick of time.
Hospitalized, Virgo meets an eccentric woman behind a mechanical screen who calls herself 'The Madam' and claims to be the figure who saved him. She lets slip that her business there was related to her passion project called the M.R.D.H (Magically Rouge Deviant Hotline), an organization meant to closer help victims of attacks such as his with just a simple call. Virgo makes a desperate plea to join, his near-fatal encounter having jostled him, yet his fierce determination having impressing the madam enough to give him a chance!
Virgo now runs around Harmony City under the apprenticeship of the MRDH, helping both old and new clients. But with his own uneasy past, adult coworkers unsure if he should even be there, the public even more perturbed by him, Virgo is learning that being a hero somehow takes even more then he thought!
--Virgo is granted the magical artifact he dubs as 'The Posi-Satch', a powerful item that grants the user the ability to make constructions using a soul-bounded primary emotion as fuel! In Virgo's case, he uses his positivity! Unfortunately, this comes with the caveat of having to known the ins and outs of his construct mentally before it can be created physically. The item is both guarded and puppeted by its guardian, who Virgo dubs as 'Kooky'!
--Is canonically autistic. Its hard for him to relatively communicate his feelings in a subdued way, often relying on sporadic body movements or shouting to convey them. He doesn't do well in excessively quiet spaces, and a lot of his hand signs are just something he does in the moment (although he says they're his iconic, signature poses). He's clever for his age and only grows in intelligence as time moves on, but his overly-particular and over the top strategies paired with his naivety and impulsiveness doesn't help him display as much.
-Likes to read comics, play arts and crafts, and watch cartoons!
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