#she's ... so cryptic ... im so sorry riku ajiflkasfd
keycarried · 6 years
@ilurora .
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                ❛  you’re not going to find him .  at least  ,  not here .  ❜      spoken so casually  ,  as if she weren’t the barer of  bad news   to a boy who hasn’t a clue who she is  /  as if it doesn’t make her sound like some kind of  warden  to a boy whose soul resides in another world  ,  dangling just out of his friends’ grasp .  she isn’t  ,  but it’s not her problem if he believes otherwise .      ❛  even if he was  ...  there’s no telling whether or not you’d be able to bring him home .  it’s a wonder that boy’s heart is still working  ,  the condition its in .  ❜
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