#she will put it down so edi tries to come get it
pippindot · 7 days
Pip has started playing keepaway with the baby
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 4
Hello! And welcome to part 4. Edie has more questions than answers, but we’re finding more and more out as the story unfolds.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Eddie wiped away a stray tear that had escaped his eyes before stepping out into the garage.
“Hey, you kids almost done?” he asked. He looked at his watch. “It is getting late.”
Kenny looked up at the clock. “Shoot, man! My mom is going to kill me.”
Mandy swore too. “I’m getting a ride home with you, right?” she asked Kenny. He nodded and they hurried to put their stuff in his car.
They waved goodbye and then Eddie was alone with Harri and Edie.
“How’s Dad?” she asked. “Still puking?”
Eddie shook his head. “I managed to get him into bed.”
Edie rocked her head back. “What? Dad never lets anyone help him to bed. Not even those who can straight up carry him.”
Eddie blinked. “Uh...he let me.”
“He let you what?” Edie asked tilting her head in confusion.
“Carry him to bed?”
“Oh,” Edie said. “Wow. So how do you know my dad?”
Eddie looked over at Harri before shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at the floor. “Your dad and I used to run together with Nancy and Jon and all them after high school. Well after Steve graduated, anyway. Me and the rest of us older kids graduated in ‘86.”
“You’re younger than my dad?” Edie asked.
Harri scoffed.
“Shut it, kid,” Eddie barked. “No, I’m older. It just took me three tries to graduate.” He glared over at Harri. “Something I trying to make sure this idiot doesn’t repeat.”
Edie frowned, remembering her dad’s comment about not raising a quitter. “You know, it’s strange. I don’t think I’ve ever heard your name before in my life, but I can’t help but think that I’ve been raised on stories of you my entire existence nonetheless.”
Eddie blushed. “Can’t say I did the same. Harri here wouldn’t have heard of Steve Harrington at all. At least not from me.”
“Wait,” Harri said. “That guy that that your old bandmates talk about all the time. The one they keep telling you to make up with, that’s Steve Harrington, isn’t it? What the hell, Dad.”
Eddie grimaced. “Jeff and Gareth have a very inflated sense of ego.”
“Jeff Lawrence?” Edie asked. “Mandy’s dad?”
Eddie pursed his lips. He was going to kill Jeff. It was one thing to say that Steve and him had kept in contact over the years but it was quite another for his daughter to be best friends with Steve’s.
“That’s the one, princess,” Eddie said tossing his head back and rolling his eyes. “Only Jeff was friends with me first.”
Harri kicked his dad’s ankle. “Hey, Uncle Jeff is a grown ass man, he can be friends with whoever he wants. And since you guys aren’t in the band anymore and we were still living in Cali it makes sense Uncle Jeff would want to connect with someone from the old crowd.”
Eddie sneered playfully. “I hate it when you get all cleverer than me.”
Edie was glancing back and forth between them like a tennis match, but finally she had enough. “You’re telling me that not only do you know Mandy, but that you’ve known her dad for years?”
Harri and Eddie both grimaced in unison as they had completely forgotten she was there.  
“I didn’t think about how I knew Mandy,” Harri said. “We just started hanging out when we moved here about a month ago and then when she said you guys needed a new guitarist...”
Edie smacked her forehead. “Yep. That’s on me. I didn’t ask either.”
Harri scuffed his shoe on the pavement, looking down. “Am I still going to be allowed to be in the band?”
Eddie’s heart sunk. He looked over at Edie and then back at his son. They were both expecting him to say no. But how could he do that to either of them? It wasn’t their fault.
“What kind of asshole would I be if I said no?” he asked. “Of course you can still be in the band.”
Harri looked up at him all smiles and hugged him. “Thanks Dad!”
Edie smiled at them both. “Thanks, Mr Munson.”
Eddie sighed. “Yeah. Come on, Harri. It’s time to go home, you both have school in the morning.”
“Bye, Miss Thing!” Harri said after giving her a fist bump.
“Bye H-man!” Edie said.
Edie watched as the two Munson boys walked away. Her dad had a lot of explaining to do.
Edie walked into Steve’s room and was impressed by what she saw. The drapes were closed, the light was off, and Dad was actually under the covers. Something no amount of bullying on Aunt Robin or Nancy’s part could ever achieve.
Dad hated being taken care of. But in less than two hours of this man coming into her home, her father had let down more walls than the entire time she had been on this earth.
Who was Eddie Munson? And why did her dad treat him differently then anyone she had ever known.
She knelt next to Steve’s bed and gently roused him from sleep.
“Hey,” he murmured as he slowly got up. “Is everyone gone?”
Edie sat down next to him on the bed and took his hand. “Yeah, they’ve gone.”
Steve nodded. “You must have so many questions.”
“Oodles and gobs,” she agreed. “But I’m going to be nice and wait until your head is no longer trying to kill you.”
He grimaced. “What, so you can finish the job?”
She chuckled. “Something like that.” She played with the ring on his right hand. She once had asked him if it was his wedding ring to Mom, but he’d told her no. It was from something else. From someone else. And now, she was pretty sure she knew who. “Do you need some pain killers?”
Steve nodded barely able to contain his whimper. Edie got up and the pills and a Gatorade. She came back and handed them to him. He took the pills and chugged half of the Gatorade, before handing it back to her.
“Thanks, love,” he murmured and got back under the covers.
“You’ll want to shower and change before you completely are down for the night,” she reminded him gently.
Steve nodded again. “Just a few minutes. Time for the medicine to work.”
“Of course.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I’ll come back and check on you later.”
Steve hummed in response and she knew she would have to wake him again when she came back.
Steve woke up the next morning better than he usually felt in the aftermath of a migraine. And he knew who to thank for it. He also knew that had he not been in the throes of one of his worst in recent memory, he would have been a lot bitchier. Hurray for migraines, he guessed.
He didn’t have any appointments today so he didn’t have to cancel anything which was a life saver. He could even have Edie take herself to school. He got up and shuffled out to the kitchen in his pjs.
Edie was munching on her cereal when he got out there. “How’s the head?”
Steve waved his fingers back and forth. “So-so. You okay to take yourself to school today?”
She nodded. “Yeah, no trouble.”
They stared each other down for a minute before Steve blinked first.
“So what do you want to know?” he asked, turning on the kettle.
Edie steepled her fingers under her chin. “We can start with how did you meet mega-producer Edmond Munson?”
Steve laughed. “When I met him he was on his first senior year of high school, jumping on tables and ranting about ‘the man’.”
Edie’s eyes went wide. “What?!”
Steve shook his head. “I knew who he was then. And probably before that. As sort of a ‘oh look there’s that dude again making a menace of himself’ kind of way.”
“He really stood on tables and ranted about ‘the man’?” Edie asked incredulously.
He shrugged. “The topics would vary but, yeah. Pretty much the same theme of kids are being oppressed type thing.”
“But you were a preppy jock in high school,” Edie said. “I’ve seen the pictures.”
“Yeah, I was the King and he was the Freak, never the twain shall meet,” Steve agreed. “That’s what he was called, don’t give me that look.” Edie rolled her eyes.
“Okay,” she growled, “but none of this explains how you guys knew each other. Because this sounding like you didn’t.”
Steve leaned on his elbows onto the counter and looked her dead in the eye. “I want you to understand one thing and one thing only. If you go looking this shit up after I tell you, you will be grounded for life. Because it’s been twenty years and he deserves to let sleeping dogs lie. Do. You. Understand. Me?”
Edie’s head jerked back. This was like those moments when she asked about his scars or the many concussions he’s had. Her normally goofy dad was replaced by someone darker, someone who had walked through hell and lived to tell about it. She nodded quickly, her eyes wide.
“Back in his final senior year, the year Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Argyle all graduated,” Steve said sternly, “he was accused of murdering a cheerleader. Something your Uncle Dusty swore he would never do. And you know how tenacious he can be when he puts his mind to it.”
Edie nodded. “He’s like a dog with a bone.”
“So we went on this hunt to find Eddie,” Steve continued. “And sure enough he was being railroaded and we tried to clear his name. He almost died.” The last sentence was whispered, pulled from from the very depths of his soul and he hung his head between his shoulders.
“Holy shit,” she whispered. “Really?”
Steve lifted his head and straightened up. He pinched his nose and rubbed it with his knuckle. “Yeah. He got cleared of all charges and then few months later he was gone. Signed a record deal.”
“Your friend that had a band...” Edie muttered. “That was him?”
Steve nodded. “But it’s time for you to go to school. We’ll talk more later.”
Edie knew that she still had a couple of minutes before she needed to go, but she accepted it as the dodge it was. Dad was getting emotional and needed a break.
She nodded and got ready to go. She kissed his cheek. “Love you dad.”
Part 5  Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @thylatrek @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter
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fandomxo00 · 6 months
X-men - First Class: Part 8- Erik Lehnsheer, Magneto
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word count: 2.6k
warnings: mentions of violence, smutt 18+, unprotected sex, p in v, oral fem receiving!, mentions of missiles and war, mutant training, emotional. 
To leant against the near by fence as Erik and Charles chattered back and forth before Charles wanted to test Erik's powers. You laughed when Charles awkwardly held up the gun to Erik's head. Erik should be able to stop the bullet since its made out metal. Erik, the maniac he was almost seemed to be excited at the prospect of being able to show off his abilities.
"Are you sure?" Charles asked.
"I'm sure." Erik egged has a smile on his face. Charles clenched his eyes his hands began to tremble.
"No. No I can't I'm sorry." The sentiment only frustrated Erik as he leant down to position the gun against his forehead. Charles gritted his teeth, cringing.
"Oh come on." Erik urged, "You know I can deflect it. You're always telling me I should push myself." You sighed as Charles jerked his hand away.
"If you know you can deflect it, then you're not challenging yourself." Charles countered. "Whatever happened to the man who was trying to raise a submarine?"
Erik slapped his hands down at his sides, "What-I can't." Charles handed the gun to Erik. "I need the situation, the anger." He explained, you started to listen intently to their conversation.
"No, the anger's not enough." Charles replied.
"Well, it's gotten the job done all of this time." Erik retorted.
"And Shaw got the upper hand." You added, stepping towards the two men. "You feel so much Erik, there is so much more power in channeling your emotions into your power." 
"She's right." Charles started. "Because your anger has nearly gotten you killed all this time."
You felt his words deeply and then wonder if this is why Charles was better at controlling himself. He isn't just fueled by emotions but motives, inspiration, justice. Erik wanted to act on all of those raging emotions because he learnt that from a young age. But he could have so much more power and so could you, if you knew how to properly use it. "Follow me." Charles mumbled as he walked over to the fence you were leaning against. "Here's something challenging get that satellite to face us." Erik looked back at him before Charles turned to you.
"Nadine, I want you to unblock his mind, he needs to find that power within his memories. Instead of seeking out the dark, you need to find the light." Charles directed. 
A low humming filled the air as Erik attempted to turn the satellite to no avail. Charles looked over to you and you closed your eyes, you focused in on finding Erik in all the smoke, hearing his daunting of thoughts, the pressure he put on himself to perform this task. That's when a memory flooded back. Erik as a young boy, with his mother, Edie. A menorah set in the front of  the pair, laughter filled the air as you felt the weight of Erik's grief slipping away as a positive memory showed itself to the surface. You felt a tear run down your cheek as you opened your eyes to see Erik turned around facing you, his eyes glazed over with water. 
"What did you do to me?" Erik croaked, his voice soft but demanding. You stepped closer to him as you looked into his eyes.
"I looked for the brightest spot in your memory rather than the worst and it makes me feel so much better-." You explained.
"I didn't know I still had that." Erik murmured, looking down at the ground before meeting your eyes. 
"It's hard to keep those good memories when there are so many bad ones." You breathed, Erik reached out for you, his hands going to the back of your neck. He pulled you into a deep kiss, before Charles cleared his throat. "Now move that satellite bub." You urged as he softly smiled at you and gave you a short nod. 
Then Erik turned back towards the satellite, he focused in on his powers before gritting his teeth as he tried to pull the satellite towards the three of you but he wasn't able to so Charles spoke up, "If you are able to access that good, Erik, you'll possess a power no one can match." Charles explained before shaking his head. "Not even me."
"Come on try again." You persuaded. Erik's hand reaches out and all of his focus going inwards as he set his mind to the task at hand. You watched as tears trailed down his cheek as the metal of the satellite began to groan. He slowly brought his hand in towards himself and the satellite moved. 
Charles laughed in excitement and your heart was pumping with pride as Erik turned to you, laughing in joy. He didn't expect for you to jump on him, wrapping your arms around him. But he took the initiative and smashed his lips on to yours before he whispered, "You and me?"
The rest of the afternoon was filled with training the other mutants to use their powers. You watched as Alex became more comfortable with himself, Banshee more confident in his power and Hank finally using his mutation rather than hiding it away. Erik had gotten to know Raven a little deeper and came over to you to discuss her powers. He even saw a bit of you in her as Raven hid away her abilities, afraid of them. Then he went to speak with Raven, helping her take back her power in her natural form. Explaining to her that if she was always in a human form, then she was always half not paying attention. After dinner, the group piled into the den to listen to the president's address. 
"It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any missile crossing the embargo line that surrounds Cuba as an attack by the Soviet union on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response." Kennedy continued. 
"That's where we're gonna find Shaw." Erik announced.
"How do you know?" Alex asked in curiosity. 
"Two superpowers facing off, and he wants to start world war 3." Charles began to complain. "He won't leave anything to chance."
You glanced over at Erik as he spoke, "So much for diplomacy. I suggested you all get a good night of sleep." He nodded towards the door as his eyes connected with yours. You silently obeyed as you followed after him. 
You had fallen asleep in Erik's arms that night, he had spent hours snuggled into your neck and his arm draped around your waist. He had gotten a bath made up for you before making some tea to help you sleep. He silently took care of you and enjoyed it. You woke up later in the night, turning over in the bed to see the note Erik left for you, letting you know that he was with Charles. Your throat was dry and you were desperately craving a glass of water. As you walked back to the room, you paused as you heard voices on the other side. You reached out your mind, connecting with Erik's.
"This is a surprise." Erik said, as he looked away from Raven's covered body, she was under your sheets, naked. 
"A good one, I hope." Raven coaxed.
"Get out." Erik grunted. "You don't belong in here."
"How about now?" Raven asked, slying turning into your form and your anger informed Erik of your presence. 
"Hello darling." He spoke in his head, before you felt anger bubble up in his chest. "Don't pretend to be her, Raven. You won't ever be."
"You are beautiful, Raven. But I would never hurt Nadine like this. I wouldn't ever do this to Charles. And we would never match." 
He covered all of his grounds as Raven began to cry, "Hank-." She broke off into a sob, breaking down in front of Erik, he sighed before speaking into his mind.
"Give us a moment." Erik spoke as you reluctantly left his mind, confused on why he wouldn't want you to be there. 
Moments later the door opens and a blue, naked, Raven came out of your room and you took no time to splash the water in her face. "So much for friends, Raven." You spat, angrily before stepping up to the shocked Raven, anger boiling through your veins. Raven swore she saw flames in your eyes as you threatened her, "You pull a stunt like that again and I will have you reliving your worst nightmare." You gritted.
"Leave her be, she made a mistake." Erik soothed, as he opened the door to the room and nodded for you to come to him. You trudged through the door angrily, trying your best to not be hurt by the situation. Erik didn't need your powers to know how you felt. You sat on the edge of the bed and Erik took it up on himself to kneel in front of you. 
"I would never hurt you, Nadine." Erik began, but you refused to look into his eyes, so his hand reached up to pinch your chin. "I would never give up this relationship, it's me and you." You looked into his eyes, his words puncturing your heart. "You trust me?"
"Of course." You assured, your hand coming up to wipe the tears that came from your overemotional state. 
"What shall I do to help sway you?" Erik asked, as he reached over to your arm before leaning down to softly kiss your hand. He slowly worked his way up your arm before his hands moved to the sides of your thighs, his hands spreading wide. "Show you how much-." He started, his breath hitching, his eyes growing dark as he looked up at you. "How much I love you." He finished as the words sunk into your chest, making you freeze. Erik's hands moved up your thighs, grabbing the edges of your pajama pants and slowly pulling them down. 
You didn't know how to reply to him, staring down at him as he hyper focused on getting you naked and under him. Though you knew it would be hard for Erik to confront his feelings after what you had done to him. When he had a clear head, no alcohol clouding his judgement but that feeling overcame you as Erik kissed on your skin. It was so easy for him to get caught up in you but he noticed that something was off. His hands came up to frame your face, pushing your hair back to look in his eyes. The truth being told at the way he was looking at you. You shouldn't doubt his loyalties, after all this time had never disappointed you in making you feel valued, needed and now loved. 
When you looked in his mind, all you felt was love. Concern flashed in his eyes as you started at him, lost in thought. He moved his head down to rub his nose against your jaw, trying to catch your attention. When you gazed up the man you finally said something, "You love me?"
You remembered your dream, how it played out as he buried his face in your neck, his hot cheeks warming up your skin. He inhaled before lightly kissing your neck. Your hands came up to his short red hair, pulling softly at the threads to meet his face again. "For how long?" You asked. 
Erik sighed as he remembered your trip to Paris, "For a long time, Liebling. On our trip to Paris, you trusted me to take you to different sites and restaurants. You remember that it was the first time we slept in the same bed together?" You felt deju-vu as he continued to explain himself in the best way he could, "I've never told anyone aside from my mother that I've loved them and I've never felt-in love before, " His eyes wonder your face before drifting to your lips and settling on your eyes. You clashed your lips together, running your fingers against his hair as he dipped his tongue into your mouth. 
Erik moved back on the bed, admiring you as he stood in front of you. His eyes trailing your body laid out on the bed, half clothed, you still looked like a wet dream. He pulled off his shirt before going to undo his belt. There was a different air in the night, there was deeper reach for connection rather than just needing each other. When he was finally naked, he knelt over you, his cock swelling by the moment. Erik spreads your legs, his cock fitting between your thighs. Erik's hands hover your breasts, taking his time to kiss your skin and suck at your breasts. He swirled his tongue around your nipple, his cock hard against your thigh. He moved his cock to rub against your clothed panties. Your legs move up as he grasps your panties and quickly gets rid of them. Then he leant back over to you, spreading your folds with his fingers before sliding his cock head into your weeping hole. Erik thrusted into you, his arms holding himself up are by your head. 
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He looked down at you with bliss shown on his face as he began to pound into you. Your hands moved down his back to feel his muscles flex as he held himself above you. Your legs moved around his waist, pulling him down on top of him, his arms moving down to his elbows. Erik leant down to cuddle into your neck and suck bruises on to your skin. This time was different between the two of you. Erik didn't act dominate because he couldn't think he could only feel all the sensations you made his body feel. He was passionately making love to you as he whispered in your ear, "I love you, Liebling. Me and you."
You panted back his words as you pulled his head in close, "Me and you baby." You promised, his thrusts sped up as he used down your neck, his kisses were quick but all consuming. Erik's hand moved down to your clit rubbing it in circles. You croaked out a moan and he lifted your hips up with a pillow to hit a deeper spot in you. You shoot your head back and grip on to his back as you arched into him. 
"Come for me." He croaked. You fluttered around his dick, sucking him in as your orgasm comes crashing down you. Erik picks up his pace, trying to chase his own high. Then his hips stuttered against your own as he was coming. You whined out the over stimulation then he slipped out of you and got on his knees. The flat of his tongue comes in contact with your aching clit and wet hole. 
"God, Erik."
"God won't help you now." Erik murmured, darkly, as he swirled your clit with his tongue before wiping up his come that dripped out of you. Then he started to fuck your cunt with his tongue, making you moan out loudly and grip on to his hair. You could feel another orgasm bubbling up to the surface as Erik suffocated himself to your pussy. His determination to make you come, drove him wild and he desperately needed that from you. You broke apart on his tongue, your skin burning hot. "Calm down, my love." He urged, pulling his tongue off of you as he felt your heated skin. He moved up to lay next to you, his arm draping around your waist. Erik made sure to pull the blanket over the two of you before pulling you close.
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puzzled-pegasus · 9 months
some christmassy wroef thoughts
Lewis lifting Edith up so she can put the star on the tree.
Dawn being an excellent gift giver.
Sam trying to organize his kids to take a family picture. And getting really frustrated lmao
Sam and Kay took baby (like 3 year old) Gus to see a mall Santa once and he bit Santa.
When Sam would come home for Christmas, he would always come down to visit Walter and give him a gift like a book or something.
Milton liked to wrap gifts in white paper and draw on it with markers to make his own pattern.
Calvin and Sam usually got something from their parents that they were supposed to share. Barbara would get a different one for each of them.
Walter tended to make nice little cards and things because he hardly ever had money to buy stuff.
Lewis would always get presents for the family pets.
Edie would always get art supplies for Milton, she wanted to encourage his interest in painting.
Sven gave Edie's first pet bird to her as a Christmas present.
Rick once stuck a bow on his shirt and said to Barbara, "I am the gift!" Barbara was not amused.
Molly always tried to catch Santa coming into the house. She also always left carrots and peppermints out for the reindeer.
Barbara loved to make and decorate cookies. Walter liked to help her. Calvin liked to steal them and eat them.
Sven's kids often made gingerbread houses, but hardly would they ever listen to his building advice. Because obviously they know more about structure than their father, who literally built the entire house that they live in.
Dawn really didn't try that hard to make her children believe in Santa, so it rather annoyed her when Edie would perpetuate the myth.
When someone died close to Christmas (Molly, Gregory, etc) the family would place their would-be Christmas gifts on their shrine.
Many of Walter's trains were a gift from Sven.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
Requests are open 😃 can I request wesker using reader against Chris? Like the reader goes through something like Jill in RE5 but instead of fighting for wesker the reader gets amnesia and wesker fakes a marriage with the reader to gain their loyalty and flaunts the reader to Chris that the reader loves him and not Chris but Wesker grows to genuinely love the reader. So now both Chris and Wesker are fighting for the reader.
Note: Sure anon! This was such an interesting plot and I enjoyed it a lot. Hope you like it!
You can access more unreleased content on my Ko-fi or Patreon (links in bio).
During an intense fight in the Spencer's Estate, Y/N jumped through a large window with Wesker in an attempt to save Chris. They barely survived the fall, and it took Wesker a great deal of effort to put them back on their feet. To Wesker’s surprise, when they awoke, they had no recognition of what had happened to them. Their memory was blank, waiting to be filled with new information.
When they awoke, their stare expressed confusion and uncertainty. There was a little bit of hate and anger, as if some memories battled to survive in her mind.
A wide grin appeared on Wesker's face. It seemed that the odds were finally on his side once more. Not only that he had Tricell on his side—a very powerful pharmaceutical company that was creating Uroborus—but now he could have Y/N, Chris' love interest. He will wait for their next battle with interest and joy, as he will not only have the upper hand on him but can also destroy his spirit completely by manipulating Y/N.
Chris is the ideal soldier, as he doesn't break easily during missions, is agile, and has a vast knowledge of weapons. These traits make it difficult for Wesker to destroy him. However, now he has the chance of hurting him by flaunting himself with them.
In an attempt to make them loyal to him, he came up with a very controversial solution: he wanted to marry them. He didn't propose to them immediately, and he didn't brainwash them either. He wanted to take his time because he knew a forced bond would only lead to betrayal. Being a part of the Wesker project, he knew the outcome well.
Excella wasn't fond of this, as she had romantic feelings for Wesker as well, and she tried many times to sabotage their growing relationship. She was an impediment, and Wesker saw her as nothing but a pest. To cool her down, he promised her a place in his new world—the comfort seat next to his throne. Being pleased by this, she ceased her petty attempts. Among the superior and petty stares she would give to them, there were still some piercing glances.
Coming back at them, Wesker really took his time with the reader. Between meetings, experiments, and reports, he would take them to restaurants, museums, or even amusement parks. He told them that they were in a relationship and that during an expedition in a cave, she fell and hit her head.
"That makes sense, I guess," they said as they scratched the back of their head "but I still have no memory of you."
Wesker chuckled softly and informed her that those memories would come. With time, that hate and anger disappeared from her eyes, leaving only confusion and a growing admiration.
When asked why he has red eyes, he simply told them that it was because of a genetic mutation. They didn't know anything about Uroborus or that he was infected with the progenitor virus. All they knew was that they were an archeologist and that he was a simple scientist.
"I wonder if they experimented on you," they joked, referring to his alleged mutation.
"They did, dear. It wasn't pleasant." Wesker forced a laugh to join Y/N. They didn't have any idea that he meant it.
Y/N slowly learned how to get attached to Wesker, which turned out to be pretty fulfilling for him. He kept treating her nicely, sharing made-up scenarios and experiences, which Y/N believed. They even started to share a studio, about which Wesker lied that they used to share before the accident. He placed edited photos of themselves in different locations.
Y/N was skeptical at first, but Wesker was so good at selling his lies that they stopped questioning him.
Y/N felt safe in his care. As they began to trust him, Wesker began to develop some feelings for himself. The usual stare full of hatred was replaced with one of love and admiration. Don't get me wrong, Wesker has people that admire and respect him, but most of them have a tinge of fear in their eyes, whereas Y/N's gaze has nothing like that.
He grew fond of the care that Y/N provided. They'd ask him how he'd been, if he'd eaten or stayed hydrated, and other general questions that would normally irritate him, but if they came from them, he'd feel flattered and appreciated.
As they were watching a movie, Y/N looked up at him and whispered, "I love you." He stopped caressing their waist for a moment and looked down at them, not knowing what to do.
"Uh, I-I love you too." he replied unsure.
"Thank you." They kissed their lips and snuggled deeper in his arms. They fell asleep, leaving Wesker to struggle with his own feelings.
Did he love her? Did he want to continue? These were some questions that required clear answers, but such answers were hard to obtain since he was short on time. Uroborus was almost ready.
Three years had passed since that moment when Y/N lost their memories. Their relationship with Wesker grew, along with their trust and love. Seeing his plan fulfilled, he was unsure whether to ask Y/N to marry him or to leave things as they were, as Y/N trusted him deeply.
After some intense battles with his own feelings and beliefs, he decided to ask Y/N to marry him because he had fallen in love over the years as well. Turns out he always noticed them, mostly on the battlefield, as they were very skilled, and why not, very attractive. He would keep Y/N next to him into his new era, in the place that Excella should fit but won't.
Wesker lied again, saying they were engaged before the accident but didn't want to bring it up because he was afraid it would be too much for them given how little they remembered him. Y/N was excited to hear about the engagement, and agreed to marry him.
The final confrontation came. Chris and Sheva arrived exhausted, breathing heavily as they aimed their guns at Excella.
"Where is Y/N?!" Chris shouted with anger in his tone.
"Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't." Excella replied with arrogance and mockery.
"I know they're alive!"
A faint chuckle could be hear from the top of the stairs.
"You haven't changed..." Wesker said in a disappointed voice as he descended.
"Wesker! You are alive."
"This is Wesker?" Sheva asked, confused, as she had never seen him before.
"We last met at the Spencer Estate, wasn't it?" Wesker continued, waving his hand in the air with arrogance.
For a few seconds, silence fell in the room as Chris and Sheva couldn't predict his next move, Excella was too full of herself to speak, and Wesker wanted to prolong the reveal a little longer, just to savor the moment.
"Well, isn't this one, big family reunion?" He finally said, while pointing his arm to the top of the stairs. From there, a figure wearing a robe appeared. Their face were uncovered, and Chris immediately recognized the features of his long-lost love. He lowered his gun.
"I would expect you to be happier to see us." Wesker grabbed their hand and together they descended the remaining stairs.
"H-how is it possible?"
"Are you sure that's Y/N? It could be a clone."
"I'm- I'm sure."
Wesker's satisfaction grew with every second in which Chris suffered, and that showed in his wide grin. Y/N was to confused to recognize the man that was breaking in front of them. He stared at them with sorrow, regret and shame. He put his gun in the holster and approached Y/N.
"It's me, Chris" he said in a trembling voice. "Don't you recognize me?" He placed his hands on their shoulder, looking into their eyes and trying to find a glimpse of who they were and the love they shared.
"I-I'm sorry I don't know you. It's the first time I see you."
These words felt like a punch in his stomach. He lowered his gaze, facing the ground, trying to gather himself. Wesker, on the other hand, was overjoyed that he was finally breaking.
"I will save you..." he said, before quickly drawing his gun and shooting Wesker. He dodged the bullet using his inhuman speed. This was the first time he displayed some sort of power in front of them.
Y/N looked baffled at Wesker, who was now on the other side of the room. They opened their mouth to say something but closed it when no word came out of it.
"Get Y/N out of here!" He shouted to Excella, which complied immediately. They watched from behind, seeing as his fiancee was fighting his one and true love. Chris pressed the trigger once more, but the door closed before they could see if he hit Wesker or not.
"What did you do to them?" he asked furiously.
"I made them better!"
"Y/N has changed; they're not who they used to be. You broke them!"
"They love me, not you." he said in a calm tone. "They forgot about you, and you saw it with your own eyes."
"I will do what I must to bring Y/N back."
"I'm afraid it's too late for you. You either join me or die trying to defeat me." Wesker said this before charging at Chris. He was knocked out on the cold ground, while Sheva desperately fired her gun. Chris heard her scream, and then everything went dark.
Taglist: @shadow-wolf510 @cassie-todd @ravenrune
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heroofshield · 10 months
Whumpcember Day 1- Fever (Mass Effect, Shenko) G, No Warnings
Kaidan shivered and drew up the hood of his sweatshirt before making his way down the step towards Shepard's bed. Suddenly not feeling well, he didn't want to bother her, not when she needed to focus on getting the Quarian's and Geth to stop fighting each other and join forces so they could defeat the Reapers.
Pulling back the covers, he slowly got into the double bed and pulled the covers back over him while shivering all the time. Burrowing himself as far down as he could, Kaidan stretched out his limbs and felt the slight ache go away.
"I know I should see Chakwas, but she's busy enough from the last away mission." Kaidan dimly told himself. "Plus medi-gel is constantly in short supply because of the war."
Falling into a fitful sleep, Kaidan was dimly aware of growing so hot that he had to throw the covers off only to reach back for them after what seemed like a few minutes. Feeling that his nose was cold, he wrinkled it-only to let out a sneeze.
Shepard stepped out of the elevator and walked towards her quarters with a worried expression on her face. Taking a break between meetings with the Admiralty Board and Geth representatives, she'd gone looking for Kaidan only to have EDI tell her that he was up in her room.
"It's not like him to be up here until he's off-duty. And even then it's to finally get paperwork done." she thought while keying in the code and stepping into the darkened space.
Her frown deepening at seeing only the glow of the fish tank, she raised the lights slightly and was greeted with a cough. "Kaidan?" she called out gently, slowly walking down the steps and moving towards the bed.
Seeing the Kaidan sized lump underneath the sheets, her worry only grew when it didn't move. "Hey, you okay?"
Kaidan opened his bleary eyes and tried to focus them, but found it hard to. "mm fine." he mumbled, closing his eyes again and starting to drift off.
Shepard pushed back the hood enough to put the back of her hand against his forehead and was surprised at how hot he felt. "You're burning up Kaidan."
"Just a cold. Just need sleep."
Shepard let out a huff of disbelief at the short statement before saying, "EDI can you tell Doctor Chakwas to come up to my quarters? And to bring some medi-gel?"
Kaidan made a noise of protest, "Don't need it. Im fine."
Shepard put her hands on her hips and used her best 'Commanding Officer Voice,' "No you're not fine. You're not going to pull any of that Marine 'it's just a scratch' bullshit. Not when you're in my quarters under a pile of blankets and still shivering."
After Shepard starting scolding him, it was a blur; Shepard and Chakwas talking, his swearshirt being taken off, a needle in his arm, feeling relief as the medi-gel started to work, before finally being able to fall into an actual sleep.
Cracking open an eye, Kaidan saw Shepard on the couch-focused on the datapad in her hand and a mug of coffee on the table in front of her. Slowly sitting up and running a hand through his hair, he felt like he'd just run an entire biotics testing course after forgetting to eat breakfast.
"You're a dumbass you know that." Shepard said, not looking up from what she was reading. "Chakwas said you should have reported to her if you weren't feeling well."
"The med bay was nearly full and they were busy with all the post-mission injuries."
Shepard marked her place and looked up to see that Kaidan's hair was even more ruffled than normal, only adding to his charm. Softening slightly she continued, "You should have still told me. I could have told Chakwas and she would have been up here sooner with the medi-gel."
"But it's in short supply-"
"Kaidan." Shepard interrupted firmly but still gently. "When you're wearing three layers and under the blankets but still shivering like we're back on Noveria, getting some medi-gel to help is valid." Letting out a sigh she got up and walked towards the bed, sitting on the edge and facing Kaidan. "You've been making sure that I take care of myself during all of this, don't think that I haven't noticed, but it needs to be a two way street. You need to take care of yourself too, and that includes letting me know when you're not feeling great."
Kaidan closed his eyes as Shepard learned towards him and gently caressed his face with her hand, feeling comforted at the gesture. They'd been slowly working on their relationship since he rejoined the Normandy, trying to build it back up from the disaster that Mars had been, and knew that she was trying. "I'll work on it."
"That's all I ask."
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deedah · 15 days
This fanfic was a request from
Don’t read if you don’t care bout it :3
*this takes place after ep. 8 btw*
SD G-O and X belong to- @glorious-owl
SD F belongs to me- @deedah
    G-O circled their claws around a frozen lamppost as they hung from it upside down while its light flickered. G-O looked back behind them to see their bestie X running up and standing right below them.
    “Gurl..” X started as she put her hands on her knees as she lowered her head to catch her breath before she looked back up at G-O.
    “I’ve told you not to run off from me like that..!” C said as she leaned on the light post now.
    “Oh you’ll be fine” G-O argued as they pointed behind them. “And plus, I left you back there with F.” Once they said that, X and G-O saw a short yellow eyed Disassembly slowly fly up.
    “Yeah..” F started as she landed and her wings went inside her body and as she pointed her yellow stinger towards G-O, “And I’m not happy you left me behind like that, idiot.” 
   “You’ll also be fine, Faith.” G-O commented as she scanned the area for any oil they could bring to their pod. “You had X..” she said before she lunged herself upright and glided to an area where she started to dig with one of her clawed hands.
    She found an arm and a head full of oil, and as they picked it up and turned back around to face the others, F had saluted X ‘goodbye’ as she spread her wings and took off into the sky.
    G-O walked up to C, “Where is she going?” She asked as X turned to her.
    “She said something bout JC being worried where she was this close to dawn.” X said as she turned to look at the sun that was about to pass over the snow.
    “Wanna head to my pod? We better get out of the sun quickly” X suggested as G-O nodded.
    Both the drones took off into the sky as they glided towards a spire with a gray pod inside. They walked inside and put the dead worker’s oil into cups before sitting down on X’s couch. They were sitting pretty close, almost touching but not fully.
    They had turned on some old human cooking show. Both G-O and X watched two edi poses before G-O started to doze off into Sleep Mode, until she felt a thump hit her body.
    G-O looked up to see X had completely laid her head on top of G-O’s chest. 
    “Umm..” G-O said as she poked X, “Excuse me..?” G-O knew that X’s love language with her friends was touch, but wasn’t this a bit.. far..?
    “Ye?” X answered as she started a game of Tetris on her visor.
    “Oh.. so you're just going to ignore me..? K” G-O answered her own question as X shot up. X thought for a second as she tried to push out words that never came out, until she just spread her arms and wrapped G-O into a hug.
    “X!” G-O yelled as she got slung into a tight bear hug by her friend.
    “HUG TIMMEE!!!” X yelled as she squeezed harder and started to say back and forth.
    G-O managed to finally push X away. She held her by her hand on X’s head like a todler as X reached her arms out and tried to push against G-O.
    “Come on~!” X teased G-O, “You know you.. Want it..!!” X pushed out as G-O quickly moved her hand and X fell onto G-O’s lap.
    X looked up at G-O who looked to be towering over her.
    “You done?” G-O asked as X shook her head.
    Most of the morning was full of fights and teasing from the two until G-O finally got X calmed down as they laid on G-O’s shoulder while being in sleep mode.
    G-O turned to X as she watched their shoulders go up and down simultaneously.
    Moments.. G-O thought. Moments like these I wish we had more often..
[@glorious-owl, I’m sorry this took so long to make, again, life been kicking me in the butt recently]=True
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Flirting & Flouncing
Word: Flirting. Pairing: Zox/Kaito/Stacey. Request: @melotuzu
The thing about Kaito, Zox thought, was that he had no idea what flirting was. Stacey did, and Stacey was half-Kikainoid and sheltered as all get out, but Kaito? No. It was honestly easier to flirt with a brick wall than with Goshikida Kaito. 
Not that it stopped Zox from trying. 
“Come on, it’d get some reaction from him!” 
“He’s still not going to get it,” Stacey pointed out, walking away with that little hip swish that drove both Zox and Kaito crazy. “Besides, I fail how to see how flirting while you’re in my clothes would make it any more effective if the pirate outfit doesn’t already work. He already fell for you, didn’t he?” 
“You could dress in my clothes two! Kaito would love it,” he wheedled. 
Stacey turned around, his arms crossed. “You just want to see me in your clothes,” he accused.
Zox smirked at him. It was definitely a perk if Stacey agreed, but it wasn’t necessary to Zox’s plan. 
Stacey stared at Zox, clearly appraising him, before rolling his eyes. “Fine, but you’re not wearing my clothes, you’re nowhere near my build, we’ll get the tailors to make you an identical outfit.” 
“Welcome,” Gaon called from behind the counter before rushing up to Zox and Stacey.
“Are you two wearing each other’s clothes?” he asked, his hands on his face in delight. “That’s so cute!” 
Zox made a face but didn’t press it, considering Gaon said that about every single humanoid on every World. 
“Kaito! Zox and Stacey are here!” Gaon called up the stairs. 
“Coming!” was the enthusiastic response. 
Kaito came running down the stairs at his usual full-throttle speed, nearly running into Stacey. 
“Woah, sorry Zox!” 
“I’m not Zox, Kaito,” Stacey said patiently. 
Kaito looked at the two of them more closely, his grin spreading as he realized that Zox was in a duplicate of Stacey’s black outfit and Stacey was in Zox’s clothes, slightly too big for him. 
“Wow, is there a reason for this?” he asked, running his hands over Stacey’s waist and then Zox’s shoulders.
Zox leaned on the counter, putting on his most sultry look. 
“We just thought you’d like it,” he purred. 
Kaito looked at the two of them again, Stacey now tucked under his arm. “I do! Although I’m not used to it, but you guys look good in everything,” he said. “I gotta go get groceries, did you two want to come with?” 
“Sure,” Stacey said easily, shooting a look at Zox. “I have time today.” 
Zox pouted but agreed to come. Kaito could usually be persuaded to buy a few extra treats. 
Since Zox wasn’t that interested in grocery shopping, he didn’t stay with Stacey and Kaito as they got the necessities, too busy filling a basket with what he wanted, making a mental list of what he really wanted vs what he could part with if Kaito didn’t want to get it all. 
“Free samples,” called one of the workers, piquing Zox’s interest. Kaito and Stacey were already there, and the worker was definitely eyeing Kaito in a way that seemed a little too interested. 
“Do you live around here?” the worker asked Kaito, giving him a wink once Kaito made eye contact.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, it’s just that usually Gaon gets the groceries, but today he’s manning the counter, so I came instead!” Kaito explained. “These weenies are really good! Don’t you think so, Stacey?” 
“Do you recommend any good restaurants?” the worker tried. 
“Well, you can always come to--” 
“He doesn’t,” Zox interrupted, putting his arm around Kaito’s shoulders, who put his arm around Zox’s waist once he saw it was Zox. “Sorry, sweetheart, he’s taken.” 
The worker looked surprised for a second, then blushed. “Sorry, I was too forward.” 
Kaito looked puzzled as Zox steered him away from the free sample table, although not before taking two free samples. 
“She was flirting with you, you know.” 
“Was she?” 
Kaito looked like he was considering it for about two seconds before shrugging and running off to a display of some limited edition…something, dragging Stacey with him. Zox shook his head and followed. 
“Do you have free time now, Kaito?” Zox asked once they were back at Colorful, groceries put away. Zyuran had an air of “raised eyebrows” when he saw the trio, while Vroon hadn’t noticed, too busy with his nose in a book. 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Don’t you want to come up to my ship?” Zox asked in his most sultry voice, lifting an edge of his current outfit. He hadn’t bothered with black pants underneath.  
“I always like going up to your ship, Zox!” 
“Pirate. Please. Just kidnap him,” Stacey said with his face in his hands. 
“And you as well?” 
Stacey looked up, scowling. 
“So that’s a yes?” 
Stacey marched up to Zox, putting a finger under his chin. “You know your flirting works on me.” 
Zox chuckled, grabbing Kaito and going outside, trusting Stacey was right behind him, calling the ship and taking the two into his bedroom, where clothes didn’t matter. 
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rockislandadultreads · 10 months
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Read-Alike Friday: One Puzzling Afternoon by Emily Critchley
One Puzzling Afternoon by Emily Critchley
A mystery she can't remember. A friend she can't forget.
I kept your secret Lucy. I've kept it for more than sixty years . . .
It is 1951, and at number six Sycamore Street fifteen-year-old Edie Green is lonely. Living alone with her eccentric mother - who conducts seances for the local Ludthorpe community - she is desperate for something to shake her from her dull, isolated life.
When the popular, pretty Lucy Theddle befriends Edie, she thinks all her troubles are over. But Lucy has a secret, one Edie is not certain she should keep . . .
Then Lucy goes missing.
2018. Edie is eighty-four and still living in Ludthorpe. When one day she glimpses Lucy Theddle, still looking the same as she did at fifteen, her family write it off as one of her many mix ups. There's a lot Edie gets confused about these days. A lot she finds difficult to remember. But what she does know is this: she must find out what happened to Lucy, all those years ago . . .
Charlotte Illes is Not a Detective by Katie Siegel
The downside of being a famous child detective is that sooner or later, you have to grow up . . .
As a kid, Charlotte Illes’ uncanny sleuthing abilities made her a minor celebrity. But in high school, she hung up her detective’s hat and stashed away the signature blue landline in her “office”—aka garage—convinced that finding her adult purpose would be as easy as tracking down missing pudding cups or locating stolen diamonds.
Now twenty-five, Charlotte has a nagging fear that she hit her peak in middle school. She’s living with her mom, scrolling through job listings, and her love life consists mostly of first dates. When it comes to knowing what to do next, Charlotte hasn’t got a clue.
And then, her old blue phone rings...
Reluctantly, Charlotte is pulled back into the mystery-solving world she knew—just one more time. But that world is a whole lot more complicated for an adult. As a kid, she was able to crack the case and still get her homework done on time. Now she’s dealing with dead bodies, missing persons, and villains who actually see her as a viable threat. And the detective skills she was once so eager to never use again are the only things that can stop a killer ready to make sure her next retirement is permanent.
This is the first volume of the "Not a Detective Mysteries" series.
The Distant Hours by Kate Morton
A long lost letter arrives in the post and Edie Burchill finds herself on a journey to Milderhurst Castle, a great but moldering old house, where the Blythe spinsters live and where her mother was billeted 50 years before as a 13-year-old child during WWII. The elder Blythe sisters are twins and have spent most of their lives looking after the third and youngest sister, Juniper, who hasn’t been the same since her fiancé jilted her in 1941.
Inside the decaying castle, Edie begins to unravel her mother’s past. But there are other secrets hidden in the stones of Milderhurst, and Edie is about to learn more than she expected. The truth of what happened in ‘the distant hours’ of the past has been waiting a long time for someone to find it.
The Sweet Remnants of Summer by Alexander McCall Smith
Isabel Dalhousie accepts an invitation to serve on the advisory committee of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, but soon finds herself swept up in an all-too-familiar dilemma. David is the grandson of a Scottish clan chief and is supportive of Scottish nationalism. But his fervent beliefs are threatening family harmony, especially because his sister Catriona's socialist views put her at odds with her brother. When their mother, Laura, a fellow committee member, asks Isabel to intervene, she tries to demur. But always one for courteous resolutions to philosophical disagreements, Isabel can't help but intercede.
In the meantime, Jamie, having criticized Isabel for getting involved in the affairs of others, does precisely that himself. Jamie is helping to select a new cellist for his ensemble, but he suspects that the conductor may be focused on something other than his favored candidate's cello skills.
With so many factors complicating matters, Isabel and Jamie will have to muster all their tact and charm to ensure that comity is reached between all these fractious parties.
This is the 14th volume of the "Isabel Dalhousie" series.
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malinka-nostalgia · 1 year
Juliette is on her way!
So here’s the story.
June 29. I’m 34 weeks, 1 day
In the afternoon I started feeling some cramping in my abdomen. Similar to period cramps. Also some fatigue. Felt like I just ran a mile. I went to bed way earlier than usual, like 9pm. Did not have a good night. Kept waking up to reposition and go to the bathroom cause I thought I had to pee due to cramps and increasing pressure on my bladder/pelvis. At the time I didn’t really know what contractions felt like, so I mayyy have had them but irregularly. I spent time going on Google/Reddit and typing in my symptoms to see if it’s normal. I saw a lot of people saying it looks like Braxton hicks. So I tried to call myself down that that’s what it is.
June 30. 34 weeks 2 days.
I did not feel better in the morning. If anything I might have felt worse. I though maybe my cramps are related to GI. I had some oatmeal and a cup of coffee. It was hard walking to the classes. Some people could tell I’m struggling and I let them know I may be in false labor. I shared my physical status in process group, so they are aware I may be in false labor and feeling like shit. I also cancelled my manicure apt with Edie, because I just had a bad feeling about what’s happening. Right after process group I went to the business office and got my sober link. My sweet roommate helped me with putting my stuff on a cart and wheeling it over to my car for my therapeutic weekend leave home. She looked really concerned for me since that morning.
My drive home was miserable and was getting worse by the minute it seems like. I may have started to realize what contractions are. My abdomen would tighten, hurt like a bitch, and relax after some time. But even after relaxing I still had baseline cramps which were pretty bad too. It got to the point that I started meaning out loud and breathing heavy. It was difficult to talk to Steve when he called and he grew really concerned and suggested I go straight to the hospital. I told him I wanna go home first and then call my clinic. After a miserable almost 2 hour drive home, I barely crawled out of my car and slowly climbed up to the second floor to our apartment with Steve’s arm around my shoulders for support. I went straight to the bathroom to pee and hope it would relieve some pressure. It barely did. I lied down with a heating pad, hoping it would provide some relief. But shortly after I had another big painful contraction. I called my clinic and they told me to go to labor and delivery triage. Steve drove me.
Got there a bit before 3pm. Based on my frequent, regular, and strong contractions it was determined I’m in premature labor. That scared me. I wanted to cry but I felt like if I did it would make the contractions even stronger. And they already hurt so bad. I was just about yelling every time I had one.
The doc who was great did a papa smear and strep B tests. He also said I’ll be gettin a medication to slow down the contractions. The triage nurse placed an IV. After 2 attempts. Then asked for help to get my labs done. Thank goodness. They also gave me a shot of steroid to help with Juju’s lungs. Shortly after I felt fluid gushing from inside of me. I verbalized somethings happening and that I don’t know if it’s pee or my water broke. The nurse looked and said my water broke. Change of plans. No need to slow down the labor anymore. Baby’s coming in the next 24 hours. The nurse warned me that the contractions will be even more painful now. Not sure if I needed to hear that.
I was transferred to the l&d unit. Changed out of my wet dirty dress into a how. The contractions continued to be horrible and frequent. About 30 mins later I finally got the epidural I was so ready for. The lidocaine hurt and burned real bad, but the actual epidural seemed like a piece of cake. Finally I started to calm down and feel so much better. I called my treatment program to let them know what’s happening. Got a call back later from my therapist and psychiatrist and they said to just focus on what’s happening and not worry about anything else and just keep them updated.
Steve went down to get some food. He was so hungry and mentally worn out. About an hour after the epidural the nurse came with her nursing student and they inserted a urinary catheter. Felt great bit to feel anything. Steve came back after that. Throughout the whole thing Steve had been so supportive.
My brain’s foggy now about everything. I remember later being checked for dilation and I was 3-4 cm. Progressing fast. They weren’t gonna check me again for a while because they didn’t want to risk introducing infection. But they told me to notify if I feel increasing pressure or feeling like I’m bout to poop.
Epidural worked amazing. I could no longer feel the contractions. At times I’d feel them a bit on my right side of abdomen but it wasn’t intense. Basically i had to spend more of my time on my right side because the gravity pulls the medication down like that. Steve pushed the couch closer to my bed so it felt like we were sleeping side by side.
Sergey came by that night to get our apartment key so he could feed Prince on his way to get my dad from the airport. He also dropped off some food for Steve. Shortly after my mom, Alyona, and Darina came by to visit and drop off some food from Renata as well as a care package from her with baby clothes, wipes, pads for me, snacks, nipple pads, and some meds to take home. I felt so spoiled.
Anyway, halfway through writing this the morning I actually ended up delivering it I’ll write that out on another post. This was my overwhelmingly crazy Friday that was also full of so many blessings.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 12
Hello! Sorry this is late, but I had to take this week super slow because I went and sprained my middle and ring fingers on my left hand tripping and falling into a wall. The hand is mostly better, but it still twinges a bit.
Edie is going through some things, Eddie gets lost, and Steve learns where Harri gets his name.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Steve got home and found Edie at the counter munching away at cereal.
“You do know cereal is breakfast food, yes?” he asked as he went to the fridge to pull out the stuff he’d need to make dinner.
“Cereal is a state of mind, Dad,” Edie said, grinning around a mouth full of milk and Frosted Flakes.
“You’re going to spoil your dinner,” Steve said with a glare.
Edie cocked one eyebrow at him and he sighed. “Yeah, all right. So how was school?”
“Algebra is still the bane of human existence,” she murmured. “I just don’t understand it. I can do the geography portion of the syllabus just fine. But when it comes to algebra, I just...” and then blew a raspberry.
Steve grimaced. “I’m sorry, honey. I’ve explained it, Uncle Dusty explained it a different way, and Aunt Robin an even more different way than that and if you’re not getting, I don’t know what to do.”
Edie sighed. “I talked to Mr Olsen and he’s just going to have me take geometry next year instead of forcing me through another year of hell.”
“Are you going to get enough math credits to graduate if you do that?” Steve asked.
Edie sighed. “Probably not, so summer school it is. Yay!” she said waving her hands sarcastically.
“We’ll get you through this,” he promised.
“I know,” she murmured. She looked over at the counter where Steve had put aside enough food for an army. “You skip lunch again?”
He rolled his eyes. “No. Half of this coming with me to the office because Callen, one of the techs’ mom is going through chemo and he forgets to bring lunch.”
Edie looked at the food on the counter and back up at him. “It’s not for you?”
Steve sighed. “No. You’re not going to get hung up on this again are you?”
She shook her head. “I just worry about you, you know.”
He sighed again. “I know you do, but you don’t have to worry about this. You remember what Dr Rushing said, right?”
Edie heaved out a sigh of her own. “I know. It was a one-time thing. It’s never happened before and it hasn’t happened since.”
“Good,” Steve said firmly. “Now help me chop these vegetables.”
She drank down her milk and put her bowl in the sink. She got out a knife and the chopping board and got to work.
“Anything exciting happen at work today?” she asked.
Steve’s spine stiffened and went completely still. “About that, honey. Has your mom tried to get into contact with you recently?”
Edie frowned. “I guess about a month ago. She wanted me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. But I thought she was trying to trap me again, so I just ignored it, why?”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and told her about his afternoon. “So I’m calling the school and letting them know that she is in town and isn’t allowed anywhere near you, okay?”
“God, I swear that woman is like a bad penny,” Edie muttered. “She just keeps coming back.”
Steve nodded. “Violating the order is bad, and she will get in trouble for it. But she hasn’t tried to physically harm either of us, so I’m not sure what the police can even do.”
Edie nodded back. “I wish she would just go away. Because apparently not even finding another man to scam is enough to get her to forget about us.”
“Nothing warps the mind quite like greed,” Steve agreed. “I’ll talk to a lawyer about what more we can do about her, just to set both of our minds at ease. There must be something more we can do.”
Eddie was lost. He was sure Dustin told him to take the second elevator to sixth floor to meet up for lunch. But now he was starting wonder if Dustin had said the sixth elevator to the fourth floor.
And then he saw his savior in the form of a single glass name plate. He wrenched open the door and went up to the desk.
“Hey, so I was wondering if–” he began.
The woman at the desk cut him off by tapping her sign. Eddie’s eyes followed her finger and went, “Oh.”
He started signing instead. “My sincerest apologies, fair Vanessa! I should have been paying better attention. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of Dustin Henderson’s office. I am meant to be having lunch with him, but I have sadly lost my way!”
Vanessa giggled and pressed a button on her desk. She signed back. “I could, but I’m pretty sure he’d take you if you wanted.”
Eddie frowned and signed back. “Who?”
She pointed behind him and he turned. There leaning against his now open door, was Steve. He had his arms crossed and was smiling fondly.
Eddie turned back to her and blushed. Vanessa raised an eyebrow.
“This idiot is on the wrong floor,” she signed to Steve. “Can you take him to Dustin? Tell him to stop letting his experiments run around the building unsupervised.”
Steve laughed. “Come on, Eddie. I’ll get you to where you need to go.”
Eddie signed “Asshole” to her before turning around and following Steve. Her laugh echoed down the hall.
“You have a mean receptionist,” he told Steve as the walked down the hall.
Steve grinned. “I know, isn’t she great? I love her.”
Eddie gulped and shoved his hands in his back pocket. “Didn’t know you were the kind to date the secretary, Harrington.”
Steve laughed. “If I tried that, her husband Nick would make sure my next hearing aid exploded.”
The knot that had formed in Eddie’s chest loosened. “I didn’t see a ring when we were signing, so I wondered.”
Steve nodded. “That’s fair. But he can’t wear one doing his work, so she told him that she wasn’t going to wear one either.”
“Is he deaf, too?” Eddie asked. He knew from Dustin that the company liked to hire hard of hearing and deaf individuals.
Steve shook his head. “One of my best interpreters, though. They came as a packaged deal. I can’t live without Vanessa and Dustin trusts Nick implicitly, I do too.”
Eddie smiled. “It seems like you two have made quite the company here.”
“It absolutely was a team effort,” Steve replied. “Dustin could MacGuiver that shit from his mom’s basement, but he couldn’t get people to listen to him about the technologies.”
“Whereas you could smooth talk a snake out of its skin?” he said, ducking his head and looking up at Steve slyly.
Steve laughed. “Something like that. So it worked to both of our strengths.”
He stopped at a door and then opened it. “Hey, Dusty! Look what I found wondering the halls like a lost puppy.”
Dustin’s head shot up. “There you are! Why didn’t you just message me on your phone, dumbass?”
Eddie flushed in embarrassment. “I thought I could figure it out. But this place is huge.”
Steve laughed. “Well Bo-peep, now that I’ve found your sheep, I’ve got to get back to work.” He jerked his thumb behind him. “Also Vanessa says to keep a tighter leash on your experiments.” He winked at Eddie who protested loudly.
“Hey,” Dustin said, glancing at Eddie quickly, “if you wanted you could come with us to lunch.”
Steve paused at the door and looked to Eddie. “If you don’t mind...”
Eddie shook his head. “You are more than welcome, Stevie.”
Steve felt that familiar swoop in his stomach at the old nickname. “Then sure. Where were you guys thinking of going?”
“Sushi!” Dustin said proudly.
Steve rolled his eyes. “I’ll pass thanks.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Not a fan of raw fish, sweetheart?”
Steve’s stomach swooped again and he really needed Eddie to stop with the nicknames and endearments otherwise Steve wasn’t going to have much of a stomach left after a single lunch the way his stomach kept hollowing out.
Steve shrugged. “I’ve tried all kinds, including the cooked kind and it’s just not my thing. You two have fun though.”
Eddie may have panicked a bit because he blurted. “We could change the restaurant.”
Steve smiled sweetly. “I wouldn’t want to ruin your fun. I’ll just pick something more my flavor on Monday.” He waved goodbye and they waved back.
As the door was closing Steve could hear Dustin ask Eddie, “What happens on Monday?”
Steve was in his office when there was a knock on his door. He had taken out his contacts and pulled out his glasses, the beginning of a migraine floating just beyond the horizon.
He had been chugging water and had long since downed pain killers to stave it off. But he could still feel the pressure building behind his eyes.
When the knock came he looked up to see Eddie standing at the door with a take away box and smile.
“I come bearing gifts of the apology variety,” he said holding up the bag.
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “You didn’t have to do that. I would have grabbed a candy bar or something later.”
Eddie grinned. “It was Dustin’s idea, I am merely the messenger.”
“Why is everyone fussing about my eating?” Steve sighed.
“He said you tend to overwork and forget to eat.” Eddie raised an eyebrow.
Steve shoulders slumped. “He’s right. Sorry. It’s just that Edie’s been going on about my eating habits lately and it’s set me on edge.”
Eddie walked into the room and set his prize down on the table, sliding it over to him. “They got a reason to worry?”
Steve pulled the styrofoam box out of the bag and hummed happily when the scent of sesame chicken hit his nose. He pulled out the chop sticks and dug in, suddenly ravenous.
After a moment or two of stuffing his face, he shook his head. “Not really. Which is why it’s weird, it’s come out of nowhere.”
“You been eating less lately?” Eddie asked, leaning forward on the desk, having pulled up a chair up close.
Steve cocked his head as he thought about it. “I mean not really. Like yeah, sometimes I’ll work through lunch, but I always make sure to grab something later. It’s not disordered eating or whatever they’re calling it these days.”
Eddie nodded. “Anything that’s happened recently that maybe put her on edge and had her latch on to your eating habits?”
Steve scoffed around a bite of chicken. “You mean other than this really great guy I used to be friends with suddenly coming back into my life via his seventeen year old rockstar in the making?”
Eddie grinned. “Other than that, yeah.”
Again Steve gave his question the weight it deserved before shaking his head. “Nothing I can think of.”
Eddie threw himself back against the chair with a heavy sigh. “You got me then man. I don’t know.”
Steve smiled. “At least you tried.”
“Speaking of my rockstar in training, how’s your rockstar in training?” Eddie asked.
“Other than the fixating on my eating?” Steve asked. “She’s fine. Her mom tried to fuck with us again. Sent her packing via cops and lawyers. Hopefully she’ll stay away this time.”
Eddie winced. “Look, I love the name Edie. It’s beautiful, but who the hell names their daughter Edith anymore?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “I know, right? I fought hard for Lilian. Or even just Lily. But no...it had to be Edith. I think it was a family name or some such bullshit.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “God, I think that honestly makes it worse.”
“Hence Edie,” Steve agreed. “So how did you and your husband come up with Harri. Edie said it’s spelled uniquely. With an ‘I’ instead of a ‘Y’?”
Eddie huffed and rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
Steve tilted his head to the side. “I think Dusty or Nancy said it was after some prince or something.”
Eddie shook his head and ran his tongue over his teeth. “Yeah no. That’s official story. Prince Harry was born to the Prince and Princess of Wales two full years before Harri was even conceived. And when people started guessing that with Jay being English, we just didn’t bother to correct them.”
He grabbed the plaque that had Steve’s name on it and turned it around, covering the last five letters of his last name. It now read STEVEN HARRI.
It took Steve a moment before his eyes went wide. “And Jay was okay with that?”
Eddie shrugged. “It wasn’t Steven or Stephen with a ‘PH’. And I didn’t know your middle name.”
“Why what?” Eddie asked. “Why is my son named after a guy who’s name I’ve never spoken aloud in twenty years?”
Steve pursed his lips together and then licked them. “Yeah, man. That.”
“Jay wanted to name him after the man that save my life,” Eddie said softly. “But I was still mad at you about missing Brian’s funeral. Which I now know was because you thought Edie was being born, even if she waited a whole other week to finally make it.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I couldn’t make something up. Not with it in newspapers who the Hawkins hero was. So we used Harri.”
Steve finished his food and threw it away. He wiped off his hands. “Anyone ever guess the real meaning behind the name?”
Eddie shook his head. “Maybe Jeff. But no, everyone else thinks we were British snobs.”
“Well, I’m honored,” Steve said. “Not just because you think I’m a hero, but because Harri’s a good kid. I’m guessing he doesn’t know.”
Eddie shook his head. “I’ve got a letter from Jay that he’s going to get on his twenty-first birthday that will explain it. The surrogacy, his birth, his name. All of it. I wanted to tell Harri sooner, but Jay made me promise.”
Steve nodded. “He’ll probably still be angry. But at least a twenty-one, hopefully he’ll be be mature enough to understand why.”
Eddie slapped the desk with his palm. “That’s the hope.” He looked at his watch. “I’ve got to go. Harri’s got a dentist appointment. See you on Monday?”
Steve grinned. “Yeah. See you on Monday.”
Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos  @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @cardigangoth @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall
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theveryfires · 2 years
meant to be | eddie munson x reader
summary: the gang is all grown up, but Dustin returns to Hawkins to see an old friend ;)
an: i'm in a terribly sad mood so i wrote this, its just a quickie whilst i finish up some other things. i'm sorry in advance lovelies. ALSO i have named the reader Sid, i'm sorry if that isn't your thing but i'm just trying a few things out. enjoy! (again this was just a quickie so if things don't make sense timeline wise please just look over it, well thought through plot lines will resume shortly)
Dustin didn’t quite know what to expect when he knocked on the peeling front door, flakes falling to the aching wooden floor as he waited for it to open. He had heard rumours from the others, some sad some…not so sad. Everyone had to make the trip back some day, he had meant for that day to be sooner but time got away from him. Suddenly it had been far too many summers since he had been back in his home town since getting married. Splitting the holidays between his mothers and Suzie’s became easier when his mum died. As awful as it was, Dustin had felt freed. All the others had moved out, putting the town and everything that had happened there behind them. His mother had been the only thing still tying him there. But it had been keeping him awake at night, weighing him down that she had never got to meet them.
Suddenly the sound of keys jangling, locks clicking brought Dustin out of his train of thought. The door was finally opening, revealing a tired face. For a few minutes, the years that had passed them by dominated their appearance. Deep set crows feet, laugh lines, a streak of silver hair running through their once deep curls. “Can i help you?” Her tone was short, clearly only on their second coffee of the day. Dustin tried to smile, hoping he hadn’t changed so much that they had forgotten him. But soon enough something passed over their eyes from behind their thick rimmed glasses, a sparkle of recognition instantly washing the years away. In an instant the door was thrown open, arms flung around his shoulders and pulling them down to his height. “Henderson! I don’t remember you being this tall at the wedding! If i knew you were back in town i…well i would of at least brushed my hair!” The smell of cigarettes and home cooking mixed with their perfume, bringing a strange comfort to Dustin as he squeezed them closer. “It's good to see you too, Sid. Can we come in?” 
Sid pulled away slowly, their eyes wide as confusion clouded back over their now hazy hazel eyes. “We?” They were looking up at Dustin, hands in their overalls quickly flying to cover their mouth as a small face peaked out from behind him. Suddenly they were crouching down, their glasses pushed into their curls like a strange crown, eyes turning soft and warm as a cheeky smile took over their face. Dustin felt transported to when they first met, shrinking back down to his former height as they recanted the same words they had said to him. “Hey there, I don’t believe we’ve met.” 
It was Dustin’s turn to crouch down now, an arm around the child behind him as he ushered them towards Sid, their outstretched hand open and patiently waiting for their own tiny hand to return the favour. Dustin helped them along, encouraging them gently and smiling widely as the two shook hands. “Sid, I want you to meet my daughter…Edie.” 
Their eyes instantly widened, feeling as though the air had been knocked out of them as they looked over the young girl. She had Dustin’s curls, his smile, probably his confidence as she got older but her eyes were Suzie’s, full of a hidden mischief that felt dangerously familiar. Tears were already clouding Sid’s eyes as they held the little girls hand gently. “Edie…what a, pretty name. Yknow, that reminds me of someone really special your dad and i used to know. I’m Sydney…but you princess, can call me Sid.” 
Dustin and Edie were quickly ushered into Sids home, the promise of fresh baked cookies prising a cheeky smile out of the young Henderson. Whilst Edie watched TV, Dustin and Sid talked in the kitchen. Their voices low, Sids eyes constantly switching to the young girl as Dustin stared at the old photos that littered the walls. The pair had been talking about nothing, classic adult gossip of how the Wheelers were doing, if they had heard from Robin at all, how tall the Harrington’s were getting. “You don’t think he would mind, do you?” His question made Sid’s knees feel weak, forcing her to grip the counter as she forced a tender smile. As she shook her head, Dustin didn’t miss the quivering smile on her face. “He would of loved it Dusty, he would of loved her.” 
It was Henderson’s turn to cry now, his hand reaching for Sids as they both stared at a picture from senior year. It had been taken three months before the gates began to be opened again. They were all together, Sid on his back and pressing a kiss to his cheek, Dustin, Steve and Robin faux gagging, Nancy was grinning at the camera, the rest of the kids fading into the back ground as the pair focused on him. “He always had a way of pulling focus, even if he didn’t mean to didn’t he?” Dustin’s voice shook as he spoke, his grip on Sid’s hand growing tighter as they nodded their head. Before Sid could speak, Edie interrupted the two. A picture in hand, her sticky fingers marking the frame as she asked “Daddy, whose this man with the funny hair.” Dustin opened his mouth to respond, but Sid beat him to the chase. Already sat at his daughters side, pulling a photo album into her lap and smiling once again at her new niece. “That my love, was your uncle…his name was Eddie Munson.We were...friends, for a very very long time.” 
“Where's uncle Eddie now?” 
“In the stars sweetheart, where he was always meant to be.” 
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okayy!! i have a request for Kenny (We’re the Millers)
so instead of Melisa being Edie and Dons kid, the reader is their child and she obviously runs into the Miller family when they’re on the road and Kenny and the reader hang out all the time and they hang out at the fair (when the drug dealer gets caught by Don) and Kenny admits his feelings when he realizes he may never see her again
(and if you don’t mind it being overly long then maybe a part where they both get put into witness protection together and just go on cute dates together and just soft boy Kenny!! <33)
Oh god, I am so not good at fluff but I tried!! I love Kenny, but he's so hard to write for lmao
3.4K Words🤙🏻
"Time to hop on the super dandy party motorhome! Vamanos!" You cringed as your mother's high pitched voice echoed throughout the area, severely mispronouncing the Spanish word.
"Mom, please, stop trying to pretend like you know Spanish."
"Hey," Your father cut in, "your mother is the only one who thought to bring a Spanish dictionary on the road. She definitely knows more Spanish than you, sweetheart. Last time I checked, you don't know how to ask where the bathroom is."
"Alright, alright." You pouted, crossing your arms and burying your face in your phone. You loved your parents, but they could sure be annoying sometimes. You rarely ever got to go on vacations, much less with your own parents, so you tried to make the most of it. You would feel too guilty if you acted like a spoiled brat, plus, your parents would nip that in the bud as soon as you started to show sass.
Coming up to the border to cross back into the States, you jumped when you heard your father and mother taking turns honking the vehicle's horn, making a fool out of themselves. They were waving and shouting excitedly to the next motorhome over, making motions for them to roll their window down. Because of course, they had to introduce themselves just because they had a motorhome as well.
Sighing in embarrassment as your parents called you up front to say hi to the family in the next motorhome, your heart almost skipped a beat when you saw him: a handsome, green eyed, blond haired boy, his eyes glazed over as he looked at you with the same expression that must've been on your face. He was the most gorgeous human being you ever did see. You both waved awkwardly to each other, offering up small timid smiles. But that moment was too short-lived, they pulled up in front of the motorhome and after some inspection, they were on their way down the road.
It was just a fleeting moment, but it was enough to make you think about it for the rest of the trip, but you knew you'd never see him again; that is, until you soon found their motorhome of the side of the road with smoke rising out of the hood of the engine. "Oh my, Don, look who it is!" Your mother screeched, frantically pointing her finger. "Oh, we gotta help them!"
"What seems to be the problem here, fellas?" Your father asked once he exited the motorhome.
"Uh, smoke started rising from our engine." The father of the Millers said, nervously scratching behind his head, his son looking just as awkward.
"Well, there just so happens to be a garage nearby a ways. You're in luck, we have just the tool to hook y'all up to our motorhome so we can take ya there? How's that sound?"
"T-that sounds amazing. Thank you so much!"
Your eyes widened and a rush of heat quickly came to your face as the boy you had seen before entered your motorhome, your father insisting that they ride in yours as he drove them to the garage. "Hi." The boy stuttered, wearing a nervous smile. "Uh, is that seat taken?" He pointed on the small couch you were sitting on.
"Uh, no. Go ahead." You patted the seat next to you, trying to control your rapidly beating heart. "Sorry, what was your name again?"
"Kenny." He smiled, a very beautiful smile; and you gave his yours as well. "Nice to meet you, well, I guess it would be the second time technically."
After a little bit of small talk and picking up the rest of his family, you settled into a comfortable atmosphere with Kenny, playing on each of your own separate Nintendo DS. "So, you take trips with your family often?" You asked.
"Oh no, this is the first time we've ever traveled together." His eyes quickly widened as you gave him a confused look. "In a while!" He added. "First time in a while." He chuckled nervously. "We don't get out often."
"Us either. My parents usually have to take days off of work to even go out to dinner, so I understand that."
"Well, your parents seem cool." To that you scoffed. "Are they not?"
"They can be...eccentric."
"Rather that then no parents at all, I guess." He frowned.
"They have their moments, for sure. But you know how it is, the teenager always has to be rebellious in some way. At least, that's how most teenagers are. You don't seem like the type though. I mean, you look like you'd be really nice to yours parents. Make them coffee or breakfast in bed, that type of thing." You giggled, causing Kenny to blush and cast his gaze downwards. "I didn't mean that as a bad thing, it's sweet."
Kenny shrugged. "I've been picked on too many times to know that I'd never want to treat anyone else that way, no matter what. So, I guess that's sweet."
"Yeah, me too."
"You've been picked on too? A pretty girl like you? No way."
You blushed furiously, not used to compliments from someone other than your parents. "No one else seemed to think that in school. But I was picked on for more than my looks, just my interests seemed to bother people. It was mostly nerd or geek that got thrown at me in the hallways, even in classrooms when the teacher was teaching, sometimes they'd even laugh."
Kenny frowned. "It seems like we have a lot in common." He chuckled bitterly, but it made you smile.
You and Kenny talked a lot during the ride, getting to know each other and sharing interests, which the two of you happened to share most of them. You felt a little bad that the garage was closed for the day because of how happy you felt that you'd get to spend more time with this boy. You lived a very sheltered life, your parents being the way that they are; you knew you probably didn't have a realistic idea of romance, but man, you felt like you were in one of those cheesy romance movies. The way you both blushed when you caught each other's eye, or the way sparks seemed to fly at every accidental touch. It felt magical, if that kind of thing even existed.
Pulling in to one of the campsites that wasn't too far away from the garage, you started to get nervous as you knew what came with camping with your parents. Campfire songs, making up ghost stories, Pictionary, those were the tame ones. But thankfully, it was a simple game of Pictionary.
You eagerly waited for Kenny to start his drawing, finding yourself to start actually having fun even with your parents forcing all of you to play the game. He started off by drawing thick, black lines and everyone started shouting out their guesses, but your head snapped in the direction of his mother who started shouting, "A dick! Big, black dick! Black cock!" You had to hide your look of shock, but felt even more bad once you saw Kenny's embarrassed face.
Taking your time to really analyze the drawing, it finally clicked. "A skateboard?" You spoke over Rose's obscene guesses.
Kenny looked to you with a startled but thankful expression, allowing a small timid smile to adorn his face. "Yeah. Exactly." He chuckled breathlessly.
You felt heat quickly rise to your face as you noticed everyone around you was looking at you in shock, it's like you just figured out rocket science. "I suck at drawing, obviously." Kenny sat down beside you, the game coming to an abrupt end after his parents went off to talk in private.
You gave him a sympathetic smile. "You tried your best, that's all that matters. Sorry about my parents, forcing you all to play this silly game." You chuckled.
"Oh, no, I had fun. I wish I had parents like yours. Well, uh, not that they're bad or anything. We just don't really have those family game nights too often."
"You talk like your parents are gone all the time. Rose and David seem nice enough, but I don't have to live with them, of course. So, I shouldn't say anything, sorry."
"No, it's okay! I just wouldn't take your parents for granted."
You smiled. "I don't. I just feel like I need breathing space, is all." You started to blush when Kenny didn't respond, simply looking over your face like he was trying to memorize ever detail, the soft expression making the butterflies in your stomach to flutter. You were thinking about leaning in before he spoke again.
"Well, it's getting late, isn't it?" Kenny blurted, quickly standing up and you following his actions. "Sleep is important, you know!" He giggled nervously, giving you a friendly pat on the shoulder before walking away to your motorhome, stumbling slightly.
Was it something you said?
To say you were disappointed would've been an understatement. You really thought Kenny would go for the kiss, you wanted him to so very badly. But then again, you realized he wasn't the type to just go for it and neither were you, which complicated things. Your feelings for him were clear to you, even for the very short time you had gotten to know him, but your insecurity told you that maybe he didn't feel the same. Needless to say, you didn't get much sleep that night.
It was a bit awkward when you both had to part ways the next morning. Honestly, you didn't really want to even be seen because of your embarrassment, but your mother wouldn't let you be rude. You gave polite smiles and waves to the Miller family, not making eye contact with Kenny just to spare yourself from the ache you knew you'd feel if you did.
Over the course of the next couple days, you were still stuck in this funk that you couldn't seem to shake. All your thoughts were of Kenny. You spent most of the time sulking, much to your parents' dismay. They would try to get you to sing along with them whenever they burst out into song from various musicals, saying that you'd feel better after singing a song. But you just weren't up to it, it was annoying, and you rarely could ever turn down a sing-a-long. But alas, even when you stopped at the fairgrounds one of your last stops on the road trip, you didn't feel as excited as you normally would be. That was, until, you spotted Kenny in the crowd.
You didn't really believe in fate or destiny, but you couldn't deny some sort of force wanting you two to be drawn together. You felt your face heat up quickly once he spotted you yourself, a large goofy grin plastered on his face and making his way towards you. "Y/n, wow! Didn't think I'd see you here." Kenny laughed breathlessly, the beautiful sound making your heart beat rapidly.
"I didn't think I'd see you here either. A coincidence, huh?" You replied, wearing a weak smile. You weren’t the type to be petty, but your ego was still bruised from the other night. You honestly just felt like you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. “So, what are you doing here?” You quickly noticed the gauze taped to the inside of his elbow. “Are you okay?” You asked, your concern overpowering your pettiness.
Kenny looked down at his arm with wide eyes, almost forgetting that the gauze was still even there. “Oh, that!” He chuckled nervously. “I, uh, had to go to the emergency room…”
“What? Why?”
Kenny’s face reddened, the thought of retelling the story making a coil of embarrassment tighten in his gut. But with your face so deeply etched in concern, he couldn’t not tell you. “Nothing too serious, just got bit by a spider. But I’m okay now!”
“Goodness, glad you’re okay. I hate spiders. Where were you bitten?”
Kenny waved you off quickly. “Ah, that’s not important. Anyway, I’ve got some time to kill, wanna walk around together or something?”
“You…want to hang out?”
“Only if you’re up to it!” Kenny stuttered. Man, he was so cute. The hopeful smile on his face made you forget why you were even upset with him in the first place, so of course you agreed.
And just like how you and Kenny were those couple days ago, you both easily slipped back into that comfortable awkwardness with each other, sharing nervous smiles and giggles and terrible jokes that no one else would find funny but the two of you. You both rode the various rides that the fair had to offer, admiring the way everything lit up as the sun started to descend on the horizon. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, a text from your mother saying that you had to come back to them soon so you could watch the fireworks as a family. You frowned, your day that turned perfect as soon as Kenny found you had to come to a close when all you wanted was for it to last forever.
“What’s the matter?” Kenny asked.
“I have to go soon. The fireworks are gonna start soon and my mom wants us to watch them together. Then it’s back on the road to head home.” You sighed, tucking your phone back in your pocket. “How about we ride the Ferris wheel before I leave?”
The seats in the Ferris wheel weren’t that spacious, the seat only holding two people at a time, so you had to fight the blush when you and Kenny had to sit side by side, your knees touching each other. But thankfully, even if you were blushing, the red lights would hide it. And Kenny, he was full on blushing, but you didn’t notice. He never thought knees touching each other could be so intimate, and yet… “I really wish you didn’t have to leave after this.” He whispered, barely audible over the carnival music and wind in your ears, but you heard, and it made your heart thump violently in your chest.
“Me too.” You admitted, causing Kenny to look at you with a sad smile, all the bright colorful lights in the fair collecting in his bluish green eyes, making them shine brilliantly. God, you wanted to kiss him so badly, but the Ferris wheel stopped and you both had to leave the seat. “Walk me back?” You asked with a hopeful expression, smiling when he agreed.
“Kenny? Where’ve you been, bud?” A voice called out, quickly recognizing the man as Kenny’s father, David. “Come on, we gotta go drop off these drugs before-” His eyes widened as he only just noticed you standing behind Kenny, the rest of his family coming to stand behind David.
“Drugs?” You looked at Kenny in confusion. “What’s he talking about?”
Kenny looked back and forth between you and David, his mouth agape and unable to speak. “Okay, I’ll just spit it out. They’re not my real family. We’re drug smugglers, Y/n, I am so sorry-”
“What?” You jumped as you heard your mother screech from behind you. “You all are drug dealers?”
“No, no, no, drug smugglers. There’s a difference!”
David quickly shushed everyone. “Look, he’s just been in the hospital, he’s all loopy from whatever they gave him. He doesn’t even know what drugs are, okay?” In the middle of his rant, a tall muscular man stood behind the fake family, his expression angry and it scared you. It only took a couple seconds for him to realize you and your mother were staring behind them in shock, and they all jumped back in surprise when they finally turned around to see the scary man. “Oh, you’re not dead. Thank God.”
The large man only responded by holding up his pistol, cocking the hammer. “He’s got a gun!” Your mother cried out, holding onto you tightly. He started to point the barrel at all of you until the door to your motorhome suddenly opened, your father quickly intercepting and knocking the man unconscious. 
“Y/n, go find a police officer.” Your father ordered as he ziptied the man.
You ran off immediately, but you didn’t get very far. Another man, significantly smaller than the other one, grabbed you by the forearm, trying to twist you around but you struggled and fought against him. But his grip only tightened painfully and you froze in place as he placed his own gun to your head, “Fight or make a sound, and I’ll pump you full of lead, girl.” You could only nod silently as he brought you back to the scene, tears in your eyes as you looked to your parents in fear, glancing over to see Kenny looking at you with almost the same amount of fear.
“Please don’t hurt her.” Your father begged after he gave up the gun he took from the fallen man, and his coffee mug. To your immense relief, the man holding you pushed you away and back into the arms of your parents.And after some back and forth between the Millers and the drug dealer, the fireworks finally started. Lucky for you all, the drug dealer got distracted and allowed for David to knock the gun out of his hand. But it felt like it was all over when the man pulled out another gun, aimed straight at David and about to pull the trigger, until Kenny punched him in the face.
You stared in shock as your father immediately went to tie up the man, unable to help yourself in thinking about how impressed you were with Kenny. 
With a soft smile, Kenny walked back to you with a confident stance. “Kenny-” You were quickly interrupted as he pushed his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, very unexpected coming from sweet and timid Kenny. You made no effort to pull away, you didn’t want to, not when this was what you wanted for half a week now. He moved his lips against yours with expertise, but you didn’t even think to wonder how he learned how to kiss so well. Your eyes briefly opened in shock as he rolled his tongue against yours, you didn’t even know what he did, but you couldn’t help the quiet moan you let out as he made that pleasant move. “Oh…” You sighed as he finally pulled away, your eyes glazed over as you stared into his with admiration.
“God, I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Kenny chuckled breathlessly.
“Why didn’t you do that sooner?” You asked.
“Didn’t think you felt the same way, and I was scared. But considering you didn’t slap me, I guess that means you do feel the same. If you want to, I’d love to take you out on a proper date. You know, without the threat of death.”
“Of course.” You smiled, leaning up to place a quick kiss on his lips. But that smile quickly left your face as you saw your father’s disapproving stare. “Dad-” He brought his hand up and gave you that parent look, making you shut your mouth.
Your father looked Kenny up and down, sizing him up before speaking. “Now,” He started, “I normally wouldn’t allow my precious daughter to date a criminal, especially a drug smuggler…but, you helped save my family and that makes you alright in my book.”
He gave you and Kenny a small smile, barely seen under his thick mustache. “But unfortunately, I’m gonna have to place you under arrest…or, you could be a witness and testify against who made you do this. You’d all have to be placed under witness protection, but better that than a jail cell, right?”
It wasn’t an ideal circumstance, but you and Kenny made it work. After a few months, you were finally allowed to see him again. He finally took you on that date like he promised, and it was almost normal, like he wasn’t under witness protection. But that didn’t matter to you. All that mattered was that you got to spend time with him. He was the perfect boyfriend, even with all his endearing quirks, but it just made you care for him even more. 
Despite the odd way the two of you met and the illegal situation, you couldn’t have been happier.
kenny is baby
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raspberryranpo · 3 years
Hi! I've never made a request before, and I can't find a post that says if requests are open or not so I hope this is okay. BUT. If they are open, would I be able to request some fluffy headcanons with Felix, Sylvain, and the three head of houses (Dimi, Claude and Edie) if possible? If you don't write for characters separately like that then maybe just black eagles fluffy headcanons? I love your writing and I hope you have an amazing day/night 🥰❤️
general fluff headcanons
fire emblem three houses: dimitri, claude, edelgard, felix & sylvain
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requests are still open by the way!! please just bear with me because i’m trying my hardest to get through a bunch of them this week after not doing anything for a while
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prefers to link arms with you rather than hold your hand because he’s scared that he’ll end up hurting you
loves to have you brush his hair when you’re getting ready for bed. on more than one occasion, he’s managed to pass out on your lap
going back to what i said before about cottagecore dimitri….. during your school days, he liked to talk about how, in the future, you & he would have a small house in the faerghus countryside, surrounded by nothing but nature
will gently tuck your hair behind your ear or pick an eyelash off of your face without worrying about embarrassing you because that never occurs to him
talks about you to his friends and the nobles he has to deal with as king too - they hear about you nonstop and it drives them absolutely crazy, but it’s still heartwarming to see the previously silent prince now blab on about the person he loves
sometimes you can feel claude’s prickly beard when you both wake up in the morning & he always makes it a point to wake you up by rubbing it into your neck
blows raspberries into your skin whenever he sees an opportunity to. of course, he doesn’t do this around just anyone - mostly in front of lorenz just to make him uncomfortable though
whenever he comes home, he runs straight to wherever you are & scoops you up effortlessly, swinging you back and forth and kissing you all over
knows how to style your hair and will play with it at any given opportunity, meaning that whenever he’s bored and you’re bored and you’re both in a meeting, he’s reaching over to twirl a strand in his fingers
plays with the orphans in the monastery whenever he passes them by - for example, if they’re playing football, he’ll kick the ball around with them for five minutes and praise them, even if he’s needed immediately at an important meeting. it always makes them smile & he’s a favourite among them
you’ve seen her talking to the cats and dogs dotted around the monastery on more than one occasion. she won’t admit it, but you both know that she does it
is 100% hiding a cat in her room and you can hear it on occasion through the window. the cat sometimes finds its way into the room next door (hubert’s) and you can also hear him fawning over it too
whenever she’s bored in a meeting, she’ll just lean over and rest her head on your shoulder, shutting her eyes once she’s sure that nobody’ll notice
has an exceptional singing voice. dorothea has asked her to join mittelfrank multiple times but she’s refused - however, she does enjoy singing you to sleep whenever you’re both together at night
you guys always have tea parties every sunday with zero exceptions. all you do is drink tea and talk trash about the blue lions with the hopes that one of them will walk past and hear. sometimes hubert joins, and those days are always the harshest yet funniest.
reads a book before bed every night, otherwise he can’t sleep. he has little reading glasses too & it’s the most old man thing he’s ever done. he’s also probably afraid of the dark too bless
every time he walks past you & you’re sitting down, he’ll either a) ruffle your hair and then kiss the top of your head, or b) push down on your head so that you hit the table or the thing you’re holding just to get on your nerves
will talk about the most random topics for hours on end - you could ask him about giant squids and he’d know everything there is to know, and then some. he’s incredibly nerdy & whenever he’s around you, his mouth just starts running, half out of nervousness and half out of the need to impress you
saying that, he probably knows everything about everyone, much like gretchen from mean girls. whenever there’s someone being mean to you, he’ll come out and say their darkest secret just to get revenge
genuinely listens to all you have to say without zoning out or talking over you. and he remembers the smallest things, too - you could mention how you saw a really cute necklace the other day, and the next thing you know, he’s holding it up in front of you
is incredibly soft behind closed doors. i know i say this every time i do something fluffy for felix, but it’s true. he can’t bring himself to even hold your hand otherwise because he’s too busy worrying about whether his hands are too sweaty or if he’ll crush your hands
instead of holding hands, though, he’ll gladly hold your pinky. every so often he squeezes it just to let you know that he’s still there and that he still cares about you
everything you look at in shops, he buys, zero hesitation. even if you protest, he tries to reason that you deserve it and that money is of no relevance to him whatsoever. he purely just wants to see you happy
he (very reluctantly) took you to meet his father once. rodrigue loved you, saying that you’re a good influence on felix, and that he hopes that felix is treating you right. baby pictures are shown, and felix is fuming by the time you leave
felix also has reading glasses and no i do not accept criticism. he doesn’t even read that often, but he knows that you think he looks cute with his dinky glasses on, so he puts them on more often. they slide down his face sometimes & he blushes when you push them back up for him
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
What would you say are the biggest mistakes Mass Effect 3 made?
Okay this is going to be a long one, but these would be the biggest mistakes ME3 ever made in my opinion
Choosing Cerberus over The Reapers. The thing that annoyed me most about ME3 is the fact that Harbinger is not the main threat. The Illusive Man is. Harbinger has been built up as the big bad since ME2. "YOU HAVE FAILED. WE WILL FIND ANOTHER WAY." He says as he discards the Collectors. Then his speech to Shepard as the base blows up. "Human, you've changed nothing. Your species has the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction. You will surrender your potential against the growing void. We return, and you will rise. We are the harbinger of your perfection. We will bring your species into harmony with our own. Your species will be raised to a new existence. We are the beginning, you will be the end. Prepare for our domination. Prepare for our coming." Then in Arrival, he came pretty damn close to unleashing quick subjugation and harvest upon an unprepared galaxy. Upon Shepard foiling his plans. "Shepard. You have become an annoyance. You fight against inevitability. Dust struggling against cosmic winds. This seems a victory to you. A star system sacrificed. But even now, your greatest civilizations are doomed to fall. Your leaders will beg to serve us. Know this as you die in vain: Your time will come. Your species will fall. Prepare yourselves for the Arrival." The perfect final villain right? Unfortunately, Cerberus was more focused on than The Reapers. My problem with Cerberus and no Harbinger is Too many Cerberus, too few Reaper forces in plot. We fight Cerberus more often than the reapers. Hardly any boss fight and the one with Reaper Destroyer on Rannoch was more an interactive movie than fight. During the Horizon mission in Mass Effect 2, Harbinger was solidified as the Big Bad. It was menacing and ominous, with just the right amount of annoying. It taunted us throughout the game, telling us how insignificant we were, and how our actions were pointless. It was willing to posses drones through the Collector General to fight us personally, and when we killed the host, it tossed them aside. Harbinger even gave the typical “You haven’t seen the last of me!” villain rant. It made any fire fight frustrating, and that made me want to kill it even more; I hated Harbinger. Many games fail to do that. Harbinger was an enemy which I looked forward to defeating. I had the desire to annihilate. In Mass Effect 3, I got a codex entry and a cameo. Harbinger just swoops in at the last second and blows my friends and I to hell(and lets the Normandy save them), then flies off. Personally, I would have loved to hear Harbinger’s menacing monologue, it drove me on. I would have felt a deeper motivation to take the fight back to Earth if it told me how much destruction the Reapers were causing, how many lives were lost. I felt cheated when I got to the final mission, only to suddenly realize it was largely absent from the game. Harbinger has been replaced. Replaced by the Illusive Man and Kai Leng. The former is an old acquaintance, albeit one now controlled by the Reapers. The latter is a space ninja from a terrible book. What would've been amazing is if Harbinger IS the Catalyst. Harbinger taunts and haunts Shepard throughout the game He uses the memory of that child to haunt Shepard as a symbol of humanity lost. After Shepard activates the Crucible. Harbinger appears. He explains to why and how The Reapers were made. the AI Leviathan created to solve the equation is Harbinger all along, Harbinger manipulated The Leviathan into giving it Reaper form and birth at first it did what it commanded and what they asked of it was to look at the dark energy building up which back then was only an anomaly that Leviathan was concerned with but then the first harvest began and Harbinger and The Reapers were born. Funny enough, Leviathan reminds me so much of FMA:Brotherhood. The Intelligence tricked Leviathan to create the Reaper is very similar to how the Dwarf in the flask became Father. So what I think should have happened is it would've been revealed that Harbinger is the AI that convinced the Leviathan that harvest was the only way to survive and justifies the harvests not because organics and synthetics can't coexist, but because of the dark matter crisis. Throughout the game we would have more confrontations with Harbinger. Have him "ASSUME CONTROL" during fights. Give us a voiced confrontation between Shepard and Harbinger. Make it clear that Harbinger chose The Illusive Man and convinced him of together they could uplift and empower humanity over the lesser races. The Illusive Man is to Harbinger, as what Saren was for Soverign. Then the Crucible will grant us the choice to Destroy or Control The Reapers or Harvest this cycle to survive the Dark Matter crisis. You could either. Destroy Harbinger and The Reapers, while the united races would discover a way to stop the dark matter problem. Give in to Harbinger to harvest humanity to save the galaxy. Control The Reapers to stop the harvesting and to work together to stop the dark matter crisis.
Choosing to have a smaller crew than ME2 and focusing solely on the ME1 characters and screwing over or ignoring the ME2 crew, especially romancing Jack, Miranda and Thane. If it were up to me, this is what my ideal ME3 line up would be Ashley/Kaidan EDI Garrus Liara Tali Javik Jack Miranda Thane(EA forgot about him and simply chose to kill him off, I think Thane could’ve rejoined the crew and even had a mission where we find a cure for Thane and Kolyat) Grunt Mordin(you'll see how later) Legion(You'll see later) Balak or any Batarian Squadmember. Ideally it would be someone who survived the Bahak system or even a Batarian freedom fighter who puts his people’s survival over the pride and prejudices of the Hegemony. His sole goal is to liberate Khar'shan and save his people. But for a more memorable person, Balak would be the squad member. I would make killing Balak not an option. The last high ranking officer in the Hegemony. Instead of causing deaths on the Citadel, he seeks Shepard out. It’s an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Over time, Balak would show remorse for his past actions as a terrorist and for the Hegemony’s past. Shepard and Balak learns to overcome their differences and see each other as friend and works together to destroy the Reapers. We would get a Priority Khar’shan where we could liberate the planet and the Batarians would be in a fighting force.
Keeping James alive. I like James, but he added absolutely nothing to the game. We already had an Alliance character. Ashley Williams/Kaidan Alenko. James should have been the Jenkins/Wilson of the game. He should have died in the crash to take out Eva and Ashley/Kaidan should have been with us from beginning to end. James is a character we barely know. We’ve waited a long ass time to see Ashley/Kaidan and it was downright disappointing that neither Ashley nor Kaidan did not get to interact with Garrus on Priority Palaven and Wrex during Priority S’Urkesh.
Mirandafying Ashley Williams. Mirandafying Ashley Williams for Mass Effect 3 was shallow and unnecessary. Wearing loose and long hair and skimpy clothing? Ashley Williams is a by the books soldier. She would not look like this. She would not grow her hair or let it down like this. I mean, it’s not that they changed her face so much, but they just tried too hard with the makeup, hair and outfit. Ashley didn’t need to be model-sexy and run around in heels and showing cleavage. She was already sexy as hell in her own way. All they needed to do was give her the Alliance Crewmen outfit as her casual look and the Phoenix Armor and the current Alliance type armor she was given in ME3, as well as a unique Spectre armor. It's not just the shallow Mirandafying. It's the fact that Ashley has little to no interactions. Ashley barely has any interactions in the game. Compared to Kaidan, Ashley is not interactable. I don't like that Ashley barely has any interactions and just feels...hollow. Ashley should have crew moments with Joker, Adams, Ashley at the monument mourning those who died with the original Normandy, Liara, Tali and Garrus. Was it so much to ask for simple interactions? And really, Ashley in the first game had a personality, Ashley in ME3 feels hollow.
Choosing Diana Allers over Emily Wong and Khalisah al-Jilani. Emily and Khalisah are two reporters we actually know and respect. They earned their place on the Normandy. Emily reported on crime and traffic controllers. Khalisah gave us hard hitting questions and actually cared about reporting on what the fuck was going on in the galaxy. They earned their place on the Normandy as far as I'm concerned. Compare that to Diana Allers. What has Diana Allers done to deserve a spot on the Normandy? Nothing. They created the Battlespace to make her seem like a hip and cool Alliance News Correspondent. Allers looked, weird and she just comes off as annoying and she's a waste of space on the Normandy when we could've had a whole new or returning squad member. God, I WISH Javik could throw her out the fucking airlock. You had TWO perfectly great reporter characters and you did jackshit for any of them. Just so you could have an excuse to hire Jessica Chobot.
Not letting us see Tali's face on Rannoch. Legendary Edition fixed the mistake by finally showing us Tali's face, but it's still exclusive to Shali romancers. What should have happened was we see Tali's face when she unmasks on Rannoch. If we don't romance her, she unmasks and gives us a smile. If we romance her we see her face and kiss her. Something simple like that. It would've been great to see
Not having the ME2 squad members join in on the Citadel DLC. I mean for fuck's sake, it's like they want us to know "fuck you, ME1 squadmembers only" Again, why? Why wasn’t Jack, Miranda, Grunt, Samara, Jacob, Zaeed and Kasumi not added? If we romanced Jack or Miranda, why didn't they come to save us when we were being hunted? Why not REALLY making it feel like Team Hammerhead by actually adding the ME2 Squad members to the Citadel DLC before the party? There was no reason why you couldn't include the ME2 squad members in the Citadel DLC
Making Cerberus the villains instead of uneasy allies, when The Batarians were the perfect allies for The Reapers. This might just be me but I think Cerberus should have been on our side in ME3 and The Batarians should have been fighting for The Reapers. Makes sense Cerberus has just been a rouge organization doing what the job no matter what the cost(even if the cost is atrocities) and instead of indoctrinating themselves they could of studied it to make themselves immune to indoctrination and The Illusive Man's goal was to use any means necessary in order to destroy The Reapers. I also like the idea that you know you can't trust him, but he does get results. The Council and The Alliance are desperate, so they accept a partnership with Cerberus. The Batarians have always held a grudge against The Alliance, The Council and would have wanted revenge for Bahak/ Viper Nebula. The fact that there are no consequences for what we had to do in Arrival from The Batarians just doesn't make any sense and you'd think this would give The Batarians the motive to turn to The Reapers. Hell in the Terra Nova DLC in Mass Effect 1 it seemed to me that Balak was already indoctrinated and Balak’s revelation of the “Batarian rebellion” makes it seem like they would be the perfect tools for The Reapers. Balak will be the new Saren figure. If you killed Balak, then The Reapers would just bring him back. The first act of war for the Batarians was the destruction of the Viper Nebula, so their retaliation was killing Udina. Prior to the Reaper invasion of Earth, Udina would go to Omega to make peace talks with Aria. The Batarians attack and gain control of Omega, Aria is ousted(but saved by General Petrovsky) and Udina is executed live for the galaxy to see. Because of Udina's execution and Anderson leading the resistance on Earth. The Illusive Man is now the Human Councilor. Miranda and Kai Leng would be squad members. Depending on if you gave TIM the Collector Base or destroyed it, he will either keep you in the dark or help you at every turn. Just think of the Cerberus War Assets Cerberus Scientists General Oleg Petrovsky Collector Base Cerberus Fighters Cerberus Phantoms Cerberus Engineers Project Phoenix We would get a big mission to deal with the Batarians, Priority:Khar'shan. If you do not deal with the Batarians, there will be major casualties. However half of the Batarian forces are not indoctrinated and just want to end the mistakes of their government and live. Balak wants to kill the rebellion of his people. Ironic. Somehow Balak has placed enough bombs on the planet to destroy everyone who is resisting Reaper indoctrination. We can either. Talk Balak out of it. Telling him to resist and fight for your people(which WOULD gain Balak as an ally) or talk Balak into killing himself. Or the true Renegade option is to kill Balak and order a strike that wipes out the Batarian forces, but sacrificing the Batarian Rebellion. By the time we get to Priority Earth everyone is on the same page and united against the true threat, The Reapers. And it is Harbinger who is the final boss
Not having Maelon be there with Mordin in ME3. This isn't really a problem, but I had a thought. If we spared Maelon and kept Maelon's data for the cure. Maelon should have been on board to help Mordin with the cure. If we warn Mordin and Maelon about the sabotage, then Maelon would choose to sacrifice himself to save Mordin. And after that, Mordin would choose to join Shepard's crew.
Legion's "death" is pointless. He....is software. He could easily copy and paste The Reaper code without sacrificing himself in the same manner when he was broadcasting the Reaper signal to all Geth. Or he could've disseminated himself after he made a copy and transfer that copy over to his platform. I just get the feeling that they didn't want to keep Mordin, Thane or Legion alive....for reasons.
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edie-baby · 3 years
baby girls - chapter four | lando norris
Chapter Four: Lies and Lies
summary: Mila finally gets the chance to explain why she left Lando on a lurch, but it didn't go down exactly how she had planned. Despite this, Lando reaches out to her in a time of need, but it didn't go down exactly how he had planned, either.
word count: 1702
warnings: swearing, talks of the Wembley incident, a little angst
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Barely hours after Mila had sent a text to Lando, her phone was ringing, his contact photo lighting up her screen, and her face along with it. Mila wanted nothing more than to hold Lando against her body again, but she would compromise with just hearing his voice after the hurt she must have put him through the past few days.
As the call connected, there was silence for a few moments, neither wanting to begin a conversation that could lead to heartbreak or happiness.
“I’m glad you called.” Mila whispered, her voice delicate so as not to disturb the waters too much. The last thing she wanted right now was to create a tidal wave, one that she knew would lead to a dam bursting and every thought, feeling, and unsaid word would come out much harsher than intended.
“I’m glad you texted.” Lando mumbled in return. He was still hurt, he was still confused, and he was still a little angry. But he had every right to be, didn’t he?
“I’m sorry for not explaining things when you called last. I don’t know, I panicked, and I just couldn’t find the right words because you looked so hurt, and that’s honestly the last thing I ever wanted to do.” Mila spilled, all thoughts of waves and water far from her mind as an awkward silence settled over them. She had thought about what she could say to Lando, babysitting seemed the easiest and closest to the truth, and she could talk about the light of her life, her baby girl Mahri, without telling Lando that the toddler was actually hers. But when that stupid British accent in that high-pitched muppet voice asked her who she had over, she panicked.
“A friend. We went out for drinks, and she got too drunk and so she crashed with me because I didn’t drink a lot.” Mila replied, desperately searching her brain for the words to construct this horrible lie she had started spewing. The few seconds of silence on the line were tense, and Mila felt as though she might actually spew.
“Look, I don’t understand why you would text me wanting to clear up a misunderstanding just to lie to me. If you had a guy over, just fucking tell me Mila. I’d prefer if you straight up told me you fucked another dude than lie to me when I already know you did.” Lando snapped, his voice thick with tension and barely concealed anger. Mila regretted nearly every life decision that had led her to this situation. Why couldn’t she have gone with the babysitter story? Why couldn’t she just tell him about Mahri? Surely him getting scared away because she’s a mother would be better than hurting him and pissing the man off beyond belief.
“I didn’t have a guy over, Lando. I can 100% promise you that.” Mila tried to convince him, but her words fell on deaf ears, and she knew even before she finished speaking that there was no way to change his mind about it.
“It’s fine, Milana. I get it. I have to get back to training. Thanks for the talk, it really cleared things up.” Lando dismissed, plucking an excuse out of thin air. He hated how petty he sounded, but it was the only way to vent his frustrations to the woman without launching an all-out war against her.
“I’m sorry.” Mila whispered, realising a moment too late that Lando had already hung up, the screen fading back to the photo of her, Victoria and the boys on her lockscreen. Wishing, for the second time this week, that she could go back to the moment in time, even just for a few minutes. So with a heavy heart, and an even heavier sigh, Mila slid down the hallway wall, curling her knees to her chest in her eerily silent apartment.
It couldn’t be louder where Lando was. Walking through the concrete halls of Wembley stadium with his best friend talking about his failed conquests, coming off the back of a disappointing loss, Lando couldn’t really see his night getting any worse.
Until it did.
It happened in a blur really.
He felt hands, multiple of them. And they were rough. And they held on tight.
He felt the cold metal of his car against his back, penetrating through the suit jacket and tingling his spine.
He felt the distinct lack of weight on his wrist.
And then he felt nothing. Just space. Everywhere, all around him, and he didn’t know where he was in that space.
Max grasped at his wrist, the contact dragging him back down to reality. Max pushed him into the car, rushing around the machine to the passenger side where he slid in himself.
The feel of the seat against his legs and back were comforting, grounding, but his wrist.
His wrist felt weird. It was loose, free, lost.
His heart was pounding fast, but it felt like eternity between each beat. He could feel blood rushing in his head, but he felt so light headed he thought he might float away.
The drive home barely registered. He knows he didn’t crash, and he knows he got them home. He knows Max was on the phone, and he knows that not long after he got inside, Charlotte was walking in his front door, police not far behind her.
He didn’t know what he was doing until he picked up his phone and called Mila. Max was somewhere in the house, processing on his own, and everyone else had left. Lando didn’t like being alone when he was upset. He thought things he didn’t want to think, and Mila was the only person he thought of that could stop him from thinking.
The phone rang for far longer than Lando wanted it to, but finally Mila picked up. Confusion was as thick in her voice as sleep, and Lando wished he could have felt bad for waking her, but he had no more capacity for emotion.
“Lando? What’s up?” Mila questioned, wary not to poke the bear.
“Can you come to England? Stay for Silverstone? With me?” He asked, his voice shaking slightly. He hated being vulnerable, he hated being needy. But he wanted her there, needed her there.
“Baby boy, I wish I could, but I only just took a week off for Austria.” Mila replied, her mind whirring with all the reasons why Lando might be calling her sounding so desperate for company.
“You said when you were here you had a lot of holiday time saved up?” Lando probed, the guard around his voice falling lower and lower with every syllable.
“I do, but I can’t just call work tomorrow and tell them I’m fucking off for two weeks. Plus, I have university. It’s getting close to my exams, and besides I don’t even have the money to go on another trip right now.” Mila listed off the reasons she couldn’t join Lando, even though she wanted nothing more than to get on a plane right now. If she didn’t have Mahri, she would drop work and study to be with Lando in a heartbeat. She could tell he wasn’t okay, but she still couldn’t drop the baby bomb on him.
“I’ll pay for your entire stay, I don’t care. And you can study here, when I’m at the factory or on the simulator.” He supplied, hopeful. The desperation, the pain, the vulnerability, it struck Mila deep in the chest.
“Lando, I can’t. I’m so sorry. I wish I could.” Mila whispered, her voice breaking with the effort it took for her to force the words out. There was a sleeping baby in the next room the needed her, and as much as he did too, he was an adult.
“Why not? All you’ve given me are flimsy reasons. I asked you to come because I want you here, even though you lied to me about having a guy over, I still want you here. Does that mean nothing to you?” Lando demanded, his voice taking a shade of anger that Mila wasn’t expecting.
“I didn’t lie about having a guy over. I didn’t have a man in my house, and I don’t know how else I can tell you that. It hurts me to tell you that I can’t be there for you, because I want to be. But I have a life here, and I can’t drop it just because you’re calling for me. I’m trying to build a career and get an education. I’m sorry not all of us are entitled millionaire’s kids that don’t need to pull their own weight.” Mila fired back, repressed anger over everything in her life flowing out of her at once. She was surprised at herself, considering how upset she was for him just a moment ago, and now she was upset at him.
“Oh for fuck’s sake. I told you I would pay for everything! But you’re just being an ungrateful bitch. Forget I asked, you’d probably end up fucking the rest of the drivers while you were here anyway.” Lando yelled, hanging up the phone with a grunt. He tossed it onto the couch, tugging at his hair with his hands so tight he felt pain. But he needed it, something else to focus on, something else to hurt.
Because he couldn’t take how his chest felt like it was caving in. Like there was this gaping hole where his heart used to be. Like every inch of his skin felt prickly. He wanted to ignore the aching in his ribs, the missing weight on his wrist, the crumbling of his heart, he just wanted her, and he couldn’t have her.
His knees buckled beneath him, sending his weight hurtling toward the carpeted floor. He was curled in an uncomfortable position, legs bent and arms twisted. But there was no point in moving, because it wasn’t going to stop the pain.
The tears that slid over his nose and across his cheeks were for a lot of things, but they weren’t for her. He wouldn’t let them be.
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