#shas'shil onfrai
adventuresnek · 4 years
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adventuresnek · 4 years
Innovating the Future
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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Did a little renovating of Shas’s garden now they Verdant partisans are cheaper!
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adventuresnek · 4 years
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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Shas took one look at the dress and threw it in the trash. She’s not much of a froo-froo, girly-girl. She wanted something with a little more class. Seeing as she isn’t allowed to wear the vest and pants, she had to improvise! Still looks super cute in it.. Just say that to her face.
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adventuresnek · 5 years
IT IS DONE! Finally, I completed this god damn thing, and it only took 4-5 hours. Its basically an up to date version of Shas’s profile with some random screenshots and the lovely art commissioned from great artists, but I am dooone. I may go back and make an OOC info page, but other than that, not touchin’ again tonight.
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adventuresnek · 4 years
🌑 - Fears?
“Fears.. A base emotion all mortal beings have due to our limited mortality and our need to survive, but for us more sentient species, psychology comes into play due to our conciousness. A fascinating subject! I suppose my greatest fear is failure? Or rather, to live up to the beliefs of my people and be unable to prove them wrong. The Qestir believe that all words are lies, and that our actions are purest form of communication, but I believe this to be too limiting! I broke my vow of silence at a young age, risking my worthiness in the eyes of my people just to give myself a name, to learn more, to express more! My greatest fear is that I am wrong, that I will only own up to this lie, and never shape destiny and reality to make my greatest sin a true virtue! I seek to make the world a better place and to spread knowledge, and to make a name for myself. To fail at this life’s goal only makes the beliefs of my people true, that my dreams were lies, that what I believe are lies.. That I am not trust worthy.. That everything I sacrificed was in vain.. and I am nothing more than a sinner in the eyes of the world and my people. My fear is failure.. failure to turn my lie into reality.. Oh! And I don’t like being in caves! Being underground makes me anxious. I wouldn’t say it’s claustrophobia, seeing as my home is quite cramped, but I just don’t like how there’s only ever paths in caves, and never an open expanse or freedom! Just like the traditions of one’s own people.. huh.”
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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The Ishgard Discord I’m in started posting dollmakers of their characters so I decided to join in and make one for Shas, and it came out super cute!
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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Just a few shots from the manor, including Shasha’s costume:
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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Onfrai Magitek Lab
Room #4, Plot 14, 4th Ward, The Goblet - Mateus
Its taken me some time to shape this spot into something worth presenting, but here it is, Shasha’s private Magitek workshop and laboratory! I am sure I can add a few extra things here and there, and when I finally buy a small plot, I’ll have to move it all to the house. For now, I am content with how it came out, and the pictures may be a little dark, but I think it just adds to the mystique and flare of my creation! Feel free to visit any time and take a look around; I know I’ll make use of it IC once I get back into the roleplay groove!
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adventuresnek · 5 years
[LFRP] Shas’shil Onfrai - Mateus
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Latest Update: July 10th, 2019
Name: Shas’shil Onfrai
Age: 23
Birthday: 4th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Female
Sexuality:  Homosexual
Hair: Lavender, straight, and often left wild as the wind.
Eyes: Violet, with seafoam green limbal rings.  
Height: 5′11″
Build: Living the life of a wanderer has given Shasha a fairly athletic form. Her arms and legs are slender, yet muscular, and her stomach is flat with only a subtle hourglass shape.
Distinguishing Marks: Three slim claw marks separate her right eyebrow into four segments. A shallow cut across her cheek.
Common Appearance: Shasha’s features can be described as fair with an twinkle of innocence in her eyes and ambition! Almost always wearing a smile painted pink,she keeps her scales polished and free of dirt, her skin smooth and hydrated, and her teeth sparkling white! Despite her adventuring nature, she maintains a presentable image and presses her cloths before and after every journey. She prides herself on looking fashionable with long leather boots, slim fitting jackets, and skirts to match her free lifestyle.
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Profession: Adventurer (Former Airship Mechanic Apprentice)
Hobbies: Tinkering, weaving, and cooking!
Languages: Hyur Common
Residence: Dravanian Forelands
Birthplace: Azim Steppe
Clan: Qetir
Religion: None
Fears: Growing old without seeing the world
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Vortrois Onfrai (Adopted Father), Qestir Merchants of No Importance (True Parents)
Siblings: Two Sisters, One Brother
Other Relatives: Kashin Onfrai (Adopted Brother)
Pets: Scraps the Pup
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TRAITS ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Excitable
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Sneky Hooks — — — -
Technophile Despite her traditional upbringing in the Steppes, this Xaela has an almost obsessive fascination with Magitek. She spent some time learning basic engineering and mechanical repair during her apprenticeship under an Airship technician. The presence of the Garlean Empire and the ancient technology unearthed over the years has only strengthened her love of machines and the opportunities they can offer the world if placed in the right hands. She’s often seen tinkering with some strange device, making mild adjustments to her pistol, or working on restoring parts to a Garlean Reaper she had discovered in her travels, one she keeps hidden until the day she can fully restore its functionality.
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Unbound Spirit At Shasha’s core, she is a free spirit yearning for adventure. She seeks to explore the deepest chasms of the earth to unlock their secrets, but her true calling is to soar the skies above and even dreams of the stars beyond! She enjoys learning of the difficult culture they inhabit the world, and doesn’t aspire to traditional, quiet lifestyle or her people. She dares to commit the sin of speech if it means a life unchained by the society that raised her.
Liar Truthful in nature, the brand she carries is one of shame in the eyes of her people. Born to the Qestir Tribe of the Azure Steppes, the name she introduces herself with is but two lies she tells, and every word after is a further deception to her people. Speaking of her tribe seems to be a bit of a sore subject, as she’s still conflicted despite her confidence in her path.
Eorzean Loyalty Though she is born in the Far East, Shasha’s loyalties lie more in Eorzea, specifically Ul’dah and Ishgard. After being disowned by her parents, she was adopted by a traveling, elderly Dravanian man who raised her as his own daughter. He taught her all manner of trade skills, Eorzean history and cultures, and of magic. She grew to love him as a father, and soon came to call Eorzea her new home. She spends much of her time exploring or performing odd jobs. Her free time is spent on her hobbies, learning new skills, repairing and caring for her father’s hold cottage in Dravania, or seeking new social experiences while visiting Ul’dah. She can also be seen exploring Thanalan, scavenging old battlegrounds and abandoned Garlean sights for Magitek, or searching the lands for Allagan technology and artifacts.
Onfrai Estate Built on the edges of the Goblet, the Onfrai Estate stands as a testament to Shasha’s determination and hardwork over the past few years (and the inheritance of her late foster father). Within the unassuming dwelling lies the heart of her operations, her basement workshop, filled to the brim with books, magitek devices, and other various engineering goodies that might tickle the fancy of tinkers and technicians alike. The pungent odor of whirling, well oiled gears fills the workshop, seeping out from the chimney above. To many, a fowl odor, but to Shasha, it’s the smell of progress! Outside the estate one might find the an astroscope looming over the fence, tilted high towards the sky with a twirling shard of Aetheryte transmitting the images it captures to the database below. Across from the scope is Shasha’s current project, the mobile workshop. She aims to outfit Beastman scraps and vehicles into a means to take her work on the road. Beyond the slapdash auto-carriage is a roaring furnace used to refine scraps and salvage the Xaela finds along her journeys. Those who live on the outskirts of the Goblet may have the misfortune of being her neighbor, and the issues that might come of it. Despite the possible disturbances, the estate is always welcoming new clients, guests, and employers, but be sure to check with her retainer outside before attempting to enter, else you might be tackled by the gaurd dog inside. (Goblet Ward 6, Plot 39 Mateus)
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The Mun — — — -
I am a strange woman, outspoken and often blunt. I am new to FFXIV as for May of 2019, but I’ve been rping on WoW since the Burning Crusade. I am pretty jaded towards most subject matter, so I don’t shy away from mature or adult themes. (No matter how graphic). IC and OOC will always be separate l, and I have no intentions of judging you for how you rp your character unless it’s purposely meant to hurt others. For the most part, I try to be friendly, bubbly, and talkative, for I love conversation, especially things to challenge my mind! Erp is alright, but story and character development are key to me. I love dark themes and even horror! Here’s a little bit of what I’m looking for in terms of RP:
Story driven, worldly, and long term.
Para is fine, I’m adaptable!
Politics, exploration, drama, tragedy, comedy, romance is alright but it never should be the focus, slice of life is also okay, but again, shouldn’t be the only thing that’s offered.
Heavy fantasy, dark, mature, horror, and risk of character death is all perfectly fine. An immersive story is what I crave most.
My time is EST, but I do stay up relatively late.
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Contact Info - - -
Feel free to send a tell to me on Shas’shil Onfrai (Mateus)
Tumblr messages are always welcome, I don’t bite, I’m a Boa after all, not a viper!
I do have Discord, but I prefer to get to know someone before I give out my contact info.
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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adventuresnek · 5 years
Page 64: Does your muse like to read? If so, name a specific genre of book that they prefer.
Shasha is a giant nerd... That is to say, she was raised by a traveling scholar, so she spends a large portion of her free time reading for both research and leisure. When it comes to genre, she prefers high fantasy, folk tales about lost civilizations across Eorzea, and of course the Hydaelyn equivalent of Sci-fi. I could see her reading a lot of steam punk fantasy since the idea of dapper sky pirates of yesteryear is right up her alley! Cyberpunk... I could imagine would be “Garlean Punk”, and something she would call a guilty pleasure.
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adventuresnek · 5 years
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For those who like to get a little loosey goosey!
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adventuresnek · 5 years
Let it be known that Shasha has a strong urge to pet every doggo she sees, and she’s fortunate enough to have a tail! THREE TIMES THE PUPPO PETTING POWER! .....She does have feet though... So if she sits on the edge of a bed, she could pet three on the bed, and pet two on the floor.. FIVE TIMES THE PUPPO PETTING POWER!! WAIT! With Magitek, she could have two extra arms programmed to pet doggos as well... The number of good bois she can praise is limitless! Or she can settle for giving all her love to one pup: Scraps.
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