#sharon carter yo wot are u doin
zae82 · 3 years
Ouh… Awkward
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This hot guy over here went over to Tony’s fancy penthouse. Well Sharon lives there now. So Steve O went for a swim. Tony has this cool pool where the bottom and sides are all glass.
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So he had lunch with Tony, Pepper and Sharon and Steve spoke with Sharon for a while.
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Then Sharon sort of flirted with him and it was awkward but Steve was like Righttt… I gotta go now. Got a hot wife I’m crazy about waiting for me at home. Also I switched to Sharon’s household while in the game and as soon as she came on to him, Steve immediately needed to leave Tony’s place. Like he knew what Sharon was trying to do and he was like Nope… gotta admit it, kinda impressed because I had no control over Steve’s action and he just needed to go. Steve Rogers. What a man!
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Said wife is having a nice time relaxing by the pool while Wanda swims.
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Okay Hot hot hot Capwidow bedroom activities.
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Like you know doggy is hard to make it er passable here.
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And Date Night at a seafood restaurant.
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Also Mr & Mrs Rogers do love to slow dance.
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I love them 😍😍😍 best comicverse couple since Lois & Clark. I mean no one can beat the OG best comicverse couple of all time. But Capwidow is definitely the sexiest. Hah
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