#shadow freddy x springtrap
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 3 months
I’m opening requests.
It seemed like it would be something fun to do—I’ll basically be writing x reader headcanons/scenarios/etc for FNaF. The requests can be romantic or platonic.
There’s a lot of characters in FNaF, so along with the rules, I made a list for who can (currently) be requested:
Security Breach+Ruin: Vanny, The Glamrocks+Bonnie, MXES.
Help Wanted: Glitchtrap.
FNaF 2: The Toys, Withered Bonnie, RXQ/Shadow Bonnie, Puppet.
FNaF 3: Springtrap.
FNaF 4: Spring Bonnie, Fredbear, Plushtrap.
Pizza Sim: Scraptrap, Molten Freddy, Lefty, Henry Emily, Michael Afton.
Sister Location: Funtime Freddy.
FNaF 1: Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, Chica.
Fazbear Frights: Pitbonnie/Pittrap, Oswald.
When it comes to certain characters, such as the FNaF 1 group, along with some others, it’ll basically just be their AI’s.
With Oswald, his requests will always be platonic.
Some quick rules:
•When making a request, the amount of characters that you can do in a single one (separately) is three.•
•Tell me what you want exactly in the ask. If it’s just: “Glam. Fred x reader” without much else, I won’t really have anything.•
•There’s just the typical things that I will not write for a request- smut, yandere, anything gross, etc. Aside from that, there’s a lot that I would write.•
•Not a rule, I’m just saying in advance, sorry if some of them seem OOC at all.•
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oftenwantedafton · 9 months
Vent - Steve Raglan/William Afton/Springtrap x Female Reader
Chapters 1-3
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - mentions of childhood trauma, mental illness, no explicit content in these chapters
Summary - You’re the one that got away from the yellow rabbit; the first of William Afton’s intended victims.
Eight years later, you find yourself drawn back to the pizzeria you’ve shut from your mind for so long; to the strange man that offers you a job and friendship …and something much darker.
Also available on AO3 - Chapter 1 | 2 | 3
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Chapter 1 ~ the one that got away ~
You don’t feel well.
The combination of greasy pizza and the overly sweet frosting on the birthday cake you’d just consumed in rapid succession collide unpleasantly in your stomach. You feel yourself moving further and further back from the other children, but no one seems to notice, and who would, after all; it’s one of those parties the entire class is invited to so no one feels left out. You don’t really know the girl that’s celebrating, don’t find yourself engaging with the other children. You don’t really belong. You’re just a shadow drifting on the edges of the crowd, alone and unwanted.
The costumed yellow rabbit has been present for the entire party, posing for photographs with the children whose parents actually wanted a memento of the occasion. Your own parents do nothing but argue, make you feel like it’s your fault that they’re stuck together, a costly mistake that’s lasted a decade.
The rabbit figure moves to stand beside you, crouching down with a grace that’s impressive given the bulk of the costume. He’s tall even at this height, an intimidating figure towering by your small form.
“I have a surprise for you,” he says, his muffled voice low near your ear.
You’d gotten the cautionary lecture about going somewhere with strangers before, of course; there had been an entire afternoon at school dedicated to rehearsing what to do in certain situations.
But the rabbit mascot wasn’t really a stranger, was he? You knew it was a man inside the suit, of course; an employee at Freddy’s that you couldn’t imagine being anything other than friendly and kind.
“What is it?” You ask, your attention focused on the shiny button nose.
“It’s out back. You have to come with me to see it.”
Your stomach rolls again, churning a warning. Something was off, but you weren’t sure what it was.
He sees your hesitation and his paw rests on your back, rubbing a soft circle. It’s oddly soothing, in combination with his whispered reassurances and gentle promises; you can’t remember the last time someone had been so nice to you. You glance back at the party attendees that have already forgotten you exist and you nod, having to reach up to cling to the yellow fur covered hand he offers once he straightens, guiding you out of the dining room.
You’re led through a series of corridors until you arrive someplace much more dimly lit. It’s cold back here, quiet. There are piles of things you don’t understand stacked on steel shelves. You suddenly want to return to the party. At least it had been warmer there.
The yellow rabbit releases your hand. “Are you ready for your surprise?”
You nod uncertainly, wondering if you could even find your way back to the dining room at this point; if anyone could hear you scream for help.
You hear the sound of something metal being dragged as he lifts it from the nearest workbench, the kitchen knife looking so sharp next to that soft fur.
Your eyes widen and you turn and run.
You can feel him lunge at your retreating form, just missing, sweeping across your hair and the bow on the back of your party dress. You choose a direction blindly, your feet slapping against the concrete floor. Relief washes over you when you hear the sound of the dining room getting louder, the light spilling through the glass panes of the Employees Only doors a beacon for you to follow.
You burst through the doors and head for the nearest adult you can see, tucking breathlessly behind them, watching fearfully for your pursuer.
They never reappear, and you never tell anyone what had happened.
After all, who would care?
Chapter 2 ~ the oubliette ~
You walk with no destination, cutting through a field dotted with the end of last summer’s fading wild flowers.
The fence that borders your makeshift path has fallen to ruin, the wood rotted and collapsing, surrendering to the elements. You count the posts that defy the passage of time and remain standing, crediting even those that list to one side, the rugged earth crumbling at their bases. It’s a distraction, something to focus on besides the poor grade you’d received on your first history exam of the semester, your senior year already starting off terribly. You bitterly recall the fight you'd had with your stepmother the night before and the lunchroom that has no room for you, because you do not care for fashion or makeup or giggling over young pop stars, driving you to eat alone tucked under the stairs.
You reach out and run your fingers over the tallest weeds, letting the dry stalks brush against skin that is ink stained, forever smudged when you spill your buried thoughts and feelings onto paper. You never keep them, afraid they’ll be seen and misunderstood, and you can’t bear the thought of that; those innermost expressions violated and judged by others. They’re all you have to cling to.
You smell the rain before you feel it, the dry spell that has lasted for weeks finally giving way beneath the fury of the atmosphere. A few stray drops fall on your bare arms, a precursor of what is to come, the accompanying rumble of thunder a gentle growl in the distance.
You’ve reached civilization again, such as it is; this part of town long vacant, filled with closed shops and shuttered houses. The economy of Hurricane has always been a fragile thing, one of the many small towns that developers had sought to populate and expand, and for a time it had actually flourished. The expansion had happened too soon, though, abandoned in favor of cities with industry, lured by the promise of more jobs and better access to finer housing and richer commerce.
Your footsteps slow as you near a large structure rising up before you, the children’s party themed restaurant long vacated. You’d heard stories about it before, something about missing children, parents calling for it to be shut down and the owner investigated. You vaguely remember being there for someone’s birthday party once when you were younger, the feeling that something unpleasant had happened while you were there tickling the edges of your mind, but the details are fuzzy. A lot of your childhood memories are like that. Your therapist had said it was a defense mechanism, your brain trying to protect you by obscuring those recollections. You figured if that was the case you were better off not remembering whatever it was that was so traumatic. You had your journaling and that was more than enough as far as you’re concerned. You’d never liked going to therapy anyway, grateful when your stepmother had declared it a needless expense since you didn’t seem to be benefiting from it and you never returned. It’s the only good thing she’d ever unwittingly done for you.
Stepping over a chunk of broken asphalt, you enter the parking lot of the pizzeria. Weeds and small trees and patches of crab grass poke through the tar, finding life in the smallest bits of soil, the unattended blacktop crumbling in their wake. Another scattering of moisture from the gray clouds above strikes your bare skin and you hear the thunder’s growl becoming more impatient.
The building’s cheerful yellow and green paint has long since faded, the painted plaster and tiles of the checkerboard pattern decorating the outside missing in many places, fallen and crumbling. The front entrance and windows are all boarded up, surprisingly clear of graffiti, as if no one is willing to go near the place, afraid of the consequences of desecrating that structure.
The downpour begins.
You bypass the front of the building, stepping hurriedly around a fallen sign, the cracked glass and smashed lighting preventing you from seeing much more than the arm raised in a friendly wave that belongs to the restaurant’s infamous bear mascot. You nearly trip on a root as you weave through the side lot, the failing light from the darkening skies making it difficult to see.
Lightning briefly illuminates your surroundings and that’s when you catch sight of the open window.
It’s so oddly intact, unblemished unlike the rest of the building, the glass panes undisturbed, the frame solid. You think if you could find something to stand on it would be enough of an elevation to climb inside.
You hesitate over this thought, at the strong impulse that makes you feel as if you’re being lured inside.
It’s easy to blame the torrential rain for your desire to escape the elements and you discard the discomfiting thought. There are a couple of pallets from some forgotten shipment of goods that seem strong enough to support your weight and you drag them hastily beneath the opening. You’re drenched now, your hair plastered in wet clusters, your clothing adhered to your body. You climb onto the piled pieces of wooden slats and rest one hand on the sill, supporting your weight while you shove at the bottom rail, widening the space. It slides silently upward, granting you access to wriggle through, easing in one side of your body at a time. A short drop to the floor brings you inside of Freddy Fazbear’s, the noise of outdoors suddenly muffled as you’re swallowed into the abandoned establishment.
There is very little light from outdoors to guide you as you explore the space, deciding it’s some sort of storage area, though the room is completely devoid of anything other than a thick layer of dust that you disturb, sending clouds of it into the air. Another flash of lightning shows you the barred opening of a vent of some sort, the metal slats glinting for a brief moment and then the room grows dim again.
Curiously, there is no door to allow you to exit the space. You run your hands along the walls, completing the circuit. Save the vent and the window, there is no other point of entry or egress.
You hear a rattling sound of something dragging across metal and you freeze, holding your breath.
The screws bolting the cover of the duct into place quiver in their frames, the spiraled bits of steel surrendering to the tremendous force shoving at them. The encasement clatters to the floor and you hear the sound of something being pushed through the opening, straining until it, too, lands with a heavy thud.
You cower near the window, already attempting to pull yourself back up, failing without the added height to assist you. Stupid, so stupid that you’d come here, assuming you’d be able to leave as easily as you’d entered.
The voice stills your struggling form instantly. The figure takes a step forward and it’s just enough for you to make out the shape of one of the mascots, an imposingly tall being well over seven feet tall. Its eyes flicker like a failing flashlight low on batteries. The rabbit—that’s what it is, you realize—has one ear torn midway through, the suit in a similar state of disrepair, the once golden fur and fabric long since faded and worn away, exposing metal and wires. The purple bow tie decorating its neck is frayed, drooping in twin deflated loops above a pair of black buttons meant to represent formal attire.
You stare at the animatronic, trying to reconcile how this creature is still moving on its own when the lithium that powers it should have been depleted long ago; yet here it stands, no longer programmed to remain onstage to perform, a free entity roaming the building.
The yellow rabbit chuckles softly, the noise emanating from within the headpiece sounding modulated, as if an algorithm is altering the amplitude, pitch, and tone. “I’m not like them, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Your mouth is too dry to form words. You wonder how it is he knows that was exactly what you’d been thinking.
“Why are you here?”
“I was out wandering,” you manage, struggling to find moisture to wet your lips. “It started raining. I just wanted to go someplace dry.”
“Strange that you chose this place.”
“The window was open,” you protest. “I didn’t break anything. I’ll leave right now, I just don’t know how to get out of here. There’s no door.”
The rabbit continues to stare at you. “No, there isn’t.” You hear a deep inhale of breath from the figure. “Stay here a moment longer and speak with me.”
Your hand scrabbles absently at the wall in a futile gesture as if you could somehow claw your way through the solid surface. “About what?”
“Anything you’d like. It’s not often this place gets visitors these days.” The rabbit leans against the wall beside the window, folding his arms.
“I have to go…”
“Go where?”
“Home. My parents are expecting me.”
It’s untrue. Your stepmother is likely out spending your father’s money and he’s probably at the bar.
“Do not lie to me,” the rabbit says. “There is no one waiting for you.”
“How did you…”
The mascot’s head tips back to rest against the wall. “I am something of an expert on deception. Why are you out wandering in this part of town? Surely you’ve heard of this place’s reputation, young as you appear.”
“I was just walking home from school. Just thinking, not really paying attention to where I was going.”
“Thinking about what?”
You shrug uncertainly. “Nothing interesting. I promise,” you add, in case he thinks you are attempting to tell a falsehood again.
“I might find it interesting,” he replies, the headpiece tilting back down so he can study you.
You shake your head. “Everything is going wrong. I just failed my first history exam. I don’t have any friends. My stepmother hates my guts.” The confession spills out of you, the words coming easier once the floodgates have been opened. “I’m not like anyone else. I don’t fit in. I’m lonely,” you finish quietly.
Another deep inhale, as if the creature is absorbing your words. You think the lights of his eyes seem a little brighter now, casting a soft glow over the permanent grin on the rabbit’s face, the rows of teeth glinting dangerously.
“I don’t fit in anywhere either,” the suited person says. “So it appears we have that much in common, at least.” His head tips to one side, the intact ear tapping against the window pane. “The storm is ending.”
You shuffle your feet nervously. “Can I leave now?”
“Are you in such a rush to go to the home where you’re not wanted?”
The words cut cruelly and you look away.
The figure sighs. “Go, then, if that’s what you truly want. I won’t stop you. I’ll even help give you a boost up.” He bends, the steel encased hands now laced together to form a step for you. You place a foot there and he lifts you easily, allowing you to reach the sill and begin extracting yourself, one leg hooked over the edge, your torso bending to pass through the opening. Cool, moist air passes over your exposed limbs, reminding you that you’re soaking wet and night is approaching.
You hesitate, feeling the rabbit watching you. “How will you get out? Can you climb back the way you came, or…?”
He chuckles softly. “I was never trapped to begin with. But it’s kind of you to be concerned for a stranger’s well being. If you return, I’ll make your entrance easier next time and open the front door.”
“Return?” You blink at the invitation. “Why would I…”
“If you decide you want company the next time you get lonely. I’m a good listener.”
“Alright. Goodbye.” You don’t want to commit to anything but you also don’t want to risk the odd individual’s ire.
You can see him nod, his eyes glimmering in the strange, forgotten space, watching as you finish extricating yourself from the opening.
Outside, you’re grateful for the fresh air supply, for an escape from the musty scent of the vacant room and its bizarre occupant. You keep to the lit streets on your way home and once there change into warm pajamas and pull a duvet around you, a notebook resting on your lap. With your thoughts already given to another, you find there is nothing left to write about and the lined page remains blank.
Chapter 3 ~ sweet tooth ~
William Afton leaves the new mayor of Hurricane’s office with a smile on his face.
A major part of his electoral campaign had been focused on the promise of a renewal for the city that included renovation and rebuilding, cleaning up the vacant part of town and restoring the area to what it once was.
It was the perfect opportunity to lobby for reopening Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria.
There would still be protests of course; it was inevitable given the history of the restaurant. But with this new blood in office, with a new identity to hide behind, with a new generation that didn’t know any better, it was a chance to begin again.
Sliding into the dark vintage luxury sedan parked along the curb outside the office, he reaches for the lollipop tucked into his shirt pocket. His sweet tooth has gotten worse as he’s advanced in age, the constant craving for sugar driving him to consume it as frequently as possible. He pulls the plastic wrapper free and settles the red candy ball on his tongue, sucking until the treat surrenders, releasing a burst of cherry flavor into his mouth. It mingles with his saliva and he hums in satisfaction, withdrawing it with a loud pop and swallowing the syrup down before replacing it once more between his lips.
Adjusting the rear view mirror, the man eases out of the parking spot and merges smoothly into downtown traffic which is light at this time of day. The stack of flyers on the seat beside him slide on the vinyl and he automatically reaches out a hand to trap them in place.
The public high school is a short distance away, the bulletin board outside the guidance office near the main entrance. It’s littered with postings, a few of which he tears free and crumples in one fist before tacking his own onto the cork board.
He tosses the ruined papers he’s holding into the wastebin as he turns and leaves, tucking his hands deep into his pockets. He exits the building, long legs making short work of the cement stairs, humming faintly under his breath.
You never really pay much attention to the job postings at school.
Yet today it’s impossible to ignore the brightly colored flyer whose bottom edge lifts in the breeze of the passing students, the strips of paper with a phone number fluttering in their wake. You slow down, looking at the advertisement, blinking in surprise when you realize it’s an announcement that Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria is reopening under new management and is seeking ‘motivated individuals’ to help with the project both before and after its completion.
You think of the yellow rabbit lurking in the depths of that place and you shiver. You’re still not even certain it had really happened; if it hadn’t just been some wild imagining your brain had conjured up, a dream that had felt a little too real. Imaginary or not, as odd and unnerving as the encounter had been, you couldn’t help but admit there’d been something strangely charismatic about the stranger. He was so easy to talk to. The fact that he was an outsider too gave you the sense of kinship.
You shake your head, silently reprimanding yourself. It was ridiculous. You weren’t about to make friends with a strange man that may or may not even exist wearing a decaying mascot costume hanging out in some abandoned restaurant. Even you aren’t that pathetic and desperate.
Still you hesitate, staring at the announcement until you find yourself tearing one of the slips of paper free, tucking it into the pocket of your jeans.
There is no thoughtful lingering walk home that afternoon.
You head directly to your house, sighing with relief that another school day’s behind you as you enter your bedroom, tossing your backpack on the bed and sitting down beside it. You toe off your sneakers and cross your legs beneath you, debating about whether you feel like raiding the kitchen for a snack when you remember the paper you’d shoved into your pocket earlier.
It takes you a moment to find it, leaning back slightly and rummaging around in the confined space, digging until you realize it’s been creased tightly against the seam. You pull the phone beside your bed into your lap and hesitate once again, thinking of flickering lamp eyes in the darkness.
Before you lose your nerve you dial the number, a man’s voice answering on the second ring.
“Steve Raglan’s office. Can I help you?”
His voice is an odd mix of rust and nasal whine, overly cheerful.
“Uh, yeah. I got this number from a flyer at my school. It’s about the jobs at Freddy’s.”
The career counselor’s tone shifts an octave lower, a rough grate of noise that sounds pleased. “Excellent. We’ll be holding interviews this week. Was there anything in particular you wanted to be involved with?”
“No, not really.” You wind the phone cord around your index finger, straightening out the tight coil briefly before it resumes its previous shape, hugging the digit firmly.
“Well, we’d love to have you come down and tell you more about the opportunities available. What day works for you?”
“Um, any afternoon is fine, really.”
“Great. Flexibility is something the owner really appreciates. How does Wednesday sound to you? Three o’clock?”
“Sure, that works.” You give the man your contact information.
“We look forward to seeing you then.” There’s a soft sound like a hum of amusement and then the line is disconnected, the dial tone loud in your ear.
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ask-fazbearnfriends · 1 month
Welcome to Ask Fazbear 'n friends! A FNAF Ask account ran by a rando who is nostalgic for the early fnaf nonsense-furry era!!!!! Account originated on Deviantart in 2019. CLICK HERE TO READ ALL THE ASKS IN ORDER (or here if you just wanna see the new (not DA) ones) CLICK HERE TO SEND A SUPER FRIENDLY UNSUSPICIOUS ASK!!!
No instructions needed, but if you're unfamiliar with ask accounts, just click the button and send in anything you want to say or ask or dare the characters! Can be LITCHERALLY anythang.* I try to get to as many asks as I can, but feel free to send in multiple asks, or even re-send the same ask if I don't get to it after a while! (give me a week at least though.) *(ok i say anything but nothing NSFW)
As for the characters, we accept questions to ALL canonical fnaf characters! There are some that we haven't gotten to yet, but that doesn't mean you aren't able to! This ask account is also story-interactive, so you can sway the direction it goes in just by engaging! The right question can give the right answer. good luck. (Below for disclaimers + etc)
Some disclaimers (as previously stated.) I started this ask account originally when I was about 16 and drew a LOT for it in 2019-2020 specifically. Because of this, there are some things that are either silly or may come across incorrectly. Here are sum clearer-ups: (Only specifying because I used to get dumb questions on DA a lot from people who ignore the possibility of context) -I don't ship william afton x mangle/mangle's "kid/dog soul". I ship springtrap (the furry animatronic) with Mangle (the furry animatronic). No soul business involved in that context. Theyre just two angsty furries thats it. think tony crynight. -I USED to ship Vanny x William Afton. I started this account before security breach came out and revealed the two to be father and daughter and I didn't think it was possible bc William was a dead corpse for longer than however old vanessa looked. My version of vanny (like everyone elses at the time) was nothing at all like canon vanny anyway, so I consider her more of an OC than of the character Vanessa. I'll likely try to bring back the "Vanny oc" character, her current changed name is Penny until I decide what else to do with her. Any asks to Vanny/Vanessa will go to the canon version of her -I had a whole ask arc about characters wearing "femboy clothing". and have had drawn responses implying suggestive/sexual things. It was always just a joke to me but I think the lengths I went were a little uncomfortable for me to be drawing as a teen and posting to a large audience. I want my content to be appropriate for anyone to enjoy so consider that type of humor incredibly toned down now. All of the characters are physically asexual bc they are robots made for kids.
Also genders of the "unconfirmed" characters in my au just cause I assume thats faq Shadow Bonnie: Agender. no gender. slime creature. accepts he/they/she Mangle: girl. she/her pls <3 Funtime Foxy: boy, but is fine with she as well as he. Marionette: ghost. they/them most accurate (but she/he dgaf) Golden Freddy: Boy. he/him. He's fredbear. (admittedly his design was originally female though I barely changed it) Spring Bonnie/Springtrap: Boy, He/him. Spring Bonnie/Scraptrap: Boy He/him (As William Afton (most of the time)) Girl she/her (As Spring Bonnie/her original self)
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tvccreator · 7 months
A New House Guest
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Looks like I've got a new psycho-jester to join Marx. X)
Been a while since I posted my own artwork - college has been kicking my ass, but hopefully you enjoy this picture!
Alongside Shadow Milk Cookie with my persona, down on the bottom is Marx (Kirby), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), CatNap (Poppy Playtime), and my OC Mirror. :)
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matrix-fnaf-roleplay · 6 months
M@tr!x's FNAF ask blog
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The purpose of this blog is to help me build up my AU a bit more
This is a blog where I talk about my FNAF AU and roleplay as literally any FNAF character! ^^
Asks are Always open, anons welcome!
Each color corresponds to the character speaking, text and/or two emojis will also be added at the end of each text to help you see who's talking
(favorite characters to RP as: ennard, Cassidy, Abby, and Michael)
Human Characters-
William afton- 🐰🔪
Michael afton- 🍇🧟‍♂️ (past is 🦊🤘)
C.C./B.V.- 🧸🔦
Elizabeth Afton- 🍦🎀
Henry Emily- 🔧🐻
Charlie Emily- 🎭🪀
Mike Schmidt- 💤💊
Abby Schmidt- 🖍️♥️
Garret Schmidt- 👻🚘
Gregory- ⚡📦
Cassie- 🐺🔧
Cassidy- 🪦💛
Fritz- 🪦🦊
Gabriel- 🪦🐻
Susie- 🪦🐥
Jeremy- 🪦🐰
Jeremy fitzgerald- 🧠🤘
Vanessa- 🔦🔪
Phone guy- ☎️📰
Phone dude- 📞📼
Freddy- 🐻🎩
Bonnie- 🐰🎸
Chica- 🐥🧁
Foxy- 🏴‍☠️🦊
W. Freddy- ⚙️🐻
W. Bonnie- ⚙️🐰
W. Chica- ⚙️🐥
W. Foxy- ⚙️🦊
T. Freddy- 🪀🐻
T. Bonnie- 🪀🐰
T. Chica- 🪀🐥
Mangle- 💔🦊
Puppet- 💧🎭
Balloon boy- 🎈🎉
•Phantoms + springtrap
P. Freddy- 👻🐻
P. Chica- 👻🐥
P. Foxy- 👻🦊
P. Balloon boy- 👻🪀
P. Puppet- 👻🎭
Springtrap- 🫀🐰
Fredbear- 🗝️🐻
Springbonnie- 🗝️🐰
N. Freddy- 💭🐻
N. Bonnie- 💭🐰
N. Chica- 💭🐥
N. Foxy- 💭🦊
Nightmare fredbear- 🧸💭
Nightmare- 👹🐻
Nightmarionette- 🎭💭
Jack-o-chica- 🎃🐥
Jack-o-bonnie- 🎃🐰
Ignited foxy- 🔥🦊
Funtime freddy- 🐻🎉
Funtime foxy- 🦊🎉
Ballora- 🩰🎉
Circus baby- 🤡🎉
Bon-bon- 🐰🎉
Bonnette- 🐰🎀
Yenndo- 🔌🐻
Lolbit- 🦊📺
Hand unit- 🖥️🎉
Ennard- 🍹🎉
•Rockstars + others
R. freddy- ⭐🐻
R. Bonnie- ⭐🐰
R. Chica- ⭐🐥
R. Foxy- ⭐🦊
Security puppet- ⭐🎭
Mr. Hippo- 🦛⭐
Orville elephant- 🐘🪄
Happy frog- 🐸⭐
Pig patch- 🐷⭐
Neddbear- 🐻🤪
El Chip- 🦫🌮
Funtime chica- 🐥📸
Music man- 🕷️🎧
Helpy- 🧸📜
Scrapbaby- 🛼🤡
Scraptrap- 🗑️🐰
Molten freddy- 🍝🐻
Lefty- 🐻🎭
Glamrock freddy- 🐻⚡
Glamrock bonnie- 🐰⚡
Glamrock chica- 🐥⚡
Roxanne wolf- 🐺⚡
Montgomery Gator- 🐊⚡
Sun- 🃏☀️
Moon- 🌙🃏
Golden freddy- 💀🐻
Old man consequences- 🐊🎣
Vanny- 🐰🔦
Burntrap- 🔥⚡
Glitchtrap- 🐰🎮
Mimic- 🤖🔌
Shadow Bonnie- 🌑🐰
Shadow freddy- 🌑🐻
Eclipse- 🌙☀️
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gdp03 · 6 months
Here's what I hope for the second Fnaf movie when it comes out in 2025-2026 (filming has been pushed back from this summer to December of 2024)
○For the film to be slightly longer, like around 2 hours and 50 minutes at most, and for it to fully expand out its characters (don't get me wrong, the actors and actresses did wonderfully in the first film but I do feel that certain characters were underutilized, such as Abby's babysitter Max who's rumored to make an appearance in the second film as Shadow Freddy).
○For some loose ends to be tied up (the director actually said that what happened to Jane Schmidt will be tied up in the sequel. It's very likely Golden Freddy merely put Jane in a coma, just to get her out of the way. Since Mike doesn't look to be under any pressure by police when the ending comes around, I can assume he's not under interrogation).
○For the sequel to actually be Rated-R and to take full advantage of it (The first couple games are NOT PG-13 in any way, shape, or form). The closest the first film comes to a Rated R scene is the break-in scene.
○Some confirmation of what actually happened to Mike's father (I believe Mr. Schmidt is the film's version of Henry Emily).
○Vanessa revealing that her father and Mike's father knew each other
○Mike and Vanessa co-parenting Abby together.
○Shadow Freddy (Max) trying to protect Abby from the Toy Animatronics
○Jeremy Fitzgerald revealed to be Michael Afton, Vanessa's long-lost brother
So, first, I would like to thank you for your time when sending this question.
My thoughts:
You touched an important issue I had with the movie. Characters and pacing (that's two issues.) The movie spent a lot of time trying to show the basics of the franchise while trying to tell a story at the same time. There's little room for character development or screen time. It took the novel to make me realize there's more into this world other than Mike, Vanessa, and Abby. Good call there. Now that you mention it: if Shadow Freddy appears in the sequel (either as Max's spirit or anything else), do you think we'll get any better leads on just what exactly he is? He's still a mystery to this day.
Hm. Well, the novel did imply that Jane's condition might be beyond salvation (Pool of "ketchup" and Mike's comment on Jane "moving on".) Then again, the novel is based on an earlier version of the script. Maybe things changed from the final version. Both media didn't explain Jane that well; she kinda just ... died.
Eh, agree to disagree, honestly. To me, FNaF was never too graphical (like some people like to affirm), but also not too family-friendly. PG-13 is fine, but Scott could've done more than just the break-in, in my opinion.
Oh, yeah! Good one. Mike's family was done in a way that left loose ends for sequels to explore. With the Garret/Puppet/Charlotte potential connection, maybe Henry is (in a way) Mike's father? I guess the Afton x Emily never ends, huh ...
Vanessa knows way more than what she told us. Too bad she's currently in a hospital bed, relying on medical equipment. I don't think it'll be Vanessa though; Mike being an "Emily" would be the big twist of the sequel (like with Vanessa being an Afton.) Maybe Springtrap will spill the beans?
Oh, definitely! I think that's for the 3rd movie, sadly. Vanessa still has to come to terms with her past, so there are some priorities to be concluded first. I see the potential for more.
Makes me wonder if Shadow Freddy's true intentions. Bad guy or good guy? It's not like he shows up that much in the franchise.
Oh man, that'd be crazy! Is Jeremy confirmed to be in the sequel? I dunno, but I'd like to see him regardless. To have him as an Afton ... nuts.
Thanks again for your question and time!
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xccx-cringecorner · 10 months
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ♡ | Pinkie Pie | Princess Luna | Discord | Autumn Blaze
The Walking Dead ♡ | Daryl Dixon | Negan | Dwight
Arcane ♡ | Viktor | Jinx | Silco
Total Drama ♡ | Noah | Mike | Mal | Vito | Svetlana | Manitoba | Scott | Cody | Gwen | Chris McLean (x Chef)
Death Note ♡ | Mello | Matt | L | Near
She-Ra and The Princesses of Power ♡ | Scorpia | Catra | Double Trouble | Shadow Weaver | Wrong Hordak | Scorpia x Catra
Beastars ♡ | Legoshi | Louis | Legoshi x Louis
Breaking Bad | Better Call Saul ♡ | Jesse Pinkman | Gustavo Fring | Badger | Saul Goodman | Nacho Varga | Lalo Salamanca | Kim Wexler | Mike Erhmantraut
Scream ♡ | Billy Loomis
Good Omens ♡ | Crowley | Crowley x Aziraphale
Star vs The Forces of Evil ♡ | Star Butterfly | Marco Diaz | Star x Marco | Marco x Tom
Inside Job ♡ | Andre Lee | Raegan Ridley
Centaurworld ♡ | The Nowhere King | Zulius
The Walking Dead (Telltale) ♡ | Clementine | Violet | Kenny
Detroit: Become Human ♡ | Connor | Ralph
Sally Face ♡ | Sal Fisher | Larry Johnson
Undertale ♡ | Asriel | Mettaton
Deltarune ♡ | Susie | Rouxls Kaard | Queen
Overwatch ♡ | Junkrat
Five Nights at Freddy's ♡ | Foxy | Mangle | Springtrap
Invader Zim
Fran Bow
Night In The Woods
Fear and Hunger
Life is Strange
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Ginga Densetsu Weed
Song of Saya
Jurassic Park | Jurassic Park
Pineapple Express
Silent Hill
The Lion King 2
Owl House
The Amazing Digital Circus
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
Canon voice thing
William Afton-perfect
Springtrap- a bit deeper but very good
Scraptrap-dead on
Glitchtrap-not even close
Burntrap-didn’t have a voice
Steve- Good for the persona of Steve wrong as William Afton
Ft Freddy- perfect
Ft Foxy- Perfect
The htf fictives- perfect
Post Scoop Micheal Afton-perfect
elizabeth Afton- perfect
Rockstar Bonnie and glamrock Bonnie- yup
Toy Bonnie, Roxanne, Withered Bonnie-great
Rodney Copperbottom-perfect
Tempest Shadow-great
Molten Freddy and Ennard-perfect
Yuno Gasai-perfect
I think that’s it
Just tag as canon voices mpc
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Some Fnaf x Night at the Museum Au facts:
Michael created the Illusion Disks based on some of William's blueprints. It's that the only thing that makes him look human
The Nightmares aren't only from Evan's coma induced nightmares, they're pretty much real (yes, it's a thing from those gacha videos, but sue me, I like the idea. They're not really Evan's friends, but they have a truce)
Only the "canon" (the ones recognized by Fazbear's Ent.) + some exceptions (the Nightmares, Springtrap, Lolbit, Shadow Freddy and Golden Freddy) animatronics are in the Museum. That means that Ennard, the Phantoms and all the Fnaf 6 animatronics aren't there because for Fazbear's Ent they don't exist
Michael has mechanical mobility aids because part of his lower spine is missing because of the Scooper, so he's paralized from the legs down. Now thet Henry knows what's going on he's working to help Michael to regain his mobility, but he has to work fast because Michael's body is regenerating, so the damage has to be fixed before the organs fully regrow
Henry and William's relationship is... complicated, tosay the least. No one knows what the f- is going on because they may act friendly one second and the other they look ready to k1ll each other
It doesn't matter if he's dead, Fritz Smith has always some food in his hand or mouth. After Michael regrows his stomach, Fritz secretly leaves some snacks in his locker
Gregory and Cassie are in this Au! They're Michael's adopted children, and are 100% ready to beat a bitch for their dad. They're also ghosts that possess robots that Michael made in their image
Michael is still obsessed with fire. It's kinda scary ngl
The Funtimes were rebuildt from Molten Freddy and the killing features and programming were taken away, while Baby was fixed from Scap Baby
All the animatronics have some level of sentience, may it be from advanced programming or the fact that they held a soul.
The possessed animatronics don't have an Ai, all the personality traits are from the soul that possesses them
Jeremy Fitzgerald is still a bit scared of Mangle
The three former Tormentors weren't really forgiven by Evan, but they were given another chance
The museum has secret rooms for the Souls. The ghost night guards (except Michael) live in the museum
Tell me what do you think!
Lots of cool fun facts.
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 2 years
can you list down the full backstory of the Afton Family Lore?
Damn, like a summary? Uhh okay… I don't have it in general, so I'll just list down in order what happened, okay?
They were a happy family.
Michael dies because of an accident in the basement and is now Nightmare Foxy.
Crusher helps Michael sorta come back to life.
Happy family with secret that Crusher and Michael knows.
Crusher harrassed in school by Simon (Nightmare Chica), Mark (Nightmare Bonnie) and Frederick (Nightmare Freddy).
Michael protects Crusher.
Michael blackmailed to bully CC to not harass Crusher.
CC and Crusher are aware of arrangement.
Michael protects CC from Nightmares.
Michael blackmailed to shove CC into Golden Freddy's Mouth.
CC dies and becomes the shadow of golden freddy, a.k.a Shadow Freddy.
Crusher is guilty and runs away from home.
Zeg goes after him and dies in car crash. Soul becomes Nightmare Freddy, kicking Frederick out and turning his soul into a free spirit.
Michael runs away from home.
Crusher stays for siblings.
Marinette and Elizabeth visits Circus Baby's Pizza World with William.
Elizabeth dies of Circus Baby, and they have arrangement to share the body.
Marinette dies of Funtime Foxy, and they have agreement to share body too.
Crusher runs away from home.
William falls into depression, so Vincent, who had died of su1c1d3, helps him out and makes him go crazy.
William, with Vincent's help, kills Gabriel (soul possess Freddy), Susie (soul possess Chica), Jeremy (soul possess Bonnie), Fritz (soul possess Foxy), Cassidy (soul possess Golden Freddy), Charlie (soul possess Puppet/Marionette), and Henry (free soul). Along with more kids for the other animatronics.
William kills his intern Noah, who is Michael's classmate (soul transferring to Ennard).
William and Vincent accidentally kills Darry, who's soul is transferred to Toy Bonnie.
Clara falls to depression. While searching for her "missing children", she drives off a cliff and dies (soul transferring to Ballora).
Pickle falls into depression and suspects William for the cause of it.
Pickle runs away to find Crusher.
Pickle and Crusher investigate Circus Baby's Pizza World for Elizabeth and Marinette.
Pickle dies of Funtime Freddy (soul transferring to Bon-Bon).
Crusher finds Michael to tell them the news.
Crusher and Michael force William to help their missing family members in Circus Baby's Pizza World.
Crusher dies because of Vincent and Ennard (soul transfers to Ennard, and he has agreement with Ennard. Noah becomes free soul).
Michael blames William and runs away.
William goes crazy and destroys the animatronics.
The missing children and Charlie chase William, who does because of Springtrap (soul transfers into Springtrap).
Michael, final survivor, works for his father's pizzarias and survives.
Michael dies because of Ennard/Crusher & the Scooping Room.
How they reunite:
Zeg and CC meet when CC travels back to the house.
Marinette, Elizabeth and Clara meet at Circus Baby's Pizza World.
Darington meets William after William dies. He tells the kids that Vincent was really to blame and not his father.
Ennard/Crusher uses Michael as a skin suit but realize who Michael is and helps Michael to learn to walk and talk around without him.
Crusher and Michael meet Zeg and CC after they go back to the house.
Crusher, Michael, Zeg, and CC meet Darington and William when Darington and William go back to the house.
The boys all go to Circus Baby's Pizza World to find the girls.
Vincent apologizes for his sons, even if Darington holds a grudge.
William apologizes to Henry, Charlie and the kids too.
William helps give them collars for them to transfer into "normal human form" and to spirit form (bloody with wings) and to soul form (all grey and white, no wings) and to animatronic form (if they have).
Henry confesses to William, and he, Clara and William arrange a Poly Vee.
They become happy family.
And that's it lol that took so long 😅
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ficto-fag · 1 year
My name is Jacob Gutzington!
Seventeen years dead (August 4th)
I go by he/it and any neopronouns
Polyamorous fictophile transsexual furfag 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
I don't have a DNI, but I block liberally!
[More info under cut]
This is my blog where I post about being a fictophile!
My main/where I interact from: @mimogutz
My F/O's
🩷 - Dating
💍 - Married
🩷 Anti-Cosmo Anti-Julius Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma AKA AC (He/Him) from The Fairly Oddparents
🩷 Benrey Benrey Benrey Benrey (He/It) from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
💍 Bowser (He/Him) from Super Mario Bros.
🩷 Doctor Bubby (He/It) from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
🩷 Cosmo Julius Fairywinkle-Cosma (He/Him) from The Fairly Oddparents
💍 The Creature (He/It) from Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
💍 Dave Miller AKA Davetrap (He/She) from Dayshift at Freddy's
🩷 The Daycare Attendant AKA Sundrop AKA Moondrop AKA Eclipse (He/It) from Five Nights at Freddy's
🩷 Doctor Edgar George Zomboss (He/Him) from Plants vs. Zombies
💍 Four Integer (He/They) from Battle for Dream Island
💍 Jack F. Kennedy (He/It) from Dayshift at Freddy's
🩷 Larry Needlemeyer (He/Him) from The Amazing World of Gumball
🩷 Octodad (He/Him) from Octodad: Dadliest Catch
🩷 Rotom Pokédex (He/It) from Pokémon Sun and Moon Main F/O
🩷 Scag (She/Her) from Regretevator
💍 Sheldon Plankton (He/Him) from SpongeBob SquarePants
🩷 Spud! (Any) from Regretevator
💍 Squidward Tentacles (He/Him) from SpongeBob SquarePants
💍 Steve Small (He/Any) from The Amazing World of Gumball)
🩷 Tommy Coolatta (He/Soda) from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
🩷 Two Integer (They/It) from Battle for Dream Island
🩷 Wallter (He/Any) from Regretevator
💍 William Afton AKA Springtrap AKA Scraptrap (He/Him) from Five Nights at Freddy's Main F/O
💍 X Variable (They/He) from Battle for Dream Island
Anti-Wanda Anti-Venus Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma (She/Her) from The Fairly Oddparents
Eugene Harold Krabs (He/Him) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Gordon Freeman (He/Him) from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
Harold Coomer (He/She) from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
Karen Plankton (She/Her) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Luigi Mario (He/Him) from Super Mario Bros.
Penelope Puff (She/Her) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Prototype (He/They) from Regretevator
Sandy Cheeks (She/Any) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Squilliam Fancyson (He/Him) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Wanda Venus Fairywinkle-Cosma (She/Her) from The Fairly Oddparents
Caroline Kennedy (She/Her) from Dayshift at Freddy's
Dee Kennedy (She/Any) from Dayshift at Freddy's
Peter Kennedy (He/Him) from Dayshift at Freddy's
Bowser Junior (He/Him) from Super Mario Bros.
Elizabeth Afton AKA Circus Baby AKA Scrap Baby (She/Her) from Five Nights at Freddy's
Elkniwirep Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma (He/They) from The Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish
Lampert (He/Him) from Regretevator
Michael Afton (He/Him) from Five Nights at Freddy's
Pearl Krabs (She/Any) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Periwinkle Fairywinkle-Cosma (He/They) from The Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish
Plushtrap (It/He) from Five Nights at Freddy's
Rob (He/They/It) from The Amazing World of Gumball
Blackjack AKA Shadow Doggo (It/He) from Dayshift at Freddy's
Garold Gareth Wilson, Jr. AKA Gary (He/Him) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Sparky II (He/Him) from Dayshift at Freddy's
Spot (He/Him) from SpongeBob SquarePants
Sunkist (He/Him) from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
Tag Guide
I tag posts based on two things: what they are and who I associate them with!
#me - My S/I, Jacob M. Gutzington
#gen - General (No particular F/O's, just any/all)
#🐈‍⬛ - Anti-Cosmo
#🦇 - Anti-Wanda
#🎮 - Benrey
#🎩 - Blackjack
#👑 - Bowser
#🔧 - Bowser Jr.
#🧪 - Bubby
#🍎 - Caroline
#🍀 - Cosmo
#🫀 - The Creature
#🍆 - Dave
#🎭 - Dee
#🌗 - The DCA
#🧠 - Edgar
#🤡 - Elizabeth
#🟦 - Irep
#🦀 - Eugene
#📝 - Four
#🐌 - Gary
#☣️ - Gordon
#🔋 - Harold
#🍊 - Jack
#💻 - Karen
#💡 - Lampert
#💼 - Larry
#🍄 - Luigi
#🦊 - Michael
#👔 - Octodad
#🐋 - Pearl
#🐡 - Penelope
#🪀 - Peri
#☎️ - Peter
#🧸 - Plushtrap
#🤖 - Prototype
#👁️ - Rob
#⚡ - Rotom Dex
#🌾 - Sandy
#📺 - Scag
#🦠 - Sheldon
#🐶 - Sparky II
#🔬 - Spot
#🪣 - Spud
#🐙 - Squidward
#💰 - Squilliam
#🌈 - Steve
#🧃 - Sunkist
#🥤 - Tommy
#🍰 - Two
#🧱 - Wallter
#🎀 - Wanda
#⛓️ - William
#🍯 - X
[Any other emojis are characters I have since broken up with]
#alt text
#incorrect quote
#jacob answers asks
#jacob says words - I've put my own input or commentary in the form of text in a post
#my art
#my gifs
#my imagines
#reblog game
#ref - Reference sheets I've made of my F/O's with some basic info about them
#talkin' in the tags - I've put my input or commentary in the tags
Tags I add for people to discover my posts:
#fictional other
#ficto community
#f/o community
#self insert
#self ship
#self ship community
#self shipper
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mastermindzanos · 2 years
Minigame Saga and Shadow Saga are stories that have been revamped ever since it came out, since then it's been haunting me forever...
Here is the Nostalgia of Cottonball and Cottontail- or Cottonball X Cottontail for it's origins. Golden Freddy stars as Cottonball while Springtrap stars as Cottontail, What? You want to know more? NAHHH THIS SERIES WAS A MISADVENTURES ONE IN THE "RANDOMNESS" COMP SO IT'S CRINGY >:(
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I love chibi characters :> they are soo cute :D
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daybombardi · 2 years
Song of Chaos || FNAF
After escaping a trap with a terrible back injury, Titanos finds herself lost in an uncharted forest. Trying to adapt to the new environment, one night she hears fighting noises on the other side of the forest, police cars, screams and dogs barking violently. Upon further investigation, she discovers a strange animatronic rabbit with two souls inside about to succumb to death.
In an act of compassion, she saves the animatronic and out of that interaction emerges a deep and unbreakable friendship. The animatronic who introduces himself as Springtrap, comes to her one day and invites her to meet her family, as they were starting to doubt her constant outings and he didn't want to hide his friendship from them.
Somewhat reluctantly, she agrees to meet them. He then takes her to a massive building, and Titanos meets not only many other lively and colorful animatronics like her killer friend, but also a species she never thought she would see on this planet: nightmares.
However, what really bothered her was the mysterious and chaotic King of Nightmares, Nightmare. What were those sparks that tingled inside her chest making her heart race whenever their eyes met or they touched each other? Could he be to her soul what her parents were to each other and she never thought she'd find?
𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐗 𝐎𝐂 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞
𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬
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home-of-chaos · 4 years
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Here are my top six favorite Fnaf AR skins/characters.
Toxic Springtrap
Magician Mangle
Shadow Bonnie
Freddy Frostbear
Shamrock Freddy
(These are also technically my human versions of these characters cause I don’t draw animatronics.)
Expect more Fnaf AR and Fazbear Frights content cause my little dabbles into both have now became a whole new obsession for me.
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damaged-dollie · 5 years
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The 3rd Percy & Springtrap Vine Compilation is up! Go check it out~!
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