#seven x minji
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dreamwithlost · 3 months ago
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Jiu x Fem!Reader
GĂȘnero: Friends to lovers, sĂĄficozinho lindo, agnst
áȘNotas: Ultimamente tĂĄ sendo difĂ­cil escrever KKKKK (ovo ir de camisa de saudade eterna) masss eu lembrei dessa aqui que escrevi a um tempo atrĂĄs para o spirit, e como AMO ela, resolvi que seria uma boa hora para traze-la para cĂĄ tambĂ©m!!! Espero muito que gostem, e uma boa leitura meus amores ♡
Ps: Obrigada Evelyn Hugo que me deu inspiração para essa história ♡
PsÂČ: Escutem dreamcatcher.
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VocĂȘ sempre hesitava em tomar seu cappuccino toda vez que a garçonete o depositava sobre sua mesa, seus dedos deslizavam pela alça de cerĂąmica, girando a pequena xĂ­cara branca, o barulho do atrito sobre o pires da peça ocultado pelo falatĂłrio animado de Nabi a sua frente. VocĂȘ permaneceu focada na conversa com a amiga, um sorriso sincero estampando seu rosto vez ou outra, por mais que estivesse exausta dos ensaios da coreografia de mais cedo.
— DaĂ­ eu reencontrei ele! — Nabi contava animada sobre o garoto qual reencontrou na estação de trem, a jovem fez uma careta apĂłs bebericar seu cafĂ© ainda extremamente quente, o seu oposto.
Talvez vocĂȘ sempre hesitasse demais, e Nabi, de menos.
— Eu nĂŁo acredito — VocĂȘ riu levando uma das mĂŁos atĂ© a boca, se afastando de seu cappuccino — Parece cena de filme — Apesar da fama de suas mĂșsicas, era sempre a vida agitada de sua amiga e empresĂĄria que lhe animava, saciando qualquer desejo de histĂłrias romĂąnticas que pudesse vir a ter.
Talvez vocĂȘ fosse Ăłtima em ouvir histĂłrias de amor, e Nabi, de vivĂȘ-las.
— E vocĂȘ? — Murmurou Nabi, apoiando os cotovelos sobre a mesa, seus cabelos loiros balançando em sentido da brisa fresca que entrava na cafeteria favorita da dupla, singela, discreta, rĂșstica, tudo que precisavam em meio a agitação da rotina — Nada para me contar? Eu sei, eu sei — Interveio antes que pudesse dizer qualquer coisa — VocĂȘ Ă© uma artista, nĂŁo pode ter relaçÔes amorosas no momento, precisa focar na carreira solo e blĂĄ-blĂĄ-blĂĄ — Ela se afastou novamente — Mas nĂŁo acha que isso pode ser por conta do Taewoo, hm? Ficou com o coração partido sem o seu grande amor — Nabi sussurrou em lamentos, fantasiando a trĂĄgica histĂłria de sua amiga e seu primeiro namorado.
Que, na verdade, nĂŁo havia nada de tĂŁo trĂĄgico assim.
Que, na verdade, nem ao menos era o seu grande amor.
Finalmente levantou sua xĂ­cara, sentindo o gosto forte e adocicado da bebida escura descer por sua garganta, vocĂȘ jĂĄ havia escutado dizer que as pessoas podiam começar a diminuir os nĂ­veis de açĂșcar no cafĂ© conforme os anos avançavam, mas igual a ti, qual cada vez mais doce desejava a bebida, era novidade para muitos. VocĂȘ observou o desenho bagunçado na superfĂ­cie do cappuccino por algum tempo, raciocinando o discurso proferido pela amiga a sua frente, suas mĂŁos nĂŁo tremiam e seus lĂĄbios ainda estavam Ășmidos, mas mesmo assim sentiu a necessidade de colocar a xĂ­cara novamente sobre um local seguro.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo era apenas hesitante quanto acabar ou nĂŁo com trabalhos feitos em bebidas, mas tambĂ©m sobre seus sentimentos. A "solista" esperava que os ignorando pudesse mantĂȘ-los escondidos, intactos, como o desenho florido no cafĂ©, mas, no fundo sabia que o lĂ­quido uma hora esfriaria, mesmo que demorasse, uma hora se tornaria inconsumĂ­vel, estragado, e alguĂ©m precisaria fazer algo.
Uma hora seus sentimentos transbordariam, e vocĂȘ precisaria fazer algo.
VocĂȘ tinha medo deles jĂĄ terem transbordado hĂĄ muito tempo, e nĂŁo ter sido capaz nem ao menos de reserva-los em outro recipiente.
— Nabi — Chamou delicadamente.
NĂŁo era a primeira vez que a amiga de longa data tentava entrar naquele assunto, e tambĂ©m nĂŁo era a primeira vez que se sentia incomodada com aquilo, na verdade, talvez aquela ferida fosse cutucada tĂŁo profundamente que jĂĄ havia atĂ© mesmo deixado de ser um incĂŽmodo e tivesse se tornado alguma outra coisa. Toda vez que Nabi tentava adentrar o seu passado, vocĂȘ se sentia mais e mais frustrada pelas escolhas que tomou em sua vida, nĂŁo arrependida, afinal, foram suas decisĂ”es que lhe fizeram ter o grande nome qual tinha hoje em dia, mas de fato, frustrada.
VocĂȘ podia ter tentado um pouco mais, podia ter procurado outros meios, podia ter falado alguma outra coisa.
Podia ter falado algo.
O cafĂ© ainda estava mais quente do que deveria quando vocĂȘ deu o segundo gole, uma novidade para acompanhar a nova motivação que a cada dia que passava crescia mais sobre o peito, como o nĂ­vel de açĂșcar em suas bebidas amargas. Seu peito subiu e desceu em um suspiro profundo, apesar de nĂŁo estar de fato nervosa com a situação, e se inclinou para a frente, suas madeixas tentando se soltar de trĂĄs de sua orelha, atraĂ­da pela mesma brisa qual tocou Nabi minutos atrĂĄs.
— Taewoo nĂŁo Ă© meu grande amor.
Taewoo era sem dĂșvidas o seu primeiro amor, mas nĂŁo o maior deles, e diferente do que imaginaria que sentiria ao confessar aquilo para alguĂ©m, seu peito foi atingido com uma sensação extremamente leve com o inĂ­cio da revelação.
— EntĂŁo quem Ă©? — Nabi questionou surpresa, tambĂ©m se inclinando para a frente, como quem estivesse assistindo o maior filme de suspense de todos os tempos — Quem foi seu grande amor?
Talvez o sorriso mais bonito que vocĂȘ jĂĄ tenha dado, e irĂĄ dar em toda sua vida, tivesse surgido naquele momento.
Pela primeira vez gostou do medo que cresceu em sua barriga, e desejou até mesmo gritar aquela informação.
— Kim MinJi — Respondeu sem enrolação, desejando tirar o atraso de anos qual já havia tido — Kim MinJi foi meu grande amor.
Fora impossível que as lembranças, tão bem guardadas no fundo, de seu cérebro, invadissem sua mente naquele momento.
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O chĂŁo gĂ©lido de metal da escadaria sem dĂșvidas nĂŁo era o local mais confortĂĄvel o qual poderia ter escolhido para se sentar, considerando que o seu dormitĂłrio ficava literalmente um lance de escadas acima. JĂĄ era tarde, as luzes do prĂ©dio haviam sido apagadas como de costume, pela pequena janela atrĂĄs de si, na plataforma de curva da escada, apenas um pequeno vislumbre da luz da lua iluminava suas mĂŁos. VocĂȘ observou o lĂ­quido amarelado na garrafa de vidro que carregava, sua cabeça encostada de maneira desconfortĂĄvel do corrimĂŁo metĂĄlico ao seu lado, a dança descompassada que a bebida fazia contida em suas amarras transparentes prendendo toda sua atenção. VocĂȘ sentia que sempre soube o que queria fazer com a sua vida, determinada no sonho de se tornar uma cantora de sucesso, assim como as diversas idols que, por qualquer tela a qual ela tivesse a disponibilidade de utilizar, acabavam com seus dias nublados, dando um rumo para o destino incerto da jovem solitĂĄria, sabia que nĂŁo precisava de mais nada a nĂŁo ser o conforto que a conquista poderia lhe trazer, apesar de vez ou outra dar espaço para algum outro sentimento lhe dominar. Entretanto, naquele momento, quando a coisa mais bela que conseguiu enxergar foi o reluzir da noite diante o vidro espesso em suas mĂŁos, jĂĄ nĂŁo teve mais tanta certeza daquilo.
Sabia mesmo o que queria fazer com a sua vida?
— Ei — Uma voz ecoou pelo vazio da entrada, os passos aproximando-se lentamente, sutis, quase como se tivessem medo de poder ser ouvidos, apesar da dona daquela ação sem dĂșvidas nĂŁo possuir tal medo.
— MinJi — VocĂȘ respondeu brincando com a sonoridade do nome em sua boca.
— O que vocĂȘ estĂĄ fazendo? — A morena questionou, sentando-se ao seu lado, que permanecia com sua cabeça repousada no corrimĂŁo, suas madeixas vez ou outra balançavam pelos leves movimentos feitos.
— Eu estou na fossa — Explicou simplista, finalmente arrumando sua postura, suas pernas levemente separadas, a mĂŁo que ainda segurava a cerveja suspensa entre elas — Acho que Ă© isso que se faz quando se termina.
Ela nĂŁo havia certeza se queria fazer aquilo.
— VocĂȘ e o Taewoo terminaram? — MinJi questionou, levando uma das mĂŁos atĂ© a boca, em uma resposta exagerada.
VocĂȘ apenas balançou sua cabeça positivamente em resposta.
— Por quĂȘ? — A jovem indagou novamente.
Por que vocĂȘ estava confusa.
— Porque não posso namorar agora, se quiser crescer nessa empresa — A resposta pareceu perfeitamente correta ao sair pelos seus lábios dentristecidos, apesar de, no fundo, um aperto no peito continuar lhe incomodando, como se desejasse buscar o real motivo daquilo.
Sua carreira seria o Ășnico motivo?
VocĂȘ sempre soube tudo que queria, mas agora, sentia como se nĂŁo soubesse mais nada.
Nem sabia se estava realmente triste por terminar.
— Oh — A jovem exclamou, nĂŁo achando melhores palavras para dizer. VocĂȘ viu de soslaio quando seus olhos desceram atĂ© a garrafa em suas mĂŁos — Olha, eu nĂŁo acho que encher a cara vai resolver alguma coisa, alĂ©m de que se te pegarem...
— Eu nĂŁo bebo — VocĂȘ retrucou novamente, fazendo com que agora uma feição confusa fosse posta em sua direção.
Ousou, apĂłs todo aquele tempo de diĂĄlogo, olhar para a amiga de longa data preocupada ao seu lado, apesar de uma ação simplista, sentiu como se tivesse levado anos atĂ© o momento que seus olhos cruzaram-se com os dela, sentiu seu coração bater mais forte uma Ășnica vez, quase deixando escapar o restante de sua fala para um lugar longe demais para que pudesse alcançar novamente.
— NĂŁo tem ĂĄlcool — Explicou levantando a cerveja em mĂŁos — Eu nĂŁo bebo nada alcoĂłlico — Aquela expressĂŁo de confusĂŁo insistiu em permanecer sobre a jovem ao seu lado — É sĂ©rio! — Confirmou novamente — Experimenta — Pediu estendendo a garrafa de vidro para a amiga, que apenas começou a rir com a ação.
— Eu acredito em vocĂȘ — Confessou em meio a um riso, baixo, delicado, mas, ao mesmo tempo, tĂŁo cheio de vida que atĂ© mesmo as paredes quiseram se aproximar para desfrutar melhor daquilo — VocĂȘ sabe que nĂŁo precisa me provar nada.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo sabia fazer aquilo, a vida inteira teve que provar algo para as pessoas.
Mas realmente, nunca precisou provar nada para MinJi.
Logo a mais alta cessou seu riso, olhando gentilmente para a garota apĂĄtica ao lado, ela inclinou seu corpo levemente para frente, pegando a garrafa de suas mĂŁos. O silĂȘncio adentrou o ambiente lentamente, sendo depositado em um pedido da noite escura e densa que cercava os dormitĂłrios, totalmente acatado apenas no momento em que os dedos de MinJi esbarraram sutilmente nos seus, disparando um arrepio que, apesar de nĂŁo poder ler mentes, soube que havia afetado ambas. VocĂȘs nĂŁo sabiam dizer em que ponto aquilo havia começado, talvez sempre houvesse sido difĂ­cil dizer o que acontecia entre as duas, entre aquela sensação tĂŁo confortĂĄvel e Ă­ntima que lhes carregava, chegando a ser assustadora.
A questĂŁo era que tanto vocĂȘ quanto MinJi eram Ăłtimas em ignorar certas coisas.
— Vem, vamos subir — Chamou MinJi, levantando-se em um pulo, seu rosto marcado pelo sorriso amigável que normalmente trazia consigo — Já está tarde — Informou, estendendo sua mão.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo aceitou aquele ato gentil, ignorando a mĂŁo a sua frente quando se levantou com a ajuda da firmeza do corrimĂŁo, seu toque ecoou pelo objeto metĂĄlico, e o som do lĂ­quido escorrendo pela garrafa de vidro foi audĂ­vel pela Ășltima vez segundos depois, quando a garota ignorada lhe tomou de suas mĂŁos e deu o Ășltimo gole que restava.
— NĂŁo entendo o sentido de tomar cerveja sendo que nem o ĂĄlcool tem — Comentou, seu pĂ© alcançando o primeiro degrau, acompanhando o seu — Ela sĂł fica amarga.
— É sĂł para ter um foco — Confessou, distraĂ­da pelos degraus abaixo de si, vocĂȘ sempre teve medo de tropeçar naquela escadaria.
VocĂȘ sempre teve medo de cair.
— EntĂŁo... — MinJi começou, sua voz abaixando uma oitava conforme se aproximavam dos quartos — Como foi, sabe, o papo entre vocĂȘ e o Taewoo?
— Foi tranquilo — Respondeu, sentindo pela primeira vez cem por cento de verdade em sua fala — A gente tá de boa.
Taewoo continuaria ocupando um espaço sobre seu peito, aquilo era verídico, o garoto havia sido seu primeiro amor, e acima disso tudo, um amigo qual pode contar. Talvez por isso não estivesse tão entristecida pelo fato de terem se separado.
— Entendi — Murmurou MinJi.
Seus pés finalmente alcançaram o andar superior, o qual após uma pequena curva, logo revelou um longo corredor branco, suas paredes em um tom gélido, apesar das luzes apagadas. As portas metålicas como o corrimão, pintadas no mesmo tom claro do resto do ambiente, fechadas, silenciadas pelo cansaço das demais trainees do local.
O resto da curta caminhada nĂŁo lhes causou mais nenhum diĂĄlogo, confortadas pelo sossego do momento enquanto se dirigiam em direção a seus aposentos. O seu quarto ficava quase ao final do corredor, sendo ultrapassado apenas por de sua amiga, que se encontrava na Ășltima porta.
— Ah! — Um grito imprevisível foi solto por MinJi quando chegaram em seu destino.
O som rĂĄpido nĂŁo parecia ter feito grande efeito no local, apesar da mais baixa ter dado um pulo tĂŁo involuntĂĄrio quanto o ato. Fora o tilintar do vidro se chocando com o chĂŁo que pareceu ressoar por mais tempo, adentrando os ouvidos das duas de maneira incĂŽmoda.
VocĂȘ se abaixou agilmente, sentindo sua visĂŁo ficar turva por alguns segundos com a ação, coisa a qual ignorou, buscando apenas parar a estridĂȘncia da garrafa, ato o qual MinJi tambĂ©m teve a ideia, descendo seu corpo sincronizadamente com a amiga, suas mĂŁos tocaram-se sobre o material gĂ©lido, o choque de mais cedo multiplicando-se em uma quantidade impossĂ­vel de se contar.
— O que foi? — VocĂȘ questionou, preocupada demais com a garota a sua frente para notar qualquer outra coisa.
— Barata — Foi tudo o que ela respondeu.
— Barata? — Perguntou novamente, olhando rapidamente para trás de si, em busca do tal inseto em meio a escuridão.
— Sim! — Choramingou, relembrando a cena de segundos atrás, quase como se pudesse senti-lá — Ela entrou no quarto do lado.
— Eu sabia que esse lugar nĂŁo era um dos mais luxuosos — Comentou, agora levando seu olhar atĂ© a porta mostrada por MinJi — Bem, acho que uma das garotas daqui vai ter uma surpresa quando acordar.
Foi impossĂ­vel para vocĂȘ evitar que um riso soprado escapasse de seus lĂĄbios ao imaginar a cena, coisa a qual desencadeou na amiga ao lado uma nova sequĂȘncia de risos, contagiando todo o seu corpo que se controlava para segurar a risada tambĂ©m. VocĂȘ voltou a encarar a jovem a sua frente, seu corpo finalmente recobrando os sentidos, apreciando a macieis de seu toque sobre sua mĂŁo, que permanecia imĂłvel acima do objeto vazio, um toque tĂŁo suave que parecia atĂ© mesmo estar sendo tocada pelas nuvens, apesar de ser apenas ao observar o rosto de MinJi que realmente se sentisse estar ao alcance de alguma delas, seus olhos levemente fechados devido ao grande sorriso posto em seus lĂĄbios, seus cabelos longos balançando vez ou outra pela forma como seu corpo tremia pela risada descontrolada, talvez se vocĂȘ pudesse escolher qualquer lugar existente na fase da terra para morar, escolhesse morar exatamente naquela expressĂŁo da jovem, tĂŁo alegre quanto se nĂŁo possuĂ­sse nenhum problema em sua vida.
O corpo de MinJi pareceu sofrer do mesmo choque de sentidos que o seu, segundos depois, o sorriso tão hipnotizante lentamente sumindo de seu rosto, seus olhos voltando a se abrir, mostrando suas íris acastanhadas, a imensidão do tom de café forte recebendo um brilho distante, apesar de sua face agora possuir uma feição seria, focada na garota a sua frente.
Ela chamou por vocĂȘ, sua voz doce, arrastada, o nome escapando de seus lĂĄbios como uma das melhores melodias que jĂĄ havia escutado, impossĂ­vel de se encontrar alguĂ©m que pudesse pronuncia-lo tĂŁo perfeitamente.
— Sim? — VocĂȘ murmurou em reflexo, sua voz quase nĂŁo conseguindo sair de suas cordas vocais.
— Tem outro jeito de achar outra coisa para pensar — MinJi informou em um sussurro, citando a conversa que tiveram minutos atrás.
Fora impossĂ­vel impedir que seu corpo se inclinasse para frente apĂłs aquele comentĂĄrio, seus olhos tĂŁo fixos nos da morena agora intercalando entre ele e seus lĂĄbios avermelhados, a sombra da noite nĂŁo sendo o suficiente para impedir que pudesse decorar cada pequeno detalhe.
Talvez houvesse uma coisa a qual tivesse certeza que queria no momento.
VocĂȘ queria muito ela.
— Me mostra entĂŁo — Pediu no mesmo tom anasalado que a garota, sua respiração misturando-se lentamente com a dela, a medida que tambĂ©m inclinou-se para frente.
NĂŁo houve muito tempo para se pensar apĂłs aquela abertura, MinJi apenas tratou de romper os poucos centĂ­metros que as separavam, nem ao menos questionando o fato de estarem do lado de fora dos dormitĂłrios, aquilo nĂŁo importava, nada era capaz de ser importante o suficiente para superar o desejo que foi cessado quando seus lĂĄbios se tocaram. VocĂȘ retirou sua mĂŁo de cima da garrafa, arrastando-a atĂ© o pescoço da garota, ela sentiu o corpo dela se arrepiar quando a deslizou dali atĂ© seu rosto, acariciando sua bochecha, garantindo de maneira sutil que nĂŁo iria se afastar. Uma das mĂŁos de MinJi tambĂ©m quiseram ter aquela certeza, agarrando-se a sua nuca, brincando com seus cabelos levemente emaranhados. Os joelhos de ambas repousavam sobre o chĂŁo gĂ©lido do corredor, mas quando o seu corpo avançou um pouco mais para frente, o contato foi ainda mais forte, entregando-se ao beijo lento e demorado.
Os lĂĄbios de MinJi eram macios, sedosos, como se sua boca estivesse tocando uma pĂ©tala de rosa recĂ©m colhida, talvez a garota fosse realmente como a flor, qual vocĂȘ tinha medo de se ferir nos espinhos, mas estava hipnotizada demais em sua beleza para negar o encontro.
MinJi era bela por dentro e por fora, enquanto vocĂȘ talvez fosse um mero cravo que crescia escondido no canteiro florido.
VocĂȘ inclinou sua cabeça, a mĂŁo da garota repousando prĂłxima a sua orelha, lhe chamando para mais perto, lhe implorando para se aproximar mais, apesar da fĂ­sica nĂŁo permitir tal ação. Era difĂ­cil desvendar o sabor de seus lĂĄbios, uma mistura que brincava como as diversas cores as quais uma flor poderia ter, quando suas bocas se afastaram suavemente, recuperando o ar que nem ao menos parecia importar no momento, vocĂȘ precisou, apĂłs alguns segundos lhe provar novamente, suas lĂ­nguas em uma dança coreografada como as sementes que voavam com o vento, procurando um novo lugar para florescer. TambĂ©m sentiu algo florescer dentro de si quando encontrou o sabor de morango perdido entre tantos outros, era isso, nĂŁo eram cerejas, tutti-frutti, hortelĂŁ, seus lĂĄbios tinham um gosto suave de morango, nĂŁo daqueles do mercado, mas os colhidos na hora nas plantaçÔes, um sabor refrescante, viciante. O perfume adocicado de MinJi entrou por suas narinas quando tambĂ©m elevou seu corpo, o toque da garota agora passando por sua cintura, sua mĂŁo apertando levemente a regiĂŁo, lhe prendendo junto a si. Mais uma vez, sentiu medo de se machucar com os espinhos quando seu corpo arrepiou-se com o toque.
VocĂȘ nunca havia beijado uma garota antes, e nĂŁo era naquele momento que chegaria naquela conclusĂŁo, mas logo teria tempo para descrever tal ato. Era diferente do toque dos homens os quais jĂĄ se envolveu, apesar de considerar ambos bons, o toque feminino, o toque de MinJi, lhe deixava nas nuvens, suas mĂŁos eram tĂŁo macias em seu corpo, seu chamado, apesar de firme, era gentil, frĂĄgil, quase como se tivesse medo de machucar alguma de suas pĂ©talas, seu beijo se encaixava perfeitamente no dela.
Apesar da demora daquela ação, daquelas carĂ­cias, quando se separaram, vocĂȘ encarou a amiga como se nĂŁo tivesse tido tempo suficiente, quase como se aqueles minutos tivessem tido a velocidade de apenas alguns segundos, a duração curta demais para percorrer todo aquele novo jardim.
Apesar da rapidez daquela ação, daquelas carícias, em uma velocidade mais lenta o seu cérebro finalmente processou tudo que havia acontecido, o seu olhar sobre a garota a sua frente, de tão entregue perante a rosa se tornou surpreso, assustado, percebendo os espinhos quais havia se enfiado.
VocĂȘ havia acabado de beijar uma garota, havia acabado de beijar a garota qual estava lhe deixando tĂŁo confusa ultimamente, e diferente do que queria que acontecesse, havia gostado.
Estava amarrada pelas voltas que aquele caule dava em torno de si. Estava em um belĂ­ssimo apuro, sem precedentes do que viria para o futuro.
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Quando vocĂȘ pareceu recobrar a consciĂȘncia, com seu corpo voltando a sentir o ambiente a seu redor, seu cĂ©rebro retornando lentamente ao presente, como quem acabava de descer de um voo, a expressĂŁo cĂŽmica de Nabi foi a primeira coisa a lhe trazer verdadeiramente para o presente, seus lĂĄbios boquiabertos, as sobrancelhas levemente erguidas, os olhos arregalados, em um grande exagero. Sabia que Nabi nĂŁo a julgaria, sabia que, apesar da mulher amar qualificar qualquer coisa a sua frente, quando se tratava de seus sentimentos, ela jamais faria aquilo.
Nabi apenas garantia que vocĂȘ jamais guardasse para si coisas que a machucassem, e considerando o brilho nos olhos os quais a morena tinha apĂłs se lembrar de seu grande amor, estava Ăłbvio que MinJi nĂŁo era uma delas.
Na verdade, talvez fosse vocĂȘ que machucasse MinJi.
— Eu nĂŁo acredito — Nabi exclamou apĂłs algum tempo, suas mĂŁos agora sobre a mesa a sua frente, pressionadas sobre o material, como se estivesse prestes a embarcar em uma aventura de uma montanha-russa — E entĂŁo? O que aconteceu? — Questionou afobada — Pelo que eu saiba, vocĂȘ e a “Jiu”, em uma Ă©poca, sempre eram vistas juntas, como melhores amigas, mas jĂĄ faz — A garota ponderou um pouco — Uns quatro anos? Que estĂŁo afastadas — As palavras saiam rapidamente de sua boca, repassando em sua mente toda a histĂłria da amiga, como se dizer aqueles murmĂșrios fosse mera penalidade pela agilidade de seus pensamentos — O que aconteceu?
VocĂȘ nĂŁo teve coragem de amĂĄ-la.
VocĂȘ apenas tinha coragem para ser egoĂ­sta.
— Eu não tive coragem de amar ela — Suas cordas vocais pronunciaram pela primeira vez, talvez em sua vida toda, a verdade oculta em sua mente.
— E agora?
— Agora eu tenho — Informou, seus olhos deslizando lentamente para o celular a sua frente. Ela desbloqueou a tela do dispositivo, buscando sua lista telefĂŽnica, a qual rapidamente encontrou o nĂșmero de MinJi ainda guardado da mesma maneira, o coração flutuando a sua frente, como se nunca tivesse tido forças o suficiente para retira-lo, apesar de nĂŁo saber nem ao menos se ela ainda utilizava tal contato.
— Então o que vai fazer? — Nabi questionou novamente, sua fala ansiosa, diante, do que considerou, a maior obra literária que já viu em sua vida.
Nabi adorava dramas em um romance, enquanto vocĂȘ detestava o gĂȘnero, de qualquer forma.
— Eu nĂŁo sei — Confessou, uma surpresa para as duas garotas solitĂĄrias na grande cafeteria, vocĂȘ sempre sabia o que fazer.
Mas nunca soube o que fazer quando se tratava de MinJi.
— Ter coragem nĂŁo Ă© o suficiente Ă s vezes — VocĂȘ prosseguiu — Amar — Uma risada sem humor saiu soprada pelos seus lĂĄbios — Amar sem dĂșvidas nĂŁo Ă© o suficiente — Seus olhos se estristeceram, ainda fixos nos dĂ­gitos do contato em seu celular — Eu apenas baguncei a vida dela Nabi, e depois dei o fora.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo havia certeza se conseguiria completar aquela frase.
— Às vezes, o melhor que podemos fazer Ă© ficar longe. MinJi estĂĄ melhor longe de mim.
MinJi estava melhor sem vocĂȘ.
— M-mas — Nabi gaguejou, preocupada, e talvez atĂ© mesmo levemente indignada — Amor e coragem sĂŁo o primeiro passo de muita coisa, nĂŁo acha? — Questionou — Quer dizer, eles nĂŁo sĂŁo tudo, Ă© verdade, mas te fazem... Tentar — Incentivou a amiga — EntĂŁo, o que vocĂȘ vai fazer?
VocĂȘ nĂŁo conseguiria lhe responder aquilo agora.
— Bem — Murmurou, sorrindo para a loira a sua frente, seus olhos finalmente desprendendo-se da tela do celular, um sorriso gentil surgindo em seus lĂĄbios, apesar da tristeza que carregava consigo — Vou terminar de tomar o meu cafĂ© — Completou, fazendo a amiga jogar seu corpo, antes tĂŁo atento, quase deitado sobre a mesa, para trĂĄs, repousando novamente para sobre o encosto da cadeira.
Agora o seu cappuccino jĂĄ estava frio demais.
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torivegafromindia · 1 year ago
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Leaders who look like cinnamon rolls but could kill you if they wanted. I also think they'd be the secret aces of a surprise collaboration.
A String of Fate (3292 words) by torivegafromindia Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: EXO (Band), Dreamcatcher (Korea Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kim Minji | JiU/ Kim Junmyeon | SUHO Characters: Dreamcatcher (Korea Band) Ensemble, Kim Minji | JiU, Kim Junmeyon, EXO Ensemble, InSomnia Dreamcatcher Fandom, EXO-L Fanclub, Lee Siyeon, Park Chanyeol Additional Tags: philippines, Asia Artist Awards, Hurdle by SUHO, Guitarist SUHO, Guitarist JiU, Shatter by Dreamcatcher Summary: Kim Minji and Kim Junmyeon are just artists who go by stage names JiU and SUHO. A chance encounter on terrace during their coincidental stay during an awards show held outside of South Korea leads these leaders to meet and talk. What progresses is just the start of a relationship.
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back2bluesidex · 4 months ago
Everything's Fair - PJM [Masterlist]
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Patreon Membership Exclusive Drabble Series
Part of Bangtan Chaebol Universe
Pairing: Chaebol!Jimin X Fem!Reader
Theme: pining, tiny angst, smut, Jimin is whipped, eventual fluff, strangers to lovers au. Drabble series.
Summary: Jimin has dated a shit ton of people. He has slept with even more of them, but never once he managed to fall in love. That was until you came into his life and managed to make him go head over heels with just one sight. Umm.. so what if you are his fuck-buddy's new roommate? Everything is fair in love and war.  And Jimin only knows how to win.
Warnings: smut, Jimin is evil, he is a fuckboy too, more will be added as the story progresses. NSFW!!
A/N: I will be updating once a week. The length of each chapter will be 1k to 1.5K since it's a drabble series. this is a refined version of a seokjin series I started but couldn't continue.
Chapter Index:-
Part one: Love at first sight
Part two: She is single
Part three: At the vending machine
Part four: Drive you home?
Part five: Is it unfair?
Part six: Finally the confession
Part seven: A minor inconvenience
Part eight: It's raining cats and dogs
Part nine: Late night ramen
Part ten: Park Jimin is dating!? [Finale]
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Sneak Peek
Jimin’s knuckles drum on the wooden door as he waits for Minji or her faceless new roommate to open the door for him. 
He hears shuffling on the other side of the door but the door doesn’t open just yet. 
“Who is this?” a voice asks. Since it’s not Minji - it must be the roommate, Jimin thinks. 
“Ah.. I am Jimin, Minji’s friend.” he replies. He decides to introduce himself as her friend, of course, he can’t say: hey hi, I am here to fuck Minji in your shared home. 
“Oh. okay.'' The voice seems to be convinced as the person on the other side finally opens the door wide enough for him to enter. 
If Jimin stops breathing for a moment then he doesn’t dwell upon it. 
Minji’s new roommate, you, are absolutely the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. 
Your hair cascades down your shoulders, you have a small face with a set of big doe eyes, a pair of nice pink lips and a not-so-well-shaped nose. 
By no means do you look like a model or a beauty pageant winner. But you very much look like a person completely capable of captivating Park Jimin with a single glance.
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luvyeni · 1 year ago
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( synopsis ). in which after a drunken hookup , y/n y/ln and are jake left with some heavy consequences and now they have to come to terms with it.
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pairings. sim jaeyun x fem!reader
genre. social media, stranger to lovers, pregnancy au, smut, fluff, angst, crack
warnings. mature content, sex, talk of sex, language, crude jokes, more tba...
started. 07-14-23
finished. tba
💬 nia's notes. this is only FICTION this does not represent enhypen in anyway.
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000. the new mother and the feral aunts and uncles , 000. the new father and the unhinged uncles
— đ–Šč MONTH ONE !
001. jump jake day , jobless jungwon and the cycle sisters đŸ€žđŸ»
002. baby shoes or bad food?
003. well , who is he ??
004. dots are connecting ....
005. from daddy đŸ„”đŸ˜źâ€đŸ’š to just dad đŸ€ąïżœïżœïżœïżœ...
006. hey. heyy..
— đ–Šč MONTH TWO !
007. meeting the stranger...
008. little nugget 😭😭😭😭...
009. cupcakes 🧁
010. im being cooked😞
011. doctors appointment ✎
012. going home ...
013. im home ❀ ...
014. telling the parents (fail) ✎
015. first day on the job đŸ‘đŸ» ....
016. a week of madness
017. on his last limb ...
018. playing house 🏡 ...
019. oh shit , he admitted it ...
020. jake not being a pussy đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»
021. boy đŸ‘¶đŸ»đŸ’™ or girl đŸ‘§đŸ»đŸ’• ...
022. finally ... ✎
023. first date ( nice to see you again jake ) ...
024. that wench 😒

025. song jihae 

026. ni-ki about to fuck shit up 

027. explanations 

028. daddy and son dateđŸ€â€Š
029. sunoo finds out 😳

030. jungwon explain

031. it all comes out 

032. lol 

033. she’s back âœšđŸ–€
034. miserable 

035. stop reading my mind 

036. moving day ❗ 
037. â˜șâ˜șâ˜șâ˜șâ˜ș
038. it all comes out ( jake version ) 

039. forgive ( friends? )

040. back like i never leftđŸ”„đŸ’ȘđŸŒ 

041. we lost him 😔

042. frustration + knife + hand = emergency room 😹 

043. taking it slow 

044. it’s time 

045. they’re a family đŸ„ČđŸ„ČđŸ„Č
046. watch baby minji grow up💕 

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— ( taglist. ) ask to be added !
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jihyoruri · 2 months ago
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍱 NOBODY KNOWS kim minji x reader
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👛★ ͘ ⮰ ever since summer 2022 new jeans has been at the top of the world surpassing and creating records and getting biggger and better every month but then SM Entertainment drops a new girl group stardom out of knowhere on everyone’s heads “surpassing and creating records” just like a certain group, causing a rivalry in the media and between the groups behind closed doors.
in which behind the secret of rivalry between stardom and new jeans, there’s an even bigger secret between their leaders.
PARING — kim minji x idol!reader
last. masterlist. next
★ ͘ PAGE#1 nobody knows — ❝tonight let’s start a masquerade, I’m coming over but nobody knows my little secret ❞
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“the rising sensation, stardom, is adding yet another major endorsement to their growing portfolio, now becoming ambassadors for Sony. they’re set to release a special line of headphones with the iconic brand, already racking up over 100,000 pre-orders—and counting.”
a groan came from beside minji, drawing her amused gaze toward the source of irritation.
“we’re listening to the radio! since when did radio news start caring about stardom’s endorsements?” hanni muttered, rolling her eyes. “that’s not news.”
stardom's name had been everywhere lately, dominating headlines as they skyrocketed to fame.
“they’re still not bigger than us,” minji said, patting hanni’s shoulder as she adjusted her seatbelt. “so why does it matter?”
“they have their own sony headphones, minji.”
“ahh, they have it in purple ,” hyein murmured from the seat behind, eyes glued to her phone.
hanni shot her a sharp glare, haerin pinched her arm, and danielle threw her a disapproving look.
“sorry,” hyein mumbled, shrinking back.
“i just want one day where i don’t have to hear about them,” hanni sighed, her frustration clear as the other girls nodded in agreement. “it’s bad enough they’re performing tomorrow, too.”
“how about see them everywhere,” minji chuckled, gesturing out the window at a bus stopped next to their van. plastered along the side was an ad for pocari sweat, featuring stardom smiling brightly for yet another endorsement.
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“rate how shady you think they’re gonna be tomorrow, out of ten ,” summer asked, turning to face the rest of the girls lounging in the back of the van, while eunjin quietly flipped through the pages of her book beside her.
“eight point five ,” yuri replied, lifting her head from yn’s shoulder, causing the van to erupt in laughter.
“I was gonna say nine, but I’m bumping it to ten,” hana chimed in, mischievously kicking the back of eunjin’s seat, sending the girl jolting forward. “i don’t trust that hyein girl. she’s always staring at me.”
“oh, you wanna talk about staring? let’s talk about their leader, who’s always staring at our leader,” yuri said, rolling her eyes. “sometimes, i feel like she’s just gonna jump and eat yn, it’s probably all that jealousy.”
yn playfully rolled her eyes at yuri’s comment. “i’ll go with a seven. that sunshine girl can’t do any harm,” she said, finally answering summer’s question.
“i dare them to say something slick,” summer added, turning back to the front with a smirk. “what do you think?” she nudged eunjin, who sighed in response.
all eyes shifted to eunjin—whenever she spoke, the girls paid attention. she didn’t say much, so when she did, they hung onto every word.
“jealousy is a nasty thing. it eats away at you. and they’ve definitely got it,” eunjin replied, calm and thoughtful. “so yeah, i’m with yuri—eight point five.”
a slow clap broke the silence. “bravo, the wise words of eunjin unnie,” yuri teased, making the others chuckle.
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the sound of screams and clapping filled the air as minji watched stardom walk onto the stage to receive their award. both newjeans and stardom had been up for artist of the year in japan, and while everyone kind of knew stardom would win— even though it was just a year into their career the girls had been dominating asia—it didn’t stop the girls from feeling a bit salty
"at least we still have the western market," danielle muttered quietly, just loud enough for the girls to hear. they all watched as stardom struggled to start their speech over the deafening cheers and applause.
"they're probably coming for that too," hanni replied, trying to keep her face neutral, fully aware of the cameras trained on them. with the ongoing internet war between newjeans and stardom, their reactions would undoubtedly make headlines. "right, minji?"
hanni glanced at their leader, expecting a response, but minji was silent. her gaze was locked on the stage, fixed on stardom's leader, yn, who was the last to deliver her thank you. yn's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, like crystals catching the stage lights—so captivating, it was impossible to look away. yuri gently wrapped an arm around yn’s waist, offering quiet comfort, which caused minji to slightly clench her jaw, while the other members leaned in supportively as yn spoke.
"thank you to our fans, to everyone who's believed in us," yn's voice trembled slightly, thick with emotion. "we wouldn't be here without you. this award means the world to us... and we promise to keep working harder."
as she finished her speech, the cheers erupted again, louder than ever, but minji hardly noticed. she was still mesmerized, completely taken by yn’s beauty and the way she seemed to glow under the stage lights. hanni glanced at minji again and saw the way she stared, almost hypnotized by stardom's leader.
"dude, are you okay?" hanni asked, raising an eyebrow.
minji blinked, snapping out of her daze, her face suddenly flushing. "what—uh, yeah, i'm fine," she stammered, her voice a little too quick.
hanni narrowed her eyes, clearly unconvinced but chose to let it slide. "okay..." she mumbled, though her suspicion lingered as she turned back toward the stage. minji's weirdness wasn’t something she was going to ignore forever.
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yn linked her arm with yuri’s as they strolled through the hallway, trying to track down their managers. “leave it to us to get lost,” she sighed, glancing around with a hint of amusement.
“who cares that we’re lost? we just won artist of the year! everybody celebrate!” hana exclaimed, jumping onto eunjin’s back, earning a startled yelp from the quieter girl.
"we’re going to a sushi restaurant and eating everything," yuri chimed in, her tone playful as she squeezed yn's arm.
the girls were so caught up in their laughter and excitement that they didn’t notice another group walking toward them from the opposite direction.
summer, still laughing at hana almost slipping off eunjin's back, wasn’t paying attention and kept walking backward—until she crashed into someone with a hard thud. the hallway suddenly fell silent as everyone froze.
“oh, i’m so sor—” summer started to apologize, but her words faltered the moment she realized who she’d bumped into. “—ry,” she finished awkwardly, eyes locking with hyein from newjeans.
hyein’s eyes flashed with recognition, but she quickly masked it, shrugging off summer’s apology as if it were nothing. her gaze briefly flickered to hana, who had slid off eunjin’s back under the weight of the tense moment, though she averted her eyes as hana shot her an icy glare.
hanni stepped forward, her expression hardening as she glared at the five girls. her eyes locked onto summer. “you should be sorry. maybe watch where you’re going. hyein’s already had an injury—we don’t need another.”
summer’s eyebrows shot up, clearly not liking the tone. she glanced behind her, almost in disbelief, as if confirming hanni had really spoken to her like that. a dry laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head. “i know you’re not serious—”
eunjin gently placed a hand on summer’s shoulder, a silent plea to drop it. “leave it alone.”
yn stepped in, her voice calm but firm. “summer unnie, just let it go.”
but hanni wasn’t done. “what? i was just reminding your member to watch where she’s going. what’s the problem?” she snapped back, the situation wasn’t serious but she couldn’t hold back her resentment towards the girl group so she used this as an opportunity.
hanni didn’t back down, her focus now shifting to yn. “maybe your leader can explain it, so you understand better.” she said coolly, her challenge clear.
yn did exactly what summer had done—looked behind herself in disbelief—before she took a step forward, but yuri’s arm quickly wrapped around her waist, pulling her back. "leave it.” yuri whispered, though yn’s eyes were still locked on hanni's, before switching to minji’s who looks away.
“you’re right.” yn said her voice calm, “they’re just bitter.” she says her eyes still on minji before walking straight past the rest of the group the rest of the girls following behind her.
“you two,” yuri muttered, shaking her head as she pointed at yn and summer, “need serious anger management.”
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yn cursed under her breath as her phone buzzed softly, hoping it didn’t wake yuri, who was fast asleep beside her in the hotel bed. glancing at the screen, she saw the message
she looked at the message.
“I’m near your hotel.”
she sighed quietly, running a hand through her hair before carefully sliding out of bed, moving cautiously so as not to disturb hana, who was sprawled out in a starfish position on the other bed.
with a quick glance around to make sure no one stirred, yn slipped out of the hotel room as quietly as possible and made her way down to the street outside, her heart racing with anticipation.
minji looked up from her phone to find yn standing in front of her, a juicy couture cap pulled low over her head. minji couldn’t help but smile. "hey."
"you texted," yn said softly, her eyes scanning minji's face as if searching for something.
"i did."
"i missed you," minji admitted, gently pulling yn closer by the arm. yn’s eyes dropped, her cheeks flushing as she looked away, clearly flustered.
"same," yn mumbled, clearly embarrassed. after a pause, she added, "your member really wanted to pick a fight today, huh?"
minji groaned, rolling her eyes as she tugged yn even closer, until there was almost no space left between them. "yeah..." she trailed off, unsure what to say. it wasn’t like she fully agreed with her group's dislike toward stardom, but she understood the frustration. stardom had come out of nowhere, sweeping up all the attention.
"let’s not talk about that," minji murmured, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the gold “s” necklace hanging around yn's neck. all of the stardom girls had one, each in either silver or gold.
minji’s tone shifted as she changed the subject. "there’s this 24 hour ramen place..." she started, watching as a smile slowly spread across yn’s face. "if you want to
"of course i do," yn replied, her smile now fully blooming, the tension between them melting away.
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phamphamz · 1 year ago
We Are Live
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24 hours livestreams are all fun and games (literally) until you accidentaly blurt out that you're in love with your roommate, who you supposedly hate.
Genre: smau, enemies to lovers, comedy, college au.
Pairing: minji x fem!reader
Warnings: language
Profiles: fantastic five - the jeanies
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
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flwoie · 5 months ago
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SUMMARY Secrets are meant to be kept. Sunghoon never keeps secrets though, well except one—his friends being members of a super secret spy team. He finds out on the night he gets kidnapped and is rescued by them. That night, his friend offers him to be a part of the team to stop an organization, SPY-DER LILLIES, from destroying their campus and agency, I.R.I.S (International Resource for Intellectual Spies). And like the goofy goober he is, he joins for a jetpack and to impress his longtime friend and crush, the black cat agent, in order to win her heart before the spiders come crawling up his back.
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STARRING spy! sunghoon x spy! f! reader (WITH txt’s beomgyu, loossemble’s yeojin, lsfm’s kazuha, nwjns’ minji, kiof’s belle, xdh’s junhan)
GENRE smau + written, romcom, episodic, friends to lovers, college au, spy au, characters inspired by my friend group, heavily inspired by that one spy kickin’ it episode (s3, ep 21)
CONTAINS 15+, profanity, light violence, brainrot😭, spy terminology isn’t fully accurate, also 50% of the chapters in here are not even spy related, incorrect timestamps (pls ignore) (chapters will specify warnings)
STATUS airing (whenever i feel like it @ 5PM CST) | july 9, 2024 - 

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↳ sunghoon joins his friends’ spy team
one : jetpack joyride [0.9k]
two : the haters be hating [0.3k + smau]
three : my tall american friend
four : cuz im a sigmaâ€ŠđŸ‘»
five : theres many girls in the fish
six : chicken butt
seven : when there's a screen, ao3 must be seen
eight : im gonna touch u lil bro
↳ the boys throws a boys-only party in the lair while you’re out of town
nine : back early [0.2k]
ten : w rizz amirite
eleven : fake gucci pants..
twelve : H H HELL NAHđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž [0.5k]
thirteen : like the roblox game?
fourteen : the hell is spoogle images [0.7k + smau]
↳ the team keeps tabs on an I.R.I.S spy-in-training, who’s possibly a part of the SPY-DER LILLIES
fifteen : and ur dumb
sixteen : hide ur ladiesđŸ€«đŸ„±
seventeen : luh luh loserrr
eighteen : what an ugly pepperoni [
ninteen : PAUSE

twenty : btw calc is short for calculator [
twenty one : diss me diss me now u gotta kiss me
↳ when the team is sent on a mission to defeat a tech team of SPY-DER LILLIES, they get transported to the internet world
... to be added
↳ the team joins a witness protection program after witnessing a fight between two canadian spy organizations

 to be added
↳ in order for sunghoon to pass his final spy assessment, he needs to get over his crush
... to be added
↳ the team is recruited to be camp counsellors for I.R.I.S spies-in-training
... to be added
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enhypen masterlist
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wonsroyalty · 5 days ago
ever seen 🧃
jungwon x f!reader ,, smau
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synopsis: yn kim has had a humongous crush on jungwon since she first laid eyes on him in their last year at high school. she created a fan account after being put in the friend zone but hasn’t found the chance to tell him that it’s her
 now that they’re in their final year of university, will she get the guy?
genre: smau, acquaintances/mutuals to lovers, one-sided feelings,, warnings: swearing, harmful jokes, most people have been aged down for the sake of the story!
❗this in no way, shape or form represents any of the individuals mentioned, their faces are used for the sake of storytelling❗
starring! : all of enhypen, eunchae (le sserafim), minji (new jeans), soul (p1harmony), seunghan and sohee (riize), yuna (itzy), ningning (aespa), manon (katseye), beomgyu + soobin (txt) and felix, i.n + seungmin (stray kids)
started: 24/11/24
status: ongoing
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profiles: the hopeless romantics + sunoo // decelis superstars // the elders
chapters ~
prologue - she’s crazy (written)
one - you ain’t gotta go to work work work (half written)
two - fein (classical version)
three - what'd i do ?
four - catch me outside (written)
five - family facebook account
six - brother act
seven - nocolate strawberry chocolate
eight - haunted house
nine - friend wars (written)
more coming soon!
a/n: this is the first smau i’ve ever written so i hope you enjoy it đŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł criticism is highly appreciated and thank you in advance for taking the time to check this out â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
p.s i might make a prequel for seungmin because i love his friend groups dynamic sm 😞
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hwangism143 · 6 months ago
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synopsis: minho and his antics, of which you and your family must endure.
pairing: dad!minho x fem!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
warnings: mentions of food, vaccines (?), swearing
word count: 1.2k words
now playing: seven - taylor swift
requested: by @stayinlimbo (have your own requests? find the prompt list here)
a/n: i could have made this very angsty and sad. i could. but i didn't since i'll save that hurt for later and dad minho is simply top tier. also, this is a first day of school present (pls wish me luck).
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"just like a folk song, our love will live on"
There were several problems in the world that you should have been worried about: poverty, hunger, war; but there was only one problem in your world which you were currently worried about: a purple lunch bag.
You set off on your conquest, the lunchbox being lost to the point where you were rummaging in places where you knew it wouldn't be. (The act certainly did earn you confused stares from your family, wondering why you were rifling through the shoe closet.)
As you continued tossing things aside and internally screaming at why something had to go wrong today of all days, you heard a meek voice coming from the living room, which was behind you.
"I'm sorry," the voice came, followed by a sniffle.
"No, don't be sorry. It's not you fault," Minho said softly.
You smiled softly at the interaction before focusing on the task ahead once again. When you finally spotted the lunch bag behind the cat food in the pantry, the gears in your head started turning. You let out a small laugh when you realized the scope of the situation.
Walking over to where the two other occupants of the apartment were standing, you held out the purple lunch bag and dropped down to your knees.
Your daughter Minji gasped in wonder, here eyes wide, "You found it!"
Share wrapped her arms around your neck as you responded tightly, "I sure did."
Over Minji's shoulder, you caught Minho's eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him and he just innocently blinked in response.
"Alright, all set to go?" Minho asked gently once Minji finally peeled herself of your body.
You both knew that the overtly long embrace was not only because of the then lost now found lunch bag, but because of the nervousness that was hidden deep in the crevices of her heart now that she had to face the reality of her first day of school.
No matter the amount of anxiety that resided in her though, because Minji's excitement overshadowed all else.
Nodding enthusiastically, she slipped her hand into Minho's. The juxtaposition of her tiny hand adorned with glittery bracelets and his larger hand with a single brown watch nearly made you tear up. Shit, were you pregnant again?
Minho and Minji were practically out of the door when she squealed, "Wait! I almost forgot!"
Shoving her lunch bag into the hands a perplexed Minho, Minji ran back inside and to the tiny corner of the living room where the cats were peacefully sleeping. Minho exchanged a glance with you and quickly whipped out his phone, not knowing what Minji was about to do but eager to capture it anyways.
Minji hurriedly bent down and placed a kiss on each cat's fur. "Be," mwah! "good," mwah! "and don't," mwah! "annoy mom," she finally finished with a content expression on her face.
You nearly doubled over in laughter and turned around to look at Minho. You expected him to have a similar reaction but instead found tears glistening in his eyes. Sending a pout his way, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist.
Placing your chin on his shoulder, you asked, "Are you crying?"
Minho sniffed, "No. Yes. Maybe."
He slipped his phone back into his pocket and leaned against you, the two of you quietly observing the outcome of the life you had built together. Materialistically, it was a four bedroom house. Emotionally, it was home. Literally, the scene in front of you was a five year old girl kissing three cats.
To you, it was family.
You pressed your lips against his cheek. "Go drop Minji off at school," you told him sweetly, "And then we'll discuss why you hid our daughter's lunch bag behind the goddamn cat food."
Minho's eyes widened fractionally until he finally let out a defeated sigh. He shifted his position so that now, you arms were around his neck and his arms were around your hips. The lunch bag hung from his wrist and occasionally bumped against your body.
"The house will be so empty," he argued, "I'll have nothing to do and no one to talk too. And you know how I am when I'm alone."
It was true; Minho's separation anxiety was an extremely comical topic of conversation. When you took Minji to visit your parents for two days, Minho called up his members so much that you started to receive complaints from his friends.
("I took my son to get a vaccine," Hyunjin ranted, "A vaccine and this man was blowing up my phone with anime memes. I don't even watch anime!")
You were about to give him a response when Minji came over, shooting the two of you a dirty look. Minho chuckled nervously and quickly detached himself from you. You placed a kiss on Minji's cheek and with a 'bye mommy!', she was dragging her father out the door.
She was one of the most treasured people in his life. He would move heaven and earth for her, at just a request. He would kill and die for her, at her behest.
Minho thought that losing her to that horrible institution would kill him. He was overdramatizing, per usual, but it still pained him. As soon as her hand slipped from his, it dawned on him just how easily temporal loss could turn into a permanent one.
But on his drive home, Minho reflected on her beaming smile that rivaled the beauty of a rainbow. He was going to watch his baby grow, and be there every step of the way. And threaten any significant others she finds on her journey during their first meeting with possible oven baking, if you allowed it.
Later that night, when you secretly told Minji about the mischievous antics her father was up to (he tried eavesdropping, but she promptly told him off), she gasped as if you had just fed her the juiciest piece of celebrity gossip their was.
She quickly admonished her father for it ("appa, that is not kind!") while Minho bit back laughter, silently convulsing at her words. He later moped around you when Minji went to bed, ignoring the way you were coaxing him into bed until you apologized.
When you asked him why you should apologize, he defended himself with "You can't go around sharing our inside jokes! I want something just for me and you. In case you were wondering, kisses and cuddles will help."
Soon, it became a Lee household tradition for Minho to hide Minji's lunch bag the first day of school. You and Minji would then wake up and pretend that there would be disastrous consequences if the lunch bag wasn't found.
Despite the changing environment and personal developments taking place in all of you, two things always stayed the same during these annual games: the now old and battered lunch bags and Minho's fond gaze as he watched his wife and daughter set out to find the lunch bag.
This was the same gaze he wore when he hid Minji's graduation cap and prom dress. It was the same gaze he had when Minji introduced the boyfriend he knew would be the one and watching her walk down the aisle.
It was the same gaze he portrayed on his face when he was old and graying, with Minji soon bringing over kids over her own and work drama.
He wore this gaze often and with pride because he knew, no matter how empty his house would feel at times, he heart would be filled with people he loved and people who loved him, never deprived.
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please reblog and comment if you liked this fic! it means everything to me and I love reading your thoughts <3
main taglist (reply to be added):
@linoalwaysknows @moon0fthenight @hyulino @palindrome969
@squishybinnieee @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @stayinlimbo @farfromsugafanfic
@hongshuaknow @cookiesandcreammy
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rraaaannnn · 10 months ago
Eyes don't lie
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Kim Minji x reader
Movie summary~ Lee Yn and Kim Minji are two people who have always argued since childhood, and Yn is considered the brave girl who always stood up to the bullying Minji. They are forced to forget their past because they have mutual friends. However, the places are not devoid of their constant arguments.
Yn stands while her friends are talking on the sidewalk of a street in the middle of the night. Someone is talking, someone is laughing, someone is on their phone, someone is taking pictures. Everyone is busy with something while you are busy staring at them with your hands in your pockets trying to cover your face with the collar of your jacket.
Your friends used to go out for a walk in the middle of the night, and you weren't the one who always refused. You were great company, and you were a group of more than seven people, so your voices filled the empty street.
You didn't want to talk much, so you remained silent this time
You feel the shape of someone approaching you. You look out of the corner of your eye to see Minji's body close to you. ''That's strange, you did’t Yapping today?''
The voice that you have been hearing for more than ten years in your life, “I know if you start yapping, your ass will involved in my business and I will start arguing with you and ruin the vibe of the group.” You say while you don’t need to look at her because you know that she is staring at you as usual.
''You're already doing it
'' her annoying voice. You are now looking at her while she is still by your side, leaning against the wall with a smirk on her mouth, enjoying annoying you.
What bothers you most is how perfect she looks at all times and situations. The light street light that illuminates part of her face. God. I will ignore her comment because I am not in the mood to look at her face and see her beauty and feel the stupid feelings that i always hidden.
''Guys, let's get some ice cream! There's a store across the street that's open 24 hours a day,'' Hanni says, showing her phone to the group.
The group of friends walks as if they were a group of tourists because they have many friends
Because there were so many of them, they weren't paying all of their attention to each other, especially the last two walking in the back
Minji looks at you and steals a glance at you. She wants to start an argument with you, but there is no reason. She wishes she could talk to you without having a reason. It is difficult for her, so she is often the one who starts the argument to talk to you.
''Get out of the way, you're slow.'' She furrows one of her eyebrows as she looks at you, ''If you want to cross, hurry up, I won't change anything about my walk.'' You look at her in the same way she looks at you, but without furrowing your eyebrows.
''UGH, you're so
'' she says as if she's annoyed with you. ''Attractive, I know.'' You confidently look forward, looking at her from the corner of your eye while she's looking right at you.
Minji's eyes widen slightly when you give her the look when you're competing over something. Then she gets the signal so she gives you the same look.
Your steps first start to speed up so Minji starts taking longer steps with her long legs
Like childhood, you race to see who gets to the place first without talking, until you start to cross your group of friends, which makes them make jokes about you and how you haven't changed.
You both reached a running speed until Minji started making her noises that have not changed every time you have raced since childhood. Minji passes you a little, which makes her laugh out loud and continue running. “It is not allowed! We agreed not to take long steps with your legs that look like palm trees
” 'You say as you try to pass her. 'It's not my business that you have little legs, Chihuahua legs.'
You couldn't complete the race, so you stopped while sitting in the air, leaning against a wall
You gasp as you place your hands on your knees. You hear Minji's annoying laugh. “Every time you run, I feel like your leg is giving away over time.” She approaches you with a slender kneel and puts her hands on her knees to reach your height. You sit in the air with your back against the wall, helping you to lean.
Minji approaches you. You feel her aggressive breath from running on your face. She looks into your eyes, and you feel like she is looking into your soul. ''Hhmm Yn, you said you wouldn't change your walk for me. What happened?'' she smiles smark.
blushes aggressively
You pushes her off of you by her shoulders, causing her to throw her head back and laugh at you
You wipe your cheeks, “I’m red from running.” You try to explain yourself without showing that you are doing so
''Yes, yes, of course
'' She smiles as she moves her shoulders, her teeth showing in her bright smile
You snort as you walk slowly again
Everyone finally arrived at the ice cream shop and got their favorite flavor, even though there was cold air, but they were teenagers who didn't care.
You didn't take ice cream, there's no particular reason, you just didn't want to eat it, so this is you again with the annoying person next to you, walking behind your friends.
''You're really a loser, how can you refuse ice cream?'' Minji says while tasting some of her ice cream.
“I hope you get a sore throat,” you say as you dig your hands deeper into your jacket pockets. “Watch what comes out of your mouth before you-”
You both stopped for a moment after seeing your group of friends running towards you. “W-What?” Everyone is running to different places. You can't even blink until you feel a cold hand grab your hand and run away. Minji is the one who holds your hand and runs with you. ''What's happening? Why are we running?'' you ask while trying to run with Minji.
''I don't know, but if you see your friends running, run away with them without asking!'' she says while not letting go of your hand. Minji turns right, away from the group of friends.
After you made sure that no one was behind you, you caught your breath with difficulty on a certain street
Minji is beside you as well, trying to breathe, still holding your wrist
''Your hand is cold from the ice cream. Let me go!'' You pull your hand back forcefully while your eyebrow furrows as you rub your hand to warm it up.
''What's wrong with you! You should be thanking me for dragging you with me.'' Minji says angrily at the way you pulled your hand away from her.
''We were running without even knowing what we were running from, now we are on a street we know nothing about!'' you say as you approach her. You are also angry. Minji approaches you and shouts in the same tone as you, ''How is this my problem now?'' She looks down at your height from the corner of her eye. Her gaze is strong on you. Her gaze has always had a strong effect on you.
Damn her eyes
“I swear I-” You turn your face before doing something you regret, then move away a little, but grab your elbow and bring you back to your place.
''Answer me, how is this my problem? Is it because I care about you’r dumb ass?''
Her usual stare, which always makes you wish things weren't like this between you
''It's always your problem Minji
leave me.'' You lower your tone
A call to Minji's phone makes her leave you even though she didn't intend to
''Okay, we're coming
'' she turns off her phone, ''It's from Hanni, we have to go.''
In the Uber car, you both looked out the window, it was silent, just a random song playing on the radio.
You sit in the passenger seat, looking over the mirror to see that Minji is already looking at you
You ask yourself what would be Minji's reaction if she found out about your feelings? You know that she knows that you have crushes on her even though you hide them. This explains why she always annoys you, but what if she knew about the feelings hidden deep in your heart? This is what you ask yourself.
You say as you complete your notes from one of your classmates, but Minji seems to laugh out loud to prevent you from doing it right.
So you look back at Minji and Hanni and the other friends and the first one to notice you as usual is Kim Minji.
''I'm trying to complete my notes, guys, keep the volume down..'' Yn says while pointing at them with her finger. ''Ah, you're ruining the mood as usual.'' Minji says annoyed, staring at you with a frown.
''You're ruining my ears with your loud laughter.'' Returning your attention to your notes, Minji stands up and heads with quick, angry steps to your seat.
Minji's hand stops you from writing after he grabs your wrist. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Minji asks in a sharp voice. “Is it wrong that I want to complete my notes without hearing your laugh?” you ask while raising your eyebrow sarcastically.
''Okay, stop, you two, that's enough
'' Hanni says from behind, getting used to your constant arguments
Minji pulls you to make you stand. You are now close to her face. ''You don't show interest in studying unless you see me having fun. Writing your stupid notes won't help you raise your bad grade
''Minji squeezes your wrist more.''Minji
''Hanni's voice warns Minji. She does not go too far with her words, because she knows her friend very well when she gets angry, how can she say hurtful words
''Kim and Lee to the punishment room!'' You look at your teacher who is standing at the door, but Minji is staring at you without paying attention to anyone.
''I told you to stop,'' Hanni whispered after you passed her
You are sitting at the desk of the punishment room, which is actually an empty classroom, looking at the side face of Minii, who is sitting at the window looking out.
You let out a sigh and then look at your feet that don't reach the ground. You feel Minji's gaze so you return your gaze to them to make eye contact.
Indeed, she looks at you with those looks that make you want to bring out all the pent-up feelings in you
''Stop looking at me with those eyes,'' you say, then return your gaze to your feet
''My eyes and I can put them anywhere I want,'' she says, determined to make a fight with you. ''It's okay, you can look at me. I mean, don't look at me specifically with those eyes.''
‘’what eyes?’’
''You hate me, right?'' you ask, looking into her eyes from where you are
But why is Minji silent, just staring without speaking instead of saying yes?
''You're the one who started it all.'' Minji says quietly. ''That means yes, you hate me.'' It's a reasonable answer, but why does this hurt you?
''It's not-'' You interrupt Minji ''I didn't start anything, you started hating me for no reason! You treat people with respect, but with me you become an animal.''
''Who are you calling an animal?'' Minji stands up angrily, raising her voice at you
''Why are you so polite and sweet to everyone except me!'' You also raise your voice at her. ''Look at yourself, do you think you deserve to be treated this way?'''Minji is very angry, you know when she is very angry, but you are also angry
''Really? Do you think I'm that bad, Minji
?'' You lower your voice and your eyes fill with tears, but the tears don't fall.
Minji tongue-tied, when she saw your eyes and serious tone, her eyes became softer
''I really tried to fix things between you and me, but I can no longer do that
 Not everyone has to accept each other. It seems that you and I are hopeless. I will make things easier for you and me from now on.'' Fortunately, you finish your speech before your tears fall and Until the time comes that your punishment is over, you leave the classroom and let your tears fall, grateful that they did not fall in front of her.
Leaving Minji in the classroom shaking her head in frustration
It's midnight again, and the same group of teenagers is on a street making some videos, dancing and talking.
Minji laughs at Hanni's funny dance until her laughter fades after she hears the phrase, "Yn says she won't come," Jinsul says while randomly checking her phone.
This means there is no one to annoy tonight, she won't argue with anyone
The moment she realizes that this is what you meant, you will make it easy for her
She hopes she is wrong about this because she knows a lot and knows that if you say something, you will do it without taking it back.
Minji loses her mind, it's only been one week of ignoring her, you don't even talk back to her anymore
You started glancing at her from time to time to see that she was staring at you with those aggressive eyes
It hurts you, but it's best for both of you
Maybe it's a good start for you too to forget the crush you had from your childhood
You're checking a locker. You were about to lock it, but it's already locked because of the hand you now see in front of you. You look to see that it's Minji, looking kind of angry, but also a little worried.
You roll your eyes and then start walking as if you didn't see anyone, which makes Minji's eyes widen slightly and then she follows you angrily.
''Don't act like you're blind!'' You hear Minji close by as you continue to walk and literally act like there's no one there.
''Look at me!'' Minji grabs your shoulder and stops you to look at her ''Ugh god, you really like making me mad'' You look at her completely coldly and then say ''What do you want?''
''What are you trying to do? Not going to hang out with our mutual friends makes them think that I'm the bad guy, stop it.'' she says, looking funny as usual with her eyes, without lowering her head at your height.
''I'm doing this to make it easier for you.'' You vocalize her fears. What she was thinking is true. She really knows you well, but she was rejecting this idea.
''This won't help with anything, stop doing it
'' she says quietly, ''isn't our presence causing inconvenience to our group of friends? It's better for us and for them, and I'm just hanging out with them, not when you're hanging out.''
''You can't keep doing this forever, just stop doing this, it won't help.'' she says, annoyed by your behavior.
''What will help then? Do you want to keep arguing for the rest of your life?'' you say boredly
''Yes, I will continue to argue with you all my life, if this is the way to reach you. We were not having a normal conversation, so I will continue to argue with you until the day comes when we become normal and ask you on a date!'' Minji says quickly, feeling a little relieved, but not relieved. It lasts when she realize that she said this in front of you
You pretend to be so stupid that you don't understand
'' You tilt your head
She looked at me softly, shy, embarrassed, afraid, worried
This confirms to me that what she confesses is the truth of what she feels
She was silent, looking at me. The softness of her eyes penetrated the bone
You are happy, yes, very much
Your crush that I always thought was stupid because it didn't make sense because of the way you two bullied each other and argued all the time.
This is just your way of interacting
Minji looks at you, furrowing her eyebrows after seeing you smile lightly and laugh
''What's so funny?'' Minji asks, ready to fight you if you'll make fun of her feelings.
''The fact that we're the dumbest
''You're now leaning over while smiling.''Huh?''Makes Minji even more confused.
''Ask me again for a date.'' You say after you stop smiling and laughing. ''What?'' You say quickly. ''Now!'' sternly.
''Uh, can I take you on a date?'' Minji says quickly and awkwardly, doing what I asked her to do.
''Yes, you can.'' You answer with complete confidence. Minji blinks a few times. ''Wait, are you really agreeing to this?'' Minji's tone is unsure of you.
''Yes, I agree to go on a romantic date with you.'' You smile. I try to explain more to her. A sigh of relief comes out of Minji.
''See how easy it is to say, instead of arguing all the time'' You smile more after seeing Minji's smile ''I didn't know it was that easy'' Minji says and her smirk starts to appear ''So tomorrow morning I'll take you to history, be Ready!'' Minji says as she lowers her mind to keep up with your height
''I will,'' you replied, then you saw her back disappear from the place
The tension that was accompanying you, will it become public love? This is what you hope for
After waking up early, you go about your usual routine feeling different today. Butterflies are irritating in your stomach. You think what Minji is doing before coming to you and taking you to the date.
The bell in your house wakes you from your thoughts. You open the door to see Minji smiling warmly at you. She looks beautiful and her long black coat warms you just by looking at her.
''Are you ready?'' she asked, her smile not leaving her face. ''Yes, I have been ready since yesterday.'' Her laughter sounded like a sweet tone.
''Then allow me to take you
'' Minji takes her hands out of her coat pockets towards you, asking you with her eyes to hold her hand, which you gladly do.
A shocking and confusing thing to the universe. How can two enemies since childhood become soft for each other in one day? This is what hearts hide.
''I swear our friends would go crazy if they saw us like this.'' You laugh as you imagine their reaction to you and Minji as you walk into the middle of your date quietly enjoying each other's company.
''I think Hanni is going to hit me hard,'' Minji shares the visualization
After you reached the ice cream shop that you always raced to reach and get your favorite flavor, you return to your way home.
This is the right moment for you to say what you have been wanting to say for a long time
The first thing I tell her is about her eyes
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A slow, soft kiss ends your date with you and her.
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astrotrilogy · 7 months ago
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𐙚 SYNOPSIS — Y/n refuses to date again after her last break-up — that is until she meets her brother's best friend. They soon begin dating in secret to protect themselves from her brother. Dating your brother’s best friend can't be as bad as they say, right?
𐙚 PAIRINGS — anton lee x fem!reader
𐙚 FEATURING — ningning of aespa as park y/n, giselle and winter of aespa, all of riize, minji âȘ newjeans ❫, leehan and jaehyun âȘ boynextdoor ❫, ricky âȘ zerobaseone ❫
𐙚 STATUS — ongoing âȘ nov 24 - ??? ❫
𐙚 TAGLIST — @totheseok @lovingami @ckline35 @lakoya @kazscara @nujeskz @saranghoeforanton @rosesfortaro @yyangj3lly @venusprada @dutifullybeautifulperson @dreamiestay @whoisgwyn @seoiohnnv @user7520 @candidupped
𐙚 AUTHOR’S NOTE — restarting this smau because i was never updating it when i first started writing it so im going to be re-writing it with a different plot, cast, and story. I hope you enjoy this one more that the last one 😭😭
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⌗ 000 — PROFILES ┊
⌗ 001 — CHAPTER ONE┊
⌗ 002 — CHAPTER TWO┊
⌗ 004 — CHAPTER FOUR ┊
⌗ 005 — CHAPTER FIVE ┊
⌗ 006 — CHAPTER SIX ┊
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jwanniie · 10 months ago
Hiii again!!
can I make a request about g!p minji x reader fcking in the library?
I got too excited with this idea😁
Secret crush.
You have been struggling in school for the past two months due to some family issues and just life has been exhausting and draining, you weren’t dumb you just needed a little break and someone who takes care of you. From the start of the school year you have been getting decent grades, they were good but if we compare it to the amount you study for you should definitely get better grades, that really did unmotivate you because what do you mean someone who didn’t even touch a book will get a better grade than someone who pulls all nighters, skips meal just to study and never skips a class?You are happy for them but still there is a little unpleasant feeling inside you that you can’t deny ,And on top of that your family starts complaining about you not trying hard and not getting full marks. So you thought about what is the point of trying hard but still not reaching?
The way your grades dropped made your teacher really unhappy because you definitely weren’t dumb in fact you were very intelligent so she decided to talk to you and try to convince you to get a tutor and maybe she can help you choose one.
“___can you stay a little after class, we need to discuss something?”
You were tired and wanted to go home, you wanted to deny but what if she has something important to say?
“Sure” you replied with tired eyes that anyone could literally notice that you hadn’t been getting proper sleep for days, and yeah you don’t even remember when you last had that 10 hour uninterrupted sleep.
Class ended faster than usual, once all of the students went out of the class the teacher sat you down and took a deep breath before starting to talk.
“___ has anything happened home or do you have something going on that is not very pleasant
since your grades been dropping and I’m wondering what’s the reason and if we could try to fix it?” She spat, she really didn’t want to express her thoughts in a hurtful or negative way so she tried to sound as kind as possible.
You took an exhale before speaking “miss everything is going fine at home it’s just that I’m very unmotivated towards school and my mental health overall is not really helping with school” you spoke trying to sound as ok as possible even tho tears are starting to well in your eyes, recalling everything that is happening and all of your family problems.
“I see, do you think if we could ask a student to tutor you so you could perhaps make friends at the same time while studying do you think that would help you a little? And ___ you are nowhere near stupid you just need a little push and that will get you started all over again and I care for you, you are one of my favorite students here, always kind and enthusiastic to learn new things so seeing you like this really does hurt me.” She uttered in the most comforting tone ever, you smiled at her request and nodded because maybe that will make your school life and mental health better “a tutor could work!” Your teacher smiled warmly at your answer “then I will look for a tutor” she said, she lastly bid you goodbye and you went home a little smile on your face knowing that you have a new start and could improve.
The next week the teacher gave you the name of the student who will tutor you and when will you meet, the first lesson would be in the library. Damn, you haven’t been there for a long time you thought to yourself. You checked the paper that the teacher gave you once more and you looked at the name again “Minji”. You have heard the name before but the image of the person didn’t really click. You decide to pick a place near the entrance of the library so as soon as minji steps inside she could see you, you dont think she even recognize you but let’s just hope for the best.
You waited silently for about seven minutes till you saw a girl with a school uniform, your school never restricted what the students wear but that’s what she is comfortable wearing, now the image clicked, She is minji! You have never interacted with her nor your friends did but she was known for having one of the best grades in school if not the best. She was quiet,didn’t really have much friends, a bookworm and kinda cold or perhaps a better word distant? You always saw her with a book in hand or had her head deep down writing something. She didn’t really put much effort in socializing but one thing undeniable about her was her beauty she was that handsome type of beauty. You waved your hands at her you were maybe too excited she just walked towards her expression hard to read, she always had a resting face.
“I was kinda late, sorry” she spoke a little cold it gave you chills, is she always this serious? You didn’t expect any type of laughter or giggling but a little smile wouldn’t hurt anyone!
The tutoring session went pretty smoothly she told you the basic stuff and you immediately got the hang of it, like the teacher said you weren’t stupid you just needed someone to take interest in you. It was very silent, yeah a library is supposed to be silent but this maybe was too silent. You looked around and saw no one near you or even far away from you. You looked at the entrance of the library and there was no one even the bored librarian wasn’t there you looked around a little more and there was literally no one. A panic immediately started to hit you, you can’t be stuck in here seriously. Minji saw how uncomfortable you were and decided to give you a little hug whispering “hey calm down, we are going to get out of here. Let’s call someone” minji maybe was too calm about this whole situation but deep inside she was having a little panic attack. Yeah she didn’t show much emotions but that didn’t mean she didn’t care about people’s feelings, she just couldn’t express with words but her actions did.
You called the school principal and he said that they will come get the both out while waiting you decide to make a little chit chat to burn some time and comfort you a little. “I know this might sound weird but have you had any crush” this was the basic middle school dudes question while playing truth or dare but in this situation you didn’t honestly care, If she wants to think your weird then so be it. “Yeah” she answered tone little softer now, as a nosy person you couldn’t help but ask who, “oooh do you mind telling me who?” You said to excited, she gave you a little smirk making a point below your stomach tingle “what about I will describe it and you should guess, I’m pretty sure you know them” she said in a seductive voice immediately shocking you seeing the new side of her, your not complaining tho it was pretty hot. “Why not, tell me” you said too excited. “Hmmm well she is a girl, she is very gorgeous and adorable, she has never interacted with me before but did now and Uhmm her mental health hasn’t been the best which was secretly hurting me. I have always admired her from a far” she uttered scooting closer to you. Her description definitely had some suspicion in you, deep inside you wanted it to be you but the chances of her licking you were very very slim. “Uhm I don’t
know, please tell me” you stated. She was so close to you now, “hmm sure why not” she brought her face near you inches a part. Your breath hitched and you closed your eyes, she brought her plush lips to your pair and soon you felt something kissing you softly, when she moved her lips from yours, you were shocked a good shocked tho. “Did this tell enough, princess or
?” She questioned looking deep into your eyes, intoxicating you with her pair of eyes almost like hypnotizing you and before you knew you grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into a deep kiss passionate and warm. She immediately kissed back, placing her hand on your upper back and gently laying you down. She took her skirt off revealing her erection, and damn, was she big? She was huge and her length being hard doubling it size. Without much of thinking you grabbed it touching it earning a groan from her, she was thick and had girth. You went on your knees and saw how her tip was filled with precum. Your tongue exploring her tip and length, her precum was very creamy but salty. Her hand found its way to your neck and squeezed it “don’t tease doll!” Her breath hitched. You tried to take her in one go but she was too big. She gave you a dark giggle full of lust “too big for you baby?” You tried to take her one more time but you gagged uncontrollably while coughing. But still you wanted to please her so you started sucking half of her length, bobbing your head around it. Soon after she started twitching inside your mouth, breath getting faster and moans getting louder. Without warning her thick white salty cum filled your mouth. She looked you in the eyes “swallow it, all of it” and as a good girl you obeyed her, swallowing her release. She was satisfied,way too satisfied. “On all fours baby, mommy is going to reward you for being so good” the excitement of her words flood your brain and your body immediately reacted to her, taking off your pants and panties leaving you with only an oversized shirt. And getting onto all fours, she groaned seeing how obedient you are for her. She couldn’t wait anymore and gave you her whole length, not even letting you adjust to her, immediately thrusting passionately hitting spots you never thought existed. Bumping into your g-spot and to spots people never even named. Her ruthless pace never cooled down if anything it only got rougher, with few more thrusts and few ass reddening spanks your release flood all over your thighs. Her relentless pace didn’t stop, the way you got now tighter made her eyes roll back and a hitched groan came from her “fuck baby so tight”. With how clenching you are around her length it didn’t take her long to feel her high close. Few seconds later she pulled out and white sperm got released on your back.
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sereneres · 1 year ago
“parentz/minyn’s ‘honey mo
” Âč˙⁔
kim minji x 6th member!reader / 1.5k
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summary. — “parentz/minyn’s ‘honey moon’, ‘parents’, and ‘divorced’ eras in 7 minutes and 22 seconds.”
warnings. — this is formatted like a youtube video, similar to this by @/jihyoruri / all of the members are in this
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🎬 — honeymoon era
“wow.” hanni said, shaking her head in mock disappointment as she clicked her tongue at the sigh before her. “we’re in public, guys, try to have some decency.”
the camera panned to you sitting on minji’s lap, the latter’s head on your shoulder.
[ayo?? đŸ€šđŸ€šđŸ€š]
“i’m only sitting on her lap, unnie.” you told the girl, exasperated. “and besides, you were sitting on minji-unnie’s lap literally a few minutes ago.”
“yeah, but she wasn’t holding me like that.” the vietnamese pointed at minji’s arms, which were around your waist, and her hands, which were folded on top of your stomach.
[parentz caught in 4k 📾]
“that’s because she kept sliding off.” minji argued, readjusting her hold on you. “she’s taller than you are, hanni, and her pants are more slippery compared to yours.”
“my pants and her pants are literally made out of the same material, unnie.” hanni said, rolling her eyes. “if you’re going to make up an excuse, at least make up a good one.”
“i think it’s less about the pants and more about our height, hanni-unnie.” you said, smiling innocently at the older girl.
“hey, i’m not that short-”
“but you are, unnie – you’re literally the shortest member of our group.”
[yn was not playing around whatsoever 💀]
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“just let me pay for it, minji-unnie.”
the older girl scoffed, gently pushing your hand away from the cashier. “as your unnie, yn, i can’t let you do that. let me pay for it.”
[she really used the ‘i’m older’ card lol-]
“this type of thing happens all the time.” hyein commented, shaking her head. “you’d think that one of them would cave and just let the other pay, but that never happens.”
“yah, you guys are holding up the line!” hanni said, gesturing to the growing line behind the group. “hurry it up already!”
[those people do not look happy lmfao]
“why not do do rock paper scissors?” danielle suggested. “whoever loses can pay the next time.”
[danielle is newjeans’ angel, both figuratively and literally]
“alright. rock, paper, scissors-”
you, having closed your eyes, peaked them open to see that minji had picked rock and that you had picked paper.
“woo!” you cheered, turning to the tired-looking cashier and handing him the money. “thank you! sorry for holding up the line!”
[he looks so tired of them 💀]
“i should’ve picked scissors.” minji pouted as the six – seven, including the cameraman – of you walked out the store. you giggled, linking your arms together and resting your head on her shoulder. “don’t be sad, unnie, you can pay next time, like dani-unnie said.”
[ngl, this makes me feel single asf đŸ« ]
“by the way,” haerin said to the camera, her voice low and barely being picked up by the mic. “it’s not even their money they’re spending. it’s manager-unnie’s.”
[oop- đŸ«ą]
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🎬 — parents era
“-and that’s a wrap! good job, yn-ah. you nailed it today.”
“thank you.” you murmur, taking off your headphones. “oh, and before i leave, i’d like to tell you that hyein currently has a cold, so please be patient with her today.”
[aaaaaaaa yn &lt;333]
“yes, i’m aware, minji also told me about her cold while she was here.” your ceo told you, clearly amused.
“ah, she did?” you asked, cheeks flushing a light pink. “she didn’t mention doing so.”
“yes, she did.” the older woman said as she chuckled. “she even told me to be patient as well.”
[hyein’s parents love her so much lol]
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“have you guys eaten yet?” (hanni)
“du-du~ bam-bam-baaa~ *insert opera singing here*” (danielle??? in the background)
most of them are saying that they have.” (haerin)
“that’s good! it’s almost, like, 8 o’clock right now, so it would be pretty worrying if they haven’t eaten yet. for those who haven’t eaten, make sure you eat something soon!” (danielle)
[danielle is an angel x2]
“‘have you eaten?’”(haerin)
“not yet. we just came back to the dorms like, an hour ago from practice, so
” (danielle)
“we were going to get some take out, but then minji-unnie and yn said that we’ve already gotten take-out three times this week.” (hanni)
“both yn-unnie and minji-unnie are currently in the kitchen making food for us to eat, and hyein is helping them, i think.” (haerin)
[i don’t think i need to say much about this lol]
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soon after that, yn also went on an audio live.
“‘you take care of your unnies and younger members so well that they probably think of you as their mom.’ really?”
[yes, really.]
“huh, i never realized i was like that. if anything, i thought you guys would say that about minji-unnie. she’s the one with all the ‘minji being newjeans’ mother’ videos
[oh shit, has she seen my videos?? *insert shameless self plug here*]
“anyway, i never saw myself as a ‘mom’ figure to anyone. hyein, maybe, but she’s our maknae, so
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🎬 — divorced era (which didn’t really last long tbh)
“they’re asking what we did earlier today.” haerin reported, moving back from the camera so that your fans wouldn't just be looking at her eyes and nose throughout the entire live.
“well, we had practice of course,” danielle said, lips pursing as she tried to remember what the six of you had done. “and after that
“we went out to eat for the first time in like, months.” hanni finished, smiling cheekily. “it was soooo good.”
“we ate went out to eat just last week, hanni-unnie.” you said, smacking the older girl’s arm playfully. she laughed before jokingly rubbed her arm, mouthing the word ow to the camera.
[hanni and yn, the second tom and jerry of newjeans lol]
“oh, and this was the first time yn-unnie and minji-unnie didn’t argue over the bill!” hyein remarked, scrolling through the comments on her phone. “minji-unnie just gave the money to the cashier and yn-unnie didn’t even say anything.”
[trouble in paradise?]
“oh yeah, that was pretty weird.” hanni said, discretely nudging hyein. “it’s like, never happened before, so we were all pretty surprised.”
“well, there’s always a first time for everything.” danielle murmured quietly, glancing at both yn and minji before saying in a louder voice, “the food was really good though. it was sort of pricey, but good.”
[smooth dani to the rescue.]
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“man, we saw so many binky light sticks at the music show,” hanni said, sighing happily. “we really enjoyed seeing you guys there, and i hope you guys managed to get some of the gifts we gave out!”
“oh, someone asked, ‘what gifts?’.” danielle said, pointing at the comment on her phone and showing yn and haerin, who were sitting beside her. “yn-ssi, why don’t you tell us about the gifts hanni-nim was talking about?”
amused, you decided to play along, even going so far as to grab your water bottle and place it under your mouth as if it were a mic.
“well, danielle-nim, the gifts hanni-nim was talking about are distributed at a certain location near the venue of our music shows.” you say, picking up your phone. “and if you follow our twitter, newjeans-underscore-ador, you will get tweets on where these locations are, like this one.”
you raise your phone to the camera, showing off the tweet that had been posted that morning.
what kind of broadcast is this?” hyein asked from behind the two of you, staring judgementally at you and danielle.
you both laugh, startling haerin which made the two of you laugh harder. behind you, minji was spaced out, a undiscernible look in her eyes. hanni sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic look on her face.
[there is no heterosexual explanation for either of those actions lmfao]
“moving on,” you say, pulling your phone back as your laughter gradually turned into giggles. “hanni-unnie is right. seeing all your binky light sticks really made my day!”
“‘they looked like hearts’.” haerin read out loud before nodding her agreement. “they did look like hearts – tiny, colorful, glowing hearts.”
” you repeat, mindlessly raising your hand and creating half of a heart with it. instead of completing the heart with her own hand as she normally did, though, all minji did was stare at it blankly.
[oh- that’s not good.]
fortunately, haerin noticed your hand awkwardly hanging in the air and shifted towards you subtly, looking at the camera as she moved her hand to yours to complete the heart.
you smile at her thankfully, though it's obvious that you were a little upset by minji’s actions, or rather, a lack thereof.
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🎬 — and here's a bonus clip of just the two of them talking about their ‘divorce’ lol
“some people are asking about our
 divorce??” (yn)
“we had a divorce?
 wait, we were married????” (minji)
[am i the only person who thinks minji asking that was funny?]
“i think it’s our ship name, unnie. y’know, ‘parentz’?” (yn)
“oh yeah, that
 why are they saying we got a divorce??” (minji)
“apparently, we looked upset with each other last week during the live.” (yn)
“ah, yeah, last week
” (minji)
“sorry guys, we can't talk about it too much ‘cuz it was pretty personal and not something we’d like to share, but don’t worry. we weren't angry at each other or anything, minji-unnie was just worried about me.” (yn)
“worried is an understatement.” (minji)
“anyway, as i said, don't worry. minji-unnie and i are perfectly fine now!” (yn)
“describe ‘perfectly fine’.” (minji)
“okay, okay, sorry, honey, i won’t joke about it again, stop glaring at me like that.” (minji)
“*ahem* moving on
” (minji)
[lol someone’s sleeping on the couch tonight – AND DID YOU CATCH WHAT MINJI SAID?? ‘honey’?!? anyway, thank you for watching, make sure to like and subscribe, and i’ll see you next time <3]
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srjlvr · 1 year ago
,, Babysitting With A Stranger ‘‘
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PAIRING . . . babysitter!Riki X babysitter!gnReader
GENRE . . . fluff , crack !
WC . . . 1.9k+ !
SYNOPSIS . . . oops! there was a mistake with your babysitter and now you’re stuck with another babysitter
how are you going to survive?
WARNINGS . . . mention of children (again im sorry TT) , mentions of food!
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“so i’ll come around 5pm tomorrow” you held your phone close to your ear, waiting for an answer, “that’ll be great, thank you!” on the line was the mother of the children you’re about to babysit the other day.
“gladly, i’ll see you tomorrow!” you happily replied and hanged up.
it’s your fourth babysitting for this week so far, ever since you heard your favorite group is going on a tour, you’ve been determined to collect enough money to buy a ticket.
“i’ve got another one for tomorrow!” you said to your mom and she pat your head, “im proud of you for starting to work your ass off”
you woke up happily the other day, going to school as usual and rejecting any plans for the afternoon.
“let’s go karaoke today!! i feel like losing my voice today” your best friend requested. “sorry, can’t today, im babysitting” you replied.
“again? it’s like your fifth time this week” “fourth to be exact, but what can i do? i gotta get that ticket” you shrugged as she rolled her eyes.
school ended up faster than you expected, and it was already time for you to get mentally prepared for at least seven hours with two children.
you arrived at the house and knocked at the door, “Y/N? come in!” you heard the mother’s voice calling you in.
you opened the door and saw the mother sitting with her children on the ground, playing with them. “meet minho and minji!” she said and the kids cutely waved at you as you smiled at them.
“it’s nice to meet you! how old are you?” you asked them, “we’re six years old” they both answered, “i was born before you though” minji teased, “only by one minute!” minho said annoyingly.
“i think we’re about to enjoy the rest of the evening together!” you said excitedly.
“i will be back around 12am, of course i will be paying you as soon as i get back” the mother smiled and you nodded, “don’t worry, have fu-“ you were about to continue but a knock on the door interrupted you.
“that’s weird, i don’t expect anyone else” the parent said and opened the door.
“hello! i’m riki,” he said, “we’ve talked on the phone three days ago and we agreed i’ll babysit the kids today until 12am”
you stood there in shock as the mother froze, “oh i’m so sorry! i forgot i talked with you on the phone and i called y/n as well oh my god this is such a mess i don’t know what to say” she held her head down.
“it’s okay ma’am! i can go back and-“ you were about to continue but she cut you off, “no no! i’m sure you two had a long way here,” she sighed, “it’s a bit weird of me to request but, is it okay if you babysit together? i’ll pay you even double as an apology”
“it’s okay really-“ “please, let me do it” she pleaded.
you and riki both sighed and nodded, “great, thank you so much!” she smiled, “i really got to go now, thank you again”
before she closed the door she looked at her kids and blowed a kiss, “bye angels, i’ll give you a kiss when i get back!”
riki got inside the house as the kids’ mother left. “so umm, i’m riki” he introduced himself, “yeah i heard your introduction from before” you awkwardly replied.
“uhhh so um” he awkwardly coughed a bit and you zoned out, “right, um im-“ “y/n, i also heard her saying your name before” he chuckled and you nodded.
“can you two stop being so awkward and play with us?” the two kids, who were watching you two standing there like the other furnitures they have at home, dragged you and riki into their bedroom.
“that is where i sleep and that’s where minji sleeps” they both pointed at their beds and you both nodded.
“minji let’s take them to our play room” minho added and minji nodded.
“let’s pick one game and play!” they said and you all sat down to discuss which game you’re going to play.
“i say we should try monopoly! we can team up and play two against two” you suggested and they all nodded.
“then i want y/n in my team” minho said. “not fair! i wanted y/n to be in my team!” minji angrily scoffed, “but i said it first!” minho teased.
“i’m here too, hello hi” riki waved at minji, “i’m good at this game, i promise we’re going to win” he opened his arms for minji to hug him. minji looked at him weirdly but as she saw that he was not going to give up, she went up and hugged him, “you better be good at this game” she said, almost sounding like a threat.
“then let’s start to play!” you rolled the dice and the game started.
“we don’t have any money left!” riki finally called out after a long game, “the bank cant give you more money than you already took, sorry” you replied teasingly, “which means we win!” you high-fived minho and you both hugged each other.
“‘im good at this game’ you said” minji glared at riki, mimicking him from before, “i didn’t know they’re going to make a good team” he whispered back.
“look at the time! it’s already 8pm!! your mother told me you need to go sleep around 8:30pm” you said.
“did you shower yet?” riki asked and the kids nodded, “have you eaten anything?” you asked and the kids shook their heads.
“let’s make some dinner!” you and riki both said and went to the kitchen.
“their mother told me they usually eat scrambled eggs and a salad before they go to sleep, let’s just do that” you smiled at riki, “i’ll make the salad” he replied.
after something like fifteen minutes, you sat the kids down at the table, and served them the food you made, “eat well, don’t fall asleep on the food” riki smiled at the kids as you both watched them starting to eat.
after a few minor fights and jokes, the kids finally finished eating and it was time to put them into sleep.
“good night!” you and riki said. “riki! can you read us cinderella?” minho requested before you could close the door. you and riki shared a few seconds of and awkward eye contact until he broke it with a sigh, “of course!”
as riki got back inside their room, you started cleaning the kitchen from all the mess they created.
riki got out of the room just when you finished your cleaning, then you both flopped on the big sofa. “it’s been a tiring day” you said. “yeah” he shortly replied and it went back to silence.
“so,” riki started talking, “why did you start babysitting?”
“it might sound funny, but i’m actually collecting money to buy a ticket for a concert of my favorite group” you replied, “how about you?”
“the same reason as you actually” you then popped your head up to see his face to look if he’s serious or not, “what group are you planning to go to?” he added.
“wait let’s say the name on the same time” you both sat up and looked deeply into each other.
“(name of your fav group)!” you both said at the same time. “no way” you said.
“you know them?” he replied shockingly, “they’re like my favorite group”
“you’re lying” you said jokingly, “how much money did you save so far?”
“i have around 200$” he replied, “no way me too!” you cheered.
“what should we do while the kids are sleeping?” he asked and you smirked, “i think you know what i’m about to say”
you both spent a whole hour playing your favorite group’s songs and dancing like there’s no tomorrow. even though he was a complete stranger a few hours ago, you felt the most comfortable around him than you’ve ever felt, and it was the exact same feeling for him.
after a tiring dancing session, you and riki flopped on the sofa again, breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath. “i’m kinda hungry” you said and riki nodded in agreement.
as soon as you said that, riki got a notification, he opened his phone and read the text, “i left you and y/n some extra money if you’d like to buy yourself something to eat :) these kids are tiring so i bet you two are hungry”
“is that
” “the kid’s mom? yeah”
“damn those rich people” you both said at the same time and giggled. you decided to order pizza, it wasn’t too expensive but it’s more than enough for you both.
“y/n look! they have nintendo!” riki pointed out, “are you sure we should play in it? i dont want to touch anything that isn’t ours” you replied.
just then, riki got another notification, “p.s, dont be afraid to touch anything around the house, i know how boring it can be when the kids are sleeping ;)”
“she’s so nice i want her to adopt me” you said. “let’s play mario cart, im not better than you in monopoly, but i bet i can win in mario cart” riki said teasingly.
you nodded and grabbed the remotes, “let the games begin” you gave one of the remotes to riki and you started playing.
“so now we’re even” riki smirked, after something like five rounds, you realized you’re not going to win over him and gave up super fast. “yeah yeah i guess so, next time i’m gonna win though!”
“you think there will be next time
?” he asked. “uh well-“ you were about to continue until you heard a sound of keys outside of the door. you and riki turned off the tv and waited for the person to come in.
“hello!” the mother appeared behind the door with a huge smile on her face. “hey!” you and riki greeted her back.
“i’m so sorry again for the huge mistake! how was babysitting my little angels?” she asked, “it was great, we enjoyed doing it together as well” you both said, “your kids are the cutest!” you added.
“thank you! here’s the promised money” she held out the money for you two and you took it. “thank you so much! hope you have a wonderful night!” you and riki bid goodbye to the lady.
“that was fun” you said as you walked out of the door with riki. “it was” he replied, smiling.
“so i was thinking,” you both said at the same time, “you first” you said.
“um so i was thinking,” he said and stopped for a second to take a deep breath, “maybe i’ll be able to get your number and we could go to the concert together?” he asked, “consider it as a first date” he added.
“i would love to” you smiled at him and handed him your phone.
he put his number in your phone and gave it back to you, “hopefully i’ll get to babysit with you again,” he chuckled, “before the concert i mean”
you nodded and smiled, “that would be nice”
as you both exit the building, each one of you had to go to the other side, but not before you gave each other a short hug.
“i’ll contact you as soon as i get home” you said and he nodded. as soon as you let go from the hug, you gave him a peck on his cheek and ran away, leaving him all blushing.
you smiled to yourself, who would’ve thought that babysitting with a stranger wouldn’t be so bad after all?
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© srjlvr , pls don’t copy/translate any of my works without permission ! | reblogs and comments are very appreciated !
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4kimji · 8 months ago
Can u do hanni x fem reader playing 7 minutes in heaven and the reader doesn't know that hanni has a crush on her since the day she transferred schools
ofc!! i didn't know if you wanted smut, so i just made it a fluff! if you wanted smut, i'll make a part 2! i also made it so hanni confesses at the end of the fic :)) otherwise hope you enjoy it 🎀 non :3
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seven seconds ꒰ ᐹ. .ᐹ ꒱ ₊ ˚ âŠč
pairing: hanni x female!reader genre: humor and fluff
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you were currently at your first party, since you moved schools not to long ago. by then, you've accumulated a few friends, which were the ones you were with right now. the first one who came onto you was danielle.
danielle was a chatterbox, but the enjoyable kind. she was also selfless, always putting people before her. the people who came up to you second were the twins (as how your group liked to call them). hyein and haerin were the opposites of each other.
hyein was cheery, while haerin was quiet and kept to herself. they were the ones who showed you around the school, told you all of the school's gossip, and even helped you open your locker at certain times.
the first time that you sat with them in the cafeteria, the group welcomed you with open arms. at the table, you were introduced to minji, the mom of the group. but, one girl at the table caught your eye.
her name was hanni. she was quiet at the table for the first few days, so you normally just thought she was shy. as the six of you grew closer, you all eventually turned into extroverts around each other.
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"so, meet up at my house?" hyein asks. the rest of the girls agreed then bid goodbye while going into their respective classrooms. you sat with haerin in chemistry, your conversations everything but awkward.
"will you come? please tell me you're coming!" haerin pleads. you giggle before answering, "guess i'll go, i have nothing to do after school." haerin cheers while you chuckle, but the happiness was cut short due to the professor shushing you two up.
after chemistry class felt like hours, the homeroom bell rings, signaling the end of the day. you decide to not look for your friends, instead going home to get ready.
the walk home from school was not too lengthy, giving you a little too much exercise. when you enter your home, you were surprised to find it empty. you take off your shoes and head up to your room.
you've gotten into the routine of showering and going to sleep early, but not tonight. stepping out of your steamy shower, you try to look in the mirror, but you were met with fog.
you decide to clean it later, since you had approximately an hour to get ready. as you dry off your body, you scan your closet to try and theorize what you would wear.
you settle on blue flared jeans with a white spaghetti strap top. a lot of makeup was not needed for a small hangout, so mascara and lip gloss was settled on.
when you get your chuck taylors on, you hear a car honking outside your door. you open it to see hanni's car honking at you. a smile replaces your scowl and you grab your purse, ready to leave.
you weren't so close to hanni, but you guys had a friendly relationship. sometimes, hugs would last longer between you too, but you always brushed it off. she would sit next to you, but never had conversations with you. but again, you thought it was nothing.
sitting in the passengers seat, hanni mumbles a greeting under her breath. you return the greeting and fasten your seatbelt. you look out the window for majority of the ride, due to the silence between both of you.
the faint music in the back made the ride not too bad, but the silence was thick between you too. fortunately, both of you arrive in front of hyein's house.
you guys get out of the car at the same time, but, you didn't notice hanni struggling to keep up with your fast walking. she had to jog up the stairs to hyein's door, since you were already there, knocking.
"hey guys! come in, everyone else is already here." hyein exclaims. you and hanni walk into the house. it was filled with many people from school, and mostly people that you didn't know.
hyein leads you and hanni to her living room area, where you find the other girls sitting on the carpet. minji was holding a beer while danielle and haerin stick with water bottles.
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"what are we going to play now?" haerin asks. "let's play truth or dare!" minji slurs. the circle falls silent. "i think you've had a little too much beer.. we just played that." hyein rolls her eyes at the silly remark.
"why don't we play 7 minutes in heaven?" dani suggests. everyone silently agrees while danielle grabs one of minji's empty beer bottles. hyein spins the bottle and it turns for a good 5 seconds before landing on hanni.
"okay! hanni, spin it." minji utters. hanni's trembling hand spins the bottle. it was a short spin that landed on you. you look up from the bottle to see hanni already looking at you.
"alright guys.. see you in 7 minutes!" haerin waves. hyein leads both of you into her bedroom, shooing you guys both into the closet. she makes sure you both are in the closet before slamming it shut.
at this point, the timer has started and the game begins. hanni was glad that the closet was dark because her face felt hot, and she was sure that her face was red as well.
you decide the only way time was going to go faster was if both of you conversated. "so.. um, how are you doing over there?" you ask hesitantly. "i-i'm alright." she answers, tone matching yours.
after that small interaction, conversating was not the best idea after all. you lay your head on the wall next to you, closing your eyes. as your eyes get heavy, hanni strikes up a conversation again.
"do you have a crush?" she asks. "maybe i do, why?" you question. "I might have a little crush on you.." she mumbles her words out in a quiet but fast way. "huh? what did you say?" "i might have a crush on you.." hanni repeats.
you lift your head up, trying to decipher hanni's face in the dark. "really? y-you do?" you were absolutely shocked. "yeah.. but it's okay! you don't have to feel the same way." her voice pitches higher than usual.
"hanni.. i don't mind. is that why you're always so shy around me?" you tease. she takes a second before answering, "n-no." you chuckle before scooting closer to her scrunched up body.
"well, i've liked you ever since you moved to our school." she confesses. "oh really.. that's a while." you realize. you start to waddle back to your other spot before her voice stops you.
"i wanted to ask you something else-" hanni is cut off by the sound of a faint alarm and haerin's booming voice.
"times up!" haerin yells from downstairs.
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jihyoruri · 5 months ago
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍱 CARDIGAN, AUGUST AND BETTY kim minji x reader x nakamura kazuha
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đŸȘ©â˜… ͘ ⎰ yn’s always been a hopeless romantic, her wish is to have the best love story and have the love of her life by her side in the end, but you can’t do that without a little bumps in the road right?
a series where yn finds herself in a complicated love triangle
 yn’s profile 💌
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MIXTAPE ONE| august, kim minji x reader (ft kazuha nakamura)
MIXTAPE TWO| cardigan, kazuha nakamura x reader
MIXTAPE THREE| betty, kim minji x reader (ft kazuha nakamura)
MIXTAPE FOUR| better than revenge, kazuha nakamura x reader
MIXTAPE FIVE | gorgeous, kazuha nakamura x reader
MIXTAPE SIX| i.k.y.w.t, 

MIXTPE SEVEN| all of the girls you’ve loved before 

MIXTAPE EIGHT| back to december(august) & lover, 
love you, forever and always
the end.
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