#serpentine ruching
gogmstuff · 2 years
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Back to the 1780s -
Top left  ca. 1780 A Bagnigge Wells Scene, or No Resisting Temptation. From tumblr.com/historical-fashion-devotee 541X761 @72 210kj.
Top right  1784 Sarah Robard by George Romney (location ?). From tumblr.com/historical-fashion-devotee 613X944 @72 131kj.
Second row  Lady In A White Dress Seated At Her Desk by Louis Léopold Boilly (location ?). From ttumblr.com/sims4rococo76 2018X3400 @72 2Mj.
Third row left  1780s (late) Peggy Arnold, née Shippen with daughter by Daniel Gardner (location ?). From discover.hubpages.com-education-Benedict-Arnold-Hero-Or-Traitor 1704X2053 @150 650kj. She was married to Benedict Arnold who switched sides in the American revolution and played a role in persuading him to defect.
Third row right  Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen of Saxony (m. 1787) by Johann Heinrich Schmidt (location ?). From tumblr.com/roehenstart/695186167482728448/maria-theresa-of-austria-queen-of-saxony; fixed spots w Pshop 1345X1868 @72 436k.
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lullabyes22-blog · 6 months
Snippet - Dance of Death - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Vi gets a front row seat to the deadliest show in Zaun.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
His head inclines, and the servers slip away. "Maven."
At the name, Vi's body turns to hot gelatin.
The image is instantaneous: Nao, laid out on a wooden plank, with her arms bound over her head. Silco, looming, a knife in his fist. The blood: seeping, pooling. Nao's ear-splitting shrieks presaging her final, strangled gasps.
Nao isn't bound.
Cat-footed, she slips through the backdoor. The lamplight cuts a silhouette of her body.  She's sheathed in a sheer lacework gown of intricately beaded silk: midnight black, and shot through with a webbing of red ribbons. The bodice, cut to the hips, is backless. The plunge chases the dip of her spine all the way to the dimples above her backside.  The skirt falls in a ruched cascade around her legs, the lines fluid as shadows. The rest of the gown reveals as much as it conceals: the slopingly rich cups of her breasts, and the smoothness of her belly and the tautness of her highs.
It's a dress worthy of a single night. One hard tug, and it will unravel, baring her in full.
The sound system begins to whisk the softest strains of a lute. Vi recognizes the tune. It's an old tribal song, from the northern hills of Ionia: a rhythm of string and drum, and a woman's voice pitched to a crooning lament. The doleful notes resonate, as if from the bottom of a well. The plucked arpeggios quiver with their own oldness: each percussion like the precipice of a plunge.
Nao glides to the table. Her smooth sashay is nearly as hypnotic as her smile. Between her breasts, the gold pendant gleams: the Eye's insignia a hypnogogic whorl. Her cat-eyes are ringed in kohl, and her hair's been teased into a rippling cascade. Two masks—one horned, one fanged—dangle from her fingers. Their painted smiles are red as her own.
At Silco's side, she dips into a playful curtsy. A fall of blue-black hair spills, baring the swanlike curve of her neck down to the arch of her back.
The sight sears itself into Vi's retinas: a target in motion.
"Sir," Nao says, and her voice is pure honey. "Your table looks lonely."
Silco inclines his head. His lips are upturned, but there is nothing pleasant about the smile. "Perhaps you should rectify that."
Politely, he proffers a hand. Nao takes it.
In a fluid motion, she vaults over his chair and onto the table. Her feet are bare: they make no sound across the polished hardwood. She struts across its length like a catwalk, smooth scissoring steps. The blacklights shine on her legs: sculptural marvels from ankle to thigh. Her eyes never once meet Vi's. They stare at a fixed point beyond the guests' heads: an expression of one part feline indifference mingled with two parts sensual provocation.
Midway, Nao pivots. The skirts swirl. The masks are tossed into the air. In the same blink, she catches them. Her wrists execute a complex, serpentine weave. The masks dance together, their painted grins spinning in a Janus-faced double-helix. Then they flip. Nao's arms extend, one forward, one backward, the two masks held out like shields.
She slips them on.
The horned one, in front, is a snarling demon-face in blood-red, complete with curling horns. The fanged one, in the back, is a leering death's head of jagged white teeth. As she pirouettes, the faces rotate: demon and skull, switching places, again and again, with the seamlessness of a madhouse mirror. 
The effect is disorienting. Mesmerizing. The underbosses stare, spellbound, as Nao completes the circuit. Her body is sinuous: the joints swiveling as if on servos, the twist of her hips suggesting a corkscrew as her shoulders follow the movement, followed by her nimble feet. When the pirouette completes, her hands fall. The masks remain: back-to-back.
The face of death, and the face of damnation.
Both, grinning. Both, hungry.
"The Day of Ash," Silco says, the barest timbre over the pulsebeat of the drums, "is a day of many faces. Life. Death. Each, a face we've all glimpsed. One, too often." His shark-eye holds the sheen of old blood. "Tonight, we've earned the right to know it intimately." The barest smile. "And cut it down to size."
He signals to Ran.
In a trice, a silver tray is set before him. In the blacklights, the throwing-stars—the ones Ran was polishing earlier—wink like the sharpest eye-teeth. Some are matte black, some are chrome, and others hold the iridescnce of an oil-slick.
Silco chooses one, tossing it skyward. It spins, a blurred pinwheel of light. All eyes track its flight. Then, on the downward arc, Silco snatches it from the air. It's a blur: his hand whipping out, the star gone. When it reappears, it is notched neatly on the wall between Uzi and Vi. The tip is sunk into the wooden panel, the steel quivering.
The underbosses explode into raucous whoops.
Vi feels the pulse beating at her fingertips. She's witnessed Silco's knifework up-close. This is the first time she's been treated to his marksmanship. She knows his vision is compromised: he sees the world in shades of red, and his depth perception is shot. But his aim is uncannily precise. He could have easily put the star between Uzi's eyes—or hers.
Again, she hears Vander's words: The weight does the talking. The wrist does the work.
That's the difference between a nick and a knifing.
Silco plucks a second star, and another, and a fourth. Their spokes are slotted between his knuckles.
His eyes lock on Nao.
At the table, she is stock still. Her body's lush contours seem composed of pure luminance.  Upon her shoulders, the death's head leers. The skull's eyeholes are a pair of voids. Nao's own face, behind the mask, is an unknown quantity.
Vi can see is the rise-and-fall of her chest.
"Well?" Silco says, deceptively mild. "Shall we begin?"
Nao's voice comes husked behind her mask. "At your pleasure, sir."
Silco's expression gives away nothing. Only a sharpening gleam in the eyes, of a piece with the steel he wields. "I'm afraid you've got it the wrong way round."
He lifts his arm, and the throwing-star is level with her throat.
"You'll finish," he says, "at mine."
Nao's shoulders square. In a single breath, she fills her lungs. The skull-face remains impassive.
Then, sinuously, she begins to dance.
Her lead foot plants itself the way Vi does before a fight: like a nail has been pounded through it. Using it as a fulcrum, she works the power up through her ankles, along her calves, into her thighs. Her hips follow. They sway in an insinuating gyration: side-to-side. The motions are mesmeric.  Shadows pool in the hollows between her hipbones. The blacklights turn her dress into a tapestry of shadows, undercut with red. Her mask is a cipher.
The music swells. The singer's voice soars to an aria: abyssal swoops and eerie falls. In between, a slow, throbbing pulsebeat snakes its way down the spine. It conjures the fantasy of a dark goddess elbow-deep in grisly human remains. Blood splattering her skin; her head thrown back in a ecstasy.
The underbosses are enthralled.
Dessert has become an afterthought. All that exists is the music and the Maven.
Nao's spine lengthens. Her head falls back. The curve of her neck, dark and smooth, bares itself to the blacklights. Her arms give chase: lifting with undulant slowness over her head.  The movement loosens the ribboning of her bodice. The fabric, peeled back, exposes ribs that spread like fingers under round breasts tipped with mouthwateringly dark nipples. The pendant, suspended in her cleavage, sparks gold.
Then she executes a pivot, a liquid twist of motion, and her mask swaps sides.
The visage, front and center, is a snarling demon's. It gleams red as blood from a freshly torn vein. Nao's arms are still raised. Her fingers weave together, the elbows and wrists articulating into an angular sinuosity that suggests a pair of snakes interlocked. The muscles in her back are finely sculpted: the latissimus a cobra's hood, the sinews fluttering in her trapezius like wings. Shadows pour into the dip of her spine. They collect in the dimples above her rear. Her gown, slipping, teases at the shape of her bottom: round and full.
It's a spectacle of brute eroticism—and surreal grotesquerie. Vi has never seen anything like it. The music and Nao's body ripple as one. But there's a difference to the skull's dance and the demon's. The former was slow, studied, sensuous. The latter is a canal frenzy. Nao's hips jolt on a gyre: left, right, left.  Her body rolls: spine arching, shoulders thrust back. Her hair whips in a windswept storm. The blacklights edge each strand with the luster of opals.
Then she starts to spin.
In a blur, the demon becomes the skull, and the skull becomes the demon. Her skirts billow, the beads sparkling, the ribbons coming undone. The smoothness of one columnar thigh bares itself. Then the sleek crescent of one buttock. Then the architectural shelf of hips. A glimpse is teased of the cleft between her legs.
Then the vision is snatched away. The dress fabric, parted like wings, snaps shut. Nao's hands, skittering up the ribbons, weave them back into place.
One glimpse is enough: the promise of paradise long lost.
The underbosses loosen raucous whoops and catcalls.  Some, bolder, begin pounding on the table. The room swelters with the throttlingly deep charge of desire.
And death.
As Nao completes the fifth turn, Silco's arm lifts, and the first star is flung.
It arcs in a quicksilver streak. Nao swerves, already in motion. The star zips past, and lodges itself a foot away from her shoulder. The underbosses drag in a collective gasp. Nao doesn't miss a beat. She executes a flawless backbend, nearly a ninety-degree angle, just as a second star whizzes past her head.
Her palms land flat the table. She launches herself into perfect handstand, thighs scissoring, and for a moment every inch of her body is in full view. Then her feet go over, toes pointing, and her legs extend in a perfect horizontal split. A heartbeat later, Vi spots a third star, already notched on the far wall, less than a handspan from the crook of her neck.
A red line oozes along the skin. The vein pulses rapidly beneath.
Reflexively, Vi jerks her body toward Silco. It's blind adrenaline. She has no idea what she'll do. All that matters is stopping the next throw.
Or wringing his neck.
A moment later, Sevika's cybernetic hand lands on her shoulder. The weight is the equivalent of a cast-iron skillet. Vi is slammed back into her seat.
The blacklights carve the dimensions of Sevika's profile into a brutalist sculpture: the chin a block, the nose a blunt chisel, the eyes a metal-plated pair of glaives.
"Don't even think about it," she says.
Vi's jaw locks. The grip is an iron vice.
This, she understands, is her punishment. She'd been stupid. She'd made the mistake of assuming the worst had already happened. Now the worst is happening, and her hands are bound.
All she can do is watch.
A tiny rivulet of blood runs down the column of Nao's throat, and flecks the gold pendant. Her chest heaves: her breaths come jittery. Vi wonders if it's exertion—or panic. The former, probably. Nao is no fool. She'd known the risks.
They only spur her on.
Nao's fingers splay across the table. One thigh scythes up, and a toe touches down. She uses it as a pivot to launch herself upright. The beads in her dress sparkle: an explosion of embers. The demon-face grins, its maw stained with gore.
A heartbeat later, another star streaks toward her.
Nao dances, and the star follows.  It collides against a beam, and ricochets, burying itself in the floorboards. Nao pirouettes, and the next one misses by a hairsbreadth—literally. Vi sees a few strands float free. Then, she spins, and her leg goes out, and the demon is facing the opposite direction. The skull's eyes are black holes, the teeth white and gleaming
A star sinks into the wood at her feet. Splinters fly.
Vi's hands ball into fists. The terror and adrenaline blur together: a mad buzz. She can barely hear the music. Her eyes are locked on Nao, who's still dancing. The swivel of her hips becomes a pendulum, tick-tocking. With each motion, the ribbons of her skirt begin to unravel.
The next throw is a feint. Nao ducks, and the star flies overhead. But her dodge takes her off-balance, and she nearly loses her footing. 
The next star, cutting cunningly slantwise, nearly slices her hip. It embeds with a dull thwock into the table . The hem of her skirt is snagged, and ripped in half. The beads scatter like broken teeth.
Nao rights herself.  The rent in her dress exposes her from throat down to the juncture between her legs. There is no undergarment, no barrier. Her mons is shorn clean: the smooth mound bare. The blacklights trace the dark, tight crease between her thighs.
Vi's throat works.
"Oh yeah," Uzi breathes, a hoarse exhalation. "That's my kinda party."
Another star flies. It cuts the shadows like a comet. The underbosses crane their necks. Nao is midway through a leap, her legs a split. The star's trajectory takes her perfectly dead-center.
Then she drops bellydown, and her back arches. The star zooms past her head. It buries itself into the wall.
The underbosses' cheers are deafening. So is Vi's heartbeat.
Smoothly, Nao straightens. Her gown is a shredded ruin around her feet. Sweat limns her body, skin glistening as if she's been dipped. Her breasts quiver with the force of her heartbeat. The gold pendant has gone red.
 Again, a star flies. Again, she spins.
 It is a surreal tableau of beauty and monstrosity. Each rotation brings a different mask into view: each an identical visage of sadism.  One moment, the fanged skull; the next, the horned beast. Nao is the axis on which they spin. And the stars, scattershot fractals in her orbit. Each one lands, inch by inch, closer to her bare, beautiful flesh.
The underbosses cheers gain volume. The music hits a crescendo. The room is a furnace.
The final star flies. Nao has no time to dodge. She's still mid-whirl. The masks, melting and merging and reforming, have transmogrified into a single nightmarish entity: hunger made flesh. The gyrations of her body become a vortex, sucking all light. The room goes black. All Vi can see are the twin eyeholes with their blank stare, and the blacklights spitting a corona of blue fire.
The final star strikes: a silver bullet.
It hits into the wood just behind Nao's heel. Off-balance, she stumbles.
A moment later, the song ends, the final note stretching like a scream. Nao braces on her hands and knees, panting. The masks, now, are just that: masks. Beneath is a girl, trembling beneath a fine sheen of sweat. Her hair is a tangled spill, her dress in shreds, the beads glittering like six dozen drops of blood.
A live sacrifice.
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medici-collar · 1 year
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DATE: 1770s, remade from earlier style.
ORIGIN: Great Britain, England
MEDIUM: Black silk satin; silk needlework; linen and cotton bodice and sleeve linings.
Woman's gown of black silk satin, embroidered in multicolor flowers with pinks, blues and creams predominating. Bodice has low squared neckline, with button-front stomacher, edged with self-fabric ruching and multicolor tied fringe (also known as "fly fringe"). Sleeves are tight, curving to fit over the elbow, ending with wide band of ruched fabric gathered up over the elbow and edged with fringe. Self-fabric ruching and fringe continue down the fronts of the open skirt in serpentine lines. Bodice back is pleated to fit close to the body, with the central pleat extending in unbroken line into the skirt (English back or robe a l'Anglaise). Skirt is long and trained at back, probably intended to be drawn up in polonaise. Two buttons sewn to rear waist suggests that tapes were looped over them for polonaise.
Colonial Williamsburg
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nataliaperci · 1 year
For my creative writing class, we were prompted to visit our student museum on campus. This exhibit was only up for a week or two and was comprised of intricate dresses, pieces and mood boards made by students' term projects in our design program. The piece's base fabric was muslin. Muslin is a plain-woven cotton fabric, off-white in color. The purpose of using strictly muslin as a base fabric was to put an emphasis on the intricate designs of each piece. In addition, the hand of muslin is one that is rigid and somewhat rough making it easier to sculpt and design into the desired styles. In the dresses and pieces, I noticed several design aspects. There was webbing, ruching, pleating, corset closures, beading, and padding. In addition, I noticed wiring being used to hold up and keep the pieces stable. Many of the pieces were hand sewn such as the corset with beading which is reminiscent of the “Til’ Death Do Us Part” mood board. The mood boards in the exhibit consisted of colors, fabrics, silhouettes, and their overall themes. Some boards that caught my eye were the “Serpentine” board, the “Til’ Death Do Us Part” board, and the “Coleoptera” board. The “Serpentine” board consisted of slim mysterious silhouettes with almost water-bent dimensions. Hoods were a common theme and as well as sharp edges and blues. On their fabric board, they incorporated luminescent feathers and beads. The “Til’ Death Do Us Part” board consisted of cloaked silhouettes as well as religious innuendos and symbols. A large portion of the designs was white, a nod to the angelic, youthful side that is seen in the church through marriage. Tulles and laces as well as silk were fabrics used as well as luminescent silver details. The “Coleoptera” boards were inspired by the insects of the dessert and their shells. The color scheme was neutral overall, but the shelling and convertible sleeves, and hooding stood out on the pieces. All of the mood boards included hand-drawn or computer-drawn models that were unique to the visions of the artist. It is clear to see the talent that oozes from these future designers and their work.
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0 notes
lovefordiana · 4 years
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In 1994, while a documentary about Prince Charles' infidelity was airing, Princess Diana donned a clingy, ruched mini dress for a Serpentine Gallery benefit. The next day, she stole the newspaper headlines with her confident look.
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sirencreed · 4 years
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Yellow Silk Sack Gown & Petticoat
1755 - 1760 (weaving) 1760 - 1765 (sewing) 1770s (altered) 1870 - 1910 (altered)
A woman's sack and petticoat of yellow plain-woven silk with a supplementary weft of white silk making the pattern, which is of floral trails including honeysuckle and rosebuds.  The sack  is open at the front with robings to the waist and elbow-length sleeves with a single, scalloped and pinked sleeve ruffled.  The bodice and sleeves are lined with bleached linen.  The back has two double box pleats stitched at the neckline.  There is a waist seam from the front opening to the bodice side-back seam.  The sack is made of 4 widths of silk with partial panel and triangular gore of silk on each side of the front.  A narrow ruching of pinked scalloped silk adorns the robings and back neck, arranged in a serpentine line, with a fringe of white silk gimp and floss knots sewn on top.  A wide ruching of scalloped pinked silk, arranged in reversing curves, decorated the skirt fronts.  A length of the silk gimp edges each skirt front and serpentine curves of fringe are sewn to the skirt fronts.  The silk gimp also edges the sleeve ruffles.
The petticoat is made of 5 widths of silk, with a box pleat at the centre front and flat pleats at the sides and back.  The waist is bound with linen tape which forms the ties at the back waist.  There are pocket openings on either side.  The front of the petticoat is decorated with a deep flounce of scalloped, pinked silk, edged at the bottom with the white silk gimp and arranged in a serpentine line.
At some point in the 1770s or 1780s, the petticoat was lengthened at the waistline and waist binding re-sewn.  Some of the stitching holding the ruching of the front skirts was unpicked.  
The sack was altered for fancy dress in the late 19th century.  Two darts (now unpicked) were machine-sewn into the bodice fronts and a hook and eye sewn to the bottom of the front robings.
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valnune · 4 years
Obey Me! OC - Marshmallow Chapter 8-8
I’m not going to do every chapter, just a few highlights here and there and side stories. Because we all have an idea what our MC would do. I just like writing. :D Enjoy! (Includes dance with Diavolo) Word Count:  5324 ------------------- “...Well then, I suppose it’s about that time.”
Lord Diavolo had stood up from the table of the guests that he had invited to his Palace. She had only ever been informed of a few activities. After all, yesterday was a tour, and earlier today was the scavenger hunt. Who knew that demons did so much walking. She had hope to get used to things after being here for a few weeks already and yet apparently not.
Motioning to the side, a few of the guards and servants moved about in the shadows of the gilded palace. It was hard to believe that this was a castle in Hell as the amount of gold reflected light so brilliantly from the hanging chandeliers. Dani had been sitting between Mammon and Levi for the dinner, across from Beel who didn’t look too happy that the meal ended. A gentle chuckle slipped from her but she was more curious as to what was going on. Though Lucifer cut the conversation short.
“Ignore him, Diavolo. Go ahead.”
“All right then, here we go…”
What was supposed to be a retreat  between the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall seemed to have one more surprise. Everything went black, unable to see even the hand in front of her face. It was enough to cause a startled jump in her shoulders. A bit of movement was heard as an aura that she was growing unfortunately familiar with was felt. The closest thing that she could describe it as, was a charged energy in the air, like static during a thunderstorm. Though as the lights went on, all mystery was dispelled.
The banquet table had disappeared and in its place had dozens, if not hundreds of new guests that were within the hall. There had been a radial room where those that she new had gathered, the exchange students and demons she had come to be familiar with that is, and behind the curling stairwell was the grand hall, sconces between floor to ceiling windows which reflected the garden adorned with red velvet on either side. Yet the floor, the walls, ceiling, chandeliers, all other decorations remained golden. It was truly something out of a fairytale, and her as she looked upon herself, was adorned in a ball gown as well?!
“Surprised? Magic really does come in hand sometimes, huh?” Solomon must have seen the obvious expression on her features. 
“We were the only ones here just a bit ago, but now look at all these people…” Luke seemed to be just as confused. 
“They’re all guests from across the Devildom, and there certainly are a lot of them.” Simeon must have been informed earlier this would happen for he didn’t seem surprised at all. 
Yet those around her also appeared differently. The demons were in their true forms,  Simeon and Luke were in formal wear, without angelic features unfortunately (she was really curious), and Solomon appeared to have a formal robe as well. This was the first time Dani was able to see a fair number of their demon forms and she didn’t really know what to expect for them considering she had only seen Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Lucifer.  Diavolo had become a more robust, darker shade, but his hair went a vibrant flame red. He truly looked like a demon, and royalty at that. With horns that… well. She didn’t know what animal really, but the closest thing were those high speed bike handles she never had as a kid. Yet more striking was the four bat wings of black exterior and red inside, much like the horns and both were tipped with gold adornments. Wait, should she be staring this much? He was also, to mention, mostly shirtless from the waist up. Yet he wasn’t the only one. 
Mammon. What… Was Mammon wearing? His horns spiraled upwords like ringlets that tapered off into curved tips,  bat wings pointed downwards sort of like… Oh right like the Darkstalker sisters. Well. Okay. he was wearing something over his upper half, but it was a bolero type coat in black, studded leather, a few dangling gold adornments on a popped collar and straps over his chest. His exposed chest with white markings that looked like nazca lines. Like someone finger painted them on. 
“...Yo, Dani. Um, like… you know… uh, I mean, like… uh… L-Like, you’ve gotta have weird tastes to ask a human like you to dance. I’m guessin’ no on here’s gonna do that, huh? Ahahahah!” 
“Mammon, what are you wearing-!” Dani did all she could to hold back a giggle, hand covering over her lips. He was already blushing from his now too common tsundere reactions, but so was she. After all, Mammon was attractive, even if he was dense. 
“W- what’s wrong with it? Besides- hmph, look at what you’re wearin’! I ain’t the only one who is dressed up.” Mammon only seemed to blush even more, scratching a hand behind his head, and even though he turned his head away, his eyes remained on her. 
“No! It… It looks good on you- I just… was a bit surprised is all… ah- ahah- And well. You… you look- Ahem! I mean- I was surprised at this dress too!” Deflecting the slip of her tongue, Dani inspected the ruby dress a bit more, a high-low dress with the highest point being just above her knees, and lowest point as two tips that tapered at the back, it seemed like she had a bustle with it? Oh! This was one of the dresses she drew and showed Asmo! It even had the little roses and bows at the ruching, black heels to match, and a golden underskirt. Red, black, and gold. Something she scribbled for Spirit Week. 
“Ah? Really? Well- you look less of a dork than normal so… So y’know, as long as you don’t have a partner, I guess I could maybe go ahead and pair up with you for a li’l bit-” 
“Mammon, why not just admit that you want to dance with Dani?” 
“You’re such a loser! And a total tsundere! Looooool People are sick of characters like that!... Didn’t you get the memo? Lololol Those characters are so yesterday! LMAO.”
Satan and Levi appeared and while she had seen Levi’s demon form before with his horns like coral and his long serpentine tail which coiled back behind him, this was the first time she saw Satan’s form (thankfully) as she heard that whenever he transformed it was normally out of rage. His horns were more typical, curling out and up, with a more skeletal tail that changed from black to green that wrapped around his leg to the floor but what was with that black boa around him? And black and green ribbons over a blouse? Well. It did sort of look like skeletal bones so he was having that aesthetic but. His pants had dots over them like clown pants. Should she tell him? No. Bad idea. 
“GRRRRR! Get outta here, both of you! Shoo! Shoo!” Mammon waved his hands at the both of them but just then, a voice made her turn. 
“Dani, come dance with me. Now.” 
Her hand was taken and she was whisked away by none other than Lucifer, a touch of confusion upon her features as she hadn’t even seen him approach. He, in his glorious four black wings and long tail coat of almost solid black was quite the figure. Keeping stride with those long legs of his was hard enough, she could barely hear what the others said as she was taken to the dance floor. 
“See, you should’ve just come out and asked Dani to dance.” Satan let out an audible sigh. 
“The loser was rejected! Haha, awesome! Loool!” 
Once upon the dance floor with the others, Dani glanced to see a few things. Asmo had been there, surrounded by a few scantily clad demons that she could only assume were succubi and incubi. He seemed to have four smaller bat wings on the upper part of his shoulders, a heart cut out on the back of a tailcoat reminiscent of a dice bunny, matching cuffs as well. Simeon was trying to keep a wave of fangirls away from him, and Luke seemed to be smothered by demons who considered his small stature and scrappy, dog like behaviour adorable. Yet her gaze was drawn back to Lucifer as he spoke. 
“Do you know how to dance?” 
“Yes, of course I do. Though I thought you didn’t like people touching your hands?” 
“There’s a time and a place for everything. Just try to keep pace. In general, there are all sorts of reasons why one might ask someone else to dance. For example, they might be interested in them, they might want to touch them, or they might simply be doing it out of politeness. Or it could be because they want to have a private conversation.” 
With her hand in his own, the other raised up to his shoulder while his went to her waist as was appropriate for ballroom dancing. The two moved around slightly as she did just that, trying to keep pace with his long legs. The hells helped a bit. She just needed to be as effortless as possible and glide. This would be vastly easier if she had longer legs. Of course, she couldn’t just have a nice dance with Lucifer, there had to be some other meaning behind it. His grip tightened as he spoke, making it impossible to pull away. 
“What is it you’re plotting with Asmo? Let me make one thing clear: I respect my brothers’ freedom to do as they wish. However, if I ever sense that you’ve become a threat to either Diavolo or us… then I will show you absolutely no mercy. Understood?” 
With a sharp movement, Dani was pulled up against him, forced to stare upwards into that foreboding gaze of his. She always thought that his stare was something to be both in awe of but also made her bones turn to jelly. Just stand your ground, you did nothing wrong, are planning nothing wrong, is what she just kept telling herself. Deep breaths. Keep calm. Don’t let him intimidate you no matter how easy it was to buckle under the pressure and grip. 
“You care about them a lot, don’t you? Even if you have a strange way of showing it. You know. I have a lot of admiration for that. How strong you have to be for their sake.”  Dani started off with a bit of a smile, trying to keep herself calm and in control of the situation. Don’t let him take away your power. Don’t forget to breathe. 
“Flatter all you like. I will have your answer on this.” Lucifer didn’t relent, spinning in time with the music and away from another pair of dancers. 
“It wasn’t intended as flattery but as truth. Nothing I am doing is intended to harm, nothing I ever do is intended to harm. Yet intentions can be misinterpreted. Pardon the proverb but, The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Perhaps quoting this hurts what I am trying to say but, all I want to do is be transparent with what I am saying.” 
She always tried to be a tolerant and flexible person, accepting and allowing with others, and even to the point where she lets others step over her at times to accommodate others. Perhaps she should have more of a backbone at times but when it came to her beliefs and convictions, Dani was not one to back down. She knew what she meant when she spoke about these things and would not back down either. As this was a public place with others watching, he couldn’t do anything extreme anyway. 
“All I want to do is to help. I… I look at all of you, your brothers and I… I suppose I can’t help but get jealous. My own family isn’t the greatest or closest. I thought that maybe if I can help a family of demons get along together that maybe there’s hope for my own family. All of you care so much about each other but you really have a terrible way of showing it. After all, you’ve been through so much together and if I, a human whose lifespan is a blink in your existence, is able to do this well. I’d be happy knowing all of you are happy, and safe. So. Yes. I suppose I am plotting with Asmo, but only with the best of intentions.” 
“You can keep your sentiments to yourself. You should be more focused on surviving the exchange program than sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”  The two of them slowed down with the music as the song seemed to be changing. Though his gaze didn’t lessen, at least the grip of his hand did. However, a new contender stepped forth. 
“...Pardon me. Well, looks like a new song has started. I’d love the chance to dance with Dani. Might I cut in?” Solomon had approached, garbed in his formal attire which looked like a glitzed up version of his casual wear. 
“...Fine. I get the feeling that you’ve gotten the message and you understand what I’m telling you, Dani. I’m glad we got to have this little talk.” Lucifer gave a final glare towards her, but it tapered off into one with a smug smile.  
“You look pale. Did Lucifer say something to you?” Solomon was a bit easier to dance with, accepting his hand and shoulder, though he was still rather tall. The white haired sorcerer had a less intense stare but his words always left her a little unnerved. 
“Thank you for the concern but it’s fine. I’ve got the situation under control. Probably. Maybe.” Though, at least she could exhale out with a chuckle to relax. Or so she thought. 
“I see… Well, good. This is the Devildom. When it comes down to it, you’re human, and that makes you different. Never forget that. You may have made pacts with demons, but you still lack the power to command them.”  
This caused her brow to furrow slightly. What was he getting at? Whenever she spoke to Solomon, it always made her feel like he was trying to get something out of it. Nothing was ever as simple as it appeared. Even if he just did something to provoke entertainment. 
“So? What of it?” 
“Well, everyone has some amount of magical power by nature. However, there are some people in which it actually manifests itself, and some people in which it doesn’t. And even among those in which it does, some have more of it than others. It varies based on the individual. Seeing how it doesn’t even manifest itself in you to begin with, even though you’ve made pacts with demons, you can’t take command of their powers.” 
Much the same, the two glided across the dance floor as the song carried on. Rotating around others as they spoke. In this place of eternal night, you could only tell the amount of time that had passed by the shift of the moon across the sky. One of these days, she just wanted a nice relaxing day without stress. No plotting. No school work. No demons dragging her off without asking her first. 
“Would you like me to lend you my power? Let’s just say I’m curious to know what would happen if I did. You’re a destabilizing element here in this world. I can’t say what might happen if I do this, which is exactly what makes it interesting. We are on a retreat after all. Why waste this opportunity? So, go on and-” 
“No. I refuse.”  A bit of tension shot past Dani’s lips, practically spitting out the words. She didn’t like to be forceful, but the very idea of what he just said, and how he said it? It brought a bit of revulsion to her. 
“Destabilizing element? Is this some sort of game to you?” Her steps became a bit more abrupt as the two moved through the hall and although she enjoyed dancing, she was not enjoying this evening so far.
“Are you sure you wish to refuse? This is the only way you’ll be able to  experience what it’s like to control a demon and use his powers.” Solomon seemed to be taken aback by the abruptness. It was clear that he didn’t seem to expect that kind of reaction. 
“I don’t want to command them and I don’t want to use them. If they are to lend me their power and aid, then I want them to do so of their own volition.” Now it was her time to put a bit of pressure on him. Dani never liked Solomon. Their first encounter set her on edge. No. Just finding out that it was the Solomon of old was enough to make her dislike him. 
“There’s nothing wrong with making use of your pact. After all, that’s what demons are for. Why else would you make a pact with them?” There was a confused expression from Solomon as if the notion was entirely foreign to him. Though, should she really be surprised? This person had 72 demons contracted to him and all of the demon brothers, save Levi and Asmo didn’t trust him. 
“Perhaps not to you. I- Ah- I am sorry. Well. Not really but. Perhaps not to you it is wrong, and perhaps they are used to doing things in exchange for a pact. However, how I’ve made my pacts have been more like… becoming friends with them. Mammon surely was because I needed him to take his job defending me seriously and Levi’s was a bit more frivolous but all of them, Beel included, is because I want them to trust me as a friend. If I am going to request them to use their powers, it will be as me, Dani, asking them, as a person for help, not as their Master.” 
Why was all of this so offensive to her? After all, they were demons. She shouldn’t be so worried about individuals that were ageless, those that were the Avatars of Sin and could withstand so much physical abuse, and yet… They were completely and utterly useless on matters of the heart. Sure, she didn't know all that much either, but she knew they didn’t deserve to be treated like tools. 
“So you’d deny your only chance at commanding demons because of principle? Even if you control what orders you give? Do you not trust yourself that much?” Solomon shot back her words just as quickly. He tried to twist her words and beliefs against her. Just by looking at him, this youthful boyish appearance, it was easy to forget he was the Legendary Solomon, apparently the greatest sorcerer humanity had ever known. What right did she have to talk back to him? 
“Of course I trust myself-”  Yet it didn’t matter who he was, Dani did what she could to stand her ground. What little ground she stood upon that is. 
“Hmm… I see. You are a stubborn one. I can see why Lucifer thinks so highly of you. Regardless, I insist. You’ll never know if it might come in handy. After all,  if you trust yourself, you can simply just not use it if something happens, right?” 
As he released his hands, a bit of a sparkle twinkled in the air around the both of them. Dani felt warm for a few seconds before the sensation faded. There was a lightness to her fingertips, as if they were chilled ever so slightly a different temperature from the rest of her body. However. It only elicited a frown from her further. How dare he cast a spell upon her! But- that just further displayed the differences between the two. Even if she, as a human, was supposed to make use of this uniqueness among demons, the only other human here was essentially her exact opposite. 
“There. For six hours, you have access to my abilities. This should allow you to command the demons you’ve made a pact with… If you happen to want to that is. You are quite a curious person, Dani. I’m excited to see what will happen…” 
Solomon then left her, giving that enigmatic smile of his as if he knew what was going to happen. It was quite possible he knew something was fated to occur. After all, he did have a ring of wisdom and pacts with demons already. This was a place he could shape around him and if he pulled the right strings, could likely make the Devildom quake with his schemes. She was not going to let herself be a part of that. Yet did she have a choice? 
Dani moved towards the punch bowl, because what proper dance party didn’t? Levi and Beel were talking to each other, rather, Levi was talking while Beel was stuffing his face with cocktail weenies. She didn’t blame his gluttony this time. Cocktail weenies were pretty tasty. Glancing about the others, it seemed that Satan was once more socializing and networking with demons, Asmo was still being Asmo, and Mammon was getting a shake down by Lucifer. Wait. Lucifer wasn’t glued to Diavolo’s side this time? 
In fact, Diavolo was alone at this moment. There was only a single chance to do this while Lucifer was distracted. Taking a deep breath, her eyes glanced off to the side, left… Barbatos was arranging details on the side. Lucifer was still chewing out Mammon… Taking a swift stride forward towards the lord of this castle. Prince of the Devildom, Future King, and a mountain of a man. Demon. Man… Don’t think of him as a demon. Just think of him as a person. Deep breath. Deep breath. He had to be a full foot taller, easily. Don’t think about it. Just do it. 
“Lord Diavolo, would you do me the honour of a dance?” Dani offered a polite courtesy towards Diavolo, picking up the corners of the dress as she followed up with a smile. 
Up this close, it was impossible to deny just how radiant Diavolo truly was. There was a fringe of what was either fine pillowy black feathers like those of an ostrich or fluffy fur of some kind draped around his shoulders. A clasp of gold bat wings held the mantle and chains adorned his upper body.  A tall black collar connected to it with accents of gold, black chest tattoos, and golden triangles all down his forearms. He really was something to take in. Black and white trousers, a white drape over his front, all of it gilded in chains of gold. Something about his appearance seemed familiar, though she had sworn she never met him or saw anyone like him before. 
“Oh, Dani! I’d be delighted to share a dance with you. Have you been enjoying your evening?” As Diavolo had accepted her hands in place, Dani caught a side glance of Lucifer who was now staring at them. At her. He realized he missed the chance to interrupt and as she glanced to the other side, realized that it was not just Lucifer who was looking at her. The room was. 
“I’ve been doing my best to enjoy it and I am doing my best to keep things in stride, your Lordship. However, I do hope I could trouble you for a bit of advice. If you don’t mind that is.” 
Everyone gave them plenty of berth to dance as the room seemed to be fixed upon the human who dared to ask the future king of the Devildom to dance. He was surprisingly light upon his feet for someone of his size. This was the most comfortable dance that she had this evening, for his hand was securely, not firmly upon her waist, and her hand rested gently within his own even if it was nearly swallowed by the size of his own. 
“Of course, you know you can always ask me for advice. Being the Ruler of the Devildom here, part of my job is listening to others.” There was something calming about his smile, something that made her ashamed of doubting that he might have an ulterior motive. However, this was no longer the standard back two, one forward dance. No. Diavolo intended to actually dance while they spoke, and that was perhaps the most calming thing. Her words could be a bit more candid she felt. 
“Lucifer assumes I am plotting with Asmo, and I guess technically I am, but not for anything bad. Then Solomon offers to lend me his ability to command demons and I tried to deny it, but he did it anyway. I just sort of feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place here where no matter what I do, I am going to upset someone. Mostly Lucifer but- other people too.” 
While Diavolo listened, he never once seemed to judge her for her words, though he did seem surprised when she mentioned a few times. Yet the entire time, his smile was calm and present, seemingly pleased with something that she said. Somehow there was a gracious movement with his steps. The light coming from the chandelier just made all the gold accents upon his body glow along with the warmth of his golden eyes. While Lucifer was stunning in his head to toe black, Diavolo’s gold and the white of his pants and drape, the black accents over this and the mantle he bore, truly made him an exalted figure. 
“Let me ask you this, what’s the real reason why you denied Solomon’s offer? Most humans wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to be as powerful as him, even if it was temporary.” 
“The real reason..? Ah… Well. I told him because I didn’t want to command others, rather ask as a friend if I needed something- and that’s true but… it’s because I don’t like him. Ah- Rather I don’t like the way he treats others. Like they’re all a pawn or a tool. He doesn’t treat demons like people. He treats them like… well…”
“Like demons.” 
“Ah..”  Dani couldn’t help but blush from that, especially as Diavolo seemed to burst into laughter, catching her off guard. With a bit of a fluster, Dani leaned in. 
“Lord Diavolo- Please! Take this a bit more seriously.” 
“I am taking this seriously, Dani. You always seem to exceed my expectations. I’m just happy that we were so fortunate as to select you for the exchange program. Your point of view is refreshing.” 
Being swung around as the music started to pick up in pace, his wings seemed to spread with the boisterous nature of his words, and at the same time, curl around in a protective way. It was in this, while the eyes of all in the room, where he pulled her in closer, nearly as tightly as Lucifer but without feeling hostile. 
“That you are able to see past us as demons and treat us as individuals is proof that my dream can become a reality and from what I hear, you’re trying to repair the relations between Lucifer and his brothers. While Lucifer may get mad at you in the short term, I believe you will succeed in what you’re trying to accomplish. Just believe in yourself and let that dream become a reality.” 
“So, you don’t think I’m in the wrong for getting involved in things beyond me? After all, I do feel a bit guilty trying to get involved in the affairs of people thousands of years old.”  There was that worrisome expression upon her face again, doubting that what she was doing was right. It felt right, after all it was made with the best of intentions but, was good good intentions going to be enough to convince others?
“Don’t let Lucifer’s words bring you down too much. If I am being honest, I think he needs someone like you to be there for him and his brothers. After all, I’ve never seen him so happy before.” 
As the song finished, Diavolo nodded in response and perhaps it had been a white lie or an exaggeration of his words, but he really did seem to offer a reassuring response. Now that they stood still, he placed his hands on either side of Dani’s shoulders, looking down with that ever confident smile, the smile of someone who has never had anything go wrong in his life. Yet she knew that couldn’t be true. Surely he had plenty of things go wrong, but it didn’t seem like it. Diavolo. Whether he was genuine or not, Dani wanted to believe in him. 
“Don’t feel bad for being forced to accept Solomon’s offer. No one will think less of you if you try it out, Dani. After all, we cannot change the fact we are demons. Regardless, I have high hopes for you. I look forward to seeing what you’ll do next. In fact, you might just become my favorite human.” 
His laughter only resounded as he let go, leaving Dani staggered with a bit of a blush burning across her cheeks. Favorite human? Holding a hand over her mouth, she mumbled something about him teasing her, and as their dance had concluded, Lucifer had already closed the distance, arms crossed and looked disappointed between the two. 
“And just what were you discussing with Diavolo?” His tone stern as ever. It seemed as if Lucifer was ready to close in on her once more but thankfully, this was a public place, and Diavolo wouldn’t allow for an altercation. 
“Oh relax, Lucifer. This is a retreat after all. Dani was just telling me about how much she’s been enjoying her time in the Devildom. Who knows. I might just invite her out one of these days!” As if just to offset Lucifer’s mood, Diavolo couldn’t help himself. 
“W- L- Lord Diavolo- N- th- a-  Lucifer- Please- That-” She frantically waved her hands back and forth, now beet red as the amount of flustering overtook her features. Lucifer did not look amused. 
“Ahaha-! You’re as fun to tease as Lucifer. Go on. Enjoy the rest of the ball, Dani. I believe there’s one more person who wants to dance with you.” Diavolo placed a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder and the two started to walk off, seemingly Diavolo was calming Lucifer down that their conversation was nothing to worry about. 
That was as startling a situation to consider than all else. By this time, whoever had been looking in her direction had since looked away. Well, most people. There were still a few that were scrutinizing her as she now stood there, alone, perhaps they’d make their move on her in their own time but that isn’t what she wanted. The center of attention was not where she wanted to be. 
As she turned her head off to the side, her eyes softened a bit as they fell upon the one person who seemingly would always need her help. Mammon. He was sulking against the wall near one of the windows, arms crossed over themselves as the moonlight highlighted his white hair.  In fact, all of him seemed to gleam a bit in the eternal night. While the ball was still going on, she couldn’t obviously get Asmo’s request which would make him pact with her. After all, she could convince him to get over his denial about wanting to dance. She had just danced with Diavolo after all and convincing him it would be a benefit to him would be easy. Perhaps… Just one more dance couldn’t hurt. 
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techhooter · 5 years
Top 5 Fashion Shows of London Fashion Week Spring 2020
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London fashion Designers are at the sharp part of the bargain each social and mechanical issue recent developments can toss at them, yet the dynamic quality of youth-enacted British imagination perseveres. London can hold its head up as a bellwether of things to come; all things considered, this is the city whose youngsters have produced both the Extinction Rebellion development and the grassroots Fashion Revolution association. Both are quickly spreading all inclusive. To be count in Top 5 Fashion Shows of London Fashion Week Spring 2020. Inside the British Fashion Council's Positive Fashion Designer show, youthful maintainability solvers were put up front just because. In the meantime, in the studios of creators, there is general concurrence with the dissidents. Everybody's brains and hearts are centered around similar points, to slow environmental switch and think of new plans of action. In the Brexit agony, the emphasis on making energizing garments, on distinction. On pertinence shone maybe considerably more pointedly since customers themselves are progressively specific about what merits purchasing and what will have life span in their closets. They're starting to scrutinize the expense. The shading and simplicity of ace women's activist dressing came up over and over: delicate volumes and lively conceals at Molly Goddard, Simone Rocha, Victoria Beckham, Erdem, Duro Olowu. For the London fashion week, all designers are ready to present their collections. Garnish off the week, Richard Quinn went hard and fast to make a fantasy of high fashion lavishness. A show envisioned as "a style asylum, where everybody can come to be moved and celebrate together. It was idealism, indeed, and proof of youthful British goal against the chances, as well. Be that as it may, with the dream comes a rational awareness of other's expectations. Top 5 Fashion Shows of London Fashion week have collections to present.
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Duro Olowu Duro Olowu is outstanding for dressing ladies in the workmanship world. The dreams he looks to for motivation mirror the recognizing tastes of his up-to-date demographic. This season he drew on crafted by Françoise Gilot, who is maybe most renowned for being Picasso's sentimental accomplice, however the 97-year-old French painter, craftsmanship pundit, and creator is an inventive power in her own right. Olowu went over an as of late reissued accumulation of her movement portrayals, and her bright impressions of India, Senegal, and Italy from the late '70s and mid '80s educated his new gathering. The delicate light blue and green tones of a belted edited coat and maxi skirt. With this tenderly unsettled sew were suggestive of the blurred at this point wonderful frescoes you find in Venice.
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Simone Rocha Come showtime one never needs to chase too far to even consider feeling the shadow of something dim among the attractiveness at Simone Rocha. Superficially this was really perhaps the prettiest gathering. With its trapezoid volumes, sheer leg-o'- sheep sleeves, shirting frocks, and eyelet-edged sleeves. Stunning palette as well: after the china prints came sugar pink, dim red, and blurred shoddy old-fashioned prints.
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Molly Goddard As opposed to summon some detailed topic, Goddard invested her energy refining her specialized ability for Spring. The primary objective was to discover approaches to explode the outlines that have gotten comfortable in her collection. The new pieces showed up easily light, floated by new design cutting procedures and master layering with sheer ruched dresses. That suggested skin worn over surging lower leg length skirts. There was a beguiling charm to the more easygoing looks also, incorporating the sweaters tied with strip.
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Victoria Beckham Beckham's alternatives were basically trimmed down to slick and-together fitting with a slight 70s flavor, midsection free silk lower leg length dresses. 'There's a ton of spotlight on dresses,' said Beckham in a see at her West London HQ. 'I like the unsettles that move as you're moving. There's a great deal of volume. The examples are considerably more muddled, yet they feel exceptionally light and complimenting—you feel almost no in them.
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Roksanda At Ilincic Serpentine shows, she has proceeded onward to consider all the artistic expressions her setting envelops. She stated: 'I need to consolidate engineering, workmanship, and style. This is occurring a great deal here in London right now; it is one of the positive things leaving other negative things. That tangerine runway, at that point, was a gesture to Christo and Jeanne-Claude's 2016 establishment. The Floating Piers on Italy's Lake Iseo, while the scenery behind the models was Ishigami's finished rooftop. The accumulation began evidently record conditioned with some free dungarees cut from superfine fitting cotton and some fitting including separable inward coats and band subtleties.
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imogenstyling · 7 years
Festival de Cannes 2017
The unmatched occasion renowned for red carpet glitz and glamour, that congregates the A-listers in one of the world’s most affluent cities along the French Riviera; the Cannes Film Festival. 
Join me as I revisit some of my most memorable looks from the festival…
1. Bella Hadid in Ralph & Russo
Attending the annual amfAR Gala on the 25 May, Bella most definitely saved the best ‘till last for her red carpet looks. Wearing a barely-there crystal-embellished, asymmetric dress featuring intricate beading, sequins and silver chains, the dress offered a thigh grazing split and sheer bodice to showcase her supermodel physique. Bella’s delicate beauty look complemented the dazzling ensemble, opting for a bold highlight on the eyes with her statement ballerina bun.
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Styled by Elizabeth Sulcer, Hair by Jen Atkin, Makeup by Sabrina Bedrani.
2. Elsa Hosk in Alberta Ferretti
Making her first red carpet appearance at the Festival for ‘The Beguiled’ premiere on the 24 May, the Victoria’s Secret Angel channeled Disney’s Cinderella for the occasion. The ice blue ballgown featured a cold-shoulder design, full skirt and front high leg split. Giving a nod to Hollywood glamour, her perfectly held blonde tresses and grand jewellery pieces favoured the enchanting look. The beauty look comprised of a feline flick and touch of rouge on the cheeks to complete the charming appeal.  
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Styled by Elizabeth Sulcer, Hair by Jennifer Yepez, Makeup by Vincent Oquendo, Jewellery by De Grisogono.
3. Kendall Jenner in Giambattista Valli Couture
Arriving for the screening of ‘120 Beats Per Minute’ on the 20 May, Kendall debuted the favoured ruffles trend with a pair of avant-garde accessories by pairing pop socks with her stiletto sandals. The voluminous skirt boasted a one shoulder and dipped hem design, which extenuated her svelte physique before revealing a spectacular floating train. Kendall kept her beauty look feminine and summery with a bronze glow and baby pink lip, complete with a twisted topknot.
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Styled by MarnixMarni, Hair by Jen Atkin, Makeup by Mary Phillips, Jewellery by Chopard.
4. Bella Hadid in Dior Couture
Headed to the ‘Okia’ premiere on 19 May, the model had a vintage Hollywood moment in a striking quilted ballgown. The jewellery and makeup referenced a Cleopatra theme with serpentine accessories and dramatic bold liner before matching her lips to the ruby red dress. No red carpet appearance for the youngest Hadid sister would be complete without a scraped up-do and this effortlessly elegant composition was no exception.
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Hair by Jen Atkin, Makeup by Peter Philips, Jewellery by Bulgari.
5. Emily Ratajkowski in custom Peter Dundas
The actress and model ensured she had an entrance to remember at the ‘Loveless’ premiere on the 18 May where she wore a sheer lace jumpsuit with a sultry cut out detail and sheer overlay above her décolletage. Adding impact and glamour, the jumpsuit boasted a ruffled skirt with a train that clung to her delicate waistline. Requiring only a relaxed hairstyle and subtle glam to conclude the head-turning appeal, she paired a loose plait with a 90s inspired mauve lip.
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Styled by Evangelo Bousis, Hair by Jennifer Yepez, Makeup by Joyce Bonelli, Jewellery by De Grisogono.
6. Naomi Campbell in Atelier Versace
Hosting her fashionably charitable event Fashion for Relief on 21 May, Naomi donned a mermaid esque metamorphosis gown. The blush tone dress was embellished with Swarovski crystal entwined in a web like structure across the bodice of the dress which included a thigh-grazing slit. The supermodel opted for a shimmering beauty look to accompany the soft yet sultry gown, which included a dewy base and warm tones on the eyes and lips.
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7. Irina Shayk in Atelier Versace
Welcomed back in a lemon delight to the ‘Hikari’ premiere on 23 May, Irina’s first post-pregnancy appearance proved a radiant return. The sheer dress in a sunrise hue featured a drawstring design, which revealed a daring thigh grazing split. The ruching on the bodice glistened courtesy of the crystal beading, which further accented her enviable curves. The model completed her look with bombshell waves and required little more than a fresh-faced glow to accompany her sun-kissed skin.
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Makeup by L'Oréal, Jewellery by Lorraine Swartz.
8. Sara Sampaio in Zuhair Murad
Opening the festival with fireworks, Sara attending the opening ceremony and premiere of ‘Ismael’s Ghosts’ on 17 May wearing a red ballgown, which offered a plunging neckline and majestic full skirt. The sheer top of the dress amplified the intricate beading detail, which extended across the whole of the regal creation whilst the exquisite jewellery pieces added further elegance. Introducing a current appeal to the look, the Victoria’s Secret Angel opted for a loose braid and dramatic smokey eye.
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Styled by Jennifer Mazur, Hair by Marcus Francis, Makeup by Ismael Blanco, Jewellery by De Grisogono.
9. Irina Shayk in Balmain
On arrival to the premiere of ‘The Beguiled’ on the 24 May, the model stepped out in a sophisticated high neck dress. The corset belt pinched her waist showcasing her hourglass silhouette whilst the safari inspired detail on the sheer panels span across the surface of the dress. Exuding a sultry edge with her sleek tied knot, her make up included smoldering eyes in grey hues and tinted pink lips.
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Makeup by L'Oréal.
10. Kendall Jenner in Ralph & Russo
Following the futuristic theme of the Chopard space-themed party on 19 May, Kendall wore a look that was as glamorous as it was modern. The dazzling structured corset molded to her statuesque figure and included intricate silver beading with sheer panels down each side. The strapless neckline stood proudly below her décolletage showcasing her cropped hair, which had been softly tucked behind her ears, presenting the matching jewellery set. Finally, her romantic makeup look was complete with fluttery lashes, peachy cheeks and a creamy pink lip.
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Styled by MarnixMarni, Hair by Jen Atkin, Makeup by Mary Phillips, Jewellery by Chopard.
This concludes my charted looks from the Cannes Film Festival 2017. I hope you enjoyed reviewing the gowns as much as I did and thank you for your time reading,
Imogen ✗
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linmeiwei · 8 years
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1750s woven silk open robe, with serpentine ruched robings. Oblong shaped petticoats were worn underneath dresses at this time.
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teatosh · 7 years
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 ❇Téa Tosh❇ The LBD worth a thousand words: In 1994, just as a documentary regarding her husband's infidelities was airing, a lithe and leggy Princess Diana strolled into a Serpentine Gallery benefit wearing a figure-hugging ruched mini dress from Greek designer Christina Stambolian. 
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