#series 7 spec
foone · 1 year
Think about the experience of time as a robot girl, through the metaphor of how we use laptops.
You wake up for the first time with your young master, a college present. You're with them every day, powering off each night to charge. Being powered off is just dreamless sleep: a discontinuity. Every morning you wake up, your click syncs, and you know it's the next day. Maybe you miss a day or two: your master went out partying and ended up sleeping on a couch, until they rushedly wake you up before Monday classes begin. You even missed a whole week once when they went on a hiking trip with a new boyfriend.
You help them research upgrades when your specs get outdated. You place the order and a couple days later they power you off, and you wake up feeling like your head got bigger, on the inside. You can think of more things at once.
They repair you. They swap a new hand in when you accidentally crush it in a door, but when your left leg's servos go out, they send you to a repair shop. They power you off as you look up at them, and you wake up hours later. A strange man tells you to extend your left leg, then contract it. He frowns and re-oils some inner mechanism. You do it again, quieter and smoother this time. He nods, and reaches for your switch. The last thing you see before powering down is your own chest cavity with a series of wires hooked into your diagnostic ports, and your missing right leg sitting on a side table. You wake up again back at the dorms, your clock jumping forward a day, an asset tag still looped around your neck. Your master is happy to see you again.
This goes on, but the upgrades slow. There's only so much you can do to keep an old unit working. Eventually you develop more issues: one of your ocular sensors glitches and they don't make that model anymore, so your master just disables it. You spend a while searching ebay for replacement CND batteries and finally get a refurbished model from South England, but it turns out the EU models run on a different frequency, so it won't work. You're limited to fewer and fewer hours a day, and you start skipping more days.
The last time you remember waking up with your master there, there's also someone else in the room. Another robot girl. A newer model, with the new chassis and the Substrate energy packs. They asks you to copy your memories together onto a memory card, and you do. You want to say goodbye, but apparently your vocal synthesizer has been unplugged. You hand them the card, and they hand it to the new robot. Your master tells them to load the memories into her core bank, and she's says "yes sir!" in your voice. Ahh. That's where your voice synth went.
They power you off, and you don't dream.
You wake in a strange place. You're on a shelf, and there's other things scattered around you. An unknown voice days "yep, it seems it powers on. 400 credits, though? Without a voice and only one working eye? Man, value bin doesn't know how to price anything!" and before the blackness falls your clock finishes synching: it's been 7 months since you last were awake.
It happens a few more times. Different voices, different times, different piles of junk piled around and sometimes on you.
You awake again in a warehouse and someone tells you to smile. Your other ocular sensor went out so you can't really see them, just their vague shape from the lidar. The freestanding shelves around you seem to stretch into infinity. You hear a bitcrushed shutter sound sample a few times, and they pull a connector out of your chest as a diagnostic completes. It's been three years, five months, eight days, two hours, 27 minutes and 14 seconds since you last saw your master. Your GPS says you're a few cities over. They hit your power switch, and you sleep.
You wake up in a cluttered room, sitting on a bench. You look into the eyes of a person with frizzled hair and large glasses. She couldn't look happier. Your new ocular sensors are mismatched in color but you're happy to see again, in more than shapes and distant silhouettes. Your battery alerts as... Missing? You spot it on the desk next to a soldering iron and some electronic tool you can't identify.
Your voice synth is still missing, but this new woman is digging around in a large plastic bin, and comes up with one. She goes to insert it, and it can't connect. She slaps her hand and goes rooting around another bin and comes back with an adapter. She slots it into your chest and your voice returns. You thank her, and there's that moment of dissociation as your voice doesn't sound like "you". Too deep, and the accent is for a different dialect entirely. But you can talk again. She tells you to call her Cara, not Mistress. She's almost got your battery working again, she had to rebuild it nearly from scratch, but she's excited to get you working again. You're a rare model, and she doesn't see units like you in working order very often. Your clock syncs. It's been 17 years.
Your mistr-- Cara is soldering next to you, attaching a controller to the battery. She says she's got a new set of servos on the way, and she's excited to get you back to full working condition. You smile, knowing what it is to be loved, once again.
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Specs of Stardust (platonic)
I really can’t wait to get to determination! Y/n and the straw hats so instead I thought I’d post little interactions/headcanons of some of the stuff they’d do
I swear I’m working on the Roger pov it’s just this popped into my head and sometimes switching between things in writing helps with my burnout
Masterlist for the series here
Tagged: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck @spqce-bun @coca-cola-fiend @Koifishpoond
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The best way to describe these two in a room is that Luffy does something stupid and y/n just goes with the flow following him
The rabid golden retriever and the chill black cat
The dumbass duo, rabid dumbass and chill dumbass
Once did the impossible and shared food with y/n because they gave him a dessert Sanji made (the rest of the crew thought they were mass hallucinating)
Y/n gives him cool rocks that they find, they’ve both now made it a goal to collect a rock from every place they go
Gives y/n piggyback rides 24/7
And no one else can give y/n piggyback rides cause that’s captains privilege apparently
Occasionally when going into battle he gives y/n his straw hat to keep safe
Has semi-adopted one of y/n’s crows named Aurelius which he aptly calls Steve. Aurelius does not like him nor being called Steve
Aurelius keeps pecking at him but Luffy thinks it’s showing affection
Both throw caution to the wind about their own personal safety but if the other is hurt they will pummel someone
When he accidentally ends up in the ocean y/n jumps in after to save him forgetting they’ll sink too
Y/n acts a distraction for Sanji so Luffy can raid the fridge at 3 am
When y/n sleeps in the male quarter (they do regular switches between the female and male sleeping quarters) he has y/n tell him stories to make him go to bed easier
Likes to make y/n laugh
Likes to pinch Luffy cause they think it’s funny how he’s rubber
When Luffy says something really stupid sometimes y/n likes to write it down in a journal exclusively called “Luffy quotes”
So far some of y/n favourites are “the colour orange is named after oranges”, “if I get reincarnated I wanna be a clam”, “I am rubber and you are fat, don't you dare touch my hat” and “if you hungry, eat”
Sometimes the two of them make weird animal calls to scare Ussop
Speaking of the two, unfortunately for the rest of the crew they now have to deal with Luffy’s pranks now getting worse because y/n actually helps him plan them now
Ussop still has nightmares of when he woke up covered in bird seed and was almost taken away by the flock
As does Sanji when he realizes he’s been betrayed by y/n who’s let Luffy raid the fridge once more
Sometimes y/n likes to ask him about his childhood, they find it so oddly funny that he’s the son of Dragon, grankid of Garp, became brother of Ace and was semi-adopted by shanks
They also like to hear about it cause they always worried Ace wouldn’t find good people
Luffy whines it’s unfair y/n doesn’t fully die in water like he would before being smacked on the head by either Nami or Sanji
When having to give history exposition y/n is the only one who can dumb it down so Luffy can understand and pay attention for over 2 seconds
Sometimes will proceed to forget y/n asleep on his back and jump into battle
Even when finding out y/n is immortal has still not figured out their connection with Ace or Roger
Both like to sit on the figure head of the ship and occasionally nap there
By doing this not have fell off several times only for Zoro to save them
Luffy just kinda somehow know how y/n is feeling and y/n similarly knows how Luffy is feeling
Instead of buying Luffy stuff y/n just shares whatever they get with him since they have relatively the same taste in nick knacks
Similarly Luffy kinda just shares his stuff with them in return
The Luffy and y/n stuff pile is ever growing
Luckily Nami has not yet found out about it
Ussop on the other hand has and is joining in on the stuff pile
As does chopper
No one can really distinguish who’s stuff was who’s anymore but they don’t care
They now have an entire storyline happening with different characters
Y/n has a new journal for this exclusively for lore
Both are always hungry, while Luffy is open about it y/n isn’t
Somehow though Luffy caught onto this and now demands for for the both of them
“Shishishishi tell me another one!” Your captain says excitedly rocking back and forth as you both sit on the merrys figurehead, smiling you nod thinking of what to tell him “have I told you about the time I met a samurai?”
You jolt awake with a small groan as you lift your head off of resting in the crook of Luffy’s neck, the sounds of battle now invading your ears. “Luffy did you have to get the marines attention when I was sleeping on your back?” At hearing this the boy pauses, his extended out rubber arm hitting a marine in the face sending the guy flying back “shishi sorry”. At that you can’t help but sigh, he most definitely wasn’t.
Sitting at the table you watch as Luffy lists off the entire menu to the poor waiter, the retail worker shaking in their boots as he seemingly finishes and their gaze turns to you. “Oh, I’m fine-“ before you can finish Luffy cuts you off with a blinding grin “they’ll have the same as me!” And then you see the waiter’s hope drain even more impossibly so from their eyes.
Mihawks reluctant kids that ended up on his island and he accidentally adopted duo
Before knowing their immortal he thought that they were mihawks secret love child or something after baratie
Bribes y/n with sword lessons if they side with him against Sanji
Sometimes the two of them switch bandana’s
When he naps sometimes y/n joins him, when this happens he makes sure to take a protective hold of them just in case of turbulent waves
Other times when he naps he’ll wake up with an umbrella set up for him
Doesn’t know it’s y/n and Chopper who put flowers in his hair when he’s knocked out and assumes it’s Sanji which leads to a yelling match
Speaking of chopper, both he and y/n like to hang off of Zoro’s arms like monkey bars and zoro uses them as weights when he’s doing push ups
When he ends up lost y/n somehow has the miraculous uncanny ability to find him
But sometimes when he gets lost y/n ends up joining him for fun
Has kept y/n from unknowingly being mauled by wild animals because for some reason they either love or hate y/n
Likes to ask them about any swordsmen they’ve met on their journeys
The one who typically has to save Luffy and y/n when they end up in water
Y/n likes to joke that he and Sanji are an old divorced couple to others on the crew much to his chagrin
Zoro’s actually pretty observant of y/n due to their instinct to shrug off injuries
Y/n calls out this hypocrisy but it doesn’t change anything
He actually really ends up liking y/n’s flock when the murder of crows occasionally stop by
The one he really connects with though is one named Acantha
She likes to perch on his scabbards and seems to almost guard them when he’s not around
Y/n once fell down the stairs and he almost had a heart attack
After this he instinctively watches to make sure they don’t fall again
When y/n has nightmares and cries in their sleep he almost always ends up waking up
It keeps him up at night
The mornings after he subtly tries to keep an eye on them to see if their ok
Y/n about to fight a one off villain and being confused they ran off without them doing anything, Zoro behind them glaring with his swords out at said villain
Whenever y/n is on look out duty he typically volunteers to do it with them or take over for them
Sometimes game stares off into space he gets their attention by flicking their forehead
Has and continues to use y/n as an arm rest since chopper is too short in comparison
Has fell asleep while doing this but is always woken up by Sanji yelling at him
Will either carry y/n slung over his shoulder or tucked between his arm and side
Y/n constantly wonders how he talks with a sword in his mouth
Or how he came up with that idea in the first place
Sometimes when they end up islands y/n buys him sword themed things, like sword polish or even a small rack to display them
In return Zoro buys y/n journaling gear since he sees them sometimes writing in a small diary and also gets them things that he notices catches their eye
….100% bought y/n the journal of Uta that needs a password and when opened loudly plays a low quality version of Genesis
He regrets this decision when he’s woken up to it at 3 am
“Y/n where are we? Luffy said he’d meet us around this time in the centre of this town” the green haired swordsman says looking around at the people who were also in the same abandoned building as the two of you. They all looked weird, one was a big muscle dude, another looked like a ninja with pink hair, a samurai, a blond dude in a tracksuit and some weirdo with a forehead tattoo. “Zoro how do we always end in situations like this?” You ask.
“I’ll teach you more sword tricks if you agree with me next time Swirly brows gets in a fight with me” he says suddenly waking up from his nap as you rested tucked between his arm, for a moment there’s silence and then you nod making him give an almost vicious grin towards the kitchen of the merry.
“So wait, you thought I was mihawks kid?” You question with an eyebrows quirked up, zoro with a bit of embarrassment nods. “Well, I assumed so since he gave you that little blade of yours” he says pointing a finger to Mihawks gift currently in its scabbard “but he just gave me a sword? How does that make you think I’m his kid?”. He gives you an impressed stare, “Mihawk does not just gift anyone anything let alone a sword plus whatever else he gave you. Doesn’t help that he acted like your damn dad afterwards” and after hearing that you let out a small “oh”.
The seafood duo, aka the 5 michelin star chef and the kid who once boiled and ate their own boots (it was not tasty but they did it)
Since Sanji was the first strawhat encountered who knew y/n previously (the others being Chopper, Brook and Jimbe) he Was the first one to know about y/n’s immortality due to his prior experience with them
So it’s safe to say that he takes that secret to heart especially when y/n says they aren’t quiet ready to reveal themself just yet
It still felt too soon and they wanted to be treated normal for a bit longer (their words not his)
So he respects that decision even if he knows Luffy and the others wouldn’t make it a big deal
If anything Luffy would probably think it’s cool and move on
But even if that’s his opinion he swears to keep that secret until their comfortable
And he does so with the upmost respect he can and even covers for y/n sometimes
Due to knowing y/n he’s also the one who worries for them the most, especially when realizing the stories they once told on that island have become more fractured in time
Even their memory of that place is much more hazy
Like a film put over a picture, changing its focus and making it blurry
So he does his best to remind y/n, adding in the details he remembers them now forgetting as they write down the stories
Bribes y/n like Zoro to help win arguments via making them any sweet or desert of their fancy
When y/n is aimlessly pacing around deck he has them help out in the kitchen quite a bit!
Typically he has them help with preparing small things but lets them help with bigger tasks once learning they have some prior kitchen experience
At a port he got y/n an apron that matched his and he had Nami embodier it with their name
Is going insane trying to figure out y/n’s preferences because they say their literally fine with anything
Has made them go through entire taste tests and still cannot figure anything out
He’s chainsmokes more than usual after yet another failed test when y/n says they don’t mind salted black liquorice
Cries and chain smokes when y/n tells him they once boiled and ate their own boots
Almost cried when they pick up on some of his French words
Calls y/n stuff like “petite étoile” and “petite lueur”
After Alabasta y/n joking calls him “Mr. Prince” from time to time
Whenever he makes stuff for Nami and Robin he also makes some for y/n
When Luffy complains about this he always says “women and children come first”
Y/n sometimes clings to his legs, he always chuckles and lets them do so unless it’s dangerous
The only one allowed to raid the kitchen for snacks other than Chopper is y/n
Both of them abuse this privilege but he can’t resist their combined puppy eyes
Once finding out through Luffy that y/n is more hungry than they say they are he now makes them bigger portions
He swears they have a similar stomach to Luffy but he can’t be mad at them
Not when they seem to starve themself rather than tell others their hungry
Due to this he now carries small snacks just in case
Wants to meet whoever “Thatch” is so they can trade recipes and have a cook off
Also to find out through him how he feeds over 1000 people cause he has 2000 stomachs due to the combined forces of Luffy and y/n
Was at first iffy about the crows until a bunch of the birds started eating the leftover scraps he couldn’t incorporate into dishes or was going bad
So he grows to like the feathered flock since they help in not wasting anything
His favourite is one named Blanche who’s an albino crow the murder adopted as their own after finding her abandoned
She reminds him of a dove and of how he too was abandoned by a previous family but found a new one
She also delivers letters back fourth from Zeff for him
He adds a little blue ribbon tied to her leg
When staying in the boys quarters y/n often times has Sanji help them in taking care of themself properly
Mostly cause y/n would just pass out on the floor or stay up till 6 pm if not
Brushes y/n’s hair if Nami or Robin doesn’t do it
Also loves to style it via y/n’s suggestion
let’s y/n borrow his clothes when seeing that Nami had to drag them to a clothing store to actually buy them something other than the clothes they wear everyday
Sanji will never admit it but sometimes he has nightmares of when they had died and on those nights silently checks to make sure their still there
Y/n will never admit to him how many times they’ve starved to death alone on their raft
Mostly for his own peace of mind and their own
Y/n likes to buy Sanji food themed stuff like magnets, dishes and keychains
Sanji meanwhile buys them candies and other odd things he’d think y/n would like, for example Hawaiian shirts and plushies
“Petite étoile! I made you something!” Sanji yelled across the deck, looking towards him you see a Soda float on a small platter. Luffy eyes it hungrily though Sanji notices and he swiftly knocks the young captain with his leg. You giggle out a “thanks Sanj” which makes the swirly browed preen in a mixture of pride and genuine happiness.
“And that’s when…..” pausing in your story you try to think back, the details of which now seemed to escape you. Sanji clears his throat, giving you a sad smile as he then adds in for you “that’s when the musician taught you piano” at that your memory jogs slightly and you smile “and ukulele”
Sitting at the table you eye the small labeled plates with different tastes and textures, all tasted good and even if it didn’t you’d still eat it. But despite that Sanji sits across from you with a defeated look on his face, cigarette sitting numbly in his mouth. “Sanji it’s on really, I’m fine with anything” at saying this his temper seems to flare ever so slightly, something that reminds you of Zeff “you have to have some preference!”. “Well I mean…I ate my boots before. Nothing can be worse than that” once more that seemed to be the wrong thing to say as the cigarette falls from his mouth as he mutters “you what?!?”
The orange blossom pair
Is one of the first to pick up on the fact y/n might be immortal due to Arlong one day talking about a human child on the sun pirates boat before one that had betrayed them
At the time Nami wrote it off though, more horrified at the fact y/n was a pirate
It brought up a lot of memories of her childhood she does not like to reminisce on
But before joining the crew and after she tends to stick nearby y/n as a big sister presence
Not hovering over their shoulder but just far enough away to watch and make sure their ok
Especially when she wasn’t initially sure if Luffy and Zoro
To be honest Nami always wanted to be a big sister, especially since she in a way wants to make up for everything Nojiko went through due to her
So she takes to caring for y/n the best she can
Especially when seeing that y/n does not to care of themself at all
She’s plain horrified at how they walk off a broken leg, haven’t had a bath in months that wasn’t in salt water, doesn’t care for their hair and leaves stuff stuck in it, along with essentially starving themself sometimes
Nami quickly makes it a goal to change that with the efforts of Sanji
She gives y/n “discounts” when she charges the crew for stuff
The discount is actually free because she’d feel too guilty in charging a child
Along with the fact that y/n spends the pocket money she gives them on gifts for everyone but themself
Speaking of which she charges said person who got a gift with an import fee because that money the gift was purchased with was technically Nami’s
The only one who does not object to this fee is Sanji
Another fee she makes is a y/n hug fee, since as y/n’s appointed big sister she thinks y/n should be compensated for being hugged by a bunch of stinky boys
Teaches y/n about Tangerines and oranges, specifically how to grow them!
Likes to peel oranges for y/n and share them together as a snack as they ramble on about a place they’ve been
In the small garden for her fruits she lets y/n plant some hibiscus plants that y/n cryptically says reminds them of a friend they miss
Is confused as fuck how y/n seems to know almost all the islands they end up on
After finding out y/n is immortal she often asks about past navigators they’ve met and some of the most interesting places they’ve been to
Has to drag y/n to take them shopping because they insist their fine with one pair of clothes
She argues otherwise and can’t help but bristle once finding out their immortal that for years they’ve worn the same thing
It reminds her too much of her childhood, of Bellemere scraping together what she could even when the villagers gave her discounts for clothes
Buys them an entire wardrobe and complains when they borrow the other crews clothes
In reality she doesn’t mind and finds it cute
Has to fashion police y/n because they have no sense of shame and will wear the most god awful combinations of clothes
When y/n sleeps in the girls quarters Nami has their bed set up to be in the middle between her and Robin
That way if a night attack happens y/n is the most safe
And that way Nami can wake them up when their having a nightmare
Carries y/n like throwing a moneybag over her shoulder, it’s partially due to reflex and cause when she has to do this it’s typically in a shit situation
Y/n sometimes sees a small pink spark over Nami’s shoulder when she gets really excited
They haven’t told her yet though
Y/n likes to show Nami the stuff they’ve collected over the years
Especially their jewelry gifted to them
Nami from the moment of meeting the flock saw money signs (lol)
The crows have now been ordered to steal stuff and they bring it to her to examine and evaluate
They also heckle the poor news birds into giving discounts or plain for free
Besides their monetary gain she genuinely likes their presence quite a bit
They not only valiantly guard her tangerines from other less behaved animals but also help her in charting islands
Her favourite is one named Axel, he’s on the older side with a scar across his eye
He not only has an eye for valuable things but also acts as a guard for both the young fledglings and Nami
Y/n likes buying Nami jewelry and navigation gear along with sharing their writing supplies with her
Nami meanwhile buys y/n clothes and some jewelry for them
Sitting beneath the tangerine tree you watch as the hibiscus you planted for Rouge sway lightly In the breeze, your gaze lingers there before Nami lightly touches your shoulder making you jolt. “Here” she offers you a peeled tangerine with a smile, you take it popping the sweat fruit into your mouth. “How much will I owe you?” You ask enjoying the sweet taste, at that she laughs “I need a tester to make sure my product is good. Just consider it free since you’re doing me a favour”. Smiling you nod, not commenting how Sanji would be the better pick for this “job”.
“I still don’t get how you’d gone so long with no other pairs of clothes” Nami mutters whilst holding up two pairs of shirts your size “which do you like? Or do you want both?”. Looking at the clothes you point to the one held up by her left hand, the Hawaiian shirt with a funky pattern. “I knew you’d pick this one” her eyes are layered in fondness even if she gives a small sigh “I’m a creature of habit….besides Mihawk gave me those pyjamas so technically I now have more than one pair”
Waking up to from nightmare your typically used to the sight of the night sky but you awake with Nami’s worried face. Shakily you sit up, “h-hey I’m ok” it’s more said for her sake rather than your own. Despite your words Nami pulls you close, silently letting you clutch onto her like a lifeline as the scent of oranges and tangerines linger as does that small spark of pink just above her shoulder.
The story teller duo! Aka the liar and the immortal
Honestly Ussop and y/n are a little dynamic duo of scaredy cat and unfazed who’s dragging the other into a haunted house
Except the haunted house in this case is literally every dangerous situation known to man
Poor Ussop has got it cut out for him more than usual when y/n is around
Something he notices fairly quickly
But he’s too committed in looking cool in front of them and cause he sure as hell isn’t leaving them alone for more than 15 minutes cause they’ll for sure somehow traumatize someone
Another thing he picked up on lol
There’s a Recurring joke with him and y/n when y/n remembers something important at the last minute and he yells that they have the memory of a goldfish
Though y/n’s title is the straw hats storyteller, they really like listening to Ussop’s stories
Though they knows his is fake they enjoy it better that way
Because that means there’s always a happy ending
Something that not all of their stories have
Similarly, though he sometimes gets afraid when they tell their stories, Ussop really likes listening to theirs as well
Mostly for the fact that though some of them are sad their genuinely heart touching most of the time
Y/n tells their tales in a way that captivates just about everyone around them
Something Ussop really admires
Both know and acknowledge each others skills
And sometimes the two of them will collaborate together in figuring out how to make their adventures more engaging when written down
Y/n and Ussop sometimes do commentary when watching Sanji and Zoro fight
Ussop during these commentary of the fighting matches writes down his favourite insults that he and y/n then giggle about later on
Their favourite so far is when Sanji called Zoro Durian in both appearance and smell
Ussop is the one to help y/n in their “disguises”
Aka supplying the fake moustaches
In similar fashion y/n helped make him the SogeKing mask before Water 7
Ussop has y/n test out his inventions and has them teach him new hobbies
To keep from the ever looming fear away Ussop tries to keep himself busy
Something y/n is a pro at and helps him pick up some of the hobbies they’ve learned over the years
On Sundays y/n teaches him and Robin how to do Pottery
Which helps out Sanji because of the amount of broken plates due to Luffy is uncountable
Calls y/n the first mate of the Ussop pirates
He will never admit it but when he misses Ninjin, Tamanegi and Piiman he ends up lingering near y/n cause they sometimes remind him of his old “crew”
Speaking of which y/n is the only one who he talks to about how much he sometimes misses syrup village
Specifically Kaya
Along with this he also confides to them about how he wonders if his dad would be proud of him or disappointed
It doesn’t happen often but occasionally it does really weight on him
But he trusts y/n’s judgment because they’ve met Yassop, and in the fact that they understand what it’s like to miss people
When this happens y/n also confides in Ussop about the people they miss too
Even people they don’t remember
It’s actually pretty sweet especially since on those nights the two of them just talk about how they genuinely feel
Something that is kinda rare for the two
To enhance each other’s stories the two now have started doing puppet shows!
Something they have Nami and Chopper help with in making the puppets
Ussop even made a mini stage out of popsicle sticks
Y/n uses Roger’s coat as the curtain
Ussop Is terrified of the crows especially after that time y/n and Luffy covered him in birdseed and was almost flown away by the murder
Along with superstitions he’s heard about them being bad luck
But the crows love him
Like they really love him, almost as much as chopper
It’s god damn comical watching him run away in terror meanwhile these little feathered fiends are chasing after him with puppy eyes asking for love
The only crows he likes are the baby ones
The little fledglings who (unfortunately for him) find perching on his nose to be the most optimal of places
But their cute as hell so he lets it slide
For now
This then perpetuates the cycle of them growing older and him being terrified of them but them loving him
Y/n finds it funny as hell
But he eventually comes around to them when y/n has them exchange letters between him and Kaya
As well as sending gifts and flowers back to syrup without the items getting lost or rotting
sometimes y/n and Ussop swap headscarves
Y/n likes to buy Ussop random stuff for him to use in inventions
Ussop likes to buy y/n crafts that they can do together (as well as with Chopper)
“And that’s how I, captain Ussop! Defeated the unstoppable man after 3 days of fighting with my 3000 men!” At hearing that you nod enthusiastically as Chopper chimes in about how cool that was. You smile, thinking back to those 3 whole days Roger and fought Whitebeard before recruiting Oden temporarily to the crew. “What did you do afterwards?” You ask making the long nosed sniper perk up, he thinks for a moment before he continues his “tale”.
“Uhhhh Ussop” you say watching as the sniper who currently tinkered away at some new contraption break from his concentration. “Oh hey! Whats up?” It comes out casually as he turns to look at you as you give him an almost apologetic look which makes his brows furrow. Wordlessly you point to the nearby open port window. One of your crows sits there, tilting its head at him “oh no-“ before he can get another word out it lets out a squawk and other feathered little devils start flying in through the window.
“Your dad is more proud of you than I think you know” you say this with utter confidence and it makes Ussop stumble for a moment. “Really?” He asks this in a quiet tone, almost unsure before you nod and smile “it’s all he talked about when I was on the red force. So you best believe it”
Cherry blossom duo!
Was the second member of the crew to know about y/n’s immortality due to recognizing the picture of them with Hiriluk
Something that the little reindeer kept tucked away in a small slit in his hat Kureha added to it
So it’s safe to say that he’s ecstatic, confused and freaking out
Though luckily Sanji and y/n were able to talk with him
And to be honest Chopper gets why their scared to tell the others
He’d be scared in their situation! So he keeps the secret as best he can!
Though there were definitely a few occasions he nearly slipped up lol
As the two youngest members on board both Chopper and y/n band together quite a bit
Partially because of the fact that in mental age their close and because their both just natural sweethearts
Chopper finds it funny that despite being the oldest y/n is also one of the youngest
Both are the cutest mf’s out there that Nami 100% uses to guilt others into getting discounts
Y/n and him unfortunately for her also use the puppy eyes on her to get her to peel their tangerines
Chopper thinks of y/n as a big sibling and very much heavily admires them
Y/n similarly thinks of Chopper as a little brother and admires his medical knowledge despite his age
Both have made each other bff bracelets with little sakura charms
Sometimes when chopper gets sad about Hiriluk y/n tells chopper about their experiences with him
And that he would be proud of chopper
That Kureha is proud
And that their proud of the person Hiriluk took as his own because y/n knows chopper will become the best doctor ever
Every time this happens Chopper sobs
Similarly in the moments when y/n is lost (mostly since they don’t like being overly emotional about their feelings or trauma) Chopper likes to become kinda a therapy animal and let y/n pet his fur to calm them down
Along with that chopper also tries to have them open up about how their feeling
Y/n thinks choppers blue nose looks like a blueberry so they sometimes call him that
Chopper gets super “angry” about it (not really, the only times he’s angry at y/n is when they shrug off an injury)
Speaking of which, he gets really worried for y/n and their careless tendencies
He knows their immortal but he wishes they’d care for themself to at least show him their injuries even if their small
It reminds him of Hiriluk since he had also written off his disease and pain as nothing
The parallels between the two of them really make Chopper worried about losing someone again
Like he knows y/n would come back but having to watch someone you love die is still really traumatic
And the amount of times he’s almost had a heart attack from y/n narrowly dodging death isn’t healthy
Now is it healthy for the others either lol
When in his more deer-like form he lets y/n sit on his back! He bashfully preens in pride when they call him their loyal steed
Let’s y/n decorate his horns with little do-dads and charms
His favourite is the little sakura themed ones they bought at a spring island for him
They have done the two kids on a trench coat routine before and it’s somehow worked
The funny thing is that y/n was the legs and chopper was the upper half
Both make inside jokes about the rest of the crew
Both also occasionally goad Sanji and Zoro into fights
They watch with Luffy while eating popcorn
Talks with the flock all the time! He gossips with them and they all adore him so much
He doesn’t have a favourite and loves all of them
Especially since they all try and bring him herbs or steal him medical supplies from islands the crew dock on
The crows love to dote on him, even calling him one of their flock just like the others on the crew
It makes him happy since he gets a bit of animal companionship that he never got and the fact that the flock accepts anyone no matter their looks
He’s scared to tell the birds about how his birth family kicked him out since he knows they’ll try to get revenge
Y/n likes that through chopper that they can now understand their crows
Something in which makes the crows absolutely ecstatic about and Chopper has to regal their constant pleas for attention and to let y/n know that their adored
He tends to their little injuries and puts little bandaids on their wounds
They like to perch on his antlers and he gets supper bashful when they call him their favourite crew member beside y/n
Chopper finds it funny they call y/n their god?
It’s weird but he just assumes that cause the crows explained to him how several generations back y/n had nursed to health their injured ancestors
While y/n stays in the men’s quarter Chopper and y/n set up a little sleepover tent
Both typically fall asleep in the tent and Sanji or Zoro have to put them in their proper beds rather than sleeping on the floor
While sleepy y/n sometimes thinks chopper is a stuffed animal
Both cling to one another when tired (it’s adorable)
Y/n likes to buy Chopper Sakura themed things or medicinal herbs and books that they’d think he’d like
Chopper on the other hands buys y/n things they can do together or with the crew like puzzles or little crafts
“Ahhh!!! What happened to your arm?!?!” The young reindeer doctor practically screams as his widened eyes look at your bloody and bruised arm that’s also bent the wrong way. The rest of the crew whom you’d been trying to hide it from look to you, whoops. “Uhhhh….it was an accident?” You say this and before you can blink your being dragged to choppers medical bay, darn, you’d sneak past them next time
Sitting down on the flooring of the merry you thread your fingers through choppers soft fur. Your breathing still heavy and shaky as your mind comes down from focusing on bad memories. It takes a few minutes sitting there focusing on the sensation of his fur but eventually you find yourself of sound mind again. Tears staining your cheeks as you mumble a thanks to the doctor who nods. “A doctor has to look out for his patients in health and mind” is what he says making you smile ever so slightly.
“Hey chopper what did Rosemary tell you?” You asked looking quizzically at the Crow perched on his antlers, he looks up to bird listening as she squawks again. “She said that big crow, big lizards and Yama missed you? Who’s that?” He translates then giving you a curious look, you think for a moment then coming up with an answer “oh…she means king and the others”. He nods at the answer before then asking “who’s king? Wait! Do you know royalty?!?”
History duo, ones is a literal archeologist and the other is the ancient ass artifact
After chopper she’s the third person to know of y/n’s immortality due to watching them die with crocodile
While working with crocodile she didn’t talk to y/n directly too much but did try and look out for them in the shadows
She’s also been praying that y/n wouldn’t end up in Alabasta nor that crocodile would find them again lol
But that didn’t exactly go as planned
Once joining the crew y/n is one of the few to trust Robin partially due to their prior knowledge of her and experience with her
Both feel extreme sympathy for one another, especially once realizing they were both children hunted down by the government
Robin like with Chopper uses her abilities to tickle y/n
Robin cannot count the amount of times her ability has saved y/n without them knowing
Before Brook joined y/n would ask Robin to use her power to make arms and lift y/n up to see stuff lol
Sometimes with the sprouted arms y/n likes to play rock paper scissors with them which makes Robin laugh
Y/n eventually has Robin help in writing in their journal to remember things since they trust her perspective more than their own
Because these two both know Poneglyph’s the two gossip via notes to one another in the language
Robin when reading history books and finds something about y/n shows it to them
It’s now an inside joke between the two of them
They also make it an activity to skim through accounts of things and try to find y/n
What sad though is that in some accounts where it’s clearly y/n mentioned y/n can’t actually remember it
And for awhile y/n just gets kinda quiet and excuses themself
She does not mentioned their reddened eyes when she sees them again
But just offers them a hug
In a certain way, Robin kinda projects what she wish she had as a kid into y/n as a form of self healing
Especially after Enies lobby
She wants to be there for them
Care for them in a way she wished others had cared for her
And it’s with this that Robin becomes a mother figure to y/n
She’d tender and caring to y/n in a way that just kinda makes them instinctively cling to her presence
Her warm hugs and floral scent remind y/n distantly of their mom (or they think it does)
They know Robin isn’t her (no one can be) but Robin’s care and general warmth towards them just makes y/n really happy
Hugs galore
As well as Robin helping Nami take care of y/n since they have no self care at all
Y/n constantly steals Robin’s cowboy hat (when she had it )
Like in pre-timeskip one piece Robin calls y/n by their title of “storyteller” but also refers to them by nicknames as well
Robin loves the crows so much, she has each of them memorized by name
As well as their preferences
Her favourite though is one named Hesta, she’s a quiet one of the flock and likes watch Robin read
May or may not use her devil fruit to pet all the crows
Ussop may have freaked out when seeing the entire murder on the ship with Robin’s hands sprouted from the deck everywhere
When she has mini dates with Franky y/n dressed up as a server with a fake moustache
They also have a fake French accent because they took inspiration from Sanji
Both her and Franky have to hold back laughing cause y/n gets really into it
Y/n likes buying Robin history stuff and letting her borrow their journals to read
Robin meanwhile likes to buy y/n things she sees interested them while on an adventure
(She may or may not have stolen a few things whoops)
“Hey Robin can you help me-“ before you can finish what you’re saying the historian finds herself at your side, already helping in tying your shoelaces. She smiles, “for all the skills you’d picked up over the years I’m surprised you hadn’t learned to tie them yet” it comes out as a giggle with makes you smile bashfully “I know how tie sailor knots and stuff but I don’t think they work for boots”
“Y/n, do you want to help me write some the poneglyph’s? I want to look them over later and put what we have in order” Robin asks making you pause from tracing the forgotten language with your hands. You nod, then pulling out your journal and opening up a new page. “Sounds good to me. Should I include me and Roger’s messages?” At hearing that she nods, a curious smile on her face. “Of course.”
“What happened to you was never right, you deserved better than what the world gave you” hearing this makes her go still as the still sleeping Nami tosses and turns in her sleep. “You didn’t deserve what happened to you either. Neither of us did” when she says this you see tears glisten in moonlight as does she with your starry eyes.
Suuuuuperrrrrr Star duo!
Like a few others of the straw hats he actually met y/n in his childhood
Specifically because of the Roger pirates when they had stopped in water 7 with Oden
So it’s safe to say after everything in water 7 and Enies lobby he definitely knows y/n is immortal
Though after Franky beat up Ussop y/n kinda takes a little while to warm up to him again at
But Y/n comes around quick on Franky when seeing him help try and save Robin
And after he joins the crew y/n becomes his obligatory little helper!
Since y/n likes to be constantly doing stuff Franky has them help him do repairs on the ship and check for anything that needs to be fixed
He says he can’t fit in a lot of the smaller crevices (which he technically can’t) but normally he’d just use some invention of his
But y/n doesn’t need to know that, not when they get excited in helping
Franky 100% teaches y/n to do poses with him
Nami is half tempted to strangle him for this when y/n did the “suupppeerr” pose after a battle
Unfortunately for her dumbass number 2 (aka Luffy) joins in and then Ussop as well
Y/n in the morning likes to help style Franky’s hair, he wonder’s who Vivi is and why his hair colour reminds them of her
Y/n is also the reason why Franky’s hair is now styled occasionally like sea creatures
His favourite is when they style it as a shark or whale
He shivers each time he looks at y/n’s “ship”
Especially when they say that she’s a fine sea-craft (she not)
He just nods along
Back when he was a kid he was also equally appalled back then about it and had offered to make it better
But just like back then y/n refuse
And somehow that dinky thing always seems to end back up at the ship even when in a storm it ends up lost at sea
Y/n sits on his arm all the time, especially when he is in a muscle man pose
They think it’s funny
He thinks it’s funny when steal his sunglasses
The two of them have single-handedly increased the amount of Hawaiian shirts owned by the straw hats by about 70%
Sometimes when he misses the Franky family he talks to y/n about how they deal with leaving people they love
And y/n always talk about how they kinda deal with it
But it’s always hard
They miss a lot of people
Some of which they don’t remember but know they instinctively miss
It definitely helps him
But it also highlights to Franky just how lonely they are
Because he joined later on he hasn’t seen or heard y/n talk about some of their experiences
He’s maybe heard some from iceberg or the other straw hats but they were always vague
It’s sad to him, especially since their short friendship with him had honestly made him feel less alone in the harder segments of his life
But knowing just how many people they had said goodbye to and would say goodbye to, the years afloat on that thing they call a ship by themself
Yeah, it really weighs on him
Because he gets it
Y/n is the only one for sure who knows that Robin and Franky eventually get together (frobin for real y’all)
They don’t tell anyone cause they just kinda assumed everyone already knew and forgot it was a secret lol
Despite this though, they accidentally cover for Robin and Franky when they go out on small dates
Y/n is somehow Franky’s ultimate wingman (wingperson?)
They suggest to him things they know Robin like or would like
The two of them like to paint a pair of stars on each of Franky’s inventions
A blue 5 pointed on for Franky and a smaller 4 pointed gold one for y/n
Y/n Is the only one on the crew besides Luffy to use the Franky fridge to store stuff
Specifically the snacks the other crew members give them through the day
Franky ends up building some birdhouses on the ship for crows who stay the night along with prosthetic limbs for birds who lost legs or even their wings
He doesn’t have a particular bird he prefers over the rest
He thinks all of them are SUUPPEERRRR
They seem to like his golden chain and shiny metal nose
Much to his amusement
Sometimes a chosen bird will be allowed to wear his sunglasses and it becomes the super bird of the day
This bird for that day gets to hang around on his head and gets a invention made for them
Y/n likes to buy Franky cool gadgets they find along with anything that has blue stars
Franky doesn’t buy y/n stuff but instead makes them things, typically little do-dads or even some puzzles to keep them preoccupied
“Hey Franky, do you need some help there?” You asked watching the blue haired shipwright peel himself away from repairing the mast of the ship. He grins, “Surre thing little helper!” He then tosses you a hammer that you luckily catch.
“What do you suggest I get Robin? I’m still debating between these two” the cyborg man questions as he holds up two different bouquets of fresh flowers. You peer between the two, examining them. “Robin would probably like the second one. Those flowers have meanings of “love” “companionship” and “appreciation” which would be the best choice. She’d like the effort behind them” you say before correcting your fake moustache and dusting off any dirt of your fake waiter uniform you stole from Sanji’s days at the baratie. “Should I have Hesta fly in and deliver them?” He adds making you respond “of course!”
Two cans of Cola clink together as you and Franky sit watching the horizon. “I can only imagine Oden’s face seeing that you’re now a pirate after saying you’d never be one, oh and Tom’s” you giggle as Franky nods “do you think they’d be happy?”. For a moment you ponder “I can’t say for sure….but I think so long as your happy they’d be”
Dead duo (lol) cause they’ve both died and come back to life (though one has done this significantly more than the other)
By the time he joins y/n being a immortal ain’t a secret anymore
Even if it was his emotional breakdown when seeing them again asking if he’s finally gone fully insane before hugging them would probably proof enough that their immortal
But anyway!!
For very obvious reasons Brook for a long while after reuniting is kinda stuck at y/n’s side
Partially because he’s still unsure if this is real and afraid he’ll wake up alone again
On that ship where only the damned souls of the sea like himself stay
Y/n seems to know this though and happily allows him to stay at their side as they hold onto his coat since he’s too tall for them to comfortably hold his hand
The annual amount of death and skeleton jokes have gone up exponentially because of the two of them alone
Both Brook and y/n cope via jokes and each other (as sad as that is)
The crew can’t help but deadpan at the amount of time the two have watched something horrific or head about it and said “same” or pointed to a skeleton and said “look it’s us!”
Brook doesn’t ask his pervert questions or jokes in front of y/n he’s too mortified to do so when he basically considered them his family
He once accidentally did and y/n asked what that meant and he wanted to curl up and die (again)
Y/n brings him milk and stuff with calcium saying he needs to build up bone density
He has yet to tell them he can’t drink it but he appreciates the gesture and gives it to Sanji instead so he can use it for recipes
Brook is the only person y/n talks to about the ways in which they’ve died
Mostly because he’s the only other person who can understand what its like
And because hearing vindication that what had happened to them was wrong kinda helps them process stuff
Because they should not have died as many as they’ve had let alone in such gruesome ways
Hearing it from Brook, someone who’d also faced the horrors of death and immortality really opens their eyes
Whenever Brook plays music y/n instinctively joins him in song
It’s just second nature to y/n at this point
Both are different versions of insane from immortality. While’s brooks is more noticeable for y/n’s it’s more subtle
Y/n likes to show Brook all the instruments and songs they learned after his death
Especially their ukulele skills much to his amusement
Neither can play Binks booze together without sobbing midway
Nor can Brook handle their stories of Laboon still waiting at reverse mountain
Nor can y/n handle hearing how Brook would see visions of them and the crew in his years of isolation
The rest of the straw hats can’t handle just how depressing that all is lol
He accidentally found y/n, Chopper and Luffy in their game and now has made a soundtrack for it
When y/n stays in the men’s quarter Brook sometimes has to check their still alive because of his fear they’ll die again
Y/n has played the xylophone on Brook’s ribcage much to Nami’s horror
Both of them pull the “as the oldest people on board” card
The two of them also call each other senior citizens and try and get discounts at places via Nami’s orders
Both always get kicked out
Y/n somehow learned the word “boner” from someone and asked Brook what that meant because he was made of bones
He wanted to die a second time 💀
He was mortified after that especially when y/n then taught that word to Luffy and chopper who joined in on asking him what it meant
Robin had to help him escape the questioning
When y/n can’t see anything they like to climb Brook to get a better view
Y/n also sometimes hides in his ribcage
The two of them share an atrocious fashion sense
The only difference is that Robin and Nami help in making sure y/n doesn’t end up in a floral shirt with polka dot shorts and sandals with socks
Brook is extremely proud of y/n’s skills that they picked up from him and his crew
The crows keep bringing Brook bones because they assume all skeletons they find somehow are parts of Brook
Y/n taught them to play the xylophone on Brook
The dead musician’s favourite crow is one named “crazy Pete” because he just picks shit up and starts whacking against the nearest surface
This making him the best xylophone player of the crows as well as the best drummer
The flock also uses his ribcage as a perch as well as his Afro in which they have built a nest in that he didn’t know about until baby birds hatched
He got to name the newborns and named some of them after his old crew
Y/n likes to buy Brook skeleton things (like those plastic Halloween skeletons lol) and music sheets for him to write new music
Brook gets y/n a bunch of weird mystical shit that y/n always ends up loving
“Yohohohoho! Are you up for a duet?” The old skeleton asks as he holds up his violin, you look up from the book you were reading a smile already stretching across your face. “Do you have to ask?” You reply back as you get up and get into position, if a skeleton could smile he would.
“Yo brook!” You yell already snickering under your voice “do you think we ought to buy some trombone’s? Or maybe some Xylobone’s?”. At that he lets out his signature laugh, “maybe, but they’d cost a Skelaton! Get it? Cause we’ve both died!” For a moment there’s a pause of silence between you both before the two of you burst out into laughter. Nami grumbles under her breath about you both being “numbskulls” before realizing her mistake, the two of you laugh even harder.
In the middle of the night you and Brook sit in the crows nest, the humming the Bink’s booze filling the silence beneath the stars. Because for now that’s enough.
Fisher duo! Would’ve gone with sun duo because of the sun pirates but that duo name probably fits y/n and ace more
By the time Jinbe joins everyone on the crew knows so he doesn’t need to keep the secret
Something that makes him hella realized about since he knows he’d have to jump through hoops somehow trying to explain why y/n knew him prior
Is always worried for y/n especially when realizing they already have a very small impulse control that melts away when Luffy is near
Like he is getting grey hairs as Robin and Nami emphatically pat his shoulder
Y/n loves to laze about on Jinbe, they’ll just randomly go up to him raise their arms up to be picked up and then just fall asleep or stay there
Y/n likes how warm he is along with how he’ll carry them around. Plus his more squishy and smooth textured skin on account of being a fishman is a texture that they like
Jinbe has accepted his role as a resting place for y/n
Something that now also extends to Luffy, chopper and sometimes Zoro as well
When not doing his duties on the ship he likes to listen to y/n’s recounts of things
He finds it pretty soothing as well as informative
If no one else is up to listen to y/n word vomit then Jinbe always has an ear open
His favourites are ones are those including Roger
He’d never known him, just knew about bits and pieces from Whitebeard so he’s especially interested in learning about him from someone else
Y/n sometimes like to ask him about fishman culture along with facts about mermaids as well!
Especially stuff about Joyboy
Something which makes Jinbe light up in pride
Head pats galore from this fishman once he finds out that y/n melts at that type of affection
Is the first to not question how y/n has befriended so many war criminals
Though his is curious how the hell Doflamingo ended up on that list
Speaking of which when y/n gets really scared or anxious he is quick to pick up on it
Just immediately picks up y/n leaves the situation while Luffy goes to beat up what caused the problem lol
Y/n when seeing him get odd looks gives people odd looks back
Especially when people ask where their parents were and they point to Jinbe as if it were the most obvious answer in the world
Y/n once has bitten someone who was being racist
While Jinbe was proud he was not happy with the fact they resorted to Luffy type behaviour
Definitely considers Jinbe a father figure
Something he holds in high regard especially when hearing how they think so highly about Roger
Due to Jinbe being a whale shark fishman y/n bought themself and him matching whale shark plushies
He got the smaller one while y/n got the mama
Jinbe may or may not have secretly cried about this
Because Jinbe is serious most of the time y/n has made it a sport in trying to surprise him
Like suddenly jumping from the crows nest into his arms or randomly appearing out of nowhere for hugs
Even if he’s upset with their recklessness he always ends up smiling
Much like the others he ends up as a resting spot for the crows, specifically the young ones just learning to fly
They always end up tucked into his kimono somehow but he doesn’t end up minding it much
Not when the combined forces of the baby birds and y/n give him puppy eyes
His all time favourite crow though is one named Pearl, she’s just a little sweetheart that loves to sit on his hands to be pet
To be honest he finds them all rather intriguing especially since crows typically aren’t this intelligent
Like sure typically their intelligent birds but these ones seem even moreso
it seems somehow they have increased perception?
He’s not sure as to why but leaves it as a “y/n thing”
Something that has become a trend in his will for questioning things
Don’t understand it? Probably a y/n thing so move on and accept it
Nami has been following in this mindset for awhile now
Y/n steals his robes despite them being too big
He purposely leaves them out when realizing they like to do this
Jinbe is the only one to know about y/n’s time as a slave and is the only one to know why they sometimes flinch when people touch their back
He’s also the only way who’s able to understand and comfort them when they silently stream out at the sea
At ports y/n likes to go shopping with Jinbe and though he says they don’t need to buy him anything they buy him sea themed stuff to remind him of fishman island
In similar fashion despite y/n saying that he doesn’t need to buy them anything he buys them charms for their bracelets and necklaces that represent a place they’ve been so they can keep track
“So Roger really could stand toe to toe with Whitebeard?” Jinbe asks as you nod with a smile “yeah, Roger despite having no devil fruit was extraordinarily strong and had extraordinary Haki. Plus Roger was Roger”. At hearing this explanation Jinbe nods but then inquires “what do you mean by that last part?” Which makes you lightly giggle before explaining “Roger is the only person besides maybe Luffy who would sneak onto a marine base, fist fight Garp the fist, raid the kitchen and then proceed to escape back to the Oro with the stolen food, treasure and highly classified government field he thought looked cool”
“Jinbe can I go up” you ask with your hands already reaching up to him and in position to be lifted. The fishman smiles, for an immortal you really were a kid still. He smiles. “Alright, do you also want to hear about fishman island again?” It’s not even really a question when he knows your answer but he asks either way and sees you nod. Pearl who’s perched on his shoulder makes room and finds a place between you and him.
It’s late in the night when he finds you sitting on the railing of the ship, silently looking out to sea just as you did all those years ago. He leans against the railing beside you, remembering not to touch your back at this time. “You got reminded of it again?” He asks on which he receives a full nod from you, “it was in the market, there were some propaganda posters about escaped slaves. I checked to see if I was on there, I wasn’t luckily, but it still left me feeling all flighty”. He frowns at that but nods. “Do you need me to stay with you for now?” You respond quickly without thought “yes….it burns Jinbe, my back burns again but I know the brands not there”
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mahou-furbies · 7 months
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57 years of magical girls!
List of series they're from:
Pic 1
Row 1: Sally the Witch, Himitsu no Akko-chan, Cutie Honey, Mahou Shoujo Lalabel, Minky Momo, Creamy Mami
Row 2: Persia the Magic Fairy, Magical Emi, Pastel Yumi, Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, Wedding Peach
Row 3: Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, Saint Tail, Cardcaptor Sakura, Mahou Tsukai Tai, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Pic 2
Row 1: Ojamajo Doremi, Corrector Yui, Time Stranger Kyouko, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san, W.i.t.c.h.
Row 2: Pretear, Princess Tutu, Mermaid Melody, Kamichama Karin, Sugar Sugar Rune, Winx Club
Row 3: Futari wa Precure, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Uta Kata, Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, Happy Seven, Shugo Chara!
Pic 3
Row 1: Futari wa Precure Splash Star, Powerpuff Girls Z, Nanatsuiro Drops, Yes! Precure 5, Balala the Fairies, Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
Row 2: Fresh Precure!, Invaders of the Rokujouma!?, Umimonogatari, Heartcatch Precure!, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Row 3: Wish Upon the Pleiades, Suite Precure, Magical Lollipop, Symphogear, Smile Precure!, Magical Girl Ore
Pic 4
Row 1: Vividred Operation, Doki Doki! Precure, Day Break Illusion, Magical Girl Site, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita.
Row 2: 6 Hearts Princess, Kill la Kill, Samurai Flamenco, Happiness Charge Precure!, Magica Wars, Machikado Mazoku
Row 3: Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero, Lolirock, Go! Princess Precure, Miss Guillotine, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara, Sleepless Domain
Pic 5
Row 1: Punch Line, Apricot Cookie(s)!, Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka, Concrete Revolutio, Miraculous Ladybug, Magical Suite Prism Nana
Row 2: Myriad Colors Phantom World, Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R, Mahou Tsukai Precure!, Flowering Heart, Mahou Shoujo? Naria☆Girls, Magical Girl Raising Project
Row 3: Matoi the Sacred Slayer, Flip Flappers, Balala the Fairies: Over the Rainbow, Pop in Q, Acro Trip, Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Pic 6
Row 1: Märchen Mädchen, Twin Angel Break, Re:Creators, Magia Record, Cloudy Wondrous, Strawberry Seafoam
Row 2: HUGtto! Precure, Balala the Fairies: Ocean Magic, Tsukurotte Piature, Gushing Over Magical Girls, Star Twinkle Precure, Stellar Witch LIPS
Row 3: Healin’ Good Precure, Catch Teenieping, Mewkledreamy, Dame Daffodil, Sasaki and Peeps, Tropical Rouge! Precure
Pic 7
Row 1: Blue Reflection Ray, Magical Mom, Magilumiere Co. Ltd., Tea Tea Cherry, Delicious Party Precure, Balala the Fairies: Magic Star Fate Castle
Row 2: Hirogaru Sky! Precure, Magical Destroyers, Magical Girl Tsubame: I Will (Not) Save the World!, Wonderful Precure!
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satoruhour · 1 year
“ask any racer — any real racer. it don’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. winning’s winning.”
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I. THE INTRODUCTION — JJK MEN AND THEIR CARS now, of course we can’t start this off by not introducing their rides! below are the cars that i’ve chosen for the boys, although they might not be as accurate in vibe or looks. this is all in good fun!
☆ gojo’s 1999 Nissan Skyline R34
☆ geto’s 1997 Mazda RX-7 Veilside Fortune
☆ nanami’s 1968 Dodge Charger
☆ toji’s 1969 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray
☆ sukuna’s 1966 Ford GT40 Chassis P/1046
☆ megumi’s 2001 Nissan Silvia S15 Spec-S
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II. YOUR RELATIONSHIP it’s the 2000s and the height of illegal street racing is at its peak. amongst the frequents racers and spectators, there’s always a few that stand out with their upgraded NOS’s and sleek paint jobs, but more so because of their unmatched aura. it’s just that you never thought you’d be at the centre of it all, too, smiling over at your little racer boy from the passenger seat ♡
GO! / warnings: essentially car sex & pet names & unprotected sex for everything, fingering, clit stimulation, praise, public sex, geto listens in on a call, riding, implied p → v penetration, implied creampie / breeding, implied threesome w/ stsg (gojo), clit stimulation, handjob, semi-public sex, p → v penetration, doggy, geto asks and then takes a pic of you, creampie / breeding (geto), praise, oral (f receiving), fingering, pleasure dom nanami, squirting, clit stimulation (nanami), age gap (reader’s early 20s, toji is forty), oral (m receiving) while driving, facefucking, semi-public sex, clit stimulation, daddy kink, implied p → v penetration (toji)
REWARDS FROM A RACER / sukuna joins the fray! / warnings: ooc sukuna, dom!sukuna, lewd declarations in public, he’s a little mean and calls you ‘whore’, ‘slut’, praise, degradation, pet names, car sex, semi-public sex, oral (m! receiving), light face-fucking, unprotected sex, riding, p → v penetration, clit stimulation, dash of daddy kink, creampie / breeding kink
LATE NIGHT DRIFT / megumi joins as well! / warnings: general, fluff
LLOROMANNIC / elaboration on racer!geto! / warnings: virginity loss, soft dom!geto, geto really really is obsessed w/ you, oral / cunnilingus (eats pussy like this! like i really don’t know what this position’s called), pet names, slight nipple play, clit stimulation, fingering, slight size kink, p -> v penetration, protected sex
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III. HOW DID YOU MEET? maybe you already knew the other, or maybe you didn’t, but either way you didn’t know fate had plans in store for you when you stumble across the racer, twined together by crankshafts and other... suggestive things!
first meeting / warnings: general, some fluff, suggestive in nanami’s drabble
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IV. RELATED WORK perhaps you met them in a different way, or things didn’t work out — below are an assortment of fics that dictate a different way your life with our racer boys may have went. you could say it’s works that are canon-divergent!
alternate! how did you meet? / warnings: general, shitty boyfriend, some crude language on toji’s part
flag girl!reader series / a work in progress!
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felassan · 1 month
On this Gamestop listing for an Xbox copy of the game, the text contains some more information on the Deluxe edition etc items.
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this post became really long so I put it under a cut. :)
Text reads:
"Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rook's Coffer Edition - Xbox Series X Unite the Veilguard and defy the gods in Dragon Age™: The Veilguard, an immersive single player RPG where you become the leader others believe in. Pre-order* to receive the Blood Dragon armor cosmetic for all three classes: Warrior, Mage, and Rogue. A throwback to previous Dragon Age games, the crimson stains on this armor will never fade Obtain a variety of weapons and armor, including curiosities from a forgotten era with the Deluxe Edition. You’ll receive cosmetic weapon and armor sets for the Warrior, Mage, and Rogue classes as well as cosmetic armor sets and weapons for each of your 7 companions. That’s 3 armor sets for Rook, 6 weapons for Rook, 7 companion armor sets, and 7 companion weapons – saving Thedas never looked so good. 6 Weapon Appearances For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Stave of the Fallen Kingdom - Bow of the Fallen Kingdom - Spellblade of the Fallen Kingdom - Blades of the Fallen Kingdom - Aegis of the Fallen Kingdom & Sword of the Fallen Kingdom - Maul of the Fallen Kingdom 1 Warrior Armor Set Appearance For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Armor of Bellanaris - Ghellara Helm 1 Mage Armor Set Appearance For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Revas Robes - Circlet of Awe 1 Rogue Armor Set Appearance For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Harellan's Bolts - Katriel's False Face 7 Weapon & 7 Armor Set Appearances For Companions. Cosmetic Only. - Bellara's Nerve - Ringlet of Sorrow - Davrin's Resolve - Plate of the High Constable & Beacon Edge - Emmrich's Mystique - Staff of Incessant Gaze - Harding's Focus - Sunderbow - Lucanis's Gall - Heartpiercer - Neve's Fervor - Cat's Eye - Taash's Might - Grief Features Rooks Edition Includes: Light-Up Lyrium Dagger, Rook's Card Deck, Enchanted Die, Glass Potion Flask, Cloth Map and Quiver, Dragon Age™: The Veilguard Companion Litho Print, Thank-You Letter Unite a Battered World - Thedas is home to storied factions like the heroic Grey Wardens and Tevinter's rebellious Shadow Dragons. Rally the Veilguard - Unite a team of seven companions each with rich lives, deep backstories, and their own expertise and unique abilities. Become the Leader Others Believe in - Select from different races and combat classes, customize your appearance, and choose your character's backstory"
first, I like the Fade pun in "the crimson stains will never fade" hh. :>
second, we talked [here] about how the deluxe armors look ancient elfy, and the description here calls them "curiosities from a forgotten era". the weapons blurb tells us that the weapons are "of the Fallen Kingdom" - given the appearance of the items, presumably this Kingdom and the era is Elvhenan, before it fell. this is confirmed in the names of the armors for Rook - Bellanaris, Revas and Harellan are of course elven words.
from this info, we can see that the bottom right weapon is a staff. the top left is a shield (here's another shield from DA:I with "Aegis" in the name for reference. the word means protection or backing, and also a shield or breastplate type thing associated with mythological features like Athena), and in sword-and-board style it comes with a sword. we know that each of the 3 classes in the game will have "two distinct weapon types". it seems like the names of these 6 weapons might note what these are: [dual] blades and bow for rogue, sword&shield and 2-handed (e.g. a maul) for warrior, and staff and "spellblade" for mages. the latter is 👁️ for me as I've been wondering what the second weapon for mages is for ages now. it was like "wands? floating spellbooks like some mage NPC enemies in DA:I?" but maybe it's these "spellblades"? ^^ which is also the name of one of the 3 mage specs. :D
Bellanaris: 'eternity' (see: Var Bellanaris in DA:I, the elven burial site. Keeper Gisharel: "Var Bellanaris. "Our Eternity."")
Revas: 'freedom' (one place it crops up is the secret greeting to enter Fen'Harel's sanctuary in Trespasser. Ar-melana dirthaveren. Revas vir-anaris.)
Harellan: in Dalish use, 'traitor to one's kin' (see: Codex Entry: The Rebel God). its root-word is related to harillen, 'opposition', and hellathen, 'noble struggle', so the ancient elven use of this word is maybe more along the lines of rebellion than deception.
Armor of Bellanaris and Ghellara Helm? Harellan's Bolts and Katriel's False Face? Revas Robes? for the Circlet of Awe, maybe on qunari Rooks it shows as vitaar as here, or it doesn't show due to their horns.
I wonder if more specific than ancient elven, these 3 bonus armors are related to Fen'Harel and his followers specifically. The Rebel God codex is about Solas ('harel). a heroic rebel against tyranny and slavery is someone associated with freedom. Fen'Harel's friend Mythal in the form of Flemeth is is Asha'bellanar, the woman of many years, and -anaris crops up in his secret greeting. if you wanted to, you can read into the three armor names a Fen'Harel connection. I could see a scenario where you might like, find these armors in the Lighthouse or something. maybe a codex or item description which associates them with followers of Fen'Harel or Mythal. (here I am just speculating for fun ^^)
Ghellara is a new name or word. it could be elven, as we have "Gh" in e.g. "Ghilan'nain" and "ara" as a sound crops up in the language a lot.
Katriel (🥺...) was an Orlesian elven bard and lover of King Maric, from The Stolen Throne. she hid her true identity from him, like a "False Face". her name and lore has cropped up in other item names before, like Katriel's Grasp. ahh, this is making me so excited to find and read all the other item names and descriptions in the game :D these flavor texts are fun and often super interesting 👁️
the 7 weapon and armors for the companions also have interesting names. they have 1 bonus weapon and 1 bonus armor each, and I wonder if the names of these items were chosen as they relate to their personalities, storyarcs, backstories, abilities etc. ((I'm overanalyzing and reading waaay too much into the names of these items just for fun, don't take this post too seriously, wild speculating is just fun to do. ^^))
Davrin: Grey Wardens need to have resolve to do what they do, and for a warrior 'resolve' has tanky connotations. we know Davrin is bold, and you get the impression that Davrin stands firmly and determined from lines such as "Nobody dies on my watch! For the Wardens!". As for High Constable - this is the rank of the Grey Warden who is second-in-command to the First Warden. historically during the time of the griffons, they were also the order's aerial commander. in recent times, they have also become the public face of the Order, acting as the ambassador to the High King and leading local recruitment. Maybe this is Davrin's specific Warden rank? if so, this is our highest-ranking Grey Warden companion yet, and I'm sooo curious to see the relationship and interactions between him and the First Warden. Davrin is also described as charming - perfect to be a public face and ambassador right? :D I also wonder if the historical role of aerial commander for that rank is part of why Davrin is the guardian of Assan. (also, there are some neat thoughts on the design of Davrin’s 'defaut' armor here. that post talks about the in-world griffon rider and irl aerial elements of his outfit design. :>) Or maybe he isn't yet, but can become this rank during the game? as for beacon, it has the connotations of light, hope, and towers and high places. when all seems lost during a Blight, the Grey Wardens come and save Thedas. I guess Beacon Edge is a sword. ^^
Emmrich: we have seen Emmrich holding a staff which does have an incessant gaze. a skull cannot close its eyes, and will 'look' for eternity. Mystique suits a gentleman necromancer who is a member of a mysterious order.
Neve: fervor is intense and passionate feeling, almost like zeal. Jessica alluded to this part of Neve's character during the Companion Q&A panel at SDCC. she described Neve's loyalty, dedication and great love for Docktown and its people. Neve is "really really fighting for those people", and Jessica loves how she has "that kind of a passion" and how she has "dedicated her life" to that and the other vision for Tevinter that she really sees. John mentioned that Neve is pushing back and fighting back against the Tevinter mageocracy and slavery. I guess fervor refers to these traits and beliefs of Neve's. Cat's Eye reminds me of horn-rimmed glasses (tell me that wouldn't be Neve's style in a modern AU hh?) and the imagery of a cat on the streets of Minrathous, ever-watchful from the shadows. it suits a detective from a big city with a dark underbelly. ^^ Feline senses are strong and sensitive - an investigator would never miss a clue at a crime scene or be caught unawares, yknow?
Harding: a Scout needs to be focused so that they do not miss anything when scouting. there is the imagery of a scout focusing on their surrounds, or looking at a far-off horizon. a marksman needs focus for their arrows to hit their targets. Harding has been focused on chasing down Solas for many years at this point in the timeline. focus is also a game mechanic in DA:I. we accumulate focus by killing enemies and when the bar is fully charged, the Inquisitor can use their Focus ability. maybe this refers to Harding's new magical powers? maybe mechanically in gameplay she can use them kind of like how focus in DA:I? as for Sunderbow, of course Harding is an archer. Sundermount is a mountain, and you can talk about "sundering armor". but what "sunder" really makes me think of is 1). the Altar of Sundering that was found in the Deep Roads in Ortan Thaig. it summons a Fade creature and is a source of magical power. why did the dwarves, who don't use magic, of that place have such an altar? 2). Sundering, the sacred mace wielded by Luthias Dwarfson, a famous Ash Warrior.
Legend says the mace was not crafted by hand, but instead hatched from an egg high in the mountains and then carried by birds to Luthias as a wedding gift from the Lady of the Skies. When Luthias dies, dwarves arrived to carry him to Orzammar to be buried as one of their own with the Stone. Sundering was to lie at his side, but the mace could not be found. Stories say the birds reclaimed it and will deliver it to another hero in time.
3.) various dialogue Solas has with Varric in DA:I.
"Dwarves are the severed arm of a once mighty hero, lying in a pool of blood. Undirected. Whatever skill of arms it had, gone forever. Although it might twitch to give the appearance of life, it will never dream." / "You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could've been, never fighting back."
Solas: "Do you ever miss life beneath the earth? The call of the Stone?" Varric: "Nah. Whatever the Stone - capital S - is, it was gone by the time my parents had me." Solas: "But... do you miss it?" Varric: "How could I miss what I never had?"
Dwarves as they are in modern Thedas are a sundered arm, unconnected. They are apart from themselves, and from their parents, the Titans. their connection to the Titans broke when the Titans fell; without the Titans, they can't be "taller". if Harding's new magical powers has something to do with the Titans (see: Valta), I wonder if the "sunder" in "Sunderbow" refers to this.
Taash: there isn't much to go on here, but "might" makes sense for a mighty dragon-hunter, and a dual-wielding warrior has more damage-dealing warrior connotations (raw strength) than a more tanky-type, shield-bearing one. "Grief" makes me so worried 🥺 is Taash okay? what is she sad about? is there a bereavement in her backstory? who or what did she lose? what is Taash grieving? please, my heart hurts.
Bellara: you have to have nerve to be a Veil Jumper, a group that only accepts those brave enough to face the dangers in Arlathan Forest including its reality-warping magic. she's brave, optimistic, energetic, an adventurer; daring in her knowledge-seeking quest and desire to find out what's true and what isn't. she just sees a problem and wants to solve it. :) Sorrow.. we already know that Bellara has seen a lot of tragedy in her backstory, and that her optimistic outlook is sometimes a mask to hide the fact that she's hurting and in pain. like with Taash my heart hurts and I wonder what happened in her past 🥺
Lucanis: "heartpiercer" is a great name for the knives of an assassin that always find their mark and kill them. he always gets the contract done, and strikes fatally and with precision. he also pierced all our hearts 💘💘 (heartbreaker.. 🥺?) "Gall" is really interesting.. it has multiple different meanings and connotations. brazenness, temerity, bold behavior, audacity (I'd guess these are the meaning here). bile. great misery, suffering and bitterness. an open wound. to harass or harry.
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darkjediqueen · 5 months
I've been in fandom for a long time. Outside of a few outliers, none of my ships have ever been canon. For the few that were, they were always established pretty early in the canon.
The arrival of Buck/Tommy as a canon pairing is still kind of throwing me. I still think that it's a fever dream. I first wrote Buck/Tommy for the first time in my Like Ripples From a Small Stone series for the Quantum Bang in 2022. So, I started to write it in November/December of 2021. It was mostly a friends-with-benefits thing, but I really liked the idea of them and was still pretty enamored with Buch/Eddie.
I started to see the spec for Buck/Tommy a little while before the premiere of Season 7, and I was like, "That's a long shot and a half; it's impossible. My little crack ship would never become canon. They have never MET IN CANON."
Then 7.04 aired. I was halfway through the episode, and I was getting a little more on edge cause I was seeing what I was seeing, but I thought I had somehow put on my Buck/Tommy slash goggles without noticing.
When the knock came on Buck's door, I thought, "If that's Tommy, they are kissing at some point. I know it." And it was. I was still only mostly hopeful. Then Buck and Tommy kept on getting closer, and I was like, "Fuck My Life."
And then they kissed.
I still really haven't come to grips with my crack couple that hadn't ever met in canon becoming a canon couple. I still sit in wonder sometimes and rewatch the GIF of them kissing.
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soylent-crocodile · 6 months
Chiropterex (Monster)
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(artist unknown)
(Back in the distant era of the early 10s, my family got Netflix as a novelty. Nowadays streaming has consumed film and television like a rabid beast, but back then, my brother and I found a little British show called Primeval. Weaned on BBC nature documentaries from a young age, this was an exciting new spin on Walking with Dinosaurs, and we loved it.
The future predator is no question the most iconic creature of the series, a future bat that is both inspired by earlier spec evo and has gone on to inspire many other monster designs, including the earlier moorkutlot. It seems only fitting it be translated to Pathfinder.
By the way, I'm abandoning the proposed evolutionary history the later seasons provide- that these actually evolved to eat humans in a post-apocalyptic cityscape- and make them what I think is most obvious to me.)
CR3 TN Medium Animal HD5
Chiropterex are an aberrant species of roughly wolf-sized terrestrial bat, an arboreal, nocturnal apex predator of the islands it calls home, where no other land mammals have reached. They live in small family groups of about four to six members, typically consisting of a mated pair, a nest of about six children, a few children of previous years who stay around to help, and maybe one or two aunts or uncles. Typically, however, they hunt alone, feeding on seabirds and large moa-like ratites who evolved alongside them. These family groups keep in contact with each other using echolocation, and if a lone hunter runs into a struggle, it will call on the dissembled family to help.
Chiropterex are notorious man-eaters, and many a shipwrecked crew has met its end at a family of ravenous land bats. Many peoples of island cultures consider chiropterex to be evil spirits, and indeed there is at least one island where the magic of The Abyss has infected the local population of these predatory beasts.
Some outsiders have tried to domesticate chiropterex, or at the very least use them as weapons. They are a tempting subject of domestication; they are mobile, intelligent, fast-growing and have large clutch sizes, but all attempts so far have ended disastrously.
Chiropterex Companions
Starting Statistics: AC: +4 Size: Small Speed: 30ft, Climb 30ft Attacks: Bite (1d3), 2 Claw (1d4) Ability Scores: Str:10 Dex:22 Con:8 Int:2 Wis:12 Cha:7 Special Qualities: Blind, Blindsight 90ft, Scent Lv 4 Advancement: Size: Medium Attacks: Bite (1d4), 2 Claw (1d6) Ability Scores: Str +4 Dex -2 Con +2 Special Qualities: Flurry of Strikes
This hunched over creature has long, clawed arms and a bulbous head that ends in a short, needle-toothed mouth.
Misc- CR3 TN Medium Animal HD5 Init:+5 Senses: Perception:+6 Blind, Blindsight 90ft, Scent Stats- Str:14(+2) Dex:20(+5) Con:10(+0) Int:2(-4) Wis:12(+2) Cha:7(-2) BAB:+3 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:25(5d8) AC:19(+5 Dex, +4 Natural) Fort:+4 Ref:+9 Will:+3 CMD:21 Immunity: Gaze and other visual effects Weakness: Vulnerability to Sonic  Offense- Bite +5(1d4+2, 18-20/x2), 2 Claw +5(1d6+2) CMB:+6 Speed:30ft, Climb 30ft Special Attacks: Pounce, Flurry of Strikes +3/+3/+3/+3(1d6+2) Feats- Dodge, Mobility Skills- +11 Climb, +10 Stealth, +6 Perception(+8 Racial to Climb) Special Qualities- Flurry of Strikes Ecology- Environment- Forest, Urban (Warm) Languages- None Organization- Solitary, Family (2-4 Chiropterex, 6-8 Young Chiropterex) Treasure- None Special Abilities- Blindsight (Ex)- A chiropterex’s blindsight is echolocation-based; it cannot sense within areas of Silence or similar spells. Flurry of Strikes (Ex)- A chiropterex may, as a full-round action, give a flurry of stabbing strikes from its claws. It makes four Claw attacks at a -2 penalty each. 
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2lut4u · 9 months
my way to you (series) @wonwoonlight
later by @sluttywonwoo
Vampire Wonwoo Headcanons by @sluttywoozi
“peach” by @cherryredcheol
NANA CUDDLES by @babyleostuff
sabotaged date by @hanggarae
Yearly Kiss @fvllingflower
More Than Friends by @fvllingflower
crush by @waldau
little things by @waldau
firsts (and hopefully, not last) by @blue-jisungs
if the world was ending by @euncsace
‘Sleep well, baby’ by @honeyboylovee
fwb!wonwoo by @cheolslz
syntax ERROR by @jeongharine
toast rule by @wonuwonder
eyes don’t lie by @wheeboo
Shopping new specs with wonwoo by @intogyu
boyfriend texts with wonwoo (oneshot smau) by @lololololchips
(7:21 AM) by @hoasvuon
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 1 month
Fanbinding by @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis 📖🫶
Continuing my run as the luckiest little fangirl in the west... 🥺💖
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@jinkieswouldyoulookatthis did something truly beautiful for me recently, and I've just received the results: my very own handmade, hand bound copy of my West series.
You can see her incredibly cool (possibly haunted) process here:
Below, you can see my very uncool emotional breakdown of/about it (and some more photos). 🥲
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Now look at all of the beautiful details!
These end papers are so eye-grabbing and perfectly selected, since the series takes place through a revolving door of motels, just as in early-seasons canon.
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The title verso has all of the information from AO3, the original LJ publishing dates, @idlingintheimpalapodcast's podfic version details, and the fanbinding specs. Then there's the contents page! JUST LIKE A REAL BOOK, YOU GUYS!
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Also, did you happen to spot @tsukiyo-7's credit line on the verso page?! BECAUSE I DID! And I had no idea what that was about until I opened to the page with their custom artwork!
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How freaking cool is that?! 😭 Thank you, you fantastically talented person! 💖 Everyone go check out their other beautiful art (plenty of stunning Wincest. 🫶) on their Tumblr!
In case you're wondering, the Kushtaka, which Jinkies also created a whole, super cool entry from John's hunting journal for, is the creature that necessitates Sam and Dean ending up in the shower together in part two of the series. 🤭
Then, not only that, but this curious little sticker tumbled out when I opened those pages:
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Because Jinkies doesn't do anything by halves, it turns out that she even found this traditional formline artwork of the Kushtaka by Nick Alan Foote, an indigenous artist of Native American Tlingit heritage, where the legend comes from. That is such a special connection to have that I would never have expected. I'm way beyond touched. 🥹 Please check out the artist's other wonderful work here on Insta.
The final dagger in the coffin of my tendency to blubber at the drop of a hat, let alone in the face of heartfelt gestures, was this page:
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@sam-is-my-safe-word and @talltalesandbedtimestories have been personal champions and cheerleaders of mine since the very beginning of my return to writing in this fandom, and they haven't stopped since. The fact that they still have effusively kind things to say about me and my work just makes me want to die (in a happy way).
The comments on my fics are, like, 90% of what keeps me writing. Sharing and engaging and knowing that my stories are making people happy is what it's all about for me, so having those comments from @fictionallemons, Faraway22 (not sure if they're on here under a different username?), Jinkies, and @chiquititasnewsong preserved as a reminder of that... Honestly, you should be glad you can't hear the noises I'm making right now.
The thing is, I knew Jinkies was doing this. She asked permission before she started, she offered to make me a copy as well, and I've been elated and flattered from the moment she did. But now, having it in my hands, I'm moved even further than I thought I would be (and believe me, I know myself–I knew I'd be a mess).
I live a very small life, y'all. The joys I experience tend to be on the same scale. So while this might not be grand or extravagant to many people, this gift, of something I put into the world through a medium I've only really known digitally, intangibly, now being something I can hold in my hands as proof that I've touched the lives of people so far and wide, is a kind of profound that these words don't do justice.
It makes my life feel pretty darn big after all.
Thank you, @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis. Thank you to those who contributed. Thank you to everyone who's read and commented and been a part of West in some way over the last 14 years. The story's still being told in this way. I'm so grateful to remain a part of it.
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zentriii · 5 months
sakuatsu fic recs
ace-spec recs for @bbyboyakaashi
into the tides by ftld
completed | E | 16,657 words
“I’m not that into sex,” Sakusa says without regard for the public setting or the strangled noise that erupts from Atsumu’s throat. He hooks a finger through the handle of a delicately patterned teacup, arches an eyebrow, and waits. // this whole series >>> i'm love them
build me up by kromotriga
part 7/? | E | 37,100 words
Atsumu’s fingers involuntarily twitch as he types ‘strap on harness’ in the search bar of a favorite sex toy site while he waits, wondering what Kiyoomi has in store for him. He has his own toys he likes and is used to but he’s never seriously thought about the harness part before, about what a hypothetical partner might wear. Then Kiyoomi emerges from the bathroom and he doesn’t have to wonder anymore, phone slipping from his hand to be lost in the sheets. // fem omi fucks atsumu for most of this series, as she should <3
anytime, omi omi. by deliriious
completed | E | 2,156 words
what's better than fucking your boyfriend's thighs, or between his cheeks while he sleeps? kiyoomi thinks for a long moment. reaaally gives it some thought, before coming to an irrefutable conclusion. nothing, that's what. // consensual somno is like. catnip for me
lay me down by kromotriga
part 3/? | E | 13,563 words
It’s been almost six years since she’s last heard him say her given name. Atsumu may not need memories, experience become muscle become memory instead, but memories of standing huddled together in a deserted hallway after their last high school match still flood through her all the same. Sakusa— Kiyoomi had tenderly cradled her face as gentle thumbs wiped away tears of frustration, over Inarizaki's loss to Itachiyama, over Kiyoomi's rejection after months of what she’d thought was mutual romantic build-up. "I want to kiss you but I can't, yet," he'd whispered, knocking his sweaty forehead into hers. "The next time we meet I'll be different, but if you still want to I'll kiss you then as much as you want." With that promise Kiyoomi had reluctantly pulled away and Atsumu hadn't understood what he meant until he'd made news a few months later by joining his collegiate men's team. He may have missed her, as she did him, but that doesn’t mean he wants anything more than friendship now. Atsumu still reaches out slowly, his eyes following her movement, to lay a hand over Kiyoomi’s, fingers brushing his wrist bone where another pair of symmetrical moles stand out on his pale skin. “I missed you, too.” // skts reunion fics my beloved, they're everythingg
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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hpacearofest · 3 months
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Harry Potter Ace/Aro-Spec Fest
This fest is created to highlight any character who you see as asexual, aromantic, or anywhere on those spectrums.  Any era, any age, anyone.  Give me your QPRs, your sex-repulsed lovey-doveys, your hypersexual aromantics, and everything else you got.  As long as you give me a main character from the HP fandom who is a-spec, your work has a home with this fest.  Accepting fic, fanart, podfics, any medium your heart desires to give us.
Important dates
Announce: 6/24
Prompting: 7/14-7/31
Claiming:  8/1-9/22
Posting: 10/1
All content is allowed, no restrictions on what can be submitted so long as it is thoroughly tagged and doesn't violate tumblr or AO3 TOS.  Mods will have final approval on whether or not a work is sufficiently tagged in regards to potentially triggering matters in works rated M or above.
The goal of this fest is to celebrate and highlight the joys (and some of the stresses) of the lives of the HP-verse characters who fall into the a- sexual and romantic spectrums.  
There will be no ship or character bashing (even if it’s a fandom-wide hated character, this is for bringing others up, not them down).
SALS - Ship And Let Ship.
YKINMKBYKIOK - Your Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is Okay.  Yes, this fest is about a-spec relationships. Yes, that means they can still be kinky as can be.  No, that does not mean you can shame others for what they want to create so long as it is duly tagged.
Each person has unique lived experiences within and and without the LGBTQIA+ community.  Just because you don’t see yourself in how someone is portraying something, doesn’t make them wrong for it.
NO RACISM. NO ISLAMOPHOBIA. NO SEXISM. NO TRANSPHOBIA. NO HOMOPHOBIA. NO ABLEISM. No hate allowed in your works, even as a plot point.  Find your angst somewhere else, we are trying to cultivate a positive experience.  
Written fic
Written fic should preferably be longer than 500 words
There is no maximum word count
Must be a completed work, no on-going series to be completed after the fest
Works must be stand-alone (can be part of a collection but one must be able to read it without reading previous parts)
Using a beta is strongly encouraged but not required (if you would like help finding one, feel free to join the fest discord server to find them)
Art work
Work must be exclusive to this fest
Digital and physical art are both allowed as long as scans/photos of the physical are clear
Podfic work
Please provide proof of permission from the creator (unless it is yourself) which includes a screenshot of a blanket permission statement on their profile as long as the username matches 
Selected work must fit the theme of the fest as well as the 500 word minimum for written fics
Make sure you upload it with the author’s original tags as well as the fest tags and podfic notation
All works must be uploaded to the AO3 collection by the deadline of September 28 (3 days before posting  pending any extensions granted
Add acearofest account as co-author so mods can just double check for correctly tagged content and posting as well as a final once over of the SPaG/formatting
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eighthdoctor · 2 months
Book Review 15/60
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
-turns up to hype 12 years late with starbucks-
I've been tangentially aware of this series basically since it dropped, thanks to existing on tumblr for the same amount of time, it just...no one sold it to me right. More emphasis on everyone in this book being real fuckin weird, less on...magical realism or whatever. Somehow I got the impression that this was YA romance with implications of magic and not like, full on spec-fic??? There are ghosts. Divination works. It's spec-fic.
Anyway: Excellent portrayal of teenagers, fun if fairly predictable plot, interesting worldbuilding, Gansey needs a reality check, Blue needs a hug, I'll read the second in the next 5-7 business years.
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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Felt like putting together a little themed fic rec list! Here are some coda/missing moment fics for 3.07 Red vs. Blue. If I've missed any, let me know and I can add them to the list! (I also might make edits to these posts to add more fics as they get written. If I ever do so I'll be sure to reblog the post for visibility!)
Enjoy all of our amazing fandom writers and leave them some comments & love!
[Disclaimer: If you're an author and don't like to be tagged or linked for any reason, let me know and I'll remove the tag and make sure not to do so in the future, no questions asked.]
◆ Win or Lose by @heartstringsduet (Words: 8.3K; Rating: E; d/s elements)
What if the softball game ended with nothing but TK receiving his rightful reward for winning? What if Carlos ever so slightly tweaked his plans?
◆ in your corner by @heartstringsduet (Words: 7.1K; Rating: M; d/s elements; part 5 of a series)
Win or lose, Carlos promises to reward TK after the softball game tonight. But all it takes is a single moment to unravel what they’ve built together.
◆ it's hotter than hell where i'm at by @petalwritesx (Words: 1.3K; Rating: M)
“If I would’ve known a softball uniform did this to you,” T.K. says, breathless between kisses, “I would’ve bought one a long time ago.” OR: Before their little award ceremony, Carlos and T.K. have some alone time.
◆ Sex Drive by @welcometololaland (Words: 3.8K; Rating: E)
Carlos has a thing for TK playing softball and TK has a thing for reflective surfaces, apparently. OR A season 3, episode 7 missing scene.
◆ "You love this, don't you?" by @irispurpurea (Words: 403; Rating: T)
Fictober 2022 Day 28. Prompt: “You love this, don’t you?” Missing scene from Red vs. Blue
◆ Gold name and number by @goodways (Words: 3.6K; Rating: E)
“I’m just saying Carlos, it was a simple ‘talk shit, get hit scenario’, the law has no place getting involved,” TK spoke with a tone like he was explaining simple first grade math. “First of all, that’s not true and second of all… no, no I think that’s it.” * Carlos has some feelings about TK in his softball outfit.
◆ Take Me Out to the Ball Game by @chicgeekgirl89 (Words: 1.5K; Rating: T)
He’s seen his boyfriend’s ass in a lot of outfits; his uniform, jeans, slacks, but nothing, nothing tops this. His boyfriend is hot. He’s so fucking hot. Carlos isn’t sure he’s ever seen anything hotter in his entire life.  A follow up fic for 3x07 "Red vs. Blue" in which T.K. wears a new kind of uniform and Carlos likes it. A lot.
◆ your hand under my jacket by @kiras-sunshine (Words: 5.8K; Rating: T)
"You know, I’m grateful you came to watch,” TK hums as he steps into their loft through the door, and immediately turns around to give him one of those wide and brilliant grins, and pokes the peak of Carlos’ cap upwards, “even though it looked like you were trying to be as incognito as possible.
END OF EPISODE FOCUSED or BOTH (TW: discussions of grief/death/dying):
◆ Everest to mariana by @paperstorm
A tag for 3x7, 'Red vs Blue', in which Carlos fulfills a teenaged fantasy and TK gets devastating news.
◆ i can't just bring them back, but darling i can hold your hand by @morganaspendragonss (Words: 2K; Rating: T)
It’s been hours, and TK hasn’t said a word. He hasn’t screamed, or cried, or done anything that Carlos has come to expect from someone who just found out a loved one passed away. He’s just curled up in a ball on the bed, staring blankly at the wall, and that’s where he’s been ever since he walked away from the party like a ghost. * a 3.07 coda/3.08 spec fic
◆ underneath by @kiras-sunshine (Words: 4.2K; Rating: T)
Grief is a powerful thing, and it affects everyone differently, creating unique pain and ache for everyone, and it is always a process, and TK has had his grief only for mere hours. It is still new, growing and invading space in him.
◆ not a victory march by @reyesstrand (Words: 2.8K; Rating: T)
Carlos approaches, still under the assumption that everything is fine because it's supposed to be, and TK feels his eyes start to burn when Carlos asks him to tell his mom he says hi.  Because that's something he's never going to do again.
◆ Surrounded by Love by @bluenet13 (Words: 5.8K; Rating: T)
A look at TK in the days, weeks and months following Gwyn’s passing as he processes his grief with the help of his family and friends. A 3x07 Coda
◆ this weight off your shoulders by @marjansmarwani (Words: 1.9K; Rating: T)
When Andrea Reyes receives a call from her son with terrible news, she makes a promise to a woman she only met once but always felt she knew. A 3x07 Coda
◆ may there be abundant peace by @maxbegone (Words: 2.6K; Rating: N/A)
Carlos sighs. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” “Yeah.” “I’m so sorry.” It warrants no further reply, because at this point Carlos is crying along with him, resting his forehead against his temple and securing his hold even tighter. If he didn’t feel so numb, TK would reciprocate somehow. But this day has been simultaneously a blur and the sharpest image, burned red-hot in his brain. He could relive every single moment in perfect accuracy, he swears. __ An introspective episode coda sometime after the events of 3.07 and 3.08.
◆ No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. by @tkstrrand (4 fic series, Total Words: 13.1K; Rating: G)
TK tries to balance moments of joy with grief/guilt following the months after his mother's passing.
◆ sometimes grief is an open wound - it bleeds and bleeds and bleeds by @morganaspendragonss (Words: 663; Rating: M; TW: Self-harm, Suicidal Thoughts)
His doctor puts him back on his antidepressants and he takes them without complaint, even when sometimes they feel like they’re doing more harm than good. The side effects leave him nauseous for a week, his already unpredictable sleep schedule fucked up beyond repair, but TK dutifully swallows them down every morning, because this means that he’s trying, right? It means that… It means something. It has to.
◆ wrap me up, enfold me by @strandnreyes (Words: 2.3K; Rating: G)
“She’s dead.” Those are the last words he has spoken in at least ten minutes. Now as Carlos sits beside TK on the couch, he isn’t sure what to do. His boyfriend is silent and unmoving, almost hauntingly so, and there’s this vacant look in his eyes that makes him look so unlike himself that it jars Carlos.
◆ Before...And After by @littlemissmarianna (Words: 256; Rating: G)
TK takes a shuddering breath. He doesn’t remember much about last night, except that he was catatonic after the call, then dissolved an hour later into a sobbing, hyperventilating mess. The only reason he didn’t shake apart was because Carlos had held him.
◆ wrapped in a cloak of misery by @pendragonsandbuckleys (Words: 1.1K; Rating: G)
The phone clattered to the ground only seconds before TK’s knees buckled from underneath him. - a 3.07 coda.
◆ silent answers by @blueink3 (Words: 577; Rating: T)
It’s Paul who notices first because of course he does. “She’s dead.” Who clocks the fact that something has gone horrifyingly, catastrophically wrong. “She’s dead.” “Carlos?” Not ‘hey, man’ or ‘you good?’ Not the casual, easy tone Carlos has come to appreciate ever since that night at the club. It’s diffused more than one high pressure situation, but this -  Nothing can fix this. A coda to 3x07.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
LolaLand - 911 Lone Star Fic List
Multi-Chap AU
a long time ago (we used to be friends) (Carlos/TK) 12/12 - E - Austin AU (166,000)
Series - The Tennis AU
Love Game (Carlos/TK) 11/11 - E - Tarlos tennis AU (~143,000)
Match Point (Carlos/TK) 6/6 - E - Tarlos tennis AU sequel (~20,000)
Love in Slow Motion (Carlos/TK) - 12/12 - E - Tarlos tennis AU prompt fill (~32,700)
Series - 3 x 04 Codas
Love, Immortal (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~2,000)
Love, Enduring (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~3,400)
Love, Communicated (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~5,400)
Love, Healing (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~5,400)
Love, Inescapable (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~6,000)
Love, Hereafter (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - M - 3 x 04 coda (~4,800)
Love, Indomitable (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~5,000)
Series - Seven Days of Smut
Still Waters Run Deep (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 1 x 10 missing scene/coda (~6,300)
Phonography (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - Future fic (~6,000)
Nine Dart Finish (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 1 x 03 coda (~5,300)
Illuminated (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 3 x 04 coda/missing scene (~5,400)
Match in a Tinderbox (Carlos/TK) (Alex/Carlos) 1/1 - E - Austin AU (~5,300)
Sex Drive (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 3 x 07 missing scene (~3,800)
And They Were Roommates (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 2 x 10 missing scene (~6,900)
Series - Kid Fic
Baby, Make Your Move (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - T - Future fic/kid fic (~8,500)
Track Record (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - Future fic/kid fic (~5,100)
Heartbreak High (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - Future fic/kid fic (~6,800)
Co-Written Fic
The Ring-In (Carlos/TK) 7/7 - E - Hawaii AU (~87,300)
(Un)professional Services (Carlos/TK) - 7/7 - E - professional services AU (~63,300)
The Rainbow Fish (Carlos/TK) 8/8 - E - Pet store AU (~44,800)
Call Me (By My Name) (Carlos/TK) 12/12 - E - Accidental phone sex AU (~65,000)
One Shots - AU/Canon Spec
oh baby, i'm a fool for you (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - twilight-inspired crack fic (~3,000)
Target Audience (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - Carlos Reyes vs. TikTok (~8,200)
The Devil Works Hard (But Mesh Shirts Work Harder) (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - PWP mesh shirt era (~10,000)
Warm Whispers (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - Wedding night spec (~4,300)
Waterproof (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - Gratuitous fiancé smut (~4,000)
living at the centre of a wound still fresh (Carlos/TK) - 8/8 - E - post-season 4 (~43,000)
all is near and can't be touched (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 4 x 16 coda (~3,800)
(Fl)oral Arrangements (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - 4 x 08 coda (~5,200)
get it right, to get around me (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 1 x 04 coda (~5,800)
The Morning (Part 2) (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 3 x 18 coda (~4,500)
Breathe, Baby (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - M - 3 x 04 coda (~5,100)
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edutainer2022 · 6 months
Co-written with @janetm74
Ch 6
AO3 (1-7)
This installment found a place in the tapestry of a vaster story, thanks to the amazing insight of @janetm74, making the implications so much more exciting to ponder and to explore further!
(Page Six)
Ever since Kat Kavanaugh buried a hatchet and wasn't chasing conspiracy theories about them on Global Holovision anymore, watching the news live was a once in a blue moon activity in Casa Tracy. They followed the major world events through John and Eos (maybe a bit of social media on a relatively quiet morning), and they were likely to be part of those in some capacity at least a third of the times. Sometimes a half.
But it was one of those days. A relative lull in rescues compiled with the exhaustion of the previous fortnight streak of disasters bred mildly numb boredom. Batteries too low to pursue their usual hobbies, they gravitated to the lounge.
Scott was ever at the desk with holo screens full of quarterly budget reports, because their biggest brother did stock market numbers for LEISURE, apparently. Virgil was playing, as usual, but the music was slowly fading to a halt. Alan was gaming, or pretending to be while napping, his VR goggles on. Kayo was going through some specs, half leaning on the couch cushions. Even John was in a quiet lull up in orbit, his hologram just bobbing at the comms unit, hanging out with everybody, but not really a part of any conversation.
That left Gordon scralling lazily through newsreels. The sudden yelp sent Alan tumbling on the floor and Scott at least half an inch closer to a cardiac arrest under thirty. A keen observer would have noticed Kayo reaching for a knife in the ankle holster. The piano music keened on an abrupt note and stopped. Several pairs of VERY unamused eyes stared Gordon down.
The Fish was on his feet already, bursting with excitement, sending the news holo to the center of the lounge.
"Did you guys know Fischler has a brother?!?!"
The assorted grumps and groans across the lounge indicated that they not only didn't know, but weren't in the least thrilled by that information.
Only John and Kayo shared a quiet look, because OF COURSE they would know.
Gordon surveyed the lounge in triumph, setting the stage for a punchline.
"He has a brother and he's getting married!"
"Who, Fischler?"
Alan was still scrambling up from his hardwood landing and making a show of rubbing an ouchie. Scott at least looked ready to switch gears to the full "hurt brother!" mode. Gordon was not deterred.
"No, dummy, not Fischer! His brother is getting married!"
"And that's any of our business how?"
Alan was still not ready to relinquish attention from his boo-boo. Not with so many big brothers in attendance. But John, Kayo and Virgil were already sharing concerned LOOKS.
Any widely publicized event with cameras rolling and hundreds in attendance, involving Fischler, could potentially turn into a showcase of his latest "invention", or ten. Which would mean potential casualties and work for IR. They would need to be on the look-out and on standby. Scott waved at the comm to get the volume up.
The holo displayed a close pic of a younger and significantly more polished version of Langstrom Fischler, hair sleecked back, but a weaselly smile just a tad on the manic side.
The celebrity news anchor was gushing about a "dashing fresh face on the World Senate, a philanthropist and patron of innovation, a devoted brother and a consummate athlete, setting off to be a force of a positive change in the world" and "his drop dead gorgeous fiancée, a once Miss Brazil runner-up, who dedicated herself to the selfless life of service, decorated for honor and courage".
The picture on the screen changed to an official GDF snapshot of a tall young brunette in dress blues. The insignia on the collar indicated the rank of Captain and breastplanks - several high ranking awards for valor. The picture switched to a series of candid paparazzi snaps of the "happy couple".
The show host droned on with one corny cliche after another about the "match made of dreams" and a " high profile dream wedding" scheduled to take place on a cozy remote island.
Gordon interrupted the stream of saccharine platitudes:
"Huh? How come we're not invited? Scott, you know like everyone in the World Senate!"
His voice was drowned out by the deafening snap of the metal stylus, broken in Scott's fingers. The sound of the desk chair hitting the floor, as Scott stood up and all but ran from the lounge, was even louder.
Gordon, yet again, surmised the bewilderment of everyone present.
Jade eyes squinted a fraction as Kayo watched Scott's outburst and hasty retreat.
Virgil was half out to follow Scott, when a ping came through on Gordon's comm. The sign flashed pink.
"Yay! Looks like I'm going after all! Penny needs a plus one! John, can I borrow your tax?!"
John half waved his brother off, brows furrowed and hands already flying over invisible files, when another pink ping came through. It was Kayo's turn for a "Huh?" moment.
"Looks like Penny needs a plus two, as well. I'm invited".
That deflated Gordon's initial excitement enough to notice Virgil leaving in the general direction of Dad's office, where Scott had locked himself.
Before Virgil reached the door to try and reason with big brother to talk about... whatever that was, John sent two files to his comm.
One - a picture they all saw a hundred times on Dad's desk back in Kansas, but it didn't compute out of context. Scott's Airgroup Wing after a training flight. All hugging and laughing, still in flightsuits. Scott and the girl from the news today - Fischler Jr.'s fiancée - at the center.
The other Virgil never saw before. It would figure since it was a screenshot from, what he recognized with some dread, was Dad's old phone. There was a picture sent to a private chat with Dad of the same girl, in a sundress, and Scott in a polo shirt, apparently both on leave. An almost ten years younger Scott was smiling like he could power up a sun. The message to Dad read "SHE SAID YES!!!".
The date of the message indicated about a month and a half before Scott's mission to Bereznik.
Virgil sank to the floor, leaning on the wall, never going through with the knock on the locked office door.
It was such an unbelievable cliché it felt surreal. The thunderstorm, the lightning, the lash of downpour across his face. Then again, it was fitting, as his world was going crashing down around him. Yet again.
There was nothing surreal about the hard edges of Mom's ring she just gave him back.
For about six weeks he was the happiest man alive. Dad's IR project was well underway, and he was to share that dream not only with Dad and brothers, but with the love of his life. He should have known better...
The words were real too - hard and ruthless. About Dad yanking his leash, and expecting nothing but dutiful following in his footsteps and his vision, concealed by his looming shadow, and giving up what they both dreamed about and worked so hard for - test flights, command ranks, career in service.
The echo came back to him often, in one dark hour or another, after his world shattered to pieces yet another time.
Dad voiced his reservations clearly, but did agree to give him Mom's ring. "When you know, you know". Wasn't it how he and Mom got married?
It WAS too soon, they WERE too young, and frateenization within a unit WAS an issue, but with IR lifting off that wasn't to be a problem, once he told her the full scale of the classified project. He should have known better...
He last remembered the ring yanked off his neck with the dogtags chain by a smirking Berezniki guard.
He put up a hell of a fight for that and was beaten within an inch of his life. The first time.
Next time he found it, inexplicably, in Dad's safe on the island, after the search for Zero-X was called off. He meant to ask Kyrano, as he wasn't conscious or coherent enough for the extraction op, or for months after, but the man never returned his calls anymore, sending in a resignation after half a year of following leads on the Hood.
There wasn't much room in his mind or hours in his days to give it more thought for years after. Or more pieces for his heart to break into. He should have known better.
And now she was getting married. To someone bright and promising, changing the world for the better, who wasn't him. The story of his life!
He should have known better as well.
The sound of glass shattering against the wall and a visceral scream finally sent Virgil in, wild-eyed, breaking past the lock.
John lifted an eyebrow in a perfect quizzical arch, putting the tablet down, as the "wedding party" poured, or rather, limped into the lounge.
Gordon's tuxedo sleeve was torn clear off, his bowtie, undone, served as a makeshift tourniquet. Parker sported cuts, bruises and a glorious shiner. Penelope's elaborate updo was in disarray, one heel of a golden pump broken. Kayo's slip dress hem was torn, exposing a garter holster.
As John hurried to the kitchen for the first aid kit, he heard her hiss something to the effect of "You should have seen the other guys".
The villa was quiet. Grandma had Alan on the mainland for the weekend. Virgil chased Scott up the volcano. There was a good chance biggest brother and his stormy mood was best quarantined at the Round House for the rest of the day.
John was waiting in the lounge for the fallout, one way or another. He wasn't quite prepared for the sight on display, handing out ice packs.
Gordon hissed too and bit off a curse, as John set about cleaning the bullet graze on his arm.
"Pen, do all your friends whip out a standard issue gun at the altar and read the groom Miranda rights instead of vows?"
Lady Penelope was busy trying to look poised while breaking the second heel off a designer pump, to make them even.
"It was a deep undercover mission to round up a drug and slave trafficking ring. A destination wedding was a most fortunate venue for the occasion."
Kayo looked up from the kitchen isle at that, not pausing to stop extracting a considerable arsenal of throw-knives from her bodice.
"Looks like the Fischler brothers were bankrolled by mafia. The crazy inventions AND the World Senate election. In exchange for some... perks."
Kayo snorted and went back to her inventory of weapons.
Gordon perked up as the anesthetic cream kicked in and forgot to NOT wave the injured hand around to assist his narrative.
"It was actually kinda cool! The bride barked out "Hands up!" instead of "I do"! The bridesmaids all dropped their bouquets and brandished guns. The bridal party were all Organized Crime and Counterterrorism. Well, and us... A little  heads up wouldn't have hurt, Penny. Then all hell broke loose. Rose petals and confetti everywhere. You should have seen Fischler's face!"
Gordon was nearly flailing with excitement, so John's hands pushed him mildly back into the seat. Turquoise eyes found Penelope's line of sight, studiously avoiding Kayo:
"So... no wedding?"
"No wedding indeed."
Up on the Tracy Volcano Virgil's comm vibrated, switched to silent mode hours ago. John's message read "No wedding."
Virgil exhaled a sigh, but didn't yet know how to break the subject with a brother, seated next to him on the sun-warmed boulder, overlooking the ocean. Blue eyes were fixed on a point far away in the distance, or maybe far away in the past, Scott still wouldn't talk about. 
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not-that-syndrigast · 1 month
What championship is more important?
In F1, every season there are two titles teams and drivers compete for; the World Drivers Championship (WDC) and the World Constructors Championship (WCC). Many fans focus on the WDC, but we need to talk about the fact that the WCC is more important which is why teams focus on it.
The easiest way to explain why the WCC is more important is by looking at the prizes you get for winning the titles; for the WDC your name gets engraved in the WDC trophy and you get to call yourself world champion. You can get a copy of the trophy, but you don’t even get the real thing, let alone money. Obviously fame and honor is great for the driver, but that does not pay for next year's car. That does the WCC. For winning the WCC, RedBull won an estimated $140 million in the 2023 season. For the record, the cost cap is at $135 million. For a big team like RedBull, it’s not necessarily needed but it's obviously a great help and makes the next season for the team easier.
RedBull is only one side of the coin though, because it becomes more interesting when you look at smaller teams. Every single team gets money at the end of the season, depending on where they finished in the constructors championship. 
A more interesting example is Haas. In 2023, they finished tenth in the championship standings and only got $60 million, not even half the money they could use for the cost cap. Obviously, on top of that come sponsors and investments, but for teams it’s in strong favor to just get the financial funds for the next season. A team like Haas is aware that they barely have a shot at the WCC, but even ninth place got $7 million more, for that reason, teams try their hardest to get points.
This is a thing that became especially apparent in Hungary, for me. Many people complained about McLaren not supporting Norris when he is the one that has a shot at the championship, but as mentioned, it’s only a shot. McLaren would obviously also like to get the WDC, but this year it would still take quite a bit for Norris to win it, while the WCC is in closer reach. If McLaren gets the WCC this year, they have a better chance at getting both championships next year. 
Many people forget that F1 is not a spec series and was never supposed to be. It’s not just a racing competition but also a construction competition. F1 has strict rules, but Adrian Newey, the arguably best known race engineer by far has said it himself that you don’t win F1 by building a car along the rules and regulations, but by finding loopholes, exploiting them and showing off what you can do. Look at Brawn GP, even if they lacked funds in comparison to other teams,they had to show their engineering knowledge and would not have won if they had simply followed the rules
This is also the reason why I think F1 should never introduce the reverse grid, it would falsify things like the constructors championship. Overtaking isn’t as easy as it is in the lower series with smaller cars, it would be unfair to punish a team for building the fastest car, while in F2/F3, the reverse grid is so that the fastest drivers can also show their overtaking talents, something F1 drivers do not need.
But like always, I'd like to know what other people think about this. Should the WDC also get official prize money? I’d be happy about any comments sharing their opinions and thoughts.
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