#sergeant vega
All the places I've been and things I've seen
A million stories that made up a million shattered dreams
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The faces of people I'll never see again
And I can't seem to find my way home
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earwig5 · 3 months
Craig Boone you were not destined to be a war criminal in the mojave wasteland… you were put on this earth to have a delicious backyard barbecue
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dykedvonte · 6 months
It's a shame that Sergeant Bitter-Root and Manny/Boone have never met cause those conversations would be fucking rough
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donfadrique · 2 months
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notentirelycertain · 7 months
I remade the drawing of Bitter Root (fnv) and it’s a little better, but I think I’ll still work on it. :)
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evilhorse · 1 year
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It is Zorro!
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gecko-in-a-can · 2 years
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delafiseaseses · 5 months
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
Fallout Casting for Megumi Fushiguccicakes for Jujutsu Kaisen Abridged react fic
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"I like gigantic, heaving sophistication. Sopping wet tenderness! And a big! Fat!! Gaping sense of compassion!!!" - Megumi Fushiguro, Episode 5 JJK Abridged (by The Schmuck Squad).
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Reasons To Why I Believe These Characters Should Be Casted listed below the cut:
Katja (a scavenger who joins Elrand on his journey in Fallout simply because he asked, leaving the Followers of the Apocalypse which she had tagged along with, is enthusiastic with her blades) -> She's got the sarcasm. I feel it in my bones.
Finidy Mona (my Fallout 2 Chosen One OC, faceclaim Jessica Alba) -> She looks for personality in a relationship and not to mention got skills that make her one of the strongest characters (if only she applied those skills though).
Alph Dolen (my Fallout 3 Lone Wanderer OC, faceclaim Sam Blackensee) -> He's got daddy issues.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy/"Cass" (a caravan owner from Fallout New Vegas before the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan worked together to destroy it, Cass drunk her sorrows away at an NCR Mojave outpost, until Ryder showed up to get her contract, though managed to barter her way into getting Cass to give up her caravan name but ensuring she still gets the opportunity to start again. Impressed, Cass journeys with Ryder to New Vegas to find Benny, and Ryder helps her find justice and learn to live. Has a heart condition inherited by her father, John Cassidy) -> Cass has a father who abandoned her, like Toji did to Megumi, and her sarcasm bites.
Danse (from Fallout 4, a loyal Paladin in Maxson's chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, helps Nate get onboard the Prydwen and meet Maxson, a capable ally who warms up to Nate, despite his xenophobic beliefs, has a crisis after finding out his entire life has been a lie when discovering he was a synth the whole time and the group who gave him purpose have turned their back on him. Nate though doesn't give up on him and gets him out of the BoS without being killed, and gives him a place amongst the Minutemen, which Danse was greatly appreciative and grateful for. It's a long journey, but he is letting go of the hatred he had towards others and himself) -> Danse's sarcasm would probably be confusing. Also man understands the importance of BROtherhood, coming from the Brotherhood of Steel. Spends more time getting stronger to avenge his teammates than looking to get hitched.
Miria (from Fallout 2, Finidy's wife after both were caught in the act by Miria's father, Grisham, causing a shotgun wedding, and throughout their journey together they become closer and Miria becomes a rather cool fighter, unlike in canon but the mods are impressive) -> Perhaps the least "Megumi" like person here, but she would call someone out for being stupid probably (she's had to deal with Davin after all).
Sarah Lyons (from Fallout 3, the daughter of Elder Owyn Lyons, she leads the Lyons' Pride out into the ruins of DC to fight against the Super Mutant threat. There she happens upon Alph and Amata while they're pinned down by Super Mutant forces, and bring them both to the GNR station. Alph and Sarah get close and become good friends with each other, and supports him both when the Enclave take over Project Purity and during his ghoulification (especially when he's hunting down the Enclave remnants) -> She's badass and understands the "bro" in "Brotherhood of Steel". She also has a dad, so she's "daughter material".
Bitter-Root (from Fallout New Vegas, he was adopted by Major Dhatri after the massacre of the Great Khans at Bitter Springs, became an NCR First Recon Sergeant. Has negative views of the Great Khans) -> Not only is he "son material" as Dhatri has proven, but like how Megumi doesn't like the Zen'in Clan, Bitter-Root doesn't like the Great Khans (though he should really tone it down). His biological parents also weren't great according to him.
Kasumi Nakano (a girl who ran away from home in the Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC after believing that she may be a synth, she makes her way to Acadia where DiMA took her in, and is the reason Nate and Nick go to the island in the first place. By helping Kasumi come to terms with her assumed synthhood, this is in turn helps him with his own struggles of humanity and synthhood) -> Kasumi's origins are unknown to herself as Megumi's is to him. Both I guess want to reject that side of themselves (Kasumi and her possible synth origins and Megumi's ties to the Zen'in clan)?
Davin (from Fallout 2, the son of Grisham and brother to Miria, after the latter joins Finidy on her journey after marriage, Grisham forces Davin to do something useful with his life, and Davin joins the Enclave going about. Eventually, he helps Finidy and her entourage get inside the oilrig base and guide them through it as well) -> Talented but lazy with his full potential.
Follows-Chalk (a Dead Horses' scout-in-training from the Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC, Follows-Chalk accompanies Ryder through the Zion valley and helps her meet Joshua Graham) -> Has a reluctant role model in Joshua Graham (just like Megumi kind of has a reluctant role model in Gojo though from different POV).
Remember, for the alternative option, REBLOG and put in the tags WHO else from the Fallout franchise should be Abridged!Megumi and WHY you think they'd better suit the role.
I've also created and will continue to update (until the polling is done) a Master List for the poll results of the casted winners. You can find it right here.
You can find my Fallout OC profiles Master List right here, which also includes a link to the original post where I pitched my react fic idea. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, chow!
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year
Fallout: New Vegas: Cannibal Johnson
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“He was a drill instructor I knew. He was also the meanest bastard I've ever known. Once, he caught this private out of uniform and old Dornan went off on the most ear-blistering rant known to man. It was inspiring.”
- Cannibal Johnson on Sergeant Dornan, Fallout: New Vegas
The title of “Cannibal” came from after he cut out a raider's heart and took a bite out of it to distract the raider's buddies and gain an upper hand. You can read more about Cannibal Johnson here:
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onlygot20mins · 1 year
I need caffeine to get me though this week, so here is--
Diego with Coffee:
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Qualifying Poll - Fallout Franchise
Which one would you most like to see in the tournament?
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So we can all agree that Big Iron is the theme for Fallout New Vegas
I am here to say that Way Back Home is the theme for Fallout 3
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jingle-jangle-spurs · 2 years
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aragarna · 1 year
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As soon as I can, I'm going to join forces with Zorro! - Guy Williams and Henry Calvin as don Diego and Sergeant Garcia (Zorro, 1957, 1x10)
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