#separate post of the full quality art w/o text coming soon
sidhedust · 1 year
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Character Intro #2
Nikolao, Godchild of the Market Lord
Age: 13
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Maoli
Nationality: Keonian, but likes to call himself a "fairylandian," a label that makes sense to only him, really.
Quote: "Don't you DARE pity me! You can take your charity and shove it where the sun don't shine! I'll make my own way off the streets, thank you."
Nikolao is a young teenaged boy that isn't afraid to get a little dirty to get some food and drink. Alongside the lord of the market, his fairy godmother, he carves out a life for himself as he hunts for jobs to get off of the streets. Despite the many cruel rejections from jobs and acts of disgust directed his way by market goers, he is determined to get out from under the Lord of the Market's fur and into the world of working men and women.
It would seem that he plays a key role in the Lord of the Market's desired favor in turn for something she did for Luana many years ago. It is this favor Luana owes to the Lord of the Market, and his own role in this favor that changes his life in ways he didn't know was possible.
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