#sendai geisha
maigeiko · 2 years
Geisha exist all over Japan...
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Geisha exist all around Japan, not only in Kyoto!
Notes: -> If a city/district is crossed out, that means the Hanamachi is defunct. -> If there is no city listed under a prefecture name, that means I don’t know of any cities in that prefecture that have or had Hanamachi -> Hyperlinks lead to entries on this blog tagged with that specific city -> The content you see here is undergoing changes, since there is always a possibility that I find more informations 1: Hokkaido region 1. Hokkaido Asahikawa 旭川 Hakodate 函館 (Yunokawa onsen) Muroran 室蘭 Otaru 小樽 Sapporo 札幌 2-7: Tohoku region 2. Aomori Aomori (Asamushi onsen 浅虫温温泉) Hachinohe 八戸 3. Iwate Hanamaki onsen 花巻温泉 Oshu (Isawa onsen 石和温泉) Kamaishi 釜石 Morioka 盛岡 4. Miyagi Sendai 仙台 5. Akita Akita 秋田 Yuzawa 湯沢 6. Yamagata Sakata 酒田 Tsuruoka 鶴岡 Yamagata 山形 7. Fukushima Aizuwakamatsu 会津若松 (Higashiyama onsen) Fukushima 福島 Nihonmatsu 二本松 (Dake onsen) 8-14: Kanto region 8. Ibaraki Mito 水戸 9. Tochigi Nasu onsen 那須温泉 Oyama 大山 Utsunomiya 宇都宮 10. Gunma Ikaho 伊香保 Kusatsu 草津 Maebashi 前橋 Minakami 水上 Sarugakyo onsen 猿ヶ京温泉 Takasaki 高崎 11. Saitama 12. Chiba Kisarazu 木更津 13. Tokyo Rokkagai: Akasaka 赤坂 Asakusa 浅草 Kagurazaka 神楽坂 Mukojima 向島 Shinbashi 新橋 Yoshi-cho 芳町 Outside the Rokkagai: Hachioji 八王子 Maruyama-cho 円山町 Otsuka 大塚 Shinagawa (Oi 大井/Omori 大森) - formerly known as Konnyaku-jima 蒟蒻島 Famous Hanamachi: Fukagawa 深川 Yanagibashi 矢作橋 Yushima tenjin 湯島天神 Other Hanamachi: Araki-cho 荒木町 Dogenzaka 道玄坂 Fujimi-cho 富士見町 Gotanda 五反田 Hakusan 白山 Himono-cho 檜物町 Kobusho 講武所 Nihonbashi 日本橋 Shiba 芝 Shibaura 芝浦 Shintomi-cho 新富町 Shitaya 下谷 Yoshiwara 吉原 14. Kanagawa Atsugi 厚木 (Iiyama onsen) Hakone 箱根 Kamakura 鎌倉 Yokohama 横浜 Yugawara onsen 湯河原温泉 15-23: Chubu region 15. Niigata Nagaoka Onsen 長岡温泉 Niigata 新潟 Shibata 新発田 (Tsukioka onsen 月岡温泉 ) Jôetsu (Takada 高田) Yuzawa 湯沢 16. Toyama Himi 氷見 Asahi 朝日 (Tomari-cho) 17. Ishikawa Kanazawa 金沢 Kaga (Yamanaka onsen 山中温泉) Katayamazu Onsen 片山津温泉 18. Fukui Awara Onsen 芦原 温泉 Fukui 福井 Obama 小浜 19. Yamanishi Kofu 甲府 20. Nagano Kamiyamada togura 上山田戸倉 Suwa (Kamisuwa Onsen 上諏訪)  Yudanaka Onsen 湯田中温泉 21. Gifu Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gifu 岐阜 Takayama 高山 22. Shizuoka Atami 熱海 Fujinomia 富士宮 Hamamatsu 浜松 Ito Onsen 伊東 Izunokuni (Izunagaoka Onsen 伊豆長岡) Shimoda 下田 (Izushimoda Onsen) Shizuoka 静岡 23. Aichi Anjo 安城 Gamagori 蒲郡 (Mitani Onsen) Hotei 布袋 Inuyama 犬山 Kochino 古知野 Kônan 江南 Nagoya 名古屋 Toyota (Asuke 足助) 24-30: Kansai region 24. Mie 25. Shiga Hikone 彦桹 Otsu 大津 26. Kyoto Kyoto 27. Osaka Osaka 大阪 Imasato 今里 28. Hyogo Arima Onsen 有馬温泉 Kinosaki 城崎 Kobe 神戸 29. Nara Nara 奈良 30. Wakayama Shingu 新宮 Shirahama 白浜 Wakayama 和歌山 31-35: Chûgoku 31. Tottori 32. Shimane Matsue 松江 (Tamatsukuri onsen 玉造温泉) 33. Okayama Obara 小原 Okayama 岡山 34. Hiroshima 35. Yamaguchi 36-39: Shikoku region 36. Tokushima Komatsushima 小松島 Tokushima 徳島 37. Kagawa Kotohira 琴平 Takamatsu 高松 38. Ehime Matsuyama (Dogo onsen 道後温泉) 39. Kochi Kochi 高知 40-47 Kyushu region 40. Fukuoka Fukuoka 福岡 Kurume 久留米 Tenjin-ka 天神下 41. Saga Takeo 武雄 Ureshino Onsen 嬉野 (tag exists but tumblr doesn’t recognise it - therefore a “search” link) 42. Nagasaki Nagasaki 長崎 43. Kumamoto Kumamoto 熊本 44. Oita Beppu onsen 別府 45. Miyazaki 46. Kagoshima Kagoshima 鹿児島 47. Okinawa
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redsamuraiii · 4 months
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After playing Streets of Rage 4, I hope they'll make a new Super Shinobi game too, maybe titled : Return of the Shinobi.
As much as I love Ghost of Tsushima and Assassin's Creed, I love an retro type of games which reminds me of old school SEGA games.
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What I love about Streets of Rage 4 is that it is something familiar with a touch of nostalgia of the original but new and refreshing.
Imagine if they were to do the same with Super Shinobi, with similar art style and same music composer as the original.
But this time it takes place across all prefectures of Japan instead of going from Japan to America.
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Joe Musashi, the legendary Shinobi returns beginning his journey from Aomori Prefecture all the way down to Kyushu.
So gamers feel like they are traveling across Japan themselves, fighting various villains against the familiar backdrops.
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First mission starts of at Aomori Castle where the villain ninja, Neo Zeed, attacked his dojo, killed his master and kidnapped his fiancee.
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Then he goes to Sendai, the city of Date Masamune, where he fought with his descendant who sides with the villainous ninja.
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Then he goes further down to other prefectures, eventually going to Kansai where he fights female ninjas at Dotonbori, Osaka.
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Then he goes Nara prefecture to fight a Onna Bugeisha, a female Samurai.
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Then the bamboo forest of Kyoto to fight a Yokai disguised as a Miko or Shrine Maiden or Gion to fight a Yokai disguised as a Geisha.
Then he proceed to other places like Aizu, Tokyo, Hikone, Lake Biwa, Mount Koya, Kobe, Chinatown, Himeji, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc.
Each prefecture with its own unique songs, theme, villains, backdrops and history.
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The final stage is at the city of Fukuoka, going up the high rise building to confront the Neo Zeed himself.
Maybe Neo Zeed is a descendant of a Samurai warlord who wants revenge against the Shinobi's clan since the Sengoku Jidai.
I'm surprised that no game studio have made this by now. There's a lot of potential to develop to get both new and existing fans.
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harvardwang · 1 year
H:王羽佳是中國鋼琴家,「歷史上第一次有人在一個晚上,完成拉赫曼尼諾夫(Sergei Rachmaninoff)五部作品的演出,可謂空前絕後。」。202304
「中國鋼琴家王羽佳一戰成名 踩5吋高跟鞋演奏4個半鐘 指揮也拜服」這是歷史上第一次有人在一個晚上,完成拉赫曼尼諾夫(Sergei Rachmaninoff)五部作品的演出,可謂空前絕後。美國卡內基音樂廳(Carnegie Hall)內。
王羽佳,女,北京人,中國鋼琴家。 維基百科
出生資訊: 1987 年 2 月 10 日(36歲),中國北京
父母: 翟傑明, 王建國
居住地: 美國紐約
演奏樂器: 鋼琴
王羽佳(英語:Yuja Wang,1987年2月10日—),女,北京人,中國鋼琴家。
快速預覽 王羽佳, 音樂家 ...
王羽佳在2021年西班牙聖塞巴斯蒂安音樂雙周(西班牙語:Quincena Musical de San Sebastián)上
1987年生於中國北京的一個音樂家庭,父親王建國是打擊樂演奏家,母親翟傑明是舞蹈老師。她自六歲起習琴,後在中央音樂學院學習[1]。1999年,王羽佳作為晨間音樂橋國際音樂節(英語:Morningside Music Bridge International Music Festival)的交流生來到加拿大卡加利的皇家山學院,並隨後就讀於皇家山音樂學院,她於2001年獲首屆仙台國際音樂大賽(英語:Sendai International Music Competition)鋼琴組季軍及評委會特別獎[2],2002年被美國柯蒂斯音樂學院錄取,師從鋼琴教育家加里·格拉夫曼。
2005年9月11日,王羽佳獲得2006年吉爾默年輕藝術家大獎(英語:Gilmore Artist Award)(Gilmore Young Artist Award)。該獎頒給二十三歲以下的優秀鋼琴家,獎金一萬五千美元。獲獎者可在吉爾默音樂節上演出,並會有作曲家專門為之創作一首作品。
2009年1月與德意志留聲機公司(DG)簽下五張唱片的合約。同年4月20日推出的首張個人專輯《奏鳴曲與練習曲》(Sonatas & Etudes)獲提名第52屆格林美獎古典樂最佳器樂獨奏(無管弦樂伴奏)[3]。該專輯中收錄了炫技版的莫札特「土耳其進行曲」,是為亮點。
王羽佳在新一代華人鋼琴家中以技巧高超著稱,演奏風格大氣而硬朗。她亦擁有與眾不同的性格,曾在其私人Facebook頁面上自稱「an egocentric, shameless prima donna...have the possibility of turning to a geisha」(自我中心��不知廉恥的傲嬌女王……有成為藝伎的潛質)。2010年5月30日在德國巴登-巴登演出結束後的記者會上,有人問「古典音樂家以外,誰對你影響最大?」王羽佳回答:「Lady Gaga」[4]。
2009:奏鳴曲與練習曲(Sonatas & Etudes)[9]
2009:門德爾松:第一鋼琴協奏曲;韋爾比耶音樂節管弦樂團(日語:ヴェルビエ祝祭管弦楽団)(庫爾特·馬蘇爾指揮) - 韋爾比耶音樂節現場錄音, 瑞士[10]
2009:普羅科菲耶夫:第三鋼琴協奏曲;琉森音樂節管弦樂團(克勞迪奧·阿巴多指揮) - 琉森音樂節現場錄音, 瑞士[11]
2010:舒伯特、 舒曼、 斯克里亞賓、 普羅科菲耶夫 - 韋爾比耶音樂節現場錄音,瑞士[14]
2011:拉赫瑪尼諾夫:第二鋼琴協奏曲 & 帕格尼尼主題狂想曲;馬勒室內樂團(英語:Mahler Chamber Orchestra)(克勞迪奧·阿巴多指揮) - 費拉拉, 意大利[15]
2011:拉赫瑪尼諾夫 第二鋼琴協奏曲;韋爾比耶音樂節管弦樂團,尤里·捷米爾卡諾夫指揮 - 韋爾比耶音樂節現場錄音, 瑞士[16]
2014:拉赫瑪尼諾夫:第三鋼琴協奏曲 & 普羅科菲耶夫:第二鋼琴協奏曲;西蒙·玻利瓦交響樂團(古斯塔沃·杜達美指揮) - 卡拉卡斯現場錄音, 委內瑞拉[18]
2015:莫里斯·拉威爾:管弦樂全集;蘇黎世音樂廳管弦樂團(利昂內爾·布蘭吉耶(英語:Lionel Bringuier)指揮)[20]
2017:亞洲演出;柏林愛樂樂團,(西蒙·拉特爾指揮) - 武漢現場錄音, 中國[21]
2018:柏林獨奏會(The Berlin Recital) - 柏林,德國[22]
2018:凡爾賽宮和平音樂會;維也納愛樂樂團(弗朗茲·威爾瑟-莫斯特指揮) - 凡爾賽宮現場錄音, 法國[23]
2019:藍色時光(Blue Hour),單簧管:安德烈亞斯·奧滕塞姆(英語:Andreas Ottensamer)[24]
2019:夏夜音樂會(英語:Summer Night Concert Schönbrunn) - 格什溫:藍色狂想曲;維也納愛樂樂團(古斯塔沃·杜達美指揮) - 美泉宮夏夜音樂會現場錄音,奧地利[25]
2019:弗蘭克、 肖邦,大提琴:葛替耶爾·卡普頌[26]
2020:拉赫瑪尼諾夫:大提琴奏鳴曲, Op. 19(英語:Cello Sonata (Rachmaninoff));大提琴:林恩·哈瑞爾 - 韋爾比耶音樂節現場錄音, 瑞士,2008[28]
2006:吉爾默青年藝術家(英語:Gilmore Artist Award)
2010:艾弗里·費舍職業獎(英語:Avery Fisher Career Grant)[29][30]
2017:《音樂美國(英語:Musical America)》藝術家[32]
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shihlun · 2 years
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日本仙臺 M. Yendo, Sendai Nippon.
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zukalations · 6 years
Mori Keaki - 120% Darling: Part 2 Chapter 1 - Dear My Family
Mori Keaki published this essay book the month before her retirement as Top Star of Snow Troupe. It is mainly a memoir of her personal journey in Takarazuka, as well as her early life. Her writing/formatting style is kind of unique, and I tried to reproduce or reflect it as much as possible. 120% Darling has around 24 chapters, and I plan to post one every Friday.
It’s a really lovely book, that ended up making me cry many times. I hope you enjoy it!
For a table of contents with links to all the chapters, go here.
Dear My Family
Mori Keaki will soon be bidding farewell to Takarazuka, but…
How and why did I end up here, in the first place!?
So, since I have this chance, I would like to look back clearly on my life before Takarazuka.
During my career, at various different interviews, a normal question to hear was ‘What was your motivation to take the Takarazuka entrance exam?’, or, ‘When you were a child, did you have the dream of being on TV or on stage?’ and that sort of thing.
In a normal interview, the time I have to answer the questions is short, and then it will be edited down to only about 2 lines for publication…
But now,  this time I can take as much time to talk about it as I please!! You see. Hahaha…
Ah...earlier, I mentioned it just briefly, but, I was born in Sendai as the second daughter to a policeman father, and a very typical housewife mother.
I had one older sister.
Also, due to a family situation, I was raised from age 2 to age 8 at my grandmother’s house, in Kogawa.
I know that’s rather sudden to bring up.
Actually, my grandmother’s household had no successor, so, to explain briefly, I was like her foster daughter, and I lived at my grandmother’s house until my second year of primary school. (Although, honestly, I just did as I pleased a lot of the time. Haha!!)
I became very close with my grandmother over that time, so it’s not at aaaaaall like any of those tearjerker stories you’ve seen in old shojo manga.
So, in other words, even though I was a second child, for a while, my life was just as if I was an only child.
That’s what I wanted to say.
And, after a while, luckily, my grandmother found another heir for her household, and I returned to my father and mother, but…
When I think now, if I had remained in my grandmother’s house like that,
I realize:
‘Oh… The ‘me’ now wouldn’t exist…’
This is another,
Of life’s ‘turning points’...I guess?
Ah, sorry.
I got a bit caught up in my thoughts.
I’ll go back to the story now.
So, I returned to Sendai, but I had been raised as an only child,
And at that, by my grandmother!!
And on the other hand, my older sister had been like an only child herself for a long time while I was gone.
So when suddenly ‘your little sister is back!!’...
It would be only natural at the time for my older sister to have thought ‘Why!?’ and been very upset.
However, but, however…
As for me, since I had been away from my parents for so long, of course I would want to get back all the affection I had missed out on all at once, right!?
So due to all that, for a bit, me and my sister were in a bit of a struggle (!?) over our parents’ affections.
But, despite all that we were sisters!!
This ‘relation’ thing is really something.
You can’t accept or deny a blood relationship, it just is.
Probably you understand how this sort of thing is…
In any case, since we had both experienced being ‘only children’ for such a long time, did we have many leftover effects of that, and address each other as ‘you’...?
Nooope… Even now I think rather than older and younger sister, our relationship is even closer, more like ‘best friends forever’.
Actually, my older sister has a big role in me taking the Takarazuka entrance exam. But I’ll write more on that a little later.
First, I have an announcement.
I respect my dad!! I love my dad!!
If you think of a policeman, do you have the image of somebody really brusque and stubborn? Something like a man who would relentlessly scold and yell at even his own daughter if she did something wrong…
Maybe that’s the fault of movies and TV dramas and men’s comic books…
But I suppose it’s possible that there are some people like that out of all the multitudes of policemen there are in all of Japan.
In any case, what I’m trying to say that people come in all different types, and there are all different kinds of fathers.
And then, there’s my dad.
Because of his work, he’s a very diligent person.
But, it’s not as if he’s a totally strict and rigid individual.
Surprisingly, he originally wanted to be a rakugo performer!! According to what I’ve heard, at events like police banquets he would sing and dance…he was an amazing performer, it seems. (I never observed this in person, but I hope you will take it as the truth...he retired from the police due to his age, so there aren’t any opportunities to see this for myself now…)
But, he’s so…
Unique, and fun, and warm, and most of all, kind!!
And now I’m thinking ‘It’s probably wrong to boast about your own father so much.’
The foundation of the ideal man that Mori Keaki performed,
Was probably my father…
I’ve only now started to think that.
My dad…
He still calls me ‘Little Miko’ even now. Since my real name is ‘Kumiko’...
And he would diligently come to see all my performances in Takarazuka, and make sure to tell me what he thought about them.
For example, during The 47 Ronin - Fall with the Flowers, Fall with the Snow,
In that show, there is a scene where, in order to trick Lord Kira and his people, Oishi Kuranosuke is spending his days in debauchery in Shumokumachi.
So, when my dad saw that.
He said ‘You looked like you were having so much fun fooling around with those geisha… Good going!’
“He~y, wait a second. Are you thinking of me as your son now!?”
No, actually, my dad...
When he sees me performing on stage, apparently he gets under the impression that I actually am a man.
Speaking of that, recently he’s been strangely happy and saying things like ‘my daughter is about to come back’.
So, while my father was so straightforward and open-hearted and understanding with his daughter, when I hear my friends or acquaintances talking, there seem to be a lot of people who say ‘My mother, well...she just doesn’t talk to my father much...;’
“Huh… So is that what it’s usually like… Maybe my house was a little out of the ordinary.”
I started to think that.
So, I should talk about my mother.
She is a PERFECT housewife!!
Everything to do with running the house is totally perfect!! Although it might be considered ‘women’s work’, there’s nothing she can’t do… She’s such an amazing person to me!! (This is a secret, but at times I’ve wished I had her for a wife)
Hmm, so, the daughter of this father and mother, the second girl in this family, ‘Little Miko’...
What kind of child was she!?
Time to investigate ‘Mori Keaki’s roots!
Or something…
Well, let’s move on, so I don’t set up too much at the start.
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lostinyourears · 5 years
Arena Mexico Super Friday Report! 08/09/2019
Oro Jr. & Magnus vs. Nitro & Sangre Azteca
Who’s who?
Oro in gold/black & Magnus in pink.
Nitro in fuzzy mohawk & Azteca in azteca styles great red/black.
How’s the match?
Good, but nothing too surprising here. Better opening match happened Tuesday Night with hungrier guys. 
Mephisto, Ephesto & Okumura vs. Atlantis Jr., Titan & Dulce Gardina
Who’s who?
Mephisto in grin mask, Ephesto in name shirt & Okumura in orange.
Atlantis in white mask, Titan in silver mask & Dulce in pink, maskless. 
How’s the match?
Very good, it’s hard not to enjoy this tecnico team of upstarts. Titan being the biggest star with the other two having debut in CMLL this year, Dulce just a month or two ago. The rudo team are good, Okumura is a strange third, but perhaps Luciferno wasn’t needed tonight.
Seeding Battle Royal
Luchadora Universal Tournament, Block B
Who’s who?
Dalys - The last person to hold the CMLL World Women's title before losing it to Marcela who was in last week's block, also wife of legend Negro Casas. Dalys is one of the pillars of the division alongside Marcela/Amapola/Sugehit. Wearing red/blue two piece an attire that references her birthplace of Panama.
Lluvia - likes bodysocks. Despite being around for a decade, she hasn't achieved much outside of unmasking La Magnifica.Wearing sparkly black/silver bodysuit. 
Silueta - Again, hasn't done too much in CMLL, despite being around sind 2006ish. Lost her mask to Zeuxis in 2010. Pink hair, teal attire.
Comandante - Los Ingobernables valet, was added to the group when Terrible joined, as she has been his valet for ages. No way she wins, she will be wearing cargo pants and no mask. 
Mystique - Indie luchadora, dresses a bit like a ninja and a geisha had a hybrid job. She joined the CMLL roster within the last year. Wearing all red.
Stephanie Vaquer - On and off indie luchadora coming back to CMLL for this tournament. Married to luchador Ricky Marvin. Born in Chile. Wearing black/blue, maskless.
Jarochita - Worked in AAA originally, joined Lucha Libre Elite in 2016(the one and only year that place acted as an NXT like for CMLL) before coming to CMLL proper where she has been since. Hasn't done too much in that time, but it's only 3ish years. Has worked in Japan too, including Sendai girls. Red hair, masked wearing black.
Skadi - Heavy Set girl, daughter of Marcela who was in last weeks block. Probably the only woman here who can match or surpass Dalys in strength. Bigger girl in grey/black bodysuit.
Reyna Isis - Arabian themed luchadora with a mouth covering facemask. Has worked Japan, mostly REINA a promotion CMLL use to have a partnership with.  Wearing flesh colored 2 piece and black veil.
Magnifica - A luchadora who first popped up as a winner of a 2011 AAA tournament, but that lead no where. Has been independent since, but may have just signed with CMLL to be part of this tournament. Mostly known for being a lucha de apuestas jobber, having lost 3 and won 0. Wearing black and is maskless. 
How’s the match?
Very good, overall I don’t think it lived up to last weeks. Think last week had the more interesting people in it. While some of these people are just coming back and didn’t have great runs last time they were in CMLL. This one also suffers from a pretty predictable outcome too. Hopefully the finals are great, but Dalys isn’t the most exciting finalist. 
Sanson, Cuatrero & Negro Casas vs. Valiente, Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja
Who’s who?
Sanson/Cuatrero in black/white with the latter having horseshoes on his gear and Negro Casas maskless in plain black.
Valiente the only masked tecnico, while Oro is in white and Roja in red.
How’s the match?
Great, who doesn’t want to see Cuatrero/Sanson teaming with Negro Casas? Valiente too is always a perfect 3rd man and it showed here. Great match for Friday night. Forastero going off to singles feuds is a little strange. It seems his current gimmick is picking fights he can’t win. Ending to this match though continues to prove that Cuatrero doesn’t have many fights he can’t win. Hope he defends his belt again soon.
Ultimo Guerrero(c) vs. Ciber The Main Man for the CMLL World Heavyweight Championship
Who’s who?
Ultimo in red and Ciber in black.
How’s the match?
Good, it is what it is. They are testing the waters for Anniversary and the water is tepid. Match wasn’t god awful by any means, but won’t go down as a great title match. Ultimo pulled out some cool spots, but Ciber never looked that great. Maybe he should adopt a dive, or if this became no DQ perhaps some heaters would help Ciber out. Cl4n? Still not too excited for this feud, Ultimo had a lukewarm feud with Cl4n last year too for the trios titles.  
Volador Jr., Dragon Lee & Diamante Azul vs. Gran Guerrero, Euforia & Forastero
Who’s who?
Volador maskless in white, Lee in white masked & Azul in blue.
Gran/Euforia both in red with Euforia in full pants & Forastero in black/gold.
How’s the match?
Ehhh lots or great talents, but not a good match. Just too obvious of a set up match that ends too quickly. Forastero next week will be taking on Volador Jr. one on one. Hopefully this whatever match leads to that great match and not that thrashing of Forastero at the altar of Volador Jr. We will see next week, could lead to a title match that Forastero loses like what happened with Barbaro earlier this year.
Highlights :
Arena Mexico New Values 08/09/2019
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jeepcoop · 7 years
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A North-Eastern Japanese Army Command Sergeant Major dressed in traditional Geisha attire beat all of her Japanese and US arm wrestling opponents with a smile bringing her team to victory at the end of the tournament. (at Sendai)
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loadedfilms · 7 years
“Magic Kimono” Released on June 24 2017 in Tokyo!
弊社がプロデュースした映画『ふたりの旅路』 が6月24日(土)から渋谷・ユーロスペース、有楽町・丸の内TOEI他にて全国順次公開!
We are pleased to announce that Loaded Films’ first feature co-production “Magic Kimono” (”Futari no Tabiji”) will be released in cinemas this Saturday June 24th in Shibuya (Eurospace) and Ginza (Marunouchi TOEI). The film stars Kaori Momoi (”Ghost in the Shell,” “Memoirs of a Geisha”) and Issey Ogata (”Silence,” “The Sun”) and is written and directed by Maris Martinsons. 
“Magic Kimono” will also be released in Yokohama, Chiba, Utsunomiya, Osaka, Kobe (where the film’s Japan scenes are set), Nagoya, Sendai, Morioka, and Matsuyama. Check the official site for more details (Japanese only, but information on English-subtitled screenings coming soon). 
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maigeiko · 4 years
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Tohoku region Maiko: Akita (Chioka 千緒花 and Chiyori 千代鈴 2015) - Yûzawa (Kanohana 佳乃華 2018) - Aizuwakamatsu (Mai 真衣, around 2006) - Morioka (Marika まり佳 and Kikumaru 喜久丸 2019) - Sendai (Chiyosuzu 千代鈴 2018) - Sakata (Momoka, around 2017) - Yamagata (Botan ぼたん 2018). Within the Tohoku region, the prefectures Akita and Yamagata contain two cities each with two Hanamachi: Akita and Yuzawa, Sakata and Yamagata.  The Sakata Maiko are open for first-timers, tourist-friendly and offer lunch and afternoon events. It’s said that this is more the style of Furisode-san (like in Asakusa), but they call themselves Maiko, so who am I to judge.
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maigeiko · 5 years
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Geisha Kanoko かの子 from Sendai, 1908
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maigeiko · 2 years
hi, do you know what cities around Japan does Darari Obi for apprentice geisha other than Kyoto?
Hey, right now I remember Nara and Yuzawa, where Maiko only wear Darari Obi. Then, there are Gifu and Fukuoka, where the Maiko/Hangyoku wear other Obi knots too. I know there is at least 1 more city, gonna add it and possible others to this tomorrow. So watch out for an update on this topic! Edit: the other city I had thought of is Awara Onsen. Then, there are Kochi, Osaka (if there are Maiko at all) and Sendai.
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