#send more asks about this??? 😍😍 i would love to talk about this more tbh
smilebug · 1 year
Same anon as before abt pama, I can’t remember if I sent this already or chickened out but do you have any thoughts on how they shared a dorm in the games………. ?Like how that might’ve looked.. the player never got to see the inside of the dorms but like. I’m thinking about it.
huh wow yknow i never actually thought of that idea 🤔 although it WOULD make a lot of sense. tbh considering our luck with this game i think jesse would probably be paired up with petra while lukas and ivor have to dhare their own dorm, assuming they live in doubles. and im honestly not opposed to that possibility either 🥱 just because 1) i adore lukas and ivor's relationship and their silly banter 2) i think that jesse and petra's friendship wouldve been so cute and awesome if the game just handled it better, just cause they couldve been such bros and 3) it leaves the opportunity for jesse and lukas to sneak away to see each other 😁 i REALLY enjoy that idea ngl, this is what i love about fanon
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star-girl69 · 2 months
Too Sweet
Caroline (KK) Harvey x Fem!Reader
synopsis: a niche celebrity yourself, you and caroline try to keep your relationship private and secret- despite the rumors circling. but secrets come out when you’re on live.
a/n: this MIGHT be the worst thing i have ever written… anyways 😍 from this ask, i hope you all enjoy!!
Too Sweet - Hozier
warnings: reader cries like twice, i took this and ran w it lmao, hmmm like hurt/comfort, mentions of sex, kissing, the whole shabang, swearing, pretty chill but suggestive at times so lmk if i missed anything!!
“Oh, my God!” You shout, sitting up in your girlfriend’s bed, blankets slipping off of you. She groans next to you, head falling off of your shoulder and arm still around your waist.
“I was asleep,” she complains.
“Look!” You shout, shaking her slightly as you shove your phone in her face.
Caroline, your very wonderful and very sleepy girlfriend who claims naps just aren’t the same if you’re not in bed with her, blinks a few times as her eyes adjust. You unpause the Tik Tok video, and the song plays, some emotion forming in her eyes that you can’t quite name. The sound starts looping again, and you shake your phone.
“See? It’s an edit! Of me!!”
She smiles. “Oh, wow, baby. You’re really famous now, huh?” Your stomach twists as she watches the edit in total adoration, pupils blown despite her sleepy eyes. It’s just a clips of you from screen recorded lives or Tik Tok’s from someone on the team, but you can’t help but be happy anyways.
You don’t want that whole famous thing, the spotlight and the pressure- you’re just glad your girlfriend is getting the attention she deserves. She’s the most talented person you know- an Olympian, for God’s sake.
“I like this,” she smiles. “It’s cute. Send it to me.”
You laugh but send it anyways, your eyes catching on the small text that says 12 comments.
Nobody knows you and Caroline are dating. At least, the fans don’t. After Caroline started coming to fame and Laila followed, the Badgers become sort of a social media hotspot. They were all talented and hilarious- they deserved it.
You’ve only been dating Caroline for a few months, but you’d been friends with her for years before that- always teetering on the edge of something more. In fact, the first time you were ever brought up was people questioning who you were in the background of lives- questioning if you were dating someone on the team.
Caroline did love her fans a lot, she often ranted about how cool is was being able to share her life with people and how amazing it was to be an inspiration to so many young girls who feel discriminated in sports, but the talk of introducing you to them hasn’t quite come up yet.
Maybe you’re still in the honeymoon phase. Maybe all the people who deserve to know- your friends and family- are the people who already know.
user-1 ok who tf is she. seriously like i love her but WHO
user-2 @/user-1 her name is y/n!! she doesn’t play for the badgers but she’s friends w all of them and hangs out w them a lot
user-1 i heard a rumor she’s dating kk… i would actually go crazy.
user-4 ok she’s pretty but like kk and i are married sooooo
user-3 i don’t even think she’s that pretty tbh
user-2 um ok wow wtf did she do to you
user-3 nothing i just don’t think she’s that pretty
user-3 if she is dating kk then kk could do a lot better (cough me cough)
You can’t help but frown, reading the words over and over again.
“What?” Caroline asks, cupping your hand with her own to angle the screen towards her. She turns from half-asleep to wide awake in seconds. “They don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.”
You turn your phone off and let it drop onto the blankets, turning towards KK. She sits up immediately, putting both of her hands on your face- but you can’t quite meet her eyes.
“Hey, hey. Don’t listen to them. Look at me. Please. Don’t listen to them.”
“I’m not,” you say after a moment, eyes still shut. “It’s fine. I just… don’t get it.”
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, and you’re all I’ve wanted for years. And now that I finally have you, I’m not letting you go. And I’m not letting you get it in your head that you’re not good enough for me- because you are.”
You don’t notice a tear has fallen down your face until she’s kissing it away.
“You’re perfect,” she says, with an air of finality you can’t help but smile at. “I love you. Don’t think otherwise. Of course, if you need some reassurance I’m always down to tell you how much I love you.”
“Thank you, KK,” you whisper, softly clearing your throat as you’re finally able to meet her eyes. “I love you, too.”
All you can do is think about when she won the NCAA championship last year, when she was high off of the win and came out of the locker room to find you- smiling so brightly and gushing about how good she had played- and all she did was smile at you, grab your face, and kiss you so hard you got tilted back onto an axis you didn’t even know you were knocked off of.
And suddenly, with her lips on yours, everything in the world felt right. And it’s felt right since then. It feels right now, 4 months into your relationship, with Caroline holding your face and kissing your tears away.
“Maybe we shouldn’t tell them,” she whispers, kind of blurts it out. “I-I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and, well, this kinda sealed it. I don’t want them to get in your head, like this. I… just want you all to myself, really.”
You laugh, and she smiles back, her eyes moving from your lips to the bridge of your nose to your eyes.
“Won’t keeping it a secret be kinda annoying?”
“I mean, not being able to show you off will suck, but if it means you don’t cry about stupid people again then I’ll do it.”
“Okay, then. We don’t have to tell them.”
“Exactly.” She kisses you, once, like she’s sealing a promise between the two of you. “Besides, nothing about you is ever annoying.”
The edit of you ended up going kind of viral, and then more and more were made, until suddenly you had 2000 followers on Tik Tok and hundreds of private messages begging you to go live with the team, or film some kind of video, or do anything.
The first thing you ever posted was a simple get ready with me, and that received so much support you did another one, and then you did a day in the life- that one featured Caroline, so it went very viral- and suddenly you went live one night, and then it all just kinda fell into place.
There was nothing more exciting then getting another sweet comment or message telling you how much they looked forward to your videos, or absolutely hilarious comments people would leave under your posts.
But, with your own social media fame skyrocketing and Caroline’s still staying strong- she was right. They did judge you, they did get into your head.
And they weren’t dumb, you quickly realized. This sort of abstract group of people you called “they” and listened to, they knew something was happening.
There were three instances that caused the fans to guess you and Caroline were more than just friends.
The girls decided to have another movie night, and all of you were laying lazily about the couches and the floor, Laila on live showing off her fabulous singing skills yet again, and you were sitting with KK on the couch.
You weren’t even that close to each other. Your thighs touched, sure, and she had her arm around her shoulder- but she kept it back, so it was more so on the back of the couch and not touching you. But, her comforting presence was there, and that was enough for you.
Someone had paused the movie a while ago, and it had turned more into a hangout session that was filled with obnoxious singing and laughter.
“I should probably go soon,” you muttered to KK.
“Why?” She frowned, pressing her leg into yours.
“I have a test tomorrow morning, I should go to bed soon.”
You still whispered to each other, even though the room was pretty loud.
“You sure you don’t wanna sleep over? I’ll drive you over in the morning.”
She was always trying to get you to sleep at her apartment. Or just be at her apartment in general- sometimes, you would hang out at their place while they had practice and make dinner for them, and KK would jokingly call you her wife and thank you for having dinner on the table.
You have to cross your legs when she wraps her arms around you and kisses your cheek, saying “thank you, my wonderful wife.”
“I wanna be in my own bed, K.”
She leans in, closer to you so her lips are ghosting over your ear. “My bed is your bed, baby.”
She leaves a kiss to the shell of your ear, pulling away with a small smile on her face and you can feel your cheeks heat. And she knows the reaction she has on you, and she’s very proud of it.
You smile. “I’m sorry, Caroline. Not tonight, okay?”
“Are you sure?” She asks, hand playing with the hair at the back of your head. You turn to her, amused smile on your face she can’t take her eyes away from.
“I am one thousand percent sure that I don’t want to go to your place tonight.”
“You’re no fun,” she teases.
“I’m plenty of fun,” you gasp, faking offense with a hand over your chest. She takes her arm off of your shoulder.
“Are you gonna prove that? ‘Cause I don’t think I believe you.”
“I think I proved that Friday night.” You place your hand on her chest, fingertip drawing patterns on her collarbone. She visibly swallows. “You remember?”
“Fuck yeah I remember, but I still think you should show me again.”
“Fuck!” Laila suddenly shouts, and you whip around only to find her frantically clicking buttons on her phone before simply throwing it across the room.
The chatter stops. Ava, another girl on the team, picks the phone up from where it’s fallen by her feet and looks at it.
“Um, what was that for?” She asks, and you can see the live ended screen on Laila’s phone.
“I’m so sorry,” Laila says. “They heard you.”
Your eyes widen. “The thing about Friday night?”
“I don’t know! I wasn’t listening to you, what the fuck were you even saying? I just looked at the comments and suddenly everyone was asking who KK was talking to, and like, ‘wow, KK is so hot.’”
Caroline rolls her eyes. “Okay, whatever. That could have been about anything.”
“Caroline,” you mutter. “It’s pretty obvious it was about sex.”
“Okay, shush,” Laila says, holding her hands out. “First of all, why are you doing that when we’re all in the room? Second, oh, my God I am so sorry.”
You sigh, cracking your knuckles. Caroline immediately grabs one of your hands. “It’s not your fault, Lai. It’s fine- I mean, if we ignore it then they’ll probably just stop talking about it. Right?”
“Probably,” Laila agrees. “They’ll forget about it tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn’t end up in the edits.”
You can’t help but laugh. If you don’t laugh, you might cry.
@/user-1 here’s the screen recording!! side note: i NEED to know who kk was talking to at the end.
> View 102 commets
user-2 wait what do they say at the end
user-3 @/user-2 basically kk and another girl are just flirting like crazy
user-4 @/user-3 they could still be friends
user-3 @/user-4 um no that was gay as hell
user-6 @/user-5 EXACTLY
Your voice felt a little scratchy, and you couldn’t stop coughing- you had been screaming so hard during the entire game that you’re sure you’re going to wake up without a voice tomorrow.
The Badgers just won the last game they needed to win- the qualifying game for the Frozen Four tournament. This was the third year in a row Caroline had gone to the championships, and by the way a huge dog pile had formed on the ice when the buzzer went off- everyone was just a little excited.
You waited as patiently as you could outside of the locker room, but you found yourself again fidgeting with your hands and walking back and forth. All you could think about was just kissing Caroline so hard you saw stars, and telling her how good she did.
You closed your eyes for a moment, finally leaning back against the wall as you thought back to the goal she had scored. Maybe it was weird, but there was honestly nothing sexier to you than watching Caroline in her element like that.
Hockey was where she shined, where she was her truest self- and not only was it exhilarating to watch her in general, but she also looked really good doing it.
The door finally creaked open and your cheeks burned from smiling too hard, all of the Badgers coming out of the locker room and running to great their own friends and family who had gathered outside. It took a second for her face to appear in the line of people exiting, she was laughing with Laila and a few other girls about something, she was smiling just as wide as you were and, God, she looked so pretty.
When she saw you, it wasn’t possible for her smile to get bigger, but her smile changed. Suddenly, you felt so loved just by the way she was looking at you.
You practically ran across the room, half jumping into her arms, pressing yourself as close to her as you could. You kissed her nose as you wrapped your arms around her neck, and her hands ran along down your arms to your shoulders, then down your sides to finally hold onto your hips.
“Holy shit,” she said, smiling, still kind of in disbelief.
“I am so, so, so fucking proud of you, baby.”
Her eyes search all across your face, almost like she’s taking in every inch of this moment. You know that she’s been looking forward to this moment since the buzzer went off- her weird pleasure is that she thinks you’re so hot when you’re supporting her- and she drinks in everything about you like she’s trapped in a dessert and you’re water.
She doesn’t need to say thank you, because the way she kisses you, hands squeezing your hips even closer to her, hard and unrelenting and depriving you of air but you can’t think about anything else when she gets like this with you, is more than enough.
She kisses you like she’s starved, and there’s nothing else you love more than this moment with her.
When she does finally pull away, panting slightly but still chuckling at the way you’re literally about to pass out from lack of air- that’s the one shitty thing about her endurance, you swear she’s gonna kill you with kisses- she presses her forehead against yours.
“Thank you,” she breathes. “Thank you. I love you, Y/N. I love you so much.”
There’s a few tears in her eyes.
Laila suddenly appears next to the two of you, her 6’1 frame quite literally casting a shadow over the two of you and your happy moment.
“We’re having a moment, Laila,” KK groans, but she’s smiling so hard.
“Great, some rando is taking a video, though.”
> View 236 comments
user-2 kk harvey girl kisser confirmed… this is a win
user-4 @/user-3 KK THE KIDS MISS UUUUU
user-5 ok but appreciation for the hand placement.
user-6 @/user-5 THE WAY SHES KISSING HER??? LIKE A WOMAN STARVED??? that’s a hozier kinda kiss bro
user-7 @/user-6 would do anything to be in that girls place rn
user-8 can’t tell very well from this angle but i think the other girl is wearing a harvey jersey!! how cute
user-9 ok but the way laila blocks the camera from seeing them… that’s my wifey right there
user-10 absolutely obsessed with the way kk covers the other girls face when they walk away
user-11 @/user-10 we love a protective gf
user-12 don’t mind me just watching this video for the hundredth time
user-13 okay am i going crazy or is that y/n l/n??
“Ok, hi Live. Y/N, say hi to the live.”
“Hi guys!” You smiled at the camera, keeping your eyes fixed on the boiling pot of pasta you were currently stirring.
“What are you guys making?” Laila reads, before shoving the camera yet again in your face.
“Okay, calm down,” you scold, setting aside your spoon and grabbing her phone. “Don’t bother me while I’m dealing with dangerous liquids.”
“It’s water,” Laila deadpans.
“Boiling water.”
Laila rolls her eyes but doesn’t give a verbal response, so you just smile and switch the camera around.
“Okay so, as you can see we’ve got some pasta boiling and some veggies and chicken cut up, and then we’re gonna cook that, and like… yeah.”
You look back towards the comments, most of them asking for KK. You decide to be nice, looking around the apartment and finding that your girlfriend is nowhere to be found.
“Carolineeeee,” you call, stretching out her name. “The people want to see you!”
The door to her bedroom creaks open, and she walks out carrying a hoodie. “What?”
“Laila went live,” you explain, flipping the camera around. “Okay, smile! Give us a little wave!”
user-1 y/n is so mom core
KK gives you a bored look, but begrudgingly puts on a very fake smile and waves.
“Aww how cute! What’s the hoodie for?” You ask, turning the camera back around and doing a few poses for the camera, admiring yourself.
“You. You said you were cold, like, two seconds ago.”
“Oops. Yeah, I did.”
user-2 kk is such a sweetheart
user-3 kk who were you kissing in that video??
user-4 i’m 99% sure it was y/n
user-5 i don’t think so
user-4 nobody asked you
You prop the camera down against a random glass of water someone left on the counter, catching the hoodie Caroline throws at you and quickly putting it on.
“Okay, fit check!” You do a little spin, watching KK smile at the way her last name looks on your back. “Hoodie is from Caroline, bottoms are from… Under Armor, and… yeah, I don’t know where these socks are from.”
A few people compliment you, but the chat is still mostly filled with people asking for KK- or asking about the video.
The video that thankfully hasn’t been connected to you yet… but still, your name has been mentioned as a culprit multiple times.
You sigh, heavily. “I’m not good enough for them, they only want you, KK.”
She smiles but joins you in front of the camera, her eyes catching on your pouty lips for a second before she looks at the camera, wrapping her arm around your waist and standing close to you.
Immediately, the comments flood with questions about the video.
The two of you very pointedly ignore them, and Caroline finally gets up to grab the phone, opening the cabinet above the stove and propping it up in there. You sit on the counter behind them, legs swinging in the air as Laila shows off her vegetable cutting skills before dumping them in a pan to cook.
KK leans right next to you on the counter, her shoulder touching your arm, she squints at the camera before placing her hand on your thigh. You look down for a quick second, seeing that was in fact KK’s hand very not-friendly placed on your thigh, whipping to her with your eyes wide.
“Caroline,” you whisper, trying to subtlety push her away from you.
“Relax,” she whispers back. “They can’t see. You’re still my girlfriend, I wanna touch you.”
You look away, hoping the camera doesn’t catch the heat in your cheeks or the way you smile.
“Y/N,” Laila says, reading yet again from the live. “Someone wants to know why you’re always at our place.”
“What kind of question is that?” KK asks with an amused smile while you laugh. She pinches your cheek with her free hand. “Who wouldn’t want to look at this face all day?”
“You certainly do,” you laugh. Caroline smiles up at you. You’ve long since decided her smiles are your favorite thing in the world, but every time she smiles at you- which is a lot- you still get that same feeling you get when she first kisses you at that game.
“Okay,” Laila says, acting nonchalant as she turns around. “Hello?” She says, so quietly you have to read her lips. “Tone it down?”
You suddenly realize what you said.
You swallow and suddenly find the ceiling very interesting.
Caroline squeezes your thigh to be comforting but doesn’t look at you. You really want her to look at you. You wonder, for just a second, if maybe it would be easier to just tell people.
Then you remember the comments.
You still get them sometimes, the random trolls who don’t think you’re pretty or worthy enough for KK, to be friends with the team in general- and they make you feel so fucking shitty about yourself that KK’s even caught you crying about them a few times.
You know it’s stupid.
You try to listen to her, to not let them bother you- but maybe you’re just not as tough as her. Or you’re stupid, weak, sensitive- they bother you. They cut you deep like a sharp knife.
You hop down from the counter, KK’s hand sliding off of you. “Gonna run to the bathroom,” you mutter.
You can feel Caroline’s eyes on your back as you walk away. And she does come find you, but she waits a minute. She does ask what’s wrong, and you say nothing and she knows you’re lying- so she asks Laila to end the live.
And even though they’re not there anymore, you still carry the fear of their judgement.
@/user-1 screen recording from the live!!! i love kk and y/n’s relationship so much <3
> View 97 comments
user-2 if y/n and kk are JUST friends i’ll pay everyone on this planet 100 dollars
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user-3 really?? idk i think they’re just friends
user-4 kk said “who wouldn’t want to stare at this face all day” and y/n said “you do” that’s gay…
user-5 kk literally got a hoodie for her when she mentioned she was cold and then when she came on camera she looked at y/n’s lips
user-3 i just don’t know if i see it tbh like i don’t see them together
user-5 they’re dating mark my words
It’s been weeks since the video came out, since the clips of the lives started circling, since more and more people starting saying your name when discussing who KK was dating- since everyone pretty much knew she was dating someone now, the only question was who.
Thankfully, despite the initial week where your comments were filled with people asking who Caroline was dating- asking if it was you- it finally died down, and people had either forgotten it or gotten bored by the lack of response.
And, you had found comfort in your own account. There was the occasional hate comment- but you didn’t cry anymore. There were always people ready to defend you, and everyone was just genuinely so sweet to you. They wanted to know about your life, your routines, your outfits- and the KK content you provided was just an added bonus.
That’s what you’re doing, Friday night at 4pm. The Badgers had a home game today, and like most home games, you were going to watch from the stands, cheering on your girl and the rest of your friends.
You decided to go live, sitting on the floor in KK’s room in front of her floor length mirror, pulling out her desk chair next to you, placing a stack of books on it and propping your phone up against it.
It was kind of therapeutic, answering random question about yourself and the team while you got ready. You showed the camera each product you used, and then they watched as you put it on- a few people even managing to give you helpful tips. It made you feel kinda wanted, kinda loved, kinda…good.
The door opens, and you look over your shoulder to see Caroline walking in.
“Hi, K,” you greet.
“Hi,” she says back, kind of distracted, already rifling through her messy bedside table, then her dresser-
“Okay, what are you looking for?” You laugh, smiling.
You roll your eyes. “Babe, they’re on your desk, remember?”
“Oh,” she mumbles, eyebrows raising as she suddenly remembers that, yes, she did put the ceramic jar full of hair ties on her desk last night. She grabs one, standing behind you and pulling her hair back into a somewhat lazy ponytail.
She crouches down behind you, putting her arms around your neck. She looks at you in the mirror, and you look back.
“Well?” You say, teasing her, looking for a thank you.
She smiles.
“Thank you, baby.” She kisses your cheek. “Always keeping me in check.”
Your phone suddenly buzzed about 20 times, and you look over to the desk chair, mouth dropping in horror as you realize you’re still on live.
You’re still on live.
“Shit!” You practically screech, grabbing your phone and panicking, hitting buttons randomly before opting to just close the app altogether. “Shit. Shit. Shit.”
Caroline is completely frozen behind you.
“Were you… just… on live?”
“I’m sorry,” you breathe, and suddenly tears are streaming down your face faster than you can stop them, and all you can do is watch your pretty makeup get slowly ruined. “Fuck. I’m so sorry, I- I don’t- I’m sorry.”
Her hands come to your shoulders and she fully sits down behind you, massaging your shoulders gently as she kisses the back of your head, shushing you softly.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, sweetheart.” Her lips move against your hair. “Baby, it’s okay.”
She doesn’t try to comfort you beyond that, just calling you baby and telling you it’s okay, even though you want to scream that it’s not. It’s not okay.
She just lets you cry. And you cry, you cry for what feels like twelve hours.
“Y/N,” she finally whispers.
“What?” You moan back, sniffling.
“What are you thinking right now?”
You scoff at the ridiculous question.
But, you can’t help but lean back into her. She wraps her arms around you, keeping your arms tucked to your sides, her legs outside of yours, touching you- you never feel safer than you do when you’re in her arms like this.
“I’m thinking I’m the worst girlfriend in the world, and-”
You’re cut off by another sob.
“I’m so sorry,” you say again, because all you can do right now is apologize. “Are you mad?”
“Am I mad? Baby, I’m fine. It’s completely fine. Maybe this wasn’t the most perfect, thought-out way to launch “us,” but it’s okay. I promise, I’m not mad. And I promise it’s going to be okay.”
“Caroline,” you groan.
“What, baby?” She asks, kissing your cheek.
“I don’t know. Why did we even do this in the first place?”
“You cried. Because of the hate comments. And I don’t want to see you cry. But that was so long ago, babe, now you’re really famous. I mean, you have, what, 5000 followers? That’s impressive. We… we were just so new back then, and I was scared that you would break up with me. It was me. I was scared. I told you, I just want you all to myself.”
“I wouldn’t break up with you over that.”
“Well, I know that now,” she smiles.
You finally manage to open your eyes, meeting her gaze in the reflection. You look like a mess.
“I don’t know how you manage to stay so pretty when you cry.”
You try to hide a laugh, but you can’t.
“I’m sorry that we didn’t get to control how we did it, but I’m not sorry that we kept it for hidden longer. It was time, babe- it was getting on my nerves. All the bugging me about who I was kissing after games… I was done with it. I love you, and this is nothing.”
“I love you,” you repeat.
“And this is nothing.”
“And this is nothing.”
“Honestly,” she starts, loosening her grip on you. “We made this into a big thing.”
“We did,” you chuckle. You glance at your phone, still readily receiving texts. The notifications you originally got were from your friends who were on the live, who had saw Caroline kiss your cheek and call you baby, and immediately freaked out and texted you, realizing you had forgotten you were on live. “Whatever. This is nothing. We’re together, everyone knows, it’s fine.”
“And if anyone has a problem with that, you have 5000 followers to attack them with.”
You roll your eyes. “I would argue your, what, 35 thousand is more impressive and effective?”
“Same difference. Wait, hold on, can I get your autograph? You’re literally my favorite celebrity, like, ever. I would die for you, I love you so much.”
“Oh, no, I’m sorry- no more autographs today. My hand is cramping from writing so many,” you frown, flexing your hand dramatically.
“Can I get a kiss then?”
“Very weird thing to ask a celebrity, but… you’re hot, sure.”
@y/n she chose me she don’t want u 💋
> View 327 comments
user-1 most iconic way to announce a relationship ever i fear
kkharvey4 love u baby so glad ur all mine
user-2 @/kkharvey4 hey thanks for ripping my heart out of my chest… happy for u or whatever tho
user-4 fuck she’s beautiful… can’t even be mad
user-5 ok but they ate… power couple fr…
user-6 this reminds me of the day kate martin hard launched. i need to mourn
user-7 bitch i fucking called it
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yestrday · 2 months
tbh academy harem is alr n all but i would def go to my girlies (lumine, my love 😍)
omg anon you're so right for that 😍😍 lumine will always be the hottest person around swear if i were in this academy id never leave her side
you might like: yandere! genshin academy au + aether
Tumblr media
"aether, are you mad."
lumine sighs, biting off the last of her popsicle. the wooden stick reveals the 'win!' carved on it and she hands it out to her twin. "here, you can redeem the gift. just don't be mad at me, ae."
"i don't want your leftovers, lumine." aether still refuses to look at her. "you can take your prize, just like you always do."
she sighs once more as she feels a headache coming on. neither of them were really the type to have inferiority issues, especially when they were mostly equal in every aspect. but as they all say, all good things come to an end, and aether has begun tearing apart their good relationship for his silly nonsense.
"ae, can't you see this as a good thing? the more [your name] spends around me, the more you'll get to hang out with them too. then you can use that as an opportunity to grow close—"
"but they only like you!" he whines, stomping his foot down like a petulant child. "if they do hang out with me then it's only because they want to see you!" lumine's usually cool face quirks into a smile as she watches her brother throw a tantrum. "don't you dare laugh, lu! you think this is funny, don't you?!"
she shrugs. "it's not my fault i'm so damn hot."
"we share the same face!"
she continues to watch aether as he sulks, before she suddenly remembers something. "oh. right. i need to ask one of our upperclassmen to tutor me for the finals." aether glares at her through teary eyes.
"what the hell are you talking about?" he grumps. "we both know you don't need that."
"well, i was thinking of inviting [your name] over to our house for the weekend," lumine starts, feigning innocence. "but if you don't want that then..."
"wait wait wait." aether frantically tries to stop lumine as she twiddles with her hair. "m– maybe i need the refresher too..."
"hm, thought so."
"let's send a selfie to childe while we're at it. he'll be so jealous."
"yeah, let's break his heart even more."
and so the twins continue on their merry way, the bond of blood and shared love repairing their relationship in an instant.
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sunny-ssunset · 21 days
Pretty in Pink!
South park x girly popular reader
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Chapter 3
♡The chapter no one asked for 😍✌️ Lmao sorry Im writing another bc i love it, sorry for not posting much i have been so busy 😭 tbh Y/n reminds me of the queen of hearts AGED UP!
"Kenny you have such pretty eyes!!" Y/n cooed, brushing his hair out of his face. "I know, I could be a model" He joked, giving in to the affection. Wendy watched the scene play out, Jealous of all the attention she gets. Poor Y/n must hate all the attention, she'd need someone to take her place one day, Someone who can handle the pressure of being perfect.... Someone like Wendy. I mean it would take a while for Wendy to get to Y/n's standards, plus Y/n might not want to be replaced just yet. Even if its for the best to protect precious Y/n.
"Wendy? Hun you okay? You have been so quiet today-" "Stan wants to break up." Wendy interupted, Y/n looking taken a back. "Oh girl, I'm so sorry, He's a douche, We dont need him right? How about a girls night? No silly party or anything, just us?" Y/n cooed, Wendy taking notice on how she said 'We' like it was also her problem, how considerate of her. "Yayyy Can i come?" Kenny grinned playing with a strand of Y/n's hair. "NO!" Bebe choked, suddenly clinging on to Y/n's arm, "Ahem- No, its a girls night"Bebe corrected herself as Y/n smiled, looking at Kenny.
"Wendy? Wendy please I really need to talk to you" Stan appeared, Literally scaring the shit out of everyone. Y/n frowned, "Stan she doesn't want to talk to you right no-" Stan looking a bit shocked by Y/n's reaction, Wendy interupting her, "Y/n I think I need to sort this out now." She smiled apologeticly at Y/n, before leaving with Stan.
"I always try help that girl and it gets me nowhere. Ugh im just so sick of doing everything for everyone. You know how much I do for people Kenny, And all i get is an awkward smile now and again." Y/n pouts laying into him, "Y/n If you were mine I'd treat you well" Kenny flirts, brushing her hair out of her face, as Bebe fake gags "Eww guys get a room!!!!" Bebe whines stomping her feet. "Bebe you are so cute, guys come on lets go to class" Y/n laughs as she gets up from Kenny's warm embrace, the others following on behind her.
"KYLE!!!! I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN AGES OH MY GODDD" Y/n beams, running up to sit by Kyle, "You saw me yesterday." He shifts away from her, voice laced with a slight anger. Y/n frowns "Kyle baby!!! Are you okay whats the matter??" She clings onto his arm "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Y/N LEAVE ME ALONE!" Kyle shouts at her, banging his fists on the table and moving to sit futher away from Y/n, Her eyes pounding with anger, How dare he? Who the fuck does he think he is. Someone has to teach him a lesson, Nobody treats Y/n like that absolutely no one-
"Hey guys I'm back" Wendy chirps, seeming to be in a better mood, Stan standing at the doorway sending Y/n a sweet smile and a 'can we pleaseeee talk' look. Her giving a fowl one back. "Wendy I missed you!!! Come sit by meeee" "Hey wait i wanna sit buy you" "No i do!!!!" Complaints from both Kenny and Bebe were heard, "Guys Wendys just been through a breakup, let her sit by me!" Y/n smirked, as if sitting with her were a reward. They both accepted and sat down behind Y/n, "Anything happen while I were gone?" Wendy smiled, Y/n, Kenny and Bebe shot glares at Wendy, her not knowing what she did wrong, Bebe and Kenny a bit too scared to mention what happened before with Kyle, Wendy taking the hint by their scared looks.
"Nothing happened Wendy." Said Y/n, a blank tone and expression on her face, That quickly changing while she spoke again, "Enough of that, boring stuff. What happened with you!!" Y/n beamed, leaning into Wendy more, "Well, Me and Stan have decided to be friends, I think we both have our eye on someone else at the minute!" Wendy smiled, now she was finally able to have Y/n to herself. No fighting with her boyfriend over her anymore!
"Yayyyy girls night!!!!" Bebe cheered, "No actually I'm thinking we throw a party, show everyone your available plus Kenny can come then!!" Y/n chirped, Bebe looking a bit disappointed. I mean little did Wendy know it would take alot more than breaking up with Stan for her to have Y/n, Bebe also had her eye on her, What does Wendy expect Y/n Is Perfect.
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kobb4ni2 · 8 months
I kidd you not, your seaserpent!reader has made me giggle and kicking my feet non- stop. Like how do you come up with these tasty ass fics😋 I need some of your brain juice tbh😭
How would ( characters of your choice) react to Sea serpent! Reader having the ability to transform her gaint tail into a pair of legs?
Like who would be chewing on cardboard knowing all of the new possibilities that comes with the legs😋
And here is a little cat because why not? 🐈
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Since I already made an ask similar like this! I’ll try to make this ask in a different perspective.
These mf are CLAWING THAT CARBOARD YOURE TALKING ABOUT LIKE, they love your tail alright but they just have a thing for your legs like 😍😍😍 WOWZIE MAMA ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU’RE WEARING HEELS GRAAAGHH (like step them on them.)
Shanks, Benn, Kizaru, Aokiji, Paulie, Brook, Doflamingo, Franky, Black Maria, Sasaki, Boa Hancock, Mihawk, Kidd, Killer, Kaku, Cracker, Ace and etc
While these characters LOOVEES your tails, esp when you use your tail to wrap around their waist so they can be talk eyes to eyes to you 😍🙏
Page One, Ulti, X Drake, Coby, Corazon, Zoro (HE WOULD NOT ADMIT IT), Rob Lucci, Khalifa, Katakuri, Smoothie and etc
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: can someone wire me 100k?
jk: how do you wire something??
y/n: beats me
namjoon: 100k?
jimin: why?
jin: did you hear lucas left nct LAMSOO
yoongi: who?
hobi: i’m about to raise the roof
yoongi: oh
tae: can someone send me 100k or not omg
y/n: are you not a millionaire???
jk: word on the streets is that he’s a hardcore gambler
jin: ur living room does not count as “the streets”
jk: 😟
y/n: guys kai is enlisting i’m gonna throw up
yoongi: gws
hobi: pretty girl you like peaches 🩷
y/n: you’ll never be him
hobi: 😞
namjoon: why does tae need 100k??
y/n: yeah why does tae need 100k??
jk: let the audience know tae
tae: yes or no can you send it now?
jin: i could but i won’t
yoongi: no
jimin: asked for coffee the other day and you said no
now you want 100k how about you kys
hobi: i’ll send it
y/n: no you won’t
hobi: i won’t send it
jk: bold of you to assume i have 100k
namjoon: jungkook what?
you make more than 100k a day??
jk: okay??
bold of you to assume i have access to my card
namjoon: ??
jin: i don’t even wanna know tbh
y/n: he once ordered a 10k marching band the day after the hamster we had died because he needed to “clear his head”
jimin: you guys had a hamster??
jk: lived one day will miss tony forever ☝🏻
yoongi: this is why we shouldn’t of let the 2 youngest members live together
y/n: jungkook once brought a “picassco” painting of iron man for 50k
jk: is very pretty it’s in my room
hobi: picasso is dead
jk: what
jimin: tae and jennie let’s get into that
tae: let’s not
jin: REAL is that why you need 100k stuck in paris bf of the year?
tae: nothing
namjoon: ?
y/n: be fr tae
tae: are you jealous??
y/n: no
jk: yes
y/n: what
tae: what
jk: ur giving her 100k ofc im jealous
jin: omg?
y/n: FR??
namjoon: ur giving her 100k?
jimin: that’s insane
yoongi: does she not have money?
hobi: her and tae fr twins then
jimin: how is he giving away money he clearly doesn’t have?
tae: i have 100k
jimin: ur not acting like it
namjoon: wait so ur asking us to send you 100k that you already have to give to ur gf?
tae: what??
jk: guys i’m kinda confused rn
tae: i don’t have a gf?
yoongi: bro
jimin: i don’t even care anymore
y/n: tae was dropped as a baby
tae: OMG 😧????
jimin: constantly
tae: wtf namjoon say something this SICK the way they talk to me
namjoon: i give up
y/n: wasn’t talking TO you i try to keep that to a minimum
tae: when she hates you 😍
jk: jennie hates you?
hobi: she’s kinda real for that
tae: stfu about jennie
jk: omgee did you fight??
yoongi: you guys are not real
there’s no way
jimin: the next bitch to send a question mark being shot and killed immediately
y/n: mark lee
hobi: let’s play ball
tae: mid
jimin: …
y/n: if you shoot at kill me that would be considered a hate crime
jimin: it will be worth it
y/n: :c
jk: :3
hobi: :0
yoongi: freaks
namjoon: cute
tae: guys i feel like you don’t actually love and care for me
jk: whaaat ur really cool!
y/n: yikes
jin: jungkook sarcasm says it all tbh
jk: what
jin: nvm he just dumb as hell
jk: ??
jin: ur so cool jungkook!!!!!!
jk: ur coolest jin ^^
jimin: the oldest too
namjoon: don’t start
yoongi: yikes x2
hobi: eeek
jimin: i care for none of you
y/n: ur ugly
jimin: take it back
yoongi: i would put you all in a freezer
namjoon: what?
hobi: cold >.<
jk: does tae still need 100k?
tae: YES
jk: okay
tae: ???
jk: ???
tae: are you not giving it to me?
jk: no?
tae: wtf?
why did you ask then?
jk: cuz i wanted to know if you still needed it?
y/n: all these questions not enough answers
jimin: amen
hobi: queencard
namjoon: i think being in this gc is what taking acid would feel like
jin: druggie
jk: namjoon pls don’t do drugs
yoongi: save me
hobi: so tae is single?
tae: taken by the lord
jimin: i’ve been counting down the days for the lord to take you
tae: when i actually die ur gonna feel an unbearable amount of guilt
y/n: jimin when will you rest omg
jimin: i’m a born hater it’s hard to live like me
yoongi: if i were you i would kms
namjoon: i love having positive conversations with you all
hobi: me 2
jk: is it just me or am i the only one not seeing the positivity rn…
y/n: love you bffs 💓
jk: okay nvm !!!
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me after lying saying i’m gonna release more stuff and then just running away 🤭🤭🤭. i’m just silly like that am i gonna regret posting this at 3 am and not proof reading it? possibly but it’s okay i’m back for how long? god knows but the jennie and tae stuff absolutely crazy i must say #gothemtho i have nothing else to add love u kissing you mwah mwah.
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from-izzy · 11 months
Which TBZ member would you assign your moots? And why?
hey anon! first of all, thank you for sending this in 🥺 means a LOT to me 💕 sorry that i'm super late 😭 i basically met everyone on this post on oct 8 and i wanted to wait at least a month to get to know them better, and to give a more detailed (basically) thank you and appreciation post. here are the ones that took a part of my heart!
general message to the ones here: you guys are such heart stealers! 💜 again, thank you for showing me that the internet can be a safe place ✨
also i'm curious 🤔 which member would you assign me to?
@cloverdaisies 📢 juyeon (+ jacob)
the way i went to heaven and back when clo answered my dm 😍 and then she followed me back?! 😱 told clo about how i was nervous interacting with her and yk how juyeon gives off shy and understanding vibes? i just feel like he would just be like "no no, you're all good. don't worry." like, that's clo right there guys (minus the shy part 🤣). jacob because she was so patient and nice dealing with my rants and me losing my mind (aka. fangirling) 🥺 literally talked to her for 2+ hours when i first properly had a chance to interact with her and it was so random going from plastic 🍴 to anime 📺 to [insert another random topic] 🤭 to her works ✏️ etc. (clo if you're reading this, i feel in love with juvenile again and i'm on my way to target:lover as soon as i have time 😉)
@heemingyu 📢 chanhee
apart from all the memes she has (cute or cursed 💀), she makes me just wanna squish her and just tell her how she should stop being so damn loveable (also stop flirting with me, my heart can't handle it). also you know how chanhee can be savage sometimes? yeah so, that's sana 🤠 but it's all loving banter between us, i promise! 💕 (had an ask because anon thought that sana and i were fighting 🤣) and yk how chanhee smacks deobi out their delulu sometimes, well sana does it in a similar way with her words and arguments 😵‍💫 she def puts up a good word fight fr that it keeps me awake and alert 😭 also, i just know sana is just as sassy as chanhee 🫢 we fangirl about chanhee 🐧 together and a few idols here and there (cravity take my money 💸). thank you for dm-ing me first that day 😭 you don't understand how much i was laughing (and blushing) at 1am because of it 🐝🍯
@justalildumpling 📢 kevin (+ sunwoo)
ik no one will agree with this KSJDKSK kevin is in no way an extrovert like my aussie girl is but j is very kevin vibes for me 💕 the things kevin say is very very comforting and j has made me cry 3 times because of it (yeah, everyone attack her lovingly please 🥺🫂). sunwoo because her energy gives me energy back, and her smile is just so damn cute 😻 bonus, you know that sarcastic smile that sunwoo did that one time on live with his loverboy beanie? i literally saw sunwoo when she did it LIKE IT WAS A "WHOA HOLD UP" moment 😮 the jaemin to my jeno, the eric to my sunwoo 💕 thank you for your words that night 🥹 i think i can make it through now. also note for you j: ...rice 🤨...rice 🍚
@kimsohn 📢 eric
i genuinely thought i scared maya away at first actually 😭 but maya is so sweet 🥺 they were the first one to send a friend request when i ventured out of tumblr 🤭 maya just seems like the one who would approach others and be like "hey, let's be friends!" (i do know maya is an introvert but still!) which is a very eric thing! so i stayed and thankfully got to meet everyone else and everyone else better 😆 would love to get to know you better 😊 ahhhh also maya 🥹 i literally had chills down my spine when you recognised my healing project like 😭 thank you sm for mentioning that! i appreciate it sm 🫶
@laviesm 📢 haknyeon
i can't really explain it tbh 😭 it's quite hard to put it into words but other than mona being so cute, she gives off massive haknyeon vibes 😚 maybe the others are able to put it into words and/or understand what i mean. kind of off topic but mona's accent is so cute 🥺 and the little texts that she would just drop out of nowhere is so wholesome! 🥰 (omg, i suck at explaining this) mona if you're reading this, i support any purchase of yours 💲 probably not a good idea for your wallet but we won't talk about that 👝 so yes, get those shoes 👟 bag 🛍️ and clothing 🧥! you're gonna rock it!
@littleroaes 📢 hyunjae
you know how all the members find hyunjae to be so supportive? that's so dora 🥺💜💌 she's always been so supportive. for me, especially that time when i accidentally deleted my old account (still so hurt by that gosh 😞), i quickly decided to make a new account with the same name and tried to follow all the accounts i know! i msged her to basically explain to her that it's me 😭😭 and that no one is impersonating me or anything but then she goes off and basically just made a supportive post for me? ❤️‍🩹 you're seriously an angel 🪽 would love to get to know you better 💝 and i can't wait to re-read (and read new) your stories when i have time 🫂
@mosviqu 📢 kevin
my fellow psych buddy! 💪 and another person i would absolutely love to get to know better! bar is so sweet and patient with my rants and also my random psych questions (so thankful she answers because the internet and the unit coordinator can be unreliable fr 😭). other than that, we've had some convos that healed a part of my heart ❤️‍🩹 and i'm so grateful to the times when i can just talk about it with someone yk 🫂 felt like i was unconsciously holding it in for so long so it was a relief to let it out 🥹 also, bar! 🍰 you're gonna smash that thesis, i believe in you!
@daisyvisions 📢 sangyeon
i haven't talked to daisy too much but i swear she gives me responsible parent vibes 💪 very easy going, kind, approachable 🥺 i was able to ask her a couple of questions and opinions that i would never be able to ask usually (that was my first convo with her) and for me, it was a big deal 💖 she's so trustworthy and i felt safe asking her that question 😊 daisy if you're reading this, literally can't wait to explore your masterlist when life gets less busy and i meant what i said 😤 (just tell me, i'll be rocking up with some food and we're good to go! 🧋🍱🍿🍨...kinda broke atm so i'll just bring this much for now)
@sungbeam 📢 changmin
...am i the only one who couldn't approach beam at first? 😭 like changmin who seems intimidating at first (wait beam hear me out first—🥹), thankfully time matched up and i was able to finally interact with the author that made me cry and stub my toe on the wall at 3am 😀 so eventually beam went from 'the stealer in THAT last chorus' 🔥 to the 'changmin who introduced chucky to deobi with that huge smile of his'. 🐿️ would love to get to know you better as well 🥺 also i support your purchase with that duck 🦆 bin cause it was so cute! i just knew i had to send the post to you as soon as i saw it (not me forgetting your account name and so i basically scrolled through my whole entire page to find you—)
@winterchimez 📢 hyunjae
so many things to say fr first, ally is basically my soulmate 🥺🫂 like hyunjae who fits in any kind of story scenario, i believe that our shared interests and thoughts led to this awesome, cool and dynamic friendship ❤️‍🔥 it's crazy that suddenly one follow, led to another, to a reblog (to me fangirling once again), to me posting something, to ally commenting 💬 to her closing the gap 📮 and messaging me 📥 after. it's just so wild to think about and i really tend to ponder and think about stuff like origins of friendships quite often. if it wasn't for ally, i most probably would have never met anyone in this post. if i did meet them (which yk, i would like to believe i would have either way), i think it would've happened way further in the future. i love everyone here so much and i think i would have missed out on a lot if ally didn't basically pull me out of my shell 🐚 hyunjae (from what i see) can go to very mischievous, then supportive and then loveable—to me that's just ally ❄️🥺💓 ally, i am forever thankful that somehow God said "they're on the opposite ends of the world? let them be friends anyways!" 🥹
@wuahae 📢 younghoon
another one that i can't really describe! ahhhh! 😭 other than the fact that god cat is a visual 😍 thank you for helping me with all my weird, random rants. i love how i would be like "help" and cat would be like "yes! i am here!" 🥺 also yes! thank you for agreeing with me on the topic of fairy bread! 🧚‍♀️🍞 (not me hating on a bread while assigning you ppanghoon 😭) was indeed a lonely battle without you. look forward to more episodes of grandma izzy 👵 vs technology 💻 episodes because there ain't no way i will figure out how to use any of these new, modern apps without someone that will answer me at any time of the day (for the sake of your health, i would def say please fix your sleeping 💤 schedule but who am i to give you this advice? 🤪 let's be 'sleep-who?' buddies together! 😆)
@zzoguri 📢 jacob
other than the fact that's moni is in love with jacob 🍐, moni also gives me parent vibes 2.0. 🫂 i didn't know moni much until quite recently (and i remember commenting on how i love their fic 😍 and ran out after 🏃‍♀️💨) but time matched up once again and they were part of a group that i managed to open up to straightaway. i actually made a mistake towards moni and i apologised, and they were so understanding ❤️‍🩹 (thank you so much for that btw moni if you're reading this) to the point i slept well after 💤 moni can also go from nods and understanding hums to very chaotic energy 🍻 which is a bit of what i see in jacob whenever he's around some members 🤭 love that for them seriously 😚
bonus! 📢 quote from songs i associate all of them with...
you never know (hsmtmts) ⛅ - a chapter begins, the pages turn in the wind, this story's so unpredictable lifeline (the rose, the transparent) 📞 - if the world is coming down, i won't let you drown, even if you start to lose your hold travel (bol4) 🧳 - take me to london, paris, new york city
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lqfiles · 7 months
okay, its high time i am now sat to say this!
it has been such a ride with stg, i have thoroughly enjoyed each update so much so that as soon as i'd wake up, i'd pick up my phone and check if you have updated! gawd i have loved it so so much!! sometimes sitting in the class before the lecture would begin i'd sit and write you an ask about it :(
as i've already told you how jisung climbed up my bias list just like that ?? even topping mark somehow who has been my ult for years!! and ofcc how can i not speak on 'slendy', that nickname caught my eye so bad that i really started identifying myself by it! i'm so so so glad that, that one day i decided to send you that ask on how much i loved slendy as a name for jisung, each character that you created somehow had the essence of the real dream in it (except for CHENLE hating on jisung😭)
apart from stg, being a part of the community that you have created has been sm fun!! it has to be destiny that stg ended on my birthday :( it has defo made it sm more special to me, i'd always come back to this, you have officially written my comfort au!
lqfiles, my love! thank you for the hardwork that you have put into the smau, updating so frequently whilst managing college has to be difficult but look at you!! i appreciate your hardwork so so much!!! i have loved stg and will keep doing so <3 looking forward to more of your works!! (very OBVIOUSLY hinting on that hyuck au😍)
love u always, take care sweet one!!
mwahh 💌
-slendy anon!
my cutieful lovely sweety slendy
this is such a cute message 😭😭 it’s honestly crazy fr how you’ve basically stuck around since the beginning and been present for every chapter, and i remember getting that first ask about you gushing over the name slendy and i was kicking my feet because it made my day hearing that lollll and i can’t believe you’d be sending them before your lectures that’s actually cute :D
we went from talking about slendy to sharing our personal life’s in these asks (which the community was interested in too) and the way you’ve made yourself a name on the lqfiles blog is kinda iconic like i’m sure most readers associate stg with slendy anon or any of the other active anons. i still find it funny that stg has for you and apparently some others made jisung a top bias like hearing that makes me feel somewhat impactful when i doubt i am 😭
thinking of it, ending stg on your bday is kinda cool because you were my first OFFICIAL anon isn’t that crazy? guess you could take it as a small thank you for sticking around and sending so many cute messages (as well as private messages, can’t believe you finally messaged me!!!)
tbh managing stg while doing college was hectic at some moments but i also really enjoyed writing it so i don’t regret anything ive done, but thank you for the appreciation you’re so cute bae 😭😭😭💗💗💗 and that hyuck smau will happen hopefully 😝 stg definitely means much more to me because of you and the other anons i got from it!
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warcats-cat · 1 year
human interaction!!
what's your favorite thing to write? what's your favorite part of the writing process? your least favorite?
what other fandoms, besides the ones you've written, would you want to write for in the future? If you were forced to write something about a fandom you knew very little about (let's say you get a summary of the plot and characters, plus whatever you might've absorbed via fandom posts from your mutuals), what fandom do you think you'd have the most luck with and why?
if you create OCs, what's your favorite OC that you've created? have you created any villain OCs? do you prefer Gen fics or romantic fics (both to read and to write)? who's your favorite comfort character? who's a character that probably shouldn't be comforting, but is anyway? who's a character that other people seem to love, but you just don't get the hype?
I hope this helps a little!! I'm always down to chat and trade asks!
20 questions 🤣🤣🤣 ok:
1) my favorite thing to write is also my favorite thing to read! Hurt/Comfort!!!!!
2) Most favorite part - Daydreaming about the characters/storyline while pretending to be mentally present at work!
3) Least favorite part - Making the words go 😢
4) I usually write what I know best at any moment - I've been eyeing some of the art/fic in the FNAF fandom lately but just kinda dipping my hands in, not really ready to dive in. I just love my Sanders Boys, ya know?
5) I think I could BS something from one of the classic animes, like Death Note or Naruto. I did watch Ouran Highschool Host Club and a few other sillier animes but my fandom experiences with those ended at looking at fanart. ((Wait, can Pokemon count? Can I do Pokemon? I know some Pokemon 👀👀👀))
6) my OC's are my DND characters and by far my favorite is Ink of Dreams, my cat-person thief 😍😍. Also Thistle, who isn't really an OC so much as my OC's pet 😅😅😅 If anything I guess HE would be my "favorite" because I talk about him all the time and he's in three dnd campaigns and I had a plushie made and I'm trying to have a movable puppet made...
7) RN I have a villain OC for a WIP I'm working on (read: poking with a stick like a dead animal) and I do enjoy writing her very much. She is an agent of chaos and I hate her so much, it's great 💜 I don't have a lot of experience doing the just straight up ridiculously depraved, but writing her is also giving me practice for writing future LRH adjacent fics involving Gabriel 👀👀👀
8) uuuuhhhhhh I like cuddles 😅😅😅😅 I'm fine with both, just not big on smut. I think I'm a little bit romantically starved tbh because sometimes I pull up a comfort fic that I know is gonna make me cry because I just kinda *need* to cry if that makes sense? I'm asexual and finding a romantic partner is hard 🥲 But anyway yeah I'm fine with both! RN I'm on a baby fic kick so send me babies 💜💜
9) My current comfort character is Patton from Sanders Sides, and no one is surprised. 😅 I just vibe with him a lot because in also a very emotionally-open and emotionally-invested person, I tend to be a caretaker and I like to be prepared in case someone around me needs help. And RN with fandom drama especially, I just feel connected with Patton. I also experienced a period of my life where I tried to help but made some mistakes and then was demonized and called an abuser, manipulative, gaslighter, horrible person and then I found out I was autistic so the things I was doing (like leaving a party to sit outside and decompress when I was overwhelmed and crying) weren't as common-sense and understood as I thought (aka said behavior was called me going off and crying to isolate people and make them come take care of me) ANYWAY. It's kinda funny because I've always bounced between Patton and Virgil for TS; it was mostly Virgil at first and then I had a gap where Good Omens took over, and then it was back to TS but now more vibing with Patton
10) I can't really think of a comfort character that would be considered "not good" besides like. The characters I call my "Anime Boyfriends", Jake English and Dirk Strider from Homestuck, but that's more because like,,, the creator of Homestuck kinda uses a *lot* of slurs,,,, but also I only read like 1/4 of the whole comic,,,, and I go off of fanon interpretations,,,, from ask blogs c2012,,, so.........
11) I do not understand the obsession with Janus and Remus. I'm gonna admit - I don't like them in canon. At all. I am ok with most fanon interpretations, but I just don't like them. I like the "Core Four" (Logan, Virgil, Patton, Roman) and that's it. And I do NOT look forward to the "orange side". And to be 100%, I get frustrated because I want to read poly fic of just the core four and so many people are tossing Janus and Remus in the mix and I just want to find the ones that don't and it takes *forever* to filter out all of the different variants of ships. 🥲 obv I'm not going to tell anyone else to stop enjoying their ships and characters, but I'm not gonna go searching for the stuff that I don't enjoy, either.
Thank you for the ask friend!! 💜💜 it's very much appreciated lol, and a lot of your questions really made me think 😅😅
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theharrowing · 1 year
ok this game is too good i actually have MORE (eeee!!!) ask game ask game harrow you lovely writer you ty for opening your inbox 😎
💞 Who's your comfort character?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
MG~~~~~!!!!!! 😍🥰💘 WE MEET AGAINNN!!!
💞 Who's your comfort character?
honestly, almost every instance of Yoongi and Namjoon that i write. i have so much care and respect for them as people, that while making them into fictional characters, i just want to pour all of my feelings into them. especially Yoongi in Lips Like Honey, Sun Seeker and Entanglement. Especially Namjoon in This Sordid Place and Collateral, tbh.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
i don't always mean for the boundary & anxiety chats to be so prevalent, but every time i am writing new characters, i just naturally make them have those conversations. there are a lot of things i choose to leave out for the sake of it just being fiction (condoms and things like that) but idk, i just like making people talk about their limits and desires.
also squirting. 💀💀💀 i don't mean to have so many mcs squirt but idk fuck it, we're having fun, let's make a mess!!!!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
here is a little snippet of an upcoming fic called truth or dare! we explore some sensory depravation, and in this bit, mc is naked and on their knees, wearing a blindfold.
Taehyung takes a step back, removing all touch from you, and you lean forward, searching for him, listening for where he may have gone. Outside, the city is alive with blaring car horns and the occasional blip of a song played loudly from someone's car as they drive by. You find yourself tilting your head this way and that, listening for Taehyung—for anything that sounds like it is coming from this room. Suddenly, outside, a car alarm begins to blast and chime, causing you to jump and mutter, "Fuck," under your breath. Having your vision taken away has you on edge, especially when in here is so quiet and out there is so distracting. But then, things shift. You hear footsteps quietly retreat and then the scrape of a wooden window being closed, drowning out most of the outside noises. And then, you hear a switch being flipped, followed by the whirring of what sounds like a fan, but also like television static, covering all outside noise. As glad as you are to have the outside distractions drowned out, you suddenly feel more suspended in darkness alone, with no sense of any noise inside the room. Is Taehyung approaching? You are not sure you would be able to hear him if he did.
i hope that snip is enticing enough to make everyone want to see where that scene goes!!!!!!!! i am very excited to finish that one up once i have the energy too lolol.
send me some emoji ask❗
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quuma · 2 years
Q HOW WAS UR ARTIST ALLEY???? OMGG DOD OT HAPPEN YET??? if u ever come to san francisco…. let me know… bro my wallet is screaming for q art prints… ALSO WHAT ARE YOU SELLING??? i love twst merch SO MUCH that would be so cute if u had keychains EEEE would u ever consider (or do u have) an etsy page open??? i am whoring over the idea of your riddle art on a professional print good heavens I MUST INVEST!!! anyways i hope it went well if u had it!!! if u didn’t yet GOOD LUCK ITS GOING TO GO AMAZING. also omg a fellow nctzen??? who is ur bias MINE IS JAEMIN AND JISUNG I LOVE THE DREAMIES SO MUCH
It was so tiring tho I’m ngl 😭😭 I’m gonna need at least 2 weeks before I leave the house again ;^;;
legit spent the entire event trying to juggle with drawing (bro I haven’t done traditional art in so long - idk why tf I thought it’d be a good idea to give myself such a short timeframe [40mins - 1hr] to draw sketch comms), dealing with ppl complaining about my keychain prices (I was literally using the price recommended to me by the staff 😭😭 most con keychains are literally more expensive so idk what they were complaining about), and talking to random 50yr old men that were asking me about digital art (as creepy as that sounds, they were both v v nice - ended up convincing one to buy an iPad for his daughter for Christmas [she better be grateful >:(]),, ;-;;;
I doubt I’ll ever go to San Francisco (America sorta scares me hahaidhbkjjh) [actually maybe I’ll visit just for you pookie 🤭🤭😍😍], but I’ll definitely let you know if I ever open an Etsy store !!! I’ll probably end up doing it once my catalogue is larger & I figure out how to get higher quality prints :))) (so,, sometime next year :D)
I was selling art prints (TWST, Genshin, Nijisanji), keychains (Genshin), and commissions !! :D
My prediction was right tho LOL - only one TWST print sold (my mootie who loves Riddle bought it eheheh) (actually maybe 3 sold if you include the art trade for Leona and my brother buying a Ruggie print) - and as disappointing as it was, it’s a good indicator on what to make more of in future though!! As much as i love making TWST content, I do still want to make art that sells at cons 😔😔,, i.e. I probs have to focus more on vtuber/Genshin/anime art sighhhhhh
The way I’ve written this post makes it sound like the event was entirely miserable omfg i promise it wasn’t !! stressful, yes, but not terrible !! I did enjoy the experience a lot, and will be applying to proper, bigger cons in the future !! :D
ALSO YES I AM A FELLOW NCTZEN!!! MY BIAS IS TAEYONG <33 (can you tell that I like the overworked type ahsbjdahsfgdgb) BUT TBH RENJUN AND DOYOUNG ARE RLLY CLOSE BEHIND HIM SO IDK </3
OH AND HERE ARE SOME PHOTOS OF MY TINY LITTLE STALL !! sorry that they’re so blurry 😭😭 I was nervous so my hands were shaking a lot 🧍🧍
had to partially cover poor Ruggie and Leona’s faces with labels bc I didn’t know if I was allowed to show blood ahahjshkskn
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boiledhotdogwater · 2 years
hey!! can i have a match-up with someone from jujutsu kaisen? i really like your work. thank you!
gender: i’m a girl, she/her pronouns
gender preference: guys
mbti: ISFP
personality: i come across as chill and easygoing to strangers/people who don’t know me, but with people i know i’m more talkative, warm, and i laugh a lot! i love humor and joking around with others. i have a liking for art too! i have a bunch of interests that i enjoy discussing about. i don’t struggle with talking to strangers, but it can get a little awkward ! i’d say i’m pretty sensitive and emotional, and have low self-esteem. however, that leads to me being pretty in tune with my emotions and also others. it’s also easy for me to get moody and irritated. i also think i tend to worry/overthink a lot lol. it’s hard for me to express love through words, so i usually do so through actions! i like to have fun and have stability in my life, if that makes sense lol. despite this, i keep some things to myself. 
when i have a crush (quite often tbh,, :’), i tend to get really excited and gushy and kinda unpredictable…i read this passage from @/mbti-notes on tumblr and think that this perfectly encapsulates it: “their feelings ebb and flow…[isfps] look for opportunities to be alone with you, smile at you more warmly, giggle at your jokes, take more interest in you, compliment you, ask you detailed questions about your life, try to extend conversations, etc. These ISFPs can appear more assertive but their confidence actually stems from nervous impulsivity.” i can also send mixed signals bc i freak out easily if something goes “wrong” (#overthinker 😍)
my giving love language is acts of service, and receiving i think is words of affirmation and quality time (maybe acts of service too idk ahhh)
kin(s): i don’t really have any but maybe maki kuwana from blue period? i don’t know if she’s EXACTLY like me but we share a few things in common !
likes: art!!, manga, junk food, hanging out with friends, winter, video games (pokemon, undertale, animal crossing), citylife
dislikes: bugs, science, extreme heat, annoying ppl
hopefully this wasn’t too long to read but enough : ‘ )  if it was i’m sorry,, thank you so much!!!
A/N: ok what you said about crushes is SO REAL (I’m an isfp too hehe) I’m literally the same way
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For Jujutsu Kaisen I match you with…
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Inumaki Toge!
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- Inumaki is similar to you in the way he appears chill at first, but when he begins to feel comfortable around you, he is always joking around! The two of you would be a dynamic duo for sure and laughter can always be heard whenever you two are around
- Inumaki also has difficulties expressing his emotions through words (I wonder why LMAO) so he shows his love through acts of service like gift giving, cooking for you and helping you with tasks!
- The two of you spend time hanging out inside watching mangas and eating snacks, and you run around each other’s islands on animal crossing!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
ryen let me start by saying that this chapter was AHMAZING I cried I screamed I whined and I wanted to kick myself!!! It took me longer to collect my thoughts and send them to you bc I was running late and I was thinking if it's OK to send you a few asks so you can put them all together under a read more to avoid spoilers? If it's sth you're comfortable with it, or you can just keep them (my unhinged thoughts) to yourself! -3tandream
oh my gosh, baby!! i am so happy to receive mindblowing feedback from you. four whole messages?? convenient so that i can put them all in one? you're amazing.. responding to everything below!
ryen let me start by saying that this chapter was AHMAZING I cried I screamed I whined and I wanted to kick myself!!! It took me longer to collect my thoughts and send them to you bc I was running late and I was thinking if it's OK to send you a few asks so you can put them all together under a read more to avoid spoilers? If it's sth you're comfortable with it, or you can just keep them (my unhinged thoughts) to yourself!
SCREAMING CRYING WHINING WITH YOU :((( don't kick yourself though omg. this was an awesome way to receive and format feedback, so thank you so much!
The first thing I want to say scream about is how well you played us!! I've read literally all of the 3tan asks since the very first one and I didn't remember at all that one🤯 now I have to find a new personality trait since I've been thirsting over a man that I literally do not know his name. Yoongi my sweet summer child, he loves her so much he's always thinking of her!!! And him and his insecurities got him thinking that maybe jk was a better option for oc? His thoughts really had me on the verge of tears! Why would he think such things!! Oc celebrating their one year since their first time by bringing tangerines and OF COURSE it had to be raining, just for me to tear my hair off over the parallel with the og 3tan😭! -3tandream
MWAHAHAHA YESSS it wasn't any of the members! it's what i've stuck with since the beginning since i wanted to keep it as inclusive as possible. new personality trait LMAO it's ok, babe! there's now a 3tan!jin... so be careful now ahahaha.
and yoongi. yoongi, you old, silly man. for a guy that seems so confident (and is) he really is his own worst enemy bc of his past. it can't seem to leave him :(( why would he think such things is the question! and oc celebrating the one year anniversary with tangerines i love them so damn much.. there were so many parallels! hell yes.
Our man got his walls so high up that oc really snapped, and I'm glad she did! She's showing more sides of herself and she's comfortable with expressing how she's feeling (big sigh),,, oh. OH. so jk was her first love? The first boy that broke her heart? I'm👀over the fact that now that he saw her being all confident and feeling herself he's all like "I've been in love once, Yada Yada, I wanna approach her again Yada Yada"😒 and finally the talk they needed to have!! And the tears that needed to be shed (I was only crying bc I was emotionally supporting them)! AND THE HOLLY VIDEOS😍 and yoongi cares about the cat😍 -3tandream
reader snapping was so cool tbh LMAO called him tf out so abruptly! we are starting to see more of her character and i love it. glad you recognized that!
so jk... sigh. they dated and then he broke her heart before she left for uni. yup. ofc he thought she looked like a million bucks if he had feelings for her before. ugh. i just... yeah. feeling things.
LMAO YOU CAN CRY JUST TO CRY BBY ITS OK!! it was a rough but beautiful scene for them. they needed that. and then all the fluff AHHHHHHH YES YES HOLLY AND CAT!!!!
Don't get me started on the I wanna watch fireworks with you again bc I will cry while I'm pretending to work! You know how much we all love that fireworks line and you're lovingly terrorizing us with it!! I will not comment anything over THE BEST SEX SCENE IVE EVER READ over the fact that I'm a hoe for yoongi's chains. And chains in general. But mostly yoongi's. Oh to be called yoongi's girl and yoongi's slut and to also call yoongi (his dick) yours🥰. And the question remains; who tf is the bro and who will stop me from slapping jk across the face? Ryen ily and you deserve all the rest ib the world, I love your sexy brain💜
alright. yeah. we're just gonna talk about the line that broke me uh huh uh huh great. we do love the fireworks line.. so i cried when it came out again. :'))) played myself like a gd fool. gosh. and then yoongi tearing up at it, too? like, that had to mean something. goddd.
AHAHAH THE SPICE YESSSS i'm so happy that you liked it! huge praise here i am so touched<33 chains. chains chains chains you know me it's a given at this point lmfao. to be called all those things. a dream really😭
who is bro indeed! it's not any of the members, just whoever :D i love you too and i shall rest and rest indeed<3 thank you so incredibly much for all the amazing fantastic sweet words, dream💜
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dollwrites · 1 year
BABYYY I WAS GONNA WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT ASK TO SAY ALL THIS BUT I CANT WAIT I HAVE TO TELL YOU HOW GOOD THE DABI FIC WAS NEOW, CURRENTLY SHAKING, THROWING UP, TEARS RUNNING DOWN MY FACE (AND LEGS) 😭😱 I am astonished, amazed, taken aback by how good and sexy and gross it was I was fr kicking my feet and squealing the entire time 🥰 (and I mean gross in literally the best way possible like to me gross is an utmost compliment lol). While part of me wants to just love on Dabi and smother him with attention, noncon fics about Dabi are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE like roughness/sadism and noncon just fit with him so well 😍 I always love the idea of him overpowering and destroying a new inexperienced hero and the whole being taken and forced to stay in their hideout makes me feral every single time, if that was me I would "accidentally" wander into the wrong neighborhood just praying he would snatch me up and kidnap me lol. Also when he called you a fleshlight OMGGGG 😳 I fucking wish lmaoo. The way I actually screamed when he was like "we're past that by now aren't we?" and "this time I will fuck you braindead" ITS TOO MUCH I CANT HANDLE IT 😭 I could literally hear him saying it in his voice when I read his dialogue like it fits him so well lol. I love the way you made him talk like the snarky, condescending, and degrading way he talked to reader was immaculate and spot on like he so would make fun of you the entire time for enjoying it and being wet for him. He was so mean and rough which is soooo perfect like tbh I cant imagine a world where Dabi wasnt a sadistic dom, if you weren't a masochist before you would be after he was done with you. You have no idea how obsessed I am with this fic I'm so happy you decided to branch out to mha and write for Dabi 🥺 you deserve to have your ass ate for this fic fr 💖 I'm so beyond excited for any future Dabi fics you write, I would love to see you write about his quirk maybe 👀 might have to request something for him hehe 👀 but fr i wanna thank you and the shrooms for this amazing fic my life has been permanently altered lol 💖 jjk anon
BABY I DEFINITELY STILL NEED TO GET TO YOUR OTHER ASK BUT !!! I wanted you to know that I did see this and I am OVER THE MOON delighted that you liked the dabi fic!! I genuinely would not have decided to write for him if it wasn’t for you, and so it makes me so crazy happy to know that 1. You liked it but 2. That you think I got him accurate!! 💚💚 ALL I KNOW ARE THOSE CLIPS YOU SENT ME BUT I WANTED TO GET HIM RIGHT FOR YOU
I was so going to include something about his quirk in it but I got a little confused on how it works, I’ll have to read about it, I think! BUT DONT WORRY, MORE DABI FICS COMING SOON FOR YOU
Even from the clips I saw, he seemed like he’d be a mean ass dom and I’m HERE FOR IT I love writing them
And you can request whatever you want too!! Im also hoping you’ll come send me some Tokyo Revengers rqs 👁️👁️ I CANT WAIT TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH YOU IM SO EXCITED
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Happy Valentine's day 💖 I hope your rehearsals are going well and that you and Jerry are officially besties!! You're a pisces moon?!? I'm a pisces sun so I'm also emotional, hence why i cry at anything i find beautiful 😂😭
I'm seeing Into the Woods on Thursday and I'm so excited! I hope you've been able to see some more live performances! Also J'Nai Bridges, the woman who played Delilah in the performance of Samson and Delilah that i saw just announced she's also going to be playing Carmen in Carmen in Chicago!! I sadly won't be able to see it, but if there are promo videos I'll send them your way!!
Also, that pic of your doggo is so cute😍!!! And the bouquet of flowers your gf got you are so beautiful!!!! Anyways, I hope you have a happy Valentine's and a great rest of the week! We're finally getting some sunshine in Seattle and I hope you're getting some too!!
-paganini anon
P.S. here's a cute lil Valentine's day song to add to your playlist of the day: Salut D'Amour
P.P.S idk if the song link actually worked, but it's the Itzhak Perlman version!
Hi Paganini Anon!
Happy (late) Valentine’s Day! 💗 I hope you had a wonderful day.
Ahhh thank you! We’re performing Brahms for our next concert- I’m so excited! And thank you 😌 Jerry is an icon. Yes, I’m a Pisces moon!! Ahh a fellow Pisces- I’ve always thought that Pisces are one of the best Zodiacs tbh.
Ooo Into the Woods! I hope you have a fantastic time on Thursday, I’m so excited for you!! Pls tell me all about it (if you want to haha). That’s so funny that you brought up Carmen bc a friend and I were just talking about it!! I’m going to have to look up J’Nai Bridges!! I’m considering buying tickets to see Hilary Hahn in a few months. She’s performing a Bach recital that sounds amazing and I would do anything for her tbh.
Ah thank you 😭 Charlie is full of energy and so crazy but I love her. And thank you omg, she surprised me with them and I legit cried lmao. Aw thank you sm, it was really nice and peaceful- my gf and I actually watched an episode of WandaVision!! I’m so glad y’all are getting some sunshine in Seattle! We had some sun earlier in the week and now it’s gloomy again 😭
The p.s. awww!! I think my mobile tumblr app hates me and wouldn’t open the link but I love Itzhak AND Salut d’amour!! I learned that in college around Valentine’s Day for a recital lab I think. Ahh thank you, this made my day. Thank you as always for the asks, I hope you’re having a great week! 💜✨
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Hello!!! I discovered your blog last week and it’s quickly become my favorite ! Your writing is 💫 chefs kiss 💫. I absolutely enjoy everything I read from you!
I have been struggling lately as I have a chronic illness and haven’t been able to eat in like 3 days. 😭😭 so I was wondering if I could request some Yandere headcannons of Kokushibo, Akaza, Sukuna, & Toji ( I have a type 😅😅) with a darling who struggles w an illness or whatever where she can’t eat a lot of the time because it makes her feel really bad ? I need comfort.
Tbh it doesn’t even need to be that scenario just any head cannons with those four would just make my heart explode. 😍😍
Thanks <3 <3
- Eat Darling -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Kokushibou , Akaza , Sukuna , Toji
A/N = Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
• Kokushibou will always be very patient with you. Although he can be very understanding most of the time , he will not allow you to starve yourself.
• The most he will let you go without eating is probably one day , at the most . He does not expect you to eat a full meal all of the time.
• Just eating a small snack is enough to make him happy. He will always leave you small little treats that he know you will enjoy.
• If you are having a particularly hard time eating some days , Kokushibou will stay by your side and comfort you.
• He will not let you push him away though. He knows when you need alone time , but poor guy cannot go a couple of hours without seeing you.
• He will also spoon feed you if you keep refusing to eat.
• I do not think he will ever force feed you. He just does not seem to be the type to harm , or scare you like that.
• We love a praising king
• Kisses everywhere.
• Similar to Kokushibou, Akaza will be very understanding towards you. He knows that sometimes it can be hard to eat , and he will never blame you for that.
• Sometimes , when you are having a rough day , he will take the time to have spa day with you , or massage you to make you feel better.
• He wishes that he could take all the pain away from you.
• He will always praise you for everything that you do. He wants you to know that you are safe with him , and he will always support you.
• He will not let you starve. He does not want you to do anything that will put you at risk.
• Same as Kokushibou, he will spoon feed you. Even if you don’t want him too , he feels like it is a way to get you to trust him more.
• A lot of cuddles
• He will always take you on shopping trips , and let you pick out what you want.
• All that he asks is that you communicate with him in your struggles.
• I will admit , he was a bit confused when you tried to explain your struggles to him . It took him a little bit to become understanding towards you.
• Unlike the other yanderes, Sukuna tends to be a little rough with his darling ( in more ways than one )
• You best believe that when he finds out that you haven’t eaten all day , all hell will break loose in his palace.
• He does not want to admit it , but he started to panic. He does not know much about how humans work , so this was definitely a learning experience.
• He will force feed you.
• He does not want to scare you in anyway , but he cannot afford to lose you.
• He will watch you eat all of the time. It can get a little creepy after a while.
• He might even force people to make sure you eat. ( like a maid or something ).
• Despite all of this , Sukuna can be a little comforting to have around.
• He will always encourage you to talk to him , and teach him about your struggles.
• Many cuddles ( I think I am in a very cuddly mood while writing this )
• Oh god..
• This man takes it very seriously that you sometimes have trouble eating. He does not care if you think it is not serious , he will make you eat.
• I don’t think he cares if he scares you or not. He can’t risk you dying or getting very sick.
• I know this may come off as harsh , but he will force feed you.
• I think the longest he will allow you to go without eating is one day.
• If you are having trouble eating , he will pull you into his lap and spoon feed you while whispering praises into your ear.
• He will leave a bunch of snacks all over the house .
• He will also listen to you vent about everything that you find hard in life.
• He willl hire the best doctors whenever you get sick.
• Sorry about that
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
• Jujitsu Kaisan
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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