#sell my house fast in Royal Oak
detroitcashforhomes · 2 years
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fixxofvixx · 3 years
Hello! Believe me, I am just surprised as you are that I have a chapter to update! haha! But inspiration hit and I went with it!
I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
Jaehwan kept the horse's pace slow. You were thankful for that since you were able to see the scenery more easily.
"How long have you lived here? Everything just looks so beautiful."
"I inherited this land from my father about 150 years ago. It had gone to weeds and brush mostly. I hired a bunch of people to help me bring it back to what you see now.” Jaehwan’s voice sounded proud.
“My parents always told me that you had killed off all of the people that lived on your land and took it for yourself. They said you killed entire families and just left the bodies. I used to be so terrified of what I would find here.” Your hand tightened on the saddle horn as the horse turned uphill.
“So you asking me how long I’ve lived here was your way of finding out if I killed all those people?” Jaehwan seemed amused but you spun around, eager to quell any suspicions just in case.
“No! I swear it wasn’t! I just wanted to know and then I remembered what my parents told me. I swear!” His face was mere inches from yours but the height difference caused you to look up at him. He chuckled and looked down at you.
“I was only teasing you. I just don’t understand why your parents wanted you to fear me so much.”
“I don’t know. They just always told me that I needed to watch what I say all the time. I’m sorry if they have offended you.”
“I think what I feel for them goes way beyond offense. But there is no need for you to apologize for them. Min has been watching them and they seem to be preparing to move. He saw them selling off some of their things in town. Perhaps they will become a distant memory for you.”
“I would like to think that too but I just don’t believe my mother will give up on the money that easily. She would always send me to different houses to perform different jobs for them. I hated going to the local doctor’s house the most. He was very creepy and talked about inappropriate things but he paid the most money so she sent me there a lot.” An involuntary shudder passed through your body when you thought about going to that house.
“She did...what?” A quiet anger replaced the amusement in his voice from earlier. The atmosphere changed and you could feel Jaehwan’s body tensing up. You looked up at him again and his face was the epitome of fury. Your heart quickened and a cold sweat could be felt on the back of your neck.
“I….um...shall we go back? Maybe we shouldn’t stay out too l-late” You turned to look back the way you had come. Jaehwan put his hand under your chin and brought your face back to his.
“What do you mean by inappropriate? Was is just talk or did he…” It took you a moment to understand what he was asking and you gasped.
“Oh! No, there wasn’t anything like that.” A heavy blush covered your cheeks and he leaned down even farther.
“Tell me the truth, Y/N. You know I can hear your heartbeat.” Jaehwan really didn’t want to hear the answer because he knew how he would react.
“He tried…..” Your voice locked up and tears stung your eyes. You felt so exposed mentally but you knew he wanted an answer. “He said….he said he needed more research...on anatomy. I refused but he came towards me and grabbed my arm. He….He has a table with restraints for mentally ill patients and he was able to put one of them on me but his assistant came in and got me out of it saying there was an emergency patient waiting. I ran home and told my parents but my mother….she just told me I should have agreed and asked for more money.”
You could feel Jaehwan shaking now and you desperately wanted to get off the horse. You knew if you tried, you would most likely break a leg or worse so you were forced to sit there beside a seething Jaewhan. Tears of embarrassment and frustration fell from your eyes.
You wondered for a second why Jaehwan was calling for his head butler but only 2 or 3 seconds later, a rush of wind produced the exact man he’d called for. You knew vampires were fast but how did he hear him so well all the way out here?
“You called, Your Highness?”
“Kill him.”
“As you wish.” Min started to bow but you interrupted.
“No! Please! I don’t--”
“Don’t what? Do you really think I would let him live after what he did? And what if he tries the same thing with another young girl?”
“I know but--!” You grabbed Jaehwan’s shirt and looked up at him, desperate. “Please don’t kill anyone on my account. I’m not worth it and I don’t think I could live with that.”
“You are worth it, Y/N.” Jaehwan’s hand cupped your cheek lightly. He looked at your tear-streaked face and sighed. “Min.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Leave him alive…..destroy his business and find a new doctor for the town.”
“Of course.” Min left just as quickly as he came. You let go of the breath you didn’t know you had been holding. Relief flooded your body as the realization that you wouldn’t be responsible for someone’s death. Punishment however….well, at least he would be alive.
Content and relieved, you slowly wrapped your arms around Jaehwan’s waist and squeezed lightly.
“Thank you.”
“I wanted to kill him.” You didn’t release him but still looked up at him. “But I seem to be powerless when it comes to your demands.”
“I didn’t mean to demand it! I was just…”
“I don’t mind, Y/N. Demand whatever you want. If it is within my power, you will have it.”
“I already have everything I could have ever wanted. More than I deserve.”
“If you say that one more time, I’m going to put you in my dungeon.”
“But you said you didn’t have one!”
“I’ll make one! A very tiny one, just for you. You’ll stay there until you learn that you deserve more than you've been given!" Jaehwan smiled, teasing you again. Your heart felt light again and you couldn't help but smile.
"I think I'm very lucky."
"Lucky?" He asked as he turned the horse off the path and through some trees.
"Yes, lucky to have a very nice owner."
Jaehwan's smile disappeared and it was replaced by a disapproving glare. He stopped Fynnias near a group of tall oak trees and got down. He reached up to help you off the horse. You watched his expression and it didn't change. He didn't look angry but you couldn't place his emotions. The horse walked off a few steps to graze in the field surrounding the few trees. Jaehwan turned to you and placed his hands on your shoulders.
"Y/N, I am not your owner. That’s not what I want to be. I don’t want to own you.”
“But being a donor….”
“Is an inheritance that you didn’t choose but accepted with that big heart you have. That doesn’t mean I own you. You are not my subject, either. You are free. Free to live how you want. If you want to travel, we can do that. If you want to raise horses, grow flowers, or have a hundred puppies running around, we can do that too. All you have to do is ask.”
Jaehwan’s words brought new tears to your eyes. But these tears were because of the joy you felt. Jaehwan reached forward and slid his thumbs over the teardrops falling down your cheeks. You suddenly thought of something that you wanted but didn’t know if he would agree. You looked up at him but hesitated.
“Go on, what do you want? I can tell from your expression that you thought of something.”
“Well….there is something that I’ve never had before and I was wondering if you would agree but you don’t have to because I understand that it is a rather odd request to ask of a member of a royal family. You honestly don’t have to agree……” Jaehwan’s laughter broke through your ramblings and you couldn’t help but smile.
“What is it, Y/N?”
“Be my friend?” You noticed Jaehwan’s eyes widened for a moment and you feared that you had offended him. Surely, no one had ever asked that of a prince. You started to take back your request when Jaehwan smiled.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be.” Jaehwan’s soft voice made you blush for some reason. “Of course, you’ll be my friend in return? Not just a donor?”
“I would be happy to---oh! Speaking of donor, I marked it on my calendar and saw it this morning. It has been a little over a week, hasn’t it? Do you need to feed? We can go back and--”
“That might be a good idea before all the guests start arriving. I’ll need the strength to deal with them. If you’ll agree, I can do it right now. I’d say it’s rather nice weather for a picnic, don’t you think?” Jaehwan laughed at his own joke and you felt the desire to join in.
“I have no objections, although I might be a little useless on the horse going back. I don’t want to be a burden.”
“You won’t be.” Jaehwan stepped closer to you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
Although it was only the second time he had done this, it already felt familiar. You felt no fear or hesitation. You started to move your hair out of the way but he stopped you.
“I’ll do it.” His voice was barely above a whisper but you could hear him easily since he was so close. His fingers lightly brushed your hair away from your neck and held the strands away by threading his fingers through them.
He leaned in closer and you prepared yourself for the short pinprick. He didn’t bite you right away and his breath was cool on your overheated skin.
“What would you like to feel this time?” His breath tickled your ear as he spoke and stopped yourself from giggling.
“I have no idea. You don’t have to use the extra energy like that, it’s not worth--ah!” A short yelp came from your lips when you felt Jaehwan’s teeth on your ear. “Why did you do--”
He didn’t answer but instead sank his teeth into your neck. The burst of pain caused you to gasp but it was short lived. Soon after, a new feeling emerged. The feeling was so unfamiliar that you had no idea what to call it. There was happiness, curiosity, and an odd sense of longing like what you would feel if you were craving something but couldn’t quite get it. It wasn’t a bad feeling but it was foreign to you.
All too soon, your world began to turn hazy. Jaehwan’s arms tightened around you as you lost the strength to stand. His fangs left your body and he closed the wounds quickly with his tongue. He lingered at your neck for a moment before leaning back to look at your tired eyes. He clicked his tongue and Fynnias trotted over to where you both stood. He placed you on the horse and hoisted himself up behind you before you even had time to fall over.
You were tired but had yet to pass out. Instead, all the questions running through your head kept you awake.
“Sleep, Y/N, I won’t let you fall off.” Jaehwan’s voice sounded almost far away but you knew he was right next to you.
“What….was that...feeling?”
“What...did you...make me feel?”
“Sleep first, Y/N, I will tell you later.” Jaehwan reached up and leaned your head over to rest on his chest. There was such a great sense of security in his arms and that you couldn’t help but fall asleep.
When Jaehwan heard your breathing even out, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was thankful that you were too tired to question him. He wasn’t even sure why he’d chosen that feeling either but it was the first thing that had come to mind.
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Summary: Let me just say I am an American with no idea of how royal hierarchies work. Just made something up.
Governors are basically kings of the states they run with their own armies and mayors are dukes. Women are not allowed to work, only marry.
Dark MCU royal AU [but not really grey at best]
Sam Wilson x reader, dark Thor x reader [not really i don’t think. more like grey Thor]
Warning: attempted suicide, sex
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"She's old Margret" your father huffed.
"Dear no I think you're being harsh" your mother defended.
You sat in the kitchen peeling potatoes for tonight’s dinner as you listened to him complain.
"I most certainly am not! She is old. Way past her prime. Am I supposed to work myself to death to  support her?" He grumbled.
"Her brothers have long sense left this house. Started families of their own. Making their own way about the world."
"Dear they are men. Made to labor. What would you have her do? You refused her education. She has little options"
Women were with few exception not allowed to work. If you were not aiming to be a nurse, maid, or teacher. Most girls stopped their education after they learned to read or their parents stopped paying for tuition.
"Well, I would have assumed she would have been long sense married by now. What would be the point in wasting the money on education?"
He would often complain after doing his monthly expenses. Paying for the loan on the house, paying to feed himself and his wife, but the extra cost of the spare mouth of a daughter drove him up the wall. He actually calculated how much extra money he would have if you were not there draining his savings. As if it would by him a cottage on a beach in the state.
A popper he was not but a frugal bastard he was indeed. Only spending extra if he could come out ahead in the end.
It was like this most days, the only time it wasn't were when your father stayed out to drink. Pouring his sorrows into a pint and from your mothers presumption whores.
"Joseph, from work, told me that the Governor's having a ball. Says that his son told him that they send all the army boys there, most bachelors the lot of them. You know those army folks are quick to wed." He told your mother. He had planned this out thoroughly it would seem. "Lets put some lipstick on this pig and send her off"
"She is not a cow you sell at market!" Your mother was outraged out the notion.
"Well Moo Moo Margret. She is going. If she doesn't find a suitor then she is out on the streets. Have the state worry for her."
"Dear you cant mean that. She is our blood." Your mother would do nothing more than speak of her disapproval.
"It's my mother's fault." He said as he walked to his favorite sitting chair. "She was a bit misshapen. Got her damn jeans from me. Swear if she didn't look like her I would deny her my name" your mother gasped loudly at the insult.
"She tried to marry the Wilson boy and you denied her! Now look at him, second in command of the states army."
"Well, I thought when she...uh" he paused to find the right word to say. "Bloomed she would bring better prospects."
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When you were 14 you fell in love with Sam Wilson and he with you. Children of the same age, same culture and you two had become fast friends. He had always made you laugh and it was not uncommon to be betrothed at such a young age.
One day while playing by the creek he had pushed you against the old oak tree and kissed you. So innocent and sweet, but it only lasted a fraction of a second. You had stared at him with your eyes wide with shock and surprise.
"Y/N I love you. Marry me?" He had no ring just a wild daffodil half ruined from being hid within his pants pocket. You had hugged him so tight he teased that you almost broke his bones. You had loved him for ages and to have your best friend love you back was truly a delight any girl could ask for.
The day felt like a dream as you two lay in the field and talked of your future. How many children, where the house should be, what the wedding would be like. You hadn't even noticed that the sun was setting as the euphoria of your love took over.
Kissing him on the cheek with a promise to meet again tomorrow you rushed home. With a smile that would not falter.
"Mom! Mom!" You burst through the door.
"What is it girl? You're so loud. What is it?"
"Sam! He asked me to be his wife!" Barely able to catch your breath as you retell the events.
Your mother's sweet smile showed of her approval in the union. The excitement of telling your father made the hands on the clock drag. When you saw the cart finally drop him off you exploded through the door and rushed to tell him your joyous news.
But your joy was short lived. Sam's family was not the status that he wanted for you. He gambled that when you were to hit puberty you would attract hire quality suitors. To hedged his bets he pulled you from school and refused you out to see Sam.
The decision crushing you completely, your home had become your prison for over a decade. Only allowing out into the world to join your mother for her weekly shopping.
He broke you back then and thought nothing of it. Unmoved by your constant tears and sorrow. Eventually you cared not for the fancy things in life. Your hair unkept, your clothes unpressed and makeup was as foreign to you as the neighboring states. Your mother would often scold you for not putting out your best as to catch the eyes of a suitor. But what was the point?
You lived only in the fading memories of Sam. Replaying ways to have made things different. Your mother took pity allowing you stationary upon which to write. Sending him love letters, but sadly with no replies.
"Well I buying her a ticket to the governors ball. We have enough for a decent enough dress so get her ready." Plopping down he opened his smoking box to take out his pipe. Lighting it up with long puff signaling to your mother that the final word had been spoken.
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Your mother with your fathers pocket book went all out. When he saw the receipts he almost had a stroke. He swore never again to make that mistake with your mother again.
Your hair, makeup and dress were all done for the affair. When she showed you the results in the mirror before you left with your father you swore someone had bewitched the mirror.
When you two arrived at the Governors estate your father pushed you to mingle. But you had not the heart for music and fun. Walking aimlessly about the crowded event until you spotted him.
It couldn't be could it?
Walking up to the man you presumed to be your long lost love you call out.
It was him, adorn in his formal military uniform.
Your heart felt like it beat for the first time in ages. Swelling with joy tears almost fell from your eyes at the sight of your long lost love.
You hugged him instantly, but it took a moment before his arms reciprocated the gesture.
"I always wondered what happened to you. I even went to your house but I was always turned away"
"It was all my fathers doing. Did you receive my letters? My mother made sure to mail them daily, but I never got word back."
Even through your despair you had never stopped writing. Everyday even when your mind tried to insert logic you still wrote. You could barely spell and your mother was of no use in that matter, but that did not stop you.
"What letters?" He was at a loss and that is when your heart began to hurt a little at the betrayal of you're only ally.
Every shopping day your mother would buy you the most gorgeous letter paper to write to him with, only to never send them. But why?
"I wrote to you every day Sam I swear it" you were in denial. She wouldn't have done that. No never her. Not your mother.
"Honey who is this?" A beautiful woman appeared from his side.
"This is an old friend. Wanda this is Y/N"
She was so striking and much younger than you. "Oh hello he talks much about his youth here in this state, but I'm sorry I don't recall you." You could see her trying to recall a memory and even with the scrunch of her brow she was a sight.
What would you say to her? That you were his first love, first kiss, that he had proposed to you. That you still had the daffodil he gave. Now pressed in the holy book on the page that would have held your vows.
"I.." You looked at him. His smile was for her now. You were nothing, but a ghost playing among the living. "I went to school with him when I was much younger, but never completed." She smiled at you so pure and overflowing with love for him that it made you sick, but you forced yourself to mirror her.
"Well it was nice meeting you, Y/N.." She said through the loud music."but if you will excuse me I would love to dance with my fiancé." Pulling him away. As they departed what was left of your heart felt as if it had rolled in glass.
Every breath brought a pain and as your vision began to blur you saw your father approached with that look. That look that you had not the energy to deal with. So you took off. Walking swiftly through the crowded ballroom zigging and zagging not knowing where to go. You were boiling over, but you didn't want the world to see. For Sam to see.
As you scanned the massive room filled with people you spot a staircase that wrapped along the wall. You don't know why you went to it, but you did. Ascending the stairs as quickly as you could in your full dress. Tripping only twice on the petty coat underneath, but still able to stand up right. There were fewer people on this level, each in their own conversation of this or that. Taking a deep breath you decide to turn left. Passing awkwardly by the smaller groups of people before stopping at the door at the end of the hall.
The massive wooden door was unlocked when you tried the handle. Pushing it open you could see no lights. Entering the darkness of the room, the blackness poured over you then the tears fall before you could close it behind you. With your back pressed to it you slid down the door and on to the floor. The sound of the booming music from the band hiding you're sobbing from the world.
As you cried you felt the cold breeze of the night prickle your skin. Looking you see the sheer curtain dance in the wind the color of the moon light giving it a soft ghostly hue. Standing up you walked to it. Opening the curtain you found the window to actually be a small balcony.
Walking out to the banister at the end you stare up at the moon and the sight of it filled you with loneliness. A small part of you had held out hope that Sam still loved you, would come for you and you two would live out those childhood wishes from long ago. But he wasn't and your father would surely be tossing you out by the morrow.
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You didn't know how, but somehow you had climbed over the railing. Staring at the earth below.
What was the point? You couldn't work, too old to marry. Born to be nothing.
"You shouldn't be here." A voice came out from behind the ghostly veil.
Turning your head you look back to see, but when you spotted him you only stared through him.
Holding on to the steel frame of the balcony you lean forward. Hoping that when you fall and kiss the ground that the pain would be swift. So you let go.
"No you don't"
He was fast. Catching your wrist before you descended. Looking up at him you could see him clearly now. The strain on his face had his veins busting through his flesh as he pulls you back up and over the banister.
He had pulled you so hard that he lost balance and landed on the  floor with you on top of him.
Pushing yourself off his chest you straddled him. Your dress almost swallowing him whole. When he sat up he rubbed the back of his head and hissed. As he straightened himself, his height could not be ignored.
"Are you mad wo.." His words were cut off by the crashing of your lips to his. You just pressed them hard into his, your eyes shut tight as your fingers clasped the fabric of his formal uniform.
His hands came on to your shoulders and pushed you back. "They had told me these events were to be a prudish affair. Had I known women of this state were made of fire we would have united our states long ago." His strange accent had you gawking at him.
Your eyes fell to his uniform, the colors were all wrong. It was not of your state's formal wear, but anothers.
He kissed you this time, his tongue tickled your bottom lip the sudden wetness of it made you gasp and he took that opportunity to invade. Yours sat frozen in your mouth bewildered by the intrusion.
When his hands fell on your hip you yelped in his mouth. "Move for me" he said as his hands guided you back and forth on his lap. The friction of his pants on your bloomers was delightful. Moaning in his mouth your eyes shot open wide. Embarrassed by the foreign noise, but the man only chuckled on your lips.
Your hands released his clothes and wrapped around his neck. When he bit your bottom lip you bit his, when his tongue flicked yours you flicked his in turn. You let him guide you to every move. His hands fell from your hip, but you still kept the pace as the warm fuzziness of the feeling building in your core wanted more.
Placing his arms on your back he pushed you backwards on to the  cold balcony floor while never breaking his kiss. Your heart beat hard in your chest as you felt him press you into the unforgiving floor with your dress the only bit of comfort to it.
He pulled away again making you whimper. His smile looked so devilish as he stared down at you. "Your pure aren't you girl."
Your ears felt hot as his eyes looked upon you. "Yes" it came out almost as a whisper.
He bit his lip almost fighting off a bigger grin. Moving his hands from your back one hand glided atop your dress. Grazing both breasts before hooking his in it. Pulling the fabric down allowing your breast to bounce free in the night air. His warm palm overtaking the circumference of one breast filling your body with more fire.
Bending down you closed your eyes to receive a kiss, but it never came. His wet mouth latched onto your exposed bosom, making you pant. The flicking of his tongue drove you mad with wanting. His soft lips kissed each breast before sucking your nipple into his mouth. "Your flesh is sweeter than any honey I've ever tasted." His rugged voice sent you soaring to the heavens.
Bunching up your dress his hand moved slowly up your thigh. Stopping at your bloomers. "What do you want little dove?" He looked down at you again. Waiting for your answer.
Was this what Sam does to Wanda?
For whatever reason your mind could not picture him this way. So your mind drifted, thinking of the women of the night. The women that lived for the night as you are now. Your mother had spoke often about loose women. Whores she would call them. Good for nothings seen as no more than the corrupters of men souls. That’s why she never blamed your father for his misdeeds. You wanted to be a corrupter of men, to hold a power over them. Seeing as giving them power had brought you no joy in this world.
"I want to be a whore" at your words his smile dropped and a hunger unfamiliar to you grew upon his face.
Hurriedly pulling your bloomers down you could hear a growl from him. As if by the moon he would change into a wolf right before your eyes. His focus strayed from you but for only a brief moment as he fiddled with his own attire.
He lay between your spread legs poking at your muff with a rod harder than the floor that ached your back. "Then my whore you shall be" without another word he forced himself into you.
The pain and discomfort had you screaming into the night. Pushing him off, but he held steadfast deep in you up to his hilt. Tears prickled your eyes as the pain felt unbearable. Lifting your legs onto his shoulder allowed him deeper still and you felt too full.
"Please sir it hurts" you hissed. Your eyes pleading up at him.
"Not for long my dove" His hips slammed against you with such forced that you tried to crawl backwards away. But with his hands on your shoulder he locked you in place. Each time his hips slapped yours it sent jolts throughout your body.
Your mewls mixing with his groans while the music played from the ball down stairs. "It hurts!" Your voice quakes as he continued his punishing thrust. Your breasts jerking harshly from his movements while your legs try and force him off, but he went on undeterred.
"My..dove.. sing for me" and you did with every thrust.
Your back arched off the unforgiving ground as you felt your cunt stretched beyond its limits to receive him. Your nails dragged along his coat sleeves, snagging on badges here and there.
The pain of him faded into a wave of ecstasy. "More please" you panted.
"Does..my..dove..love.. my..cock" he teased as he watched your face transform from pain to pleasure. Hitting your core harder with each word, moaning deeply as he filled you.
"Mmm so-so good." You moaned. The pressure from him electrified your whole body. You could feel every inch of him and you wanted more.
"A whore..only for...me" he groaned. His chest pressed into your legs as his movements grew wilder. Your body felt a buzz, your flower so alive, clenching feverishly around him. His member started twitching, flexing inside of you and filling you with more warmth and wetness.
"Such a good little dove" he praised.
When he stopped he gave your lips one last kiss before falling over to your side. Your legs flopped to the floor landing with a thud shaking like a leaf in the wind. Turning your head to him, you examined the glistening features of his face.
"Who are you?" You panted out half exhausted.
As he began to speak the door creaked open in the distance.
"Y/N!" Your fathers voice shouted out. You sat up with a cold splash of reality hitting you.
When your father came into the room he had only seen the aftermath. A compromising position that sent him into a tizzy. Racing over to you he grabbed your for arm pulling you from your savior.
Pulling up your top and cleaning off your dress you prayed he had not noticed your very bare chest in the confusion.
"What are you doing who is that?" He roared furiously. "Speak"
His slap faded into the nights air. He must be getting older, much more older than you thought him to be. His strikes barely fazed you now, but you held your face as if it still held the same power as they used to have.
"What were you thinking you stupid girl? Your chastity is you're only saving grace." He was furious. "I can't believe my own daughter a whore."
"Ah heeeehhhmmmm" the stranger cleared his throat behind you. His height towering over you and your father.
"Excuse me sir, but in my state we do not take Kindly to the striking of innocent women."
"And who are you to speak to me in such a ways army boy?"
"I'm lieutenant Governor Thor Odinson of the Asgardian state. New allies of your Governor's state."
Your father's eyes widened in shock as did yours.
"We were just admiring the constellations as we are ought to do in my state. Isn't that right milady?"
Your father looked to you to answer while Thor shot you a knowing wink.
"Well if you would excuse her intrusion sir, but she is supposed to be finding a suitor not laying about star gazing" he spoke nervously.
Pulling you out of the room by your arm as Thor faded into the darkness.
"What happened to your face girl you look a sight?" He said annoyed. "Go to the mirror and fix yourself" he pointed to a mirror along the wall right before the entrance to the room. "Had someone else spotted you, you would have been thought a harlot for sure" he huffed.
Hurrying away you rush to the mirror all the while you felt Thor's seed snake down your leg.
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katefiction · 4 years
Traces of Us
by katefiction (Maria) / 2014
Malcolm Kenton didn’t care for celebrity, and he didn’t understand why anyone else did either. He lived in a small cottage on the Isle of Anglesey with his wife Rosanne and his Labrador, Toby. He only bought the Guardian on principle and refused to watch anything but the BBC.
Malcolm’s grandchildren thought him old fashioned, and he often heard them sniggering behind his back when they came to visit, playing horrific ‘boom boom’  music, as he called it,  and watching some mind numbing reality TV show with people so desperate to be famous they’d strip naked on television.
When he and Rosanne visited Ye Olde Bulls Head Inn for a quiet drink, Malcolm would refuse to enter the pub quiz. He knew he’d get a perfect score on the every category, but would fail on the entertainment section. The one time he’d tried, the whole pub had erupted in laughter when he mistook a picture of Michael Jackson for Cher.
It came as a surprise to everyone then, when Malcolm announced he had been asked to come out of retirement and act as estate agent for his old friend, Sir George Meyrick.
Malcolm was to help sell the most famous farmhouse in Wales.
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The farmhouse in the hamlet of Bodorgan boasted four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, dining room, and a stunning view of Newborough Forest. But even with that, the initial rush of voyeuristic customers who wanted to rent the property because of its famous connection had died away.
Now, five years after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had packed up and left for London, bookings were down, and Sir George was finally ready to sell the place.
Despite living in Anglesey all their lives, neither Malcolm nor Rosanne had ever met or even seen the royal residents around the island during their three year stay. Not that Malcolm would have cared if he did. Other people’s lives didn’t interest him and as he waited outside the farmhouse that winter’s day to give his tenth viewing, he sincerely hoped that his next clients wouldn’t do as the last nine had done – ask him questions about William and Kate.
‘Is this their original bed?’, ‘Would Kate have cooked on this stove?’, ‘Who did up the garden, the duke?’ Malcolm was sick of it. This wasn’t a museum for heaven’s sake.
The family of four rushed up to the door, where Malcolm, a firm believer that he didn’t need a coat to keep warm, was standing, his shoulders hunched from the cold. He had no time for tardiness.
‘So sorry we’re late!’, the woman said, bundled up in a scarf and hat, ‘I’m Bryony, and this is my husband Mark’
Mark who was similarly dressed in thick winter wear, shook his hand and exchanged pleasantries.
‘And these are the kids’, Bryony pointed, rather unnecessarily, Malcolm thought, to the young boy and girl chasing each other around the driveway.
‘Kids!’, Mark called, ‘get over here please, let’s not keep everyone waiting any longer’
The children ran over to their father dutifully and followed as Malcolm led them into the house.
The young couple seemed taken with the whitewashed house as soon as they entered, exchanging words of approval at the large hallway, and a painting of the Irish Sea hanging by the doorway.
‘Welcome home Mrs Wales’, William said, throwing his bags carelessly into the hall.
‘Thank you Mr Wales’, Kate replied, being all the more careful with their belongings, placing her bags down on the hard wooden floor.
‘You know I was always Mr Wales?’, he teased, ‘it hasn’t got the same charm as when it’s brand new’
‘Four days of being your wife and the novelty hasn’t worn off yet?’
‘Not a bit’, he smiled.
William and Kate were firmly in the honeymoon phase, despite not having been on their honeymoon yet. They hung off each other’s’ words, wanted to spoil each other at every given second and couldn’t keep their hands off each other. This was wedded bliss personified.
They had lived together in their Anglesey home for over a year, but coming back to their secluded house as husband and wife four days after their enormous wedding, it already felt different.
William kicked the door shut and grabbed Kate from behind, hoping to savour every moment they had together before he went back to work the next day.
‘Can I unpack first?!’ she giggled, poking him in the ribs.
‘Nope’, he replied, turning her around.
‘Tough, you know I hate mess’, she attempted to pull away, though if she was honest, her heart wasn’t really in it.
‘You have to obey me now you’re my wife’, he said with a smirk, knowing it would rile her.
‘Oh you have a lot to learn’, Kate shook her head.
‘I’m doing alright so far aren’t I? At this whole husband thing?’
‘You are’, she kissed him to show her approval. ‘Though we’re going to have to talk about you leaving your stuff by the doorway when you come in after work…’
‘The doorway!’ William said suddenly.
He took Kate by the hand and pulled her back through front door. They both stood on the step, just as they had five minutes earlier.
‘Will, what on earth?’
Lifting her up, he threw her effortlessly over his shoulder, ‘how could I forget to carry you over the threshold?’
‘This is ridiculous, put me down!’ she laughed.
He took her into the hallway, her arms and legs flailing in a bid for freedom. It didn’t have the desired effect, and instead, her foot hit the painting of the Irish Sea that hung on the wall, sending it crashing to the ground.
‘Oh crap!’
William let her down, ‘that was very naughty Mrs Wales’
She pushed his shoulder, ‘that was YOUR fault!’
‘I’m not the one who was causing a fuss!’
Kate picked up the painting and on finding that no damage had been done, hung it back up.
‘We’re married now’, she said, ‘we have to act like grown ups’
William knew better than to think she was serious. For being with Kate let out his fun side and she knew it. And if he was going to have fun anywhere, where no-one could see him, it would be here in Anglesey.
‘I suppose there are plenty of grown up things we could do’, he said, raising an eyebrow.
Kate narrowed her eyes, pretending to look unimpressed, but it wasn’t long until she broke out into a large grin, ‘you’ll have to catch me first’
With that, she sprang up the stairs, William not far behind, chasing her like a cheetah about to pounce on a particularly tasty lunch.
Malcolm breathed a sigh of relief as he took the family into the dining room. So far they hadn’t made any reference to the duke and duchess.
French windows looked out onto the forest, opening up the dining room, which held a large wooden dining table, ornate light fittings and fireplace.
Bryony and Mark admired the table as the children looked longingly out of the window, breathing on the glass and making shapes with their fingers in the mist.
‘Lovely for entertaining’, Bryony remarked.
‘Indeed’ Malcolm said. He wasn’t really the best salesperson in the world.
‘Looks like there’s been a little scuffle here’, Mark bent down and touched one of the table legs.
Malcolm cursed them under his breath. They had been the first ones to notice that unfortunate damage.
‘It looks like it’s been gnawed at’, Bryony said, now joining Mark at the table leg. ‘Really, who lets an untrained animal loose at an antique table?!’
‘KATE!’ William yelled through the house. ‘Kate, get in here!’
She rushed into the dining room, ‘what’s the emergency?’, she said, scanning the room for the disaster.
‘That is’, he pointed down to the floor where their twelve week old puppy was chomping on the leg of the dining table.
 ‘Lupo!’ she exclaimed, grabbing his back and trying to pull him off the table.
‘Bad dog’ William said, rather unhelpfully. ‘You should really train him’
‘I AM training him, no thanks to you’, she said, finally dislodging Lupo from the table.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’, William’s brow creased into a deep line.
‘It means that all you ever do is cuddle and play with him, all the hard work is left for me’, she said sternly.
His face dropped like a small child, ‘I’m no good at training him, you know that’
‘Well you need to start trying a little harder!’, she stormed out of the room, clutching Lupo, who looked rather confused at the site of the couple arguing.
‘What is wrong with you?!’, William called down the hall as he followed her, ‘because I know this isn’t about the dog, Catherine’
Kate turned on her heel so fast, Lupo’s ears swung like a helicopter, ‘it’s about the fact that we want a baby next year and you can’t even discipline a dog’
William was taken aback, he wasn’t expecting that. ‘So you’re saying I’m going to be a bad father?’
‘I’m saying that I don’t want to put all the ground work in to set boundaries for our child and have you undermine me’
He walked over to her and put his hands on both of her arms. He was stung by her words, but some things weren’t worth the fight.
‘I know I can spoil him sometimes, but your word rules, we’re a team, always have been’
‘I know’, she said quietly. ‘I’m sorry’
William chuckled, ‘I refuse to let our baby be as much of a brat as I was’
Kate managed a smile, ‘William the Terrible, wasn’t it?’
She was sure she saw him pink a little, ‘yes, but that’s not the point, the point is our baby will be nothing like me’
‘I guess it would be ok if he was a little like you’
‘Oh it’s a “he” is it?’, William laughed.
‘Yep’, she said confidently. ‘We’ll have a son, just you wait’
William had already learnt that his wife was almost always right.
The children were dying to go out into the garden, ‘Please Mummy! I won’t run off anywhere, I promise!’
‘We said no, now don’t ask again please’, Mark said, ruffling the child’s hair.
As Malcolm took the family into the living room, with its large sofa set and more antique oak furniture, he instinctively placed his foot over a pale mark on the patterned rug that was under the coffee table. He didn’t want Bryony and Mark to notice anything else wrong with the farmhouse.   
‘But please Daddy!!!’
Malcolm didn’t know which one of the children was making that repulsive whining noise, he preferred not to converse with anyone without cognitive thinking. His own son, like William and Kate, had left Anglesey for London and had barely looked back since. Only when his son wanted to offload his teenagers on Malcolm and Rosanne, did he see him.
He loved his son in his own way, but childhood was just a necessary evil to get to adulthood in his opinion. He could never understand the way children turned grown adults into fools. Especially babies; sticky, ugly little creatures that people went wild for.
His mind wondered back to five years ago when he had been looking forward to watching the start of the Ring O’ Fire Marathon. He had bumped into his neighbour one morning as he was collecting his milk bottles from the door step.
‘Yoo hooo! Malcolm’ she hawked. ‘Did you hear the good news?’
‘What’s that then?’, he said dryly.
‘Only that Prince William and maybe even Catherine are attending the marathon this year!’
Malcolm nodded without saying a word. He truly hoped this wouldn’t bring a load of tourists from the mainland.
‘I do hope they bring the little baby, wouldn’t that be wonderful?!’
‘Why, is it going to be entering the marathon?’
The neighbour laughed uncertainly, she never did understand Malcolm.
Kate was on her knees scrubbing at a stain on the rug.
‘You really should start getting ready’, William said.
‘I have to get this stain off’, she said distractedly.
Last night, their baby boy had leaked through his nappy, leaving an unsightly stain on the rug.
‘You’re gonna wear a hole in it’, he said soothingly, but Kate ignored him. ‘We need to leave soon’
Finally, she sat up, taking her eyes off the rug for the first time in fifteen minutes. ‘I can’t come’
‘Not this again’, William sighed.
‘I can’t do it, I can’t leave him’
‘Your mum is here and he’s asleep’. William had repeated this about twenty times already. If Kate didn’t move soon, they’d be late for their first engagement together since George was born. It was their final way of saying thank you to the island.
‘What if he needs me? What if he wakes up and doesn’t want to drink from the bottle? He’ll wonder where I am, he’ll be scared William’, the irrational panic was rising in her voice.
William sat down on the sofa. This was going to take some convincing.
‘You went out the shops without him, and he was fine then, remember?’
‘That was only like half an hour, and I’d just fed him’
‘But he was fine, yes?’
‘Yes but…’
‘Kate, your mum knows what she’s doing, more than we do. Try and remember why you wanted to come in the first place’. He ran a hand through her hair.
He was right, she had wanted to go to show her thanks. Anglesey had been wonderful to them, all four of them.
‘What if something happens?’
‘Rebecca has our phones, but nothing will happen, he won’t even know we’re gone’
Kate knew he was speaking sense, but first time motherhood didn’t pair itself with rational thinking. Especially when you were leaving your baby.
‘I guess’, she said softly, standing up to stretch her legs. 
‘He’ll be fine’, William said, stroking her arm, ‘and so will you’
She gave him a little squeeze for reassurance, ‘what would I do without you?’
Mark and Bryony were eager to see the upstairs part of the house. With four bedrooms and two bathrooms, it would be perfect for this little family, Malcolm thought.
He showed them each room in turn, ending with the master bedroom. Bryony and Mark smiled at each other as they entered. Clearly the spacious wardrobe and king size bed was a hit.
Malcolm had a good feeling about these clients; they seemed to like everything about the house and hadn’t yet uttered a word about the previous tenants. Sir George would certainly be happy if he found a suitable buyer.
‘Great view’, Mark said, his hands tucked in his pockets, staring out of the window. The view from the bedroom was Malcolm’s favourite. It looked out onto a small beach that Sir George owned. ‘I could look at it all day’.
The waves lapped at the rocks, sending water spraying across the beach. It was why William loved the view from his bedroom window; you never knew what the sea would be doing from one day to the next.
‘See that George, that is what Mummy and Daddy got to wake up to every morning’. He looked down at his son who was blinking at him sweetly, tucked up in his arms.
He turned around and looked at the room, now almost empty, but for a few boxes that had to be taken away. This had been his home for three wonderful years. It pained him to think that George wouldn’t grow up here.
As Kate took charge of the packing downstairs, William walked solemnly from room to room, recalling memories to George.
They were different like that, Kate always kept herself busy when she was stressed or worried. William on the other hand would sit and stare at the ceiling with the sounds of the African bush pulsing through his headphones.
‘This is where we found out we were having you’, he said, showing George the all-white bathroom. ‘Daddy even cried a little bit that day’, he whispered.
After moving through each room as slowly as he could, he finally reached the largest spare room. ‘And this would’ve been your room, it would’ve been so cool, I’d have put all sorts in here, little elephants and lions on the walls, you would’ve loved it’
If things had been different, William, Kate, George and Lupo would’ve stayed in Anglesey. But with the Search and Rescue Service being privatised and William’s other duties calling, they had no choice but to leave.
‘Will, are you done?’, Kate called from downstairs.
‘Just a sec’, he called back.
‘One day, you, me, Mummy and Lupo are going to come for a summer holiday here. I’ll take you to the beach and we can have a barbecue, how does that sound?’
George gurgled in agreement, making Will laugh.
‘Shall we say goodbye then?’
He took George downstairs and met Kate at the front door.
‘Ok?’ she asked, sensing his mood.
‘I was just telling George about us coming back for a summer holiday’
‘That would be fantastic’, she said, rubbing his back softly.
It truly was bittersweet. As much as Kate was excited to move into their apartment in London, to have a home she could decorate without renting restrictions, she loved this home as much as William had. Their memories here were countless, each room, nook and cranny left behind a trace of them.
‘Shall we?’ William said, reluctant, but ready to leave.
‘Let’s go home’, Kate said, confident in the fact that eventually, their lives in apartment 1A would live up to their little Welsh farmhouse.
Boxes removed and cupboards emptied, they left the keys on the counter in the kitchen, closing the door on the best three years of their lives.
The Cambridges hadn’t been back for a holiday, that much Malcolm knew. He could always tell when they were about by the blacked out cars driving up and down the island. It was too late now, he thought. It would be sold, probably to this family, in a couple of months.
He could go home to Rosanne a happy man, knowing that he didn’t have to show any more people around here.
‘So, shall I tell Mr Merick you’re interested?’ he asked the couple as the children ran out of the door.
The couple looked at each other, ‘I think we’ll have a think about it’, Bryony said.
‘Yes, but it is lovely, thank you for showing us around’, Mark said as they left.
Malcolm locked up the house and meandered down the path, watching the family bundle into the car. He was off to the Ye Olde Bulls Head Inn, but certainly wouldn’t be taking part in the quiz, he muttered to himself.
‘So what did you think?’ Mark said, strapping himself into the driver’s seat.
In the back, the two children were arguing, the boy shouting bossily at the girl.
Bryony pulled off her hat and scarf, and turned to face her children in the back seat.
‘George Alexander Louis, if I have to tell you one more time to stop yelling at your sister…’, she shot a warning look at her five year old son, stopping him in his tracks.
Turning back to her husband, she answered, ‘it was nice to see one last time, even if it wasn’t for our summer holiday’
‘Do you think that bloke suspected anything?’, his sharp blue eyes gazed into hers.
‘I think he was in his own world’, she laughed. 
The family drove away in their Land Rover, the children arguing and laughing in turn all the way home.
The fingerprints of the young prince and princess against the French windows was the only trace they left behind. 
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the-hindu-times · 5 years
May, June, July 2019 reviews
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone   On Wed 1st May, I once again set off to see Idlewild. This time at the Cambridge Junction with support from Hamish Hawk. Realising I had met him before, in his record shop in Edinbrugh, his onstage presence had more in common with Morrissey than someone in retail. Whilst Pink Floyd’s Nick Mason played the larger Corn Exchange, Hamish’s band made way for solo/acoustic number 'Catherine Opens a Window' - his answer to The Smiths' 'Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want' or 'Asleep' - as Hamish gave the occasional gaze over to the talkative bar area during this delicate section. Back catalogue and recent EP songs were performed, which were all new to this audience.
The next day was the beginning of three nights at Outside The Box at the Royal Oak New Malden: Russell Howard on Thursday, Milton Jones on Friday and Al Murray on Saturday. I left the later early to catch Richard Ashcroft at The Olympia but train delays meant that by the time I arrived, he was already on to his '90s nostalgic hit parade, having missed the minimal selection of newer material. We were back at Outside The Box at Langleys, Surbiton for Romesh Ranganathan, before another Al Murray show there.
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
Having previously seen Dean Friedman at Teddington Arts Centre (a large church near Kingston), a year or so ago, he's continued to be a frequent visitor from over the pond; selling out Pizza Expresses and country pubs. This time, he's deservedly in prestigious theatre, The Bloomsbury, close to central London but sadly only a few are in attendance. It's a similar set to before; covering songs from all of his albums on piano and guitar. Once again, he takes moments to advertise future gigs and what merch he has for sale - but a show just focusing on his wonderful songbook would have been much more credible. He always seems to be looking towards the future whilst his songs tell his past. 
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
On the Tuesday, I was back in Cambridge - this time for the Manic Street Preachers at the Corn Exchange; a venue we were due to return to last month the cancelled Ryan Adams tour. Standing can get uncomfortably crowded in there, and the reserved seating on the balcony gets worse the closer to the front, due to the perspex safety screen. There were a few chairs put out just under the balcony/above the standing, which isn't a bad spot though. Marking 19 years and 8 months since the release of 'This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours', the adverts suggested that they would be playing the album in order, in its entirety - to which they did neither. Not the only marketing con to help make a fast buck, as it looked like they had bought all the unofficial £5 t shirts from outside gigs in 1998, and were now selling them for £30. The extra money was spent on more live session musicians for the tour, with the highlights being the two songs from latest LP ‘Resistance Is Futile’.
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
The following evening, From The Jam, were at Epsom Playhouse. The small, all seated theatre saw original The Jam member, Bruce Foxton, battle through the flu to perform acoustic renditions of hits, album tracks and b-sides with Russell Hastings having permanently taken Paul Weller's place, whilst he continues to evolve as a successful solo artist. Support act, Nine Below Zero re-emerge to join in on a couple of numbers for an audience of one type and age bracket.
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Monday afternoon's set from James Walsh at the Groucho Club saw Sam Fender and band turn up with journalist, Gordan Smart, and Josh McClorey from The Strypes, whom had to turn down the opportunity to be Weller's new guitarist whilst Steve Cradock's out with The Specials. The next day saw Brushy One String's first ever London show at The Blues Kitchen in Camden. With just one A (5th) string on his acoustic guitar, Jamacain musician, Andrew Chin, performed his Youtube hit 'Chicken in the Corn', along with other originals and Reggae classics. On Thursday, Lights was over from Canada but we decided to see Mull Historical Society’s stripped back set at Bush Hall on a night where the songs without Bernard Butler on guitar sounded best. After All Points East festival on the last Friday of the month, where Bring Me The Horizon topped the bill, we were at the Fighting Cocks, Kingtson for Outside The Box with Nick Helme, before we returned to the same club at Langleys Surbiton (Harry Hill, Matt Forde, Kerry Godliman), West Molesey Barn Theatre (Andy Parsons), Royal Oak, New Malden (Harry Hill [again], followed by just making Andy Parsons [again], after coming back from a live session on Bournemouth Radio, the next night]).
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Paul Weller brought his ever changing set list to Bedgebury Pinetum forest before we witnessed David Blaine wow Hammersmith Apollo, the night before we attended Metallica at Twickenham stadium. The following evening saw Rhys James headline the New Malden Sports Ground club before I was back at Outside The Box in Kingston for Romesh Ranganathan, Al Lubel and Adam Bloom.
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I wasn’t that impressed with my first trip to Exeter but Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds were mostly on top form at Powderham Castle. I would have liked The Charlatans’ ‘90s’ greatest hits support set to have have been more varied and up to date but they were being pleasing the majority. 
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photo: taken on Nic Bennett’s phone
After Josh Widdicombe at Outside The Box in Surbiton at Langleys on the first day of July, I was at another Paul Weller show on Sunday, in Greenwich. Another Outside The Box the following evening, in Kingston, saw Angelos Epithemiou top the bill before Wednesday night’s Cosmo Sheldrake gig at the Oval Space was shut down early due to curfew laws – something he won’t have as much of a problem with on his European tour. Bob Dylan and Neil Young at Hyde Park on the Friday was followed by a daytime trip to Dartford’s free festival for The Farm and The Lightning Seeds. 
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The next day we were at On Blackheath, where Morcheeba had an afternoon slot. The festival seemed much smaller than previous years and the signs for what you could and couldn’t bring in were different to what the security would snatch from you so, we didn’t stick around.  
On Tuesday, Doves played a nostalgic set at Sommerset House before The Good, The Bad & The Queen hosted a much better evening of new music. Harry Enfield, Miles Kane and Jeff Wootton were amongst the smaller crowd, to the night before, as Damon Albarn’s group engaged and impressed. After meeting Tom Speight on the train home, we went along to his short set, opening for The Lighthouse Family at a Banquet Records night, before a seaside trip back to Folkestone for Graham Nash at the Leas Cliff Hall. I’m still not sure Michael Barakan (Shane Fontayne) works on guitar for him, although I did like some of his country style, and the show worked much better with the addition of James Raymond on keys.
Nic Bennett
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fatcashmoney · 6 years
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How to Sell Your House Quickly
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jmj973 · 6 years
How to Sell Your House Quickly for Cash
Sell My House Fast
How to Sell Your House Quickly
Do you need to sell your house fast? Get connected with a local real estate expert who can help?
  We are highly experienced local Michigan investors who can help you sell your house fast. We will review your property and will then give you a free, confidential, no-obligation home buying cash offer. Our #1 goal is to help you sell your house fast for cash at a fair price on your timetable.
Experience, integrity and honesty are part of every home selling offer we make on Michigan properties. We have great references and testimonials available to prove we treat our customers fairly. If you are thinking how can I sell my house and would like to receive a free, confidential, no-obligation home selling offer, simply complete our on-line seller form on this site and our local home buying and selling expert will be in contact with you shortly. Our investors are experienced in working with home owners who need to sell their house fast because of divorce, relocation, to avoid foreclosure, short sales, family illness, or people who have inherited a home, and homes in probate. The real estate buying professionals at fasthomesolutions.net are experienced in buying houses for cash and selling homes quick. If you need to stop foreclosure, or are in a situation where you need to sell but do not have any equity, we can help. If you are thinking "how can I sell my house fast?", then you have come to the right place. We often give you multiple home selling options to choose from so you can sell your property fast! Our investors can pay CASH, take over your loan or lease option your house immediately. Get a free no-obligation home selling offer for your house today!
Common Reasons to Sell
Structural issues
Facing foreclosure
Relocation or job transfer
Undesirable neighborhoods
Need for cosmetic fix-up
Retirement or downsizing
Death of a loved one
Liquidating assets to pay bills
Inheriting a property you can’t keep
Tired of living in an ugly house
Troublesome mortgage terms
Job loss
…and many more
We typically close quickly, so you can move on with your life. Selling your house through traditional methods can take months or even years- if it sells at all. It takes a lot of effort and finances to make the repairs necessary to list a house, not to mention the time and headaches involved in closing. We buy all kinds of investment houses, and we can close quickly or allow as much time as you need.
Selling Your House Has Never Been Easier
Is the current sale of your home holding up your future plans?
Maybe you have just been transferred or you've outgrown your present home. The kids may be gone and it's time for a smaller place. Perhaps you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments, you may have a bad tenant, or your home needs extensive or expensive repairs. There are many reasons why people want to sell their home. Fast Home Solutions is ready to buy your house for cash today. Whether you need to cash out quickly or just want to avoid the usual home selling hassle, we make it easy. We can work with any homeowner in the suburban Detroit area. We are changing the way real estate is bought and sold. As one of the leading home buyers, we provide a one-stop service from home appraisal to closing. We buy houses directly; no middle-man. With us, there is no real estate agent earning commission, no hassle with buyer negotiations, no fixing up your house and showing it for months.
  We Buy Houses in Michigan – including:
Beverly Hills
Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp
Canton Twp
Clinton Twp
Commerce Twp
Walled Lake
Dearborn Heights
Farmington Hills
Garden City
Madison Heights
Oak Park
Plymouth Twp
Rochester Hills
Royal Oak
Shelby Twp
St. Clair Shores
Sterling Heights
Waterford Twp
West Bloomfield Twp
White Lake
  Sell Your House Fast. Sell It to Us.
Why sell your house to us? If you’ve ever wondered if you can sell your house quickly for cash, Fast Home Solutions makes it happen.
A Fair, Firm Offer Within 24 Hours
Sell your home fast with a competitive offer from Fast Home Solutions. Your property won’t linger on the market for months. We can move quickly to closing. And with this kind of certainty, you can place an offer on your next home without contingencies.
Avoid The 6% Commissions to Real Estate Agents
We do not operate like a real estate agent, so you don’t pay a commission fee. Instead of listing your house and hoping it will sell, we buy it ourselves. Then WE worry later about selling it or making any improvements needed. If you like the idea of “for sale by owner,” Fast Home Solutions is a great choice – because we simply buy your house fast, directly from you. With no agent on the other side, you keep even more of your home’s valuable appreciation.
Sell Your House As-Is, Today
We will buy your house regardless of the condition. If your house needs major repairs or just a little sprucing up, we take care of it. Selling your house doesn’t have to be a full-time job of managing contractors and spending money in hopes of a higher sales price! Let us give you a competitive offer so you can move on with your life.
Sell Your House Hassle-Free
Your life is busy. Avoid the aggravation and time required to keep your home ready to show at a moment’s notice. Eliminate the anxiety of endless negotiations with real estate agents and potential buyers. We handle every step from home appraisal to closing. And we make selling your home quick and easy.
Selling your house for cash
There are a variety of ways to sell your house for cash. You can sell it on your own or turn to a real estate investor for a quick cash only sale. You have to decide which choice is best for you. Homeowners may need to sell their property immediately, and real estate investment companies provide that service. They can close quickly on your property, buying your house for cash. The real estate market can be confusing, but there are uncomplicated options available when you need to sell your house for cash.
Choosing the best way to sell your home
There are many ways to sell your house for cash, even if you are looking to make a quick sale. First, determine why you need to sell quickly. Are you facing foreclosure? Do you have to move away for a new job? Have you inherited a property that you don't want to manage? Do you have a property in probate? These are some of the top reasons for selling a house for cash.
Next, decide what you hope to gain from selling your house for cash. A real estate investor could buy your house for cash. The only drawback is that you may not get as much as you could from putting your house on the market to sell it. The conventional method of sell your home could take months, but you could get the most money from the sale. The quickness of being able to sell your house for cash is becoming more popular.
Sell your home for cash
If you decide to sell your house for cash, you need to find the right company. No two companies are the same, so it's a good idea to do some research first. Search the Internet or you can contact companies directly through the contact information posted on the company signs advertising their services in your area. Ask questions and make sure that you have a clear understanding of all the fees that may be involved. An investment company can provide immediate relief by purchasing your property quickly for cash.
Benefits of a quick sale
When you're up against a deadline and need to sell fast, you may not know where to turn. Communicating with your lender could help delay the foreclosing process. Lenders don't really want to foreclose on your home. if you can prove that you have a buyer lined up, they may give you more time to sell your house. If you don't have a buyer in mind, you can always turn to an investing company to buy your house for cash. With this option you can get a quick sale in days
Selling to investment companies
Investment companies offer you an alternative to listing your home on the market. They will buy your house for cash in just a few days. If you have no choice but to sell your home quickly, selling your house for cash is a great incentive. After all you are looking for the best deal when selling your house for cash.
Visit us online at http://fasthomesolutions.net
 Want cash offer on house
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901cbd · 6 years
How to Sell Your House Quickly for Cash
Sell My House Fast
How to Sell Your House Quickly
Do you need to sell your house fast? Get connected with a local real estate expert who can help?
  We are highly experienced local Michigan investors who can help you sell your house fast. We will review your property and will then give you a free, confidential, no-obligation home buying cash offer. Our #1 goal is to help you sell your house fast for cash at a fair price on your timetable.
Experience, integrity and honesty are part of every home selling offer we make on Michigan properties. We have great references and testimonials available to prove we treat our customers fairly. If you are thinking how can I sell my house and would like to receive a free, confidential, no-obligation home selling offer, simply complete our on-line seller form on this site and our local home buying and selling expert will be in contact with you shortly. Our investors are experienced in working with home owners who need to sell their house fast because of divorce, relocation, to avoid foreclosure, short sales, family illness, or people who have inherited a home, and homes in probate. The real estate buying professionals at fasthomesolutions.net are experienced in buying houses for cash and selling homes quick. If you need to stop foreclosure, or are in a situation where you need to sell but do not have any equity, we can help. If you are thinking "how can I sell my house fast?", then you have come to the right place. We often give you multiple home selling options to choose from so you can sell your property fast! Our investors can pay CASH, take over your loan or lease option your house immediately. Get a free no-obligation home selling offer for your house today!
Common Reasons to Sell
Structural issues
Facing foreclosure
Relocation or job transfer
Undesirable neighborhoods
Need for cosmetic fix-up
Retirement or downsizing
Death of a loved one
Liquidating assets to pay bills
Inheriting a property you can’t keep
Tired of living in an ugly house
Troublesome mortgage terms
Job loss
…and many more
We typically close quickly, so you can move on with your life. Selling your house through traditional methods can take months or even years- if it sells at all. It takes a lot of effort and finances to make the repairs necessary to list a house, not to mention the time and headaches involved in closing. We buy all kinds of investment houses, and we can close quickly or allow as much time as you need.
Selling Your House Has Never Been Easier
Is the current sale of your home holding up your future plans?
Maybe you have just been transferred or you've outgrown your present home. The kids may be gone and it's time for a smaller place. Perhaps you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments, you may have a bad tenant, or your home needs extensive or expensive repairs. There are many reasons why people want to sell their home. Fast Home Solutions is ready to buy your house for cash today. Whether you need to cash out quickly or just want to avoid the usual home selling hassle, we make it easy. We can work with any homeowner in the suburban Detroit area. We are changing the way real estate is bought and sold. As one of the leading home buyers, we provide a one-stop service from home appraisal to closing. We buy houses directly; no middle-man. With us, there is no real estate agent earning commission, no hassle with buyer negotiations, no fixing up your house and showing it for months.
  We Buy Houses in Michigan – including:
Beverly Hills
Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp
Canton Twp
Clinton Twp
Commerce Twp
Walled Lake
Dearborn Heights
Farmington Hills
Garden City
Madison Heights
Oak Park
Plymouth Twp
Rochester Hills
Royal Oak
Shelby Twp
St. Clair Shores
Sterling Heights
Waterford Twp
West Bloomfield Twp
White Lake
  Sell Your House Fast. Sell It to Us.
Why sell your house to us? If you’ve ever wondered if you can sell your house quickly for cash, Fast Home Solutions makes it happen.
A Fair, Firm Offer Within 24 Hours
Sell your home fast with a competitive offer from Fast Home Solutions. Your property won’t linger on the market for months. We can move quickly to closing. And with this kind of certainty, you can place an offer on your next home without contingencies.
Avoid The 6% Commissions to Real Estate Agents
We do not operate like a real estate agent, so you don’t pay a commission fee. Instead of listing your house and hoping it will sell, we buy it ourselves. Then WE worry later about selling it or making any improvements needed. If you like the idea of “for sale by owner,” Fast Home Solutions is a great choice – because we simply buy your house fast, directly from you. With no agent on the other side, you keep even more of your home’s valuable appreciation.
Sell Your House As-Is, Today
We will buy your house regardless of the condition. If your house needs major repairs or just a little sprucing up, we take care of it. Selling your house doesn’t have to be a full-time job of managing contractors and spending money in hopes of a higher sales price! Let us give you a competitive offer so you can move on with your life.
Sell Your House Hassle-Free
Your life is busy. Avoid the aggravation and time required to keep your home ready to show at a moment’s notice. Eliminate the anxiety of endless negotiations with real estate agents and potential buyers. We handle every step from home appraisal to closing. And we make selling your home quick and easy.
Selling your house for cash
There are a variety of ways to sell your house for cash. You can sell it on your own or turn to a real estate investor for a quick cash only sale. You have to decide which choice is best for you. Homeowners may need to sell their property immediately, and real estate investment companies provide that service. They can close quickly on your property, buying your house for cash. The real estate market can be confusing, but there are uncomplicated options available when you need to sell your house for cash.
Choosing the best way to sell your home
There are many ways to sell your house for cash, even if you are looking to make a quick sale. First, determine why you need to sell quickly. Are you facing foreclosure? Do you have to move away for a new job? Have you inherited a property that you don't want to manage? Do you have a property in probate? These are some of the top reasons for selling a house for cash.
Next, decide what you hope to gain from selling your house for cash. A real estate investor could buy your house for cash. The only drawback is that you may not get as much as you could from putting your house on the market to sell it. The conventional method of sell your home could take months, but you could get the most money from the sale. The quickness of being able to sell your house for cash is becoming more popular.
Sell your home for cash
If you decide to sell your house for cash, you need to find the right company. No two companies are the same, so it's a good idea to do some research first. Search the Internet or you can contact companies directly through the contact information posted on the company signs advertising their services in your area. Ask questions and make sure that you have a clear understanding of all the fees that may be involved. An investment company can provide immediate relief by purchasing your property quickly for cash.
Benefits of a quick sale
When you're up against a deadline and need to sell fast, you may not know where to turn. Communicating with your lender could help delay the foreclosing process. Lenders don't really want to foreclose on your home. if you can prove that you have a buyer lined up, they may give you more time to sell your house. If you don't have a buyer in mind, you can always turn to an investing company to buy your house for cash. With this option you can get a quick sale in days
Selling to investment companies
Investment companies offer you an alternative to listing your home on the market. They will buy your house for cash in just a few days. If you have no choice but to sell your home quickly, selling your house for cash is a great incentive. After all you are looking for the best deal when selling your house for cash.
Visit us online at http://fasthomesolutions.net
 sell my home fast sell my house as-is
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mcsmlightnings · 7 years
Chapter 4. Loneliness.
The next day when I woke up I didn't even understand at first where the hell I was. I couldn't feel my warm and cozy bed, I couldn't hear a thing. I slowly sit on the cold floor and looked around. The second after that I remembered everything.
I was thrown in a small cell without even a bed. Unlike Gill and Maya, who shared a cell, I was all alone. I remembered that when Reginald had been escorting me I had noticed that the prison had an unusual constraction. It was seperated into two different parts: a hallway with two or three cells and a small room with one cell in it. My friends had been thrown in a cell in that hallway but I had to live in that lonely room. No, it was clear why they had seperated us, but still... I couldn't even talk to anybody.
My sell had nothing in it! Not a bed, not a chair, just a small window with iron bars. So I stood up and came closer to the window. It was a little breezy outside and I could smell that scent that always appears after the thunder. Guess, it was raining that night.
The only thing I could see through iron bars were some woods. It was still pretty dark outside but warm, so I supposed it could be somwhere about a half an hour before sunrise. The I noticed something moving behind one of the trees.
I held my breath and looked closer. I could swear I saw a shadow changing its position, but then everything froze, like nothing even happenned. Once again I felt chills running down my back and a cold sweat on my forehead. Was I seeing things? Was I paranoid? I couldn't answer any of these questions.
Everything was still but I couldn't go back to sleep. So I sit in a corner, curled in a small ball and scratched my wrists. Guards had taken handcuffs off, but they had already dug so deep under my skin my wrists started bleeding.
Somehow I managed to fall asleep on the cold floor. And then for the first time in this world I had a dream. Actually, it wasn't a real dream, just a mix of emotions. I was scared and lonely, and it felt like everybody hated me. And then I felt the worst pain that ever existed shot through my spine. It was complete hell, I tried to scream but couldn't choke out even a silent sound.
Then I woke up, shaking in terror. I could have sworn I had seen something in my dream, but couldn't remember what it was. Still, it seemed really important, as if my whole life depended on it.
I shook the nasty feeling off and looked through the bars outside. The sun had already rosen and I heard some people talking with each other. I couldn't do anything but sigh. They were happy. Will I ever be happy again?
Then I heard footsteps inside the prison and turned around, just in time to see four guards coming through the door that seperated me from the outside world.
- Prisoner Aiden, turn to the wall and put your hands behind your head. - One of them ordered.
I obeyed and heard how they unlocked the iron door to my cell. Next thing I felt were my wrists pulled together behind my back. Click - and cold metal of handcuffes wrapped around my sore wrists. Not again!
I went out of my cell and, surrounded by four guards, started walking outside. I had no idea where I was going but I was pretty sure it had something to do with my "community service" punishment. Neither Maya nor Gill were in their cell, so I had a chance to at least see my former friends.
It was warm outside. Actually, it was so warm and blinding after the prison, that I froze for a few second, just breathing.
- Move! - one of my guards shouted and punched me in my back. I sighed and started walking.
I was led into the woods that were near my new "home". Then, when we finally stopped under one of the oak trees, another guardian, I believe, John, took the cuffs off and handed me a wooden axe. The second I touched it, everyone pulled their swords out and pointed them at me.
- Do not do anything dangerous, or else.
Instinctly I backed away a little. I mean, who wouldn't if they faced four strong men with sharp blades who would never hesitate using them? But my mission was simple, so I started cutting the tree down.
That's how I spend all day: cutting down trees with only a wooden axe, which I had to craft again four times since they break so fast. All my body was aching, I couldn't feel my legs, but the guards punched me if I tried to rest. After six or seven of trees I managed to forget about the swords and my escort.
When the sun finally set, I, once again, was disarmed, handcuffed and led away. Suddenly I noticed Maya and Gill beeing led away as well. Unlike me, there were only two guards escorting them. Gill noticed me and smiled, but I saw it wasn't easy for any of them to hold on. I nodded and tried to smile too, but another punch from my guards broke this weak facade.
I came into my cell. Guards took the cuffs off and gave me  a loaf of bread. That was when I realised I was starving, so I sit down on the cold floor and started eating. Man, even though I was a prisoner, the food here was really good.
Then, when all the loaf was eaten, I sighed and looked around, only to be faced with complete darkness. I didn't even understand how late it was! And then I realised there were no torches in the whole room.
- Oh no no no no no! - I murmured, backing away, until my back felt cold touch of the iron bars. The moon light lit up the small space around window, so I curled myself in a ball and sit down, shaking in terror. Yeah, it has always been one of the most humaliating things in my life - stupid fear of darkness! Then I remembered a song my mother used to sing me as a lullaby. I had no idea what language it was written on, but even after all these years I remembered every single word.
  Под небом голубым
Есть город золотой
С прозрачными воротами
И яркою звездой.
А в городе том сад,
Всё травы да цветы,
Гуляют там животные
Невиданной красы.
I started singing, trying to imagine my mother sitting next to me in our old house. It seemed to be so long ago, before all this envy and hate. I remembered her soft, always warm arms and how gently she hugged me. I remembered her amazing scent, her beautiful blue eyes and long hair, which'd had the same colour as melted chocolate. All this nostalgia made my heart hurt even more, and I couldn't hold on anymore. My tears started running down my cheeks, my sobs silenced the song and I buried my face in my hands, crying my entire soul out.
- You'll get used to that.
I flinched and jumped up, staring at Reginald, who was looking at me through the ajar iron door.
- What uh... - I weeped my still hot tears off. - What do you mean?
Capitan of the royal guard rolled his eyes.
- I mean, you deserve beeing punished and you know that. But you will get used to feeling guilty and lonely. Everyone does.
- Oh, I know, I know. It's not that. - I nervously chuckeled. - It's just... I remembered something, that's all.
Reginald hesitated a little before coming inside. He took out a torch and I instantly came closer to the light.
- You, um... You shouldn't be held in such loneliness. I mean, I'm not sure about your mental health. Have you even talked to anybody today?
Did he sound worried? About me?
- Huh, no, not really. I'm not allowed to speak. - I sighed, rubbing the back of my head.
- Oh. Yes. Right.
Reginald shook his head and was about to hide the torch when I stopped him. I couldn't be alone in the darkness again.
- No, wait!
- What?
I saw his right hand near his sword, ready to attack.
- Can I, please, have this torch? I, uh... I'm scared of darkness.
Capitan of the royal guard shrugged and placed the torch on the opposite wall in the room, making sure I couldn't reach it.
- Thank you. - I tried to smile. He turned around and nodded.
- You should sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day. - he said and left me alone, locking the door. I sighed and laid on the cold floor. There was something moving in the outside but I didn't pay attention. After all, Reginald was right. I had real problems with my mental health.
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How to Sell Your House Quickly for Cash
Sell My House Fast
How to Sell Your House Quickly
Do you need to sell your house fast? Get connected with a local real estate expert who can help?
  We are highly experienced local Michigan investors who can help you sell your house fast. We will review your property and will then give you a free, confidential, no-obligation home buying cash offer. Our #1 goal is to help you sell your house fast for cash at a fair price on your timetable.
Experience, integrity and honesty are part of every home selling offer we make on Michigan properties. We have great references and testimonials available to prove we treat our customers fairly. If you are thinking how can I sell my house and would like to receive a free, confidential, no-obligation home selling offer, simply complete our on-line seller form on this site and our local home buying and selling expert will be in contact with you shortly. Our investors are experienced in working with home owners who need to sell their house fast because of divorce, relocation, to avoid foreclosure, short sales, family illness, or people who have inherited a home, and homes in probate. The real estate buying professionals at fasthomesolutions.net are experienced in buying houses for cash and selling homes quick. If you need to stop foreclosure, or are in a situation where you need to sell but do not have any equity, we can help. If you are thinking "how can I sell my house fast?", then you have come to the right place. We often give you multiple home selling options to choose from so you can sell your property fast! Our investors can pay CASH, take over your loan or lease option your house immediately. Get a free no-obligation home selling offer for your house today!
Common Reasons to Sell
Structural issues
Facing foreclosure
Relocation or job transfer
Undesirable neighborhoods
Need for cosmetic fix-up
Retirement or downsizing
Death of a loved one
Liquidating assets to pay bills
Inheriting a property you can’t keep
Tired of living in an ugly house
Troublesome mortgage terms
Job loss
…and many more
We typically close quickly, so you can move on with your life. Selling your house through traditional methods can take months or even years- if it sells at all. It takes a lot of effort and finances to make the repairs necessary to list a house, not to mention the time and headaches involved in closing. We buy all kinds of investment houses, and we can close quickly or allow as much time as you need.
Selling Your House Has Never Been Easier
Is the current sale of your home holding up your future plans?
Maybe you have just been transferred or you've outgrown your present home. The kids may be gone and it's time for a smaller place. Perhaps you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments, you may have a bad tenant, or your home needs extensive or expensive repairs. There are many reasons why people want to sell their home. Fast Home Solutions is ready to buy your house for cash today. Whether you need to cash out quickly or just want to avoid the usual home selling hassle, we make it easy. We can work with any homeowner in the suburban Detroit area. We are changing the way real estate is bought and sold. As one of the leading home buyers, we provide a one-stop service from home appraisal to closing. We buy houses directly; no middle-man. With us, there is no real estate agent earning commission, no hassle with buyer negotiations, no fixing up your house and showing it for months.
  We Buy Houses in Michigan – including:
Beverly Hills
Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp
Canton Twp
Clinton Twp
Commerce Twp
Walled Lake
Dearborn Heights
Farmington Hills
Garden City
Madison Heights
Oak Park
Plymouth Twp
Rochester Hills
Royal Oak
Shelby Twp
St. Clair Shores
Sterling Heights
Waterford Twp
West Bloomfield Twp
White Lake
  Sell Your House Fast. Sell It to Us.
Why sell your house to us? If you’ve ever wondered if you can sell your house quickly for cash, Fast Home Solutions makes it happen.
A Fair, Firm Offer Within 24 Hours
Sell your home fast with a competitive offer from Fast Home Solutions. Your property won’t linger on the market for months. We can move quickly to closing. And with this kind of certainty, you can place an offer on your next home without contingencies.
Avoid The 6% Commissions to Real Estate Agents
We do not operate like a real estate agent, so you don’t pay a commission fee. Instead of listing your house and hoping it will sell, we buy it ourselves. Then WE worry later about selling it or making any improvements needed. If you like the idea of “for sale by owner,” Fast Home Solutions is a great choice – because we simply buy your house fast, directly from you. With no agent on the other side, you keep even more of your home’s valuable appreciation.
Sell Your House As-Is, Today
We will buy your house regardless of the condition. If your house needs major repairs or just a little sprucing up, we take care of it. Selling your house doesn’t have to be a full-time job of managing contractors and spending money in hopes of a higher sales price! Let us give you a competitive offer so you can move on with your life.
Sell Your House Hassle-Free
Your life is busy. Avoid the aggravation and time required to keep your home ready to show at a moment’s notice. Eliminate the anxiety of endless negotiations with real estate agents and potential buyers. We handle every step from home appraisal to closing. And we make selling your home quick and easy.
Selling your house for cash
There are a variety of ways to sell your house for cash. You can sell it on your own or turn to a real estate investor for a quick cash only sale. You have to decide which choice is best for you. Homeowners may need to sell their property immediately, and real estate investment companies provide that service. They can close quickly on your property, buying your house for cash. The real estate market can be confusing, but there are uncomplicated options available when you need to sell your house for cash.
Choosing the best way to sell your home
There are many ways to sell your house for cash, even if you are looking to make a quick sale. First, determine why you need to sell quickly. Are you facing foreclosure? Do you have to move away for a new job? Have you inherited a property that you don't want to manage? Do you have a property in probate? These are some of the top reasons for selling a house for cash.
Next, decide what you hope to gain from selling your house for cash. A real estate investor could buy your house for cash. The only drawback is that you may not get as much as you could from putting your house on the market to sell it. The conventional method of sell your home could take months, but you could get the most money from the sale. The quickness of being able to sell your house for cash is becoming more popular.
Sell your home for cash
If you decide to sell your house for cash, you need to find the right company. No two companies are the same, so it's a good idea to do some research first. Search the Internet or you can contact companies directly through the contact information posted on the company signs advertising their services in your area. Ask questions and make sure that you have a clear understanding of all the fees that may be involved. An investment company can provide immediate relief by purchasing your property quickly for cash.
Benefits of a quick sale
When you're up against a deadline and need to sell fast, you may not know where to turn. Communicating with your lender could help delay the foreclosing process. Lenders don't really want to foreclose on your home. if you can prove that you have a buyer lined up, they may give you more time to sell your house. If you don't have a buyer in mind, you can always turn to an investing company to buy your house for cash. With this option you can get a quick sale in days
Selling to investment companies
Investment companies offer you an alternative to listing your home on the market. They will buy your house for cash in just a few days. If you have no choice but to sell your home quickly, selling your house for cash is a great incentive. After all you are looking for the best deal when selling your house for cash.
Visit us online at http://fasthomesolutions.net
 fast property sale
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0 notes
erezleviblog · 7 years
How to Sell Your House Quickly for Cash
Sell My House Fast
How to Sell Your House Quickly
Do you need to sell your house fast? Get connected with a local real estate expert who can help?
  We are highly experienced local Michigan investors who can help you sell your house fast. We will review your property and will then give you a free, confidential, no-obligation home buying cash offer. Our #1 goal is to help you sell your house fast for cash at a fair price on your timetable.
Experience, integrity and honesty are part of every home selling offer we make on Michigan properties. We have great references and testimonials available to prove we treat our customers fairly. If you are thinking how can I sell my house and would like to receive a free, confidential, no-obligation home selling offer, simply complete our on-line seller form on this site and our local home buying and selling expert will be in contact with you shortly. Our investors are experienced in working with home owners who need to sell their house fast because of divorce, relocation, to avoid foreclosure, short sales, family illness, or people who have inherited a home, and homes in probate. The real estate buying professionals at fasthomesolutions.net are experienced in buying houses for cash and selling homes quick. If you need to stop foreclosure, or are in a situation where you need to sell but do not have any equity, we can help. If you are thinking "how can I sell my house fast?", then you have come to the right place. We often give you multiple home selling options to choose from so you can sell your property fast! Our investors can pay CASH, take over your loan or lease option your house immediately. Get a free no-obligation home selling offer for your house today!
Common Reasons to Sell
Structural issues
Facing foreclosure
Relocation or job transfer
Undesirable neighborhoods
Need for cosmetic fix-up
Retirement or downsizing
Death of a loved one
Liquidating assets to pay bills
Inheriting a property you can’t keep
Tired of living in an ugly house
Troublesome mortgage terms
Job loss
…and many more
We typically close quickly, so you can move on with your life. Selling your house through traditional methods can take months or even years- if it sells at all. It takes a lot of effort and finances to make the repairs necessary to list a house, not to mention the time and headaches involved in closing. We buy all kinds of investment houses, and we can close quickly or allow as much time as you need.
Selling Your House Has Never Been Easier
Is the current sale of your home holding up your future plans?
Maybe you have just been transferred or you've outgrown your present home. The kids may be gone and it's time for a smaller place. Perhaps you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments, you may have a bad tenant, or your home needs extensive or expensive repairs. There are many reasons why people want to sell their home. Fast Home Solutions is ready to buy your house for cash today. Whether you need to cash out quickly or just want to avoid the usual home selling hassle, we make it easy. We can work with any homeowner in the suburban Detroit area. We are changing the way real estate is bought and sold. As one of the leading home buyers, we provide a one-stop service from home appraisal to closing. We buy houses directly; no middle-man. With us, there is no real estate agent earning commission, no hassle with buyer negotiations, no fixing up your house and showing it for months.
  We Buy Houses in Michigan – including:
Beverly Hills
Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp
Canton Twp
Clinton Twp
Commerce Twp
Walled Lake
Dearborn Heights
Farmington Hills
Garden City
Madison Heights
Oak Park
Plymouth Twp
Rochester Hills
Royal Oak
Shelby Twp
St. Clair Shores
Sterling Heights
Waterford Twp
West Bloomfield Twp
White Lake
  Sell Your House Fast. Sell It to Us.
Why sell your house to us? If you’ve ever wondered if you can sell your house quickly for cash, Fast Home Solutions makes it happen.
A Fair, Firm Offer Within 24 Hours
Sell your home fast with a competitive offer from Fast Home Solutions. Your property won’t linger on the market for months. We can move quickly to closing. And with this kind of certainty, you can place an offer on your next home without contingencies.
Avoid The 6% Commissions to Real Estate Agents
We do not operate like a real estate agent, so you don’t pay a commission fee. Instead of listing your house and hoping it will sell, we buy it ourselves. Then WE worry later about selling it or making any improvements needed. If you like the idea of “for sale by owner,” Fast Home Solutions is a great choice – because we simply buy your house fast, directly from you. With no agent on the other side, you keep even more of your home’s valuable appreciation.
Sell Your House As-Is, Today
We will buy your house regardless of the condition. If your house needs major repairs or just a little sprucing up, we take care of it. Selling your house doesn’t have to be a full-time job of managing contractors and spending money in hopes of a higher sales price! Let us give you a competitive offer so you can move on with your life.
Sell Your House Hassle-Free
Your life is busy. Avoid the aggravation and time required to keep your home ready to show at a moment’s notice. Eliminate the anxiety of endless negotiations with real estate agents and potential buyers. We handle every step from home appraisal to closing. And we make selling your home quick and easy.
Selling your house for cash
There are a variety of ways to sell your house for cash. You can sell it on your own or turn to a real estate investor for a quick cash only sale. You have to decide which choice is best for you. Homeowners may need to sell their property immediately, and real estate investment companies provide that service. They can close quickly on your property, buying your house for cash. The real estate market can be confusing, but there are uncomplicated options available when you need to sell your house for cash.
Choosing the best way to sell your home
There are many ways to sell your house for cash, even if you are looking to make a quick sale. First, determine why you need to sell quickly. Are you facing foreclosure? Do you have to move away for a new job? Have you inherited a property that you don't want to manage? Do you have a property in probate? These are some of the top reasons for selling a house for cash.
Next, decide what you hope to gain from selling your house for cash. A real estate investor could buy your house for cash. The only drawback is that you may not get as much as you could from putting your house on the market to sell it. The conventional method of sell your home could take months, but you could get the most money from the sale. The quickness of being able to sell your house for cash is becoming more popular.
Sell your home for cash
If you decide to sell your house for cash, you need to find the right company. No two companies are the same, so it's a good idea to do some research first. Search the Internet or you can contact companies directly through the contact information posted on the company signs advertising their services in your area. Ask questions and make sure that you have a clear understanding of all the fees that may be involved. An investment company can provide immediate relief by purchasing your property quickly for cash.
Benefits of a quick sale
When you're up against a deadline and need to sell fast, you may not know where to turn. Communicating with your lender could help delay the foreclosing process. Lenders don't really want to foreclose on your home. if you can prove that you have a buyer lined up, they may give you more time to sell your house. If you don't have a buyer in mind, you can always turn to an investing company to buy your house for cash. With this option you can get a quick sale in days
Selling to investment companies
Investment companies offer you an alternative to listing your home on the market. They will buy your house for cash in just a few days. If you have no choice but to sell your home quickly, selling your house for cash is a great incentive. After all you are looking for the best deal when selling your house for cash.
Visit us online at http://fasthomesolutions.net
 buy my house now
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averyreadsanimorphs · 7 years
How to Sell Your House Quickly for Cash
Sell My House Fast
How to Sell Your House Quickly
Do you need to sell your house fast? Get connected with a local real estate expert who can help?
  We are highly experienced local Michigan investors who can help you sell your house fast. We will review your property and will then give you a free, confidential, no-obligation home buying cash offer. Our #1 goal is to help you sell your house fast for cash at a fair price on your timetable.
Experience, integrity and honesty are part of every home selling offer we make on Michigan properties. We have great references and testimonials available to prove we treat our customers fairly. If you are thinking how can I sell my house and would like to receive a free, confidential, no-obligation home selling offer, simply complete our on-line seller form on this site and our local home buying and selling expert will be in contact with you shortly. Our investors are experienced in working with home owners who need to sell their house fast because of divorce, relocation, to avoid foreclosure, short sales, family illness, or people who have inherited a home, and homes in probate. The real estate buying professionals at fasthomesolutions.net are experienced in buying houses for cash and selling homes quick. If you need to stop foreclosure, or are in a situation where you need to sell but do not have any equity, we can help. If you are thinking "how can I sell my house fast?", then you have come to the right place. We often give you multiple home selling options to choose from so you can sell your property fast! Our investors can pay CASH, take over your loan or lease option your house immediately. Get a free no-obligation home selling offer for your house today!
Common Reasons to Sell
Structural issues
Facing foreclosure
Relocation or job transfer
Undesirable neighborhoods
Need for cosmetic fix-up
Retirement or downsizing
Death of a loved one
Liquidating assets to pay bills
Inheriting a property you can’t keep
Tired of living in an ugly house
Troublesome mortgage terms
Job loss
…and many more
We typically close quickly, so you can move on with your life. Selling your house through traditional methods can take months or even years- if it sells at all. It takes a lot of effort and finances to make the repairs necessary to list a house, not to mention the time and headaches involved in closing. We buy all kinds of investment houses, and we can close quickly or allow as much time as you need.
Selling Your House Has Never Been Easier
Is the current sale of your home holding up your future plans?
Maybe you have just been transferred or you've outgrown your present home. The kids may be gone and it's time for a smaller place. Perhaps you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments, you may have a bad tenant, or your home needs extensive or expensive repairs. There are many reasons why people want to sell their home. Fast Home Solutions is ready to buy your house for cash today. Whether you need to cash out quickly or just want to avoid the usual home selling hassle, we make it easy. We can work with any homeowner in the suburban Detroit area. We are changing the way real estate is bought and sold. As one of the leading home buyers, we provide a one-stop service from home appraisal to closing. We buy houses directly; no middle-man. With us, there is no real estate agent earning commission, no hassle with buyer negotiations, no fixing up your house and showing it for months.
  We Buy Houses in Michigan – including:
Beverly Hills
Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp
Canton Twp
Clinton Twp
Commerce Twp
Walled Lake
Dearborn Heights
Farmington Hills
Garden City
Madison Heights
Oak Park
Plymouth Twp
Rochester Hills
Royal Oak
Shelby Twp
St. Clair Shores
Sterling Heights
Waterford Twp
West Bloomfield Twp
White Lake
  Sell Your House Fast. Sell It to Us.
Why sell your house to us? If you’ve ever wondered if you can sell your house quickly for cash, Fast Home Solutions makes it happen.
A Fair, Firm Offer Within 24 Hours
Sell your home fast with a competitive offer from Fast Home Solutions. Your property won’t linger on the market for months. We can move quickly to closing. And with this kind of certainty, you can place an offer on your next home without contingencies.
Avoid The 6% Commissions to Real Estate Agents
We do not operate like a real estate agent, so you don’t pay a commission fee. Instead of listing your house and hoping it will sell, we buy it ourselves. Then WE worry later about selling it or making any improvements needed. If you like the idea of “for sale by owner,” Fast Home Solutions is a great choice – because we simply buy your house fast, directly from you. With no agent on the other side, you keep even more of your home’s valuable appreciation.
Sell Your House As-Is, Today
We will buy your house regardless of the condition. If your house needs major repairs or just a little sprucing up, we take care of it. Selling your house doesn’t have to be a full-time job of managing contractors and spending money in hopes of a higher sales price! Let us give you a competitive offer so you can move on with your life.
Sell Your House Hassle-Free
Your life is busy. Avoid the aggravation and time required to keep your home ready to show at a moment’s notice. Eliminate the anxiety of endless negotiations with real estate agents and potential buyers. We handle every step from home appraisal to closing. And we make selling your home quick and easy.
Selling your house for cash
There are a variety of ways to sell your house for cash. You can sell it on your own or turn to a real estate investor for a quick cash only sale. You have to decide which choice is best for you. Homeowners may need to sell their property immediately, and real estate investment companies provide that service. They can close quickly on your property, buying your house for cash. The real estate market can be confusing, but there are uncomplicated options available when you need to sell your house for cash.
Choosing the best way to sell your home
There are many ways to sell your house for cash, even if you are looking to make a quick sale. First, determine why you need to sell quickly. Are you facing foreclosure? Do you have to move away for a new job? Have you inherited a property that you don't want to manage? Do you have a property in probate? These are some of the top reasons for selling a house for cash.
Next, decide what you hope to gain from selling your house for cash. A real estate investor could buy your house for cash. The only drawback is that you may not get as much as you could from putting your house on the market to sell it. The conventional method of sell your home could take months, but you could get the most money from the sale. The quickness of being able to sell your house for cash is becoming more popular.
Sell your home for cash
If you decide to sell your house for cash, you need to find the right company. No two companies are the same, so it's a good idea to do some research first. Search the Internet or you can contact companies directly through the contact information posted on the company signs advertising their services in your area. Ask questions and make sure that you have a clear understanding of all the fees that may be involved. An investment company can provide immediate relief by purchasing your property quickly for cash.
Benefits of a quick sale
When you're up against a deadline and need to sell fast, you may not know where to turn. Communicating with your lender could help delay the foreclosing process. Lenders don't really want to foreclose on your home. if you can prove that you have a buyer lined up, they may give you more time to sell your house. If you don't have a buyer in mind, you can always turn to an investing company to buy your house for cash. With this option you can get a quick sale in days
Selling to investment companies
Investment companies offer you an alternative to listing your home on the market. They will buy your house for cash in just a few days. If you have no choice but to sell your home quickly, selling your house for cash is a great incentive. After all you are looking for the best deal when selling your house for cash.
Visit us online at http://fasthomesolutions.net
 fast property sale
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saureus · 7 years
How to Sell Your House Quickly for Cash
Sell My House Fast
How to Sell Your House Quickly
Do you need to sell your house fast? Get connected with a local real estate expert who can help?
  We are highly experienced local Michigan investors who can help you sell your house fast. We will review your property and will then give you a free, confidential, no-obligation home buying cash offer. Our #1 goal is to help you sell your house fast for cash at a fair price on your timetable.
Experience, integrity and honesty are part of every home selling offer we make on Michigan properties. We have great references and testimonials available to prove we treat our customers fairly. If you are thinking how can I sell my house and would like to receive a free, confidential, no-obligation home selling offer, simply complete our on-line seller form on this site and our local home buying and selling expert will be in contact with you shortly. Our investors are experienced in working with home owners who need to sell their house fast because of divorce, relocation, to avoid foreclosure, short sales, family illness, or people who have inherited a home, and homes in probate. The real estate buying professionals at fasthomesolutions.net are experienced in buying houses for cash and selling homes quick. If you need to stop foreclosure, or are in a situation where you need to sell but do not have any equity, we can help. If you are thinking "how can I sell my house fast?", then you have come to the right place. We often give you multiple home selling options to choose from so you can sell your property fast! Our investors can pay CASH, take over your loan or lease option your house immediately. Get a free no-obligation home selling offer for your house today!
Common Reasons to Sell
Structural issues
Facing foreclosure
Relocation or job transfer
Undesirable neighborhoods
Need for cosmetic fix-up
Retirement or downsizing
Death of a loved one
Liquidating assets to pay bills
Inheriting a property you can’t keep
Tired of living in an ugly house
Troublesome mortgage terms
Job loss
…and many more
We typically close quickly, so you can move on with your life. Selling your house through traditional methods can take months or even years- if it sells at all. It takes a lot of effort and finances to make the repairs necessary to list a house, not to mention the time and headaches involved in closing. We buy all kinds of investment houses, and we can close quickly or allow as much time as you need.
Selling Your House Has Never Been Easier
Is the current sale of your home holding up your future plans?
Maybe you have just been transferred or you've outgrown your present home. The kids may be gone and it's time for a smaller place. Perhaps you've fallen behind on your mortgage payments, you may have a bad tenant, or your home needs extensive or expensive repairs. There are many reasons why people want to sell their home. Fast Home Solutions is ready to buy your house for cash today. Whether you need to cash out quickly or just want to avoid the usual home selling hassle, we make it easy. We can work with any homeowner in the suburban Detroit area. We are changing the way real estate is bought and sold. As one of the leading home buyers, we provide a one-stop service from home appraisal to closing. We buy houses directly; no middle-man. With us, there is no real estate agent earning commission, no hassle with buyer negotiations, no fixing up your house and showing it for months.
  We Buy Houses in Michigan – including:
Beverly Hills
Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp
Canton Twp
Clinton Twp
Commerce Twp
Walled Lake
Dearborn Heights
Farmington Hills
Garden City
Madison Heights
Oak Park
Plymouth Twp
Rochester Hills
Royal Oak
Shelby Twp
St. Clair Shores
Sterling Heights
Waterford Twp
West Bloomfield Twp
White Lake
  Sell Your House Fast. Sell It to Us.
Why sell your house to us? If you’ve ever wondered if you can sell your house quickly for cash, Fast Home Solutions makes it happen.
A Fair, Firm Offer Within 24 Hours
Sell your home fast with a competitive offer from Fast Home Solutions. Your property won’t linger on the market for months. We can move quickly to closing. And with this kind of certainty, you can place an offer on your next home without contingencies.
Avoid The 6% Commissions to Real Estate Agents
We do not operate like a real estate agent, so you don’t pay a commission fee. Instead of listing your house and hoping it will sell, we buy it ourselves. Then WE worry later about selling it or making any improvements needed. If you like the idea of “for sale by owner,” Fast Home Solutions is a great choice – because we simply buy your house fast, directly from you. With no agent on the other side, you keep even more of your home’s valuable appreciation.
Sell Your House As-Is, Today
We will buy your house regardless of the condition. If your house needs major repairs or just a little sprucing up, we take care of it. Selling your house doesn’t have to be a full-time job of managing contractors and spending money in hopes of a higher sales price! Let us give you a competitive offer so you can move on with your life.
Sell Your House Hassle-Free
Your life is busy. Avoid the aggravation and time required to keep your home ready to show at a moment’s notice. Eliminate the anxiety of endless negotiations with real estate agents and potential buyers. We handle every step from home appraisal to closing. And we make selling your home quick and easy.
Selling your house for cash
There are a variety of ways to sell your house for cash. You can sell it on your own or turn to a real estate investor for a quick cash only sale. You have to decide which choice is best for you. Homeowners may need to sell their property immediately, and real estate investment companies provide that service. They can close quickly on your property, buying your house for cash. The real estate market can be confusing, but there are uncomplicated options available when you need to sell your house for cash.
Choosing the best way to sell your home
There are many ways to sell your house for cash, even if you are looking to make a quick sale. First, determine why you need to sell quickly. Are you facing foreclosure? Do you have to move away for a new job? Have you inherited a property that you don't want to manage? Do you have a property in probate? These are some of the top reasons for selling a house for cash.
Next, decide what you hope to gain from selling your house for cash. A real estate investor could buy your house for cash. The only drawback is that you may not get as much as you could from putting your house on the market to sell it. The conventional method of sell your home could take months, but you could get the most money from the sale. The quickness of being able to sell your house for cash is becoming more popular.
Sell your home for cash
If you decide to sell your house for cash, you need to find the right company. No two companies are the same, so it's a good idea to do some research first. Search the Internet or you can contact companies directly through the contact information posted on the company signs advertising their services in your area. Ask questions and make sure that you have a clear understanding of all the fees that may be involved. An investment company can provide immediate relief by purchasing your property quickly for cash.
Benefits of a quick sale
When you're up against a deadline and need to sell fast, you may not know where to turn. Communicating with your lender could help delay the foreclosing process. Lenders don't really want to foreclose on your home. if you can prove that you have a buyer lined up, they may give you more time to sell your house. If you don't have a buyer in mind, you can always turn to an investing company to buy your house for cash. With this option you can get a quick sale in days
Selling to investment companies
Investment companies offer you an alternative to listing your home on the market. They will buy your house for cash in just a few days. If you have no choice but to sell your home quickly, selling your house for cash is a great incentive. After all you are looking for the best deal when selling your house for cash.
Visit us online at http://fasthomesolutions.net
 fast property sale
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michigancashoffer · 5 years
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0 notes
fongtranpoetry · 7 years
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Sacramento: City of Immigrants By Fong Tran If Sacramento was a womyn she would have been raised by a single mother breast fed on some pho and steak tacos She wasn’t white house polished like the I-80 billboards make her out to be Sacramento was heavy cream brown sweet She was mixed She has resting bitch face With a side eye that could cut anybody She would wear a leopard print hijab with hooped earrings And her favorite cultural food was Fried chicken Preferably from Sandra Dee’s, Not the porch Preferably from Popeyes, not KFC she didn’t get into fight for her She got into fights for you She was loyal Knew her history and Always remembered that she was stolen land from the Miwok Native Americans She works a state job cause of the benefits Benefits just sounded like security Sacramento didn’t grow up with a lot that DJ Khaled told Sacramento “girl, you got the keys” But naw, she lived in living room with her three other Hmong sisters She was hot Like a devastating dry 100 degree 5 day forecast hot Like risking major foot burns trying to walking out in some $3.00 rubber slippers from Vinh Phat Supermarket hot But she reminded you why miss the water so much James Rutter community pools and American rivers But then she reminded you that you need to go work out but then she reminded you haven’t renewed your 3 year costco membership to 24 hr fitness But then she reminded you need to pick up your mom’s costco card to load up on wholesale groceries but then she reminded you As much as you think you’re grownass man now And that you take care of your mom you still depend on her Sacramento has had a long string of bad relationships There this one dude called himself the Maloofs they had a good run in 2002 Almost got a ring but some horry from LA homewrecked them on homecourt He had the AUDACITY to try to leave her to go to Anaheim It sucked, lots of back and forth, complete royal asshole But its cool, she going steady now with this brown dude They got a stadium together But he keeps making bad financial decisions which his demarcus cousins But it’s cool... they’ll figure it out...growing years Sacramento never needed the success of the Kings to feel like royalty Her unwavering love for self has always been the trademark of her monarchy We got politician pawns thinking that they run this city But know that it's always been it’s people that keep this city running When millionaire owners sell our sports teams It wasn’t met with devastation, rather just known all too well frustration Cause we’ve been through betrayal before People of color have always known these lessons, being grounded at home we learn persistence well before we ever learning to quit That’s what you get when you’re grounded in home Billionaire owners and politicians leave and bandwagon Sacramento grew up learning how to fight, just go to work Never backing down from challenge These politicians try to stake claim on cities they don’t even know labeling us as the city of “farm to fork” Or the city of trees Planting seeds that don’t even grow we are the city of proud immigrants And just like an immigrant know that our pride may be quiet but it is has always remained powerful Relentless If you translated “farm to fork” to an immigrant They’d cuss you out in a confused look and say “Well duh, why is that anything special? We been doing that shit before white people tried to make it popular” My Sacramento stays ready She knew the difference between a Mckinley Park and Oak Park El Dorado Hills and the heights South Sacramento and Elk Grove She’d tell you the difference is Calvine blvd That’s how she knew where everything was She knew to ask “is it by the 5 or by the 99” She knew where the hoods were By finding all the liquors stores and fast food joints She didn’t know exactly what gentrification was But she knew to question it How is it any good, when you make a poor place nicer when you make all the people in it move? People ask me all the time What’s there to do in Sac? A simple question with answers that you knew would fall on closed ears And deaf minds I wished I told the truth more often I’d say: You can run Run into about at least 5 people from high school at Walmart You can drive Drive down Stockton blvd and get boba milk tea and a burrito on the same block You can sight see See into the eyes of your high school sweetheart Instantly remember how you awkwardly learned to fall in love While puzzle piece the most sincere way to tell her “Congratulations, I’m really happy for you” No this is not Disneyland We don’t cement stars on hollywood blvds overpriced dance clubs We are more than just a Capitol Building Or tower bridge that leads in a midtown of hipster bars You see there’s a difference between a place that was designed for its tourist and more for its people A place less about its glitz and glam and more for its heart A place that less of an attraction and more of a home
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