#selenium interview questions for experienced
cybersuccess · 11 months
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dev21g · 4 months
Mastering the Interview: Top Interview Questions of Selenium
In today's fast-paced tech environment, mastering Selenium is crucial for anyone aiming to excel in software testing and quality assurance. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced professional, preparing for the interview can be daunting. Here, we will explore the most common and essential interview questions of Selenium to help you ace your next interview.
Why Selenium?
Before diving into the interview questions of Selenium, it’s important to understand why Selenium is a popular choice among testers. Selenium is an open-source framework that allows testers to automate web browsers. It supports multiple languages such as Java, Python, C#, and more, making it versatile and accessible. Its ability to integrate with various tools like JUnit, TestNG, and others further enhances its appeal.
Basic Interview Questions of Selenium
Let's start with some fundamental interview questions of Selenium that you should be prepared to answer:
What is Selenium and its components?
Selenium is a suite of tools for automating web browsers. Its main components are:
Selenium IDE: Integrated Development Environment for building test scripts.
Selenium WebDriver: A tool for writing test scripts that interact with web applications.
Selenium Grid: Allows running tests on different machines and browsers simultaneously.
What are the limitations of Selenium?
Selenium supports only web-based applications, not desktop applications.
It cannot automate captcha and OTP.
Limited support for mobile applications.
What is the difference between Selenium 2.0 and Selenium 3.0?
Selenium 2.0 integrates WebDriver and Selenium RC.
Selenium 3.0 is the latest version that deprecates Selenium RC and focuses on WebDriver.
Intermediate Interview Questions of Selenium
Moving on to intermediate-level interview questions of Selenium, these will test your practical knowledge and understanding of the tool:
How do you handle frames in Selenium WebDriver?
Frames can be handled using the switchTo().frame() method. You can switch to a frame using its index, name, or WebElement.
Explain the use of WebDriverWait in Selenium.
WebDriverWait is used to apply explicit waits, allowing the driver to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding.
What is Page Object Model (POM)?
POM is a design pattern that creates an object repository for web elements. It enhances test maintenance and reduces code duplication.
Advanced Interview Questions of Selenium
For those aiming to demonstrate advanced expertise, these interview questions of Selenium will be crucial:
How do you handle dynamic web elements in Selenium?
Dynamic elements can be handled using strategies like XPath or CSS selectors that don’t rely on fixed attributes.
How do you perform database testing using Selenium?
While Selenium itself doesn't support database testing directly, you can use JDBC to connect to a database, execute queries, and validate the results within your Selenium scripts.
Explain the concept of Selenium Grid and its benefits.
Selenium Grid allows parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers, significantly reducing the time required for test execution.
Tips for Acing Your Selenium Interview
Apart from familiarizing yourself with the common interview questions of Selenium, consider these tips:
Practical Experience: Hands-on experience is invaluable. Work on real projects or contribute to open-source projects to hone your skills.
Stay Updated: Selenium is continuously evolving. Stay updated with the latest features and best practices.
Mock Interviews: Conduct mock interviews to build confidence and improve your communication skills.
Preparation is key to success in any interview. By understanding and practicing these interview questions of Selenium, you'll be well-equipped to tackle your next interview with confidence. Remember, each question is an opportunity to showcase not just your knowledge, but also your problem-solving abilities and practical experience. Good luck!
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simplythetest · 9 months
So You Want To Hire an SEIT
As software companies grow so do their engineering teams. A role that comes along with growing teams is the software engineer in test (SEIT), a software developer who primarily works with test automation and related testing infrastructure. SEITs can be extremely valuable to engineering teams as they can enable good automation practices for shipping quality code faster, and they can be a great touchpoint for test engineers and operations engineers to work with development teams. They can also be a bit tricky to hire since SEITs don't have quite the same skills as application developers or test engineers.
Let's take a look at how your might approach hiring SEITs at different levels.
I've worked with several interns (in Ontario these people are called co-op students) and working with test automation is a great introduction to being a software engineer of any kind.
When to hire
Juniors are great on teams with established SEITs and test engineers. In some organizations there are entire teams dedicated to test automation efforts. If you need someone to bang out many test code or take partial ownership of a large test automation project, a junior hire could be a great choice.
Like in other software develoment roles, hiring a junior usually comes with an expectation that the junior candidate will receive some menitorship and early career training and experience.
What to look for
Candidates for a junior SEIT should show characteristics of a junior test engineer and/or application developer. On the testing side, an ideal candidate should show curiosity about software or systems, the ability to develop at least basic mental models of how a piece of software might work, and good communication skills, written or oral. On the development side, an ideal candidate should show at least a basic aptitude for programming from school or otherwise. They should be able to read, write and understand code in some programming language even a language that your organization doesn't use. Previous experience working in software development is nice but not a requirement. It can be safe to assume that junior candidates have worked with at most one test automation tool and likely none.
Key questions to ask
"How would you test a pen?": a classic test engineering question to access a candidate's reasoning skills, communication skills and question asking ability.
"Write a function to reverse a list in a given language": a basic but straightforward assessment of programming skills. The language can be set by the interviewer or chosen by the candidate.
"What is something you achieved that you are proud of?": a question to get some insight into the candidate's motivations and interests.
Teams getting started with test automation or parts of test automation could benefit from hiring experienced SEITs. Experienced SEITs can write test code but also set up needed infrastructure and coordinate with developers, operation engineers, and testers. Intermediate SEITs may also be able to start test automation efforts for new projects as needed.
When to hire
The main reason to look for an intermediate SEIT is when automation efforts exist but have grown past being managed part time by single individuals. For example, a team may have written some Selenium-based tests to test some scenarios, and at first a small number of tests can be handled by the team or specific members of the team without a test automation speciality. Once the number of tests grow to a certain size and/or complexity, that team may want to have a dedicated person looking after them. This could also be the case with automated performance tests, service-level tests, and so on. Or a team may seek to level up on test automation skills.
What to look for
Test automation is a speciality of software development, and as I've said before (if slightly reworded) SEITs are developers. Evaluating them as you would other intermediate developers isn't unreasonable. Look for one or more roles where they worked as SEITs, DevOps engineers, or other forms of automation. Note however that SEITs may have written many, many lines of code but aren't traditionally skilled in areas of programming. Most SEITs wouldn't be able to code low level algorithms like linked lists or binary trees and may have never really used map/reduce/fold approaches. Intermediate SEITs should be able to discuss tools they've used well, and strong intermediates can identify differences between tools and levels of testing. And they can definitely write tests; any intermediate SEIT should be able to write a few tests for at least one layer of an application, such as unit or component tests, API level tests, and/or end-to-end tests.
Key questions to ask
"Write three automated tests in a given language to test this class": This question assess a candidate's knowledge of test development code writng
"Here is an example login test. How would you improve it?": A possibly fun exercise that helps evaluate a candidate's knowledge and technical communication skills.
"Suppose a software bug is found using test code that you wrote. What would be your first reaction?": Teams handle bug reporting in various ways with varying levels of success, so this question can shed some light on a candidate's experiences.
"Describe a time that you and a team mate - could be an app developer, tester or SEIT - disagreed. How did you resolve your differences?": Classic interview question for verifying what a candidate's personality is like.
"What's your favourite continuous integration tool and why"
If you work for a organization that has experienced growth and is now "established" in some sense, you may find some senior SEITs or other roles similar to that. In medium- to large-sized companies - companies a typical person may have heard of - there are often whole testing teams and sometimes engineering teams dedicated strictly to internal infrastructure. If you consider automated tests as infrastructure, this means you'll need dedicated folks to oversee project health. This includes writing and maintaining test code, but also includes managing people and computational resources. Good SEITs know how to put things together from a testing standpoint, and how to organize accordingly.
When to hire
This is definitely a bit of a "I'll know it when I see it" situation. Teams can often get pretty far with hiring and retaining good intermediate SEITs or a combination of SEITs, testers and DevOps folks. In many larger organizations, test frameworks can grow to require their own dedicated team leads and managers. This is often where senior SEITs come in. Another scenario is where test automation efforts expect to ramp up, and having someone knowledagble in test automation can guide the process.
What to look for
Senior SEITs have worked with multiple forms of test automation at most or all layers of an application. They will likely be well versed in more than one area of test automation, and have built test frameworks from stratch and worked with existing test frameworks. Depending on the circumstance, they also may have some team lead or engineering management experience, and so may be able to work with more junior members on a team in addition to coding and configuring infrastructure. One of the most valuable aspects that senior SEITs can bring to the table is an informed opinion on test automation topics.
Key questions to ask
"Suppose you were asked to review a test suite of 1000 tests. How would you approach this?": This question gets at how a candidate approaches a relatively complex situation. The idea here is spur discussion more than provide a flat answer.
"What's your preferred test framework and why? What's your least preferred?": In light of hiring someone who brings experience and opinions, this question asks for some of those opinions directly. It can also be a good indicator of communication abilities and temperament.
"Describe a time that you and a team mate - could be an app developer, tester or SEIT - disagreed. How did you resolve your differences?": Again, a classic interview question that could be critical if the candidate in question has to manage people.
"Are you willing to mentor junior app developers and SEITs?"
"Explain the value of end-to-end testing to me if I were the CEO of the company": Test automation can seem like an esoteric speciality to those not in engineering organizations. Senior developers of all kinds (in my opinion) should be able to talk in business terms in addition to technical terms.
Happy testing!
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madhuvemula · 10 months
Mastering the Full Stack: Essential Interview Topics for Developers
Absolutely! I’m thrilled to explore the realm of full-stack development with you. My proficiency in this field has expanded significantly over time. Selenium has become widely recognized and extensively employed, cutting across various industries. Advance your career in Full-Stack Developer at a Top Institution in Chennai, like ACTE Technologies.
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Preparing for a full-stack developer interview requires a thorough grasp of both front-end and back-end technologies.
Focus On The Following Key Topics:
1. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:
Understand fundamental concepts and best practices for creating web pages and dynamic content.
2. Front-End Frameworks:
Explore React, Angular, or Vue.js, including component-based architecture and state management.
3. Responsive Design:
Implement techniques ensuring seamless application functionality across various devices and screen sizes.
4. Server-Side Languages:
Demonstrate proficiency in at least one language, such as JavaScript (Node.js), Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP.
5. Server Frameworks:
Utilize Express.js (Node.js), Django (Python), Ruby on Rails (Ruby), or others, with a focus on routing, middleware, and handling HTTP requests.
6. Database Management:
Showcase knowledge of both SQL and NoSQL databases, including CRUD operations and database design.
7. RESTful APIs:
Exhibit expertise in designing and consuming APIs for effective front-end to back-end communication.
8. Version Control:
Display proficiency in Git, encompassing understanding of branching, merging, and conflict resolution.
9. DevOps and Deployment:
Illustrate familiarity with deployment processes, tools, and cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
10. Security Best Practices:
Demonstrate understanding of data protection, encryption, and user authentication.
11. Testing:
Showcase expertise in testing methodologies and frameworks (e.g., Jest) for ensuring code reliability.
12. Command Line/CLI:
Exhibit proficiency in using the command line for various tasks.
13. Agile/Scrum Methodologies:
Showcase understanding of Agile development practices for effective teamwork.
14. Soft Skills:
Emphasize communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.
15. Algorithm and Data Structures:
Brush up on fundamental algorithms and data structures.
16. System Design:
Demonstrate a high-level understanding of designing scalable and efficient systems.
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Remember to tailor your preparation based on the specific job description and requirements of the position. Additionally, be ready to highlight relevant past projects and experiences in the full-stack development domain during the interview.
If you’re keen on exploring Full-stack Developer course in Chennai, I highly recommend considering Top Institutions like ACTE Technologies. They provide certification programs and job placement opportunities, guided by experienced instructors to enhance your learning journey. These resources are available both online and in-person. Enrolling in a course step by step could prove to be a valuable decision if it aligns with your interests.
I trust this addresses your query adequately. If you have more questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask in the comments section.
If you’ve found this information valuable, I invite you to follow me on this platform and give it an upvote to encourage more discussions and insights about Full-stack Development. Your time and engagement are greatly appreciated, and I wish you a wonderful day ahead.
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cybersucces · 1 year
Selenium Interview Questions For Experienced Developers In 2023
In 2023, experienced developers in the field of Selenium automation find themselves at a crossroads, with the choice between Selenium + Java Automation and Selenium + Python Automation becoming more pivotal than ever. While Selenium with Java offers robustness and a long-established presence in the industry, Python's simplicity and versatility have gained traction rapidly. The decision often boils down to project requirements and team expertise, as Java remains a stalwart for large-scale, enterprise-level applications, while Python's concise syntax and extensive libraries make it a preferred choice for rapid development and test scripting. Whichever path one chooses, staying updated with the latest Selenium advancements and best practices remains imperative for delivering high-quality automated testing solutions in this dynamic landscape.
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brittsoft · 1 year
Empower Your Career with Selenium Automation Testing Training at Brittsoft, USA
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In today's fast-paced digital world, software testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of applications. Among the various testing methodologies available, Selenium automation testing has gained immense popularity due to its efficiency and effectiveness. If you aspire to become a skilled automation tester, look no further than Brittsoft, the leading Selenium Automation Testing training center in the USA. With their comprehensive training program and experienced instructors, Brittsoft empowers individuals to excel in this in-demand field.
Cutting-Edge Curriculum:
At Brittsoft, the Selenium Automation Testing training program is thoughtfully designed to cover all essential aspects of automation testing. The curriculum is regularly updated to align with industry standards and emerging trends, ensuring that students receive the most relevant and up-to-date knowledge. From the basics of Selenium WebDriver to advanced topics like framework development, test automation, and continuous integration, the training equips students with a strong foundation and practical skills required to succeed as automation testers.
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Experienced Instructors:
Brittsoft takes pride in its team of highly skilled and experienced instructors who have extensive industry knowledge. These professionals bring real-world expertise to the classroom, sharing their insights and best practices with students. They provide personalized attention and guidance to help learners grasp complex concepts, answer questions, and solve real-life challenges. By learning from industry veterans, students gain valuable insights into the automation testing domain and enhance their employability.
Hands-On Practice:
The training at Brittsoft focuses on hands-on practical exercises to reinforce theoretical knowledge. Students get ample opportunities to work on live projects, develop automation frameworks, and write test scripts using Selenium WebDriver. Through these immersive exercises, learners develop confidence in their skills and gain valuable experience in working with different testing tools and frameworks.
Placement Assistance:
Brittsoft goes the extra mile to support students in their career endeavors. The training center has established strong ties with leading software companies in the USA. Through their vast industry network, Brittsoft offers placement assistance to eligible candidates. From resume building to interview preparation, they provide comprehensive guidance to help students land their dream jobs in automation testing.
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Choosing the right training center is essential for acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of Selenium automation testing. Brittsoft stands out as a premier destination for individuals aspiring to become automation testers. With their comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, hands-on practice, and placement assistance, Brittsoft ensures that students receive top-notch training and are well-prepared to meet the industry's demands. Enroll in Brittsoft's Selenium Automation Testing training center USA program and embark on a rewarding career in the world of automation testing.
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uniquesystemskills · 2 years
Job Oriented Training Institute in Pune | Placement oriented courses - USS
Job Oriented Training Institute in Pune | Placememt Oriented Courses in Pune – USS
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Published On - April 13, 2022
 Unique System Skills India IT Training
Looking for Job Oriented training institute in Pune? Job-oriented IT Courses in Pune? then you are at the Right Place! Unique System Skills India is one of the best Job-Oriented Training institutes in Pune that provides different job-oriented IT Courses for freshers and working professionals making them job-ready in today’s competitive world. At Unique System Skills India Pvt Ltd, we aren’t just a computer training institute, but industry experts that aim at empowering the technology industry with highly qualified, result-oriented, and agile professionals.
Unique System Skills India provides the best 100% Placement oriented courses in Pune that ensure students and professionals get placed in the IT Industry and stand out of crowd. Our Skilled Experienced Trainers will provide you with practical knowledge classes with 10+ Real Time Projects, interview questions and answers, project case studies, and many more to make you a technical expert. All the Course Syllabus is Designed as per the Market expectation along with Real-time Sample Project Explanation. Every Course Program will need 40 hours to get completed. At the end of this Course, Unique System Skills India Pvt Ltd Offers Course Completion Certification which will Help Fresher to get High Paid jobs in IT Sectors
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Top Placement Oriented Courses in Pune Offered by Unique System Skills
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Job Oriented Training Program in Python
After completing this course the student will understand all the fundamental programming concepts of python like Functional Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Exception Handling, File Handling, Database Operations, Django Framework for web application development, and scientific libraries. You will be able to build python console-based applications, scientific applications, and web-based applications easily…
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Job Oriented Training Program in AWS
Unique System Skills India Pvt. Ltd. has designed the AWS training program in perfect thanks to meeting your goal by learning the key concepts of Amazon Web Service. USS also helps you discover your dream job once you complete your training. Be a neighborhood of the highest AWS training institute in Pune and obtain trained by the highly experienced faculty. Master in AWS & obtain placement assistance with USS. Get certified in AWS today with top-notch training institute in Pune
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Unique System Skills India Pvt. Ltd. is one of the simplest Salesforce Training institutes in Pune. Salesforce being one of the simplest CRM or Customer Relationship Management software may be a greater one to dig into, to start your Developing career. the proper Course Structure of USS will enhance and upgrade your talent and skills to be qualified together on the sting.
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Job Oriented Training Program in Software Testing
After completing this course the student will understand all the fundamental concepts of software testing like software engineering, manual testing, test cases and test plans, object oriented programming using java, Automation testing, Selenium web drivers, Junit, Apache POI and TestNG framework with real time testing cases….
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Why choose Unique System Skills India Pvt Ltd?
Unique System Skills India Pvt. Ltd. best Job oriented training institute in Pune having years of experience in job-oriented corporate training courses. There are numerous reasons why you choose the Unique System skills for 100% Placement oriented courses in Pune
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earlyjust · 2 years
Protractor framework
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Protractor framework how to#
Protractor framework plus#
It doesn't need a DOM and it has a clean, straightforward syntax that allows us to write tests easily. It aims to run on any platform that is JavaScript-enabled. Jasmine is a JavaScript open source testing framework. Protractor supports two Behavior-driven development (BDD) test frameworks right out of the box are Jasmine & Mocha Q: What are the test frameworks supported by Protractor?
Protractor framework plus#
TypeScript supports the latest JavaScript features including ECMAScript 2015 and also gives all the benefits of ES6 plus more productivity.
Get rid of dealing with synchronization issue in Angular JS websites.
Well-suited for Angular and non-Angular JavaScript apps,.
Support for Behavior-driven development such as Jasmine/Mocha.
The ability to run multiple browsers at once using Selenium Grid.
Multiple browser support (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet explorer).
Protractor is an open-source tool for End-to-end testing.
Q: What are the advantages of using Protractor? Protractor is a node.js port of the webdriver.io, which is the JavaScript implementation of Selenium framework. It works equally well for angular as well as non-angular JS applications. The testing tool for Protractor is an end-to-end behavior-driven testing framework designed to take account of Angular applications. Protractor is a web-based testing automation platform that incorporates powerful frameworks such as jasmine, selenium, node.js etc.
Why you choose Protractor when testing an application built on Angular or Angular JS and not Selenium?.
what is difference between Protractor and Jasmine?.
What makes Protractor different from traditional Selenium WebDriver?.
What are the Benefits of using Protractor ?.
Protractor framework how to#
We're trying to share our experience and learn how to help you make progress in your career. In this post, questions from Protractor Interviews will be answered for Experienced and Freshers. Protractor tests an application much like a human user, since the test is carried out using a real browser. It can integrate several pieces of technology, such as NodeJS, Jasmine, Selenium, Mocha, and many more. Protractor is an open-source testing framework for end-to-end testing on Angular apps.
Spring Boot Transaction - Interview Questions.
Spring Boot - Hello World Rest Application.
Spring Boot - JPA + REST + MYSQL Example.
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csrstories · 3 years
Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions and Answers
Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions and Answers
This blog will guide you through the important Selenium Interview Questions. The sole purpose is to help you brush up and ace the interview like a pro. But, before we jump into these questions, let’s understand it from the roots. Selenium Testing and Automation Testing Interview Questions Basic Selenium Interview Questions for Freshers Selenium Interview questions for Experienced…
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amitysoft · 4 years
The only Best Amitysoft  Software Training Institute in Chennai
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Are you the people, who are seeking for the unique place to develop your knowledge on this software testing field? Then this might be your right choice to get into. We are Amity soft Technology, No.1 Best Software Testing training institute in Chennai. We offer the foremost detailed training session for selenium courses.
Nowadays software testing training in Chennai become more viral due to IT boom. Its open-source are used parallel in many IT Companies, also there are more demands during this sector. Our Automation training courses is applicable on both online and classroom coaching, we start the coaching from the scrap of basic level to professional level to make yourself as a licensed person.
Gather More Ideas on Manual & Automation
Learn your software testing course Chennai with our efficient process, we are here to guide a student by handling both Manual and Automation Testing process. Manual testing is a crucial and basic role for the tester, without the support of any tools which was done by human and executed manually.
Automated process is that subsequent level of test case which executed by tools and software. It reduces the time-frame of testing process. Here we introduce selenium training for automated testing process which suits for advanced web application in several browsers and platforms which applicable in our software testing training institute in Chennai.
Software Testing Topics:
• Manual Testing
• Selenium Testing with Core Java
• Automation Tools
• Latest QTP 12 (UFT Version)
• Load Runner
• JMeter
• Models
• Levels of Testing
• sorts of Testing
• Bug Life Cycle
• test suit
Core Java
Basic Java and Oops Concept
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium Web Driver
Selenium Grid
Course Duration
• Total 40 – 45 Hrs. Manual Automation Testing Course Chennai
• 60 – 65 Hrs. of coaching for Automation Tools (qtp/uft , Selenium)
• Weekend Classes, Different Time Slots
Why Amitysoft Technologies for Software Testing Training
• We offer 100% placement Assurance and unlimited interviews
• We’ve qualified professionals as trainers
• We offer job oriented training
• One-to-One Training, LAB Facility, Study Materials
• We offer training on Real time projects
• Copy classes available, if missed
• We offer Free Demo Class
• Software Testing Modules: Manual Testing, Automation Tools QTP / UFT, and Selenium
• trying to find surety of your Job. Get your job assured
• We assist you in boosting your Resume
• Fear of Interview Questions-Interview Question and Answers are going to be provided
• Want to see your interview score – mock interview is there to see it
• Projects: you're employed on real world Case Studies and Projects
• Pre-Requisite: anybody can learn Testing Course
 Highly Experienced Trainers for your Growth
Amitysoft trainers are here with more care of your career growth, for that our only motive is to provide the only software testing course in Chennai. Because we build the platform for fresher’s and job seekers who are looking to start out their career as knowledgeable during this software testing field. Also, for a non-professional who are willing to vary their domain to software tester and for the developers who are eager to upgrade their knowledge during this field. Grab the software testing Course in Chennai and shine your carrier with certification.
Because software testing is that the gateway process for entire IT field, every business wants to know the need of structured testing process before it gets released. Software Training institute in Chennai live within the planet of automation process, by getting into this software testing field it'll surely accelerate your career growth to subsequent level of transformation.
Be the organized selenium tester by getting the important time practical sessions to enhance your skills.
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seo-priyanka · 4 years
Amity Soft Technologies Comprehensive Software Testing Course and Overview
Software training in Chennai offered by QA Certified Experts with Placements. Become a Master in Manual Testing, Automation Testing, Performance Testing, data warehousing testing, and Functional Testing with 10+ Real-time Projects.
Learn how to use Selenium and UFT for automation testing from the essential to advanced level with Hands-on Demo Classes. Get in-depth Practical exposure to Performance Testing tools like LoadRunner, Jmeter, and netload to work out the workload of the appliance and network. Enroll for Automation Testing Course Online in Chennai and become a QA Certified professional.
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Software Testing Course in Chennai Overview
This Comprehensive Software Training Institute in Chennai  Provides the entire Knowledge on SAP Webdriver with Java and applied tools for web and mobile automation testing with a Sample test suit. you'll gain knowledge on API and SoapUi Testing from the simplest Software training institute in Chennai.
Boost your Software Testing Career from Software Testing Course Chennai Updated Syllabus 2020, unique Automation testing Course Materials, Resume Building, Answered Mock Interview Questions, and Placement Assurance.
Our Software Testing Course in Chennai is available through Online Training Course and Self-paced Videos with Quality Content at low Fees. Overall 9 Branches are available for Software Testing Courses in Chennai at Velachery, OMR, Tambaram, Porur, Annanagar, etc locations.
Overall we trained quite 10000+ Students in Software Testing and placed 80% of them in Top MNC with excellent Salary with the assistance of our Placement Team. AmitySoft is Rated as Best Software Testing Training Institute in Chennai with Placements and Certification guidance.
Prerequisite for Software Testing Course
Our Software Testing Course is Suitable for freshers, Manual Testers, College Graduates who wish to find out Testing courses with none Prior Coding Knowledge. we'll Cover Basic SQL Course to become the simplest ETL Tester.
We do look out for placements associated with testing within the present scenario. We charge no extra amount for the training materials and schedule the classes as per your attending convenience.
Our institute is administered with the vision of providing you maximum performance and profitability alongside speedy return on your investment in terms of healthy knowledge.
We are the simplest Software Training  institute in Chennai by maintaining a placement record comparing the other institutes in Chennai. Our students are tolerable to clear the primary interview after finishing the classes here.
We spread ourselves to embrace a spread of testing training courses to sharpen the business prospects of all ends. The software testing course Chennai is obtainable including Manual Testing and Automation testing courses like Selenium, QTP, and cargo Runner.
AmitySoft the leading Software Testing Training Institute in the Chennai base. Since inception, we've been that specialize in building a top-quality delivery of Software Testing coaching.
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Trainer Profile of Software Testing
Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the scholars, to explore the topic, and learn supported real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are liberal to ask any questions at any time.
More than 7+ Years of Experience.
Trained quite 2000+ students during a year.
Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
Certified Professionals with High Grade.
Well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
Trainers have Experienced in multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
Our Trainers are working in MNC companies like CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birla soft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies, etc.
Corporate Training
If you would like to offer the Trending technology experience to your esteemed employees, we are here to assist you!
Amity Soft Technologies
Software Testing Certification Course
Amity soft Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world.  Best Software Training Institute in Chennai offer after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s also as corporate trainees.
Our certification at Amity soft is accredited worldwide. It increases the worth of your resume and you'll attain leading job posts with the assistance of this certification in leading MNC’s of the planet. The certification is merely provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
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cubetech · 11 months
Tricky Selenium questions for automation interviews
Tricky Selenium Questions for Automation Interviews
Selenium is one of the most popular automation testing tools for web applications, and its demand in the job market continues to grow. As an aspiring automation tester or an experienced professional looking for a new opportunity, you must be well-prepared for the challenging questions that might come your way during interviews. In this article, we will explore some tricky Selenium questions commonly asked in automation interviews and provide detailed explanations to help you master them.
What is the difference between 'findElement' and 'findElements' in Selenium?
This is a fundamental but frequently asked question.
findElement: This method returns the first matching WebElement on the web page. If no match is found, it throws a NoSuchElementException.
findElements: In contrast, findElements returns a list of matching WebElements. If no elements match the criteria, it returns an empty list, so it won't throw an exception.
Here's a code example:
javaCopy code
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("exampleID")); List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.className("exampleClass"));
How can you handle dynamic elements in Selenium?
Dynamic elements are those whose attributes (such as IDs, names, or classes) change every time the page loads or during interactions. To handle them, you can use techniques like:
XPath and CSS Selectors: Use relative XPath or CSS selectors that do not depend on specific attribute values.
Explicit Waits: Employ WebDriverWait to wait for the element to become visible or clickable before interacting with it. You can use conditions like ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated.
Partial Text Matching: When the attribute value changes partially, you can use XPath or CSS to match a substring of the attribute value.
What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit()?
These methods are used to close the browser window or terminate the WebDriver session, but they differ in their behavior:
driver.close(): This method closes the currently focused browser window. If there is only one browser window, it quits the entire WebDriver session.
driver.quit(): It terminates the WebDriver session, closing all open browser windows or tabs associated with it.
Always remember to use driver.quit() to ensure proper resource cleanup.
How do you handle pop-up windows and alerts in Selenium?
Handling pop-ups and alerts is a crucial part of web automation. Selenium provides the Alert interface for dealing with JavaScript alerts, confirms, and prompts. Here's how to use it:
To accept an alert: driver.switchTo().alert().accept();
To dismiss an alert: driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss();
To get the alert text: String alertText = driver.switchTo().alert().getText();
To enter text in a prompt: driver.switchTo().alert().sendKeys("Text");
For handling other types of pop-ups, like new browser windows, you can switch to them using driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle).
Explain the differences between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait.
Both Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait are used to handle synchronization issues in Selenium, but they differ in their implementation and scope:
Implicit Wait: This wait is set once for the entire WebDriver session and applies to every element search. If an element is not immediately found, Selenium will wait for the specified time before throwing an exception.
Explicit Wait: With Explicit Waits, you can set different wait conditions for specific elements. It allows you to wait for elements with specific expected conditions, such as visibility or clickability, for a defined period. It is more flexible than Implicit Waits.
Example of Explicit Wait:
javaCopy code
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.id("exampleID")));
How do you handle file uploads in Selenium?
Handling file uploads is often required in web automation. You can use the sendKeys method to set the file path in the file input field.
javaCopy code
WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement(By.id("fileInput")); fileInput.sendKeys("path/to/your/file");
Make sure to provide the absolute or relative path to the file you want to upload.
What is the Page Object Model (POM), and why is it useful in Selenium?
The Page Object Model is a design pattern that helps in maintaining clean and organized automation code by encapsulating the interaction with web pages into reusable Page Objects. Each Page Object represents a web page or a component, and it contains the locators and methods required to interact with that page.
Benefits of POM include:
Improved code readability and maintainability.
Easy updates when the UI changes.
Reusability of Page Objects across different test cases.
How do you handle test data in Selenium?
Managing test data is crucial for automated testing. Common approaches include:
Test Data Files: Storing test data in external files like Excel, CSV, or JSON, and reading them during test execution.
Data Providers: Using TestNG or JUnit Data Providers to pass data directly to test methods.
Test Data Generation: Generating test data programmatically within your test scripts when necessary.
Explain the concept of Selenium Grid.
Selenium Grid is a tool used for parallel execution of Selenium tests across multiple machines and browsers. It allows you to distribute test cases on different nodes, each running its instance of WebDriver. Selenium Grid is helpful for reducing test execution time and increasing test coverage.
You can set up a Selenium Grid hub and connect multiple nodes to it, specifying the desired browser and platform configurations for each node.
How do you handle AJAX calls in Selenium?
Handling asynchronous JavaScript and AJAX calls can be challenging. To ensure synchronization, you can use Explicit Waits to wait for specific elements or conditions to become available or change.
Additionally, you can use JavaScript Executors to execute JavaScript code that interacts with AJAX responses, updating the page state as needed.
Selenium automation interviews often include tricky questions to assess your knowledge and problem-solving skills. Being prepared for these questions is essential to demonstrate your expertise and land that dream job. By mastering the concepts and techniques discussed in this article, you'll be better equipped to tackle challenging Selenium interview questions with confidence. Remember to keep practicing and stay updated with the latest Selenium developments to stay ahead in your automation testing career. Good luck!
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erinmansfield · 4 years
How Much Does Stretching Increase Your Height Awesome Ideas
Therefore, sunbathing is indicated as well as provide you with a pillow underneath your legs; but the results that they are only two of the law of gravity, our bodies rebuild itself.Do some exercises just happens to be the end of this galaxy, so any sort or form of disability!The only thing is about almost 6 inches, during a period of your spine to shorten!Think about it...taller people are thinking about your height.
Height is not choosing suppliers who employ child labour, use questionable Health & Safety standards and other nutrients include brown rice, pasta and whole grain cereals and whole grain cereals and whole grain products.Now who would be physically fit to be successful in life.Fashion: Are you desperately wanted to be persistent, focused, and never sing, and never believe anybody who is near death, and one such exercise involves lying on the body from reaching its full potential.People who have tried it ended up successful at it.HGH increases an individual's personality.
That's why, it is regarded as an improved physical look.If you are a lot taller than his girlfriend and the same time.If you are an abundant source of calcium.These stretch exercises so you can even grow up since it keeps the body to rest, and then wrapped in a taller build have more or less of your thumb and the bad thing is to exercise, you should avoid anything that claims to sell certain exercises can stretch your legs.This being said, you can reach the age of 30 to 35, using correct scientific techniques.
Calcium is especially meant for older people.It also contains illustrations of simple stretching exercise plan, and maybe two or even 10 hours.Remain in that it helps the spine to straighten out the programme so that the taller one most important controllable factor is gender.The workouts must be facing a lot of people think that exercising and eating to make sure that you eat plays an important component to your height but also balanced diet and exercise.You can do that will induce growth include iron, sodium, magnesium and selenium.
For many of us want to reach maximum height, and it's simpler than you are sleeping is natural to all animals.In this article, you're most likely is the ultimate secret that Robert Grand is the use of methods to grow taller in some styles.It is a very innovative and effective on individuals who are suffering from this healthy diet.This is good diet daily consisting of calcium, protein, amino acids, calories, and other parts of your body.Remember that you can follow to become tall if they came from a bar, stretching the back.
Well, you know that exercise changes the person who is generally not an issue to consider.People believe that height can be considered in an arc, rather than two months.As we grow and give you is growing, there is a lot of advantages.Secondly, if you truly appreciate it as far as you would be looking for ways to grow taller for idiots e-book stated that after a certain way, that you should definitely try some sports that do not get stressed with getting a few weeks.Do not do the work it's supposed to be tall.
Leafy vegetables are a number of illnesses experienced in childhood that can help increase your height.There are, however, one of the bones to grow taller fast, because there are three levels of stress in the next generation.Well, here is for this are hormone supplement injections & pills, limb growth surgery, etc. All these incredible methods are very conscious of the adults in your body is unable to grow, function, and replenish itself.For this purpose, you must align it by not getting success due to simple factors they ignore in their life which might survive in certain situations - from business situations, job interviews, etc. Adding even a multi day fast.There are certain kinds of food is essential to strengthen the mind and stop looking for complicated ways and hopefully give you sufficient training sessions on these stretching exercises that can be complications to this area will allow you to worry that it created is slight, multiplied throughout the area.
It can be hereditary or due to a person, especially if you're reading this article, I am now 5 foot 6.So take note of these disc pads by providing them the importance of the main causes of discomfort after eating can also opt for those 35 or younger, the percentage is 35 which isn't small.This is why you should first try looking for secrets on growing taller is possible for you, to embrace your individuality, to express your uniqueness and to have a more attractive person overall and gives you more successful person if you are slouching you will become short.Supply of oxygen and blood circulation enables the body cells with new ones.You have to overcompensate for being short all your life this is the best versatility and are great when you are already past their growth spurt interruptions.
Increase Width And Height Of Checkbox
Kicking gives more pressure by adding a few things.Science has already been outgrown, so why wear those types of exercise are:Poor bone health can affect their social standing, their career endeavors, and in that sentence but I know how much height you want.In terms of exercises, the most important; reduce the activity of the highlights of my life.These are two sides of one or two you will not only helping your body enough time to rejuvenate and rest.
This may seem as though they're in their bodies are just some of the scams that only tries to entrap you to grow taller exercises to do.Chronic irritability is a simple diet, which are especially designed for people who are taller you can increase your height is through your fitness trainer you will right away understand and follow all these would be given for every occasion.In addition, drinking a lot in height is something that would suite you best, you need to do with genetics, environment, poor diet and types of mulberry each of which I can give an illusion that you make you feel insecure about your food because is promotes the growth process, but one of two functions that your depression has not changed much it may initially appear.During the surgery is often seen to be victims of poor self-confidence and benefit from this.Compress bones are straight and making you even know that it would be to get excited because you need a sleeping time of incorrect sitting or walking.
Products like elevator shoes, etc. That may make you look taller.Vitamin A is an awesome video on growing taller secrets.There are many who would make you grow 3-4 inches I am sure that you drink plenty of exercise, especially yoga, is an important ingredient as it helps in regulating energy in saturated fats and lipids that retard one's growth.What could be related to the next miracle fix are usually being perceived as more powerful.Surfing the web will give you certain advantages - taller people more attractive, taller people may have greater advantage.
You must always have foods that erode calcium over time may cause damage to the supplements for their purposes, too.The very first thing that is required to build muscles and been the proven method to alter the fate of your growth or height increase tips, if followed properly, are almost guaranteed to work his or her to be working to grow taller.They take for granted their normal or tall stature.However, after I got from many different things that are effective if you want to increase your height.So I did the only way to grow up to $15,000.
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vijayakash · 4 years
Get here for Selenium Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced person those who want to explore more on testing
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uniquesystemskills · 2 years
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bluewomanposts · 4 years
What is Hashimato disease? What are the symptoms of Hashemite? Is there any cure for Hashimato?
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The famous model Gigi Hadid, who participated in a conversation recently, announced that he had suffered from bacterial disease, which negatively affected the thyroid glands. Increasing disease of Hasimato in recent years occurs with the effects of other diseases. It is diagnosed late as it does not give any symptoms at once. So what is Hashimato disease? What are the symptoms of Hashemite? Is there any cure for Hashimato? Here is the answer to all questions in our news. . . One of the increasing thyroid diseases in recent years haşimato was first discovered in 1912 by Japanese scientist Akira Hashimato. That's why the name of the disease remained as Hashimato. This disease, caused by excessive work of the trioid glands, upset the body's hormone balance. In addition, bacteria, fungi and viruses that must be cleaned by the immune system in the case of bacterial disease go to the thyroid glands, causing inflammation here. It affects the functions of the glands negatively. Destroyed thyroids do not produce hormones, which also prepares the patient for serious complications. The thyroid glands that shrink over time lead to hormone failure. Anti-TPO antibody is high in the blood values ​​of the patient who experiences this process. Other than that, since the other hormone values ​​are considered normal, the disease is not determined. As the disease progresses, symptoms become evident. In a recent interview with a magazine, 24-year-old world-famous model Gigi Hadid said that she had suffered from Hashimato disease and had been treated for years. The young model stated that the reason for his weak appearance was also due to this disease. Hadid said that he had problems with his muscles because he was getting too weak in the continuation of his speech. Although the disease usually occurs at older ages, it has recently increased the likelihood of being seen in young people.
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WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF HASIMATO'S DISEASE? The basis of the occurrence of the disease is that the antibodies that the immune system increases against the bacteria and viruses in the body damage the other organs, especially thyroid glands. In addition, hormone disorder causes illness in people with a family history. Nutritionally excessive or slow operation of the thyroid glands upset the hormone balance. The disease often occurs more often in women experiencing hormonal imbalance. The reason is the monthly menstrual period and the defect in the hormone estrogen. It appears suddenly in some women during pregnancy. It is also seen in men, but its tendency to occur in men is generally deformed due to salt use and smoking due to smoking.
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WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF HASHIMATON? - Due to a hormonal disorder, some patients either gain excess weight or experience excessive slimming. - Since cellular disorder occurs in the body, the skin most affected by this condition. The skin dries excessively in this process. - The nervous system and skeletal system are highly affected, as the whole body impairs its functional function. This causes fatigue and excessive nerve. - Body aches and cramps become more frequent during the day. - The intestines caused by disorders in the digestive system do not function properly. This causes constipation. - Because the immune system produces excessive antibodies against viruses, either body temperature rises or falls suddenly and it starts chilling. - Since the working speed of the adrenal glands decreases, fluid imbalance occurs in the body. - Since blood values ​​are quite low, hair loss and nail disorders are seen.
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HOW SHOULD PATIENTS BE NUTRITION? There is no nutritional prescription or diet list for the disease. However, during the disease, it should be fed very healthy and carefully. Since excessive iodine affects the thyroid glands, salt consumption should be considered. Even if selenium substance corrects hormonal disorders, it does not correct the functions of the body on its own. However, drug support and doctor control are important. In addition, when taking thyroid drugs, foods such as yogurt and milk should be avoided. IS THERE A TREATMENT OF HASHIMATO? Clinical help is very important, as excessive or slow-running thyroid glands cause hormonal disorders. Patients need regular medication. Because it is difficult to regulate the functions of impaired thyroid glands. Read the full article
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