#secret fanboy!dean
roosterforme · 11 months
Always Ever Only You Part 18 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You missed the quality time you'd been spending with your husband as soon as it started to slip away. You were busy with work, and Bradley was being called upon again, just like he always was. But before he prepares to leave, your curiosity gets the best of you.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, oral, smut, talking about trying for a baby
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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As May became June, the temperatures got hotter and the beaches got more crowded, and your evening walks with Tramp became a little less frequent as a result. You also felt like your time with Bradley was starting to become a little more sporadic. Work and other obligations were starting to break into the bubble that the two of you had managed to re-form, and you kind of missed how cozy you'd been.
"I'll be home late on Tuesday, Roo. I have a meeting with Bickel."
"Mav asked me to teach on Thursday, so don't wait for me if you're hungry for dinner."
By the time you got to Friday night, you ended up at the Hard Deck, because everyone kept bugging you to go. And you knew that Bradley was proud of your hard work and the fact that your boss seemed to be lining you up to take over after his eventual retirement. And it wasn't like you weren't absolutely thrilled that Top Gun was entrusting Bradley with teaching their incoming students with more frequency. But you were just craving more of the intimate hours you got used to at home. With just Bradley and a bath with champagne followed by him reading from his notebooks. 
"You want another beer?" Bradley asked you next to the noisy pool table as you shook your head. Nat had already given you two, and you just wanted to go home already. You tried to socialize with everyone a little bit more. Fanboy was about to leave for a long deployment, so you made sure you gave him an extra hug or two. And then Payback showed up with the girl he was dating, so you chatted with her for a little bit. But after another hour, you were feeling antsy. 
Any day now, you were certain Bradley would be telling you he had been chosen for the top secret special detachment. And in just a few more days, he would be on base in Lemoore until the judge made a decision regarding Admiral Dean and Slayer. And there was nothing you could do about either of those things. 
You were also pretty sure you were almost done ovulating right now in spite of your best efforts to try not to think about it. And the past few days had been a bust with how busy the two of you were. The last thing you wanted to do was push Bradley to have sex when one or both of you were tired or clearly not in the mood for it. But there was a tiny bit of doubt that was creeping in, making you feel like this was a wasted month. But on the other hand, just looking at him right now was making you warm. You knew it was probably just your hormones, but you wanted him and his attention all to yourself.
Immediately you set your empty beer bottle down and wrapped your arms around your husband as he talked to his best friend. He rubbed your back as you pressed your cheek to his chest, already feeling a little better. You didn't care if Nat heard you; she was already Bradley's sounding board for so many things. So you smiled at her and then looked up at him as he paused with his beer most of the way to his mouth. 
"Bradley," you said, your voice a little needy even to your own ears. "I love you, and it's been a really long week, and I just kind of miss when we were spending so much time together. Can we go home now and relax?"
Bradley handed Nat his half empty beer and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Can we finish talking about this later?"
"Absolutely," Nat replied with a smirk. "Goodnight, you two."
Then he laced his fingers with yours and led you out of the bar and onto the deck where he immediately picked you up for a piggy back ride. "Why didn't you say something sooner? I thought you wanted to come out and see Fanboy and do the whole Hard Deck thing tonight."
"I kind of did," you said, kissing his ear as he carried you to the Bronco. "But it got old fast compared to being at home with you. It's just been a long week, and I missed you. And I know you'll be in Lemoore in a few days, and then the special detachment is coming up, and-"
"Hey," Bradley said firmly as he set you down next to the Bronco. "I'm right here, and I'm more than happy to take you home and stay there for the rest of the weekend. I'd love to do that, in fact."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "Maybe you can call Nat tomorrow? And finish your conversation with her then?"
"Maybe," he replied. "Or maybe I'll be too busy with my wife. Either way, it works for me."
He buckled you in with another kiss before he climbed in and zipped the short distance back home. Then you made a sandwich for a late night snack and cut it in half to share with him. He lifted you up onto the counter and finished his in three bites, and you felt so much better being at home alone with him. You finally felt like you could focus. 
"Are you still hungry?" you asked while he downed a glass of water and watched you finish eating. 
"Not for a sandwich, Sweetheart." His voice was raspy, and the fine hairs on your neck and arms were standing on end as he took a step closer. 
"Oh," you whispered as he leaned against the counter with his hands on either side of your thighs. You ate the last few bites slowly before you asked, "Are you going to tell me what you're hungry for? Maybe it's something I could get ready for you?"
He groaned softly as he kissed the side of your neck and whispered, "I wanna eat your pussy, Baby Girl. Will you let me?"
An hour ago, you had been feeling overstimulated and annoyed. Now you were unbuttoning your shorts and whining your husband's name. Next time you wouldn't wait so long to tell him you just needed a few minutes alone with him so you could feel better. 
"I'll take that as a yes," Bradley said as he sank down to his knees in front of you and helped you out of your shorts and underwear. He spread your legs wide and ran his index finger back and forth across your clit. "Let me enjoy this perfect pussy, and then I'll read to you from my notebook in bed."
He peppered a few kisses on your thigh, then his mouth was all over you. Your fingers gripped his hair as you tried to stay upright while he buried his face in you. "Roo," you gasped as his mustache hit just the right spot. You rocked gently against his face as he licked long stripes up and down before letting his pretty lips settle on your clit. He knew exactly how to get you off, but right now, he was taking his time. 
"Fucking gorgeous," he whispered, looking up at you and smiling before kissing you everywhere. He fucked you expertly with his tongue, and you were afraid you were pulling his hair too hard, but he didn't stop. 
Soft, needy sounds gave way to you begging him to let you come. "Please, Daddy!" 
He grunted and fucked you with two fingers while he sucked on you in a gentle, steady rhythm. The pressure was just right. His rough mustache was perfect. You came, tugging on his hair until he was standing up. His cheeks were rosy, and his pupils were blown wide, and his face was wet from a mix of your pussy and his saliva. 
He was the most handsome thing that ever existed, and now he was kissing your lips with that mouth that tasted like you. This time you were a little gentler as you combed your fingers through his hair while he rutted against you. 
"You just needed a night in with your Daddy. You feel better now?"
"I really did need you," you promised. Then you softly asked him, "Do you want to fuck me?"
He was panting slightly as he muttered, "Of course I do. You're my perfect wife."
You undid his pants and pushed them down a few inches, and he was right at your entrance, ready to go. But he was hesitating, his cheeks growing a shade darker as he swallowed hard. "I'm not gonna last."
He was just that turned on from going down on you. "I don't care," you promised him. You were so relaxed and sated, you kind of felt like you could melt into a puddle on the kitchen island. And then he was thrusting inside you, his hips rolling and pushing your thighs wider. 
He wrapped his hands around your waist and shook his head, and soon he was muttering that he was about to finish. So you leaned back on your elbows and planted your feet on the edge of the counter and said, "I was a good girl all week. Give me a cream pie?"
Your husband stroked your rooster tattoo with his right thumb as he fucked you harder until you were struggling to keep your feet planted in place. "Oh, shit," he growled when he came. Once his movements had stilled, he withdrew from you and smiled. "That's a beautiful cream pie, if I do say so myself. We do some of our best work in the kitchen." 
You were both giggly and a little bit messy as Bradley carried you to bed. When he flipped to a random page in the notebook, you curled up against him. "What am I supposed to do when you're gone again? We have no idea how long you'll be in Lemoore. And who knows about the special mission either."
He sighed and kissed your forehead. "As far as I'm concerned, Lemoore should be cut and dry. I'll drive up with Nat and Bob, and we'll all read our statements. And hopefully that's it."
"And hopefully Dean and Slayer get fucking reprimanded to the letter of the law," you added.
"Well, that too," he said with a laugh. "But I'll be back home quickly, and we don't even know if I'll get selected for the detachment, so let's not worry about that yet." Then he cleared his throat and started to read from his notebook.
"I can't believe how much time I wasted with other women. The few minutes of satisfaction did not outweigh the fact that I didn't really want to get to know them at all. And maybe even worse, the fact that I could tell they thought I was only good for one thing. The more I think about it, maybe I really only was good for one thing."
You cut him off with a kiss and said, "I don't really like this page. I don't like it when you're hard on yourself."
Bradley looked at you with soft eyes and smiled. "Want me to read something else?"
You wrapped your arms around him a little tighter, but you said, "No. Finish this one."
He cleared his throat again and continued. 
"At the time, I guess I thought I was living in the moment, and that I'd have these experiences to look back on someday when I was older. But now I don't like thinking about it, because the main thing I remember is that I was selling myself short in every way. What's the point in having meaningless sex over and over again when what you're actually craving is attention and affection? What's the point in kicking someone out of your bed after an hour when your skin starts to crawl, when all you really want is to find the right person to keep with you all night long?
I don't understand how my wife is so gracious. I really don't get the way she can look at me and see something worth her precious time. But I'm so thankful she does."
You snuggled against him quietly, your thoughts swirling. "Roo? I don't understand why you didn't just try to take me home with you after we met."
Bradley snorted and chuckled as he set the notebook aside. "You mean when I couldn't stop staring at you when we were on base working together? Or you mean the night when we first talked at the Hard Deck?"
You closed your eyes and considered the difference. Jake had asked you out during work hours two days after you met him, but you were already distracted by Bradley at that point. And maybe you'd have let Bradley take you home from the bar, but then you probably would have never gone on a real date with him. 
"I think I would have gone home with you from the bar," you said softly. "If you'd asked."
Bradley's fingers dug into your body as he said, "Then you would have thought I was a joke just like every other woman. And maybe that's why I didn't try my shitty pickup lines or any of my moves on you. Yeah, you and I were flirting, but everything I did and said to you was sincere, because I could tell I was getting your genuine undivided attention. You weren't only looking at me like I could take care of you physically for an hour.  And that was a very rare thing."
"Oh," you sighed, crawling fully on top of him now. You smiled and kissed him until the concerned crease in his forehead smoothed out. "You always make me feel like you knew we would get married someday as soon as you looked at me."
Bradley rubbed his hands up under your shirt. "I think I subconsciously hoped so, Sweetheart. But I had to play the limited cards in my hand just right to even stand a chance."
You were starting to get sleepy now, and his rough hands felt so good everywhere. "What would you have said to me if you just wanted to hookup?" you asked, laughing as he groaned. 
"You don't want to know, Sweetheart. You would have probably laughed in my face and walked away, because I was using the same dumb tactics since I was twenty four."
You kissed his sternum as your mind once again swirled with information. "This is all very intriguing," you murmured as you started to doze.
Bradley was waiting on the porch with you after work on Monday evening, his arms wrapped around you as you kissed him. It was a five hour drive up to Lemoore, and Nat was on her way to pick him up. 
"Call or text me when you get there," you said between kisses as your fingers teased and tugged at his hair. "Even if it's late."
"I will," he promised, kind of no longer content to just be making out with you. There wasn't enough time for anything else, even though you were moaning softly into his mouth and letting your hands explore the front of his body now. "Baby Girl," he warned. The last thing he wanted was an erection when he had to leave you in the next few minutes. 
But you just kissed him harder and said, "I love you," and now Bradley was thinking about retiring and spending every night with you for the rest of his life. 
"Fuck," he grunted when he heard Nat's SUV. When he opened his eyes, she was careening into the driveway behind your shitty little car. His best friend was such a bad driver, he wasn't exactly sure why he and Bob agreed to put her behind the wheel today, but he certainly wouldn't mind if Nat totaled your car right now. She came to a screeching halt mere inches from your bumper. At least that disappointment was enough to stave off his boner. 
You walked Bradley to the driveway, and Bob put the passenger side window down so you could chat with them while Bradley put his garment bag in the trunk along with your small overnight bag he was using. If he wasn't back by Wednesday night, he was going to be so pissed off. 
"I made you guys cookies and some blueberry muffins," you told Bob, handing two containers over. Bradley snuck up behind you and pressed himself against your rear end as you tried to have a normal conversation with his friends. You ended up just saying good luck before turning to face him. "You're obnoxious," you whispered. 
"I know. It's just because I love you so much," he replied with a smirk, earning another heated kiss before you pushed him toward the back door. "I'll let you know when we get there."
Bradley had to push snack wrappers and other assorted trash onto the floor with a grimace so he could buckle his seat belt. Nat turned to look at him. "You and your wife are so gross," she said with a laugh.
"Not as gross as your car. Hey, any chance you can put it in drive instead of reverse and then floor the accelerator?" he asked, only half kidding as he looked at your car.
"No," Nat replied as she backed out. "She'd never forgive me."
Then the three of them waved to you, and they were off. Bradley tried to have a muffin without making a mess of the crumbs, but he watched as Nat just brushed them onto the floor while she drove and ate. "You guys think anything will even happen to Dean?" she asked with her mouth full. 
"If everything is good and just in the world, then yes," Bob said in an even tone. 
"I fucking hope so," Bradley added. "If for no other reason than the fact that they are making us go up to Lemoore."
On Tuesday, the courtroom was packed with people who were there to make statements against Admiral Dean. There were so many people in fact, that Bradley was surprised this man had been allowed to fuck up this many missions for his own agenda before he ended up in front of a judge in a military courtroom. The benches of witnesses were jammed as Bradley squeezed in next to Nat, and the room was so warm, he didn't know how he'd manage all day in his dress blues. 
"Look at everyone," she whispered as she tugged at her collar. "We'll be here all week."
Bradley had to listen to the two lawyers argue for a bit, but once things started rolling, he was starting to get a solid picture of what was going on here. Admiral Dean moved from the Atlantic Fleet to the Pacific Fleet with a small reprimand after showing clear favoritism to the pilots out of Naval Air Station Key West. He'd cost an aviator her life among a laundry list of other fucked up things, a fact that made Bradley's somach turn. He nudged Nat's leg with his, thankful his friend was still here even though she looked like she was half asleep. 
But once Dean had been placed in Lemoore, things somehow got even worse. Bradley listened to a statement from a pilot who felt like he had been forced into early retirement by Dean. Then there was a weapons systems officer who said she'd been passed over for promotions by Dean because she tried to call him out on his behavior. 
When he, Bob and Nat were called up with the others who had been in the air with Slayer back in April, Bradley had to stand there and feel the glare from two sets of eyes burning into him as he gave his honest testimony of the events of that day. He didn't hold back. He talked about the fact that he had been named the spare when he would have never gone off course like Slayer did. He made sure to make his point when he said everyone in the air was at risk simply because Slayer had been selected for the mission over him. And he ended things by pointing out that by the time he got to the scene of the dogfighting, some of the others were already nearly out of ammunition and fuel. 
He made eye contact with Dean and then Slayer once he was finished, and then Bob was called up. And then Nat was called up. And then all of the others as well. The details that were being recounted could all be pieced together to give an honest picture of what happened that day. Dean should have been squirming in his seat, and Bradley was delighted to see that he was as the day wore on and on. 
Bradley's stomach was growling loudly, and he was annoyed when the judge said, "Let's all reconvene tomorrow morning for final statements and a decision. Everyone is dismissed for now."
"We have to stay another night?" Nat whined, yanking at her tie on the way out of the courtroom. "Just strip the asshole of his rank right now."
Bradley tended to agree with her. What was the sense in drawing this out any longer? He could have been on his way home to you, but instead he was picking up takeout for dinner and walking it back to his tiny hotel room across the street from the barracks on base. He inhaled his dinner while he texted you some updates, and just when he was hoping to call and maybe have some filthy phone sex, he got a call from someone else. 
He sighed and answered. "Hey, Mav. What's up?"
"You're still in Lemoore?" 
"Yeah. Until at least tomorrow," Bradley grunted. 
Mav paused for a beat. "I wanted to tell you in person, but tomorrow night won't give you as much time to prepare. You've been selected. For the special detachment. You'll have to fly out of Miramar by Comanche on Monday morning."
Bradley's heart was pounding with anticipation and nerves. "Where am I going?"
"That's all the information I have. The clearances for this thing are tight to say the least. When you get back down here, you'll need to talk to Admiral Simpson and Admiral Bates immediately."
"Fuck," Bradley whispered. "Thanks for the call."
He sat in silence for a few minutes, wondering if he should call and tell you right now or wait until he got home. He collapsed back on the bed, knowing this was the kind of conversation he'd rather have with you face to face, but it would be much worse if you thought he was trying to hide anything from you. He reached for his phone. 
After one ring, he heard your voice. "Roo." You sounded so sweet, he could picture the way you must have been curled up in bed reading by now. "Are you alone?"
"Yeah," he grunted, rubbing his face with one hand. 
Your soft laughter made him want to touch himself as you said, "Can we talk about how much I want to suck your cock right now?"
"Fuck. Baby Girl. Wait."
Your voice took on a different tone entirely. "What's wrong?"
"Maverick just called me. I'm going on the special detachment. I leave Monday." When you asked him for details, he had none to give you. And when you asked him if he was happy, he didn't really know how to respond. "I think... relieved is the right word for how I'm feeling. I don't want to leave you again, but I do feel like this is something I needed."
And then you told him that you were proud of him.
You had a missed call from Bradley plus a new text message when you looked at your phone the following afternoon, but you couldn't even call him back. You were sitting between Cat and Commander Bickel for a video conference with a group in Annapolis. Video conferences were the fucking worst invention. You didn't want to have to look at that bald guy in Maryland picking his nose on a huge screen. And you certainly didn't want to have to listen to this other idiot talk about things that had nothing to do with your lab for hours on end. 
The only good part was the catered lunch, but even that prevented you from calling Bradley back. You looked at the most recent text he sent you saying Dean and Slayer had been sentenced and that he was on his way home. You sent him back a thumbs up. The details would have to wait until later. 
"Come here," Cat said, giving you a look as she jerked her head to the side.
"What?" you asked as you tried to eat your sandwich before the conference started back up for the afternoon. You had been alternating who you ate lunch with when you made it to the cafeteria, and you'd also been trying to give her and Jake plenty of time together this week without being the third wheel. 
"I'm not worried exactly, but... Jake has a lot of women texting his phone," she said bluntly. "Should I be worried?"
You were kind of stunned, not that you really paid much attention to what he used his phone for. "He has other women texting him?" 
Cat nodded, and you thought it wasn't fair that someone that beautiful should look so insecure. "Most of the messages are from phone numbers he hasn't saved in his contacts. And I didn't go snooping, but he's not trying to hide it. He just leaves his phone out, and then I see them."
You felt a little sick. "What are they saying to him?"
"Hey Jake, it's Brittany, haven't seen you at the bar. Or Jake, call me if you want to come over. Or my personal favorite, Wanna come over and fuck?"
"No," you gasped. "Oh my god, Cat. There's no way he's hooking up with anyone else. It's probably just some residuals."
She shrugged and picked at her own sandwich. "Well it's a lot for me. And this is kind of the reason why I didn't want to get involved months ago," she whispered, looking sheepish. 
"I'll talk to him."
"No." She shook her head. "Then he'll know I told you, and I don't want to make him mad at me."
"He won't get mad at you, Cat." You wanted to be reassuring, because you really were sure he wasn't sleeping around. "Is he being sweet to you? And Jeremiah?"
"Yes," she replied without hesitation. She closed her eyes and whispered, "We slept together for the first time last weekend. It was... it was so good. And he's great with Jer. Like a natural." When she opened her dark eyes again she looked less calm. "I'll talk to him myself."
Then Bickel called everyone back to their seats. "The conference is picking up again," he said in such a monotone voice, you loved him even more for hating this meeting. "Could have been an email," he muttered, and everyone from your lab erupted into laughter as you took your seats. 
You used the minute of confusion while everyone moved around the conference table to text Jake instead of Bradley. 
I sincerely hope you have your text messages under control. 
Bradley had already been home for a few minutes when you ran in after work. "Well? What happened?" you asked while you hopped around inside the front door as you removed your boots one at a time.
He was stretched out on the couch staring at the ceiling. "Just give me another minute. Nat's driving did a number on me."
But you strolled over and laid down right on top of him which made him laugh. "I don't want to give you another minute. I missed you."
"I missed you, too." You kissed him and Bradley ran his hands down to your lower back. "And you know I love your ass in your uniform pants."
"What happened with Dean and Slayer?" you asked, not letting him indulge just yet. 
"Well, Dean will not be retiring as an Admiral, and Slayer is on a year-long leave or absence with one third pay."
You smiled instantly. "They stripped Dean's rank?"
"They sure did, Sweetheart. And they are going to force him to retire without benefits."
"Damn," you whispered as you kissed his chin. "He had it coming. They both did."
"Now onto more important things," Bradley said. "Two nights sleeping on that shitty hotel room bed made my back hurt."
"You poor, sweet thing," you crooned softly. 
"I know," he murmured. "I require a bath complete with you and some champagne. And then I'm hoping you'll welcome me back to our bed in the warmest way."
"I think that can be arranged." You got up and started to unbutton your uniform shirt on your way to the refrigerator. "We have one bottle left."
When you turned back, he was already gone, and you could hear the water running in your bathroom. "Seriously?" you asked as you ran in there to find him naked as the tub filled. 
"What? I missed you a lot."
The special detachment was going to feel like forever, you just knew it. And you'd be surprised if he'd be allowed to have contact with you at all for the duration. But that wasn't the only thing that you'd been thinking about this week. After he left for Lemoore, you'd read his notebook from cover to cover, and while you were certainly curious, you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. 
You slipped into the tub and into his open arms, the water just almost too hot to handle as he popped the champagne bottle and took a sip as it overflowed slightly. You straddled his thighs and pressed the bottle to your lips as he started a playlist on his phone. 
"Yeah, Sweetheart?"
He set his phone down and pulled you close as you said, "I read your notebook while you were gone."
"You'll have it memorized soon," he replied with a chuckle as he kissed your shoulder. 
You took another sip of champagne before handing him the bottle. "I keep thinking about how you said you used to pick girls up before you met me, and..."
He raised one eyebrow as he drank, and then he licked his lips. "Yeah?"
"Well, I'm still curious."
He laughed and shook his head. "First of all, I was a bit of a mess before I realized I stood a chance with you and cleaned up my act. You already know that. And second, there's no way you'd have gone for any of my bullshit, I can almost guarantee that."
"But like, what were your go-to lines? What were your moves?" He tipped your chin up and looked at you closely. "Come on. Just humor me."
"God, Baby Girl. I'm sure it was all really quite embarrassing. Especially when I was younger."
You kissed his cheek and then his lips and you could feel him start to stir against your thigh. "Could you try it on me?" you asked softly. "For fun?"
Bradley's cheeks were pink and his lips tasted like champagne, and for some reason you desperately wanted to know what it would have been like if you met him five years earlier and he tried to get you to go home with him right away. 
He was stroking your tattoo absentmindedly beneath the water as he eventually asked, "What exactly did you have in mind, Sweetheart?"
"Well, there's this bar..."
I have been excited about the next few chapters for such a long time! So happy you're here! Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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positivexcellence · 6 months
Is there garlic on this pizza? An oral history of Supernatural's 'Monster Movie' episode
What started as a simple enough idea — a black-and-white episode — was then put into the hands of writer Ben Edlund, who’d already crafted some of the show’s more creative hours, including “Hollywood Babylon,” which marked one of the series’ first meta episodes, and “Ghostfacers,” which was shot like a cheesy ghost-hunting reality show using handheld cameras. Alongside Edlund was director Robert Singer, an executive producer on the series and a massive movie fan himself.
ERIC KRIPKE (Creator): I was an obsessive fan of The X-Files and in their prime, they got really bold and adventurous with their format, and they had a black-and-white episode. I was always hoping that we could start taking those same kinds of swings. I remember saying, “I want to do a black-and-white episode where Sam and Dean are up against the classic movie monsters.” But I think Ben came up with the shapeshifter. We were trying to figure out: How do you get a mummy and a werewolf and a Frankenstein and a Dracula in the same episode? That makes no f---ing sense. So this idea of a shapeshifter who loved those movies and was ultimately just a fanboy was the secret to cracking that one open. 
ROBERT SINGER (Director): I think that script was Ben at his best. I was really happy that I was in line to direct because I really loved those old movies, so it was fortuitous that I got to do it. 
JENSEN ACKLES (Dean Winchester): It’s all just paying homage to the old-school ways of doing things, which having Bob at the helm, he’s seen all those movies time and time again, so he was the perfect guy to direct this episode. 
KRIPKE: Bob has an encyclopedic knowledge of movies, especially older films. He’s a classicist and his directing style is a lot of that kind of beautiful, elegant Hollywood style, and I think he just really relished it.
SINGER: I shot generally with wider lenses than I would normally do with Supernatural to try to give it some of that old-time feel. I really took pains to make it look as old fashioned as I possibly could. I’m a big fan of James Whale, who had done Frankenstein, and there are a lot of great crane shots in those movies, so I did a lot of crane work in this. We did a lot of shadow play. 
JARED PADALECKI (Sam Winchester): You put Ben Edlund on writing and Bob Singer on directing and magic is bound to happen.
But there was another piece of the puzzle that needed to come together for the magic to truly work: Who would play the shapeshifter (and therefore spend the episode doing their best Dracula)? The answer was Todd Stashwick.
TODD STASHWICK (Dracula): They wanted a full-on replication of Bela Lugosi’s performance. I had the DVD of the 1930’s Dracula, so I was watching that just to get the mannerisms and vocal intonation down so that I wasn’t doing a Xerox carbon copy but rather actually trying to get that Hungarian dialect that he has. I went in [to the audition] and just swung for the rafters.
SINGER: We had him do one of the Dracula scenes and then do the speech where he’s telling her how he became the way he became and Todd just killed it. That was an easy call to cast him.
STASHWICK: They wanted to know that you were going to be able to bring both sides to it, the full-on studied Dracula performance and then to let that mask drop and see the wounded man that is the monster. 
KRIPKE: We needed someone who could stick the landing on the Dracula part and that’s really hard. It’s hard to do it and have it not come off like a bit. Todd is a remarkable mimic of Bela Lugosi and brings humanity and soulfulness and depth to it. There’s something in his eyes that made it deeper and sadder than had you cast someone who was just going for an impersonation.
PADALECKI: That episode belongs to Todd Stashwick. He’s so damn good. 
Alongside Stashwick was Melinda Sward, whose character Jamie, a local waitress, caught Dean's eye and marked a first for the show. 
KRIPKE: At the time, there was a young female fan named Jamie. She and her mother would write us letters and they were super fans, and we were still early enough that we’re like, “I can’t believe there’s fans.” Jamie had medical issues, so when the season was coming up, I wrote her a response and said, “If you concentrate on getting better, we’ll name a character after you.” And she responded and said, “That’s amazing, but can you just do me a favor? Can you make sure it’s a character that doesn’t die?” So the female lead in this one we named Jamie. That was one of the only times we ever named a character after a real person and a fan. The happy ending is she was thrilled and she grew up healthy and now tours around with a replica of the Impala. 
ACKLES: Jamie was one of my favorite Dean Girls. Melinda was so good and so fun.
From the instant the episode began, fans knew they were in for something special as the old black-and-white WB logo kicked off a very old-school credits sequence.
SINGER: Right from the opening of the Warner Brothers shield, you know where you’re going. It set the tone perfectly.
KRIPKE: That and “Changing Channels” are the only two episodes where I’ll sit down and just watch the credit sequence. The font, the way you list every crew member, and it just goes on forever. And [composer Christopher] Lennertz wrote real orchestral music for it. I just love the opening of that episode and the way we did that title sequence. But changing subjects, what that reminds me of is the singular genius of Ben Edlund to set this episode during Oktoberfest. Suddenly everyone looks like European villagers and everything becomes a real monster movie.
SINGER: And that location was a party site, but it worked perfect for us. 
PADALECKI: It was like an amusement park in the outskirts of Vancouver that we rented out. It ended up unfortunately getting torn down and turned into condos or something.
With the setting and the cast locked, the brothers set out on their hunt, arriving at Oktoberfest to help solve a murder. And when the investigation made Dean late to his first date with Jamie, he found himself face-to-face with Dracula. So naturally, Dean punched the shapeshifter in the face. A fight ensued, one that ended with Dean holding an ear and Dracula ... riding a vespa?
ACKLES: I believe one of the many reasons this show lasted as long as it did is because it can be scary but then at the same time, you throw something like the scooter in and it layers in comedy with horror, with drama, with romance. It touches it all. Bob said it early on and it became a mantra of ours: “No joke is too cheap.” 
STASHWICK: That’s the infamous assault scene. I’m in full crazy mode and I’m supposed to clock Jensen in his beautiful face with my elbow, and for whatever reason in that moment — I perhaps leaned in, he perhaps leaned in — we closed that gap and I clocked him. So what you see on the DVD extras is me being all Dracula and then me being mortified that I just hit their billion dollar baby in the face.
ACKLES: He caught me with an elbow but he probably thought he hit me harder than he did. It was a mix between a good shot and a graze, but he immediately broke character. He was like, “Are you good?” And I was like, “Yeah, that one woke me up.” [Laughs]
Dean made it through that fight, but the shapeshifter had already planned its next move: While Sam checked out an eccentric local that they thought was the killer, Dean and Jamie shared a drink back at the bar where she worked. Her friend Lucy (Holly Elissa) then showed up just in time to spike their drinks. By the time Dean woke up, he was wearing Lederhosen while strapped to a table in a dungeon.
SINGER: Jensen was like, “Oh god do I have to wear this?” So to make him feel better, I put on the Lederhosen top. I didn’t go with the full shorts but I did direct that day in the Lederhosen top to take the edge off it a little bit for him.
ACKLES: I remember that! He directed in that shirt. [Laughs] Those were authentic leather Lederhosen from Bavaria. Only the best for Dean.
PADALECKI: When Jensen’s first getting strapped to the table, cause he’s a big guy, I remember them talking about how for the visual's sake, they wanted it to be like he’s a quote-unquote damsel in distress, so if they used a normal-sized platform, it would’ve looked comical, but not in a good way. So they had to make it a little bigger cause he’s kind of big.
Dean wasn’t in the dungeon long before Dracula left him to go answer the doorbell. It seemed the shapeshifter ordered a pizza … and he had a coupon.
KRIPKE: I just love how there’s the monster lab in the basement but then you go upstairs and it’s this mid-century ranch house. That’s almost a direct ripoff of the Steve Martin movie The Man with Two Brains.
SINGER: [Set designer] Jerry [Wanek] did a great job in building the dungeon set, and then when the doorbell rings, you realize it’s in the bottom of a suburban house with a pizza guy showing up at the door. 
KRIPKE: When Ben wrote the script, we talked about that scene more than any other scene in the episode. We were so specific about how we wanted the Dracula shapeshifter to react to the pizza guy and the way he’s scared when he says, “Is there garlic on the pizza?” And then the way the pizza guy’s so bored and over it: “Did you order garlic?” And then he says, “No!” It’s the way that he’s so bored of this Dracula at the door.
PADALECKI: I think Jensen and I must’ve watched this episode together in 2008 because I remember us looking at each other and going like, ”Oh my god, [the pizza guy] is way better than he needs to be!”
ACKLES: That line, because of the way that Todd delivered it, we used that line on set many, many times. Whenever somebody asked a question that had an obvious “no” to it, it’d be like, “Hey, did you want the big light on in the distance?” And Bob would be like, “Is there garlic on it?” So that became a little ism on set.
STASHWICK: I’m a Second City guy, so “yes, and” is drilled into my head and yet the two memes I’m most known for, I’m saying the word “no,” and that is Supernatural and Star Trek. I have the no's that are heard around the world. 
In the end, the brothers came out victorious and another monster was dead, but not before this one made you feel a little something (and gave one heck of a final monologue quoting King Kong). 
KRIPKE: Ben gets all the credit, and rightfully so, for writing the crazy episodes, but where I don’t think he gets enough credit is what a disciplined screenwriter he is in terms of character consistency and rule consistency and just the emotion and pathos he brings to every single story he does. No matter how crazy, he always has such a talent for capturing humanity. I wasn’t counting on the shapeshifter to have pathos but when he gives that speech at the end, it’s so sad. I give him all the credit in the world for that.
SINGER: Eric used to say, “Every villain is a hero of his own story,” so we always tried, as best we could, to give the villains something to do and learn more about them and give them full characters. So even with all this fun, we managed to give him something a little more to do. 
PADALECKI: He becomes an almost sympathetic character — I stress almost because he did kill a couple people — but what a great character arc all inside of one episode.
STASHWICK: Because this character wasn’t just a cartoon Dracula and he had that human moment, I think it made him stick in people’s minds more. This monster just really loved the movies. He was the ultimate cosplayer. It might be the thing I’m most known for outside of Star Trek, that one episode of TV.
Although Dracula didn’t make it out alive, the episode seemed to breathe new life into the series, marking perhaps its biggest risk yet, though not the biggest risk the show would ever take. 
SINGER: It kind of laid a template for other big swings that we took that were out of the ordinary, whether it was “Changing Channels” or “The French Mistake.” This was the first of our big swings of being totally different than what the show was generally week to week.
KRIPKE: I remember it getting a positive reception. I think people appreciated the swings we were starting to take. I just love that this small little supernatural show that’s arguably a Buffy ripoff on The CW got so experimental. I am really proud that we were doing legit avant-garde stuff, really experimental filmmaking, of which this was one, and then we just kept pushing it. 
PADALECKI: It’s such a great episode of television and I think we have a few in our 15 years that could stand alone as something fun to watch and out of the box, and it's certainly easy to argue "Monster Movie" is at the top.
ACKLES: This was really when we were hitting our stride. We were in the pocket with these characters, with the storytelling, with the writing. The first year was really finding our feet, the second was like, "Okay we somehow survived a network merge, let’s not mess this up." And then third season we started playing a little bit. So by the fourth season, we’re like, "Now we know where we need to be." This was the perfect time to do one of these outside-the-box episodes. This is definitely one of my top 10.
SINGER: I directed 48 episodes and if somebody asked me which is my favorite, I would probably say this one. I just had the best time doing it. 
Entertainment Weekly
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italwayshadtobeyou · 3 months
One of the things that I kind of miss, as the show's lore develops into the era of bunkers and international secret societies, is the fragmented nature of knowledge in the hunting... well, I was going to say community, but I think I'll go with field. People pass knowledge along family lines, by blood or choice; they don't trust strangers to fact-check it. None of the Winchesters knows that vampires are real before season 1, and they don't think to ask Bobby about the werewolf "cure" until it fails on Madison. Bobby doesn't trust Steve Wandell's friends to care that Sam was possessed when Meg used him to kill Steve. Ellen doesn't trust most of her customer base to not be hunting psychics. Isaac assumes, on minimal grounds, that Bobby, Sam, and Dean are at fault for a devil's gate opening. Walt and Roy try to kill Sam for freeing Lucifer, but they don't try-- in fact, outright refuse-- to learn how it happened. Hunters aren't a single group; they're more like dozens of small paramilitaries that don't really know one another's agendas.
And when hunters do trust outside colleagues, it's likelier than not to go sideways. Gordon Walker tries to kill Sam (although, in fairness to Gordon, Sam himself later wonders if a permanent death might be for the best). Travis (does he get a last name? I can't remember) not only tries to kill a rugaru who hasn't yet killed any humans; his own aggression catalyzes Jack Montgomery's transformation and nearly gets both brothers killed. Sam asks Martin to do recon on Benny, and Martin winds up taking an innocent hostage so that he can trap Benny himself. Helpful, or at least well-meaning, hunters like Bobby, Jo, and Garth are, until some point in the Carver era, exceptions rather than the rule.
(Of course, if you pay attention to the single worst arc episode of the series, which is "The Heroes' Journey," Garth turns out to be the biggest psycho of them all, cheerfully "Garthing" a whole club of people, without attempting to separate the innocent from the guilty. But since that's easily the worst episode Andrew Dabb ever wrote, and it drops another continuity error approximately every three seconds, I'm electing to ignore it.)
I'm not sure exactly when the change starts. It's creeping, rather than sudden. Maybe it starts as far back as season 4's "In the Beginning," when Samuel tests Dean's bona fides by asking him about vampires-- which "Dead Man's Blood" made clear you can hunt a long time without encountering. Maybe inheriting Bobby's contacts list has something to do with it. Maybe, once you call a friendly tech friend like Charlie a hunter, you forget what cold-blooded sons of bitches this show's regular hunters have usually been. You can see the difference in season 9's "Devil May Care," where Tracy makes snide comments about Sam's past but puts it aside to work their case, and season 11's "The Chitters," where Sam and Dean have a low-drama teamup with César and Jesse. Then you have season 12's "Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox," where dozens of hunters gather for a wake in a late hunter's mom's house, and one guy actually fanboys over Sam's possession by Lucifer. Some of these experiences are tense, but they aren't downright threatening, nor are the other hunters all useless against higher-tier opponents.
So, what changed? I'd say that maybe the apocalypse and Leviathan killed off the dangerously ignorant and/or belligerent hunters, but Walt and Roy show back up in season 12, so that seems doubtful. I might also say that the Winchesters have simply earned the trust and respect of their fellow hunters, but, LOL, no. Remember Dean's friend Rudy, and Mary's stooge that Ramiel kills?
I'm left with no good Watsonian explanation. I can give Doylist explanations, sure: Maybe the writers wanted Mary to have associates outside of Sam and Dean; maybe some executive thought that a show about two rejects wouldn't attract the advertisers they wanted; maybe later-seasons showrunners wanted an excuse for more characters to share a room. Unfortunately, Doylist explanations don't interest me much. They might, if I could be a fly on the wall of the writers' room, but I'm watching the final product, and that's where I want to find the sense.
(As a final note, I'm still slightly doped up from a minor surgery earlier today, so please forgive any egregious typos or jumps in topics.)
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lol-jackles · 1 year
First of all, someone tell Jensen to check his connection before doing phone interviews, the audio is TERRIBLE and cuts out repeatedly throughout the convo. But also, someone please get this man some media training. Everytime I listen to an interview he gives I cringe so much throughout. I mean, I get that its TB and I personally don't have an issue with swearing (I do it myself way too much lol), but maybe don't in a professional interview. Also, stop putting down other shows/people to prop yourself up dude, it looks petty (Bridgerton dig).
Or maybe watch your own show because that Homelander vs SB question where he thinks they are pretty evenly matched and even the interviewer gives SB the edge (he seems like a JA fanboy tbh) but the show SHOWED US that SB wasn't actually all that tough. All the "big fights" felt... meh. SB might be volatile but if you knew his triggers he seemed annoying but not the worst to maintain/contain - literally give him some drugs and grannies and you don't have to even think about him.
Plus saying that he started to do research for his character but immediately stopped and just did his own thing for PTSD is not the serve he thinks it is. He claims he didn't want to portray someone else's PTSD so he stopped researching but if he has no experience then "doing his own thing" isn't really a good plan and honestly, the PTSD stuff he did felt... I don't know, not genuine? And not to make it a J vs J thing but we know Jared did extensive research on PTSD for Sam and worked tiny little moments in that felt very natural and subtle (notoriously his flinches at loud noises, esp when it loud noises from his brother's anger - throwing chairs, knocking things off tables etc). I know AA's always praise Jensen for his microexpressions and subtlety with acting but I find him to be mostly histrionic and he rarely does subtlety, you can see his "subtle" from a mile away. It's like he's always trying to be larger than life and it comes across as over-acting.
Link. *Me seeing it's 25 minutes long* Sigh, push play. Yeah the audio wasn't the best and listening him talk about SB's depth and I'm going "where?".
Okay, here is the PTSD part and the interviewer even referenced Dean's PTSD. Eh, didn't want to mirror another's PTSD? To quote the great Meryl Streep, you can't be an effective actor if you're not curious about people and events. When you're interested in things, you want to go deeper and you want to know more. You do the homework so that you are well prepared, which gives you the freedom to explore any avenue on the day of the filming.
I wonder if he done the character work for SB, like writing his character biography that is not outlined in the script, like what's his favorite color, does he have a sister, what's his secret, etc.  It’s one of the techniques actors are taught to fully embody their characters and know them backward and forward to help lay the groundwork for developing a strong, believable character.  
And here's the prank question because of course these always get asked. Remember kids, 90% of the prank stories are fake news.
Now the Solider Boy vs Homelander question. Interviewer thinks SB has the edge? Oh come on! Starlight was able to push SB away with a booooiiiiiiinnnnnnggggg sound effect. SB actually wasn't a solider, he mostly showed up for the photo ops after the fighting is done. SB can’t fly, isn’t fast, can’t jump that high, doesn’t have laser eyes, out of touch with technology, and he’s fairly predictable.  He should be far easier to defeat than Homelander. If you just keep Russian music away from Soldier Boy and and give him a couple of grannies and drugs, he’s content and containable. Homelander can only be contained by the tender hug of Jesus Christ. The only reason why everybody suddenly decided he's worse than Homelander and turned against SB was because he's not the main character.
To be fair, TV acting is often described as “lightly exaggerating”. For that reason I appreciated the more nuanced approach Jared took with Sam while still going above and beyond what the basic expectations are for Sam because he’s alert and always responding to what’s going around him, so he’s always changing and adapting but in more subtle ways. Jensen needs a compelling scene partner to bring out his best because his acting strength is he puts his focus on the other person.  This way Jensen doesn’t have to worry about how he’s going to say his lines and speak intuitively, this helps make his portrayal of Dean Winchester appear truthful to the audience. Jensen doesn’t go into a scene looking to do a scene, he goes in looking to be open and give over to how the other person makes him feel. That's why the only two times Jensen really shined as Solider Boy was when he confronted Crimson Countess over her betrayal, and telling Homelander what a disappointment he is. My endless complaint is SB was criminally underused on the show.
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•M’s Hundred Celly Masterlist•
I still can’t believe I have over 100 followers! Thank you all so much truly I wouldn’t be here without you! Here is the masterlist for my hundred celly!
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•Top Gun Maverick✈️
~Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
Schoolboy Crush (fluff)
Opposites Attract (angst/fluff)
Changes (angst/fluff)
~Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Fuck Darlin' (smut)
Steel Beach Party (fluff)
~Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Car Troubles (fluff)
Branching Out (angst/fluff)
~Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
What’s In The Honeymoon? (fluff/smut)
Consequences (smut)
~Robert “Bob” Floyd
Flower Crowns (angst/fluff)
Laser Tag (angst/fluff)
~Javy “Coyote” Machado
Training Accidents (angst/fluff)
Darts With a Side of Secret (fluff)
~Natasha “Black Widow” Romanoff
Uncompleted Missions (angst/fluff)
~Bucky “Winter Solider” Barnes
Blind Dates (angst/fluff)
~Loki Laufeyson
Loki and The Librarian (fluff/smut)
~Dean Winchester
Burgers, Fries and Pies? (angst/fluff)
~Rosalie Hale
Out and About (angst/fluff)
•Teen Wolf🐺
~Stiles Stilinski
Treehouse Therapy (angst/fluff)
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ragsy · 7 months
Ragsy you asked for this
I need you to fill out the entirety of the questions for Dillion, Dogmark and Agent Hill also if you have her number you can post that too. (Sorry dogmark ur still my fave it’s just. Big lady….)
Was your OC influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them? Dillion: Dillion is drawn from a lot of different sources of inspiration, but most notably he's sorta like if you put Prince Sidon (botw) and Zapp Brannigan (futurama) in a blender and gave the resulting abomination Laszlo Cravensworth's (wwdits) voice Dogmark: He's been around for so long that I can no longer directly trace anything about him back to any specific lineage. HOWEVER. I did find out very recently that he looks uncannily like the character in the musical Rent who is also bisexual and named Mark. That was a total coincidence Sloane: a lot of her design choices were "what would be very attractive to me personally" but i did take a lot of inspiration from Jasper (steven universe) and grizzled male spy action movie heroes.
What genre (not counting the one they’re in) would your OC thrive in? Dillion: sports anime Dogmark: romcom Sloane: stoner comedy
What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch? Dillion: stoner comedy Dogmark: sports anime Sloane: romcom
What media does your character enjoy? (For characters in settings that aren’t modern Earth, could be media from their home setting or what they’d like in a modern Earth AU) Dillion: he'd be WAY into competition shows. chopped, ninja warrior, american idol, great british bakeoff, literally anything like that. Dogmark: video games! he's always been a big nintendo fanboy, but he hasn't had the means to pick up anything new in years. (he likes zelda & metroid the most) Sloane: melodrama. she doesn't really watch it though, she just enjoys having it on as background noise. but if anyone switches the channel, there will be hell to pay.
What song(s) do you associate with your OC? Dillion:
(not necessarily for lyrical content, just vibes)
If your OC had to cosplay as a fictional character, who would they choose? Dillion: hunky magikarp Dogmark: botw-era Link Sloane: dean winchester
Has your OC ever had a crush on a fictional (to them) character? Dillion: if he did, he absolutely didn't recognize it for what it was at the time Dogmark: oh, several. the very first was both Elizabeth and Will from the pirates of the caribbean at the same time though Sloane: probably, but she will never, ever, ever share this information. ever.
How would your OC do in the last book/movie/tv show/game/etc. you read/watched/played? (the last game i played was minecraft) Dillion: he'd do pretty okay after the first few nights, but he would never be able to figure out cooking and starve to death Dogmark: he camps in the wilderness for fun all the time, so just fine actually! just going to completely ignore the horrors that keep crawling up from that ravine though!! Sloane: she's resourceful, so also pretty good. she'd get frustrated that none of the villages have anything to DRINK around here, but she'd get over it.
If your OC was a superhero, what would they be like? (powers, title, general vibe, etc.) Dillion: Captain Riptide: An ocean-themed Captain America type, with a bit of aquaman (water breathing, talks to fish) thrown in there. Basically just regular Sir Dillion, but with a secret identity. Dogmark: he's kinda already got everything already except the cool name ("What do you mean? 'Dogman' isn't cool????"), although he'd be less inclined towards vigilante heroics and more toward going on dangerous missions because the alternative is blackmail Sloane: she'd probably be one of those "mundane humans but is really good with a gun named Crackshot or Bullseye or something like that" type heroes, although her cursed monster arm would be a source of conflict that would probably lead her more toward antiheroism.
What animal would your OC have as their His Dark Materials daemon? Dillion: horse? probably horse Dogmark: hmm! hard to say! probably some four-legged carnivore? heavily steeped in symbolism of loyalty and servitude? what could that be??? Sloane: rattlesnake
What Pokémon would be on your OC’s team and/or what would be their preferred type? Dillion: w... water type Dogmark: normal type!!! normal! he's so normal!!! Sloane: ground type? maybe?
If your OC was a Dungeons and Dragons character, what would their class be? And/or: If they were playing D&D, what kind of character might they play? (these aren’t necessarily the same thing) Dillion: well. he's already a Fighter, and i think if he were playing dnd, he would also play fighter. fighters all the way down Dogmark: he'd be a ranger or sorcerer, but i think he would really enjoy playing a wizard or warlock Sloane: she'd be a rogue, fighter, or ranger, and i think she would think dnd is stupid so she'd never play
How well would your OC do in a standard slasher movie? Dillion: last to die, but he'd be, like, super guilty about it Dogmark: puts up a good fight, but ultimately no match for the jumpscares Sloane: goes down fighting in a last ditch effort to save the innocent bystanders. OR, alternatively, dies immediately due to her hubris and cocky attitude
What stock character would your OC be stuck as in a sitcom? Dillion: bumbling uncle Dogmark: awkward nerd who Just Can't Get a Girl! Sloane: token butch
Who would your OC main in Super Smash Bros? Dillion: CAPTAIN FALCON!! Dogmark: (copied from a previous ask) idk anything about the current roster, but probably Fire Emblem Sword Boy Du Jour? In melee/brawl he would be a Marth main though. Never played at any sort of competitive level, but he was still pretty good at it. Currently has a hard time holding game controllers on account of his claws and paw beans, especially the teeny tiny buttons on the switch Sloane: incineroar. she's a total shark about it too-- plays dumb for the first four stock, then as soon as she's down to one she opens up a can of whoopass on her opponent
Who would your OC play in Mario Kart? Dillion: inkling boy. [sighs wistfully] reminds him of home Dogmark: shy guy on a little bike Sloane: funky kong!!!!!!!
If your OC was in Star Trek’s Starfleet, what would be their role/position? Or, if that doesn’t really fit your OC: why would they get kicked out of Starfleet? (please take my answers with a grain of salt; i have an extremely casual surface level of understanding of how starfleet works) Dillion: listen, he's already partially based on a character who is partially based on bill shatner as jim kirk, so. he's the captain of this starship Dogmark: some mechanical maintenance role where he doesn't have to talk to anyone, or a security role where he's monitering cameras all day. don't put him in space adventure, he'll get sad Sloane: oh, head security officer. she'll wrestle with an alien lizard any chance she gets.
What role would your OC play in a heist story? Dillion: the muscle. he's not stealthy, he's not good at talking himself out of problems, but he IS good at bonking people in the head and/or breaking down doors. Dogmark: (copied from a previous ask) Getaway driver. He's too nervous to actually be part of the operation, but he's got a lead foot and he's a pretty solid driver. Plus, if they still end up getting caught, he can definitely outrun the cops on foot in dog form. Sloane: probably also the muscle, but in a scenario where she knows someone else is willing to put themselves in that level of danger, she'd be the overseer. planning moves, calling shots, keeping an eye on her team and guiding them to safety (and big money)
What kind of classic horror monster (vampire, werewolf, alien, etc.) would your OC be? Dillion: gillman. duh Dogmark: werewolf. duh Sloane: also werewolf, but hotter. duh
What type of Avatar The Last Airbender-type bender (or non-bender) would your OC be? Any bending specialties? Dillion: water!!!!! he's a fish man, what do you want from me!!!!!! Dogmark: (copied from a previous ask) Supposed non-bender for most of his life, but in reality just never had the opportunity to discover and hone his bending abilities. By the time he learned he was actually a bender the whole time, he'd aged out of most of the available training programs. Unsure what element though! Water maybe? (after the fact realization: probably fire actually) Sloane: non-bender, but she can definitely hold her own against a bender in a fight. probably practices chakra blocking like ty lee
Your OC gets isekai’d to a bog-standard fantasy world. What does your OC do and how badly does it go for that world? Dillion: "oh thank heavens, this is much more familiar to where i'm actually from than the other, much more creative fantasy world that i got isekai'd to right before this" Dogmark: he'd spend a week in terrified denial, then one day a gnome offers him a quarter-pint of thimbleberry ale and he throws his hands up in resignation, accepts the drink, and just learns to live with all the rest of it. his dogman curse ends up being a boon for him, it would definitely help him blend in at first Sloane: she'd spend a lot of time complaining about not having TV or cigarettes anymore (puppet shows and pipe smoke just isn't the same for her), but she'd be relieved that all of her worldly responsibilities and troubles just. vanished. (except for the cursed monster arm, but she'd probably find a cleric who could just. heal her for a day's work and everything's just peachy after that)
In the Muppet version of your story, is this particular OC a Muppet or the one human? Dillion: he's a muppet, but he's one of the full-body sized ones Dogmark: human in human form, but a muppet in dog form. when he transforms, he ducks behind a conveniently placed table and the other version jumps up in the previous version's place. Sloane: she's the human, and she never once acknowledges that her costars are made of felt and stuffing
What would be your OC’s My Little Pony cutie mark? Dillion: a really fancy medieval coat of arms with a nautilus and two crossed swords. way more detailed than any toy manufacturer could ever produce Dogmark: paw print. :) puppy Sloane: a revolver chamber, with one bullet missing.
Your OC is stuck in a musical episode. What song(s) do they sing? (And how thrilled or annoyed are they about being stuck in a musical?) Dillion: he gets the confused and excited "what the hell is happening, why are we singing" number, as well as being in the chorus for every subsequent number. he's a little pitchy, but he's so into it, so his spirit alone sells it. Dogmark: he gets the emotional "all is lost" number that happens on the transition between the second and third acts. it's his one and only musical number-- he spends the whole runtime up to that number denying that he's in a musical, but when his time comes, he owns it. Sloane: she manages to figure out how to game the system by simply not speaking the whole episode-- she communicates entirely by typing things on her phone and having TTS read them out for her. everyone else wishes she would just lighten up a little
In a murder mystery, what role would your OC play? (e.g. detective, sidekick, wacky suspect, rival investigator who gets in thew way, red herring, true culprit) Dillion: rival investigator who thinks he's extremely talented at solving mysteries, when in fact he's just jumping to conclusions and assuming he's correct Dogmark: suspect who is innocent but was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time and cannot articulate why without incriminating himself for something entirely unrelated Sloane: secret detective-- played along as just some innocent observer, but was actually clocking everything the whole time.
What is your OC’s Warrior Cats name? Dillion: splashstream Dogmark: bramblefur Sloane: tigerblaze
Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona? Dillion: coelacanth?? Dogmark: dog obviously, but like. that very specific kind of mutt you see with yellow single-coat fur, pointed ears, smooth tail, and no markings except for the odd white point here or there Sloane: GRAND! OLD! BOAR!!!!!
if you made it this far hi thanks i love you for loving my characters this much
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
PM666Reads - Fic Recs - September 2022
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Please heed all the warnings on the individual fics. I am not responsible for what you choose to read.
To the authors - thank you for putting in the work 💕no one gets enough recognition so thank you for taking the time to write and being brave enough to share it with us 💟
📖Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Monday To Friday - @wildbornsiren - It’s just a crush– on one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever met in your life. There’s no way he would ever return your feelings right?
You're No Bun - @writercole -Rooster tries to get a drunk you to bed.
Don't Think, Just Do - @evansrogerskitten - Rooster has a crush. 
📖Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts - @seresinhangmanjake - You and Jake had a history of flirting and occasionally kissing if too much time was spent at the bar, but it never went any further than that. One night, after showing up at your house and passing out on your couch, Jake wakes up the next morning only to learn he had drunkenly confessed his feelings for you.
Magic Jake - @evansrogerskitten - Your boyfriend has a secret - once upon a time, Hangman was a stripper. 
Country Boy - @princessphilly - music soulmate AU
Rebel, Rebel - @therebeccaw - Sufficed to say, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin wasn’t the pilot you were looking for.
📖Rhett Abbott
Proving A Point - @writercole - Rhett sees a guy trying to hit on his girl. She brushes him off but the guy just doesn’t want to take the hint.
I Can Still Make Cheyenne - @writercole - Rhett Abbot isn’t an easy man to love but when he’s about to lose everything, his head is finally clear.
📖Sam Winchester
Without a Stitch - @raidens-realm - While Dean’s on a hunt, Sam stays behind with a cold. The Bunker seems bent on ridding him of far more than a virus and only when he gets the situation under control does he begin to glean it’s true intent.
Butter Knife - @fictional-affairs - Sam, thinking that Dean and the reader have been sneaking around as a couple, locks the two in the bathroom so that they’ll establish their relationship. But Dean and the reader know the truth- and the reader has to choose between using the bathroom in the presence of Dean, or admitting her feelings to Sam.
A Little Trip - @mariekoukie6661 -Sam doesn’t sleep well.
The Best and Worse Plans - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble
The Almost Kiss - @myinconnelly1 - fluffy drabble
"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified" - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Torture - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble#
“I’ll give you $200 if you don’t bring it up again.” - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Tight - @kittenofdoomage - A few hundred words about Sam's humungous cock
📖Dean Winchester
Feast - @talesmaniac89 - Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.
Big Brother - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble
Lavender Skies - @talesmaniac89 - A relationship ends under lavender skies…
📖Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Falcon? - @writercole - In which the Daggers find Fanboy’s doppelganger.
📖James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes
Treacherous - @scrumptious-delusion - you’re asking yourself why he keeps coming back, he’s asking himself why you keep letting him in. it’s a treacherous slope but neither of you can turn back now.
📖Jensen Ackles
Remind Me - @pink-sparkly-witch - Jensen and Y/N have been drifting apart since he went to film The Boys. When a song on the radio makes him realise just how bad things are, he’s determined to fix it. Problem is, he doesn’t know if Y/N wants to fix it or if it’s over between them.
📖Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Enlightened - @writercole - The heart wants what the heart wants. But sometimes, it needs a push to figure it out.
📖Steve Rogers
Would I Lie To You - @cockslutpadalecki - steve catches a hydra operative- she’s low level, maybe a receptionist, a medical assistant, not given enough information to be important, not given enough to really know who she’s working for. but steve thinks she knows more than she lets on. what interrogation tactics is he using on poor reader?
📖Ransom Drysdale
The Hunt - @navybrat817 - Ransom likes the hunt, especially when you turn him down.
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thekingslover · 5 years
Cas is a pop star who’s kind of clueless but that’s part of his charm. He writes a lot of songs about being lost and unsure and insecure that a lot of people relate to.
Dean absolutely hates him. Everyone knows it. Except he totally doesn’t and owns every album. Cause see, Cas gets it, in a way no one else really has before. But Dean will deny it to the grave.
At least, until Sam gets him backstage passes to one of Cas’s shows.
“Come on, Sam,” Dean says, snorting. He crosses his arms because every inch of him wants to snatch those passes away from Sam before he can take them back. “Why would I want to go see some two-bit pop star?”
“I’ve heard some of his songs,” Sam says. “Cassiel has a nice voice.”
“Castiel,” Dean corrects. His brain catches up a moment too late. “I mean... I’ve heard that’s how it’s pronounced.”
Sam gets all smug, smirking. He puts the passes down on the table. “I’m going to just leave these here.”
Dean’s proud of himself. He waits until Sam leaves the room before pouncing forward for the passes.
He wears his AC/DC t-shirt to the show, and he feels kind of like the oldest guy in the room. But he’s having trouble caring, especially when Cas comes into view wearing tight black pants and a t-shirt with angel wings on the back. He starts shaking hands, coming down the line toward Dean.
Dean thought all night about what he was going to say, but when Cas gets to him, when those blue eyes land on him and stay there, watching - studying - Dean loses what little nerve he had and manages only a weak, “Hey.”
“Hello,” Cas says. He takes Dean’s hand and holds it longer than he held the rest. He’s still staring, and Dean could get lost in those eyes. Or maybe he already is. Time stills. The moment stretches. Dean wishes he could live right here, holding Cas’s hand, with Cas looking at him like he’s the most important guy in the room. Like he’s the only one.
But too soon, Cas’s handler steps forward and ushers Cas onward. Though Cas looks back once, twice, three times, then four, they never get another chance to talk.
Cas goes on stage, gives a great show, then gets on his tour bus and leaves.
Dean drives home in the dark. As the concert high fades, a sinking feeling takes root in his gut. Dean knows he’s never going to get a chance like that again. And all he could say was, Hey.
Three months later, Cas releases a new single titled, Green Eyes and Freckles. The lyric, Our moment ended too soon, makes Dean hopeful, and yeah, there’s also a line about an AC/DC shirt. But no. How many hundreds of thousands of people did Cas sing to every night? There wasn’t much chance this one song was meant for Dean.
“What the hell, Dean,” Sam says, after hearing the song. “What happened that night?”
“Nothing,” Dean says. It’s not a lie. Sam thinks its something but its not.
But then Sam starts making secret phone calls that mysteriously end whenever Dean enters the room. And Sam, somehow, comes up with backstage passes again for the show three towns over.
“I can’t,” Dean says, though his heart’s racing a mile a minute. What if they meet again and its nothing like it was? Cas probably doesn’t remember Dean. Dean would just make a fool of himself. He laughs, plays it off. “I don’t even like pop music.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Just say thank you.”
Dean hesitates a moment, then reaches forward and snaps the tickets from Sam’s outstretched hand. Softly, he grumbles, “Thank you.”
“Was that so hard?” Sam says, smiling sharp.
“Don’t push it, Sammy.”
So there Dean is again backstage. Cas appears, in tight jeans and a black AC/DC shirt this time. He’s three people down when he looks at Dean and freezes.
Dean doesn’t know what to do with his hands. Put them in his pockets? At his sides? Cross his chest? No. Nothing is right and Cas is looking at him like he knows him but that can’t be right.
Pockets. Definitely, pockets.
Cas shakes hands. He puts in some time with each person, but he keeps glancing at Dean. When he gets to Dean in line, he doesn’t hold up his hand. Doesn’t move at all, except to stand in front of him. He stares, and time slows and no. Not again. He’s not going to blow this a second time.
“Do you -“ Dean starts.
“I thought I might have dreamed you,” Cas says, and whatever Dean was about to say is long gone.
“I know I dreamed you,” Dean says instead, and its cheesy and terrible. He’s mortified but also kind of not because Cas smiles, all teeth and gums. Dean did that. He made that smile.
“Your name,” Cas asks, and when Dean tells him, he says it back, “Dean.”
This is happening, Dean has to remind himself. His name in that voice has him melting and no one has ever made his heart race so fast. He didn’t think it was possible.
The handler comes. Their time is up. Cas has to leave again, and Dean doubts there will be a third time. A third chance. But what can he do?
So he watches Cas go. A lump rises in his throat. He starts to feel cold.
The handler comes back. “Castiel asked to give you this.” He hands Dean a crumpled piece of paper and walks away.
Dean opens the paper, and scrawled in small, neat script, is a phone number, and beneath it, No more dreaming.
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My headcanons For Gojo Satoru
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This Dingus right here is a huge movie fan. Loves pretty much anything, the old classics black and white movies, foreign films, main stream movies and so bad that it’s good movies. He loves TV shows, he’s big Supernatural fanboy. Loves Dean  Winchester and strong shipper of Deancel, Walking Dead fan all the way. Both the comics, Tv show and games. (He only played the first season and balled his eyes out for a weeks, and refuses to play rest of the games) Dose have a soft spot of horror movies, Like The Screams, Halloween, The Saw  franchise, classic monster movies of course. Gotta respect the classics.
His favorite movies of all time are  Beetlejuice (Satoru’s roll model) Corpse Bride, Frankenweenie, Edward scissors hand The Princess Bride , all the old George Romero zombie movies, again classic monster movies, The Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit  franchise. He’s a big Bruce Campbell fan, and loves, loves all the Evil Dead movies and show. Loves Deadpool and has a huge man crush Ran Reynolds. Loves all Marvel Movies. Big Spider Man fanboy.
His favorite Disney movies are Princess and the frog, disney’s Atlantis, Tangrled, 101 Dalmatians, Emperors new groove, Hercules, Toy Story, but he can’t watch the 3rd because he will cry for ours.
He wasn’t a sorcerer, he would have loved to be an actor or  film Director.
Dose play videos games, Pretty much played all the telltale games, Loves Red Dead redemption games The second one is his favorite, and loves Arthur Morgan. He’s only played Season 1 of the Walking Dead and still not over Lee’s death. Loves Stardew Valley, Pokemon and Animal Crossing.
Our boy loves his sweets, but hates eating his veggies. Trying to get this grown ass man to eat veggies is like a small fish trying fight a great white shark. It’s fight everyone is going to lose.
His favorite Tv shows’s are the Walking Dead, Game of Throwns, The Office both American and British, Big Big Doctor Who fan, loves the 10th Doctor (David Tennen is his boy) Watched Pokémon Anime that has come out the years, knows the lore like that back of his hand.
This man loves to crossdress, love to wear fancy ballgown dress, sundress and  skirts. He can walk around in high heels with easy. He owns a lot high heels shoes.
Drinks a lot of coffee, 5-8 cups a day. Cannot stand the bitterness plane coffee. He adds 12 spoonful of sugar and milk to each cup. Hell is coffee isn’t really coffee pure sugar and milk or as Nanami dubs a cup of diabetes and tooth decay.
This man has the maturity of a 6 year old. He still think fart jokes are hilarious, it you say the word ‘booger’ this man child will start laughing uncontrollably, and he makes a lot dick jokes whenever he can and innuendos. He will even go into random empty classrooms and draw a lot of stupid doodles of random shit, like you would see in kids notebook if they were bored in class, and he draws lot of that penises. For some reason he draw dicks all over the chock bored. He’s been doing this since meddle and high school, he still thinks it funny. No body else dose. ... possibly Yuji.
He will out no where will start singing show toons. He just dose. Weather he’s in a meeting, doing a mission, teaching a class or singing in the shower, he will hum or sing out right of no where. Disney songs he knows by heart, themes of anime he’s into or watching. It helps him to relax... Or annoyed the shit of the others. 
He dose not care spots but he dose enjoy baseball.
Gojo Satour’s ideal s/o
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This man is a huge tease and jokester. He need someone who can match or almost his Energy.  Humor is a very important thing to him, help deal with some shit that he had to go through. Someone with a good sence of humor is one attraction to him.
He’s a patien guy, and understands that it some people take getting out their shells, and he’s very excepting, but as long as you don’t try to kill or hurt is students things should be fine.
He is very overprotective lover. His s/o could very powerful sorcerer, capable of handling themselves in battle with curses or evil sorcerers, still doesn’t change that this man will worry and will step in if things will get hairy for liking. But al the same time of s/o a very strong sorcerer and knows how to care of themselves in n a battle it dose put Satoru’a mind at ease in away, still hate the idea of being away from his lover is something to them or they get hurt. If his s/o got badly injured or his s/o was about the brink of dying. HELL. HAVE. NO. FURY. TO. THIS. MAN’S. ANGER. He kill without think twice. No mercy, no secret changes, just death. He’ll rushed over to help his S/o and take them to Dr. Shoko, and will not leave until they are taken care and healed.
He’s his overprotective of his s/o and students so don’t fuck with any of them and no has to die. This man kill with thinking twice about it.
This man is loaded. As cash, and would give Yuji, Megumi and Nobara some money to enjoy themselves with. But this man dose love to spoil his s/o when he could. Somethings he will go overboard and his s/o tells him but it’s not necessarily to spend all this money on them. Which makes him love them even more because they not love him for his money. However Gojo being, well, Gojo will randomly get bouquets of flowers for his lovely s/o I will bring it to them randomly. It doesn’t matter if they’re teaching a class or and a very important meeting with Yaga-San, he’ll ust pop out of nowhere with a big goofy grin on his face and give his s/o the flowers kiss them and disappears, there is an awkward and annoying silence from from the students or the principal. And his s/o mildly embarrassed, but flattered shall go on as if nothing happened. And it becomes has become a running joke around in the school.
Hugs, Kissses and Cuddles are a must.  Again Satour doesn’t give a shit there is a meeting or A class being taught when this man wants affection, he’s going to get affection. He’ll come from behind and rest his head on his s/o’s chin on his s/o’s head. (Because the guy’s freakishly tall) And will just annoyin the shit out of then until he gets what he wants. Then he will leave them alone, maybe not. He’s Hot mess of chaotic energy after all. Plus he thinks it’s adorable When they get a little annoyed with him.
Being Married To Gojo Satoru or just have a  domestic life with him
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This man never really saw himself getting married. It’s something that he was rather against for a while, until he meets his s/o. Nothings really changed in their relationship after they got married, did a few years and they just try to not have nowhere Most of everyone at the school cannot believe that someone would actually marry this maniac. Either his s/o is as as patient as a saint, just as bad shit crazy as Gojo Satour himself.
He dose everything in his power too make this work, and so dose his s/o. The two of them being power for sorcerers is basically a couple goal, The ultimate couple. At least Satour says. That being said working as a Jujutsu Sorcerer is both a mental, emotional and sometimes a physical strain on people. When things get too much for S/O, this man will stop what he’s doing, and will will be there his s/o, and his will be there for him when he the most. Having someone being there each is the most important thing in a relationships.
His clan was very against their relationship from the beginning. But Satour did not care, he loves who he loves so his clan/family can suck it.
His favorite nicknames for s/o are Sweetness, cutiepie, pumpkin, sugar, sweetheart, honeybuns and to get cringy Pookie. So weird one’s like Mochi cheeks, and beautiful or handsome. 
His favorite nickname that his s/o calls sweetie, honey, goofball, goober and  whackadoodle, knucklehead and dingus
When s/o are going away for a mission for a few a few days or few month, or Vice versa they would text, FaceTime pretty everyday. They talk about they day, and talk about the missions that had. Satour would have his students in the background who would say hello, and he and Yuji would make stupid jokes, and Nobara would laugh a bit and Megumi would roll his eyes in the background. And when his s/o get back from a mission this man is a very clingy little shit, he will hug the hell out his s/o when they get back. And would pout and whin if you have to a meeting or don’t have to see him. He’s a big a baby like that.
Over all this man is just big goofball, sure he’s annoying as fuck sometimes, but he dose cares about other’s. He’s a hot chaotic mess of a man, by God we love him for it.
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oneinathousand · 3 years
The character of Ben in Blue Velvet is so baffling cause like... here’s this guy with his own fleshed out mannerisms and personality who’s only in the movie for less than 10 minutes and his only purpose to the overall plot is establishing where Dorothy’s son is being held captive, otherwise his scene is mostly self-contained.
He’s Frank Booth’s total opposite in personality, being soft-spoken, effeminate and calm in contrast to Frank’s abrasive toxic masculinity, but for reasons unexplained Frank almost fanboys over him and he’s the only person in the entire movie Frank seems to genuinely like, and I guess Ben likes Frank too cause they have an arrangement where Ben lip-synchs to a song which they definitely have done before.
So then in a scene mirroring Dorothy singing Blue Velvet at the club, Ben lip-synchs to In Dreams which, like the club scene before, temporarily pacifies Frank until the song seems to trigger something inside of him and he can’t bear to listen anymore, and Ben seemed to recognize what was happening because he stopped singing which might mean he knows more about Frank than anyone else. Then they have a bit of awkward small talk and we never see Ben again for the rest of the movie.
I have so many questions!!! What exactly is it about Ben that draws Frank to him other than being “one suave fucker”? Is Ben really that calm all the time or is he high off his ass? Does the almost certainly intentional mirroring of the Blue Velvet club scene with In Dreams mean there’s some homoerotic tension between the two? Since Dorothy’s son was rescued by the end of the movie, was Ben arrested? If not, what happened to him? (If they answered that last part in the movie, let me know)
Apparently Ben wasn’t described in much detail in the original script, so it was Dean Stockwell who came up with a lot of his quirks and worked together with Dennis Hopper to do the In Dreams scene, so for all we know they could’ve developed a secret backstory for their characters or something.
Despite all my questions, I’m fine with not knowing the answers, cause when certain people want answers to questions like these you get an unnecessary prequel movie or TV show. It’s pretty amazing how this one scene that has almost no bearing on the rest of the movie actually gave it more depth.
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Fic Masterpost
Clace - Clary/Jace 
- “Clary makes Jace wear a T-shirt that says “Clary’s Husband” 
- Sick!Jace, Comforting!Clary
- Clace at a Costume party, Clary gets bitten by a vampire that isn’t Simon-
- Jace watches Disney movies with Clary 
-  Clary loses her memory 
- Jace takes care of a hungover Clary 
- Clary and Jace on New Years Eve 
- Clace in the snow 
- Clary normal no longer trying to hurt Jace 
- Clace breaks up and Sizzy and Malec help them get back together 
- Clace get drunk together and goof off, they go to sleep and wake up together
- Jace gets hurt in battle, they kiss/cuddle 
- Clace’s daughter dating a boy and wanting to go to a school dance 
- “I don’t know anything for certain anymore except that I love you” 
- “I said I was sorry” 
- Miscommunication: Clary tries to surprise Jace, Jace thinks she’s breaking up with him 
- “Jace, I said no!” 
- Jace picks a fight with vampires, Clary joins the fight (Warning: major character death) 
- Clace/ and Clary/sebastian: Clary and Sebastian meet up over custody of their daughter 
- Clace babies, happy times - Fluff 
- Pregnancy gone wrong, Dark!Sebastian, Clary turned evil 
- Clace’s first baby 
- Isabelle takes Clary shopping at Victoria’s Secret and Jace snoops in her bag afterwards 
- Clace roadtrip (Part 1 and 2) 
- Clace / anti-sebastian - Part 1 and 2
- Clace - Clary is raped by Sebastian and Jace finds out from someone else 
- Clace’s baby’s first Christmas 
- Clary and Isabelle go shopping & Clace 
- Jace surprising Clary for her birthday 
- Fluff - Clace cooking 
- on a hunt they have a close call and Jace proposes 
- Ball in idris, fun times, bonus steamy kiss 
- Clary goes to a nightclub, and some guy gets too touchy, Jace saves the day 
- Jace after a fight with Clary 
- “Draw me like one of your french girls clary” 
- Jace gets hurt and almost dies, Clary is frantic and scared 
- Clace argues over clothing 
- Clary is cornered by demons and Jace saves the day
- at the beach  
- Clary gets scared during a thunderstorm and Jace comforts her 
- Clary has nightmares about sebastian, Jace comforts her
- Clace’s kid brings home her first boyfriend 
- Clary’s been depressed for a while , Jace comforts her 
- pregnant!Clary, overprotective!Jace 
- Clary gets captured by a rogue vampires and tortured for information - Jace saves the day 
- Jealous!Jace reacting to Clary seeing another guy 
- “I miss you, I’m on my way home. Lets cuddle” 
- “I’m not asking, I’m telling. Marry me.” 
- Sebastian tries to do stuff to Clary
- Sick clary, frantic jace 
- Clary gets jealous of a new shadowhunter who saved Jace’s life 
- Intense Clace moment
- Jace acting like a jerk to Clary then apologizing 
- vulnerable Jace, comforting Clary 
- Jace worried about an injured Clary 
- Clace kids - Maxxi has a younger sibling 
- Clace’s daughter gets a fanboy, protective daddy Jace 
- Cold winter day, hot chocolate and cuddles 
- Clace baby & Beach day 
- protective Jace not letting Clary come with him 
- comforting Clace about Clary’s future 
- Clace wedding
- Clary wants a cat  
- Clace’s daughter as Sizzy’s flowergirl 
- Sad Clary about rumours going around about her in school 
- Clary about to go hunting 
- Playful fluff - truth or dare 
- Jealous Jace about a guy who talks to Clary 
- Jace comes home from a long trip 
- “Wake up Jace” - Fluff 
- “Is that my shirt?” 
- Drunk!Clary, Jace taking care of her, “that’s the cheesiest pick up line I’ve ever heard” 
- Clary saving Jace 
- Malec, Clace, and Sizzy take a beach day 
- Malec’s baby’s first day at a shadowhunter school 
- Malec baby, she has heterochromatic eyes with one cat eye like Magnus and one blue eye like Alec 
-  Malec babysitting Clace’s kids 
- Malec, Sizzy, Clace - all on a group date 
- Magnus proposing 
- Malec’s adopted baby and her first day at home with them
- Clace, Malec and Sizzy are married with kids 
- Simon outlives everyone around him 
- Clace, Malec and Sizzy all together for Christmas 
- Sizzy shopping day, Isabelle dragging Simon around 
- Sizzy/Clace double date 
- Simon dying in Izzy’s arms
Wincest - Sam/Dean
- fem!soulless!sam remembering loving Dean and watching him with Lisa 
- born fem!sem weecest 
- insecure!Dean, comforting!Sam
- Weecest, Dean visits Sam’s dorm and are spotted during sexy time
- Sam finds Dean’s amulet 
- Christmas Eve for the boys through the years (8-18)
- Present giving weecest 
- “Dear santa” - Dean
- “Dear Santa” - Sam
- “I don’t think this is going to work, Dean” 
- Dean’s time at Sonny’s in Sam’s POV 
- Weecest: Dean cutting Sam’s hair because it’s getting too long 
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breaniebree · 4 years
A Second Chance
For those who have been asking... this is my master list once more:
ASC Chapter Titles as If They Were Friends Episodes
Part One: Harry’s First Year With His Dads (Chapters 1-49)
1. The One Where They Were Dead 2. The One Where the Rat Is Out of the Bag  3. The One Where James and Lily Die  4. The One Where Moony and Padfoot Make Up  5. The One Where Harry Meets Padfoot  6. The One Where Sirius Kidnaps Harry  7. The One Where Sirius Punches Vernon Dursley  8. The One Where Harry Meets Remus  9. The One Where Sirius and Harry Make Grilled Cheese  10. The One With Thea  11. The One Where Harry Asks What a Kiss Is  12. The One With the Library Card  13. The One Where They Remember the Past  14. The One With the Tonkses’  15. The One With Harry’s First Nightmare  16. The One With Professor Moony  17. The One With The Puppy  18. The One With the Second Best Day Ever  19. The One Where Harry Meets An Excellent Secret Keeper and Her Brother  20. The One Where Sirius Learns What He Missed in Azkaban  21. The One With the Brownies 22. The One With the Date  23. The One With the Weasleys  24. The One With the Bad Dreams  25. The One Where Sirius Learns the Key to Moony's Secret Pranking Success  26. The One With Operation Prank the Piss Out of Harry Potter  27. The One With the Wolfsbane Fight  28. The One Where the Marauders Discover A Wolf  29. The One With the Spanking  30. The One With the House Rules and Where Sirius and Ted Build a Treehouse 31. The One With the Wolf  32. The One Where Remus Tells Sirius To Deal with the Blacks  33. The One Where Harry Asks About Boobies  34. The One With the Locket  35. The One With Blackbird  36. The One With the Birthday Orgasms  37. The One With the Three Brothers  38. The One With Godric’s Hollow  39. The One Where Sirius Speaks French 40. The One With the First Christmas  41. The One With the Pensieve  42. The One With the Memories Part I  43. The One With the Memories Part II  44. The One When Padfoot and Prongs Become Blood Brothers  45. The One Where Harry Has A Sleepover  46. The One With the Tickle War  47. The One With the Viscount of Falmouth  48. The One With Roni  49. The One With the Birthday Planning 
Part Two: Harry Growing Up With A Family, Ages 7-11 (Chapters 50-61)
50. The One With the Best Birthday Ever  51. The One Where Padfoot and Moony Know Nothing About Sick Kids  52. The One Where Remus Slaps Sirius  53. The One With the Giant Cheese Fort 54. The One With Operation Get Lily Evans to Fall in Love With Prongs  55. The One Where Remus Thinks He’s a Very Bad Man  56. The One Where Harry Asks About Sex  57. The One Where Tonks Turns 17  58. The One Where Remus Feels Like He’s Robbing the Cradle  59. The One Where Remus Learns He Has A Mate  60. The One Where Sirius Shags the Realtor 61. The One With the Letter 
Part Three: First Year (Chapters 62-73)
62. The One Where Harry Gets Hedwig  63. The One Where Harry Understands the Fear of Voldemort  64. The One With The Sorting  65. The One Where Sirius Was Almost Bitten By a Panther… And Totally Didn’t Pee His Pants  66. The One With the Youngest Seeker In Over a Century 67. The One With the Three-Headed Dog  68. The One With Zee  69. The One With Sheer Dumb Luck  70. The One Where Sirius Lets Zee Drive His Bike  71. The One Where the Weasley Boys Come Over for Christmas  72. The One Where Minnie Tells Sirius To Get A Job  73. The One Where No One Listens So Harry Has to Do Everything and His Friends Follow Him So He Doesn't Die 
Part Four: Second Year (Chapters 74-105)
74. The One Where the Whole School Knows  75. The One Where Harry is Jealous  76. The One Where Sirius Eats Crow  77. The One Where Zee Meets Minnie  78. The One With the Proud Enough to Cry Letter 79. The One Where They Realize Their New Professor is a Moron  80. The One Where Remus Gets His Shit Together  81. The One Where Harry Meets His Fanboy  82. The One Where Binns Doesn’t Put His Class to Sleep For Almost Ten Whole Minutes 83. The One Where Sirius Finds Out  84. The One When Remus Punches Lockhart  85. The One With the Mad House Elf  86. The One With the Great Shoebox Capture  87. The One Where Sirius Tells Zee About the Marauders  88. The One Where Harry is Homesick  89. The One Where Sirius Says I Love You  90. The One With the Sex Talk 91. The One With Ted Walking in on Remus Fingering Tonks… And Remus Adds Another Finger  92. The One Where Draco Comes to Christmas  93. The One Where Sirius Actually Gets a Job  94. The One Where Sirius Asks About Cursed Scars  95. The One Where Remus Tells Tonks and She says ‘Duh!’  96. The One Where Fred Hears the Name Padfoot  97. The One With Peter’s Trial Part I  98. The One With Peter’s Trial Part II  99. The One Where Ginny Tells Harry She Has A Pen-Pal  100. The One With the Eyes As Green As a Fresh Pickled Toad  101. The One Where Tonks Is Under the Desk  102. The One Where Harry Writes in the Diary  103. The One Where It’s Not Follow the Butterflies  104. The One Where Sirius Is Sent Home Without An Explanation 105. The One Where Ginny is Scared Harry Will Never Speak To Her Again 
Part Five: Third Year (Chapters 106-143)
106. The One Where Sirius and Remus Demand Answers  107. The One With Prophecies and Horcruxes  108. The One Where Harry Learns to Drive  109. The One Where Bill and Charlie Talk About the Importance of Being A Good Big Brother 110. The One Where Sirius Realizes He Wants Zee Forever But Is Too Chicken To Say It 111. The One With Operation Fuck Up Voldemort’s Plans  112. The One Where Cissy Tattles on Abraxas  113. The One Where Harry Sees More Than He Should Between His Roommates  114. The One Where Colin Tells Ginny To Get Over It  115. The One Where Theo Comes Out  116. The One Where Sirius Tells Lucius If He Fucks Up He Will Kill Him  117. The One With the FUVP Pow-Wow  118. The One Where They Return to the Chamber of Secrets  119. The One Where Harry Finds Out  120. The One Where the Marauders Prank Snape 121. The One Where Draco and Theo Make Bad Detectives  122. The One With Nyx  123. The One Where Harry Throws a Tantrum  124. The One Where They Skive Off Class Because Harry Talks 125. The One Where Harry Asks Out Cho  126. The One With Harry’s First Date  127. The One Where Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore Fuck Up  128. The One With Moody  129. The One Where Harry Gets Slapped  130. The One Where Sirius and Tonks Decide To Fuck With Snape  131. The One With Lily’s Ghost  132. The One With the Gaunt Property  133. The One With the Defence Club  134. The One With the Wizengamot  135. The One Where Harry Meets the Americans  136. The One Where They Forget to Tell Sirius  137. The One With the Insomniacs Club  138. The One Where Bellatrix Shows Up  139. The One With the Time Turner  140. The One With Umbitch's Creepy Song  141. The One With the Wolf in the Cage  142. The One Where Harry Shouts at Sirius and He Just Shouts Right Back  143. The One Where Both of Them Feel Like Shit 
Part Six: Fourth Year (Chapters 144-179)
144. The One With the Elder Wand  145. The One Where Sirius Tells Harry Not to Drink  146. The One Where Sirius Acts the Adult and Tells the Grangers  147. The One Where They Drink the Potion  148. The One Where Harry Can’t Change His Arm Back  149. The One Where Ginny Sees Harry Naked  150. The One When Harry Calls Remus a Bad Dog 151. The One Where Theo Goes to the Burrow  152. The One Where Harry Has a Fling  153. The One Where Sirius Panics Over Commitment  154. The One Where Zee Takes Harry Shopping  155. The One With the Quidditch World Cup  156. The One With Winky  157. The One With Babymort 158. The One Where Sirius Asks Zee to Move In  159. The One Where Snape Apologizes and Harry Thinks The World Ended  160. The One With the Pretty Boy, the Biggest Flirt, and the Flying House 161. The One Where Tonks Wants A Boob Job 162. The One Where Drama Queen Sirius Learns About Pens  163. The One Where Zee Just Wants A Damn Telephone But Sirius Can’t Stop Bitching 164. The One Where Girls Giggle and Ginny Looks Different 165. The One Where Harry Outflies a Dragon… Almost  166. The One Where Zee Tells The Paper to Back the Fuck Away from Her Son  167. The One Where Harry Thinks It’s the Formal Wear  168. The One Where Mr Weasley Thinks ‘Oh, Bloody Hell!' 169. The One Where Sirius Takes A Bath  170. The One Where Harry’s in Denial  171. The One Where Harry Thinks He Has Two Hostages  172. The One With the Love Potion  173. The One Where Zee Seduces Sirius in the Work Shed  174. The One With the Secret Swimming Pool  175. The One With the Bats From the Crotch 176. The One That Ends With ‘Oh Shit!’  177. The One Where Everyone Dies  178. The One With the Lullabye  179. The One Where Tonks Marks Remus 
Part Seven: Fifth Year (Chapters 180-222)
180. The One Where Remus Proposes  181. The One Where Lucius Gets Arrested  182. The One Where Remus Proposes Again and Harry Dies  183. The One With the Coconut Smell 184. The One Where Tonks Isn’t Pregnant 185. The One Where Dean Realizes He Fancies Seamus  186. The One With Baby, I Love You  187. The One Where Theo Meets Voldemort  188. The One Where Harry Calls Ginny His and Then Denies It  189. The One Where Everyone Breaks Out of Azkaban  190. The One With the War Council 191. The One Where Harry is Dumped  192. The One Where They Discuss The Size of Remus’ Package  193. The One Where Harry Learns About the Potters  194. The One Where Harry Finds the Tower Room  195. The One Where Zee’s in France  196. The One Where Harry Gets Constantly Interrupted  197. The One Where the Glacier Finally Melts  198. The One Where Harry Finally Asks  199. The One Where Sirius Cuddles and Zee Buys A Motorbike  200. The One Where Everyone Is Worried About Theo  201. The One With the Frying Pan  202. The One With the Fluke  203. The One Where Minnie Walks In  204. The One Where Remus Finds A Present Under the Tree  205. The One With Bellarosa and the Snake  206. The One Where Everyone Gets Motorbikes  207. The One Where Padfoot Suggests Pranking Umbitch to Fred and George  208. The One With the Great Escape from Umbitch  209. The One With Prince Finley and the Switching of Teacups  210. The One Where Theo is Courted and Dean Admits He's in Love  211. The One Where Hinny Says I Love You and the Fluke Continues  212. The One Where Sirius Picks Out A Star  213. The One With the Cathedral Star 214. The One Where Sirius Answers the Phone 215. The One Where George Gets the Girl  216. The One Where They Compare Proposals  217. The One Where Sirius Has the Man-Flu and Gives it to Zee  218. The One Where Ginny and Theo Are Kidnapped and Remus Hears Heartbeats  219. The One With the Thing After Learning the Thing  220. The One Where Everyone is in Shock 221. The One Where Zee Confirms  222. The One With the Will 
Part Eight: Sixth Year (Chapters 223-Present)
223. The One Where Remus Finally Lets Go  224. The One Where Hermione is Blind But Her Mum Isn’t 225. The One Where the Dragon’s in Trouble and George Snogs the New Bat 226. The One Where Ginny Tames Ebony and Theo Goes to Tara  227. The One With the Sovereign Chalice and Zee’s Dream  228. The One With the Party  229. The One Where Ginny Claims Her Man  230. The One Where Harry Has a Really Great Birthday  231. The One Where Harry Asks Remus For Sex Advice  232. The One With the Surfing  233. The One Where Harry Buys a Pgymy Puff  234. The One With the Naughty Dream  235. The One Where Harry’s Afraid of Grandpa  236. The One With the Race  237. The One Where Ron and Hermione Almost Fluke  238. The One Where Bill Gets a Headache  239. The One With Compass and Bad Puns  240. The One Where Harry Uses Parseltongue For Something New  241. The One Where Slughorn Is An Armchair  242. The One Where Its All Fluff  243. The One Where Draco Calls Blaise A Stupid Son of a Bitch  244. The One With the Patronus and the Lingerie  245. The One With Advanced Potion Making and World War One  246. The One With Luna’s Question  247. The One With All the Smut and Where Ron and Hermione Fluke Again 248. The One Where Minnie Freaks Out on Walburga  249. The One With the Fruit Basket  250. The One Where Percy Gets a Date and Remus Skives Off Work  251. The One With the Iron Blade  252. The One Where the Fairytale Ends  253. The One With the Golden Dagger  254. The One With Charlie’s Surprise  255. The One With The Bet  256. The One Where They Celebrate Christmas Without Sirius  257. The One With the Tantrum About Heels  258. The One Where Lucius Fucks Up  259. The One Where Tonks Plays Bad Auror  260. The One With the Goblin Potato 261. The One Where Fred is Scarred for Life  262. The One Where We Hear From Althea 263. The One Where Harry Is Told He Owes Theo A Fruit Basket 264. The One Where Neville Plants A Tree
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imagineteamfreewill · 4 years
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This is the mobile masterlist for all non-Team Free Will gif imagines and drabbles! Stories are grouped by character and type (gif imagine/drabble).
Characters/Pairings included: Adam, Andy, Balthazar, Benny, Bobby, Chuck, Crowley, Gabriel, Gadreel, Ghostfacers, Kevin, Michael, the women of Supernatural (Jody, Donna, Charlie, Claire, Meg, and Alex), and Megstiel.
Adam Milligan Gif Imagines:
Imagine Being Adam’s Twin Sister and Him Being Protective When He Sees That Cas Likes You (Mainly Reader x Cas)
Andy Gallagher Gif Imagines:
Imagine Being Adam’s Twin Sister and Him Being Protective When He Sees That Cas Likes You (Also vaguely Reader x Sam)
Balthazar Gif Imagines:
Imagine Balthazar Being Your Guardian Angel
Benny Lafitte Gif Imagines:
Imagine Benny Going Back to Purgatory and Having to Leave You Behind
Benny Lafitte Drabbles:
“What do you mean she’s not with you? She has to be with you.”
Bobby Singer Gif Imagines:
Imagine Bobby Opposing Your Date With Dean
Chuck Shurley Gif Imagines:
Imagine Comforting Chuck as He Cries Over Gabriel’s Death Scene
Chuck Shurley Drabbles:
“You should really tell Gabriel where you are, dad. He misses you so much.” (Angel!Reader, Dad!Chuck)
Crowley Gif Imagines:
Imagine Being in a Play that Crowley Wrote
Crowley Drabbles:
“Are you sure? Because I think we’re both too drunk for this.”
Gabriel Gif Imagines:
Imagine Gabriel Being Your Guardian Angel
Imagine Teaching Gabriel How to Cook
Imagine Finding Out That You’re Gabriel and Kali’s Child
Imagine Gabriel Turning Into a Teenager So He Can Watch Over You at School
Imagine Gabriel Asking Team Free Will to Protect You, His Secret Nephilim Daughter
Imagine Gabriel Finding You Praying as a Child and Promising to Always Watch Over You
Imagine Gabriel Babysitting Yours and Dean’s Child, Then Coming Home to Find Their First Word is “Gabe”  (Reader x Dean, but Gabe is important)
Imagine Gabriel Adopting You As a Baby, and Then Growing Up Not Knowing He’s an Angel
Imagine Being Close With Gabriel and Playing Pranks on the Winchesters
Imagine Gabriel’s Reaction to You Being Pregnant
Imagine Kissing Gabriel On New Year’s Eve
Imagine Gabriel Being Turned Into a Toddler
Gabriel Drabbles:
“I’ll protect you! I promise!”
“Come on, let’s throw the dice, see what happens.”
“I don’t understand why you can’t believe in angels, Y/N. I mean, haven’t you ever looked in a mirror?”
“I’m always going to watch over you, no matter what.”
“Hey, scoot over! I want to be under the blanket too!”
Gadreel Gif Imagines:
Imagine Gadreel Rescuing You From Heaven’s Prison
Imagine Gadreel Protecting You, His Vessel’s Wife
Imagine Gadreel Giving Up His Grace to Live as a Human With You
Imagine Spending Your First Christmas With Gadreel and Your Daughter
Imagine Going On a Date With Gadreel
Imagine Thinking Sam is Your Soulmate When It’s Actually Gadreel
Gadreel Drabbles:
“I left everything for this! I left everything… for you!“
“You can’t leave me in the dark. You have to tell me these things.”
“It doesn’t matter what you did in the past, Gadreel. I just hope I can be part of your future.”
Ghostfacers Gif Imagines:
Imagine Telling Ed and Harry That They’re in the Supernatural Books and Them Fanboying Over It
Kevin Tran Gif Imagines:
Imagine Chuck Letting You and Kevin Have a Few Minutes Alone (Chuck is only briefly mentioned)
Michael Drabbles:
“You really don’t know anything about humans, do you?”
Samandriel Drabbles:
2k Drabble #3
The Women of Supernatural Gif Imagines:
Imagine Celebrating Galentine’s Day with the Ladies of Supernatural (Ellen, Claire, Alex, Donna, and Charlie)
Imagine Celebrating Galentine’s Day with the Wayward Daughters (Jody, Donna, Claire, and Alex)
Imagine Meg Telling You About Cas and Being Able to Tell That She Has Feelings For Him
Imagine Throwing a Christmas Party at the Bunker (Reader x Dean, but Jody is important)
Imagine Going to See the Rocky Horror Picture Show with Sam, Dean, Cas, and Charlie (Team Free Will, but Charlie is important)
Megstiel Drabbles:
“This will probably end like Romeo and Juliet.”
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Ok but listen. The demons? They know about Dean. (and Cas but just a sec.) They know about Dean because of what’s “written on demon bathroom walls.” Because of the “summer of love” with Crowley. Because when he’s his most stripped-down, uninhibited self (when he was in hell) they see him being not straight and not giving a fuck.
So when demon fanboy #1, who just happens to be associated with both LUST and DISCOVERY swoops in and tells Dean he’s “gorgeous” he knows what he’s doing. He’s hoping...and he’s testing...and it will definitely NOT work while he’s wearing Dean’s son, which I think you can see him being a little disappointed about after he asks “so who was he?” and gets his answer. 
His further observations that Dads are fighting (ooohh awkward!) tells you that, yeah, he reads the demon newspapers and, as that classic Tumblr post suggests, the tabloid covers really are all about Dean and Cas. Remember the first episode of Season 14? “Joined at the...everything”? They. all. know. 
And they all think that those two must be banging because, I mean,  c’mon! They know Dean’s reputation. They see that they’re fucking married. How could he not be hitting that? (The angels know too. It’s why they are so pissed and judgmental about Cas.) 
So when the writers choose to have demon fanboy #1 show up and flirt with Dean and unintentionally sow more discord between him and his husband by wearing the dead son they’re in a fight about...that signals a major plot arc for the season all rolled up into one. 
The demons know about Dean and taunt him by coming thisclose to revealing it all the time. The object of DeanCas discord is that very same demon because he’s possessing Jack. I know others have said this at greater length and in a more nuanced way but  DeanCas discord + secret sexuality + Cas leaving = Dean in crisis = revelations. Soon.
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thekingslover · 4 years
(popstar!cas/fanboy!dean part 6/7; read parts 1/2/3/4/5 or on ao3)
“I love you, Dean Winchester,” Cas says, much much later, when they are next to each other in bed. The lights are off, the sun’s setting over the trees through the window, and the warm glow of dusk sparkles in Cas’s eyes.
Dean’s blissed out and exhausted. They’d talked about this, and he planned. But nothing in his wildest imagination prepared him for the real thing. The real incredible joy of having this perfect man in his bed.
Still, he fights off sleep, heart squeezing, remembering the last time Cas was here. He’d promised he wouldn’t just leave again, no matter how cute Dean looks asleep, but a curl of dread lingers in his bones. Remembering. Always, remembering.
“I love you,” Cas whispers.
Dean has his head on Cas’s chest. He’s counting the strong steady heartbeats beneath his ear. Cas runs his fingers through Dean’s hair, soothing.
Stay awake, he commands himself, as his eyes drift closed.
When he opens them again, the sun is bright and the bed beside him is empty.
“Cas?” Dean says. Then louder, “Cas?”
He crawls out of bed and throws on a pair of boxers. He’s in the hall, around the corner. Is there a taxi? Maybe Dean can catch him this time. He has the front door half open when -
Behind him.
Soft talking.
Dean closes the door. He swivels on his bare heels and storms toward the kitchen.
Sam’s leaning against the counter, holding a bowl of cereal, spoon lifted halfway to his mouth.
Across from him, near the fridge, stands Cas in one of Dean’s t-shirts and a pair of soft pajama pants. The coffee mug in his hands reads World’s Best Brother.
“Oh. Hello, Dean.” Cas gives him a soft, secret smile that makes Dean warm all over.
He didn’t leave. He’s here. He’s in the kitchen. Talking to Sam.
And everything’s okay.
Sam stares at the ceiling. “Dean. Could you please put on some pants?”
They have a great visit. And when Cas has to go to the airport, Dean drives him, helps get his luggage out of the car, and then kisses him goodbye.
Dean rides the high of their visit for a full two days. Then they run out of milk. Dean stops on the way home from the garage to get a jug and a few other groceries. Only one checkout line is open, and the lady in front of him decides to pay with a check.
It’s okay. He’s not in any real hurry.
In boredom, he scans over the magazines in the checkout aisle.
He drops the milk.
WHO IS CASTIEL’S SECRET HOOKUP? the headline reads, on one of the tabloid magazines. And there, right beneath it, is a close up of Dean’s face. It’s fuzzy, like taken from a distance and blown up. A smaller picture beside it shows Dean and Cas in Dean’s front yard, arms around each other, deep in their kiss.
It’s fine, he reasons, as he grabs the whole stack so no one else will see. Except the cashier who looks at the magazine, and then up at Dean. “No way,” she says, and Dean leaves it, leaves everything. He goes to his car and drives home.
“You get the milk?” Sam asks when Dean walks through the door. He looks up, sees Dean, and concern etches across his face. “Dean? What happened?”
“I...” He can’t explain it, really. He knew it would happen, someday. Cas was ultra famous. They couldn’t be together without Dean being pulled into the limelight at least once. But he thought it would be under different circumstances. Controlled, somehow. They’d talked about it. Cas was going to take him to an awards show. They’d wear suits and hold hands.
“This is Dean Winchester,” Cas would say. “My boyfriend.”
They didn’t talk about this.
“Sit down.” Sam guides Dean to the couch. “What happened?”
“I don’t...”
“Breathe,” Sam urges.
Dean tries. “They got my picture.”
Only it’s worse. Because later, after watching the news - “Something to distract you,” Sam says - Sam goes to the bathroom and the celebrity gossip show comes on. The top story?
“We’ve got the scoop from an inside source,” says the host. “All you could ever want to know about pop star Castiel’s new secret lover, Dean Winchester.”
Inside source?
Sam comes back from the bathroom, sees the show, whitens, and rushes for remote to change the channel.
“Leave it,” Dean says, because whoever is talking to these shows about his life, he wants to know.
Their “source” if a fifty year old guy with a British accent who Dean has never seen before in his life. He gives a list of Dean’s personal details - his birthday, his sign, his job. Too much time is spent describing his appearance.
“Who is that?” Sam asks. Dean shrugs.
“Honestly, he works hard,” this guy says. “But he’s a lousy mechanic.”
“Hey!” Dean hops to his feet.
The guy’s expression turns grim. “I don’t think he’s worthy of our Castiel. But I’m sure Castiel sees that too. We have no reason to assume this is more than a fling.”
Anger turns to ice, and Dean sits back down.
Sam flips off the television. “Don’t listen to a word of that garbage.”
Dean nods.
When Cas calls that night, before he even says, Hello, he says, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” Dean says.
“We wanted to do this differently. They must have followed me.”
“I was surprised,” Dean says. “But...” For Cas, he’d do anything. “It’s okay. I’ll figure it out.”
I don’t think he’s worthy of our Castiel.
“We will figure it out. Together,” Cas says, and Dean lets out the breath he hadn’t realized he held. “I love you, Dean.”
“I... I know, Cas.”
The next day is worse. Strangers come up to him on the street. Most of them are okay, asking if he’s really that guy, if he really knows Cas. Dean gives them vague answers. Some ask for selfies. Dean shies away. Only a few say he’s not good enough for Cas. Dean walks away without a word.
But its those few he remembers.
“Are you okay?” Cas asks, later on the phone.
“I’m fine,” Dean lies. Even he can hear the rattle in his breath.
Cas is quiet for a while, so long Dean thinks he might have hung up. But then he says, “I have an idea. If you want.”
“I’m all ears.”
“Let’s set the record straight.”
A few days later, Dean is backstage at an amphitheater. Cas is onstage in tight pants and a white t-shirt with black wings on the back - the same as when they met. He’s halfway through the show. The crowd is roaring, singing, cheering.
They love him. Dean loves him too.
Between songs, Cas is sweaty and smiley and breathy as he says, “There’s someone I want you to meet.”
Cas looks over, the bright lights behind him, glowing around his dark hair like a halo.
Dean, helpless against those blue eyes and that smile and the wave of his hand, starts moving forward without really thinking.
When Dean gets close enough, Cas takes his hand and brings it to his lips. Dean steps closer. It’s warm under the lights and his skin tingles.
“This is my boyfriend, Dean,” Cas says, and though there is a microphone between them, it’s Dean he’s speaking to. “And I love him.”
This is how it should be. Them, and the fans. Their terms. That smile. 
“I love you, too, Cas.”
And they kiss.
And the crowd cheers on and on.
Three months later, they do attend that awards show. Both wear tuxes and smiles, and Dean holds Cas’s hand like a lifeline because he’s never seen so many cameras or had so many flashes go off in front of his eyes before.
Then they get to the interviewer, who asks about Dean.
“This is Dean Winchester,” Cas says, just like they talked about. “My fiance.”
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castielss · 4 years
currently reading the complete works of emmanuel allen by violue🤍 it’s really cute, about author cas and his secret fanboy dean who has no idea he just befriended his favorite author (i really love reading fics with the boys being writers)
AHHHHH that fic is on my top ones FOR SUREEE. It’s so cute and I love to see them getting all deep and being thoughtful and at the same time being the biggest dorks of all time! That fic it’s so good and I love the setting as well a little small town and I love that. Love our writer boyssss
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