#seb hardy
eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
Well, I didn’t expect to put country rock into my Kuro playlist, but I did.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
Hey, I'm back with another follower celebration request!!! Any chance you’d be willing to do 11 and 13 with again Ezra Bridger? Unsure if this is still open, but if so this would be cool to read! Thanks 😁
Hello gorgeous, @skyofnostars
Thank you for another brilliant request and a good curve ball. So I guess you could see this as a continuation of your previous request, if you want, or on its own.
Hope you love it,
Love oo
The Plan
Warnings: Trouble sleeping, flirting, kisses, forehead kisses, tenderness, discussions of thievery, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You sat in the Phantom looking up to the stars, letting your mind drift back to the old days of when it was Ezra, Sabine, Kanan, Hera, Seb, Chopper and you against the world. Now it was just Hera, Ezra and yourself. Ahsoka and Sabine were still stuck on Peridea. Seb was off training recruits. Hera was busy with Jacen, not to mention dealing with the New Republic nonsense. 
So really, it was just you and Ezra. 
“Can’t sleep?”
You couldn’t fight the smile that appeared on your lips as soon as you heard his voice, you turned your head slightly to look at him, “Hey.”
Ezra simply smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, while his hand played with your hair while his arm leaned against the headrest, “Hey, you okay?” His thumb gently rubbed your forehead back and forth. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay, I reached over for you and you were gone. I figured something was up, you love sleeping too much to let things keep you from it.”
You chuckled, leaning into his touch, “Yeah, I … I couldn’t stop thinking about Ahsoka and Sabine. I mean they’re stuck out there, just like you were.” Your smile slowly started to fall the more you thought about it, “I’m worried we won’t be able to get them back, or even how we can get them back.”
“Actually, I had a thought on that; but…” he held up his finger smiling at you, “you’ll have to follow me to the galley for some hot chocolate … sorry, hot white chocolate for you to learn about my plans.”
The smile on your lips simply brightened as you looked at him, “You haven’t forgotten.”
“You’re favourite drink? Never. Please.”
There wasn’t any further discussion, you simply stood taking his hand in yours and followed him to the galley, and ten minutes later as promised there was a very warm and very soothing hot white chocolate in your mug. You looked at Ezra with all the love and adoration you’ve been unable to shower him with for the past ten years in that one moment. How you were still able to love him after all this time, as though no time had passed at all was a miracle in itself. 
“So you have a grand plan?”
“Oh do I!” He chuckled as he took a sip of his own hot cocoa, he’d been craving it for ten years and now until he was completely sick of the taste, that would be his drink of choice. At least in the evenings, and mornings. Maybe sometimes at lunch. “It’s simple really.”
“Okay, I’m all ears, since it’s so simple.”
“We steal Thrawn’s ship.”
The statement was so matter of fact, so simple and so incredibly insane. Your eyes fluttered as you looked at Ezra, utter shock strewn across your face.
“We steal Thrawn’s ship?”
“We steal Thrawn’s ship.” He shrugged, the answer was just that simple.
You scratched your head as you repeated the sentence another five times in your head, each time with different inflections, different tonal variations, and no matter how it sounded in your head, no matter how melodious those words may have flown out of Ezra’s mouth, that was just pure insanity. 
A large sigh escaped your lips as you looked at your mug for a second before looking at Ezra, nodding. “Okay.  Okay. So … let’s say you go through with this absolutely fool hardy idea. That you steal Thrawn’s ship. Not that I’m doubting you, I’ve seen you do enough crazy things to know it’s possible for you to actually accomplish this. However, let’s go through this step by step.” You ran your hand down your face and let out a chuckle. “First, let’s start with the basics. How are you going to get onboard in the first place? I mean you can’t just knock on the front door and say hey I’m here.”
“Why not?”
“You’re not serious?”
“Why not?”
“Ezra! Stop with the questions and just answer me.”
He let out a smile as he took another sip, “Listen we have one of Thrawn’s shuttles. I have one of his stormtrooper uniforms. So … why can’t I just show up.”
“Because it’s Thrawn, that man has plans for his plans. He has backup plans for those plans. And then backups for his backups. I’m sure without a doubt that he knows you’re the one who stole the ship to begin with, and no doubt that stormtrooper had some questions when he woke up naked. So … yeah, I don’t think it would be that easy.”
“Maybe not if I just show up out of the blue, however, what if I snuck back on board during a fight.”
“During a fight?” Somehow this started to sound like a plan and that in itself was scary. 
“Yeah, we could have Hera’s fighters, and maybe some other New Republic soldiers start a battle, while they’re keeping Thrawn and his forces distracted, I sneak on the ship.”
“And then what?”
“Then while I’m onboard, I’ll get them to abandon ship.”
You nodded as you listened, “Knowing you, you’ll probably do some Jedi mind trick thingy” you waved your hand in front of him smirking, “telling the bridge officer or someone in engineering they need to make a ship wide announcement to abandon ship or something.”
Ezra nodded, smirking as he took your hand in his, “Exactly, piece of cake.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, squeezing your hand, “That is, until …” your smile dropped, “until Thrawn decides the easiest way to deal with you is to kill you.”
“Don’t sweetheart me, you know he’s on the verge of a complete and utter mental breakdown. He’s dangerous and he could easily kill you.”
“He’s dangerous but he’s not all powerful. My ally is the force, and it will never let me down.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, “You better not die, because the only one who gets to kill you, is me. So you tell the force, that it better have your back or else.”
Ezra pulled you closer, resting his forehead against yours as one hand pressed your hand into his chest, while the other held the back of your head, keeping you close. “Sweetheart, I’m never leaving you again. Not when I just got you back. Plus we still need to figure out what Thrawn’s planning first, but once we have our opening, I’m going to take it, to get our family back.”
You nodded against his head, “Alright, but I’ll come with you. You’re not leaving my side ever again.”
He pressed his lips against yours, kissing you with determination and promise. “You won’t ever have to leave my side. I promise.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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think-like-a-poet · 4 months
Seb owns a club in central London. One day the car of the two friends, Logan and Oscar, breaks down. Walking inside the club 'Vettle' they did not know that they would get intertwined with all of their drama.
A/N: Contains, Lestappen. Landoscar, Carlando, Yukierre and more.
It was a rainy day in central London, like it was most of the times in the city. The streets were gray and the lights were on. Everywhere you looked, you could see people seeking for cover under umbrellas, their faces bent down against the rain. The sound of dripping water and the traffic filled the air, everyone hurrying to get home.
Oscar and Logan were no exception. They stood under the light of a small street lamp, trying to stay dry as they surveyed the broken-down car. Oscar held an umbrella above his own head and Logan's, struggling to keep it from turning inside out in the strong wind. Logan knelt down beside the car, his eyes scanning the motor as if it was going to magically fix itself. "I don't see what's wrong, we need to get it to the garage," he muttered, his voice muffled by the fabric of his sweater.
Oscar shook his head, water dripping from his hair. "I don't think any garages are open anymore this time. Maybe we should just get a hotel room and get it fixed tomorrow." He closed the hood of the car and took a step back, his eyes scanning the surrounding streets for any sign of life. But everything seemed deserted, as if the rain had chased away even the most hardy of souls.
" Can we just go to a bar? I fancy a drink after this day." Logan gets off from the groan and pets of his pants. The two friends had been on a road trip through Europe for weeks now, and things had been going awry from the start. They had arrived in Belgium with half their luggage missing, thank the airport for that. And then there was the fake apartment in Italy, which they had only discovered when they arrived at the address and found themselves staring at the brick wall. Logan's laptop had gone missing during their stop in Spain, and they had spent hours trying to track it down before finally giving up. And to top it all off, they had gotten into a coffee shop in Amsterdam that turned out not to sell coffee, but some other things. And right now, the car is broken down.
They look around again, this time trying to spot any building with loud music and the smell of alcohol. Oscar's eyes land on a club on the other side of the street. You could hear some soft music and he wonders how that place isn't taken down. As he takes a closer look, he notices that the club's name, "Vettel", is written out in big red letters above the door, illuminated by a bright neon sign that seems to glow with an otherworldly intensity. "Let's go there," Oscar says, his voice low and urgent as he points across the street. Logan follows his gaze, his eyes scanning the club with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. He can see a few people milling around outside, laughing and chatting as they wait in line or stand at the bar. It looks pretty promising. "Yeah, okay," Logan says, nodding in agreement as they make their way towards the club. As they approach the door, they can hear the music growing louder and more defined, and Oscar can feel the beat pounding in his chest.
As they entered the building, they were immediately hit by a bright, blinding light that seemed to come from the ceiling. The air was electric with the energy of a thousand people. Everywhere they looked, they saw people dancing with each other, laughing and drinking their favorite cocktails. The music was loud and pulsating, with beats that seemed to reverberate deep within their chest.
The couple made their way through the throng of people, their eyes scanning the room for a spot to grab a drink. They eventually made their way to the bar, where they were greeted by a bartender with dark, curly hair and arms covered in different tattoos. He had a warm, friendly smile on his face as he asked, "What can I get for you sweetheart?" The couple exchanged a look, and then turned back to him. "We'll have two beers, please," they replied in unison. The man nodded and went to get two beers from the tap. Oscar took a good look at the bar. There were two other bartenders next to the smiley man. The other was dressed in a red blouse and was making a gin and tonic. He looks like a model and not someone who worked behind a bar. When he looked at the third he couldn't help the blush that formed on his cheeks. The white blouse he was wearing was pulled up to the elbows and the first three buttons were unbuttoned. He was tan and had a beautiful face. Logan had to slap him to stop Oscar from staring.
The bartender walked back to them and gave them their beers. They both thank him and Oscar takes a sip, the cold beverage hitting the back of his throat is a pleasant way. He needed this. "Do you maybe know where we can get our car fixed?" Logan asks the man as he pays for both of the beers.
" There is a shop just down the road. You can call them and the will tow your car. It is quite expensive thought."
Oscar and Logan thank him and walked away, leaving the bartenders to do their jobs.
"Can one of you ask Pierre, Carlos and Max which drink they want? I have to make some cocktails for table 6." Charles asks his coworkers as he takes out the alcohol that he needs for the order.
"I don't want to talk to him." Daniel threw a towel over his shoulder and started to clean some of the dirty glasses. He would rather take a bath in all of these peoples left over drinks then walk up to Max Verstappen and ask him what he wants to drink. Of course he had to ask Pierre and Carlos too, but he didn't have a problem with them.
"You have to get over yourself Dan. What did that man do to you that you don't like him anymore. Did you fuck or something?" Lando meant the last sentence as a joke and Daniel was glad that he wasn't looking at him when he said it. Otherwise he would have spotted the bright blush that had formed on his face. That did happen, five weeks ago and he wished he would get over it. It is not like he had feelings for the man, at least that is what he thought, a pretty sure thought. It is just that Max seemed to totally ignore that it had happened and left him alone the morning after without a note or text. It was a casual hook up and still it hurts him.
"Who did you fuck?" George asks as he takes a seat on one of the bar stools, his eyes fixed on the Australian man with a mixture of curiosity and mischief. George is a stripper at the club, a pretty good one, but Lando would never admit that out loud to his friend. He always just makes jokes about it, trying to get people to laugh at him. George keeps looking at the Australian man, waiting for an answer as he orders a beer from Lando. "You know I never judge," the tallest Brit says with a sly smile as he takes a sip from his beer.
"No one, why is everyone up in my ass today?" Daniel groans out as he walks into the kitchen, seeking a moment alone and away from the chaos. The other three give each other a look of concern and just shrug their shoulders, sensing that Daniel is carrying some weight around. Charles tries to lighten the mood by asking George if he's ready for his set later that night. George gives a thumbs-up, and Charles nods
"I will ask them," Lando walked away towards the three security guards to ask for their drink preference for the night, all did he already know what they wanted. Max always orders a gin and tonic. Lando had laughed the first time the man ordered it. He had expected Max to order a whiskey neat not a tonic. Pierre orders Cognac most of the time, or a brandy. Carlos liked to change it up every time, so he was curious what the Spanish man would order today.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 9 months
All your peers who are not "on a break" are snapping everything up and existing more in the forefront of the minds of directors, producers, and casting directors. /////
And this is where our Chilean King comes to mind. As well as Ryan Gosling, Andrew Garfield, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sebastian Stan, Cillian Murphy, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hardy and so many more come to mind for writers, producers and directors. Those men are booked and busy while having the talent and hard work to back it up. It’s just hard to feel bad for Chris when he is the maker of his own prison.
I will say I honestly never saw Seb being the one to come out of Marvel with both the hottest and most varied career of any of them. Not only that, but a career people are excited to follow. I think it shows his commitment to craft, which is admirable.
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For Mccall (@blainesebastian ) the birthday angel today. ❤️🥳🎊💗 adore you dearly!
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liked by selenagomez, tomholland, and 33563 others
enews Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather to celebrate the birth of this lovely gal! She first came into our lives after she began publicly dating Austin in 2020 during the filming of Elvis. Since then she has made her way to the hearts of America through her amazing story telling and kindness. Click the link in our bio for a throwback of our love story with the Pisces Queen
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coffeegirl you’re ridiculous and I love you 😘 loads of thanks to everyone at E!
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liked by austinbutler, coffeegirl, ashleytisdale, and 14325 others
jillian.mua when people ask why elvis set will always be my favorite it is because it’s where I met my bestest friend. thank you for being as weird as me and always having a smile on your face 🎊🥳 and also, much love for cooking up luc for me i adore that child. love ya birthday girl!!! (drinks tonite?)
austinbutler You do know Luci isn’t yours right?
jillian.mua get out of my comment section
bazluhrmann I not only take credit for Austin and her, I take credit for this duo too. Happy birthday beautiful girl!
catherinemartindesigns Darling, you literally had nothing to do with it. 🙄
oliviadejonge happy birthday babe @coffeegirl! when’s our girls night?! 🌹 🎉
florencepugh two pretty best friends 🥰
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chrisevans happiest of birthdays to the best leader a cast and crew could ask for 💙🎊
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abutlernews she’s so famous and loved now 😭 a chris evans birthday shout out!
chrislover12 why didn’t chris post that other picture huh … we all know what picture
austinelvisfan austin it’s your competition again
sydneystan her and austin are literally happily in love and have luci i’m sure austin trusts her
ccgupdates no drama on her birthday please! happy birthday to my comfort person!
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liked by coffeegirl, chacecrawford, and 1,346,072 others
iamsebastianstan Fun Fact: she was our coffee girl first (sorry @austinbutler) way back when and now it is a delight to witness her dreams coming true! Happy birthday to you 🎂
dannylewis who the hell doesn’t love her?! she’s so popular !
coffeegirl I seem to remember you always needing Advil and water in the mornings not coffee …. Thank you Seb!!!
daisyedgarjones Happy birthday beautiful! 💗
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liked by austinbutler, mccall, and 38256 others
livwholikestv happy birthday lovely girl! have a special day, hope @austinbutler is spoiling you rotten 🎂💗
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stylespresleyhearted my favorite duo ❤️
ccgupdates these girls have the loveliest friendship 🥺 liv is always so supportive!
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liked by austinbutler, chrisevans, robertdowneyjr, and 50234 others
anthonymackie The Big Homie and the best leader on set! Happy birthday ❤️
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chrisevans But we all know I was the favorite
tomholland Happy birthday to you !!! 🎁🎉
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liked by austinbutler, livwholikestv, jillian.mua and 30246 others
stylespresleyhearted happy birthday to the kindest friend a girl could have! stay gorgeous, the world is lucky to have ya 💗🎉
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liked by oliviadejonge, ashleybee, and 1,473,056 others
austinbutler Happy birthday to the best mother, the best wife, my best friend, and my favorite person all rolled into one. Me and Luc are lucky to have you. ❤️
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tomhardy Happy birthday from the Hardy family love !
zendaya Happy birthday gorgeous girl 🎊😌
tchalamet I ship it so hard
ashleybee I always wanted a sister and then you came along 💗🎊 can’t wait to celebrate with you! And tell Luci her favorite auntie Ash is en route !
coffeegirl Thank you 😭 you’re the best sister anyone could hope for! Oh gosh commence Luci refusing to sleep until you land
austinbutler For the sake of sleep lets not inform lil dino until Ash arrives
jillian.mua love on her endlessly and spoil her rotten Butler she deserves nothing less
austinbutler Today and everyday.
coffeegirl You big sap. I love you so much.
ashleytisdale Happy birthday tenth removed cousin in law! ❤️ The French family loves you, so grateful you came into my best friend’s life!
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liked by austinfan, luciandccgupdates, elvisbutler, and 1689 others
ccgupdates from @stylespresleyhearted instagram story 😭 looks like she and @livwholikestv planned a surprised party while @austinbutler distracted her with a dinner date. (HD photos to come.) I love this group so much !
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elvis4ever did you see jillian’s story?! luci blew out her mommy’s candles 😭
burninlove13 did you watch Ashley’s story first? Austin told Luci “those are for mommy baby” and she said “no thank you” 😭 her famous catch phrase
austinelvisfan was it our birthday today? we were fed
presleyupdates On top of making me love Elvis, Austin also made me fall in love with him, his wife, his child, and their entire friend group. I wish I was in their life so bad.
sharonbleu I pretend I know them. It gives me comfort.
As it was stated in the beginning, HAPPIEST OF HAPPIEST OF HAPPIEST BIRTHDAYS TO THE CREATOR OF OUR BELOVED CCG UNIVERSE, THE KINDEST SOUL, MY WELCOME COMMITTEE TO THE AUSTIN FANDOM, I FEEL LUCKY TO CONSIDER YOU A FRIEND EVEN IF ITS ONLY ONLINE ❤️🎊🎂🎉 You are extremely talented (as if you don’t know already) and bless us with greatness, I can never thank you enough for always replying to my messages and letting me fan girl hard over your writing pieces without a single complaint. You’re an amazing person Mccall and I hope you stick with us (as in this Austin fandom) for a long time because I’d be lost without you. My only regret is that I couldn’t make this post longer, I’m only allowed ten pictures per post. Also a huge thank you and shout to @livwholikestv who never shies away from sharing her ccg love and who allowed me to use her to send you a little birthday message. I love you, appreciate you, may 32 be even better 🥳
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bestdamnshot · 8 months
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@jinxreaper69 tell me this doesn’t look like Augustus losing his shit at Seb. tell me these gifs don’t scream Sir Augustus back on his shit over something. I love the concept of Younger Tom Hardy for Seb but specially this look with the beard, plain & simply screams sir Augustus to me 😂
ps. Feel free to use this gift set as inspiration for the plot if you wish 😬
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cadencejames87 · 2 years
Facials and First Impressions
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Pairing: Sebastian x reader
Word Count: 693
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Warnings: Talk of Facials, honestly I don’t know what this is, it has been sitting in my drafts for some time now and I just did a quick edit.
*Not beta’d, thus any and all mistakes are my own*
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Sebastian casts his party playlist onto the television and pockets his cell phone as he turns to wash the dishes you both made while cooking dinner and putting together appetizers.
Toby grazes happily with a drink in hand. "You ever have one of those?"
"You know there is no scientific evidence that proves it's good for your skin, right?" You continue to put the finishing touches on a charcuterie board that Toby insists on consuming.
"No way, they totally do that shit at spas," he argues, tossing a grape into his mouth. Sebastian shakes his head and laughs as he dries his hands, leaning back against the counter. Toby gives his longtime friend a shrug. "I mean, I’m asking for her honest opinion on the matter."
"Who would pay for that?" Seb asks him.
"That’s what I’m saying," he extends the last word as if to add emphasis. "I give my girl one for free every night," Toby burst into hysterics.
"Every night?" You question with doubt.
"The only thing Toby gives his girl every night is a migraine." Penn jests as he returns from the fire escape after a business call pulled him away.
"Hardy har, buddy." Penn pats Toby on the shoulder and holds up his glass. The two men tap their glasses together and make up.
You clean up a few items from the kitchen island and place them into the fridge. "You seriously want your girl to walk around the house with your product on her face?"
"I’m no expert on how it’s done. And it's not like she needs to tell me. I heard some women even refrigerate it."
You glance over at Sebastian, now pouring wine into a pair of matching glasses. "No expert, huh, says the guy who apparently does it every night." You look back at Toby. "Like you are really going to finish and go about your day or get ready for bed or whatever the hell it is you do at whatever time of day this happens while your girlfriend lets it dry? She’ll be pouring you a cup of coffee, and your immediate reaction to seeing her with a mask made from your special serum would be to tell her to wash that shit off as it flakes and falls into your mug a la Mrs. Doubtfire."
Sebastian and Penn laugh at your point. "I guess when you put it that way, it does sound disgusting."
"Which part? Your girl caking on the jizz as a part of her skincare routine or drinking your own semen?" Penn asks and has everyone turn to Toby for the answer.
"All right, well, skin care facials are out. But, are you telling me you would never let Sebastian give you a good old-fashioned facial?"
Sebastian glares at Toby in a warning. His friend is walking a thin line with his girl. "Hey--" He shakes his head, brows furrowed.
"Way to not answer the question, Tobes. I’m just saying, if my man wants to give me a facial, I’m not gonna be one of those girls who rubs it into their face like moisturizer and walk around like an idiot when he does." Sebastian hands you a glass of wine, and you take a sip. "I tell you one thing, I would much rather swallow than waste a drop." You smirk at Sebastian as he nearly chokes on his wine and turns a bright shade of red. "However, if it is something he really wants to try," you shrug as you turn back to Penn and Toby. "I’ll close my eyes and pray for the best."
Sebastian wraps his arms around your waist, burying his face in your neck. "Bad girl," he whispers for only you to hear.
Toby raises his drink as Sebastian looks up. "She’s a keeper," he winks.
"I guess that means I passed the best friend test." You giggle, taking another sip of your wine.
Sebastian trails kisses from your neck to your shoulder and raises his glass to salute his friend as you turn your head. He kisses your lips, and the glasses ring out. "You pass all the tests, Draga. Toby, on the other hand, needs a lesson in first impressions.
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rpgadverts · 9 months
Wanted on Sideways
a real life 21+ public jcink rp set in Aspen Colorado
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Are we out of the woods yet? - normal sweet 'girl next door' type wanted for a marriage plot for Seb Stan (30+, Danielle Campbell/Lucy Hale vibes). She needs to get married because she is pregnant. Her brother happens to know a guy, enter Seb who is willing to do her a favor and marry her and inevitably lead people to believe the baby is his! they know nothing about each other which is where the drama and chaos will be born! this will be lots of fun as they learn about each other! His mom, daughter, and frenemy are on site for her to connect with!
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Not all that shimmers is gold - looking for Matthew Gray Gubler as the lovable nerdy professor in an angsty sibling relationship with Chris Evans (expect lots of fun and entertaining fighting between them!) This role - this family plot is a highly wanted plot for Chris Evans. Very much wanted to play out this family dynamic, to play out their fights, and see what can come from it all and see if they can ever get onto a page where they do all get along. Sister, brother in law, and mother are all on site!
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Friends in Low Places - Chris Hemsworth/Tom Hardy/Tom Hiddleston/open wanted for a group of rowdy and rambunctious fellas (Chris Evans, Jensen Ackles, and Andrew Garfield) who have never fully grown up from their high school antics days - blue collar salt of the Earth type guys who never turn down a cold one or hanging out with their buddies. Expect lots of fun shenanigan posts, plotting, and group posts!
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current boyfriend - dylan o'brien/open wanted as current boyfriend for Zendaya. he is a super good chill guy with patience for days when it comes to her ability to fly off the handle and start/pick fights fast. they have some highs and lows and where it goes neither of them know!
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friend group - group of easy going, non famous/run of the mill friends for Zendaya; open fc - (Florence Pugh suggested)
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these are my people - super fun and chill group of not famous 23-24 y/o girlfriends for Gracie Phillips. Halle Bailey, Sabrina Carpenter, Jenna Ortega suggested as fc but open. 
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jcinktinder · 9 months
Wanted on Sideways
a real life 21+ public jcink rp set in Aspen Colorado
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Are we out of the woods yet? - normal sweet 'girl next door’ type wanted for a marriage plot for Seb Stan (30+, Danielle Campbell/Lucy Hale vibes). She needs to get married because she is pregnant. Her brother happens to know a guy, enter Seb who is willing to do her a favor and marry her and inevitably lead people to believe the baby is his! they know nothing about each other which is where the drama and chaos will be born! this will be lots of fun as they learn about each other! His mom, daughter, and frenemy are on site for her to connect with!
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these are my people - looking for a sweet hippie/indie fellow influencer best friend for gracie phillips someone to help her through her dad suddenly bringing a wife home that nobody knew he was even seeing. gigi hadid suggested/open; 23-24 y/o; local. 
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current boyfriend - dylan o'brien/open wanted as current boyfriend for Zendaya. he is a super good chill guy with patience for days when it comes to her ability to fly off the handle and start/pick fights fast. they have some highs and lows and where it goes neither of them know!
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one lane for all - looking for alicia vikander/open wanted as the spunky 'mom type’ sister and alex fitzalan/open wanted as younger brother (non-famous) for Jensen Ackles
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Friends in Low Places - Chris Hemsworth/Tom Hardy/Tom Hiddleston/Garret Hedlund/open wanted for a group of rowdy and rambunctious fellas (Chris Evans, Jensen Ackles, and Andrew Garfield) who have never fully grown up from their high school antics days - blue collar salt of the Earth type guys who never turn down a cold one or hanging out with their buddies. Expect lots of fun shenanigan posts, plotting, and group posts!
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f0point5 · 10 months
Give me Timothee chalamet as Charles, Austin butler as george, and I can get on board with Alexander Ludwig for max but damn a young Hayden Christiansen would’ve slayed as max.
If we need any cameos from past drivers might I suggest Tom hardy as jenson button and Patrick Dempsey as mark webber lol
No okay Charles is CASTED.
Chalamet…genius. The angular nose, the French, the universal appeal…the Wattpad romance fodder PR. Done. Dusted.
Are we ready for Austin butler to adopt George’s accent 😂 (honestly I’ll never get over the Mandela effect of me thinking George had a posh accent for 3 years just because of how he carries himself and never realising he doesn’t like I’m still shocked he doesn’t talk like BoJo irl)
Wait why does Tom hardy actually look like button? WHY? The eyes? What IS that?
Who’s playing Seb though?
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teaandchess · 1 year
Unseen Book 4 done and ready to read.
Oh snap. I’m still writing?
Yes I am.
I’ve been sick for some time now but finally managed to get this one out of my harddrive and into the ether. I’d love it if anyone gave it a read or two. It’s an 8 book series and I’m halfway done.
The Unseen Mystery Book 4 of the Unseen Chronicles
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Meg Thorne returned from the depths of the West Borough and tamed the wild spirit that lives there, becoming one with the Borough. She feels its magic and its power flowing through her. When she returns, waiting for her is not only her mentor, Seberon Wilde, but the mysterious Raven Lord, Bran HuMun. As her connection to magic deepens, so does her relationship with Bran. But being a magician is no simple task and Meg struggles to understand her new responsibilities and powers. And she may not have time to learn what it is to be a proper magician. A gruesome murder threatens to tear a family apart and the powerful Leto Clare demands justice for the death of his daughter. The Bannerman Christopher Hardy is in charge of the investigation, but even a Bannerman can’t fathom the twisted plans of the politician Mr. Block and dark magician Charles Vex. Soon, they use the murder as an excuse to demonize the Seen magic the magicians carry. Hardy turns to the magician Seberon Wilde to solve the murder. Seb will have to use all of his cunning and abilities to solve the murder before the whole of the Wheel Road turns upon New Magic creatures, causing a civil war. He may need the help of his former apprentice more than ever.
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voile-de-lune · 2 years
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season 1: allegra · erikah · jake · jen · levi · talia · tim
season 2: arjun · bobby · carl · chelsea · elijah · elisa · felix · gary · graham · hannah · henrik · hope · ibrahim · jakub · kassam · lottie · lucas · marisol · noah · priya · rocco · shannon
season 3: aj · seb
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sky:  childhood · dreaming · home aesthetics · lookbook: love island edition · picrew 1. 2. 3. · random facts · sky by @nerdferatum​ · sky and delphox (art commission by @codename-mango) · sky and françoise hardy: a parallelism · what’s in her bag
vida: intro
lucas: quote and poems · sims!lucas · young lucas
jake: astral chart · books you will find in his library · headcanons · quote and poems
lucas and sky - lucky: commissioned art by @javsarts · ghibli!edition by the lovely @moderarato · moodboard · quote and poems
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a rewrite of season 2, mirrored hearts follows a cast of ocs, along some old and new faces, in their quest for love... or money. a fic full of drama and endless twists and turns, mh is a story of true connection in all its form.
chapters: 1. · 2. · 3. · 4. · 5. · 6. · 7. · 8. · 9. · 10. · 11. · 12. · 13. · 14. · 15. · 16. · 17.
moodboards by @moderarato: clarice · este · gourami · hannah · inès · milly · sky · venus · winona · zane
moodboards by me: allegra · arjun · bobby · gary · henrik · ibrahim · levi · lucas · mason · noah · rocco · rohan · wren
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sebrrari · 2 years
Hi! If it's okay to ask, what's the context behind the tags you have (honeycomb; dandelion) for certain drivers? They're really nice!!
hi omg this is so nice! also there's another anon in my inbox about this - if it was you sorry i took longer to answer!!! i wanted to be on my computer for this so i could type this all out! and if it wasn't you hi other anon, thanks for being so patient!!!
ok so basically - it's a hold over from being on tumblr in like 2010. [insert "back in my day" anecdote here]. the tagging system was waaaay different back then, and if you didn't want your posts (even reblogs) to show up in the main tag (that antis combed to reblog and hate on stuff, or maybe you just wanted some goddamn privacy), people made their own tags so that they could search just that.
also, it's fun.
here's what mine mean to me - i’m the kind of person that operates very much off of vibes, so some of these are more literal and some of these are just absolute bullshit that i came up with in my soup brain. 
lewis hamilton: #dandelion - something that can grow even in the toughest of conditions. people often treat these like weeds, but they're some of the most nutritious (for humans and for other plants), easy to cultivate, and beautiful flowers in the northern hemisphere. in flower symbology, they're a symbol of hope, growth, and healing. their little seeds can travel for over a kilometer to bring life to more than just themselves. maybe you can see where i'm going with this.
sebastian vettel: #honeycomb - a marvel of nature. bees created something that took man thousands of years to understand. symbolically, beehives represent cooperation - and the fact that a hive of bees can create such a flawless, useful structure on their own and for their use just amazes me. obviously, seb and bees. but more than that, the way that bees are remarkably adaptable. and a wonder of the natural world. and that honeycomb structures are physically hardy and able to be scaled up and up without losing the core that it began with. something like that. 
daniel ricciardo: #sweet and sour - this one is a little silly. sweet and sour is my favorite type of dipping sauce (thai sweet chili, honey fermented garlic, plum sauce, etc.). it goes with anything. sometimes it seems out of place, but it can make or break a taste profile (yeah i’m going with the tasting notes for something you dip french fries in sue me). it’s a rare combination in nature, but when you find it it’s an absolute treat. think kiwis, key limes, meyer lemons. little gems of their own that don’t always get enough credit. 
charles leclerc: #the taste of paradise - lyrics from “sad child” by brother leo and sandro cavazza which is on pierre’s f1 spotify playlist. charles is like a character you wish you wrote. he’s born from greatness, in a place that lots of people consider a paradise of excess. he’s gifted from the start. his nickname is literally something out of a YA fantasy coming of age book. but when you’ve had the taste of paradise and then have bad luck and struggles and loss like he has, does it taste bitter? does he resent the thing he’s experienced and the places he’s come from? is all worth the chase of his paradise (the championship)? i love my little depression, angst, and burdened by destiny mouse. mwah
nico rosberg: #crown prince - he’s racing royalty. he was in line to be the next crowned since the day he put his ass in a kart seat. but his life is forever intertwined with a challenger for his throne. the befriend each other and they are at each other’s throats. he gets his crown, but then quits the sport entirely. he just needed to catch the golden ring. but did the then get to let go? or is he still sagging under the weight of greatness? 
lewis/nico: #violent delights - they have violent ends, bro. like fire and powder which as they kiss consume, bro!
max/daniel: #equinox - when i first joined f1 there was a beautiful series of art pieces going around of drivers as tarot cards, and the artist cast max as the moon and daniel as the sun. i was obsessed with it. i love the idea of them as polar opposites, traveling on the track over and over again, day after day, and it’s not clear who is chasing who. and an equinox is the day in a year where they’re perfectly balanced when day and night are of equal(ish) length. they are equals on those days, neither of them winning or losing the chase. 
seb/mark: #whether the medicine is enough - i was writing analytics and found this bonkers quote from mark that he gave after the 2013 malaysian grand prix. he says he’s going to go surfing as medicine to soothe the wound of multi-21. and he doesn’t know if it will be enough to let it go. i think “whether x is enough” is a theme in the way i dissect martian. is their love enough, their raw attraction enough, their manners, their forgiveness, their history enough to see them through to a place where they can stay together? i say yes, because they’re down so fucking bad for each other. but i love to pull at the threads that they’ve woven together to grow close and see which one might be loose. 
daniel/charles: #true blues - the saying means “the real thing.” the fall out boy song ginasfs twists it to mean true blues as in true sadness, true longing, blue eyes, nostalgia, going out with a bang, not being able to let go of something that was just a flash in the pan for someone else. i love taking their vegas trip and projecting on it, basically. see: there is a ghost at the end of this song.
thank you so much for asking and sorry this is a fucking essay!!!! and if there's a driver or ship that i blog about but haven't made a tag for yet, it's because inspiration hasn't struck. my smick and my sebastidan and my michael schumacher tags are desperate for a personal touch but i just haven't found the ones.
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brendan-block · 1 year
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Sebastian Brett
Nicknames: Seb, The Brettalion
Age: 40
Height: 6'2"
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Nationality: British-American
Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted)
Occupation: Detective Inspector
Face Claim: Alessandro Preziosi (Body Double: Josh Holloway)
Voice: Dermot Magennis (Alessandro's official English dub actor)
Back when he was still a rookie officer, Sebastian Brett took it upon himself to look into Brendan Block and his past at the request of Miranda Cotton. This came after her numerous reports on the man's increasingly violent and abusive behaviour went unchecked by his superiors--even after Brendan was accused of murdering his ex-wife and Miranda's younger brother. At the time Brett was partnered with fellow officer and senior detective inspector Rob Pryor, whom Miranda initially went to for help. When Pryor learned that Brett was now investigating Brendan personally, he threatened him to stop poking around in his friend's private affairs. Brett subsequently became suspicious of his partner, and after a bit of snooping and later trailing Pryor outside of work, he learned that he was not only friends with Brendan, but was secretly being paid off to stalk his victims and keep his crimes hushed up. Brett personally saw to it that Pryor was removed from his position on the force, and later went on to aid in catching and arresting Brendan for Miranda's murder.
Brett has no idea that Miranda's death was faked in order to save herself from Brendan and get justice (of a sort) for her murdered loved ones. He is, however, aware of that fact that Brendan's freedom was purchased by a powerful crime syndicate, and he's been working ever since to send Brendan back to prison for the murders he actually committed.
Have a sample quote:
"As I'm sure you and all the other patrons here have been made well aware, Mister Block, an innocent young woman was brutally assaulted tonight and left for dead behind your establishment. The least you can do is act like you give a shit. Especially since, according to several witnesses, she was your date for the evening and you were the last one seen with her before the attack -- loudly arguing, in fact, over her rejection of your sexual advances. That really doesn't paint you in a good light, does it. Least of all when I consider our very colourful history together."
IMPORTANT NOTES: Brett is actually a canon character from Secret Smile whom I've basically decided to turn into an OC (of sorts? I suppose he's more accurately just "canon-divergent", but idk), with some inspiration taken from Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) and Alec Hardy (Broadchurch).
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hfrpresources · 5 months
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Request date: 04/26/2024 Request will be completed by: 05/17/24
*Should we need more time we will send you a private message. Please also remember to be mindful of our rules.
Tom Hardy
i play seb, tom, evans and gosling
large: 268x268
no but thank you in advance!
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therpdirectory · 9 months
Wanted on Sideways
a real life 21+ public jcink rp set in Aspen Colorado
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are we out of the woods yet? - looking for a normal sweet 'girl next door’ type for Sebastian Stan. She just found out she is pregnant and her ex has peaced out wanting nothing to do with her or the baby. She also needs to get married because she is pregnant (throw some ideas out on what her reasoning is that she can’t just be a single mom - maybe she needs to save face for bragging about never ending up in this position, maybe her family is too opinionated, etc). Her brother happens to know a guy he served in the Marines with (for a short time) - enter Sebastian Stan who is willing to do a favor and marry her (and eventually pass the baby off as his). Neither her nor Seb know one another. This plot is going to be all about them learning about each other which isn’t going to be easy because he isn’t the easiest guy to get to know. His mom and his 23 year old daughter are on the site and playable and will provide a lot of interactions for her. His mom will be her biggest supporter and will help her to navigate through the difficulties of living with her son until the two of them start to slowly come together. Her and Seb learning about one another and the dynamic with his family is going to provide a lot of fun drama and chaos for them. This will be a wonderful long lasting plot! 30+, Tatiana Maslany, Sofia Boutella, Ruth Negga, Rosario Dawson, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Diane Guerrero, Cleopatra Coleman, Bryce Dallas Howard - HIGHLY DESIRED!!!
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  Friends in Low Places - Chris Hemsworth/Tom Hardy/Tom Hiddleston/Garrett Hedlund/open wanted for a group of rowdy and rambunctious fellas (Chris Evans, Jensen Ackles, and Andrew Garfield) who have never fully grown up from their high school antics days - blue collar salt of the Earth type guys who never turn down a cold one or hanging out with their buddies. Expect lots of fun shenanigan posts, plotting, and group posts!
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Rag Tag and Rowdy - scarlet johansson/open wanted as twin sister to katheryn winnick. also wanted is the younger stuck up and judgey sister, and younger more laid back brother. 
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Partners in Crime - best friend and former partner for Katheryn Winnick who has since retired but still loves her law enforcement days. Super close ladies who covered for one another and would still bury bodies for each other to this day.
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