minifamlover · 27 days
The dragon rider, and the dragon shifter:
Chapter 4
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Addam’s POV
The winds carried the scent of salt and storm as I tightened my grip on Seasmoke’s reins. We hovered above the sea, the waves below churning with the anticipation of battle. My heart beat in time with Seasmoke’s powerful wings, the tension in the air almost suffocating. Below, I could see the Sea Snake, my brother Alyn’s ship, cutting through the water, part of the blockade that Lord Corlys—our father—had meticulously planned.
But my thoughts were divided, torn between the imminent clash and something—or rather, someone—else. Nyxia. The memory of her transformation on the beach, the way she had emerged from Seasmoke’s fire unharmed, had been seared into my mind. Her power, her grace, the way her black scales shimmered with dark, rainbow accents in the light—it was like nothing I had ever seen before. And now, she was out there, somewhere beneath the waves, waiting for the moment to strike.
Rhaenyra’s voice echoed in my mind, her command clear: “Watch the skies, Addam. Vhagar is coming, and the Greens will try to break the blockade. We must hold our ground.”
I nodded, though she couldn’t see me, and urged Seasmoke higher into the sky. We needed to be ready. The Greens had grown bold, but they had no idea what was waiting for them beneath the surface. I could only hope that when the time came, we would be able to hold our own against the might of Vhagar.
Then, like a shadow across the sun, I saw it—Vhagar, Aemond Targaryen’s monstrous dragon, leading the Greens’ charge. The sight of her, massive and terrifying, sent a shiver down my spine. She was a force to be reckoned with, her sheer size enough to make even the bravest of men falter. But we couldn’t afford to falter. Not now.
“Here they come,” I muttered to Seasmoke, feeling his muscles tense beneath me. “Stay sharp.”
Vhagar let out a roar that echoed across the water, and the Greens’ dragons began their descent, flames bursting from their mouths as they aimed for our ships. The Sea Snake was directly in their path, and I felt my heart clench with fear for my brother.
The situation was dire—Vhagar’s flames licked dangerously close to the Sea Snake’s sails, and I could see enemy ships closing in, their intent clear. Alyn and Lord Corlys were in grave danger, and I was too far to help.
“Nyxia,” I whispered, almost as a prayer. “Where are you?”
Nyxia’s POV
The world above was a distant, muted echo as I swam through the depths, my body cutting through the water with effortless speed. In this form, the ocean was my domain—every current, every ripple was a part of me. My black, iridescent scales, highlighted with dark, shimmering rainbow colors, reflected the faint light that filtered down from the surface, making me blend into the shadows.
I could feel the vibrations of the battle above, the thrumming of dragon wings, the crackle of fire. But it was the distress signals from the Sea Snake that called to me, pulling me toward the surface. Alyn and Lord Corlys were in danger, and I couldn’t let them fall.
With a powerful stroke of my tail, I surged upward, my fins slicing through the water. The surface broke with an explosion of foam and spray as I burst forth, my wings unfurling as I took to the air. The shock of cold air against my scales sent a thrill through me, and I roared, the sound reverberating through both air and sea.
The Greens’ dragons faltered in their attack, their eyes widening at the sight of me—this was something they had never seen before. A dragon rising from the depths, dripping seawater, her black scales shimmering with rainbow hues in the light of the sun. I could feel their fear, their confusion, and I knew we had the upper hand.
But there was no time to bask in their awe. The Sea Snake was in peril, its hull battered by the waves and flames. I dove back down, my body cutting through the water with precision. As I approached the ship, I could see Alyn and Corlys struggling against the elements, their lives hanging in the balance.
With a mighty surge, I pushed the ship away from the jagged rocks it was being driven toward, stabilizing it with the strength of my body. Then, with careful precision, I scooped Alyn and Corlys from the water, lifting them high above the waves and placing them safely back on the deck.
Aemond’s POV
My heart pounded with the thrill of battle as Vhagar roared her fury, flames licking the sky as we bore down on the Blacks’ ships. They were nothing against us, these pitiful attempts to stand against the might of House Targaryen. I could see the Sea Snake below, vulnerable and exposed. This was too easy.
But then, something happened that I had never expected.
The sea itself seemed to rise up in defiance, churning violently as if something monstrous was awakening beneath its surface. And then, it happened—a dragon, sleek and black, with scales that shimmered with strange, dark rainbow colors, burst forth from the depths. The sight was unlike anything I had ever seen, and for a moment, I could only stare in disbelief.
“What in the name of—?” I gasped, feeling Vhagar tense beneath me. She too was unsettled, her massive wings faltering mid-beat. This was no ordinary dragon—this was something ancient, something that should not exist. And then, as the dragon took to the skies, I saw it—this was the same dragon I had seen before, the one that had been shrouded in mystery. But there was something more, something terrifyingly unnatural.
And then, as I watched, the impossible happened.
The dragon, after rescuing the Velaryons, landed on the deck of the Sea Snake. I strained to see what would happen next, and to my utter shock, the dragon’s form began to shrink and shift. In moments, the massive beast was gone, replaced by a woman—a woman with long black hair and piercing golden eyes.
“A girl,” I whispered, my voice trembling with disbelief. “It’s a girl…?”
Panic gripped me—this was not just a dragon; this was something far more dangerous. A creature that could shift between human and dragon, with powers that defied understanding. How could I, how could we, possibly fight against that? Vhagar, my faithful beast, one of the oldest and most fearsome dragons in the world, had hesitated. If Vhagar was uncertain, then what hope did the rest of our forces have?
I felt an unfamiliar sensation creeping up on me—fear. This was something I had never encountered before, something beyond my control. My hand tightened on the reins, my mind racing as I struggled to comprehend what I had seen.
“Retreat,” I hissed through clenched teeth, tugging at the reins. “We need to retreat.”
Vhagar rumbled in agreement, her wings beating the air as she turned away from the battle. The thought of facing that creature again without knowing what it was, without knowing how to defeat it, was unbearable. As we ascended into the clouds, putting distance between us and the battle below, I knew what I had to do.
I had to tell my mother, the council—everyone. This Nyxia, this girl who could become a dragon, was a threat we hadn’t anticipated. She was a weapon unlike any other, and if we didn’t find a way to counter her, the Blacks would have an unstoppable force on their side.
As Vhagar soared above the clouds, I could only think of the look in Nyxia’s golden eyes—calm, determined, and completely in control. The very thought sent a chill down my spine.
**Back at Dragonstone**
Addam's POV
The mood back at Dragonstone was one of the cautious celebrations. We had held the line, and thanks to Nyxia, we had shown the Greens that we were not to be underestimated. Rhaenyra, Jace, Baela, and the others gathered around Nyxia, their faces filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude.
“You were magnificent out there,” Rhaenyra said, her voice filled with admiration. “We owe you a great debt, Nyxia.”
Nyxia, ever humble, simply nodded. “I only did what was necessary, Your Grace. The Greens will think twice before challenging us again.”
Lord Corlys stepped forward, his expression a blend of gratitude and deep respect. “You saved my life today, Nyxia, and that of my son. The Sea Snake owes you a great debt. You’ve shown us all that you are not only powerful but also wise in the ways of battle.”
Nyxia inclined her head, her golden eyes meeting Corlys’s. “It was an honor, Lord Corlys. You are crucial to our cause, and your survival is paramount. I will continue to stand by your side.”
Alyn, still recovering from the ordeal, added, “I’ve never seen anything like it. The way you moved through the water, the way you shifted from dragon to human—it’s like you’re something out of a legend.”
Nyxia offered a small, knowing smile. “Legends are often born from reality, Alyn. But today was about more than just showing power. It was about proving that we can and will protect each other. This is not just my fight—it’s ours.”
Rhaenyra, always the leader, saw the strategic value in what had just occurred. “Aemond Targaryen will carry the tale of what he saw back to the Greens. They will be shaken, unsure of what we’re capable of. We must use this uncertainty to our advantage.”
Jace, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. “They’ll be planning, Mother. They’ll try to find a way to counter Nyxia. We need to stay ahead of them.”
Nyxia nodded. “They’ll come for us again, but we have the advantage of surprise. They’ve never faced anything like me before, and that makes them vulnerable. We should plan our next move carefully.”
The discussion continued, strategies being formed, but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Nyxia had done, how she had saved my brother and Lord Corlys, how she had faced Vhagar without hesitation. And then there was that moment on the Sea Snake when she had looked at me with those piercing golden eyes, and I felt something shift inside me.
When the meeting finally broke up, I made my way over to Nyxia, who was standing at the edge of the room, looking out over the darkening sea.
“Nyxia,” I began, my voice softer than I intended. “I wanted to thank you again… for saving Alyn. I don’t know what I would’ve done if—”
She turned to me, her expression kind but firm. “You don’t need to thank me, Addam. We’re in this together, and I would do it again without hesitation.”
I nodded, but the words didn’t seem enough. There was so much I wanted to say, but I wasn’t sure how. “I just… I’ve never met anyone like you before. The way you are, the way you can shift between dragons and human, it’s… it’s incredible.”
Her eyes softened, and for a moment, the powerful, composed warrior seemed almost vulnerable. “It’s a gift and a burden, Addam. But I’ve accepted it, and I use it to protect those I care about. You’re part of that now.”
My heart skipped a beat at her words, and I took a small step closer. “I’m glad you’re with us, Nyxia. I… I’m glad you’re here.”
She smiled—a real, genuine smile that made something inside me melt. “So am I.”
There was a moment of silence between us, one that felt charged with something more, something I wasn’t ready to name just yet. But it was there, and it was real.
Aemond’s POV
The flight back to King’s Landing was a blur, my mind still reeling from what I had seen. Vhagar flew steadily beneath me, but even she was unsettled, her massive body trembling with the aftershocks of that strange encounter. The dragon—no, the girl—Nyxia, had shaken me in a way I hadn’t expected. I had always been confident in my power, in Vhagar’s might, but today had shown me something different. Something I wasn’t sure how to fight.
As we landed in the courtyard, I could already see my mother, Alicent, waiting for me, flanked by Otto Hightower and several members of the Green Council. Their expressions were expectant, but I had nothing but confusion to offer them.
“Aemond,” my mother called, her voice tight with worry. “What happened out there? Did you break the blockade?”
I dismounted, feeling the weight of my armor and the even heavier weight of the truth. “No,” I said flatly. “We encountered something… unexpected.”
Otto stepped forward, his sharp eyes narrowing. “What do you mean? What could have stopped Vhagar?”
I clenched my jaw, trying to find the right words. “There was another dragon, but not like any we’ve faced before. It came from the sea, from beneath the waves. Black as night, with scales that shimmered with rainbow colors. It wasn’t just a dragon—it was something more.”
My mother frowned, her concern deepening. “Something more? What are you saying, Aemond?”
I looked at her, then at Otto, and the rest of the council. “I’m saying that this dragon… turned into a girl. A girl with black hair and golden eyes. She fought us, saved the Velaryons, and then… she changed back. She’s no ordinary dragon, and I don’t know what she is.”
The council erupted into murmurs, their disbelief and fear palpable. Alicent’s face went pale, her eyes wide with horror. “A dragon that can turn into a girl? That’s impossible.”
“Yet I saw it with my own eyes,” I insisted, my voice rising with frustration. “She is a threat we’ve never faced before. If we don’t find a way to stop her, she could turn the tide of this war.”
Otto, always the strategist, leaned in closer. “We need to learn more about her. If she’s truly what you say she is, we’ll need to find her weaknesses and exploit them. She can’t be invincible.”
Alicent nodded, though her fear was still evident. “You must be careful, Aemond. This Nyxia—she’s dangerous, and we can not underestimate her.”
I nodded, though my mind was already racing ahead. I had to find a way to face her again, to figure out what she was and how to defeat her. But even as I made these plans, a part of me couldn’t shake the image of her—Nyxia, standing on the deck of the Sea Snake, powerful and unyielding, with a strength that seemed to defy reason.
I had to find a way to stop her. But the question that lingered in my mind, the one I couldn’t answer, was simple: How?
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