hanhomesno · 2 years
Shopee mang lại cho công ty mẹ Singapore hơn 21.200 tỷ đồng doanh thu trong quý 1/2021
Bài viết mới nhất: https://hanhomesno08maichitho.com/shopee-mang-lai-cho-cong-ty-me-singapore-hon-21-200-ty-dong-doanh-thu-trong-quy-1-2021/
Shopee mang lại cho công ty mẹ Singapore hơn 21.200 tỷ đồng doanh thu trong quý 1/2021
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Trong đó, công ty con thương mại điện tử của Sea là Shopee mang lại doanh thu 922 triệu USD (tương đương khoảng 21.200 tỷ đồng), tăng 250% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái. Trong khi đó, chi nhánh trò chơi Garena đạt doanh thu 781 triệu USD, tăng 111% so với cùng kỳ năm …
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datutudau · 2 years
Ấn Độ cấm Garena của Sea Ltd., Shopee vạ lây
Bài viết mới nhất: Ấn Độ cấm Garena của Sea Ltd., Shopee vạ lây
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Tổ chức mẹ Shopee muốn huy động 6,3 tỷ USD   Nhà đầu tư đang đổ dồn sự chú ý vào Shopee của Sea Ltd. Đòn nặng cho Sea Ltd. Tuần trước, trò chơi điện tử trên điện thoại Battle Royale Free Fire của Garena đã lọt vào danh sách theo Mục 69 A của …
#Blog #SeaGroup, #SHOPEE DauTuTuDau: https://daututudau.vn/an-do-cam-garena-cua-sea-ltd-shopee-va-lay/
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krapalm · 3 years
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ขอบคุณ #SeaGroup #garena #shopee #seamoney มากๆ ครับ — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3GDtAVi
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cloud-rush-cyxtera · 3 years
Cloud Rush—Strength of Cohesion/Aggregation
Cloud Rush—聚是一团火
Strength of Cohesion/Aggregation
Cloud Rush团队核心人物均是行业内佼佼者。
The cores of the Cloud Rush team are outstanding figures in the industry.
Bruce Li 于 2020 年受邀担任 Cloud Rush 公司CEO,负责区块链宏观市场研究。
Bruce Li was invited to serve as CEO of Cloud Rush in 2020, and responsible for blockchain macro market research.
他早期专注于股票、房产基金、债券等传统投资领域,2017 年开始关注加密货币,成为区块链行业布道者、先行者、独立投资人。具备独特的前瞻性,结合多年的实战体验,使其在区块链领域管理方面累积了丰富的工作经验并具备无可替代的卓越投资眼光。
He focused on traditional investment fields such as stocks, real estate funds, and bonds in the early days. Since 2017, he has focused on cryptocurrency as an evangelist, pioneer, and independent investor in the blockchain industry. He is uniquely sharp in precognition. With years of practical experience, he has accumulated rich work experience in the field of blockchain management and has an irreplaceable outstanding investment vision.
Louis Dong担任Cloud Rush新加坡分公司 CEO,负责 CR Capital 项目管理和业务发展。
Louis Dong serves as the CEO of Cloud Rush Singapore Branch and is responsible for CR Capital's project management and business development.
他早期在大型的房产、餐饮企业担任关键管理人员,2015 年开始深耕金融行业,并专注于数字货币等新兴投资领域。经验丰富,且熟知市场动向和市场需求,能为基金后台控盘团队带来最前端的市场动态引导,更符合投资者的投资偏好和收益预期。
In his early days, he served as a key manager in large real estate and catering companies. In 2015, he began to be involved in the financial industry and focused on emerging investment fields such as digital currency. He has rich experience and knowledge of market trends and market demand, which can bring the most front-end market dynamic guidance to the fund's back-end control team, so it is more in line with investors' investment preferences and income expectations.
David Guan现担任Cloud Rush 投资顾问,美籍华人。拥有丰富的纳斯达克、房产、期货等资本市场投资经验。
David Guan is currently an investment advisor for Cloud Rush and is a Chinese American. He has rich experience in capital market investment such as Nasdaq, real estate, and futures.
He is good at big data risk analysis, project evaluation, industry prospect forecast analysis, and has extensive market management and operation experience. He is also one of the pioneer investors of Bitcoin, with rich experience and good results in the field of investing in digital currency.
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Frank Zhang是Cloud Rush首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer)。毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学并获得硕士学位。
Frank Zhang is the Chief Technology Officer of Cloud Rush and graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a master's degree.
曾就职于新加坡上市公司 Seagroup。擅长区块链公链研发,共识机制、虚拟机、Dapp。
He once worked for Seagroup, a listed company in Singapore, and is good at blockchain public chain research and development, consensus mechanism, virtual machine, and Dapp.
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cloud-rush-en · 3 years
Cloud Rush — Strength of Cohesion/Aggregation
The cores of the Cloud Rush team are outstanding figures in the industry.
Bruce Li was invited to serve as CEO of Cloud Rush in 2020, and responsible for blockchain macro market research.
He focused on traditional investment fields such as stocks, real estate funds, and bonds in the early days. Since 2017, he has focused on cryptocurrency as an evangelist, pioneer, and independent investor in the blockchain industry. He is uniquely sharp in precognition. With years of practical experience, he has accumulated rich work experience in the field of blockchain management and has an irreplaceable outstanding investment vision.
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Louis Dong serves as the CEO of Cloud Rush Singapore Branch and is responsible for CR Capital’s project management and business development.
In his early days, he served as a key manager in large real estate and catering companies. In 2015, he began to be involved in the financial industry and focused on emerging investment fields such as digital currency. He has rich experience and knowledge of market trends and market demand, which can bring the most front-end market dynamic guidance to the fund’s back-end control team, so it is more in line with investors’ investment preferences and income expectations.
David Guan is currently an investment advisor for Cloud Rush and is a Chinese American. He has rich experience in capital market investment such as Nasdaq, real estate, and futures.
He is good at big data risk analysis, project evaluation, industry prospect forecast analysis, and has extensive market management and operation experience. He is also one of the pioneer investors of Bitcoin, with rich experience and good results in the field of investing in digital currency.
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Frank Zhang is the Chief Technology Officer of Cloud Rush and graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a master’s degree.
He once worked for Seagroup, a listed company in Singapore, and is good at blockchain public chain research and development, consensus mechanism, virtual machine, and Dapp.
If you want to know more about mining, you can join our community
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anchelo77-blog · 7 years
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Faneando con seagroup....
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hanhomesno · 2 years
Shopee mang lại cho công ty mẹ Singapore hơn 21.200 tỷ đồng doanh thu trong quý 1/2021
Bài viết mới nhất: https://hanhomesno08maichitho.com/shopee-mang-lai-cho-cong-ty-me-singapore-hon-21-200-ty-dong-doanh-thu-trong-quy-1-2021/
Shopee mang lại cho công ty mẹ Singapore hơn 21.200 tỷ đồng doanh thu trong quý 1/2021
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Trong đó, công ty con thương mại điện tử của Sea là Shopee mang lại doanh thu 922 triệu USD (tương đương khoảng 21.200 tỷ đồng), tăng 250% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái. Trong khi đó, chi nhánh trò chơi Garena đạt doanh thu 781 triệu USD, tăng 111% so với cùng kỳ năm …
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