#scrapped the series win post sorry y’all
gleybrr · 2 months
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aaron judge steps to the plate at camden yards - july 13th, 2024
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cherryliqueurkinks · 4 years
˗ˏˋ new year, new smut! ˎˊ˗
First, let me start by saying that the list below does not include everything gathered from the smut survey. In fact, it’s not even half! There were a lot of kinks and character combos that were voted on and submitted, so it may take some time to go through all of them to see what smutty ideas arise! But I’ve already begun to brainstorm some of the “free choice” prompts, and some of you may recognize yours below.
Second of all, I know it’s not realistic to think I’ll even get through half of this list; the last time I shared my prompts with y’all, I only ended up writing two and scrapping the rest because I’d no longer felt excited about them. But I’m posting this anyway because I wanted to keep y’all in the loop, and also because I’m hoping that reading them will excite you!
2021 smut list
last updated: 8/2/21 (decided to not update and go off of this list anymore because my interest in ideas just changes too often!)
Archie/Betty - Archie accidentally catches Betty in her wig and lingerie
Betty/others - Betty goes undercover as a sex worker while working an FBI case
Betty/FP/Fred/Tom/Hiram - The Riverdale Dads love Betty in her Vixens uniform
Bret/Betty/Donna - continuation of “a weekend away” in which Bret invites Donna to play with Betty
FILLED! Black Hood/Betty - continuation of “we all need a little scream” (chapter 2) in which The Black Hood agrees to stop his killings as long as Betty continues to meet him at the abandoned house at the edge of Fox Forest
Chuck/Betty - continuation of “right where you want it”
Chuck/Betty/Bulldogs - The Bulldogs choose Betty to be their Vixen of the season during their traditional after-game celebrations 
Hal (as the Black Hood)/Betty - continuation of “put you on a pedestal”
Hiram/Betty - continuation of a decadent deal series in which Hiram fucks Betty with expensive objects, e.g. a Fabergé egg, an expensive bottle of alcohol, a golden statue
Hiram/Betty/FP - continuation of a decadent deal series
Honey/Betty - Mr. Honey gives Betty a chance to prove herself when her grades start slipping
FP/Betty - Betty lets slip to FP that she’s masturbated to fantasies of him before
FP/Betty/Charles - continuation of the under the same roof series in which FP decides that Charles and Betty need to spend quality time to make up for their lost childhood together
FILLED! FP/Betty/Sweet Pea - FP decides it's never too late for a former Serpent King to thank his righthand man for his loyalty.
FILLED! FP/Betty - FP makes Betty come 18 times for her 18th birthday
Reggie/Betty - Reggie and Betty hook up in the hot tub on their senior trip
Reggie/Betty - Reggie and Betty enjoy pretending to be strangers at a bar that pick each other up for one night stands
Reggie/Betty - Reggie gets Betty to try jingle jangle for the first time
Reggie/Betty/Sweet Pea - Betty wants to help her boyfriend Reggie have a better relationship with his half-brother Sweet Pea, and it ends up being a bonding experience for all three of them
Serpents/Bulldogs/Betty -  Both the Serpents and the Bulldogs try to “claim” Betty for the Southside and the Northside and turn it into a competition for dark web to judge, unbeknownst to Betty herself
Sweet Pea/Betty - Sweet Pea disposes of a body for Betty in return for owning hers
Sweet Pea/Betty/Fangs - Sweet Pea and Fangs have their own initiation with Betty after her Serpent Dance
FILLED! Sweet Pea/Betty - Sweet Pea decides that Betty could use a little stress relief
FILLED! Bret/Veronica - Bret drugs Veronica’s rum when she sneaks into the Quill and Skull party as “Monica Posh” and takes her back to his room to fuck her
Chad/Veronica - Chad exploits Veronica’s determination to make their marriage work by pushing her to her limits
Frank/Veronica - continuation/expansion of their snippets from “what’s a sleepover without a little smut?” in which Frank blackmails Veronica into being his sex slave and takes her to a bar with him to meet with his mercenary friends
FILLED! Hiram/Veronica - Hiram and Veronica make the most of their time together before Veronica is off to college
FILLED! Hiram/Veronica - Veronica has a chance to prove to her father that she's ready to take her place in the Family business
Hiram/Veronica/FP - FP agrees to convince Jughead not to publish the article on Hiram is he gets to fuck Veronica as payment
Sweet Pea/Veronica/Fangs - continuation of “late nights at la bonne nuit” in which
Veronica/Elio/Nick/others - Veronica learns that there’s a perverse ritual in determining which mobster prince gets her hand in marriage
Veronica/teachers - Veronica has her own scandalous reason for needing to leave New York after her father’s arrest
FP/Cheryl/Southsiders - FP takes Cheryl on a drive through the Southside in her own car as punishment for being so reckless
Serpents/Cheryl - Cheryl works for her mother's brothel and the Serpents pool their money together to pay for a night with her
Serpents/Cheryl - Rather than letting Jason risk his life to do a job for the Serpents so he and Polly could run away, Cheryl meets with the Serpent King herself, and FP promises to help Jason out in return for Cheryl becoming the Serpents’ personal pet
FILLED! Betty/Veronica - Betty promises to do anything to prove to Veronica how sorry she is
Betty/Veronica/Sweet Pea - Betty turns to Veronica for advice in how to win Sweet Pea over
Cheryl/Veronica/Sweet Pea/Fangs - continuation of “late nights at la bonne nuit” in which Veronica invites Cheryl to celebrate the success of their new rum with Sweet Pea and Fangs
FILLED! FP/Betty/Veronica/Tom - continuation of “when we come, we come together” in which FP knows Tom is feeling lonely with his wife stationed overseas, so he invites Tom over to fuck Betty and Veronica to cheer him up
FP/Betty/Veronica - continuation of a package deal series
Hiram/Betty/Veronica - Hiram exploits Veronica’s weakness over her best friend and forces them together in exchange for Hiram sparing Betty
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Welcome to the DC Universe - Tim Drake x Reader Headcanon
Request: “I really love your 'welcome to the dc universe' stuff. May i ask a Tim Drake ver? To complete it? Ty”
AN: After three scrapped drafts, four months of delays, and a whole year of planning, I’ve finally have gotten to post Tim’s version of WttDCU. I’m so sorry that it has taken so long, it’s been a long time going and after scraping it three times, I’ve finally figured out the story that I wanted to tell. It’s different than the other boy’s but in all honesty, I’ve grown to love this one so much and even though writer’s block did not help me whatsoever, I’m very proud of what this had become. I hope you guys enjoy, let me know what y’all think, and I love you guys, just want to make sure you guys know that!
Since you were a kid, you were absolutely obsessed with Batman.
Like Batman: The Animated Series was the shit for you, and you were seriously obsessed with it.
Since you were so young, you always loved the Robin character, from Dick Grayson to later Tim Drake. (Unfortunately, Jason Todd was never really in the show from what you remembered.)
Even as you grew older, you often rewatched the series every now and then.
But then you started going for the comics, and oh wow there was a richer story with them.
The Batman series were always your favorite though, you would often read through those the most, especially the ones with the rest of the Batfam.
Hell, you loved almost everyone there, especially the third Boy Wonder.
Oh man did you have a crush on that dude.
To you he seemed the most relatable, especially when you started college this semester.
The sleepless nights spent studying, the constant amount of work that needed to be done, and the ever present need for coffee. (Oh you needed that crap injected in your veins at this point, because you were about ready to crash and burn.)
Yep, very relatable.
Especially now at the most stressful wonderful time of the year, when finals are running rampant and with you craving an end to this misery called a semester.
By some miracle of the gods though, you had just made it out of your last exam of the hell quarter and you were ready to just melt away into nothing. (Or freeze into oblivion because it was way too freaking cold outside to function.)
Since it was freezing outside and you finally had a time to relax, you decided that a long and warm shower would be absolute heaven right now.
So after trudging to your apartment that was five minute walk from your campus, and tugging off your warm layers, you hop into the shower, goosebumps littering your skin from the cold.
You turned on the shower, letting the warm water tug you into bliss.
Which was interrupted by a large crash that sounded as if it originated from your kitchen.
At this, your eyes could be compared to one of a deer in front of headlights.
Absolutely no one else should be in the apartment right then because your roommate left two days ago to go spend time with her family for the holidays.
To make matters worse, you didn’t bring any change of clothes into the bathroom because they weren’t there.
Oh you really wanted to cry right then and there but you stare at the shower curtain rod that you were going to put in to replace the old one, but have now found a new use for it.
Turning off the water, you get your towel, securing it around yourself and grabbing the rod that you were now going to use as a makeshift bat.
Opening the door slightly to check if the coast was clear, you glance out, seeing nothing for the moment and opening the door more as silently as you could walking out with the rod up and ready for anything.
The hallway was clear so then you take the hallway to the kitchen.
You were thinking that it was a dumb move on your part, hell, that’s how people die in horror movies and here you are doing that exact thing.
So when you walked in and saw what was in your kitchen, you screamed.
Mostly out of shock and surprise, plus a tiny amount of fear pinched in there too.
There was a dude dressed up as Red Robin leaning against your counter trying to stay upright.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting but this sure as hell wasn’t it.
Not that you were complaining or even thinking about complaining because you notice that this dude is bleeding all over.
This is when you snap out of your freaked out daze and put down the shower rod and help the guy out.
”Okay my dude,” You pull him to sit on the stool by the counter. “I need you to sit here for a sec.”
He lets off a weak nod, his breathing very ragged, but you already left to get your first aid kit.
Not even a moment afterwards you come back with it in your hands, putting it on the counter as you pop the case open.
You then move to peel off the armor you slowly process the past couple events.
”Oh geez Tim.”  You mutter, starting to disinfect the wounds on the front off his chest.
”Wait a sec, how do you know my name?” He states, stiffening under your touch and he alcohol being rubbed in.
”You my dude, aren’t in Kansas anymore,” You stated bluntly.
”What’s the supposed to mean-” His eyes widen, “Oh crap, Wizard of Oz reference-”
”Means that you aren’t in your universe anymore, I think anyway,”  You say, moving on to another open wound.
”Yeah, but how do you know my name? Do you know this universe’s version of me?” He asks, looking at your face.
”Uh no,” You glance up at him, “Not exactly.”
”Then how do you know it?” His eyes narrow slightly, causing you to move your eyes away from his and to the work that you were currently doing.”
”T-That's going to be a lot to explain,” You stutter.
”Well I’m not going anywhere soon so please explain away.”
So you do, and Tim got very weirded out.
Not at you, but the whole “My Life Is a Source Of Entertainment” to this universe and the fact that he wasn’t even real here.
You didn’t blame him, this was also weirding you out to the max.
Like it's not everyday that your fictional crush pops out of nowhere in the middle of your kitchen.
Then there was the reason that he got there in the first place.
Turns out that he was fighting with the rest of his family against a powerful warlock, and they were winning when all of a sudden there was a flash of bright light when he then felt himself falling.
Then the next thing he knew, he landed in someone’s kitchen.
So that leads to where you two were at now, sitting on your couch, as you look through whatever DC comics you owned and showed them to him so he could see what you were talking about.
The two of you spent a couple hours reading through them.
You guys stopped when your yawns were growing large in numbers.
So you help him put the couch together for him to be more comfortable and head to bed.
Either way, you guys progressively got closer as the days pass.
Like you guys became friends very quickly.
Often times he really liked hearing you talk about your life, especially your interests and your opinions on everyone he knows.
Like how if Bruce sees an orphan he’s got to adopt them.
Or how Jason and Damian were complete and utter hotheads but still likeable in their own odd little ways.
But one that kinda rubbed him the wrong way was that you thought that Dick was a ten out of ten in almost everything. (Especially looks.)
He just shrugged it off.
What he did like the most though was that he didn’t need to hide anything from you.
It was all out in the air and it was a freedom that was kind of new for him.
Then the holiday rush really started to hit.
You were originally just going to spend a couple days with your family till after New Years.
Now you weren’t sure what you were going to do.
Eventually you got the idea to invite Tim to go with you to your parents house.
There was only one thing stopping you though.
Would he even want to?
Oh man you didn’t know where you’d put yourself if he said no.
Well, you did finally get the balls to ask him to go with you.
And you thanked whatever god was out there that he accepted.
Quite happily in fact.
So happily that he was smiling from the second you asked him to the moment he got into your car to travel to your parents.
That’s when he got a little jittery.
He wasn’t sure on how your family was going to react to him.
Like did they know about his life in Gotham?
Either way, you tried to help him out in that aspect and told him that he didn’t really have much to worry about, since in your family you were kind of the only one who was into the DC Universe.
But you guys did come up with answers to questions they might ask him.
For example;
”Where are you from Tim?” and his answer would be “I’m from New York.” (Since New York’s nickname was also Gotham and the cities are extremely similar.)
”What does your family do?” then he’d say, “My father is a businessman.” (Extremely vague but this was the only way to make sure there wouldn’t be any brows raised that would insure more questions.)
And, “What’s your major?” now this one he’s got a couple answers for but, “Criminal Science” had to be said. (For obvious reasons.)
The car ride went by pretty smoothly and the next thing you guys know, you’re at your parents house.
Oh the nerves were hitting the both of you pretty hard, but you both hid it as you guys walked inside.
Now your parent’s knew that you guys were coming (You called them beforehand.) but they were very curious about him.
It seriously wasn’t everyday that their daughter brought home somebody for them to not only meet, BUT to also stay over.
It was entirely out of character for you.
And they of course thought that there was something going on between the two of you before even stepping foot in the house.
So to say they were curious would be an understatement.
Your whole damn family was there at your house and everyone wanted to see the boy that you brought along.
All eyes were on you when the two of you walked in, hugs were given with kisses on the cheeks and the questions were flying all over the place.
Your mom though was the first one to greet the two of you, bringing you in for a hug and then going and pulling Tim in one right after, welcoming the two of you.
Tim took it very well, and he felt his nerves starting to go away.
The rest of the evening was spent with the family getting to know him and the same with him.
Your siblings liked him, your little brother especially. (He lowkey wished that Damian was more like this, and less on trying to make his life miserable.)
Your dad though was a little standoffish, and was trying really hard not to like him, like he was answering your dad’s questions with ease. (Plus, when the two of them went for a handshake, he wasn’t expecting Tim’s grip to be that strong.)
And your mom immediately liked him, she got a good vibe from him the moment they met.
The night went by in a series of laughs and good stories, but then it was time for everyone to got to bed.
The thing is all the beds were taken, except or yours.
Now when you realized this, there was a prominent heat on your cheeks.
But of course, the honorable Tim offred to sleep on the floor.
“Yeah you’re not sleeping on the ground, it’s freezing,” you state, lifting the sheets to get in, “plus I’d feel bad.”
He couldn’t argue against that so he went to the other side of you bed and crawled in.
Seeing how stiff he was, you decide to put on cheesy holiday movies on your laptop that you brought.
Putting it between the two of you, you only make it 45 minutes into the movie till you crash out.
Thing is, you were now leaning your head on his shoulder sleeping, and he blushed when he felt you nod off.
His heart was doing somersaults when he saw you sleeping, a warm feeling filling his heart.
So he turned off your computer and fell asleep with an arm wrapped around you holding you close.
After that night, the rest of your break went by in a blur.
Then the next thing you know, you were back at your apartment and life went back to normal.
Well as normal as it could have been with Tim now in the picture.
He was a good sport throughout it all.
But he needed to go home.
You guys did try your best to find a way to get him home, but it became clear that someone from the other side needed to open a portal or something.
So waiting was the only option.
It was taking his family a while though.
Enough to the point where it gave you both a bad feeling.
But you gave at least the Batfam the benefit of the doubt, Tim on the other hand, had thoughts about them forgetting him at the forefront of his mind, even as he tried to push them away.
Life goes on though, and days became weeks, weeks became months, and the next thing you knew it was March and school was eating you alive.
Currently you were in the middle of a APA essay on the couch, with Tim sitting with you, his nose stuffed in his own laptop. (Also working on stuff, but he was listening in on police conversations, old habits die hard.)
But then your roommate walks in from her 7 o'clock class.
Tim notices her pull out her phone, but something was going on with the coms, so he wasn’t paying attention to the sly smirk appearing on her face.
You weren’t paying attention, and one minute you were working on the essay and the next you had the back of a phone shoved in your face.
“And now witness the wild geek in her natural habitat, typing her life away as the rest of her sanity boils out of her blood shot eyes,” Your roommate narrates, trying and failing at doing a nature documentary voice over.
Your eyes narrow, “Bro, what the hell are you-”
“Oh but look,” Then she motions the phone in Tim’s, “There seems to be a male Geek, also having the life being slowly sucked out of him.”
She then turns the camera to face her, “Could it be some odd mating ritual? Or something else?” She lets out a dramatic sigh, “The world may never know-”
You each glanced to each other for a brief moment, and a devious smile crawls on both of your guy’s faces as you both got the same idea at the same moment.
It was lightning fast, the camera almost didn’t get it as you jumped on each other, lips meeting in a frenzy.
Cue your roommate.exe has stopped working and is now having an aneurysm because of h o l y  s h i t.
Out of all the things that she thought that you’d do, like maybe throwing her phone across the room on to the other couch, she was not expecting that.
So that is basically how the two of you became a couple.
Funnily enough, though, it was all recorded on Snapchat.
Even funnier that your older sister was friends with her on Snapchat.
You had forgotten that until your phone was ringing and you saw her face on the screen.
Oh man, was she freaking out, she was happy though, if not a maybe a little grossed out. (Ain’t nobody want to see their sister like that.)
Tim could hear the whole conversation as he left the living room with you to your room and he was trying really hard not to laugh.
This was basically how the next few weeks went.
Only now there was the addition of you going and working out with him whenever he trains. (Which was legit almost every day, and your thighs have never started to look so good, but oh my god they were never this painful.)
But in all honesty, you guys were happy, yeah Tim was kinda sad that his family never came for him.
Yet he was grateful that you were there for him, through thick and thin, whenever his mind would go back to Gotham, whenever he’d wake up shaking and heaving from a nightmare, you were there to ground him and remind him that it would all be okay.
However, fate still wanted to make Tim’s life a living hell.
It was a normal day where you got up early to head to your 8 o'clock class, everything was just the same as you sat down, but it all started going to hell when all of a sudden your classroom was filled with a flash of bright light.
Your eyeballs felt like they were fried from how bright it was.
But you could still feel yourself falling.
And you just about felt your soul leave your body from how scared you were.
Thank god that it wasn’t a considerable height that you fell.
Well, it was long enough for you to have a bruise on one whole side of your body while you forgot to breathe for a good couple of moments.
With a groan you lift yourself on your elbows, only to yelp and duck as a piece of metal was thrown over your head.
What. In. The. Actual. Hell.
There were more being thrown in all sorts of directions, and you only realized where you were when you saw a couple dudes in colorful costumes fighting it out with a dude that kept throwing white flashes of light, almost like mini suns.
They even left blotches in your eyes as you watched.
But not only was he throwing fireballs, but he was also throwing random objects, which explained the whole iron beam thing.
They kept going, and from what you realized the Batfam kept going too.
Only until the evil discount Doctor Strange threw a light ball at his feet and then he was gone.
“Damn it!” You heard Batman yell dashing to the sport where the wizard dude was but it was already too late.
“Not this shit again!” You heard the Red Hood yell out.
They were all more agitated now, but they didn’t notice you shakily stand up.
“H-Hey!” You yell out.
They all turn their heads to you, not realizing you were there.
“Y’all need to get your head in the game if we’re going to get Tim back.”
This got their attention.
The next thing you know is that you’re getting whisked away to the Batcave.
Lots of interrogation after that.
Your nerves were fried before, but now you could feel them sizzling in your mind.
So was theirs but you were pissed but how long they waited to get to him.
“It’s been months you assholes!” You let the floodgates open now, “He lies awake at night wondering why you guys haven’t come to find him, he’s been in so much pain since fucking December-”
“Woah Woah Woah,” Jason says, holding his hands up, “It’s only been two weeks, and we’ve been fighting that asshole trying to get Tim back-”
“Dude, we’ve been waiting for like four months,” You say, a voice in a deadpan.
This scared everyone in the conversation.
It even scared you.
Time went faster where you were, and nobody knows how much time has passed.
Now you were feeling horrible about leaving Tim alone.
They all got somber after that.
Conversation died off soon after, but they weren’t on your ass anymore.
Eventually, they all were ready to crash, so they all went upstairs.
Which left you and Alfred, so he offered to take you to a room to let you rest.
And so you followed, anxiety making you not really up for conversation as he led you up and into the manor.
He led you to a room, and it only took you a few seconds to realized that it was Tim’s room.
It was as tidy, with a faint smell of coffee in the air and his laptop still open on his desk.
Alfred had a feeling that you and Tim were closer than what everyone else thought, he only took you there to see if he was right or not.
From the look of your face, he knew that he was right.
“I thought that you would be more comfortable here, it seems as if you and Master Drake were inseparable,”
You smile a little and nod, “We were,”
“Then I can reassure you that we will find him and bring him home,” He smiles for a moment, shutting the door quietly behind him as he leaves.
You didn’t sleep well that night, nor the next night after that or the next.
But you didn’t have to wait long before the wizard showed up again.
They wouldn’t let you go anywhere near the action, but you stayed with Oracle in the cave, so you were able to watch the scene unfold.
At first, it seemed as if they were outmatched, but they were slowly gaining ground, and the Discount Doctor Strange saw this, but before he could set off another portal, Nightwing found an opening to his head and knocked him out with one of his escrima sticks.
It was soon after that the man was taken into custody and soon after that was he getting interrogated by Batman.
But days later, he wasn’t budging.
They were getting desperate, and you were their last option on getting information out of him.
When you walked in and saw his eyebrows raise in surprise everyone knew that they hit something there.
“Surprising that you are here, darling,” You feel your gaze narrow.
“Who are you, and why did you send him away,” You say, voice like steel.
“The question is who are you, and why are you here while he’s there?” His voice was condescending.
“You’re the reason why I’m here, and the dozens of people you’ve displaced from their homes.” (A couple of your classmates were also transported to Gotham, just scattered around the city and were showing up at the GCPD ever since looking for help.)
“Oh but you don’t realize that you have this power as well, I could sense it,” he says, and evil smile revealing his grotesque teeth. “It’s small, but it is there,”
“I don’t have-” He cuts you off.
“Ahh, but you do.” The interrogation did not go much further.
But this did end up with you in the Batcave, trying to see if he was correct.
And for the moment, you were pretty sure the asshole was messing with you.
Much to your embarrassment, as Dick and Damian were also in there with you.
Dick was supportive, but Damian was more annoyed than anything else.
“Why can’t you just suck it up and-” Damian was in the middle of one of his many criticisms, but that was the last straw from you.
“I’m freaking trying goddamnit!” You yell out, throwing your arms out behind you, too much at the moment to actually notice the light surrounding them.
It took a couple of heaving moments to notice the look of shock on Dick’s face and the smugness on Damian’s.
“What?” You ask.
“Um (Y/n), look at your hands,” Dick says pointing.
You do and let out a yelp that was half excitement and half fear.
It then took you a couple minutes to turn it off, and a couple more as you figured out how to turn it back on.
You did this a couple more times, getting the hang of it and making sure that you could control them.
Then it was really time to put it to the test, after bringing the rest of the Batfam down, you open a portal that was big enough to get you though.
You let out a nervous laugh, “Wish me luck, guys.”
“We don’t need to, we already know Tim’s in good hands,” Dick says smiling.
“Bring him home, (Y/N),” Bruce says, hope in his gaze (An emotion rarely is ever seen on his face.)
And so you walk through, light blinding your vision as you step though.
For a couple moments, you blinked away the dark blotches left by the blinding light.
You let out a cry of joy when you realize that you were back in your apartment kitchen.
Dashing out of the room, and onto the hallway, you bump straight into a familiar chest, both your eyes widening at the sight of each other.
“Tim!” You exclaim out of breath, itching to hold him close.
At first, he couldn’t say anything, bringing his hands to your face as if he was making sure that you were real and were right there, whole in front of him. “(Y/N)?”
In less than a second, you guys were on each other, your arms wrapped around his neck, and his around your waist, neither one of you wanting to let go.
“Oh my god, (Y/N), where did you go, it’s been over a week, everyone has been worried sick,” He chokes up a bit against your neck.
“Heh, it’s a long story, but I’m pretty sure you want to hear it.”
You tell him everything that happened in the passed few days for you, and while he listened, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
His family didn’t forget him.
After you finished with your story, Tim filled you in on what was happening while you were gone.
Your family came when they found out what happened in your class, while he and your roommate were doing all they could to figure out how to find you.
You called them after Tim told you, and then you had everyone make it your apartment in almost no time.
You were pretty sure that you were never hugged and questioned more ever in your life.
Everyone stayed late, but eventually, they went to their hotel room for the night.
Then after a long hug from your roommate, she too retired to her room, and finally, both you and Tim were alone.
That was the first night that you too actually slept decently for a while. (After some you know what.)
But then the conversation came up about what the two of you were gonna do.
Tim had to get home, but you had a decision to make on whether you would stay or go with him.
After a lot of talking, you decided that you were going to go with him, but you would take frequent trips too and from so that you can stay in contact with your friends and family.
The next day you let everyone know what the plan was, at first they were hesitant ut they knew you’d be happier with him.
And the next day, you made a portal that took you and Tim back to the Batcave.
Turns out it a day had passed since you’ve gone back so maybe you could control what time you could get to a place, you thought but were interrupted when you and Tim were legit tackled by everyone, including Damian.
Tears were shed, feelings were spared, and a whole lot of love was pouring into the room.
Once everyone had gotten their selves partially together, you reached out for Tim’s hand, your finger’s threading together.
“Welcome home, Hon.” You say, smiling brightly.
Tim’s smile matches yours with a little amusement sneaking through, “Welcome to the DC Universe, Babe.”
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roseymoseyberry · 7 years
Samsara (3/?)
Heyo, time for chapter 3, aka a little bit more insight into how I had to fill in the gaps in Breakdown’s backstory and the Stunticons in general, lmao.
Thanks again y’all for reading this wild ride and I hope you enjoy! And for folks who may not watch RID15, the race mentioned in this chapter is from the episode Disordered Personalities. You don’t really need to know much beyond the stunticons joined it hoping to cement their title as Rulers of the Road (because they’re literally written dumb enough as to believe winning a race would do that) and the Autobots went to stop them from destroying the other racers. So they lost and it’s implied that Motormaster pulled a Megatron and physically punished them for it.
Title: Samsara
Series: RID15 and TFP (and some tidbits grabbed from Aligned wiki pages)
Ship(s): Wildbreak/Knockout, Breakdown/Knockout
Tags/warnings: Reincarnation AU, hurt/comfort, verbal/physical abuse (though the worst of the physical abuse is barely described or off screen), past character death, age difference (but still consenting adult alien robots), a lot of filling in worldbuilding gaps and making shit up, and a lot of Wildbreak being a sweet boy who just needs some love and affection.
Fic Summary:
From the day he was forged, Wildbreak had felt like there was something missing; some motivation or drive or desire that had been left behind in the Allspark.
Something he should know but didn’t.
|Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|
“About time you woke up.”
Bumblebee’s frame jolted online as he sat up, staring wide-opticked up at where Knockout was leaned against a shelf of scrap metal and watching him.
“Knockout?! What’re you--?”
“I have a favor to ask,” Knockout stated.
“And it couldn’t wait?” Bumblebee grumbled as he moved to stand. He was going to have to have a talk with his team about warning him when they had company.
Knockout gave him an unimpressed look.
“You want help with your Stunticon problem, don’t you?”
Bumblebee’s arms stilled where he had stretched them over his helm, blinking at Knockout. “You decided to join the team after all?”
“Of course not. I told you, I’m not much of a team player these days when I can help it,” Knockout replied.
“I’ve been spending some time with one of them.”
“You—wait, you’ve been doing what?!” Panicked, Bumblebee continued, “You’re not gonna join them, are you?”
With a snort, Knockout shook his head. “As much as I don’t want you ordering me around, the idea of Motormaster trying it is even worse. He’s a brute and a moron who only knows how to motivate with his fists. It’s no coincidence he had to remake his team by snatching up a bunch of new forged.”
That was all news to Bumblebee. He didn’t know about any Motormaster, let alone-- “How new?”
Bumblebee winced.
But before he could comment, Knockout pushed off his perch and stalked towards him. “And that’s why, when I finally convince this kid to leave the Stunticons, you’re going to pardon him and accept him into the Autobot fold without any problems.”
Bumblebee sighed as he braced his servos on his hips.
“They’re criminals, Knockout. I can’t just waive that.”
“You did for that dinobot,” Knockout argued. He was nearly chest-to-chest with Bumblebee now, unwilling to give an inch.
“Grimlock is a special case. He proved himself to be trustworthy.”
“No. Grimlock is special because you like him.”
“He’s a good mech--”
“—And so is Wildbreak.”
With a huff, Bumblebee stepped back and paced away, and of course he heard Knockout’s pedesteps following behind. “Knockout--”
“You want to put an end to the Stunticons, don’t you?”
That brought Bumblebee up short. He stopped and looked over his shoulder, and Knockout lips barely curled enough to be called a smirk, but it was there. “If you really want to ruin their plans, I can’t think of a better way than getting one of them to defect and thus depriving them of two combiner forms.”
“Two? Can he combine with one of the other ones too?”
The smirk grew.
“I can’t believe the Autobots are still so behind when it comes to understanding combiners,” Knockout said, strolling closer, looking every part like the Con he once was. “You don’t honestly think that if your lot could fuse together by sheer accident that a team led by Motormaster, a mech who has been combining for millennia, would be limited to just combining in pairs, do you?” Genuine fear started to spark in Bumblebee’s processor as realization of what Knockout was suggesting settled.
“All of them?”
“Menasor was never as successful a combiner as Devastator, no doubt because Motormaster was never as good a leader as Scrapper, but you still wouldn’t want to meet him on a battlefield,” Knockout continued, examining his claws lazily, as if he wasn’t discussing the former army’s deadliest soldiers and weapons. “Motormaster has only had this team for a little over a decade, so I can’t imagine they’re as good as his previous teams, but that’s more than enough time for them to learn to form Menasor and control him. Certainly enough time to cause your team some serious problems.”
Bumblebee’s engine growled in his chest as he snapped, “Why the frag didn’t you tell me any of that before?!”
Knockout shrugged, looking victorious already. “You didn’t ask.”
“I asked for your help!”
“No. You ordered for it,” Knockout replied snidely. “If you wanted my advice, as one mech to another, you could have asked for it. Instead you got prissy because I didn’t want to play house with you and your little band of misfits.”
Bumblebee’s engine sputtered with indignation and some guilt.
“Fine,” Bumblebee finally agreed, unable to completely rid his voice of irritation. “I’ll figure something out if Wildbreak leaves the Stunticons.”
“Thank you.” It was more a declaration of victory than gratitude.
“Now uh, you have anything else you could tell me about the Stunticons?”
“Unfortunately, I’ve revealed all my cards,” Knockout admitted with a shrug, not sounding the least bit sorry. “But I’ll let you know if I learn anything juicy.”
With that, Knockout was gone again with barely a wave for the handful of team members even online this time of morning.
It wasn’t until later when Bumblebee had Fixit pull up any information he could find on Motormaster and Menasor, criminal or historical, that he finally got the answer to why Knockout had gotten himself so invested. For all that Bumblebee had known Knockout after the war, he had always looked to stay distanced from others, charming but not caring to get involved past pleasantries, never staying in one place for long. But this sparkling of a criminal had caught his full attention in ways no other mech had for over a decade.
The research also explained the almost personal distaste he had for Motormaster and the Stunticons as a team.
There was list of former Stunticon members from early in the war, before even Bumblebee had been forged, and standing out like a glaring neon sign was the name Breakdown.
“Do you believe in reincarnation?”
Dragstrip stared at him before asking, “What?”
“You know, like, where a spark that joins the Allspark comes back out to be forged again--”
“I know what it is. What I’m trying to figure out is why you’re even asking such a pointless question,” Dragstrip mocked. However, he still handed Wildbreak a cube of energon before sitting down to drink his own.
“I dunno. Just been thinking about it.” Because admitting that he was being plagued by thoughts of a mech he shouldn’t know would make Wildbreak sound insane. He wasn’t completely sure that he wasn’t. “Like, would he be the same, or would he be a different mech the second time around? Would he remember anything?”
Dragstrip stared at him out the corner of his optic as he took a long drink.
“When’d you decide to become some sorta religious type?”
Wildbreak just shrugged, muttering, “Doesn’t matter,” and busied himself with his drink.
“This ‘bout your spark thing? You think it’s ‘cause you’re a reincarnation or something?”
“Yeah. But that sounds pretty glitched, don’t it?”
“Eh, who knows how all that Allspark business works,” Dragstrip said with a lazy wave of his servo. “Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t. Would it make a difference to ya if you were?”
Knockout’s sad smile as he said Breakdown’s name flashed unbidden in Wildbreak’s processor.
“Depends on who I was.”
Dragstrip hummed noncommittally before finishing off his cube with a satisfied ex-vent.
“Ah well, no way of figuring that out anyway, so don’t worry that tiny little processor of yours over it, buddy ol’ pal,” Dragstrip said as he pushed up to his feet and chucked the cube carelessly. “We got more important stuff to focus on today. We got a big race to win for the Boss!”
“A race?” Wildbreak asked.
“Yeah! With that title, we’ll really be the rulers of the roads!”
Wildbreak’s sparkpulse barely quickened at all at the idea, but he forced a grin onto his face and followed after Dragstrip.
The third time they talked, it was over commlinks. It had only been the one day – Wildbreak hadn't even had a chance to recharge yet beyond the couple hours that morning – but already he missed Knockout something fierce.
::Yeah,:: Wildbreak said, aware of how hopeful his tone was. ::I’d like to see ya.::
::Unfortunately I'm leaving town tonight. I shouldn't be gone more than a day or two though.::
Wildbreak's spark sank.
::Oh. Ok. Well uh, let me know when you get back then?::
There was a pause, and Wildbreak worried that he had sounded too needy, that Knockout wouldn’t be interested anymore because he was so pathetic—
::You could come with if you wanted.::
Wildbreak's spark was caught between joy and the reality that was his frame. Losing the race had made Motormaster mad and he had taken it out on them all, leaving them battered and just this side of broken. Wildbreak's lines had only just finished closing up, so he wasn't leaking energon anymore, but it would take a couple hours at least to work out the dents. Even then though, Wildbreak knew he needed a long, deep recharge to let his frame heal enough that his injuries wouldn’t be obvious.
Normally, after one of Motormaster’s beatings, Wildbreak would curl up and spend a couple days healing until someone finally dragged him out.
But now, Wildbreak wanted desperately to be up and running as soon as he could.
::I really wish I could, but I can’t do nothing tonight.::
::You can’t honestly tell me that little race was enough to tire you out,:: Knockout teased. Heat bloomed in Wildbreak’s frame with embarrassment.
::You saw that, huh?::
::No need to be embarrassed. We’ve all had Autobots ruin a race or two,:: Knockout said easily.
::Yeah? Tell me about yours?::
::I’m sure you can wait a couple days.::
Wildbreak curled up tighter, arms around his knees and back against a boulder, staring out across the terrain as the sun dipped closer to the horizon.
::Could you tell me about it now? I—I just really wanna hear you talk. If that isn’t weird. That’s weird, isn’t it?::
There was a moment of silence before Knockout asked, utterly serious, ::Is something wrong?::
::I’m fine,:: Wildbreak answered automatically.
::That’s a lie if ever I’ve heard one.:: And now Knockout sounded concerned.
::Uh, then, I’ll be fine, so it’s ok.::
Wildbreak squirmed, imaging the look that Knockout would give him.
::Motormaster got mad about the race and, well, you know.::
There was a tired ex-vent that carried across the line before Knockout replied knowingly, ::I do.:: The thought that Knockout had ever been punished when he was a Decepticon hadn’t ever crossed Wildbreak’s processor, but it was there now and it sparked something furious in his lines. He didn’t have time to do anything with that outrage though before Knockout said, ::I can wait until tomorrow morning if you still want to come with me. It won’t be fun, exactly, but I wouldn’t mind the company.::
Wildbreak blinked as he realized what Knockout was offering.
For the first time that day, a genuine grin split Wildbreak’s face.
::Yeah, that would be great! Where’re we going?::
::To visit my old friend.::
“Ey, Wildbreak!” Dragstrip called, and Wildbreak went stiff as a board as his partner continued, “Get over here!”
Wildbreak could also see the sudden fear in Dragstrip’s optics when Motormaster’s engine hummed loud enough to carry as their boss stepped closer to Wildbreak, making himself visible to the other mech.
“Oh, uh, sorry boss, didn’t see you there. I’ll come back later--”
“We’re almost done here,” Motormaster interrupted, deep rumbling voice sounding oddly pleased and all the more terrifying for it. It was rare that a smile on his face meant anything good. “Wildbreak was just telling me his ideas for the next couple days.”
A sinking feeling gripped Wildbreak as Dragstrip stared in confusion.
Wildbreak broke their optic contact and stared at the ground as Motormaster continued, “Yes. He’s going to drive out further than we’ve gone before, expanding our territory and proving who those roads belong to now.” His large servo landed on Wildbreak’s shoulder in what should have been a show of pride and affection, but Motormaster’s optics were trained on Dragstrip, mocking him. “If even Wildbreak can show some initiative for once to make up for his failure, then I don’t see what’s keeping the rest of you from doing the same.”
Nothing could have pulled Wildbreak’s stare from the ground, spark pounding because he knew the hateful look that Dragstrip must have been wearing, that all the Stunticons soon would. He had seen it time and again when Motormaster turned them against each other to motivate through spite. But Wildbreak had never been the cause of that; had never been used to shame the other Stunticons.
Wildbreak had never shown initiative before and his teammates were going to hate him for it.
But he did his best to focus on the fact that as soon as this was done, Wildbreak could grab some cubes of energon and escape into Knockout’s company for a while. It would be worth it.
Even knowing the vaguely macabre purpose of the roadtrip, there was nothing that could have kept Wildbreak’s excitement from bubbling over. He got to use his Earth alt-mode and spend hours upon hours driving with Knockout, listening to more of his stories and talking about Earth and Cybertron and politics with him. Knockout was far more knowledgeable about it all, but he wasn’t unkind about it, which in Wildbreak’s opinion was exceedingly kind. He would simply explain what Wildbreak didn’t understand and they would continue with their conversation.
And, despite his designation as an Autobot, Knockout was frank about the war and the aftermath and where the Autobots were succeeding and where they were failing. The more Wildbreak got to know him, the better he understood why Knockout left the Decepticons after spending millennia with them.
Wildbreak wasn’t sure it could really be considered a betrayal when Knockout hadn’t been particularly loyal to start with.
Knockout was a mech who looked out for himself first and foremost. For all his dramatics and charm, he was pragmatic, and Wildbreak might have thought him ultimately detached and cold if he wasn’t so drawn to him.
Not the mention the fact that Knockout had also looked out for at least one other mech.
As the sun started to sink low in the sky, Knockout mentioned Breakdown again. Maybe it was because they were growing ever closer to their destination, or maybe, as Wildbreak hoped, Knockout simply felt more comfortable opening up to him.
Knockout talked about how they had met.
Breakdown had been recovering from an upgrade which had left him larger and stronger, a little loopy as his processor was slowly booting up and accepting the changed frame. When Knockout had walked in as his assigned medic and introduced himself, saying “I’m Knockout,” Breakdown had given him a dopey smile and replied, “Yeah you are.”
It had been far from the first time that Knockout had heard the line, but there was an awe to it that had made Knockout laugh. It had been a good decade since he had last had a genuine laugh.
Knockout talked about how Breakdown would come back time and again, his frame broken and bleeding, but always so honest when he asked how Knockout had been. Once, his entire arm had been crushed into a mangle of twisted metal, limp and immobile and no doubt severely painful, and Breakdown had asked Knockout if he was getting enough recharge. “Your optics just seem dimmer than usual,” Knockout recounted Breakdown saying, not bothering with a funny voice or imitation like the other Cons in his stories received. There had been nothing but affection in Knockout’s tone.
Knockout talked about being reassigned to work in the field. How he had insisted he would need an assistant that could double as a bodyguard. And when he had managed to convince them, he demanded it be Breakdown.
Knockout talked about their resulting partnership.
For a brief moment, as Knockout was halfway through some exciting story about an adventure they had had on a planet Wildbreak had never even heard of, he wondered if he should be jealous.
But he wasn’t.
Not completely.
Wildbreak wasn’t jealous of the relationship that Breakdown had gotten to have with Knockout. It was sweet, and it warmed Wildbreak’s spark in a way that made his processor whirr with confusion, because it was that familiarity again, recognizing what he couldn’t possibly recognize. If anything, it just made Wildbreak feel as if he was truly going mad. Was he really a reincarnation of some big bruiser of a Decepticon soldier, or was he just so desperate for Knockout’s affection that he was fooling himself with wild ideas that those feelings and stories could somehow be about him?
The sun set and Knockout said they had a couple more hours before they would arrive.
And Wildbreak thought to himself that if he was jealous of anything, it was that he wanted to be rescued by Knockout too.
“Any updates, Fixit?”
“A couple, sir,” the minibot replied as he continued to tap away, bringing up a screen for Bumblebee. “I’ve managed to get all the information on Motormaster that’s on record. It’s like Knockout said – he led the Stunticon combiner team during the war, but rarely to any great success compared to the more infamous Constructicon team. It seems to be due to a lack of proper leadership kills – spills – skills!”
Bumblebee scanned the profile as he prompted, “How so?”
“Well, while it isn’t ever spelled out so obviously, the simple fact is that the Stunticon team had a shockingly high turnover rate. Some were deaths of course, but others seemed to find ways to quit the team, which is unprecedented in other Decepticon teams of the time.”
Near the end of the profile was a list of Stunticon members, and indeed there were more than a dozen names, many with (DECEASED) or (TRANSFERRED) by them.
It still seemed like some weird twist of fate to see Breakdown’s name among them.
“The Stunticon team was apprehended at the end of the war, but Motormaster managed to escape and has been on the run since, so Knockout is correct that the team he has now has likely only worked together since then.”
“Well, that’s good to know, at least,” Bumblebee said as he crossed his arms. He’d have to go through the whole profile a couple times to see if there was anything else helpful to be found there. “And did you find anything out about Breakdown?”
Fixit gave him the same bemused look he had when Bumblebee had first asked him, clearly not sure why he was interested in a former member. But still, his digits tapped away, but only to zoom in on where Breakdown was listed on Motormaster’s profile.
“Unfortunately sir, there isn’t much to be found. While he is listed in the Decepticon registry, he’s labeled as deceased, so like most Decepticons who died in the war, there hasn’t been any effort put into searching the former army’s archives for his files to transfer to the Autobot systems. The only information I have is what’s listed here.”
Which wasn’t much. Just a designation, a frame type (small four-wheeler, which had to be a mistake considering what Bumblebee remembered of the big brute), and (TRANSFERRED).
Still, it was a confirmation of Knockout’s connection to the Stunticons, as tenuous and outdated as it was.
“Don’t worry about it, Fixit. I was just curious. Tell me more about Motormaster.”
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