scourgebrocademic 1 year
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28.08. 1/100
I think I should start the productivity challenge again, otherwise I'd be too tempted to waste the next month just as I wasted this one. For now have some more notes on xylan decoration.
Wishing you a nice week 馃樁鈥嶐煂笍
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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04.09. 5/100
Wasn't doing much this weekend since I was feeling a bit feverish. Though now I'm back on track with my reading. Wishing you all a good week 馃樁鈥嶐煂笍
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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Getting back on track since I'll get back to the lab in less than a month and I still have a lot of reading to do. Maybe I can get back to that productivity counter, that was fun, when I tried it last time.
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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During the finals my desk looks like the most stereotypical student space
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scourgebrocademic 11 months
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I'm not good at scheduling lab work with other people so I had to spend some extra hours somewhere. Thankfully I had enough loose change for a coffee or two, so here are some pics of that. I adore this cafe mainly due to the fact that it's actually a bookshop, drinks and desserts are just an extra option. It's also not that popular, so I can work on my biochem homework in peace.
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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I suppose the everyday posting is just not for me, so I'm abandoning that challenge without really starting it. Alas, not really my department.
Here's me continuing to take notes on cell wall structure and biosynthesis, I hope to finish my required readings on the subject this week.
Hope you're having a good one 馃樁鈥嶐煂笍
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scourgebrocademic 2 years
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Trying to get back into a routine. Again. At least I'm working in the lab again, so that's good news if anything. Going through the same hand motions from one day to another is soothing to me, so even if everything else is at fault, being in the lab brings me some peace.
Wish you a nice and productive week.
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scourgebrocademic 11 months
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Yet again having a problem with consistent posting, so have some pics from last month or so. I'm back in the lab, so I don't have a lot of energy for anything but that, but I'm trying to multitask as much as I can.
(The street art is done by Marcin Maciejowski; the quote roughly translates "A living artist is always a problem. Not for the cat though.")
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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31.08. 4/100
Finished the illustration from yesterday and run some errands with a friend. She showed me a nice library-type cafe where I got some anarchist newspapers.
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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29.08. 2/100
Same old but with the angel cup this time. I need to finish some things for my friend who I'll be meeting some time this week, so that's a new to-do for today.
Said friend also recommended me an article that was a fun read, so enjoy that too.
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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Another pic that's probably overexposed, but I mostly study at nights, so what can you do with that. Also it's really funny to me, that the longer I stay in academia, the more my work place starts to look like some chaotic dumpster. Aluminum cans, half empty medicine, wrappers and whatever else may find its way here. I just thought I should put it on my blog too since that's what my process looks like.
Hope you're having a nice time out there 馃樁鈥嶐煂笍
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scourgebrocademic 1 year
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05.09. 6/100
A little post for yesterday, since I spent most of the day running errands while trying to read about acetylation. But what can one do in these times.
0 notes
scourgebrocademic 1 year
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30.08. 3/100
Not a regular entry for this blog, but here's me finishing up one of the illustrations for my friend I mentioned earlier. While not study-related, I think this still counts as productivity. I think 馃樁鈥嶐煂笍
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scourgebrocademic 2 years
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You know how it is, I'm getting back into the studyblr stream just to force myself i to some sort of productivity. Let's hope that it'll get me into something.
0 notes
scourgebrocademic 3 years
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Even though I'm done with my finals, I have a feeling I've failed one of the exams. So I'm trying to make the best of the time I still have to pass it in the second term.
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scourgebrocademic 2 years
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Your (hopefully) favourite guy with way too emo of an aesthetic is back to posting. Was busy, now not as much. Hope you lot are not melting from the heat.
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