#scaring what remains of the Sith Order and helping people
marvelstars · 1 year
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Ghosts of Vader´s Castle # 1: Beware the Chosen One
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
Star Wars: Visions S2
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Instead of doing awards, I'll just do thoughts.
The Sith - It's up and down for me because I really like the aesthetic and it looks gorgeous at times almost like spiderverse but also very corrupted, like I get why everything's a canvas and how the colors change depending on what's happening but I actually wasn't sure if it was supposed to look like that at first, it looked corrupted or glitched and I had to look up some more footage to make sure. Weird.
Screecher's Reach - I feel like there's a trend with these shorts where there's a potential Jedi, a Sith shows up, they defeat it, the end. Like, I get that you're pressed for time but I've thought of all kinds of diverse shorts in general. Here's one right now, have someone scarred by a lightsaber keep one in their drawer, scared of the thing. They challenge themselves more and more to look at this thing, to touch it, to even go as far as to grab it but nothing more, we never see any colors. Then there's a disaster (house crumbles on the pet Massiff or something) and they have to use the lightsaber to cut them out of the rubble. They begin to learn new ways and uses for it. Cutting crops, starting a fire, etc. Really push the limit of what a lightsaber can be used for and how it reacts in certain situations. Anyways, as for Screecher's Reach, the style is unique and it's an interesting ending but nothing beyond that, just like half a prologue. Don't just bank on a twist or sequel, give me flavor.
In the Stars - Easily the best one so far, and I do mean that for both seasons. Other than Tales of the Jedi, this is the best thing I've seen in Star Wars in a while. The claymation, the hieroglyphics and the tribal-like setting, the characters, the plot, the scenery, it all just works. Give me this. I'll be surprised if anything surpasses it in this season.
I Am Your Mother - Play on the- I don't have to explain it but it sounds cool already. Not sure how they could top the last one though. It was good though, another claymation with british humor AND IS THAT AARDMAN?! FINALLY! It'd be a lot funnier if the mom was evil though and that's why the daughter is embarrassed. (Creates mini Death star) "Mom!" "I can't help it honey, it's how I was raised."
Journey to the Dark Head - Film level. Wow. Had to shut everything else out after this one so it could consume my thoughts. And people were disappointed with this??
The Spy Dancer - That sounds...really cool actually but eh. I see that they followed tradition in a way, a lot closer to something you'd see in S1 but I imagine it better as a Clone Wars episode where they're watching the opera (like in ROTS) and the performers use that to extract information whereas in this one, the actual spy part was a failed attempt because we didn't get to see what would've happened with that, we can only imagine. Fight dancing is cool and all but I just think it could've been delivered better.
The Bandits of Golak - 3D, fancy shaders, could've been about anything. Might've had a more interesting dynamic should he have resented her for her powers, idk.
The Pit - Sarlacc? No, a dark little oppression short. I'm not too sure what to think about this one, definitely interesting. The whole chanting thing was a bit cheesy though.
Aau's Song - Big finale. What'd they save for last? The Halo theme is magical, I'll tell you what. I'm interested in these creatures, I want to see more of them in the Star Wars universe, perhaps even Aau herself but the plot remains an AU. Its a strong premise, though different from Star Wars lore, it makes sense that the kybers would have a voice since they "scream" at ignition and its implied that being in its raw form can cause damage as well, making the saber the tool that grants it a voice and manipulates it. I always love the exploration of kybers in general from quests to get them in TCW and Fallen Order to having them be a part of Jedi Knight II in weird, unconventional ways. And the styling of this short is neat, they have set models for everything, just change the eyes and switch out the heads sparingly to accommodate the mouths and such. It reminds me of something you'd see out of Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio.
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wingletblackbird · 2 years
An anon submitted an ask about how they think Obi-Wan didn't love Anakin as much as Anakin loved him. Unfortunately, Tumblr ate that ask, but here is the reply:
Short answer is that I don't think Anakin loved Obi-Wan more than Obi-Wan loved him. I just think they are both unable to relate to each other in an entirely healthy way because of how they grew up.
Now, the long answer is where I explain what in heck I mean by that.
At the beginning of their relationship, Obi-Wan is initially ambivalent and dismissive. This is just "another pathetic life-form." It's not I think that Obi-Wan does not care about people, it is that he as a Jedi is taught to prioritize the mission above all, the collective above the individual. He has also internalized a certain level of Core-World snobbery and the typical Jedi arrogance.
Afterwards, when Qui-Gon wants to take Anakin as an apprentice, Obi-Wan becomes jealous. To his credit, Obi-Wan does seem to realise this is wrong, and it helps that Qui-Gon does reassure him.
The latter point is very important. You see, Obi-Wan, as I discuss in this post, is very insecure and needs to please the Jedi Council. Obi-Wan almost wasn't trained to be a knight because he was too angry. As a result, he has internalized this rejection. All he has is the Order. He wants to please them.
So when Qui-Gon asks him to train Anakin, he is at war inside. On the one hand, Obi-Wan is devoted to Qui-Gon and wants to honor his wishes. On the other, he does not want to defy the council. It took a lot of courage, and I would argue integrity for Obi-Wan to oppose the Council on this. Fortunately, they reconsidered letting Anakin go untrained with the Sith threat. However, Obi-Wan never forgot Yoda's censure. It is now on him to make sure this kid is perfect.
So, what happens? He comes down hard on Anakin. He defied the Council and destabilized his own security to train this boy and he is scared and lacking in support.
This does not mean he does not care. I think he does care about Anakin. I think he even sees a part of himself in Anakin as a scared little boy who was rejected from becoming a Jedi, which is all he wanted, because of fear or anger. Apart from Qui-Gon's wishes, I do think this may be one reason Obi-Wan did decide to go to bat for him. The more time they spend together, the deeper that affection goes.
In AotC, we do see Obi-Wan being kind to Anakin. The ribbing in the elevator. His reassurances when Anakin is upset that Padme didn't recognize him/seems to have forgotten about him. Even his gently exasperated expression when he tells Anakin "try not to lose it" about his lightsaber.
However, Obi-Wan has been taught that attachment is wrong. Yoda even says in one of the Legends books that one of the reasons he was against Obi-Wan training Anakin is that they are both prone to attachment. However, Obi-Wan, unlike Anakin, truly thinks that is wrong. This is just another reason to be hard on Anakin. Whenever Obi-Wan falls into this, it tends to be because Anakin is acting unorthodox or "attached."
I think when Anakin says "you're like a father to me" and Obi-Wan says, "Well, why don't you listen to me then?" is a reflection of this. Obi-Wan does not reject the implication, but he also cannot openly accept it. He cannot tell Anakin he loves him. He tries in other ways, in RotS for example with his "I am very proud of you speech."
Then, there is Anakin. Anakin is never reassured by Obi-Wan, who does not know Anakin is even aware of it, that he is no longer jealous of or resentful of Anakin. Over time, as they become closer, this matters less, but some insecurity remains.
Anakin has always had to please people in authority over him to feel safe. This means he really wilts under Obi-Wans critical training system. It also means he needs to know Obi-Wan loves him personally. This is partially because he is a child and just needs unconditional love. It is also because defining people as family means they are family and he can trust them.
Anakin has also grown up having a family. He is used to these dynamics and was not taught to believe they are wrong...yet. So we have Anakin reaching out, looking for Obi-Wan to acknowledge his role as a father. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is not in a position to do that. The best he will do is say Anakin is "like my brother" when it is far too late. The way Anakin wants to receive affection are ways that Obi-Wan finds hard to reciprocate given his Jedi indoctrination. There is a lot of miscommunication, or just a lack of communication.
Last of all, because attachment is wrong, Obi-Wan can and will throw Anakin under the bus if he has to. It is Jedi teachings Obi-Wan has internalized at war with his affections. The result is that Obi-Wan will shield Anakin from the Council/scrutiny as much as he can, until he can't and has to follow orders. Anakin does not work like this, and that undermines the relationship, because Anakin knows he cannot trust Obi-Wan to go to bat for him the same way. Obi-Wan will always do what the Council says if push comes to shove.
So...it's not that Obi-Wan does not love Anakin just as deeply. I think he does. It's just that he's been harmed emotionally which in part drives how he treats Anakin. Nothing about the way Jedi raise kids is healthy.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Okay look I really wanted to see Cal so maybe something Cal?? Like maybe he’s holding reader after something scary happens or while she cries (cause I’m currently crying after that new episode) love you lots 🥺
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Oh, I’m always soft for Cal. The best boy! I’ve got some softness right here for you 🥺
Star Wars Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You sat up rod straight in your bed as you tried to gauge your surroundings and figure out exactly where you were. You breathing was ragged as you clutched your wildly fluttering heart and came to the conclusion that you were safe. Safe and sound in your own bed as Cal slept away next to you. He seemed nonplussed as he remained still, his chest rising and falling in a steady fashion, light snores emanating from his mouth.
Safe.You were safe.
But the visions and dreams that plagued your sleep often seemed so real, so vivid and technicolor that you were almost positive that they were real. The flashes of the red saber and the heavy breathing of the Sith Lord called Darth Vader seemed like they never subsided. More often than not, you were left tossing and turning throughout the night. Ever since Cal’s acquisition and destruction of the Holocron, the minor pull to the dark side that was ever present seemed to grow stronger and stronger.
And no matter how much you mediated, to try to clear your heart and mind of the anger and fear you were hanging onto, it never seemed to work. Maybe for a day or so, but then the nightmares were right back and plaguing your mind. And you hoped that’s all they were and would remain. You didn’t want to think about what it mean if they were more than just dreams.
Sighing heavily, you wiped away the already drying rears, before slipping out of bed to make your way to the kitchen. BD-1 must have sensed your sudden presence because he immediately was at your side as you filled a tall glass with fresh, ice cold water. Offering him a weak smile, you quickly downed it all and almost slammed the glass down on the counter. The small droid chirped eagerly as you bent down and got closer to his level.
“I don’t know,” you admitted, answering his question as gave him a pat, “I’m sure it’ll get better soon. It’s just me."
The small droid offered you a series of small beeps of reassurance before he perched next to your leg. Picking him up, you held him against your chest in a tight hug, already feeling better.
"I don't want to worry Cal," you murmured softly, "he's already got so much on his mind. I don't need to worry him about this too."
He made a small sound as you nodded in understanding, "I know. If it doesn't get better soon, I'll tell him. For now I want to give him a break too. He's been through just as much as we have, if not more."
He looked at you with such gentleness that you almost forgot he wasn't a person, but a droid. Although, he was much more than just a droid. He was a part of the little family you'd made with Cal and the rest of the Mantis crew. BD worked his way onto your shoulder and a sense of warmth immediately washed over you. At least there was someone in the galaxy that you could talk to.
Its not that you didn't want to tell Cal, but he needed rest too. He'd been through so much both mentally and physically, and he deserved the rest. Your little fears were not significant enough to further worry him with. Not yet anyway.
"If it doesn't get better I'll tell him soon," you promised yourself and BD. He made a small trill of agreement as you walked back to your bedroom in order to try and get some actual rest. If nothing else, the feeling of Cal's body next to you would be grounding and calming.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Your throat felt tight. Tighter than it ever had. Black dots and a soft haze started to cloud your vision. Each breath became harder and harder, more ragged with every inhale. Your chest was on fire, and yet there was nothing you could do.
You tried to scream, for help, for Cal, but nothing happened.
Your hand went to your throat as you tried to make any sort of sound. The silence was deafening, but then out of the darkness you felt it. A hand on your shoulder, squeezing it tightly before you heard it. That modulated breathing that sent shivers up and down your spine.
And then -
"Turn," it was a single word that was enough to cause your heart to constrict as it echoed throughout the blackened space, "turn, turn, turn."
As you tried to wander and navigate the darkness, you felt your body being jostled. It was so startling that suddenly your eyes opened and vision cleared into the bleary darkness of the late night hours.
"Hey, hey, hey," Cal's hand was on your arm as he gently moved to wake you up, "honey-"
Once you realized you were in the sanctity of your bedroom, you calmed down, even if it was just for the moment.
Turning to face him, a small broken sob escaped your lips as you looked at the concerned expression of your lover.
"Cal," it was a soft, broken whisper as he pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around your frame. He rubbed a hand up and down your back in soothing circles as you cried into his shoulder, the fabric of his shirt immediately becoming wet with tears.
"Its okay," he promised with a kiss to the side of your head, "I've got you."
You wished you could have more easily expressed your words, how scared you were, but all you could do was cry as he held you, whispering soft words of love and reassurance in your ear. Ever the gentle and caring man that he was, he didn't pressure you to speak or open up. Instead, he let you get it all out, and held onto you as tightly as possibly, trying to radiate all of his love onto you.
Eventually, when you were all cried out and felt exhaustion slowly washing over your tired bones and heart, you pulled back and looked into his soft eyes.
"Cal," your voice was dry and harsh as he reached up and delicately wiped away the remainder of your tears. He rested his hand on your cheek as he worked to bring you back into reality and ground you. You keened into his touch before pressing your forehead against his and eventually giving him a sweet kiss. He tasted familiar, sweet but always with a hint of mint. He was your comfort, your heart and home, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to wake you up."
"You have nothing to apologize for," he said with the smallest hint of a laugh, "you were having a nightmare. You can't help that."
"I know," you sighed as you felt your eyes start to burn with the sting of tears again. He senses what was going on, putting a hand to the back of your neck as he gently cradled your head. His soft touch - comfort - was enough to send you over the edge as you began crying again, "I-I was so scared, Cal."
"What happened?" his voice was low and gentle as he did his best to soothe you, "in the nightmare?"
"I.. they're been happening a lot," you admitted, "ever since you destroyed the Holocron."
"What?! Sweet girl - why haven't you said anything?" Cal was in awe as he tried to possibly imagine all the pain and hurt you'd been dealing with on your own. He would have taken it all away from you in an instant.
"I didn't want to bother you," you hiccuped through your tears, "you deserve rest too, my love. You of all people..."
"As do you," he promised, "I want you to know that whatever it is, you can always wake me up or anything. I am with you always."
"I love you," you whispered as you carded a hand through his ginger locks, "thank you for everything. For loving me. All of it."
"I love you too," he replied with a soft kiss, "whats been going on - in your nightmares? You've been having them often, haven't you?"
"Yes," you let out a long, tired sigh, "they're always about the same thing..."
"Vader," he finished for you, sensing that it had to be what seemed to haunt you. You gnawed on your bottom lip as you nodded, "he’s been in my nightmares too. Not as often, but he's there."
"I can feel it," you let it all out before deciding to hold anything back from him, "the pull...to the dark - away from the light. It scares me sometimes."
"I feel it too," he said as a way of reassurance, "and so does Cere. Its normal, you know it is. We all experience it in different ways. But it doesn't mean anything. As long as we remember who we are."
"Okay," you searched his eyes, although as it desperately trying to see if he was being honest. You show nothing but honesty and adoration staring back at you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you held him as close as physically possible, "I don't know what I'd do without you, Cal."
"I feel the same about you," he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, "you'll always get through everything together. I promise. You have me - always."
Before you could say anything else, a soft beeping meet your ears from the foot of the bed. You both turned to find BD look excitedly at the two of you.
"Come on," you motioned for the small droid to join on and he wasted no time in hoping up on the bed and settling down on your pillow, "hi, BD. Thank you for always being there too."
"Don't know what we'd do without you, buddy," Cal agreed as he laid back down and pulled you down to lay on top of your chest. He wrapped his arms around your middle as your laid on his chest, "we should all try and get some rest. We all deserve it."
"Love you Cal," you murmured sleeping, already feeling sleep wash over you again. This time you knew it would be better, much better in the safety of your lover's arms, "and you too, BD."
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coexiising · 4 years
Fade Into You - Chapter One
SUMMARY ◆ You keep having these reoccurring dreams of a strange man, but after speaking with him for the first time, you wonder who he is what what he wants with you
WARNING(S) ◆ Suitless! Darth Vader, Eventual Romance, Sith Anakin Skywalker, Eventual Smut, i make up rules of the force, angst, force sensitive reader
NOTE ◆ here’s my spin on suitless vader! i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i like writing it!
                  »»————- ★ ————-««
You only see him in your dreams.
A flicker of an unknown presence that you haven’t ever felt before and it consumed you whole. Every time you closed your eyes and your mind drifted into your subconscious, you saw him. At first you didn’t know what this being was, if it was someone from the past that you couldn’t quite remember or someone you had seen in passing. Though, as the days went on and the dreams didn’t go away, you soon realized that you were dealing with someone with a powerful presence. No one should be able to infiltrate your dreams the way that he did.
It always started the same way. You would walk around the dimly lit corridors of an unknown building, darkness felt through all sides of the Force the more you pressed on. Your dream self would turn the corner and he would be there, back facing you as he looked out the large window. And you would join him in standing, glancing out at the large horizon, molten lava falling and pooling along crimson rocks. It was disturbingly peaceful, standing there with this stranger. The two of you never spoke, all intents of words forming died in your throat. It didn’t feel like a dream. Dreams were supposed to be made up of your imagination, though you never believed you could think of a place like this. It was so lifelike, almost to the point where you could feel the heat rising from the ground as you stood.
Last night, as you stood with this stranger, focusing your attention on a specific volcano that erupted in the distance, you spoke out a quiet, “Who are you?” He was an enigma, and it wasn’t as though you were the one making these dreams happen. It was as if you were dropped here every night. There was something familiar about him, like you knew him but didn’t at the same time. Like a stranger and a friend. It had to be him controlling this.
You could feel his emotions shift, and hearing your soft voice seemed to snap both of you out of this daze. You turned to him, but he was already looking at you. He stood taller than you, a strong build of a body dressed in all black along with a cloak that would tread on the floor behind him as he walked. You seemed to be around the same age, his features still bright with youth, a sharply cut jawline and messy dirty blonde hair that looked as if someone had tousled through it with their hands. Though, the most distinguished feature that this man had was his golden-yellow eyes, looking down at you as though he was staring into your very soul. You had never seen eyes like that before. It seemed dark, sinister, yet you felt yourself drawing closer to him.
As alarming as his aura was, for some reason you knew that he wouldn’t hurt you. You didn’t know why you trusted a complete stranger, but something in the Force told you to.
“Who are you?” He asked, relaying the same confusion that was laced in your voice prior. It wasn’t mocking, he really didn’t know what was going on here either. His eyes never left yours, hand coming and grabbing you by the wrist. The touch was unexpected and his grip was almost painful, though not in the way one would think. It was almost a burning sensation, like the very collision of your skin against his was causing hot, white fire. “And what are you doing here?”
“Y/N,” You answered, the words basically pushing out of your mouth. His gaze almost softened, another wave of confusion looking over his dark features.
You didn’t have the chance to answer his next question, explain how you were dreaming and how you didn’t know why you were here at all. Because it was as if some other force was pushing you out of your dream, bringing you back to reality. Soon enough his touch was gone and you were waking up, eyes fluttering open to the grey ceiling of your room above your bed. Glancing at the chrono on your side table, you saw that it was still early in the morning, no one would be up except maybe the council, doing their daily morning meeting before the day started.
Settling on the realization that there was no way you were going to get back to sleep, you moved to sit on the edge of your bed, feet falling against the floor. You hissed, feeling a sharp pang of pain shoot through your left wrist. There was a ring of burned skin around your wrist, red and blistering in some places and in the shape of a hand. The dream. Your thoughts took you back to that moment where the man grabbed at it, and realized that the burning sensation you felt was real and wasn’t a figment of your imagination after all. His touch physically burned you. The thought was unsettling, that you had such a connection with this unknown man that he could touch you through the force. Yet, on the other hand, it filled you with more wonder.
They say that attachment leads to the dark side.
Growing up in the Jedi Temple for all these years, you had repeated this to yourself multiple times. Whenever you find your heart pick up with worry over another fellow Jedi, you repeat what you had been taught. Over and over again you did this, until it stuck and your anxieties subsided enough to where you were sure your emotions were not getting the better of you. However, as much as you did not want to admit to yourself, you wondered how you were supposed to live your life without growing attached to anyone. You were Jedi, a peacekeeper, a guardian. It was your job to be compassionate, to fight for the good and keep the peace of the galaxy. And you did show compassion in anything that you did, even though at times you knew you were growing closer to the people you served with. It was a hard balancing act that you were still wavering on, and suspected that most Jedi had these same thoughts, they just never voiced it out loud.
It was later now, the shimmering lights of Coruscant illuminated the hallways of the temple, making shadows dance across the walls to any type of movement. You couldn’t sleep. In fact, you really didn’t want to sleep because you knew what would happen if you did. You weren’t scared of him, whoever he was, a hidden stranger in the depths of your subconscious. Though ever since you were given the burn on your wrist, you had been uneasy to the thought of closing your eyes and drifting to that place. Deep down you felt through the Force that he wasn’t trying to hurt you, and perhaps maybe he had done it without his knowledge. Was he even a person? The man seemed to be, though looks can be deceiving and the thought of speaking to him once again seemed too consuming to even imagine.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a figure walking towards you. The familiar Force Signature relaxed you, not bothering to turn and keeping your eyes focused on the trails of ships making their way to one place or another for the evening. Obi-Wan was a friend of yours, more so a companion that you grew to know throughout the war. You were younger than he was, but he never treated you much differently despite his obvious position over you in the Order. Should you tell him about your dreams? It was the type of thing you knew you should inquire Master Yoda about, though you found that once in a while when you came to the old, wise Master, he didn’t hold all the answers that you hoped for. Obi-Wan was a friend. You could trust him.
“Good evening, Knight Y/N,” Obi-Wan greeted, his taller figure standing beside and joining you in looking out the window. “Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep? It is awfully late.” His tone was wavering, skeptical, like he knew something was off just by being close to you. Your aura was off, stems of cool waves emitting from you the deeper you delved into your thoughts.
How were you supposed to answer that? The normal Jedi response would be ‘I’m just fine, thank you’ but you weren’t. You were confused and you weren’t sure what to do. You still looked ahead as you asked, “Master Obi-Wan, do you know anything about how the Force ties into dreams?” You turned to face him now, eyes showing a mix of curiosity and anxiety while he was already staring at you. The more he searched them, the more concerned he grew, you could feel his signature reaching out towards you while he remained motionless as a statue.
It wasn’t in his nature to walk away from someone who needed help with an issue, but your question was odd. “What kind of dreams?” He asked, voice in a hushed whisper.
“I’m not sure, they’re hard to explain. It feels like I’m inside of them and in control of them to a certain extent,” You replied.
“Is there anyone there with you?”
You hesitated, closing your eyes and seeing the picture of your stranger staring down at you. The golden curls that framed his face, those eyes of his . . .  They were all with you now even as you were awake. It was a loaded question, you thought, especially when he felt so close now. The moment you opened your eyes and were once again met with Obi-Wan’s ocean blue ones, you took in a breath and remembered that you were within the safety of the Temple. No one could touch you here. “Yes, there’s a man with me,” You responded. Your heart was beating endlessly against your ribcage, this being the first time that you have actually spoken about your encounters. The burn marks on your wrist felt like heavyweights, rejoicing that you were acknowledging them, acknowledging him. “I don’t know who he is, it’s like he is a stranger, but not at the same time. And I just want to know what it all means.”
“I’m not sure myself. I’ve never heard of this happening before,” Your friend said solemnly, dissatisfied with himself that he wasn’t able to come up with a solid answer.
“That’s what I was afraid of.” You sighed, feeling foolish at thinking you could solve this problem that easily. Things were never that easy, especially when it came to the Force. There was so much that you didn’t know, so much that no one knew. And it was somewhat agonizing. You were in tune with such a powerful part of the universe and you didn’t know the first thing about it. All these years you spent at the temple and all the years to come, were they going to amount to anything? Were you going to be satisfied in the end? “Last night was different though, we spoke to one another.”
“You haven’t spoken before?”
“No, we never did. And he didn’t seem to know who I was either or what was causing this to occur. But I don’t know, Obi-Wan, for some reason I have a bad feeling about this. Like I shouldn’t be messing with the Force in this way.”
Your friend didn’t speak for quite some time, his calloused hand reaching up to scratch at the blonde beard he had grown out over the years. His eyes shifted from yours to the ground, making your hands clench together without your permission. In this moment, you berated yourself for ever saying anything about it. There was obviously something wrong and he didn’t know how to tell you, or even worse, he would have to tell the council. What if these dreams were the dark side tempting you? What if you weren’t strong enough to be a Jedi and were doomed to fall? You were spiraling, and it didn’t help that Obi-Wan wouldn’t even look at you.
It felt like an eternity went past before Obi-Wan said, “I think that you should try and communicate more with him.” That seemed like the last thing you thought he was going to say. And it seemed dangerous, unlike most plans that Obi-Wan had where he guaranteed that the most would be safe. But then you remembered he was completely going into the wind, he knew as little as you did. “If the Force is truly causing this to happen, then it must be a good thing, right? Us Jedi, we need to trust in the Force wherever it guides us.” Trust in the Force, Y/N.
Master Obi-Wan had a point. The Force wasn’t supposed to do anything without purpose, at least, you needed to believe that was true in this moment. So you quickly said goodnight to the man and turned on your heel towards your room, hearing only the echo of your footsteps as you thought. You would go to him, whoever this stranger was. You would go to him and finally get to the bottom of whatever was happening to you. You were a Jedi, you could do this. And as you got ready for bed and settled into the soft beige sheets, you ignored the way that your wrist felt as if it was completely submerged in fire.
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obiwanobi · 4 years
listen to this AU: obi-wan sleeps with a random guy in the outer rim, realises the day after that he lacked a force signature (aka he hid it), gets suspicious but doesn't meet the guy until like three years later. they sleep with each othr again, they get the other's name (surprise it's anakin), obi-wan thinks he's a pilot, anakin just thinks obi-wan is a regular jedi, not the famous one from the holonet BECAUSE HE'S THAT STUPID. fast forward, they've met several times, slept with eachother 1/2
BUT also bonded, they kinda like each other now, obi.wan looks forward to meeting the handsome arrogant pilot with suspicious jobs, anakin likes the handsome jedi even though he knows he probably shouldn't BECASUE HE HAS A SECRET, also they've avoided the whole force signature thing. one day they meet again. on dooku's ship. anakin has a lightsaber A RED ONE, and obi-wan's like YOU'RE A SITH?? and anakin is like YOU'RE THAT OBI-WAN KENOBI? 2/?
so it turns out, anakin is a sith apprentice because he and dooku/palpatine made a deal, his apprenticeship for his mother's freedom, so he's been secretly training under dooku but never really fought in the war, only doing weird solo missions so obi-wan has never heard of him but without slept and maybeee just fallen in love with a SITH and anakin is super scared of dooku/palpatine, so he's torn between trying to kill obi and getting punished harshly if he doesn't ?/?
but yeah there's this big drama about palpatine being a sith lord, obi-wan being in love with anakin, anakin wanting to help his unofficial boyfriend but also scred of what his master will do to him or his mother, and hopefully this AU has a happy ending with palpatine dying and shmi surviving but i'm not sure. and yeah i was supposed to be anonymous when writing this but forgot so now you know my guilty pleasure aka obikin and star wars
(it’s alright, I don’t have to post your username if you don’t want other people to know 😘) 
my god, this is SO GOOD. I adore the idea of them casually having sex before catching feelings and realising who they are, what a perfect trope.
The post was getting a bit long, so have some more ideas under the cut! 
In an always-a-sith!Anakin AU, I like to think that Obi-Wan doesn’t get a padawan for a while (and probably think that because he barely made it as a padawan himself, he’s not the right person to teach future Jedi,) so it gives him plenty of time to take missions that let him gallivant around the galaxy and be his flirting and daring self without restriction for ten glorious years. So a one night stand with the gorgeous pilot (probably a spice runner, but hey, Obi-Wan isn’t here to judge,) with the arrogance of someone who’s never been praised and loved enough in his life? It’s precisely what Obi-Wan does best. 
At first, Anakin probably thought that it would be fun to sleep with a Jedi, you know, for the irony, but Obi-Wan is strangely pleasant, charming and witty. Not at all cold, moralistic and straight-laced, like other darksiders described the Jedi Order, and he hides behind his charming demeanours and smooth voice a surprisingly daredevil side, which is... very hot, if you ask Anakin.
And the sex is great, so when they meet once again a few months later, it becomes an unspoken agreement that if they’re on the same planet/close to each other, they could... catch up more regularly. It works well, so well that when Anakin sends him a message to tell him that yes, he’s on Coruscant for one rotation, but don’t expect anything from me Obi-Wan, I’m sick, cold, feverish, miserable and absolutely not in the mood, Obi-Wan shows up with medicine and his favourite pastries, before spending the night checking his temperature and fussing over his eating habits. No one has ever taken care of him like that since his mom.
The same night, the news report another great victory for the Republic thanks to the famous Negotiator, and Anakin snorts, says that it’s a very dumb nickname, and what’s his name again? Ben or something? but each time the reporter says his full name Anakin sneezes and each time there is footage of Obi-Wan on screen Anakin goes to the fresher, and Obi-Wan probably thinks he’s the stupidest person in the galaxy and he loves him so much.
Obi-Wan knows he should question Anakin about why he’s always showing up not too far from shady businesses and galaxy-wide conflicts, but Anakin can be very distracting, and his job is not something Obi-Wan wants to know too much about. After all, not talking about the contraband and the flagrant illegality of it all makes it easier to turn a blind eye to it. 
And as you say, the day comes when they finally meet as Jedi and Sith in a real battle, and after a few minutes of “you’re a Sith?” “You’re the famous Jedi who leads half of the Republic’s fleet and you never told me?? I thought you were spending more time teaching at the Temple or gathering old and boring archive files!” “Excuse me, YOU’RE A SITH.” I like to imagine a long fight scene à la Mr and Mrs Smith, with a lot of dirty moves and a lot of “so that time you said you couldn’t see me because you were busy with a large delivery on a sector suspiciously close to Separatist space...?” “yeah, I was picking up one of Grievous’ platoon.” “...I can’t believe I introduced you to my padawan!”
They’re both angry and betrayed, and it ends up with both of them tired, panting, sabers right next to each other’s neck, waiting. After a few seconds, Obi-Wan shakes his head, lowers his blade and says that he won’t do it. He can’t. It pisses Anakin off, but nothing he says (yells furiously at him) can wipe out his sad smile and the tenderness in his eyes, and Anakin breaks.  
They end up fucking again. There are... way too many feelings involved here to be as casual as they pretended until now. “We shouldn’t,” Anakin says quietly, after, both of them still entangled in each other, unwilling to let go.“You shouldn’t. I’m a Sith.” “Now you tell me.” It makes him laugh for a second. 
Now, what’s the ending of this story? Does Anakin tell Obi-Wan that this is just this one time, and next time he will definitely kill him, whatever happens? Does Obi-Wan sees right through him and knows that he’s on the edge of a breakdown, that there must be a reason for Anakin to do all of this, pleading for him to “talk to me, dearest, why won’t you talk to me? Why won’t you let me help, Anakin?” even when they’re both in the middle of a battle, and it justs breaks Anakin a bit more each time?
Or does Anakin explain everything to him right away, and Obi-Wan convinces him that they will find a solution, they will save his mother and stop Sidious, but for now, he has to pretend to remain a loyal Sith? To play it safe, give them time to figure out how to rescue Shmi and stop Sidious? 
 I’m 100% invested now, you should definitely consider writing this fic because it’s an amazing AU! (with or without the ideas I threw here, I was just really into it) 
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shatouto · 4 years
hi yes this is another installment in the raised-as-sith anakin x jedi obi-wan au i co-write with @obiwanobi. we’ve been putting what we got so far on ao3 for archiving/organizing purposes so before you read this pls check it out first if you haven’t bc there is some semblance of continuity, thank you :’) (this installment on ao3)
content note: past psychological and physical abuse, messy healing, please proceed with care
you love him dearly
You stand alone in a great dark hall. There’s no sound but your pulse jolting in bouts inside your ears. Like the footsteps of a scared bantha. And you feel like a scared bantha. You haven’t felt like this in a long time. You used to be worth less than a bantha, with your weak hands and your small body. All you were ever able to do was get yourself and your mom hurt. You felt so bad, so very bad, so bad that you were willing to beg your mom to let you go, when this man came and swept you up. This man who called you the Chosen One. This man who you now call...
“Master,” you say, and waits for your Master to acknowledge you.
Sometimes you think it’s strange, to trade one master for another. But this Master, your Master, is a different sort. Your Master taught you how to hate the right people, in the right way; gave you a crystal and let you forge your own lightsabers. Your Master told you you were special. No, no, it doesn’t matter that you were a slave, you are special, my boy. You know you are different, do you not? That you learn faster than children your age; that your reflexes are sharper, your intuition stronger. You see things before people do, know things before people see, and do things before people know. The future and the past are sometimes indistinguishable in your dreams. Clever child, golden child, you are certainly worth more than a bantha; oh, you are worth more than the population on that sandy speck combined. You are the Chosen One! You are destined for greatness.
You were weak and small and nothing. You deserve so much more, so much more. A pity that the universe has never given you and will never give you what you truly deserve. None of that is your fault, my poor boy; they are simply too blind and puny to appreciate your capacity and recognize your power. But worry not: Your Master will give it to you. Your Master is here to help you. You love him dearly, because you are nothing without him, because the universe is stupid and cruel and you hate it for making you feel like nothing. Your Master, on the other hand, must love you dearly, or else he would not have told you all about how special you are. Would not have trained you to be so strong. Would not have given you the respectable name of…
“Darth Vader.”
The greeting sounds more like a warning, because you deserve it. “I—I’m sorry. I wasn’t strong enough.” Even your voice comes out too small.
“Little need to apologize in words, my apprentice,” says your Master. “You know what must be done. You must learn your lesson.”
You love him, you love him, you love him. You love your Master, you chant in your heart, as you hang your head and tuck your tongue back and wait like the good apprentice you are.
The first blow is always the hardest. You convulse, feeling as if a thousand red-hot needles are exploding from within your sinews. Blinding pain crackles through your body, and you scream yourself…
Anakin sits up in his sleeping bag, panting. He thinks he heard the tail end of a scream, his own, but it’s all silent now. He’s alone in the dark, the healed stump of his right arm tingling under the prosthetic cap. He searches his psyche for the tatters of a bond between him and the late Sith Lord; there's nothing left. Darth Sidious is truly dead. Two strides away from him, Obi-Wan Kenobi sleeps soundly in his bed.
His eyes soften. The sight of Obi-Wan soothes him, reminding him of where he is in time and in space. It has been a few months since he killed his Sith Master. He is in the Jedi Temple, in quarters belonging to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Nobody knows he is here.
Anakin turns away as one would turn away from a too-bright light. You can’t look at the sun for too long or it’ll burn your eyes; especially if you are used to darkness. He breathes in, and out, and shakily pulls off the cover of the sleeping bag. His new metal fingertips nearly tear through the fabric.
Anakin doesn’t flinch, but his stomach flips. Obi-Wan’s silhouette slowly sits up in bed, tousled and softly rumpled and Anakin feels frighteningly tender in the chest. He keeps his head down, not wanting to meet Obi-Wan’s eyes right now.
“Anakin, is everything alright?”
Anakin mumbles out something vaguely affirmative, and pushes himself to his feet. “Fresher,” he says, hurrying away. He doesn’t return to the bedroom afterwards, but goes straight to the kitchenette and begins to prepare a rather large breakfast. He knows Obi-Wan doesn’t go back to sleep either. He wills himself to ignore the circles under Obi-Wan’s eyes, come morning.
“Anakin, I have been thinking,” Obi-Wan begins, as he takes their empty plates to the kitchen, where a dishwashing droid stands await. “You don’t happen to have a habit of meditating, do you?”
Anakin almost tenses up at meditating, but he only lets out a huff of breath and opens the droid’s compartment doors. He’s glad Ahsoka is away for the night, staying in her friend’s quarters or some such. If she joins in with Obi-Wan it’ll only be harder for him to reject the request. Because that’s clearly a request, no matter how fancily Obi-Wan phrases his question.
I hate it teeters on the tip of his tongue, but Anakin just answers: “No, I don’t.” Obi-Wan likes meditation, as all Jedi do. It would feel bad, be bad, to say he hates something Obi-Wan likes.
Obi-Wan hums. Dishes clink as he sets them in one by one. “Would you be so opposed to it, then?”
Anakin pulls his shields higher so that none of the screaming No no no I hate it in his mind is going to bleed through to Obi-Wan in the Force. He makes the mistake of turning to look at Obi-Wan, because he can’t help it, and he's met with a hopeful smile and gentle, crinkled eyes. He can't bear to see that smile fall. “...Guess not,” he mutters.
“I would keep you company, if that’s fine,” Obi-Wan continues on merrily, like the good-natured Jedi he is. “I mean to invite you to join me for meditation before bedtime, in fact. Is that alright?”
Anakin stares down at his mismatched hands. If there is one thing he hates more than meditating, it’s meditating with someone watching. He tries very hard not to grit his teeth.
“Of course, you don’t have to,” Obi-Wan adds, fingers briefly brushing Anakin’s flesh wrist. The sensation shoots right into Anakin’s heart. That settles it; it’s not even a question. Obi-Wan will be disappointed if he doesn’t.
“It’s alright,” Anakin says, shutting the droid’s compartment door. The timer beeps, unhelpfully helping him count down to the dreaded session.
“So this is meditation?” Anakin blurts.
Obi-Wan sits cross-legged on his bed, in his soft robes and sleeping pants. He opens his eyes in a quizzical gaze as Anakin remains standing. Anakin curls his hands into fists and tries not to fiddle with the hem of his tunic. Obi-Wan frowns, unfurls from his position and comes up so near that Anakin wants to hold his breath. He smells like the cotton flower-scented fabric softener, like crisp, warm laundry - he smells like hard-earned safety. “You don’t need to lie to me, Anakin,” he says, a hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “I will instruct you from the beginning if you need me to, and I promise to help you with any difficulty. Now tell me: Have you meditated before?”
Obi-Wan says so, but Anakin is not about to tell him about the Sphere; about the long hours spent in that terrible spheroid room with enough space for you to wish you could move from your spot, but the walls were too smooth and curved for you to scale; about how silent it was in there save for his Master’s voice in his mind. Anakin is not about to tell this Jedi about the splatter of blood in the Sphere where he once bashed his head against until he passed out because he could not take it. How Sidious had punished him for it afterwards. How he never dared to do it again.
“...No,” Anakin says. “Show me.”
Obi-Wan nods; his hand slips down his shoulder and runs gently down his arm. Anakin blinks. Obi-Wan's touch always feels so… nice. Unhurried and mellow and never really demanding anything back. “I see. Take a seat beside me. Make yourself comfortable, please.”
Anakin crosses his legs as Obi-Wan does. Nervousness winds his core tight, makes his back rigid and ramrod straight. Obi-Wan is near him, both in physical presence and in the Force, his signature pulsing with the light of sunrays through butterfly wings.
“Relax, Anakin. Loosen your muscles”—his warm hand traces across Anakin’s back from shoulder to shoulder, then down his spine—“and your jaws.” His fingertips brush the hinge of Anakin’s jaws just as he says so. Anakin nearly shivers. It takes him longer than he thought it would, to truly follow those orders.
“...There we go,” Obi-Wan says. He draws back, and Anakin should be glad that the distracting touch is gone, but he feels disappointed instead. “Now breathe in deep. Ah, wait. Do it again, breathe in, deeper, and try to hold it. Yes, like that…”
They spend the next quarter hour or so wrestling with his breathing pattern, keeping it both deep and steady. Anakin goes from counting the beats to counting the breaths to finally not needing to count at all. And then when he thinks he’s gotten the hang of it…
“Let go? You mean I shouldn’t focus on my breathing anymore?” he asks, puzzled, bordering on frustrated. “But you just told me to be mindful of it.”
“Yes, correct, Anakin.” Obi-Wan sounds unfazed. “Be mindful of the rhythm, and keep it up. You’ve done well so far. Now you must turn your focus inwards, and meet the Force within you.”
Anakin’s eyes slide open for a split second and then fall shut again. He doesn’t understand, but he could just try. This isn’t any difficulty that he needs to bother his instructor with. He nods, and begins again. He begins with his breathing. In, and out. Slow, and steady. And now he must not think about the breaths anymore. Now he must...
The Force within him is a well of ink. Ink that glisten from black to crimson like the blood on his hand. Ink that sloshes and laps against the walls and the echoes turn into screams. A bright white fracture crackles from one corner of his vision to the other. Centipede-like arches of incandescence skitter under his skin. Drip, drip, the blood, no, the ink, it drips and it trails and it tickles his skin. There’s the familiar taste of copper at the back of his tongue, flavors just waiting to burst. Cruel laughter echoes from the bottom of the inky well, and somewhere in the thick darkness there is the outline of a woman’s silhouette, of small but strong shoulders and—
Something warm brushes his psyche.
Warm, but too close. Anakin snatches that tendril without a thought and delves counter-current through Force-realm. He forces himself to the other side, even as something shatters around him. He knows the drill. *Your self-preservation can only come at the cost of others', my boy.* Colors begin to flash, gentle and muted, bearing the fuzzy quality of memories. Sunlight flickers, filigree wings flutter, landing on durasteel grounds. He feels tears on his face and tears in his throat and his forehead is pressed close to someone else’s, someone he loves so dearly—no, not him, someone that the person to whom this mind belongs loves so dearly.
“...proud of you. Carry on, Obi-Wan. Live brightly.”
“Yes, Master.”
There's no silence more thorough than a heartbeat evening out into nothingness. There's no solitude more poignant than the company of a vanishing light. Saying goodbye is never an easy feat, even for a Jedi, and the anger and sorrow he felt—
“Anakin! Stop!”
Anakin jolts awake. A thick, ferric drop trails from his nose, warm on his lips. He opens his eyes and finds Obi-Wan beneath him, wide-eyed. His hands are pressing Obi-Wan’s shoulders into the mattress. Obi-Wan, who was teaching him to meditate, who brushed his mental shields in the process of instruction. Obi-Wan, his teacher. And if all of those images belonged to Obi-Wan…
He just broke into Obi-Wan’s mind.
Anakin scrambles back. The ink, no, the blood, now drips down his chin. It tickles. His teeth clatter as shivers rake up inside him. He clenches his jaws and stares at the ground. The sheets rustle.
“I think that’s quite enough for tonight.” Obi-Wan doesn’t sound angry, just somewhat breathless. Even concerned. Anakin doesn’t believe it. “Anakin, you’re bleeding. Do you need—”
“No.” Anakin staggers to his feet and backs away. Nothing worse than asking for more and becoming even more of a burden because everything he takes is a debt and he will pay for it. His Master always made sure he paid. “No. I’ll—I’ll clean up. I’m sorry. I’ll clean up.”
He stands there just long enough for Obi-Wan to respond - with anything, words, blows, anything. In the end, Obi-Wan only says, “Alright. Please, take care.” Anakin’s eyes flick up to find a grimace. He turns away and all but runs to the fresher, more dismayed than relieved.
Because if the punishment doesn’t come right away, that only means he’s going to have to wait.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
Ahsoka couldn’t stop staring at him.
Vaguely, she knew some things about her lineage, although honestly, it always had felt like it was just her, Anakin and Obi-Wan. She knew a man named Qui-Gon Jinn had been Obi-Wan’s master, and that Anakin sometimes wouldn’t shut up about that guy. She knew that Count Dooku was Master Jinn’s, which was just so weird to think about, especially him being part of their lineage. Or supposed to be. It made some sense, on some level, she supposed, because Dooku had kept complimenting Master Obi-Wan, and she had even heard that the man tried to turn her grandmaster. It sounded ridiculous, Master Obi-Wan ever leaving the Order.
Master Obi-Wan didn’t talk about his own master that much. Apparently, he hadn’t even met Count Dooku until he had left the Jedi and the war was about to start. Anakin had only known Qui-Gon for something of a week and didn’t know him that well, despite the way he talked about him, one would have thought that he was not only Anakin’s hero but also knew him for a long time. She supposed it made sense that Qui-Gon would have had other padawans before her own grandmaster, he had achieved the rank of master and was around the age of sixty by the time he had died.
If Master Obi-Wan knew about Qui-Gon’s other padawans, he didn’t really say anything. Although then again, they had been in the middle of the war. There was not a lot of time for that sort of thing.
She wondered if Master Obi-Wan knew about Feemor.
Somehow, she kind of doubted it.
Ahsoka and Feemor had been sequestered in one of the rooms in the Healing Halls, as the glue on his cut was drying and she was trying to get her mind back in working order. She hadn’t answered him when he said he was Master Obi-Wan’s brother. She had just stared at him for a moment before completely changing the subject. He seemed to get a hint of some kind and didn’t pursue it. He told her that Rex was either prepping for or in the middle of a surgery, that it wouldn’t take very long as it was a rather straightforward and short surgery and explained a little more about the chips that had been in the clones’ heads. It made her sick. If Rex or any one of the 322nd had gotten those orders during flight…if Master Obi-Wan hadn’t warned her…she didn’t want to think what would have happened.
The fact that Commander Cody had attacked Master Obi-Wan seemed insane enough.
She wasn’t thinking of Anakin when she spoke again, and it had been nearly half an hour. There had to be something more to that. Perhaps he had a chip in his brain. Ahsoka couldn’t even imagine a thought on why Anakin would murder children without being forced.
“What do we do now?”
Feemor looked up at her, but he didn’t seem to have an answer. She figured he would suggest going back to the fight. It was a horrifying choice, she didn’t want to fight anyone, much less the 501st. They were her family too.
“We prepare,” a new voice replied, calm and stern.
Both Jedi glanced over. Rex was in his blacks, standing tall with a bandage slapped on the side of his head where the incision must have been. He looked scared and tired but determined.
“What do you mean?” Ahsoka asked.
“They have the near entirety of the 501st legion,” Rex pointed out, grimly. “Even with defensive positions and the defense of the Temple itself, the Jedi can’t hold out forever, especially with most of their warriors being out in the field with the rest of the troopers.”
“Evacuation,” Feemor pointed out, stroking his chin as he glanced at the floor in thought. Ahsoka stared, as it was rather reminiscent of Master Obi-Wan with the same action. “When Obi-Wan contacted Kamino before the battle started, he mentioned that we may have to flee. He also mentioned it when he talked to one of the troopers in the 212th, warning them about communications. I think he was certain we would have to. And I think he is right.”
Rex nodded, even though he had shot Master Feemor a look Ahsoka couldn’t identify. “Us three aren’t going to be a lot of help in the battle itself. We have to trust the leaders who are doing it for the moment to keep the others at bay. But we can get a head start on preparations for evacuation.”
“Obi-Wan’s 212th knows,” Feemor added, gesturing above them. “They are blocking all communications so they can’t get Orders. From what we can gather, the chips are activated when the Sith Lord says certain things and then can be activated if a clone trooper is near an activated chip of another. So right now, the 212th is relatively safe. The only problem is, I don’t think we will be able to contact them. If they followed Obi-Wan’s instructions, there is only one clone with communications, and I don’t think he will accept anything from anyone but Obi-Wan.”
“Let me guess,” Rex said in some sort of tone that was a mix of amused and flat. “Waxer or Boil.”
Feemor blinked. “Uh…Boil I think.”
“Knew it,” Rex muttered with a faint smirk. Given an odd glimpse, Rex just shrugged. “Pretty sure those two are General Kenobi’s favorites.”
“We should contact Jesse and the 332nd,” Ahsoka added, quickly. She already got up from her cot, a little dizzy, but continued to move. “We may still be able to save them.”
Feemor shrugged. “Alright. I’m sure Master Healer Che would be okay with us using her office for a holocall,” he continued, following Ahsoka into standing. Without another word, he turned towards the door. It took a few minutes to find her office – Ahsoka didn’t really know off the top of her head, but they did.
Ahsoka clicked in the number for her ship, Jesse and Echo’s forms popping up in the signature holo blue. “Commander!” Jesse greeted. “You just took a shuttle and hightailed it out of here. What happened? Were you going after Maul? You should have brought back up!”
Feemor glanced at the young togruta. “No. I didn’t go after Maul. Jesse, have you gotten any communications from anyone planet side?”
“No, sir. We blocked communications like you ordered. We weren’t entirely sure what you wanted after you left,” he admitted. “What is happening?”
“No, you did good,” Ahsoka assured. “There is a lot going on down here. I don’t have a lot of information but there are chips in every trooper’s head’s and the Sith has been using that to brainwash them into killing Jedi.”
Both Jesse and Echo’s face fell as they stared at her wide-eyed. “Tup.”
“Fives was right then,” Jesse whispered.
“It appears so,” Ahsoka replied mournfully. “It seems the orders are transferred verbally from a single source and then passed on as one chip is activated, they all do according to proximity.”
“We need to get them out,” Echo hissed.
“I agree but things are…bad down here.”
“Bad?” Echo questioned, warily.
Ahsoka hesitated but Feemor answered for her. “The 501st legion is laying siege on the Temple, killing Jedi.”
No one said a word for a long minute.
Feemor continued, speaking in the silence. Ahsoka didn’t know what to say, how could she? “We are going to be evacuating once we can press the troopers back and have an opening. You need to be ready to flee when it happens. I’m very sorry but if you stay, the Sith will enslave you.”
“I understand, sir,” Echo’s voice was quiet and soft. “We will be ready for your communications and ready to come down and help if necessary.”
“Thank you, troopers,” Feemor replied. “We wanted to warn you about this before anything happens. A lot of soldiers are activated but please, don’t give away your location. We can’t help your brothers without a plan, and we don’t have enough people to do anything yet.”
“Understood, sir,” Jesse muttered.
“We have to go,” Ahsoka finally chimed in. “I will contact you soon.”
The holo blinked out. “I know that was hard, Ahsoka,” Feemor said quietly. “And we will save as many as we can.”
“We have supposedly been trying to do that for the entire war,” Ahsoka grumbled bitterly.
Rex came to the rescue. “We should move.”
“We should rescue Anakin.”
Feemor’s head snapped so fast, both nearly thought he would break it. “Save him?” he asked, with emphasis. Rex tried to get them through the door and out of the office. He mostly succeeded. “What does he need saving from, Ahsoka?”
“I think he might be chipped,” she replied, a bit defensively.
“You think he might be chipped.” Feemor echoed, flatly.
It appeared Rex didn’t really know where he was leading the two Jedi, but all he knew is that he needed to get them moving.
“Yes,” Ahsoka pouted, her lip curling. “He was my master. I know him. He would never do something like this.”
“He is leading a massacre on the Temple, against the Jedi, against his family,” Feemor added. Rex shoots an uneasy glance at the both of them, slowly working through the halls.
���He wouldn’t… there must be some explanation.”
“What possible explanation could there be for this?”
“You don’t know him!” Ahsoka snapped.
“You’re right. I don’t,” Feemor agreed, fighting to remain calm. Tensions too high would do them no good, even she knew that. But she was frustrated, and this was much all too difficult for her to understand or wrap her head around. It didn’t make any sense. “But I don’t need to right now. I saw him lead the siege on the Temple. I saw him cut down Jedi like they were nothing. You and I both saw him murder a defenseless youngling and young padawan. They were children,” he pointed out, bluntly. There was no sugar-coating the truth. Rex’s jaw clenched as he looked behind at the two of them again. Feemor shook his head and his voice softened. “This is what it means to be a Jedi, putting others’ lives above that of one, above oneself. You didn’t see the look on Obi-Wan’s face when he had to fight Anakin.”
Ahsoka stared at him, her feet moving without her even noticing.
“He knew,” Feemor shook his head softly. “And it was tearing him up inside. You don’t have to trust me or take my word for it, but you should trust Obi-Wan. He does know Anakin. Better than you.”
She hated that he was right; that if anyone knew Anakin, it would be Master Obi-Wan. He raised Anakin since he was young. But that didn’t mean she wanted to believe it. There was nothing to be said for a few moments before Rex stopped in his tracks and the two jedi nearly ran into him. “What is it?” Ahsoka asked.
“Do you hear that?”
Once they settled into silence, they could hear faint banging against a door. The three of them ran down the halls towards the sound. It became apparent once they got closer, the door moving as someone was throwing themselves at it, furniture and debris blockading it. They all looked at each other curiously. As Feemor and Ahsoka used the Force to move the debris, Rex readied his blasters. The two Jedi swung to the sides of the hall, just out of sight. As the door unlocked and opened, several troopers fell out.
“Good soldiers follow orders,” one of them mumbled.
Rex narrowed his eyes, slamming the butt of one of his guns hard against him, knocking him out. Feemor and Ahsoka ran into the brief fray as well, Ahsoka tangling around one of them to knock him unconscious while Feemor sent a wave of a force suggestion to the others.
“These are 501st,” Rex realized.
“The Jedi have been trying to trap them instead of kill,” Feemor answered. “We should get them to the Healing Halls to get their chips removed. Perhaps they can give us some information on how to stop the attack.”
Ahsoka didn’t look at him for a moment but quickly hooked her arms underneath a body to move it. Rex and Feemor had an easier time but eventually, they had gotten the troopers to the medical rooms. Ahsoka didn’t leave their side as Feemor found a med droid free and practically pushed the droid over.
The surgeries were quick and efficient; it didn’t take much.
When the first soldier came to not a couple of minutes later, he had immediately burst into tears which quickly turned into full out sobbing. Rex looked a little shocked but knelt at the soldier’s side. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay now,” he tried to comfort him. It was to little prevail, as the trooper just kept crying into his hands, his shoulders shuddering and his chest heaving heavily. Feemor reached out towards his presence and projected better feelings. Calm, safe, peace. It only helped a little, as it was enough that the trooper could get himself to speak.
“We thought we could trust him,” the trooper let out, gritting his teeth. He was quaking near violently, trying to gasp in breath. “We thought he cared. About us…but…he…he doesn’t.”
“What are you talking about?”
“What is your name, trooper,” Feemor approached and asked, quietly.
“Your name,” Feemor urged, softly.
“Impulse, sir,” the soldier responded, trying to keep down his cries. The tears still came but the sobs had died down.
“Hello Impulse, my name is Feemor. Can you tell us what you mean?” he asked, keeping his voice soft, although the jedi was fairly certain he knew who the trooper was speaking of.
“General Skywalker,” Impulse winced. “He…he led us on the Temple. We just killed everyone. No one is safe.”
Ahsoka’s face twisted. “He may be chipped or something, like you. We don’t know what is going on,” she tried, quiet and gentle.
The trooper stared at her, wide-eyed. “He was so angry when the Jedi put down ray shields at the doors and he couldn’t get in quietly. And when the jedi there spoke, he got frustrated and lashed out. He took my brother’s head clean off. He was just…just standing there! No one could do anything, no one even could even flinch! His head and helmet rolled to my feet. He was my batchmate, my best friend!”
Rex put a hand on the trooper’s shoulder and muttered quiet apologies but everyone could see his body became as stiff as a board. Ahsoka was nearly in tears as she stepped back, wide-eyed and horrified and Feemor stood up and ushered her away and out of sight of the two soldiers. She shook her head again and again. “It’s not possible.” She sounded more like she was talking to herself than anyone else, trying to convince herself that it couldn't be true. How could it be true?
“We don’t know what is going on yet,” Feemor assured but even he knew he didn’t sound very convinced. Ahsoka was fighting everything. From what she had learned, the chipped clones had been trapped inside themselves, unable to do much of anything outside of orders. Unable to express or speak when wanting too. Anakin seemed to be the opposite. But how could what she knew of Anakin be so wrong? “Is there anyone you can speak to for any insights or answers?”
“Padme,” Ahsoka replied, in realization.
Feemor’s eyes narrowed, confused. “Who?”
“Senator Padme Amidala,” Ahsoka repeated. “She’s a friend to the jedi and Anakin’s friend.”
She said friend like it meant something different. Ahsoka was pretty sure he understood what she meant. Ahsoka bounced back into Che’s office, the older master on her heels. She clicked in another number, but it took a few moments for the youthful face of the Senator to pop up. Her expression washed away into something of relief and joy when she saw Ahsoka. “Ahsoka!” she greeted.
“Padme,” Ahsoka smiled. “I have a lot to ask you and I’m not sure if I have much time.”
Her face turned to confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I’m on Coruscant-.”
“You are? Have you seen Anakin?”
Ahsoka frowned. “You don’t know where he is?”
“He has been acting stressed for the past couple of days. Obi-Wan has seen it too, he came to visit me about him the morning before he left to Utapau. Anakin has been under a lot of stress and having nightmares…I don’t know…”
“Nightmares about what?”
Padme hesitated.
“You can tell me.”
“I’m pregnant, Ahsoka.”
Although Feemor was off screen, he and Ahsoka exchanged looks. He wasn’t nearly surprised as Ahsoka thought he should have been. Did he know?
“He’s been having nightmares about me dying in childbirth,” Padme confessed. “He said he had found a way to save me, even though I told him I wasn’t going to die in childbirth. The likelihood of that, here, is…well, it doesn’t happen. Ahsoka, are you alright? It looks like there is smoke and fire coming from the Temple.”
Ahsoka glanced down. How to explain this. “The clones are chipped and brainwashed. They are leading an attack on the Temple.”
Padme gasped. “How? Why?!”
“The Sith have control over them,” Ahsoka’s eyes darkened at the thought. “But…that’s not all. Padme, Anakin is leading them. He is killing Jedi, masters, Guards…younglings.”
Padme’s eyes widened. “That is impossible, he would never do such a thing. You’re wrong. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t!”
Ahsoka couldn’t meet her eyes, but Feemor caught hers, a silent question passing between them. She steadied herself and looked back up. “I’ve seen him killing younglings,” she whispered, voice hoarse. “I…he’s turned to the Dark Side.”
The Senator just stared. And stared some more.
“My apologies, Ahsoka, someone is at the door. I must take my leave,” her voice was just a bit wavering, but she somehow kept a straight face. Ahsoka opened her mouth to try and stop her, but Padme interrupted her with little emotion aside from a strained voice. “I will call you later.”
Without anything else, she turned off the call.
Ahsoka swallowed. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Twenty Nine
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Chapter Twenty Nine: Trouble In Paradise
Series Masterlist
Plot: The Resistance has been chasing information across the galaxy to confirm the identity of the voice behind the mysterious radio broadcast. Meanwhile, Y/n has been keeping secrets from her loved ones that could have catastrophic consequences...
Warnings: language, intrusive violent thoughts, talk of the death of a parent, no beta reader because we die like men...
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: GAH we’ve made it to TROS. I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of this series...Nope, I’m not getting emotional today lol. Thanks for patiently waiting for this chapter, I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated. Hopefully I don’t disappoint :) --------
I’d joked as a kid that I’d always wanted to float. The concept of hovering above the ground suspended in midair had tickled me, but the reality of physics had crushed that dream quickly. 
So naturally, my inner child was giddy to learn it was indeed possible.
I sat crossed legged, hands resting on my knees, eyes shut, more at ease than I’d been in a long time from seven feet in the air. Meditation had always brought me a deep sense of peace, but diving deeper into a Jedi’s way of performing the act had taken the whole thing to a new level. 
“Be with me…” came a voice from the body that sat adjacent to me. The corners of my mouth lifted up slightly as I listened to Rey try her hardest while still attempting to remain relaxed and open. It was a blessing and a curse to be a perfectionist and a Jedi, you were wildly driven but also would beat yourself up generously if you couldn’t get something. That was Rey to a t. Not that I wasn’t just as devout, but I’d trained myself long enough to know that you couldn’t perfect something overnight. 
“They’re not with me,” she declared with a scoff, “Ugh…”
Rey effectively called an end to our session as I opened my eyes to see her gracefully flip through the air and meet the ground. Her half of the rocks we’d been keeping in the air with us fell while I eased mine down with me, landing in a crouched position. “You’re going to get it.” “I’m not so sure I agree,” she sighed. “I haven’t figured it out either if it makes you feel any better,” I offered with a shrug, brushing the dirt from my leggings. 
Rey made an objective noise, “That’s not true, you can hear your grandfather.”
“Only because he reaches out to me, I’m still not able to hear or see him by my own doing. And believe me, I’m trying…”
“It comes with time and a healthy dose of patience…” said the warming presence I sensed just a few feet away from us. “I’m starting to think it isn’t possible,” Rey stated as we walked toward my mother, “To hear the voices of the Jedi who came before.”
“Nothing’s impossible,” Mom replied simply, she had drilled that phrase into our brains so many times over the past few months that I swore it was tattooed somewhere in my skull.
“Nothing’s impossible,” Rey echoed, a small smile spreading across her face at the encouragement, “I’m going to run the training course. Are you coming?” “No, I ran it earlier,” I said, elbowing her lightly in the arm, “One day I’ll beat you but today was not that day.” Rey was such a humble person, which made it all the more entertaining to watch her try not to take delight in being the best at something. She slyly grinned at me before accepting Uncle Luke’s lightsaber from Mom and heading off towards the start of the course.
Can I go with her? Unless you need me? “No, Bee,” I smiled down at the droid, left in my custody till Poe returned, “You can go with Rey.” He happily rolled his way through the jungle, in search of his friend.
“Any word from the Falcon?” I asked hopefully as Mom and I slowly strolled back towards base.
“Not yet,” she answered, trying her hardest to sound unworried, “It may be too risky to send a comm back. I wouldn’t worry yet.”
“Telling me not to worry only makes me worry more,” I returned, clenching and unclenching my fists in an attempt to relieve some of the tension in my body.
Only a handful of Resistance personnel knew the details of Finn and Poe’s mission. Those who did understood the weight and magnitude of the information they were potentially retrieving. But as with every high-risk mission, bringing back intel meant bringing themselves back, which was a big if…
“Mom, what if it really is what we think it is?” I asked, sounding more like a curious child than a concerned commander, “Worse, what if it’s who we think it is?”
“I wish I had an answer for you,” she sighed, “But the truth is that we don’t know for certain what we’re up against. We’re anticipating and planning in the dark. We can only pray that Poe and Finn return with something that could shed even a little light on the matter.”
Light versus dark, an age old battle with a new enemy for each generation to face. But the same enemy coming back twice? Nobody could have predicted it. And while it was true, we had no official confirmation that the broadcast across the galaxy had been who we believed it to be, those who had lived through the rebellion had no doubts. 
“Do me a favor and let me know when they’re back if I’m not around,” I requested, breaking away from my mother who was heading back towards the command center. I needed a few minutes to myself to attend to matters I couldn’t concern her or Rey with.
“Y/n,” she called and waited for me to face her, “I know you’re scared, but don’t feel like you need to fight your battles on your own.” If only she knew the battles I was fighting and just how important it was that nobody find them out. I hated secrets, I’d spent my entire life keeping them from those who meant the most to me. But the ones I kept now were in a new category of extreme, they were the kind that when all was exposed could ruin every relationship I had. 
So I simply nodded, gave a tight lipped smile and turned back on my way. 
I ended up deep in the opposite side of the jungle, far away from the training course and far enough away from base that nobody would stumble upon me. I scaled one of the large trees with ease, landing on a sturdy top branch and settling onto it. Like D’Qar, I kept a secret corner of Ajan Kloss for myself for when I needed quiet or clarity. But both places where were I faced my demons, only the ones I had now couldn’t be combatted with a lightsaber. Not yet, at least…
I took a deep breath and looked out to the beautiful horizon, inwardly beating myself up for what I was about to do.
“Ren, are you there?”
“Ren, I know you’re there somewhere,” I pushed, trying to open the connection between us once again, “You’ve got to tell me if you know anything about what’s been going on.”
“This isn’t a matter of First Order or Resistance, it’s not about you or I. If this is what we think it is, both of us are fucked so if you know something, I need to know it too.” We hadn’t spoken since the evening of the broadcast, I knew him better than I wished to and knew that any threat to his rule would send him frantically searching for the culprit. Since he’d gone silent on me, I’d reached out often to try and get any information out of him I could. It wasn’t so I could use it against him, it was simply to figure out what we’d be up against. He was the only person I knew close to the dark side of the force, meaning he was the closest to answers I could get. I was toeing a dangerous line and I knew it.
As always, he didn’t answer. Once I’d served my usefulness to him, he’d dropped our frequent communication without so much as a warning. I’d spent so long trying to get as far from him as possible and now that I needed something from him, he was nowhere to be found.
Thoroughly done with myself, I groaned and leaned my head against the tree. “Resistance commander trying to strike conversation with the leader of the First Order…Well done, Solo.” Then suddenly, my mind was struck with an overwhelming pain. I was having another attack.
I stood amongst the familiar flames. 
Bodies were scattered around me, their screams echoing through the air.
My usual y/e/c turned yellow as I stared down at the carnage.
Ren stood near me.
Obi-Wan did not.
“Don’t be afraid,” Ren said in an eerily soft voice, “This is who you were always meant to be.” Another scream, but it wasn’t in the dream.
I clung to the tree with one arm, the other was clutching my head to try and make the pain stop. Taking frantic whimpering breaths, I tried to remind myself that it wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. It was just my nightmare, the one I’d lived through my entire life. It was nothing more.
But then, my grandfather had never not been there. 
And I’d never seen myself as a Sith. 
I decided that was enough for one day, I didn’t know if there was anything else on my agenda but I’d find something. Anything to keep me out of my own head, which was becoming a more dangerous place to be with every passing day…
It was a few hours later, while tucked away with Rey in her corner of the base, that the day took another turn. We were going through the old Jedi texts when Nimi shouted for both of us, “Falcon’s back!”
I groaned in relief, setting my book down and leaping from my seat. Rey and Bee followed close behind as we made our way through the base, but the smoke trail leading back to the ship’s landing area wasn’t a good sign.
Sure enough, the Falcon was in flames. I stopped short at the sight, my beloved ship, my home, burning up. People were flocking to it, some to watch but most to help extinguish the fire. The Falcon was a Resistance symbol and people felt protective over it, it was a legacy.
“It’s on the fire, the whole thing’s on fire! All of it is on fire!” The figure emerging from the chaos typically sparked joy in me, but at the moment of his appearance I found little comfort in his presence. Sensing my anger, Rey stepped forward while I turned my back away from the Falcon and ran my hands over my face trying to keep calm.
“Hey.” “Hey,” Poe greeted.
“There’s a spy?” she asked, I’d admit that I forgot all about the mission in the moment.
“Really could’ve used your help out there,” Poe said loudly over the noise that surrounded us.
“How’d it go?” “Really bad actually…Really bad.”
I inhaled deeply and spun on my heels, my resolve to remain calm fizzling with every word my boyfriend said. “Really? I wouldn’t have been able to tell.” Poe’s hands readjusted themselves on his hips, “Look, you don’t understand-“ “No, Poe,” I raised a finger towards him before pointing to the Falcon, “You clearly don’t understand. What was the one rule I had for taking the Falcon? Don’t do anything dangerous!” “And you don’t understand that I had no choice,” Poe raised his voice, gesturing to the Falcon, “We had First Order on our tails, I did what had to be done.” “And pray tell, what needed to be done to my ship?” I asked, flattening my palms together and pressing my lips together in a faux smile. Poe breathed in to explain before he caught sight of Bee resting in between mine and Rey’s feet. “What’d you do to the droid?”
“What’d you do to the Falcon?” Rey countered.
“The Falcon’s in a lot better shape than he is.” “I beg to differ,” I interjected, my voice raising an octave. “BB-8’s not on fire,” Rey gestured toward the still flaming ship.
“What’s left of him isn’t on fire,” Poe’s eyes widened as he looked down at his droid.
Growing tired of the exchange, Rey cut to the chase, “Tell us what happened.” “You tell me first,” Poe demanded stubbornly.
“I asked you first and you still haven’t given me an answer,” I argued, throwing my hands out to their sides in frustration. 
“You know what you are?” Rey began, a sarcastic smile plastered on her face as she stared down Poe.
“What?” “You’re difficult. Really difficult, you’re a difficult man.” “You, you are…” Poe started, letting his sentence end with a growl as he stalked off to examine Bee. Rey went to greet Finn who swept her in up in a hug
I crossed my arms and rotated my posture to speak in his direction, “She’s not wrong.” “You two aren’t exactly easy to deal with all the time either,” he fought back, not even bothering to face me as he examined Bee, “Buddy, look at you. You’re a mess.”
“I’d be a whole lot easier to deal with if you would tell me what the hell happened to my ship,” I raised a finger to him as he began to inhale, “Do not say one thing about Bee, he lost one part and Rey and I were going to fix him up before you got back.” A roar from Chewbacca, hard at work trying to help fix the Falcon gave me the answer I’d been asking for. We’d officially graduated from anger to rage…
“You lightspeed skipped?!” I shouted.
“Yeah, well, it got us back here, didn’t it?” Poe countered.
“Poe, the compressor’s down,” Rey explained, her face exposing her shock.
“Oh, I know, I was there.”
“Every time…” Finn mumbled to himself as he stood to the side of us. “You can’t lightspeed skip the Falcon.”
Poe sprung to his feet, “Actually, turns out you can.” “Does that mean you should?” I scolded. Finn, ever the peacemaker, tried to calm the three of us down. “All right, guys, we just landed, okay?” “Poe, you are never allowed to fly the Falcon again,” I seethed, “Ever.” “You can’t make that call, she’s a Resistance ship,” Poe objected, coming to stand in front of me.
“She’s my ship that I allow select Resistance members to use, of which you are no longer one.” “Okay, guys,” Finn interjected as gently as he could, “Can you two deal with your issues later and actually discuss the mission?” 
Looking like a child who had just had a toy taken away, Poe silently stalked away from me with no more than a steely glare. The argument was far from over on both our ends.
“What happened on the mission?” Rey asked, changing the subject for all of our sakes as we followed Poe. 
“Bad news, that’s what happened,” Poe explained with his back to us.
“No spy?” 
“No, spy.”
“Can we please communicate like adults for five seconds?” I asked, pressing m hands against my mouth in an attempt to not let my fury fly free. “Did we make contact with the spy or not?” Rey asked, leaving no room for interpretation.
“There’s a mole in the First Order, and they sent us a message,” Finn explained, but Bee decided to interrupt with his own retelling of how he’d gotten his injury which caused Poe to stop in his tracks.
“You dropped a tree on him?” he asked Rey.
“You blew both sub-alternators?” she retaliated.
“No, he did more than that,” I spoke up with a humorless laugh, “He may have caused permanent damage to the Falcon, you could’ve torn the whole damn thing apart.” “Well, you know what, maybe you two should’ve been out there with us!” Poe finally exclaimed, we’d gotten to the heart of the matter at last. “You know I want to be out there with you,” Rey cried, “We both do!” “Yeah, but you’re not. You’re here training, for what?” Poe continued, sighing in disappointment afterwards as he looked between us both, “You two are the best fighters we have. We need you, out there, not here.” Silence had fallen and Poe had successfully gotten in the last word, Rey couldn’t fight any more and Finn didn’t want to. I however had plenty more to say on all subjects discussed and as Poe left us, ordering someone to get R2 into reconditioning, I went after him.
“Did you think that conversation was over?”
“Hoped, yes,” he replied, not slowing down to accommodate me. “It’s like talking to a wall,” I growled, walking double time to catch up to him, “I have told you at least ten times why I’m not on missions right now and yet you still give me shit for it.” “Y/n, you know as well as I do that things are dicey right now and we need our best out on the frontlines,” he stated as we argued through the base, “You and Rey are our best and you’re here training for something and you can’t even tell me what it is.” “How am I supposed to tell you when I don’t know what it is?” I asked, waving a hand between the two of us, “I can sense things that you can’t, you have to trust that what I’m doing is best for the long term.” “Well, then maybe don’t give me so much shit next time something happens to the Falcon on my watch when you’re not there and I’m doing what’s best for the long term.” My feet stopped but Poe’s didn’t, causing me to have to speak louder. “You really don’t understand why I’m upset, do you?” He swung a foot around and pivoted, he was visibly tired but still willing to listen. If only the sight of him didn’t fill me with so much anger…This wasn’t how his returns usually went.
“That ship is the last piece of my dad that I have,” I began, willing my voice not to crack, “I don’t have his wedding ring, his jacket, I don’t even have a picture of the two of us. I have the Falcon,” I pointed back in its direction, smoke still rising high above the trees surrounding it, “That’s it. So when it comes back in pieces, you’re right, I’m going to be upset and I’m not going to apologize for it. Because I know if you still had your mother’s A-Wing and someone so much as got a scratch on it, you’d never forget it.”
Poe kept quiet, his softening eyes betraying his hardened stare. I’d won, but it certainly didn’t feel like it. “I’m gonna go try and save what’s left of my father’s ship,” I finished, breaking into a jog back towards the Falcon before Poe could see the tears in my eyes.
Grease stained, sweaty and reeking of oil, I finally emerged from under the Falcon with Chewie at my side. She’d be fine, but it had taken a lot of hands to get everything repaired. Poe had done more damage than I’d ever seen done to her, it truly was a miracle they’d made it back alive.
“Can you tell me something?” I asked Chewie as I rubbed furiously at a splotch of grease on my palm, “Was lightspeed skipping really the only way to get out of whatever was going on?”
Chewie groaned his response, telling me that while he didn’t like it at all, he hadn’t come up with any other ideas as to how to survive the TIE attack.
I sighed, partially from exhaustion but also from lingering frustrations, “So do you think I’m being too hard on Poe? I mean, I’m pissed that he did this to Dad’s ship but…if it was the only way to stay alive then…”
My honorary uncle agreed that Poe had probably done the right thing, but by no means was he pleased about what happened to the Falcon. Chewie was just as protective of the Solo family ship as I was.
I hummed in reply as I thought the day’s events over, wondering how much worse it was going to get at the briefing that was only moments away. The intel Poe and Finn had brought back had been being decoded all afternoon and now we were finally going to find out what had been discovered. If the rest of the day had been any indication of how the briefing was going to go, it wasn’t going to be good.
I weaved my way through the growing crowd underneath Tantive IV, scanning faces till I found my mother. When I spotted her, there was no way to get to her. I also was in no condition to stand at the front of the entire Resistance, I’d probably have black oil stains on my skin for days. I slipped in between Connix and Snap, patting the pilot on the shoulder as I took my place.
Poe stepped forward once everyone had assembled, he’d been tucked away in the command center all day during the decoding process. Just before he started speaking, his eyes sought me out for the first time since our argument. All anger had drained from his face, replaced with concern and confusion. I furrowed my brows, silently asking what was wrong from across the crowd, whatever he’d heard had been troublesome…
“We’ve decoded the intel from the First Order spy and it confirms the worst,” he paused to look down and sigh, “Somehow, Palpatine returned.” I wished I could have said I was surprised.
Mom and I caught each other’s eye, our worst suspicions having been confirmed. It was another moment where I realized fairness didn’t exist for some people, one of them being her. My mother had already fought a war against the Emperor, she’d lost her home in the crossfire, and somehow he lived to give her more sorrow. My heart ached at the hardened, yet vulnerable, look that flashed across her face.
“Wait, do we believe this?” Rose asked from her position near me.
“It cannot be, the Emperor’s dead,” Admiral Aftab exclaimed. “Dark science,” Beaumont explained, his eyes widened with shock, “Cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew.” “He’s been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years,” Poe continued, “The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known. He calls it the Final Order. In 16 hours, attacks on all free worlds begin. The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions. On a world called Exegol.”
R2 started chirping frantically from behind me.
“Exegol does not appear on any star chart, but legend describes it as a hidden world of the Sith,” 3PO translated to the group.
“There were always whispers of his hunger to cheat death,” Beaumont said with a shake of his head. I hadn’t heard of cloning having been done since the formation of the clone army decades before. It all seemed like an explanation you’d find in a children’s storybook, but it was our reality.
Mom had gone to stand next to Poe, conversing on how Palpatine had been pulling the strings since the very start of our problems, as we swallowed the information amongst ourselves. I didn’t know where I fit into any of what was going on around me, all I knew was that I needed to be at the helm of the fight. The something that I’d been training for was upon us and after hearing the details, I knew it would be uglier than I’d imagined.
“If we want to stop him, we must find him,” Maz said to the group, “We must find Exegol.” “General, Commander Solo?” Rey interrupted, I hadn’t even noticed she’d slipped away and returned, now carrying a book under her arm, “Can I speak with you both?” I nodded before snaking my way through the crowd, me and Mom followed her back to her station where she laid out one of the Jedi texts for us to see. “I know how to get to Exegol,” she said confidently.
“Tell me,” Mom urged as my eyes skimmed the pages of the dusty book Rey had poured over. “Luke searched for it, for a long time. He nearly found it. There are ciphers here I can’t read but he said to get there, you need one of these,” she pointed to a small triangular object, “A Sith wayfinder. They’re compasses that lead the way to Exegol. To stop what we both know is coming…I need to finish what Luke started. Find Exegol. Find the Emperor.” “She’s right,” I endorsed my friend’s idea wholeheartedly, “If Uncle Luke made it this far, he’s already done half the work for us. Look, it says the last place he’d been when searching for one was on Pasaana. This is our shot at stopping this.” Mom regretfully shook her head and shot us down with a single syllable, “No.”
“We don’t exactly have any other options,” I said confusedly, “We’ve got a set course right in front of us, we need to chart it.” “I don’t want to go without your blessing, I can’t speak for Y/n, but I will,” Rey said with conviction in her eyes, “I will. It’s what you would do.”
I watched expectantly as we awaited Mom’s answer, knowing that we both made too much sense for her to say no again. The good news was if she did, we didn’t technically need her permission. I owned my own ship and I didn’t need to order Rey to come with, one way or another we were getting to Pasaana. 
“You two can go,” Mom finally relented, “But I hope you both understand just how critical this mission is. There’s no room for error, we have a little over one day to stop the attack.” “And we will,” I quickly assured her, “There’s nobody more suited for this task than us.” “I can’t argue there,” Mom admitted with a sigh, looking up proudly at her two Padawans, “Get what you need, you’ll leave immediately.”
A/N: And we’re off once again...Hope everybody enjoyed this one, we’ve got a lot in store for these last few chapters. Hopefully I can still surprise you all a little lol. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged.
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madmiriam · 3 years
My Mando (Din Djarin) /oc's backstory idea (includes alot of rexsoka shipping)
Warning!! : I can't spell for toffee and Tumblr deleted all of my proofreaders edits. Obviously she doesn't want to do it all over again so I've had to make do.
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(a clan of three by madmiriam (Me)
We all love the mandalorian, Din Djarin is so sexy as single dad and we all love him for it. But this makes it hard to write and engageing original character to go with this perfect specimen of a man, one that we can really connect with. Well I have a salutation, to connect with a character it helps if that character is also connected to a character/characters that you already know and love. So I give you my original character Jaig.
Like the picture above, originally I wasn't going to have Din and Grogu in it at first but I have a habit of making life difficult for myself, so your welcome.
As an adult, she's calm and patient and has a sarcastic sense of humour.
As a child, she has a bubbly personality, a contagious smile, and an insatiable curiosity.
she finds it difficult to truly hate anyone, no matter what they've done, she proffers to look at the reasons behind the actions of others before jumping in for revenge, that's not to say she doesn't get angry at people, but her anger is not fuelled by hate. She has been fully trained in the use of weaponry, such as guns, granaids and other such, and has had a small amount of training with a lightsaber when she was younger. But afters a experiencing a tragedy at the age of 9 she hasn't touched one since, she proffers the us of DC hand guns. She is also a fairly good pilot and mechanic.
back when she was a child she had a hard time using the force when when overwhelmed. If the thoughts and feelings of others got to much, she would become force blind. When she grows older, (for certain reasons you will find out later on in. This story) she completely cuts herself off from the force. Unless her emotions get to much go handle, then the force would almost explodes out of her. She also doesn't do well when she's alown. Having grown up in various large family atmospheres. If she is not around people she cares about and loves, she will become closed off a dipressed.
Back story: (now bear with me, this storyline is set before she meets Din, its just an introduction to this character)
Jaig (due to her small Jaig eye like markings, and her father's personal connection to the simble) is the daughter of ex jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano and her mate/husband Captain Rex. She looks mostly human like her father, with the same amber eyes and his family's dark hair. But with the same facial structure of her mother, and a slightly darker and olive tinged skin tone. She also has distinct white making that were almost identical to her mother's. Except instead of diamond shapes on her forehead, she has jaig eye like markings. She was born 6 years after the clone wars ended, while her parents were on the run from the empire. Rex and Ahsoka had found it impossible to part from one another after the events of order 66, and after travelled from place to place avoiding the empire for a long time. Their feelings for one another grow, and they eventually married through the use of mandalorian marriage vows.
They built a home in the stars, and after a few years, to their great surprise and happiness they conserved and had Jaig. Things were finally looking up with the birth of their new found hope for the future.
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(Their new found hope for the future/baby Jaig by madmiriam (me)
But it was not to last. It was hard enough to hide themselves, a clone and a ex jedi from the empire. But now adding a force sensative baby to the mix as well, it made it damn near impossible for them all to stay together. Which; after a terrifying encounter with one of the Empires Inquisitors, forced them to make the difficult decision to part ways. Rex would head off insearch for a new home and hopefully find and de-chip as many brothers as he could. While ahsoka would keep traveling around the stars with Jaig. Avoiding the empire and its ruthless inquisitors, whilst trying to help Jaig build up her Shields. They both agreed to keep in touch and once Jaig's Shields were up and safely secure,(which for the average youngling would take 5 years or so) they would rejoin each other and dicided what to do next. But a year after their separation Rex's comms and messeges had stopped all together, and by the time Jaig had reached the age of five and had built up some suitable shields around her mind, neither she or her mother had herd from her father in over 4 years. Her mother was adament he was still alive, but as she grew older Jaig had a hard time believing her. For if he was alive why hadn't he come to find them? Why was he not answering her mothers messages that she still sent on a regular basis?
By the time she was 6 her mother was approached by Bail Organa, in regards to starting a rebellion, and that is what they spent the next 4 years working towards, staying in the shadows gradually building up a resistance to eventually overthrow the empire.
She and her mother met the ghost crew when she was 9 (the same age Anakin had been when he was found by qui gon) and after an uncomfortably close encounter with a mysterious Sith lord called Darth Vader, Jaig's mother disided it was time to bring her father into the fold, and sent Jaig of with the ghost crew to find Rex.
When meeting her father she had opted to wear a scarf to cover her face markings and, chose to withhold her name, and who she was until she found out more about the man who was her father. She was apprehensive about him. As she had no memorie of her dad, for she was only a baby when he left. The only thing she did have, was this warm comforting feeling that she felt whenever her mother spoke of him. A feeling of being held to a large ferm chest in two equally large and ferm muscular arms. Wrapped in a soft wool blanket. Her mother told her that this was the force making an imprint on one of the more emotional moments of her like. But all the same, she proffered to be cautious.
After spending some time with Rex and his bothers. She found her self really enjoying there company. Aspecially her father's. Who dispite having no idea who she was, had already shown that he had a clear paternal instinct. Particularly when teaching her and Ezra how to fish for "Big Bongo". However Kanan who clearly didn't trust Rex or his brothers had spent most of his time hovering around ether her or Ezra protectively, eventually telling them about his exspirence with order 66, an event her mother never talked about.
After seeing the heartbreak on her father's eyes at the memories he and Kanan spoke of. She desided it was time to tell him who she was. But that decision was cut short however when she overheard Rex telling Ezra that he wasn't going to come back with them. Even though he now knew her mother was alive (1 year after separating when the message's stopped he thought both his wife and child to be dead) Jaig ran of in tears when hearing this. She climbing down the ladder of the the AT-TE and walked ferther in front of the walking monstrosity. Away from everyone else. She had finally gotten used to the idea of her father coming back with them. Had become exited by it even. But now, the fact that he was refusing to come with them. Back to his home, his wife, to her. It hurt and overwhelmed her, more than she could say.
She didn't however see what happened after. When Sebine came out and acused Rex of selling them out, of contacting the empire and never answering Ahsoka's messages; at which point he finds out about how Wolfe had withheld all the messages from Ahsoka for 8 years. Thinking he was protecting his brothers from a potentially vengeful jedi. Rex was furious at Wolfe for hiding his own wife's messages to him, and coursing him to miss so much of his only child's life.
Rex: "we have a daughter Wolfe!!! My Jaig, my baby girl doesn't even know who I am because of you!!!"
Wolfe:(was shocked and full of regret when hearing this) "I.. I.. Didn't know... Rex I'm sorry, I didnt know"
Ezra:(recordnises the name) "wait Jaig? you meen our Jaig, Jaigs your daughter?"
Rex: "wait what?"
At this point they hear a shrill scream coming from down in front of the AT-TE. It was Jaig, she was being attact by the prob droid that had been sent by the empire.
The clones immediately go into action. Rex is handed a rifle and gets ready to shoot the prob as it backs his daughter into the ground. His ames and shoots true, killing the droid with one foul shot and then quickly dashes down to retrieve his daughter from under the sparking remains of the droid.
Jaig is in hysterics at this point. Having been taken by surprise by the droid along with the emotional turmoil of potentially losing her father all over again. She then resigned herself to just sit there and cry over how foolish she was for even seeing the attack coming. But now she was being held in the familiar strong arms of her father as he held his only child for the first time in over 8 years.
Rex: "I'm here sh shh, I'm here Ik'aad senaar (baby bird, a nickname he gave her as an infant) daddy's here, daddy's got you"
He says carefully stocking her familiar dark brown hair (that was now flowing free as her scarf had fallen loosely around her shoulders, revealing her beautiful face to her father who's eyes were now brimming with unshed tears) to calm her down as he picking her up and takes her back to the AT-TE. Where the others are waiting with bated breaths. Wolfe was holding a blanket out to wrap his shacking niece into and Gregor quickly dashing off to get her a hot chocolate hoping to make her feel better.
Jaig: "I was angry. Upset. You said you weren't coming home and, then everyone felt so angry and scared all at once. It was to much. (sighs) I have a hard time controling the force when I get overwhelmed like that. I couldn't even sence the prob. I'm. I'm sorry"
She exsplans after she sits down and has a few sips of the hot chocolate that had been placed in her hands. Accompanied a number of comforting back rubs from both her father and her uncles.
Wolfe apologies to her. Explains that he's the reason her father had been out of her life for so long. That he was just trying to protect his brothers but ended up hurting his other family because of it. And tells her he understands if she hates him.
Jaig: "your Wolfe aren't you? Uncle Wolfe? Mum (she has a slight clone like accent that they haven't noticed before) told me about you, said you worked with Grandpa Plo"
Wolfe: 😳"Grandpa Plo? 😂 Boy he would have loved to have herd you say that"
He said, both of them smile at each other, Jaig having forgiven her uncle for his laps in judgment.
All seemed well again until the empire calls them back to get the clones to hand over the rebels. The clones now fueled by the new found need to keep their new family out of harms way, tells the empire where they can stick it, and quickly try to usher the ghost crew along with Jaig into the phantom so they can escape While they all get ready to fight.
Jaig: "but I just found you, mum told me to bring you home, I can't leave you behind, da.. Please don't go"
She says clutching at his shirt as he huged her tight before holding her out to face him,
Rex:"no one's abandoning anyone. Jaig look at me (tilting her head to look. Into her eyes, eyes that matched her father's) we're soldiers Ik'aad senaar, this is what we were born to do, but this time we have something to fight for.. Its going to be OK, (presses his forehead against hers) I love you my Jaig eyes, I've loved you from the I first held you. Ha you were so tiny. I didn't want to let you go back then and I don't want to do it again now, but like last time it's something I have to do, to keep you safe, my Ik'aad senaar, (kissed her forhead lovingly) tell your mother I'm sorry I couldn't make it home, and... And I love her ok."
He says before sending her back into the phantom, closing the door behind her before she can stop him.
Things then pan out like it does in the show, the phantom goes back to help the clones take down the walkers and Rex then decides he's not gonna spend any more of time away from Ahsoka and Jaig and choses to return with them and join the rebellion.
The reauion between Rex and Ahsoka continues the same, but insted of just a hug Ahsoka goes in for the kiss (how it should have always been in my opinion).
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(this art work was done by @nottonyharrison (please note: this image was used with the permission of the artist,) please go check them out, as you can see their art work is stunning)
They spend most of there time with the ghost crew, Ahsoka makes the Ghost her base to return to after missions, and Rex teaching combat and war strategies to both Ezra and Jaig, but mostly to Ezra, Jaig was; in his opinion still to young to get to deep into the oncoming war.
Rex:"let her be a kid for a little longer at least".
Jaig and Ezra had eventually become good friends, Jaig looking up to him as something of an older brother, following him every where he went like a little shadow. At first Ezra was annoyed, and try to get away from her at every turn. But after a while he found he quite like having someone look up to him for a change. As before her, he had been dubed the baby of the group with the most to learn. But now he had Jaig hanging on his evey word like it was gold. He found he enjoyed the new found responsibility.
Unfortunately with her shadowing Ezra so much. This meant she got into all kinds of trouble with him. Trouble that mostly involved them running down the corridor with an angry Zeb chasing after them. Zeb really didn't seem to like Jaig very much. Said it was like having two Ezras, and one was quite enough. However other trouble also included a short but terrible trip to malachor, where after being told she can't come along she choses to stow herself away on the phantom in the small rashon hold built into the floor, shielding her mind from her mother as they flow through space.
Ahsoka: (on a call to Rex) "well I definitely out rank you😉... 😟How Jaig doing?"
Rex: "welp she's not happy, she gone and hidden herself in one of thoughs little critter caves again, I'm making her favorite tonight so I know she'll show up by dinner time, but all the same😔..."
Ahsoka: "hay don't take it to heart Rex, you and I both know this is how she deals with being left behind for anything, she finds a small place to hide and sulk it out, just be ready with a plate of nuna and a hug and she bounces right back😄🙁 when she comes out tell her I love her, and I'll be home soon"
Rex: "I will🙂😟... May the force be with you" they hang up.
It's Ezra who ends up finding her, just after they land. Pointing her out to a stressed out Kanan and a very cross Ahsoka,
Ezra: "ummm guys, I think we have a stowaway",
Jaig: "before you get mad..... consider being proud of me, I stayed still for hours in there AND I shielded my mind the whole time, so you non of you even knew I was there"
Ahsoka: "DON'T push it young lady😠what were you thinking!! Your fathers gonna be worried sick!!!! 😤😔 welp since there's no turning back now, the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get you back home and thoroughly grounded for a year"
The rest again plays out the same, they find Maul, Maul blinds Kanan, they get the sith holocromb but lose Ahsoka in the fight with Vader, though after seeing Jaig who looks so much like the little snippy girl from his old life, the Anakin in Vader hasitates to kill ahsoka and her child, and insted trys to convince the unwavering togruta to join him with her daughter.
Vader:"the galaxy shall never be safe for her Ahsoka, join me and I can protect her from the emperor. Join me and we can over throw him... Together"
Ahsoka: "how can I trust anything you say. If you were truly Anakin then how can you protect my daughter when you can't even protect yourself"
Jaig: "MUM!!!! MUUUMMMM!!!"
Ahsoka looks at her daughter running to her as the walls of the sith temple come down,
Ahsoka :"I'm sorry Jaig"
She say quietly as she force pushes he child into Ezra outside the temple as it fall around her and Vader out of the site of her family.
When all is quiet and Vader emerges from the rubble, after failing to find his former apprentice, the Anakin in him vows that he will not fail her child, he will do everything in his power to insure his master never find her, even if he has to hide her away himself to do it.
When Kanan, Ezra and Jaig return to base, Rex is in hysterics asking around.
Rex:"have you seen Jaig? Has anyone seen my baby?, its been over two days.. I can't find her..!!."
Jaig:"DADDY!!! 😭"
Rex turns to see her running out of a newly landed phantom in tears. Now knowing exactly where she'd been he quickly runs to her and scoops her up in his arm clucking her close to his chest in relief that she was home.
Rex:"you.. Are going to be the death of me, hey sh shshsh hey, hey what's the tears? what happen? where's your..? ."
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(a father's comfort, ruff drawing by madmiriam (me)
He couldn't finish the sentence as he looked around and sure two other people emerging from a now empty ship, neither one of them was his wife. Ezra looked him in the eyes and with out saying a word, he knew. He knew Ahsoka, his Ahsoka was gone. He closed his eyes, sheding one silent tear as he held his girl tighter, and slowly carried her away, away from the crowd, but not away from the heartache.
After the loss of her mother, Jaig's once bubblie personality had diminishes somewhat. She refuses to leave the side of eather her father or the members of the ghost crew. She goes on a few missions with them and liston to every word her father says about ways of fighting, fighting to protect herself and the people she loves. Before heading to a mission on geonosis he gives he one of his old DCs. (its twin had been lost in battle during the clone wars and he had gotten a replacement pear, but he had always kept his first well maintained in case he ever needed it)
Rex: "I know it's no lightsaber, but if will keep you and the others safe when used properly"
Jaig: "I don't want a lightsaber any more, 😔sabers get you killed"
Rex: " not all of them Ik'aad senaar" he sighs kissing her forehead "not all of them".
But even this would not last. When it came time for the empire to attack chopper base. Vader sends his own secret troops of undercover purge troopers to find and retrieve Jaig, and to also fake her death so both the empire and the rebels would not come looking for her. This of corse left Rex in his lowest point yet. After watching the ship he had put his daughter on to be evacuated blow up before it even left the ground. He found it hard to not simply drop all his defences and just calming walk into the flames after her. If it hadn't been for Zeb he probably would have. These kind of thoughts invaded his mind so frequently after that day, it was hard to remember when they didn't. He had lost both his wife and now his child. His hope and his reason for fighting were gone, and he wanted to go after them. But he couldn't. Not while there were still people to fight out there, the people who took everything for him and was still grabbing for more. People who his wife started this whole rebellion to fight against. No, he would keep fighting, as long as there is still even one imperial still left alive he would live and fight, until every last one of then were wiped out of existence. (that's gonna take a while)
Meanwhile Vader and Jaig finally meet properly face to mask. Jaig is having a hard time counselling her fear. But Vader was also having difficulty concealing his pain. Pain that had lingered since the moment he had emerged from that crumbled down sith temple, with no sign in the force or otherwise of his once padawan,. The last family he thought he had, that had not betrayed him, who had(once she had seen his face underneath his freshly cracked mask) said she wouldn't leave him, not again. But she had left him, not by her own design he knew, but she had left him all the same. And she had also left a child behind, a child like the one Padme would have given him if it weren't for both the sith and the jedi.
The jedi, who had forced his hand in turning to the dark side, by telling him he should just let Padme die for the good of the galaxy. The jedi who had abandoned his padawan, his little sister, his first child (if he could go so far as to say) in her time of need, and then exsept her to come back all smiles, acting as though her whole ordel was just a trial to prove herself to them. When it was them who should be providing themselves to her.
And the sith,. The sith who had manipulated him from day one to become what he is now, the sith who had taken every thing he had, his wife, his child, his brother/father figer, his little sister/daughter and his friends. The clones. His home all gone for the sake of his masters new empire😡. Yes he new this had been his master's plan all along, the war the clones, the inhibitor chips. All to gane more and more power for himself and to distroy the jedi in his wake. Dragging Anakin down into the darkness with him, and he would do the same thing to Jaig given the chance. Vader could feel the raw power of the force rolling of her, the energy mix with her fear would be a prime canderdate for Sidious's manipulation, should he ever discover her existence.
No!!! That would not happen, neither the sith or the jedi would have her, he would not alow it.
Jaig:"I know who you are.. I know what you did... You tryed to turn my mother before killing her, but you wouldn't turn me, you hear me, I.. Will.. Not... Turn"
She says her voice shacking with her body in fear.
Vader:"no... You will not..."
Jaig: "then why am I here? I haven't done anything to make you hate me.... At least... I don't think I have"
Vader:"I do not hate you Jaig, like your mother, much to my masters great..... disappointment... I could never hate you"
It was true. He couldn't hate her. Couldn't bring himself to hate her. But he couldn't love her either. He had no more love left in him to give. But he could protector for the sake of someone he had loved.
Jaig: confused "then.. Then please let me go, I won't tell anyone if that's what your worried about, I just want to go home, I want my dad, please I just want my daddy😰"
Vader: "you father's fate is.... Regrettable. However it is a necessary evil, it is emperative that he believes you to be dead"
Jaig: "why what did he do to you? what did any of my parents ever do to you?!"
Vader: "as shocking as it may sound, these actions are not done out of hate. You will know this soon enough but for now, I must focus on getting you as far away and as hidden as possible" he then calls in a trouper with red and black armor.
Vader: "CC-2224 I trust your men are ready"
Cody: "ready and awaiting orders.. Sir"
Cody says through gritted teeth not bearing to even look at his once general's masked face.
Vader:"good, I trust the surgery was a success for all of them?"
Cody: "yes.. Sir.. Though we are all having adjustment issues due to recent ... and.... less recent events"
Vader: "thoughs... issues.... had better not interfere with the performance of your mission commander, you and your men have been chosen for one reason and one reason only, and it is for your loyalty to her safety. I can feel your hatred for me commander Cody (Cody inhails sharply at the sound of his name) but I also know enough about you and your brother's to know that they will not let this anger get in the way. I trust you all know the consequences that await you should you fail"
He ignites his blood red saber to put more emphasis on his point.
Cody:"yes sir"
Vader:"very well, now take her and go, and protect her with your life, I shall make my own way back to base as some as I can, her training with began immediately after my return, so be sure to proper her, but until then you already know what to do".
Cody noded before walking over to Jaig, then bent down and gently but fermly lifts her out of her seat, and quickly carry her out of the cell, down the hall and, through the, docking Station towards a unmarked referbished gunship.
Jaig: "where are we going? "
She said with a soft whimper. She was relieved to be away from Vader but still felt apprehensive with the idea of being taken away yet again in the arms of this.. Purge trooper, at lest she thinks it's a purge trooper, she had never seen one before so she could only guess.
Cody: "sh sh it's gonna be OK little one, I'm taking you some were safe, but we have to hurry now"
Cody: "no one on this ship other than Vader knows we're here and we have to keep it that way kid"
Jaig:"why would you need to hide from your own men"
Cody:"cuz you never know whos watching, I'll explain more when we get off this ship and into hyperspace"
Once they were on board the gun ship, that had been modified to acomidate long period space travel. The modifications included everything from comfortable seating to a working hyperdrive. Cody set her down in one of the seats and strapped her fermly in before heading to the cockpit, leaving her now surrounded by four more purge troopers (hardcase, fives, dogma and waxer, who I'm gonna say lived, cuz I have attachment issues, boil is in the cockpit piloting the ship) who are all looking at her intensely through their helmets. (hardcase and fives are in borrowed discises, after Fives finds out about the chips he and hardcase desert the army and decide to strike out on their own to try and find out more about the chips and their perpose, unfortunately they were too late to do anything about it before oder 66 happened. They have been on the run ever since, until Vader aproches them, informing them that he has been keeping tabs on them, and had been insuring the empire believes them both to be dead, and tells them of the mission, they agree to help because it's Rex and ahsoka's daughter they'll be protecting, but only under the condition the they only report to a de-chipped Cody and all other clones included in the mission must also be de-chipped as well. Vader had agreed to this as he was going to have their chips all removed anyway, to prevent any itchy trigger fingers being near his new force sensative)
Once they're in hyperspace Cody returns to the main area of the gun ship, where the other clones are crowed around a frightened looking Jaig
Waxer: "is this her? Wow she looks so much like her mum"
Fives: "she has our eyes though, our wonderfully handsome eyes"
hardcase: "and out hair, Ha!! I knew Rex's hair wasn't naturally blonde😂"
Dogma:" technically Hardcase, her hair being brown isn't proof that his is to, she could have just gotten the hereditary Jango gen of dark hair"
Fives:"aww suck the fun out of it why don't you"
Cody: "guys back up, give her some space, your freaking her out, and take off your buckets, I don't think they're helping"
When their buckets were removed Jaig was shocked to see five versions of her father's face looking down at her, all old and a little worse for where's, but all very much clone. She recordnises three of them from her father's holopad.
Jaig: "Fives?"
Fives:😃 "yeah! Yeah kid, that's me your☝️ Uncle Fives (he kneals down taking her hand in his, giving it a quick squeeze, before turning to Cody) she recordnised me first that must kill you😁"
Cody: 😠 "only cus you have a, dirty great 5 on your forehead You Di'kut"
He said before knealing down in front of her
Cody:"hey kid, sorry I couldn't introduce myself earlier, I'm your.."
Jaig:"Uncle Cody"
Cody:😁 "yeah kid (to Fives) SEE!! over there are your uncles Dogma, Waxer, Hardcase and back there in the cockpit is your uncle Boil, I know your probably not used to this many of us, but there's more we're we came from where we're going, though they live un a different fasilaty to ours, but every single one of them would be whiling to keep you safe if they knew. So you don't have to worry, we're not gonna let anything happen to you"
Jaig "but Vader.."
Cody: (places both hand at the side of her head and looks her dead in the eyes) "isn't going to TUCH you, not if we have anything to say about its, he may be our sponser, and he will be coming round every so often to check on you and train you. But you'll have several hundred or so uncles on the planet ready and waiting with fully loaded blasters should he ever try to hurt you, us 6 especially as we're the only clones there that know about you yet and we're gonna be living under the same roof, as you and one of us will always be close by to help you. OK kid, it's all gonna be ok (he says hugging her) your safe now"
Jaig: "but I don't want to be trained by Vader, I said I wouldn't turn and I meant it"
Cody: "it's alright, its alright. The one thing Vader has assured us of, is it he will not be training you in the dark side. And judging by the amount of effort he's putting into keeping you hidden, I'm inclined to believe him. He told us that you must block your self off from the force, what ever that means. Which is what he's going to show you how to do. Apparently it's the only way to keep the emperor off your scent. But like I said, one of us is always gonna be there should he try anything"
Fives:"yeah we'll look out for you kid, I know you miss your dad, and we're pretty poor substitutes, but we're here for you all the same"
Hardcase:"and we're not leaving anytime soon"
Dogma: "well not if we can help it"
Jaig "but where are we going?"
Cody: smile "to the closest thing we clones have to a home... Kamino"
Kamino had changed over the years, once the emperor had ordered to stop to any more clones creation. The cloning fasilaties had been abandoned by the kaminoans, along with all the rest of the untrained cadets who were all shipped of to the mustafa system to be trained and bred as the empires elite force of purge troopers.
The cloning facilities were left to the old now retired clones, to live out their days away from civilisation, many now wolowing in sadness and regret for their actions under the influence of their now un activated inhibitor chips.
The place Jaig and her other uncles were heading, was just a few hundred miles of from the main cloning compound. It had been kitted out with everything they might need, weaponry, shields, a food station, bedrooms, a bunkhouse, a training ground, and a shooting range. The only beings abord were now the clones, Jaig, the cook and the maintenance crew, well I say crew, it consisted of one male Ugnaught named Kuiil and three droid assistants whom he had reprogrammed to help with any and all clean up and maintenance duties.
Jaig would continue to live out there with her uncles for the next 5 years. They would go on to train her with any and all things clone, weaponry, though she had learnt a lot of that from her father's teachings, and the language and teachings of the mandalorian. The boys were insistent that she learn all of what little they knew of their heritage, as they were all descended from Jango, who was of mandolor. Any clone would tell you how proud the clones were of this heritage, and now they had someone to pass it all down to. They even taught Jaig the mandalorian wars songs that they had all learnt as cadets, and the Clone Haka, that had been performed by many clone troops over the years, before battle,. Much to the confusion and quite frankly terror of the B1 battle droids who witnessed them.
Fives: "ha your mum was pritty good at this to"
Jaig: now 12" my mum knew the Haka? "
She said, trying to picture her calm and serene togrutan mother, chanting, stomping and banging her chest along side millions of clones Warriors, all while making different faces and throatle sounds at the droids on the other side of the battlefield.
Hardcase: "oh yeah!! She was a natural, always shouting the chant in her loudest voice and making her scariest war face, like this 🤪😜🤪"
Fives: "and that my dear Jaig, was when your father fell in love🥰"
Vader came over as often as he could spare, when he was sure he couldn't be directed be his master or that anyone following him. Teaching Jaig how to disconnect herself from the force, telling her that if she continues to use it, the consequences would be severe.
Vader:"if the employer was ever to discover you exsisens, he would hunt you down in an instant, and kill anyone who trys to hide you from him. This is why you must never use the force again, and you must never leave. If anyone outside this fasilaty were to learn of your existence, you would be in mortal danger, as would everyone you care about"
Jaig: "but why couldn't my dad come? You could have had both our deaths faked and brought him here with me"
Vader: sighed "he is to mixed up with the rebel alliance, and besides, it was his reaction that sold your death to the universe. A trick I learned from my old master...the hard way"
He said bitterly.
Jaig knew she should hate him, he had taken her from her home, her friends and family. He had taken her mother, and it was because of his foolish decision to trust, a maniac, power hungy, sith Lord, that her family were forced to live in the shadows, and her mother, and father were force into separation when she was just an infant. She didn't like him by any means, she frequently tryed to avoid his at any turn. But she still couldn't feel hatred for him.
Cody: "na that your mother in you, she was never one to hold much of a grudge ether. She got angry at people don't get me wrong but she never hated them. She cryed over the potential execution of a woman who had Framed her for Murder once. And had taken the time to give all her deceased troops, who had tryed to gun her down a funeral. Even though she and your father where now on the run from the empire"
Over the years living there, she became closer with her uncles, or at least most of them. She argued with Boil on an almost daily basis, but they had their moments, she told him and Waxer how she met Numa, who was still fighting for the freedom of her home. She had a difficult time connecting with Dogma. He was very distance from her and didn't talk much. However she did like listening to him read. Dogma who had been a stiff by the book solder his entire life, and had been through so much, found he secretly quite enjoyed the company of his niece. But she spent most of her training with Fives and Hardcase. Both clones always new how to make her smile and told her many stories of her parents during the war, stories not even her parents had told her, (though they never much liked talking about the war), and she had given them a new lease of life, and new perpose. She was probably closest with Cody, he had know her father since they were both cadets, and was determined to teach her everything he knew, but he also showed his softer side with her. There were many a time he would be seen walking down the corridor carrying the young girl who was really getting a bit to big to be held, in his arms fast asleep from a long day.
She had also become quite good friends with Kuiil the maintenance manger, she learnt that he was paying off his debt to the empire through prolonged servitude, he had been in many battles he didn't believe in, until Vader; after seeing his reprogramming skills had, offered him a place on this secret compound. Kuiil had also taken quite a shine to Jaig, she was kind, and eager to learn the inner workings of the machines he fixed.
But yet again, even this would not last. After the destruction of the First Death Star, Lord Sidious had been furious with Vader, he tortured and demoted him. But through his touture he discovered the existence of the child Vader had taken such lengths to keep hidden from him. And through this new information, he devised a plan.
To brake his apprentices even ferther, he would force him to chose, chose between the life of his padawans child, who he had swarn to protect, and the life of his son, that he did not yet know about. But unfortunately for the emperor, he did not bargain for the tactical brilliance of the Clones.
When the empire, came to take the now 15 year old girl, they had already divested their own escape plan. They sent Jaig along with Kuill over to the kaminoan cloning facilities, turned clone retirement home, before the empire even entered the atmosphere. There she was frozen in to carbonite and fastened to the inside of the newly alcoved underbelly of a small one-seater Y wing (to insure the if the empire should come across them she would be well hidden and undetected, Kuiils cover story being that he was delivering supplies to the clones) there Kuiil would then fly far away from any siverlized planet. While, the clones continued to fight and defend the compound as though she was still there, and then proceed to escape themselves, using an old subship left over from the battle of Kamino. But not before bowing the place sky high, making it seem like the empires had fired at the fewl tanks corsing the whole building to be destroyed along with anyone who was inside.
This was not the out come Sidious had wished for, however with the now almost certain death of his ward, Vader plunged ever ferther into the void of darkness and hate. So the desired effect Sideous was planning for was reached anyway.
After being unfrozen from carbonite, Jaig and Kuiil parted ways. She chose to for her father, but it became fruitless. Chopper base had long since been evacuated and the rebel alliance was always one step ahead of her in their attempts to avoid the empire. For 2 years she searched for them, and fought the Empire where she could, until she finally stopped, delving into the belief that what ever family she knew was now gone, she rejoined Kuiil on a deserted planet called Arvala-7, while the galaxy celebrated the fall of the empire. Where for the next 5 years they would both try to live out their lives in peace, working the land and carrying for blurgs, until a mandolorian arrives on their planet, looking for a little green bounty, which starts of a whole new adventure for our now Adult Jaig.
OK guys let me know how I did, and if you would like to see Jaig's adventures with Din Djarin and little green bean Grogu. Let me know. I'm not much of a writer,. But I always got so irratated when reading Din Djarin/oc fics where to make her interesting, they give the oc force powers, with either no build up to it, or she's a run away jedi, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of season 2 were they're trying to find the jedi, so I thought I'd write my own. I wanted to have a character that has both a clear connection to both the mandalorian culture and the force, without making her a mary su. She has a connection to the force. But she can't use it, or control it. Therefore she can't train Grogu to use it. Which would mean they'd have to find the jedi, to help him learn to control his powers. Plus I don't want to just giving her everything with no preplanned reason. So here is my preplanned reason. I know these short scenes and conversations don't really delve much into her personality but that's were you come in. Tell me what you think of her, and what you think she's like as an adult. I wrote a few things like her kind nature and her sarcastic humour. But I could do with some ideas on what you would like to see. Let me know, and...
May the 4th be with you,😉
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winchesterxxi · 4 years
Come Back (Obi Wan x Reader) | PART 1/2
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PART 2 ⇒
Rating: G ( General Audiences )
Type: Angst
Summary: Reader is a Jedi who was wrongfully expelled from the order for experimenting with the dark side, deciding to go under the radar until she felt safe, but refusing to leave until she confesses her feelings for Master Kenobi.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: None 
A/N: It’s a 2-part instead of a one-shot because I’m a brat and I like to work on character development after said character has gone through a life changing moment
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“You’re going to get yourself in trouble for that.”
You and Obi-Wan Kenobi were pacing through the long halls of the Jedi Order’s Headquarters heading for a High Council Meeting. You met a few years ago while he was still a knight and you still a padawan, but your abilities soon became recognized as you quickly advanced in your training, being appointed as Jedi Master at the same time as him.
You often think back to the sleepless nights, years ago, when he would drag you out of your quarters to go practice the use of the force or to simply refine your lightsaber skills. Your orange blade striking against his blue one, clashes rippling through the training room until you were both a sweaty mess. The morning after he’d normally had some sort of mission to go on and you training classes to complete, which made all the more rewarding the nights you’d spend in each other’s company.
That’s what kindled a spark in you for your Jedi friend. His stupid jokes during the most inopportune moments or how his assuring grips on your shoulders after a long training session. Or how whenever he’d come back from a mission he’d run around the building for you, just to let you know how it went.
“Obi, all I’m saying is that if we want to defeat the enemy, we must learn their ways. Learn them, study them, come up with ways to defeat them.”
You stop him in his tracks by grabbing his bicep, forcing him to look at you. And you into his piercing blue eyes, who had since long gained more tiny wrinkles around them whenever he smiled, who right now were begging you to speak quieter.
You’d always notice the small changes every now and then: how his hair was longer than it used to be just a few months ago or how he each and every day gets better at guiding Anakin through the Jedi life. You’d both grown from little padawan friends to…well, Jedi Master friends. It could never be more than that and you knew it. There was a code to follow, and knowing Obi-Wan well enough, you knew he’d stand by that code until his last breath.
Of course, using that as an excuse to look over the fact that you think that there is no way for the ginger to ever look at you in that light. Even so, you couldn’t help but feel jealous of Anakin and Padmé having seemingly broken the Code and gotten married, and everyone just being completely fine with it. You would kill for the chance of something even resembling that.
“That is not the Jedi Way, Y/N.” he cautions you.
“I know. We don’t defeat, we protect. I get that.” You answer him, making sure that the passersby are not eavesdropping on your little exchange. “All I’m saying is that if we can get our hands on a-“
“I don’t want to hear it.” He turns his back at you, walking away and preventing you from saying something you might regret but you are quick to catch up to him, grabbing him by the arm once again.
He huffs in exasperation to the air above, before looking down back at you.
“Obi –“
“No. I don’t want to hear about the Sith, and Maker forbid, I don’t want you even thinking of going near a single one of them.” His brows are furrowed and despite you being at the same rank, it suddenly feels that you are back to your padawan days, being scolded by your Master for using the Force the wrong way or doing a wrong move with your sabre.
“Now,” he straightens his back and his face softens, motioning his head towards the end of the hall and gently touching your lower back, unknowingly to him sending warmth through your body “let’s go before we’re late.”
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Entering the Jedi Council Chamber, you looked around to check that all the remaining 10 members of the Council were in the room, engaged in some sort of chatter that flowed across the air.
Finding two seats across from the entrance, Obi discreetly points in their direction asking for your opinion and you smile up at him, walking to said seats before settling down and before long, everyone did the same, the buzz dying down.
You eyed the Grand Masters chairs confirming the presence of Masters Yoda and Mace Windu in the meeting. But it was then that your eyes skimmed across the other faces, your heart tightening at the realization that they were all, some more visibly than others, looking at you.
Obi-Wan seemed to notice the same as he searched your face for some kind of explanation, eyebrows furrowed only for the same look to be mirrored by your face as you shrugged, seemingly clueless as a heavy silence fell over the room.
“Master Y/N Y/L/N, will you please step into the middle of the room.” Master Mace Windu requests you.
Cautiously, you press your body forward, standing up and doing as instructed, the heaviness of all the eyes in the room weighing on you. Intimidated, your eyes refuse to find any other place that isn’t but the ground, depriving you of seeing the worried look in Obi Wan’s face.
“Many forms treason can take.” Master Yoda speaks in his slow and trembling voice, but at the sounds of the word treason, you are triggered to look up and meet his eyes, a confused and terrified look on your face.
“I’m sorry I don’t…” Yoda lifts one of his hands beckoning you to let him continue and you bite your trembling bottom lip.
“But without a doubt thoughts and personal hidden quests, the most dangerous are.” Your chest starts to tighten and you ball up your hands in fists. There is a long pause as you expect him to keep talking, but instead, it’s Mace Windu who continues the discourse.
“Master Y/N Y/L/N since you were a padawan, you’ve always had something inside of you. Something that refrained you from being a pure Jedi. Yet we dismissed that, focusing instead on how good of an asset you could be to the Order. But I guess that something has been calling your name to the dark side as of lately.”
“What is going on?” Obi-Wan demands, seating forward in his seat, hands ready to push him up to a standing position.
“Quiet, Master Kenobi.” Mace Windu reprimands, sending him a glare, before turning to you and continuing. “Did you, or did you not fly a ship into a Sith hiding temple, spending a full galactic night exploring it?”
Your lips parted and your breathing stopped for a moment. In his seat, Obi Wan’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach and his grip around his seat tightened.
For moments, you don’t answer, head low as you look to your side, meeting Obi’s incredulous stare that once clashes with your own is averted and he is now completely avoiding looking your way. Your eyes start to water and a single tear falls to the floor beneath you.
“Did you, or did you not, Master Y/N Y/L/N?” Mace Windu’s voice is imperative, and you do your best to face him.
“Yes.” Is the only word you manage to get out before the buzz from before restarts and every other council member starts to gossip around and behind you. During those short seconds, you once again look over at Obi-Wan who is still avoiding looking at you, eyeing the ground instead, his face hard and stoic.
Using the force, you reach out to him
“Obi.” He doesn’t look at you but you can see a slight shift in his posture, signalling you that your message is reaching him. “Obi! OBI PLEAS-“ before you can pass any more words between the two, his hand ceasing the connection so that you only hear a sharp buzz.
“Quiet!” Mace Windu’s voice snaps you out of the connection as the gossip dies down, once again.
You were scared – trembling lips and tears rolling down your face, you were scared of whatever was to come as you knew the consequences you were risking when you flew that ship. You were sure you’d be able to come and go undetected as you’d use the Force to stay out of the Flying Tower’s radar but apparently you were wrong.
“I wasn’t going to join the Siths. I was doing it to know what their plans were. You have to believe me!”
“Any form of voluntary contact with the Dark Side the Code breaches.” Master Yoda assesses.
“No, no, no.” You pleaded through teary eyes, taking a sharp breath in “There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. That is the Code!”
“Master Y/N Y/L/N you actively seek to reach for those. By entering a Sith temple you were corrupted by ignorance, chaos, death.” Mace Windu points out to you. “We have no choice but to expel you from the Order and consequentially refrain you from ever coming in contact with the Jedi people, being deported from Coruscant and this side of the galaxy, for eternity.”
“No!” You fall to your knees in the middle of the Council “I swear on my life that I only did it to help us!”
“Useless at this point excuses are.” Master Yoda declares, signalling with his head for a group of Jedi Guards to walk over to you.
“They are not excuses, I – ahh!”  You quickly stand up walking over to the Council Heads but before you could reach them, Mace Windu uses the Force to buckle your knees down to the ground again.
“Take her.” The group of Guards circles your wrist with stun cuffs pulling them up so that you stand. One of them reaches for your belt, taking out your lightsaber and disposing of it to the ground. They force you to walk, grabbing you by both arms, as tears run down your cheeks.
As you exit the room the council members turn to each other to comment on what just happened, but Obi-Wan, finally peering over to where you had been, stands up from his seat and slowly walks over to your fallen lightsaber.
Crouching down, his fingers wrap around the hilt of it, picking it up and looking at the exit of the room. Without another word, he stands up placing your sabre on the opposite side of his own, against his waist and sprints out of the room hoping to catch up to the guards that are taking you away.
“Master Obi-Wan!” Mace Windu call behind him, from his seat.
“Let him.” Yoda assures him, bowing his head down.
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After running down what felt like hundreds of floors, Obi-Wan finally located you as the guards were dragging you to the galactic pods – those whose only function was to fly to the inserted coordinates, destined for people condemned to spend the rest of their eternity as far from the Order as possible, the round vehicles completely empty on the inside except for the chair destined for the convict.
Once you were sat, though still putting up a fight and the pod’s curved glass had closed down, Obi signalled for the Guards to give him a minute.
From the slight distance, you could see him walking towards you, stiff and stoic, a look you’d never seen on his face, but something inside of you was holding on to the hope that he’d come to help you.
Placing your hands against the glass you seat forward calling his name, a smile of relief grazing your features, as he finally steps close enough to the dividing glass.
“Obi - ”
But he cuts you before you could say anything else.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His question was sharp and severe, your body wincing at his words.
“I didn’t want to get you in trouble.”
“Like what you got yourself into?” His words cold and distant, eyes avoiding your own at any cost.
“I was trying to protect you!” you plead, palms pressed against the glass, hoping that thanks to some miracle you could reach out and touch him.
“For Maker’s sake, Y/N why the hell would I need you to protect me.” His eyes finally met yours as he rested his weight, on one hand, pressing against the top of the pod, and for a moment you swear your heart stopped beating. His bottom lip was trembling, unnoticeable to anyone who was not as physically close to him as you were right now, his eyebrows furrowed and hooded eyes down at the other edges in visible pain and disappointment.
Your chest tightened at the sight and you resolved to say what you wanted to. Maybe it’d change his mind, maybe he’d help you. But if you were about to say goodbye to him for the remnant of your galactic life, you knew that you would not be able to live with yourself if you didn’t say the following words.
“I love you, Obi.” Your voice cracks at the beginning but the rest of the words drip out of your lips as if you’d always been saying them.
Obi Wan’s jaw tightens and he straightens himself, head turning to face away from you. Hurt by his reaction, you press harder against the glass, screaming and trying to get him to look back at you, or at least get a different reaction out of him.
“DID YOU HEAR ME? I SAID THAT I LOVE YOU!” you bang against the glass, both hands forward, trapped by the cuffs wishing to break the glass hitting it with all your strength, but you soon found it to be of no use as not a single crack made an appearance on the seethrough material and your arms fell down to your lap in exhaustion.
Your head, bowed down, let a few salty tears flow down the peak of your nose and into the palms of your hands and lap.
“Obi – ” you try on last time.
“It’s General Kenobi.”
Your head snaps up at him and at how cold his words were, how the simple correction of his name symbolized the severing of any personal relationship you’d ever had. Pleading and shocked eyes look at him one last time before he pats the top of the pod.
You feel it lift off the platform and float away, gradually speeding up, Obi’s figure getting smaller and smaller in your vision as your body flew farther away from the grounds of Coruscant, his last words ringing in your ears, as you are sure they would for the rest of your life.
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@blondekel77 @pedrobreakmyback
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colehasapen · 4 years
As a prompt: "It has long been impressed into Anakin Skywalker's mind that if something goes wrong, he should call Obi-Wan. As a result, after Palpatine reveals that he was the secret Sith lord all along, Anakin comms Obi-Wan while incoherently screaming. Obi-Wan goes 'Anakin calm down, tell me what's wrong, and we'll think about this for more than five seconds.' the result of this is the saving of the galaxy."
For as long as Anakin had been a Jedi, Obi-Wan had been watching his student’s back, has been doing his best to be what the younger man needs. He had made sure Anakin had known since he was nine years old - too small but too old, too quiet but too loud, a Freed slave who didn’t know what being Free meant - that he would drop everything to help him if he needed him, that he’d be there to support him no matter how unimportant the matter seemed to be. Obi-Wan knows too well the pain of being brushed off by the person he was supposed to be able to lean on, remembers the words that had never been meant to be uncaring but never seemed to care enough.
Obi-Wan had never wanted Anakin to feel the same, but he can’t help but feel like he failed.
He used to call for the smallest of things, the most minor of things, things that made his classmates give him weird looks for needing his master for something like not knowing what to pick for lunch, but as he’d gotten older, Anakin had pulled away from him, almost aggressively at times. Obi-Wan had promised him that he was there if he wanted to talk, but Anakin never reached out, never took the hand that was being offered to him.
Sometimes, Obi-Wan had worried that he never would again, that their relationship was too damaged by misunderstandings and miscommunications to be fixed. The Clone Wars had brought them back together, had led to them becoming closer than they had ever been before, but it had also made their differences painfully possible. He hopes that, with the impending end to the War, that maybe they’d be able to bridge those differences, as equals instead of Master and Padawan, or High General and General. Stepping down from the Council will make him more approachable, hopefully, and maybe they’ll be able to be honest with each other.
After the War. He casts his mind to his troopers, who will be able to be free once the War is no longer dragging down any bill brought to the Senate. To Cody, who will no longer be his subordinate, who will be free to live and laugh and love however he pleases, like he and all his siblings deserve. They’ll be able to see a Galaxy without constant battle, to discover things about themselves they never could with the threat of the Senate and Kamino breathing down their necks.
Maybe Ahsoka will return, like she had expressed an interest in during their last conversation. Maybe Anakin will finally come clean about the nature of his relationship with Padme, and will no longer feel the need to hide a part of himself.
Maybe they’ll all be able to just be free.
It’s a sweet thought that powers him through the bad days.
They’re already so close to the end, Dooku is dead, and the Seperatist Senate is collapsing, most of its members defecting to return to the Republic. With ARC Trooper Echo’s rescue from the Techno Union, they had lost a valuable resource, and the droids couldn’t keep up with the Trooper’s knowledge of their movements and tactics. It’s almost over, all Obi-Wan has to do is defeat General Grievous, and they’ll be able to bring the remaining leaders in for negotiations - not even the strongest voices for war in the Senate will be able to continue the fighting if there was no one left to fight.
They just have to defeat Grievous here, then they can turn their attention to finding the Sith Lord, and if Ahsoka can capture Maul, then they have a perfect way to learn their identity.
He’s just running Cody and lieutenants through the final branch of their plan of attack, when his comm chimes, and, absently, Obi-Wan answers it, wondering if its command with more intel. “This is Kenobi.”
“Obi-Wan?” Anakin’s voice wobbles over the comm, like it had back when he was a child, and didn’t know what to do when confronted with a choice between milk and juice at breakfast. He sounds young - young and scared in the way that he hadn’t allowed himself to sound since he had turned sixteen and started pulling away from Obi-Wan.
“Anakin?” Obi-Wan straightens, turning away from the holotable, feeling Cody’s worried eyes drilling into the back of his head. “What’s wrong, dear one?”
“I-” Anakin stutters slightly, sounding close to tears, and Obi-Wan wishes desperately that he was on Coruscant so that he could comfort the young man, “- Obi-Wan, the Chancellor - he’s -” Anakin is quiet for a long moment, and when he speaks again, his voice is pitched lower, like he’s desperately trying to control his breathing or like he was sharing a dark secret, “- he’s the Sith Lord.”
Behind him, Cody and his men go deathly still.
Obi-Wan’s heart drops. “He’s the what?” He breathes in shock, mind rolling in his head as he tries to connect Anakin’s dear friend, the leader of the Republic, with the shadowy Sith Lord. He hadn’t listened - Dooku had warned him. He had been told that the Sith Lord was in the Senate, but he hadn’t been able to bring himself to believe him, had thought it was just another mind game so soon after he had taunted him with Qui-Gon. “Anakin - are you alright?”
He had let him be around his Padawan. Around his Grandpadawan.
“He told me.” Anakin says shakily, “He - he said that there were ways to keep people from dying - skills that only Sith knew. He told me a story about Darth Plegueis - there’s no records of a Sith by that name ever existing in history.”
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan says pointedly, and he glances over his shoulder to see Cody rapidly typing into his own comm. “Where are you?”
“At the Temple.” His former Padawan murmurs, “Master Windu’s taken a team to arrest the - the Sith Lord.”
“Okay.” Obi-Wan forces himself to breathe past his own nervousness, releasing his fear into the Force and embracing the calmness it brought him, the clarity. “Okay, breathe, Ani. Who did Master Windu take?”
“Masters Fisto, Kolar, and Tiin.” Four of the best swordsmen in the Order, all on one team to confront the Sith Lord. Obi-Wan prays to the Force that they’ll be enough. “Master. He - he said that he could help me save Padme.”
Obi-Wan’s brows furrow, confusion bubbling up past his alarm, “What’s happened to Padme?” She had been fine the last time he had seen her, glowing with pregnancy and excited to travel back to the Naberrie home on Naboo to give birth to her children. Her Force signature had been strong and bright, as had the life forces of her babies. He had even asked Sabe to pass on his wishes of good health the last they spoke.
“She’s - I’ve been having dreams again Master -” Obi-Wan’s stomach drops again, he remembers too well that painful week of Anakin’s nightmares about his mother’s death. He had urged his Padawan to meditate on them, the last time, as his Padawan had never before shown much of a connection to the cosmic Force, or any predisposition for visions, hoping that he’d be able to help him learn to differentiate nightmares from true visions. But then their mission to protect Senator Amidala had happened, which had led him to Kamino and Anakin to Naboo, and they’d never gotten the chance to really study the root of Anakin’s dreams.
Anakin had screamed himself hoarse afterwards, blaming Obi-Wan for his mother’s death, telling him that if he had just listened to him, than she would still be alive. It had driven them even further apart.
“She’s pregnant, Master.” Anakin interrupts in a rush, “And I’ve been dreaming of it - her dying.”
“And you can’t say that they’re just dreams! They’re real! And Chancellor Palpatine says that he can save her.”
“Anakin, I need you to take a deep breath, to center yourself.” Obi-Wan keeps his voice soft and soothing, and he can hear Anakin’s breathing slowing the longer they speak. “Please, think through this rationally. People don’t die of childbirth on Core Worlds, nor do they on Naboo. The last time I spoke to her, Padme was strong, as were her children, the Force is strong with them, healthy. Save foul play, nothing should happen to her.” Anakin’s breath shivers, “Ani, listen to me. Nothing Palpatine can offer you would be worth what you’d lose. You’re strong, Padme is strong, your children are strong. Trust me. Trust Padme. Trust yourself.”
“I -” His former Padawan stutters for a second, “- children?”
“Yes.” Obi-Wan says slowly, patiently - anything to pull the younger Jedi from the spiral he had fallen into. “You didn’t know?”
“How did you?” Anakin asks incredulously, and Obi-Wan huffs out a slight laugh.
“They’re strong in the Force.” Behind him, Cody waves to catch his attention, gesturing to the holotable, and Obi-Wan lets out a breath. “Anakin, listen to me. Master Ti should still be in the Healing Halls, go to her, tell her what Palpatine told you. She’ll send Shadows to help defeat the Sith Lord. Soon I’ll have Grievous, and the War will be over. I have to go now, but I swear to you, I’ll comm you as soon as the battle is over.”
“Okay.” Anakin breathes, “Alright. Be safe, Master.”
“The Force is with you Anakin.” Obi-Wan promises, “Trust in it, and trust in yourself. I’ll see you soon.”
Taglist: @a-mediocre-succulent @yellowisharo @spoofymcgee @roseofalderaan @everything-or-anything
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OC list of the MMO LESBIAN
SarapAlexandria Duvel <3 Vette
Sith Warrior
Human, brown short hair, 1,78, D cups, she likes dressin on armor that is bulkier than a tank or in a tank top and leggings. Dark eyes and light skin
Lesbian. LOVES toys in bed
Has a personal Dreagnough that she uses as a colliseum. She has taken into training new sith in combat. More than her apprentices they are more of gladiators for her to fight.
Kinda crazy. Likes to bounce around and do Tons of damage. She is feroucios about defending the Empire and believes that the republic is doomed. Has archived the impossible more than a dozen times so no plan is to crazy or stupid for her. Gratefully, her wife knows what is too stupid or too crazy and so she fixes those plans so her big sith girl can go fight monsters and other people.
Married Vette. Only she can make her laught so much that she forgets she is angry. The tiny girl is so adorable and so cute and jsut so horny for Alexandria that the two of them spend 3 months on a horny induced honeymoon. Even now after the war with zakuul they keep having more honeymoons whenever they get the chance.
She wasnt all that hurt by Quinns betratal. Like, hey man fatman told you to kill me so no biggie- But from now on you are my bitch and i will bully you over all this k?
Jaesa kinda bugs her. She is Dark side but not SO crazy but still she is kinda...tiny. Alexandria likes to challenge her to crazy stuff and she always gets on trouble with her, but Jaesa is so young and sometimes weak that 
Pierce is her best freind. A total madman when it comes to battle, a blootthirsty man that will not doubt in choosing violence but also super trusthworthy and she knows he will stop her from getting killed in stupid ways
For her Broonmark is her fluffy monster! Just point release and watch blood by spilled. She makes him shower after every bottle and use proucts on his hair cause she likes how soft he gets.
She remains a free agent causing chaos everywhere. She is not quick to kill always tho. If she got a good fight with someone she will usually let them live so they can fight again.
She is the most sexually proactive girl around. She will get every pair of cute or hot tiddies on a bed along side Vette. She is a bit dom and doesnt like playing sub, but she will play passive.
Master of Shien and Juyo, she likes to go crazy with a lightsaber and destroying the place but doesnt really like dual wielding
Seraphine <3 Temple
Sith Agent. New code name: Specter
Cyborg, mostly internal components on her eye, brain and bones. 1,96M, Long hair, usually red but she likes dying it. C cups, She wishses to get more tits but she has to be stealthy. She likes using loose clothes with lots of cleavege. She isnt a fan of bras.
Lesbian Switch. Likes bondage and public stuff. She can and will play any part on roleplay. From the scared virgin to the cruel dominatrix
A master of hidding on plain sight. Seraphine is the kind of woman who blends everywhere. She likes attention from the spotlight just to let it go 5 minutes later. She has the talent of being so likeable that any girl that gets close to her on bed, never gets mad with her for leaving or just going for another girl. She also has a perfect memory and will remember how you like to be touch, how much you moan or what kind of cnadies you like when you are on your days. She is as soft as she is Ruthless. She has never regret killing anyone for more than an hour. Unless she kils someone she has slept with she will pull the triger no matter what. This includes civilians, wounded and allies. After Chapter 3 she left the identity of Cypher 9 and became a shadow agent for the Empire. Her new code name: Specter. 
After the War with Zakuul she was left on charge ofthe Alliance by Darth Nox. Both the Ex Imperial Wrath and the Supreme Huntress stayed behind with her. 
She doesnt like Kaliyo. No. She is no fun. She likes to hurt and doesnt look after girls. She was particulary angry at her at the start because she would try to get on the way of her time with other girls. So Seraphine got Kaliyo a cute chasity belt and allowed her to focus on chaos outside the bedroom. That way they both can get what they want. Chaos and attention.
Vector is her special little guy. Confident. Trusthworthy. But really fun to mess up with. Seraphine tells him to do weird stuff just to get a laught at weird situation. She also helps him send money for Killik Joiners. She likes that he is simple
Lokin is a weird guy for Seraphine.He could do a lot of stuff with the ragkghoul virus but she likes that he is quiet and calm. She likes trying tea with him
Ensign Temple is the only girl that has kept Seraphine attention span for more than 1 night. She likes her a lot because she cant read her as well as other people and so she makes her angry just to learn more about her. She forgot how it felt to get to know someone through time and so she likes to keep her around. She also likes Temple is super organized and loyal
Seraphine can never choose fast between either a big rifle or a tiny blade under her dress. She likes how chaos erupts after a person gets shots down but she also likes to be close when her target takes their last breath
Arthemys Delos <3 Mako
Built like a tank, She likes lifting Mako to train her big guns. She is a cyborg with lots of internal components and a cybernetic leg (left) She isnt the tallest girl, she is 169 (nice) but she has the biggest tiddies. She carries two E cups that she loves to put on Mako’s face. She has black short hair
Total top but wont say no to being topped every know and then
Money,gambling, explosions and pretty girls, Arthemis cares for little more than that. As long as she can fire guns, gamble money and have a bed with a pretty girl on it she will do an job. She loves hunting animals and will almost never reject a bounty. What she wont do, is just say yes to any quest or mission. She can get money as easy as she can waste it and so throwin credits at her doesnt work. Only if the work isnt something she dislikes or too easy or boring she will do it. She has a few internal implants after playing with grenades when she was young.
Mako is hers. Hers alone. She wont let her go beyon her sight and will actually get restless for being away from her too long. Arthemis is possesive which Mako kinda likes.
The two of them likes being on top of eachother as much as possible but a extra pair of hands or tiddies make them both pretty happy. Most of the time, is actually Mako who gets the girl.
Gault is jsut too fun not to keep around. Arthemis wouldnt call him his best friend becuase she suspects the guys can be bought but he is fun either way. She like getting a lot of money with him and then wasting it all or just not taking the pay,just to mess up with him.
Torian is fun. Sometimes. He is a mandalorian and she likes fighting strong people. But Torian is a bit more serious that she would like. She doesnt like people dying because then she cant fight them again and so she doesnt like some decisions of the mandalorian. But at the end of the day the trust that the two share is one of a brotherhood.
Blizz. God Damm Blizz. When Arthemis got Mako on her bed and then into her family she thought she coulnt be happier. She was wrong. The little jawa makes everything better. As chaotic as her and even weirder than Gault, Arthemis just cant stop keeping the jawa around
Selendis likes using two big guns to shot down her enemies. She doesnt really enjoy going around in huge armor so she keeps herself kinda light. But her armor is still a bit big. Why you ask? Cause she loves the feeling of having not only a flamethrower but also grenades, missiles, hooks and electric weapons all stuffed in her body. 
Selendis <3 Lana and Senya
Sith Inquisitor
Sith girl with piercing orange eus and long amazing black hair. She is 182 and as sith that focus on range combat, she took the luxury of enhancing her breasts to a nice DD cups. She doesnt like jewelry but she has a few tattoos. 
Lesbian. The one to dom them all.
No amount of girls is too much when it comes to Selendys
A proud, stylish and master manipulator Selendis believes that the empire can be improved but even in its current state is better than the republic. She is patient and ruthless and wont stop until the galaxy is back on order. She left the alliance and took overthe sith empire after letting Acina step down. Seriously, no killing her just “Try and stop me from getting the throne”
Khem Val is her personal monster. A warrior of another time which she swears wont ever be forgotten. She has taken into redacting whatever information the dashade gives her. She has task him ith protecting everyone she deems worthy of her interest
Andronikos is a fun and interesting man. He is a pirate with experience and a code. Hard things to find. Selendis enjoys him being slipery and smartass. She also enjoys the acces to the underworld the man provides. Over all she likes that the betrayed man has once more put his trust on someone. She wont abuse it but she prides herself of it
Ashara. The little puppy. She has learn about the dark side and the sith and yet she keeps herself on a reaching point from the jedi order. Still she has a point of view that is useful and welcome. She has teached her everything useful that she could learnt.
Talos. Oh Talos. A men of science and interest. Selendis has swear to protect the smart man just so he can see for once history being made instead of being discovered. Most of the time she has free, she will spent researching stuff with Talos and discussing history
Xalek. Selendis attack dog. A simple desire of the young Kaleesh allowed Selendis to craft a magnificent Student. Xalek belived that she was a god. And so Selendis tasked Xalek to forget about being a kaleesh god, and instead become a sith god. Strength, power, and victory.
Lana Beniko. From the first time Selendis met Lana she was intrigue. A sith that kept her rage and hate deep withing her, so she could serve the empire better. Selendis wasted no time in seducing the sith and keeping her under her control. But soon Selendis lost control and ended up loving her. Lana became her source of power. She would burn the galaxy for her. She also fancid her cute ass and the way she lost control.
Senya Tirall. Selendis doesnt do well with betrayal. And so after defeating Arcann, she was left quite angry when Senya saved him. So, after the war with Zakuul, Selendis threw Senya into a prison and slowly made her crumble. Telling her that both Arcann and Vaylin were death, Offering herself as the only ally, and then leaving her alone. Selendis broke Senya and put her back together in a way that she would enjoy. Despite being more of a pet than a lover, Selendis does love her in her wn special way, and wont let her be hurt.
Cassandra (Cassie) Jedi Knight <3 kIRA She tiny! She is 165, amber eyes,C cups she likes to hide on a sport bra and to fight, she has a few scars over her back and shoulder (horny origin) She specialies on Djem So but likes using two lightsbaers instead of one Lesbian Total Bottom girl. Tsundere (will be all agressive but you pet her once and she will melt on your arms)
T7-01 The crimemaster, Teseven will always be there to push Cassie towards any female individual just so Cassie can stop winning about not having a girlfriend. Each time it works, but Cassie ends up lossing the contact or getting pulled out from plannet by the council
Kira. Or like Cassie likes to call her, babe! Cassie was sweap of her feat by how chaotic her padawan was an how incredible persistent she was on taking baths together, giving eachother massages and just being close. Cassie lasted 2.6 seconds the first time she gave her a kiss and fron that day on, she is either fighting or on her girlfriend’s arms. Kira likes to tease Cassie and on nights she makes sure to give her all of her love
Doc. The best partner. Doc is always there for Cassie, wherever she is doing good or bad. Or doing ilegal or legal stuff. He knows Cassie will jump towards danger and he will be there to help her make the galaxy a better place Rusk. There are few things that Rusk hates more than the empire and one of them is how Cassie jumps on top of his back because she is to tiny to get food by herself. Even then, he will die for his little sister becuase he knows she will defeat the empire some day
Scourge. The big old sith might have forgotten what means love, pain or feelings, but he respects Cassie. He knows that despite her size the little jedi is more than capable of busting whatever walls appear on her way, even if it means tapping on the dark side. 
Bella Jedi consular <3 NADIA
She is a curvy girl. D cps on a tallish girl, 178, with a dump track ass. She is thick and she is SHY about it. She likes baggy clothes so her body doesnt show too much. She feels that healing people with her skills is the best call for her but she also agrees that sometimes throwin a massive bould to minnies is good
Qyzen.  Qyzen and Bella are good frends. Mostly, because Qyzen will gladly shoot anyone who calls Bella on her fat ass, and Bella will drop a boulder on anyone who calls him green skin or lizard. The two of them are the type of people who fixate on stuff and they enjoy their hobbies
Tharan. To be honest. Bella didnt think it thorugh when she got Tharan to come with. She was doing it mosly out of pity and because she needed some help. But mostly she just liked Holiday and would be more interested on keeping her rather than him. 
Zenith. Oh dear Zenith. Bella enjoys Zenith attiude. There is little more than that. She isnt as extremist as he is, but she knows that he will do everything on his power to defeat the empire and protect the inocent
Iresso. Oh Ireso is fun. Bella likes to bully him in little wyas. Sometimes she will just pick something ilegal to do to get on his nerves. Thats alls. Well he is all good and good for fights but Bella likes how correct he is and that she can make him mad
Nadia: Her love. Her mistress. Her everything. Everyone has thirsted for her body, and so Bella usually isnt ready to believe most words of love and affection, but Nadia persisted for months, being almost addicted to her body. And so one day Bella let her padawan into her bedroom and cried over her love. Nadia is the type of girl who will devote her heart and soul to her love. She CANT keep her hands off Bella’s body tho, which makes it hard for her to keep clean underwear around
Sarah Novadust
The lead singer and dancer of the Imperial Idol group “Royal Novas” 
A tallish girl (175cm) a bit petite looking but upclose you notice she has a good pair of thighs and some nice ass. She has GOLDEN hair. Not blonde. Golden. She keeps it on a long ponytail that reaches all the way back to her ass. She is a human girl of 22 years old with Purple eyes due to some alien grandparents
She leads the Royal Nova an Idol Group originated on the Empire. The group is formed by her, 3 back up singers, 5 back up dancers, 2 guitars, piano, drums, violin, and 1 trumpet. The 15 girls are all REAL close to Sarah.. More on that later
Sarah was born on Sarapin. She worked on being an artist since she was young, but when she was around 15 she was blacklisted from most musical firms on the republic over a incident with a manager that wanted to taste her body. Sarah left to spent some times with friends back on Balmorra when the empire attacked. FOr a couple of years she layed low working on some cantinas singing to earn a living. It was there when some sith lady saw her and brought her to Kaas City. Sarah would keep singing for more and more excentic public until she had the favour of enough people that she could stay safe and solo. Then after saving up for some time, she went and convinved a few sith lords and sith officers to put some credits on for a full on idol group. She invited friends and scouted for talent all over the galaxy
As an artist, Sarah likes mixing her young excitement with imperial overconfidense. She knows that playing it safe wont work and so she makes every song and perfomance into a way to improve herself more and more. With a big group of girls to help her she has managed to perform or even Dark council members and Senators from the republic. 
As a young woman, Sarah attracts a lot of people. She isnt the most strong willed person, nor she is particulary aggresive. That is excaclty the reason why each and every member of the Royal Novas is madly in love with her. Each girl looks over their leader as a little kitten to be protected. Of course, Sarah doesnt mind the attention and as long everyone plays nice, she will open her heart to the entire group. With 22 years old, a massive fallowing, more credits that she can count and a polyamourous relationship with 14 girls, Sarah's life is just the best
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kybervisions · 4 years
a taste of life [kylo]
summary: ben solo is brought back from the dead by a force-sensitive pirate and is given the opportunity to start a new life as part of her crew. 
author’s note: hdjfkj i love the idea of a pirate!reader so here is my contribution,, so this takes place a few weeks after the battle of exegol in which the first order was defeated ,, if you’ve played jedi fallen order than reader’s ability is exactly like cal’s ,, lmk what you think :)) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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“I have a bad feeling about this,” Isao muttered as he navigated the ship through the wreckage. The ruins of Star Destroyer fleets decorated Exegol, evidence of the New Republic’s victory. And There was so much to loot! You chuckled. The Scorpion landed near a weird-looking throne. It was so dark that Isao landing the Scorpion was a miracle. 
“Well I see a very fun trip to Canto Bight in our future,” You said with a smile and ran out of the cockpit. It had been a while since you last visited the city and partook in the activities of wealthy individuals. You so desperately wanted to gamble and drink credits away, so you quickly strapped your belt on and grabbed a blaster before exiting the ship. Nori ran after you. 
“Canto Bight? I thought we were going to Jedha and see the remains of the Jedi temple there,” Nori expressed disappointment with your desire to return to Canto Bight. She had become obsessed with learning more about the Jedi after learning about your Force sensitivity. 
“Jedi Temples don’t have open bars,” You reminded your Twi’lek friend, “or casinos,” Nori sighed in frustration. “I’m just trying to be plastered and gamble,” You smiled. “No need to get ourselves involved in Jedi business,” 
You’ve known about your connection with the Force your entire life. You were a member of the Blazing Chain — an organization of nomadic raiders made up of Force Adepts that wandered Unknown Space. With no loyalty to the Sith or Jedi, the Blazing Chain simply utilized their Force abilities to make raids easier. Three wars occurred, and each time, for better or for worse, the Blazing Chain remained neutral. You had no intention in breaking that tradition. 
As you walked, you found a cube. The strong fog made it nearly impossible to see, but your foot gently kicked it. A faint blue glow radiated from the cube and you felt a compulsion to pick it up. You knelt down, and as your fingers touched the cube, a scene played back in your head. And then, a blinding white light. 
“Ahh, dank farrik!” You shouted and crawled away from the cube. Nori ran to your side. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Did it happen again?” Nori asked frantically. By ‘it’ she was referring to one of your ‘echo episodes’ in which an object gives you a memory by touching it. You were one of two adepts cursed with that ability from the Blazing Chain. It was referred to as a Force Echo. 
“I’m fine,” You groaned, feeling a sharp pain in your head. “That kriffin’ holocron was part of the battle here,” You informed Nori, crawling back to the cube. It wanted to be opened and only you could do it. 
“Whoa,” Nori marveled at the unique gold design on the cube. You held the cube in your palm of your hand and closed your eyes. Within seconds, the holocron levitated and opened. “That is so cool,” Nori muttered. 
A white ball of energy emerged from the holocron. You opened your eyes and a bright white light shined. You appeared possessed, and it terrified Nori. She screamed. You began muttering words in a language she couldn’t understand. 
The energy ball dispersed. The holocron closed and fell back onto your palm. 
“What the kriff was that?!” Nori exclaimed. You stood up, completely unfazed by the recent possession.  
"No clue,” You told your friend. 
A tall man dressed in black emerged from the fog. The light from the Scorpion beamed on the man. He was very pale and bloody. His black sweater bad a large hole and was absolutely filthy-looking. 
You would not be caught dead wearing that. 
“We don’t want any trouble, um, sir,” You attempted to de-escalate the interaction. The holocron must be worth thousands and there was enough on the Star Destroyers to share with the beaten-down man. 
“Do you know who I am?” The odd man asked. 
“Oh...um, no?” You replied. You looked to Nori. She shook her head.
“Where did you get that?” The man looked at the holocron in your palm. 
Immediately you tossed the cube to Nori, who put it inside her bag. “Get what?” You played dumb. “Do you need any help? A new outfit perhaps?” You asked him, looking at the large tear on the chest area of the sweater. 
His right hand reached for the hole in the sweater. His fingers touched his bear chest. He stared blankly at you, “I’m lost,” He felt a strange comfort when looking at you.
It was you that gave him life. 
“Well you are in luck!” You said with glee. “We are pirates and there isn’t anywhere we can’t go,” You informed the stranger. As a child you learned all the best traveling routes to bypass First Order and New Republic checkpoints. With the power struggle and chaos that followed the fall of the First Order there was no better time to be a pirate.
“Coruscant,” He replied rather quickly. With Alderaan destroyed, his mother would be buried at the capital. Coruscant had been in open rebellion against the First Order, and he was certain the New Republic would restore peace. 
Your smile dropped, “Coruscant? Why would you want to go there? Are you part of a gang?” You questioned and reached for your blaster. “Like I said, we don’t want any trouble,” You said cautiously. 
“What do you have in Coruscant?” Nori asked, aiming her blaster at his head. 
Truthfully, nothing. Kylo had nothing. 
“Where are you going?” He asked you, and your smile returned. 
“The Smuggler’s Moon,” You replied. 
Kylo remembered hearing Han mention Nar Shaddaa throughout his childhood. It was an entire world filled with pirates and outlaws. It was also the homeworld of the Hutts. Leia would threaten Ben with a visit to Nar Shaddaa when he would not behave. It terrified him as a child. 
“Got some people that might be interested in that glowing cube,” You mentioned. 
“You can’t sell that!” Kylo exclaimed. Both women took a step away from him, but they weren’t scared of him. They appeared rather annoyed with his outburst and demand. 
“First of all, I’m the captain, so watch your tone,” You pointed at him, unamused. “Second of all, I can sell whatever I want,” 
“That cube is an ancient Jedi artifact,” Kylo informed you. 
“Oh, well in that case,” You smiled. Kylo smiled too then, believing he had convinced you to keep the very thing you used to bring him from the dead. “I know just the Hutt to sell this to,” 
His smile dropped instantly. 
“Are you a Jedi?” Nori questioned. 
Was he a Jedi? Ben had been a padawan when Snoke tainted his mind. He spent more years of his life as a pawn for the Sith than he did as his uncle’s student. He blankly stared at Nori before his attention returned to you. 
“Doesn’t matter,” You answered the question for him. He was beyond grateful for your reply. “The cube is getting sold, and you, my friend, have three options,” Ben knitted his brows and slightly tilted his head in confusion. “You can remain lost on this hellish planet, I sell you, or you can join my crew,” 
“Why?” Kylo asked. Kindness was not virtue he experienced often. There had always been strings attached to the kindness of others. Snoke disguised his actions as a way of helping Ben. Oh, how stupid the mind of a child is. 
You had already done more than you knew — you brought him back to the land of the living, unknowingly it would seem. Offering him a spot on your crew was you giving him a chance to truly live. Joining your crew would also give him a chance to figure out how you gave him life.
“Tall, broad-shoulders beast like you, figure I could sell ya for some pretty New Republic credits,” You smiled, taunting Kylo.
“Isao said to hurry up or he’s going to leave without you,” A B1-series battle droid exited from your ship. The droid was in pristine shape, despite its mismatched torso and right arm. "I don’t know if he was being serious,” The droid added. 
Nori walked toward, “I’ll hold him off,” Both she and the droid boarded the ship. “And I’ll adjust your sarcasm setting,” Nori smiled at the droid. 
“So, what d’ya say?” You asked him. “Roger could use help cooking and cleaning,” You laughed as the words left your lips. You were filled with genuine happiness. Kylo could feel it, and it was intoxicating. 
He gave you a simple nod, “I will join your crew,” 
“Great, do you like Canto Bight?” You asked and began walking toward the ship. Kylo was hesitant to follow you. You felt his hesitancy and stopped walking to face him. 
Kylo studied you for a brief moment. Nothing about you screamed danger, but he was almost certain your hands were drenched in blood. “I’ve never been to Canto Bight,” He replied and took steps towards you. There was so much Ben had yet to see. So much of the galaxy still left to explore, and somehow, you blessed him with the breath of life. 
“Oh, you are in for a treat, big guy,” You stated, more than happy to show off your favorite vacation destination. “But first we are gonna need to buy you some clothes,” You said and boarded the ship. Kylo followed after you, and the scent of burnt cookies touched his nose. 
“Sorry!” Roger apologized, attempting to get rid of the smoke by frantically waving his arms.
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atekkalegacy · 3 years
the betrayal of the wrath
pairing: adin’ala (f!sith warrior)/malavai quinn words: 3900 ish warnings: character death, typical sith violence
Malavai Quinn severely underestimates the lethality of his lover and the hostility of her sister.
“My lord,” Quinn bowed to Ju’arna, nodding to Adin’ala, “My love. I would be honoured to travel planetside with you, if you'll have me.”
“We’re still hours away, Malavai,” Adin’ala hummed, but stood when there was a crash and the unmistakable noise of a Talz. “I’ll handle the little beast,” she sighed, leaving the room.
Ju’arna stared at Quinn. Her sister had asked her not to climb inside her crew’s minds, and Ju’arna would oblige, but just her gaze was making Quinn shift uncomfortably.
There was an air about him she didn't like. Something important to him, which he kept secret. Something he wouldn't dare utter… how delicious. She wished she could pry it out of him, leave him crying and pleading, a shell of a man, but Adin’ala enjoyed his company. What a shame.
“You can't hide from me, Quinn,” she said lightly, smiling as the man gave a small nod, “You’d be wise to remember that.”
Another crash, followed by a shout, rang through the ship, and in mere moments, Adin’ala returned. She sat back down beside her sister, one hand fixing her hair back into place.
“I don't like that beast,” she sighed, “I thought he would be fun, with his bloodthirst and all, but he really seems a mockery of it.”
“Don’t forget his smell,” Ju’arna scoffed, “I should order that housekeep droid of yours to deep clean the ship, but I fear the smell will never come out.”
“What do you think, dear?” Adin’ala turned her attention to Quinn, who clearly wanted to be anywhere but in that room. “Would a deep clean help?”
“Undoubtedly,” he nodded, “And I can see if I can’t arrange for the Talz to bathe. I’m sure there's a way to stop him from stinking up the ship, my lord.”
“Good,” Adin’ala sighed, leaning back in her chair, “You're a good man, Malavai. I’ll take you planetside, I promise.”
“Thank you, my lord,” he bowed and excused himself. Quinn wondered if anyone else could feel the heaviness in the air, more dangerous than it usually felt. Something about Ju’arna, about her warning, was making him uneasy.
There's no way she could have known. Quinn was careful and meticulous, and surely Darth Baras would’ve sensed if Quinn was in danger. Maybe she was simply worried for her sister— she was distrustful of everyone, but the man who held her sister's fancy? That was cause for suspicion, surely.
Malavai tried to convince himself that’s all it was, Ju’arna’s worry for her twin, but the sinking feeling in his stomach and the electric crackle in the air remained.
“Wait here,” Adin'ala hummed, taking her lightsabers and flicking them on. Quinn wouldn't disobey, but he was surprised when Ju’arna remained with him. One would expect she would seek out bloodshed the same way Adin’ala did. Once Adin’ala disappeared into the building, blasterfire sounding, Quinn swallowed hard. Ju’arna was making no effort to hide the raw power that seeped into every pore when she was beside someone.
“You're scared of me,” Ju’arna smiled, “Good. I can feel the fear dripping off of you.”
“I have nothing but respect for you, my lord,” Quinn said, straightening his back and looking at the door Adin’ala had closed behind her. “I’d simply prefer if Lord Adin’ala didn't lock herself in dangerous places without one of us with her.”
“One of us?” Ju’arna repeated, “You think you could do anything to protect her that she could not do herself? Don't lie to me, Quinn. I’m getting sick of your lies. I really do wonder what the walls would look like painted with your insides.”
The door slid open. Adin’ala stepped out, smiling. There was a streak of green blood across the sith’s face, and she was breathing heavily, but the smile on her face remained. She wasn't wounded, at least. Behind her, Quinn caught a glimpse of the bodies that littered the floor, marks in the metal walls from lightsabers still glowing.
“I hope I didn't miss anything,” Ju’arna looked her sister over. Adin'ala shook her head, putting her lightsabers on her belt once more.
“Nothing interesting, and it wasn't much fun,” she said, turning to Quinn. “I found this for you,” he took the datapad from her hands, mumbling a thanks that drifted off as she kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, my lord,” he tried again, smiling a little. With his sleeve, he wiped the blood off of her face, and she stood patiently while he did so. Anyone else, and she would have destroyed them for attempting to touch her, but she trusted Malavai. He knew that.
“You had something to do, Ju’arna?” Adin’ala asked, her gaze still on Quinn until she could finally tear herself away from him. “Let’s do it quickly. I’m hungry and I saw the cutest little eatery near the spaceport.”
Malavai took a deep breath, closing his eyes as Adin’ala curled up beside him, wrapping an arm around him while she hid her face in his shirt. It was silent for a few moments, neither of them moving, no sounds besides their breathing.
“You’re tense,” Adin’ala whispered, not moving from her comfortable position, “What’s wrong, my little man?”
No time like the present. Quinn sighed, running his hand lazily up and down the sith lord’s arm. In their time together, he found that his touch could pacify her in ways nothing else could. She would calm if he was beside her, and without Ju’arna looking over her shoulder, she could be malleable.
“I don’t say this to offend, my lord,” Malavai started, but Adin’ala chuckled, shaking her head and nuzzling against his chest.
“It’s just me, Malavai,” she said softly, “What was that name you called me before? I liked that.”
Quinn nodded, a small smile spreading over his face. “Nala,” he whispered, and the woman pressed up against him sighed in some sort of bliss. What a strange person she was; bloodthirsty and mindlessly violent, a being of raw power who was deadlier than any other sith he has ever met, who liked nicknames and couldn’t sleep without hearing someone’s breathing.
“I don’t say this to offend, Nala,” he started again, “But I have my doubts about your sister.”
“My sister?” Adin’ala sat up, one hand on Quinn’s chest, a warning to watch his words in her eyes, “What are you talking about?”
“She keeps… threatening me. I fear she doesn't much care for me,” Malavai said, putting his hand over Adin’ala’s to hold it. Between that and his other hand on her arm, she appeared to be listening.
“She doesn't care for most people,” Adin’ala shrugged, leaning on her elbow. “What is she threatening you about?”
Malavai squeezed his lover’s hand. “Everything. She thinks I’m lying, Nala, and I’m led to believe… she doesn't support you the way you may think. I’m led to believe she doesn't support our relationship.”
Adin'ala took a deep breath, putting her head back against Malavai’s chest. How troublesome. Ju’arna was bound to have her own motives, her own goals, her own desires for power. Adin’ala wasn't at all surprised at the idea of Ju’arna disliking her relationship with Malavai, Ju’arna nearly told her as much when her flirting with the man became serious. But the seed of suspicion, the worry that Ju’arna’s plans didn't align with Adin’ala’s, had been planted in her mind.
“I hope she wouldn't be a threat to what we’re trying to accomplish,” Malavai continued, “After you kill Darth Baras, there is only one seat open on the Dark Council. It is rightfully yours, Nala, and I hope she wouldn't try to take it from you.”
“I’m not worried,” Adin’ala hummed, nuzzling against Malavai’s chest in her attempt to get comfortable again, “It’s a problem for another day, dear.”
“Malavai worries you don't like him,” Adin’ala pulled her lightsaber out of a body, letting it drop as she turned to face her sister.
Ju’arna scoffed, “Of course I don’t like him,” she snapped an incoming gang member's neck without having to touch them, and then gave her sister her full attention.
“You knew I didn't like him when you started toying with him,” she hummed, putting her lightsaber back on her belt, “And he's right to worry. I have a feeling about him, sister.”
“Oh?” Adin’ala put her weapons away, wiping blood off of her armour absently, “What sort of a feeling?”
“His loyalties lie elsewhere, I believe. I know for a fact that he lies to us,” Ju’arna started for the exit, her sister in tow.
“He says you threatened him,” Adin’ala mused, mulling over the facts in her head. Quinn had been threatened. Ju’arna had a bad feeling. Quinn was lying. Ju’arna could be out for herself. “Is that, perhaps, the reason for his lies?”
“No,” Ju’arna laughed. “He can't lie about being scared. He lies when he says things to you, to me, about his devotion to you.”
As the twin Sith Lords walked, their strides synchronized, their steps aligned, shoulder to shoulder, waking as one. They fought as one, walked as one, breathed as one, but for the first time in years, they weren't thinking as one.
“You believe he's not devoted to me?” Adin’ala asked, flicking her head to knock her dark hair away from her face. “He’s proven it ten times over. He's dreadfully in love with me, Arnie.”
“I think he has someone to devote himself to that’s not you, sister,” Ju’arna said carefully. She looked at Adin’ala, who rolled her eyes.
“Well, I think you're jealous of the attention I’m giving him,” she scoffed, “For the first time in our lives, I have someone that's not you, and you don't like that.”
“Trust me, Adin’ala, there is nothing he gets from you that I could want,” Ju’arna used her sister’s name coldly, and could see it had its desired effect on Adin’ala. The woman shook her head and started walking a little faster. She didn’t need Ju’arna manipulating her or her lover, it was useless anyway— Adin’ala knew her sister too well to be manipulated, which was perhaps why she still took her words with a grain of salt.
“Will your sister be a problem, Nala?” Quinn asked, setting a cup of caf down in front of Adin’ala. He had been awake for hours, and she had only just rolled out of bed. Jaesa was off causing trouble with Broonmark, Pierce and Vette were sent to run errands, and Ju’arna was planetside dealing with whatever business she didn’t need her sister for. They were alone.
“I don’t believe so,” Adin’ala took the cup, nursing it and staring into it, “But we aren’t thinking the same way anymore. I fear confronting her may have set her on her own path sooner than she intended. Perhaps I didn’t. I don’t have intuition like she does.”
“Well,” Quinn sighed, sitting beside the sith and rubbing her back, “Try not to dwell on it. When I find myself worrying, I try to pour myself into my work.”
“You’re right, dear, you so often are,” Adin’ala turned and planted a kiss on the man’s lips, smiling when she pulled away, “I’ll feel much better after I kill someone.”
While that wasn’t what Quinn had in mind, he nodded and kissed Adin’ala’s head, leaving her in the room to drink her caf and wake up on her own. They would be on Corellia in a matter of days, once they’d finished on Nar Shaddaa. If the sisters weren’t in sync, there was a chance their attacks would be less effective. Regardless of what Ju’arna would tell her sister, Quinn only needed Adin’ala’s trust until they approached Corellia.
He had realised long ago that targeting Adin’ala alone would be a bad idea. While it might be easier to defeat her, her death would only send Ju’arna on a rampage, knowing he was the cause of her demise. It was a better idea to keep them together, take them out in one shot. Quinn couldn’t think about it for too long. The idea of Adin’ala, wounded, bloody, motionless on the ground made him anxious, regret already running through his veins at just the thought of it. Besides that, Ju’arna would return to the ship soon, and Quinn was unsure if she could truly read minds or not. He couldn’t risk it. She wouldn’t hesitate to strike him down.
“Are you and your sister still travelling together, despite your disagreement?” Quinn asked his lover, who was checking something in the cockpit. She looked at him, and then back to her task.
“Yes, of course,” she said, calm and collected. She was so rarely calm. “Despite disagreements, we are still sisters, and we would not be the Wrath without the other. Why do you ask? Are you worried for me?”
“I— no, not worried. I’m just curious. The way you function, I would hate for you to be separated,” Quinn said, sitting down at the helm. “I admire how the two of you fight as one. I can understand why the Hand selected you.”
“We are very impressive,” Adin’ala smiled, leaning over the back of the chair to kiss Quinn’s cheek, “Don’t worry, Malavai. I know you’d protect me should Ju’arna be unable.”
“Of course, my lord,” he nodded, giving her a smile, “My life is devoted to you.”
It had been a lie. There was no blockade, no transponder, Adin’ala had been fooled and trapped, like a rodent, like prey. She was seething, waves of anger emanating from her, though she remained composed. Ju’arna stood beside her, looking more annoyed than her usual smug. Quinn would’ve expected her to gloat, but she kept glancing at her sister, as if she was worried about the woman falling to pieces.
“I must do this,” he said, doing his best to keep his voice from shaking.
“Darling, please,” Adin’ala said, disappointed, “I’ll have no fun hurting you.”
What hurt more than Quinn’s betrayal, his lies, his deception, was that Ju’arna was right all along. Ju’arna had warned Adin’ala, she knew this was going to happen, she told her that Quinn was a liar, and Adina’ala cast her aside and ignored her warning. She had been a fool, trusting a simple man more than her own blood.
“My lord, I do apologise, but this is necessary of me. Darth Baras asked—” Quinn was cut off.
“Baras!” Adin’ala snapped, the crackle of lightning in the air growing more intense and more oppressive, “You'll try to kill me for Baras? That traitorous coward is more important than me?”
He could tell she was unravelling. She was letting her anger build and build, her power growing every second, and when she attacked, the dam would burst. Quinn would be worried if he were not so confident in his droids.
“Fighting alongside you, I’ve been able to collect exhaustive data on your strengths and weaknesses,” he continued, holding his head high, “These droids are programmed to combat you perfectly. They have a zero percent chance of failure.”
“Oh, I did love your sense of humour,” Adin’ala laughed. She laughed, at him, at his stupid droids. He would need twelve more of them if he wanted to have a chance. She was going to kill that stupid little man.
“For what it’s worth,” Quinn clutched his datapad with white knuckles, the same with his gun in the other hand, “I do love you, my dear. And this hurts me.”
Adin’ala continued to laugh, harsh, rude, animalistic— she cackled, before taking a deep breath and sighing. “No, my love,” she smiled, her voice mocking, “I’ll hurt you.”
She jumped on him before he had a chance to signal his droids. Ju’arna was behind her, a silent observer until the time for bloodshed came. Malavai had seen the way Ju’arna would throw lightning at Adin’ala, how his lover would remain unaffected, and in some part of his mind, he assumed it wouldn't be painful. Adin’ala never showed any signs of pain. But as the lightning coursed through him, originating from Ju’arna’s fingertips, surging through Adin'ala, he was nearly crippled by it.
Adin’ala wrapped a hand around his neck as the unnatural lightning grew more intense, her power adding to her sister’s. As she lifted him off the ground, had he not been in blinding pain, he might’ve seen the tears in her eyes. But before he could form any plan to help himself, Adin’ala threw him against the wall, the lightning still rumbling through his body until she turned away.
By the time he recovered from being thrown aside like a broken toy, Adin’ala had smashed one droid into the ground, and was ripping its leg off with her bare hands. Ju’arna was cutting down the other, and it had merely been seconds. His droids, which shouldn't have failed, statistically, had been dismantled in less than a minute.
“No,” he whispered, voice weak, one hand on his throat as if that would lessen the pain, “No, that should have worked!”
“You've known us long enough that you should know we cannot be beat,” Adin’ala hummed, kicking Quinn onto the floor. She held him there with a foot on his back, and he could hear the hum of her lightsaber nearing his head. “You're foolish, darling.”
“He’s still useful,” Ju’arna knelt beside Quinn’s face, cocking her head to look at him. “Pitiful and traitorous and…” the woman took a deep breath, smiling wickedly, “Dripping with fear and embarrassment and defeat. But he has a purpose to serve.”
“No,” Adin’ala snarled, but removed her boot from Quinn’s back, kicking him in the side. “Stand up!” She barked, one lightsaber still in hand.
Despite how weak he was, how much pain he was in, Quinn got to his knees. He managed to get one leg under him, but before he could stand, he was being lifted by his neck once more. This time, however, Adin’ala’s hand wasn't on his throat, her hand instead curling and the room thrumming with the Force.
“I’m going to kill you, Quinn,” she spat, “Not for fooling me with your love, not for trying to kill me, not even for betraying me— I will end your life as painfully as I can for making me doubt my sister. Do you hear me, little man?”
Quinn, his legs dangling a foot off the ground, nodded meekly, unable to speak with the grip on his throat. Adin’ala squeezed tighter, smiling as he started to choke.
“Answer me!” She shouted. She dropped him and licked her lips hungrily as he crumpled onto the floor.
With a pained groan, Quinn got to his knees. He hung his head, and nodded, managing a small, “Yes, my lord.” The heaviness in the room began to dissipate. Adin’ala looked to Ju’arna, who nodded and started back toward the ship.  
“You should thank my sister for trying to save your life,” the sith sighed performatively, “I could have mounted your head on my wall like a beast, because you're no better than an animal. And even that is too much respect for you and too little for my sister.”
“My love,” Quinn spoke carefully, his voice hoarse, “Nala, please.”
“Do not beg for your life, Malavai Quinn. If you wanted to live, you should have realized your loyalties lie with me and not Baras,” Adin’ala looked at him, calculated, cold, the way she looked at victims. She separated herself from them in her mind and once they meant nothing to her, they were disposable. Quinn swallowed, taking a shaky breath as he recalled the love that had been in her gaze when she last looked at him.
“My lord, may I make but one request,” he all but whispered. Adin’ala, her lightsabers off and on her belt, nodded. Quinn had no weapon. He was no threat. If he tried to move against her, Adin’ala was already imagining how lovely it would feel to use the Force to rip him limb from limb.
“Go on,” she urged, “I’m growing tired of you.”
“Kiss me,” he said. He tore his eyes off the ground to look at her, watching as she contemplated it, mulled over the idea in her head. She motioned for Malavai to stand and she walked to him, one hand on his waist. He closed his eyes, savoring her touch for a moment.
“I love you, Malavai,” Adin’ala spoke softly, more gently than she had ever been. The voice she used for pillow talk, when she was trying to convince Quinn to get some rest, the voice she used when she was alone with him.
Malavai bit his cheek, “I’m sorry,” he managed. “I’m sorry for everything, Nala. I thought, maybe—”
“I don't care what you think,” she breathed out, her free hand moving to hold the man’s face. She studied his features for a moment, and Quinn took note of how her gaze softened. “I might have forgiven you for this. For trying to kill me, for siding against me. Foolish, but forgivable. I cannot forgive you for turning me against my sister.”
“I understand, my lord,” Quinn put his hands on Adin’ala’s face and took a deep breath, “I love you. I always have.”
Adin’ala took her hand off his side in favor of grabbing her lightsaber as he kissed her. She kissed him back as she flicked on the weapon, which Quinn no doubt heard. She contemplated running him through mid-kiss, letting him die in such an intimate moment, watching the life leave his eyes while she could still taste him on her lips. He didn't deserve that, to be at ease before his death. Adin’ala promised she would kill him. She promised it would hurt. She was a woman of her word.
She pulled away from him and, with a flick of her hand, threw the man against the wall. He hissed in pain, from the pressure he was under, pressing him against the cold metal. Adin’ala spoke as she walked to him.
“In the very least, I can promise I won’t forget you,” she said, somewhat jovial. The coldness had returned to her eyes. She was good at what she did, and what she did was killing. “But I do hope you rot.”
The sith released Quinn from her hold, only to apathetically, casually swing her saber and take the man’s arm clean off his body. With the other, she focused her mind, her energy, the Force, and with a blood-curdling, pained scream, Quinn’s arm was pulled from his body without Adin’ala touching it.
His screams could be heard from the docking bay, where Ju’arna stood with Vette. Vette looked at the other half of the Wrath, still uncomfortable with how little Ju’arna reacted.
“So I guess… we have an open bunk,” she said. She was doing her best to joke, but the matter at hand was terrifying: her friend, a Sith Lord, was probably ripping her lover to shreds. It was unsettling, to say the least.
“It has been open since my sister invited that man into her bed,” Ju’arna looked at Vette, and the twi’lek got the feeling that that was as much of a joke as she could make. “You’re uneasy. You can go inside the ship, Vette. I’m only waiting for Adin’ala.”
Another scream tore through the air, making Vette turn away.
“Right,” Vette took a deep breath, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, “I’ll go make sure we’re ready for Corellia.”
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gmariam19 · 4 years
Hi, friends! I hit a follower milestone not too long ago - thank you thank you thank you! Like I did for some other milestones, I wanted to share some of my writing. So here is the first chapter of my big WIP, the one I laid out almost a year ago, the one where Big Things Happen to Poe and Finn Does Big Things, the one that got stuck several times but is now moving nicely thanks to NaNoWriMo. (I’ve added another 10k already - and it’s only halfway through November! Yay!) It’s not much--a long introduction, really. But there is so much going on in this story, I can’t wait to finish it and share it!  So thank you - and enjoy! There is more below the break - and more to come! :) EDIT: This story is now posted! It is called Reclaim the Stars and can be found on AO3 HERE! Thank you for reading!
Chapter One  
Poe Dameron is bored.
There are at least a dozen different things he should do, from reviewing the latest intelligence data to the briefing with Connix he keeps putting off; from going over the maintenance specs on the two Y-wings they'd found abandoned on Dantooine (and wouldn't he rather be working on ships instead of always reading about them) to the tactical, medical, and supply reports for their new base of operations. And that doesn't even include the constant stream of communication with the New Republic and various other planetary governments that Poe dislikes because he's terrible at it, lacking the patience and tact necessary for sensitive diplomatic discussions.
There is always something to do now that the war is over, and yet sometimes Poe wants nothing to do with it. It had been good at first, in the heady days after Exegol when they'd been so relieved to finally stop fighting, ready to move on and rebuild the galaxy they'd fought so hard to preserve. The galaxy had believed in them, had listened to them, because they'd destroyed an entire Sith Fleet, hadn't they? Leia Organa had been telling them for years that they were in danger; she'd been more right than anyone could have possibly imagined, and it was her Resistance that had saved them.
And yet, six months later, it's as if the galaxy has already forgotten the lessons of the past. After skirmishes with both the Resistance fleet and the New Republic, the First Order finally surrendered, and every day it seems a new treaty is being signed somewhere to ensure peace.  In most parts of the galaxy, planets are rebuilding, and that peace seems to be slowly settling. Yet the one thing they need most now is the one thing no one will even consider. They don't need more diplomats, or treaties, or promises to sign more treaties with more diplomats; they need security, and no one will listen to him.
Poe isn't bored; he is frustrated.
The New Republic is still slow in pulling itself together, has been since the destruction of the Hosnian system. The fall of the First Order has splintered it even more as some systems call for a more central government to bring stability to the galaxy, while others maintain they will remain independent. It's the same argument, the same players; an endless cycle, it seems, of war and peace.
The galaxy doesn't need a central set of governing principles—recent history has proven the near impossibility of such a thing.  Better to step back and let memories of oppression fade. Yet the discord between so many opposing philosophies after the fall of the Empire had allowed the First Order to settle in the Unknown Regions and slowly build its fleet, as well as its power. That can't be allowed to happen again.
Poe believes more than anything that now is the time to put in place new organizations to maintain security in the galaxy. He isn't calling for a governing military power; both the Empire and the First Order showed that military strength could be defeated. No, they need people in the Outer Rim, and the Unknown Territories, even Wild Space, guarding them against another Exegol, another Sith Fleet. It had been too easy for Palpatine to disappear into deep space and spend decades rebuilding. The New Republic needs to make sure it never happens again. Poe has been suggesting it for months, has volunteered to lead a division of the New Republic Navy devoted to patrolling the borders of deep space and gathering intelligence. Yet no one bothers to listen anymore, and they’ve found little support outside of a handful of allies who scraped together a few starfighters and a small cruiser for them.
It will happen again if there is no one to stop it. They know that something is happening out there already. They are rumors of entire villages being wiped out on distant worlds, and Poe had hoped that after Exegol, their word would be taken seriously. Apparently, that isn't the case; the New Republic is turning a blind eye yet again. Small villages on backwater planets apparently aren't worthy of concern.
It has been weeks since Poe has been up in his X-wing, and he misses it, wishes he was back in the cockpit making a difference, even if it's only recon and intelligence gathering. But more than that, he wishes the Senate would listen to him before another First Order springs up from the birthplace of the old.
Poe spends the morning helping set up more rooms in their new base, an impersonal prefab monstrosity some Senator had sent over as a thank-you gift to the freedom fighters who had saved the galaxy from a fleet of Sith Star Destroyers. Sure, they aren't sharing quarters in a cave any more, or sleeping in tents, but there is something about it that feels different, almost wrong. Maybe he isn't used to something so permanent, this symbol of victory— or of life moving on when he feels stuck.
Maybe it's too much like a consolation prize, a way to get them to stop talking about new threats when the galaxy wants to forget the old. The building reminds him of everything that needs to be done but isn't, everything that is happening and yet being ignored, and sometimes he is tempted to go back to the cave. He needs ships and people, not bricks and mortar.
After lunch Poe forces himself to find Connix and Kin and sit through the briefing. There is no news on Poe's latest appeal for funding the proposed Sentinel program. The criminal gangs that have grown in the vacuum of the First Order's sudden withdrawal are growing bolder and the Senate doesn't seem to be doing anything about them either. The New Republic is still a struggling morass of governments who can't agree on a damn thing, other than the Resistance is getting mouthy and needs to step back and let them handle it now. Some days it feels as hopeless as fighting the First Order. How had Leia done it, after the fall of the Empire?
Kin starts to go over his intelligence reports, but Poe stops listening and stares out the window, his leg bouncing restlessly. He tosses a speeder bolt from his pocket up in the air and resists the urge to spin around in his chair like a cadet. He thinks he hears something about another village attack, about Vi Moradi, about something going down on Nar Shadda, but he is too distracted.
Connix begins to go over the state of their new headquarters—it has only been a week since they moved in—and says something about a volcanic eruption on the other side of the moon that is threatening to rain down fire monkey piss. Poe frowns, wondering if he's heard her right. "What?" he asks. "Did you say fire monkey piss?"
"Yes, General," she replies.
"Is that a real thing?"
"Of course it is. From the volcano."
"What volcano?"
"There is no volcano," she tells him, shaking her head with a smile. "But it got your attention, didn't it?"
"Sorry," he says. "Kind of distracted, I guess."
Connix exchanges a look with Beaumont Kin, who shrugs and goes back to his datapad. She smiles, which Poe knows is her way of softening the coming blow. "Why don't you take a look at the Y-wings, sir? Commander Pava said she's making good progress. The Falcon should be back soon."
Damn, she knows him too well. He jumps up with a sheepish grin and leaves as fast as he can. Only to be kicked out of the landing area by Jess, then the maintenance area by Rose, and even the medical area by Dr. Khurana. So he finds BB-8 and goes for a walk, trying to work off the restless energy that is plaguing him that day. If he's honest, it’s been building for weeks, and it started not long after Finn left.
Finn is currently on his way back from an extended mission with Chewbacca, their official goal to search for other Stormtroopers who defected from the First Order after the surrender. In truth, they are the Resistance's unofficial eyes and ears at the borders, making contacts with every operative they can, gathering the intelligence they need to maintain the borders when the New Republic won't. They are the beginning of the proposed Sentinel program. Poe did the same thing before Finn had left, and Finn before him; they agreed to take turns, alternating their time away so that one of them is always around to deal with the New Republic.
Unfortunately, it also means they have barely seen one another for the last six weeks, and Poe misses Finn—going out on missions with him, leading with him. They make a good team, and in the weeks and months since Exegol, they've grown even closer. Not as close as Poe would like, but maybe someday. He thinks about it more and more, wonders if Finn feels the same. Of course, they’d have to be on the same planet at the same time.  And one of them would have to work up the courage to say something to the other. Poe’s still too scared to lose what he does have, so it probably won’t be him.
At least Finn finally told Poe that he is Force sensitive. It makes so much sense—so many things had clicked into place—that Poe often wonders how he hadn't figured it out himself. Finn is a natural leader, a brilliant fighter, and so in touch with his sense of self that of course it is the Force guiding him. He will be a great Jedi—maybe not a warrior, as Finn seems less interested in fighting now, but he could be a teacher, a leader.
Rey is training him, to help him understand his powers and learn some basic techniques. He trains in addition to his duties with the Resistance, and Poe worries about him. He feels like sometimes Finn struggles to find a balance between the two and hopes Rey isn't pushing him too hard. She went with Finn and Chewie, to continue working with him.
The Falcon has been gone for two weeks. They ran into a few remnants of the First Order, but nothing major, and Poe isn't sure if they've gathered any important intel other than what they felt safe transmitting.  They are returning several days early, and Poe is glad. He's missed them all, though if he admits it to himself, he's missed Finn more than anything, maybe even flying. He's grown so used to having Finn by his side over the past year, through the mission to Exegol, and as co-Generals, that he's felt almost incomplete the last six weeks.
And that’s the real problem: Poe is distracted. Finn is coming back, and Poe can't concentrate. It probably doesn't say a lot about his leadership skills, or his emotional state, but it's definitely the issue, and he continues around the lake again, talking with BB-8 about Finn and Rey and how much they have to catch up on when they return. If he complains about the New Republic and their lack of organization and support yet again, BB-8 has the good grace to listen and agree when he's already heard it a hundred times.
He goes around the entire lake a second time, ignoring the sun and the heat and the need for some water, and is about to start a third time when the little droid beeps excitedly and tells him that the Falcon has landed. Poe can't hold back a grin, and they hurry to the landing area as fast as they can.
The Falcon is in its usual place, and Chewbacca is coming down the ramp with some bags. Poe greets him warmly while BB-8 asks impatiently about Finn and Rey. Chewie tells them Finn's gone to find Poe.
"Only Connix said she kicked you out of your own briefing," says a voice behind them, and Poe turns to find Finn standing there, hands on his hips and a crooked grin on his face. "Because you couldn't concentrate."
Poe grins in response, closing the gap between them to pull Finn into a warm embrace. Maybe they aren't reuniting after a battle, but it has been a long time and Poe can't help it. He missed Finn and is relieved to see him—and Chewbacca, of course—unharmed when he knows anything could happen along the borders of unknown space. And he likes the feeling of Finn in his arms too much to resist holding him for a little longer than he probably should.
"Welcome back, buddy," he says, finally stepping back, but still holding onto Finn's arm.
"That's General Buddy," Finn laughs, and Poe rolls his eyes.
"That joke is getting old, you know," he tells him. "How are you? Where's Rey?" Apparently, that is the wrong thing to ask, because Finn's smile immediately disappears. Poe feels his stomach drop; has something happened to her? Why haven't they said anything?
"She's fine," Finn says, relaxing as he shakes his head. "You don't have to panic. She…well, she left. Went off on her own. Again."
Poe doesn't need the Force to know that Finn is upset about it, and in a way, he understands. Rey certainly does her fair share of running off by herself,  headlong into danger, and often without saying anything. Having worked many solo missions himself, however, Poe can also understand why. Sometimes working alone is easier, with less responsibility, less chance of getting someone hurt or killed. Get in, get it done, get out.
And Rey had grown up alone, abandoned on Jakku for years, until Finn had appeared and quite literally dragged her out of her solitary existence. It makes sense that after so many years on her own, sometimes she needs to be by herself. And Poe understands that as well: though most people wouldn't believe it, he needs time alone almost as much as he needs to be with people. It is one reason why he's such a good pilot, because he likes spending time in the cockpit with his own thoughts. And BB-8, of course.
Finn, however, had grown up surrounded by other Stormtroopers, never having a minute to himself yet always alone in a system that discouraged individuality and attachment. Finn seems to crave contact and companionship, and though he understands when someone like Poe needs their space for a little while, Rey's stubborn desire to go off on her own without warning—or protection— is still something Finn finds frustrating even after all this time.
"I see," says Poe, though he doesn't know the first thing about it, other than Rey is gone, he hadn't got to say goodbye, and Finn is upset. "Well, I'm damn glad to see you, and I have all sorts of questions, but I won't bother you yet. Want to see your new room?"
Finn’s eyes light up and he smiles gratefully at Poe. "Yeah, I would. I'm sorry you had to handle the big move without me."
"It's not like we had a lot to move," Poe points out. "We were living in a cave, remember?"
Poe leads him down the path to the new building, set in a clearing not far from their expanded landing area. It is a large, three-story building, housing offices on the ground floor with crew quarters on the upper floors. Finn and Poe, as co-generals, have two of the larger rooms on the second floor. Poe guides him upstairs, shows him the code for the door, and motions him inside.
Finn stops a few steps into the room, gazing around with his mouth literally hanging open. They are in a large open area, with a sofa and chair along one wall, and a desk opposite. There is a small kitchenette tucked into the corner with table for eating, and a door leads to the single bedroom and private refresher. It is clean and new and bright, unlike any place they’ve ever lived. There is both wonder and gratitude in Finn’s eyes, and the look on his face right now is one Poe wishes he could see more.
“Are you serious?” Finn asks as he starts moving around, examining his new home. “This is all mine?”
“I’m not going to show you someone else’s room,” Poe laughs. “It’s all yours. it’s not much. It’s just a lot better than—”
“Living in a cave,” Finn finishes. “Or a ship. Or a tent. Poe, we’re in an actual building!”
“I know, buddy. It’s taken some getting used to, but it’s good.” He glances around and smiles. “And I’m right across the hall, if you ever need anything. Like a lesson how to use some of this stuff.” He gestures toward a small communications panel set into the desk.
“It’s perfect,” Finn says. “I can’t wait to get a good night’s sleep in here!”
Poe nods. “You’ll sleep like a baby—or you’ll miss the jungle so much you won’t sleep at all. I’ll let you get settled, maybe try out the fresher—it’s private, all yours.” Finn pumps his fist and Poe laughs again. “Think you’ll be up for a debrief later?”
Finn nods. “Yeah, give me an hour. Where should we meet?”
“Command center is on the ground floor, we either pull up chairs or move to the conference room. Is an hour enough?”
“More than enough,” Finn tells him. He turns and walks back to Poe, pulls him into another embrace. “Thank you,” he says quietly. Poe breathes him in, his heart skipping a beat at their closeness. It seems Finn being gone has definitely had an effect on Poe.
“You’re welcome,” he finally says. Finn steps back and Poe thinks the other man glances down at his lips before ducking his head with a smile. It’s probably wishful thinking, though. Poe has to deliberately look away from Finn’s mouth.
“It’s really good to see you,” Finn says.
“You too, buddy,” Poe says. “I’m glad you’re back. I’ll see you in an hour?”
Finn nods and Poe turns to leave. He really is glad to see Finn. He’s just not sure how to move forward now that Finn has returned.
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